978-615-5169-15-1 Physiology Anatomy PDF
978-615-5169-15-1 Physiology Anatomy PDF
978-615-5169-15-1 Physiology Anatomy PDF
Table of Contents Body Temperature, Heat Production & Heat Loss 214
The Counter-Current Exchanger in the Medually Blood Supply 217
Cell structure 4 White Blood Cells & Defense of the Body 225
Cellular Mechanisms of Hormone Action 11 Filtration & Reabsortion in the Capillaries 228
DNA Expression & Protein Synthesis 18 Hypoxia233
Fertilization of the Ovum 24 Functions of Proximal Tubule 239
Food Intake, Energy Balance, Obesty and Starvation 33 Water Conservation & Antidiuretic Hormone 254
Digestion in the Mouth: Chewing, Saliva, and Swallowing 39 Renal Regulation of Acid-Base Balance 259
Metabolic Physiology of Carbohydrates 40 Defects of Insulin D Deficiency: Diabetes 264
Ionic Basis for Threshold, All-or-None Response and Refractory Period 52 Digestive Disorders and Diseases 292
Intracellular Calcium Triggers Contraction 59 Organization & Functions of the Digestive System 297
Transport of CO2, H+ and O262 Absorption in the Small Intestine 307
Capillary Structure and Solute Diffusion 69 Function of the Large Intestine 309
Synaptic Transmission 73 Neural Regulation of Digestion 312
Summation of Contraction & Muscle Fiber Recruitment 77 Neural Regulation of Blood Sugar 318
Receptors and Sensory Transduction 79 Physiology of Cholesterol and Lipoproteins 325
Reflexes81 Brain Metabolism & Brain Function 335
Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Cardiac Muscle 84 Basal Ganglia & Cerebellum in Motor Control 349
Neurotransmitters and Receptions 86 Biogenic Amines, Behavioral Functions & Mental Disorders 354
Relationship of Muscle Tension to Length 88 Growth Hormone: Metabolic and Growth Effects 359
The Structure of Skeletal Muscle 93 Hypothalamus & Anterior Pituitary 362
Cross Bridges & Sliding Filaments 114 Hormonal Regulation of Digestive Activities 369
Smooth Muscle 117 Physiology of Pain 375
Functional Organization of the Nervous System 122 Regulation of Body Temperature 399
Diffusion of O2 and CO2 in the Lung 131 The Adrenal Cortex: Cortisol and Stress 408
Baroreceptor Reflexes & Control of Blood Pressure 140 Physiology od Semen & Sperm Delivery 424
Arterial Pressure and its Measurement 152
The Physics of Blood Flow 156
Action Potentials of the Heart 159
Local & Systemic Control of Small Blood Vessels 183
Neural Control of the Heart 191
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Lymphocytes and Acquired Immunity 198
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Lung Volumes and Ventilation 210 If you do not have the money pay what you can, and if you cannot pay anything please pay the cosmos back with good deeds to others. Pass on the
good karma by being good to others and helping them the way I am helping you. Pass it on.
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These three statements express the "cell doctrine," an insight that has been accepted for over 100 years.
It implies that those parts of our body that live - that eat, breathe, move about, and reproduce - do so only
through the cells that make up about two-thirds of our body weight. If physiology seeks to discover how
living things work, it must ultimately express the explanations in terms of cellular activities.
In the past, a good deal of physiology was developed by concentrating on cell environments: the fluid that
makes up blood plasma and the fluid that surrounds cells. It was found that human cells survive only in
highly specialized environments where the relative proportions of minerals, water, nutrients, and other
constituents remain within narrow limits. As a result, interpretations often focused on how the body's
organs protect the cellular environment from change. This concept has been extraordinarily fruitful for both
physiologists and clinicians, and we shall apply it repeatedly in this book. However, physiology is in
transition. Modern technology has given us access to the interior of living cells allowing measurements
and experiments that could hardly be dreamt of a generation ago. Today research is moving away from its
former preoccupation with cellular environments and beginning a concentrated assault on processes
occurring within the cell itself. In a way, we are no longer on the outside looking in.
Cells come in different sizes, shapes, and internal structures. Liver cells differ from brain cells, which differ
from blood cells. All cells contain "miniorgans" called organelles, each specialized to perform a function.
Although the cell portrayed in the plate cannot represent all cells of the body, it does contain the following
structures and organelles that commonly occur in most.
Cell (plasma) membrane. This outer boundary of the cell consists of a thin (4-5 nm), continuous sheet of
fatty (lipid) molecules in which protein is embedded. Some of these proteins provide pathways for
transport and regulate the flow of materials into and out of the cell. Other proteins serve as receptors for
chemical signals coming from other cells.
Nucleus. The most prominent cellular organelle, the nucleus contains genetic material: genes, DNA, and
chromosomes. By expressing information stored in genes, it directs everyday cell life and reproduction.
The nucleus contains a smaller body, the nucleolus, that consists of densely packed chromosome regions
together with some protein and some RNA strands. The nucleolus initiates the formation of ribosomes,
structures that are required for protein synthesis. The nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane that is
riddled with pores involved in transporting materials between the nucleus and the rest of the cell.
Cytoplasm. Occupying the space between the nucleus and the plasma membrane, the cytoplasm contains
membranebound organelles, ribosomes for synthesizing cytoplasmic proteins, and a complex network of
filaments and tubules called the cytoskeleton (see below). The fluid portion of the cytoplasm in between
these structures, the cytosol, contains many protein enzymes (catalysts used in cellular chemistry).
Mitochondria. These "power houses" of the cell are the sites where chemical energy contained within
nutrients is trapped and stored through the formation of ATP molecules. ATP, in turn, serves as an energy
"currency" to carry out cellular work, supplying the energy required for movement, secretion, and
synthesis of complex structures.
Endoplasmic reticulum. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a network of tubes and flattened sacs, formed
by membranes, that is distributed throughout the cytoplasm. Some ER (rough ER) has a granular
appearance because of attached ribosome particles. These are sites for synthesis of proteins destined for
organelles, for cell membrane components or for secretion to the cell exterior (e.g., hormones). Smooth
ER lacks attached ribosomes. It is commonly involved in lipid metabolism, but it can also serve in
detoxification of drugs and deactivation of steroid hormones. In muscle cells, smooth ER (called
sarcoplasmic reticulum) sequesters large amounts of calcium, which are used to trigger muscular
Golgi apparatus. Sets of smooth membranes that form flattened, fluid-filled sacs that are stacked like
pancakes, the Golgi apparatus is involved in modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins for delivery to
other organelles or for secretion out of the cell. Numerous membrane-bound vesicles are frequently found
around the Golgi apparatus. They probably carry material between the Golgi and other organelles of the
cell (e.g., receiving protein-laden vesicles from the rough ER or delivering other vesicles to the plasma
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Endo- and Exocytotic vesicles. These membrane-enclosed vesicles traveling from (and to) the plasma
membrane are important carriers for protein delivery into (or out of) the cell. Exocytosis (secretion)
involves an actual fusion of the vesicular membrane with the plasma membrane, enabling vesicle contents
to be expelled (secreted) outside the cell. In endocytosis (pinocytosis, phagocytosis) the reverse occurs:
the plasma membrane infolds and engulfs extracellular material; then a membrane-bound vesicle
(containing the material and surrounding fluid) buds off and is incorporated into the cell.
Lysosomes. These membrane-bound vesicles contain enzymes capable of digesting natural particles,
damaged organelles, and bacteria brought into the cell via endocytosis.
Cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton consists of arrays of protein filaments that form networks within the
cytosol, giving the cell its shape. These filaments also provide a basis for movement of both the entire cell
and its components (e.g., organelles). They are the "bones and muscles" of the cell. The cytoskeleton
appears to be organized from a region near the nucleus containing a pair of centrioles (which are
particularly important during cell division). The three major type of cytoskeleton filaments are microtubules
(25 nm diameter), actin filaments (7 nm - shown on next plate), and intermediate filaments (10 nm - shown
next plate).
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Although there are many different kinds of human cells, they can be classified into four broad types: (1) muscle cells, specialized
for generation of mechanical force and movement; (2) nerve cells, specialized for rapid communication; (3) connecting and
supporting tissue cells, including blood and lymph; and (4) epithelial cells for protection, selective secretion, and absorption. This
plate focuses on epithelial cells to illustrate how groups of these cells adhere to one another to form tissues and how specialized
structures (in this case, cell junctions, microvilli, and cilia) support special functions. Other cell types are taken up in more detail
in the context of specific organs.
Epithelial cells adhere to one another, often forming layered sheets with very little space between cells. They are found at surfaces
that cover the body or that line the walls of tubular or hollow structures. Thus, epithelial cells are found in the skin, kidney,
glands, and linings of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, bladder, and blood vessels. Sheets of them often form the boundaries
between different body compartments, where they regulate exchange of molecules between compartments. Virtually all
substances that enter or leave the body must cross at least one epithelial layer. For example, the small intestine forms a hollow
cylinder whose interior lining is populated by several types of epithelial cells. Some secrete digestive enzymes, others absorb
nutrients, still others secrete a protective mucus. In each case, the epithelial cells are called upon to transport materials in one
direction only: either from blood vessels (embedded within the intestinal walls) to the hollow interior (lumen) of the cylinder in
the case of secretion, or from lumen to blood in the case of absorption. Thus, the cell must have a "sense of direction"; it must
"know" the difference between the lumen side and the blood side. The cell cannot be completely symmetrical, and its asymmetry
in function is reflected in an asymmetrical structure.
Structural asymmetry, revealed by both cell shape and organelle position, is probably established and maintained by an elaborate
cytoskeleton. In addition, there are striking differences in the plasma membranes located at various sides of the cell. We identify
three different surfaces of epithelial cells: (1) The apical or mucosal surface faces the outside environment or the lumen of a
particular organ. (2) The basal surface is on the opposite side, the side that lies closest to the blood vessels. (3) The lateral sides
face neighboring epithelial cells. Each of these membrane surfaces contains different proteins and structures required for normal
The lateral surfaces of epithelial cells must adhere to one another to maintain their sheetlike structure and to provide tight seals
between adjacent cells so that fluids and other substances cannot leak between them. If substances do move across the epithelial
layer, it is generally because they are selectively recognized and transported by the cells themselves. Discrete structures called
desmosomes provide a major source of this adhesion. They lie close to, or within, the membrane and bind the cells together where
they come in contact. Other specialized contact sites (tight junctions) are
used to plug potential leaks; still others (gap junctions) are used for cell-to-cell communication. Collectively, these contact sites
are called cell junctions.
Desmosomes are regions of tight adhesion between cells that give the tissue a structural integrity. They are concentrated in tissues
like skin, which are subjected to mechanical stress. At a desmosome, there is a small extracellular space between the two cell
membranes that is filled with a fine filamentous material that probably cements the two cells together. There are two types of
desmosomes: belt desmosomes (continuous zones of attachment that encircle the cell) and spot desmosomes (more localized
attachments to small regions of contact, often compared to "spot welds").
Tight junctions form very close contacts between neighboring cells, leaving virtually no space between. These junctions extend
around the entire circumference of the cell, providing a tight seal that prevents leakage of fluids and materials.
Gap junctions are specialized for communication between adjacent cells. They consist of an array of six cylindrical protein
subunits that spans the plasma membrane and reaches out a short distance into the extracellular space. The subunits are bunched
together with their long axes parallel to one another in a manner that forms an open space or channel about 1.5 nm wide running
the entire length of the array. These channels act as pores that tunnel through the membrane, but the tunnels do not empty into the
extracellular space. Instead, each array attaches to a similar array in an adjacent cell, forming a tunnel of double the length with
the entrance in one cell and the exit in the adjacent cell. These tunnels are wide enough to allow small solutes and common ions to
pass. Thus, the junctions provide for passage of electrical and chemical signals between cells, allowing them to function in unison.
Under certain circumstances (e.g., a rise in intracellular Ca++), the central channel closes, isolating the involved cell from others.
The most common type of cell junction, gap junctions are particularly important in coordinating heart, smooth muscle, and
epithelial cell activities.
Microvilli are small, fingerlike projections found on the apical surface of epithelial cells. They are most abundant in tissues that
primarily transport molecules across the epithelial sheet. Microvilli are advantageous because they greatly increase the surface
area available for transport (e.g., by a factor of 25 in the intestine). Actin filaments, anchored at their base in the terminal web of
fibers and running the entire length of the microvilli, are believed to provide support for their upright position.
Cilia are very long projections from the apical surface that are involved in transporting material along (i.e., tangential to) the
epithelial surface rather than through it. They are abundant in the respiratory tract, oviducts, and uterus. They function by
"beating" (i.e., by whiplike movements that mechanically propel fluids and particles on the cellular surface in the direction of a
rapid forward stroke). An array of microtubules that runs the length of each cilium mediates these motions.
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DNA EXPRESSION & PROTEIN SYNTHESIS where its amino acid will be utilized at the appropriate position as it detaches from the tRNA and
DNA Expression & Protein Synthesis
To understand how DNA directs the cell, we begin by observing that such activities as growth,
links to the emerging protein chain.
Given this scenario, two problems arise. The first is transcription: how are DNA blueprints
reproduction, secretion, and motility are all derivea in the final analysis from chemical reactions. copied onto RNA? The second is translation: how is the code utilized so that amino acids are
Of the large numbers of products that theoretically could be formed from chemicals used by the always linked to the protein in the proper sequence? Answers to both questions are based on
cell, only a few appear to be produced within the cell. These products are "selected" by the action RNA's close resemblance to DNA. They differ in that 1. they have slightly different sugars
of substances called enzymes, catalysts that speed specific reactions. Left by themselves, most of (deoxyribose and ribose); 2. RNA is usually single-stranded, containing only one leg of the
the plausible reactions proceed too slowly to be significant. The presence of a specific enzyme ladder together with nitrogenous bases forming half "rungs" along its length; and 3. like DNA,
"turns on" a specific reaction simply by speeding it. In this way, enzymes control chemical RNA contains A, G, and C, but T is replaced by a very similar molecule, uracil (U). Thus, RNA
reactions and cellular activities. But what controls the enzymes? They are made of protein and is a similar "4 alphabet" molecule with letters A, G, C, and U. All RNA, but in particular mRNA,
are synthesized within each cell. It follows that whatever controls protein synthesis controls is formed from DNA in the same way that DNA makes more DNA. The double-stranded DNA
which enzymes are present and therefore controls the cell. DNA plays its dominant role because "unzips" a bit, and one of the legs serves as a template for RNA construction. As in DNA
it contains detailed plans for each protein that is synthesized. This determines the growth and synthesis, the sequence of bases in RNA is complementary to the sequence in the DNA template
development of individual cells, of tissues, and of the entire organism. that formed it. A piece of DNA with sequence AGATCTTGT, for example, will make a piece of
Proteins are giant molecules constructed by linking large numbers of amino acids, end to end, by RNA with sequence UCUAGAACA. Each base triple (3 letters) in mRNA is called a codon. The
special chemical bonds (peptide bonds) so that they form a chain. There are only 20 different transcription problem is solved by constructing a strand of RNA, which does not duplicate the
kinds of amino acids in proteins, and because proteins often contain hundreds of them, the same base sequence of the original DNA, but rather contains the complementary base sequence as a
kind of amino acid must appear in more than one position along the chain. We can compare codon.
amino acids with letters of the alphabet and protein molecules with huge words. Just as the word RNA molecules are shaped something like a cloverleaf. The stem contains the attachment site for
is determined by the precise sequence of letters, so is the protein (and its properties) determined the amino acid, and the loop contains a specific set of three bases (called an anticodon), which are
by the sequence (placement) of amino acids along the chain. It follows that if DNA contains the the code for the amino acid that will become attached. Because the mRNA codons contain the
"blueprints" for protein construction it must contain the amino acid sequence of that protein. But complementary bases to the DNA and hence to the amino acid code, it follows the mRNA and
how? tRNA have complementary sets of bases and that they will easily form loose H bonds. The tRNA
DNA (plate 3) is also made of large numbers of building blocks, the nitrogenous bases, and the simply lines up along the mRNA sites as illustrated so that the amino acids are now in proper
properties of the DNA molecule are determined by the sequential placement of these bases as sequence and can be linked by peptide bonds. Actually, the ribosome moves along the mRNA
"rungs" in the ladderlike chain structure. Each DNA is also like a huge word with the bases strand and, as illustrated, handles only 2 amino acids at a time. After the peptide bond is formed
representing letters of the alphabet. However, although proteins are based on a 20 letter between the 2 amino acids, the tRNA that has resided longest on the ribosome detaches. The
"alphabet" (20 amino acids), DNA has only 4 bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and ribosome then moves toward a new codon (to the right in the illustration), leaving a vacant
thymine (T). Somehow the sequence of just 4 different kinds of bases along the DNA ladder position for the next tRNA (and amino acid) with the complementary anticodon to attach. In this
provides a code for the placement of 20 different kinds of amino acids in a protein chain. There way, the protein chain grows until the final 1 or 2 codons on the mRNA signal the end. Following
cannot be a one-to-one correspondence of the letters in the two alphabets, for if each base this translation process, proteins are often modified by folding, shortening, or adding
corresponded to a single amino acid, then DNA would be able to code only for proteins carbohydrates, a process called postranslational modification.
containing at most 4 different amino acids. Instead, a sequence of 3 bases is used to code for each
amino acid. For example, when the bases C, C, G occur one right after the other in the DNA
ladder, it is a code for the amino acid glycine; the sequence A, G, T, codes for the amino acid
serine. The sequence C, C, G, A, G, T is a signal for part of a protein where serine follows
glycine. By using bases 3 at a time, it is possible to form 64 unique combinations (e.g., AAA,
AAG,. . . CCA, CTC,. . . GGA,. . . TTC,. . . etc.), far more than necessary to code for 20 amino
How do cells actually translate the code and build proteins? DNA always remains within the
nucleus, yet proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm. A first step is to make a copy of the
"blueprints" and transport it into the cytoplasm, a process called transcription. The transcript
(copy) of this genetic code is a molecule called messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), which
moves to the cytoplasm, where it associates with particles called ribosomes, the assembly sites
for new proteins. Meanwhile other RNA molecules, tRNA (transfer ribonucleic acid), pick up
loose amino acids in the cytoplasm that have been activated (energized) in preparation for use.
Each tRNA molecule, with a single specific amino acid attached, migrates to the ribosomes,
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No cell lives forever. With a few exceptions (notably nerve and muscle cells), the cells of your body are not the same ones that
were present just a few years ago. "Old" cells apparently wear out, die, and are continually replaced by new ones. On average,
intestinal cells live for only 36 hours, white blood cells for 2 days, and red blood cells for 4 months; brain cells may live for 60
years or more. Growth also requires the production of new cells. As cell size increases, cells become less efficient because
distances from the plasma membrane to the more central portions of the cell also increase, making the transport of such essentials
as 02 into and C02 out of the cell more difficult. These difficulties do not arise because growth occurs primarily by increasing the
number of cells rather than increasing the mass of individual cells.
CELL DIVISION. In cell division one parent cell divides into two daughter cells to create new cells. Although some
characteristics (e.g., weight) of the daughters may be different from the parent, they are identical in the most important way: they
both carry the same fundamental set of genetic instructions that govern their activities and reproduction. This instruction set, the
genetic code, is provided by the detailed structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules that are packaged within the cell
nucleus. Replication of these molecules and their distribution to each daughter cell ensures the continuity of cell characteristics
with each division.
Processes involved in cell division take place in three phases. 1. During interphase, the cell increases in mass by synthesizing a
diversity of molecules, including an exact copy of its DNA. That portion of interphase in which DNA synthesis takes place is
called the S period; it is preceded and followed by two "gap" periods called G, and G2 respectively (see illustration). During the S
period, the centrioles also duplicate.
2. Following G2, the cell enters mitosis, a stage in which the replicate sets of DNA are bundled off to opposite ends of the cell in
preparation for the final stages in which the cell splits in two (follow the diagrams in the plate for details). Mitosis begins when
DNA molecules, which had been unwound during interphase, become highly coiled and condense into rod-shaped bodies known
as chromosomes. At this stage, each chromosome is split longitudinally into two identical halves called chromatids. Each
chromatid contains a copy of the duplicated DNA along with some protein that provides a scaffold for the long DNA molecules
and helps regulate DNA activity. Meanwhile, the nuclear envelope begins to degenerate, and, outside the nucleus, centrioles
migrate to opposite ends of the cell to form an elaborate structure of microtubules called a spindle. Each chromosome, attached to
these microtubules, lines up at the cell's equator in such a way that its two chromatids are attached to microtubules leading to
opposite ends of the cell. The microtubules then pull on the chromatids, moving a complete set to opposite parts of the cell.
Finally, the chromatids at both ends of the cell begin to unwind and become indistinct while a new nuclear envelope forms around
each of the two sets of chromatids. 3. Cytokinesis is the final stage. Cytoplasm division takes place as a
furrow develops, becoming deeper and deeper until the original cell is pinched in two, and the daughter nuclei, formed during
mitosis, are enclosed in separate cells. At this point, the daughter cells enter the G, stage of interphase, completing the cycle.
DNA REPLICATION. If DNA is the heredity material, two important questions arise. First, how is DNA replicated so that it can
be passed undiluted from generation to generation? Second, how does DNA carry the information needed for directing cellular
activities? Answers to both questions require information about the chemical structure of DNA.
A DNA molecule contains 2 extremely long "backbone" chains made of many 5-carbon sugars (deoxyriboses) connected, end on
end, via a phosphate linkage (i.e., . . . sugarphosphate-sugar-phosphate ... ). Like the legs of a ladder, these backbone chains run
parallel to one another. They are connected at regular intervals by nitrogenous bases, which form the "rungs" of the ladder. It
takes two bases to span the distance between the legs; the two are connected in the center of the span by weak chemical bonds,
hydrogen bonds. Finally, the legs of the ladder are twisted into a helical structure, making one complete turn of the helix for every
ten "rungs" of the ladder.
The particular bases that form the rungs and their relative placement within the ladder structure are the key to our problems. Only
four different base species form DNA; adenine (abbreviated as A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Formation of each
ladder rung requires two of these, but not any two. The two bases, like pieces in a jig-saw puzzle, must have the proper size and
shape and must be able to interlock (form hydrogen bonds) within a given constellation. Examination of DNA structure shows
that rungs can be formed by a combination of A with T (A-T) or G with C (G-C), but all other possible combinations, like A-A,
A-C, or G-T, will not work. A-T and G-C are called complementary base pairs.
Imagine that you and another person eack take hold of one leg of the ladder and pull. It will come apart at the seams (i.e., at the
ctner of the rungs where the complementary base pairs are held together by relatively weak hydrogen bonds). You each take one
strand (half of the structure) consisting of one long leg with single bases attached and, separately, you both begin to reconstruct
the missing half. The missing leg is no problem; it is always the same string of deoxyribose and phosphate. But the bases are also
prescribed: to every A on the single strand, you attach a T, to every T, an A, to every G, a C, and to every C, a G. You have
reconstructed an exact replica of the original DNA, and so has your partner. There are now copies of the original; precise
replication has been accomplished. A similar process takes place within the cell; only here the strands are separated bit by bit, and
synthesis of new DNA follows closely behind in the wake of the separation, aided by the action of special enzymes, DNA
A discussion of our second problem, how DNA carries the hereditary material, is taken up in plate 4.
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FERTILIZATION OF THE OVUM Within the female, sperm can survive up to three to four days, especially those stored in the cervical mucosa and
YOUNG EMBRYO. The individual consists of different cells and tissues, but the zygote, the precursor of the All cells use ATP to fuel their reactions and perform work (plate 5). The concentration of ATP within most cells is generally
individual, is a single and simple cell. Thus, the zygote must proliferate to increase the number of cells, and the around 5 mM; it is kept at this steady state level because new ATP is synthesized as fast as it is utilized. Muscle cells present a
cells must differentiate to form the different cell types and tissues. These events constitute the early stages of special case because they are called upon for both sudden bursts and long, sustained periods of intense activity. During endurance
exercise, a muscle may utilize a hundred to a thousand times as much ATP as it does during rest. Somehow the supply has to
embryonic development. Cell proliferation is the first event observed. This is accomplished by several mitotic adjust and meet these enormous demands. ATP (as shown in the upper panel) is supplied via three separate sources: creative
divisions, taking the zygote up to the stage of morula (berry), when the young embryo becomes a ball of cells. phosphate (2), the glycolysis-lactic acid system (4), and aerobic metabolism or oxidative phosphorylation (3).
Throughout the early stages of division (cleavage), the cells maintain a uniform appearance. As the dividing THE HIGH-ENERGY PHOSPHATE SYSTEM. The amount of ATP present in muscle cells at any given moment is small. By
cells utilize the cytoplasmic stores of the zygote, they become increasingly smaller. On the whole, no growth itself, it is barely enough to sustain 5-6 seconds of intense activity, say a 50-m dash. But as ATP is utilized, it is quickly
occurs, and the morula is as large as the zygote was. The zona pellucida is also maintained. During cleavage, the replenished by the small reserve of energy stored as creative phosphate. Creative phosphate very rapidly donates its highenergy
young embryo is propelled down the uterine tube toward the uterus by the action of the cilia of the mucosal phosphate to ADP the moment ADP forms, converting it back to ATP. This extra source of ATP is easily mobilized and is very
lining and by the contractions of the oviduct. It takes about four days to traverse the uterine tube; by this time, effective as long as it lasts. Unfortunately, this is limited because the store of creative phosphate is small, only about four to five
the embryo is in the morula stage. times larger than the original store of ATP. Normally, the supply of creative phosphate is replenished by oxidative metabolism via
Upon entering the uterus, the embryonic cells, which were fairly uniform in appearance, begin to segregate, the ATP produced by the Krebs cycle (plate 6). But during sustained, intense exercise, there is not enough time for this to occur.
Thus, after some 20-25 seconds of intense activity, we are back in the same place no ATP. We require additional sources.
forming an internally located group of cells (inner cell mass) and a peripheral sheet of cells (trophoblast), as THE GLYCOLYSIS-LACTIC ACID SYSTEM. ATP can be supplied in a hurry through the anaerobic breakdown of glucose (or
well as a cavity. At this stage (day 5), the embryo is called the blastocyst. The early blastocysi still has the zona stored glycogen). Each time a glucose is chopped up by this anaerobic path, 2 ATP are formed. Its advantage is that it produces
pellucida, but this will soon degenerate, allowing growth and expansion of the embryo to form the late the ATP without 02, and it produces it fast. Though half as fast as the creative phosphate system, it is two to three times faster
blastocyst, in which the trophoblast cells become flattened and active. The dissolution of the zona pellucida will than aerobic metabolism. It is limited, however, because on this path the hydrogens stripped off glucose that are normally bound
permit the embyro to obtain nutrients and oxygen from the uterine environment. During later development, the for 02 to form water are taken up instead by pyruvate to form lactic acid. For each new ATP, a lactic acid is also formed. Energy
trophoblast will give rise to the placenta and embryonic membranes (e.g., the amniotic sac); the inner cell mass production via this pathway is limited by this accumulation of lactic acid, which produces fatigue. In addition, anaerobic
cells will give rise to the embryo proper. glycolysis produces very small amounts of ATP, 2 per glucose consumed, compared to oxidative phosphorylation, which yields
IMPLANTATION. By day 6-7, the embryo is ready to attach itself to the uterus. This is necessary because 36 ATP per glucose.
AEROBIC METABOLISM - OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION. This system utilizes fats as well as glucose and glycogen. In
further growth requires enhanced nutritional and oxygen supplies, which can be obtained only through the
constrast to creative phosphate or glycolysis. Aerobic metabolism is fairly slow, but, it is efficient and can provide energy for
maternal blood supply. Cells of the trophoblast will retease lysosomal enzymes, which begin to digest the almost unlimited durations, as long as the nutrients last. Typically, it takes about 0.5 to 2 minutes
uterine endometrium cells, allowing the blastocyst to penetrate into the endometrial mucosa. This event is for aerobic metabolism to adjust to the increased demands of exercise. Thus, anaerobic processes are required not only for brief
called implantation. Implantation usually occurs in the dorsal wall of the uterus, but it may also occur in various peak physical exertion, but also to supply energy at the beginning of long-term muscular activity before aerobic metabolism
ectopic sites in the uterine tube, in the cervix, or in the peritoneal cavity. Ectopic pregnancies are not usually becomes fully mobilized. Once this has occurred, an exhausted runner may experience a "second wind."
viable. Tubal pregnancies are actually dangerous for the mother, because rupture of blood vessels and Not all skeletal muscle cells are the same. The three types, red/slow, red/fast, and white/fast, differ in their capacity to generate
hemorrhage will result as the embryo enlarges. ATP, their speed of contraction, and their resistance to fatigue. These and related properties are illustrated in the plate. In general,
Once the blastocyst is fully implanted within the endometrium, the damaged endometrial epithelium will heal whole skeletal muscles in humans contain all three types, but in different proportions. Postural muscles of the back, for example,
and cover the embryo so that, in effect, the human embryo does not grow in the uterine cavity, but within the are continually active and have a high proportion of red/slow fibers. These fibers are specialized for aerobic metabolism. They
contain the red respiratory pigment myoglobin, which stores 02 and facilitates the diffusion of 02 within the muscle to
uterine endometrial wall. After implantation, the trophoblast will proliferate to form the chorionic villi, which
mitochondria. Further, the fibers are small, surrounded by many capillaries, and they contract slowly so the blood supply of 02
will exchange nutrients, respiratory gases, and metabolites with the maternal blood vessels through special can keep up with demand. Red/fast fibers are intermediate between red/slow and white/fast. White/fast fibers are abundant in
blood sinuses. Later on, the chorionic villi and maternal vessels form a separate, anatomically distinct organ muscles that have rapid, intense bursts of activity. Myoglobin is absent, mitochondria are sparse, and capillaries are less profuse.
called the placenta. Glycolysis is well developed so that ATP is produced rapidly, but the muscle fatigues quickly when the limited glycogen stores
HCG FUNCTION. After implantation, trophoblast cells in the chorionic villi secrete a peptide hormone called are depleted. Muscles of the arms, which may be called upon to produce strong contractions over short periods of time (e.g.,
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) into the maternal blood. HCG acts like LH and promotes continued and weight lifting), have a relatively large proportion of white/fast fibers.
enhanced estrogen and progesterone secretion from the corpus luteum in the ovary. These hormones in turn
maintain the endometrium in optimum condition for gestation of the embyro. During the first week after im-
plantation, the inner cell mass transforms first into two layers and finally into three germinal layers (endoderm,
ectoderm, and mesoderm). The cells of these layers will proliferate, migrate, and differentiate to give rise to the
tissues and organs of the developing embryo.
MULTIPLE BIRTH. The release of more than one egg at ovulation results in the formation of two or more zy-
gotes. Each of these will implant separately, resulting in multiple pregnancies and fraternal twins. These may be
of the same or opposite sex. If, however, the two blastomeres from a single zygote separate at the first cleavage
division, or if the single inner cell mass divides into two separate masses, then each blastomere or cell mass will
proceed to form an independent embryo. Because these embryos share a common genetic origin (genotype,
copies of the same sets of genes), they will be alike in sex and with respect to phenotype (identical twins).
Identical twins may share a placenta.
26 27
28 29
30 31
34 35
transport of one solute to transport a different solute. Our example of co-transport (5) is
similar to facilitated transport, but now the protein carrier has binding sites for two
different solutes, Na+ (represented by circles) and glucose (triangles). The carrier will
not "rock" if only one of the sites is occupied. In order to "rock," both sites have to be
empty or both sites occupied (both a Na+ and a glucose have to be bound). Outside the
cell, Na+ is much more concentrated than glucose, but inside the cell, the concentration
of Na+ is very low because it is continually pumped out by an active transport process
operating elsewhere in the membrane. Both Na+ and glucose will move into the cell, but
few molecules will come back out because the low concentration of intracellular Na+
makes it difficult for glucose to find a Na+ partner to ride the co-transport system in the
reverse direction. By this mechanism, glucose can be pulled into the cell even against its
concentration gradient. The energy for transporting glucose uphill against its
concentration gradient comes from the energy dissipated by Na+ as it moves down its
concentration gradient. The concentration gradient for Na+ is maintained by a primary
active transport pump, which is driven by energy released by the splitting of ATP, so that
ATP is indirectly involved in this co-transport example. Similar co-transport systems exist
for other solutes.
Co untertransport (6) is similar to co-transport, but now the two solutes move in opposite
directions. In our example, there are binding sites for two different solutes, say Na+
(circles) and Ca++ (triangles). Again the carrier will not "rock" if only one of the sites is
occupied. In order to "rock," both sites have to be occupied (both Na+ and Ca++ have to
be bound). Because the Na+ concentration is much higher than Ca++, it tends to
dominate and keeps the countertransporter moving in a direction that allows Na+ to flow
down its gradient (into the cell). It follows that Ca++ will flow out of the cell, even though
the Ca++ concentration is higher outside the cell than in. Once again the energy
dissipated by Na+ moving down its gradient is coupled to the uphill transport of another
For simplicity, we have neglected the influence of electrical forces on the ions. The
combination of electrical and concentration gradients is enhanced with the SCIO
36 37
38 39
METABOLIC PHYSIOLOGY OF CARBOHYDRATES is lacking, the G-6-P of the muscle cannot be converted to free glucose. Therefore muscle glycogen can be used
ology of carbohydrates, particularly glucose, in relation to liver function, to interconversion with other food sub-
stances, and to the preferential use of carbohydrates by various bodily tissues. (See plates 5 and 6 for the
mechanisms of glucose oxidation.)
SOURCES AND FORMS OF CARBOHYDRATES. The dietary carbohydrates are provided mostly in starches,
which are found in such foods as bread, rice, and potatoes. In Western societies, nearly half the body's caloric
needs are derived from carbohydrates; in Eastern or developing countries, these substances are by far the major
source of the calories. Milk which contains the disaccharide lactose, is also a source of carbohydrates. However,
animal foods are generally poor sources of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are found as simple sugars (six-carbon monosaccharides, principally glucose, galactose, and fruc-
tose), as oligosaccharides (usally containing from two to ten simple sugars), or as larger polymers of simple
sugars, the polysaccharides. Generally, the main carbohydrates of the diet are polysaccharides (e.g., starches) or
disaccharides (e.g., the milk, sugar, lactose, and table sugar, sucrose). All carbohydrates are finally broken down
by various hydrolytic enzymes (saccharidases) in the small intestine into three simple sugars: glucose, galactose,
and fructose. These are absorbed across the intestinal mucosa and transported via the portal vein to the liver.
GLUCOSE AND LIVER. These simple sugars freely enter the liver cells, where galactose and fructose are
enzymatically converted to glucose. This process is very efficient, so the only sugar normally found in blood is
glucose. During the absorptive and early postabsorptive phases, the absorbed dietary glucose can enter the blood
directly. At other times, the liver glucose constitutes the only source of blood glucose. The glucose pool in the
liver can be easily exchanged with that in the blood. The tissues obtain their glucose needs from the blood pool.
Only the liver can actually release glucose. Thus, when the blood glucose level is low, the liver releases glucose
into the blood, when the glucose level is high, the liver cells take up and store glucose.
After a meal rich in carbohydrates, blood sugar is elevated, resulting in increased glucose uptake by the liver
cells. The excess glucose within the liver cells promotes the incorporation of glucose into glycogen, a polymerof
glucose, via a process called glycogenesis. This is how the excess glucose is stored in animal cells, chiefly those
of the liver and muscle. The glucose residues in glycogen are bound together along branched chains, forming a
treelike structure, the "glycogen tree." The excess glycogen can precipitate in the cytoplasm to form glycogen
granules, which are found abundantly in liver and muscle cells. When the pool of free glucose in the liver cells
diminishes, glycogen is partly broken down, by a process called glycogenolysis, to release free glucose.
The glucose in the liver cells can be produced from other sources as well. One such source is proteins, which
can be broken down to form amino acids. Deamination of some amino acids (e.g., alanine) can lead to the
formation of pyruvic acid, which can be converted to glucose by reverse glycolysis.
This process is called gluconeogenesis and is carried out by special enzymes in the liver. Gluconeogenesis is a
very important source of new glucose for the liver and eventually for the blood, particularly during fasting and
starvation (see plate 121).
Another source for glucose is the glycerol liberated by the breakdown of triglycerides (lipolysis) in the liver and
fat cells. Glycerol molecules can be recombined to form glucose through the reverse steps of glycolysis. One
last source for glucose formation is lactic acid. Lactate, usually formed in the muscles, is delivered to the liver
via the blood. In the liver, lactate is converted first to pyruvate and then through reverse steps of glycolysis to
Some tissues, such as the brain, rely principally on glucose for their energy needs. Others, such as the heart and
skeletal muscle, prefer to use glucose for this purpose but are also equipped to use other fuels, such as fatty
GLUCOSE USE IN MUSCLE. In an actively exercising muscle, glucose is taken up rapidly from the blood and
converted to glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P). G-6-P is converted to pyruvate by the enzymes of glycolysis (aerobic
glycolysis) and, when oxygen is available, to C02 and water by the enzymes of the Krebs cycle in mitochondria.
The glycolytic breakdown of glucose to pyruvate yields a small amount of ATP. Mitochondrial oxidation of
pyruvate to C02 and water yields a great deal more ATP which the muscles use to do work (see plate 23). In the
absence of oxygen, pyruvate is used instead to form lactic acid (lactate), a process called anaerobic glycolysis.
This will yield more ATP, although still far less than what can be obtained in the mitochondria. If muscle
activity continues, lactic acid builds up in the muscle, eventually leaking into the blood to be taken up by the
liver cells. Here lactic acid is utilized for th reformation of glucose as discussed above. The events
encompassing the production of lactic acid in muscle, its conversion to glucose in the liver, and the return of the
glucose to the muscle with the eventual re-formation of lactic acid constitutes the Cori cycle.
When the body is at rest, the glucose taken up by muscle cells is converted to G-6-P. Because the muscle is not
utilizing ATP, the G-6-P is used to form glycogen, thus storing the available glucose. During activity this
40 glycogen is converted back to G-6-P, which is shunted directly for glycolysis. Because the appropriate enzyme 41
Plate 5 focused on the degradation of carbohydrates, in particular glucose, to form ATP. Fats and proteins are also used for these Moving about, pumping blood, producing complex cellular structures, transporting molecules - these and other everyday activities
purposes, but the final common pathway is the same - through the Krebs cycle and the respiratory chain, as outlined below. that we normally take for granted all extract a price: they require energy. That energy is supplied by food. On the one hand, we
Taking an overview of the processes involved in ATP generation, we can conveniently divide the oxidation of foodstuffs into have the machines that do the work (muscles, for example); on the other hand, we have the food as an energy source. Somehow
three stages: they must be linked; energy has to be extracted from the food and stored in a form that is directly utilizable by the machine. The
Stage I. Large molecules in food are broken down into simpler forms. Proteins are broken down into amino acids, fats are broken primary storage form living organisms use is the molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP contains three phosphate groups
down into glycerol and fatty acids, and large carbohydrates (e.g., starch, glycogen, sucrose) are broken down into simple 6-carbon joined in tandem. When the terminal phosphate is split off, it becomes ADP (adenosine diphosphate), and considerable energy is
sugars such as glucose. released. If the proper machinery is present, most of this energy can be captured and used for work. The ADP is not a simple
Stage II. The large number of stage I products are broken down into a few simple units that play a central role in metabolism. waste product; it is recycled and utilized to synthesize new ATP.
Most of these products, including simple sugars, fatty acids, glycerol, and several amino acids, are broken down into the same 2-
carbon fragment called acetate that attaches to the same pivotal molecule, coenzyme A (abbreviated CoA), and enters the Krebs
cycle as the compound acetyl-CoA. ATP →energy source for work* →energy trapped from food* ADP + P + energy*
Stage III. This final stage consists of the Krebs cycle and the respiratory chain (also called the electron transport chain) together
with the ensuing synthesis of ATP. From acetyl-CoA onward, the metabolic path is the same for all foodstuffs. This plate focuses The reaction goes to the right to power cellular machinery for contraction, transport, and synthesis. But if the split phosphate
on this final common pathway, stage III, which occurs only in the presence of 02. group is simply transferred to water, this energy is wasted; it is given off as heat. However, if the phosphate is transferred to the
Returning to our example of glucose metabolism, recall that 1 molecule of glucose produces a net gain of 2 ATP, 2 NADH and 2 machine, the energy goes with it, and the machine becomes energized. (The molecular part of the machine that receives the
pyruvate. In the presence of 02, pyruvate is not utilized to form lactic acid because the NADH deposits its H on 02 (via the phosphate now has a higher energy content, which allows it to enter reactions it otherwise could not'have entered. The finer
respiratory chain - see below), freeing pyruvate to enter into further reactions. The 2 pyruvate move into the mitochondria in details of how the actual machinery works are not understood.) ATP is the universal energy currency because of its ability to
preparation for their entrance into the Krebs cycle. A precycle step breaks them into 2-C fragments (acetate), which are attached to phosphorylate (transfer the phosphate to) cellular machines and boost them into a higher energy state.
a coenzyme A (CoA), forming acetyl-CoA. In the process, energy is recovered by transfer of H to NAD+, and C02 is formed. The reaction goes to the left as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are broken down by chemical reactions occurring within the cell
Acetyl-CoA is also formed during the combustion of fats and proteins, and it plays a key role in feeding the 2-C acetate to the (metabolism). In this plate, we focus on ATP formation via carbohydrate metabolism. Glucose contains large quantities of energy
Krebs cycle. The acetate is split from CoA and combines with a 4-C structure, forming the 6-C citrate molecule, and the cycle that can be released when the chemical bonds holding its atoms together are broken. For example, if 1 mole (180 grams) of
begins. As illustrated, each turn of the cycle produces 3 NADH, 1 FADH2, and 1 ATP, with the carbon remains of the original glucose is oxidized, forming C02 and water, 686,000 calories of energy are liberated. We can imagine many different ways of
acetate finally discarded as 2 C02. splitting the glucose to arrive at the same products, but in each case the same energy would be released. The cell must take the
Like glycolysis, the Krebs cycle will come to grinding halt as soon as all the H carriers NADH and FADH2 are loaded with H. glucose apart in small controlled steps and capture most of this energy in the form of ATP before it is dissipated as heat. The cell
However, H is unloaded into the respiratory chain at the mitochondrial membrane, regenerating NAD+ and FAD to participate in accomplishes this in part because it contains a number of specific enzymes that speed the reaction along a specific path (i.e., by
further metabolism. The respiratory chain is a system of electron and H carriers embedded in the inner member of the double their presence, they single out the path of "least resistance").
membrane that surrounds the mitochondria. In addition to regenerating NAD+ and FAD, the respiratory chain also pumps H+ ions Energy release from glucose or from glycogen (the storage form of glucose) always begins with a sequence of reactions called
into the space between the two mitochondrial membranes. These ions will be used in glycolysis that converts glucose into pyruvate with the concomitant production of ATP. Beginning with the 6-carbon
the final synthesis of ATP. glucose, the reaction sequence is primed by investing 2 molecules of ATP to phosphorylate the molecule before it is broken into
To understand the respiratory chain, recall that a neutral H atom consists of 1 electron and 1 H+ (i.e., H = H+ + 1 electron). When two 3-carbon fragments. These are processed further to yield 4 new ATP, a net profit of 2 (4 - 2 [priming ATP] = 2). The entire
NADH arrives at the first carrier of the respiratory chain at the inner face of the inner mitochondrial membrane, it transfers 2 sequence involves 10 reactions, each catalyzed by a specific enzyme, ending in the production of 2 molecules of pyruvate (a 3-
electrons, and 1 H+. Another H+ is picked up from the surrounding solution, and the electrons and H+ (= 2H) are carried from the carbon structure).
inner to the outer face. At this point, the H components, H+ and electrons, part company. The H+ are deposited in the small space The presence of 02 is not required for any of these steps, and, although only a small fraction (about 2%) of the available energy in
between the 2 mitochondrial membranes, and the electrons return to the inner face to pick up another pair of H+ from the the original glucose has been trapped as ATP, the cell apparently can generate ATP anaerobically (in the absence of air or free
surrounding solution. This trip across the inner mitochondrial membrane is repeated twice for a total of 3 round-trips. After the oxygen). However, this glycolytic process of breaking down glucose works only if H atoms are stripped off the carbon skeletons
third trip, the electrons are picked up by 02 and, together with H+ from the surrounding fluids, form water. and transferred to other molecules called NAD+.
At each of the 3 trips, 2 H+ are deposited in the intermembrane space so that the concentration of H+ builds up. These H+s leak 2H (from carbohydrate) + NAD+ >> NADH + H+
back into the matrix of the mitochondria through special protein complexes that form channels through the membrane. The energy For every glucose, 4 H are transferred to 2 NAD+. But the total amount of NAD+ is very small (it is built from the vitamin
dissipated by the H+ moving through these channels from high to low concentrations is somehow used to synthesize ATP from niacin), and the reaction will stop if we run out of NAD+. NADH needs to dump its H somewhere so it can return for more.
ADPland phosphate (Pi). Just how the respiratory chain pumps H+ into the intermembrane spaces and just how the back leakage Normally, 02 serves as the final resting place for H, and H20 forms. In the absence of 02, pyruvate itself serves as a dumping
of H+ is used to synthesize ATP are not known. It is as though we were dealing with darkened tunnels; we can see what goes in ground for H, and lactic acid forms. NAD+ circulates, carrying H from high up in the glycolytic scheme to pyruvate and back (see
one side and what comes out the other. From this, we can only guess what happens inside. plate).
FADH2 differs from NADH; it transfers its 2H to the respiratory chain downstream from the transfer point of NADH, where only When 02 is present, glycolysis proceeds as before, but now the role of NAD+ (and a similar H carrier, FAD) becomes more
2 round-trips across the membrane are available. As a result, it transfers only 4H+ across the mitochondrial membrane, and this apparent. They have succeeded in trapping a good portion of the energy in the orginal glucose, and the presence of 02 allows this
accounts for the fact that it provides energy for synthesis of 2 (rather than 3) ATP. energy to be utilized to form ATP. Now, instead of using pyruvate, the H carriers transfer their H and energy to the respiratory
The Krebs cycle and ATP synthesis take place within the mitochondria; other functions (e.g., glycolysis) occur in the cytoplasm. chain, a system of carriers that reside within the mitochondrial membranes. In turn, the energized membranes of the mitochondria
Special transport systems within the mitochrondrial membrane that move materials in and out overcome these restrictions. The are able to produce 3 ATP for each NADH passed (only 2 ATP if the H donor is FAD).
transport system for newly synthesized ATP moves ATP out in exchange (countertransport, see plate 9) for ADP, which will be Moreover, the availability of the respiratory chain allows energy contained in pyruvate to be tapped. Instead of absorbing H and
used for further ATP production. Other specialized transport systems are available for pyruvate and the NADH that arises from forming lactate, pyruvate splits off a C02, and the remaining 2-C (acetate) portion is transferred via acetyl-CoA to the Krebs
glycolysis. NADH itself does not cross the membrane; instead, it transfers its H at the outer face to H carriers that transport the H cycle, where it is further degraded into 2 molecules of C02 (see plate 6). Again H are stripped off the carbon skeletons by the H
to the inner surfaces. Here the H is picked up by NAD+ that is trapped inside the mitochondria. It becomes NADH, which now carriers, which deliver them to the respiratory chain and return for more. The final bookkeeping record for cellular combustion of
has access to the respiratory chain. In some mitochondria, the H are picked up by FAD rather than NAD+, resulting in some 1 molecule of glucose is
energy loss. In these mitochondria, the net ATP production arising from combustion of 1 glucose molecule will be 36 rather than
38. glycolysis: 2 ATP + 2 NADH + 0 FADH2
2 pyruvate >> acetyl-CoA: 0 ATP + 2 NADH + 0 FADH2
2 turns of Krebs cycle: 2 ATP + 6 NADH + 2 FADH2
Total: 4 ATP + 10 NADH + 2 FADH2
Total ATP (after cashing H 4 + (10x3) + (2x2) = 38 ATP! carriers in at resp. chain)
42 43
METABOLISM OF FAT In normal adults, ketone bodies are little utilized for energy. However, in newborns, pregnant women and
individuals subjected to prolonged starvation, many tissues, particularly the brain, adapt by increasing their rate
ADIPOSE TISSUE; USES OF FATS. Body fats serve as fuels, storage for fuels, thermal and electrical of uptake and utilization of the ketone bodies for energy. This recently discovered phenomenon not only
insulations, and structural components of cellular membranes. The structural fats (e.g., the phospholipids found accounts for the continued function of the brain (an organ that usually uses only glucose) in starvation, but also
in cell membranes) cannot be utilized for energy. Storage or depot fats are stored in the cytoplasm of fat cells, for the lack of ketone toxicity in children and starved individuals.
which comprise the adipose tissue. Despite the common misconception, adipose tissue is not inert; it is
in fact an active and dynamic tissue that continuously forms and degrades fats (see plate 132). Adipose tissue is
found in the abdominal cavity, within or around some organs (muscle and the heart), and under the skin. The
subcutaneous fat has great thermal insulation properties, as evidenced by the thick layers of it found in such
marine mammals as seals and whales.
