The Basic Parts of A Paragraph

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The Basic Parts of a Paragraph

Topic Sentence
The topic sentence tells the reader what the paragraph is going to be about. It also helps you keep
your writing under control. This is why a topic sentence is sometimes called the "controlling idea" of
a paragraph. Below you will find a sample topic sentence and a simple formula for writing good topic

Topic sentence: Mr. Brown must have been a drill sergeant before he became our gym
Formula: A specific subject (Mr. Brown, our gym teacher) + a specific feeling or attitude
(must have been a drill sergeant before) = a good topic sentence.

The body is the main part of the paragraph. This is where you tell the reader about your topic
by including specific details. All of the sentences in the body must relate to the specific topic
of the paragraph and help it come alive for the reader. That is, all of the sentences in the body
should contain details that make the topic more interesting or help explain it more clearly.
These sentences should be organized in the best possible order.

Concluding Remarks
The closing or clincher sentence comes after all the details have been included in the body of the
paragraph. The closing sentence reminds the reader what the topic of the paragraph is really all
about, what it means. For example, let's say the topic sentence of a paragraph is "Mr. Brown must
have been a drill sergeant before he became our gym teacher." A closing sentence for this paragraph
could be something like the following:

Closing sentence: I'm surprised that Mr. Brown doesn't make us march into the shower room
after each class.

This document was reproduced with permission from the San Juan Unified School District , San Juan, New Mexico.

Sample Paragraph
My Dog Romeo is so much fun to play with. One reason he’s fun is
because he loves to play catch. What’s also fun is that he follows me around the
house with a toy and drops it on my foot, so I will kick it. Additionally, he can
catch just about anything, but his favorite thing to catch is a Frisbee. Finally, he
loves it when I pretend like I’m falling dead, and he runs over to lick me. All
these reasons show why I really have fun playing with Romeo.
Parts of a Paragraph

Topic Sentence

What is the topic sentence?

The topic sentence is the first sentence in a paragraph.

What does it do?

It introduces the main idea of the paragraph.

How do I write one?

Summarize the main idea of your paragraph. Indicate to the reader what your paragraph will be


There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an
excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price.
Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and
are encouraged to continue studying at university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently
managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live. As a result, Canada is
a desirable place to live.

Supporting Details

What are supporting sentences?

They come after the topic sentence, making up the body of a paragraph.

What do they do?

They give details to develop and support the main idea of the paragraph.

How do I write them?

You should give supporting facts, details, and examples.


There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an
excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price.
Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and
are encouraged to continue studying at university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently
managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live. As a result, Canada is
a desirable place to live.

Closing Sentence

What is the closing sentence?

The closing sentence is the last sentence in a paragraph.

What does it do?

It restates the main idea of your paragraph.

How do I write one?

Restate the main idea of the paragraph using different words.


There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an
excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price.
Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and
are encouraged to continue studying at university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently
managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live. As a result, Canada is
a desirable place to live

Four features of a paragraphs


A paragraph consists of a series of sentences grouped together and

having a single purpose. It describes or explains one idea. The length
of a given paragraph depends on the purpose, the material, and the
function of the paragraph.


1. Topic sentence - tells what the paragraph is about. It doesn’t necessarily
summarize the information given in the paragraph, but it gives your
reading a sense of direction. A topic sentence usually comes at the
beginning of a paragraph. It is also the most general sentence in the
paragraph because there are not many details in the sentence. It
introduces a panoramic idea that you will discuss in time. The topic
sentence is divided into two parts: the topic which is the word or phrase
you are talking about and the controlling idea that limits or controls the
topic to just one aspect. A topic can have more than one controlling
idea. Each controlling idea would be a different paragraph.

2. Indented – short distance from the margin.

3. All sentences or supporting details are about one single topic. This is
called unity or the logical consistency of all the details in the paragraph.
In other words, all the sentences must refer to the main idea or the topic
of the paragraph. Sentences that do not adhere to the rest of the
sentences or do not belong in the paragraph are said to be irrelevant.
Irrelevant details, no matter how engaging, take a paragraph in many
different directions and destroy unity. Paragraphs should also be
coherent. Coherence means that the sentences should be organized in
a logical manner and should follow a definite plan of development.

