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DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2017/23522.

Original Article

Role of Cross Sectional Imaging in

Radiology Section

Isolated Chest Wall Tuberculosis

Deb Kumar Boruah1, Shantiranjan Sanyal2, Barun K. Sharma3, Arjun Prakash4, Dhabal D. Dhingani5, Karobi Bora6

ABSTRACT guided sampling of the aspirate or surgery.

Introduction: Isolated chest wall tuberculosis though a rare entity, Results: Variable sites of involvement were seen in the chest
the incidence of it has been on rise among immunocompromised wall in our patients (n=21), with chest wall abscess formation
population making it an important challenging diagnosis for the being the most common presentation and rib being the most
physicians. Its clinical presentation may resemble pyogenic common bony site affected in the thoracic cage. Bony sclerosis
chest wall abscess or chest wall soft tissue tumour. Sometimes was noted in 11 patients (52.4%), periosteal reaction in 10
it is difficult to detect clinically or on plain radiograph. patients (47.6%) and sequestration in five patients (23.8%).
Aim: The present study was conducted with an aim to evaluate CT/MRI not only localized the exact site and extent of the
the common sites and varying appearances of isolated chest abscesses which facilitated guided aspirations, but also helped
wall tuberculosis. in detecting typical bony lesions thereby, differentiating from
pyogenic osteomyelitis besides ruling out associated pulmonary
Materials and Methods: A hospital based cross-sectional
or pleural involvement in such patients.
retrospective study was conducted in Assam Medical College
and Hospital, a tertiary care centre in North East India. The study Conclusion: Cross-sectional imaging plays an important role by
group comprise of 21 patients (n=15 male and n=6 females) with giving a wholesome picture of both soft tissue and bony pathology.
isolated chest wall tuberculosis without associated pulmonary It is important to have adequate understanding of the radiologic
or spinal involvement who were subjected to Computed manifestations of the chest wall involvement and complications of
Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CT/MRI) of the tuberculosis to facilitate diagnosis and in assessing response to
thorax following initial Ultrasonogram (USG) evaluation of the treatment on follow up in patients.
local site. Pathological correlation was done from imaging

Keywords: Actinomycosis, Cold abscess, Computed tomography, Sinus tract

Introduction individual always raises the possibility of a neoplastic process

There had been a considerable rise in the prevalence of like metastasis plasmacytoma or primary chondrosarcoma of
Tuberculosis (TB) in recent times, particularly among immune the chest wall. Calcification in chronic abscesses might mimic
compromised population in the South East Asian subcontinent. TB the mineralization in chondrosarcomas in atypical cases; hence
can be a great mimicker of several other pathologies particularly unfamiliarity with such pathologies and their imaging features will
in cases with only extra pulmonary sites involvement in immune delay in establishing the final diagnosis [7]. Chest wall tuberculosis
compromised hosts. Previous literature has reported presence of commonly presents with cold abscess [8] and non-healing sinus
only extra pulmonary TB in immune compromised population in up tract in chest wall, however with a lack of history of exposure and
to 30% cases [1]. presence of active TB in the chest, such isolated involvement of the
chest wall can be quite a diagnostic dilemma for the physicians and
TB of the chest wall is rare and can mimic several pathologies; hence,
radiologists. Sometimes due to indigenous herbal treatments, there
diagnosis can be a challenge to clinician and radiologist [2]. Primary
is occasional development of pustules or localized induration in the
infective pathologies of the chest wall are rare, though can be seen to
overlying skin in tubercular abscesses patients, which might be even
develop spontaneously in immuno compromised patients. Pyogenic
further misleading for the clinicians. The imaging manifestations of
osteomyelitis of the ribs or septic arthritis of the costoclavicular or
TB of chest wall on cross-sectional imaging and how imaging helps
sternoclavicular joints without any open wound trauma or as a part
in diagnosing such cases and differentiate from other pathologies
of post surgical complications is seen in intravenous drug addicts.
have been elaborated in this article. Cross-sectional imaging not
Chest wall granuloma or abscesses have been rarely associated in
just helps in evaluation of site of involvement and extension of the
infants with BCG vaccination [3]. Rarely peri-cardial tuberculoma
disease process but also provides some common pattern which
and tubercular abscesses of diaphragm may extend into chest wall
helps to recognize these cases.
and complicate to form abscesses [4,5].
The aim of this study was to evaluate the common sites and
Thoracic actinomycosis is another rare bacterial infection with
varying imaging appearances of isolated chest wall tuberculosis,
an indolent course, whose presenting manifestations with chest
thereby, trying to find a common pattern of imaging features if any
wall sinus tracts, abscesses can highly simulate tuberculosis [6].
and clues to differentiate it from other similar pathologies.
Furthermore, rarely invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised
hosts following cardiac or cancer surgery or organ transplantation
has been reported to involve chest wall and pleura with permeative Materials and Methods
osteolytic lesions in bony thorax. Phlegmonous soft tissue After approval from the institutional ethics review committee, a
component without a frank abscess and rib destruction in an adult hospital based cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted.

