Designing HMA Mixtures With High RAP Content: A Practical Guide

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Quality Improvement Series 124

Designing HMA
Mixtures with
High RAP Content
A Practical Guide
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© 2007 National Asphalt Pavement Association

Quality Improvement Series 124
Printed 3/07
Designing HMA Mixtures
with High RAP Content
A Practical Guide


David E. Newcomb
E. Ray Brown
Jon A. Epps


Quality Improvement Series 124

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 

The authors would like to express their sincere appreciation

for those who made this guideline possible. Members of the
National Asphalt Pavement Association, especially the Recy-
cling Task Force, took the time to review the document and
provided a great deal of thoughtful insight and many construc-
tive comments. Ewa Flom of the Federal Highway Administra-
tion (FHWA) reviewed the publication and provided her own
comments along with others from FHWA. She worked with
Ken Kobetsky of the American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) to provide the input
from a number of AASHTO members. The AASHTO Subcom-
mittee on Materials, especially Tom Baker (chair of Technical
Section 2c, Asphalt-Aggregate Mixtures) and Rick Harvey
(chair of Technical Section 2d, Proportioning of Asphalt-Aggre-
gate Mixtures) provided excellent detailed comments and sug-
gestions on the document’s contents. It is a partnership effort
that produced this joint NAPA/FHWA/AASHTO publication.

 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

Designing HMA Mixtures with High RAP Content
A Practical Guide


Purpose and Scope...........................................................................................6
Overview ...............................................................................................................7
Materials Evaluation............................................................................................11
RAP . .............................................................................................................11
Additives and Modifiers...................................................................................16
Mix Design............................................................................................................19
Sample Preparation.........................................................................................20
Laboratory Mixing and Compaction.................................................................20
Volumetric Testing............................................................................................20
Determination of Optimum Binder Content.....................................................21
Binder Testing..................................................................................................21
Mechanical Property Testing...........................................................................21
Plant Verification..................................................................................................23
Initial Settings..................................................................................................23
Test Strip.........................................................................................................24
Quality Control.....................................................................................................27

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 


Figure 1 Materials Evaluation................................................................................8

Figure 2 Mix Design Procedure.............................................................................9
Figure 3 Plant Verification Procedure..................................................................10
Figure 4 Change in Penetration with Time (after Kandhal, 1977)........................14
Figure 5 Change in Viscosity with Time (after Peterson, 1989)...........................14
Figure 6 Methods for Selecting RAP Content for the Desired Properties............17


Table 1 Suggested Quality Control Schedule for Aggregates..............................28

Table 2 Suggested Quality Control Schedule for RAP.........................................28
Table 3 Suggested Quality Control Schedule for Asphalt Binder.........................29
Table 4 Suggested Quality Control Schedule for HMA Mixtures..........................29

 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

Background vantages from environmental, economic, and engi-
neering standpoints. Conservation of petroleum and
The history of asphalt pavement recycling dates aggregate resources as well as saving landfill space
back to the early 1900s. However, it wasn’t until the are the primary environmental advantages. There are
oil embargo of the 1970s that the modern practice of fewer vehicles used in transportation resulting in less
pavement recycling truly became widespread. At that consumed energy and improved air quality as well as
time, there was little experience with the technology energy reduction in the manufacturing of aggregates
and mix design, pavement design, construction, and and asphalt binder. The use of RAP in HMA creates
performance of recycled pavements were considered an opportunity to reduce costs. It is also well accepted
experimental or unknown. However, construction that, as long as the proper evaluation and mixture
practices rapidly evolved, and in 1978 and 1980, the design are done, HMA mixtures produced with RAP
National Cooperative Highway Research Program can perform as well as, or in some cases better than,
(NCHRP) published Synthesis of Highway Practice mixtures made with virgin materials. The appeal of
No. 54, Recycling Materials for Highways and HMA recycling has led to its designation as the most
Report No. 224, Guidelines for Recycling Pavement recycled material in America, with 80 percent of HMA
Materials (Epps, 1978 and Epps et al, 1980) which that is removed being recycled back into roads as
drew upon the experience of numerous agencies and hot mix, unbound base, or cold mix. According to the
organizations and provided a practical approach to FHWA (1993), this amounted to approximately 80
pavement recycling. million tons of HMA recycled annually.
Since then, the technology for pavement recycling Initially, the introduction of Superpave and stone-
has become commonplace. State specifications matrix asphalt (SMA) mixtures resulted in a barrier
typically allow the incorporation of reclaimed asphalt to using high levels of RAP as researchers and
pavement in hot-mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures. The engineers sought to make these new technologies
Superpave mix design procedure has been modified work with virgin materials first. Most States now
to evaluate HMA with RAP (McDaniel and Anderson, allow the introduction of RAP into Superpave mixes,
2001). Milling machines make it possible to remove although some States remain reluctant. Very few
asphalt surfaces in a particle size range that can be States allow RAP use in SMA. It should be noted,
used with minimal additional processing. Screens that if the proper engineering evaluation of mixtures
for sizing RAP materials at plants allow stockpiles of is done, there is no reason RAP cannot be used to its
different size materials to be produced, increasing fullest extent in any type of HMA mixture.
the flexibility of using RAP in mixes. Batch plants and Often, the performance of RAP mixtures is cited
drum plants are typically manufactured to handle RAP as a concern on the use of recycled materials or the
materials. amount of RAP allowed in mixtures. Epps and his
The HMA industry, in 2006, found itself in a co-workers (1980) analyzed the performance of a
situation comparable to that of the 1970s during the oil number of pavements that were up to seven years old
embargo. There was a rapid increase in energy costs at the time, and found the recycled mixtures to be as
as well as asphalt binder costs, resulting in increased good as, or better than, mixtures made with all new
manufacturing and transportation costs. There were materials. Chen and Daleiden (2005) reviewed the
asphalt binder shortages in some regions of the performance of recycled HMA in specific pavement
country. Furthermore, as in the 1970s, there was an studies (SPS)-3 and SPS-5 sections of the Long-
increased environmental awareness that resulted in Term Pavement Performance program. They found
difficulty with permitting new aggregate reserves. that when 30 percent RAP mixtures were used with a
Recycling pavement materials has several ad- softer binder, the performance for both 2-inch (50-mm)

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 

and 5-inch (125-mm) overlays was excellent over a 10-
year period. Chen and Daleiden reported that the 5-
inch (125-mm) overlays were slightly more resistant to
Purpose and Scope
reflective cracking. Brown (2000), reporting on results This guideline is written to provide a practical
presented by Jon Epps at a conference sponsored means to allow up to 30 to 40 percent RAP to be
by the National Asphalt Pavement Association, gave used in HMA. It encompasses material selection,
examples of five States where success with RAP in mix design, plant verification, and quality control.
HMA produced excellent pavement performance. The value of the materials in RAP and the increased
Epps went on to state that care must be taken at high percentages suggested makes it necessary to perform
levels of RAP. a thorough evaluation of the component materials.
It is time to re-examine the levels of RAP allowed The mixture must also undergo a thorough testing
in HMA. The question must be how to optimize RAP regimen and an aggressive quality control/quality
usage, not how to limit its use. New plant technology, assurance program.
a better understanding of mix design, environmental This publication is a companion document to
concerns, and current price and supply issues with another NAPA report entitled Recycling Hot-Mix
liquid asphalt converge to make this the ideal time Asphalt Pavements, which describes methods used
to make sure that construction funding is maximized in the processing of RAP for use in HMA.
while using sound engineering evaluation to ensure
high quality mixtures resulting in good performance.

 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

Recycling asphalt pavement back into HMA re- care is not taken in managing the RAP stockpile, the
quires some modifications in engineering and process contractor will not be able to consistently meet these
control since another material is being added to the requirements.
mixture. For higher RAP contents, above 25 percent, A study completed by Kandhal and Foo (1997)
this will likely take extra effort, but the savings in us- indicated that the evaluation of recycled mixture should
ing the higher RAP contents significantly outweigh be based on a three-tier process. Tier 1 included up to
the cost for any extra testing that may be required. 15 percent RAP and would not require that anything
Blending to meet gradation and the appropriate binder be changed in the mix design process. Tier 2 included
grade in the final product are keys to successful mix from 15 to 25 percent RAP and required that the new
design, production, and performance. The details of asphalt grade be dropped by one grade on the high
materials selection, mixture design, quality control/ and low ends of the PG grade. Tier 3 included more
quality assurance, and plant verification are found than 25 percent RAP and required that the asphalt
in subsequent sections of this publication. A general be recovered from the RAP and blended with the
overview of these processes follows. virgin asphalt to produce a blended asphalt with the
The selection of materials to go into an HMA desired properties.
mixture containing RAP receives the same treatment After the RAP has been processed and sized, the
as a mixture of virgin materials. However, the RAP asphalt needs to be extracted and recovered (if it is
must be tested to ensure it meets the governing to be tested) and the aggregate needs to be tested
specifications for aggregate gradation and quality, as according to gradation and quality. Current guidelines
well as binder quality when more than 25 percent RAP (McDaniel et al, 2003) suggest that when less than
is used. Figure 1 shows that stockpile aggregates and 15 percent RAP is used in HMA, the PG binder grade
virgin binder go through a typical evaluation prior to can remain the same as in a mixture made with virgin
consideration of their interaction with the RAP. materials. When 15 to 25 percent RAP is incorporated,
The RAP must be evaluated first with respect to it is suggested that the PG binder grade be lowered
its source. Some agencies allow RAP to be taken by one grade on both the low temperature end and
from a stockpile at the plant. In such cases, it is the high temperature end. At RAP levels above 25
to the contractor’s advantage to store the material percent, it is suggested that both the RAP and virgin
according to the type of project it came from and to binders be tested and that a blending chart be used
properly characterize its gradation and binder content. to determine the allowable amount of RAP and the
For instance, RAP from commercial projects such as mechanical properties of the HMA be determined.
parking lots is more likely to have a more rounded However, some States have opted to use different
particle shape, a finer gradation, and perhaps a higher percentages of RAP based on local experience rather
asphalt content than RAP taken from a high-volume than the guidelines. It is important to note that while
road or commercial airport. Other considerations guidelines are often based on total RAP content, the
include different pavement ages and whether the binder stiffness in the recycled mix is more affected
RAP is from plant waste or returned HMA that has by the RAP age and RAP binder content.
not been subject to aging or milling. In all cases, care There are two options for RAP binder testing: 1)
must be taken to prevent RAP stockpiles from being the binder from the RAP goes through a solvent
contaminated with rubbish and other unwanted waste. extraction and recovery process for testing or 2) the
Some agencies require that any RAP used in HMA binder may be burned off in an asphalt content oven
must come from the project under construction. The and results from a regional characterization of binder
recycled mixture which includes RAP must meet all may be used in lieu of project extraction and recovery.
of the requirements for aggregate quality, gradation, The first method assures that the binder being used
asphalt content, and blended asphalt properties. If in the project has been tested, but one is left to deal

