2019C2 - Data Lakes Ebook

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Essential Guide to Data Lakes

d e s i g n i n g d ata l a k e s t o o p t i m i z e a n a ly t i c s
2 Executive Summary

3 Introduction

4 What is a Data Lake?

7 How Does a Data Lake Add Value

9 Overcoming Data Lake Challenges

14 Data Lake vs. Data Warehouse

19 Building a Data Lake

28 Data Lake Best Practices

31 Key Takeaways

33 Conclusion

1 | Essential Guide to Data Lakes

Businesses today generate large amounts of data, and desire
to utilize it in order to gain business insights that will help drive
competitive advantage. Data collected typically originates from
diverse source systems and then needs to be transformed to better
understand your core business, customers, and market dynamics.
Due to the ever-increasing volumes of data, businesses need to
continually find new and more efficient ways to consolidate and
transform various data sources in order to make better, more
informed decisions and in turn, gain competitive advantage.

How can businesses consolidate all their data? Centralizing all

data within a data warehouse can prove effective for a number of
use cases. While this approach may work for some businesses,
others may require advanced scalability, accessibility, and a need
to better control costs. A data lake, which allows all data types
in any volumes to be stored and made available without the need
to transform it before being ready for analysis, can address these
unique requirements by providing a cost-effective resource for
scaling, storing and accessing large volumes of diverse data types.

2 | Essential Guide to Data Lakes

The concept of a data lake has been around for a while, however, the term ‘data lake’ was first introduced by James Dixon, CTO at Pentaho in
2010. He outlined the shortcomings of the ‘Data Mart’ when handling businesses’ real-life data needs. He claimed 80-90% of businesses needed
to handle unstructured data as well as growing data volumes, and that such requirements were straining the Data Mart model. The solution to
these challenges, Dixon suggested, was a data lake.

“If you think of a data mart as a store of bottled water – cleansed and packaged and structured for easy consumption – the data lake is
a large body of water in a more natural state. The contents of the data lake stream in from a source to fill the lake, and various users of
the lake can come to examine, dive in, or take samples.”

James Dixon, CTO, Pentaho (2010)

Since then, the industry has experienced significant growth in the number of data lake offerings and implementations that seek to help
organizations unlock the value of their unstructured and semi-structured data, requiring ever more advanced and sophisticated analytics
techniques. Businesses with growing analytics functions also need to ensure data access, and governance is easier and more efficient. This
eBook will show how a modern data lake architecture can be designed to meet these objectives.

When reading the eBook, look out for colored boxes for additional resources, how to’s, best practices, and hints and tips.

Further details and resources

‘How to’ information and examples
Best practices and optimizations
Hints and tips from Matillion

3 | Essential Guide to Data Lakes



C H A P T E R 1 : W H AT I S A D ATA L A K E

1.1 Data Lake Definition

A data lake allows massive amounts of data to be stored in its native format. The structure and processing rules do not need to be defined until
the data is needed.

1.2 What is a data lake and why does it matter?

According to recent research, the average business is seeing
the volume of its data grow at a rate that exceeds 50% per year.
Additionally, these businesses are managing an average of 33
unique data sources used for analysis.1

As data volumes, varieties, and velocities increase, the ability

to securely store, process and govern that data becomes
more difficult. A data lake architecture sets out principles and
characteristics enabling organizations to meet these challenges
by providing a centralized repository that allows the storage of
business data no matter the volume, variety, or velocity at which it
is generated. This single repository can then service many different
types of analytical workloads from visualizations and dashboards,
Figure 1: The Three V's of Big Data
to machine learning and beyond.

1 https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/mktg-apac/Big+Data+Refresh+Q4+Campaign/Aberdeen+Research+-+Angling+for+Insights+in+Today's+Data+Lake.pdf

5 | Essential Guide to Data Lakes

1.3 Characteristics of a Data Lake

The centralization of siloed data is one of the principles of a data lake architecture. This centralization brings a number of benefit's, including
being easier to govern and manage, as well as making it easier to innovate non-disruptively around heterogeneous data sets.