CHEMISTRY OF FATS. Triglycerides (neutral fats) are the fats that are stored. They are esters of glycerol and
three fatty acids (FA). FA are long hydrocarbon chains, each containing a single carboxylic acid group at one
end. The longer the chain and the smaller the number of double bonds, the lower the fluidity state of the FA and
the associated triglycerides. In the body, the most commonly occurring FA are palmitic, stearic, and oleic acids
with chains between fourteen and sixteen carbon atoms long. Triglycerides can be broken down either
completely to glycerol and FA or incompletely to FA and mono-or diglycerides. The breakdown of triglycerides
(lipolysis) is catalyzed by various lipase enzymes occurring in the intestine, liver, and adipose tissue.
FATS AS A SOURCE OF ENERGY. Fats are the ideal substance for storing fuel energy because per unit
weight they occupy less volume and produce more energy (ATP) than carbohydrates or proteins. In fact, 1 g of
fat produces two and a half times more energy than 1 g of carbohydrate. Some tissues are well equipped to
utilize FA for energy. For example, 60% of the energy requirement of the heart, under basal conditions, is
derived from fats, chiefly FA. Skeletal muscle, too, especially during recovery from strenuous exercise, utilizes
FA to obtain the needed ATP to replenish the exhausted supply of glycogen and creatine phosphate (see plate
The products of triglyceride lipolysis, glycerol and FA, can both be utilized for energy production. Glycerol can
be converted to intermediates of glycolysis and then to pyruvate, which then enters the Krebs cycle to form ATP
(see plate 6). Alternatively glycerol can be converted to glucose in the liver (gluconeogenesis); glucose is used
by tissues such as the brain for fuel. To liberate their energy, the FA are degraded to acetate (acetyl CoA) by a
process called beta-oxidation. The acetyl CoA is then utilized (oxidized to C02 and H20) in the mitochondria to
produce ATP.
FAT METABOLISM IN ADIPOSE TISSUE. After a meal rich in carbohydrates, the fat cells of the adipose
tissue take up the abundant glucose in the blood and convert it to glycerol and FA (lipogenesis). The glycerol
(an alcohol) and FA (acids) are then esterified to form triglycerides. After a meal rich in fats but low in
carbohydrates, the blood content of chylomicrons (particles transporting fats in blood) containing triglycerides
increases. Within the capillaries of adipose tissue and liver, an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase hydrolyzes the
glycerides, freeing glycerol and FA. These are taken up by fat cells and re-esterified to form storage
triglycerides. Triglycerides with sufficiently long chains tend to solidify and are therefore easily stored.
Increased storage of solid fats increases the size of fat cells, resulting in the formation of thick fat pads of the
adipose tissue. If excessive, this condition leads to obesity (see plate 132). When stimulated by catecholamines
and other hormones (see plate 128), the triglycerides are lipolyzed by lipase enzymes, mobilizing the glycerol
and FA into the blood. The mobilized FA are then consumed by the heart, muscle and liver. Glycerol is usually
taken up by the liver to make new glucose.
FAT METABOLISM IN LIVER. The liver, like the adipose tissue, is capable of forming, degrading and storing
fats, although the fat granules in the liver hepatocytes are not intended for longterm storage. The particular
importance of the liver lies in its great ability for metabolic interconversion between the fats, carbohydrates, and
proteins. The liver hepatocytes contain alt the enzymes required for these transformations. For example, excess
glucose can be metabolized into fatty acids which are then either incorporated into triglycerides or mobilized for
consumption by tissues. Glycerol can be converted to glucose by reverse glycolysis and then to glycogen. FA
can be converted to some amino acids and vice versa. These amino acids are then used to make proteins. The
only reaction that the liver (and in fact animal cells in general) cannot do in this regard is convert FA into
Another important function of the liver in fat metabolism is in its abilty to make cholesterol (see plate 129) and
to form ketone bodies. In response to carbohydrate deficiency in the diet or within the cells (as occurs in
uncontrolled diabetes mellitus), the liver degrades its own supply of FA and that provided by the adipose tissue
to acetate (acetyl CoA). When the available pool of acetyl CoA exceeds the loading capacity of the
mitochondria, the acetate molecules are instead condensed together to form compounds such as acetoacetic acid,
acetone, and other keto acids, collectively called the ketone bodies. Ketone bodies leak out from the liver into
the blood, where they are excreted in the kidneys. Excessive amounts of ketone bodies in blood leads to ketosis
44 and metabolic acidosis, conditions which may be fatal, as in the case of untreated insulin deficiency diabetes 45
(Type 1).
METABOLISM OF PROTEINS tissues, but in the liver, it increases amino acid uptake and synthesis of some special enzymes for
gluconeogenesis (see plate 121).
STRUCTURE, VARIETY AND SIGNIFICANCE. Proteins are of primary importance in cellular, tissue, and
bodily structures and functions. All proteins are made of different combinations of about twenty naturally
occurring amino acids, which vary in structure but share a common feature: the presence of a carboxyl acid and
amino group. Amino acids can be joined by peptide bonds, forming peptide chains, hence dipeptides,
tripeptides, oligopeptides ("oligo" = few), and polypeptides ("poly" = many). Proteins are basically large
polypeptides of one or more chains. All body proteins are synthesized within cells from amino acids, using
elaborate cellular and molecular machinery and codes (see plate 4). Of the twenty amino acids making up the
proteins, the body can synthesize twelve, starting with glucose or fatty acids; the remaining eight must be
provided in th.e diet (the dietary essential amino acids, e.g., leucine and tryptophan). Proteins are found in
abundance in animal and plant foods. The sources particuarly rich in essential amino acids are meats, egg white,
milk, plant seeds, and nuts. Dietary proteins are broken down in the digestive system, yielding individual amino
acids that are absorbed across the intestinal mucosa, reaching the liver via the portal vein (see plate 75).
ROLE OF THE LIVER IN PROTEIN METABOLISM. Within the liver cells, the amino acids form a pool that
can be utilized to make the various proteins of the liver and blood as well as glucose, fats, and energy (ATP).
The amino acids of the liver pool can be exchanged with a second similar pool in the blood, which in turn
exchanges amino acids with a third pool within the tissue cells. The liver is a major center for the synthesis and
degradation of amino acids and proteins. In addition to making proteins for its own needs (e.g., enzymes), the
liver forms and secretes most of the blood proteins: albumins (transport of hormones and fatty acids, plasma
osmotic pressure), globulins (enzymes, transport of hormones), and fibrinogen (blood clotting). The human liver
is capable of forming up to 50 g of these proteins every day. In addition to their use as building blocks for
proteins, the amino acids in the liver can also be utilized as fuel to obtain ATP. For this purpose, they are first
converted by deamination to various keto acids such as pyruvic and alpha-keto-glutaric acids. These substances
are then oxidized in the Krebs cycle to release energy and form ATP. Amino acids are approximately equal to
carbohydrates in their capacity to release metabolic energy and form ATP. However, consistent with their
function as the building blocks of proteins, amino acids are normally spared from metabolic oxidation,
carbohydrates and fats being used preferentially. Only during starvation are the amino acids of the liver and
tissues catabolized as fuels. If the diet is rich in protein, the excess amino acids in the hepatic pool will be
converted to glucose (gluconeogenesis) or to fatty acids and glycerol (lipogenesis), from which glycogen and
fats, respectively, can be formed for storage (see plates 121, 127). Here the amino acids are first converted to
keto acids (e.g., pyruvate), which are then utilized to form glucose, fatty acids, and glycerol.
During deamination of amino acids, ammonia is formed. Ammonia can be toxic for the liver and, if it diffuses to
the blood, or other tissues. The liver detoxifies ammonia by converting it into urea, a far less toxic, water
soluble substance. To form urea, two molecules of ammonia react with one molecule of carbon dioxide. The
actual formation of urea occurs in a complicated series of enzyme catalyzed reactions called the Urea cycle,
involving the amino acids ornithine, citruline, and arginine, which act as intermediates. Urea diffuses into the
blood and is excreted by the kidney.
METABOLISM OF PROTEINS IN TISSUE. For their growth, repair, or normal turnover of cellular proteins,
tissues require a continuous supply of amino acids. They obtain these from the pool of amino acids in the blood,
which in turn in equilibrium with that in the liver. The cells of each tissue make their own specific proteins (i.e.,
those characteristic of each cell). These and other general cellular proteins are continuously formed on
ribosomes and broken down in lysosomes, the turnover rate depending on tissue and protein type. The liver
enzymes show a high rate (a few hours); structural proteins show a slow rate (e.g., for bone collagen, a few
months). Besides the general metabolic enzymes common to all cells, different tissues contain special proteins
which perform unique functions. Thus, antibodies, the defense proteins, are secreted by the white blood cells
(leukocytes). Hemoglobin, the oxygen transporting protein, is found in the red cells. Collagen, the most
abundant protein in the body, is secreted by the bone and cartilage cells and fibroblasts. Actin and myosin are
the contractile protein of muscle tissue. Only during extreme starvation are the tissue proteins utilized for fuel,
and even then heart and brain proteins are spared.
HORMONAL REGULATION OF PROTEIN METABOLISM. Hormones profoundly influence protein
metabolism. Thus, growth hormone and insulin increase the uptake of amino acids and protein synthesis in
certain tissues such as muscle. Thyroid hormones also regulate protein metabolism. In the heart, thyroxine
increases protein synthesis by increasing the number of ribosomes. In the liver and kidney, thyroid hormones
induce the formation of specific proteins (e.g., Na-K-ATPase of the membrane pump). Thyroid and growth
hormones are not only critical, but are synergistic in their anabolic effects on protein synthesis. Indeed, in the
absence of thyroid and growth hormones, protein synthesis ceases, and growth is retarded or ceases entirely,
resulting in various forms of dwarfism (see plates 112, 113). Androgens from the testes and adrenal glands
46 stimulate protein synthesis, especially in bone and muscle. This action is very important for the growth spurt 47
that occurs during puberty (see plate 144). Cortisol from the adrenal cortex increases protein catabolism in many
The Na+-K+ pump refers to an active transport system that continually pumps Na+ out of and K+ into cells. Generally, three Na+ FUELS, HEAT, AND WORK. The burning of most organic fuel substances in the air (i.e., combining them
are pumped out for every two K+ pumped in. The pump, sometimes called the Na+ pump for short, is found in the plasma with oxygen: oxidation, oxygenation) causes oxidative catabolism of the substances, producing carbon dioxide
membranes of all body cells, and it is one of the major energy-consuming processes of the body. The pump may account for more and water. However, in this process all the energy stored in the chemical bonds of the fuel substance is released
than a third of the resting energy consumption of the entire body. What functions does the pump perform to warrant this huge
investment of energy?
as heat, with no work being produced. Thus, the efficiency (i.e., ability to generate work from a form of energy)
OSMOTIC STABILITY. Proteins and many other smaller intracellular substances exert an osmotic pressure that is balanced by of this process is zero. In a powerhouse, a fuel (e.g., coal) is burned to generate heat; heat drives the generator
extracellular solutes, of which Na+ and CI- are the most abundant. But both Na+ and CI- leak into cells. If nothing intervened, turbines; turbines produce electricity, which is put at the service of homes and shops to be utilized for a variety
this leak would create a continuous osmotic gradient, drawing water into the cell, which would swell and burst. In plant cells, this of work. Here heat, as a form of energy, is converted into usable energy (i.e., work).
is prevented by a stiff wall. Animal cells are more flexible and mobile; they have no wall. Instead animal cells have a Na+-K+ METABOLIC HEAT AND BODY WORK. The human body is also a machine. To carry out its vital functions,
pump that pumps Na+ out, keeping internal solute concentrations low enough to prevent cells from swelling and bursting. (Some it has to perform work. For this, the body requires energy. Like other heat engines, the body obtains this energy
CI- follows to maintain electrical neutrality.) A steady low level of internal Na+ is maintained because it is pumped out as fast as by consuming and burning fuels (e.g., carbohydrates and fats). The oxidation of foodstuffs releases heat;
it leaks in. If the Na+-K+ pump is poisoned, animal cells swell and eventually burst. however, in contrast to the powerhouse in the above example, the body is not able to convert the liberated heat
CO- AND COUNTERTRANSPORT. (See plate 9.) The Na+ gradient generated by the pump is used to drive transport of other directly into work. Instead, as explained in plates 5 and 6, body cells can couple the oxidation of foodstuff with
solutes. Transport of glucose and amino acids by cells of the intestine and kidney are good examples of co-transport. In these
cells, the solute (glucose or amino acid) enters or leaves the cell only when accompanied by Na+. Outside the cell (high Na+), the
the generation of ATP, the energyrich chemical intermediate. ATP is then used for the variety of chemical (e.g.,
solute easily finds a Na+ partner; inside it is difficult because Na+ has been pumped out. The result: more solute enters than synthesis), mechanical (e.g., muscle contraction), and electrical (e.g., nerve activity) body functions (work) that
leaves even when solute is higher inside than out. Countertransport is exemplified by Na+ and Ca++ exchange in the heart. In this the body cells need to carry out to survive and thrive. Like all machines, the body is not totally efficient. Some
case, the energy of Na+ moving down its gradient is coupled to Ga++ moving out. of the energy liberated during the oxidation of fuel substances is released as heat (metabolic heat), which is not
BIOELECTRICITY. The K+ gradient generated by the pump creates a voltage gradient (negative inside) across the membrane wasted entirely because it can be utilized to keep the body warm. This is very useful in cold-blooded animals
because K+ leaks out of cells (carrying positive charges out) much faster than Na+ leaks in. The pump also contributes to this (poikilotherms) and an absolutely essential requirement in warmblooded animals (homeotherms).
voltage because it pumps three Na+ out for each two K+ in. (See plate 11.) Even the energy utilized to do cellular work is ultimately converted to heat because not only the hydrolysis of
METABOLISM. The pump creates an intracellular environment that is rich in K+ and poor in Na+. These conditions are optimal ATP that occurs during work generates heat, but some of the energy used to do the actual work is also converted
for the operation of a variety of cellular processes including those involved in protein synthesis and in the activation of some
to heat (e.g., muscle contraction creates friction, friction creates heat). The energy values of food substances
enzymes. PROPERTIES OF THE PUMP. The Na+-K+ pump transports Na+ out of and K+ into the cell. Na+ is more than ten
times more concentrated in the plasma than inside the cell. The reverse is true for K+. Thus, Na+ leaks in, and K+ leaks out.
(their usefulness for the body energy needs) are also best measured in terms of their fuel heat value.
Nevertheless, a steady level of these two ions is achieved because as fast as they leak in (or out), they are pumped back out (or in). CALORIE AND CALORIMETRY. Based on the abovementioned universal utility of heat, it is a common
Under normal conditions, both ions are pumped against a concentration gradient, and the energy for this active transport is from practice to measure all bodily energy processes in terms of heat units (i.e., the calorie). One Calorie (with a
degradation of ATP. This latter fact is easily demonstrated in isolated cells whose metabolic machinery has been artificially capital C = 1 kilocalorie) is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by
inactivated or removed. These cells fail to actively pump Na+ or K+ unless ATP is introduced into the cytoplasm; other substrates one degree centigrade.
will not work. Detailed studies show that for each ATP split, three Na+ are pumped out and two K+ are pumped in: 3Na+in + The most accurate method for measuring body energy needs is by direct calorimetry (i.e., measuring the exact
2K+out + ATPin ~ 3Na+out + 2K+in + ADPin + Pin amount of heat the body produces during a particular time interval). A subject, naked and at rest, is placed in a
Given this scheme, we can think of the pump not only as an ion-pumping machine; it is also an ATP-splitting machine. That is, it room calorimeter. The calorimeter is completely insulated to minimize heat exchange with the outside. The heat
behaves like an enzyme that splits ATP; for this reason, we call it an ATPase. Further, the reaction written above will not proceed
released from the body is used to warm a stream of water running within a tube in the room. The increase in the
unless both Na+ and K+ are present; for this reason, we call it a Na+-K+ ATPase.
The virtue of regarding the pump as an enzyme is that it immediately suggests methods to study it. We can grind up the
temperature of water (outflow minus inflow) after conversion to calories is equivalent to the amount of calories
membrane, extract proteins, and look for those proteins that show Na+-K+ ATPase activity. Presumably, these proteins contain generated by the body.
the pump, and these are the ones to study. Exploiting this strategy has led to the following view: Another method to measure caloric production is by indirect calorimetry (spirometry). Here, the amount of
The pump consists of two pairs of protein subunits, and all four members of the complex are required for transport. Three Na+ oxygen consumed is measured using a spirometer. Oxygen is inhaled from the spirometer tank through a
ions arising from inside the cell bind to sites on the inner surface of the pump, which show a strong preference for Na+ over K+. mouthpiece. The decline in oxygen content of the tank is registered by a device (e.g., a kymograph). The C02
This triggers the breakdown of ATP to ADP, and in the process, a high-energy phosphate is transferred to the pump protein (i.e., produced is absorbed by a soda lime tank. One liter of oxygen gas utilized during the burning of any foodstuff,
the pump is phosphorylated). Next the pump changes shape (conformation); the bound Na+ now face outside, and the binding inside or outside the body, generates 4.82 Cal. By knowing the total volume of oxygen utilized per unit time, we
sites are altered. They no longer favor Na+ over K+, but just the reverse is true. Accordingly, they release the three Na+ and bind can determine the subject's total caloric production (or requirement).
two K+ instead. Bound K+ favors dephosphorylation; the proteins revert to their original shape with the binding sites back on the
METABOLIC RATE AND FACTORS INFLUENCING IT. Using the above calorimetric methods, we can
inside releasing K+ because they have been transformed back to the Na+-preferring state. The cycle repeats itself up to 100 times
per second under optimal pumping conditions.
calculate the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) of the body. The BMR is the amount of energy required to sustain
the body at rest in a supine position. In the average adult human, BMR is about 2000 Cal/day. Thus, based on
the caloric values of foods, it takes nearly thirty apples or two pounds of bread or 520 g (1 .2 Ibs.) of table sugar
or 800 g (1 .8 Ibs.) of meat or nine cups of beans to sustain such a person at rest during one day.
Many factors influence BMR. Thus, in sleep, the BMR decreases; during activity, it increases. Metabolic rate
during walking is twice that during sitting; running involves a rate three times higher than walking; climbing
stairs produces a rate twice that of running. BMR, when calculated per unit mass, is higher in small animals,
which have high surface area to mass ratio. The small mass does not permit heat storage within the core, and the
relatively large surface area allows for heat loss. Thus, a mouse, which consumes less than 4 Cal/day compared
to 5000 Cal/day for a horse, has a BMR of 200 Cal/day/kg, twenty times that of the horse. This is also why
children have a higher BMR than adults.
Hormones and other physiological factors, such as the sympathetic nervous system, regulate the level of
metabolic rate. Thus, androgenic sex steroid hormones, such as testosterone in the male, may be responsible for
the higher BMR in men, and elevated levels of thyroid hormones and progesterone may be the cause of
increased BMR in pregnant women. Lowered sympathetic activity and catecholamine secretion may be the
cause of low BMR in the elderly. The mere ingestion of foods also increases the metabolic rate, and the
absorption of foods (independent of food utilization) has an even greater effect. These effects, called the
48 "specific dynamic action of foods," are most marked for proteins. 49
50 51
IONIC BASIS FOR THRESHOLD, ALL-OR-NONE RESPONSE to cause an inward Na+ flow to just barely exceed the outward K+ flow. From that point onward,
Ionic Basis for Threshold, All-or-None Response and
AND REFRACTORY PERIOD the stimulus plays no further role because the seeds of the positive feedback (vicious cycle) reside
in the axon itself. The all-or-none response arises naturally out of this positive feedback; once the
Refractory Period
In this plate, we define and interpret three of the most important characteristics of excitation: a
threshold stimulus, an all-or-none response, and a refractory period. THRESHOLD. If a nerve
response is triggered, the positive feedback drives the membrane potential to its maximum value
(given by the Na+equilibrium potential). The size of the action potential is determined by the
axon is stimulated with weak electrical shocks, nothing seems to happen. When the stimulus is concentration gradients of Na+ and K+ because the concentration gradient of K+ determines the
repeated many times with each stimulus a little stronger than the last, eventually a point will be resting potential (K+ equilibrium potential), and the concentration gradient of Na+ determines the
reached where the nerve responds by transmitting an action potential. The strength of the height of the action potential (Na+ equilibrium potential). Just as a stick of dynamite contains its
stimulus just barely able to excite is called the threshold. Stimuli below threshold do not work; own explosive energy, the axon membrane is "loaded" with "explosive" energy in the form of ion
stimuli above threshold produce action potentials. gradients.
ALL-OR-NONE. A stimulus above threshold excites the nerve, but the size of the response is REFRACTORY PERIOD. For a brief millisecond or two following excitation, the axon is no
independent of the strength of the stimulus. All action potentials are the same, no matter how longer excitable. This recovery phase, called the refractory period, can be divided into two
large the stimulus; the response is all-or-none. This behavior is similar to a fuse; once lit, the size phases. The earlier phase is the absolute refractory period, where the threshold appears to be
of the spark that travels along is independent of the size of the match infinite, and no stimulus will suffice. In the later phase, the relative refractory period, the
that initiated it. threshold returns to normal. The basis for the refractory period is found in the "delayed effects."
To interpret these properties, recall that the inside of the axon has high K+ and the outside, high After the first millisecond of excitation, the slow Na+ gates close and remain closed for a brief
Na+. Further, the membrane potential is simply a measure of the electrical force on a positive time despite the fact that Vm is near rest. These gates are slow to respond to the initial
charge. Sometimes the terms "membrane potential," "voltage gradient," and "difference in depolarization, and they are equally slow in responding to the repolarized membrane. In addition,
voltage" are used interchangeably, and we will abbreviate these terms as Vm. Finally, recall from the voltage activated K+ gates are still open. With the slow Na+ gates closed and the K+ gates
plate 11 that the amount of charge movement necessary to make substantial changes in Vm is open, it is difficult if not impossible for Na+ inflow to exceed K+ outflow (i.e., to reach
very small. During the short time of a single action potential, the actual amounts of Na+ and K+ threshold).
that move into or out of the axon are very small; they have significant effects on Vm, but the How do the activities of the Na+-K+ pump influence the action potential? They don't, at least not
change in concentration of Na+ or K+ is so small that it cannot be detected by chemical means. directly. Any contributions by the pump to Vm are overpowered by the more massive movements
At rest, the axon is permeable mostly to K+, but not much K+ leaks out because the opposing of the ions through the channels. The pump does not cycle often enough to make a difference
membrane potential, Vm, is close to the K+-equilibrium potential (i.e., the concentration gradient during activity. However, action potentials are very brief, and the axon is at rest most of the time.
of K+ is almost balanced by Vm pushing in the opposite direction). During rest, there is ample time for the slow cycling of the pump to restore the small amounts of
Now the nerve is stimulated. Depolarization (stimulation) has two effects: Na+ and K+ that have leaked through channels activated during the action potential.
1. Early on, voltage activated Na+ channels open.
2. Later (delayed for about 1 msec.) Na+ channels close, and K+ channels open.
With a weak, subthreshold stimulus (panels 1 and 2), not enough Na+ flows in to overcome the
outflow of K+, and the axon repolarizes.
With a stronger, suprathreshold stimulus (panels 3 and 5), more Na+ channels open so that Na+
inflow exceeds K+ outflow, the net flow of charge is now positive inward, and the axon is
depolarized even further. But this opens even more Na+ channels, which causes more
depolarization. A vicious cycle ensues; the membrane potential takes off in the positive direction
with an explosive velocity as the interior of the axon becomes more and more positive. But this
rapid upward movement of the membrane potential does not persist. Soon (panel 5) Vm becomes
positive and large enough to oppose Na+ entry despite the open channels (i.e., Vm approaches
the Na+ equilibrium potential, where the concentration gradient moving Na+ inward is just
balanced by Vm pushing Na+ out). At the same time, the delayed effects begin to appear (panel
6). Na+ channels close, and voltage activated K+ channels open, K+ outflow exceeds Na+
inflow, and the net flow or charge is now positive outward. Vm plummets toward its resting
value, overshoots momentarily, and comes very close to the K+ equilibrium potential because the
voltage activated K+ channels are still open, making the membrane even more K+ permeable
than it was at rest. Finally (panel 7), the repolarized membrane closes the voltage activated K+
channels, and Vm returns to its resting value.
From this description, we see that the threshold is determined by the stimulus strength that is able
52 53
SYNAPSE IMPORTANCE IN NEURAL FUNCTION. Although neurons are the excitable cells of the nervous Forces generate movements. There are several different types of force; balls roll downhill because of gravitational force, and
tissue, functionally they are not the true units of the nervous system. Single neurons are unable to carry out the electrons (negative charge) flow toward protons (positive charge) because of electrical forces. Movements through membranes are
typical actions of this system, be they simple reflexes or complex thought processes. These actions are carried driven by forces that arise from differences in concentration, pressure, and electrical charge on the two sides of the membrane.
These differences are often called gradients. All else being equal, the larger the gradient (i.e., the larger the difference), the greater
out by nerve nets and circuits, which are the true functional units of the nervous system. Nerve nets and circuits the flow through the membrane. Concentration gradients give rise to movements called diffusion, pressure gradients cause bulk
are made up of two or more (sometimes millions of) neurons that interact with one another through excitatory flow, and electrical gradients, more commonly called voltage gradients or membrane potentials, drive the flow of ions (ionic
and inhibitory synapses. Therefore, the synapses, by providing controllable functional connections between current). In addition, water flows to the side of the membrane that has the most concentrated solute, a process known as osmosis.
neurons, are responsible for the integrative functions of the CNS. Without the trillions of synapses, reflexes DIFFUSION. Whenever there is a difference of concentration of a solute between two regions, the solute tends to move (diffuse)
would not operate, communication between the periphery and the CNS and within the CNS would cease, and from the highly concentrated region to the less concentrated region. Solutes diffuse down their concentration gradient. This net
the brain's integrative operations would fail. Plates 16 and 17 discuss the cellular mechanisms of signal movement arises because molecules are always moving about at random. At first thought, it seems surprising that an orderly net
transmission in the excitatory and inhibitory synapses. Here we focus on their integrative and regulatory movement arises from molecular chaos, but the simple example described in the legend to the diffusion figure illustrates how this
functions. comes about. Net movement stops when concentrations are equal. Under most circumstances, diffusions of different substances
EXCITATORY/INHIBITORY SYNAPTIC INTERACTIONS. As an example of synaptic interaction in a nerve are independent of each other. For example, the diffusion of sugar down its concentration gradient would take place at the same
speed even if another diffusing substance, say urea, were present.
net, take a typical spinal motor neuron, with its cell body and dendrites (its receptive zone) in the ventral horn of The time required for diffusion over small distances, such as the size of a cell, is only a fraction of a second, but larger distances
the spinal cord. To make a muscle fiber contract, this motor neuron must be excited to its threshold level; it will take surprisingly longer times. To diffuse 10 cm takes about 53 days, and it would take years for 02 to diffuse from your lungs to
then discharge nerve impulses along its axon to excite the muscle. To prevent a muscle from contracting or to your toes. But 02 does not travel from lungs to body tissues by diffusion. Instead, it is transported by bulk flow through the
relax it, the motor neuron must be suppressed (inhibited). The cell body and dendrites of this motor neuron are circulating blood. Once the 02 reaches the tissues, it diffuses the short distance through the wall of the blood vessel (capillary)
the site of thousands of synapses made by the ending of sensory neurons, interneurons, or neurons originating in into the tissue and to any cell in the near vicinity. The process is over in seconds.
the brain. Some of these synapses are excitatory (E); others are inhibitory (I). An E and an I synapse may be side BULK FLOW. In contrast to diffusion, in bulk flow the whole mass (fluid plus any dissolved solutes) moves. For example, when
by side. Although any neuron in the nervous system (the motor neuron, in this case) can receive both E and I you push the plunger on the top of a syringe, fluid flows out the needle (by bulk flow). In the diagram, the man on the left is
synapses at once, a neuron can contribute only either the E or I type of synapse; furthermore, all the contributing pushing harder than the one on the right, so fluid flows from left to right. We call the "push" pressure. (More precisely, the
pressure is the force he exerts on each square centimeter of plunger.) Fluid flows down pressure gradients, from high to low
terminals would be the same (E or I). Thus, all motor neurons contribute only E terminals to their targets. Many
pressures, by bulk flow.
of the descending neurons originating in the brain also have E terminals. The diagram to the right shows how pressure can be measured. A light (ideally weightless) moveable partition is placed on top of
Neurons that provide E synaptic terminals are called excitatory (E) neurons. Most of the large neurons the fluid, and mercury is poured on top until the weight of the mercury is just sufficient to stop the flow. At this point, the pressure
(macroneurons) that connect the CNS with the periphery or communicate between the major parts of the CNS gradient has fallen to zero; pressures to the left and right are equal. But the pressure on the right is determined by the weight of the
are of the E type. However, the I terminals, which are crucial for central synaptic integration, are often provided mercury (divided by the area of the partition), and this is determined by the height of the mercury column. We measure pressure
by the small inhibitory neurons ( _ short axon neurons, interneurons, microneurons). Thus, if a sensory fiber in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg); it is the height of the column of mercury required to balance the pressure so that no
from the periphery or a descending motor fiber from the brain needs to inhibit a spinal motor neuron, it must movement occurs.
first excite the I type interneurons, which in turn can inhibit the motor neuron via their I synapses. In a mature OSMOSIS. The diagram (next to bottom) shows a membrane separating two solutions. The membrane is permeable to water but
animal or human, all the E and I terminals to a motor neuron are permanently in place; only the pattern of impermeable to the solute. Water will flow from left to right, from the region where the concentration of dissolved solute is low
(actually zero in our example) toward the region where it is high. The flow is called osmosis. The forces that cause osmosis can be
nervous activity or the degree of sensory or descending motor input determines which terminals (E or I) will be
measured by the same technique used to measure pressure (see illustration on the right). Use the "weightless" moveable piston to
used. cover the solution, and pour on mercury until movement stops. The height of the mercury measures the pressure required to stop
Activation of each synaptic terminal produces a slow, weak, and graded synaptic potential; EPSP in the E the osmotic flow; it is called osmotic pressure. The osmotic pressure will depend on the solution used on the right-hand side; the
terminal and IPSP in the I terminal (see captions in the illustration and plates 16, 17 for details of the electrical more concentrated the solution, the higher the osmotic pressure. As a result, we identify the osmotic pressure with the solution.
and ionic aspects of EPSP and IPSP). Because these terminals are impinging on a simple neuron, the EPSPs and The osmotic pressure of a solution is simply the pressure that would be measured if the solution were placed on the righthand side
IPSPs can add up (summation, see below) algebraically. When E synapses are more active than I synapses or of our device. Note that according to this convention, water flows up the osmotic pressure gradient. To a good approximation, all
more E synapses are active, excitation will prevail; otherwise, inhibition will prevail. If the two types of molecules and ions make equal contributions to osmotic pressures.
synapses are equally active, their effects will be cancelled out. Summation of synaptic interaction is one basis Osmosis involves bulk flow. Suppose, in our example, that the solute on the right were protein and that we dissolve equal
for neuronal integration (i.e., the balance of the excitatory and inhibitory input to the receptive zone of a concentrations of sugar on both sides of the membrane. Because proteins are so much larger than sugar, it is easy to find a porous
membrane that will allow water and sugar to pass but will restrain the protein. What happens in this case? As before, the water
postsynaptic neuron determines if the axon will fire nerve impulses).
flows from left to right, but now it carries the sugar with it as if the water were being driven by the same type of pressure gradient
SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL SUMMATION. In the neuromuscular junction, a single action potential causes described in the bulk flow panel. Osmotic flow takes place in bulk; the solvent (water) drags all solutes along with it except those
the release of enough neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) to cause a full endplate potential and a consequent muscle that are restrained by the membrane.
twitch (plate 17). In the central synapses, however, the energy of a single EPSP or IPSP is usually insufficient to IONIC CURRENT. The bottom diagram shows ionic movements (current) that arise from tiny differences in electrical charge on
activate the postsynaptic neuron. To increase efficiency, the level of excitation or inhibition at the postsynaptic the two membrane surfaces. Ions of like sign repel; ions of unlike sign attract. When positive and negative ions are separated, they
surface must increase. The algebraic addition of synaptic potentials at the receptive surface of a postsynaptic tend to move back together. Energy associated with this attraction (or repulsion) is easy to measure. It is called a voltage. Positive
neuron is called synaptic summation. There are two types of summation: spatial and temporal. Spatial summa- ions move down voltage gradients; negative ions move up voltage gradients.
tion occurs when the presynaptic input is summated across the different synaptic sites, impinging on the same In each of our examples, materials moved from regions of high energy to regions of lower energy. Concentration gradients,
postsynaptic neuron. Spatial summation may involve both E and I types of synapses, from one, two, or more pressure gradients, osmotic gradients, and vcltage gradients are all exmaples of energy gradients (more precisely, free energy
gradients - see plate 9). Our discussion can be generalized: energy gradients are forces that generate movements.
presynaptic neurons. Temporal summation (i.e., that of individual synaptic potentials in time) may involve a
single synapse. Here an increase in the frequency of discharge (number of impulses/unit of time) will heighten
the effectiveness of the synapse. In the E synapse, this increases the probability of discharge; in the I synapse, it
decreases it. Opportunities for spatial summation are created by increasing either the number of terminal con-
nections of a single presynaptic neuron to the same postsynaptic one (as in the central terminal branchings of the
sensory afferents) or the number of active presynaptic neurons (recruitment). In temporal summation, high-
frequency stimulation of the presynaptic neuron results in the accumulation of enough E or I currents to cause
excitation or inhibition of the target neuron when single-impulse or low-frequency stimulation is insufficient.
Convergence of several neurons of the same type on a single postsynaptic neuron is another device to create
54 opportunities for spatial and temporal summation. 55
Acid-base balance refers to the complex array of mechanisms employed to regulate the concentration of
hydrogen ions in the body fluids, even though H+ ions are present only in trace amounts. There is almost four
thousand times more Na+ in blood plasma than H+; yet H+ is important because it is so reactive. It is simply a
positive charge (a proton) that can easily attach to a variety of molecules, especially proteins, changing their
charge and how they interact. Pure water contains 0.0001 mM H+ (pH = 7.0). Any aqueous solution that
contains more H+ is acidic; if it contains less, it is called alkaline. Blood contains 0.00004 mM H+ (pH = 7.4); it
is slightly alkaline.
Although free H+ ions are scarce, there are huge numbers of potential H+ lurking in the background bound to
other substances. To understand acid-base balance, we must take into account substances that are sources of H+
and those that may absorb H+, as well as following the concentration of free H+ ions. Sources are called acids;
an acid is a substance that gives up H+. A strong acid gives up most of its H+; a weak one gives up only part. A
base is a substance that takes up H+.
A buffer is a pair of substances that resist changes in acidity of a solution. It works by storing (binding) the H+.
When H+ is added to a solution containing buffer, it is "soaked up" by empty storage sites on some of the buffer
molecules. When H+ is removed, it is replaced by H+ that had been stored on other buffer molecules. In order to
work, a buffer must have some molecules with storage sites that are occupied by H+ while other molecules have
empty (storage) sites. Those buffer molecules with occupied sites are acids (they can give up H+); those that are
unoccupied are bases (they can take up H+).
The pair bicarbonate/carbonic acid forms an important buffer system in the body:
H+ + HC03 ↔ H2C03 ↔ H20 + C02.
H2C03 (carbonic acid) is the acid member of the pair because it can release H+. Bicarbonate, HC03 , is the base
member because it can bind H+. In water, this step takes about a minute, but in the kidney and red blood cells, it
is catalyzed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase and is completed within a fraction of a second. The reaction is so
rapid that we often identify C02 with H2C03. This system is especially important because two of its components
are rigorously controlled by the body: the lungs control C02, and the kidneys control HC03 . Although there are
other buffers in the body, this simple chemical reaction links the lungs and kidneys and allows them to maintain
a viable H+ concentration in the body fluids.
Each day an average person on a mixed diet produces 60 mM of H+ in the form of sulfuric, phosphoric, and
organic acids. These are called metabolic acids because they do not arise from C02, and the disturbances in H+
they create must eventually be corrected by the kidney. When metabolic H+ is
produced in any organ, most of it is picked up by HC03: in the blood and forms C02. The increased C02 plus
the increased H+ stimulate respiration, which helps eliminate the increased C02. In this case, the bicarbonate
reaction shown above moves to the right, downhill, because one of the reactants, H+, is continually produced
while one of the products, C02, is continually removed.
The respiratory regulation of H+ described above will work only if the bicarbonate that is used can be
replenished. This task is accomplished by the kidneys, where the bicarbonate reaction takes place in the reverse
direction. This reversal in direction occurs because the kidneys remove the H+ as fast as it forms and excrete it
in urine. In the process, the newly formed HC03 is reabsorbed. Thus, the kidney manufactures HC03 without
retaining the attendant H+ (see plate 60). The result is that for every H+ produced by metabolism, one H+ is
excreted in the urine, and one bicarbonate is reabsorbed.
A H+ concentration below 0.00002mM (pH = 7.7) or above 0001 mM (pH = 7.0) is incompatible with life. If
plasma becomes more acid than normal, the condition is called acidosis; when it is less acid, the condition is
alkalosis. In either case, it is useful to recognize whether the disturbance arises from respiratory or other
(metabolic) causes. The best clues come from studies of the buffer pair HC03 /H2C03. An increase of H2C03
will tend to increase H+; an increase in HC03 will "soak up" free H+ and reduce its concentration.
Respiratory acid-base disturbances are reflected by changes in plasma C02 or the equivalent H2C03. If these are
depressed, as in rapid breathing, there is a diminution of suppliers of H+; the H+ concentration goes down; the
condition is respiratory alkalosis. Compensation by the kidney requires an excretion of HC03 to rid the plasma
of a disproportionate amount of substances that soak up the scarce H+. Conversely, in pneumonia or polio, there
is a failure to eliminate C02 (and HpC03); plasma acidity rises; the condition is respiratory acidosis. Renal
compensation consists of elevating the plasma HC03 to a level commensurate with the elevated H2C03.
Nonrespiratory acid-base disturbances are called metabolic disturbances. When plasma HC03 decreases and
plasma H+ increases, the condition is called metabolic acidosis. The increased H+ signifies acidosis, and the
decreased HC03 implicates its nonrespiratory origin. These occur, for example, in renal failure and in diabetes.
Respiratory compensation occurs because the increased H+ stimulates breathing, which reduces C02 and
H2C03. Finally in metabolic alkalosis, which sometimes occurs during vomiting of HCI from the stomach, there
56 is an increased HC03 with decreased H+. Respiratory compensation consists of C02 and H2C03 retention. 57
58 59
60 61
TRANSPORT OF CO2, H+, AND O2 swept away in the venous blood, and (4) 02 is consumed by the tissues, so its
Transport of CO , H and O 2
The subunit structure of Hb introduces into the molecule
new properties that are not
concentration is low. Note that as soon as H+ is produced, it is picked up by the Hb, so
free H+ does not accumulate to dangerous levels. In the process, the tissues receive an
shared by the simpler single unit analog, myoglobin. In particular, increasing the extra dividend: more 02 is driven off the Hb than would be without the H+ binding.
concentrations of C02 and H+ drives 02 off the Hb molecule. The converse also holds: In the lungs, these same reactions occur, but now in reverse:
increasing the concentration of 02 drives off both C02 and H+. At first, this unusual O2 + HHb →Hb02- + H+
sensitivity of Hb to its environment may seem undesirable in a molecule whose function H+ + HC03 →H2C03 → H20 + C02
is to stabilize the P02 in body fluids. However, the function of Hb goes beyond this; it not The first reaction proceeds in the direction of the arrow because (1) P02 is high in the
only transports 02, it also transports both C02 and H+. Further, Hb reacts with these lungs, (2) there is a steady supply of HHb at high concentration coming from the tissues
three substances in a remarkable way so that just the "right" thing happens at the "right" (via systemic venous blood), and (3) as soon as excess H+ accumulates, it is consumed
time. by the second reaction. The second reaction proceeds as shown because (1) there is a
Like 02, C02 transport is passive. PC02 is high in the tissues because it is produced steady supply of H+ liberated by the first reaction, (2) there is a steady supply of HC03
there. It is low in the lung alveoli because it is swept out with each breath, and therefore at high concentration coming from the tissues, and (3) breathing keeps CO2 at a low
it is also low in the arterial blood that enters tissue capillaries. C02 moves down its level.
partial pressure gradient from tissue to capillary blood to lung alveoli (plate 48). Although Thus, H+ ions, which at first appeared to be a problem, actually play a very useful role:
blood holds a small amount of C02 (about 9%) in simple solution and another fraction in the tissues they drive 02 off of Hb, and in the lungs they help drive C02 off of HC03 .
(about 27%) in combination with Hb, the major portion (64%) reacts with water, forming They never accumulate in the free state because they are passed back and forth like a
bicarbonate (HC03 ) and hydrogen ions (H+). "hot potato" between Hb and HC03.
C02 + H20 ↔ H2C03 ↔ HC03 + H+
Because PC02 is high in the tissues, this reaction proceeds to the right, and C02 is
carried as bicarbonate. However, there is a major problem with this reaction; it leads to
the accumulation of H+ ions. Not only are H+ ions acid, but their accumulation will slow
down and block the reaction of C02 with water, which severely limits the amounts of C02
that can be carried. The dilemma is resolved by substances in the blood that "soak up"
or buffer excess H+ ions. Hb is one of the most important of these buffers; its reaction
with H+ can be represented as follows:
H+ + Hb02- ↔ HHb + 02
where the Hb02 represents Hb with 02 attached (oxyhemoglobin), and the (-) sign
signifies one of the many (-) charges carried by the Hb molecule. Similarly, HHb repres-
ents Hb with an extra H+ attached.
Notice that these reactions are both reversible (i.e., they can proceed from left to right or
from right to left depending on the concentrations of reactants and products). At equili-
brium, the reaction proceeds in both directions, but at equal
rates so that no noticeable change takes place. However, when concentrations of
substances on the right are decreased, the reaction gets "pulled" from left to right.
Increasing concentrations on the left will "push" the reaction from left to right.
Conversely, decreasing the concentrations of substances on the left, or increasing them
on the right, moves the reaction from right to left.
In the tissues, the reactions involving Hb and bicarbonate are coupled because H+ ions
are a common participant in both. In the tissues:
C02+ H20 →H2C03 →HC03 + H+
H+ + Hb02 →HHb + 02
The first reaction proceeds in the indicated direction because (1) C02 is produced in
tissues so its concentration is high, and (2) as soon as excess H+ begins to accumulate,
it is consumed by the second reaction. The second reaction proceeds in the indicated
direction because (1) a steady supply of H+ is liberated by the first reaction, (2) a steady
supply of Hb02 at high concentration is coming from the lungs, (3) HHb is continually
62 63
64 65
66 67
Capillary Structure and Solute Diffusion
The amount of blood that fills the capillary bed at any moment is only about 5% of the total blood volume. Nevertheless, this is
where the "business" of the circulation is transacted. It is the place where exchange of 02 and nutrients for C02 and wastes occurs.
Exchange takes place in the capillaries because their walls are composed of only one layer of very thin porous endothelial cells,
which permit solutes smaller than proteins to rapidly diffuse between capillary blood and interstitial tissue spaces. (The granular
basement membrane that surrounds each capillary does not present any special barrier to diffusion.) Before entering the
capillaries, blood must pass through arterioles, the resistance vessels. They range in diameter from 5 to 100 ~m and are
surrounded by thick, smooth muscular walls that can contract to constrict the arteriole and regulate blood flow delivery to the
capillary bed. Blood leaving the capillaries enters the venules, which serve as collecting vessels. Their walls are thinner than
arterioles, but thicker and much more impermeable than capillaries.
In some tissues, blood goes directly from arteriole to capillary; in others, the blood is delivered to metarterioles, which then give
rise to capillaries. Metarterioles can serve as supply vessels to the capillaries, or they can bypass the capillaries and convey blood
directly into venules. Capillaries that arise as side branches of arterioles or metarterioles have muscle cells around their origin that
act as gates or precapillary sphincters, the last control on local blood flow before entering the capillary bed. Sometimes a second
type of bypass vessel called an AV shunt is found. These are direct connections between arterioles and venules that do not give
rise to capillaries.
Not all capillary beds are open at any one time. Smooth muscles regulating the microcirculation are controlled by both nerves and
local metabolites (chemicals involved in metabolism). Arteriolar smooth muscle has a rich supply of nerves and is less sensitive to
metabolites; metarterioles and precapillary sphincters have a poor nerve supply and are largely governed by local metabolites. The
combined action of these muscular controls produces an intermittent flow through any particular capillary bed. First one bed
opens, then it closes while another opens.
Most solutes diffuse freely through the capillary walls. The concentration of 02 and nutrients physically dissolved in the blood
plasma is higher than in the tissues because they are consumed in the tissue; the concentration gradient promotes nutrient diffusion
from blood plasma to tissue. In contrast, COp and waste products are constantly produced in the tissues; their concentration
gradient promotes diffusion from tissue to blood plasma. If they can pass through the capillary walls, there is no need for special
transport systems to exchange materials between blood and tissue.
How do solutes get through the capillary walls? The respiratory gases 02 and COp are lipid soluble so that permeation is no
problem; they permeate all cell membranes (including the endothelial cells that make up the capillary walls) with ease. In
addition, capillary walls behave as though they contain large pores to permit anything smaller than a protein to pass through. In
many tissues like skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle, the junction between endothelial cells is loose enough to allow passage of
most molecules, but not proteins. This is not true in the brain. Here the junctions are very tight and restraining; capillaries in the
brain are impermeable to many small molecules as well as protein. This barrier to exchange, called the "blood-brain barrier," is
circumvented by special facilitated transport systems in the endothelial cells of the brain capillaries that transport such required
nutrients as glucose and amino acids. In contrast, capillary endothelial cells in the intestines, kidneys and endocrine glands are
riddled with large "windows" called fenestrations, which provide large surface areas for permeation. These fenestrations are not
simple holes. They are covered by a thin, very porous, very permeable membrane that permitts passage of relatively large
molecules. Finally, capillaries in the liver can be extremely porous. The endothelial cells do not provide a continuous covering,
leaving large gaps between cells that are easily traversed by large molecules, including proteins.
68 69
Plates 9 and 10 focused on concentration gradients as the driving force for transport through membranes. When charged particles Cells that transmit "messages" or impulses throughout the nervous system are called neurons. Although the size and shape of
(i.e., ions) are involved, electrical driving forces become equally effective. These forces appear as voltage differences (voltage these cells show large variations from place to place, a typical neuron consists of three characteristic parts: (1) Dendrites, which
gradients) across cell membranes. The forces arise from separation of positive and negative charge by the membrane. The inside specialize in receiving stimuli from other neurons, from sensory epithelial cells, or simply from their environment. These are
surface of a cell membrane generally has slightly more negative charge in its immediate vicinity, and the outside surface has narrow extensions of the cell and are often short and branched. (2) Cell body, which can also receive impulses. This contains the
slightly more positive charge. This creates an electrical force (voltage difference) that may be as large as 0.1 volt (100 mv), nucleus, mitochondria, and other standard equipment of cells. (3) Axon, a single, cylindrical extension of the cell, specialized in
attracting positive charge inward and negative charge outward. This voltage difference is called the membrane potential, and it is conducting impulses over large distances to other nerve, muscle, or gland cells. The final portion of the axon is generally
always expressed as the voltage inside the cell minus the voltage outside. Because the inside is generally negative (and the outside branched, and each branch terminates in an axon terminal, a swollen bulblike structure that is important in transmitting
positive), the normal membrane potential will be negative. It ranges from -10 my in red blood cells to about -90 my in heart and information to the next cell. The whitish cables, easily seen in gross dissection, that connect the brain or spinal cord to various
skeletal muscle. The magnitude of these forces can be appreciated if we realize that when K+ is ten times more concentrated on parts of the body are made up of numerous axons held together by connective tissue.
one side of the membrane, its diffusion to the less concentrated side can be completely stopped by opposing it with a membrane The existence of these "messages" or "signals," which are most often called nerve impulses, is easily demonstrated. If the nerve to
potential of only 60 mv. a limb is cut, the limb becomes paralyzed. The muscles in the limb remain healthy, they will move if they are stimulated directly
Membrane potentials are measured by connecting two electrodes (properly conditioned metallic wires) to each side of the with weak electrical shocks, but otherwise the muscles never get the message to move. After some time, the paralysis subsides
membrane and connecting these electrodes to each other through a meter. Electrons will flow through the wire from the negative and the return of normal activity coincides with the regeneration of the cut axons so that the original connections are
to the positive side. The magnitude of the flow, detected by the meter, is proportional to the voltage difference. In practice, special reestablished.
precautions are taken to ensure that the drainage of charge through the electrodes is so small that it does not disturb the original Using a single axon together with its associated muscle, we can study many properties of the "messages." If we stimulate the axon
voltage. (In the diagrams, we follow the convention that the needle of the meter points in the direction that positive charge would (e.g., with an electrical shock), the subsequent movement of the muscle will reveal whether it got the "message." This primitive
flow - i.e., it is opposite to the direction of electron flow.) strategy has been used to study how fast messages travel. Suppose we stimulate an axon at a specific point, A, and measure the
How does the charge separation responsible for membrane potentials arise? Consider the impermeable membrane shown in panel time it takes before the muscle contracts. Next we stimulate at point B, 5 cm closer to the muscle. This time the muscle responds
A of the middle diagram. KCI is more concentrated on the left than on the right. Because both sides are electrically neutral ([K+] about .001 sec. (1 msec.) sooner because the message does not have as far to travel, and the difference in the two times (.001 sec.)