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 

Materials Evaluation

Stockpiled Aggregate
Aggregates Testing

Roadway Laboratory According Aggregate
Sample Crushing to Plant Testing
Recycled Stockpile(s)
Asphalt Binder
Pavement Extraction
and Recovery

Stockpile Separate According Binder PG Properties
Sample to Stockpile(s) Content Tests or
Regional 3
(for >25% RAP)

Virgin Binder PG Binder Testing 4

1 Stockpile Aggregates
Combine Aggregates
to Meet Gradation and
Quality Requirements

2 RAP Aggregates
Choose Highest %
RAP that Satisfies Perform
Both Gradation and Mix Design
3 RAP Binder PG Requirements
Combine Asphalt
to Meet PG Grading
4 Virgin Binder (for >25% RAP)

with disposal of the used solvent, which is increasingly could have a predominant effect, in which case
problematic, and the testing requires a great deal other methods of characterization would need to be
of time. The second method is shorter, and if there explored. However, it would be an important issue
is sufficient cause to believe that aging causes an to resolve through research in order to minimize the
asymptotical change in binder stiffness (less change amount of solvent extraction and recovery.
in stiffness later in service), then an assumption can The regional characterization of RAP could be
be made on the basis of a regional characterization accomplished through either a national research
of RAP binder. This would require a research effort program such as NCHRP or as a series of pooled
to define aged binder characteristics on a regional fund studies through the Federal Highway Research
basis to investigate the viability of such an approach. Program. The objective would be to estimate the binder
It is possible that other factors such as crude source properties of RAP according to geographical locations

 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

such as the Southwest, Southeast, Northeast, etc. recommend that additional virgin binder be added to
The generalized values for dynamic shear modulus, account for possible incomplete blending of virgin and
bending beam stiffness, and direct tension stiffness aged binder. However, a recent study by Bonaquist et
could then be used instead of having to extract and al. (2007) shows that it is possible that a high degree
perform binder tests for each mix design containing of the old binder is blended with the virgin in terms of
high RAP percentages. Of course, this would not be asphalt mixture properties.
necessary at RAP percentages less than 25 percent, To proceed to the mix design phase, the highest
where normal guidelines would apply. available amount of RAP that will allow aggregate
The aggregate gradation and quality must be gradation and quality as well as binder requirements to
checked to investigate its impact on the total HMA be met should be selected. The amount of RAP used
gradation and quality according to consensus prop- in design should be weighed against the availability
erties. Certain types of testing may be superfluous, of RAP for use throughout a given project so that the
such as testing the cleanliness or plasticity of the supply is not depleted before the construction ends.
finest fraction, but issues such as degradation or This will help ensure uniformity. In mix design, the
abrasion resistance may be important, especially in focus is to achieve the volumetric and mechanical
the larger sizes. properties necessary to ensure performance.
Once the RAP aggregate and asphalt have been Figure 2 presents an overview of the mix design
sufficiently characterized, the combined aggregate process. The process is very similar to that for virgin
and the combined binder need to be checked for mixtures: the process only deviates in terms of the
compliance to the design mixture requirements. The handling of RAP material. Although the figure shows
gradation of the total aggregate and the quality need to a Superpave mix design, the same basic process
be ascertained according to the combined properties would apply to any mix design method. First, the
of the stockpiles and RAP aggregate. The combined virgin aggregate is heated, then the RAP is added
binder can be evaluated by means of a blending chart, and heated, and finally the virgin binder is added and
if the RAP content is greater than 25 percent, where mixed with the aggregate and RAP. Mixes containing
stiffness is defined according to the dynamic shear four virgin asphalt contents are mixed and compacted.
rheometer, the bending beam rheometer, and the In the Superpave process, two samples at each
direct tension test. When the material has been run asphalt content are prepared and compacted. A plot
through a plant, the mix can undergo a final check of density relative to the theoretical maximum specific
for mixture mechanical properties. Some engineers gravity (%Gmm) versus the number of gyrations is

Mix Design Procedure

Combine Stockpile Heat Add RAP at Heat RAP and Add Virgin Binder
Aggregates for Aggregates Predetermined Virgin Materials at 4 Asphalt Contents
Gradation Percent -2 gyratory samples each

Compact Determine AC Prepare Gyratory Volumetric Analysis –
to Requirements content for 96% Samples at Optimum %G mm1 VMA, Air Voids
G mm @ N des Virgin Binder Content

Performance Testing
Rut, Perm. Def.,
Thermal Cracking, Final
Fatigue, Modulus, Design
Moisture Sensitivity

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 

drawn. The asphalt content which produces 96% Gmm the stockpile aggregates and RAP, gradation, asphalt
at the design number of gyrations is selected as the content, and volumetric characteristics of field-mixed,
optimum asphalt content, although it should be noted laboratory-compacted samples are all essential parts
that some States differ on the criterion for density for of testing at the plant. Consistency in the materials
optimum asphalt content (e.g., Maryland uses 3.5 going into the plant will be the key to maintaining pro-
percent air voids or 96.5% of Gmm). At this point, three duction with minimum changes and delays. Following
samples at the optimum asphalt content are mixed best practices and using the best available technology
and compacted. Testing of the volumetric properties will contribute to maintaining consistent material flow.
is conducted, and although it is optional, performance For instance, sizing, stockpiling, and having separate
testing is highly recommended, particularly for high size bins will allow easier adjustment of both stockpile
traffic volume facilities. aggregates and RAP.
Plant verification of the mix design is the final step Following techniques to minimize moisture in ag-
before production as shown in Figure 3. Here the plant gregates and RAP stockpiles, such as paving under
controls are set according to the gradation and asphalt stockpiles or even covering stockpiles, will result in
content established in mix design. After a batch plant fewer adjustments in cold feed rates and plant speed.
has operated for approximately one hour or a drum RAP stockpiles also need to be as consistent as pos-
plant has produced between 60 and 200 tons, a sible. Stockpiling RAP by particle size will allow the
sample is taken from the truck. The plant sample is producer to maintain consistency more easily than
tested for volumetrics and the results are compared by continuously adding RAP into one stockpile. If one
to mix design and specification requirements. In stockpile is used, then the RAP should be sampled
the meantime, a test strip is constructed at the job and tested more frequently to know when minor plant
site and samples are taken to test roadway density adjustments need to be made. Again, separating RAP
and, possibly, volumetrics. If needed, adjustments to into different size stockpiles will help in maintaining
gradation or asphalt content are made prior to full control of consistency.
production. The same density and volumetric testing The following are details for accomplishing the
should follow the production of an initial amount of materials selection, mix design, and quality control.
mix prior to full production. While the procedures given fall within the normal
Quality control for HMA mixtures containing RAP Superpave mix design practices, individual States
still consists of monitoring parameters that the plant and jurisdictions may have their own variations that
and paving crew have control over. Moisture content of should be accommodated.

Plant Verification Procedure

Set Plant Controls Produce Mix: 1 hr Take Sample Compact 2

to RAP, Aggregate Prod. in Batch from Truck Samples @
Binder @ Mix Design Plant or 60 to 200 T Mix Design
Proprotions in Drum Level

Compare to Mix Performance Testing–
Test Volumetrics Design and Adjust Mix Rut, Perm. Def., Thermal
%G mm1, VMA,VFA Specs.–Air Voids, Proportions Cracking, Fatigue, Modulus,
VMA,VFA Moisture Sensitivity Durability

Construct Test Sections–

Establish Roller Paterns,
Check Density/Volumetrics

10 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

Materials Evaluation
In order to achieve the optimum use of recycled projects or commercial airfield surfaces are more
asphalt pavements, it is important to ensure that the likely to contain a high percentage of low-polishing,
quality of the constituent materials and their final crushed aggregates and polymer modified asphalt. A
combined properties meet the specifications for the premium was paid for these materials when they were
application. The RAP, new aggregates, and virgin first used in HMA, and their value in skid resistance
binder need to be processed and tested to judge and binding capability should not have diminished. On
their suitability for different types of HMA mixtures. the other hand, materials taken from lower pavement
The governing AASHTO, ASTM, State, or Federal layers or low-volume roads retain their value as well
requirements should be used to establish the quality although they are not likely to have polymer modified
of these constituent materials. binders and may contain aggregates with a higher
polish value and which may be more rounded. It is
also important to consider the amount of variability
that may take place along the length of a project as
large areas of patching or the combining of older and
newer pavement surfaces can affect the properties
There is a restriction in some specifications that
Before discussing methods to evaluate RAP ma- only the RAP removed from the project site or other
terials, it is helpful to discuss their processing and State projects may be recycled back into the mix being
treatment at the HMA plant. Similar to aggregates used on the project. Such a condition means that RAP
obtained from different sources, the better the sort- from the State projects must be stockpiled separately,
ing of materials from different types of projects, the although the RAP could be fractionated into different
better the consistency and the greater the flexibility stockpiles according to particle size. The consistency
in their utilization. This also increases the probability of the material should be considerably better than that
of meeting specifications in the final mix. in blended piles, so testing of the RAP would not have
to be as frequent. This would mean that more RAP
Stockpile Practices could be used in the final HMA because of flexibility
in adjusting the aggregate gradation. In the end,
Separating the RAP stockpile into at least two some RAP milled from a project may not be used in
stockpiles has become a more common practice. If the mixture for that project. However, it can be used
the amount of RAP is low, say 15 percent or less, in other types of paving.
there may be no need to separate the materials into In some plant sites, stockpile room is limited and it
additional stockpiles. For higher amounts of RAP, may be beneficial to combine RAP from different proj-
some fractionation of the RAP would be beneficial ects from a handling standpoint. When this is done, it
for controlling the quality of the recycled mixture. The is advisable to build the pile as uniformly as possible
separation of RAP into two or more stockpiles will by blending the materials. It will be necessary to take
help minimize the variability in recycled mixtures and a number of samples to test aggregate gradation and
provide a constructed HMA with better performance. properties and binder content. The testing will indicate
It is important to note that the gradation of the RAP the average properties of the RAP and their variability.
particles is not the gradation of the aggregate in the If the coefficient of variability is greater than about
RAP because the binder film adds to the dimension of 15 to 20 percent on any control sieve, then it may be
the aggregate and serves to agglomerate aggregate advisable to reblend the materials to achieve more
particles. consistency, or to use a lower percentage of RAP in
The millings from high-volume highway surfacing the final HMA. The coefficient of variability is:

