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Express Introductory Training in ANSYS Fluent

Lecture 2
Boundary Conditions & Solver Settings

Dimitrios Sofialidis
Technical Manager, SimTec Ltd.
Mechanical Engineer, PhD

PRACE Autumn School 2013 - Industry Oriented HPC Simulations, September 21-27,
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 1 Release 14.5

Lecture 2
Boundary Conditions &
Solver Settings 14.5 Release

Introduction to ANSYS
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 2 Release 14.5
Lecture Theme: Part 1.
The problem definition for all Conditions
CFD simulations includes boundary conditions,
cell zone conditions and material properties. The accuracy of the simulation
results depends on defining these properly.

Learning Aims:
You will learn:
• How to define material properties.
• The different boundary condition types in FLUENT and how to use them.
• How to define cell zone conditions in FLUENT including solid zones and
porous media.
• How to specify well–posed boundary conditions.

Learning Objectives:
You will know how to perform these essential steps in setting up a CFD

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 3 Release 14.5
Lecture Theme:
The problem definition for all CFD simulations includes boundary conditions,
cell zone conditions and material properties. The accuracy of the simulation
results depends on defining these properly.

Learning Aims:
You will learn:
• How to define material properties.
• The different boundary condition types in FLUENT and how to use them.
• How to define cell zone conditions in FLUENT including solid zones and
porous media.
• How to specify well–posed boundary conditions.

Learning Objectives:
You will know how to perform these essential steps in setting up a CFD

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 4 Release 14.5
Material Properties
• FLUENT provides a standard
database of materials and the
ability to create a custom
user–defined database.

• Your choice of physical models

may require multiple materials
and dictate which material
properties must be defined.
– Multiphase (multiple materials).
– Combustion (multiple species).
– Heat transfer (thermal conductivity).
– Radiation (emissivity and absorptivity).

• Material properties can be customized as function of temperature, mass fraction or

pressure (density).
– Use of other solution variable(s) requires a User–Defined Function (UDF).

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Materials Databases
• FLUENT materials database
– Provides access to a number
of pre–defined fluid, solid and
mixture materials.
– Materials can be copied to
the case file and edited if

• User–Defined material database

– Custom databases can be created, accessed
and modified from the standard materials
panel in FLUENT

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Fluid Density
• For incompressible flow with  = constant.
– Select constant for density.
• Ideal gas properties
– Incompressible flow,  = f(T).
• Polynomial or piecewise–polynomial function of temperature.
• Incompressible ideal gas law ( = poperating/RT).
– Set poperating close to the mean pressure in the problem  see Slide 8.

– Compressible flow,  = f(p,T)

• Use ideal–gas for density ( = pabsolute/RT).
– For low–Mach–number flows, set poperating close to mean pressure of
the problem to avoid round–off errors.
– Use Floating Operating Pressure for unsteady flows with large,
gradual changes in absolute pressure (segregated solver only).

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Options for Defining Common Properties
Density Viscosity
– Constant. – Constant.
– Incompressible Ideal Gas. – Temperature–Dependent1.
– Ideal Gas. – Sutherland.
– Real Gas (5 Built–in Models). – Power Law.
– Temperature Dependent1. – Kinetic Theory.
– Boussinesq. – Non–Newtonian (4 Built–in Models).
– User–defined. – User–defined.
Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat
– Constant. – Constant.
– Temperature–Dependent1. – Temperature–Dependent1.
– Kinetic Theory. – User–defined.
– User–defined.
1 Temperature–Dependent options include definition of properties as
piecewise linear, polynomial or piecewise polynomial functions temperature.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Operating Pressure
• Represents the absolute pressure datum from
which all relative pressures are measured.
Pabsolute = Poperating + Prelative

– Pressures specified at boundary conditions and initial

conditions are relative to the Operating Pressure.
• Used to avoid problems with round–off errors which
occur when the dynamic pressure differences in a fluid
are small compared to the absolute pressure level.