Collect and Store All Data at Any Scale

Data lakes allow the collection and storage of data at any scale. In terms of the 3 V’s of Big Data, cloud object storage services provide virtually
unlimited space at very low costs. Your business’ data can be collected in real-time using streaming technology at high velocity, if so required.
Furthermore, these platforms perform the difficult task of unlocking value in unstructured data, such as the automatic transcription of audio
recordings, thus accommodating a wide variety of modern data sources.

Locate, Curate, and Secure Data

Having a centralized data lake makes it easier to keep track of what data you have, who has access to it, what type of data you are storing, and
what it's being used for. The cost of non-compliance with various regulations, such as GDPR and the Consumer Privacy Act, both in terms of
fines and reputational damage is so great that organizations need a way to meet these requirements without stifling innovation.

Increased Agility

Having a centrally curated data lake allows your business to innovate in new ways of processing data. You can introduce new use cases without
having to re-engineer your architecture. For example, you may be dealing with batch data. However, extending the architecture to include real-
time data streaming shouldn’t impact the use cases you already have in place. Similarly, you may be using a data warehouse as a computational
resource. Adding Spark workloads to incorporate machine learning use cases can use the same underlying data, made possible by separating
storage and compute resources, as well as allowing flexible access to different applications.

6 | Essential Guide to Data Lakes



2.1 Getting Value From a Data Lake
A key value proposition of data lakes is the ability to store data of unknown value, importance or utility for almost negligible cost, data that would
otherwise be discarded due to the unjustified costs associated with storage and security. This is because as analytics capabilities within an
organization mature, the potential uses cases for such data can be revealed. This historical data can be used to train machine learning models
and answer questions in the future.

However, arguably the most value an organization can get out of a data lake is to use it as an engine for innovation. By making data access
simpler, faster and more efficient for users and facilitating experimentation with different processing technologies businesses can discover game
changing insights that fuel competitive advantage. Research from independent analyst firm, Aberdeen, shows that businesses who implement
data lakes are able to translate the associated analytical benefits into significant ROI. Participating companies reported a 9% increase in organic
revenue growth and 4% increase in operating profit compared to similar businesses who did not.

Data Lake Use Cases

Augmented data warehouse Advanced analytics

For data that is not queried frequently, or is expensive to store in Quicker access to untransformed data is useful for data
a data warehouse, federated queries make the different storage scientists, particularly when feature engineering for machine
types transparent to the end user. learning models.

Support for IoT data Regulatory compliance

Data lakes are excellent choices for storing the high volume A centralized repository of an organization's data makes it
high frequency data from streams. Easily adapted to a lambda easier to apply role-based security, catalog data sets, and track
architecture they can support near real-time analysis. lineage. It allows simpler processes for subject access and
removal requests.

8 | Essential Guide to Data Lakes



C H A P T E R 3 : O V E R C O M I N G D ATA L A K E C H A L L E N G E S

3.1 Data Lake Challenges

Although a data lake is a great solution to manage data in a modern data-driven environment, it is not without its significant challenges.

Looking again at how we define a data lake: allows for the ingestion of large amounts of raw structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data
that can be stored en masse and called upon for analysis as and when needed. We can see this definition carries inherent risks and can lead to
the dreaded Data Swamp which many organizations have fallen prey to.

PwC quotes Sean Martin, CTO of Cambridge Semantics as saying “We see customers creating big data graveyards, dumping everything [into the
data lake] and hoping to do something with it down the road. But then they just lose track of what’s there. The main challenge is not creating a
data lake but taking advantage of the opportunities it presents.” 2

This observation is reinforced by independent analyst firm Gartner, which states “the data lake will end up being a collection of disconnected
data pools or information silos all in one place...Without descriptive metadata and a mechanism to maintain it, the data lake risks turning into a
data swamp."3

3.2 Mitigating Data Lake Challenges

To mitigate these risks, a governance layer needs to be built into the architecture to answer the following questions and formulate the four pillars
of data governance.

4 Pillars of Data Governance

• What data do you have and where it is stored? (Data Catalog) • Is data accurate and fit for purpose? (Data Quality)

• Where has data come from and what has happened to it? • Is data protected from unauthorized access? (Data Security)
(Data Lineage)

2 https://www.pwc.com/us/en/technology-forecast/2014/cloud-computing/assets/pdf/pwc-technology-forecast-data-lakes.pdf
3 https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2014-07-28-gartner-says-beware-of-the-data-lake-fallacy

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This governance layer is a combination of process and tooling which generally increases the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a solution but makes
a return on investment (ROI) more likely.