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 11

C.V. = [ –xs ] 100 difficult to control during the construction process. It is
recommended that RAP sampled during processing
Where: C.V. = Coefficient of Variation be retained for mix design.

x = sample average Blending of the individual random samples of each
s = standard deviation stockpile is required for providing a representative
sample for conducting the mix design. This approach
Whether the recycled materials are all from the will provide a good representative sample of the
same project or different projects, constructing sepa- stockpile. Many projects now use more than one
rate coarse and fine RAP stockpiles will minimize stockpile for RAP so additional sampling is required
segregation of RAP particles, and allow greater flex- if there is more than one RAP stockpile.
ibility in adjusting RAP content for the final aggregate
gradation. The fine RAP material will have a greater Testing RAP Materials
asphalt content than coarse RAP stockpiles due to the The two most important characteristics of the
higher surface area of fine material. The asphalt binder RAP are gradation of the aggregate and the asphalt
content in both the fine and coarse RAP stockpiles content. Beyond this, especially in high RAP content
can be expected to be more uniform than the asphalt mixes, surface mixtures, and high traffic volume facili-
content of a single RAP stockpile. It may be possible ties, one should quantify the quality of the aggregate
to introduce more of the fine RAP in mixtures having and the binder properties.
a small nominal maximum aggregate size such as As mentioned earlier, if a regional study on RAP
surface or leveling mixtures. Conversely, in large stone binder properties is conducted, it may be possible to
mixes, a larger portion of the coarse RAP can be used assume the aged binder properties. Figures 4 and
to help meet the gradation requirements. Plant waste 5 (Kandhal, 1977 and Petersen, 1989) show that as
and returned mix will have little or no breakdown of asphalt binders harden through aging, the penetration
the aggregate and reduced aging of the binder. Thus, and viscosity change asymptotically, meaning that
it may be desirable to reserve the sized RAP to be fed there is a point beyond which dramatic change will
into a single small project rather than commingling it not occur. For different regions of the country, RAP
with other RAP sources. will have different binder characteristics. In the desert
southwest, the binder will be relatively hard compared
Sampling of Materials to the north central part of the U.S. Such a study would
Prior to any testing, samples of the materials must make it possible to avoid having to do extraction and
be obtained. The most common method of sampling recovery procedures which necessitate the use and
RAP is to take a number of random samples from disposal of solvents. Until such research is done, the
throughout the RAP stockpile, test a portion of each virgin binder grade should be determined according to
of the individual samples (when over 25 percent RAP current practice, i.e., no grade adjustments when less
is to be used), and combine these random samples than 15 percent RAP is used, one temperature grade
into one representative sample for conducting the mix lower between 15 and 25 percent RAP, and determined
design. Testing of the individual samples is required by blending charts at higher RAP contents.
to determine the variability of the asphalt content Most States do not require the testing of the
and aggregate gradation. Approximately five to 10 combined binder as long as the amount of RAP to
individual samples are required for this testing and be used is relatively low. In fact, many States don’t
analysis to determine the consistency of the stockpile. require testing of the asphalt binder until the amount
Based on a literature review, values for standard of RAP exceeds 25 percent. They simply require that
deviation of the percent passing the No. 8 sieve in for AC, one grade softer be used when the amount
the RAP stockpile are 3 to 5 percent and 0.8 to 1.4 of RAP exceeds 15 percent but less than 25 percent.
percent for the material passing the No. 200 sieve If less than 15 percent RAP is used, then the mix is
(FHWA, 1996). The aggregate gradation tests are to treated very similar to virgin asphalt mixture. Some
be done on the aggregate after the binder extraction. States will not allow the binder to be changed more
Typical values for the standard deviation of the asphalt than one grade for fear that inadequate mixing may
content are 0.2 to 0.5. Obviously, RAP stockpiles occur possibly resulting in an unstable mixture,
having higher standard deviation values will be more although this has not been verified. While guidelines

12 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

such as these are typically based on the percent of or because a regional study on RAP binder stiffness
total RAP (including aggregate), it may be advisable exists that shows sufficient consistency in the aged
to change to a RAP binder content basis instead, binder, then asphalt content determination by a
since not all RAP has the same binder content. This calibrated ignition oven (AASHTO T308, ASTM D6307)
way decisions concerning the need for RAP binder is recommended. The use of a nuclear content gauge
characterization could be made according to the (AASHTO T287, ASTM D4125) is recommended only
amount of binder replacement rather than the total if the gauge is calibrated for the RAP binder content
RAP content. through solvent extraction or ignition oven.
If a softer AC grade or more than 25 percent RAP Care must be used when using the ignition test
will be used, then extraction and recovery of the since the calibration for the aggregate in the RAP is
binder is normally necessary. The recommended probably not known. If small amounts of RAP are
procedures are AASHTO T164 or ASTM D2172 for the used, the error in measured asphalt content in the
centrifuge or reflux extraction and AASHTO T170 or RAP is not important since this will result in a small
ASTM D1856 for the Abson method or ASTM D5404 error in the asphalt content of the total mix. Also
using the rotary evaporator for the binder recovery. many aged asphalts are very difficult to extract so
The method for extraction and recovery suggested the solvent extraction test is not always accurate.
by McDaniel and Anderson (2001) is AASHTO This is especially true as more and more modified
T319 which combines the two processes into one. asphalts are used and recycled. There is very little
At least 50g of material will need to be recovered information on RAP containing modified asphalts but
to determine the binder properties in the Dynamic this is a growing concern since the amount of modified
Shear Rheometer (DSR). If low temperature testing asphalts used is increasing. As long as the amount
is desired then enough material for a bending beam of RAP is less than 25 percent, or as long as the
rheometer sample must be extracted and recovered. percentage of modified asphalt in the RAP is small,
For higher RAP percentages, it is recommended this should not be a problem.
to blend the recovered RAP binder with the virgin
asphalt. This is of particular interest where softer
grades of virgin binder are being considered. Test
Method ASTM D4887 may be used to guide the
preparation of blends of recycled and virgin binder for Aggregate
testing. An exception to this method is that dynamic
The evaluation of RAP and new aggregates should
shear modulus at the desired high temperature
proceed along the lines of those typical for HMA
designated by the Performance Grading should be
mix design and production. RAP aggregates (post
used in lieu of the viscosity at 60oC (140oF). In all
extraction) should be evaluated separately from new
cases, a lab blend of the design ratio of old and new
aggregates, and then their composite properties
binders should be used in accordance with AASHTO
should be calculated using a blending formula. The
M 320 to ensure it meets the desired PG. It should be
composite properties for gradation, specific gravity,
noted that the current PG system does not address
and consensus characteristics should be used in
potential brittleness at intermediate temperatures.
the determination of acceptability of the blended
This issue is being discussed within the FHWA Expert
aggregates. Because RAP aggregate has previously
Task Group on binders.
been found suitable for use in HMA, there are some
If the amount of RAP that is used is less than about
25 percent, very little material testing may be required tests which may not need to be performed.
but at the higher RAP contents additional testing
is necessary. A crucial part of the mix design is to Gradation
determine the percentage of each material (RAP, new The washed gradation of stockpile aggregates
asphalt binder, each virgin aggregate stockpile) to be should follow typical gradation procedures as outlined
used in the mixture. The grade of the new AC binder in AASHTO T27 and ASTM C136, using sample
must also be determined as appropriate. sizes called for according to the nominal maximum
If extraction and recovery of the RAP binder is not aggregate size. The aggregate extracted from the
necessary either due to the RAP content being low RAP is sized according to AASHTO T30 and ASTM

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 13

Change in Penetration with Time (after Kandhal, 1977)

Penetration at 77Fo
60 – Beaver Co.
- Lycoming Co.

50 – Washington Co.
Lebanon Co.
- Cracking first observed

40 –
30 –
20 –


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Life of Pavement, months

Change in Viscosity with Time (after Petersen, 1989)

Log Viscosity,
poise, 25Co 8
- ●

7 – ■

● ▲▲
■ ●
● ▲

6 – ■

● Asphalt A
■ Asphalt H

▲ Asphalt J

5 –


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Pavement Age, months

D5444. The main difference between the RAP and of the final HMA mixture. In the Superpave system,
stockpile aggregates gradation procedures is that the control points are set according to the nominal
ash content from solvent extraction must be accounted maximum aggregate size. The restricted zone has
for in the RAP aggregate, if solvents were used. been removed from most specifications. Requirements
For stockpile and RAP aggregates not subjected to that sometimes cause problems include the amount of
solvent extraction, AASHTO T11 or ASTM C117 can material passing the No. 200 (0.075 mm) sieve size,
be used in quantifying the amount of material passing the dust to asphalt ratio, voids in mineral aggregate
the 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve. (VMA), the amount of natural sand in the combined
The combined gradation of RAP and stockpile mixture, and complete mixing of the old and new
aggregates must meet the gradation requirement binders.

14 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

It is important to note that RAP generally has a finer specific gravity of asphalt tends to have a relatively
gradation than may be desirable in the final mix owing narrow range, this is reasonable and it is not expected
to the generation of fine material in the milling and/or to have a significant impact on the calculation.
crushing operations. This must be compensated for
by the gradation of the new aggregates.
Traditionally, the Los Angeles Abrasion Test (AAS-
HTO T96, ASTM C131) has been used as a measure
Specific Gravity/Absorption
of the likelihood that a given coarse aggregate will
The measurement of specific gravity plays a key degrade during production and placement or during
role in the volumetric calculations of the mix design. its performance life. This test requires a great deal of
As such, it is important to account for specific gravity aggregate to perform. It is intended as a test for virgin
of the RAP aggregate in the mix. Since most of the aggregates, and its usefulness in characterizing RAP
absorption in the RAP aggregate has already oc- aggregate is questionable. RAP aggregates were
curred, the absorption is not generally of interest. In most likely tested for hardness and wear before their
the calculation of the VMA in the mix design process, initial use. Also, most of the breakdown caused dur-
the bulk specific gravity of the aggregate in a dry con- ing production and construction has already occurred
dition is the parameter used. The maximum theoretical with RAP. In most drum plants, the RAP is added
specific gravity of the RAP is used to backcalculate downstream of the stockpile aggregates, so they are
the bulk specific gravity of the RAP aggregate which subjected to less mechanical agitation.
can be used to estimate the bulk specific gravity. If abrasion resistance in the RAP aggregate is
This procedure is outlined in the mix design method considered important to its ability to provide skid
proposed by McDaniel et al (2000) and McDaniel and resistance in a wearing course, then the use of
Anderson (2001) as shown below: the Micro-Deval test (AASHTO T58) should be
considered. Although it is a more recently developed
100 – Pb test than the L.A. Abrasion, it requires a smaller
Gse = 100 Pb sample. The procedure rolls a cylindrical container
– with the aggregate, water, and a number of steel
Gmm Gb
balls for a certain number of cycles. The cylindrical
container does not have a ledge that lifts the balls
Gse and aggregate, and causing an impact as in the L.A.