4. Concluding sentence – summarizes, restates, or evaluates the most

significant ideas of the paragraph. It could also predict the condition of
your topic in the near future. Phrases such as: In conclusion, In
summary, Concluding, Summarizing are used.

Another important characteristic is the title. A good title determines if

your work will be read or not. So, it should attract the reader’s attention.
If you write an insipid title, people will think that the paragraph is also
insipid. If you write an interesting title, the paragraph becomes
immediately very appealing.

The title should:

1. Be short, simple, and concise.
2. Not be a sentence.
3. Use no period at the end. It could have a question mark (?) or an
exclamatory mark (!).
4. Follow correct punctuation rules. All important words are
capitalized except the articles (a, an, the), the coordinating conjunctions
(and, or, but), and the prepositions, such as: in, on, at, for, from, to, by,
far, of, with, etc. These will be capitalized if found at the beginning of the
5. Be centered - in the middle.
6. Not be underlined

Characteristics of a Good Paragraph

Posted on June 14, 2012 by oniicitradewi

A good paragraph should have three major structural parts as what have been clearly stated
by Oshima and Hogue (1983:3) as follows:

1. Topic Sentence

Topic sentence is sentence which states the main idea of the paragraph. Topic sentence not
only states the topic of the paragraph but also controls or limits the topic so that it can be
discussed completely in the space of single paragraph. Topic sentence, therefore, can be
further divided into two:

- Topic Idea

Topic idea states the topic of the paragraph

- Controlling Idea

Controlling idea limits the topic

2. Supporting Sentences

Supporting Sentences are sentences that develop topic sentence or main idea. They explain
the topic sentence by giving reasons, examples, facts, and statistics, quotations, etc.

3. Concluding Sentence

Concluding Sentence is a sentence in which the writer concludes the paragraph in order to
give the reader with important points to note.

Instead of having these three major structural parts, a good paragraph should also possess two
additional elements:

 Unity
Unity means that all of the supporting sentences develop or discuss the main idea stated in the
topic sentence of the paragraph.

 Coherence

Coherence means that the paragraph is easy to read and understand because supporting
sentences are organized in logical order and the use of appropriate transition signals.

In summary, a well-written paragraph contains five elements: a topic sentence, supporting

sentences, a concluding sentence, unity and coherence. In this module, you will study and
practice each of these elements.

Exercise: Can you mention the characteristics of a good paragraph?


Assalamualaikum wr wb.

I thank to God for having given health so I am able to stand on this pulpit in order to convey
an important message.

Ladies and gentlemen..

One of the important things in our lives is health. Health is invaluable thing and the biggest
asset to create a much better life. Without health, there are many activities we are unable to
perform. A life without health is only like the tree with just a little water supply.

Ladies and gentlemen..

Health is divided into two things: physical health and spiritual health. Those two types of
health must have a balance. If one is damaged, then the person cannot be said to be healthy as
a whole.

Maintaining physical and mental health can be done through a variety of ways. First, of
course, you are advised to exercise. You can jog 30 minutes a day, eating nutritious food, and
taking an enough rest.

Meanwhile, to improve the quality of mental health, you are advised to maintain the
communication with other people and families continuously. Yoga exercise is also able to
provide for your mental comfort. You can do yoga once a week to get the mind and mental
health better.

Ladies and gentlemen..

We all know that Indonesia is currently experiencing the changes of climate rapidly. This
situation makes the weather around us are capable of spreading virus of diseases that we must
always be vigilant. The virus of dengue fever, cough, and runny nose can suddenly attack our
Therefore, you should continue to maintain the cleanliness of your residence and use a mask
when leaving the house. You are also advised to improve the quality of the immune system by
taking vitamins to maintain health.

Ladies and gentlemen..

Health is the most important part in life. I urge you to maintain the health as good as possible
because prevention is better than medicating.

Thank you, Wassalamualaikum wr wb.


Assalamualaikum wr wb.

Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tuhan karena telah diberikan kesehatan untuk
mampu berdiri di mimbar ini dalam rangka menyampaikan sebuah pesan penting.


Salah satu hal yang penting di dalam kehidupan kita adalah kesehatan. Kesehatan adalah
harga yang tidak ternilai serta merupakan modal untuk menciptakan kehidupan yang jauh
lebih baik. Tanpa kesehatan, maka banyak aktivitas tidak mampu kita laksanakan. Sebuah
kehidupan tanpa kesehatan sama dengan pohon yang hanya mendapatkan sedikit air.