In order to manage the implementation of policies and processes, organizations should appoint a stakeholder who is responsible for data lake
governance. These roles may include Data Steward, Enterprise Data Architect, or Data Protection Officer depending on the size and structure of an
organization. Having an accountable person who is also a subject matter expert not only ensures that these tasks do not fall by the wayside as a
project rolls on but any solutions proposed are informed by the relevant technical knowledge.

One of the first non-trivial tasks in designing your data lake architecture is to determine the storage taxonomy, we have put together an example of
how you might design your data lake storage below.

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Most data lake implementations use cloud object storage as the As discussed, this is only the minimum recommended configuration and
underlying storage technology. It is recommended for the following many implementations will have more tiers, shown in the bucket.
• Durable - You can typically expect to see eleven 9s availability
• Scalable - Object storage is particularly well suited to storing vast
amounts of unstructured data, and storage capacity is virtually
• Affordable - You can store data for approximately $0.01 per GB/
• Secure - Granular access down to the object level
• Integrated - Most processing technologies support object
storage as both a source and a data sink.
In this example, the QUARANTINED bucket has limited access and can only
A common misconception and potential mistake is that data lakes
be seen by individuals responsible for ensuring that sensitive data does not
are one, giant, centralized bucket where everything lands. In this
proliferate into the rest of the data lake. The other extra bucket we have
example, we assume our architecture has 2 tiers of storage, RAW
is CURATED data, this is typically the output of some data processing such
and REFINED. The initial storage structure will be as shown below:
as an ETL job.

The QUARANTINE and RAW buckets we can consider as ingestion

buckets and they should be organized by source system as shown
in the example below:

Both user access and pricing tiers can be defined individually for each.

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The data can be further partitioned by entity, year, month and day as If the QUARANTINE and RAW buckets are considered ingestion
shown. buckets, then the REFINED and CURATED buckets are considered
consumption buckets and as such they should follow a structure
that aligns more to the target data model or subject area than the
source system.

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C H A P T E R 4 : D ATA L A K E V S . D ATA W A R E H O U S E S
In this chapter, we will look at the differences and similarities between a data lake and both traditional on-premises and cloud data warehouses.

4.1 Comparison to a Traditional Data Warehouse

A data lake is not a direct replacement for a datawarehouse, they are supplemental technologies that serve different use cases with some
overlap. In fact, most organizations that have a data lake will also have a data warehouse. The following section will compare the properties of
a data lake to a traditional BI Architecture (data warehouse and separate ETL Server).

Data in Data Lakes is Stored in its Native Format

Data can be loaded faster and accessed quicker since it does not need to go through an initial transformation process. For traditional relational
databases, data would need to be processed and manipulated before being stored. This requires the development of a transformation process,
as well as the testing and execution of that process. By loading data directly into the data lake in its source format, you can skip the transformation
step for now.

Access Data Flexibility in a Data Lakes

Data scientists, engineers, and analysts can access data much quicker than would be possible in a traditional BI architecture. This increases
agility and provides greater opportunities for data exploration and proof of concept activities, as well as self-service business intelligence.
Although a characteristic of a data lake is accessibility, this doesn’t mean that everyone has unbridled access; privacy and security can and
should be considered when granting permissions and access.

Data Lakes Provide Schema-on-Read Access

Traditional data warehouses employ Schema-on-Write. This requires an upfront data modeling exercise to define the schema for the data. All
data requirements, from all data users, need to be known upfront to ensure the models and schemas produce usable data for all parties. As new
requirements are unearthed, those models may need to be redefined.

Schema-on-Read, conversely, allows the schema to be developed and tailored on a case-by-case basis. The schema is developed and projected
on the data sets required for a particular use case. This means that the data required is processed as needed. Once the schema has been
developed it can be kept for future use or discarded when no longer required.

