Innova Pressure Control BD Installation

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DR0391 - Vacuum Sensor Module Replacement

GE Medical Systems Direction 2360772-11-200 , Revision 1

DR0391 - Vacuum Sensor Module Replacement

1 Personnel Requirements

Required Persons Preliminary Reqs Procedure Finalization

1 Not Applicable 30 mins 30 mins

2 Preliminary Requirements
2.1 Tools and Test Equipment

Item Qty Effectivity Part# Manuf

Standard Field Engineering 1 - - -


2.2 Consumables
No consumables required.

2.3 Replacement Parts

Item Qty Effectivity Part# Manuf

Pressure Control Module 1 - 5160007 -

2.4 Safety



2.5 Required Conditions

No required conditions.

3 Procedure
3.1 Disassembly
1. Remove Gantry rear trim cover.
2. Disconnect data cable ( , Illustration 1 and Illustration 2 ) and remove it.

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System Renewal Parts and Disassembly / Reassembly Procedures
Copyright © 2007 by General Electric Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DR0391 - Vacuum Sensor Module Replacement
GE Medical Systems Direction 2360772-11-200 , Revision 1

Illustration 1: Old version

Illustration 2: New version

3. Disconnect ground cable and hose but do not remove them ( Illustration 1 and Illustration

2 ).
4. Remove the vacuum sensor module and door assy.
5. Unscrew the three screws securing the vacuum sensor module to the door and remove it.
3.2 Reassembly
1. Install the new Pressure Control Module to the door.
2. Re-install the door.

NOTE: Illustration 3 , Illustration 4 , Illustration 5 , Illustration 6 gives the pinouts of the cables:

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System Renewal Parts and Disassembly / Reassembly Procedures
Copyright © 2007 by General Electric Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DR0391 - Vacuum Sensor Module Replacement
GE Medical Systems Direction 2360772-11-200 , Revision 1

Illustration 3: LC2 Cable, 27588, P/N 514457-2

Illustration 4: LP1 Cable, 26963, P/N 5144452-2

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System Renewal Parts and Disassembly / Reassembly Procedures
Copyright © 2007 by General Electric Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DR0391 - Vacuum Sensor Module Replacement
GE Medical Systems Direction 2360772-11-200 , Revision 1

Illustration 5: LP2 Cable, 27017, P/N 5144454-2

Illustration 6: LP3 Cable, 27249, P/N 5145223-2

3. Reconnect ground cable and hose .

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System Renewal Parts and Disassembly / Reassembly Procedures
Copyright © 2007 by General Electric Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DR0391 - Vacuum Sensor Module Replacement
GE Medical Systems Direction 2360772-11-200 , Revision 1

Illustration 7:

4. Connect the data cable 27588 between J1 of Pressure Control Module and J212 of LC

Restpoint Board.

Illustration 8:

3.3 Adjustment of the “old” version Board

3.3.1 Factory setup values

The following procedure verifies factory setup values for the collision sensing system. When the system
is working correctly (without a collision), you will observe the following on the regulator assembly circuit

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System Renewal Parts and Disassembly / Reassembly Procedures
Copyright © 2007 by General Electric Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DR0391 - Vacuum Sensor Module Replacement
GE Medical Systems Direction 2360772-11-200 , Revision 1

• The Sensor Fail LED is not lit.

• The Level 1 OK and Level 2 OK LEDs are lit.
• Jumper JP1 is in the normal operating position (position A between pins 1 and 2).
• The 7-segment display reads 0.00 +/- 0.02” (0.00 +/- 0.051 cm) of H 2 O pressure.

NOTE: The 7-segment display always reads in inches of H 2 O pressure.

If the display does not read 0.00 +/- 0.02, remove the sealant from R19 and adjust it until the
reading is 0.00 +/- 0.02.
Depress switch S2 and verify that all numerical segments, the negative sign segment, and the
decimal point segment (on DS2), are lit.

Illustration 9: Pneumatic Collision Sensor Location

NOTE: The following steps verify correct collision sensor performance.