Kesehatan terbagi ke dalam dua hal yaitu kesehatan tubuh dan kesehatan spiritual. Dua jenis
kesehatan ini harus mempunyai keseimbangan. Jika salah satu mengalami kerusakan, maka
seseorang tidak bisa dikatakan sehat secara utuh.

Menjaga kesehatan tubuh dan mental dapat dilakukan melalui beragam cara. Pertama, tentu
saja Anda disarankan untuk berolahraga. Anda bisa jogging sebanyak 30 menit setiap hari,
mengkonsumsi makanan yang bergizi, serta beristirahat dengan cukup.

Sedangkan, untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan mental, Anda disarankan untuk terus
menjaga komunikasi dengan orang lain dan keluarga. Olahraga Yoga juga mampu
memberikan kenyamanan mental bagi Anda. Anda bisa melakukan Yoga satu minggu sekali
untuk mendapatkan kesehatan pikiran dan jiwa yang lebih baik.


Kita semua tahu bahwa Indonesia saat ini mengalami pergantian iklim yang begitu cepat.
Situasi ini membuat cuaca yang ada di sekitar kita mampu menyebarkan virus penyakit
sehingga kita harus selalu waspada. Virus demam berdarah, batuk, dan pilek dapat menyerang
tubuh kita secara tiba-tiba.

Oleh karena itu, Anda sebaiknya terus menjaga kebersihan tempat tinggal serta menggunakan
masker apabila meninggalkan rumah. Anda juga disarankan untuk meningkatkan kualitas
daya tahan tubuh dengan mengkonsumsi vitamin untuk menjaga kesehatan.

Kesehatan merupakan bagian terpenting di dalam kehidupan. Saya menganjurkan kepada

Anda untuk menjaga kesehatan sebaik mungkin karena mencegah lebih baik daripada

Terima kasih, wassalamualaikum wr wb.

Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan

Getting Used to Run a Healthy Lifestyle

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

First of all, let’s say all the praise and gratitude to Allah Swt due to all of His blessing, mercy,
and guidance upon all of us. Shalawat and salam may everlastingly be upon our Great
Prophet Muhammad Saw who have led and guided us from dark into bright path.

To all the ladies, gentlemen, and audience I proud of,

There must be no one here who wants to get sick. All we wish each day is being healthy. By
being healthy we can then earn the life for our daily lives. With healthy body we can then do
all the daily activities.
We all know when we are sick, it’s not only our own selves who feel it, but also our wives
will get busy to take care of us, our children will be ignored, and we surely will need enough
money to cure the sickness.

To be healthy all the time then we must take care of our health as best as we can. The way we
can do from now on is to get used to run a healthy lifestyle in our daily routine.
To all the
ladies, gentlemen, and audience I respect,
Preventing is much better than medicating. We have ever heard many cases that people spent
some of their wealth just to cure their sickness, like heart disease, cancer they were suffering.
However, health is indeed costly. No matter how much the money we have spent to cure the
serious sickness, even tough it is cured, we could never regain our health condition just like
the first time before we have the sickness. The best way to be kept away from various chronic
sicknesses is by preventing the sicknesses to come. One of the best ways is by getting used to
live a healthy lifestyle.

To all the ladies, gentlemen, and audience I love,

Surely we need to understand first what healthy lifestyle means
Healthy lifestyle is someone’s habit to run healthy life in daily lives and avoid bad habits that
can disrupt the health.

What is the consequence by not doing healthy lifestyle? It could cause numerous sicknesses,
such as heart diseases, hypertension, stroke, cancers, diabetes, chronic lung disease, obesity,
osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and many more.

All of these sicknesses are caused by three main factors, namely smoking, lack of physical
activities and consuming fibrous meals. Therefore, to prevent all those illnesses we need to
run a healthy lifestyle everyday.

What are the benefits from running a healthy lifestyle?

- Body will be healthier and stronger against sickness
- Daily activities will run better and you look more attractive
- More productive
- Prevented from various contagions like heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, chronic
lung disease, osteoporosis

What is healthy lifestyle like?