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Data Lakes Provide Decoupled Storage and Compute
When you separate storage from compute you are fully able to optimize your costs by tailoring your storage requirements to the access frequency.
For example, most cloud storage services provide tiered storage. This allows your business to archive raw data on less expensive tiers while
allowing faster access to transformed, analytics-ready data. Being able to run experiments and exploratory analysis with new technologies is
much easier thanks to such data preparation. Traditional data warehouses and ETL servers have tightly coupled storage and compute, meaning
if we need to increase storage capacity, we also need to increase compute and visa-versa.

Data Lake Traditional On-Premises Data Warehouse

• Data stored in native format • Data requires transformation

• Can store unlimited data forever • Expensive to store large volumes
• Schema-on-read • Schema-on-write
• Decoupled storage & compute • Tightly coupled storage & compute

4.2 Comparison to Modern Cloud Data Warehouse

ESG research shows roughly 35-45% of organizations are actively considering cloud for functions like Hadoop, Spark, databases, data warehouses, and
analytics applications4, and this is a trend that is increasing due to the benefits of cloud computing such as massive economies of scale, reliability and
redundancy, security best practices and easy to use managed services. Cloud data warehouses combine these benefits with traditional data warehouse
functionality to deliver increased performance and capacity and reducing the administrative burden of maintenance.

Matillion simplifies data transformation for cloud data warehouses, with increased speed of development and execution. Offered as a pay-
as-you-go service, Matillion delivers increased savings to companies of all sizes. www.matillion.com

4 https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/mktg-apac/Big+Data+Refresh+Q4+Campaign/ESG-White-Paper-AWS-Apr-2017+(FINAL).pdf

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The table below compares an aggregate feature set of the major cloud data warehouses.

Data Lake Cloud Data Warehouse On-Premises Databases

Unstructured data Yes No No

(schema-less data)
Semi-Structured data Yes Yes No
(Self-describing schema)
Structured Data Yes Better Better
Independently scale Yes Yes No
storage and compute
Schema-on-Read Yes Yes (semi-structured) No

Schema-on-Write No Yes Yes

Figure 2: Comparing Data Lakes, Cloud Data Warehouses and On-Premises Databases

According to research conducted by Aberdeen, 26% of all decisions to invest in a data lake are to offload data warehouse workloads. One
compelling feature of cloud data warehouses is the ability to query data residing in low-cost storage using the compute resources of the massively
parallel processing (MPP) data warehouse (Query offloading). This, coupled with the ability to natively query semi-structured data (schema-on-
read), is seeing more data lakehouse architectures where some of the data is stored in a data warehouse and other datasets are stored in the
data lake.

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“Data Lakehouse” Benefits
• Increases interoperability of data • Join data lake files with data warehouse tables
• Schema-on-read of semi-structured data • Increased query concurrency

Employ Matillion to transform data, using the power of your cloud data warehouse (CDW), by combining tables in your data lake and your CDW. Write the
output of this transformation to either target based on your needs.

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5.1 Object Storage or HDFS

Current real-world data lakes fall into one of 2 categories, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) based either on-premises or cloud and Object
Storage based (Cloud “buckets”). This eBook focuses on object storage-based data lake implementations such as Amazon S3, Azure Blob and
Google Cloud Storage. This is not to say that HDFS based data lakes are without merit, so let’s examine some pros and cons of object-based
storage compared with HDFS.

The Cons The Pros

Performance. Object storage is generally lower-performance than 1. HDFS relies on local storage meaning to increase capacity
HDFS for a number of reasons. we either add more nodes or add bigger drives. Cloud object
storage, however, is unlimited and elastically scales without any
1. Object storage tends to have to higher I/O variance meaning configuration.
it’s inadequate for transactional data, such as databases that
require a more consistent I/O. 2. Cloud object storage is generally more durable than HDFS,
offering up to 99.999999999% durability.
2. Objects are immutable, which means no support for append or
truncate operations. If you need to do an incremental update to
3. When a cluster is turned off data stored on HDFS is no longer
some data you would need to overwrite the object, which can be
available to query, with cloud object storage data persists when
slower in some circumstances.
associated compute resources are turned off.
3. Object storage will almost always have higher round trip request
latency than HDFS as it is not physically attached to the compute 4. Because of the separation of data from the cluster, it is accessible
resource. to other processing engines such as data warehouses.