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Jan, Vol-11(1): TC01-TC06 1

Deb Kumar Boruah et al., Isolated Chest Wall Tuberculosis www.jcdr.net

The study group comprised of 21 patients presenting to the CT Scanner with intravenous iodinated contrast administration and
Departments of Radiodiagnosis, Surgery, Medicine, TB and Chest MRI scans were performed using Siemens Avanto 1.5 Tesla B15
in a tertiary care hospital from December 2010 to June 2016. machine. Pathological confirmation was obtained in all patients,
Patients with isolated chest wall tuberculosis including clavicle, after isolating tissue samples or aspirates using USG guided
sterno-clavicular joint and sternal lesions were included in this aspiration or surgical drainage.
study. Pulmonary and spinal TB were excluded from our study.
Imaging studies available included radiographs, USG and CT and Statistical analysis
MRI scans. Pathological confirmation was obtained in all cases During analysis of CT scan or MRI images, we identified location
(n-11 USG aspiration and n-10 surgical aspiration). Following USG and extension of lesion, pattern of bone destruction, associated
as the baseline investigation only CT scan were done in 14 patients, bony sclerosis, periosteal reaction, sequestrum formation, pre­
only MRI in four patients, both CT and MRI scans were done in sence of a soft tissue abscess, abnormal bony signal Intensity,
three patients. USG was done in Aplio -500 Toshiba Medical diffusion characteristics and pattern of post contrast enhancement.
Systems machine using linear 7.5-13 MHz probe. CT scans of The sites of affected thoracic cage were classified as anterior rib
thorax were performed using Siemens Somatom Spirit Dual Slice arc (including costo-chondral junction and costo-sternal junction),

CT scan MRI scan
soft tissue mass
Case Age/ Clinical Bony affection USG Pattern of
No sex presentation site findings Location of enhancement
BE PR SA RD Size of lesion lesion in
relation to rib
1 32/M Right upper Right 3rd, 4th EID,SP,TP + No - + + Medium size Both sides of rib Thick wall
back swelling and 5th ribs (MA)
2 35/M Sinus tracts in Right scapula EID,SP + + - - - Large size Both sides of rib Thick wall
right antero-lateral (glenoidal destruction)
chest and swelling
3 45/F Right upper Right 4th rib (AA) EID, SP + + - - - Small size Both sides Thick wall
chest swelling
4 13/F Right upper Right 5th rib(MA) EID, SP,TP + + - - - Medium size Both sides Thick wall
chest swelling
5 55/M Midline anterior Sternum EID + + + - - Medium size Outer to rib Thick wall
chest wall swelling (Manubrium and body)
6 20/M Bilateral post Right 11th, 12th - + No - + + Small size Both sides of rib Thick wall
chest wall swellings and left 11th ribs (PA)
7 23/F Left para-median Left 3rd rib (AA) - + No - - - Small size Outer to rib Phlegmonous
chest swelling
8 18/M Anterior chest Multiple sites (b/l clavicles, EID + + + + + Small size Both sides of rib Phlegmonous
wall swellings lt scapula, sternum
and bilateral ribs)
9 43/F Right lateral chest Right scapula inferior EID, SP + + - - - Small size Outer to rib Thick wall
wall swelling portion destruction
10 24/M Left supra-clavicular Left clavicle with EID, SP,TP + No - + + Small size Outer to rib Thick wall
swelling pathological fracture
11 56/M Left upper chest wall Left SCJ EID + No - + - Medium size Both sides of rib Phlegmonous
swelling and sinus tract
12 30/M Anterior chest Multiple sites (manubrium EID,SP + + + - - Medium size Both sides of rib Thick wall
wall swelling and body of sternum and
right sided multiple ribs)
13 28/M Non-healing sinus Right 5th rib (AA) - + No - - - Medium size Both sides of rib Smooth
tract in right anterior marginated
chest wall
14 12/F Left upper chest Left Clavicle with - + + + - - Small size Both sides of rib Phlegmonous
wall swelling pathological fracture
15 20/M Right lateral chest No bony involvement EID, SP, - No - - - Medium size Outer to rib Thick wall
wall swelling TP
16 10/M Right para-median Right sided EIB,SP,TP + No - + - Small size Both sides of rib Thick wall
chest wall swelling multiple ribs (AA)
17 36/M Left upper chest Left SCJ - + + + + + Small size Outer to rib Phlegmonous
wall swelling around
left sterno-calvicular
18 60/F Supra-sternal Right SCJ - + No - - - Small size Both sides of rib Smooth
swelling marginated
19 25/M Right breast swelling No bony EID, SP _ No - - - Medium size Outer to rib Thick wall
with swollen nipple involvement
20 35/M Bilateral posterior Right sided EID + + + - - Larger size Outer to rib Smooth
chest wall abscess lower ribs (PA) marginated
21 46/M Left para-median Left 5th rib - + - - - - Small size Both sides of rib Phlegmonous
chest wall swelling anterior end (AA)
[Table/Fig-1]: Showed clinico-radiological findings in 21 patients of isolated chest wall tuberculosis.
Echogenic internal Debris-EID, Septa –SP, Thickened underlying Pleura-TP, Bone Erosion-BE, Periosteal Reaction-PR, Sequestrum Formation-SeqF, Diffusion Weighted Images-DWI, Abscess/Inflammatory
soft tissue mass: small size(<5cm), medium size(5-10cm), large size (>10cm), Abnormal Signal Alteration-SA, DWI Restriction-RD, Anterior arc of rib-AA, Middle arc of rib-MA, Posterior arc of rib-PA, Sterno-
Clavicular Joint-SCJ.