[ ]
Gsb = Pba Gse Abrasion procedure. Thus, it is more of a wear test.
100Gb Cleanliness
Aggregate cleanliness can be tested through sev-
Where: Gmm = theoretical maximum specific eral means, but again, the RAP aggregate was already
gravity of RAP used in HMA, so testing it for cleanliness may be su-
perfluous. Virgin aggregate should be subjected to the
Gb = specific gravity of RAP binder
normal evaluation used within a jurisdiction. The sand
Pb = RAP binder content equivalent value can be found using AASHTO T176
Gse = effective specific gravity of aggregate or ASTM D2419. Organic impurities can be quanti-
Gsb = bulk specific gravity of aggregate fied by AASHTO T21 or ASTM C40. Clay lumps and
friable particles are tested for according to AASHTO
Pba = absorbed binder, % weight of T112 or ASTM C142.
Particle Shape and Angularity
McDaniel and Anderson (2001) recommend an Particle shape and angularity are especially impor-
estimated Pba of 1.5 percent, if data from similar tant for aggregates that are closer to the pavement
aggregate sources are not available. If absorption data surface. Superpave usually defines requirements
are available from past records on similar aggregates, according to traffic level and position within the pave-
then it should be used as the estimate. They also ment structure (within or below 100 mm (4 inches) of
recommend a value of 1.020 for Gb, and since the the surface).

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 15

Particle shape is usually characterized as the Its usefulness in evaluating RAP aggregates is debat-
number of flat and elongated particles (ASTM D4791) able because RAP has already been exposed to field
in the aggregate blend. This is done by measuring environmental conditions.
the aspect ratio of the coarse aggregate particles
(greatest dimension to smallest) and calculating the Mineralogy
percent mass of flat and elongated coarse aggregate. It is important to know if the HMA material being
The weight percentage of particles having a certain used for RAP had problems associated with moisture
aspect ratio (2:1, 3:1, or 5:1) is reported and compared sensitivity during its previous performance period.
to the requirements of the agency. Because of the RAP with siliceous aggregates in particular should
way RAP is processed, it is unlikely that the coarse be examined to see if there is an excess of uncoated
aggregate fraction will contain a great deal of flat and faces or particles. The RAP still may be used, but
elongated particles unless the original material had precautions such as the use of anti-stripping agents
an excessive amount. and the evaluation of moisture sensitivity in the final
Coarse aggregate angularity is usually quantified mix should be taken. The Wyoming DOT has found
in terms of the amount of material having either one that RAP aggregates that stripped in previous mixtures
or two or more fractured faces (AASHTO TP61 or did not cause problems in their recycled mixtures, so
ASTM D5821). Although this type of test tends to be anti-stripping additives were not necessary. However,
dependent upon the experience of the technician, it all HMA mixtures should be evaluated for moisture
does provide some assurance that aggregate interlock susceptibility by either the Hamburg rut tester or
can be achieved between the coarse particles. AASHTO T 283, regardless of whether they contain
Determining fractured faces from coarse aggregate RAP or not.
in RAP can be problematic. If the RAP contains a
significant portion of uncrushed gravel, say more than
20 percent of the RAP coarse aggregate, this test
may be worthwhile. Otherwise, the RAP processing
does provide some crushing, and separating RAP into Binder
stockpiles containing similar qualities of materials may
help avoid problems. If testing is done, the combined Recycled HMA
RAP and virgin coarse aggregate should meet the Testing of recycled HMA binder has always been
consensus properties specified for Superpave. somewhat controversial because there are two
Fine aggregate angularity is determined using extremes of how it may act in the final mix. One is
AASHTO TP56, in which the fine aggregate portion that the aged binder is completely non-reactive in the
is poured into a mold, and the amount of voids in new mix, and that the RAP acts as a “black rock.” The
the uncompacted sample is supposedly indicative of other side of the argument is that upon reheating the
the angularity. This requirement has been dropped binder becomes fluid and mixes with the virgin binder.
by some States. Unless there is reason to suspect The conclusion of NCHRP project 9-12 (McDaniel
an overabundance of rounded particles in the fine and Anderson, 2001) was that the RAP binder neither
aggregate of the RAP, for instance more than about 30 completely mixed with the virgin binder nor was it non-
percent of the RAP fine aggregate, this test is probably reactive. Further results from Soleymani, Anderson,
not necessary for the RAP aggregate. Residual McDaniel, and Abdelrahman (1999) showed that the
asphalt coating and the effects of the asphalt recovery binder more closely resembled the complete mixing
process may influence the results. If testing is done, scenario. This was somewhat validated by results
the combined RAP and virgin fine aggregate should reported by Bonaquist (2007). Therefore, at high
meet the requirements for Superpave. levels of RAP content, there is probably a justification
for using a lower temperature PG grade. The need to
Soundness perform extraction and recovery of the RAP binder
Although its relationship to freeze-thaw fracturing is should be carefully considered. The time necessary to
sometimes questionable, either a sodium or magne- run the extraction and recovery, the amount of waste
sium sulfate soundness test (AASHTO T104, ASTM solvent generated, and the value of the information
C88) is sometimes required for stockpile aggregates. gained by testing all need to be balanced. It is highly

16 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

recommended that a regional study on RAP binder be Logically, more RAP may be used where a stiffer
conducted and that the information be used to select high temperature binder is desired. In Figure 6b, the
virgin binders appropriate for the level of RAP to be amount of RAP is used to determine the critical high
used for different applications. temperature (Tc).
To find the percentage of RAP that will result in the Recycling or rejuvenating agents are sometimes
proper high-temperature grading, the extracted and used in high RAP content mixtures. In such cases,
recovered RAP binder should be tested in an unaged the applicable standards are AASHTO R14 or ASTM
state according to AASHTO T315 for dynamic shear D4552. Superpave binder specifications for recycling
modulus G* and phase angle to find the critical high agents have not been developed.
temperature (Tc). The critical low temperature (Tl)
can be found by determining the PG grade based on Blended Binder
AASHTO M 320 of a lab blend of the recovered and Once an estimated RAP percentage has been
new binders. determined, the RAP binder and virgin binder should
be combined at that percentage, and put through the
Virgin Binder suite of PG testing (if the RAP content exceeds 25
The virgin binder should be subjected to the typical percent) to see that it conforms to the PG grading
series of tests used for characterizing binders. In the requirement for the application (AASHTO R29,
vast majority of States, this would mean performing ASTM D6323). This is especially true for variable
tests needed for the PG system at a minimum. The RAP products or sources. It is possible to try different
critical high temperature, can be defined by testing grades of virgin binder or recycling agents (AASHTO
both the RAP binder and the virgin binder. Blending R14, ASTM D4552). In the end, the percentage of
charts may be devised by plotting the percentage of RAP should be determined based upon a combination
RAP versus the critical temperature. This is shown of performance and economy.
using the critical high temperature in Figure 6. In Traditionally, the extracted and recovered RAP
Figure 6a, the percentage of RAP is shown for two binder is blended with the virgin binder to perform
different high temperature grades of combined binder. this characterization. Other techniques that have been

Methods for Selecting RAP Content for the Desired Properties

a) Selecting RAP percentage b) Determining Tc on basis

on the basis of Tc of RAP content

T critical, C T critical, C
88 88

82 82

76 76

70 70

64 64

58 58 54.3

52 l l l l l l 52 l l l l l l
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Percentage of RAP Percentage of RAP

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 17

suggested include subjecting the virgin binder to the mance, although some specifications may dictate a
same recovery process, or mixing the RAP with the particular choice. It should be noted that if local experi-
virgin mix and extracting and recovering the blended ence does not indicate a stripping problem exists with
binder. RAP from previously stripped mixtures, then the use
Dynamic shear modulus and phase angle (AASHTO of an anti-stripping agent should be specified only if
T315), bending beam rheometer stiffness (AASHTO moisture sensitivity tests indicate a problem.
T313, ASTM D6648), and direct tension test (AASHTO
T314, ASTM D6723) are the performance indicators Polymers
used in the PG binder grading system. Safety is Polymer modifiers are often used to improve the
checked as a function of the flash point temperature high-temperature properties of asphalt. In other words,
under AASHTO T48, and is particularly important they may be added to help guard against permanent
in instances where recycling agents may be used. deformation. Recycled mixtures are known for their
Workability is defined as the viscosity measured in resistance to rutting, and if rutting resistance is the
a rotational viscometer at 135oC (275oF) according intended use of polymers in a mixture, then it is
to AASHTO T316. Short-term aging is accomplished recommended that a performance test, such as one
using a rolling thin-film oven (AASHTO T240, ASTM of those described under Mix Design, directed at
D2872) and long-term aging is done with a pressure permanent deformation be conducted to make the
aging vessel (AASHTO R28, ASTM D6521). determination if a polymer modifier is needed.