_ [CI-] on each side), the meter shows no voltage difference between the two sides. In panel B, patch K+ channels into the reflects the time taken for the message to travel the 5 cm from A to B. If it takes .001 sec. to travel 5 cm, then the velocity of the
membrane, which allow K+ but not CI- to go through. K+ begins to diffuse to the right, building up positive charge on the right message must be 5/.001 = 5000 cm/sec. = 50 m/sec.
and abandoning negative charge on the left; a voltage gradient is created across the membrane, which tends to move K+ in the What are these "messages"? When an axon is stimulated, many changes occur before the muscle contracts. Of these, electrical
opposite direction (from left to right). Each time a K+ moves, the charge separation becomes larger so that the voltage opposing changes have been the easiest to measure and intrepret. At rest, the axon behaves like any cell; its interior bears a negative
diffusion becomes larger. Finally (actually after a very short time), the voltage is just able to balance the concentration gradient, electrical charge when compared to the outside. This is easily demonstrated by placing electrodes on the two sides of the axon
and net K+ movement ceases (panel C). At this point, the system is in equilibrium; the voltage gradient required to stop diffusion membrane. They register a voltage difference of about 70 my across the membrane with the inside negative (membrane potential
of the K+ ion is called the K+ equilibrium potential. The larger the concentration gradient, the larger the equilibrium potential. = -70 mv). When the axon is stimulated, this voltage reverses itself, moving momentarily to positive inside and then quickly back
Notice in panel C that the excess ions charging up the membrane hover close to the membrane; the excess positive and negative to the resting negative state. This sudden change in membrane potential that accompanies activity is called an action potential. It
ions attract each other. These excess ions are confined to a very thin layer adjacent to the membrane, and their numbers are very occurs first at the point of stimulation and moments later at each position along the axon; the farther from the stimulation point,
small compared to the number of ions present in the remaining bulk solution. Nevertheless, they produce significant electrical the longer the delay before the action potential appears. In other words, the action potential begins at the stimulus and travels
forces. Within the bulk of the solution (away from the membrane), the numbers of positive and negative charges are equal. along the axon toward the muscle. The speed of travel is identical to the speed of the "message" (measured as described above). In
Instead of using K+ channels, we could use CI- channels. Our analysis would be similar, only now the diffusing ion is negatively fact, comparing the properties of "messages" with those of action potentials leads us to conclude that they are one and the same;
charged; it leaves a positive ion behind on the left, and the right-hand side becomes negatively charged. Equilibrium ensues when "messages" are action potentials. At the height of the action potential, the outside of the membrane is negatively charged, and this
the membrane potential has the same magnitude as before, but is oriented in the opposite direction (negative on the right). In this negative region moves along the axon. Viewed from outside the axon, the action potential appears to be a wave of electrical
case, the CI- equilibrium potential is equal and opposite to the K+ equilibrium potential. When we are dealing with more complex negativity that travels down the axon.
mixtures of ions, their concentration gradients may be virtually independent of one another, so that each ion would have its own How do action potentials arise? At rest, the membrane potential is about -70 mv. Because of this polarity (negative inside, positive
equilibrium potential. outside), the membrane is said to be polarized. To understand the genesis of this resting potential as well as the action potential,
Similar effects occur in cell membranes, but now we deal with more ions, and the system does not settle down to equilibrium. The review plate 11. Remember that the intracellular fluid in neurons (i.e., in axons) has high K+ and low Na+ concentrations; the
Na+-K+ pump establishes a K+ gradient: high K+ on the inside, low on the outside. (It also establishes an oppositely directed reverse is true for extracellular fluid which is rich in Na+ and poor in K+. At rest, most operative channels allow passage of K+
Na+ gradient, but this is not as important because there are many more operative K+ channels than Na+ channels.) K+ diffuses but not of Na+. K+ diffuses down its concentration gradient, delivering a positive charge on the outside surface while leaving
through K+ channels to establish a voltage gradient (membrane potential) with the inside negative. The magnitude of the negatively charged "partners" behind on the inner surface. The membrane becomes polarized, with the inside negative with
membrane potential is not quite equal to the K+ equilibrium potential for two reasons: (1) other ions besides K+ (e.g., Na+ and respect to the outside.
CI-) can also permeate the membrane, and (2) the Na+-K+ pump may also make a direct contribution by pumping charge. Recall A stimulus causes a brief increase in the number of open Na+ channels. If the stimulus is weak, only a few channels open, and the
that each time the pump cycles, three Na+ move out, but only two K+ move in; this results in a net movement of one positive membrane potential is hardly perturbed. However, if the stimulus is sufficiently strong (i.e., if it is stronger than a critical level
charge out. Thus, the pump not only plays an indirect role by setting up the original concentration gradient of K+ so that it can called the threshold), then the number of open Na+ channels becomes very substantial. Na+ ions, poised at high concentration
diffuse out through K+ channels, but it also pumps positive charge out. The relative size of this latter (direct) contribution varies outside the axon, leave their negatively charged "partners" behind on the outside and rush in fast enough to overwhelm the K+
with circumstances. It is often small. moving out. The inside of the cell is inundated with positive charge so that the polarity is reversed; now the inside is positive and
The concentrations of Na+ and K+ are fairly constant, but they are not in equilibrium. They settle down to steady values because the outside is negative. A moment later the Na+ channels close and extra K+ channels open. The membrane becomes very
as fast as they leak in (or out), they get pumped back out (or in). If the pump is poisoned, the concentrations of Na+ and K+ will permeable to K+. K+ moves out, making the membrane potential even more negative than it was at rest, driving it very close to
change as they drift toward equilibrium, and the membrane potential diminishes. Final equilibrium is then determined primarily the K+ equilibrium potential. Finally (after several milliseconds), the extra K+ channels close, and the membrane permeability
by negatively charged ions inside the cell (e.g., protein anions) that cannot permeate the membrane. These are represented by A- returns to its resting condition.
in the large diagram.
70 71
Synaptic Transmission
Nerve impulses are transmitted both along axons and from cell to cell. Transmission from nerve cell to nerve cell, from nerve to
muscle, or from nerve to gland is called synaptic transmission, and the sites of this transmission are called synapses. A typical
synapse consists of a terminal branch of an incoming nerve axon, the presynaptic cell, in close contact with the target postsynaptic
cell (nerve, muscle, or gland). The distance between these two cells at a synapse is only about 20 nm (1 nm = 1 millionth of a
mm), and the space between them is called the synaptic cleft.
In some cases, transmission is electrical; the arriving impulse forces ion flow through gap junctions that connect the two cells, and
the resulting electrical disturbance depolarizes and stimulates the postsynaptic cell. More often, transmission is quite different,
operating by release of a chemical called a neurotransmitter. The sequence of events in chemical transmission is as follows:
1. The impulse arrives at the terminal branch of the incoming axon and depolarizes the presynaptic membrane. This
depolarization opens Ca++ channels in the presynaptic membrane, and Ca++ flows down its gradient from outside the cell, where
its concentration is high, to inside, where it is very low.
2. The raised intracellular Ca++ promotes the fusion of vesicles with the presynaptic membrane. This process, called exocytosis,
releases neurotransmitters that had been stored within the vesicles into the synaptic cleft.
3. The neurotransmitter molecules diffuse across the synaptic cleft and bind to proteins called receptors on the postsynaptic
4. The transmitter-receptor complex promotes the opening of specific postsynaptic ion channels. (In some cases, the complex
activates enzyme systems. See plate 17.)
5. Ions flow through the open channels and, if excitatory channels are opened, the postsynaptic membrane is depolarized. The
resulting membrane potential generated across the postsynaptic membrane is called an EPSP (excitatory postsynaptic potential).
This depolarization (EPSP) stimulates voltage activated channels adjacent to the synaptic region. If enough of these channels are
activated, the postsynaptic cell membrane becomes excited, and the impulse is propagated out from the synaptic region over the
surface of the postsynaptic cell membrane by the same electrical mechanism that brought the impulse into the synapse on the
presynaptic axon.
6. If the open channels are inhibitory, the postsynaptic membrane hyperpolarizes. Now the membrane potential
generated across the postsynaptic membrane is called an IPSP (inhibitory postsynaptic potential) because the hyperpolarization
spreads to some extent to the adjacent voltage activated channels, making it more difficult for them to respond to a stimulus
(depolarization) from any other source (i.e., they are inhibited).
In either case (EPSP or IPSP), the postsynaptic channels in the synaptic cleft are different from the ordinary excitation channels
that populate the other portions of nerve and muscle cell membranes. The postsynaptic channels are not activated by
depolarization; instead, activation will occur only if a specific chemical binds to their associated receptor. Once activated
chemically, they produce the electrical depolarization (hyperpolarization) required to excite (inhibit) ordinary voltage activated
channels that lie in adjacent areas.
What distinguishes an "excitatory" from an "inhibitory" channel on the postsynaptic membrane? It all depends on which ions pass
freely through the channel. In a typical excitatory synapse, the chemically activated channels are permeable to both Na+ and K+.
More Na+ moves into the cell than K+ moves out because the gradient (electrical + concentration) is larger for Na+. As a result,
net positive charge moves in, and the postsynaptic membrane depolarizes. We have an EPSP.
In an inhibitory synapse, the transmitter reacts with the postsynaptic membrane and opens chemically activated channels that are
permeable to K+ and CI-, but not to Na+. K+ moves out of the cell, but movement of CI- is limited because its gradient is much
smaller. As a result, net positive charge moves out, and the post synaptic membrane becomes even more polarized
(hyperpolarized). We have an IPSP, making it more difficult for any excitatory impulse to depolarize the membrane. The
postsynaptic cell is inhibited.
All synapses are not alike. Those that occur at neuromuscular junctions between nerve and skeletal muscle use acetylcholine as a
neurotransmitter; they are always excitatory. Those that occur in visceral organs (i.e., autonomic synapses - plates 17, 25) use
either norepinephrine or acetylcholine and may be either excitatory or inhibitory. Finally, the synapses that occur between neuron
and neuron in the central nervous system are the most varied; they use a multitude of neurotransmitters (plate 82).
The action of a neurotransmitter does not persist for a long time because it is continuously removed from the synaptic cleft either
by enzymatic attack or by re-uptake by nerve terminals. A persistent response of the postsynaptic cell can be obtained only by
delivery of an equally persistent barrage of nerve impulses to the synapse.
72 73
Plate 14 described how depolarization at a particular location on an axon membrane leads to the formation of an action potential
at that location. But once an axon is excited, the action potential moves! It is propagated along the entire length of the axon. The
first diagram in the plate shows an axon with an impulse located at B that is traveling from left to right. The excited region at B is
at the height of the action potential, where the membrane polarity is reversed. This discrepancy in charge between excited and
unexcited regions of the axon will cause the charge to move along the axon. For simplicity, we will describe only the movement
of the positive charge. (If the same arguments are applied to negative charge movements, the same conclusion will be reached.)
On the external surface of the axon, the positive charge will be attracted to the negative charge of the excited region so that the
adjacent regions, A and C, on either side will lose some of their positive charge. Further, on the inner surface, the positive charge
at B will be attracted to the negative charge at adjacent regions. These actions take positive charge away from the external surface
at A and C and add positive charge to the internal surface. The net result is to depolarize the membrane at both A and C. But
depolarization stimulates! The stimulus is effective at C but not at A because A is still recovering from the impulse that just
passed it (i.e., A is in a refractory period). Nerve impulse conduction is analogous to a spark traveling along a fuse. The heat of
the spark ignites the powder in the region ahead of it. The spark does not travel backward because the trailing edge has been
burned out. In a nerve, the impulse excites the region ahead of it, releasing some of the energy contained in ion gradients; it does
not travel backward because of the refractory period. If you light a fuse in the middle, the spark will travel in both directions.
Similarly, if you excite an axon in the middle, the refractory argument no longer applies, and the impulse will travel in both
directions (away from the source of excitation).
Axons vary in diameter as well as length. The larger the diameter, the faster it will conduct nerve impulses. This follows because
the speed of conduction depends on how far downstream the electrical effects of the excitatory impulse reach. The farther they
reach, the quicker the distant regions become excited. These electrical effects are propagated by charge movement (i.e., electrical
current) inside the axon as well as out, and the narrower the axon, the more resistant it becomes to these movements. As a result,
the electrical disturbance created by an action potential in a narrow axon is confined to regions close by, and the velocity of
conduction is small.
Rapid reflexes require fast impulse conduction along nerves. Invertebrates acquire rapid responses by using very large nerve
axons. However, their behavior is uncomplicated, and they do not require very many of these nerves. But vertebrates have
complex behavior and require many more axons.
If these were all large, they would be cumbersome and create a packaging problem (see below). The problem is solved by keeping
the axon diameters small and by using another means, myelin sheaths, to achieve rapid conduction velocities.
Most axons are encased in a white, fatty, myelin sheath that is broken at intervals called nodes of Ranvier. These nodes are about
1 to 2 mm apart, and they are the only place that the bare axon membrane is exposed to the external solution. Myelin sheaths are
formed by satellite Schwann cells that are wrapped spirally around the axons; the sheath is made of layers of ion-impermeable
Schwann cell membranes.
Impulse conduction in myelinated and nonmyelinated axons differs because the myelin sheaths alter the charge distribution along
the axon. At the nodal regions, positive and negative charges are separated by the thin plasma membrane; they are not too far
apart to partially cancel each other. Between the nodes, the myelin sheath, which may contain as many as 300 tightly packed
membranes, imposes a much larger distance between intra-and extracellular charge, and the partial cancellation is considerably
reduced. As a result, for a given membrane potential of say -70 mv, there will be much less charge piled up at the internodal
regions (along the sheath between the nodes) than at the nodes. Similarly, it will require much less charge removal to depolarize
the internodes. Thus, when a node is excited, it quickly depolarizes the adjacent internodal region and reaches much farther
downstream to the next node for more charge. The neighboring node becomes depolarized, and the impulse jumps from node to
node. The internodal region does not become excited because the depolarization has to be "shared" by the many membranes that
are stacked in series and also because there are few if any Na+ channels in the internodal regions. These factors result in faster
conduction because the impulse now jumps from node to node and does not have to wait for each (internodal) section of the
membrane to become excited.
Vertebrate nerves often contain small, slow, conducting, nonmyelinated nerves mixed with faster myelinated nerves. Conduction
velocities vary from 0.5 to 120 m/sec. (1 to 268 mph). The advantages obtained by use of myelin sheaths is illustrated by the
following example. A typical mammalian motor nerve containing about 1000 fast conducting axons is only about 1 mm in
diameter. If the only basis for achieving fast conduction is by increasing the fiber diameter, then it can be calculated that this
nerve should be about 38 times larger (i.e., without myelin, the 1 mm nerve would have a diameter of 38 mm = 1.5 in.) In
addition, by restricting ion movements to the nodes of Ranvier, the myelin sheath helps to prevent the dissipation of the Na+ and
K+ gradients each time the nerve fires. Thus, less energy is required to restore these gradients.
74 75
Different tasks call for different types of motion. Sometimes our movements are rapid and vigorous, other times they may be
slow, and still other times they may be fine and precise. In this plate, we explore mechanisms in muscles that are utilized to vary
the strength and pattern of contractions.
A muscle can be stimulated by an electrical shock applied directly to a muscle cell or by an action potential arriving at the
neuromuscular junction. When a single threshold stimulus is delivered to a muscle cell by either of these routes, the muscle
responds with a twitch that has three phases. (1) The latent period consists of the brief delay of 2 or 3 msec. between the delivery
of the stimulus and the first moment when some contraction can be observed. During this time, Ca++ is released, it activates the
contractile machinery, and this stretches the series elasticity. In an isotonic contraction, changes in muscle length are measured,
and no change will be observed until the developing tension matches and just begins to exceed the load (weight). In contrast, for
isometric contractions, changes in tension are measured, and the change will be observable as soon as the series elasticity is
stretched. It follows that the isotonic latent period will be longer than the isometric one, and the duration of the isotonic latent
period will increase with increasing load. (2) During the contraction period in an isotonic contraction, once the tension matches
the load, the continued contraction of the contractile machinery causes a net shortening or contraction of the entire muscle. In an
isometric contraction, the contraction phase begins as soon as tension begins to rise. In both cases, the recorded contraction phase
lasts anywhere from 5 to 50 msec., depending on the muscle. In the isotonic case, the speed of shortening decreases when the load
increases. (3) The relaxation phase sets in when the Ca++ level subsides as Ca++ is pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum
(SR). Ca++ leaves the troponin so that attachment sites for cross bridges on actin are covered by tropomyosin, and the actin and
myosin cannot interact. The filaments slide passively back to their original position.
A single twitch does not express the full potential of a muscular contraction. The twitch is brief and begins to subside before the
maximum force or shortening has had a chance to develop. If several twitches are excited in rapid succession, they summate and
give a combined contraction greater than a single one. In an isometric contraction, this summation occurs because, in a single
twitch, contractile activity is terminated by pumping Ca++ back into the SR before the contractile machinery has had time to fully
stretch the series elastically. If another stimulus follows on the heels of the first, it too will initiate a twitch, but this latter twitch
reaps the benefit of the first. It finds the SE already partially extended, and its efforts are added to this. In an isotonic contraction,
a single twitch has enough time to develop the tension (otherwise the muscle wouldn't shorten), but the extent of shortening has
been compromised by the brief twitch duration. Again, a second twitch arising before the muscle has had time to fully relax will
reap benefits from the first. It will find the muscle partially shortened and will summate. In either case (isotonic or isometric),
when the frequency of stimuli is sufficiently rapid, each succeeding stimulus arrives before the twitch from the preceding one has
even begun to relax. The result is a smooth, sustained contraction called a tetanus.
The strength of contraction of a single muscle cell can be altered by changing its length or the frequency of stimulation (frequency
of nerve impulses). Because a whole muscle is a collection of cells, it follows that the strength of contraction also can be
increased simply by engaging the simultaneous contraction of more cells, a phenomenon known as recruitment. Each motor nerve
axon that transmits impulses to a muscle branches several times before making synaptic connections with muscle cells. Branches
from one axon innervate many muscle cells. Each muscle cell in a mammal receives branches from only a single axon. Thus (in
the body), the muscles innervated by a single axon will all contract if and only if that axon transmits an impulse. A single motor
neuron and the muscle fibers connected to it act as a unit; it is called a motor unit. Recruitment of motor units is the major means
for varying the strength of contraction.
The number of muscle cells (fibers) in each motor unit varies in different parts of the body. Motor units involved in finely graded
and skilled motions (e.g., those that move the fingers or the eye) contain a small number of muscle cells (as low as ten). This
gives the nervous system the option of making very tiny adjustments in the performance of these muscles. Those units involved in
more gross contractions (e.g., those that control the postural muscles in the back) have many muscle cells (perhaps over two
hundred) for each nerve axon. In this instance, the nervous system makes powerful adjustments with only a few nerves.
Muscles fatigue; their activity cannot be sustained indefinitely. Yet some muscles (e.g., postural muscles) are called upon for
prolonged, sustained and smooth contractions. In the laboratory, we can demonstrate smooth contractions (shown on the right side
of the chart) by delivering rapid stimuli and producing a complete tetanus. In the body, motor units are rarely stimulated at those
frequencies. Contractions of a motor unit often involve a train of twitches that are not completely fused; the muscle cells have
moments to relax, so the motion of any individual motor unit appears jerky. Contraction of the whole muscle is smooth because
many motor units are involved, and they do not fire in synchrony. When one unit is beginning to relax, another will be beginning
to contract. The individual motions summate, and the net motion is smooth.
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Reflexes are programmed, stereotyped, predictable motor responses to certain specific sensory stimuli. They are
therefore the most elementary form of nervous action. Reflexive responses make up most of the behavior of
simpler animals, as well as that of the newborns of higher animals. Although the spinal reflexes (i.e., those
associated with spinal cord control of trunk and limb muscles) are better known, many brain reflexes also exist.
These regulate such things as eye movements, head turning, chewing, and sneezing. Reflexes associated with
the somatic nervous system and voluntary muscles are better known, but numerous autonomic reflexes
associated with visceral effectors (heart, smooth muscles, and glands) also exist.
The operation of any reflex requires the active participation of all components of the reflex arc: (1) the sensory
receptors, which detect the stimulus; (2) the afferent nerve, which conveys the sensory signal centrally; (3) an
integrative synaptic center, which analyzes the sensory input; (4) the efferent nerve, which conducts the motor
output to the periphery; and (5) a motor effector (e.g., skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, glands) which carries out
the response. The complexity of a reflex response corresponds mainly to the complexity of the reflex center; this
in turn depends on the number of interneurons and synapses involved.
MUSCLE SPINDLE AND THE STRETCH REFLEX. The most extensively studied reflex is the stretch reflex,
also the simplest known reflex because there is only one synapse in the path of its arc (monosynapiic reflex arc).
Large skeletal muscles contain several spindle shaped organs (muscle spindles), which are sensory organs
detecting changes in the length or tension of muscle fibers. Muscle spindles contain the sensory receptors of the
stretch reflex.
Each spindle contains modified muscle fibers called intrafusal fibers (L. fusus = spindle). At its middle, each
intrafusal fiber has a mechanical stretch receptor connected to a sensory nerve. Stretching the muscle activates
the spindle receptor, firing nerve signals to the spinal cord. In the spinal cord, the terminals of the spindle
sensory fiber make direct excitatory synaptic contact with alpha motor neurons serving the same muscle. Alpha
motor neurons are the large neurons that innervate ordinary muscle fibers (extrafusal). Activation of alpha motor
neurons by the spindle sensory fibers and the resultant contraction lead to shortening and return of the muscle
fiber to its original length.
The stretch reflex continuously monitors the length or tension of muscle fibers and keeps them constant during
rest. This helps give the muscles tonus (tone), maintaining their readiness for action. Spindle fibers also have a
contractile segment located on the sides of the stretch receptor. Contraction of these motor segments stretches
the spindle sensory segment, activating the stretch reflex. The spindle motor segments are innervated by smaller
spinal motor neurons called gamma motor neurons (gamma efferents), which are in turn driven by neurons from
the higher brain centers, especially from the brain stem. Whenever the higher centers need to increase the
readiness of skeletal muscles, they activate the gamma efferents, causing the stretch reflex.
monosynaptic. Most spinal reflexes are polysynaptic (i.e., the reflex arc and center involve one or more
interneurons and higher numbers of synaptic connections). A well-known example is the knee jerk reflex, in
which the stretch reflex plays a part. The person whose knee jerk reflex is being tested is placed on a high chair
with his or her legs dangling. When the patellar tendon, connecting the thigh extensors to the tibia, is tapped
below the knee, the lower leg shows a fast reflex extension (knee jerk) due to contraction of the thigh extensor
muscles. This is basically a stretch reflex: tapping the tendon pulls on the tendon fibers, which in turn stretch the
muscle and the spindle fibers, activating the stretch reflex. However, execution of a proper knee jerk reflex
requires not only the activation of extensor muscles but also the relaxation of the opposing flexor muscles.
Because all lower motor neurons are excitatory, the only way to obtain flexor relaxation is to inhibit their motor
neurons. This is achieved by inhibitory interneurons that are activated by a branch of the spindle sensory fiber.
IMPORTANCE OF INTERNEURONS. The associative interneurons of the spinal cord, particularly the
inhibitory ones, underlie the operation of all complex spinal reflexes. For example, in the withdrawal reflex (a
limb flexor reflex), noxious (sharp or hot) stimuli activate the pain fibers, the collaterals of which stimulate
interneurons that, in turn, excite motor neurons going to the flexor muscles on the same side, causing ipsilateral
limb withdrawal (as occurs after you touch a very hot object). Even in a simple withdrawal reflex, the ipsilateral
extensors must be simultaneously relaxed. The withdrawal of one leg in the standing posture often throws the
body's weight onto the other leg. Here the extensors of the contralateral leg must be stimulated while the flexors
are inhibited (crossed extensor reflex).
The excitatory and inhibitory circuitry for activation of most of the spinal reflexes is already present at birth.
The activation of any particular circuit (reflex) depends mainly on the stimulus type and location, on the skin,
tendon, etc.
participation of the brain. They can be seen in animals that have undergone spinal transection (severing of the
80 connection between the brain and the cord). Similarly, these reflexes can be observed, although somewhat 81
abnormally, in quadriplegic humans who have suffered damage to various connections between the brain and
the spinal cord. However, for a short period after spinal transection, spinal reflexes disappear. This period of
spinal shock is short in lower animals (minutes in frogs) and long in higher animals (weeks to months in
humans), presumably because a higher animal's brain exerts more control over its spinal cord, (encephalization).
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BRAIN AND VOLUNTARY MOVEMENT. That the centers for voluntary control of movement are in the
brain is easily demonstrated in people who have had accidents that severed their spinal cord (spinal transection).
Such persons lose voluntary control of muscles innervated by segments of the spinal cord below the transection
level. When this occurs at the neck level (cervical transection), the result is quadriplegia. The quadriplegic is
incapable of voluntary movement in any trunk and limb muscles, although head, tongue, and eye movements,
controlled by the cranial nerves and brainstem centers, are still present.
MOTOR CORTEX AND THE MOTOR HOMUNCULUS. Late in the nineteenth century, two German
physiologists, Fritsch and Hitzig, showed that electrical stimulation of certain areas of the frontal cortex in
experimental animals resulted in contraction of muscles and gross limb movements. In the twentieth century,
Penfield, a Canadian neurosurgeon, noted that electrical stimulation of the human cortex in an area just in front
of the central sulcus evoked contraction of body muscles. This area, located on the percentral gyrus, is called the
primary motor cortex (MC). The MC, like its sensory counterpart across the central sulcus, shows a somatotopic
organization. The areas controlling the legs and trunks are on the top of the precental gyrus. Moving down on
the lateral aspects of the gyrus, we come to the areas for the control of hand muscles, followed by areas for the
control of head, tongue, and other muscles involved in speech. Thus, a motor homunculus is present in the
primary motor cortex. The representation is contralateteral for the trunk and limb muscles but bilateral for the
speech muscles. As with the sensory homunculus (plate 87), the representation is not proporational to the size of
the body part (muscles) but to the degree of skilled movement and motor capacities of the part. The hands and
digits, which are capable of great versatility of movements, have very large representations, as do the tongue
and speech muscles. But the massive leg muscles have relatively small cortical represenation.
Animal brain stimulation studies indicate that when deeper layers of the cortex are stimulated with weak
currents, contractions of single muscles or discrete muscle groups can be evoked. Surface stimulation with
strong currents causes contractions of complex muscle groups, perhaps because the current spreads to wider
cortical areas (see below).
Like the sensory cortex, the motor cortex has six horizontal layers (although the MC is thicker and contains
mainly pyramidal neurons), as well as a vertical columnar organization. Neurons from the deeper layers appear
to be the output neurons. The Betz cells, the very large pyramidal neurons once thought to be the cortical
substrate of voluntary movement, constitute a small proportation of these neurons.
A major descending motor pathway, the pyramidal tract, originates in the MC. The pyramidal tract is present
only in higher animals (such as mammals) and is especially well developed in primates and humans. The fibers
of the pyramidal tract descend in the brain and spinal cord white matter to terminate, some directly and some
indirectly (via interneurons), on the motor neurons of the spinal cord and brain stem. The motor neurons from
the brainstem and spinal cord in turn innervate voluntary muscles of the head and trunk/limbs, respectively. The
portion of pyramidal tract terminating in the brain stem is called the coriicobulbar tract, and the remaining part
is the corticospinal tract. The term upper motor neuron is applied to the neurons of the pyramidal tract. The
efferent motor neurons innervating the muscles are referred to as lower motor neurons. The pyramidal system
consists of the primary motor cortex and the pyramidal tract. It is the chief executor of voluntary motor
commands in general and of skilled movements in particular.
The fibers of the pyramidal tracts, particularly the corticospinal portion, decussate before reaching their
destination in the spinal cord. In humans, more than 80% of the fibers decussate at the level of the medulla
(pyramidal decussation) to innervate the spinal motor neurons on the opposite side; most of the rest decussate at
lower levels. This almost complete decussation is the basis of contralateral motor control by the higher brain
centers. Thus, the motor areas in the right hemisphere control muscles on the left side and vice versa.
THE PREMOTOR CORTEX AND MOVEMENT PATTERNS. Detailed stimulation studies have revealed
another cortical motor area in front of the MC called the premotor area (premotor cortex). This area acts as the
association area for MC, generating movement patterns that are then communicated to specific areas in the MC.
Thus, MC neurons are controlled by the premotor cortex neurons. When a person is asked to move an arm, the
premotor neurons increase activity before the MC neurons. Stimulation of the premotor association cortex
causes whole, purposive movments of muscle groups. The association motor cortex receives association fibers
from other cortical areas, especially from the sensory association area. Lesions (damage) or ablation (removal)
of the primary motor cortex or pyramidal tract may cause marked paralysis (inability to initiate voluntary
movement) or at least paresis (weakness in voluntary movement), but damage to the premotor cortex results in
poverty of skilled movements. When damage is restricted to areas in front of the hand area, skilled manipulation
is impaired. When damage is restricted to the area in front of the speech muscles area, articulation is impaired
(see also plate 105).
90 The illustration on the lower right corner of this plate represents diagrammatically the relationship between the 91
cortical motor and sensory areas in a cartoon of a real-life situation.
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Smooth Muscle
Smooth muscles are responsible for movements of the viscera and blood vessels. Unlike skeletal muscle, they are involuntary and
are adapted for long, sustained contraction. Although these contractions are slower, they can generate forces of the same
magnitude as skeletal muscle without fatigue and with little energy consumption. The structure of the two types also differs.
Smooth muscles are smaller (about 50-400 Nm long and 2-10 Nm thick), spindle shaped, contain a single nucleus and a poorly
developed sarcoplasmic reticulum, and have no obvious motor endplate. Autonomic nerve axons innervating smooth muscle have
numerous swollen varicosities containing neurotransmitters. Although smooth muscle contains actin and myosin, these filaments
are not held in register, so they do not show cross-striations. There are no Z lines; instead, actin filaments appear to be anchored to
small dense bodies that are scattered throughout the cytoplasm. This lack of rigid organization probably accounts for the ability of
smooth muscle to be stretched four to five times its length and still contract.
Smooth muscle is divided into two classes, single- and multiunit. Single-unit muscles act together in groups because they are
interconnected by gap junctions that are capable of transmitting excitation from one cell to the next at speeds of about 5-10
cm/second. These muscles often show spontaneous activity with slowly rising resting potentials (pacemakers) that culminate in
action potentials that are entirely independent of the nerve supply. The contractions that result are slow and prolonged; a single
twitch elicited by an action potential can last several seconds. If stimuli occur at a frequency of one per second, the individual
twitches fuse into a sustained tetanic contraction. This differs from skeletal muscle only in the remarkably low frequency of
stimuli that produce continuous tension. However, as a result, smooth muscles are usually in a state of partial contraction or
tension, which is called tone or tonus. The nerve supply does not initiate this activity, it simply augments or inhibits it. When
acetylcholine (transmitter for parasympathetic nerves) is applied to smooth muscle in the large intestine, the pacemaker cells are
depolarized to near threshold levels so that the frequency of action potentials increases, and individual twitches fuse and summate.
The greater the frequency, the stronger the net contraction. If norepinephrine (transmitter for sympathetic nerves) is applied,
pacemaker cells hyperpolarize and this lowers the frequency of action potentials and the tonus (tension generated).
The smooth muscle response to stretch is not always predictable. Sometimes it shows plastic behavior; when it is stretched, it
releases tension. In other cases, the stretch acts as a stimulus for contraction; when the muscles are stretched, they produce more
tension. In these instances, stretch appears to depolarize the pacemaker cells, and they respond by discharging action potentials at
an increased rate. This response is implicated in autoregulation of blood vessels (plate 58) and in automatic emptying of the filled
urinary bladder in the absence of neural regulation (e.g., after spinal cord injuries). Single-unit smooth muscle often occurs in
large sheets and is found in the walls of hollow visceral organs like the intestine, uterus and bladder. It is also found in some small
blood vessels and ureters.
Multi-unit smooth muscle is more like skeletal muscle because it shows no inherent activity but depends on its nerve supply.
However, this nerve supply is more diffuse, extending over a larger area of the muscle membrane. Multi-unit smooth muscles are
found in the large airways to the lungs, large arteries, seminal ducts, irises, and some sphincters. In addition to spontaneous action
potentials, contraction of smooth muscle can be initiated or modified by nerve excitation, stretch, hormones, or direct electrical
stimulation. In each case, the stimulation results in an increase in intracellular Ca++, either from extracellular sources via Ca++
channels, or from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Like skeletal muscle, intracellular Ca++ is the trigger for smooth muscle
contraction. However, the primary mechanism of Ca++ action appears to be different in smooth muscle. In this case, the rising
Ca++ (step 5 in bottom diagram) reacts with an intracellular protein called calmodulin, forming a complex that in turn activates an
inactive form of an enzyme, myosin light chain kinase (MLCK). The active MLCK catalyses the phosphorylation (transfer of a
phosphate group to an organic molecule) of specific small (light) chains of amino acids contained in the myosin head groups. In
this process, the phosphate is donated by ATP. Without this phosphorylation, the myosin heads are incapable of forming cross
bridges with actin. Somehow, this phosphorylation activates the myosin ATPase, which promotes further utilization of ATP in the
formation of active cross bridges so that contraction occurs. As long as intracellular Ca++ concentrations remain above threshold,
myosin remains phosphorylated, and tension is maintained. When Ca++ is reduced, MLCK is inactivated, myosin is
dephosphorylated, and the muscle relaxes.
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III oculomotor motor, autonomic, eye movement
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) was defined in plate 78. Here we focus on PNS organization, describing IV trochlear motor, eye movement
particularly the peripheral nerves, which connect the CNS with the sensory receptor and with the motor effectors V trigeminal sensory, motor. autonomic
(muscles and glands). VI abducent motor, eye movement
PERIPHERAL NERVE STRUCTURE. A typical peripheral nerve trunk consists of thousands of nerve fibers VII facial motor, facial movement
grouped in bundles and sheathed by connective tissue coats. The bundles are usually segregated by function VIII vestibular sensory, hearing/balance
(sensory or motor) or by target (arm, muscle groups, skin zone). Each nerve fiber is the axon of either a IX glossopharyngeal somatic/autonomic motor to tongue, pharnyx
peripheral sensory, motor, orautonomic neuron. The nerve fibers are of varying diameters. Some have a myelin X vagus autonomic motor/sensory
sheath (are myelinated). Large-diameter myelinated fibers (Type A) conduct rapidly (up to 120 m/sec., nearly XI accessory motor, neck and shoulder
250 mi/hr.); small-diameter fibers (Type C, autonomic, pain) are unmyelinated and conduct slowly ( < 1 XII hypoglossal motor, tongue movement
CRANIAL AND SPINAL NERVES. Peripheral nerves are associated with both brain and spinal cord. The 12
pairs of brain nerves (cranial nerves) are referred to by names or roman numerals (see table). Cranial nerves
emerge from different brain sites. The spinal nerves, however, have a more uniform orientation. Each of the 31
pairs of spinal nerves is associated with one of the spinal vertebrae and is formed from a union of fiber bundles
emerging from the two spinal roots. The dorsal roots carry sensory fibers; the ventral roots carry motor (somatic
and autonomic) fibers. Therefore, each spinal nerve is a mixed nerve containing somatic motor, somatic sensory,
and autonomic fibers. Like their corresponding vertebrae, the spinal nerves are divided into S cervical (neck), 12
thoracic (chest), 5 lumbar (loin, lower back), and 5 sacral (sacrum bone). There is also one coccygeal nerve. In
general, the cervical nerves innervate targets in the neck, shoulders, and arms; the thoracic nerves, the trunk; the
lumbar nerves, the legs; and the sacral-coccygeal nerves, the genitalia, pelvic, and groin areas.
AUTONOMIC INNERVATION AND FUNCTION. The various somatic sensory and motor nerves are
mentioned in the plates where the system they serve is described. The autonomic nervous system is introduced
in plate 25. Autonomic motor nerves regulate motility and secretion in the skin, blood vessels, and visceral
organs by stimulating smooth muscles and exocrine glands. Autonomic regulation is carried out by two types of
nerves: sympathetic and parasympathetic. SYMPATHETIC NERVES. The sympathetic motor outflow is via the
spinal nerves emerging from the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord, innervating targets in the
visceral core and the body periphery (skin and vessels of muscles). Even the targets in the head (e.g., the eyes
[iris]) receive sympathetic innervation via the spinal nerves. The sympathetic nerves found within the spinal
nerve trunks are postganglionic fibers (i.e., their cell bodies are in the chain of sympathetic ganglia, located on
both sides along the vertebral column). The postganglionic sympathetic neurons are driven by the shorter
myelinated preganglionic sympathetic
neurons, which are located in the lateral horns of the spinal cord and send their axons into the sympathetic
The neurons of the sympathetic chains are connected by interneurons; this particular organization underlies the
generalized discharge characteristic of the sympathetic nervous system. Other additional sympathetic ganglia are
found in the viscera, which are associated with the autonomic splanchnic nerves, innervating targets like the
stomach and the adrenal medulla. In accord with the nonselective and diffuse function of the sympathetic
system, the sympathetic fibers innervate practically every visceral and peripheral organ in the body. In many
cases, they innervate the blood vessels in these organs, thus controlling the blood flow.
PARASYMPATHETIC NERVES. The parasympathetic nerves are associated with only certain cranial nerves,
such as the III, V, and X, as well as with nerves emerging from the sacral spinal cord. The most prominent
parasympathetic nerve is the vagus (wanderer; X cranial nerve), which innervates many visceral organs,
including the lungs, heart, and digestive tract. The fibers found within the parasympathetic nerves are basically
preganglionic, and their cell bodies are located in the motor nuclei of the brain stem or in the sacral spinal cord.
The postganglionic neuron is short and emerges from a peripheral ganglia located near or in the target organ.
The parasympathetic innervation of visceral organs is discrete and selective. Some targets, like the heart and
digestive system, receive profuse innervation; others, like the kidney, have sparse innervation.
CENTRAL AUTONOMIC CONTROL. The peripheral autonomic fibers are controlled by nerve centers in the
brain stem, particularly the medulla and the hypothalamus. The medullary centers deal with the routine
automatic control of such internal systems as the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems. The
sympathetic hypothalamic centers are involved in controlling body temperature and bodily responses to
emotional states such as fear and excitement, fight and flight. To exert these controls, the hypothalamic and
medullary centers send neurons to stimulate the preganglionic autonomic neurons in the spinal cord, which in
turn stimulate the postganglionic neurons going to the peripheral effectors.
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HEMORRAHAGE AND POSTURE About 10% of the human population find it difficult to stand up after lying down for a long time. They
experience dizziness, impaired vision, and buzzing in the ears, all signs of the inadequate cerebral circulation
The response to a sudden loss of blood provides a good example of regulation in the cardiovascular system. The that arises from the drop in blood pressure following the sudden change to the upright position. In more severe
"leak" could occur in the arteries or in the veins. When blood is withdrawn from the arteries faster than it is cases, fainting may occur (a fortunate response in this case, because it restores the recumbent position and
replaced by the heart, the mean arterial pressure falls. When blood is suddenly withdrawn from the veins faster relieves the stress). Similar reactions may occur even in healthy persons, especially when blood vessels in the
than it is replaced by capillary flow, the mean venous pressure falls. A drop in venous pressure results in a skin or muscles are dilated due to heat or exercise. In these cases, the regulatory responses may fail because the
decreased venous return, and this decreases cardiac output, which in turn decreases mean arterial pressure. In intense demands of heat regulation and metabolism have priority.
both types of leak, the mean arterial pressure falls unless some regulatory compensation occurs. This fall in
arterial pressure is rapidly offset by the regulatory mechanisms described in plate 40. The following familiar
sequence is set into motion: decreased arterial pressure→reduced stretch of baroreceptors in aortic arch and
carotid sinus→reduced frequency of nerve impulses traveling on sensory nerves (vagus and glossopharyngeal)
to the cardiovascular centers in the medulla→inhibition of parasympathetic and activation of sympathetic
Parasympathetic nerves (vagus nerve in this case) normally slow the heart; inhibiting them will speed the heart.
Activating the sympathetic nerves also speeds the heart and makes it beat more forcefully. In addition, the
sympathetic nerves cause intense constriction of the arterioles (raising resistance) and veins (reducing the
volume of the vascular tree). All these responses occur within moments after blood is lost, and all tend to raise
the arterial pressure back toward normal.
Constriction of blood vessels by sympathetic nerves is particularly interesting. Constriction of the veins
decreases the proportion of blood held in the veins, shifting it to the arteries; the total vascular volume is
decreased so that less blood is required to fill the system. Constriction of the arterioles increases peripheral
resistance to raise blood pressure. It also diminishes flow into the capillary beds so that blood pressure in the
capillaries falls. Fluid balance across the capillary walls (plate 35) is upset, and fluid filters from tissues into
capillaries. After several minutes, the total amount of fluid transferred becomes significant; it helps replace
blood lost during the hemorrhage. Of course, this tissue fluid is not blood; it doesn't contain plasma proteins or
blood cells, and as a result, it dilutes the plasma proteins and the blood cells.
Constriction of the blood vessels is most intense in organs like the skin, kidneys, and liver, but hardly occurs at
all in the brain, heart, or lungs under these conditions. Nourishment is maintained in organs whose moment-to-
moment performance is essential. Should the intense vasoconstriction persist, or more blood be lost, dire
consequences called circulatory shock may result. When the oxygen supply to any organ is inadequate,
metabolic acids, which accumulate and impair organ function, are produced. Tissue damage can occur,
vasodilator substances are released, and capillary walls may become leaky, allowing protein to leak into tissue
spaces. Vasodilator substances expand the vascular tree, pooling blood in tissues and veins and thus reducing
venous return, cardiac output, and arterial pressure. Loss of plasma protein into tissue spaces again upsets fluid
balance across the capillary walls, but now in the direction from capillary to tissues. Thus, fluid is lost from the
vascular tree, and the blood becomes more viscous, sludges, and eventually may even stop as a result of
intravascular coagulation.
The simple act of changing from a recumbent to an upright position presents some of the same challenges as a
hemorrhage! A new force, gravity, must be accounted for. When we are in a recumbent position the effect of
gravity is insignificant. When we are in a standing position, the weight of our blood becomes important; blood
in a capillary in a foot, for example, may have to support the weight of the column of fluid contained within the
veins reaching all the way, several feet, from the foot to the heart. The pressure on a fluid particle within that
capillary will rise to the same level it would experience at the bottom of a water tank filled to the same height
(several feet). It is important to realize that this does not directly influence flow within the closed circulatory
system. This follows because the increase in pressure on the particle tending to push it upward, where the
pressure is less, is just counterbalanced by the weight of the column of fluid. Thus, the forces operative in
propelling the blood in a recumbent subject are not disturbed. However, the increased pressures due to gravity
are significant because they redistribute fluids in two ways: (1) Veins are more extensible than arteries. As
shown in the figure, the increased pressure expands the venous system, and blood pools in the systemic veins.
(As much as 600 mL may pool in the lower extremities upon quiet standing.)(2) The high hydrostatic pressures
in the capillaries force fluid out of the capillaries into the tissue spaces.
Because of venous pooling, the sudden change in position from recumbent to upright resembles hemorrhage -
the subject bleeds into his own vascular system. The same compensatory responses (activation of sympathetics,
inhibition of the parasympathetics) occurs. However, in contrast to hemorrhage, filtration of fluid from
capillaries to tissues occurs. Venous pooling and edema can be counteracted by moving about (plate 37).
Contracting muscles compress veins and lymph vessels to help empty them and temporarily relieve local venous
pressures. Valves close, preventing back flow and supporting the weight of blood above them until the vein
refills with blood from the capillaries. This provides temporary relief from the high hydrostatic capillary
132 pressure and begins to alleviate the edema. 133
Because blood flows continuously in the vascular bed, it is prone to leave the body quickly whenever there is In plate 86, we learned that different sensory pathways convey functionally distinct sensory modalities and that
either an external or internal injury to the tissues. The vital importance of blood to tissue survival has produced a sensory pathways converge onto a part of the thalamus from which sensory signals radiate to the primary
variety of preventive and defense mechanisms aimed at minimizing blood loss during injury. somatic sensory cortex. Here we consider how the sensory cortex detects the source and qualities of the various
IMPORTANCE OF VASOCONSTRICTION. Tissue injury often severs the connective tissue and a portion of sensory stimuli. People who have suffered damage to their sensory cortex (e.g., from gunshot wounds or
vasculature, exposing collagen fibers in the blood vessel wall. The fragile blood platelets flowing by these rough strokes) may be aware of the sensory stimuli (especially of pain and temperature), but they are very poor in
surfaces adhere and rupture, releasing their serotonin, a potent local vasoconstrictor agent that immediately discriminating the intensity of tactile stimuli and their exact source (spatial discrimination). Indeed, these
stimulates contraction of smooth muscle cells in the wall of injured arterioles and even the smaller arteries. This individuals become completely disabled in stereognosis - the ability to recognize the shapes of objects by
constriction effectively reduces and/or blocks blood flow in these vessels. manipulation alone.
PLATELET PLUG AND BLOOD CLOT FORMATION. The vasoconstriction is a highly effective but SOMATOTOPIC ORGANIZATION AND THE SENSORY HOMUNCULUS. The projection pathways
temporary hemostatic (blood stopping) measure. This initial defense mechanism is followed by a longer lasting anatomists studied revealed that each point on the skin surface is connected to a point on the sensory cortex. In
response consisting of formation of a plug to fill the site of injury with a temporary protective tissue until tissue addition, early neurophysiological studies showed that if one bends single hairs on an animal's skin and
regeneration repairs the wall. Thus, platelet rupture releases another substance, ADP (adenosine diphosphate), at determines the point on the sensory cortex where the stimulus evokes a potential change and then connects these
the injury site. ADP, like serotonin, is normally stored in the platelet vesicles. ADP causes the neighboring cortical points, one obtains a rather faithful representation of the body surfaces/parts (somatotopic map). This
platelets to adhere to those already bound to the injured wall, causing a clumping of the platelets (platelet finding gave a clue as to how the brain can localize the stimulus source in the body. A similar knowledge in the
aggregation). The aggregate gradually grows, finally forming a temporary hemostatic plug to prevent blood human was not available.
leakage. This plug resembles a blood clot when blood is allowed to stand outside the body. Next, this platelet During the 1940s, Wilder Penfield, the great Canadian neurosurgeon, began his functional exploration of the
plug is reinforced by deposition of a meshwork of fibrin fibers. This fibrin net traps the RBCs and platelets, human cortex, including the sensory cortex. Working with conscious patients undergoing brain surgery (the
forming a fairly rigid and strong barrier against further blood loss. Initially loose, the fibrin brain has no pain receptors, and electrical stimulation of the cortex does not cause pain), he stimulated the
net becomes gradually tight, at which point it is called a blood clot. sensory cortex with a mild current. The patients reported various tactile sensations in a body part (e.g., the toes,
BIOCHEMISTRY OF CLOT FORMATION. Fibrin is a fibrous protein formed by the action of the protease the fingers, or the back). Connecting these points, Penfield noted that the sensory cortex contained a
enzyme thrombin on fibrinogen (profibrin), a circulating protein made by the liver. Thrombin is normally representation of the body, which he termed the sensory homunculus (= little man). The legs are represented on
present in the blood as its inactive form, prothrombin. The activation of prothrombin, the key step in the clotting the hidden medial portion of the postcentral gyrus, the trunk on the top, the arms, hands, and head on the larger
mechanism, requires the presence of calcium ions and a protein factor called factor X (ten). Activation of factor exposed lateral surface. Due to the crossing of ascending projections, the body's left side is represented on the
X can occur by either of two pathways: the intrinsic (blood) pathway involves the activation of factor XII, which right hemisphere and the right side on the left hemisphere.
originates from blood-related sources. The extrinsic (tissue) pathway involves the production from the injured In contrast to the animals' somatotopic sensory map, which closely resembled the animal's figure, the human
tissue of homunculus shows important distortions in two respects. First, the area for the hands is interposed between the
another enzyme called thromboplasiin (factor III). Thromboplastin can directly activate factor X, but factor XII areas for the head and the trunk. Second, the representation is not proportional to the size of the body part. Thus,
must activate several other factors, which in turn activate factor X. The precipitated fibrin is initially loose; in the hands and the face have large representations, and the trunk and legs have small ones. Within the hand area,
the presence of another blood factor (factor XIII), it becomes tight, rigidifying the clot. In the absence of injury, each finger and the thumb has an independent representation, the largest being for the index finger. Within the
circulating anticlotting factors such as antithrombin or possibly heparin prevent thrombin face, the lips have large representation. Indeed, the extent of sensory cortex devoted to a body part is
activation and clot formation. proportional to the part's density of innervation, tactile sensitivity, and prowess, not to its size.
