Wedding Vows Renewal

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Prayer to the Holy Family

Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

in you we contemplate
the splendor of true love;
to you we turn with trust.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
grant that our families too
may be places of communion and prayer,
authentic schools of the Gospel
and small domestic churches.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
may families never again experience
violence, rejection and division;
may all who have been hurt or scandalized
find ready comfort and healing.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
make us once more mindful
of the sacredness and inviolability of the family,
and its beauty in God’s plan.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Graciously hear our prayer.

Prayer composed by Pope Francis and offered

on the feast of the Holy Family, Dec. 29, 2013.

Renewal of Wedding Vows

30001 4-16
Celebrating our Catholic Marriages and Families V
/ In sickness and in health?
Father’s Day is an important time to celebrate and promote the role of fatherhood R/ I do.
within the Christian family. Fathers, by their word and example, pass on the faith
and reflect the image of God the Father within their homes. Christian marriages V
/ Do you promise to love him and honor him all the days of your life?
reflect the relationship between Christ and the Church and have the Holy Family R/ I do.
as their primary model.
/ Lord God and Creator, we bless and praise your name. In the beginning
As devoted Catholics, members of the Knights of Columbus nourish, support you made man and woman, so that they might enter a communion of
and strengthen Catholic family life through parish-based programs and charitable life and love. You likewise blessed the union of these married couples, so
works. Today, our parish’s Knights of Columbus council invites each couple that they might reflect the union of Christ with his Church. Look with
present to affirm their wedding vows. We hope that by doing so you and your kindness on them today. Amid the joys and struggles of their life you have
spouse will again experience the grace received on your wedding day, when you preserved the union between them. Renew their marriage covenant.
gave witness to the union of Christ and the Church. We pray that your marriage Increase your love in them and strengthen their bond of peace, so that
continues to be strengthened through the example of the Holy Family and the surrounded by their children they may always rejoice in the gift of your
love that comes from Christ. blessing. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

During or immediately following the liturgy all couples will be invited to affirm their BLESSING OF MARRIED COUPLES
wedding vows in a simple and solemn ceremony. The celebrant will invite couples to
stand together in their pews or to gather at an appropriate place in front of the V
/ Husbands and wives, please bow your heads for the blessing.
May God the eternal Father keep you of one heart in love for one another
that the peace of Christ may dwell in you and abide always in your home.
/ Dear brothers and sisters, on your wedding day you joined your lives in an R/ Amen.
unbreakable bond through the Sacrament of Matrimony. I invite you now
to join your right hands and renew the promises you made to one another. V
/ May you be blessed in your children, have solace in your friends and enjoy
true peace with everyone.
And so I remind you, husbands, that by the Lord’s goodness you took this R/ Amen.
woman to be your wife. Do you affirm your promise to be true to her in
good times and in bad? V
/ May you be witnesses in the world to God’s charity, so that the afflicted
R/ I do. and needy who have known your kindness may one day receive you
thankfully into the eternal dwelling of God.
/ In sickness and in health? R/ Amen.
R/ I do.
/ And may almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the
/ Do you promise to love her and honor her all the days of your life? Holy Spirit.
R/ I do. R/ Amen.
/ And so I remind you, wives, that by the Lord’s goodness you took this
man to be your husband. Do you affirm your promise to be true to him Vows of renewal and blessing adapted from the Roman Missal, Third Edition.
in good times and in bad? Prayers modified from the Prayer of Blessing of a Married Couple, Book of
Blessings (1989).
R/ I do.

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