2 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Jan, Vol-11(1): TC01-TC06

www.jcdr.net Deb Kumar Boruah et al., Isolated Chest Wall Tuberculosis

Cross Sectional Imaging findings Frequency

Predominant site of affection in chest wall Para-median anterior chest wall in four (19%) patients
Predominant site of bony involvement Isolated rib involvement in nine (42.8%) patients
Predominant pattern of bony involvement Bony sclerosis in 11 (52.4%) patients
Predominant size of the abscess <5 cm in 11 (52.4%) patients and 5-10 cm in eight (38.1%) patients
Predominant pattern of enhancement of the abscess wall Thicker irregular peripheral wall enhancement in 12 (57.1%) patients and phlegmonous
inflammatory mass in six (28.6%) patients
Percentage of patients showing associated pleural thickening on USG Five (23.8%) patients
Percentage of patients showing sinus tracts Three (14.3%) patients
Percentage of patients showing sequestrum formation Five (23.8%) patients
Percentage of patients with multiple bony site involvement Two (9.5%) patients (multiple sites imply more than one different bone involvement like
rib and sternum and not bilateral ribs involvement).
Percentage of diffusion restriction on MRI 5/7 (five patients out of seven patients who underwent MRI)

[Table/Fig-2]: Predominant findings in our results among 21 patients {summary of master chart [Table/Fig-1]}.