Pressure Pressure

Prel,max=100,001 Pa Prel,max=1 Pa
Prel,min=99,999 Pa Prel,min=-1 Pa


Ex. 1: Poperating= 0 Pa Ex. 2: Poperating= 100,000 Pa

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Cell Zones and Boundary Zones
• The mesh consists of a large number of
finite volumes, or cells.
• The cells are grouped into one or more
cell zones. Boundary
– For instance in a conjugate heat transfer Face
calculation there may be one cell zone for
the fluid region and a second cell zone for
the solid material.
• Each cell is bounded by a number of faces. Cell
Simple 3D mesh
• These faces are grouped into a number of
face zones. Cell zone conditions are
• Some of these faces are located on the applied to all cell zones.
boundaries of the model.
Boundary conditions are
• The zones to which such faces belong are applied to all boundary zones.
called boundary zones.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Cell Zones
• A fluid cell zone, or more simply, a fluid zone, is a group of cells for
which all active equations are solved.

e.g. A simulation of a copper heating coil in water e.g. To account for rotational motion, the rotor is
will require a fluid zone and a solid zone Using placed in a rotating domain. The rotor fluid zone
water properties, the equations of flow and heat will use equations in the rotating frame of
transfer will be solved in the fluid zone Using reference. The stator fluid zone will use
copper properties, only the heat transfer equation equations in the stationary frame of reference.
will be solved in the solid zone.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 11 Release 14.5
Cell Zone Definition – Fluid
• Fluid material selection is required
– For multiple species or multiphase
flows, the material is not shown
Instead, the fluid zone consists of the
mixture of the phases.

• Optional inputs
– Frame/Mesh Motion.
– Porous region.
– Source terms.
– Laminar region.
– Fixed Values.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Cell Zone Definition - Porous Media
• A porous zone is a special type of fluid zone
– Enable "Porous Zone" option in the "Fluid" panel.
– Pressure loss in flow determined via user inputs
of resistance coefficients to lumped parameter model.

• Used to model flow through porous

media and other uniformly distributed
flow resistances.
– Packed beds.
– Filter papers.
– Perforated plates.
– Flow distributors.
– Tube banks.

• Inputs are directional viscous and

inertial resistance coefficients.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Cell Zones Definition – Solid

• A solid zone is a group of cells for which only the heat

conduction equation is solved. Flow equations are not solved.

– The only required input is the Material Name

(defined in the Materials panel).

– Optional inputs allow you to set

volumetric heat generation rate
(Heat Source).

– Motion can be defined for a solid zone.

– Rotation axis must be specified if the solid
zone is rotating or if rotationally periodic
boundaries are adjacent to the solid zone.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Defining Boundary Conditions
• To define a problem that results in a unique solution, you must specify
information on the dependent (flow) variables at the domain boundaries.
As the governing equations are differential and their solution requires
integration, the boundary conditions are the mathematical equivalent of the
constant of integration, the value of which is required to gain a unique
– Specify fluxes of mass, momentum, energy, etc. into the domain.

• Poorly defined boundary conditions can have a significant impact on your

solution (you are solving "another" problem).

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Defining Boundary Conditions
• Defining boundary conditions involves:
– Identifying types (e.g., inlets, walls, symmetry).
– Identifying location.
– Supplying required data depending on type, location and physical

• Choice depends on:

– Geometry.
– Availability of data.
– Numerical considerations.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Available Boundary Condition Types
• External Boundaries • Internal Boundaries
– General. – Fan.
• Pressure Inlet. – Interior.
• Pressure Outlet. – Porous Jump.
– Radiator.
– Incompressible . – Wall.
• Velocity Inlet.
• Outflow (not recommended) .
– Compressible. wall
• Mass Flow Inlet.
• Pressure Far Field.

