Practice: Preterm Labour: Summary of NICE Guidance

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BMJ 2015;351:h6283 doi: 10.1136/bmj.

h6283 (Published 23 November 2015) Page 1 of 3




Preterm labour: summary of NICE guidance

Grammati Sarri senior research fellow and guideline lead , Melanie Davies clinical director, consultant
12 1
obstetrician and gynaecologist , Maryam Gholitabar research fellow , Jane E Norman chair of
Guideline Development Group, professor of maternal and fetal health and director of centre , on
behalf of the Guideline Development Group

National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London, UK; 2University

College London Hospitals; 3Tommy’s Centre for Maternal and Fetal Health, University of Edinburgh MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, Queen’s
Medical Research Institute, Edinburgh, UK

Preterm birth is the single biggest cause of neonatal mortality • Give information (oral and written) and support as early
and morbidity in the UK, affecting over 52 000 babies (around as possible, taking into account the likelihood of preterm
7.3% of live births) in England and Wales in 2012.1 About 75% birth and the status of labour. [Based on moderate to low
of women delivering preterm do so after preterm labour,2 which quality evidence from qualitative studies and the experience
is sometimes preceded by preterm prelabour membrane rupture.2 and opinion of the GDG]
A “cause” for preterm labour is not always found, but it may
be associated with infection. In other cases, preterm birth may Information and support for women having a
result from elective delivery. planned preterm birth or who are offered
Babies born preterm have high rates of mortality, with the risk treatment for preterm labour (and their family
of mortality being inversely proportional to gestational age at members or carers as appropriate)
birth.3 Babies who survive have increased rates of disability.3
• Provide information about the likelihood of the baby
This article summarises the most recent recommendations on surviving and other outcomes (including long term
the prevention, diagnosis, and management of preterm labour outcomes) and risks for the baby, giving values as natural
from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence frequencies (such as 1 in 100).
• Explain about the neonatal care of preterm babies, including
Recommendations location of care.
NICE recommendations are based on systematic reviews of best • Explain about the immediate problems that can arise when
available evidence and explicit consideration of cost a baby is born preterm.
effectiveness. When minimal evidence is available, [Based on moderate to low quality evidence from qualitative
recommendations are based on the Guideline Development studies and the experience and opinion of the GDG]
Group’s experience and opinion of what constitutes good
practice. Evidence levels for the recommendations are given in Prevention of preterm birth
italic in square brackets.
• Offer a choice of either prophylactic vaginal progesterone
Information and support for women at risk or or prophylactic cervical cerclage to women with
at preterm labour (and their family members - a history of spontaneous preterm birth or mid-trimester
or carers as appropriate) loss between 16+0 and 34+0 weeks of pregnancy and
• Bear in mind that the woman (and her family members or - a transvaginal ultrasound scan carried out between 16+0
carers) may be particularly anxious. [Based on moderate and 24+0 weeks of pregnancy showing a cervical length of
to low quality evidence from qualitative studies and the <25 mm.
experience and opinion of the Guideline Development [Based on high to very low quality evidence from randomised
Group (GDG)] controlled trials]

Correspondence to: G Sarri [email protected]

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BMJ 2015;351:h6283 doi: 10.1136/bmj.h6283 (Published 23 November 2015) Page 2 of 3


What you need to know

• To prevent preterm birth, offer a choice of either prophylactic vaginal progesterone or prophylactic cervical cerclage to women with
- a history of spontaneous preterm birth or mid-trimester loss between 16+0 and 34+0 weeks of pregnancy and
- a transvaginal ultrasound scan between 16+0 and 24+0 weeks of pregnancy, showing a cervical length of <25 mm.
• To diagnose preterm labour
- consider transvaginal ultrasound measurement of cervical length to determine likelihood of birth within 48 hours for women who are
≥30+0 weeks pregnant and are in suspected preterm labour. If cervical length is >15 mm, explain that she is unlikely to be in preterm
• To treat preterm labour
- offer tocolysis, corticosteroids, or magnesium sulfate to women in preterm labour, including those with a cervical length of <15 mm,
depending on gestation and clinical circumstances.