middle rib arc, posterior rib arc (including costo-vertebral joint). Discussion
MRI images identified location, extension and post contrast Chest wall tuberculosis has been reported to be 1% to 5% of
enhancement. The long axis of soft tissue abscess were measured all cases of musculoskeletal TB. However, chest wall tuberculosis
and classified as small if long axis was less than 5 cm, medium if represents between 1% to 2% of tuberculosis overall [9]. Chest
long axis was between 5 cm and 10 cm and large if long axis was wall tuberculosis can involve sternum, costo-chondral junctions,
more than 10 cm. rib shafts, costo-vertebral joints and the vertebrae. Tuberculosis
of the ribs constitutes 2% while sternum and sterno-clavicular
Results joints constitute about 1-2% of total cases of musculoskeletal TB
The demographic details, clinical presentation and imaging [10]. TB of rib lesions usually involves the mid-shaft of rib or the
features of these abscesses both on USG and CT/MRI have been para-sternal area [11]. Tatelman M and Drouillard EJ described the
enlisted in master chart [Table/Fig-1]. Further salient predominant frequency of isolated chest wall tuberculosis and found rib shaft
findings have been summarized in [Table/Fig-2]. involvement in 61% followed by the costo-vertebral joint in 35%
Majority of these abscesses extended on either side of the rib and costo-chondral junction in13% cases [12]. In our study as well,
[Table/Fig-2,3] and 71.4% showed diffusion restriction on MRI we found maximum number of cases with isolated involvement of
[Table/Fig-2,4]. ribs 42.8% and commonly the anterior arc of ribs. Diagnosis of
isolated chest wall tuberculosis in most of the cases is demanding
Chronic discharging sinuses were found only in three (14.3%) because the lesions simulate pyogenic abscess or tumour and
patients [Table/Fig-2,5]. Bony involvement was noted in 90.5% of do not respond to conventional therapeutic interventions [13,14].
patients, isolated rib involvement (42.8%) was the most predo­ Chest wall tuberculosis was most frequently noted at the margins
minant site of affection and bony sclerosis (52.4%) was the most of sternum and along the rib shafts [15]. Even in more than 50%
dominant feature [Table/Fig-2,6]. of rib TB lesions rib destruction may not be seen [8]. Lee G et al.,
USG showed pleural thickening in 23.8% of abscesses [Table/ reported rib destruction in 69% of the cases of rib tuberculosis
Fig-2,7] and USG guided aspiration was done from nine of these [16], on CT scan in their study with associated soft tissue mass,
cases and surgical drainage or rib resection for the rest. In six out osteolytic lesion in affected bones of rib cage, sequestrum and
of the nine aspirates, Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) could be isolated from sinus tract formation suggesting chest wall tuberculosis.
culture but the remainder of the patients subsequently went to According to Wiebe ER, isolated chest wall tuberculosis might
have a positive result following biopsy of excised sinus tract, ribs occur either by hematogenous dissemination associated with
and culture of subsequent aspirates. activation of a dormant tuberculous focus or direct extension
Eleven patients (52.8%) were treated with only Anti-Tubercular from a caseous lymph node of chest wall [17]. However, Burke
Therapy (ATT) and rest of the 10 patients were (47.6%) treated with HE on the other hand postulated local/widespread pleuritis as
ATT with subsequent surgical drainage of chest wall abscesses or the initial lesion for formation of chest wall abscesses. He opined
inflammatory mass. that tubercular bacilli first of all spread from a local pleuritis to

[Table/Fig-3]: A 20-year-old male patient with right anterior lateral chest wall swelling. Axial post contrast CT: a) Lung window; b) Images showed thicker peripherally enhancing
abscess (block arrow in image a) in right antero-lateral chest wall located external as well as internal to the rib.

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Jan, Vol-11(1): TC01-TC06 3

Deb Kumar Boruah et al., Isolated Chest Wall Tuberculosis www.jcdr.net

[Table/Fig-4]: A 10-year-old male patient had right chest wall swelling. Axial post contrast CT: a) Showed thick peripherally enhancing septated abscesses in right chest anterior
wall (arrow), MRI scan with fat suppressed axial T2W image; b) Showed abnormal hyperintense signal intensities in right para-median anterior chest wall around the affected right
costo-chondral junctions. Diffusion weighted image; c) Showed restriction in the lesion (block arrow).

[Table/Fig-5]: A 28-year-old male presented with multiple chronic non-healing sinus tracts in right lower chest wall (block arrow in patient photograph in image a) Axial post
contrast image; b) Showed right anterior chest wall abscess and sinus tract formation external to the rib (arrow).

[Table/Fig-6]: A 46-year-old male patient had left para-median chest wall swelling. Axial CT scan images of bony algorithm: a) Post contrast; b) Images showed irregular
destruction of anterior end of left fifth rib with destruction of both inner and outer cortices {arrow in [Table/Fig-6a]}.

locoregional nodes following which caseous material invades to frequent, and rarely as sclerosis [20]. We found isolated involvement
chest wall layers from the para sternal or intercostals lymph nodes of sternum in only one patient and as part of sternocla­vicular
[18]. However, in present study we did not see any radiological joint involvement in other three of our patients. In the literature
evidence of any accompanying pleuritis at the time of involvement rib tuberculosis have been described as rib erosions and des­
of chest wall. Chest wall abscesses sometimes invade into liver truction with adjacent abscess formation in plain radiograph
across diaphragm and in such situation patient may initially present and CT scan [15,21]. Erosions of the cortex were found to be
with liver abscesses with silent chest wall lesion. These secondary more frequent feature (65%) of bony involvement in our cases,
liver abscesses formed from an extension of chest wall abscesses far more than sequestration and sclerosis. MRI shows marrow
are difficult to differentiate from uncommon primary liver abscesses changes in the sternum, clavicle and rib as hypointense signal
of tubercular origin. Cross-sectional imaging is of great value in on T1WI and hyperintense signals on T2WI and fat suppressed
differentiating such primary lesions from further complications or sequences [10]. No particular pattern of this bone marrow edema
secondary extensions of chest wall abscesses [19]. was demonstrated in our cases and the distribution was close
Radiographic and CT scan findings of tuberculous sternal oste­ to the site of erosion of the cortex and abscess. No evidence of
omyelitis have been reported as bone loss, which is relati­vely any intramedullary abscess was seen in any of the cases unlike in