Mineral Fillers
Mineral fillers are employed to serve a number
Additives and Modifiers of functions in recycled mixtures. They can be used
to help fill the voids in mineral aggregate, increase
stability, meet aggregate gradation requirements, and
Anti-stripping Additives improve the bond at the binder-aggregate interface.
As with virgin mixtures, moisture sensitivity is The amount of filler is usually restricted by the dust
sometimes a problem in recycled mixtures where to binder ratio specified in mix design. In recycled
stripping was the major distress in the RAP being mixtures, additional mineral fillers must be used
used. This also may be of concern when there is a lack carefully since the recycling process often generates
of bond between a softer virgin asphalt and stockpile a considerable amount of fine material. If there is too
aggregate. In any case, moisture sensitivity should much dust generated by milling or crushing operations,
be evaluated under the mixture design process, and then there may be little to no room for additional fines
either liquid anti-stripping agents or lime should be in the virgin aggregate, depending upon the amount
used if necessary. The choice whether to use a liquid of RAP to be used.
or lime is usually based upon economy and perfor-

18 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

Mix Design
Introduction more important to acknowledge the contribution of
the RAP binder content rather than the total amount
There have been few changes in the mix design of RAP.
procedures of recycled mixtures since hot-mix re- Many States specify that the grade of virgin binder
cycling began to become popular in the mid-1970s. cannot be more than one or two grades different than
Even with these changes, the mix design methods that required for virgin HMA. In fact, most States have
developed during the 1970s have provided reason- adopted the Superpave recommendations that state
able guidance. for up to 15 percent RAP, the standard binder grade is
The mix design procedures basically involve used; between 15 and 25 percent, the grade of virgin
blending the reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) binder is one grade softer; and when the amount of
with the virgin aggregates and asphalt cement to RAP exceeds 25 percent, the grade is selected so that
produce the recycled mixture. It is important that the combined binder properties will meet the specified
the blended binder and combined aggregate have properties. This practice was verified in a study by
properties similar to those required for conventional Kennedy, Tam, and Solaimanian (1998a) as well as
HMA and that the volumetrics of the mixture be within other researchers.
specification requirements. An FHWA report indicated that variability of RAP
During the 1970s, it was suggested that the amount may change according to source and removal and
of RAP allowable in drum mixers could be as high as processing methods, just as virgin materials may
70 percent and the amount of RAP in batch plants change based on source and producer (FHWA, 1996).
could be as high as 50 percent (Newcomb and Epps, The report went on to indicate that limitations placed
1981). These high RAP contents required that low in specifications are major obstacles for increasing
viscosity recycling agents (ASTM D 4552 or AASHTO the use of RAP.
R14) be used to properly modify the old binder to A step-by-step mix design process for recycled
meet desired requirements. There were a number of mixtures is presented in NCHRP Report No. 452.
problems observed at that time resulting from high This method follows the Superpave method of mix
RAP contents. These problems included the flam- design, but could easily be adapted to any mix design
mability of some recycling agents, some emissions procedure. As stated by McDaniel and Anderson
problems due to high temperatures and plants not (2001), the only changes in mix design from an all-
designed for recycled asphalt, poor control of recycling virgin mix are:
agent quantities, questions about the variability of the
RAP materials, as well as questions concerning the 1. Heating the RAP more gradually and to a
amount of mixing between the recycling agent and lower temperature than aggregates are
old asphalt cement. normally heated.
Because of these early issues, the actual amount 2. Estimating the RAP aggregate specific
of RAP currently used on projects does not normally gravity.
exceed approximately 25 percent. In many cases,
specifications do not allow high RAP contents and 3. Accounting for the RAP binder in the
in other cases, contractors elect not to use high aggregate batching.
RAP contents for various reasons. Sometimes it is
4. Reducing the new binder content to
difficult to add a significantly high RAP content and
account for the RAP binder.
control the quality of the mixture when the gradation
or aggregate properties of the RAP or the RAP binder 5. Possibly using a lower virgin binder grade
properties must be significantly modified. Again, it is to account for the RAP binder aging.

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 19

recycled mixture in the laboratory, there are no special
Sample Preparation precautions needed.

If the RAP is not yet processed, then it is important

that it be crushed to the same approximate gradation
expected in production. If it is still on the roadway, then Volumetric Testing
a milled sample using the anticipated milling process
should be obtained. If it is to be processed through Volumetric properties are a key part to the success-
a crusher, then the sample should be obtained from ful completion of a mix design for recycled mixtures.
the crushing unit. It is best, however, to work from a It is very important that the designed mixture meet
stockpile that has already been produced. the requirements for voids as well as VMA and voids
Prior to mixing, all of the components must be dried filled with asphalt. Calculating the VMA requires that
and heated at the desired mixing temperature. Care the bulk specific gravity of the aggregate be known.
must be exercised when heating the RAP so that the This is simple to determine for the virgin aggregate,
asphalt binder is not overheated, thus significantly but determining the bulk specific gravity of the aggre-
changing the binder properties. Typically, the binder gate in the RAP is difficult. If the aggregate source
is heated to the desired mixing temperature and the for the RAP is known, then the known aggregate bulk
aggregate is heated to 18oF (10oC) above the desired specific gravity properties can be used. However, if
mixing temperature so that once all the ingredients the source is unknown then the bulk specific gravity
are mixed, the appropriate temperature is reached. has to be estimated.
Heating the RAP for an extended period of time is Conducting bulk specific gravity of recovered ag-
not recommended. Normally it is heated for no more gregate is not very accurate. This is true regardless of
than two hours at a temperature of 230oF (110oC) whether the ignition test or solvent extraction is used
and added soon after heating. Placing the mix in an to obtain the aggregate from the RAP. The ignition
oven for a short time after mixing is recommended test can affect the aggregate in the RAP by changing
to provide for better equalization of temperature its physical characteristics, so it is not recommended
throughout the sample. This can be part of the short that the bulk specific gravity be conducted after the
term aging time. ignition test. Solvent extraction of the binder does
The virgin asphalt binder should be heated to a not always remove all of the asphalt from the pores of
temperature that provides the appropriate viscosity the aggregate, leading to some error in the measured
for mixing. bulk specific gravity of aggregate afterwards. In mix-
tures with a low RAP content, this inaccuracy is not a
problem, but in high RAP content mixes, it may be a
significant problem. If the source of the aggregate is
not known, then one approach is to use the effective
Laboratory Mixing specific gravity, which can be backcalculated from the
and Compaction maximum theoretical specific gravity test (AASHTO
T209 and ASTM D 2041), to estimate the bulk specific
All of the components of the mixture thoroughly gravity of the aggregate in the RAP (Kandhal and
mixed prior to compaction. The RAP and virgin Foo, 1996). This approach was discussed in more
aggregate are mixed and then the virgin asphalt detail earlier.
is added to the mixture. The use of a timer can Three mix properties are necessary to calculate
help ensure thorough mixing of the RAP and virgin the mixture volumetric properties. These are the bulk
materials. Some experimenting may be needed to specific gravity of the compacted mixture (AASHTO
determine the proper mixing time. T166 and ASTM D2726), bulk specific gravity of the
Compaction of mixtures in the laboratory is very aggregate, and theoretical maximum specific gravity
similar to that required for virgin HMA (AASHTO of the loose mixture (AASHTO T209 and ASTM D
T312 and ASTM D4013). The number of gyrations 2041). Accurate measurement of these properties
is selected based on expected traffic or according should not be significantly affected by the use of RAP
to local specifications. As far as compaction of the in the mixture.

20 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

approximately 20 to 25 percent RAP is used in the
Determination of Optimum recycled mixture, the virgin asphalt cement should be
lowered by one temperature grade as recommended
Binder Content by most State DOTs.

RAP contains a significant amount of asphalt

cement, and a higher RAP content will require a lower
optimum asphalt content in the resulting HMA. When
the RAP content exceeds 25 percent, the grade of the Binder Testing
virgin asphalt binder to be added should be lowered
appropriately to provide the proper grade of the As stated earlier, binder testing of the RAP mix-
blended binder as shown by a blending chart. ture is suggested when the RAP content exceeds 25
The optimum binder content is selected to provide percent. Testing the binder in the recycled mixture
4 percent or other applicable specified air voids requires that the binder in the mixture be recovered,
similar to that for virgin mixtures. So if 25 percent tested, and compared with specification requirements.
RAP (containing 5 percent asphalt) is included in The hardening of the asphalt in the laboratory during
the mixture, this provides a total of 1.25 percent of mixing and compaction will not be the same as the
the required binder content. After determining the hardening at the asphalt plant and so the mix design
optimum virgin asphalt to be added, for example will very likely need to be adjusted based on tests of
say 4.0 percent, it would be wise to ensure that the plant produced materials.
combined binder meets the specification requirements. There are two ways that the total blended binder
If a regional study on recovered binder is available, it can be tested in the laboratory. First of all, the asphalt
may be possible to create a blending chart that would can be recovered from the RAP and blended with the
provide an estimate of the combined binder properties. new asphalt to be added to the binder. The second
The optimum asphalt content is determined from mix approach is to blend the RAP with the new aggregate
volumetrics and the grade of virgin asphalt to be used and asphalt and then extract and recover the blended
can be determined from a blending chart or from the binder for testing. Plant verification of the combined
binder recovered from the recycled mixture. binder properties is recommended.
Generally, States that use less than 15 percent RAP It would be possible to avoid extensive testing of the
do not change the grade of asphalt binder to use in binder if there were a series of mixture performance
the mix since the small amount of RAP will not add tests available which would ensure that the finished
enough old binder to require a change in binder grade product had the desired mechanical characteristics
in the new mixture. Generally with 15 to 25 percent and properties. These tests would need to include
RAP, States will require the contractor to reduce rut resistance, thermal and fatigue crack resistance,
the grade of new asphalt by one grade on the high durability, and moisture sensitivity analysis. Work
and low temperature end (for example a PG 64-22 is underway to develop, verify, and adopt these
would be reduced to a PG 58-28) to allow for some performance tests, and this will eventually result in
softening of the old asphalt. Higher percentages of some reduction in the amount of testing required for
RAP will require special consideration and testing for the RAP materials.
the combined asphalt grade, and it is more important
to consider how much binder the RAP is contributing
to the HMA rather than the total amount of RAP in
the mixture.
States that allow higher percentages of RAP to Mechanical Property Testing
be used generally require that the contractor select
a grade of binder that produces the correct grade Testing of the designed mixture to evaluate per-
of blended asphalt. Based on a study by McDaniel formance is important whether designing virgin HMA
and Shah (2003), it has been recommended that up or recycled HMA. There are no nationally accepted
to 40 to 50 percent RAP can be effectively used in performance tests being used to evaluate perfor-
recycled mixtures. Their work also indicated that when mance, but there are some widespread practices.

