Religion Secularism and Indian Scenario by Sarbani Banerjee

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Religion, Secularism and the

Indian Scenario : A Study

Humanity and the role of religion the formal and the methodical. Marxians
look at religion as playing a vital role in
Human beings, perturbed by doubts, supporting the values and goals of the
confide to religion as a way of seeking bourgeoisie and the ruling class (Winter
certainty or truth (Engineer 1999, 38). The 1977, 35). According to Marx, ‘...the final
functionalists claim that the main role of demise of religion as a form of
religion lies in helping a society cope with consciousness could only be achieved
tension and a sense of uncertainty and through a transformation of the actual
powerlessness that arise out of realizing that structure of society’ (Turner 2011, 7).
God is unpredictable and indifferent to Having been churned out of a specific
human ethics. Thought that way, religion social, historical and political context, each
helps a society to work normally. Absence religion has its own locus. For example,
of religion can lead to the recognition of Hinduism emphasizes non-violence,
one’s limitedness before the human Buddhism dwells on compassion,
condition and intensify one’s frustration and Christianity’s crux is love, and Islam
intolerability (Parsons 1957, 380-5). highlights justice and brotherhood (Engineer
According to David Martin’s analysis, 1999, 43). However, one cannot deny that all
religion plays a role in forming the the religions universally appeal to
collective psyche of a people, in ‘unit[ing] humanitarianism and share a complementary
myth in the sense of partial representation relationship with one another. While
to a framework of understanding, a Buddhism bases its values on compassion, it
perspective, a poetic and dramatized is still reliant on the pacifist world-view that
symbolic system’ (Martin 1969, 19). defines the Hindu philosophy. The Sufi
While the rationalists question religion school of thought looks at the Creator more
for promoting superstitions, both Bertrand as a personal, affectionate being than an
Russell and William James underscore the austere doctrinaire body, which draws on
importance of faith, a psychological Christian ideals. Seen this way, a common
category, in developing knowledge. thread of human experience, agency and
Nevertheless, religion in its fossilized state consciousness runs through all the religions
can lead to convictions, manufactured in the world, coordinating each cult’s
violence, hatred and divisive attitudes, incipience, evolution and decadence.
producing an unjust society where the According to Satchidananda Dhar, the deep-
category of the ethical has been replaced by seated significance of religion lies in its

24 Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture  February 2019


ability to sift divinity from animality and Brahmanical law, including monarchic
appeal to the humanitarian values, which despotism, expansion of kingship at the
‘shall be a common ground of union in all expense of tribal privilege, and a
aspects of life. And religion and religious widespread casteist attitude.
outlook alone can foster true unity Durkheim reveals how the divinity-
and integration between man and man’ mortal relationship ultimately simulates the
(Dhar 1989, 85). functioning of a government:

Human, God, and society God stands in same relationship to his

worshippers as a society to its members
It is paradoxical that religion in its early (Winter 1977, 27) . . . a society has all that
stage is a hothouse of revolutions, whereas is necessary to arouse the sensation of the
propped up by priests and ideologues in its divine in minds merely by the power that it
prime, it sustains orthodoxies and ritualistic has over them. . . . At every instant we are
aspects, endorsing a structure of obliged to submit ourselves to rules
institutionalism. Paul Siegel observes that of conduct we have neither made nor
the discursive notion of divinity exists as a desired, and which are sometimes contrary
to our fundamental inclinations and
mode of survival and inspires awe and fear,
instincts. . . . (28)
until it eventually gets absorbed within the
hidebound skeleton of dogmas. Gods such That the religious policies of a given
as Zeus, Jehovah and Krishna are more like geographical space are interlaced with other
leaders of their respective clans than deities, instantaneous factors is illuminated from the
who are believed to have borne offsprings fact that the global expulsion of the Jews due
with human females and revealed earthly to their usury trade subsequently took a
traits and follies. religious expression of hatred, as Jews, as a
Thus, the concept of God is not race, were accused of the crime of deicide
divorced from the immediate socio-political (Siegel 2005, 62). The peasant revolt in
relations and enables the formation of faith- Alsace (1525) against the Jews and the
based groupings, which are usually clergy was fuelled as much by religious
combative with one another and build issues as by social and economic reasons. In
narrow definitions of Self and Other. For colonial India, historic acts of insurgency,
example, the gradual transformation of such as the Sepoy Mutiny (1857) and the
Islam from a tribal alliance to a concrete Khilafat Movement (1919-22) were
political structure is realized in the rule that motivated by the desire for political
prevents an individual believer from making independence as well as the need to defend
peace with the ‘enemy’ without the consent one’s religious identity. In Germany, Austria
of his Islamist brethren (Siegel 2005, 174). and France, the crisis of capitalism followed
The Brahmanical religion establishes caste by the stock market crash (1873) led to a
gradations by professing that an individual pauperized condition and mass discontent
can ascend to a higher caste in the future among the petty bourgeoisie, in turn leading
life by stringently following caste to intensification of anti-Semitic feelings and
obligations. On the other hand, the birth of a rise of Catholic socialism. All these
Buddhism is coeval with a number of social illustrations reinforce R.A.L.H.
evils that were fostered under the Gunawardana’s statement that religion shares