5. The object storage solutions provided by the cloud platforms

mentioned are all HDFS compatible, so your existing Hadoop or
Spark cluster can access the data as if it were HDFS.

Object-based storage is suited to a larger number of use cases and provides a more flexible data lake.

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5.2 Data Lake Essential Elements


The reference architecture diagram [Figure 4 - section 5.3, p.28] shows two storage tiers. Although this is a minimum recommendation, it’s not
uncommon to add extra tiers or zones such as a quarantine zone, used in highly regulated industries where the data is particularly sensitive and
needs to be manually checked by data stewards before moving to a zone with more user access. Another approach is to subdivide the second
tier into multiple zones based on the use case. For example, there may be a data warehouse staging zone, a trusted master data zone, a machine
learning training data zone, and so on. Each zone may have its own granular levels of access and file formats.

File Format Properties Use Cases

Read heavy analytical workloads,

Orc Columnar, schema stored in footer.
e.g. Hive Tables.
Read heavy analytical workloads,
Parquet Columnar, schema stored in footer.
e.g. Spark processing.

Avro Row-major, schema and data separate. Write heavy workloads,

e.g. Apache Kafka.

CSV Human readable, fixed schema. Small volumes, consumer is an analyst.

JSON Human readable, flexible schema. Small volumes, consumer is an


Figure 3: Data storage properties and use cases

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To move data from between storage tiers requires some compute resource to perform the transformation. The three most common ways to
process data from one tier to another are:
1. SQL - There are various tools available that allow you to use an SQL syntax to transform data. This can either be serverless or use a data
warehouse as the compute resource.

2. Spark - Execution is done on a cluster of virtual machines.

3. Serverless functions - Functions are run on cloud platform provisioned resources.

Matillion allows you to transform your data using the power of your cloud data warehouse. By utilising the massively parallel processing engines to run SQL
transformations on data in cloud object storage, giving you optimal storage and compute power that is cost efficient.

Similarly, once data is stored in the refined tier, multiple different processing technologies can use this data as input, run a job to perform the
transformation, or train machine learning models. Then, once processing is complete, compute resources can be turned off or scaled back. This
approach makes implementing new use-cases much easier, as you have a significant amount of the infrastructure already built to support them.

The governance layer comprises different tools and capabilities which allow an organization to comply with regulations, secure data, and
manage access.

22 | E s s e n t i a l G u i d e t o D a t a L a k e s
Data Quality
Data quality can be defined as data that is “fit for its intended uses in operations, decision making, and planning”.

Data masking and de-identification. One of the goals of a governed data lake should be to limit the proliferation of personally identifiable
information (PII), using a tool, vendor, or framework that stops PII data from entering the data lake. This could be achieved with machine learning
or implementing some business rules to identify, tag, and remove the data.

Master data management. One of the barriers to unlocking value in an organization’s data is removing the redundancies, conflicts, and errors
in the data. Having a centralized repository for an organization’s data dovetails nicely with an MDM solution and creates a single source of truth
from heterogeneous sources.

Data Security
There are several challenges when it comes to securing data in a data lake, including controlling data access and preventing data breaches.
The place to start is by reviewing your shared responsibility model with your cloud platform and SaaS vendors. Generally speaking, the cloud
service providers are responsible for the cloud and you are responsible for data in the cloud, but it is your responsibility to check and understand
your security needs and set up.

When building your data lake, you need to make sure the following aspects of data security are covered:

1. Role based access control at the 2. Network isolation 3. End-to-end encryption

appropriate level of granularity
• Firewall Rules • Valid SSL Certificates for
• Access to buckets, folders, encryption in transit
and objects within the data • Network ACLs (Access
lake Control Lists) • Enabled encryption at rest

• Permissions to execute, • Security Groups

modify, and read jobs
• Access to administration
consoles, features, and

23 | E s s e n t i a l G u i d e t o D a t a L a k e s
Data Catalog
A data catalog allows you to automatically crawl and compile both metadata and index data sets within a data lake, allowing them to be searchable.
This metadata can be used for audit purposes or to dynamically drive data transformations.