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 21

For instance, many States use the Tensile Strength a part of the mix design or quality control process.
Ratio (TSR) test (AASHTO T283) as a way of gauging There are also fatigue tests that can be conducted
resistance to moisture damage. Rutting is most often in the laboratory to help evaluate expected fatigue
controlled by using angular aggregates, the proper performance. These tests require a significant amount
grade of binder, and selecting the proper asphalt con- of time and specialized equipment and typically are
tent. There are a few States that perform rut testing considered research tools.
using either the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer or the Other tests including permanent deformation, creep,
Hamburg Rut Tester. Both of these tests have shown and dynamic modulus have been evaluated to predict
some capability to identify mixtures with a tendency rutting in NCHRP Project 9-19, but to date these have
to rut. Generally, the binder grade is selected and not been extensively used on paving projects. It is
controlled to provide resistance to thermal cracking. important that more effort be directed toward this type
While there are some mix tests available to test the of characterization in order to allow more innovation
resistance to thermal cracking, this is not normally in using RAP in new HMA mixtures.

22 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

Plant Verification
Plant verification is the process that allows the loss of VMA. Degradation should be addressed by
HMA producer to compare the characteristics of correcting the stockpile aggregate feed into the plant.
plant manufactured mix to the job mix formula and RAP is generally not subject to a significant amount
specifications and to adjust the material quantities of degradation.
going into the plant before the start of full-scale The inclusion of a high content of RAP in a mix,
production. Once the plant settings have been fixed however, can lead to problems in plant verification.
according to the gradation, aggregate moisture If the aggregate gradation, asphalt content, type
content, asphalt content, and RAP percentage, quality of aggregate or moisture content in the RAP
control is used to monitor the consistency of HMA differ significantly from the mix design or the last
production. measurements made, then it will cause a variation
in the field mix from the job mix formula. During mix
design, RAP will be heated to the mixing temperature
with the virgin aggregate, ensuring that moisture
Initial Settings has been removed. In the plant, RAP that has high
moisture content may not be completely dried prior
To make the initial settings on the plant for verifica- to being mixed with the virgin binder. Incomplete
tion of the mixture design, the following information drying of the RAP may lead to greater residual
should be known: moisture in the virgin aggregate due to incomplete
veiling of the material. This will affect the volumetric
1. Aggregate gradation of each virgin stockpile/ properties of the mix, and may cause problems with
aggregate bin. moisture susceptibility in the mix. Separating RAP
2. Moisture content of each virgin aggregate. stockpiles according to size and type of mix, as well as
3. Bulk specific gravity of each virgin aggregate. following good stockpiling practices, will help minimize
differences between mix design and production.
4. Aggregate gradation of each RAP stockpile.
Once corrections to the aggregate feed have been
5. Asphalt content of each RAP stockpile. made, a trial run of the mix should be produced.
6. Aggregate bulk specific gravity of each It is suggested that mix be put through the plant,
RAP stockpile. and that a sample of the material be taken from the
bed of a dump truck about half way through the trial
7. Moisture content of each RAP stockpile.
run or at about 30 minutes into the production. This
In some instances, drum plant operators find it sample should be properly split, sized, and tested for
useful to run a portion of the new aggregate, with all quality control characteristics. The extra material
the weights corrected for moisture, through the plant should be reserved and saved for retesting if needed.
without the asphalt binder. In other cases, particulate This will allow the plant to warm up and production
emissions and the opportunity for uncoated material to stabilize before sampling. More samples can be
trapped in the plant to later contaminate the HMA taken and tested in the mix verification process, as a
would be cause to add a small amount of binder to function of time. For instance, if production continues,
this material during the plant calibration. This could a sample may be taken at 45 minutes or one hour
amount to about 20 tons of material. The aggregate into production. A test strip of the material should
is then weighed to check for any residual moisture be placed, compacted, and tested for density using
and a sieve analysis is performed to check for any this material, preferably on the project to be paved.
degradation that may have occurred in the plant. The paver operations, roller types and roller patterns
Excessive breakdown of the aggregate particles can necessary to get the best mat density and smoothness
result in the generation of excess fine particles and can be established.

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 23

Voids in Mineral Aggregate (lab compacted):
Testing Typically field VMA is on the order of 0.5 to 1.0
percent lower than that achieved in mix design. This
At this point, it is necessary to check the mix com- happens due to a number of reasons. For instance,
position and properties to ensure that it meets the sharp angles on the aggregate may become more
job mix formula requirements. It is emphasized that rounded during the mixing process, generating more
the mix design provided a starting point. Differences fines and allowing a tighter packing of the particles.
between the job mix formula and field produced prop- Also, if production temperatures are high, there may
erties should be carefully scrutinized before making be appreciably more asphalt absorption in the field
adjustments. Although attempts should be made to materials than during mix design, especially with
adjust the field produced mix to the job mix formula, it highly absorptive aggregates.
may become necessary to readjust the mix to meet the
field conditions. It is important that any adjustments
to the JMF meet the requirements of the broad band
specification. Adjustments
Enough material should be taken to perform Before making adjustments, plant personnel should
maximum theoretical density, asphalt content, and review all the available data. Obviously, if the asphalt
gradation testing on loose mix as well as volumetric content or gradation does not comply with the job mix
testing on compacted specimens. Approximately 100 formula, then appropriate changes in the asphalt feed
lbs (45 kg) of material should be sufficient for testing. or aggregate feed should be made. If the proportion
Sampling and sample splitting can be accomplished of dust in the mix is too great, the return from the
using AASHTO T168 or ASTM D979. baghouse may need to be checked and adjusted.
If the volumetric controls are outside the job mix
Loose Mix formula, then the cause should be found and corrected.
The gradation and asphalt content should be tested For instance, if the air void content is low and the
first to ensure they are correct. The easiest way to VMA is low, two approaches can be tried to correct
check this is through the use of a properly calibrated the problem. First, an adjustment of the aggregate
ignition oven (AASHTO T308, ASTM D6307). If the gradation to move it further from the line of maximum
aggregate is soft, high in absorption, or subject to density should be tried. This may involve increasing
change during the oven heating, then it is critical to the coarse or fine aggregate, while attempting to keep
first calibrate the mix in the laboratory during the mix the gradation within the JMF. Secondly, the amount of
design phase and apply these corrections. If the mix filler used in the mixture may be reduced to increase
meets the job mix formula requirements, then testing the VMA and air voids. If air voids are high and VMA
for the maximum theoretical specific gravity can is low, consideration should be given to increasing the
proceed (AASHTO T209, ASTM D2041). asphalt content slightly and adjusting the aggregate
Three samples of mix should be compacted in the gradation. If it is not possible to stay within the JMF,
gyratory compactor (AASHTO T312, ASTM D4013) then the broad band specifications should be followed
to the design number of gyrations. The increase in and adjustments in the mix should be considered.
density with gyrations should be checked for any While the mix validation is being performed, a test
unusual behavior (e.g. unexpectedly steep slopes or strip should be placed to ensure the compactibility of
flat slopes in the curve). the mix and to determine an effective rolling pattern.

Compacted Mix
Depending upon the requirements for field volu-
metric testing, the following parameters should be
Test Strip
examined: In many cases, a section of the project will be
Air Voids (lab compacted): The air void content set aside for the construction of a test strip. If this
should be within one percent of the target voids at is not the case, then a test strip may be built off
Ndesign. the project, but the pavement support conditions

24 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

and the environmental conditions should mimic the 2. Keeping trucks moving so they are not waiting
construction site as closely as possible. to discharge their loads.
The test strip serves to provide experience for the 3. Paving during improved environmental
paving crew to the mix characteristics. It should be conditions (e.g., increasing air temperature,
used as an opportunity to work out potential problems dry weather, etc.)
with: 4. Keeping the rollers close behind the paver.
1. lift thickness
If the low temperatures are associated with the end-
2. segregation of-loads, then keeping the paver running smoothly and
3. smoothness continuously should stop these from forming. If the
4. in-place density paver hopper is loaded through end-dumping, then
Several observations and measurements should be the starting and stopping of the paver should be done
made during this stage of construction. Lift thickness both rapidly and smoothly to avoid a rough surface.
should be set using controls on the paver and screed. Balancing production is the key to a successful
The loose mix behind the screed should be checked at paving job. An insufficient number of rollers or a
approximately 20-ft (6-m) intervals behind the screed paving speed that is too fast can lead to low densities.
allowing for about 0.25 inch (6 mm) compaction per The paver should operate at a speed that allows
inch (25 mm) of compacted mat thickness. As the the compaction train to keep up with it. If vibratory
material is being placed, evidence of segregation compactors try to keep up with a high paver speed,
should be noted, and best practices to eliminate it the impact spacing will be too great and density will
should be implemented (AASHTO, 1997). not be achieved. Likewise, if static or pneumatic rollers
One of the most important functions of the test are traveling too fast, there will not be an adequate
strip is to establish a rolling pattern for optimum dwell time for compaction.
density. There are publications available to provide Using too high of an amplitude in vibratory compac-
guidance on field compaction (NAPA, 2002 and tion may lead to fractured aggregate particles and a
2002b). Most problems with in-place density surround low density. If fractured aggregate are visible on the
the inability to meet specifications. Checking density surface, the rolling equipment and techniques should
nondestructively before compaction could help identify be reviewed. If a vibratory compactor is used in the
the source of potential inconsistencies. If after several intermediate position, consider reducing the amplitude
rolling patterns are tried, the density is still too low, or replacing it with a pneumatic compactor. Make sure
then a number of factors need to be checked. that the mix temperature is in the range that will allow
One of the first should be the lift thickness speci- compaction.
fied for the mixture supplied. If the mix is a coarse
gradation, then the lift thickness should be 4 times
the nominal maximum aggregate size (NMAS). If it
is a fine gradation, then it should be at least 3 times Production
the NMAS. If the specified lift is too thin, the mix will Once the plant adjustments and the proper balanc-
not compact adequately, and the contractor and ing of production, paving, and compaction have been
agency should consult to see if the lift thickness can completed, production can start and the process of
be changed. As a last resort, the mix may need to be quality control is used to make sure that consistency
redesigned with a smaller NMAS. is maintained. Quality control (QC) uses measure-
If the designed lift thickness is appropriate, the ments of material components and HMA properties to
next step is to review the delivery temperature of the provide feedback to the plant and paving crew. Adjust-
mix, and whether there is a general problem with low ments at this stage should be in response to a number
temperature, or if there are low temperatures present of tests showing either a drift or shift in the production.
in different areas of the mat. A general problem could The next section discusses QC procedures.
be addressed through either:
1. Increasing the plant temperature slightly,
allowing more workability in the RAP and the
virgin binder.