– Other.
• Wall.
• Symmetry.
• Axis.
• Periodic.
– Special. plate-shadow
• Inlet/Outlet Vent.
• Intake/Exhaust Fan. inlet

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Changing Boundary Condition Types
• Zones and zone types are initially
defined in the preprocessing phase.

• To change the boundary condition type

for a zone:
– Choose the zone name in the Zone list.
– Select the type you wish to change it to in the
Type pull-down list.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Setting Boundary Condition Data
• Explicitly assign data in BC panels.
– To set boundary conditions for particular zone:
• Select "Boundary Conditions" in the project tree.
• Choose the boundary name in the Zone list.
• Click the "Edit…" button.
– Boundary condition data can be copied from one zone to

• Boundary conditions can also be defined by

User–Defined Functions (UDFs) and profiles.
– Profiles can be generated by:
• Writing a profile from another CFD simulation.
• Creating an appropriately formatted text file
with boundary condition data.
• See Lecture 11 for details of UDFs.
• See Appendix for details of using profiles.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Velocity Inlet
• Velocity Specification Method.
– Magnitude, Normal to Boundary.
– Components.
– Magnitude and Direction.
– Turbulence quantities (if applicable).
– Thermal conditions (if applicable).

• Applies a uniform velocity profile

at the boundary ,unless UDF or profile is used.
• Velocity Magnitude input can be negative,
implying that you can prescribe the exit velocity.

• Velocity inlets are intended for use in incompressible flows

and are not recommended for compressible flows.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Pressure Outlet
• Required information
– Gauge Pressure (static) – static pressure of the
environment into which the flow exits.
• Specified pressure is ignored if flow is locally
supersonic at the outlet.
– Backflow quantities – used as inlet
conditions if/when backflow occurs
(outlet acts like an inlet).

• Can be used as a "free" boundary

in an external or unconfined flow.
• Target Mass Flow Rate Option can be applied.

• Suitable for compressible and incompressible flows

– Non-reflecting outlet boundary conditions (NRBC) are available for ideal gas
(compressible) flow.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Wall Boundaries
• In viscous flows, no–slip condition is applied at walls.
– Shear stress can be applied.
– Wall roughness can be defined for turbulent flows.
• Modification of the Logarithmic Standard Wall Function.

• More information in moving zone and heat transfer presentation.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary
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Symmetry and Axis Boundaries
• Symmetry Boundary.
– No inputs are required.
– Flow field and geometry must be symmetric:
• Zero normal velocity at symmetry plane.
• Zero normal gradients of all variables at symmetry plane.
• Must take care to correctly define symmetry boundary locations.


• Axis Boundary.
– Used at the center line for 2d axisymmetric problems.
– No user inputs required.
– The axis boundary must coincide
with the x–axis.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Periodic Boundaries
• Used to reduce the overall mesh size.

• Flow field and geometry must contain

either rotational or translational periodicity.
– Rotational periodicity
• ΔP = 0 across periodic planes.
• Axis of rotation must be defined in fluid zone.
– Translational periodicity periodic
• ΔP can be finite across periodic planes. planes.
• Models fully developed conditions.
• Specify either mean ΔP per period
or net mass flow rate.

• Periodic boundaries can be either Flow

conformal or non–conformal. Translationally
– See next two slides. periodic

2D Tube Heat Exchanger.

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 24 Release 14.5
Internal Face Boundaries
• Defined on the cell faces only:
– Thickness of these internal faces is zero.
– These internal faces provide means of introducing step changes in flow

• Used to implement various physical models including:

– Fans.
– Radiators.
– Porous–jump models.
• Preferable over porous media for its better convergence behavior.
– Interior walls.