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an ‘antagonistic symbiosis’ with economic state unsettling the common Christian’s

and social forces (Gunawardana 1979, 344). loyalty to the emperor and the Pope.
Gradually, by eradicating the omnipresent
Secularism, and why it does not character of the Church, secularism
fit the Indian bill uncoupled the everyday lives of the people
‘Secular’ is a French word, whose from the Church, and post-Reformation, a
etymological root traces back to the Latin policy of tolerance was formulated (Verma
word secularis, as opposed to 1986, 43). While secularism in England was
‘ecclesiastical’ (Mishra 1980, 114). initially a protest movement against the
Secularization is supposed to be a political selfishness of the wealthy and
concomitant of the decline of scope of authoritarian theologists that later on took
authority structures, and aid the corrosion an atheistic turn under the auspices of
of the power of the priestly class. Its Charles Bradlaugh and George Holyoake,
accompanying factors are rationalization, in France, secularism ushered in after the
individualism, democratic politics and French Revolution and following
liberal values (Turner 2011, 10). When a Napoleon’s civil code. It finally made an
society is unified in terms of functional impression after Waldeck Rousseau’s
interdependence than traditional integration passing the education bill under the Third
through common cultural elements, Republic. In Germany, Ludwig Feuerbach
religious creeds become increasingly less proposed that, rather than having a state
significant (Winter 1977, 79, 80). Leibniz, that is neutral to religions, God and His
the German founder of French traits need to be secularized and the
enlightenment, suggested the cosmopolitan conventional God rendered redundant. In
virtue of exchanging innate ideas through America, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson
dialogical critical understanding, which can and George Washington were proponents of
be seen as an expression of secularism. a secular state.
Further, Martin notes that secularization is It is not wrong to say that the Western
actually realizable only when there is a sense of secularism carries a negative
holistic attitude of espousing the diverse connotation, in that it creates a wall
patterns of thinking, and submitting to the between the state and religious activities.
unpredictable conditions of human life: Notwithstanding their anti-religious
Only if we learn to accept the opportunity positions, some cases of convinced
cost of alternative ideals, and if we accept scientism, dogmatism and communism,
the need to live with ambiguity, with the which are all based on secularist values,
ambivalence written into every also have a religious element entrenched in
achievement, and with the elements of them. Alternatively, Protestantism extends
determination, limits and sheer arbitrary religious concepts through the paradoxical
chaos which enclose and make possible our method of uncoupling the Church from the
freedom, order and purpose, only then do State, and propagates itself by devaluing the
we in fact come to terms with the secular
priest and priestly rituals on religious
(Martin 1969, 47).
grounds (Martin 1969, 50).
In the Western societies, secularism The causations that led to the
started with the worldly Graeco-Roman secularization of Western societies are in no