CLOT CONTRACTION AND DISSOLUTION. Once a clot forms, it begins to contract. Contraction is an CORTICAL STRUCTURE AND COLUMNAR ORGANIZATION. The sensory cortex consists of 6 layers
active process involving utilization of ATP and contraction of actin filaments in the platelet pseudopods. Clot parallel to the cortical surface and numbered from top to bottom. These layers are populated by small and large
contraction causes extrusion of the plasma trapped within the clot and shortening of the pseudopods. Because pyramidal neurons as well as stellate and fusiform neurons. Layer IV neurons receive the afferent sensory input;
the edges of the clot are attached to the edges of the injured tissue, clot contraction is believed to bring the those in layers V and VI are output neurons projecting relay and feedback control signals to other CNS areas.
injured edges closer together, improving hemostasis and facilitating wound closure and repair. Smaller neurons of layers II and III serve as local association neurons connecting neighboring cortical areas.
The final stage in the life of a blood clot is its dissolution, brought about by the action of the enzyme plasmin In the late 1950s, it was discovered that when a microelectrode for recording the activities of single neurons was
(fibrinolysin), which digests the fibrin net, resulting in clot breakdown. Plasmin is formed from a precursor inserted in the cortex perpendicular to the cortical surface, all the neurons along the electrode's path had a
called plasminogen. ABNORMALITIES OF CLOT FORMATION. Several disease conditions or certain uniform receptive field and responded to the same tactile modality. When the electrode was inserted obliquely,
nutritional deficiencies interfere with proper clotting and pose serious hazards to the individual. Hemophilia however, different groups of neurons were encountered. At first they responded to different modalities in the
(bleeding sickness) is a series of hereditary diseases characterized by deficient hemostasis and continued blood same receptive fields; then if the electrode was moved far enough, the receptive field changed as well. It was
loss after injury. The causes of these hereditary diseases are the lack of one of the blood clotting factors. In type therefore concluded that functionally the cortex neurons are organized in cylinders or columns. Each column is
A hemophilia, which is most frequently (75%) observed, the individual is deficient in factor VIII. The disease about 3-5 mm long, less than 1 mm wide, and contains about 100,000 neurons. Each group of columns deals
mainly affects males. The most famous case is the family of Queen Victoria of England, in which many of the with a particular part in the periphery (i.e., has similar receptive fields), and each single column deals with only
male children fell victim to hemophilia. To prevent hemophilia, the missing clotting protein must be provided one modality. Thus, in a group of columns that corresponds to an area in a finger, one column deals with
externally. Large scale production of such proteins by the application of modern bioengineering methods proprioception, the next with touch, and another with pressure. There are no separate columns for temperature
promises to prevent hemophilic bleeding. and pain, these modalities being served by a few cells in some tactile columns.
Reduced platelet production (thrombocytopenia) by the bone marrow caused by ionizing radiation damage, Within each column, some cells imitate the behavior of the sensory receptors (e.g., increasing their firing rate
disease, or toxic exposure of the bone marrow to drugs is another cause of deficient clotting. A third cause is with increasing stimulus intensity); these cells are called simple cells. Other cells increase their activity only
dietary deficiency of vitamin K. This vitamin, normally provided in the food or by the intestinal bacteria, does when a stimulus moves across the skin in a particular direction; these cells are called complex cells. The
not take part in clotting directly but is required for the synthesis of prothrombin in the liver. Newborn infants in response pattern of the neurons in the cortical columns is called feature detection. Through feature detection in
whom the digestive tract is still devoid of bacteria are deficient in vitamin K and are therefore more susceptible the primary and association sensory cortex, the complex world of sensory stimuli is molded into a perception
to bleeding if injured. pattern. The columnar organization has been extensively studied in the visual cortex (see plate 94).
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The spinal cord (SC) is one of the two main parts of the central nervous system (CNS). The SC is about 40-45
cm (16-18 in.) long, extending within the inner cavities of the vertebral column from the neck to the loin.
Practically all the voluntary skeletal muscles in the neck, trunk, and Limbs receive their supply of motor nerves
from the SC. All the sympathetic and some of the parasympathetic motor outputs to the skin and visceral organs
also emerge from the SC. All sensory signals from the peripheral receptors of the skin, muscles, and joints in the
trunk and limbs are sent to the SC.
The spinal cord performs two basic functions. First, it can act as a nerve center, integrating the incoming
sensory signals and activating the motor output directly, without any brain intervention. This function is
manifested in the operation of spinal reflexes, which are extremely important in defending against noxious
stimuli and maintaining body support. Second, the SC is the intermediate nerve center (station) between the
periphery and the brain. Thus, all voluntary and involuntary motor commands from the brain to the body
musculature must first be communicated to the spinal motor centers, which process these signals appropriately
before passing them to the muscles. Similarly, sensory signals from the peripheral receptors to the brain centers
are first communicated to the SC sensory centers, where they are partly processed and integrated before delivery
to the brain sensory centers. The SC fiber pathways serve in such two-way communication between the brain
and the cord.
SC structural organization can best be studied by observing a cross section of the cord. Throughout its length, an
outer band of white matter surrounds an inner core of gray matter. This pattern appears fairly uniform
throughout the SC length, the right and left halves of which are symmetrical. The white matter consists mostly
of myelinated nerve fibers (axons) grouped in bundles. The cell bodies of these fibers are either in the brain or in
the SC. The gray matter consists of nerve cells (neurons), their processes, and the numerous synapses between
the nerve cells.
The SC gray matter is shaped like the letter H (or more like a butterfly, whose wings are called horns). The gray
matter may be divided into three functional zones: the dorsal (posterior) horns are sensory; the ventral (anterior)
horns are involved in motor functions; and the middle zone carries out, in part, association functions between
the sensory and motor zones.
The SC gray matter is populated by large and small neurons. The large neurons are either motor or sensory. The
motor neurons, located in the ventral horns, are output neurons that send their motor fibers to the voluntary
skeletal muscles via the ventral (motor) roots. Motor neurons are grouped in clusters, each cluster serving a
different muscle. In the thoracic, lumbar, and sacral segments of the SC, autonomic motor neurons are clustered
The peripheral sensory input to the spinal cord arrives in the dorsal horns via the primary sensory neurons, the
cell bodies of which are located outside the SC gray matter, in the dorsal (sensory) root ganglia. These primary
sensory cells have a bifurcating axon, the central branch of which emerges from the sensory root entering the
dorsal horn to synapse with the sensory relay cells and the interneurons. Located in the dorsal horns, the large
sensory relay cells give rise to fibers that cross over to the opposite side and ascend the SC white matter to
communicate the incoming peripheral sensory signals to the higher brain centers.
The interneurons (association neurons), which are small, provide excitatory and inhibitory connections between
the primary sensory neurons and the motor neurons in the ventral horns of the same or the opposite side. Some
of the dorsal root sensory fibers continue uninterrupted to enter in the ventral horn of the same side, where they
synapse directly with the motor neurons. These and other interneuron-mediated local connections between
sensory and motor neurons provide the structural basis (i.e., nerve circuits) for the operation of spinal reflexes
(see plate 89). Motor neurons receive input not only from the sensory neurons and the interneurons,but also
from the neurons in the higher brain centers (see plate 90). Because communication between all brain neurons
and the voluntary skeletal muscles is possible only through the spinal motor neurons, they are called the "final
common path."
The SC white matter is divided into bundles (funiculi), each containing nerve fibers (axons) traversing between
the SC and the brain. These bundles form the SC pathways, which are either ascending or descending.
Generally, the ascending pathways are sensory, taking signals from the cord to the brain, and the descending
pathways are motor, bringing commands from the brain to the cord. The fibers of the motor and sensory
pathways are segregated in functionally distinct bundles. For example, signals relating to fine touch, pressure,
and proprioception ascend in the dorsal pathways, pain and temperature signals ascend in the lateral pathways,
voluntary motor signals descend in the dorsolateral pathways, and involuntary motor signals descend in the
ventral pathways.
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The pumping action of the heart is reflected in the changes in volume and pressure that occur in each heart chamber and in the Despite the fact that 02 consumption and C02 production by body tissues vary enormously during daily
great arteries as the heart completes a single cycle. This plate shows changes that occur on the left (systemic) side of the heart. activities, the P02 and PC02 are held remarkably coristant. Pulmonary ventilation rises and falls to match
(Changes on the right [pulmonary] side of the heart are similar with the one exception that pressures are only about one-eighth as metabolic needs. How do chemical activities regulate breathing? How do muscles involved in breathing become
large.) Five curves are shown. The top three are obtained by inserting pressure measuring instruments into the aorta, left atrium,
and left ventricle. The next curve depicts the volume of the left ventricle, and the last curve shows the ECG. Our object is to
more active when other parts of the body consume more 02?
appreciate the interrelationships of these curves and how they relate to blood flow at each moment during the cardiac cycle. To Breathing is regulated by reflexes that respond to the C02, 02, and H+ levels (PC02, P02, and pH) of the blood.
interpret these curves, we note that each of the heart valves normally "points" in the direction of the flow. This means that they Of these, PC02 is the most important. Whenever plasma PC02 rises (as it does during increased metabolism), it
operate to prevent backflow. They work because whenever the downstream pressure builds up larger than upstream pressure (a is met by a compensatory increase in ventilation, which returns the PC02 toward normal. Conversely, when
condition for backflow), this pressure difference forces the valve closed. Similarly, when upstream pressure is greater than PC02 falls, ventilation slows, allowing C02 to accumulate until PC02 approximates the normal level. This
downstream, fluid flows forward and the valves are forced open. Applying these notions to the heart gives the following table: regulation is very sensitive and precise; an increase of arterial PC02 by only 1 mm Hg will stimulate an increase
in ventilation of about 3 L/min. In common daily activities of rest and exercise, arterial PC02 does not appear to
VALVES STATE CONDITION vary by more than 3 mm Hg.
AV open P(atrium)>P(ventricle) The response to PC02 is mediated by special areas called central chemoreceptors located on the ventral surface
AV closed P(atrium)<P(ventricle)
aortic open P(ventricle)>P(aorta)
of the medulla. These are anatomically distinct from the respiratory centers and are bathed in cerebrospinal
aortic closed P(ventricle)<P(aorta) - see exception below fluid, which is separated from blood by the blood-brain barrier (i.e., blood capillary membranes that are highly
permeable to C02, 02, and water, but only slowly permeable to most other substances). Local application of H+
The cycle begins with: ions to these areas rapidly stimulates ventilation. The connection with C02 arises because C02 easily diffuses
ATRIAL CONTRACTION. Atrial contraction is signaled by the P wave of the ECG. Atrial pressure rises, and blood is thrust into through the barrier into the cerebrospinal fluid, where it is converted into HC03 and H+. Consequently, a rise
the ventricles through the open AV valves. These valves are open (as they have been throughout the diastole) because pressure in (fall) in C02 is followed by a rise (fall) in H+ ion concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid. The C02 level in the
the atrium is higher than pressure in the quiescent ventricle. Blood enters the ventricle but cannot leave because the aortic valves blood regulates respiration by its effect on the H+ ion concentration in cerebrospinal fluid. (The effect of arterial
are closed (P[aortic] > P[ventricular] ). Note that the resulting volume increase on the ventricular volume curve appears as a small C02 is much stronger than that of arterial H+ concentration, presumably because C02 diffuses through the
"bump." The atrium serves as a "booster" pump, but its contribution to ventricular filling is small; most of the ventricular filling
blood-brain barrier much more easily than H+.)
occurred earlier, when both atrium and ventricle were at rest. When the heart rate goes up, as in exercise, there is less time
between beats for filling, and the atrial contribution becomes more significant. Atrial contraction is followed by:
When arterial P02 drops to very low levels, compensatory increases in ventilation act to return P02 toward
ISOVOLUMETRIC VENTRICULAR CONTRACTION. Now the impulse invades the ventricles (ORS in the ECG), and, after a normal. This response is mediated by a reflex that begins in 02-sensitive receptors called peripheral
short delay, they begin to contract. This is the beginning of systole. Ventricular pressure builds up steeply and quickly exceeds chemoreceptors located close
atrial pressure. The AV valves snap shut, producing the first heart sound - "LUPP." Following closure of the AV valves, to the aortic arch and the bifurcation of the carotid arteries. Known as the aortic and carotid bodies, these
ventricular pressure continues to rise steeply until it exceeds aortic pressure. Pressure rises rapidly because both sets of heart receptors are small nodules of tissue containing epithelial-like cells in contact with nerve terminals, together
valves are closed; the heart continues to contract, but there is no place for the blood to go to relieve the ascending pressure. with a profuse blood supply. A drop in P02 in the arterial blood supplying these receptors stimulates them. This
(Contraction of the heart during this period is similar to an isometric contraction in skeletal muscle.) During this period, the increases the frequency of impulses sent to the respiratory center, which responds by increasing its discharge
ventricular volume cannot change - note the flat horizontal trace on the ventricular volume curve. The constant ventricular volume along those motor nerves, which increase ventilation. Normally, the P02 in alveolar blood can be reduced
is the reason for naming this period "isovolumetric ventricular contraction." VENTRICULAR EJECTION. As soon as the
considerably before this reflex becomes activated so that it does not appear to play a significant role in the day-
ventricular pressure exceeds aortic pressure, the aortic valves are thrust open, and blood is ejected into the aorta. Pressure in the
aorta begins to rise because blood is entering from the ventricles faster than it can leave through the smaller arteries. Prior to this
today management of ventilation. However, in cases where arterial P02 is markedly reduced (P02 ~ 60 mm Hg),
time, pressure in the aorta had been falling because the aortic valves were closed; blood continued to leave the aorta though for example at high altitudes, in lung disease, or in hypoventilation, this reflex becomes significant.
smaller arteries, but none could enter from the ventricle. Blood leaving the ventricles is reflected in the ventricular volume curve, Increasing the H+ ion concentration in the plasma also stimulates ventilation. In practice, it is difficult to
which drops precipitously as soon as ejection begins. Soon afterward, the contractile force of the ventricle wanes; the ventricular separate the effects of H+ ions from PC02 because the reaction of H+ with HC03 produces C02. However,
pressure ascent slows and begins to reverse while the initial rapid change in ventricular volume begins to level off. As the experiments where the PC02 is artifically maintained at a constant level while the H+ ion concentration is
ventricles begin to repolarize (T wave of ECG) and relax, the ventricular pressure curve crosses the aortic curve and goes below changed leave no doubt that H+ ions by themselves stimulate ventilation. This response to H+ ions is believed
it. Shortly thereafter, the aortic valve snaps shut, producing a sharp "DUP" sound (the second heart sound) and bringing the to be mediated by the peripheral chemoreceptors.
ventricular ejection period as well as the period of systole, to an end. (Systole = isovolumetric ventricular contraction period + Under normal circumstances, we rarely encounter a situation where only one of the three chemicals (C02, 02,
ventricular ejection period.) It also produces a bump notch on the aortic pressure curve. The aortic valve closure is not
and H+) that drive respiration changes. Each time ventilation changes, we can anticipate changes in all three.
simultaneous with the crossover of the ventricular and aortic pressure curves because the blood flowing through the valves has an
appreciable momentum (mass X velocity) in the direction of forward flow. Applying a force (pressure difference) in the opposite
Because the response to C02 is so strong, its regulation most often dominates and sometimes obscures other
direction requires a small amount of time to stop or reverse the motion. (Imagine trying to stop a rolling automobile with a hand responses. For example, if the P02 of inspired air is suddenly depressed, there will be an increased ventilation
push in the opposite direction.) Notice that not all of the blood contained within the ventricle is ejected with each beat. The due to the peripheral chemoreceptor reflex, but this increased ventilation will also "blow off" C02, depressing
residual blood is almost equal to the amount ejected. the PC02 in the blood. The decreased P02 stimulates respiration, but the secondary decreased PC02 inhibits
ISOVOLUMETRIC VENTRICULAR RELAXATION. Now, as in isovolumetric contraction, both valves are closed, and blood respiration; the two stimuli conflict. As a result, the increased respiration is not nearly as large as it would have
cannot enter or leave the ventricles. This time, however, the ventricular muscles relax; it is the beginning of diastole. Pressure been if PC02 were held constant. In some instances, the respiratory gases interact in synergistic ways.
falls precipitously, but ventricular volume does not change. Soon the ventricular pressure falls below atrial pressure, the AV Depressing P02 and elevating PC02 both stimulate respiration, but somehow the response due to the two stimuli
valves open, and isovolumetric relaxation ends. is greater than the sum of the responses to each alone.
VENTRICULAR FILLING. During this period, atrial pressure is higher than ventricular pressure because blood continues to flow
We might anticipate that the large increase in ventilation during exercise is brought about by a lower arterial
into the atrium from the pulmonary veins. Blood flows through the open AV valve from atrium to ventricle. This filling of the
ventricle continues throughout diastole, not just when the atrium contracts. The ventricular volume curve during diastole shows
P02 and elevated PC02, but this does not seem to be the case. Careful measurements show that P02 and PC02
that early ventricular filling is most prominent and that contraction of the atrium contributes only a minor portion to the remain nearly constant during exercise and can hardly provoke the immense increases in ventilation. Somehow,
ventricular contents. Toward the end of this period, atrial contraction ensues, and this period, as well as diastole, ends with closure during exercise, ventilation keeps pace with metabolism so that C02 is eliminated as fast as it is produced, and
of the AV valves. (Diastole = isovolumetric ventricular relaxation period + ventricular filling period.) arterial 02 is supplied as fast as it is consumed. The detailed mechanism for this response is not known.
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CONTROL & MEASUREMENT OF CARDIAC OUTPUT 02 until it reaches the systemic capillaries via the left heart and systemic arteries. Obtaining a sample of pulmonary arterial blood
is much more difficult. It requires passing a catheter (a narrow, flexible, hollow tube) into a vein and carefully threading it
The cardiovascular system is intricate and complex, yet its function is simple: it moves blood. The most important index of through the right heart and into the pulmonary artery, a nontrivial routine!
cardiovascular performance, the bottom line, is: "How much blood is moved to the tissues during each minute?" This quantity is
called the cardiac output. Cardiac output equals the amount of blood expelled from one ventricle during a single beat (stroke
volume) times the number of beats per minute (cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate). In a steady state, the cardiac output
of the left heart equals that of the right heart (flows in the systemic and pulmonary circulations are equal).
In an average sized person at rest, the cardiac output is about 5 L per minute. However, this figure fluctuates; it rises with activity,
reaching as high as 25 L per minute during heavy exercise, and even higher in athletes. Cardiac output can change by alterations
in either stroke volume or heart rate. During exercise, for example, the stroke volume may show a moderate increase while the
heart rate rises about three times. These changes in stroke volume and heart rate are brought about by intracardiac mechanisms
(response of the contractile machinery to stretch) and to extracardiac mechanisms (action of sympathetic and parasympathetic
INTRACARDIAC MECHANISM. As in skeletal muscle contraction, the strength of contraction of heart muscle depends on its
length. Under normal resting conditions, the length of an average heart muscle fiber may be only about 20% of its optimum length
for maximal force. Stretching the fiber beyond its norm reveals a reserve of additional power for forceful contractions. This
response to stretch, called the FrankStarling mechanism, has important implications. If more blood is returned to the heart, the
walls of the ventricles are stretched, and the Frank-Starling mechanism ensures that the heart can develop the extra strength
required to empty itself. If arterial pressure suddenly rises, the stroke volume will decrease because the ventricle will not have
sufficient force to overcome the increased arterial pressure. The extra blood that remains in the heart (the residual volume) just
following the beat will increase, and this increased blood will help stretch the walls prior to the next beat. Consequently, the force
of the next beat will increase, helping the heart meet the increased load imposed by increased arterial pressure. This will increase
the stroke volume back toward normal.
The Frank-Starling mechanism is particularly important in adjusting the output of the right and left hearts. If, for example, your
right heart output was just 1 mL/min. greater than your left, then after about 15 min. some 1000 mL of fluid would accumulate in
the pulmonary circulation. The increased pressure would force fluid out of the capillaries into the lungs, and you would drown!
EXTRACARDIAC MECHANISM. The action of the autonomic cardiac nerves has been considered in plate 30. The
parasympathetic nerves to the heart are carried in the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is generally active, discharging a continuous
barrage of impulses at the SA and AV nodes and slowing the basic heart rate. When the parasympathetic nerve supply to the heart
is interrupted, the heart speeds up.
Increasing the frequency of parasympathetic impulses slows the heart; decreasing the frequency speeds it.
The sympathetic nerves to the heart are also continually active, but their effect on rate is opposite to that of the parasympathetic
nerves. Sympathetic impulses increase the heart rate, and when this nerve supply is interrupted, the heart slows. Increasing the
frequency of sympathetic impulses speeds the heart; decreasing the frequency slows it. Generally, the activities of these two
opposing sets of nerves are coordinated; when the sympathetic nerves are excited, the parasympathetic are inhibited, and vice
In addition, sympathetic impulses increase stroke volume by increasing the force of contraction of the ventricular muscle. Thus,
there are two independent mechanisms for changing stroke volume: (1) changing the initial length of the cardiac fibers (i.e.,
changing the end diastolic volume) and (2) increasing the barrage of sympathetic impulses to the ventricular musculature (or,
similarly, by releasing catecholamine hormones from the adrenal medulla).
THE FICK PRINCIPAL - MEASUREMENT OF CARDIAC OUTPUT. Blood flow through any organ can be measured by a
simple application of the conservation of matter known as the Fick principle. Applying this to 02 consumption, this principle
relies on the following facts, which hold whenever the organ is in the steady state. During each minute:
1. (02/min.) = amount of oxygen consumed
= oxygen delivered by blood
2. oxygen delivered by blood = amount carried in by artery
- amount carried away by veins
3. amount carried in by artery = L of blood flowing in (F)
x the amount in each L [02] art.
= F x [O2] ven.
4. amount carried out by veins = L of blood flowingout(F)
x amount in each L [02]
F x [02] ven.
Putting steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 together:
(OZ/min) = F x [02] art. - F x [02] ven. Solving for F:
F = (02/min)/([02] art. - [02] ven.)
To measure cardiac output, simply measure the blood flow through the lungs. (This is the flow out of the right heart, which equals
the flow into and out of the left heart.) In this case, the 02 removed from the blood is obtained by measuring the difference
between the 02 content in the inspired air and the 02 content in the expired air. The measurement also requires analysis of [02] in
blood samples from the pulmonary artery and vein. A sample representing pulmonary venous blood can be obtained from any
systemic artery. Pulmonary veins and systemic arteries have the same 02 content because blood has no opportunity to exchange
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Modern interpretations of excitation in nerve and muscle are based on the sequential opening and closing of ion channels in the BLOOD FUNCTIONS. Blood is the body's principal extracellular fluid. Its flow through the tissues permits its
membrane. There are separate channels for different ions. Somehow each channel "recognizes" the appropriate ion (e.g., K+) and numerous transport functions, which ensure nutrition, respiration, physiological regulation, and defense. During
allows it to pass while restraining others (e.g., Na+). The channel mechanism responsible for this selectivity is called a selectivity its course through the tissue capillaries, blood delivers nutrients from the small intestine and oxygen from the
filter. The status (i.e., open or closed) of many channels depends on the membrane potential. To form a mental image of these
channels, imagine that they are regulated by voltage activated "gates" that open or close in response to changes in membrane
lungs to the cells.
potential or voltage. It also removes the toxic waste products of cellular metabolism (metabolites), such as urea and carbon dioxide,
There are two types of K+ channels. One type is voltage activated, but most of these are closed during rest, when the membrane from the tissue environment and eliminates them as it circulates through the kidneys and lungs respectively. In
potential is about -70 mv. The other type is not voltage activated; it is always open and provides the pathway for the small but addition, blood carries the hormones from their sites of production in the endocrine glands to their target organs
continuous K+ leakage that creates the resting potential. A resting membrane potential of -70 my implies that the inside is in other locations.
negative while the outside is positive. Because of this electrical distinction between the membrane's inner and outer surfaces, the The red blood cells (RBCs), which contain the oxygenbinding protein hemoglobin, transport oxygen between
membrane is said to be polarized. By definition, the membrane is depolarized whenever the magnitude of this membrane potential the lungs and tissues and carbon dioxide between the tissues and lungs. Blood also transports the white blood
becomes smaller than the resting potential (i.e., close to zero); conversely, when the magnitude is increased, the membrane is cells (WBCs) to injury sites, where they defend the body by destroying invading microorganisms and their
hyperpolarized. toxins. Another important blood function is to help maintain body temperature. This is achieved by heat transfer
When nerves are excited with electrical shocks, the impulse always arises at the negatively charged electrode (the cathode). By
attracting positive ions and repelling negative ones, the electrode reduces the membrane potential so that the nerve membrane
from the warmer body core to the colder periphery.
becomes depolarized. This simple observation can be generalized: A stimulus will be effective only if it depolarizes the membrane. BLOOD COMPOSITION. Two compartments, a cellular compartment and a fluid medium called the plasma,
Depolarizing the membrane works because the permeability of nerve membranes to ions is very sensitive to the voltage gradient make up blood tissue. The blood cells float freely within this medium. Separation into these two compartments
(membrane potential). The crucial relationship between membrane potential and ion flow has been studied in detail by an is achieved by spinning (centrifuging) the blood in a small capillary tube (hematocrit tube). The centrifuged
ingenious electrical method called a voltage clamp. Using this method, we can set the membrane potential to any desired value blood separates into a colorless fluid supernatant on the top and a red precipitate on the bottom. The supernatant,
and keep it at that value for a prolonged period. At the same time, we can estimate the amounts of Na+ and K+ that flow through amounting to about 55% of the blood volume, is the plasma. The plasma consists mainly of water (90%), which
the membrane in response to the imposed membrane potential. These results are then interpreted in terms of opening and closing helps dissolve the blood proteins (e.g., fibrinogen, albumins, and globulins) as well as the nutrients, hormones,
of Na+ and K+ channels, and they form the basis of our current understanding. In particular, they allow us to ask what happens and electrolytes.
when the membrane is stimulated (i.e., when it is depolarized).
The remaining 45% of the blood volume consists of the precipitate called the hematocrit, which is made up
If the membrane is depolarized (e.g., the membrane potential is changed from the resting value of -70 my to a new value of -50
my and maintained at this new potential), then the response of the ion channels can be arbitrarily divided into two phases:
mainly of red blood cells (erythrocytes), the most abundant of the blood cells. Blood cells are also called
1. An early response (<1 msec.) when the Na+ channels open. "formed elements" of the blood. The white blood cells (leukocytes) and the platelets (thrombocytes), being
2. A late response (>1 msec.) when the Na+ channels close and the K+ channels open. During this late period, the Na+ channels smaller in number, constitute only a small fraction of the hematocrit, forming a very thin yellowish band
appear to be inactivated; they will not respond to further depolarization. between the red hematocrit and the plasma supernatant.
We can interpret these changes in terms of our hypothetical gates as follows: Another way to separate blood fluid and cells is to allow a drop of blood to stand for a while. It will separate
1. Early response. The Na+ channel contains two gates, a slow one and a fast one. At rest (polarized membrane), the slow gate is into a dense red core called the clot surrounded by a colorless fluid called the serum. The clot has a composition
open, but the fast gate is closed so that the channel is closed. Upon depolarization, the fast gate opens quickly; now both gates are similar to the hematocrit, and the serum resembles the plasma. However, the
open so that the channel is freely permeable to Na+, and Na+ rushes into the axon. serum lacks the plasma protein fibrinogen, which is associated with the clot.
2. Late response. A moment later the slow Na+ gate closes. The membrane is no longer highly permeable to Na+; the rapid inflow
Blood constitutes 8% of the body weight. On the average, men have more blood (5.6 L) than women (4.5 L),
of Na+ ceases. In addition, the slowly responding gates in the K+ channel open and K+ flows out of the axon.
Thus, a sustained depolarization leads to a transient increase in Na+ permeability followed by a sustained increase in K+
although blood volume increases during pregnancy. Men's blood is also more cellular (mainly red cells),
permeability. The increase in Na+ permeability is attributed to the presence of two gates that give opposite responses to the containing about 47% hematocrit, compared to 42% found in women and children. The higher blood content
depolarization. The fast gate opens, but the slow gate closes. The time between the opening of the fast gate and the closing of the reflects the larger size of the males, and the higher hematocrit indicates a higher concentration of red cells. This
slow gate corresponds to the period of increased Na+ permeability. In contrast, a K+ channel has only one voltage activated gate is a response to higher metabolic rate and increased oxygen needs in males, which are compatible with higher
that opens (slowly). Once open, it will stay open as long as the depolarization is sustained. muscle mass and work load.
Immediately following the depolarization, even though the membrane potential has been returned to resting level (back to -70 FORMATION AND SOURCE OF BLOOD. The bulk of plasma proteins is manufactured by the liver; various
mv), the axon is not fully recovered. This is because the slow gates require a millisecond or two to respond to the newly sources in the body contribute other dissolved plasma constituents. Blood cells, however, are formed mainly in
established resting potential. If, during this brief period, a rapid second stimulus (depolarization) is delivered, the Na+ channels the bone marrow. The mass of bone marrow in a single bone may appear insignificant, but the total mass of
will fail to open. The fast gates respond and open, but the slow gates are still closed as a result of the original depolarization. Only
bone marrow in the body is very large, making it one cf the three largest organs of the body (liver, skin, and
after a recovery period of one or two msec. will the slow gates open and allow a second stimulus to trigger the transient increase
in Na+ permeability.
bone marrow).
Application of these results to action potentials is detailed on plate 14. In the adult, active bone marrow is the red marrow found in bones of the trunk and head (sternum, ribs,
vertebrae, and the skull). The red marrow in these bones provides the primary source for blood cells. In growing
children, however, red marrow is also found in the long bones of the lower extremity (femur and tibia). In the
adult, the latter bones do not entirely lose their ability to make blood cells, but provide possible secondary
sources for blood cell formation that are activated only when the primary sources are unable to keep up with the
demand. Under such conditions, the liver and spleen can also make blood cells. Indeed, the liver is the principal
source of RBCs in early embryonic and fetal periods; the spleen produces RBCs slightly later in fetal life. In
extreme emergencies, such as massive blood loss due to hemorrhage or destruction of generative cells of
marrow due to exposure to ionizing radiation, the adult's liver and spleen, as well as the resting yellow marrow
in the secondary sources, can again produce new blood cells.
Blood cells are formed in the red marrow from the proliferation and differentiation of stem cells, which
permanently reside there. One line forms the red cells, another, the white cells, and yet another, the platelets. A
variety of hormonal and humoral controls adjust the production rate of various blood cells in response to
physiological needs. For example, the kidney hormone erythropoietin stimulates red cell production, and a
hormone called thrombopoietin stimulates platelet production. Several humoral factors are involved in
regulating white cell production.
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OXYGEN TRANSPORT BY THE BLOOD When the curve is shifted to the left, above the "normal" curve, the Hb has more affinity
for 02; it takes some up. This will occur whenever the 2,3 DPG level falls. In fact, when
When hemoglobin (Hb) is exposed to 02, the 02 molecules continually collide with it. If all the 2,3 DPG is removed, Hb's affinity for 02 increases to such an extent that it begins
there is an empty binding site on the Hb, a colliding 02 may bind to it. But bound 02s are to resemble myoglobin. The Hb in fetal red cells is different from adult Hb; in particular,
continually shaking loose from their sites. Equilibrium is reached when the number being fetal Hb does not bind 2,3 DPG as readily as adult Hb. In other words, it is less sensitive
bound just equals the number shaking loose. In Hb, this equilibrium is reached very fast, to 2,3 DPG. As a result, the 02 saturation curve for fetal Hb lies above the curve for
anc its position is determined largely by the P02. The higher the P02 (the more maternal Hb, showing that fetal Hb has a greater affinity for 02. This is an advantage for
concehtrated the 02), the more frequent the collision with Hb and the more frequently an the fetus because when fetal Hb comes in proximity to maternal Hb (in the placenta), it
02 will bind. As the 02 concentration increases, more and more binding sites are filled, will draw 02 from the maternal blood.
until finally every site is filled, with each Hb molecule containing four bound 02 The role of 2,3 DPG has attracted a good deal of attention because it is not simply an
molecules. At this point, we say the Hb is 100% saturated; when only half are occupied, essential "ingredient" whose presence is required for normal Hb function. Rather, its
the Hb is 50% saturated. level can vary considerably, and it is involved in regulating 02 transport in both health
Hb takes up 02 at the partial pressures that exist in the lungs and in the tissues. In the and disease. Its level rises when 02 uptake in the lungs is compromised, and this helps
lungs, P02 = 105 mm Hg; the curve shows that Hb is 97% saturated. Hb will unload 02 the Hb unload a larger portion of the 02 that it does carry when it gets to the tissues.
in the tissues where P02 averages about 40 mm Hg and may fall even lower to 20 mm This rise in 2,3 DPG occurs, for example, during the first day's adaptation to high altitude
Hg in active muscles. There is a difference between the percentage of Hb saturation of and during obstructive lung diseases.
blood just after leaving the lungs and the percentage of Hb saturation in the tissues. This
difference is the 02 delivered to tissues.
Hb "works" because its saturation curve is S shaped; it unloads most of its 02 in a very The Xrroid Effect In Stimulation of Oxygenation
narrow range of P02 between 20 and 40 mm Hg. This behavior is due to the fact that Hb
is made of four interacting subunits that "cooperate" in binding Oz. The first portion of The word Xrroid is defined as the testing of a patient Electro Physiological
the curve at very low P02 is flat because Hb is in the tense state and not receptive to 02. Reactivity to thousands of substances at biological speeds. Biological speeds are
As more 02 molecules are introduced, the likelihood of one of them binding goes up. defined as those approaching the ionic exchange speed of a persons’ electrical reaction
Once it binds, it influences the other vacant binding sites on the same Hb molecule, to the items in their immediate environment. This is a speed of approximately 1/100 of a
increasing the probability of binding a second 02, which will increase the chances for a second. The Xrroid is the process of measuring a patients’ reaction to such items as
third, etc. Thus, the binding (saturation) curve rises very steeply and fortunately in just vitamins, homeopathics, enzymes, hormones, allersodes, isodes, nosodes, etc.
the right region! The Xrroid is the invention of Dr. Nelson and was first used in 1985 in the EPFX
Contrast this behavior with that of myoglobin, the 02 storage protein in muscle cells. It is device of Eclosion. This was registered with the FDA of America in 1989. The process
similar to Hb, but it contains only one subunit; one molecule binds only one 02, and has been greatly advanced technologically in the QXCI device. The Xrroid has been
there is no possibility of a T state or of cooperative binding. Its binding curve is not S used on millions of patients around the world for over a decade.
shaped, and rather than giving up its 02 at the P02 found in the venous blood, it takes it The process has been clinically tested with results being published in medical
up. But this fits its function; myoglobin stores 02 and will give it up in the tissues only journals and articles being presented in several world wide medical conferences. The
when the P02 falls very low. users of the systems have sent in thousands of testimonials and reports of dramatic
The P02 is not the only variable that influences the binding of 02 to Hb. There are success come in daily. The users use the device as directed, which means seeing a
several percentage of saturation curves for Hb under different conditions. In one of patient once a week at best.
them, the concentration of C02 has increased, and the 02 saturation curve for Hb has For over a decade occasionally someone with an overly suspicious mind will try to
shifted to the right (i.e., it lies below the "normal" curve). In this case, a higher P02 is use the device not as directed but on someone repeatedly in the same day. They will
required to achieve the same percentage of saturation, and this means the Hb has a check some over and over in the same day. They will report back to us with dismay as
lower affinity for 02. If the Hb were just sitting there, exposed to a constant P02, and C02 that even though the first results are always accurate the second or third results seem to
suddenly increased, shifting the curve to the right, then the Hb would release some of its not be. Often these reports come from persons who cling to older technology or have
02. This actually happens as blood passes through a capillary, and C02 diffuses into the ulterior motives. So often the reports have not been checked. But recently when the
blood from the tissues. In addition to C02, two other important substances shift the curve Chinese distributor had a similar comment the Chinese representative had an
to the right. These are H+ and a phosphorous-containing metabolite, 2, 3 DPG. These observation. Could it be that the Xrroid test might produce some effect on the EPR of the
each bind at separate locations on the Hb molecule, but they all act in similar ways by patient?
strengthening linkages between Hb subunits, which promotes the tense state with low The tickle of testing a person to thousands of items at fast speeds seems to
02 affinity. Tissues commonly produce C02 and H+. This helps drive 02 off the Hb, promote a increase in the wellness of the EPR field that promotes a change or
making it more available to tissue cells. destabilization in the EPR field of the patient. This will lead to inaccurate Xrroid results
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for a period of up to 48 hours. So for this time the therapies can be done successfully THE ECG AND IMPULSE CONDUCTION IN THE HEART
but the Xrroid will be less accurate. The accurate recording of cardiac membrane potentials described in the previous plate requires the insertion of a microelectrode
Patients will have hyper-reactivity states after testing. Some patients report into the cytoplasm of the cell, a procedure that cannot be undertaken in a human. However, there are other, noninvasive methods
heightened sense of taste, smell, coordination, flexibility, and even ESP. Some are not for assessing the electrical activity of the heart. Although these methods are less precise, they have the advantage of providing
global information about how the activities of various portions of the heart are integrated into a coherent beat.
aware of the difference and their other family members report noticing the change. To understand these measurements, first consider the simple case illustrated in the top figure, where two electrodes are placed
During this period the Xrroid retesting will often be inaccurate. But therapies can be used near the heart's surface. The cells on the left are active and their extracellular surfaces are negatively charged while surfaces of
during this time. The recovery time appears to vary depending on the patient condition. resting cells on the right are positive. This difference is picked up by surface electrodes. The electrode on the left, close to the
negative charge, is more negative than the electrode on the right (close to the positive charge). The meter detects only the
The recovery time can be from 24 hours minimum to 100 hour maximum. difference between the electrodes. When the circumstances are reversed, with cells on the left at rest while cells on the right are
Our tests have shown that the Xrroid itself has healing effects as patients active, then the right-hand electrode is close to the negative charge, and it will be negative with respect to the one on the left.
have improved trivector patterns. Athletes consistently report heightened The key words are "close to." How close do the electrodes have to be to make the measurement? Fortunately, the heart is large,
and body fluids contain ions that conduct electricity so that electrodes can be placed at some distance from the heart, anywhere on
reflexes, improved coordination, and faster motor skills. After one Xrroid test the body surface, as long as they are in good electrical contact with body fluids. The figure at the top right shows conventional
there are several improvements in clarity of thought process, eye hand locations for electrode placement. Measurements called electrocardiograms (ECGs) are taken as the difference between any two
coordination, etc. But after two or more Xrroid test a state of hyperactivity can of the three electrodes. The legs and arms act as simple extensions of the electrodes; measurements from the leg approximate
electrical variations occurring in the groin; measurements from the arms approximate those from the corresponding shoulder.
ensue for hours or days. Please keep the Xrroid tests to a minimum. This change Electrodes are placed on wrists and ankles merely for convenience.
in EPR shows just how effective the Xrroid is. I hope this will help the skeptics in The middle figure shows a typical ECG. Although it is not obvious, this recording represents the sum of all action potentials of all
properly charting out the challenge of the SCIO. cardiac muscle cells during one beat. Remember that the recording is made some distance from the heart, that various heart cells
are oriented in different directions, and that they are excited at different times and recover at others. As "seen" by an electrode on
the body surface, the electrical signal from one cell may easily augment or detract from the signal of another. No wonder the
composite ECG bears no obvious resemblance to the action potential of a single cell. Nevertheless, years of careful observations
and correlations have established a basis for interpreting ECGs. The landmarks on a typical record are designated by the letters P,
QRS, and T Their physiological correlates are:
P WAVE. The P wave signals the beginning of the heartbeat. It corresponds to the spread of excitation over both atria.
P-R INTERVAL. The time from the beginning of the P wave to the beginning of the R wave measures the time for impulse
conduction from atria to ventricles. Although the heart appears to be "electrically silent" during this time, a wave of electrical
depolarization is propagated; the time includes passage of the impulse to the AV node, the delay imposed by the AV node,
passage through the AV bundle, the bundle branches, and the Purkinje network. Disturbances of AV conduction induced by
inflammation, poor circulation, drugs, or nervous mechanisms are often revealed by an abnormal prolongation of the P-R interval.
QRS COMPLEX. This corresponds to the invasion of the ventricular musculature by excitatory impulses. It is higher than the P
because the ventricular mass is much larger than the atria. The duration of the QRS complex is shorter than the P wave because
impulse conduction through the ventricles (partly via the Purkinje network) is very rapid.
S-T SEGMENT. During the interval between S and T, the ECG registers zero. All of the ventricular muscle is in the same
depolarized state (recall the long plateau of the action potential of ventricular fibers), and there are no differences to record.
T WAVE. The T wave results from ventricular repolarization as different parts of the ventricle repolarize at different times. These
are only the bare rudiments of information buried in an ECG. By examination of these records, a cardiologist learns about the
anatomical orientation of the heart, disturbances of heart rate and impulse conduction, the extent and location of damaged tissue,
and the effect of disturbances in plasma electrolytes.
Heart block and fibrillation are pathological conditions that are easy to detect in ECG recordings. In heart block, impulse
propagation through the AV node is impeded. In first degree block, the impulse is merely stowed so that there is an abnormally
long P-R interval. In one form of second degree block, the AV node fails to pass every impulse. Only one out of two or one out of
three impulses passes, and the ECG contains two or three P waves for every QRS. In more severe cases (third degree or complete
block), the AV node fails completely, no impulses get through, and the atria and ventricles are electrically isolated. Ventricular
pacemakers then take over, and the atria and ventricles beat independently of one another. The ECG in this case shows no
correlation between the appearance of P waves and QRS complexes.
In ventricular fibrillation, individual portions of the heart beat independently, without coordination. The heart is reduced to a
quivering mass with no obvious excitation period and no obvious resting period. Blood is no longer pumped. The cause of
ventricular fibrillation is not completely understood, but it appears to result from rapid and chaotic pacemaker activities that
develop in different locations, together with long, circuitous conduction pathways. Fibrillation confined to the atria can be
tolerated because, at rest, the atrial contribution to filling of the ventricle is small. In contrast, ventricular fibrillation is always
fatal unless it can be immediately arrested.
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Local & Systemic Control of Small Blood Vessels
LOCAL REGULATION OF TISSUE PERFUSION. When a tissue becomes active, its blood
vessels dilate. Local blood flow increases, bringing the active tissue more nourishment and
washing away waste products. This response is clearly beneficial; more blood is supplied to
active tissue, less to quiescent tissue. How does it occur? How does the tissue signal its blood
vessels that it has become active? A simple experiment provides a clue: a tourniquet is applied to
an arm, blocking blood flow for a few minutes, and then released. Following release, local blood
vessels dilate and blood flow to the impoverished arm is temporarily much higher than the norm,
as if to compensate for the period when flow was obstructed. If extracellular fluids collected from
the starved tissues during the blockage are injected into the opposite normal arm, its vessels dilate
and its blood flow increases, just as though it too were recovering from the tourniquet.
Apparently, the impoverished tissue releases into its surrouding fluids substances that diffuse to
the local blood vessels and induce dilation.
A search for these dilating substances has shown that any of the following characteristics of the
fluid can cause dilation of arterioles and precapillary sphincters: high concentration of acids,
COp, potassium, and adenosine and low concentration of 02. A common feature of all these
conditions is that they are produced by cells when their blood supply is inadequate to support
their activity. This provides a very simple negative feedback scheme to match local blood flow to
cellular activity: increased tissue activity (inadequate blood supply)--->accumulation of
metabolites (acids, COp, low 02, etc.)-->dilation of blood vessels (increased blood flow).
NEURAL REGULATION OF BLOOD FLOW. In addition to local chemical control, smooth
muscle in blood vessel walls is also controlled by sympathetic nerves. These nerves are generally
active, constantly barraging the blood vessels with impulses that liberate norepinephrine, causing
the vascular smooth muscle to contract and constrict the vessels. When the frequency of
sympathetic impulses increases, blood vessel constriction is more intense; when the frequency
decreases, the vascular smooth muscle is more relaxed, and blood vessels dilate. This description
has covered the primary mechanism for neural control of blood vessels. In addition, there appear
to be a number of minor pathways that operate on a different basis. Parasympathetic fibers supply
blood vessels of the head and viscera, but not skeletal muscle or skin. These fibers release
acetylcholine, causing vasodilation. Acetylcholine is also liberated by a small number of
vasodilator fibers that are carried in the sympathetic nerve trunks going to skeletal muscle. Their
significance is not apparent; they are activated by excitement and apprehension, and it has been
suggested that they are involved in the vasodilation that occurs with the anticipation of exercise.
They have been found in cats and dogs and are probably present in humans.
The density of sympathetic innervation varies widely from tissue to tissue. Arterioles and veins of
the viscera and skin have a rich supply of nerves and show intense vasoconstriction upon
sympathetic stimulation. In contrast, blood vessels in the brain and coronary circulation are
nonresponsive to sympathetic stimulation. Fortunately, circulation to these two organs is rarely
compromised by vasoconstriction; neither the brain nor the heart can sustain Op deprivation for
any significant amount of time.
While chemical control matches blood flow to metabolic activity, sympathetic vasoconstrictors
play a major role in the control of vascular resistance (and therefore blood pressure). Situations in
which these two mechanisms oppose each other (e.g., blood pressure falling while an organ has
inadequate blood supply) can easily arise. Through reflexes discussed in plate 40, the sympathetic
nerves are activated in response to the low blood pressure, causing vasoconstriction. At the same
time, the deprived organ starts producing vasodilator substances. Although the net result depends
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on the particular organ, the vasodilator response most often predominates. In fact, there is PHYSIOLOGY OF BLOOD AGGLOTINATION & GROUPING
evidence that vasodilator substances act not only on blood vessels but also directly on
BLOOD AGGLUTINATION. When blood of two different individuals is mixed outside the body, the red blood
sympathetic nerve endings to inhibit the amount of norepinephrine released by sympathetic cells (RBCs) may clump together, separate from the plasma, and precipitate as solid masses. Occurrence of this
impulses. agglutination reaction in the body, as might happen following a blood transfusion, may create a potentially
lethal condition. Because of the obvious importance of agglutination to the clinical practice of blood transfusion,
research has focused on expanding knowledge of the physiology and genetics of this phenomenon.
Individuals are classified into genetically determined blood groups. Blood from members of certain groups can
be mixed without any undesirable consequences (agglutination), but that of members of certain other groups
cannot be mixed. The basis of these differences rests on the genetically determined immunological disparities
between the blood in various individuals.
CELL PHYSIOLOGY OF AGGLUTINATION. RBC surfaces contain several different glycoprotein substances
called agglutinogens which have antigenic properties. The types of agglutinogens are unique to individuals from
a common genetic pool. Thus, identical twins have the same sets of agglutinogens, but fraternal twins may have
different sets. The agglutinogens may react with antibodylike substances called agglutinins present in the
plasma of other individuals. (See plate 140 for more details on antigen-antibody reaction.) If the blood of an
individual with a specific agglutinogen is mixed with blood containing the agglutinin against that agglutinogen,
the active sites of the agglutinins will combine with agglutinogens of several RBCs, resulting in the affected
RBCs clumping together or "agglutinating." Agglutination of blood may result in anemia and other serious
blood and vascular disorders. The antigenic substances present on the RBC are found in some other tissues as
well. However, agglutination occurs only in the blood, due to the presence of both plasma agglutinins and
agglutinogens of RBCs.
BLOOD GROUPS. Based on the various agglutinogens and agglutinins present in individuals' blood and the
miscibility of blood between them, several blood groups have been identified. The A80 system and Rhesus (Rh)
system are the best known. In the ABO system, humans are divided into 4 blood groups, A, 8, A8, and O, on the
basis of two agglutinogens, A and B, and their corresponding agglutinins. Members of blood group A have
agglutinogen A on their red cells and agglutinin B in their plasma. Members of group B carry agglutinogen B
and agglutinin A. Group AB members have both agglutinogens but none of the agglutinins. Members of group
O carry neither of the two agglutinogens but have both agglutinins in their plasma.
The blood of group A should not be mixed with that of group B because the latter contains the agglutinin A.
Type A blood can be mixed with A, B blood with B, and AB with AB. Members of the O group are called
universal donors because the absence of the agglutinogens A and B eliminates the chance of agglutination in the
recipient. Members of the AB group are called universal recipients because the absence of the agglutinins A and
B permits them to accept transfusions from the other three types.