Another feature that is available in some data catalog tools is the ability to tag data as containing PII, either manually or using a machine learning
algorithm, to automatically profile and identify sensitive data.

Data Lineage
“Data lineage includes the data's origins, what happens to it and where it moves over time.”5 Being able to have the full audit trail of where
a specific attribute came from, how it was transformed, and then used in analytics is a key requirement to many of the regulatory demands
organizations now face. In addition, the data provided by the lineage can help engineers debug issues that arise when executing workloads.

In summary, using a combination of governance tools allows you to be compliant and mitigate security risks. Consider the example of a request
from a customer to identify thier data in your possession and remove any data you have of theirs. The tasks involved might be similar to the

De-identifying Data using Data Governance Tools

1. Use a data catalog to list all of my data sets and search for 4. Use a data masking function to either obscure the data or
those data sets that might contain PII. remove it completely.

2. Use role-based security to access the data. 5. Use an MDM tool to make sure the delete is pushed back to the
originating system.
3. View the lineage of the attributes to find out where that record
originated and how it was transformed to provide an overview of all
workloads that use that data.

5 https://www.techopedia.com/definition/28040/data-lineage

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Orchestration is the glue that holds everything together. Once you have built data loading jobs, you can build workflows that reformat data, copy
data into your data warehouse, and transform that data into your data model. You will want to automate all of this and add some logging and error
handling capabilities. This is where you will need an orchestration capability. The major cloud platforms all offer services such as Amazon Data
Pipeline, Azure Data Factory and Google Cloud Composer.

In addition to providing powerful SQL transformation, Matillion has a suite of orchestration components allowing you to trigger processes in other
technologies through remote command line or API execution, all as part of a holistic scheduled workflow.

25 | E s s e n t i a l G u i d e t o D a t a L a k e s
Consolidate ALL your data
once and for all!

Purpose-built data transformation for cloud data warehouses

Simplify data transformation across your cloud data warehouse and data lake

Increase the speed of development and execution

Pay-as-you-go service to deliver increased savings

Best practice features to make the most of your cloud data infrastructure

Get a demo to see first-hand how Matillion can help you

consolidate data in your data warehouse and data lake
5.3 Reference Architecture Diagram
Putting all of the essential elements together we can produce a reference architecture as shown in Figure 4 below:

Figure 4: Data Lake Reference Architecture Diagram

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6.1 Data Loading

Use an immutable raw data store. This allows you to perform any new exploratory analysis without having to go back and extract data from
the source system. It also allows you to rebuild the state of your business at a point in time, which can be useful for testing predictive models.

It is a good practice to use a quarantine zone for removing PII and other sensitive data before landing into the raw data zone. Data masking
techniques can be used to de-identify data, but this can pose a problem for certain use cases. For example, when you have your own data and
third-party data that you need to match, for example credit bureau data. This can still be accomplished by hashing the PII data and then dropping
those identifiable attributes such as first name, last name, date of birth etc. When you receive your third-party data, you can generate a hash
from those same fields and match that same customer.

Data masking is not without its risks. Data exposed by your business can be cross referenced with other data your organization might not even
hold and be used to de-anonymize and identify individuals. Taking this into consideration, it is often the best idea to hash and then completely
exclude certain attributes altogether.

6.2 Data Processing

Decoupling storage and compute resources is one of the key design goals of a cloud-based data lake, and enables you to optimize costs,
innovate quickly, and experiment with different processing technology and vendors. This decoupling allows you to truly pick the best tool for
the job. The ability to pay only for the compute resource you need allows start-up businesses to compete with the biggest enterprises without
the huge capital expenditures. Licensing costs can also be reduced in this manner, removing a barrier to competition by utilizing serverless and
managed service compute.

Common tasks that are performed in the data lake that require compute resource are:

• Preparing data before allowing user access, for example • Optimizing file formats for analytics e.g. CSV to PARQUET
de-identifying datasets.

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Figure 5: Typical data pipeline

6.3 Governance and Security

Proper governance is a key enabler of deriving value from a data lake. Follow these best practices to improve governance and security.