26 Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture  February 2019


way analogous to the Indian case of present day, many Indian religious
Sarvadharma Sambhàvanà (possibility of institutions thrive in the form of a
coexistence of different religions), as can be bureaucratized and multipurpose complex
observed during the Bhakti Movement, or around the sanctum sanctorum. They are a
under the reigns of rulers like Akbar and self-sufficient structure, comprising a
Dara Shikoh (Hasan 1996, 203). According kitchen for cooking, a tank for bathing, and
to Wendy Doniger, ‘Rather than specific allotted places for the development
characterizing the ritual world of the Rig- of education through lectures, discourses
Veda as worldly, one might do better to and publication of souvenirs, and
characterize the non-ritual Vedic world as additionally provide accommodation to
sacred’ (Doniger 1981, 229). In India, the young scholars at a waived fee. Such an
essence of religious principles lies in institution is responsible for the production
coalescing a moral community around of knowledge, employment of skilled
certain beliefs and practices, and is labours, and sometimes even financing of
regardless of the Western values of the needy, such as the poor orphans and the
objective reasoning and positing of man as aged. It reserves a dual capacity of
a cognitive animal. Unlike the Church influencing the Indian society—through
whose cosmic theories had been disproved instilling fundamentalism and corruption, as
by inventors like Galileo Galilei, the eastern well as through supporting philanthropism
religions were not at odds with science, and and social service.
so would not be seen as a hurdle to the path Because ‘secularism’ is not an
of secularization by way of scientific indigenous concept and the pre-colonial
advancement (Devi 2002, 64). Even prior to Indian government systems were based
the crystallization of a scientific self-image either on Vedic or Islamic treatises, it is not
of the Indian nation-state, the idea of perfectly translatable to Indian languages,
human community here was shaped around and leads to an array of misplaced
religious lores and traditions. Contrarily, meanings, which range between agnosticism
some scholars understand Indian religion as and religious neutrality. In his research,
‘. . . an artifact of historical sources . . . Satchidananda Dhar shows that the
people’s ideas and behaviour were shaped Dharmashàstras and Arthashàstras, which
. . . by an underlying network of power offer practical methods towards education,
relations, not religion’ (Copland et trade, commerce, economic progress and
al. 2012, 16). justice, have always formed the edifice of
Showing how the idea of modernity and the Indian governments, monarchic or
religion in India are not entirely removed otherwise (Dhar 1989, 21). The Jàtakas also
from one another, Turner observes that discuss the qualities of members who would
India has at least partially succeeded in constitute an assembly of justice, and in the
‘avoiding the dismemberment of important Purànic myths Nàrada is described as
ritual types, and [they] have incorporated having emphasized the importance of
into [their] ritual performances many of the elderly people, dharma and truth in the
issues and problems of modern urban living court of law (Dhar 1989,24). Louis
and succeeded in giving them religious Dumont’s study argues that secularism in
meaning’ (Turner 2003, 131). Until the ancient India faced a setback when religion

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was uncoupled from administration, intrinsically out of place in India where . . .

resulting in the sacerdotal Brahmin elites religion is not just recognized as a
deciding the legitimacy and limits of ‘that mediating force in political and social
which fell into the realm of the secular’ for affairs but legitimized through private and
the warrior-noble Kshatriya elites (Dumont state intervention’ (Hasan 1996, 201-2).
1962). S. L. Verma claims that secularism Furthermore, arguing that there is inequality
in India has not been amply probed in line and constitutive violence to the statist
with the support of the elites and has, projects of secularism, Ashis Nandy points
therefore, frozen into a stereotype without a out that secularism inferiorizes other
precise definition. What is more, Dina Nath schools of thought and insists that only it
Mishra asserts that the parliamentary can practise pluralism, and that secularism
secularism in India makes an individual can even justify the colonial apparatus
skeptic of all religions instead of cultivating (Skaria 2009,181). He states that the
a sense of respect for the religious ‘Other’ ideology and politics of secularism: ‘. . .
(Mishra 1980, 112). have more or less exhausted their
India experienced British secularism possibilities and . . . we may now have to
during colonial contact under the rule of work a different conceptual frame which is
Queen Victoria, whose government already visible at the borders of Indian
purported to be neutral in religious political culture’ (Nandy 1988, 85).
matters, and through the system of English The inherent complexity of the Indian
education (Verma 1986, 45). However, the society is observable in the fact that the
‘divide and rule’ policy played by the communities are not homogeneous, either at
British colonizers prevented the adaptation the national or the local level. When
of secularism in India in the Western sense politically studying the Indian scenario, it is
of the term. While the post-colonial Indian less productive for the leaders to mobilize
Constitution chose secularism to keep the people solely along communitarian
together the various faiths within a lines. Depending on individual
multilingual, multiethnic nation state, the circumstances, the focus of identification
pre-colonial Indian subcontinent had shifts from communal to caste and class
always celebrated a peaceable climate, factors (see Gould 1966, 51-73). In the
where an individual participated in South Asian context, the problem
religious activities and prayed to different aggravates with several absolutist ideologies
gods, irrespective of his/her own coexisting simultaneously. The resistance of
communal identity. the Muslim communities to the Uniform
According to T. N. Madan: ‘The Civil Code points to the fact that no two
principal question . . . could be considered religions undergo the same process to
to be not whether Indian society will become secular, and what is ‘religion’ and
eventually become secularized as Nehru ‘morality’ for one may not be the same for
believed it would, but rather whether it is others. This is reminiscent of Winter’s
desirable that it should become so and by remark that ‘theism’ is ‘one of the many
what means’ (Madan 2009, 295). In category of things and beings regarded as
Mushirul Hasan’s words, ‘. . . Western sacred by one or another human grouping’
concept of state and civil society is (Winter 1977, 24).