1. Taking balanced and nutritious foods, high fiber, low fats
2. Doing physical activities for 30 minutes each day
3. Not smoking
That’s all the things I can convey on this good occasion. I wish from now on we can take care
of ourselves and our family from sicknesses by getting used to run a healthy lifestyle. I wish
everything I said can be all-to-the good for everyone. Please forgive me for any mistake on
my words.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Terjemahan : Biasakan Gaya Hidup Sehat

Assalamu Alaikum wr.Wb

Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang
telah melimpahkan segala rohmat, taufiq, dan hidayahnya kepada kita

Sholawat serta salam mudah-mudahan tetap tercurahkan kepada junjungan

Nabi besar kita Muhammad SAW yang telah menunjukkan kita dari jalan
yang gelap gulita menuju jalan yang terang benderang.

Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu, dan semua hadirin yang saya banggakan.

Siapapun tentu tidak mau mengalami sakit. Sehat senantiasa kita harapkan
setiap hari. Dengan sehat maka kita bisa mencari nafkah untuk kehidupan
kita sehari-hari. Dengan badan kita sehat maka kita bisa melakukan segala
aktifitas sehari-hari.

Kita tahu bahwa ketika sakit maka tidak hanya badan sendiri saja yang
merasakan. Istri kita ikut sibuk mengurus kita, anak kita terlantar dan tidak
terperhatikan, dan tentu akan membutuhkan uang yang cukup banyak untuk

Agar kita senantiasa sehat maka kita harus menjaga kesehatan kita
semaksimal mungkin. Cara yang bisa kita lakukan mulai dari sekarang
adalah marilah kita biasakan gaya hidup sehat dalam keseharian kita.

Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu, dan semua hadirin yang saya hormati.

Mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati. Kita pernah mendengar banyak

kasus, orang menghabiskan sebagian hartanya hanya untuk menyembuhkan
penyakit jantung, atau kanker yang menderanya. Namun, kesehatan itu
memang mahal. Sebanyak apapun uang yang kita habiskan untuk
menyembuhakan sakit yang terlanjur parah, meskipun dapat sembuh, tidak
dapat mengembalikan kondisi kesehatan kita seperti sedia kala, sebelum kita
terserang sakit parah. Cara yang paling tepat untuk terhindar dari berbagai
penyakit kronis adalah mencegah penyakit tersebut datang. Salah satunya
dengan membiasakan gaya hidup sehat.

Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu, dan semua hadirin yang saya cintai.

Tentu harus kita pahami terlebih dahulu Apa itu gaya hidup sehat ?

Gaya hidup sehat adalah kebiasaan seseorang untuk menerapkan hidup sehat
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan menghindari kebiasaan buruk yang
menganggu kesehatan.

Apa akibatnya bila tidak melakukakan Gaya hidup sehat ? Dapat

mengakibatkan berbagai macam penyakit seperti: Jantung, Tekanan Darah
tinggi, Stroke, Kanker, Kencing Manis, Sumbatan Paru Kronis, Kegemukan
(Obesitas), Radang Sendi, Kerpos Tulang (Osteoporosis)

Semua ini disebabkan oleh tiga faktor risiko utama, yaitu merokok,
kurangnya melakukakan aktifitas fisik dan kurang makan-makanan yang
berserat. untuk mencegahnya Gaya Hidup Sehat harus kita terapkan setiap

Apa Manfaat Gaya Hidup Sehat ?

• Tubuh jadi lebih sehat dan tidak mudah sakit.

• Aktifitas sehari-hari jadi lebih lancar dan tampil lebih menarik.
• Lebih produktif.
• Terhindar dari berbagai macam penyakit tidak menular seperti jantung,
Darah Tinggi, Stroke, Diabetes, Paru Kronis, dan Kerpos Tulang.

Gaya Hidup Sehat itu Seperti Apa?

1. Makan-makanan bergizi seimbang, tinggi serat dan rendah lemak.

2. Lakukakan aktifitas fisik 30 menit, setiap hari.

3. Tidak Merokok

Inilah uraian yang bisa saya sampaikan pada kesempatan ini, semoga mulai
dari sekarang kita bisa menjaga diri kita dan keluarga dari serangan
penyakit dengan membiasakan gaya hidup sehat.

Semoga apa yang saya sampaikan ada manfaatnya buat semua. Mohon maaf
jika ada kata-kata yang kurang berkenan.
Assalamu alaikum wr. wb.

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