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Non–conformal Periodic Boundary Conditions
• Fluent permits the use of non–
conformal rotationally periodic BCs.
• Non–conformal periodics do not
require a matching mesh on the
– Coupling of the periodic zones is
accomplished using the same algorithms
employed in non–conformal interfaces.
• Non–conformal periodic can now be
created in the Create/Edit Mesh
Interfaces GUI!
– Select Periodic Boundary Condition
option and choose the Type
(Translational or Rotational).
– Offset is computed automatically, but
check this value to make sure it is evenly
divisible into 360 deg!

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General Guidelines

• If possible, select inflow and outflow boundary locations and shapes such that
flow either goes in or out normal to the boundaries.
– Typically better convergence.

• Should not observe large gradients in direction normal to boundary.

– Indicates incorrect set–up.
– Move the boundary further upstream or downstream so it is located away from gradients.

• Minimize grid skewness near the boundary.

– Introduction of an error.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Specifying Well Posed Boundary Conditions
• Consider the following case which contains separate air and fuel supply pipes.
• Three possible approaches
in locating inlet boundaries: 1

1 Upstream of manifold.
• Can use uniform profiles
since natural profiles will
develop in the supply pipes. 2
• Requires more elements. 3
2 Nozzle inlet plane.
• Requires accurate velocity
profile data for the air and
3 Nozzle outlet plane. Nozzle
• Requires accurate velocity 1 Manifold box
profile data and accurate
profile data for the mixture
fractions of air and fuel.
Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary
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Specifying Well Posed Boundary Conditions
• When there is 1 Inlet and 1 Outlet:

– Most Robust: Velocity at inlet with static pressure at outlet (Velocity Inlet :: Pressure Outlet).
• The inlet total pressure is an implicit result of the prediction.

– Robust: Mass flow rate at inlet with static pressure at outlet (Mass Flow Inlet :: Pressure Outlet).
• The total pressure at the inlet will be adjusted to set the given mass flow.

– Sensitive to Initial Guess: Total pressure at inlet with static pressure at outlet (Pressure Inlet ::
Pressure Outlet).
• The system mass flow is part of the solution.

– Very Unreliable:
• Total pressure or mass flow rate at inlet with Outflow boundary at outlet (Pressure Inlet ::
Outflow or Mass Flow Inlet :: Outflow).
– This combination should not be used, because the static pressure level is not fixed.
– Mass Flow Inlet :: Outflow combination is ok if the density is constant.
• Velocity at inlet and velocity at outlet – system is numerically unstable.

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Profile Boundary Conditions

• Select Profiles in the Boundary Conditions panel (left figure).

• After reading the profile, open the panel for the boundary where it is to be applied.
• Select the arrow and scroll down in the drop–down list until the desired profile is reached (right
– The first three items in the list will usually be the coordinates of the profile variables – do not
select these.
• Profiles can be created from experimental data by creating an appropriately formatted file.
– The file format details are in the User’s Guide.
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 30 Release 14.5
Lecture Theme: Part 2.
The problem definition for all Settings
CFD simulations includes boundary conditions,
cell zone conditions and material properties. The accuracy of the simulation
results depends on defining(Convergence
these properly. & Accuracy)
Learning Aims:
You will learn:
• How to define material properties.
• The different boundary condition types in FLUENT and how to use them.
• How to define cell zone conditions in FLUENT including solid zones and
porous media.
• How to specify well–posed boundary conditions.

Learning Objectives:
You will know how to perform these essential steps in setting up a CFD

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 31 Release 14.5
Lecture Theme:
Fluent requires inputs (solver settings) which tell it how to calculate the
solution. By introducing the concepts of accuracy, stability and
convergence, the purpose of each setting can be understood. Emphasis
will be placed on convergence, which is critical for the CFD simulation.
Learning Aims:
You will learn:
How to choose the solver and the discretization schemes.
How to initialize the solution.
How to monitor and judge solution convergence and accuracy.

Learning Objectives:
You will be able to choose appropriate solver settings for your CFD
simulation and be able to monitor and judge solution convergence.