THE RH SYSTEM. Another important blood group system is the Rh system, which is based on the presence of
the Rh factor (antigen-D, agglutinogen-D) on the surface of RBCs. Those possessing this factor are called Rh
positive (Rh+); those lacking it are called Rh negative (Rh-). Rh+ people markedly outnumber the Rh- ones
(about 6 to 1). In contrast to the ABO system, the agglutinin-D against the Rh factor is not normally circulating
but is present within several weeks of exposure to the agglutinogen (the Rh factor). Upon second exposure to
the Rh+ blood, the Rh- recipient experiences a severe agglutination reaction. The most serious cases of
agglutination due to Rh incompatibility are observed in fetuses and newborns. The offspring of a Rh+ male and
a Rhfemale will usually (but not always) be Rh+. Thus, the fetus will carry the Rh factor, which is antigenic to
the mother's blood. During delivery of the first fetus, some fetal blood is mixed with the Rh- maternal blood.
Within a few weeks, the mother produces an antibody against the Rh-agglutinin. During a second pregnancy
with an Rh+ fetus, these antibodies may enter the fetal blood, causing agglutination and lysis of the fetal RBCs
(erythroblastosis fetalis or the hemolytic disease of the newborn). These fetuses and newborns are at risk
because of severe anemia.
The incidence of this disorder increases with each subsequent Rh+ pregnancy. To prevent the consequences of
erythroblastosis fetalis, the newborn's blood can be replaced with Rh- blood, enabling the infant to survive for a
few months. By the time the infant's own Rh+ red blood cells are produced, all traces of the maternal Rh-
agglutinin will have disappeared. To prevent erythroblastosis fetalis from ever occurring, the Rh- mother can be
injected (vaccinated) after the first Rh+ pregnancy with some Rh-agglutinin. In time, the treated mother
produces high titers of antibodies against the Rh-agglutinin (itself an antibody). These anti-antibodies deactivate
all maternal Rh-agglutinins, preventing their transfer to the next fetus.
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Although it is important that the lungs can be distended by small forces, it is equally important that they show Veins have two main functions: (1) they provide a low-pressure storage system for blood and (2) they serve as lowresistance
elastic behavior and return to their original volume when distending forces are relaxed. Two components are conduits to return the blood to the heart.
responsible for this elastic behavior. First, elastic tissue, consisting of elastic and collagen fibers embedded in LOW-PRESSURE STORAGE. The walls of the veins are thin; they contain very little elastic tissue and are difficult
to stretch. At first sight, it appears difficult to expand or contract the veins to accommodate changes in blood storage. However,
alveolar walls and around bronchi, resists stretching. Second, surface tension, which arises at any air-water this is not the case. Normally, veins are easily distended because they are partially collapsed. On the other hand, the volume of the
interface, resists expansion of the surface. The importance of these two components is illustrated in the top veins can be reduced through the contraction of smooth muscle cells embedded in their walls. At rest, veins contain about two-
panel, which shows that it requires much less pressure (force) to inflate the lungs with water (more precisely, thirds of the blood in the body, although this can vary. In response to hemorrhage or exercise, for example, sympathetic nerves
with physiological saline) than with air. When inflating with water, there is no air-water interface, therefore no stimulate venous smooth muscles, constricting the veins and shunting blood to other parts of the circulation.
surface tension; the only resisting force comes from the elastic tissue. When inflating with air, both forces are To study the capacity of veins to store blood, take isolated segments of veins, tie off all possible exits, and inflate them with fluid
operative. By taking the difference of the two measurements, we can estimate that forces arising from surface as you would inflate a bicycle tire with air. (See figure at top of plate.) The question is, "How much fluid (air) can you push into
tension account for two-thirds of the lung's elastic behavior; the remaining one-third arises from elastic tissue. the vein (tire) before the pressure in the vein (which will oppose your effort) rises 1 mm Hg?" This amount is called the
How does surface tension arise? As shown in the second panel, water molecules attract each other. If they did compliance. The larger the compliance, the larger the capacity for storage. You can see from the plate that veins have a much
not, the molecules would fly apart, and water would not be a liquid; it would be a gas. Those water molecules in larger compliance than arteries; at normal venous pressures, they are only partially filled and can easily distend. When they are
filled far beyond normal, the slack is taken up and the pressure begins to rise very fast; the compliance falls. The easy
the bulk of the fluid have neighbors in every direction, and they are pulled in every direction. Molecules on the distensibility (high compliance) of normal veins serves the storage function very well; however, it can create problems. For
surface have neighbors only in the interior of the fluid. Accordingly, they are continually pulled off the surface example, when we rise from the supine to the upright position, blood tends to pool in the veins (especially in the legs and feet); it
toward the interior. In other words, the water molecules tend to avoid the surface, and as a result, the surface is essentially withdrawn from the arterial side of the circulation. Without any compensatory response, such as activation of
behaves like a thin sheet of rubber that resists expansion. This property is called surface tension; it is a force that sympathetic nerves, the result would be disastrous. The nature of these challenges and the compensatory responses are covered in
acts tangentially to the surface and resists expansion of it. plate 41.
Surface tension can be reduced by introducing solute molecules called surface active agents or surfactants. In LOW-RESISTANCE CONDUITS. Blood flows from regions where its mechanical energy is high to regions where it is low.
contrast to water, surfactants are attracted to the surface; they displace water molecules there and allow the When we are in a recumbent position, most of this energy is in the form of pressure. As blood passes through the narrow arterioles
surface to expand. Phospholipids are common surfactants; they have a polar, hydrophilic head that is attracted to and capillaries, the pressure falls substantially. In many venules, blood pressure is around 15 mm Hg. In the atria, the average
pressure is close to 0 mm Hg. It follows that there is a small but definite pressure gradient available to force blood back to the
the water and a hydrophobic tail that is squeezed out of the water phase (plate 7). Unless they form micelles or
heart. The fact that this small gradient (approximately 15 mm Hg) is sufficient to drive large volumes of blood demonstrates the
bilayers, the only place that can accommodate both the hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of the molecule low resistance of the venous pathway. Even veins that appear to be collapsed have a low resistance because the apparent "creases"
is the air-water interface, with the heads immersed in the water and the tails in the air. This allows for easy in the vessel are never really flat; they always leave some space that can be easily traversed by circulating blood.
expansion of the surface. The surface tension is determined by the relative proportions of water and surfactants In addition to pressure gradients, there are other mechanisms that aid venous return of blood to the heart. These include "pumping
that occupy the surface. Surfactants, particularly phospholipids, are secreted by some of the cells lining the actions" of noncardiac muscles as well as movements of the heart itself, and they depend on the valves in the veins, which point in
alveoli. These secretions are important because they reduce surface tension in the alveolar air-water interface, the direction of the heart. This orientation ensures a forward flow toward the heart: blood flowing forward forces the valves open;
decreasing both resistance to stretch and the work of breathing. backflow snaps them shut. The third figure on the plate shows this action in a vein lodged between two skeletal muscles. When
Further complications arise from the relation between the surface tension and the internal pressure required to the muscles are relaxed, blood flows forward because of the pressure gradient described above, and the vein fills with blood.
keep an alveolus inflated. In a spherical structure like an alveolus or a soap bubble, surface tension acts to When the muscles contract, they squeeze on the vein, forcing blood in all directions. Blood flowing backward closes the bottom
valve, but forward-flowing blood keeps the upper valve open so that blood spurts in the forward direction. When the muscle
collapse the bubble, and the pressure required to keep it inflated depends on both the surface tension and the size
relaxes, there is no longer any external force pushing on the venous walls; the presure gradient from below (farthest from the
of the bubble. The smaller the bubble, the larger the pressure - remember how difficult it is to begin blowing up heart) forces blood flow in the forward direction, opening the lower valve and reestablishing our initial condition. Thus, each time
a balloon, but once it attains a reasonable size, the task is much easier. This follows because the curvature of the the muscle contracts and relaxes, a spurt of venous blood is sent toward the heart. This action is called the muscle pump.
bubble modified the surface force so that part of it pulls inward toward the center of the sphere. The smaller the A good illustration of the importance of the muscle pump in exercise is provided if a runner remains motionless just after
sphere (the greater the curvature), the larger the force pulling inward. This inward component operates to finishing a strenuous race. His cardiac output is still high and his capillaries and small blood vessels are still dilated in response to
compress the bubble and requires an oppositely directed pressure. If you imagine a small patch on the surface the exercise. Without the muscle pump the veins are quickly drained, venous return to the heart decreases, and the cardiac output
(see plate), you will notice that the larger the bubble, the less curved the patch will be and the less inward pull may falter sufficiently to compromise the blood supply to the brain. Fainting can be avoided if the runner continues mild exercise
there will be from surface forces. As the bubble gets very large, the patch becomes practically flat, and there is for a few minutes.
no inward-directed component. The mathematical relation between sphere size (radius R), tension T, and An additional pumping action, the respiratory pump, occurs during breathing. Each breath is preceded by an enlargement of the
chest cavity (the thorax). The enlarging thorax acts as a bellows and "sucks" air into the lungs (see plate 44). The same expansion
pressure P is P = 2T/R.
also "sucks" blood into the thoracic veins. The thoracic cage not only expands its lateral dimensions (a result of skeletal muscles
The lungs can be regarded as a collection of 300 million minute bubbles connected to each other. If there were pulling the rib
no surfactant, the surface tension in each bubble would be the same, and the system would be unstable because, cage upward), it also expands its vertical dimensions as a result of the dome-shaped diaphragm contracting and pushing
as shown in the bottom panel (top figure), the smaller bubbles would have a larger pressure and would blow up downward on the abdomen. Pushing on the abdominal contents then squeezes the veins in the abdomen. Thus, each time a breath
the larger ones and collapse in the process. When surfactant is present (lower figure), this does not occur is drawn, the expanding thorax sucks and the compressed abdomen squeezes blood toward the heart. During expiration, the
because the smaller bubbles have a higher proportion of surfactant on their surfaces and, therefore, smaller reverse occurs, and, although there are no valves in the great veins of the thorax or abdomen, backflow is checked by valves in the
surface tensions than larger ones. This follows because, as bubbles become smaller, their surface areas decrease, large veins of the extremities.
largely by losing surface water molecules (not surfactant) to the interior. Thus, the proportion of surfactant to Finally, the motion of the heart itself aids venous return. Each time the ventricles beat, the upper portions of the ventricles near the
water in the surface increases so that the decrease in alveolar size is accompanied by a decrease in surface valves move downward toward the apex. This results in expansion of the atria, which draws blood into the heart.
tension. By this mechanism, the surface tension of the smaller alveoli is lowered so that the pressure need not
rise to keep it inflated. In our example with no surfactant, the surface tension T is 20 (arbitrary units) in both
bubbles. The pressure of each bubble is given by P = 2T/R; so the large bubble (R = 2) has P = 20, the smaller
bubble (R = 1) has P = 40. Air will move from the small bubble to the large one. Further, the more air that
moves, the smaller the bubble gets and the greater the imbalance. With surfactant, both bubbles have a larger
surface tension, but the smaller one has less (T = 5) than the larger (T = 10). Now the two pressures balance at
10 each, and the system is stable.
The importance of lung surfactant is apparent in infants born with deficient secretion of it, giving rise to
"respiratory distress syndrome." In these cases, the lungs are "stiff," areas are collapsed, and breathing requires
186 extraordinary effort. 187
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Most tissues contain enormous numbers of tiny lymph vessels called lymph capillaries. One end of the lymph capillary is blind
(closed off); the open ends coalesce into larger vessels called collecting ducts, which in turn merge into still larger vessels (called
lymph ducts) and so on until the largest ducts drain into the circulation via connections with large veins (e.g., the subclavians at
the junction with the jugular veins). The lymph ducts resemble veins: both have smooth muscle embedded in their walls, and both
contain one-way valves directed toward the heart. Although both lymphatic and ordinary circulatory capillaries are constructed of
similar endothelial cells, there are important differences between them. Lymph capillaries have no basement membranes, and the
junctions between their endothelial cells are often open, with no tight intercellular connections. This makes them very permeable
to proteins as well as smaller molecules and water. When the tissue spaces fill with fluids, the increased pressure does not
compress and close the lymph capillaries because they are held open by anchoring filaments attached at one end to the endothelial
cells and to surrounding connective tissue at the other end. The edges of the endothelial cells overlap slightly so that they form
"flap valves," which allow fluid to enter the lymph capillary but not to leave it.
Lymph flow is propelled through the periodic contractions of the smooth muscle embedded in the walls of the ducts. These
contractions, which "milk" the lymph along, occur on the average some two to ten times per minute. One-way flow (out of the
tissues and toward the veins) is ensured by the numerous valves that occur every few millimeters. In addition to these
contractions, lymph flow is aided by the same factors that promote venous return (plate 37). These include contractions of nearby
skeletal muscle compressing lymph vessels (the skeletal muscle pump), periodic changes in intrathoracic pressure associated with
breathing (respiratory pump), and possibly the pulsations of nearby arteries. Finally, the high velocity of flow in the veins where
the lymph ducts terminate produces a suction that draws lymph toward it.
During each twenty-four hours the heart pumps 8400 L of blood. Of this, 20 L filter out of the capillaries into the tissues; and of
this 20 L, some 16 to 18 L are returned to the circulation via capillary reabsorption, leaving 2 to 4 L to be returned by the
lymphatic system. Compared to the blood, lymph flows very slowly. The lymphatic system also returns plasma protein that has
leaked into the tissue from the capillary. Although this leakage is slow on a time scale of minutes, when viewed over an entire
day, the amount of protein returned by the lymphatics is equal to 25 to 50% of all the plasma proteins of the body. Seen from this
perspective, the lymphatics seem to be a simple overflow system for correcting fluid imbalance and for recovering protein that
capillaries were unable to restrain. However, this perspective is limited; the lymphatic circulation fulfills a real function and is not
simply a means of compensating for the apparent capillary inefficiency. Passage of plasma proteins into tissue spaces is an
important means of transport for antibodies and for many hormones that are bound to plasma albumin. In addition, the lymphatic
circulation provides a path for transport of long chain fatty acids and cholesterol that have been absorbed from the intestine and
for the entrance of lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) into the circulation.
As lymph travels from the tissues toward the veins, it flows through one or more enlarged structures called lymph nodes. The
lymph nodes contain phagocytic cells, which engulf and destroy foreign matter that is brought to them in the circulating lymph.
The nodes also sequester lymphocytes which can transform into antibody-producing plasma cells. Lymph nodes are powerful
defense stations, guarding against foreign materials and invading bacteria. When there is a local infection, the regional lymph
nodes frequently become inflamed as a result of the accumulation of toxins or bacteria carried to the node by the lymph. The
efficiency of this system has been demonstrated by animal experiments in which bacteria have been injected into a lymph duct
leading to a node; lymph collected from the duct leading away from the node was virtually free of bacteria.
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efficient is the ventilation of the alveoli? What common disturbances result from this scheme?
The volume of air that moves in (or out) of the lungs per minute is called the pulmonary ventilation or CN: Use a dark color for I.
sometimes the minute volume. It is the product of the amount taken in with each breath (tidal volume) and the 1. Begin with the upper drawing, coloring all the cubes; each one represents 500 mL of air.
number of breaths per minute. During normal quiet breathing, this is about 6 L/min. (a tidal volume of 0.5 L per 2. Color the chart, including the two vertical titles.
breath x 12 breaths per min.), but both the depth of each breath and the rate of breathing can vary greatly, 3. Color the spirometer on the right.
depending on the body's needs. 4. Color the anatomical dead space. Note that the drawings on the right are schematics of the more accurate
At rest, the tidal volume is a small fraction of the total lung capacity, and even the deepest expiration cannot anatomical drawing on the left.
expel all the air; some always remains in the alveoli and in the air passages. To evaluate these relations in both
health and disease, we divide the changes in air volume within the lungs at different stages of breathing into the
following categories:
1. Tidal volume is the amount of air that moves in and out with each normal breath.
2. Inspiratory reserve volume is the maximal additional volume of air that can be inspired at the end of a normal
3. Expiratory reserve volume is the maximal additional quantity of air that can be expired at the end of a normal
4. Vital capacity is the greatest volume of air that can be moved in a single breath. The largest portion that can
be expired after maximal inspiration, it is the sum of 1, 2, and 3.
5. Residual volume is the amount of air that remains within the lungs after maximal expiration.
6. Functional residual capacity is the "resting volume." The volume of the system just before a normal
inspiration, it is the sumof2and5.
7. Total lung capacity is the lung volume at its maximum (i.e., after a maximal inspiration). It is the sum of 4
and 5. Measuring these quantities is relatively easy (see plate)
and often provides diagnostic clues for respiratory tract disturbances that interfere with ventilation. These can be
divided into two types:
1. Restrictive disturbances are those cases where the lungs' ability to expand is compromised (reduced com-
pliance). This occurs, for example, in pulmonary fibrosis or in fusion of the pleurae. Restrictive disturbances are
often indicated by an abnormally low vital capacity.
2. Obstructive disturbances are caused by constriction of the airway (increased resistance to airflow). These
contractions often result from mucus accumulation, swollen mucus
membranes, and bronchial muscle spasms as occurs in bronchial asthma or in spastic bronchitis. Because these
disturbances are due to changes in resistance, identifying them requires measuring flow rather than volume (i.e.,
a rate rather than an equilibrium property). This can be accomplished by measuring the volume expelled from
the lungs by forced expiration in 1 sec. This quantity, called the FEVt (forced expiratory volume), is abnormally
low in obstructive disease.
In addition to lung volumes, the space occupied by the conducting airways, the trachea, the bronchi, and the
bronchioles - the anatomical dead space - also requires attention. The 150 mL of air contained within this "dead"
space moves in and out with each breath. But unlike alveolar air, it is not in close contact with the capillaries; so
it has no opportunity to exchange 02 or C02 with blood. Each time a tidal volume of 500 mL of air is exhaled,
500 mL leave the alveoli, but only 500 - 150 = 350 mL reach the atmosphere. The trailing 150 mL is still
contained within the airways, the anatomical dead space. When a fresh breath is inhaled, 500 mL of air enters
the alveoli, but the first 150 mL that enters is not atmospheric. It is the "old" alveolar air from the last exhalation
that never reached the atmosphere and was trapped within the dead space. Thus, with each inspiration, only 350
mL of fresh air enters the alveoli, the last 150 mL of the fresh inspired air never makes it because it is held up in
the dead space and will be expelled at the next expiration.
It follows that only 350/500 = 70% of the normal tidal volume is used to ventilate the alveoli. Instead of using
pulmonary ventilation = tidal volume X breaths per min. as a physiological index of effective lung ventilation,
we more accurately use alveolar ventilation = (tidal volume - anatomical dead space) X breaths per min. The
following example illustrates why. Consider two subjects with the same pulmonary ventilation: subject A has a
small tidal volume (say 250 mL) but a fast breathing rate of 24 per min.; subject B, with a tidal volume of 500
mL and a rate of 12 per min., breathes twice as deep but half as often. In both cases, the pulmonary ventilation is
6000 mL/min. (250 x 24 and 500 x 12). But B has an alveolar ventilation of (500 - 350) x 12 = 4200 mL/min. A
has only (250 - 150) x 24 = 2400 mL/min. Clearly, B is better off; most of A's effort goes into moving air back
and forth in the dead air space. This result holds in general: given the same pulmonary ventilation, alveolar ven-
tilation will be enhanced by deeper breaths (even though they will be less frequent). In extreme cases (e.g.,
sometimes during circulatory shock), the breathing becomes so shallow and so rapid that hardly any ventilation
210 takes place, and 211
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BODY TEMPERATURE, HEAT PRODUCTION, & HEAT LOSS frostbite and gangrene (tissue death) in foot and hand that occurs at extremely cold temperatures is due to failure
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Like any solute, 02 can simply dissolve in the watery fluids of the blood, but the amount that can dissolve is STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION. Red blood cells (RBCs, erythrocytes) are the most abundant cells in the
very small. At the P02 (partial pressure of 02) = 100 mm Hg that exists in arterial blood and with a normal blood (a total of 30 thousand billion per person). They transport the respiratory gases, particularly oxygen, and
cardiac output, the amount dissolved could supply only about 6% of the body's requirements at rest. During their shape is highly adapted to their function. Circulating RBCs resemble biconcave discs, having average
activity, it would fall even shorter. Clearly, there has to be, and is, another way. Most 02 carried by the blood is dimensions of 7.5 by 2 microns (1 micron at the middle). As the RBCs move through blood cells and capillaries
combined with hemoglobin (Hb), an ironcontaining protein within the red blood cell. Hb can carry nearly 70 of different widths, their size and shape can change. In veins they inflate, and in the narrow capillaries they fold.
times the 02 held in simple solution. The normal biconcave shape facilitates oxygen and carbon dioxide diffusion into the cells and maximizes the
Although C02 is more soluble than 02, it too is carried primarily in different combined forms in the plasma and probability of binding with the hemoglobin molecules, which are stacked within the cell.
red cells. Most C02 reacts with water to form carbonic acid (H2C03), which dissociates into H+ and bicarbonate Mature circulating RBCs contain no nucleus or cytoplasmic organelles. Instead, all the available intracellular
(HC03 ) according to the reaction space is packed with hemoglobin, the oxygen-binding protein. Hemoglobin contains a protein part (globin) and
H20 + C02→ H2C03→ H+ + HC03- Another fraction of C02 combines with some of the amino groups on four pigment (heme) molecules. Each heme is associated with one of the four polypepfide subunits (chains) of
polypeptide portions of Hb to form carbaminohemoglobin. the globin. There are four iron atoms in hemoglobin, one in each heme. In the ferrous state, this iron binds
Hb's ability to bind 02 depends on the presence of a heme group within the molecule. Heme, a nonpolypeptide, reversibly with molecular oxygen (02). Thus, each hemoglobin can bind and transport 4 oxygen molecules. The
consists of an organic part and an iron atom; it gives Hb (and red cells) its characteristic red color. The iron can amount of hemoglobin in the blood determines its oxygen-carrying ability, which can vary due either to reduced
be in one of two states; the ferrous state (charge = +2) or the ferric state (charge = +3). Only the Hb with iron in hemoglobin content in the RBCs or to reduced RBC production (see below). Normal blood contains about 140-
the ferrous state binds 02. Hb in the ferric state is a darker color, called methemoglobin, and cannot bind 02. 160 g/L of hemoglobin in the male and 120-150 g/L in the female (nearly 2 Ibs. per person). In addition to
The heme group is embedded in a large polypeptide chain, and together (heme + polypeptide chain) they are hemoglobin, RBCs contain the cytoskeletal and contractile proteins tubulin and actin, which permit shape
called a subunit. The entire Hb molecule, which has a molecular weight of 64,450, consists of four of these changes; RBCs also have the necessary enzymes for glycolytic (anaerobic) glucose oxidation as well as certain
subunits. The size of an 02 molecule makes up only about 0.01 % of the size of one of these subunits. It thus regulatory chemicals such as DPG (2,3-diphosphoglycerate), which influences the binding of oxygen with
seems natural to wonder whether the large structure has any significance and whether the combination of hemoglobin. (See plates 48, 49.)
subunits into groups of four has advantage. Would an iron molecule or a heme by itself suffice? How about a LIFE CYCLE OF RED BLOOD CELLS. Formation of red cells (erythropoiesis) occurs in the bone marrow.
subunit by itself? Special stem cells that reside there proliferate to give rise to all types of blood cells. Progenitor cells of RBCs
When isolated heme is dissolved in water, it binds 02 but only momentarily because it is rapidly converted from (erythroblasts) contain nuclei. Within a few days, these cells differentiate into RBCs, during which time they
the ferrous (+2) to the ferric (+3) state. But this does not happen to the heme in Hb or even in a subunit because synthesize and pack hemoglobin within their cytoplasm and then eventually lose their nuclei. At this time, the
the heme is embedded in a crevice that has a distinctive nonpolar character so that water is excluded. red cells are mature and ready to function. They leave the bone marrow and enter the bloodstream, where they
Apparently, the polypeptide protects the heme from water and helps keep it in the reduced ferrous (+2) state. begin to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Even here some conversion takes place at a slow rate, but the red cell contains an enzyme that can keep pace Several factors regulate RBC production, the most important being the arterial oxygen pressure. In low p02
and convert the methemoglobin back to Hb. conditions, such as at high altitude, the low oxygen pressure in the atmosphere and arterial blood causes the
Given that iron in a subunit will be reasonably stable in the ferrous state and bind 02, why bother to string four release of a hormone, erythropoietin, from the kidney. Erythropoietin acts on the bone marrow to form more
of them together? The answer appears to be "too much of a good thing"; a subunit binds 02 too well. This can be RBCs.
demonstrated by studying myoglobin, a very close relative of Hb containing heme and a similar polypeptide The life span of circulating RBCs is about 4 months, after which they age and are recognized, phagocytized, and
chain, but consisting of only one subunit. Myoglobin takes up 02 well at a very low P02, much lower than the destroyed by the tissue macrophages (large white blood cells) residing in the liver and spleen blood capillaries.
P02 of venous blood. But this also means that the myoglobin won't give it up until the P02 is correspondingly The hemoglobin content of the destroyed cells is broken down to amino acids and heme. Heme is metabolized
low. Myoglobin functions well as an 02 storage compound in muscle, where it releases its 02 only when the P02 to iron and bilirubin. The bone marrow reuses iron for hemoglobin synthesis. The liver secretes bilirubin in the
drops very low during strenuous exercise, but it would not suffice as an 02 carrier in the blood. We could bile (bile pigments) to be excreted in the intestine with the feces. These pigments give feces their light brown
imagine other single subunits that have lower affinities for 02, but they would present a new problem: they color. Some of the bile pigments are reabsorbed, recirculated, and finally excreted in the kidney. These pigments
would not pick up enough 02 in the lungs. Thus, one type of molecule binds too tightly; it works well in the cause the yellow color of urine.
lungs but not in the tissues. The other binds too loosely; it gives up 02 readily in the tissues but can't pick up ANEMIAS. Anemias are diseases associated with the reduced content of hemoglobin in the blood, which
enough in the lungs. Ideally, we would like a molecule that switches between the two types as it goes from lungs decreases the blood's ability to transport oxygen to the tissues. Consequences of anemias range from simple
to tissue. By stringing four subunits together so that the heme sites can interact, Hb approximates that ideal. fatigue to death. There is a variety of causes for anemias, a few of the more common ones being direct blood
Hb exists in more than one state. When none of the ironbinding sites is occupied, Hb is in a T ("tense") state and loss due to severe menstruation, internal bleeding from a gastrointestinal ulcer, accidental hemorrhage, and
not receptive to 02. However, once an 02 does bind to one site, the iron moves slightly and so do parts of the failure of bone marrow to produce new RBCs (such as might occur due to exposure to high doses of ionizing
polypeptide chain attached to it. This loosens the stucture, making it easier for the next 02 to attach to one of the radiation or to certain drugs, toxins, or viruses).
remaining empty sites. The sequence repeats, making it still easier for the next 02, etc., until (in the lungs) all Certain digestive or dietary deficiencies also cause anemias. Absence of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamine), a sub-
four sites are occupied by 02, and the Hb is in an R ("relaxed") state. Conversely (in the tissues), as one O2 frees stance necessary for erythropoiesis, could result in severe RBC shortage. Vitamin B~2 is plentiful in foods of
itself from the Hb, the Hb changes slightly, making it easier for the next to unload. This behavior is called animal origin (meats) but is absent in plant foods, so a strictly vegetarian diet could result in serious deficiency
cooperative. A simple analogy in the plate shows a boat (Hb) with room for four people (02). They swim in the in this vitamin, leading to pernicious anemia. However, pernicious anemia is rarely caused by dietary deficiency
water; but as one gets on the boat, he helps the next, etc. The physiological significance of this cooperative of vitamin B~2; it is often caused by a diminished ability to absorb this substance. To facilitate the absorption of
behaviour is discussed in plate 49. vitamin B~2, which is the largest of the vitamins, the stomach secretes a protein (intrinsic factor). The absence
of intrinsic factor, which can occur because of diseases of the stomach or after its surgical removal, means that
dietary vitamin B~2 is not absorbed, resulting in diminished hemoglobin synthesis and RBC production
(pernicious anemia). Dietary deficiencies of folic acid and iron may also cause anemia. There is an increased
need for all the dietary stimulants of erythropoiesis (such as iron and vitamins) during pregnancy and growth.
Increased destruction of RBCs occurs in individuals afflicted with sickle cell anemia, a hereditary disease partic-
ularly prevalent among blacks. Sickled cells stick together, hemolyze, and are rapidly destroyed by the
macrophages. Kidney disease or loss results in decreased production of erythropoietin, thus diminishing the
stimulation of the bone marrow to produce RBCs and resulting in anemia.
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Hypoxia means there is an 02 deficiency in the tissues. In most cases of severe hypoxia, the brain is the first
organ to be affected. If, for example, cabin pressure is suddenly lost in an aircraft flying above 50,000 ft., the
inspired P02 will fall to less than 20 mm Hg, consciousness will be lost in about 20 sec., and death will follow
4-5 min. later. Less severe hypoxia also affects the brain, producing an inebriated type of behavior, including
impaired judgment, drowsiness, disorientation, and headache. Other, non-mental symptoms of hypoxia may
include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and rapid heart rate. Hypoxia has been classified into 4 different types,
depending on the cause.
1. HYPOXIC HYPOXIA. This refers to a reduced P02 in arterial blood. It occurs in normal people at high
altitudes, where the 02 content of the air is low, and it is also found in lung diseases like penumonia. Symptoms
of "mountain sickness" are seen in many people 8-24 hr. after they arrive at high altitudes. These symptoms,
which include headache, irritability, insomnia, breathlessness, nausea, and fatigue, gradually disappear in the
course of 4-8 days through a process called acclimatization.
Acclimatization begins with an increase in ventilation stimulated by the low arterial P02. At first, this increase
in ventilation is small because it drives off CO2, so the normal stimulating action of PC02 on ventilation has
been diminished. However, ventilation steadily increases over the next 4 days as the central chemoreceptor
response to low PC02 gradually subsides. To understand this gradual reduction of sensitivity to the lowered
PC02, recall that C02 regulates respiration by its effect on the H+ ion concentration in cerebrospinal fluid (plate
52). Apparently, the body adjusts to a chronically low PC02 by raising the H+ ion concentration in the
cerebrospinal fluids back toward normal despite the low PC02.
However, the low C02 creates another problem: it shifts the bicarbonate reaction in a direction that uses up H+
ions causing other body fluids to become alkaline (see plate 59). Fortunately, this problem is also handled
within the next few days, this time by the kidneys as they excrete more HC03 (plate 60).
Acclimatization also involves the enhanced production of 2,3 DPG in red cells. Recall (plate 49) that 2,3 DPG
lowers the 02 affinity of hemoglobin (shifting the saturation curve to the right) so that it releases more 02 to the
tissues. This shift occurs within a day. However, in severe hypoxia, its usefulness is limited because the lowered
affinity also makes it harder for Hb to pick up the 02 in the lungs.
An increase in red blood cell concentration of the circulating blood also begins during the first few days of
acclimatization. This raises the concentration of Hb in the blood, thus increasing the blood's capacity to carry
Hb even though the P02 is low. The stimulus for the enhanced production and release of red cells by the bone
marrow is provided by a hormone, erythropoietin, which the kidneys secrete in response to hypoxia (plate 136).
Although the increased red cell production begins in 2-3 days, it may take several weeks before this response is
In addition, long-term acclimatization also involves a growth of new capillaries, thus reducing the distance 02
must diffuse to move from blood to tissue cell. The myoglobin content of muscle, the number of mitochondria,
and the tissue content of oxidative enzymes also increase.
In summary, acclimatization promotes the 02 supply to tissues in 3 ways: (1) greater delivery of 02 to the blood
via increases in ventilation, (2) enhanced 02-carrying capacity of the blood due to increases in red cell
production, and (3) easier delivery of 02 to the tissues by means of the 2,3 DPG response and the raised
2. ANEMIC HYPOXIA. This occurs when arterial P02 is normal, but there is a deficiency in the amount of Hb
available to carry 02. Because arterial P02 is normal, there is little if any stimulation of peripheral
chemoreceptors. However, compensatory increases in 2,3 DPG are often sufficient to remove hypoxia distress
during rest. Difficulties arise during exercise because the ability to enlarge 02 delivery to active tissues has been
reduced. Anemias arise from a variety of causes; some are nutritional (e.g., iron deficiency), others are genetic
(e.g., sickle cell anemia). The symptoms of anemic hypoxia also appear in carbon monoxide poisoning because
carbon monoxide competes with 02 for binding sites on the Hb molecule, reducing the amount of Hb available
to carry 02. (Hb's affinity for carbon monoxide is about 200 times larger than its affinity for 02!) An additional
handicap arises because, in the presence of carbon monoxide, any "surviving" Hb02 binds its 02 more
tenaciously, making it less available to the tissues.
3. STAGNANT (OR ISCHEMIC) HYPOXIA. In this condition P02 and Hb are normal, but 02 delivery to the
tissue is impaired because of poor circulation. This is particularly a problem in the kidneys and heart during
shock and may become a problem for the liver and possibly the brain in congestive heart failure.
4. HISTOTOXIC HYPOXIA. This arises when the tissue cells are poisoned and cannot utilize the 02, even
though the 02 delivery rate is adequate. Cyanide poisoning, which inhibits oxidative enzymes, is the most
common source of this syndrome.
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This plate decribes the integration of all the hormonal actions pertinent to the regulation of the blood sugar
Kidneys produce urine. Under normal resting conditions, the kidneys, which comprise less
level. Because hypoglycemia is a potentially life threatening condition, most hormones act to increase the blood than 0.5% of the body weight, receive 25% of the cardiac output! Each minute some 1300
sugar level. Only one hormone, insulin, is specifically involved in lowering the blood sugar, and, even here, this mL of blood enter the kidneys through the renal arteries, and approximately 1298-1299 mL
action is not the hormone's primary goal but the result of its action. Being a center for storage and production of leave via renal veins, with the difference, 1-2 mL, leaving as urine via the ureter. Why all this
glucose, the liver serves as the target for almost all the hormones involved in blood sugar regulation and fuss (hogging one quarter of the body's blood supply) for a measly 2 mL of urine? What does
carbohydrate metabolism.
HORMONES THAT LOWER BLOOD SUGAR. The principal hypoglycemic hormone is insulin, produced in
urine contain and why is its formation so important?
the pancreas' islets of Langerhans. Secreted ih response to an increase in blood glucose level shortly after meals, At first glance, the composition of the urine is not impressive: water, salt, small amounts of
insulin increases glucose entry into muscle and fat tissue and promotes glycogen synthesis and storage in the acid, and a variety of waste products like urea. What is impressive is how urine composition
liver. The net result of these actions is a decrease in the blood sugar (see plate 117). Elevated levels of thyroid and volume change to compensate for any fluctuation in volume or composition of body
hormones can also cause hypoglycemia by increasing the metabolic rate, but they are not intended for regulation fluids. The composition of the body fluids is apparently determined not by what the mouth
of blood sugar (see plate 113).
HORMONES THAT RAISE BLOOD SUGAR. Hormones that act to raise the blood sugar level are glucagon
takes in but by what the kidneys keep. The design of the gastrointestinal tract appears to
from the pancreatic islets, epinephrine from the adrenal medulla, growth hormone from the pituitary, and maximize absorption indiscriminately without regard for quantities. The kidneys are the
cortisol from the adrenal cortex. Epinephrine and glucagon act rapidly and are primariy intended for short-term guardians of the internal environment; they rework the body fluids fifteen times a day. When
regulation of blood sugar level, such as between meals. The actions of other hormones (e.g., cortisol and growth the body is dehydrated, the volume of water excreted decreases; when body fluids become
hormone) have longer term effects, making them important for times of stress, such as fasting, strenuous more acid, kidneys excrete more acid; if the K+ content of body fluids rises, the kidneys
exercise, and immobility, when food intake is considerably delayed.
Epinephrine and glucagon have a common mechanism of action to increase the blood sugar level. Both
excrete more K+. "We have the kind of internal environment we have because we have the
stimulate liver cells to increase glycogenolysis, thereby mobilizing glucose (see plates 117, 119). These two kidneys we have" - Homer Smith.
hormones, though different chemically, both increase the concentration of cyclic-AMP in the liver cells. Acting The kidneys are about the size of a clenched fist. They lie against the back abdominal wall,
as the "second messenger," cyclic-AMP, through an amplification cascade of effects, activates the liver enzyme just above the waistline. The outer covering of the kidney, called the capsule, is thin but
phosphohydrolase which acts on the glycogen, liberating glucose molecules. Soon the pool of free glucose in the tough and fibrous. When it is cut open, two regions appear: an outer zone (the cortex) and an
liver increases, and the excess glucose is secreted into the blood, compensating for the hypoglycemia.
All other hormones that increase blood sugar do so indirectly, either by increasing the levels of substrates for
inner region (the medulla). These gross sructures do not provide much of a clue to how the
gluconeogenesis (e.g., glycerol and amino acids) or by reducing the entry or utilization of glucose in certain kidney works. However, a microscopic view reveals the unit of kidney function, the nephron.
tissues (e.g., muscle), thereby sparing blood glucose and raising its level in the blood. Each kidney has about 1 million nephrons, which are tubular structures about 45 to 65 mm
Cortisol promotes protein catabolism in peripheral tissues such as the skeletal muscle, liberating amino acids. In long and about .05mm wide. Their walls are made of a single layer of epithelial cells.
addition, cortisol stimulates the synthesis of certain liver enzymes, those of deamination and gluconeogenesis, A funnel-like structure about 0.2 mm in diameter called Bowman's capsule comprises the top
which can convert the liberated amino acids into glucose. Cortisol also decreases glucose uptake by tissues such
as muscle (see plate 121). Growth hormone from the anterior pituitary acts on fat cells of adipose tissue to
end of the nephron. These capsules are always found in the cortex. Fluid flows through the
increase lipolysis of triglycerides, mobilizing glycerol and fatty acids (see plate 112). Glycerol can be converted lumen of the tubule from the Bowman's capsule into the next section, the proximal tubule,
to glucose in the liver by the reverse steps of glycolysis, raising glucose level in the liver and blood. Meanwhile, which has a "curly" or convoluted section and then a straight portion that dips into the
the use of fatty acids as fuel by muscle, heart and liver spares the glucose for consumption by those tissues that medulla. This section, about 15 mm long, is called the proximal tubule because it is near the
are more critically dependent on this substance. Catecholamines also have actions similar to growth hormone in origin of the nephron (Bowman's capsule). Fluid then flows into a long, thin tube that
adipose tissue and on carbohydrate metabolism (see plate 119). However, the action of growth hormone takes
longer to develop and lasts longer, being in the long run more effective for survival.
plummets straight toward the depths of the medulla. This is the descending limb of the loop
LIVER IN GLUCOSE HOMEOSTASIS. The liver is the major organ regulating the homeostasis of blood sugar of Henle. At its lowest point, the loop makes a hairpin turn and begins to ascend out of the
specifically and carbohydrate metabolism generally. The liver has enzymes that convert glycogen to glucose and medulla back toward the cortex, becoming considerably thicker toward the later portions of
glucose to glycogen, glycerol to glucose and the reverse, and amino acids to glucose and the reverse. But the its ascent. In the cortex, the ascending limb of the loop becomes continuous with the distal
liver cannot synthesize glucose from fatty acids, a deficiency shared by all animal cells. The liver, via its special tubule. Finally, the distal tubule empties into the collecting duct, a tube that gathers fluid
connection to the small intestine (portal vein), has direct access to the carbohydrates absorbed from the intestine,
making it at once a center for the synthesis, delivery, storage, and production of glucose. Because the liver
from several nephrons.
contains a special enzyme, glucose-6-phosphatase, which hydrolyzes the glucose-6-phosphate to free glucose, it There are two major classes of nephrons. The majority, called cortical nephrons, originate in
is the only organ in the body that can secrete glucose into the blood when its level of this substance exceeds the the outer portions of the cortex and are characterized by short loops of Henle that reach only
blood level. This gives the liver the unique roles of glucose exchanger and glucostat. the outer regions of the medulla. The remaining nephrons, which comprise only about 15% of
the total, originate closer to the medulla and are known as juxtamedullary nephrons. These
have very long loops of Henle that reach deep into the medulla; they are important for water
conservation in the body.
Individual collecting ducts coalesce into larger tubular structures, and this pattern repeats
until several of the larger tubes empty into a stilt larger funnel structure, the renal pelvis.
Fluid in the renal pelvis is identical to urine. The renal pelvis is continuous with the ureter,
which leaves each kidney to convey urine to the bladder, where it is stored until elimination
240 via the urethra. 241
The blood supply to the nephrons is special because it consists of two capillary beds in series. MEASURING FILTRATION, REABSORPTION, & SECRETION
Each Bowman's capsule has its own capillary bed called a glomerulus. (Sometimes the
combined structure, Bowman's capsule + glomerulus, is referred to as the glomerulus.) The In modern times it has been possible to micro-dissect the kidney in anesthetized animals,
vessel bringing blood to the glomerulus is called the afferent arteriole. Blood leaving the collect fluid at different positions in individual nephrons, and tease out portions of nephrons
glomerulus does not enter a venule; rather, it enters another arteriole, the efferent arteriole, to study them in detail. However, techniques for the study of quantitative aspects of the
which serves as a conduit to the second capillary bed, called peritubular capillaries. The whole kidney have been available for many years. The latter techniques are particularly
peritubular capillaries are so interconnected that it is difficult to tell which capillary came valuable because they are non-invasive and can be readily applied to unanesthetized humans.
from which efferent arteriole; the tubules of any one nephron probably receive blood from The principle involved is simple: what goes in must come out. It is an application of the
several efferent arterioles. Efferent arterioles from juxtamedullary nephrons also form conservation of matter. Suppose you knew that 100 mg of a sugar were filtering into the
peritubular capillaries in much the same way, but, in addition, they send off branches, which nephrons each minute, but only 60 mg were appearing in the urine. Unless the nephrons were
are straight tubes that follow the descending limbs of Henle's loops deep into the medulla, destroying the sugar, 40 mg (100 - 60) were reabsorbed. Alternatively, if 120 mg appeared in
turn at the bend of the loop, and ascend back toward the cortex. These hairpin loop; of blood the urine, you would conclude that 20 mg (100 - 120 = -20) had been secreted during that
vessels are called vasa recta; their design is important for water conservation. minute.
By the time the fluid in the nephron has passed through the collecting ducts to reach the How do we estimate how much goes through the filter and how much comes out in the urine
pelvis, it has become urine. Plate 55 shows how fluid simply filters out of the glomerular during each minute? The latter is easy. Collect the urine over a period of time, say an hour.
capillaries into Bowman's capsule. From here, it flows along the lumen of the nephron and is Analyze it to find out how much sugar there is in each milliliter (i.e., determine the
modified by the epithelial cells of the tubules and the collecting ducts until it finally becomes concentration of the sugar in the urine), then multiply this figure by the total number of milli-
urine. liters of urine collected. This gives the amount excreted per hour. To find the amount
excreted per minute, divide by 60. Letting E = the amount of a solute excreted per minute, Us
= the concentration of the solute in the urine, and V = the volume of urine that is excreted per
minute, we have:
E=UsxV. (1)
Estimating the amount of solute going through the filter each minute (called filtered load) is
trickier. A related quantity, the number of milliliters of fluid flowing through the filter each
minute, is called the glomerular filtration rate, abbreviated as GFR. If we knew the GFR, the
problem would be easier. Let Ps = the concentration of any solute, say sugar, in the blood
plasma. Then the amount of sugar coming through the filter each minute (i.e., the filtered
load), F, will be given by
F = Ps x GFR. (2)
For our final bookkeeping on tubular activities (reabsorption or secretion), which we denote
by RSs,
RSs=F-E = [PxGFR]-[UsxV]. (3)
If RSs is positive, it represents reabsorption. If it is negative, it represents secretion.
Using equation 3, we can calculate RSs, provided we can measure all the quantities on the
right-hand side. Three of these, Ps, Us, and V, are routine. The fourth, GFR, is not. Turning
the problem inside out, if we knew RS: for any substance, we could solve for GFR.
Fortunately, these substances exist; inulin is one of them. Inulin is a nontoxic polysaccharide
that is small enough to pass freely through the filter but too large to pass through solute
channels in cell membranes or through the tight junctions between tubular
epithelial cells. Further, inulin is not lipid soluble so it won't permeate the lipid bilayer
portion of the cell membrane. Finally, inulin is not produced or metabolized in the body;
there are no special transport systems that will carry it. In particular, the tubules neither
secrete nor reabsorb inulin; RSinulin = 0. Using this fact, we rewrite the above expression for
the special case of inulin: 0 = [Pin x GFR] - [Uin x V]. Solving for GFR:
GFR = [Uin x V] /Pin.
In practice, GFR is measured by injecting a small amount of inulin, collecting and analyzing
blood and urine samples at intervals, and using this last expression for calculation. For
historical reasons, the ratio [Uin x V] /Ps for any substance s is called the clearance of s. The
242 GFR is equal to the inulin clearance. Notice that GFR is simply the amount of fluid flowing 243
through the filter per minute. It really has nothing to do with inulin. Inulin is merely an
artificial substance that we use to trace the filtrate so we can measure its volume. To study a NEURAL CONTROL OF RESPIRATION
more interesting solute, call it S, we follow the same routine; only now we analyze the blood
Skeletal muscles provide the motive force for respiration. Unlike cardiac or smooth muscle, they have no
and urine for both inulin and S. Inulin data are used to calculate GFR from equation 3 as be- rhythmic "beat" of their own; they depend entirely on the nervous system for a stimulus to contract. Two
fore, and this result, together with the blood and urine data for S, is used in equation 3 to separate neural systems control respiration: (1) Voluntary control originates in cerebral cortex neurons, which
calculate RSs. These procedures have been used both clinically to test renal function and send impulses down the corticospinal nerve tracts to motor neurons located in the spinal cord, which relay
experimentally to study renal mechanisms. excitatory impulses to the muscles of respiration, the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm. This voluntary
Through the use of inulin clearance, an estimate of a normal value for GFR = 120 mL/min. system can interrupt or modulate the normal automatic breathing pattern; it is most apparent during speech and
while playing wind instruments, where the lungs serve as air reservoirs to be emptied at controlled rates. (2)
(both kidneys) has been obtained. This means that each day 120 x 60 x 24 = 172,800 mL of Automatic control originates in lower brain centers, in the pons and the medulla. Impulses arising in this system
fluid pass through the glomerular filter into the lumens of the nephrons, a space that is also descend in the spinal cord to the motor neurons controlling respiratory muscles, but they travel along nerve
essentially outside the body. That is an enormous amount of fluid, a volume approximately tracts lying in the lateral and ventral parts of the cord, separate from the corticospinal tracts. In general, motor
three times the total volume of all the body fluids. It means that the entire plasma volume neurons to expiratory muscles are inhibited during inspiration and vice versa.
(approximately 3000 mL) passes through the nephrons every (3000=120) = 25 min.! Put in The medulla contains a diffuse network of neurons involved in respiration. Although they are collectively
referred to as the respiratory "center" (or "centers"), they are not located in nice discrete packages. There are two
another way, by selective reabsorption and secretion, the renal tubular cells renew the plasma types of these neurons: the I neurons, which fire during inspiration, and the E neurons, which fire during
every 25 min. expiration. During inspiration, E neurons are actively inhibited; during expiration, I neurons are inhibited.
Application of clearance techniques to glucose excretion is illustrated in the lower diagram. The primitive rhythm for involuntary breathing is apparently generated by the I neurons. They show bursts of
Various amounts of glucose were administered to systematically change plasma glucose spontaneous activity interspersed with quiet periods about 12 to 15 times/min. In contrast, the E neurons are not
concentrations from normal to very high. At normal levels (70-110 mg/100 mL) and below, self-excitatory; they are excited only by other neurons (including the I neurons) that send impulses to them.
When the activity of the inspiratory neurons increases, the rate and depth of breathing increase. The primitive
no glucose is excreted; the entire filtered load is reabsorbed. As plasma concentration is activity of the I neurons, like that of all pacemakers, is modulated by a number of outside influences, including
increased, so is the filtered load. Eventually, we reach a threshold plasma concentration nerve impulses from centers in the pons and from receptors in the lungs. These influences are dramatically
where almost all reabsorption sites are working to maximal capacity, and some glucose es- revealed after injuries and are outlined in the plate.
capes reabsorption, spilling over into the urine. The maximal capacity to reabsorb glucose is If the brainstem is transacted below the medulla (at D in the plate), all breathing stops, showing that the brain
called the TM (tubular max). The diagram shows how reabsorption RS for glucose changes drives respiration and that communication between brain and respiratory muscles takes place via the spinal cord.
But if the transaction is made lower in the cord, at E, breathing is not interrupted because the connections
with plasma concentration. It is obtained by subtracting E from F at each concentration. between brain and respiratory neurons remain intact, as do motor nerves (i.e., the phrenic nerve) that carry the
impulses to the muscles of respiration. Regular breathing also continues when all the cranial nerves, including
the vagi, are severed, and the brain is transacted above the pons at A. These results locate the centers for
automatic breathing somewhere between the top of the pons and the lower medulla - clearly, higher brain
centers like those in the cortex are not necessary.
