Personal Development Plan Templates: Fhai-Almar Abedin Matitik

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Personal Development Plan Templates

Fhai-Almar Abedin Matitik
What: My Personal Development Goals

Consider the competencies that represent great performance in your current role and/or a role to
which you aspire—e.g. as a student, as a daughter, as a working student, etc. Based on feedback
from your peers and/or other colleagues, select at least two (2) areas in which you would like to
develop in. You may focus only on your current role, or you might select one (1) area that applies
to your current role and one (1) area that is more aspirational. Write specific goals describing
how/what you want to change or improve specifically this semester.

Ask yourself: What can I do differently (or better) that would make the greatest positive impact in
my current role? What development priorities will give me the greatest leverage in improving my
individual leadership and performance?

Goal 1
My first goal is to finish my study through this it have a big positive impact in my own
development and my career and I can work to gain money so that I can obtain my own dreams.
Through this education I can gain experience how to manage a group and how to be a
responsible leader that have a good plan that can help their member and accepting the idea of
his member.

Goal 2
Second goal is to attend a seminars about leadership because it gives you an advice in a
certain problem or a tips how to be a responsible leader and to obtain a certificate

Goal 3
My last goal to improve my individual leadership is to test my self-confidence like applying
work/job because it can help to accept your mistake and to meet other people that test your
self-confidence because this a tool to be a good leader through this I can suggest my idea so
that it will not stock in my head or I can express my own thought about to our project and I
able to support my family to use my money in proper way.

How: Action Steps I Will Take to Meet My Development Goals

Identify what you need to stop doing, start doing and keep doing. These short-term actions will
contribute directly to your long-term goals i.e. career goals.

1. Plan your actions.

Implement something every day. What What new behavior will I try? Where will I push
situations, people, or events signal that right my comfort zone?

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now is the time to change my


Every time I see the following situations: …I will take the following actions:
I help him to Finish it in short of time to proceed to
1. Every time I see my mother washing so other work.
many dishes.
I will take her topic and explain to her what is it all
2. Every time I see my sister that can’t about and if she not understand clearly I state a good
understand her topic or to solve a problem. example so that she can understand
I will take her work so that she can rest and if I finish
3. Every time I see that my mother can’t finish her work I massage her to reduce her back pain.
her work because she have a back pain.
I will take the responsible of my sister so that if mom
4. Every time I see that the house is so messy. will go home she will be happy because our house is
clean so that my mother can rest.
I will add an idea about their topic so that our group
5. Every time I see my member can’t explain will not fail.
their topic clearly

How: Action Steps I Will Take to Meet My Development Goals

2. Anticipate obstacles.

WATCH OUT: What barriers can I identify which might hinder me in pursuing my development
goals? How can I overcome these barriers?

Obstacle/Barrier Solution

1. Self -confidence To overcome this obstacle is to gain experience so that

It will improve your self-confidence so don’t be shy to

Express your idea because there is no wrong opinion.

2. Communication To overcome this obstacle try look to mirror imagine

That you are in front of so many people think a good

Memory to reduce your nervous and always do this and

apply it in person.

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3. Leverage strengths.

HINT: I have great strengths upon which to draw from. Which of my strengths can I leverage to
help me achieve my development goals?

Strength How will it help me achieve my goals?

Through this strength I will not easily angry because I
1.Patient have patient I will try my best until I succeed.

Kind is a tool to success because if you are kind person

2.Kind some other person that you help or a person that you
have shown a kindness to them they can help in near
future we can’t predict the destiny of other.

Praying can help you most of the time because God

3.Faith in God never sleep if you pray to God and having a faith and
being sincere there will be a rewards that can help like
achieving your goal and dream,

Who: Resources and Support for Achieving My Goals

How will I draw on my family, peers, and others to track my progress, gather advice and feedback
and support my learning?
I always tell to my family about my situation and I ask them how I solve this problem and they give
an advice so that I can solve my problems.

Who will I ask to support me? Who do I know who already possesses the competencies I want to
My parents is always supporting me they pay my bill in school they give me money to make my
projects to pass in school and get my diploma. They already know my plan that I want to build be-
because when I was a child that if I grow I want to be a manager so that they already know.

With whom should I share my development plan?

I can share my development plan to my parents for them to know what is my plan in near future so
that it can help me to fix some not good in my plan and give a advice for me so that it will improve
my plan.

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When did I begin taking actions to meet my goals?

Its start when I was in high school it is my first certificate that I’ve been receive and years after I’ve
been receiving an award so that it can reach my goals if I will continue this attitude.

When did I start to see significant progress? (Milestone commitments)

First is I don’t know my progress but few days after getting my first certificate I realized that is the
result of my hardworking ,that day I start to see significant progress that can make meet my goals in

How did my learnings influence me?

My learning have a big help to me to meet my goals like participating a contest it can test my brain
If I have learn a knowledge for the past years in school through this contest I can apply it to get a
certificate ,to motivate me and to get experience.