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 25


26 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

Quality Control

Introduction given. It is recognized that other schedules of test-

ing have been established by experience in various
Quality control procedures ensure the consistency States. The guidance given here is largely taken from
of the recycled HMA mixture produced in a plant and the experience with the WesTrack project where the
placed on the roadway. A sound quality control plan impact of construction variability on pavement per-
will help maintain both the production and desired level formance was documented (Epps et al, 2002) and
of quality, especially for recycled mixtures with high it is not intended to supplant specifications that are
RAP contents. While the discussion here is limited to currently working well. Priorities are listed as either
testing attributes over which the producer has control, high, medium, or low, depending upon how critical the
quality control also involves providing feedback to the information is to making adjustments. Variability will
individuals who are involved in the manufacturing also dictate the frequency of testing. For instance, test-
process. In other words, all plant, transportation, pav- ing gravel sources for flat and elongated particles may
ing, and management personnel have quality control not be useful. Also, if RAP stockpiles are separated
responsibilities. Good procedures include conducting according to size or type of material, the consistency
appropriate tests and analyzing the results in a timely may be such that the frequency of testing can be lower
manner as well as observing all aspects of the mix than for cases where only one stockpile is used.
production, placement, and compaction process. This
section provides a discussion of the steps necessary Aggregate
to ensure a quality construction project. Testing of aggregate stockpiles should be accom-
plished during the materials evaluation phase of the
mix design. If stockpiles are replenished during pro-
duction, they should be tested as materials are add-
ed, at an approximate rate of about once every 5000
Testing tons, to make sure that the characteristics have not
changed significantly since the mix design. As long as
Quality control testing should focus on providing new materials are not added to the stockpile during
information that can be acted upon by plant or paving the production operation then little additional testing
personnel to provide the desired characteristics in the of the stockpile is needed. Proper stockpiling prac-
mix or mat. While not every test result deviation from tices should always be followed.
a target value needs or should get a corrective action, Table 1 shows the recommended schedule of test-
patterns of drift or abnormally high variability should ing for aggregates during mix production. Sampling
be identified and the proper adjustments should be of the combined aggregates should take place on
made. Drift can be detected by monitoring the running the conveyor going into the plant. If the contractor
average of test results with time. The presence of RAP has a good process control program for production
will require testing beyond that for QC of an all virgin of aggregates, the sampling frequency can be greatly
material HMA, since the ingredients of the RAP adds reduced. However, if the gradation is not being closely
extra components to the mixture input. controlled at the quarry then more testing should be
Tables 1 through 4 provide some suggested sched- done by the contractor. Once it has been verified that
ules of testing for aggregate, RAP, asphalt binder, and the stockpile is homogenous and within specifications,
mixture, respectively. The test method, the AASHTO additional testing of materials being hauled to the
and ASTM test designations, the sampling location, stockpile can be limited to one or two tests per day
sampling rate range, and the priority of the test are for each stockpile.

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 27

Suggested Quality Control Schedule for Aggregate (after Epps et al, 2002)

Test Test Number Sampling Frequency1 Priority

Description AASHTO ASTM Location (samples/lot)

Coarse aggregate angularity D5821 Combined cold feed 1-5 Medium – Low

Fine aggregate angularity TP56 Combined cold feed 1 - 5 Medium – Low

Flat and Elongated Particles D4791 Combined cold feed 1 - 5 Medium – Low

Sand Equivalent T176 D2419 Combined cold feed 1 - 5 Medium – Low

Los Angeles abrasion T96 C131 Combined cold feed 1 - 5 Medium – Low

Soundness T104 C88 Combined cold feed 1 - 5 Medium – Low

Deleterious materials T112 C142 Combined cold feed 1 - 5 Medium – Low

Gradation T27 C136 Combined cold feed 5 High

1 Frequency and types of testing will depend upon variability of source materials and the intended end-use of the HMA.
Historical records and materials evaluation should be consulted before determining testing frequency.

Suggested Quality Control Schedule for RAP

Test Test Number Sampling Frequency1,2 Priority

Description AASHTO ASTM Location (samples/lot)

Asphalt content T308, T287, D6307, D4125 Stockpile or combined 1 - 5 High

or T164 or D2172 RAP feed

Gradation T27 C136 Stockpile or combined 1 - 5 High

RAP feed

Binder extraction T164 and D2172 and Stockpile or combined 1 Low

and recovery T170 D1856 or D5404 RAP feed

Binder properties Post extraction 1 Low

– See Table 3 and recovery

Aggregate properties Post extraction 1 Medium – Low

– See Table 1

Frequency and types of testing will depend upon variability of source materials and the intended end-use of the HMA.
Historical records and materials evaluation should be consulted before determining testing frequency.
2 If the RAP stockpile is built ahead of production and additions are not being made to the pile, it may be possible to dramatically reduce
the sampling frequency.

28 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

Suggested Quality Control Schedule for Asphalt Binder (after Epps et al, 2002)

Test Test Number Sampling Frequency Priority

Description AASHTO ASTM Location (samples/lot)

Rotational viscometer D4402 Virgin1 – storage 1 Virgin – high

(unaged) Blended3 Blended2 –
Dynamic shear T315 Virgin1– storage 1 Virgin – high
rheometer (DSR) Blended3 Blended2 –
(unaged) medium
DSR (RTFO) T315 Virgin1– storage 1 Virgin – high
Blended3 Blended2 – low
DSR (PAV) T315 Virgin1 – storage 1 Virgin – high
Blended3,4 Blended2 – low
Bending beam T313 D6648 Virgin1 – storage 1 Virgin – high
rheometer (PAV) Blended3,4 Blended2 – low
Direct tension (PAV) T314 D6723 Virgin1 – storage 1 Virgin – high
Blended3,4 Blended2– low
Flash Point T48 Virgin1 – storage 1 Virgin – high
Blended3,4 Blended2 – low
1 For virgin materials, a certificate of compliance from the binder supplier and quality assurance testing may suffice for testing requirements.
2 For blended binders, testing is only recommended for mixtures with RAP contents exceeding 25 percent, and the frequency will depend upon
variability of materials in stockpiles.
3 Recommended for blended virgin and extracted and recovered RAP binder.
4 Recommended for extracted and recovered binder from produced mix.

Suggested Quality Control Schedule for HMA Mixtures (after Epps et al, 2002)

Test Test Number Sampling Frequency1 Priority

Description AASHTO ASTM Location (samples/lot)
Gradation T27 C136 Truck or Behind Paver 2 - 5 High
Asphalt content T308, T287, D6307, D4125 Truck or Behind Paver 2 - 5 High
or T164 or D2172
Gyratory Compaction T312 D4013 Truck or Behind Paver 2 - 5 High
Properties @ Ndesign
Air voids T269 D3203 Truck or Behind Paver 2 - 5 High
Voids in mineral aggregate Truck or Behind Paver 2 - 5 High – Medium
Voids filled with asphalt Truck or Behind Paver 2 - 5 High – Medium

Bulk specific gravity T166 D2726 Truck or Behind Paver 2 - 5 High

Dust to binder ratio Truck or Behind Paver 2 - 5 Medium
Theoretical Max. T209 D2041 Truck or Behind Paver 2 - 5 High
Specific Gravity
In-place air voids T269 D3203, D2950 Compacted Mat 5 -10 High

1. Frequency and types of testing will depend upon variability of source materials and the intended end-use of the HMA.
Historical records and materials evaluation should be consulted before determining testing frequency.

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 29

RAP termine the asphalt content and gradation are the
solvent extraction method and the ignition oven test.
RAP may be material removed from the project Both methods will provide reasonably accurate data if
being constructed or from other similar projects. properly conducted. However, the solvent extraction
Some State DOTs require that any RAP used in method results in the need for used solvent disposal.
recycled mixtures be recovered from State projects. As the amount of RAP is increased, the importance
This tends to reduce the variability of the RAP, since of the accuracy of these tests increases. There is
material removed from State projects will be more very little information involving testing of recycled
uniform than RAP collected from a wide range of mixture where the RAP contains modified binders but
sources. This is also true for plant waste stockpiles. this is beginning to be a bigger issue. If the amount
More attention must be provided when RAP is being of RAP is low, the modified asphalt is likely not to
collected from various sources. Any material delivered impact the properties. However, as the amount of
must be blended with other materials to produce a RAP is increased, this may become a more important
uniform stockpile. A uniform stockpile is essential in issue.
the production of a uniform recycled mixture. This is
especially true when using high RAP contents. Binder
As mentioned before, the RAP material may be
separated into at least two stockpiles prior to use Generally, once a grade of binder is selected
according to the particle sizes. Other stockpiles may for a project, the grade is not changed during the
reflect differences in materials used in different kinds construction of the project unless there is a problem.
of paving projects. Some contractors have chosen to Most of the binder evaluation should be done prior
do this simply because it provides more control over to mix design. However, with high RAP contents any
the properties of the recycled HMA. It also offers significant change in the gradation and/or amount of
greater flexibility in proportioning different types of RAP may result in the need for a change in the grade
mixtures. of asphalt that is being used to produce the mixture.
It is important to measure the asphalt content and Adjustments in the mix should be made to provide the
gradation at several sampling locations on each of the needed binder properties without having to change
RAP stockpiles before beginning production. Table 2 the binder grade.
gives ranges for sampling and testing RAP materials Table 3 presents suggested rates for QC testing
during production. Depending upon the variability of of both virgin and recycled AC binders. At most, this
materials in RAP and the type of mix being produced, should be done at a rate of once per lot. However,
the type of testing and frequency should be adjusted. certificates of compliance from binder producers could
If the RAP is known to be consistent in asphalt content suffice for testing of virgin binder, or Quality Assurance
and gradation, then the frequency can be minimized. testing could be used to indicate any changes in the
However, for a high coefficient of variability (say 20 virgin binder. Also, unless there is sufficient reason
percent or higher), it would be wise to set up a regular to believe that the RAP binder has changed during
sampling and testing program. Likewise, if the HMA the course of production, it is not necessary to test
being produced is for a less critical structure or layer it beyond the materials evaluation stage of the mix
in the pavement, frequent testing of aggregate char- design process.
acteristics such as polishing or crushed face count Florida recommends taking a sample of the re-
may be superfluous. cycled mixture for testing for every 4,000 tons of
It is easier to tailor the mixture and maintain gra- production, which could translate to about once or
dation and asphalt content control by separating the twice per lot.
material into two or more sizes. If RAP is obtained
from the project being constructed, care should be Mix
exercised when the depth of RAP removal is adjusted. It is important that a mix have consistent properties
If the depth changes, the gradation and asphalt con- that meet the desired requirements. Mixture properties
tent of the RAP may change since different mixes are that are important include gradation, asphalt content,
typically used in different pavement layers. air voids, VMA, voids filled with asphalt, and properties
The two methods that are normally used to de- of blended binder. The rate of testing should be