Given this localization, we can dissect the respiratory centers even further. If the vagus nerves are cut and two
transactions are made, one at the top of the pons as before at A and the other in the middle at B, the I cells
discharge continuously, arresting respiration in inspiration. This stopping of respiration in sustained inspiration
is called apneusis, and the neurons in the lower pons, which apparently shower I neurons with excitatory
impulses and keep them firing, are collectively referred to as the apneustic center. Apneusis occurs only when
influences from the upper pons are removed (transaction at B). This suggests that neurons in the upper pons
continually inhibit the apneustic center, holding its inspiratory drive in check. These neurons are members of
another collection called the pneumotaxic center. When xll pons influence is removed by a transaction at C,
respiration continues. Although it may be irregular and punctuated with gasps, it is rhythmic, and it
demonstrates that the neurons of the respiratory centers themselves have a spontaneous rhythmicity. The role of
the pontine centers appears to be to make these rhythmic discharges smooth and regular.
All these responses depend to some extent on whether the vagus nerves are intact. Apneusis, for example,
cannot be demonstrated by transaction of the mid pons (B) unless the vagi are also severed because vagus
nerves carry impulses that originates in stretch receptors located in the lung airways. When the lungs expand
during inspiration, these receptors initiate impulses that reflexively inhibit the inspiratory drive, reinforcing the
actions of the pneumotaxic center and protecting the lungs from overexpansion. This response is called a
Haring-Breuer reflex. In humans, it does not appear to be activated until the tidal volume reaches 1 L, so it plays
no part in regulating ventilation during normal quiet breathing.
Several additional factors influence the respiratory centers so that their activity is commensurate with the body's
metabolic needs. These include reflexes originating in receptors (proprioceptors) located in muscles, tendons,
and joints that are sensitive to movement. They send to the respiratory centers stimulating impulses that
presumably help increase ventilation during exercise. Other important reflexes are initiated by low P02, low pH,
and high PC02 in the plasma; these are taken up in detail in plate 52.
244 245
We live of the bottom of a vast sea of air comprised primarily of oxygen and nitrogen. By living in air rather
than water, we enjoy surroundings 50 times richer in oxygen. By breathing, we give our body fluids access to
this reservoir as they continually exchange both oxygen (02) and carbon dioxide (C02) with air. There are no
long-term storage sites for oxygen within the body; they are not necessary as long as this exchange between
body fluids and air remains unimpeded.
Efficient contact of body fluids with air is mediated by the respiratory tract, which begins in the nasal and oral
cavities and ends in a huge number of microscopic blind end sacs called alveoli in the deepest recesses of the
lungs. During inspiration, air travels from the atmosphere through the nasal (or oral) passages, through the
pharynx, and into the trachea. During this time, it is warmed and takes up water vapor. After passing down the
trachea, it flows through the bronchi, bronchioles, and alveolar ducts and finally reaches the microscopic alveoli,
where exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. Following a single 02 molecule along this tortuous
route, we find about 23 forks in the path as the airways birfurcate into finer and finer branches. During
expiration, the same path is traversed, but in the opposite direction.
The widest tubes (trachea and bronchi) contain stiff cartilage together with some smooth muscle. They are lined
by a layer of epithelial cells that often have minute hairlike structures, called cilia, projecting from their surface.
These cells also secrete over their surface a mucus sheet that is continuously transported like an escalator in an
upward direction (away from the lungs) by the coordinated movement of the cilia. This process serves as an
efficient filter for dust particles that strike the walls as the turbulent air flows in and out of the air passage. Once
the upward traveling mucus reaches our pharynx we unconsciously swallow it. The smaller branches
(bronchioles) also contain smooth muscle, but no cartilage, cilia, or mucus glands. Particles deposited in the
bronchioles and alveoli are removed by wandering alveolar macrophages.
The extensive branching pattern of the air passages results in an enormous number of alveoli, approximately
300 million. The diameter of each alveolar sphere is only about 0.3 mm, but adding all their surface area
together gives a total alveolar surface area available for gas exchange with blood of about 85 sq m (close to the
size of half a tennis court!). Yet this enormous surface is contained within a maximum total volume of only 5 to
6 L which fits very nicely into the thorax. However, this device is not without problems. The tiny alveoli are at
the dead end of narrow brochial tubes in a complex branching tubular network. Left to itself, air would stagnate
within them. This does not occur because the alveoli are intermittently flushed with fresh air as we breathe.
The enlarged view of a single alveolus in the plate shows the actual interface between body fluids and air where
gas exchange takes place. Alveolar walls, like blood capillaries, are made of extremely thin cells. Despite the
fact that 02 and C02 have to traverse two cell layers in passing between alveolus and capillary, the total distance
is very short, and diffusion is correspondingly rapid. Efficient gas exchange is also enhanced by the dense
supply of capillaries in the lungs, one of the most profuse networks of blood vessels in the entire body.
The pulmonary circulation that transports blood from the right heart to this alveolar exchange interface also has
peculiarities that appear well adapted to its function. Most notably, the pressures in the pulmonary circulation
are small; the mean pressure in the pulmonary artery is about 15 mm Hg, only about one-seventh the 100 mm
Hg mean pressure in the aorta. Thus, the forces driving blood through the pulmonary circulation are relatively
small, and because the blood flows through the pulmonary and systemic circulations are equal, it follows that
the resistance of the pulmonary circulation must also be small. Keeping the pulmonary pressures and resistance
low so that flow can be maintained reduces the work required of the right heart. In addition, the low pressure in
the pulmonary capillary pushing fluids out into the alveolar spaces is overbalanced by the oncotic pressure of
the plasma proteins (see plate 35) drawirig fluids in. The net force favors reabsorption of fluid from the alveolus
so that the normal lung has no tendency to fill with fluid. Further, lung blood vessels have an atypical response
to low concentrations of 02 dissolved in blood plasma. Unlike arterioles of the systemic circulation, which
dilate, lung arterioles constrict in response to low local plasma 02 concentrations. This has the advantage of
shunting blood away from areas of the lung that are poorly ventilated and cannot serve as adequate sources of
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THE COUNTER – CURRENT MULTIPLIER IN THE LOOP OF HENLE ISF) until it reaches a steady state where the delivery of "new" urea is just balanced by the amounts of urea the
blood circulation carries away.
The kidney regulates the internal environment by judicious excretion of water-soluble plasma constituents and
water. It also excretes waste products, the most notable being urea. Urea is produced in the liver and contains
the nitrogen derived from amino acids or proteins. When these compounds are broken down by metabolism,
they yield ammonia. Free ammonia is very soluble in water and very toxic. Fortunately, the liver quickly
converts it to the relatively harmless urea. Metabolism of protein produces about 30 g of urea per day, which is
excreted in the urine. Because ions and urea are water soluble, their excretion necessarily draws water with
them. Excretion of water in the urine is obligatory, and it behooves the kidney to conserve water whenever it is
in short supply by excreting a concentrated urine. What do we mean by "concentrated" urine?
Ordinarily, we express the concentration of a solutelike urea by the number of moles (1 mole = 6 x 1023
molecules) of urea contained in each liter of solution. This is the molar concentration of urea. When this number
is small, we reduce the unit by 1000 and call it a millimole (mM, 1000 millimoles = 1 mole). In every solution,
each specific solute has its own molar (or millimolar) concentration. When we are dealing with osmotic water
movements, all molecules and ions make an almost equal contribution to osmotic pressures. A 100 mM solution
of urea exerts the same osmotic force as a 100 mM glucose solution because they both contain the same number
of molecules per liter. A solution containing both (100 mM urea + 100 mM glucose) contains twice as many
molecules per liter and exerts twice as much osmotic force. The sum of the molar concentration of all the
molecules and ions in a given solution is called the osmolar concentration (Osm). Sometimes we use milli-
osmolar (mOsm) instead (1000 mOsm = 1 Osm). The "total solute concentration" of a solution containing 100
mM urea + 100 mM glucose is 200 sOsm. (Note that 100 mM NaCI would be 200 mOsm because it contains
100 mM Na+ + 100 mM CI-.) The total concentration of blood plasma is consistently about 300 mOsm; urine is
commonly around 950 but can range from 50 to 1400 mOsm.
Excretion of a concentrated urine requires an interstitial fluid space in the medulla four to four and one-half
times more concentrated (1200 to 1400 mOsm) than blood plasma. To create this space, the kidneys rely on Na+
pumps in the ascending loop of Henle that can create 200 mOsm gradients across the tubular cells. Because
proximal tubule fluid delivered to the loop is isotonic (300 mOsm), the most concentrated interstitial space
possible should be 500 mOsm. How does the kidney manage to get 1400 mOsm?
The ability of the Na+ pump to create a 200 mOsm gradient is called the "single effect." The single effect is
multiplied severalfold by imbedding the pumps in the ascending limb of the two streams moving in opposite
directions (countercurrent) through the loop of Henle. The ascending limb is impermeable to water; NaCI is
pumped out into the interstitial fluid (ISF), but water cannot follow. The NaCI that has been pumped creates a
small gradient of 200 mOsm, so the ISF becomes slightly hypertonic. The descending limb is permeable to both
NaCI and water; NaCI diffuses down its concentration gradient into the descending limb while water is drawn
out of the descending limb into the hypertonic environment. This loss of water and gain of solute makes the
contents of the descending limb hypertonic, like the ISF. But the slightly concentrated fluid in the descending
limb moves! It flows toward the ascending limb where the pumps are located, giving the pumps an opportunity
to create the same 200 mOsm gradient - only this time they begin with a higher concentration and can create a
correspondingly higher concentration in the ISF. The cycle repeats, with elevated concentrations delivered to the
descending limb, which in turn delivers these elevated concentrations to pumps in the ascending limb; the single
effect is multiplied. The concentration of solutes in the ISF builds up until a steady state is reached where the
amounts delivered to the ISF are just balanced by the amounts taken away by the blood supply.
The diagram on the right illustrates the scheme in a steady state. Note that the proximal tubule continues to
deliver isotonic fluid (300 mOsm) to the loop, but, as it descends, the fluid becomes more concentrated as NaCI
enters and water leaves. The greatest concentration is at the tip. Upon ascending, the fluid becomes less
concentrated as NaCI is pumped out without any water. Finally, fluid leaves the loop less concentrated (100
mOsm) than when it came in. Because the ascending limb is impermeable to water, relatively more NaCI than
water is left behind in the medullary ISF.
In the presence of ADH, urea also makes a substantial contribution to the ISF solute concentration in the
medulla. Urea becomes trapped in the lower medullary ISF as it flows in a circle along the following path
(lower left illustration):
lower collecting duct →lower medullary ISF→ thin ascending limb→thick ascending limb
distal tubule→collecting ducts lower collecting duct→. . . This circulation and trapping occur because the upper
portions of the collecting duct are impermeable to urea, and as water is reabsorbed, the remaining urea becomes
concentrated. When it reaches the lower portions, the collecting duct becomes permeable, and urea diffuses to
the ISF. From here, some of it diffuses into the lower thin ascending limb, which is urea permeable. The thick
ascending limb and distal tubule are urea impermeable. As water is withdrawn from these portions, the urea
becomes even more concentrated, only to be delivered to the collecting duct, where the cycle begins anew. In
260 this way, the urea circulates and becomes more and more concentrated in all sections of its route (including the 261
262 263
EFFECTS OF INSULIN B DEFICIENCY: DIABETES body does not produce antibodies. Insulin pumps, which can deliver insulin in small and repeated doses after
physiology, as evidenced by the widespread deleterious and sometimes catastrophic consequences that follow its
deficiency. Indeed, one of the best ways to understand the normal actions of insulin is to observe the effects of
its lack or deficiency that occur after surgical removal of the pancreas, accidental toxic damage to B cells, or as
a consequence of developing the disease diabetes mellitus.
Insulin-deficient individuals have high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), ranging from two times the normal
(before a meal) to four times (after a meal). The hyperglycemia is caused by both decreased uptake of glucose
by muscle and adipose tissues and increased glucose output by the liver. As a result of insulin deficiency, it also
takes longer (6-8 hrs.) before postmeal glucose levels can return to premeal levels, compared to 1-2 hrs. under
normal conditions. This diminished ability of the body to handle the increased glucose load is the basis for the
"glucose tolerance test," used clinically to diagnose diabetes (see lower illustration in the plate).
In insulin deficiency, muscle cells deprived of glucose begin to utilize alternative energy sources. Thus, fat and
protein reserves of the muscle tissue are utilized for oxidation and energy production, resulting in wasting of
muscles, weakness, and weight loss. Weight toss is further worsened by what happens in the fat cells of the
adipose tissue. Not only can glucose not enter these cells, but the loss of insulin removes the inhibition of the
enzyme "hormone-sensitive lipase," resulting in increased breakdown of stored triglycerides and mobilization of
fatty acids.
The loss of body fat contributes to the characteristic thinness of the young diabetic patient or insulin deficient
individuals. The malnourished state of the tissues and the individual, in the presence of high blood sugar, is why
diabetes is called the disease of "starvation in the midst of plenty," and insulin is called the "hormone of
The mobilization of fatty acids provides a ready source of fuel for the energy-starved heart and muscle tissue.
However, excessive production of fatty acids results in formation of keto acids (ketone bodies), particulary in
the liver. The ketone bodies enter the blood, causing ketosis and ketoacidosis. This condition is very dangerous
and if untreated results in metabolic acidosis. The increased blood acidity suppresses the higher nervous centers
(coma). Ultimately, the depression of the brain respiratory centers leads to death. In addition, the ketone bodies
are excreted in the urine, worsening the osmotic diuresis caused by glucose (see below).
In normal individuals, plasma glucose is filtered in the Bowman's capsule of the kidney nephrons but is subse-
quently reabsorbed completely in the proximal tubules. As a result, the urine is normally free of sugar. In
hyperglycemia, above the limit of 170 mg glucose per 100 cc blood, the reabsorptive capacity of kidney tubules
is exceeded. The extra glucose spills over in the urine, leading to one of the most well-known signs of diabetes
mellitus and insulin deficiency: the presence of sugar in urine (glycosuria).
Glycosuria has two consequences: polyuria and polydipsia. The extra glucose molecules in the urine cause
osmotic diuresis (excess water in urine) and polyuria (excess urine production). Polyuria results in decreased
plasma volume and increased plasma osmolarity. These conditions lead to activation of hypothalamic thirst
centers and excessive drinking of water (polydipsia). Diabetic individuals are characterized by frequent
urination and drinking during the night. Excessive loss of water may lead to severe dehydration and osmotic
shock, conditions that can also lead to irreversible brain damage, coma and death.
DIABETES. Diabetes mellitus as a spontaneous disease has been known since early history. In the United
States, nearly 5% of the population has the disease. Two types of diabetes are now recognized: the juvenile type
(Type I), seen in children and young adults, and the maturity-onset type (Type II), seen usually in obese
individuals over forty. The juvenile type is associated with the lack or serious deficiency of insulin. It may be an
autoimmune disease and is probably without genetic or familial traits. If untreated it is often fatal due to
ketoacidosis and dehydration shock. The best treatment involves the injection of insulin.
The maturity-onset type shows strong familial association. In this type of diabetes, insulin deficiency is relative,
because its absolute amounts in the blood may be even higher than in normal individuals. However, due
somehow to prolonged obesity, there occurs a reduction in insulin receptors in target cells (i.e., a down-
regulation of the receptors), due perhaps to high and steady insulin production. In this condition, the available
insulin is ineffective, resulting in signs similar to complete insulin deficiency, such as hyperglycemia, glyco-
suria, polydipsia, and weight loss. Only ketosis does not occur. Although these individuals can be treated with
extra insulin, simple weight reduction will frequently ameliorate the diabetic condition. For reasons not
completely understood, maturity-onset diabetes, if untreated, can lead to vascular diseases that, among other
things, cause blindness, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, kidney disease, and gangrene.
The chain of pathological events seen in diabetic patients can be stopped and reversed to some extent by regular
treatment with exogenous insulin, which is usually obtained from the pancreas of livestock. One complication of
this treatment is that the animal insulin is antigenic, becoming gradually ineffective as the body makes
264 antibodies against this foreign protein. Recently, researchers have been attempting to use genetic engineering 265
and new methods of molecular biology to obtain large quantities of human insulin, against which the human
The pancreas is a major mixed (both exocrine and endocrine) gland. In the human body, it is located in the
abdominal cavity, underneath the stomach. By bulk, most of the gland (99%) deals with the exocrine functions; One of the major functions of the kidney is to regulate the volume of extracellular fluid. This is important
(i.e., secretion of digestive enzymes and bicarbonate solution by the pancreatic acini and ducts). These functions because plasma volume is largely determined by extracellular volume; plasma and other extracellular spaces
are discussed in detail in the section on digestion (see plate 72). continually exchange fluid across capillary walls. When plasma volume and extracellular volume fall, the
PANCREAS ISLETS. The endocrine part of the pancreas, called the islets of Langerhans, consists of one to two amount of fluid filling the vascular tree can become inadequate, and despite short-term compensations (increase
million round clusters (islets) of cells, scattered throughout the gland between the exocrine acini. A rich bed of in heart rate and increase in vascular resistance), the long-term effect is likely to be a decrease in blood pressure.
special blood capillaries with large pores surrounds the islets. Each islet is a collection of several different types On the other hand, a rise in extracellular volume may fill the vascular tree with too much fluid; it becomes tense,
of cells. Each type of cell is believed to secrete one of the pancreatic hormones. By using specific and in the long run pressure will increase. Normally, these events do not occur because, despite the huge
immunocytochemical staining methods, researchers have identified three types of cells: A, B, and D cells (also variations in daily water and salt intake, the extracellular fluid and plasma volumes remain fairly constant; they
known as alpha, beta, and delta cells). A cells, less numerous and located peripherally, secrete the hormone are regulated by the kidney so that responsibility for long-term regulation of blood pressure also resides with the
glucagon. 8 cells, located centrally, are more numerous. They secrete the hormone insulin. D cells are sparse kidney (see plate 42).
and secrete the hormone somatostatin. The most important factor that determines extracellular volume is the total amount (not concentration) of NaCI
INSULIN, GLUCAGON, AND SOMATOSTATIN. Insulin and glucagon regulate the metabolism of carbohy- in the extracellular spaces. This follows because the NaCI concentration is closely regulated by mechanisms
drates in tissues and ensure the maintenance of optimal blood glucose levels (blood sugar). Insulin, by illustrated in the plate and explained below. Increasing NaCI causes water retention by the kidney, which dilutes
facilitating the transport of glucose across cell membranes, enhances the availability of glucose in cells and the NaCI but raises extracellular fluid volume. Conversely, decreasing NaCI is accompanied by extra water
promotes its utilization. In this regard, insulin functions as a hypoglycemic hormone: i.e., one that decreases excretion and a decreased extracellular volume. These responses take place because (1) NaCI is the most
blood sugar. Blood sugar usually increases after ingestion of a meal. abundant solute in the extracellular fluids, so it largely determines extracellular osmotic pressure(concentration
Glucagon also enhances carbohydrate utilization. Its function is to mobilize glucose from its major storage of solutes), and (2) the hormone ADH closely regulates osmotic pressure. The "quick osmotic response" of the
source, the liver glycogen. In doing so, glucagon functions as a hyperglycemic hormone: i.e., one that increases ADH system to an increase in salt is illustrated in the plate, where the response has been artificially broken into
blood sugar. Low blood sugar levels are encountered between meals and during fasting. two steps for purpose of illustration. In stage B, NaCI is suddenly introduced so that there is an exaggerated
Somatostatin, the third pancreatic hormone, may act locally as a tissue hormone (see plate 107), inhibiting increase in total amount of NaCI without change of fluid volume. The result is increased NaCI concentration
secretion of both insulin and glucagon. Insulin and glucagon also exert direct influence on each other's secre- and increased osmotic pressure. In stage C, the ADH mechanism responds (plate 62), releasing ADH, which
tion: glucagon promotes insulin secretion and insulin tends to inhibit glucagon secretion. (See plate 117 for a promotes water reabsorption until the NaCI concentration is practically back to normal. The excess NaCI has
more thorough discussion of the actions of insulin and glucagon. Carbohydrate metabolism and its nervous and not been removed, but the extracellular volume has been increased. In practice, these events take place
hormonal regulation are discussed on plates 124-126.) continuously. Compensation by the ADH system is relatively rapid and precise, so the mass of NaCI and fluid
SYNTHESIS OF INSULIN. Insulin is a protein hormone made up of two peptide chains (an A chain and a 8 volumes generally appears to rise and fall together, with only small changes in NaCI concentrations.
chain) connected at two locations by disul fide bridges (bonds). This is the form in which insulin is released into The action of ADH explains the linkage between NaCI and extracellular volume, but it does not account for
the blood and acts on target cells. Insulin is synthesized within the B cells on the endoplasmic reticulum as a volume regulation. These are accounted for by the "slow volume response" illustrated in the plate. The increased
much larger peptide chain called proinsulin. fluid volume initiates a series of steps (described in plate 66) that results in the inhibition of aldosterone release
During later processing, this long peptide folds, as a result of formation of disulfide bridges. During packaging by the adrenal cortex. Without aldosterone, reabsorption of NaCI by the distal tubule is reduced; more NaCI
in the vesicles of Golgi apparatus, protease enzymes convert proinsulin to insulin by attacking the long chain at spills over into the urine, carrying water along with it. The increased ADH secretion that caused the original
two locations, splitting the original single chain into two pieces, one being the insulin molecule (the A and B water retention is no longer operative because the solute concentration has been corrected; the original stimulus
chains) and the other, a C chain. for ADH secretion has been removed.
Insulin and the disconnected C chain are transported together, within secretory vesicles, toward the plasma How do ADH and aldosterone exert their characteristic effects on the cells of the kidney? ADH acts by opening
membrane of the B cells. Near a capillary, the contents of the vesicles are released in the blood by exocytosis of channels in the collecting ducts and in the distal tubule. The hormone reacts with a receptor on the basal
the vesicles. The function and fate of the C chain is uncertain. membrane activating adenyl cyclase, the enzyme that cohverts ATP to cyclic AMP. Cyclic AMP acts as a
REGULATION OF INSULIN SECRETION. The release of insulin by B cells is regulated by the level of second messenger, initiating a sequence of steps that culminates in the opening of water channels.
glucose in the blood through the operation of a negative feedback system. An increase in glucose level, Aldosterone promotes Na+ reabsorption in the distal tubule and collecting ducts. The hormone is lipid soluble; it
occurring usually after a meal, is detected by the B cells, resulting in increased secretion of insulin. Insulin is passes through the plasma membrane and reacts with a receptor protein in the cytoplasm, which acts on the
transported to the tissues by blood, promoting glucose uptake and utilization. This action decreases blood sugar. nucleus and leads to the synthesis of new protein. The new protein may be involved in the supply of (1) new
The cellular mechanism within the B cells involved in the feedback system is not well understood. The change Na+/K+ pumps on the basal membrane, (2) more ATP to power the pumps, and (3) new Na+ channels on the
in glucose level may be detected by glucose receptors on the surface or in the cytoplasm of B cells. luminal membrane.
Alternatively, high blood glucose level may cause increased metabolic activity in the B cells. In either case, a
signal is generated in the B cell, resulting in calcium ion release.
The calcium ions interact with secretory vesicles, promoting their fusion with the cell membrane. The resulting
exocytosis releases insulin into the blood. The calcium ions also promote a longer-lasting response, i.e.,
increased synthesis of insulin at the cytoplasmic level. This response ensures availability of insulin for
prolonged secretion (hours), until the hyperglycemia is eliminated.
CN: Use a yellowish color for A, red for H, purple for I, and another bright color for E.
1. Begin at the top and color down to and including the two test tubes symbolizing blood glucose levels.
2. Color the formation of insulin (E1) from proinsulin (M) shown at the bottom left. This process occurs
at step (7) in the B cell illustration.
3. Color the steps of insulin synthesis shown in the diagrammatic 8 cell. Note that insulin (E1) is represented by
two small parallel bars which stand for the A chain (E2) and B chain (E3) in the previous illustration. Don't
color the interior of capillary (I).
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ANGIOTENSIM – RENIN SYSTEM Potassium is the most abundant solute inside cells. Its high concentration is required for optimal growth and
DNA and protein synthesis; it is an important factor in the performance of many enzyme systems; and it plays a
Plate 65 illustrated how the total amount of NaCI determines the extracellular volume. Attention is focused role in the maintenance of cell volume, pH, and membrane potentials. Because most of the body's K+ lies within
primarily on Na+ because regulatory mechanisms act primarily cells, with only about 2.5% in the extracellular fluid, a small K+ shift between intraand extracellular fluids could
on it and because changes in CI- are, to a large extent, secondary to Na+ movements. Our example showed how cause a huge change in extracellular K+. If, for example, only 5% of the body K+ moved into the extracellular
the body fluids expand whenever the amount of Na+ (or NaCI) increases, and how compensatory changes help fluids, the extracellular K+ would triple (going from 2.5 to 2.5 + 5 = 7.5%).
return the volume toward normal. In this plate, the theme is continued as.we examine how extracellular volume Alterations of extracellular fluid or plasma K+ are important because cell excitability (membrane potential ) is
is regulated by the kidney through the hormonal control of Na+ excretion. This time our example concerns the sensitive to extracellular K+. Increasing extracellular K+ depolarizes membranes and raises excitability; in the
reverse situation: the response to body fluid depletion. heart, fibrillation may occur. Decreasing K+ hyperpolarizes and lowers excitability. Skeletal and smooth muscle
Depletion of the extracellular volume is a common clinical event. It occurs in severe vomiting, in diarrhea, and disturbances may include flaccid paralysis, abdominal distension, and diarrhea. Shifts of K+ in and out of cells
in the sweating response to intense heat (heat prostration). In each of these cases, considerable Na+ is lost from can easily occur in acid-base disorders, disturbances of hormone balance, and in response to drugs. Further, on a
the body, and compensatory processes are set in motion to restore the Na+ and water loss. The plate emphasizes normal diet, the amounts of K+ absorbed from the intestine into the plasma each day exceeds the total K+
the renin-angiotensinaldosterone response, one of the most important of these compensatory processes. This content of the entire extracellular fluid! Disaster is prevented by the kidneys, which continuously regulate the
system is activated by several stimuli, all of which arise directly or indirectly from changes in extracellular level of K+ in the body fluids.
volume (see below). Most K+ is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule and in the loop of Henle; by the time it reaches the distal tubule,
Benin is released from specialized secretory cells in the wall of the afferent arteriole where it butts up against only 510% of the filtered load remains. From here on, depending on conditions, it may be reabsorbed further,
the distal tubule and forms a structure called the juxtaglomerular apparatus(see plate 58). The released renin is but most often it is secreted. Most regulatory changes in excretion are due to variations in secretion in these
an enzyme that acts on the plasma protein angiotensinogen (produced by the liver) and splits off a small, ten- latter portions of the nephron.
amino-acid fragment called angiotensin I. Angiotensin I is converted into a smaller peptide (eight amino acids), Distal tubule and collecting duct cells accumulate high concentrations of intracellular K+ via the Na+-K+ pump,
angiotensin II, by action of a "converting enzyme" that is especially prominent in the lungs but also occurs which is located prirrrarily in the baso-lateral membrane. The electrical gradient (membrane potential) across
elsewhere. Finally, angiotensin II is split into an even smaller peptide, angiotensin III. Angiotensins I I and III the basolateral membrane is sufficiently high (70 mv) to oppose the K+ concentration gradient and prevent
are active products. In addition to vasoconstriction, they both stimulate secretion of aldosterone, and they both leakage from cell to interstitial space, but the membrane potential across the apical membrane (facing the
stimulate thirst. lumen) is smaller and cannot prevent leakage. The result is a simple pathway for K+ secretion; K+ is pumped
Aldosterone reaches the kidney via the circulation and promotes reabsorption of Na+ by the distal tubule and the into the cell from the blood side and leaks out the lumen side. This idea can be used to interpret renal control of
upper collecting ducts. CI- follows the Na+, preserving electrical neutrality, and water follows, preserving body K+ in a number of different contexts.
osmotic equilibrium. The net result is the reabsorption of NaCI and water. In addition, angiotensins II and III 1. Regulation of cellular K+ occurs. According to the previous discussion, K+ excretion will increase whenever
stimulate thirst. The volume of body water and the NaCI content rise toward normal. The relative proportions of distal tubular (or collecting duct) cell K+ increases because the concentration gradient driving K+ leakage into
NaCI and water gained is "finely tuned" by the ADH feedback mechanism, which operates on water the lumen will increase. But the K+ content of these cells often reflects the K+ content of body cells in general.
reabsorption to maintain a constant solute concentration in the body fluids. This provides a mechanism for regulating intracellular K+; changes that increase internal K+ will increase
We have yet to account for the linkage between changes in extracellular volume and renin secretion. Stimuli leakage and secretion.
giving rise to renin secretion have been identified, but details of the steps leading from stimulus to final 2. Intracellular K+ (and consequently K+ secretion) has a tendency to rise and fall with plasma K+, providing
response have remained elusive and speculative. In our example, the depleted volume depresses venous and some regulation of plasma K+. However, plasma K+ is guarded by another potent feedback mechanism. A rise
arterial pressures. These lowered pressures may reduce cardiac filling and cardiac output so that arterial pressure in plasma K+ stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete aldosierone, which promotes secretion and excretion of K+
also falls. Pressoreceptors imbedded in the walls of these structures normally send nerve impulses to the brain (and reabsorption of Na+). Unlike other feedback paths that involve aldosterone secretion, K+ stimulates the
stem, where they inhibit sympathetic nerves. When pressures are lowered, the pressoreceptors become less adrenal cortex directly and does not utilize the renin-angiotensin system as an intermediary.
active, and sympathetic nerves to the kidney are released from their "braking" action. As a result, the kidney is 3. Tubular cell leakage of K+ also helps explain the frequent positive correlation between excretion of Na+ and
showered with sympathetic impulses, which stimulate renin release. K+. As more Na+ is delivered to the distal tubule, the excess Na+ causes an increase in both Na+ reabsorption
A second important regulatory system for renin secretion is provided by the direct action of pressure in the and Na+ excretion. K+ leaks faster because more positive charge (in the form of Na+) is available to exchange
afferent arterioles of the kidney itself. When this pressure rises, renin secretion is inhibited; when it falls (as in with K+ across the luminal membrane; this allows more K+ to escape down its concentration gradient without
our example), secretion is enhanced. This arteriolar mechanism is independent of nerves. When they are cut, the building up a membrane potential.
response persists. 4. When fluid flow in the distal tubule increases, there is generally an increase in K+ excretion. This can be
The third regulatory system is found in the juxtaglomerular apparatus. This composite structure consists of the explained by the more efficient "washing away" of the secreted K+ by the faster moving tubular stream. This
secretory cells in the afferent arteriole and specialized cells of the distal tubule, called macula densa, which are reduces the K+ concentration in the luminal fluid adjacent to the tubular cells and promotes leakage from cells
in close contact with the secretory cells. A decrease in fluid delivery within the nephron to the macula densa to lumen.
results in a stimulation of the secretory cells, and more renin is released into the circulation. The decrease in 5. K+ excretion commonly increases during acute alkalosis and decreases during acute acidosis. This is
fluid delivery occurs when the glomerular filtration rate is lowered, and this can occur in response to the consistent with the fact that alkalosis is often associated with K+ entry into cells and acidosis with its departure.
lowered arterial pressure, especially if sympathetic nerve impulses constrict the afferent arterioles. (Note that the It is almost as though K+ and H+ exchange across the cell membranes. For example, in acidosis, H+ enters the
reduced glomerular filtration by itself will help compensate for fluid depletion because it reduces fluid cell and reacts with negatively charged proteins, reducing the charge on the protein. K+, the most abundant
excretion.) The mechanism secretes renin into the systemic circulation, where it catalyzes the formation of intracellular cation (positively charged ion), suddenly finds itself in excess; it is in an environment with too few
angiotensins II and III, and these stimulate release of aldosterone, etc. The relation of this regulatory system to negative charges to support all the K+. Being the most permeable cation, some of the K+ moves out. Renal cells
the mechanism described in plate 58, which utilizes the same juxtaglomerular apparatus for matching the are no exception. In acidosis, distal tubular and collecting duct cells lose K+ to the plasma; the intracellular K+
glomerular filtration rate of each nephron to its tubular reabsorptive capacity, is not understood at present. decreases, as does the leakage and secretion into the tubular lumen. During alkalosis, the reverse occurs.
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Control of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is crucial to kidney performance. An abnormally fast filtration
will swamp the tubules, allowing filtrate to speed by the cells before they have time to modify the fluid.
Abnormally slow rates will compromise the kidneys' ability to process adequate amounts of fluid during each
minute. Nevertheless, blood flow to the kidney does change, often in response to stresses not directly related to
kidney function (e.g., a sudden drop in arterial pressure-plate 40). How can blood flow to the kidney undergo
significant changes without upsetting GFR and renal function?
Panel A shows that renal blood flow is reduced by sympathetic nerve impulses, which constrict arterioles, but
the effect of these impulses on GFR depends on which arterioles are most constricted. Constricting the afferent
arteriole reduces renal blood flow, causing downstream (glomerular) pressure to decrease, thereby decreasing
GFR. Constricting the efferent arteriole also reduces renal blood flow, but now the glomerulus is upstream. Its
pressure rises, and GFR increases. Because the afferent arterioles contain more smooth muscle, we may expect
their constriction to be the more forceful. But even in these cases, the simultaneous constriction of the efferent
arteriole can be expected to diminish changes in GFR that might otherwise occur.
Panel B illustrates an important property of renal blood vessels: both renal blood flow and GFR are very
insensitive to changes in systemic arterial blood pressure in the range of 80 to 180 mm Hg. (Compare the flat
part of the curves with the dotted diagonal line that would be expected if the blood vessels were simple passive
structures.) Shared by most vascular beds, this behavior is most pronounced in the kidneys. Due to properties of
the smooth musculature of the vessel walls, this behavior persists when all nerve supplies are cut but disappears
when the smooth muscle is paralyzed with drugs. Apparently, the blood vessel smooth muscles are sensitive to
pressure. When pressure rises, flow would ordinarily increase, but the smooth muscle in the arteriolar walls
contracts, reducing the radius of the vessel and increasing its resistance. As a result, flow does not increase as
much, and energy (pressure) is lost flowing through the high resistance. Thus, capillary pressure and the ensuing
GFR do not increase as much.
The kidneys' capacity to regulate body fluids is especially sensitive to the rate at which fluid is delivered to the
distal tubule. This is where regulation of salt, water, and acidity occurs. If flow is too fast, the distal tubule cells
will be overwhelmed; if it is too slow, there is danger of overcompensation. The lower diagram on the left
shows a feedback mechanism that adjusts the GFR in each single nephron to maintain a constant load delivery
to the distal tubule. The beginning of the distal tubule of each nephron is located next to its corresponding
glomerulus and makes contact with the afferent arteriole in a specialized structure called the juxtaglomerular
(JG) apparatus. As flow increases, solute delivery (probably CI-) to the JG apparatus increases and in some
unknown way stimulates constriction of the afferent arteriole so that GFR in the same nephron decreases.
Conversely, as flow decreases, GFR increases. In this way, the GFR is matched to the reabsorption capacity of
the proximal tubule. The mechanism is particularly interesting because, unlike the two mechanisms described
above, it is a discrete, local regulation; each nephron has its own independent control system. If, for example,
the glomerulus of a particular nephron becomes damaged and leaky so that the filtration rate in that nephron
increases, the feedback will constrict the afferent arteriole of that nepron and no others.
Finally, we describe two simple physical mechanisms that operate to match proximal fluid reabsorption to GFR.
If, for some reason, GFR increases, so does proximal tubular reabsorption. If GFR goes down, reabsorption
decreases. To understand the first mechanism, illustrated on the bottom of the plate, recall that fluid reabsorption
is determined by net Na+ reabsorption. But net Na+ reabsorption is given by the difference between active
pumping of Na+ (lumen to interstitial space) and the back leak of Na+ through tight junctions (TJ) in the reverse
direction. If GFR decreases, compensatory reductions in proximal fluid reabsorption occur because of the
following. With a small GFR, less fluid is removed from glomerular capillaries, so the plasma proteins become
less concentrated as they flow through the glomerulus. This means that the oncotic pressure delivered to the
peritubular capillaries is lowered, reducing the forces favoring fluid reabsorption by these capillaries from the
interstitial fluid. The buildup of fluid in the interstitial space will increase the tissue pressure, which may force
the seal between cells (the tight junction) to leak so that both water and Na+ leak back into the tubular lumen.
The steps are reversed when GFR increases, resulting in a compensatory increase in reabsorption.
The second mechanism that helps match changes in tubular reabsorption to changes in GFR depends on the
coupling of fluid reabsorption to solute reabsorption, particularly to Na+, which is co-transported with glucose
and amino acids. With normal GFR, these co-transported nutrients are completely reabsorbed before they reach
the end of the proximal tubule. With higher GFR, more solute is filtered, and the more distant reaches of the
tubule begin to be utilized. More solute is reabsorbed so more fluid is also reabsorbed. Those distant portions of
the proximal tubule not used to transport glucose or amino acids during normal GFR supply a reserve for
reabsorption under increased loads.
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The stomach is a large muscular sac connected at its opening to the esophagus and at its end to the duodenum of
the small intestine. Two sphincters, the cardiac and the pyloric, act as unidirectional flow valves permitting food
to move into and out of the stomach. The stomach functions as a reservoir, receiving the ingested food in one
portion. It disinfects the food, mixes the bolus with the gastric juice, and partially digests the ingested proteins.
Finally, the stomach delivers a well-mixed, soupy chyme to the small intestine, in regular intervals, for further
STOMACH SECRETIONS. Numerous exocrine gastric glands (pits) secrete mucus, acid, and enzymes into the
stomach lumen. Each gland contains three types of cells, which together produce the bulk of gastric juice. The
cells near the gland's neck (mucous cells) secrete the gastric mucus. (Mucus is also secreted by the cells lining
the stomach's inner surface.) In the gland's deeper zone, there are two other cell types: the chief cells secrete the
proenzyme pepsinogen, which is later converted to the gastric enzyme pepsin in the stomach's lumen; the
parietal cells (also called the oxyntic cells) secrete a concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid (H+CI~). Other,
rarer cell types (endocrine or paracrine) present in the glands secrete hormones into the blood capillaries or
tissue spaces.
ACTIONS OF STOMACH SECRETIONS. Stomach acid has several functions. The acidic gastric juice acts as
a superior solvent, dissolving foodstuffs not soluble in water. Acid is necessary to activate the gastric enzyme
pepsin (see below). Acid is a strong disinfectant, killing bacteria and other microorganisms in the ingested food.
Finally, acid has a regulatory function: it stimulates the duodenum to secrete hormones to release bile and
pancreatic juices (plate 70).
Pepsin is the only digestive enzyme of any significance produced in the stomach. It cleaves food proteins,
forming small peptides. This action is probably not crucial for protein digestion because one of the proteases of
the pancreatic juice (chymotrypsin) performs a similar function later in the small intestine. Pepsin may serve a
regulatory function: the small peptides produced stimulate the sensory receptors in the gastric mucosa to initiate
hormonal and nervous signals aimed to increase stomach motility and secretion (see plates 70, 71 ). When
secreted by the chief (zymogen) cells, pepsin is in its inactive form, a larger protein called pepsinogen. Acid
in the lumen promotes conversion of pepsinogen to pepsin. Pepsin, once formed, also attacks pepsinogen,
producing more pepsin molecules (autocatalysis).
The stomach mucus, in addition to providing similar functions as the salivary mucus, forms a thick protective
coat covering the inner linings of the stomach in order to protect it from mechanical damage and, perhaps, from
the corrosive actions of the acid in the gastric juice. The breakdown of this coat is one of the causes of ulcers.
CELL PHYSIOLOGY OF ACID SECRETION. Stomach glands secrete a concentrated solution of hydrochloric
acid that may reach a pH value near 1. If placed on the skin, this acid would cause serious burns and tissue
damage. Gastric wall cells' impermeability to acid, as well as the protective action of the alkaline stomach
mucus, prevents this damage from occurring in healthy individuals. Parietal cells secrete acid by directly
pumping hydrogen ions from inside the cell out into the gland lumen, using an active transport mechanism. The
pump obtains hydrogen ions from the dissociation of intracellular water (H20 → H+ + OH-). The hydrogen ions
are pumped out in exchange for K+ ions, which are pumped in. Parietal cells contain many mitochrondria,
which utilize oxygen heavily and produce much ATP. The pumping mechanism, which consists of enzymes
associated with intracellular canaliculi membranes, use the ATP. The parietal cell canaliculi are modified
endoplasmic reticulum. Upon hormonal or nervous stimulation, the active transport mechanism is activated,
resulting in hydrogen ions being secreted into the canaliculi, which converge and open into the gland lumen.
Parietal cells also contain large amounts of carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme that promotes carbon dioxide
hydration: (C02 + H20 →[H2C03] → H+ + HC03-). The hydrogen ions produced in this reaction will combine
with the hydroxyl ions left from water dissociation to form a new water molecule, replacing the one utilized by
the pump. The parietal cell at the serosal (blood side) border then exchanges bicarbonate (HC03 ) ions produced
in the above reaction with chloride ions; the chloride ions move in, and bicarbonate ions move out of the cell.
The chloride-bicarbonate exchange is also an active transport mechanism, involving pumping and ATP
utilization. The chloride ions are then transported across the cell and out into the stomach gland's lumen, where
they combine with the hydrogen ions to form hydrochloric acid.
GASTRIC MOTILITY. Shortly after food enters the stomach, when sufficient gastric juice has been produced,
special weak contractions (mixing waves) begin in stomach fundus and spread to pylorus. These waves
(occurring every 20 sec.) help mix the food with the gastric juice. Later on, less frequent but much stronger
peristaltic waves occur and force the chyme against the closed pyloric sphincter, resulting in chyme back flow.
This movement vigorously mixes food with gastric juice, forming a soupy solution (chyme), which can now be
processed by the intestinal enzymes. Gradually, the pyloric sphincter opens a little, allowing, with each
peristaltic wave, delivery of some chyme into the duodenum. The rate of this process depends on the food
298 content: carbohydrates empty rapidly; fats slowly; protein-rich foods, at an intermediate rate. This differential 299
rate is regulated by hormones and nerves (see plates 70 and 71 ).
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NEUAL REGULATION OF BLOOD SUGAR of consciousness and coma. Eventually, the loss of activity of the brain medullary centers will stop respiration
substance for cellular energy production. It is the preferred fuel for some tissues, such as the heart and skeletal
muscle, and the only fuel used under normal conditions by the brain. Given the central role of brain and heart in
body function and body survival, an ample supply of glucose must be provided to these organs at all times. This
is accomplished by regulating blood glucose content around a presumably optimal level of 1 g/I (80 to 110
mg/100 mL plasma) at all ages.
MECHANISMS OF GLUCOSE HOMEOSTASIS. The mechanisms responsible for this regulation are in part
neurobehavioral and in part neurohormonal. Along with the purely hormonal mechanisms (see plate 126), they
provide for a complex homeostatic system designed to restore the optimal glucose level whenever it deviates
critically from the normal range. In this plate we focus on the neurobehavioral and neurohormonal mechanisms
that are mainly geared to elevated blood sugar level when it falls below the set limits.
HYPOTHALAMIC GLUCOSTAT. Certain neurons in the hypothalamus that constitute a glucostatic center can
detect changes in blood sugar levels. These neurons have a high metabolic rate (oxygen and glucose
consumption) which permits them to detect changes in the glucose level within their cytoplasm and
consequently in the blood (see plate 132). These neurons are the only ones in the brain where insulin is
necessary for glucose entry.
HUNGER AND SATIETY. Significant reductions in the glucose level, such as occur a few hours after a meal,
will result in activation of the hypothalamic feeding (hunger) center which in turn increases the appetite and
other aspects of food-seeking behavior, ultimately leading to increased food intake (see plates 101, 132). The
dietary carbohydrates absorbed in the intestine increase blood and liver glucose levels. This condition stimulates
the release of insulin from the pancreatic islets; insulin in turn promotes the entry of glucose into tissues,
including the neurons of the hypothalamic glucostatic center. As a result, appetite is reduced and a state of
satiety prevails, at least for a few hours. Satiety and appetite suppression can also be produced by increased
activity of sensory nerves from the distended stomach after food ingestion.
ROLE OF CATECHOLAMINES. In response to a relative fall in blood sugar, which may occur between meals,
the glucostatic center initiates a series of actions designed to counteract the decline and elevate the blood sugar.
Thus, the center initially activates the hypothalamic center for control of the sympathetic nervous center, leading
to the release of norepinephrine from sympathetic nerves and epinephrine from the adrenal medulla. The
catecholamines increase glycogenolysis in the liver and lipolysis in the adipose tissues. Glucogenolysis directly
increases the glucose pool in the liver.
lipolysis provides glycerol for conversion to glucose in the liver. Also such tissues as muscle use the fatty acids
mobilized from the adipose tissue, sparing glucose for the brain and heart.
GROWTH HORMONE AND CORTISOL. When food intake is delayed for a long time or in response to
fasting or sustained physical exercise, blood sugar is reduced markedly. These conditions stimulate the
hypothalamus to liberate growth hormone releasing hormone (GRH), which in turn stimulates the release of
growth hormone from the pituitary gland (see plate 112). Growth hormone acts on fat cells, mobilizing fatty
acids and glycerol. As mentioned above, fatty acids cause the glucose to be spared, and glycerol contributes to
gluconeogenesis in the liver. As a result, the blood glucose supply increases. In addition, growth hormone acts
on muscle tissues to decrease glucose utilization in exchange for an increase in the uptake of amino acids. This
effect also spares glucose for the more essential users (e.g., the brain).
In addition to growth hormone, the hypothalamus will also stimulate the release of cortisol by releasing
corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), which in turn release ACTH. Cortisol is necessary for the action of
growth hormone on fat cells. Cortisol also promotes the mobilization of amino acids from the muscle and
connective tissue and stimulates their utilization for gluconeogenesis in the liver. Like growth hormone, cortisol
inhibits glucose intake by nonessential user tissue, such as skeletal muscle, to spare the sugar for the brain and
heart (see plate 121).
The hypothalamic glucostat senses the compensatory increase in blood sugar provided by these neurohormonal
mechanisms and prevent further release of growth hormone and cortisol until the blood sugar level falls again.
Meanwhile, during the immediate postabsorptive phase, insulin will be released to stimulate glucose entry into
tissues, and glucagon secretion will be suppressed to decrease glycogenolysis in the liver. Later, when the
glucose level drops, glucagon will be released to increase glycogenolysis, making glucose available. The
nervous system does not play an important role in release of the pancretic hormones, which by themselves carry
out much of the routine compensatory mechanisms to keep blood glucose constant (see plates 117, 126).
EFFECTS OF SEVERE HYPOGLYCEMIA. If starvation continues and all these restorative mechanisms fail,
the blood glucose level inevitably falls below the critical limits as consumption by the heart and brain continues.