What’s new in this guidance

• Do not use diagnostic tests for preterm labour for symptomatic women who are <30+0 weeks pregnant, but treat them as appropriate
• Use cervical length ultrasound for diagnosis of preterm labour for women at ≥30+0 weeks of pregnancy and treat them as if they are
in preterm labour if cervical length is found at ≤15 mm
• Use prophylactic progesterone or cervical cerclage to prevent preterm birth to women with a history of spontaneous preterm birth or
mid-trimester loss and cervical ultrasound measurement of <25 mm at 16+0 to 24+0 weeks gestation
• For women in established preterm labour or having a planned preterm birth within 24 hours: use magnesium sulfate for neuroprotection
between 24+0 and 29+6 weeks of pregnancy, and consider its use between 30+0 and 33+6 weeks

• Offer prophylactic vaginal progesterone to women with • Offer women in established preterm labour but with no
no history of spontaneous preterm birth or mid-trimester other risk factors a choice of fetal heart rate monitoring
loss, who have a transvaginal ultrasound scan carried out using either
between 16+0 and 24+0 weeks of pregnancy showing a - cardiotocography using external ultrasound or
cervical length of <25 mm. [Based on low quality evidence
- intermittent auscultation.5
from randomised controlled trials and the experience and
opinion of the GDG] [Based on moderate to very low quality evidence from
randomised controlled trials and the experience and opinion
• Consider prophylactic cervical cerclage for women with a
of the GDG]
transvaginal ultrasound scan carried out between 16+0 and
24+0 weeks of pregnancy showing a cervical length of
<25 mm, and with a history of either Mode of birth for women likely to deliver
- prelabour rupture of membranes in a previous pregnancy
preterm (suspected, diagnosed, or
established preterm labour)
• Discuss the general benefits and risks of caesarean section
- cervical trauma.
and vaginal birth with women likely to deliver preterm.6
[Based on moderate to very low quality evidence from [Based on the experience and opinion of the GDG]
randomised controlled trials and the experience and opinion
• Explain the benefits and risks of caesarean section that are
of the GDG]
specific to gestational age. Highlight the difficulties
associated with performing a caesarean section for a
Rescue cerclage preterm birth, especially the increased likelihood of a
• Do not offer “rescue” cervical cerclage to women with vertical uterine incision and the implications of this for
signs of infection, active vaginal bleeding, or uterine future pregnancies. [Based on the experience and opinion
contractions. of the GDG]
• Consider rescue cervical cerclage for women between 16+0 • Explain that there are no known benefits or harms for the
and 27+6 weeks of pregnancy with a dilated cervix and baby from caesarean section, but the evidence is very
exposed, unruptured fetal membranes. limited. [Based on very low quality evidence from
[Based on low to very low quality evidence from randomised randomised controlled trials the experience and opinion
controlled trials and the experience and opinion of the GDG] of the GDG]
• For women between 26+0 and 36+6 weeks of pregnancy with
Fetal monitoring options (cardiotocography breech presentation, consider caesarean section. [Based on
and intermittent auscultation) very low quality evidence from randomised controlled trials
and the experience and opinion of the GDG]
• For women in preterm labour, discuss
- the purpose of fetal monitoring and what it involves
Timing of cord clamping for preterm babies
- the clinical decisions it informs at different gestational
(born vaginally or by caesarean section)
• Wait at least 30 seconds, but no longer than 3 minutes,
- if appropriate, the option not to monitor the fetal heart
before clamping the cord of preterm babies if the mother
rate (for example, at the threshold of viability).
and baby are stable. [Based on low to very low quality
[Based on the experience and opinion of the GDG] evidence from randomised controlled trials and the
experience and opinion of the GDG]

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BMJ 2015;351:h6283 doi: 10.1136/bmj.h6283 (Published 23 November 2015) Page 3 of 3


Overcoming barriers and Care Excellence to develop this guideline and write this BMJ
This guideline recommends strategies to reduce risks in women We declare the following interests based on NICE’s policy on conflicts
who are at high likelihood of preterm delivery. One of the main of interests (available at
barriers to the implementation of this guidance is the availability we-are/Policies-and-procedures/code-of-practice-for-declaring-and-
of transvaginal ultrasound scans to diagnose preterm labour, managing-conflicts-of-interest.pdf): JN has been remunerated for chairing
and thus facilitate treatment and transfer to a place where NICE guideline development committees and has research grants from
appropriate neonatal intensive care can be provided, a strategy government bodies and charities to investigate the causes and treatment
known to improve rates of survival for the baby. There is also of preterm birth, including research funding for a large trial of the effect
currently variation in clinical practice in use of tocolytic agents, of progesterone on preterm birth prophylaxis. MD receives no direct
uncertainty as to which women will benefit, when it should be funding for her advisory or educational roles. The authors’ full statements
given, and the choice of tocolytic. The appropriate use of can be viewed at
tocolysis will delay preterm delivery and allow additional datasupp.
antenatal strategies to improve outcomes for babies born
Provenance and peer review: Commissioned; not externally peer