• Appoint an individual who is accountable for data lake governance • Leverage a centralized data catalog
• Define a roles & responsibility matrix • Perform regular audits

6.4 Cost Optimization

Object storage services often have the ability to optimise costs based on the temperature of data. You can get much cheaper storage costs for
infrequently accessed data whilst enjoying increased performance for your hottest data sets. Moving data between buckets for the purpose of
cost optimisation should be incorporated into your data pipelines and workflows.

An example of a hot data set would be one that has a low latency requirement with high request rates. From this you can infer other properties
such as a higher cost storage. An example of a cool data set would be high volume data with low request rates, from this you can infer other
properties such as low cost storage and higher latency. See [Figure6].

Where possible use automated serverless functions to handle the archiving of data to lower tier storage.
How Hot is Your Data?

Figure 6: Data Temperature

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Data lake initiatives often come about because a particular use case is not feasible in the current infrastructure or because of an Objective to
modernize data access and processes. Whatever the reason for your data lake project, keep the following takeaways at the forefront of your
decision making.

Implement Reports that Deliver Value

McKinsey & Co. found that “Too often, the enthusiastic inclination is to apply analytics tools and methods like wallpaper—as
something that hopefully will benefit every corner of the organization to which it is applied. But such imprecision leads only to large-
scale waste, slower results (if any), and less confidence, from shareholders and employees alike, that analytics initiatives can add
value.”6 It is important that organizations examine the feasibility and value of each use case and concentrate on delivering those
that will add the most value. The data lake is a flexible architecture that easily allows the addition of varied use cases over time.

Avoid Data Swamps

Gartner states that through 2018 80% of data lakes will not include effective metadata management capabilities, making them inefficient.7 The
benefits of a data lake architecture have been presented throughout this eBook, however, the key to leveraging those benefits and ROI is the
ability to be able to fully utilize the data lake. This comes from proper governance.

Leverage the Benefits of the Cloud

Cloud economics, allowing you to pay by the query or by the second, have brought down the cost of using SQL-based compute resources. This
combined with the low cost of cloud object storage, enables data transformation on a scale not feasible with traditional on-premises architectures.
Furthermore, independent and elastic scaling allows you to respond in an agile manner to the different demands of different types of workloads.

Include the Essential Elements

In an attempt to realize a quicker time to value, it can be tempting to concentrate on the “core” features, loading, storing and data processing.
Building a data lake without orchestration management will mean relying on something akin to cron daemons to organize and schedule your
data pipelines. This lacks the ability to have robust error handling, dependency checking, event driven logic, logging and monitoring capabilities.
Similarly, neglecting the governance layer can leave you exposed to data security risks, but can also decrease trust from business users due to
poor data quality, which potentially leads to project failure.
6 https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-analytics/our-insights/ten-red-flags-signaling-your-analytics-program-will-fail
7 https://www.gartner.com/imagesrv/media-products/pdf/LogTrust/LogTrust-1-3F7HE3J.pdf

32 | E s s e n t i a l G u i d e t o D a t a L a k e s
Data lakes allow all types of data in any volumes to be stored and made available without the need to transform it before being ready for analysis.
These advantages overcome some challenges you may be experiencing with just a data warehouse. Achieve advanced scalability, accessibility,
and get a better control on your infrastructure costs by extending your cloud data capabilities with a data lake.

About Matillion

Matillion provides industry-leading data transformation products for cloud data warehouses. Delivering a true end-to-end data transformation
(not just data prep or movement from one location to another), Matillion provides an instant-on experience to get you up and running in just a
few clicks, a pay-as-you-go billing model to cut out lengthy procurement processes, and an intuitive user interface to minimize technical pain and
speed up time to results. Matillion is available globally for Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, and Google BigQuery on leading cloud infrastructures.

Find out more at www.matillion.com.

34 | E s s e n t i a l G u i d e t o D a t a L a k e s
Purpose-built data transformation for cloud data warehouses

Our intuitive UI and approach to data transformation makes complex taks simple

We deliver the fastest time to value, from launch to development to production

Built to take advantage of the power and features of Amazon Redshift, Snowflake,
and Google BigQuery

Pay-as-you-go with no long term commitments

Get a demo to see first-hand the power

of Matillion data transformation
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