Then the heart begins to weaken, and nervous and conscious activities become disturbed. Speech becomes
318 slurred and movement uncoordinated, convulsions may occur. Further decline in blood glucose will cause loss 319
ACTIONS OF INSULIN. The primary action of insulin is to facilitate and promote the transport of glucose The pancreas is a large gland located underneath the stomach that has both endocrine and exocrine functions.
across the plasma membranes of cells in certain special tissues, chiefly muscle (heart, skeletal, and smooth) and The hormones of the pancreatic islets, insulin and glucagon,
adipose (fat) tissues. In the absence of insulin, the membranes of these cells are impermeable to glucose, and their roles in regulating carbohydrate metabolism and blood sugar are discussed in plate 116. Here we focus
regardless of how much glucose is present in the blood. Normal fasting levels of blood glucose are in the range on the digestive functions of the pancreas, namely, the production of pancreatic juice by the exocrine part of the
of 70-110 mg/100 cc of blood, a value that remains constant throughout life. When this level is exceeded, such gland, which constitutes more than 98% of its bulk.
as after a meal rich in carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, rice), the excess glucose in the blood is sensed by the The exocrine pancreas produces two physiologically important secretions. One, produced by the pancreatic
glucose detectors in the 8 cells of the pancreatic islets, resulting in release of insulin into the blood. Insulin is acini, consists of a nearly complete set of hydrolytic enzymes for chemical breakdown of most large molecules
then transported with the blood to its target tissues, binding with specific insulin receptors located in the plasma found in the diet. The second is a watery secretion rich in sodium bicarbonate. This alkaline solution helps
membranes of the target cells. This binding somehow increases the permeability of the target cells to glucose, neutralize the gastric acid in the duodenum and provides a suitable chemical environment for the function of
resulting in increased uptake of this substance. pancreatic enzymes. The exocrine pancreas consists of numerous acini, each comprised of a single layer of
Muscle cells normally prefer to use glucose for oxidation and cellular energy metabolism. Once inside a muscle epithelial cells surrounding a cavity into which the secretory cells pour their secretions. The acinar cells secrete
cell, glucose is either directly oxidized to provide ATP or is conserved by being incorporated into glycogen, a the digestive enzymes. The cavity opens into a duct through which the secretions of the acinar cells flow out.
polymer of glucose (see below). The glycogen formation occurs at rest. During muscle activity, glycogen is The ducts of pancreatic acini are lined with the ductile cells, which secrete the bicarbonate-rich solution. The
broken down into glucose. smaller ducts all coalesce and converge, finally connecting to the main pancreatic duct, which joins the
Insulin also promotes glucose entrance into the fat cells of adipose tissue. Here, the increased glucose supply is duodenal lumen.
not utilized to provide energy for the fat cells. Instead, each glucose molecule is metabolized to form two FORMATION, COMPOSITION, AND FUNCTIONS OF THE BICARBONATE SOLUTION. The active
molecules of glycerol, which is used along with fatty acids to form triglycerides, the storage form of fat. The transport mechanism of bicarbonate secretion by the duct cells is not well understood. The duct cells contain
fatty acids are usually obtained from the blood, though their source is ultimately the liver. Insulin also inhibits a high amounts of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase,which may be involved in the active secretion of bicarbonate.
special lipase enzyme (the hormone-sensitive lipase) present in fat cells. This important action prevents fat To secrete bicarbonate, the duct cells possibly operate like the turned-around parietal cells of the stomach (see
breakdown. plate 69), which secrete acid into the stomach lumen and bicarbonate into the blood. The pancreatic duct cells
Insulin acts directly on the liver cells. However, this action does not promote increased transport of glucose do the opposite, secreting bicarbonate ions (along with a lot of sodium ions) into the duct lumen and acid into
because liver cells are normally permeable to glucose. Instead, by stimulating the synthesis or actions of specific the blood.
enzymes, insulin promotes utilization of glucose for synthesis of glycogen, amino acids and proteins, and fats, The presence of sodium bicarbonate in the pancreatic juice gives this fluid an alkaline pH of about 8, enabling it
particularly fatty acids. These fatty acids are used by the adipose tissue to•form triglycerides. (See also plates to neutralize the acid chyme delivered from the stomach. Upon entry into the duodenum, the sodium bicarbonate
127, 128.) reacts with the hydrochloric acid (H+CI-) producing sodium chloride and carbonic acid. The latter acid is
Insulin does not influence glucose uptake by such tissues as the brain, kidney tubules, and intestinal mucosa, unstable and dissociates into carbon dioxide and water, so the hydrogen ions are gradually and effectively
mainly because these tissues are normally permeable to glucose. However, this may be an adaptive response eliminated from the chyme in the duodenum. The reduction in duodenal acidity has two positive effects: (1) It
because the nervous tissue relies solely on glucose for its energy needs. Alterations in insulin secretion would reduces the noxious effects of acid on the duodenal mucosa, which is without much protection. (2) It makes the
have major consequences on brain function, as shown by the fact that a large dose of insulin (by injection) may duodenal environment suitably alkaline for activation of pancreatic and intestinal digestive enzymes.
result in coma or death by causing marked hypoglycemia and depriving the brain of fuel and energy. The PANCREATIC ENZYMES. The physiological stimulus for acinar cell secretion of pancreatic enzymes is the
intestinal mucosa and kidney tubules are involved in special transport functions of glucose, unrelated to its presence of fat and protein in the duodenum; these stimuli trigger secretion of the duodenal hormone
utilization for energy, thus precluding their regulation by insulin. choleocystokinin (CCK). The stimulation of the vagus nerve also increases enzyme production. The acinar cells
As a result of the effects of insulin on muscle, liver, and fat cells, the blood glucose level decreases. This is of the pancreas produce a viscous secretion rich in protein (enzymes), which are secreted in zymogen granules.
sensed by glucose detectors in the B cells, resulting in diminished insulin output until the next meal, when once Initially, most of the enzymes are secreted in their inactive forms (i.e., as larger proenzyme molecules). This is
again glucose supply is enhanced, and glucose level is increased. The interaction between blood glucose and an advantage because the pancreatic enzymes are so powerful that they could digest the pancreas in a short time
insulin provides another example of simple hormonal regulation, by negative feedback, with no nervous system if they were not inhibited during their transport from the acinar cavity to the intestinal lumen. In the disease,
involvement. acute pancreatitis, these enzymes are activated before reaching the intestine; thus, they digest the pancreas,
ACTIONS OF GLUCAGON. The primary stimulus for the release of glucagon is a decrease in the level of causing death within days.
blood sugar, below its normal limits. This occurs in between meals or during fasting and starvation. Special A key pancreatic proenzyme is trypsinogen, which is activated upon arrival in the duodenal lumen by the
glucose detectors in the A cells of the pancreatic islets sense the reduction in the blood glucose level, resulting hydrolytic action of enterokinase, an enzyme secreted by the duodenal mucosa. The activation produces trypsin,
in increased secretion of glucagon. a well-known all-purpose protease that can attack and hydrolyze many kinds of proteins. Among the targets of
Glucagon binds with specific glucagon receptors in the membranes of liver cells. This binding activates the trypsin attack are the other inactive proenzymes secreted by the pancreas, particularly the proteases and lipases.
enzyme adenylate cyclase, increasing the concentration of cyclic-AMP within the liver cells. Cyclic-AMP in In certain individuals, the intestinal mucosa is deficient in enterokinase. As a result, trypsin is not formed, other
turn acts as a second messenger, initiating a cascade of chemical reactions involving activation of enzymes (not proteases are not activated, and dietary proteins remain undigested, causing protein deficiency and disease.
their synthesis). Through an amplification mechanism, within seconds, billions of enzyme molecules are Some of the pancreatic enzymes, such as amylase, are secreted from the acinar cells in an already active form.
mobilized to break down glycogen, the highly branched polymer of glucose (glycogen tree) and release its Presumably, these enzymes do not pose any danger to the pancreatic tissue. Pancreatic amylase attacks the large
monomers, the glucose molecules. This process is called glycogenolysis. Glucagon also stimulates synthesis of dietary polysaccharides such as those found in the starches, forming smaller oligo- and disaccharides like
new glucose molecules from amino acids in the liver (gluconeogenesis). This action takes longer and is dextrose and maltose (glucose-glucose).
probably more important in adaptation to fasting and starvation. Further digestion of disaccharides into such monosaccharides as glucose, fructose, and galactose occurs by the
The glucose molecules mobilized by the action of glucagon leak out into the blood, increasing sugar levels and action of enzymes secreted by the intestinal mucosa (e.g., maltase and lactase). Lipases of the pancreas attack
supply for such constant users as the brain and heart. The increased blood glucose level acts via negative triglycerides, decomposing them into glycerol and fatty acids or to monoglycerides and fatty acids. The type of
feedback on A cells, decreasing glucagon release until the glucose level falls again due to constant use, at which conversion depends on the type of lipase. Pancreatic proteases attack peptide bonds located between different
time glucagon release will be initiated again. but specific amino acids. As a result, the pancreatic proteases convert all the dietary proteins into dipeptides.
Although insulin and glucagon appear to have opposite effects on blood glucose levels (insulin being a The final hydrolysis of dipeptides to free amino acids occurs by the action of other proteases secreted from the
hypoglycemic hormone and glucagon being a hyperglycemic one), their true functions in the body as a whole intestinal mucosa.
should be considered complementary, aimed to regulate carbohydrate metabolism and provide ample glucose
320 supply for tissues. (See also plates 118, 124-128.) 321
322 323
358 359
360 361
368 369
In contrast to the testis, the activities of the ovary occur in a cycle. Thus, the formation of follicles (including the Hormones are biologically active compounds that influence many cellular and metabolic functions. To exert
growth of the ovum), ovulation, formation of the corpus luteum, and its regression all occur in appropriate order their effects appropriately, the hormones should be optimally secreted and finely controlled. Indeed, many
within a single monthly cycle. Similarly, the secretion diseases of the body are caused by abnormal hormonal secretion. To regulate hormonal secretion within
of estrogen at first, followed by progesterone, from the follicle and corpus luteum takes place in a cyclical physiological limits or in response to physiological demands, the endocrine system uses two types of control
fashion. In this plate, we study how the operation of a hypothalamic "clock," along with intricate feedback mechanisms. In one type, hormonal control is achieved by a self-regulatory system. Here, the level of a hormone
effects of the ovarian hormones on the hypothalamusanterior pituitary complex, ensures the orderly operation of in blood and the physiological parameter influenced by the hormone interact automatically to control endocrine
the ovarian cycle. and hormonal activity in a predetermined way and within set limits. The second type of control mechanism
PITUITARY GONADOTROPINS. The anterior pituitary secretes two hormones that regulate the activity of the utilizes the influence of the nervous system over the endocrine system to override the self-regulatory operation,
ovary. These are the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and the luteinizing hormone (LH), collectively called initiate new hormonal responses, and/or set new baselines for hormonal secretion. FEEDBACK CONTROL.
gonadotropins. Both are glycoprotein molecules and are secreted from the basophilic gonadotropes. Both LH The operation of any system, be it physical or biological, involves an input and an output. If the system is
and FSH are necessary for all ovarian activity. In the follicular phase, FSH regulates follicular growth while LH intended to work by self-regulation, the output must exert some control over the input. This is referred to as
stimulates estrogen secretion. LH, however, appears to be the predominant hormone, eliciting ovulation and feedback control. When the relationship between the input and the output is inverse, so that an increase in output
growth of the corpus luteum as well as stimulation of progesterone and estrogen secretion by the corpus luteum. leads to an decrease in input, the regulation is by negative feedback. When the relationship is direct, and an
HYPOTHALAMIC CONTROL. These pituitary gonadotropins are released in response to a signal from the increase in output leads to a further increase in the input, the operation is by positive feedback.
hypothalamus in the form of a peptide neurohormone called the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), re- In general, negative feedback mechanisms operate to promote stability and equilibrium, maintaining a system at
leased by the axon terminals of hypothalamic neurons into the portal hypophyseal capilaries, which deliver this a set point. All physiological homeostatic mechanisms operate by negative feedback. The regulation of
substance rapidly and directly to the gonadotrope cells. There are receptors for GnRH on the surface of the numerous endocrine glands and their hormones falls into this category. Because positive feedback regulation
gonadotropes. Recent research indicates that GnRH is released in pulses at hourly intervals. If increased release tends to create disequilibrium and a vicious cycle, it may lead to abnormal hormonal conditions and disease.
of gonadotropin is required, the amount of GnRH per pulse will be increased, and vice versa. It is not known However, several physiological events depend on a positive feedback operation between hormones of the
how GnRH can differentially regulate LH and FSH secretions. In primates, levels of sex hormones can also endocrine glands and the nervous system. Examples are ovulation and parturition.
influence LH and FSH secretions by direct effects on the pituitary. The pattern and amount of GnRH release is SIMPLE HORMONAL REGULATION. Regulation of hormonal secretion in the body is achieved at different
under the control of two mechanisms, a hypothalamic "clock" that sets the duration of the cycle and the timing levels of complexity. Simple hormonal regulation involves only one endocrine gland. Here the secretion of a
of major events and the feedback effects of sex hormones on the hypothalamus and pituitary. hormone from the endocrine gland is controlled directly, through a negative feedback mechanism, by the plasma
NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE FEEDBACK. Late in the ovarian cycle, when the endometrium is in the ischemic concentration of the parameter the hormone is regulating. The endocrine cell usually has a receptor or a similar
phase, preparing for menstruation, the very low level of estrogen acting via negative feedback stimulates the mechanism to detect the blood level of that parameter.
hypothalamus and pituitary. This causes increased output of GnRH, leading in turn to increased output of FSH For example, a decrease in the plasma calcium level triggers an increase in secretion of parathyroid hormone
and LH. These hormones stimulate follicular growth and increase estrogen output. By day 12 of the menstrual from the parathyroid gland. The hormone acts on bone to release calcium. Elevated calcium levels in the plasma
cycle, estrogen output is at its peak and FSH production has diminished due to the negative feedback inhibition inhibit further release of parathyroid hormone. This negative feedback system maintains optimal calcium levels
by estrogen. The peak levels of estrogen will now act through a positive feedback system, increasing sensitivity at all times. Other examples involve regulation of blood sugar by hormones of the pancreatic islets. These
of the pituitary to GnRH. This will cause a burst in the release of LH and FSH, but that of LH is many times simple types of hormonal regulation and their automatic negative feedback operations are aimed at promoting
higher and very crucial. The high levels of LH trigger the process of ovulation, which results, in several hours, homeostasis and equilibrium for the physiologically important variables (e.g., blood glucose and plasma Ca++)
in the expulsion of the ovum. within the internal environment.
The postovulatory high levels of LH (and also of FSH) promote the secretion, mainly of progesterone and also PITUITARY AS THE "MASTER" GLAND. In the cases of complex hormonal regulation, the activity of one
of estrogen, by the corpus luteum cells. Gradually, the negative feedback effect will return. Thus, the increasing endocrine gland is controlled by hormones of another gland. The wellknown examples are the control of
output of progesterone and estrogen will act on the hypothalamus and pituitary to diminish LH and FSH thyroid, adrenal cortex, and gonads by the pituitary gland. If the pituitary gland is removed, these three glands
production. At the beginning of the fourth quarter of the ovarian cycle, progesterone and estrogen are at peak will atrophy, and their hormone secretions will diminish greatly. Upon injection of extracts of pituitary, the
levels, and LH and FSH levels have fallen off. In the absence of fertilization, the low LH and FSH levels, as atrophied glands will grow again, resuming their secretory function. These pituitary effects are conveyed by
well as other factors such as locally produced prostaglandins, will cause the corpus luteum to lyse and regress, special tropic hormones that stimulate the target glands to grow and/or secrete their own hormones and exert
leading to diminished progesterone and estrogen output. This is the end of the cycle, and it is accompanied by negative feedback on the pituitary to inhibit the secretion of their respective tropic hormones. For this reason,
menstruation. Gradually, the low levels of estrogen will relieve the inhibition over hypothalamic GnRH release, the pituitary was once considered as the "master" endocrine gland, orchestrating the activities of several target
leading to increased FSH and LH output from the pituitary. This event will activate the second ovarian cycle. glands, the hormones of which influence so many functions in the body. The importance of this mastery was
Illness, malnutrition, severe stress, and emotional crises interfere with the operation of the ovarian cycle. Stress considerably diminished when it was learned that the pituitary itself is subordinate to the brain. BRAIN AND
and emotional crises act on the higher brain centers and, from there, on the hypothalamus, interfering with the ENDOCRINE CONTROL. Complex neurohormonal regulation involves the interaction between the brain and
pattern of GnRH release. Often the release is inhibited, leading to reduction in FSH and LH levels. Depending the endocrine system. The pituitary gland is attached to the hypothalamus, a part of the brain involved in
on the timing of the stress, diminished estrogren may cause undue menstruation (spotting) or delayed regulating visceral, emotional, and sexual functions. A special portal vascular system connects the
menstruation (secondary amenorrhea) due to the absence of endometrial proliferation. hypothalamus to the anterior , pituitary. Blood flowing through this system delivers the hormonal secretion from
the nerve endings of certain hypothalamic neurosecretory cells directly to the pituitary cells. These
hypothalamic hormones regulate the release of pituitary hormones. Electrical stimulation of certain areas of
hypothalamus causes the release of these neurohormones, which are mostly peptides.
Such a mechanism superimposes brain control over the pituitary gland, and indirectly over the target glands of
the pituitary. In this way, the effects of moods, emotions, stress, rythmical neural activity, and the environment
(e.g., light, sound, temperature and odors), which are mediated by the nervous system, can be integrated at the
level of the hypothalamus and conveyed to the endocrine system and hormones. Once in the blood, the target
gland and pituitary hormones act through long and short loops, exerting negative and positive feedback effects
on the hypothalamic neurosecretory cells, thereby modifying their secretion of hormones. Hypothalamic
neurons, like the pituitary cells, contain receptors that can detect blood hormone levels.
370 The brain regulatory role over the endocrine system need not be solely conveyed through the anterior pituitary 371
gland. The hypothalamus controls water regulation, milk flow, and parturition by releasing its hormones directly
into the blood at the site of the posterior pituitary. The hypothalamus can also exert rapid and direct effects on THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: AN INTRODUCTION
the secretion of several endocrine glands by modifying the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic
nerves, which innervate these glands. SEX AND REPRODUCTION. Until this point, we have studied those physiologic systems that are essentially
identical in both males and females and that function to ensure the survival of the individual. In this section,
we will focus on the reproductive system (genital system, genitalia), whose parts and organs are sexually
dimorphic (i.e., they are structurally and functionally different in the two sexes) and whose function is aimed at
ensuring the survival of the species.
The organs of the reproductive system grow and function in response to the stimulation provided by the male
and female sex hormones secreted by the sex glands, the gonads. The gonads are in turn stimulated by the
gonadotropic hormones released by the anterior pituitary gland. In the absence of these hormonal stimuli, these
target glands and organs will cease to function and will atrophy.
Though the various organs of the reproductive system are formed during the embryonic period, the normal
functions of this system begin during puberty and last for thirty to thirty-five years in women, terminating in
"menopause" that occurs in the early fifties. In men, reproductive functions decline slowly with advancing age.
MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS. As shown in the illustrations (lower left), in
the male, the main sexual organs are testes, prostate, seminal vesicles, vas deferens, epidiymis, bulbourethral
glands, penis, and scrotum. The latter two are external organs, and the rest are internal. Of the organs men-
tioned, the two testes (testicles) are the only ones with endocrine functions, secreting the hormone testosterone,
which is the most potent of the family of androgenic hormones. The testes also produce the male gametes,
spermatozoa (sperm), in a process called spermatogenesis. The epididymis consists of convoluted tubules that
act to store and mature the sperm. The vas deferens is a conduit for sperm delivery during emission and
ejaculation, events occurring during sexual excitation in the male. The prostate and seminal vesicles are
exocrine glands producing the plasma of the semen, which is essential for the activity and survival of the sperm
within the female reproductive system. The penis with its inflatable tissue acts as the organ of intromission,
delivering sperm through its urethral canal and depositing them in the vagina of the female, near the uterine
cervix. The scrotum is a sac containing the testicles which, through extension and retraction, maintains the the
temperature of the testes a few degrees below body temperature to ensure spermatogenesis.
MALE SECONDARY SEX CHARACTERISTICS. In the human male, the secondary sexual characteristics
(which appear after puberty in response to increasing testosterone levels) are active and aggressive attitudes,
larger body size, enhanced muscular and skeletal growth, wide shoulders and narrow pelvis, enlarged larynx and
vocal cords leading to a lower pitched voice, facial and body hair, pubic and axillary (armpit) hair, receding
scalp hairlines, and baldness (if genetically susceptible).
FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS. As shown in the diagrams (lower right),
in the female, the main sexual and reproductive organs are the ovary, uterus, uterine tube (Fallopian tube,
oviduct), and vagina, which constitute the internal sex organs. The labia majora, labia minora, and clitoris
constitute the external sex organs (the vulva). The two ovaries act in part as the main endocrine glands of the
system, secreting estrogen and progesterone, the female sex hormones.
In addition, the ovaries are the site of formation and release of the female gametes, the ova or eggs, by a process
called oogenesis. The uterine tubes transport the unfertilized egg, as well as the young embryo. The uterus is the
organ of pregnancy, providing a nest for implantation and growth of the young embyro. The uterus is also
involved in labor contractions during delivery (parturition). The vagina is adapted to receive the penis and sperm
during intromission and ejaculation. It also acts during delivery as the birth canal.
The female external genitalia, particularly the clitoris, are important in sexual excitation. The female breasts
contain fatty tissue and the mammary glands, which secrete milk for nourishment of the newborn.
FEMALE SECONDARY SEX CHARACTERISTICS. The female secondary sexual characteristics, promoted
by estrogen or absence of androgens, are enhanced subcutaneous fat deposits (providing for the shape of breasts,
buttocks, and thighs in women), wide pelvis and narrow shoulders, high-pitched voice, non-receding scalp
hairlines, and soft skin. Mature human females possess, like the male, axillary and pubic hair; pubic hair has the
form of an inverted triangle, the opposite of its form in the male. The absence of facial and body hair is also
characteristic of women.
372 373
Physiology of Pain
The sense of pain is complex because it involves not only a sensation but feelings and emotions as well. For this
reason, the neurophysiology of pain involves structures not normally considered as part of the sensory nervous
system. Furthermore, classically, the ascending sensory (excitatory) aspects of pain signals have been
emphasized. The intrinsic capacity of CNS structures to suppress pain signals has recently become the focus of
much attention and research.
PAIN RECEPTION. The sense of pain is served by free nerve endings located in the skin and certain visceral
tissues. Pain can be caused by stimuli of different natures. For example, strong mechanical stimuli (intense
pressure), very hot and very cold thermal stimuli, and certain chemical stimuli such as acidic substances all can
cause pain. It is important to note that the pain receptors generally have a high threshold of stimulation, so they
are usually activated when stimulus strength is very high. Because such strong stimuli are usually noxious, pain
sensation is also called nociception, and the pain receptors activated by nociceptive stimuli are called
nociceptors. One view holds that all nociceptive stimuli cause tissue damage, the extent of which may vary from
the slight effects of a simple pinch to the severe consequences of burns. Tissue damage results in the local
release of certain internal nociceptive substances such as serotonin, substance-P, histamine, and kinin peptides
(bradykinin, etc.) in the injured tissue. These substances then act on the free nerve endings, activating pain
TWO PAIN SYSTEMS. There appear to be two systems of pain transmission to the CNS, which are associated
with two distinct types of pain experience. When one steps on a thumbtack, one feels a sharp sensation,
followed a while later by a more dull pain sensation. In addition to arriving earlier, the sharp and prickling
sensation is short lasting, and its source can be accurately localized. The dull sensation is long lasting and
diffuse; it hurts and aches, but the ache source cannot be pinpointed and generally is ascribed to a larger body
It is now believed that the sharp pain is conveyed by thin but myelinated, relatively fast, nerve fibers (type A-
delta), and the dull, aching, and hurting pain by unmyelinated slow conducting type C fibers. Conduction
velocity in the A-delta fibers is about 10 times faster than in the C fibers. Both types of fibers terminate in the
dorsal horn and ascend by the spinothalamic pathway. Whereas the slow/aching pain signals make a major input
into the brain stem reticular formation and essentially terminate in the thalamus, the sharp/fast pain signals
ascend more directly to the thalamus and up to the sensory cortex. The cortical component gives the fine
localization capacity to the sharp/fast pain system, whereas the heavy subcortical projection of the dull/slow
pain system to the reticular formation and the structures of the limbic system is associated with the
aching/hurting component. Patients with damage to the sensory cortex can still feel pain and are hurt by it, but
they are unable to accurately localize the source.
CENTRAL, DESCENDING PAIN INHIBITION. It has recently been shown that electrical stimulation of
certain neuronal groups in the brain stem reticular formation makes the conscious animal completely oblivious
to pain stimuli. Further research has indicated that, from the reticular formation, descending control fibers
project to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, where they suppress the relay of pain signals to the brain. This
system is believed to help animals and humans cope with the debilitating hurtful consequences of pain arising
during physical stress and fighting. It is presumably the active training of this descending inhibition that gives
the Yogis of India their great tolerance of pain and athletes and soldiers their ability to continue struggling in the
face of bodily hurts and trauma.
ENDORPHINS. One mechanism by which higher reticular centers inhibit pain is beginning to be understood.
Descending fibers activate certain inhibitory interneurons in the dorsal horn, which release a peptide
neurotransmitter called enkephalin (one of the endorphins). Enkephalin suppresses the transmission of pain
signals by binding with particular receptor molecules (opiate receptors) present in the synapses of cells in the
dorsal horn. The binding either decreases the amount of the neurotransmitter substance-P released from the type
C pain afferents or induces postsynaptic inhibition of the relay cells. Morphine and other opiate analgesics (pain
killers) act in the same way as endorphins to relieve pain.
AFFERENT PAIN INHIBITION. The interneurons of the dorsal horn may also be involved in a different type
of pain inhibition. It has long been known that skin rubbing relieves the
dull/hurtful pain sensation originating from that or a nearby area. Rubbing activates the large, fast-conducting
tactile fibers (type A-alpha) while pain is conveyed by C fibers. In the dorsal horn, branches of touch fibers
activate inhibitory interneurons, which in turn inhibit the synaptic transmission of pain signals. This is called the
gate theory of afferent inhibition. Presumably, the more powerful tactile signals limit the transmission gates in
the dorsal horn to their own, suppressing and excluding access for the weaker pain signal. The gate theory of
afferent inhibition as well as central inhibition of pain by way of endorphins may have implications for the
phenomenon of acupuncture analgesia.
374 REFERRED PAIN. The afferent pain fibers originating from the same area show extensive convergence onto 375
the dorsal horn relay cells. In certain cases, the convergence may take place by fibers from different areas,
causing the relay cell to be activated by pain originating in different body parts. Usually, one part is a visceral SENSORY UNITS, RECEPTOR FIELDS, & TACTILE DISCRIMINATION
area or organ. This mechanism may underlie the phenomenon of referred pain. For example, pain originating in
the heart is often felt as coming from the inner aspects of the left arm. Physicians make extensive use of referred Once sensory stimuli are transduced into nerve signals, they are communicated to the CNS along the afferent
pain, for which maps have been constructed, as means of diagnosing problems in the visceral organs (e.g., heart nerves by the fibers of the primary sensory neuron. The cell bodies of these neurons are located in the dorsal
conditions). root ganglion near the spinal cord. The sensory neurons are pseudounipolar cells with a bifurcated nerve fiber.
In the past, the peripheral segment of the nerve fiber bringing sensory signals toward the cell body was called
the dendrite and the centrally directed segment, the axon. However, modern views hold that the sensory neuron's
true dendrite is only the nerve ending (i.e., the sensory receptor). The remaining fiber segments of the sensory
neuron all show the structural and functional properties of an axon.
A primary sensory neuron, its fibers and all the peripheral end branchings, and the synaptic central terminals
constitute a sensory unit. Thus, the body periphery is served by numerous independent sensory units bringing in
the somatic sensory messages to the CNS.
RECEPTIVE FIELD. The area of the skin (or any other body part) served by a sensory unit is called the
receptive field of that unit. Because the peripheral branchings of sensory fibers have a radial orientation, the
receptive fields of the sensory units have a circular shape. When the peripheral end
branches of two neighboring sensory units are far apart, the stimuli impinging on the receptive field of one unit
will not activate the neighboring unit. If the branches of two neighboring units commonly innervate some areas
of a target, the receptive fields will overlap. Overlapping receptive fields provide a basis for certain neural
analysis and integration of the sensory input because the stimuli impinging on the receptive field of one unit will
also elicit impulses in the neighboring units, albeit to different degrees. The CNS neurons sense this differential
activation, forming the basis of tactile discriminaton.
TACTILE SENSITIVITY AND DISCRIMINATION. The human skin is endowed with remarkable tactile
abilities. However, not all of its parts show equal capacities. The fingertips, the lips, the genitalia, and the
tongue tip are the most sensitive areas. The tactile sensory skills may be divided into two categories, intensity
discrimination and spatial discrimination. Intensity discrimination (i.e., sensitivity) refers to the ability to judge
stimulus strength; spatial discrimination involves the ability to differentiate between the locations of point
To test intensity discrimination, a pointed probe is pushed gradually onto the skin surface until the subject
reports sensing it. This is the point of tactile threshold. At this point, the depth of the skin dip formed by the
probe is measured using the probe's scale. This depth gives a quantitative reading of tactile sensitivity. The
tongue tip is the most sensitive body area in this regard, followed by the fingertips, in which a mere 6 micron
dip can be detected. In the palms, the threshold is four times higher; on the back of the hands, trunk, and legs, it
is ten to twenty times higher. Note that high threshold means low sensitivity. Therefore, the highest tactile
sensitivities are associated with such body parts as the fingertips and tip of the tongue, which are actively used
to sample and investigate the environment.
The neural basis of differential tactile sensitivity lies in the number of sensory branches and sensory units per
unit area of the skin. The fingertips contain many more units than the back. Therefore, stimuli of similar
strength (causing the same amount of skin indentation) will activate more sensory fibers or units on the fingertip
than on the back. The convergence (see plate 82) of the primary afferents from the fingertip units onto the spinal
sensory relay cells is also higher, so brain cells can be activated by relatively weak stimuli applied to the
fingertip, but stimuli of similar strength applied on the back will be below the brain's detection level.
The fingertips also show the highest spatial discrimination ability. This is assessed by the two-point
discriminiation test in which the tips of caliper arms are placed on the skin and the distance between them is
reduced until the subject reports sensing only one point. This minimum distance is an index of spatial
discrimination: the less the distance, the higher the discrimination. This minimum separable distance is
narrowest in the fingertips (1-2 mm) and widest in the back (up to 70 mm).
The neural basis for spatial discrimination lies in the size and degree of receptive fields' overlap. In the
fingertips, the receptive fields are small and the degree of overlap high; the opposite is true for the back or legs.
Therefore, in the fingertips, even two closely applied stimuli are likely to activate two different sensory units as
one point impinges on the receptive field of one unit while the second point impinges on another. So long as the
central neuron receives messages from two separate units, the two points can be discriminated from each other.
If both point stimuli fall in the receptive field of one unit, only one point will be deciphered. The high receptive
field overlap in the fingertips also permits other discriminative abilities. For example, if a tactile stimulus
impinges on the receptive field center of one unit, it activates that unit maximally. But due to receptive field
overlap, the same stimulus activates the receptive field periphery of the neighboring unit. The activation of the
second unit is, however, weaker. The differential rate of activity between the two neighboring units forms the
basis of lateral inhibition (discussed in the bottom diagram on this plate), a phenomenon serving to sharpen
contrast and enhance discrimination.
376 377
Although we know that each sensory receptor type is designed to respond mainly to one type of stimulus, the
question remains as to how the brain differentiates between these various modalities (i.e., how cold is sensed
apart from heat and pain or pressure from touch). This is particularly problematic because all sensory nerve
fibers communicate with the brain using the same language, that of nerve impulses. To answer, we consider here
the functional segregation of somatic sensory modalities and the channeling of sensory signals along the various
pathways and synaptic stations of the spinal cord and brain.
FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIATION IN THE SENSORY NERVE. If we dissect a single nerve fiber from the
thousands found in a sensory nerve and record its activity, we find that the largest increase in its activity occurs
when a particular type of stimulus is applied. This "appropriate" stimulus may be touch, pain, thermal, etc. If we
were to stimulate that fiber electrically the subject would probably report only the sensation associated with that
particular type of stimulus. The generalization that the fibers of a sensory nerve each conduct signals concerning
only one type of sensory modality (presumably because it is connected to only one particular type of receptor)
has been named the "doctrine of specific nerve energies." This and the specificity of sensory receptors may
provide clues about how sensory modalities are differentiated in the nervous system.
THE SPINOTHALAMIC PATHWAY. Generally, crude tactile, pain (nociceptive), and temperature (thermal)
signals are conveyed by unmyelinated, small-diameter fibers (type C). The cell bodies of these fibers are small,
and their central terminals in the spinal cord release peptide transmitters (e.g., substance-P by the pain fibers)
(see also plate 88). Signals relaying fine touch and pressure as well as proprioceptive modalities (from joints and
muscles) are carried by fast-conducting, large, myelinated fibers (type A) having large cell bodies.
Upon entry to the spinal cord, the various sensory fibers become segregated into two categories. Thin fibers
carrying pain, temperature, and crude tactile sensations, collectively referred to as the nondiscriminative
modalities, terminate in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, where they synapse with the secondary relay cells, the
fibers of which decussate (cross over) and enter the white matter to ascend in the spinothalamic pathways
toward the brain. This pathway has two clear divisions: the pain and temperature modalities are segregated in a
lateral division, and the crude tactile fibers are bundled in an anterior (ventral) division. The spinothalamic
fibers terminate in the thalamus, the most important subcortical sensory relay/integration center. The spinotha-
lamic pathway and its related modalities represent a basic, primitive somatic sensory system seen in all
vertebrates. DORSAL COLUMNS AND DISCRIMINATIVE MODALITIES. Phylogenetically, a more recent
somatic sensory system, well developed in primates and humans, is represented by the pathway taken by the
large myelinated fibers carrying the modalities of fine touch and pressure and proprioception (discriminative
tactile). These fibers enter the spinal cord but do not terminate or synapse in the dorsal horn. Instead they
ascend, without crossing, up the sensory pathways of the posterior (dorsal) columns (funiculi), to end in the
medulla, where they make their first synapse. The axons of the secondary sensory cell arise here, cross over
(decussation), and ascend in the medial lemniscus to end in the same area of the thalamus where the
spinothalamic fibers end. The dorsal column-lemniscal system is called the discriminative pathway because
such important sensory capacities as precise localization, two-point discrimination, fine touch, vibration,
stereognosis (object recognition by manipulation), and limb/body position in space are all conveyed by this
THALAMIC RADIATION TO SENSORY CORTEX. From the thalamus arise the third-order neurons, forming
the fibers of somatic radiation, which project to the sensory cortex (primary somatic sensory cortex) located in
the postcentral gyrus. In all the relay stations, the dorsal horn, the medulla, and the thalamus, the sensory
impulses are filtered and integrated so that the messages arriving in the sensory cortex have already undergone
certain fine tuning. What happens in the cortex is the subject of plate 87. This fine tuning is in
part controlled by the sensory cortex, which sends certain descending sensory control fibers to the subcortical
relay stations to regulate the quality and quantity of the messages arriving in the cortex (feedback control
sensory afferents from the skin, joints, and muscles is to activate the spinal reflexes (plate 89). This is
accomplished by collaterals or main branches of the primary afferents as they enter the spinal cord. These
branches synapse with the spinal interneurons, which will in turn synapse with the spinal motor neurons to
complete the motor reflex circuits. The nociceptive fibers carrying pain signals are of course the most important
here due to their protective functions, but information from other modalities is also necessary for appropriate
adjustment of the reflexes.
On their way to the brain, the ascending fibers send collateral branches to the midbrain motor centers to
influence involuntary motor activity and to the centers in the reticular formation to influence sleep and
wakefulness (plate 100), arousal and attention, and central inhibition of pain (plate 88).
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Big Tobacco The hypothalamic thermostat initiates compensatory responses, some of which increase heat loss, others that
decrease heat production.
Thus, the adrenergic activity of the sympathetic nervous sytem, controlling vasoconstriction and metabolic rate,
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is inhibited, resulting in cutaneous vasodilation and reduced metabolic rate, respectively. These will increase
heat loss from the skin and decrease heat production in the core. If heat is sufficiently intense, a particular
division of the autonomic nervous sytem (cholinergic sympathetic fibers, releasing acetylocholine) that
innervates the sweat glands is activated, stimulating sweating. Sweating markedly increases heat loss from the
Big Sugar skin and is the most effective involuntary heat fighting response in humans (600 Cal heat lost per liter of sweat).
Behavioral responses to heat are also very effective. A hot person becomes lethargic and tends to rest or lie
down with limbs spread out. These states decrease heat production and increase heat loss. Heat loss is also
enhanced by wearing loose and light clothing, fanning, drinking cool drinks, swimming, etc.
FEVER. Fever, an increase in core body temperature of one to several degrees, is caused during illness when
Big Media infectious agents enter the body. Toxins liberated by these bacteria stimulate the white cells to release pyrogens
(e.g., interleukin-1). These substances act on the hypothalamic thermostatic neurons, raising their setpoint (e.g.,
to 40°C). To reach this new point, the patient shivers, increasing heat production, and becomes pale due to skin
Well, the game of Reality Monopoly is still being played all over the vasoconstriction. This continues until the core temperature reaches the new setpoint. Fever may be a natural
world. One percent of the world’s population is winning and now
controls over 80% of the wealth. The law allows the game to continue
Big Banking defense response. The hot state of the body may be detrimental for the bacteria or their toxin. Of course, very
high temperatures (above 42°C) cause heat shock and may be fatal if not treated. The antifever effect of aspirin
is due to its preventing the effects of pyrogen on the hypothalamus. When the infection is cured, pyrogen 399
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till we will see one winner and 6 billion plus losers
secretion decreases, and the thermostat is set back to its original 37°C. Now the body attempts to cool down by
skin vasodilation and sweating.
400 401
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THE ADRENAL CORTEX: CORTISOL AND STRESS STRESS-RELATED DISEASES. In chronic stress, excess cortisol may have detrimental and harmful effects.
Adrenal glands are paired organs located above the kidneys. Each adrenal consists of two separate glands, an
outer adrenal cortex and an inner adrenal medulla. Though the two glands have different embryological origin,
structure, and hormonal secretions, at least with respect to responses to stress, their functions are synergistic and
aimed at a common goal.
CHROMAFFIN CELLS AND CATECHOLAMINES. The adrenal medulla is essentially part of the
sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, being in fact a modified sympathetic ganglion. The
secretory cells of the adrenal medulla, called the chromaffin cells, are equivalent to postganglionic sympathetic
neurons that have lost their axons (see plate 25). The chromaffin cells contain vesicles filled with epinephrine
and norepinephrine. These biogenic amines, collectively called catecholamines, are produced from the amino
acid pheynlalanine via several enzymatic chemical reactions in the chromaffin cells, as follows:
Phenylalanine→ p-tyrosine→Dopa→Dopamine→Norepinephrine→Epinephrine. Recently, the opiate peptide
endorphin has also been found in the chromaffin cells. This analgesic (anti-pain) peptide is co-secreted with
the catecholamines.
NEURAL REGULATION. Upon stimulation of the adrenal medulla by the sympathetic nervous sytem, the
vesicles release their content of epinephrine and norepinephrine into the blood to act as the hormones of the
adrenal medulla. There are probably two cell types in the medulla, one secreting epinephrine and the other,
norepinephrine. In humans, the secretion of epinephrine comprises 80% of the total catecholamine output, the
remainder being that of norepinephrine.
Each time the sympathetic nervous system is strongly stimulated, the activity of the adrenal medulla increases.
Thus, during fear and excitement or stressful muscular exercise (running, physical exertion, and struggle),
stimuli from various parts of the nervous system impinge on the hypothalamus, which, among other things, acts
as the highest center for the regulation of sympathetic responses (plate 101).
Excitatory fibers from hypothalamic neurons descend in the spinal cord, stimulating the preganglionic
sympathetic neurons. The preganglionic fibers enter into the two chains of sympathetic ganglia, one on each
side of the vertebral column, releasing acetylcholine and synaptically stimulating the postganglionic neurons.
The latter send their fibers to the visceral organs and skin. Norepinephrine is the neurotransmitter at these nerve
endings. The adrenal medulla receives a long preganglionic sympathetic fiber (via a splanchnic nerve).
CATECHOLAMINE ALPHA AND BETA RECEPTORS. Catecholamine hormones reach their target organs
and bind with specific adrenergic receptors present on the cell membranes of
their target organs. The adtenergic receptors are divided into the alpha and beta types. Norepinephrine binds
mostly with the alpha receptors; epinephrine can bind with both types. The particular responses of the target
organs depend on the kind and number of receptors present in the cells of the organ. Also, because sympathetic
nerve fibers release only norepinephrine, they tend mainly to activate the alpha receptors. The adrenal medullary
secretion, being a mixture of both catecholamines, tends to activate both types of receptors.
CATECHOLAMINES IN FIGHT-FLIGHT RESPONSES. The functions of the adrenal medulla and the effects
of its hormones are best understood in terms of the preparation of the body for unexpected stressful situations
such as fight-flight, or exercise. In all these responses, the intense muscular activity demands increased blood
flow, nutrients, and oxygen supply.
Consider a person who is running fast. The need for increased oxygen and fuel for muscles demands increased
delivery of blood by the heart. Thus, cardiac output (heart rate and cardiac contractility) must be increased (see
plate 39). At the same time, the blood vessels to the heart and muscles must be dilated while those to the skin
and visceral organs must be constricted, shunting the blood to where it is most needed (muscles and heart). The
respiratory activity must be increased and the bronchioles dilated to supply more oxygen and remove more
carbon dioxide. All these responses are brought about by various effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine
acting on the target organs.
Epinephrine acts mainly on the heart, causing increased rate and contractility; norepinephrine acts on the
visceral blood vessels (arterioles) to cause vasoconstriction, increasing blood pressure and shunting blood to
muscles. This differential response occurs because the heart contains mainly beta receptors which bind
preferentially with epinephrine, and visceral arterioles have the alpha type, which bind with norepinephrine. The
smooth muscles of bronchioles and those of arterioles of the heart and muscle contain beta receptors. These
receptors, when activated by epinephrine, relax the smooth muscles, causing vasodilation and bronchiolar
Metabolically, the body demands increased nutrient supply. Epinephrine increases glycogen breakdown in the
liver and fat in the adipose tissue to mobilize ample fuel substances (glucose and fatty acids). Lastly,
catecholamines act on the brain to increase arousal, alertness, and excitability. They also act on the iris of the
eye to dilate the pupil, thus permitting more light into the eyes and enhancing peripheral vision.
414 In short, the functions of the adrenal medulla should be construed as complementary and synergistic with the 415
functions of the sympathetic nervous system.
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ACTIONS OF TESTOSTERONE: The male sex hormone is testosterone, a steroid compound formed in the The testes perform two functions: (1) spermatogenesis, the formation of the male gametes (spermatozoa), and
interstitial cells of Leydig from cholesterol, a precursor substance for all steroid hormones. The hydroxyl (OH) (2) secretion of the male sex hormone, testosterone. Spermatogenesis is carried out by the seminiferous tubules
and ketone (C=O) functional groups in testosterone are extremely important, because their chemical packed in the testis lobules. Testosterone is produced by the interstitial cells of Leydig, scattered in the spaces
modification can alter the potency of this hormone or transform it to another steroid hormone. Testosterone has between tubules.
two classes of actions: those aimed at the reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics and those TESTIS STRUCTURE. Each testis is divided into numerous lobules, each containing one to four long and
involving the general anabolic actions of testosterone, which are manifested in many tissues. highly convoluted seminiferous tubules. Each of these is about 0.2 mm in diameter and may be up to 70 cm in
Early in puberty, the gonadotropic cells of the anterior pituitary begin to secrete increasing amounts of FSH and length. Each tubule is surrounded by a basement membrane, which helps to support a complex internal
LH. FSH stimulates the Sertoli cells (especially the formation of androgen-binding protein) and possibly also epithelium. In the epithelium, directly attached to the basement membrane, are found the primordial germinal
stimulates the germinal cells, promoting spermatogenesis. LH stimulates the Leydig cells to secrete testosterone, cells, spermatogonia, and a highly specialized type of epithelial cells, the Sertoli cells.
the blood level of which increases throughout adolescence, reaching a peak by the early twenties. Testosterone SPERMATOGENESIS. This is an intricate developmental process involving mitotic and meiotic division of the
promotes growth and development of primary sex organs (testes, penis, etc.) and accessory sex glands (prostate, spermatogonium and its daughter cells. This process requires the support functions of the Sertoli cells. Each
seminal vesicles, etc.), promotes the development of secondary sex characteristics (voice, face and body hair, spermatogonium is a diploid cell containing 46 chromosomes (22 pairs of somatic and one pair of sex
enhanced muscular and skeletal growth), and may activate the brain centers involved in regulating sexual chromosomes, XY). The spermatogonium divides by mitosis, giving rise to two cells, one of which adheres to
activity and behavior. These actions transform adolescent boys into young men, enabling them to engage in the basement membrane and maintains the germinal line, while the other separates and moves inward. The latter
sexual activity, produce fertile sperm, and father children. In adults, the steady secretion of testosterone (1) cell, called the primary spermatocyte, begins division by meiosis to produce secondary spermatocytes and
maintains spermatogenesis and the secretory functions of the epididymis, prostate, and seminal vesicles; (2) spermatids. The spermatids are haploid cells, having 22 somatic chromosomes and one sex chromosome, either
promotes anabolic activity and vigor in muscles and bones; (3) enhances red cell production in bone marrow; X or Y. The spermatogenic cells are frequently interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges, which enable them to
and (4) promotes libido and normal aggressive attitudes. divide in synchrony. The spermatids will undergo a complex process of morphologic differentiation
HORMONAL REGULATION OF TESTICULAR FUNCTIONS: In mature men, testosterone is secreted (spermiogenesis), which transforms them into unique, structurally and functionally specialized cells, the
continually at a steady rate of 10 mg/day. This is accomplished by a negative feedback effect of testosterone on spermatozoa.
the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary. Thus, an increase in testosterone levels beyond set limits inhibits FUNCTIONS OF SERTOLI CELLS. These cells participate in spermatogenesis in several ways. They help
hypothalamic secretion of a gonadotropin of easing hormone (GnRH), which in turn reduces the output of LH support the spermatogenic cells and move them along their inward migration within the epithelium. They pro-
from the anterior pituitary. This reduces testosterone production, and plasma levels return to normal. Excessive vide nutrients and metabolites to the spermatocytes and spermatids; these cells are isolated from the vascular
reductions will activate a reverse response. Illness and stress tend to diminish testosterone production, supply. They secrete a fluid into the lumen that assists in sperm transport out of the testis. The Sertoli
presumably through action on the hypothalamus. cells prevent blood-borne cells and substances (antibodies) from reaching the sperm, which contain foreign
The spermatogenic function of the testes is in part under the control of FSH from the anterior pituitary; antigens, as well as preventing these antigens from reaching the blood (blood-testis barrier).
however, LH is also important, through its control of testosterone secretion. FSH stimulates the Sertoli cells to The Sertoli cells play an important role in the spermiogenesis stage of spermatogenesis by engulfing and
secrete androgen-binding protein (ABP). digesting the remaining pieces of cytoplasm and cellular debris (residual bodies) left over from the trans-
ABP binds with testosterone and provides an abundant local supply of this hormone, which is needed for the formation of spermatids into spermatozoa. This action also enables the sperm to be released into the lumen.
activity of the Sertoli cells and for the maturation of the spermatogenic cells inside the seminiferous tubules and To perform these functions, the Sertoli cells require that testosterone, a hormone, be supplied to them directly
of the sperm inside the epididymis. The Sertoli cells in turn secrete a hormone, inhibin, which acts from the Leydig cells through the basement membrane. Testosterone is also required for the development of
on the pituitary to regulate FSH release by negative feedback. In fact, inhibin may be used in the future as a germinal cells in the tubules and for the final maturation of the sperm in the epididymis. To maintain a high
male contraceptive, because it causes reduced sperm production. local concentration of testosterone, the Sertoli cells make and secrete into the lumen a special protein, the
ABNORMALITIES OF TESTICULAR SECRETION. Testicular function diminishes gradually with advancing androgen-binding protein (ABP), which acts as a receptor and reservoir for testosterone.
age, but sexually active and fertile men in their eighties are not rare. Hypogonadism refers to the undersecretion FACTORS INFLUENCING SPERM FORMATION. Malnutrition, alcoholism, cadmium salts, and some drugs
of the testes and is frequently due to reduced pituitary function. In eunuchoidism, the testes are absent, or there interfere with spermatogenesis. Gossypol, a cottonseed oil which may be taken orally, attacks spermatids and is
is Leydig cell deficiency from childhood, resulting in low androgen output. Absence of testosterone prevents the likely to be used as a specific male contraceptive. In some animals (e.g., the rat), but not in humans, vitamin E is
development of male secondary sexual characteristics; thus, eunuchs have a femalelike appearance, including essential for spermatogenesis. Physical factors, such as X-ray radiation and high temperatures (over and
skeletal and muscular development. However, they tend to be tall and have long limbs, because postadolescent including body temperature), also diminish spermatogenesis. Indeed, spermatogenesis is the only process in the
closure of the epiphyseal plates in the long bones (one of the actions of androgens in high amounts) is delayed. body whose optimum temperature is a few degrees below the core temperature. At body temperature, the
In rare cases, usually due to tumors in the hypothalamus and pituitary, sexual development occurs early, during germinal epithelium will regress, but the Leydig cells and hormone production are intact.
childhood (precocious puberty). The unusually high levels of testosterone lead to the early appearance of male EPIDIDYMIS AND SPERM MATURATION. Once the sperm are released into the lumen, they are trans-
secondary sexual characteristics, including premature but excessive growth of muscles. The stature is stunted, ported, with the aid of the pressure of the testicular fluid provided by the Sertoli cells, through the rete testis,
however, due to premature closure of the epiphyseal plates of the bones (hence the term "boy Hercules"). which is a network of anastomosing conduits between the seminiferous tubules and the epididymis. The
In some men, excessive secretion of testosterone may be associated with overexcitability and abnormal epididymis is connected to the rete testis by special efferent ducts. During their passage through the epididymis,
aggressiveness. In fact, in certain habitual offenders, removal of testes (castration) or treatment with anti- the sperm will undergo the final stages of their biochemical and physiologic maturation. Completely mature
androgen drugs is known to induce calmness and reduce the incidence of offenses. sperm are expelled from the epididymis during sexual excitation via the vas deferens.