3.3.2 Collision Level 1 Setup

1. Apply pressure to the pneumatic collar.

2. Verify that the Level 1 OK LED turns off, the system audio signal sounds, and the status display

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System Renewal Parts and Disassembly / Reassembly Procedures
Copyright © 2007 by General Electric Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DR0391 - Vacuum Sensor Module Replacement
GE Medical Systems Direction 2360772-11-200 , Revision 1

flashes when the display reads 0.30 +/- 0.03. If Level 1 requires readjustment, do the following:
a. Place JP1 so that pins 2 & 3 are connected (position B).
b. Turn R5 fully counterclockwise.
c. Adjust R12 clockwise until DS5 comes on.
d. Adjust R12 counterclockwise until the 7-segment display reads 0.30 +/- 0.01” of H 2 O.
e. Slowly turn R5 clockwise until DS5 turns off again.
f. Go back to the beginning and check again Level 1.
3. Verify that the Level 1 OK light turns on, and that the system status display stops flashing when
the pressure decreases to 0.12 +/- 0.03” of H 2 O.
3.3.3 Collision Level 2 Setup

1. Apply pressure to the pneumatic collar.

2. Verify that the Level 2 OK light turns off, the system audio signal sounds, and the status display

flashes at 5.0 +/- 0.2” of H O readout on the 7-segment display. If Level 2 requires
readjustment, adjust pressure switch S0 until the Level 2 OK light turns off at 5.0 +/- 0.2” of H

2 O.
Illustration 10: Level 2 Adjustment

3. Verify that the Level 2 OK light turns on and the status display stops flashing when the pressure
decreases to 2.5 +/- 0.5” of H 2 O.
3.3.4 Verification of Settling Time

1. Apply more than 5.0” of H 2 O pressure to the pneumatic collar and quickly release.
2. Verify that the pressure readout returns to 0.00 +/- 0.02 within 30 seconds.
3.3.5 Sensor Fail LED Verification

1. Apply more than 5.0” of H 2 O pressure to the pneumatic collar and quickly release. .

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System Renewal Parts and Disassembly / Reassembly Procedures
Copyright © 2007 by General Electric Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DR0391 - Vacuum Sensor Module Replacement
GE Medical Systems Direction 2360772-11-200 , Revision 1

2. Verify that the Sensor Fail LED is lit and the Level 1 OK LED is not lit when negative pressure
causes the sensor fail circuit to momentarily trip
3.3.6 Leakage Test

1. Slowly drive the II pneumatic collar into the table top to create a stable collision of more than 5.00”
of H 2 O. The pressure reading on the display must not drop by more than 0.2” of H 2 O in 1
2. Gently move and flex the collar to tubing connection to verify the integrity of the connection.
3.3.7 Pressure Change Response

1. Verify that application of smoothly increasing and decreasing pressure to the pneumatic collar
results in a correspondingly smooth increase and decrease of displayed pressure.
2. Apply pressure to the pneumatic collar and verify that the pressure readout reaches or exceeds
10” of H 2 O.
3.4 Autotest of the “new” version Board
1. Power ON the system.
2. Check level 1 and level 2 collision detection at system level by pressing the bumper.
3. Remove J4 jumper and insert it on J6 to launch autotest.

Illustration 11:

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System Renewal Parts and Disassembly / Reassembly Procedures
Copyright © 2007 by General Electric Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DR0391 - Vacuum Sensor Module Replacement
GE Medical Systems Direction 2360772-11-200 , Revision 1

4. When pump starts, remove J6 jumper.

5. At the end of the test (this check takes approximately 3 minutes) check Leds status:

• DS4 and DS5 must be ON.

• DS3 and DS6 must be OFF.

NOTE: If DS3 blinks, there is a leakage in pneumatic circuit. Check the complet pneumatic circuit (Pressure
Control Module, bumper, hoses).

6. When test ok, re-install jumper between 2 and 3 of J4.

7. Re-install Gantry rear trim cover.

4 Finalization
No finalization steps.

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Copyright © 2007 by General Electric Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DR0391 - Vacuum Sensor Module Replacement
GE Medical Systems Direction 2360772-11-200 , Revision 1

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Innova 2100-IQ, 3100/3100-IQ, 4100/4100-IQ Cardiovascular Imaging

System Renewal Parts and Disassembly / Reassembly Procedures
Copyright © 2007 by General Electric Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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