28 Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture  February 2019


Jawaharlal Nehru suggests that during religion, even if at the cost of amending its
Akbar’s reign, Tulsidàs was more popular defects (Skaria 2009,189). In the immediate
than the Mughal emperor himself (Nehru decades after independence, the Congress
2004). Likewise, Engineer studies several tried to fortify the secularist framework by
cases that bear out to the layered and electing three presidents from among the
syncretic spirit of India. The Shaivite minorities—Badruddin Tyebji from the
poetess, Laleshwari, and the Sufi saint, Muslims, Dadabhai Naoroji from the Parsis,
Rishi Nuruddin, for example, both of whom and Woomesh Chandra Bonnerjea from the
belong to a common Kashmiri ethnicity, Christians. However, these strategies did
share a similar style of poetry writing. not put the minority-majority question to
While a number of ulemas of the Firang rest, and cannot be equated on the same
Mahli order have been worshippers of Lord plane with the teachings of Kabir, Dàdu,
Krishna, the Meo Muslims of Rajasthan and Nànak, Vivekananda and Ramakrishna,
Haryana are highly Hinduized in their which appealed to dissolving religious
customs of celebrating Holi and Diwali, and differences and bringing about religious
solemnizing marriages through synthesis. Before the cracking of the
circumambulation of fire. On the other subcontinent, leaders of the Muslim League
hand, Brahmin caretakers have been in and the Congress played the religious rather
charge of several mausoleums in the past, than the national card, and dismissed the
such as the Haji Malang Baba’s Sufi likelihood of meeting at a ‘common
mausoleum (Engineer 1999, 177). Both platform’ (Joshi and Josh 1992, 281).
Dhar and Engineer note that ‘purification’ Under such circumstances, the reformist
movements to either rid Indian Islam of approach appeared as nothing short of
local non-Muslim influences, or the ‘creation of a new ethic, a doctrine which
Hindutva parties’ attempts at curtailing would give the ‘sanction of orthodoxy’ to
religious freedom and binding all faiths into newly emerging feelings and moods’ (ibid.,
one for the sake of political and economic 274). These ‘feelings and moods’ mostly
benefits, have repeatedly proven ineffectual. came up in the form of affected
Gandhi confessed that he would, if nationalistic and religious rhetorics,
needed, die for his own religion; yet, he shrouding vested interests, both at the level
also considered religion as a personal affair, of the individual and the collective. In
such that he would never support a today’s India, these rhetorics are visible
theocratic government in India. Ràma, for through the furnishing of a definitive
Gandhi, was not a Hindu god, but history of different faiths and
symbolized the supreme truth and the law museumization of sacred sites to draw
that governs everything, in other words, the compatibility between the ancient tenets and
Sachchidànanda (ibid., 238). However, as a modern science (see Brady Williams 2001).
flip side to his egalitarian vision, he Secularism in the present-day India as a
combined religious spirit with the spirit of reflection of the Western model, then,
Swadeshi. According to him, just as one frequently becomes a pretext for floating
ought to restrict oneself to the service of ideas that are crafted towards benefiting
one’s immediate surroundings, one also personal interests, by foraying the
must confide only to one’s ancestral phantasm called religion. 

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* Dr Sarbani Banerjee is currently a Dr S. Radhakrishnan Post Doctoral Fellow in Humanities and

Social Sciences funded by the UGC.

30 Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture  February 2019

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