4 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Jan, Vol-11(1): TC01-TC06

www.jcdr.net Deb Kumar Boruah et al., Isolated Chest Wall Tuberculosis

[Table/Fig-7]: A 13-year-old female patient presented with right upper chest wall swelling. USG image a) Showed hypoechoic collection in right antero-lateral chest wall with
internal echo-debris and thickened pleura (block arrow). Axial post contrast CT; b) Image showed thick peripherally enhancing loculated abscess in right chest wall both external
and internal to ribs with extra-pleural extension (arrow).

pyogenic osteomyelitis. Post gadolinium MRI images clearly depict ultrasound-mediated anti tubercular drug delivery for the treatment
clear extension of surrounding chest wall abscess. Abscess with of chest wall tuberculosis. Its outcome was superior to rationalized
thicker peripheral rim enhancement was the predominant feature oral ATT [27].
seen, as part of soft tissue involvement and was found in 12 (57.1%)
patients while phlegmonous inflammatory mass was found in six Limitation
(28.6%) patients [Table/Fig-2]. Such chest wall abscesses with Descriptive study including only 21 patients without any control
necrotic centers and rib erosions can also be found in cases of population which preclude assessment of actual specificity and
actinomycosis in immunocompromised patients, however, chest accuracy of these imaging modalities.
wall actinomycosis cases have always been reported in asso­
ciation with pulmonary and mediastinal disease. Thus, chest wall Conclusion
actinomycosis though rare is always preceded by pulmonary, neck Considering the rising trend of fulminant extra-pulmonary
or mediastinal involvement [22]. tuberculosis in immune compromised patients with variable
Similar imaging features are also occasionally produced by invasive presentation in partially treated cases, it is important to have
bronchogenic cancer with central necrotic areas simulating adequate recognition and understanding of the radiologic
abscesses as a response to chemo radiotherapy, however an manifestations of the chest wall involvement and complications
appropriate history and comparative evaluation with prior imaging of TB to facilitate diagnosis. Though CT definitely had a better
usually resolves such dilemma. We did not find the presence of gas sensitivity in detecting subtle and small areas of cortical erosions,
in any of abscess but this can be found in cases with secondary defining the abscess extent, MRI did not provide any added
bacterial infection and complicated by pleural, pulmonary or diagnostic information. USG had a reasonable good pick up rate
bronchial fistulas, hence absence of gas within the abscess cavity in detecting such collections in chest wall and even detecting
cannot be considered as a specific feature for cold abscesses of bony erosions. From isolated breast abscesses to isolated sterna
chest wall tuberculosis. involvement we have found a wide range of imaging presentation
As per Kim HY et al., tuberculosis of the chest wall may or may not in our cases, hence knowledge of the full spectrum of the chest
be characterized by bone or costal cartilage destruction and soft wall TB is important to raise the suspicion in appropriate clinical
tissue masses demonstrating calcification or rim enhancement settings as imaging features are largely nonspecific.
with or without evidence of underlying lung or pleural disease
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1. Assistant Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh, Assam, India.
2. Consultant Radiologist, Department of Radiology, Airedale General Hospital, Keighley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom.
3. Associate Professor, Department of Radiology, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, Gangtok, Sikkim, India.
4. Postgraduate Student, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh, Assam, India.
5. Postgraduate Student, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh, Assam, India.
6. Postgraduate Student, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh, Assam, India.


Dr. Deb Kumar Boruah,
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh-786002, Assam, India. Date of Submission: Aug 12, 2016
E-mail: [email protected] Date of Peer Review: Sep 05, 2016
Date of Acceptance: Nov 08, 2016
Financial OR OTHER COMPETING INTERESTS: None. Date of Publishing: Jan 01, 2017

6 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Jan, Vol-11(1): TC01-TC06

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