What was the impact of meeting my development goals in my life?
It gives me a big impact in my development because meeting your goals can reduce your stress and
then you realize that your hardworking is have a big progress that help you to achieve most of your
goals but sometimes meeting goals have a positive and negative impact so I need to be careful the
decision I make.
How did I celebrate every time I meet my goals?
Every time I achieve my goals I list down my achievement in my list book so that I will know that
the I have a progress in my goals before I make a new goals I will always finish the past of my goals
so I can go to the next goals that is how I celebrate meeting my goals.

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Personal Development Plan
(Fhai-Almar Abedin Matitik)

Assess Your Current State

List your top five (5) skills (things that you do well):
1. Example—Knowledge of accounting
2. Playing Guitar
3. Cooking traditional food
4. Fixing appliances
5. Electric wirings

List the five (5) values most important to you:

1. Example—Trust
2. Kind
3. Helpful
4. Patient
5. Faith to God

List your top five (5) strengths:

(To validate your list, ask yourself if family, friends, or coworkers would agree?)
1. Example—Good listener—family and friends tell me
2. Patient –friends and my family tell me
3. Good leader- friends and my co students always tell me
4. Faith in God- family and friends tell me
5. Kind person- family and friends tell me

List your five (5) areas that most need improvement:

(To validate your list, ask yourself if family, friends or coworkers would agree?)
1. Example—Staying focused—co-workers tell me I often wander
2. Self-confidence - my family tell me
3. Communication - my friends always tell me that I am a quite person
4. Leadership- be a responsible leaders my family always tell me
5. Accepting ideas of others- my friends told to accept ideas of others

List five (5) priority interests:

1. Example—Social media
2. Music
3. Computer coding
4. Cooking
5. Gaming

List five (5) priority wants:

1. Example—More time to read
2. Studying
3. Playing guitar to arranged my own melody
4. Reading history books
5. Having permanent work
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Identify Areas of Opportunities

Example—Greater efficiency, accomplish more with less effort
Achieving more certificates, obtain a diploma, to have permanent work
What is your long-term goal?
Example—Bar Owner
Hotel Owner
Manager of a Company
What areas do your friends and colleagues see as opportunities?
1. Example—Exercise—Join a fitness club or group
2. Contest – show their skill
3. Seminars –gain more information
4. School-to achieve my dream
5. Social media – Nowadays you can make money through internet

What organizations, clubs, or areas of interest look exciting and/or filled with potential?
How can you learn more?
1. Example—Book club—Talk to Armi Anne, who has experience with book clubs.
2. Music club – by knowing chords of specific instrument I can learn more.
3. History club – reading a history about past I can learn more about our history.
4. Science club –advance reading the book of science for me to understand the laws of kinetic and
gravitational force
5. Computer club –through I can make my own website, I can learn how to make a program by
reading book of coding so that I can hack.

Skills and Experience Needs

Based on the previous sections, which skills would be most helpful to my personal growth and
1. Example—learning more about how to bake
2. Learning about creating a program, coding
3. More information in managing a business
4. Proper conversation to the guest in a hotel
5. Playing guitar to relieve stress

Develop Your Action Plan

Based on the previous sections, list five (5) key goals. Key goals are longer-term aims, more general
than objectives. They may take a year or more to achieve.

(If you’re unsure which area(s) you want to pursue, use the previous sections with blanks or general
responses, to create your list. In this case, your goals are to gain greater clarity about which areas of
potential opportunities or interests you want to focus on in the next year or two.)

List five (5) key goals:

1. Example—Become physically fit
2. Become a successful person
3. To travel the world
4. To perform Hajj
5. Become an owner a hotel

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Objectives are specific actions that support your larger goals. Choose objectives that will have
the greatest impact on achieving your goals. Use the SMART system to define them:

 Specific — Can you clearly define the objective you want to accomplish?
 Measurable — How will you know when it’s complete?
 Attainable — Is it realistic, based on your current skills and experience?
 Relevant — How does it directly contribute to the goal you’re pursuing?
 Time frame — Can you accomplish it within a reasonable time period?

Complete the plan below. Print, then post it in a prominent place. Review regularly to maintain
progress on achieving your goals.
Specific Time Achieved?
Measurement Attainable Relevance
Objective Frame Y/N
Yes, need to First month, Y
check with work up to
Example: Track
my doctor to steady
Define and duration and Supports goal to
ensure my routine.
begin an frequency of become physically
plan is Maintain
exercise exercise fit.
appropriate. every
program. program.
Adjust plan month
as advised. thereafter.
Finishing studyAfter I gain my Yes, It can test In my days in school I Four year of N
diploma my learning for meet different member studying I can
the past years in so that I can gain achieve my
school. experienced of how to diploma in
managed them college.
Finding a work to Earning money Yes, After It have a big Several years N
Build my own that can buy a applying a work contribution to after I earn
house house I can apply the pursuing my goals money in my
learning that because without I can’t work.
I’ve studying for be the person that I
past year. want, making my own
Obtaining Every time I join Yes, through Its support my goal Every year that Y
certificates a contest. this contest it through the certificate I’ve join
can add that I receive can make contest.
experience to a successful person.
Support my family If I have my own Yes, I give One of my goal is to Every month a N
or permanent money to them support my family half of my
work and tell that do through this I can salary I give it
not use for their achieve my goal to my family to
wants but for because it is a tool to support them.
their needs. reach my best goal
family before yourself.

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