426 427
OOGENESIS. The ovary performs two functions: (1) formation, development, and release of the eggs and FEMALE SEX HORMONES. These are estrogen (estradiol) and progesterone, steroid compounds made in the
(2)secretion of the female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone. In the developing female embyro, the germ ovary from cholesterol. Estradiol contains two hydroxyl groups; progesterone contains two ketone groups.
cells migrate to the ovary, where they proliferate by mitosis to form nearly a million primary oocytes per ovary. Estrogen is secreted by the follicle in response to the combined stimulation by the hormones FSH and LH from
Beyond this prenatal period, the germ cells will cease to multiply, constituting an important difference with the the anterior pituitary during the follicular phase. During the second quarter of the ovarian cycle, the level of
male, where spermatogonia begin to divide after puberty and continue to do so until senescence. While still in estrogen in the blood increases, peaking by days 12-13. After ovulation, the transformation of the follicular cells
the prenatal period, the primary oocytes begin their meiotic divison, but are arrested at the prophase stage, to luteal cells of the corpus luteum reduces estrogen output, but secretion continues into the third and fourth
remaining in this condition after birth and throughout childhood until puberty, when the cycle of meiotic weeks. Progesterone is secreted by the luteal cells of the corpus luteum in response to stimulation by LH;
division is resumed. The primary oocyte is surrounded by a layer of follicular granulosa cells, forming a however, FSH is also necessary. Thus, progesterone is absent in the blood during the follicular phase and
structure called the primary follicle. These are found scattered in the cortical zone of the ovary. The number of appears only after ovulation, when LH begins to stimulate the corpus luteum. Progesterone secretion peaks by
primary follicles diminishes from a million per ovary at birth to thousands by puberty. This spontaneous loss of the middle of the luteal phase
follicles and their oocytes, called atresia, is not well understood but may be due to the absence of hormonal (days 20-22).
stimulation before puberty. UTERINE CYCLE. During the monthly cycles, the principal actions of estrogen and progesterone in the female
OVARIAN CYCLE. At puberty, the ovaries are activated by pituitary gonadotropins to develop the follicles and reproductive system are on the endometrium (uterine mucosa). This lining will house the young embryo after
their eggs and to secrete sex hormones. Egg production by the ovary, in contrast to sperm production by the fertilization (implantation). To do this, the endometrium undergoes a cyclical change, building up its wall in
testis, is a cyclical process. In women, the cycle lasts an average of 28 days. The cause and regulation of expectation of the embryo and destroying it if fertilization does not take place.
cyclicity can be traced to the mode of secretion of the hypothalamic releasing hormone (GnRH) for the pituitary Estrogen stimulates the epithelial cells of the basal layer of the endometrium to proliferate, forming a thick
gonadotropins (see plate 147). rnucosa as well as numerous endometrial (uterine) glands. Extensive vascular tissue, spiral arteries and veins,
At the beginning of each 28-day cycle, which occurs randomly in one of the two ovaries, a few primary follicles also grows within the endometrium. These events constitute the proliferative phase of the endometrial cycle
begin to grow. A week later, only one continues to develop while the others regress. In the maturing follicle, (days 6-14). At ovulation, the endometrium is fully grown (about 5 mm thick); the myometrium, however, does
follicular cells proliferate, initially forming several layers of the granulosa cells surrounding the oocyte. Later not grow extensively.
another layer of cells, theca cells, is formed around the granulosa, with a basement membrane in between. The After ovulation, the cells of the growing corpus luteum begin to secrete progesterone, a hormone that acts
masses of granulosa cells form a cavity called the antrum, which fills with a fluid (antral fluid) rich in a sticky mainly on the glands of the endometrium to promote their secretory activity. This secretion, rich in proteins and
substance, hyaluronic acid. In the mature follicle (Graffian follicle), the oocyte is surrounded by a zone of glycogen, is important for the survival and nutrition of the preimplantation and implanted embryo as well as for
transparent jellylike substance, the zona pellucida. This zone is in turn surrounded by many granulosa cells, later the adherence of the implanted embyro. Indeed, progesterone is absolutely essential for gestation. This part of
to form the corona radiata. The corona radiata is attached to the main body of the follicle by the cumulus the endometrial cycle promoted by the action of progesterone is termed the secretory phase.
oophorus ("egg cloud"), a mass of granulosa cells. MENSTRUATION. In the absence of fertilization, the hormonal signal promoting the survival of the corpus
OVULATION. By day 12-13, the oocyte with its surrounding structures is found floating in the antrum. By day luteum, which normally comes from the embryo (see plate 147), will not arrive. The regression of the corpus
14, mid-cycle, the mature (Graffian) follicle, large (up to 2 cm) and protruding from the now weak surface of luteum diminishes the output of estrogen and progesterone; this weakens the endometrial tissue, reducing blood
the ovary, ruptures, releasing the oocyte, with its appendages of follicular cells, cumulus oophorus, and antral flow to it and causing local ischemia (ischemic phase). The endometrium can no longer be sustained, and by day
fluid, into the peritoneal cavity near the fimbria of the uterine tube. This event is called ovulation. The 28, it will collapse. Its debris, along with some blood, constitutes the menstrual flow (menstruation, menses).
remainder of the mature follicular cells in the ovary are transformed into a structure called the corpus luteum The menstrual phase lasts an average of five days. The growth of follicles and increasing estrogen output during
(yellow body), which grows for at least a week to form the mature corpus luteum. If fertilization occurs, the the next follicular phase of the ovary will terminate the menstrual phase. Note that although the menstrual phase
corpus luteum will survive and grow further to maintain pregnancy; if not, it will degenerate into the corpus is the last phase of the endometrial cycle, in keeping with the events of the ovarian cycle it is represented here as
albicans (white body). the first phase.
The growth of the follicle from primary to mature, comprising the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle, is Menstrual cycle commences at puberty (menarche), between 12 and 13 years; however, the early cycles are
stimulated by the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the anterior pituitary. Luteinizing hormone (LH), usually not accompanied by ovulation. The cessation of the menstrual cycle (menopause), occurring around
another pituitary hormone, is also needed for follicular growth, especially for secretory activity of the follicle. fifty-two years of age, is related to the exhaustion of the ovarian follicles and signals the end of reproductive
Ovulation is triggered by a surge in LH. LH, through a poorly understood mechanism, leads to rupture of the (but not sexual) activity. Menstrual cycles do not occur during pregnancy and in some lactating women.
follicle and expulsion of the ovum. LH also converts the remaining follicular cells into corpus luteum. LH, OTHER EFFECTS OF ESTROGEN. In addition to its effects on the endometrium, estrogen stimulates the
along with FSH, maintains the corpus luteum. The formation and maintenance of the corpus luteum comprises development of extensive mucosal folds of the oviduct as well as the formation of cilia on these epithelial cells.
the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle. In humans, about 1 These cilia function in ovum transport. Estrogen also potentiates the effects of FSH on follicular growth. During
of ovarian cycles involve multiple ovulations, usually resulting in the birth of fraternal twins, triplets, etc. puberty, estrogen (along with adrenal androgens) enhances calcium deposition in bone and stimulates bone
DIVISIONS OF THE OVUM. The primary oocyte, containing 46 (diploid) chromosomes, begins meiosis growth. It also promotes growth of the uterus, vagina, and oviducts, as well as of the mammary glands. Estrogen
during embryonic development but is arrested at the prophase. At puberty, in response to hormonal stimulation allows for the development of softer skin and promotes deposition of fat in subcutaneous zones, particularly in
by FSH and LH and the secretions of the granulosa cells, the primary oocyte resumes its meiotic division and breasts and buttocks, leading to the mature female shape and contours. Estrogen promotes the growth of wider
begins to grow. The first meiotic division is completed before ovulation, forming the secondary oocyte and one pelvic bones as well as the closure of epiphyseal plates in long bones. However, many of the female secondary
polar body (cell). During this division, the cell destined to become the ovum (secondary oocyte) receives half sex characteristics are due to the absence of androgens.
the chromosomes and all the cytoplasm, while the polar body receives little cytoplasm but an equal share of
chromosomes. While still in the ovary, the secondary oocyte begins the second meiotic division, which now
stops at metaphase. At this stage, it is ovulated. It is only after fertilization that the oocyte (ovum) will attempt
to complete its second meiotic division, forming the mature female pronucleus containing 23 (haploid)
chromosomes and the second polar body. The first polar body may also divide, forming three polar bodies all
428 429
MAMMARY GLANDS. In mammals, the newborn is nourished for varying periods of postnatal life directly by PREGNANCY. The successful implantation of the blastocyst will be followed by the development of special
milk secreted by the mother's mammary glands, located in the breast. The number of nipples and the size of the cells in the immature placenta that secrete an LH-like gonadotropic hormone (HCG, human chorionic
breast varies in different mammals. In human females, the two breasts are large, due to particularly large gonadotropin) into the maternal blood. This hormone acts as a signal from the young embryo to the mother's
amounts of fatty tissue interspersed between the branches of the mammary glands. The mammary glands are corpus luteum. In response
exocrine glands containing extensive alveoli and ducts. The milk is produced by the alveolar cells, which obtain to this hormonal stimulation, the corpus luteum will grow further, forming the "corpus luteum o1 pregnancy,"
raw materials from the blood, synthesize the nutrients in the milk and secrete them into the alveolar sacs. Then which will secrete large amounts of progesterone and estrogen for the remainder of the pregnancy. Not only are
the milk flows through the small ducts, which converge to form larger ducts, which finally emerge from the estrogen and progesterone important for the maintenance and growth of the endometrium, but high levels of
nipple. Around the mammary ducts, specific myoepithelial cells (smooth muscle) can contract to force the milk estrogen promote growth and proliferation of the myometrium (uterine smooth muscle wall); both hormones
out. In the nipple, special touch and pressure receptors, stimulated by sucking actions of the infant's lips, are stimulate the growth of the breast (mammary glands and fat deposits).
important in milk ejection, a neuroendocrine reflex (see below). With further development of the placenta, HCG will stimulate other cells in this versatile organ to secrete
MAMMARY GROWTH. During adolescence, in response to the rising levels of sex steroids from the ovary, increasing amounts of estrogen and progesterone. By the second trimester of pregnancy, this secretion becomes
the mammary glands begin to develop. Estrogen enhances duct growth. Progesterone enhances alveolar so prodigious as to make the contribution of the ovaries insignificant. The HCG level increases profoundly
development, which is sparse in adolescents. Several other hormones (insulin, growth hormone, prolactin and during the first trimester and falls off gradually thereafter; but it continues to stimulate the ovary and placenta to
glucocorticoids) are also necessary for the successful actions of sex steroids at this stage. Milk is produced only secrete estrogen and progesterone.
if the alveolar cells are stimulated by large amounts of the anterior pituitary hormone prolactin and if the levels The rising estrogen and progesterone levels from the second week of conception will inhibit, through negative
of estrogen and progesterone are low. Prolactin is regulated by a release-inhibiting hormone (dopamine) and feedback, the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins. In the absence of FSH and LH, further follicular development
also by a release-promoting hormone from the hypothalamus. In adolescent girls and nonpregnant women, low and ovulation will not occur during pregnancy. At the same time, in the presence of high levels of estrogen and
prolactin levels keep the alveolar cells inactive. progesterone, menstruation will not occur. Thus, in a healthy woman, missing a period is a well-known sign of
During pregnancy, the high levels of estrogen and progesterone from the placenta, as well as increasingly higher pregnancy.
levels of prolactin, stimulate prodigious development of the mammary glands in preparation for milk The appearance of HCG in maternal blood and urine has been the basis of most pregnancy tests. The early tests
production. However, the high levels of sex steriods inhibit the milk-forming effect of prolactin on the alveolar involved treatment of laboratory animals with samples of urine from the women. If the women were pregnant,
cells, avoiding unnecessary milk production. The placental hormone chorionic somatomammotropin, the test would result in egg laying or luteal development in laboratory animals. Modern tests rely on
as well as cortisol, insulin, and growth hormones, also influences growth of the mammary glands during immunochemical assays of HCG; pregnancy can be determined as early as 8-10 days after conception by blood
pregnancy. tests and two weeks after by urine tests.
MILK FORMATION. At birth, the loss of the placenta removes the major source of sex steroids, eliminating Another protein hormone with properties similar to growth hormone and prplactin has recently been discovered
their inhibitory effect on the prolactin's action on alveolar cells. This stimulates milk production, which in in pregnant women. This hormone, called human chorionic somatomammotropin (HCS, also human placental
women begins about one to three days after birth. Just before, and around birth, the mammary glands secrete lactogen), is secreted in increasing amounts throughout gestation from the placenta, but only into the maternal
very small amounts of a thick substance, colostrum, which contains no fat and little water but otherwise blood. HCS antagonizes the action of maternal insulin by promoting fatty acid utilization by maternal tissues, so
resembles milk. Colostrum may be a source of antibodies. Continued milk production is ensured by adequate that glucose and amino acids can be spared for the fetus, which is heavily dependent on these substances for
secretion of prolactin, which is maintained by the sucking-induced sensory stimulation from the nipple tactile growth. In this way, HCS is indirectly involved in control of fetal growth, because in its deficiency, less glucose
receptors. Each episode of sucking causes a surge in hypothalamic release hormone for prolactin (as well as a and amino acids may reach the fetus, resulting in decreased growth. HCS may also be involved in the growth of
reduction in hypothalamic inhibitory hormone for prolactin "dopamine"). This causes a surge in prolactin and in maternal mammary glands.
milk production. Regular artificial massages of the nipples will have the same effect. During the embyronic period (weeks 1-8), the embyro's development will consist largely of proliferation and
MILK EJECTION. The mechanical stimulation of the nipple also enhances milk ejection from the mammary differentiation of cells and tissues, resulting in organogenesis, the formation of the organs and systems. Major
ducts. Secreted milk accumulates in the alveoli and ducts but will not flow out unless the smooth muscle cells organs are formed during weeks 4-8, making this period a significant and critical one in terms of the effects of
(myoepithelial cells) around the ducts contract. The contraction of these cells is brought about by the action of drugs and other teratological agents on embryonic development. By the third month, the embyro is called a
the hormone oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland. Thus, sensory impulses generated by sucking stimuli fetus. The fetal period (3-9 months) is characterized chiefly by growth, but differentiation in several systems
will travel up the sensory nerves, reaching the brain and activating the hypothalamus-posterior pituitary system, still continues.
promoting oxytocin release. The hormone will then enhance milk outflow as stated. In the absence of such PARTURITION. Throughout pregnancy, under the influence of estrogen, the smooth muscle cells of the uterine
regular sensory stimuli from the nipples, the secreted milk will accumulate in the glands, cause inflation of the myometrium increase in number and size in order to support the fetus during pregnancy and expel it during
ducts and pain, and, in the long run, diminish milk production, leading to drying up of the breast. labor and delivery. Mild contractions of the uterus are evident beginning with the fourth month, but usually
MILK COMPOSITION. Milk is a complete source of nutrition for the newborn during the first year. It contains about 270 days after conception, the muscular wall of the uterus will begin strong and rhythmic contractions
carbohydrates, protein, and fat as well as vitamins, minerals, and water. Compared to cow's milk, the milk sugar, resulting in birth (i.e., the expulsion of the fetus through the cervix and vagina - birth canal). The mechanisms of
lactose, is present in higher amounts in human milk, but protein content is less, and the fat content is similar. For parturition are not fully understood, but the hormones estrogen, oxytocin, and prostaglandins, as well
optimal growth, the mineral and vitamin content of human milk is nearly adequate, except for iron and vitamin as relaxin, are believed to be involved.
D. A few days before birth, progesterone levels in the maternal blood drop, possibly due to metabolic changes in
the placenta. Estrogen, unchecked by progesterone, increases the excitability of the uterine smooth muscles.
This initiates labor. Just before contractions, prostaglandins are increased in the blood. These hormones
originate from uterine glands and act on the uterine myometrium to increase its contractility. During delivery,
the passage of the fetal head, being its largest part, dilates the cervix, activating the cervical stretch receptors.
These activate a neurohormonal reflex. Sensory nerves from the cervical stretch receptors will stimulate the
hypothalamus and posterior pituitary to release the hormone oxytocin. During pregnancy, the number of
receptors for oxytocin is increased by estrogen action. Oxytocin exerts powerful contractile effects on the uterus.
The release of oxytocin increases until the head passes entirely through the cervix, and the fetus is delivered.
Oxytocin will also help to expel the "afferbirih," or placenta, which occurs shortly after the birth of the baby.
Parturition can be induced by injections of oxytocin. The hormone can also be given during labor to aid in
430 delivery. In some animals, such as the sheep, adrenal steroids from the fetus provide the signal for the onset of 431
labor. To facilitate birth, another peptide hormone, relaxin, is secreted during gestation by the corpus luteum of
pregnancy and the placenta. Relaxin will soften the cervix as well as the ligaments and joints of the pelvic SEX DETERMINATION & SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT
SEX CHROMOSOMES. In mammals, individuals are divided into male and female. The primary determinant
of the individual's gender is a genetic (chromosomal) event occurring at fertilization and regulated by two types
of combinations of the two sex chromosomes, X and Y. All normal male individuals contain, in the nuclei of
their cells, one X and one Y chromosome, in addition to 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes.
As a result of meiosis during spermatogenesis, spermatozoa may carry either an X or a Y chromosome, along
with 22 somatic chromosomes. The cells of the normal female, however, contain 22 pairs of somatic
chromosomes and one pair of X chromosomes. Thus, meiotic division of primary oocytes can give rise only to
X-chromosome-carrying eggs. At conception, fertilization of the egg by a sperm carrying an X chromosome will
result in a zygote with XX combination (female); while a Y-carrying sperm will generate the XY combination
(male). Thus, the genetic sex is determined by the father. Although X- and Y-carrying sperm are
morphologically and physiologically somewhat different, attempts to separate them have not been successful.
Also, although there should be equal numbers of these two types of sperm, for unknown reasons (possibly the
lighter weight of Y-carrying sperm) more male zygotes are presumably formed, because not only are the
majority of spontaneously aborted embryos male, but at birth males still outnumber females (107 to 100).
SEX CHROMATIN. The sex of the individual can also be determined by the presence of the Barr body in cells
of females and the F body in those of males. The Barr body, or sex chromatin, is a piece of chromatin associated
with the inactive X chromosome and easily visible near the nuclear membrane (of the two X chromosomes in
the female, one will become inactive during early embryonic development). The F body is part of the Y
chromosome that will fluoresce when treated with a special fluorescent dye.
DEVELOPMENT OF GONADS. Up to the sixth week, the embryo does not show signs of sexual
differentiation. The primordial gonad appears identical in both sexes and is sexually bipotential. In the
genetically male individual, action of a Y chromosome gene in the cells of the medulla of the primordial gonad
leads to the formation of a specific surface antigen, H-Y antigen, which will cause the destruction of the cortex
(presumptive ovary), promoting the development of the medullary zone into the embryonic testes. The Leydig
cells in the latter secrete testosterone as well as a protein substance (MRF, Mullerian regression factor).
DEVELOPMENT OF SEX ORGANS. ,The structures forming the internal genitalia (Mullerian and Wolffian
ducts) and the external genitalia are at first sexually indifferent and bipotential. In the male embryo, testosterone
will directly act on the embryonic structures, promoting development of the external genitalia. MRF promotes
regression of the Mullerian ducts (forerunners of the female internal genitalia); MRF plus testosterone will act
on the Wolffian ducts to promote the formation of the male internal genitalia. In genetic females, in the absence
of Y chromosomes and consequently of H-Y antigen, the cortical zone will develop into the embryonic ovary,
which is nonsecretory. In the absence of MRF and testosterone, the Wolffian ducts will degenerate, and the
Mullerian ducts and other structures will spontaneously form the female internal and external genitalia.
SEXUAL DIFFERENTIATION OF THE HYPOTHALAMUS. Testosterone is also responsible for
differentiation of the male type of hypothalamus, promoting a continuous (non-cyclical) mode of secretion of
FSH and LH. In the rat, this occurs during the first days of postnatal life. The differentiation of the
hypothalamus will also include induction of male sexual behavior, which will be manifested after puberty. In the
absence of testosterone (as in normal females), the hypothalamus will spontaneously develop into the female
type, showing the female regulatory mechanisms of GnRH and of FSH and LH (cyclical), as well as female
sexual behavior. It is not yet known whether, how, or when similar influences occur in humans. The actions of
sex hormones on sexual maturation during puberty are discussed in plates 122 and 144.
ABNORMALITIES OF SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT. Individuals with one genetic sex but with genitalia of the
opposite sex are called pseudohermaphrodites. If a female embryo is exposed to abnormally high levels of
androgens (e.g., from tumors of the adrenal cortex), it will develop male external genitalia and deranged internal
genitalia (female pseudohermaphroditism).
Occasionally, during meiosis of gametes, sex chromosomes are disproportionately divided between gametes,
resulting in a zygote lacking a sex chromosome or one having extra numbers. The X chromosome contains
genes that are essential for life; embryos with no X chromosomes are aborted spontaneously. Individuals with
trisomy of X chromosomes are called "superfemales" and are not abnormal. In the XO pattern (no Y
chromosome, Turner syndrome), the gonads do not develop or are abnormal, but the individual will have female
genitalia, which will not mature at puberty due to the absence of sex hormones. Body development is also
stunted or abnormal. In the XXY pattern (Kleinfelter's syndrome), which occurs commonly, testes and male
genitalia will develop, and secondary sexual characteristics may be normal, but seminiferous tubules will not
develop, making the individual sterile.
432 433
The physiologically based approaches to birth control act by preventing conception (contraception) or The sensory receptors are highly specialized cells or organs by which the nervous system detects the presence of
implantation. The simplest contraceptive approaches are withdrawal and temporary abstinence (rhythm method). and changes in the different forms of energy in the external and internal environments. The sensory receptors
In the withdrawal method, widely practiced in older cultures and developing countries, the penis is withdrawn transform these various forms of energy into a unitary language (i.e., action potentials, which are then sent to the
shortly before orgasm, allowing for external ejaculation. This is not a safe (i.e., effective) method. CNS). Each sensory receptor is equipped with parts that confer its ability to detect the stimulus and to transduce
RHYTHM METHOD. In temporary abstinence (rhythm or "symptothermal" method), vaginal intercourse is (translate) the physical energy into nerve signals. For example, the skin's Pacinian corpuscle is sensitive to
avoided during the period when the female is most fertile. The method is based on the timing of ovulation and indentation in the skin, which is detected by the corpuscle's capsule and transmitted as waves of mechanical
the survival period of sperm and egg within the female genitalia. Time of ovulation can be estimated by deformation to the nerve ending in the corpuscle core. The nerve ending transduces the pressure into an
measuring basal body temperature every morning before leaving bed. 1-2 days after ovulation, there occurs a electrical depolarization, which activates the attached sensory nerve.
rise of about 0.5°C (1 °F)~ believed to be associated with the metabolic effects of progesterone from the corpus The physical world around us contains numerous forms of energy, not all of which we are able to detect. The
luteum. Time of ovulation can also be checked approximately by daily examination of cervical mucus. The detectable ones are classified into the categories of mechanical, chemical, thermal, and photic (light) energies.
mucus becomes increasingly thin and distensible under the influence of preovulation estrogen. It is thinnest at The body may have one or more types of sensory receptors to deal with any one kind of these energy forms.
ovulation and dries in a fernlike arborizing pattern if spread thinly on a glass slide. After ovulation, the mucus Some receptors, like those in the skin, are modified dendrites. In the eye's photoreceptors, much of the cell is
becomes thick and indistensible in response to progesterone and no longer forms such a pattern upon drying. modified for detection and transduction of light rays. Some receptor cells (such as the skin and smell receptors)
Freshly ovulated eggs are mature, but within 1-2 days can age and become overripe, unable to be fertilized. act as independent single sensory units. In other cases, the receptors are housed as organized masses of cells
Sperm may survive 3-4 days in the female genitalia, particularly those stored in the cervical mucosa. Thus, to within a sensory organ (such as the eye's retina). The structural integrity of the retina as a whole is essential for
avoid conception, sperm must not be deposited in the vagina for at least 4 days before and 3 days after form perception and other spatial functions.
ovulation, the remaining time of the monthly period constituting a relatively safe period. Based on the energy form to which they respond, sensory receptors are classified as mechanoreceptors,
MECHANICAL/CHEMICAL BARRIERS. One way to prevent sperm from reaching the egg is the use of chemoreceptors, thermoreceptors, nociceptors, and photoreceptors. Most of these are described further in the
mechanical barriers. The condom, a nonporous sheath made of rubber or gut, is a device used to cover the penis, appropriate plates along with the sense they serve. Here a general description of the different functional
preventing sperm deposition within the vagina. A diaphragm is a plastic domeshaped object placed deep in the categories will be given.
vagina to block the passage of deposited sperm into the cervix. Similar in operation to the diagragm, but more MECHANORECEPTORS. The mechanoreceptors make up the most diverse group of sensory receptors. Found
secure, is the cervical cap, a plastic object made to fit tightly over the cervical protrusion into the vagina. in the skin, muscles, joints and the visceral organs, they are sensitive to mechanical deformation of the tissue
Chemical spermicides containing acidic or other specific antisperm substances designed to destroy sperm in the and cell membranes. This deformation can arise in various ways, including indentation, stretch, and hair
vagina can be applied in the form of creams, gels, foams, or douches usually before intercourse. Diaphragms movement. The skin receptors include the largest variety of mechanoreceptors. Many of the sensory nerve
should be used in conjunction with spermicide foams or gels for added protection. endings encapsulated in a fibrous (connective tissue) covering are believed to be mechanoreceptors.
IUDs. It is known that the presence of a foreign body in the uterus will inhibit pregnancy. IUDs (intrauterine Opinions differ regarding the types of cutaneous (skin) mechanoreceptors that carry out the various modalities
devices) have been developed to exploit this response. An IUD is a thin plastic or copper wire shaped in the of skin sensation. Apparently, light (fine) touch is detected by the superficially located receptors, such as the
form of a T, a loop, or a coil placed for long periods in the uterine cavity. The mechanism by which IUDs Meissner's corpuscle, Merkel's disk, and the nerve plexi found around the roots of skin hairs, hair root plexi.
prevent pregnancy is not completely understood, but interference with implantation of the young embryo in the Crude touch and pressure may be detected by the deeper receptors, such as the Krause's endbulb, Ruffini's
endometrium is widely suspected. ending, and the Pacinian corpuscle. Changes in the muscle length/tension are detected by stretch receptors in the
VASECTOMY/TUBAL LIGATION. An effective way to prevent the meeting of sperm and egg is surgical muscle spindle; changes in the tendon length/tension are detected by the Golgi tendon organ. Specialized
sterilization, which involves cutting and tying the uterine tubes in women (tubal ligation) or the vas deferens in receptors in the joints signal changes in the joint or limb displacement and position in space (joint receptors,
men (vasectomy). In sterilized women, the ligated portion will prevent passage of the egg as well as of sperm, kinesthetic receptors).
but all hormonal and other aspects of sexual physiology are intact. In vasectomized men, sperm production and More specialized mechanical receptors containing hair cells (cells with a modified cilia) are found in the inner
androgen secretion are normal, but the ejaculate contains seminal plasma only. The sperm emerging from the ear. Movement of the ciliary hair deforms the cell membrane, activating the hair cell. These hair cells are found
epididymis accumulate behind the ligated vas, where they age. After death, the sperm are phagocytized by in the cochlea (hearing organ), where they respond to mechanical waves generated by sounds, and in the
macrophages. vestibular apparatus (balance organ), where they respond to fluid mechanical waves caused by head movements.
THE "PILL". One oral contraceptive method is the "pill," which is based on the negative-feedback effect of Walls of many visceral organs contain stretch receptors that signal distension. The baroreceptors in the walls of
female sex steroids on the hypothalamus-pituitary axis. In a typical situation, a woman takes one pill per day for certain arteries (carotid and aorta) are well known examples. These are sensitive to changes in the distension of
21 days, beginning with the fifth day of menstruation. These pills contain small amounts of a synthetic the arterial wall caused by changes in blood pressure.
estrogenlike compound and larger amounts of a synthetic progesteronelike compound. In the body, these THERMORECEPTORS AND NOCICEPTORS. The sensations of warmth and cold are conveyed by
substances mimic the effects of natural estrogen and progesterone hormones. However, because their levels in thermoreceptors, which are probably free nerve endings in the skin. Other specialized types of free nerve
the blood are suddenly raised from the first day the pill is taken, the hypothalamus-pituitary axis, sensing high endings (nociceptors) respond to stimuli that cause pain. Certain neurons in the brain hypothalamus are also
amounts of the "hormone," will shut off GnRH, FSH, and LH levels, a response similar to that occurring during sensitive to changes in blood temperature.
early pregnancy. In the absence of FSH and LH, follicular development and ovum maturation, as well as CHEMORECEPTORS. Numerous sensory stimuli of a chemical nature are detected by a variety of
ovulation, will not occur (as in pregnancy), making fertilization extremely unlikely. Meanwhile, the estrogenlike chemoreceptors. Thus, olfactory receptor cells in the nose detect environmental odors. Taste receptor cells in the
and progesteronelike substances in the pill promote endometrial proliferation and secretion (not a purpose but a tongue's taste buds detect certain substances in food that may be advantageous (sweets, salts) or harmful (bitter
side effect). A day or two after a woman stops taking the pill, the endometrium, losing its support, will slough substances) for the body. Other types of internal chemoreceptors detect changes in the physiologically important
off and bleed, resulting in menstruation. Women desiring pregnancy can regain their normal cycles within one blood substances. For example, sensor cells in the carotid and aortic bodies detect oxygen, certain hypothalamic
to several months after discontinuing the pill. However, pregnancy within the first 1-3 months is not encouraged osmoreceptors regulate blood osmolarity by detecting blood sodium levels, and other hypothalamic receptors
because of the possibility of multiple ovulation and pregnancy that may occur due to excessive rebound (glucoreceptors) detect blood glucose levels.
secretion of pituitary gonadotropins. PHOTORECEPTORS. The retina, the nervous part of the eye, contains photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) that
Gossypol, a cottonseed oil compound, is under study in China as a reversible male chemical contraceptive. It is can detect light energy. The visible light rays make up a specific band in the spectrum of electromagnetic wave
believed to inhibit spermatogenesis reversibly by inactivating the spermatids. energy Rods, being more abundant and more sensitive, serve in peripheral and night vision; cones work only in
daylight and can detect red, blue, and green colors (specific wavelengths of light).
434 435
In humans, the parathyroid glands are four small bodies, each the size of a lentil, embedded in the superior and
inferior poles of thyroid tissue, although there are no anatomic or physiologic connections between the thyroid The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located in the neck, anterior and
and parathyroids. Two types of cells are found in the parathyroid gland: chief and oxyphil. The chief cells, in lateral to the larynx. it receives a rich blood supply and secretes two closely related
response to a decrease in the level of calcium ions (Ca++) in plasma, secrete the parathyroid hormone, which hormones, thyroxine (T4, tetra-iodothyronine) and tri-iodothyronine (T3). These
acts on bone and the kidneys to elevate the plasma calcium level. The function of oxyphil cells is not well hormones are the only iodine-containing substances of physiologic importance in the
understood. body.
IMPORTANCE OF CALCIUM IONS. Plasma calcium ions are critically important in the physiology of
excitable cells (nerve and muscle), contraction of the heart, clotting of blood and several other functions.
Calcium levels are intricately regulated by complex hormonal mechanisms. The normal level of plasma calcium ACTIONS OF T4 AND T3. Thyroid hormones regulate the body's metabolic rate.
in humans and other mammals is 10 mg/ 100 cc of plasma. A marked reduction below the critical limits They increase metabolic rate (oxygen consumption) and heat-production in the
(hypocalcemia) increases the excitability of nerve fibers and muscles but decreases the release of heart, muscle, visceral tissues, but not in the brain, lymphatics, and testes. This
neurotransmitters at the synapses and neuromuscular junction. The net result of hypocalcemia is spasmic calorigenic action of thyroid hormones is critical for adaptation of animals and human
contractions in muscles (tetany). A characteristic clinical sign seen in humans with hypocalcemic tetany is the
Trousseau's sign, (i.e., flexion of the wrist and thumb with extension of the fingers). Spasms of respiratory
infants to environmental cold and heat, but it plays a lesser role in adult humans.
muscles interfere with respiration and can be fatal. Such problems are usually produced after surgical removal of Thyroid hormones have profound effects on body growth and development. By
the thyroid tissue, if the parathyroids have been inadvertently removed. In experimental animals, removal of the promoting protein synthesis in numerous tissues, including soft (muscle) and hard
parathyroid gland leads, within four hours, to a marked reduction in plasma calcium levels and eventually to (bone), they ensure appropriate differentiation and growth. The most critical action in
death unless calcium is given by infusion. this regard is on the brain and nervous tissue (see below). Thyroid hormones act
HORMONAL REGULATION OF CALCIUM. Three hormones participate in the regulation of plasma calcium:
parathyroid hormone (parathormone) from the parathyroid gland, calcitonin from the thyroid and calcitriol from synergistically with growth hormone and may be necessary for the synthesis of GH
the kidney. The role of parathormone is central and most important. The level of plasma calcium is monitored in the pituitary.
by specific detectors, "calcium receptors," present in chief cells of the parathyroid. When the calcium level Thyroid hormones affect heart and blood vessel functions, such as increasing heart
decreases below a set limit, these detectors signal the release of parathormone, which acts directly on bone and rate and contractility and vascular responsiveness to catecholamines. These effects
the kidneys and indirectly on intestinal mucosa to raise the calcium level. The elevated calcium level then exerts tend to increase blood pressure. Thyroid hormones also affect brain function and
negative feedback action on the parathyroid to depress the secretion of parathormone. The interaction between
plasma calcium and parathormone is an example of efficient negative feedback regulation by hormones without
behaviour, possibly by enhancing the actions of catecholamines on the nervous
the involvement of the nervous system. tissue.
In chronic cases of depressed calcium levels, as in rickets or kidney diseases, or in certain physiological
conditions when calcium utilization is intensive, such as pregnancy or lactation, parathyroid glands increase in CONTROL OF THYROID. The synthesis and release of thyroid hormones are under
size (hypertrophy) in response to the prolonged hypocalcemic stimulation. The hypertrophied parathyroid is the control of a pituitary hormone, thyrotropin (TSH). TSH not only promotes
more sensitive to reduction in calcium levels and secretes parathormone more efficiently, so that a 1 % decrease
in calcium results in a 100% increase in parathormone concentration.
hormonal synthesis and secretion by the thyroid, but can lead to increased cell
Parathormone acts on bone tissue, increasing resorption of calcium from the bone matrix and elevating calcium number (hyperplasia) and size (hypertrophy) of the gland. This condition is referred
levels in the plasma. The mechanism of action of parathormone on bone tissue appears to work at two levels. to as a goiter. The secretion of TSH is regulated by direct negative-feedback effects
The principal one is to stimulate osteoclasts. These bone cells digest the bone matrix, increasing the level of of circulating thyroxine on the pituitary as well as by the stimulating effect of TRH
calcium ions in the fluid of the matrix. This calcium is then exchanged with plasma. There may even be an (thyrotropin-releasing hormone) from the hypothalamus. Increased plasma levels of
increase in the number of osteoclasts. A more rapid action that elevates calcium levels in minutes is the
pumping of calcium from a readily available pool in the bone fluid to the plasma. This transport occurs across
thyroid hormones can act directly on the pituitary and diminish TSH release, and vice
an extensive membrane system separating the bone fluid from the extracellular fluid (plasma). These versa. The brain also exerts control on pituitary TSH by changing the rate of release
membranes are formed by the processes of osteocytes and osteoblasts (see plate 115 for bone structure). of TRH, usually in response to environmental stresses such as heat and cold. A rise
Parathormone also increases plasma calcium by increasing the renal tubular reabsorption of this ion. However, a in TRH increases TSH levels, leading to greater secretion of thyroid hormones.
more effective action of parathormone in this connection is the increase in the renal excretion of phosphate
(HP04 -) ions (phosphaturia). Usually, the product of calcium and phosphate ion concentrations in plasma is
constant. Thus, a decrease in phosphate concentration would lead to an increase in calcium concentration. '
CALCITRIOL AND VITAMIN D. Parathyroid hormone increases calcium absorption in the small intestine by comprised of numerous follicles. Each follicle consists of a single row of follicular
enhancing the effects of vitamin D on intestinal mucosa. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) can be obtained in the cells (thyroid epithelial cells) surrounding a cavity (lumen) filled with a colloidal sub-
diet or produced from cholesterol in the skin in the presence of ultraviolet radiation in sunlight. To become stance, the colloid. The colloid is the storehouse of a special large protein,
active, vitamin D3 must first be converted in the liver to calcidiol and then in the kidney to calcitriol. Calcitriol thyroglobulin, which is synthesized by thyroid cells and secreted into the lumen to
is much more active than vitamin D. Parathormone is necessary for the formation of calcitriol in the kidney.
Calcitriol stimulates the intestinal epithelium to synthesize more carrier protein molecules for calcium transport,
participate in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Blood capillaries run through the
thus elevating plasma calcium levels. Calcitriol further enhances the action of parathormone on bone cells. space between the thyroid follicles.
CALCITONIN. Calcitonin is a hormone secreted by the parafollicular C cells of the thyroid. It is secreted in The iodide in the blood is pumped actively into thyroid cells and is then rapidly
response to an increase in the plasma calcium level. Within minutes, calcitonin acts to reduce the calcium level, transported into the colloid. There, enzymes catalyze the oxidation of iodide into
by decreasing bone resorption by inhibiting the activity of osteoclasts and stimulating the function of iodine. The iodine is attached to the tyrosine (amino acid) residues in the thyro-
osteoblasts: Calcitonin is very important in growing children because bone growth requires inhibition of bone
resorption and stimulation of bone deposition. Calcitonin is also important during pregnancy and lactation, when
globulin. Further chemical reactions involving tyrosine residues result in synthesis of
436 it helps protect maternal bones from the excess calcium loss initiated by parathormone. thyroxine and Tg. Pinocytotic vesicles on the apical cell surfaces (the colloid border) 437
then reabsorb pieces of the colloid, containing the hormone, and bring them into the
thyroid cells, where they are united with lysosomes. The lysosomes help release the THE EYE’S OPTICAL FUNCTION
hormone from the protein. The free hormone diffuses to the basal surface of the
The eye is a complex sensory organ designed to perform both optical functions for image formation and nervous
thyroid cell and is secreted into the blood. In the blood, thyroid hormones bind with functions for photic transduction, image analysis, and image transmission to the brain. The eye's optical
special blood proteins (thyroidbinding-globulins, TBG), which carry them to the target apparatus forms and maintains sharp focus of an object's image on the retina, the eye's nervous part.
tissues. There they are liberated, entering target cells to exert their actions. Photoreceptors on the retina convert the incident photons into nerve signals and transmit them via integrative
neural elements to the brain's visual centers. In this plate, we study the eye's optical structures and functions.
HYPERTHYROIDISM AND HYPOTHYROIDISM. Excessive secretion of thyroid IMAGE FORMATION BY THE EYE'S COMPOUND LENS SYSTEM. The eye's optical function is to refract
(bend) light rays emitted from objects to form sharp images of them onto the retina. The objects may be as
hormones (hyperthyroidism) is often associated with an autoimmune disease simple as a point light source (a small distant candle) or as complex as two- or three-dimensional objects (lines,
(Graves' disease), in which an antibody against TSH receptors on the thyroid cells is circles, cubes, or more complex bodies such as a bird in flight). The images on the retina are always smaller than
produced in the body, pathologically stimulating the thyroid cells. Hyperthyroid the objects. Indeed, in the human fovea (a small patch of retina in the eye's posterior pole), where spatial vision
individuals have a high BMR (up to +100%). The enhanced heat production depletes is highly developed, image size is always less than 1 mm! An image falling onto the retinal surface produces
energy reserves (liver glycogen and body fat) leading to wasting and thinness. These neural signals on a mosaic of photoreceptors in different retinal spots. The retina then sends this twodimensional
map of signals to the brain, where they are used to reconstruct three-dimensional images that we perceive.
individuals are also irritable and nervous, and show increased cardiovascular and Light rays pass through several transparent media in the eye before they stimulate the retina's photoreceptors.
respiratory activities. Pro truding eyeballs (exophthalmus) is one of the signs of These media help refract and converge the rays so that the image falling on the retinal surface is smaller than the
hyperthyroidism. Some individuals develop goiters. The follicular cells become real object. The first of these media is the cornea, which because of its higher density (compared to air) and its
enlarged, and the colloid appears depleted. curved surface, refracts the rays inward. Next the rays pass through the aqueous humor, a viscous fluid in the
In infants and children, thyroid deficiency (hypothyroidism) results in the syndrome of eye's anterior chamber (between the lens and cornea).
The eye's crystalline lens acts like a biconvex glass lens. Parallel rays (i.e., from more than 6 m [20 ft]) entering
cretinism. Cretins are dwarfed and mentally retarded due to growth deficiency in the the lens periphery are refracted inward, converging on a focal point behind the lens and along its optical axis, a
brain. They have potbellies, small mandibles, large tongues, and short necks. straight line passing through the lens center. The focal distance (i.e., the distance between the focal point and the
Cretinism can be due to maternal iodine deficiency or congenital absence, or lens) is fixed in a glass lens. For the normal human lens, this distance varies (see below), being about 16 mm at
abnormalities, of thyroid. Cretinism can be largely prevented (reversed) by thyroid rest. Behind the lens there is one last transparent medium, the gel-like vitreous humor, which helps keep the
hormone replacement therapy if the treatment is begun from birth or during the early eyeball's spherical shape. Because of the lens's biconvexity, the image formed on the retina is inversed. The
brain inverts this image so that our mental images are right side up.
neonatal period. ABNORMAL IMAGE FORMATION. The study of the eye's abnormal optical performance is helpful for a
In adults, hypothyroidism results in the syndrome of myxedema. Myxedemic better understanding of the normal focusing mechanisms. Two kinds of abnormalities are usually encountered:
individuals have diminished BMR (down to -40%), thick skin and puffy face (edema), those caused by the eyeball's structural deformation and those caused by the lens' rigidity. If the eyeball is too
husky voice, and coarse hair. They are slow in physical and mental activities and long and elipsoid (myopia), the focal point falls in front of the retina, causing visual images to appear blurred. In
may exhibit deranged mental behavior. Besides disorders of the thyroid, pituitary or order to see clearly, the viewer needs to bring the object nearer to the eye (nearsightedness). This condition can
be corrected by placing biconcave lenses in front of the eye. They diverge the light rays before they enter the
hypothalamic failures mad also be responsible for hypothyroidism. eye, in effect bringing the object closer. If the eyeball is too short (hyperopia), the focal point falls behind the
retina. People with this affliction see distant objects better (farsightedness). This condition is corrected by using
a biconvex lens that converges the light rays before they pass through the eye, in effect moving the object
farther away. Another type of optical abnormality occurring with aging that seriously interferes with near-vision
is related to the loss of lens elastically (see below).
OCULAR RESPONSE IN NEAR-VISION. The lens is held by ligaments attached to the ciliary muscles. When
the ciliary muscles contract, the ligaments loosen, releasing tension on the lens; the lens, being elastic, relaxes,
assuming a more spherical shape. This decreases the lens' focal distance. Relaxation of the ciliary muscles pulls
on the ligaments, which in turn increases tension on the lens, making it flatter and increasing the lens focal
distance. Therefore, in order to form sharp images of distant objects on the retina, the ciliary muscle relax to
flatten the lens; for near objects, the muscles contract to increase the lens' curvature.
The lens' ability to change curvature for sharp focusing is called accommodation. During childhood and early
maturity, the lens is elastic and accommodates well. With aging, the crystalline lens hardens, decreasing its
elasticity and accommodation power. Indeed, by their early fifties, both men and women have totally lost their
capacity for accommodation (presbyopia), a condition requiring the use of biconvex corrective lenses for near-
vision actions such as reading.
Accommodation also involves changes in the pupil size. The circular pupil is a hole formed by a ring of smooth
muscles called the iris. Contraction of the iris sphincter muscles constricts the pupil; that of the dilator muscles
widens it. The pupil has two functions. One is in the light reflex. When exposed to bright light, the pupil
constricts to permit less light to enter the eye. In the dark, the pupil dilates to allow in more light. Another
pupillary function occurs during near-vision responses. When the eyes shift from looking at a far object to a near
one, the pupil constricts. This pupillary constriction response increases the depth of visual field, like a pinhole,
permitting sharp focus and clear vision of near objects. Because the two eyes converge during the near-vision
response, the pupillary constriction occurring in this is also called the convergence response.
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STRUCTURE AND NEURONS OF THE RETINA. The retina is the eye's neural part. It consists of five cell
types, three of which compose the retina's three main layers: the outermost photoreceptor cell (PR-cell) layer,
the middle bipolar cell (BPcell) layer, and the innermost ganglion cell (G-cell) layer. Two other cell types, the
horizontal cells and the amacrine cells, are found adjacent to the PR-cell and G-cell layers, respectively. The
retina covers most of the eye's inner surface, and its structure is fairly uniform throughout except in two small
but very important areas; the blind spot and the fovea (see below).
The only cells sensitive to light, photoreceptors are located in the outermost zone of the retina so that the light
rays must pass through all retinal layers before striking them. Externally, the PR-cells are apposed to the
nonneural pigment cells, which contain the black pigment melanin. Melanin makes the interior of the eye black
(as in a camera), preventing back reflection of light. PR-cells transduce the light energy into conductance
changes in their membranes. Depolarization of the membrane excites postsynaptic BP-cells, which in turn
synaptically influence the G-cells. When G-cells fire action potentials, PR-cell states are communicated to the
brain via G-cell axons. These axons congregate toward the optic disk, a point in the back of the eye, where they
coalesce to form the optic nerve, which leaves the eye toward the brain. A lack of photoreceptors in the optic
disk makes it insensitive to light (hence, the blind spot).
Horizontal cells both modulate the activity of neighboring PR-cells and influence the interaction of PR-cells
with BPcells. Amacrine cells modulate the activity of the neighboring G-cells and their interaction with BP-
cells. Interestingly, retinal neurons, except the G-cells, do not fire action potentials (nerve impulses); instead,
they produce slow, graded potentials (nerve signals) that electrotonically stimulate or inhibit other cells.
RODS AND CONES. There are two kinds of PR-cells, rods and cones. Rods are much more abundant than
cones, are very sensitive to light, and function in dim light (night vision). The eyes of nocturnal animals contain
mainly rods. Cones require more light for activation, are sensitive to colors, and function best in day vision.
Different parts of the retina contain different concentrations of rods and cones. Rods are found mainly in the
retinal periphery; cones are heavily concentrated in the fovea. There are also more G-cells per unit area of fovea;
these provide direct private channels (nearly one cone to one G-cell) for communication between cones and
brain cells. In the retinal periphery, the receptor-neuron ratio is very high (100 rods to 1 G-cell) to increase G-
cell light sensitivity. Because of these structural adaptations, the fovea is used for day vision, color vision, and
vision requiring great visual acuity, such as reading small print. Indeed, when inspecting an object carefully, the
eyes move such that the fovea is placed directly along the eye's optical axis. In contrast, the retinal periphery is
ideal for night vision, being so sensitive that candlelight can be seen 10 miles away. MOLECULAR
PHYSIOLOGY OF PHOTORECEPTION. Rods are the only sensory receptors that are not depolarized by
sensory stimulation; instead, they are hyperpolarized. We will see the function of this hyperpolarization shortly.
How does light cause hyperpolarization? In the dark, sodium ions continuously enter the rods via sodium
channels. The influx of sodium ions maintains the cell in a depolarized state. Light causes the sodium channels
to close, making the inside less depolarized (i.e., hyperpolarized). How does light close the sodium channels?
In their outer zone, rods contain numerous membranous disks, each including millions of molecules of
rhodopsin, the photoreceptor molecule (visual purple). Rhodopsin is a membrane-bound protein consisting of a
protein, opsin, and a light-sensitive pigment, retinal (retinaldehyde, retinine). Retinal has a hydrocarbon chain
that, in its "11-cis" position, enables the retinal to bind with opsin. Light photons cause the chain to switch to the
"traps" position. This event, called the light reaction, cause the breakdown of rhodopsin into opsin and retinal.
This separation activates another part of rhodopsin, which works as an enzyme, stimulating a cascade of
reactions leading to a decrease in the concentration of an intracellular messenger, cyclic-GMP (a relative of
cyclic AMP). This decrease in messenger concentration closes the sodium channels, hyperpolarizing the rod
membrane. The phototransduction mechanism is so sensitive and effective that the human visual system can
detect, under proper conditions, a single quantum of light impinging on the retina! DARK ADAPTATION.
Looking at a highly illuminated white sheet for some time markedly but temporarily reduces vision. closing the
eyes regains vision. The excess light decomposes rhodopsin, diminishing its supply and reducing vision. In the
dark, rhodopsin slowly reforms by recombination of opsin with vitamin A, the oxidized form of retinal. During
this dark adaptation, retinal sensitivity gradually but markedly increases (100,000 times in 30 min.). Vitamin A
deficiency can lead to night blindness (inability to see in dim light). INHIBITION AND EXCITATION
AMONG CELLS IN THE RETINA. Objects in the visual fields are a collection of light and dark points, each of
which correspondingly forms light and dark point images on the retina. How does the retina inform the brain of
this mosaic of light and dark spots? A highly simplified scheme may be as follows: In the dark, rods are
depolarized; this activates the inhibitory BP-cells, which in turn inhibit the G-cells. Inhibited G-cells send no
messages to the brain, indicating darkness. In the light, hyperpolarized rods no longer activate the inhibitory BP-
440 cells. The G-cells, relieved from inhibition, send nerve impulses to the brain, indicating light. 441
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