Introduction Solver Theory Initialization Convergence Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 32 Release 14.5
Solution Procedure Overview
• The sketch to the right shows the
basic workflow for any simulation.
• This lecture will look at all the items Set the solution parameters
in the chart.
– Solution parameters. Initialize the solution
• Choosing the solver.
• Discretization schemes.
Enable the solution monitors of interest
– Initialization.
– Convergence. Modify solution
Calculate a solution
• Monitoring convergence. parameters or grid
• Stability.
– Setting Under–relaxation. Check for convergence
– Setting Courant number.
– Setting Pseudo–timestep. Yes No
• Accelerating convergence.
– Accuracy.
• Higher Order Numerical Schemes.
Check for accuracy No
• Appropriateness of BCs.
• Grid Independence. Yes
• Adaption.

Introduction Solver Theory Initialization Convergence Summary

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Available Solvers
• There are two kinds of solvers available in Fluent.
• Pressure–based.
• Density–based. Pressure–Based Density–Based
Segregated Coupled Coupled Implicit Coupled–Explicit

Solve U–Momentum

Solve V–Momentum Solve Mass, Solve Mass,

Solve Mass Momentum, Momentum,
Solve W–Momentum & Momentum Energy, Energy,
Species Species
Solve Mass
Update Velocity

Solve Energy

Solve Species

Solve Turbulence Equation(s)

Solve Other Transport Equations as required

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Pressure–based Solver (PBS)
• Pressure–based solvers. Pressure–Based
Segregated Coupled
– Velocity field is obtained from the momentum
equation. Solve U–Momentum
– Mass conservation (continuity) is achieved by Solve V–Momentum
solving a pressure correction equation. Solve Mass
• Pressure–velocity coupling algorithms are derived by Solve W–Momentum & Momentum
reformatting the continuity equation.
Solve Mass
• The pressure equation is derived in such a way that Continuity;
the velocity field, corrected by the pressure, satisfies Update Velocity

– Energy equation (where appropriate) is solved Solve Energy

Solve Species
– Additional scalar equations are also solved in a
segregated (sequential) fashion. Solve Turbulence Equation(s)

Solve Other Transport Equations as required

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Density–based Solver (DBS)
• Density–based Solvers (DBS). Density–Based
Coupled Implicit Coupled Explicit
– The governing equations of continuity,
momentum, and (where appropriate) energy
and species transport are solved Solve Mass, Solve Mass,
simultaneously (i.e., coupled together). Momentum, Momentum,
Energy, Energy,
– Additional scalar equations are solved in a Species Species
segregated fashion.
– The density–based solver can be run implicit or

Solve Turbulence Equation(s)

Solve Other Transport Equations as required

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Choosing a Solver – Pressure Based
• The pressure–based solver (segregated) is applicable for a wide range of flow
regimes from low speed incompressible flow to high–speed compressible flow.
– Requires less memory (storage) compared to coupled solvers.
– Allows flexibility in the solution procedure – damping of all equations separately.
– Examples: Good for the majority of day–to–day applications; for convergence issues switch to

• The pressure–based coupled solver is applicable for most flows, and yields
superior performance to the standard (segregated) pressure–based solver.

– Requires 1.5–2 times more memory

than the segregated solver.
– Examples: More demanding
applications where pressure–velocity
coupling rules convergence, e.g. high
inertia or body forces.

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PBS: Pressure–Velocity Coupling
• Pressure–velocity coupling refers to the numerical algorithm which uses a
combination of continuity and momentum equations to derive an equation for
pressure correction when using the PBS.

• Five algorithms are available in Fluent.

– Semi–Implicit Method for Pressure–Linked Equations
• The default scheme, robust (memory–efficient).
– Coupled.
• Enable the Pressure–based coupled Solver (faster convergence than segregated).