30 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

between 2 and 5 sets for a lot of material. Table 4 amount of the new binder to be added to the mixture
shows the recommended tests and frequency of is reduced, and the viscosity or stiffness of the virgin
testing for the HMA mixture. The point of sampling binder will likely need to be reduced.
for the QC testing should coincide with the point of The asphalt binder grade should not normally
sampling for Quality Assurance. This is usually either have to be adjusted during the construction project
the transport vehicle or behind the paver. unless it is necessary in order to provide the needed
There are a number of performance tests mentioned properties of the combined binder. If the amount of
in the Mixture Design section that could be useful, but RAP is increased, the PG grade of the new binder may
many States have not adopted them as of yet. The have to be reduced to provide the desired combined
most common performance test used is some type binder properties.
of wheel tracking test which provides some indication
of the rutting potential of an asphalt mixture. The Binder Content
recovered asphalt binder properties are generally
The most important property in an asphalt mixture
used to get some indication of the potential for thermal
is the amount of air voids in the mix, and this is
cracking. Generally, it is believed that adding as much
generally controlled by the amount of binder in the
asphalt binder as possible without failing the rutting
mixture. If the amount of binder is higher, then the
test is the best way to design a mixture that is resistant
air voids will be lower and vice versa.
to cracking, raveling, and moisture susceptibility.
If the measured air voids criterion is not satisfactory,
then the binder content may have to be adjusted to
provide the needed air voids. However, any change
in binder content will change the properties of the
Adjustments combined binder and thus may require that a change
in grade of new binder be used and/or the amount of
Gradation RAP modified to provide the desired properties.
The gradation should be adjusted as necessary to
satisfy the requirements of the specification. When RAP Content
the VMA is low, the gradation will probably have to Generally, the RAP content is controlled by the
be adjusted to increase the VMA. The gradation State specifications or, in some cases, it is set by
should also be adjusted when necessary to meet the contractor based on experience. When the RAP
specification requirements for the job mix formula of binder content increases, the amount of new asphalt
the mixture. The easiest way to increase the VMA needed is reduced, making it necessary to use a lower
is to reduce the amount of material passing the No. viscosity virgin asphalt in order to have the proper
200 sieve. workability and crack resistance. It may be more
One issue that should be considered in recycled difficult to control the gradation and volumetrics with
HMA is the amount of material passing the No. 200 higher RAP contents, unless more effort is taken to
sieve for RAP. The milling operation will breakdown control the uniformity of RAP stockpiles. Depending
some aggregates, especially soft aggregates, and upon the type and age of the plant being used to
provide a high percentage of material passing the manufacture the HMA, it may be necessary to limit
No. 200 sieve. RAP usage to satisfy emissions requirements.
If the gradation of the RAP changes, this will have Higher RAP content will reduce the overall cost of
to be offset by adjusting the gradation of the virgin the mix being produced. So as long as the quality of
aggregate. Significantly changing the percentage of the recycled HMA is not compromised, the amount of
RAP to improve gradation may cause problems since RAP used in the mixture should be optimized. With
this will affect the amount of binder in the mixture. the price of asphalt cement increasing, the savings
for using higher percentages of RAP is significant.
Binder Grade Increased quality control is key to monitoring the
The virgin asphalt binder grade is selected to consistency and value of the HMA being produced.
provide the desired properties in the blended asphalt
binder. When the amount of RAP is increased, the

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 31


32 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

It is certainly possible to design HMA mixtures with 1. Heating the RAP more gradually than aggregates
RAP contents of 30 to 40 percent. The two biggest are normally heated.
impediments to designing high RAP content mixes 2. Estimating the RAP aggregate specific gravity.
are: 3. Accounting for the RAP binder in the aggregate
1. The stiffness of the RAP binder which controls batching.
the virgin binder or recycling agent grade needed 4. Reducing the new binder content to account for the
to produce a mix with the desired blended binder RAP binder.
characteristics. If the RAP content is high, then the 5. Possibly using a lower virgin binder grade to
PG grade of new binder may be so low as to cause account for the RAP binder aging.
problems with blending and softness early in the With the higher prices for asphalt and energy,
performance of the pavement. there are certainly economic incentives to use higher
percentages of RAP. RAP with higher binder contents
2. The gradation of the RAP may contain too much
will have more asphalt added from the RAP and thus
material passing the No. 200 sieve to allow the
require less costly new asphalt. With a higher total
use of more than a certain percentage of RAP in
RAP content, there will also be lower cost in the
the mixture. This can be overcome by separating
production and transportation of virgin aggregate.
RAP materials according to size. In doing this, the
However, mixtures with RAP contents exceeding 25
mixture can be tailored for specific uses.
percent normally will require significant changes in
Other issues exist as well, such as the consensus testing and plant operations, whereas those with lower
properties of the aggregate, plant limitations, ambient RAP contents will require fewer changes.
temperature restrictions, and RAP moisture content. Higher RAP content will reduce the overall cost of
The first of these could be handled by separating the mix being produced. So as long as the quality of
stockpiles according to the type of mix in the RAP. The the recycled HMA is not compromised, the amount of
other issues require knowledge of the plant, balancing RAP used in the mixture should be optimized. With
the economics of production, and good construction the price of asphalt cement increasing, the savings
judgment. for using higher percentages of RAP is significant.
Mix design methods exist for recycled hot mix Because of high asphalt prices, it is time to review
asphalt, and a step-by-step process is presented specifications which may limit RAP usage and not
in NCHRP Report No. 452. This method follows the fully exploit this resource. The industry needs to work
Superpave method of mix design, but could easily be with agencies to ensure the quality of mixtures being
adapted to any mix design procedure. As stated by produced with RAP and to work toward a performance
McDaniel and Anderson (2001), the only changes in test that will allow rapid evaluation of important
mix design from an all-virgin mix are: performance characteristics without relying solely on
recipe type of guidelines for mix design.

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 33


34 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124

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Bonaquist, R. January 22, 2007. New Tools to Design and Characterize Higher RAP Hot Mix Asphalt. Presentation.
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Brown, D. September 2000. RAP Turns in Good Performances. Recycling Practices for HMA. Special Report No. 187.
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Chen, D. and J. Daleiden. 2005. Roadway Pavement Preservation. Circular No. E-C078. Transportation Research Board.
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Kandhal, P.S. 1977. Low Temperature Ductility in Relation to Pavement Performance. Low-Temperature Proper-
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Kandhal, Prithvi and Kee Foo. 1997. Designing Recycled Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures using Superpave Technology.
NCAT technical report number 96-5. National Center for Asphalt Technology. Auburn University, AL.
Kennedy, Tom, Weng Tam, and Mansour Solaimanian. 1998a. “Optimizing Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
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White Bear Lake, MN. pgs 311- 333.
Kennedy, T.W., W.O. Tam, M. Solaimanian. June 1998b. Effect of Reclaimed Asphalt on Binder Properties Us-
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Design Method: Technicians Manual. NCHRP Report 452. Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC.

National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124 35

McDaniel, R.S. and A. Shah. 2003. “Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Under Superpave Specifications.”
Journal of AAPT. Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists. White Bear Lake, MN. pp. 226-252.
National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA). 2002. Roller Operations for Quality. Information Series 121.
Lanham, MD.
National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA). 2002b. Superpave Construction Guidelines. Special Report 180.
Lanham, MD.
Newcomb, D.E. and J.A. Epps. 1981. Asphalt Recycling Technology: Literature Review and Research Plan. Report
ESL-TR-81-42. Air Force Engineering and Services Center. Tyndall Air Force Base, FL.
Petersen, J.C. 1989. Thin Film Accelerated Aging Test for Evaluating Asphalt Oxidative Aging. Proceedings –
Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists. St. Paul, MN. pp. 220-237.
Soleymani, H. R., M. Anderson, R. McDaniel, and M. Abdelrahman. 1999. “Investigation of the Black Rock Issue
for Recycled Asphalt Mixtures,” Journal of AAPT. Volume 69. Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists.
White Bear Lake, MN. pgs 366-390.
Zofka, A., M. O. Marasteanu, T.R. Clyne, X. Li, O. Hoffman. June 2004. Development of Simple Asphalt Test for
Determination of RAP Blending Charts. Report No. MN/RC 2004-44. Minnesota Department of Transportation.
St. Paul.

36 National Asphalt Pavement Association • QIP 124



Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol

inches inches 25.4 millimeters mm mm millimeters 0.039 inches in
ft feet 0.305 meters m m meters 3.28 feet ft
yd yards 0.914 meters m m meters 1.09 yards yd
mi miles 1.61 kilometers km km kilometers 0.621 miles mi

in2 square inches 645.2 millimeters squared mm2 mm2 millimeters squared 0.0016 square inches in2
ft2 square feet 0.093 meters squared m2 m2 meters squared 10.764 square feet ft2
yd2 square yards 0.836 meters squared m2 ha hectares 2.47 acres ac
ac acres 0.405 hectares ha km2 kilometers squared 0.386 square miles mi2
mi2 square miles 2.59 kilometers squared km2

fl oz fluid ounces 29.57 milliliters mL mL milliliters 0.034 fluid ounces fl oz
gal gallons 3.785 liters L L liters 0.264 gallons gal
ft3 cubic feet 0.028 meters cubed m3 m3 meters cubed 35.315 cubic feet ft3
yd3 cubic yards 0.765 meters cubed m3 m3 meters cubed 1.308 cubic yards yd3
NOTE: Volumes greater than 1000 L shall be shown in m3.

oz ounces 28.35 grams g g grams 0.035 ounces oz
lb pounds 0.454 kilograms kg kg kilograms 2.205 pounds lb
T short tons 0.907 megagrams Mg Mg megagrams 1.102 short tons(2000 lb) T
(2000 lb)


)F )C Celsius 1.8C + 32 Fahrenheit )F
Fahrenheit 5(F-32)/9 Celsius )C
temperature temperature temperature temperature
)F 32 98.6 212
-40 0 40 80 120 160 200

-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100

)C 37 )C

*SI is the symbol for the International System of Measurement.


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