The members of the Guideline Development Group were: Judi Barratt,

1 Office for National Statistics. Gestation-specific infant mortality, 2012. 2014. www.ons.
Paul Eunson, Jane Hawdon, Jane Norman (chair), Philip Owen, Jane
Plumb, Farrah Pradhan, Marianne Rowntree, Meekai To, Martin Ward 2 Norman JE, Morris C, Chalmers J. The effect of changing patterns of obstetric care in
Scotland (1980-2004) on rates of preterm birth and its neonatal consequences: perinatal
Platt, and Louise Weaver-Lowe. The members of the National database study. PLoS Med 2009;6:e1000153.
Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health technical team 3 Costeloe KL, Hennessy EM, Haider S, Stacey F, Marlow N, Draper ES. Short term
outcomes after extreme preterm birth in England: comparison of two birth cohorts in 1995
were: Grammati Sarri, Melanie Davies (from December 2014), Anne and 2006 (the EPICure studies). BMJ 2012;345:e7976.
Carty, Maryam Gholitabar, Shona Burman-Roy, Hugo Pedder, Paul 4 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Preterm labour. (New guideline 25.)
Jacklin, and Zosia Beckles.
5 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Intrapartum care for healthy women
Contributors: All authors contributed to the initial draft, helped revise and babies. (Clinical guideline 190.) 2014.
6 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Caesarean section. (Clinical guideline
the manuscript, and approved the final version for publication. GS is 132.) 2011.
Funding: The National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Cite this as: BMJ 2015;351:h6283
Health was commissioned and funded by the National Institute for Health © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2015

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BMJ 2015;351:h6283 doi: 10.1136/bmj.h6283 (Published 23 November 2015) Page 4 of 3


How patients were involved in the creation of this article’

Committee members involved in this guideline included three lay members, who contributed to the formulation of the recommendations
summarised here.

Further information on the guidance

This guideline was commissioned with the aim to standardise the care of women in preterm labour and address the knowledge gap regarding
the management of preterm labour.

Guidelines into practice

• Audit the requests for diagnostic tests for preterm labour in women presenting with symptoms of preterm labour at ≥30 weeks of
pregnancy. Do you need to change your practice by instead treating all symptomatic women who are pregnant <30 weeks as they
were diagnosed for preterm labour?
• Audit the prescription of antibiotics for women with preterm prelabour rupture of membranes. Were all women offered antibiotic
prophylaxis (erythromycin 250 mg four times a day for a maximum of 10 days)?
• Audit the use of magnesium sulfate for women who are pregnant ≤24 weeks. For women at later gestation and in established preterm
labour or having a planned preterm birth within 24 hours, offer magnesium sulfate only if between 24+0 and 29+6 weeks pregnant;
consider its use if between 30 and 33+6 weeks pregnant.

This guidance was developed by the National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health in accordance with NICE guideline
development methods ( A
Guideline Development Group was established by the National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health, which incorporated
healthcare professionals (including obstetricians and gynaecologists, midwives, neonatal nurses, and neonatologists) and lay members.
The GDG identified relevant clinical questions, collected and appraised clinical evidence, and evaluated the cost effectiveness of proposed
interventions where possible. A network meta-analysis was undertaken to identify the clinical effectiveness of different types of treatments
for tocolysis which fitted the cost effectiveness analysis.
The draft guideline underwent a public consultation in which stakeholder organisations were invited to comment; the GDG then took all
comments into consideration when producing the final version of the guideline.
Four different versions of this guideline have been produced: a full version containing all the evidence, the process undertaken to develop
the recommendations, and all the recommendations; a care pathway; a version containing a list of all the recommendations, known as the
“Short guideline”; and a version for the public. All of these versions are available from the NICE website (
Updates of the guideline will be produced as part of NICE’s guideline development programme.

Future research
1. For women with a short cervix and a history of spontaneous preterm birth, how effective is prophylactic cervical cerclage alone
compared with prophylactic vaginal progesterone alone and with both strategies together, in preventing preterm birth?
2. What is the diagnostic accuracy of serial C reactive protein testing to identify chorioamnionitis in women with preterm prelabour
membrane rupture?
3. For women at risk of preterm birth, what is the clinical effectiveness of rescue cerclage?
4. What is the clinical effectiveness of a bolus plus infusion of magnesium sulfate compared with a bolus alone for preventing
neurodevelopmental injury in babies born preterm?

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