– SIMPLE–Consistent (SIMPLEC).
• Allows faster convergence than SIMPLE for simple problems (allow high under–relaxation
factors) (e.g., laminar flows with no physical models employed).
– Pressure–Implicit with Splitting of Operators (PISO).
• Useful for unsteady flow problems or for meshes containing cells with higher than average
– Fractional Step Method (FSM) for unsteady flows only.
• Used with the NITA scheme; similar characteristics as PISO (used in LES for example).

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PBS Segregated Procedure: URFs
• Implicit Under–Relaxation Factors (URFs) are used for SIMPLE, SIMPLEC,
– The under–relaxation factor, α, is included to stabilize the iterative process for the
pressure–based solver.
– The final, converged solution is independent
of the under–relaxation factor.
• Only the number of iterations required
for convergence is dependent (rate of

• Default settings are suitable for a

wide range of problems.
– You can reduce the values when necessary (to
avoid divergence or convergence difficulties).
– Appropriate settings are best learned
from experience!

• Note : For the density–based solver, under–relaxation

factors for equations outside the coupled set are
modified as in the pressure–based solver.
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Pressure–Based Coupled Solver
• Two main options to control convergence:
– Piloted by Courant number: default =200.
• Can be reduced for more complex physics to 10–50
(multiphase, combustion).

– Pseudo–transient (similar to CFX solver).

Better convergence
for meshes with
• Pseudo time step is determined from velocity and domain large aspect ratio
size. cells.
• User–specified: Characteristic physical time is chosen.
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Pressure–Based Coupled Solver: Convergence
• Pressure based coupled solver with default settings.
Rotating propeller 1500 rpm. SIMPLE: ~2250 iterations Coupled: ~120 iterations

– Approximately 2250 iterations of SIMPLE (default) in 3.5 hours.

– Approximately 120 iterations of coupled 13 minutes.

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Choosing a Solver – Density Based
• The density–based solver is applicable when there is a strong coupling, or
interdependence, between density, energy, momentum, and/or species.

• Density–Based Coupled Implicit.

– The implicit option is generally preferred over explicit since explicit has a very strict limit on
time scale size (CFL constraint) as implicit does not have.
– Examples: High speed compressible flow with combustion, hypersonic flows, shock

• Density–Based Coupled Explicit.

– The explicit approach is used for cases where the characteristic time scale of the flow is on
the same order as the acoustic time scale.
– Example: propagation of high–Mach shock waves, shock tube problem.

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Discretization (Interpolation Methods)
• Field variables (stored at cell centers) must be interpolated to the faces of the
control volumes.

• Interpolation schemes for the convection term:

– First–Order Upwind – Easiest to converge, only 1st–order accurate.
– Power Law – More accurate than first–order for flows when Recell < 5 (typically low Re flows).
– Second–Order Upwind – Uses larger stencils for 2nd order accuracy, essential with tri/tet mesh or
when flow is not aligned with grid; convergence may be slower.
– Monotone Upstream–Centered Schemes for Conservation Laws (MUSCL) – Locally 3rd order
convection discretization scheme for unstructured meshes; more accurate in predicting secondary
flows, vortices, forces, etc.
– Quadratic Upwind Interpolation (QUICK) – Applies to quad/hex and hybrid meshes, useful for
rotating/swirling flows, 3rd–order accurate on uniform Quad mesh.

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Effects of Discretization
Flow is misaligned
RG Theory
with mesh.
f f  fC 0  b  fC 0  dr0 1
fC 0 dr 0 fC1 0

1st–Order Upwind
• If b = 0 we get the 1st–Order–Upwind convection scheme, Scheme
i.e. no correction. b = 0.
– This is robust but only 1st–Order accurate.
– Sometimes useful for initial runs.
• If b = 1 we get the 2nd–Order–Upwind convection Scheme
Scheme, i.e. with correction. b=1.00.
– Additional Limiters must be added to guarantee the solution is
bounded (fC0<ff<fC1).
• The QUICK Resolution scheme 'maximizes' b throughout Resolution
the flow domain while keeping the solution bounded. Scheme.

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Discretization (Interpolation Methods)
• Interpolation schemes for the diffusive term:

– Always central–differenced & 2nd–order accuracy.

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• Fluent requires that all solution variables be initialized before starting
– A realistic initial guess improves solution stability and accelerates convergence.
– In some cases a poor initial guess may cause the solver to fail during the first few

• Five ways to initialize the flow field.

– Standard initialization.
– Patch values.
– Hybrid initialization (solves potential equation).
– FMG initialization (solves Euler equations).
– Starting from a previous solution.

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Standard Initialization and Patch Values
• Standard Initialization
– Generally the user selects an inlet boundary
under 'Compute from' to automatically fill the
initialization values with the values that are
specified at the inlet boundary.

• Patch values for individual

variables in certain regions.
– Free jet flows (high velocity for jet).
– Combustion problems (high temperature
region to initialize reaction).
– Cell registers (created by marking the
cells in the Adaption panel) can be used
for patching values into various regions
of the domain.
– Multiphase flows (patch different phase
volume fractions in one or more regions).
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Hybrid Initialization
• The default initialization method.
• This provides a quick approximation of the
flow field, by a collection of methods.
• It solves Laplace's equation to determine the
velocity and pressure fields.

• All other variables, such as temperature,

turbulence, species fractions, volume
fractions, etc., will be automatically patched
based on domain averaged values or a
particular interpolation method.

Introduction Solver Theory Initialization Convergence Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 48 Release 14.5
FMG Initialization
• Full Multigrid (FMG) Initialization.
– Can be used to create a better initialization of the flow field.
• FMG Initialization is useful for complex flow problems involving large pressure and velocity gradients
on large meshes.
– FMG uses the Full Approximation Storage (FAS) Multigrid method to solve the flow problem
on a sequence of coarser meshes.
• Euler equations are solved with first–order accuracy on the coarse–level meshes.

• To enable FMG initialization, execute the TUI command.

• Settings can be accessed by the TUI command.

Introduction Solver Theory Initialization Convergence Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 49 Release 14.5
Starting from a Previous Solution
• A previously calculated solution can
be used as an initial condition when
changes are made to the case setup.
– Use solution interpolation to initialize a run
(especially useful for starting fine–mesh
cases when coarse–mesh solutions are
– Once the solution is initialized, additional
iterations always use the current data set as
the starting point.

• Sometimes solving a simplified Actual Problem Initial Condition

version of the problem first will Heat Transfer Isothermal
provide a good initial guess for the Natural convection Low Rayleigh number
real problem.
Combustion / reacting flow Cold flow (no combustion)
Turbulence Inviscid (Euler) solution

Introduction Solver Theory Initialization Convergence Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 50 Release 14.5
Convergence [1]
• The solver must perform enough iterations to achieve a converged solution
• At convergence, the following should be satisfied:
– All discrete conservation equations (momentum, energy, etc.) are obeyed in all cells to a
specified tolerance (Residual).
• The Residual measures the imbalance of the current numerical solution and is related but NOT EQUAL to
the numerical error.
– Overall mass, momentum, energy, and scalar balances are achieved.
– Target quantities reach constant values (in steady state solver).
• Integral: e.g. Pressure drop.
• Local: e.g. Velocity at specified position.

Isentropic Efficiency

Iteration Number Iteration Number

Introduction Solver Theory Initialization Convergence Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 51 Release 14.5
Convergence [2]
• Monitoring convergence using residual history:
– Generally, a decrease in residuals by three orders of magnitude can be a sign of
convergence (but not necessarily).
– Scaled energy residual should decrease to 10–6 (for the pressure–based solver).
– Scaled species residual may need to decrease to 10–5 to achieve species balance.

• Best practice is to also monitor quantitative variables to decide

– Ensure that overall mass/heat/species conservation is satisfied.
– Monitor other relevant key variables/physical quantities for confirmation.

Introduction Solver Theory Initialization Convergence Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 52 Release 14.5
Checking Overall Flux Conservation
• The net flux imbalance (shown in the GUI as Net Results) should
be less than 1% of the smallest flux through the domain

Introduction Solver Theory Initialization Convergence Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 53 Release 14.5
Convergence Monitors – Forces and Surfaces
• In addition to residuals, you can also
– Lift, drag and moment coefficients.
– Relevant variables or functions (e.g. surface
integrals) at a boundary or any defined surface.
• These additional monitored quantities are
important convergence indicators.

Introduction Solver Theory Initialization Convergence Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 54 Release 14.5
Convergence Difficulties
• Numerical instabilities can arise with an ill–posed problem, poor–quality
mesh and/or inappropriate solver settings.
– Exhibited as increasing (diverging) or 'stuck' residuals.
– Diverging residuals imply increasing imbalance in conservation equations.
– Unconverged results are very misleading!
Continuity equation convergence
• Troubleshooting. trouble affects convergence of
all equations.
– Ensure that the problem is well–posed.
– Compute an initial solution using a
first–order discretization scheme.
– For the pressure–based solver, decrease
underrelaxation factors for equations
having convergence problems.
– For the density–based solver, reduce
the Courant number.
– Remesh or refine cells which have large
aspect ratio or large skewness.
• Remember that you cannot improve
cell skewness by using mesh adaption!
Introduction Solver Theory Initialization Convergence Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 55 Release 14.5
Accelerating Convergence
• Convergence can be accelerated by:
– Supplying better initial conditions.
• Starting from a previous solution (using file/interpolation when
– Gradually increasing under–relaxation factors or Courant number.
• Excessively high values can lead to solution instability and
convergence problems.
• You should always save case and data files before continuing
– Starting with a good quality mesh with appropriate mesh resolution.
• The orthogonal quality reported in Mesh > Info > Quality should have
a minimum value of .01 and an average value that is much higher.

Introduction Solver Theory Initialization Convergence Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 56 Release 14.5
Convergence vs Accuracy
• A converged solution is not necessarily an accurate solution.
– Accuracy depends on:
• Order of the discretization schemes (2nd order schemes are
• Mesh resolution.
• Boundary Conditions.
• Model limitations.
• Geometry simplifications.
• Precision of the solver (2d/3d or 2ddp/3ddp).
• …

Introduction Solver Theory Initialization Convergence Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 57 Release 14.5
Adaption Example – 2D Planar Shell
• Adapt grid in regions of large pressure gradient to better resolve
the sudden pressure rise across the shock.

Large pressure gradient indicating a shock

(poor resolution on coarse mesh).

Initial Mesh. Pressure Contours on Initial Mesh.

Introduction Solver Theory Initialization Convergence Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 58 Release 14.5
2D Planar Shell – Solution on Adapted Mesh
• Solution–based mesh adaption allows better resolution of the
bow shock and expansion wave.
Adapted cells in locations Mesh adaption yields much–improved
of large pressure gradients. resolution of the bow shock.

Adapted Mesh. Pressure Contours on Adapted Mesh.

Introduction Solver Theory Initialization Convergence Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 59 Release 14.5
Running Simulations in Parallel [1]
• Serial.

• Local Parallel.
– Shared Memory.

• Distributed Parallel.
– Distributed Memory.

• Different communication methods are available (MPICH2, HP MPI, PVM).

– See documentation 'When To Use MPI or PVM' for more details, but HP MPI is recommended in most
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 60 Release 14.5
Running Simulations in Parallel [2]
• In the Fluent Launcher you can choose Parallel
and set the Parameter.

• If you choose Distributed Memory, you have to

specify the names of the computers which you
want to connect.
– You can specify the names directly.
– You can specify a file which contains the names.

• For further information see Chapter 34 in

User Guide.

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 61 Release 14.5

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