Abhivyakti Yearbook 2016-17-1

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Editorial Committee

Faculty Members Student Members

Saranya Mishra
Ms. Vaijayanti Joshi
Principal, Yojit Pareek
ILS Law College, Pune Rhea Samyal
Roma Rudra
Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray
Assistant Professor Varad Kolhe
ILS Law College, Pune

Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar

Assistant Professor,
ILS Law College, Pune

Dr. Suvarna Nilakh

Assistant Professor,
ILS Law College, Pune


Chiplunkar Road (Law College Road), Pune - 411 004
Tel.: 020-25656775; Fax: 020-25658665
Email: [email protected]; Website: www.ilslaw.edu
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 9




(A) Teaching:
For LL.B. and BSL. LL.B.
1) Administrative Law
2) Jurisprudence
(B) Guest Lectures delivered:
Title/ Topic of lecture Venue/ Organisation Date
‘Constitutional & Legal National Insurance August 2016
Remedies’ Academy, Pune
‘Constitutional &Legal National Insurance 15th November 2016 & 17th
Remedies’ Academy, Pune November2016
‘Drafting of Uniform Civil Institute of Advanced Legal 8th March 2017
Code’ Studies

Dr. SANJAY JAIN, Associate Professor

(A) Teaching:
LL.B., B.S.L.LL.B and B.A.LL.B.:
1. Constitutional law;
2. International Economic Law;
3. Interpretation of Statutes; and
4. Legal theory.
(B) Departments & Activities at ILS :
1. Director & Recognised Ph. D Guide at ILS Law College Ph. D Research
2. Faculty Coordinator, Centre for Public Law,
3. Faculty Coordinator, Equal Opportunities-cum-Enabling Cell
4. Director, Research Centre affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
5. Member of Prevention of Sexual Harassment Cell
6. Appellate Authority under Right to Information Act, 2005.
7. Member of Local Managing Committee, ILS Law College.
8. Faculty Co-coordinator, 1st National Constitutional Law Olympiad
9. Faculty Co-coordinator, Alternate Judgment Writing Competition
10 ILS Law College

(C) Conferences and Seminars organized/ participated/ paper presented

Sr Title Conference/ Participation as Title of Date
No Workshop/ Seminar Resource Presentation /
person/Chairper Presentation.
son/ Paper
special meeting
attended /
1. A Trinational Winter Resource Person Interactions and 21st February
University course on Encounters of 2017
“Interactions between Positive Law and
Culture and Law in Personal Law
Europe and India” at
National Law
University, Delhi.
2. One-day Career Resource Person Rights based 10th February
Counselling cum approach and the 2017, Pune
Motivation Workshop' jurisprudence of
for college going disability equality
Differently abled
3. Implementation of the Resource Person Brief introduction 31st January
rights of persons with of RPD Act 2016 2017.
disabilities Act 2016 at
YRC Pratishthan,
4. 3rd National “Radio Resource Person Rights of Persons 28th January
Udaan Convention with Disability Act 2017
2017” 2016 Hyderabad
5. National conference on Chairperson - 20th January
“Unexplored Criminal Inaugural 2017
law” Session
6. National Consultation Resource Person Chapter XIV to 30th
on the RPWD Bill 2016. Chapters XVII December,
National Fund, 2016
Offences & New Dehli
Penalties & Misc. (Presentation
through skype)
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 11

7. Implementation of Resource Person. Judicial review of 22nd October,

Article 356 of Indian Article 356. 2016
Constitution and issues
related to a more
responsive system of
Governance at TMV’s
LokmanyaTilak Law
College Pune

8. One day National Resource Person Constitutional 24th

Seminar on Disaster Dimensions of September
Management: Social and Disaster 2016
Legal Issues in India at management: Some
PGTD Law, RSTM reflections
University Nagpur

9. One Day National Resource Person Contesting Abelist 23rd

Seminar on “Social and Constitutionalism: September,
Legal Dimensions of Some Reflections 2016
Disability Laws and
Policies in India” at
University Nagpur

10. Common foundation Resource Person Constitution of 14th

training programme India September
YASHADA, Pune 2016 Pune

11. The Protection of Chairperson. - 11th June

Children from Sexual 2016.
Offences Act, 2012
organized by Women’s
Studies Centre, ILS Law
College, Pune (Nine Day
Lecture Series on
Gender Studies)

12. ICON-S 2016 Paper Presenter ‘Enabling the 17th-19th June

Conference on “Borders, Information 2016
Otherness and Public Communication
Law” Technology:
Humboldt University Constitutionali
Berlin, Germany zing the Right of
Accessibility of
Disabled Persons in
12 ILS Law College

13. ICON-S 2016 Paper Presenter Is Supreme Court 17th-19th June

Conference on “Borders, the Guardian of 2016
Otherness and Public Indian
Law” Constitution:
Humboldt University Reflections on
Berlin, Germany Constitutionalism
in India through
the Philosophical
lenses of Kelsen
and Schmitt
14. Disability Rights, Resource Person. Towards 15th-17th
Accessibility & Inclusion inclusionary April 2016
in India at TISS Campus constitutionalism
in Mumbai vis-à-vis Physical
and mental

(D) Publications:
Articles / Chapters published
Sr. Title of paper/chapter Journal/Book Year and citation of
No publication/ ISSN
or ISBN number.
1. Judicial systems during the Honorable Justice S A Ministry of
Moghals, Provincial Legal Bobde et al. Ed. “Courts Information and
Systems: The Marathas ; pp 49- of India Past to present” Broadcasting,
57 Government of
India. 2016
ISBN No. 978-81-
2. “ICT Access, Disability Human ‘Global Inclusion: University of
Rights, and Social inclusion in Disability, Human Pennsylvania in
India “ Rights, and Information Press-2016
Technology’ edited by
Jonathan Lazar and
Michael Stein.
3. Contesting Abelist Published in PGTD Law RSTM
Constitutionalism: Some Conference Proceeding, Nagpur university,
Reflections PGTD Law RSTM Nagpur
University Nagpur

Other Articles
Sr. Name of Article /chapter Book , editors Publication
No and Year
1. Right to Equality and Freedom of Expression Rastra Seva 2017
Dal, Pune Calendar
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 13

Marathi News Paper Articles

Sr. Name of Article /chapter Book, Publication and

No editors Year
1. ^maVr` amÁ`KQ>Zm ñÌr H$V¥©ËdmMm _mJmodm bmoH$gÎmm 21 OmZodmar 2017
http://www.loksatta.com/lekh-news/15- MVwa§J
2. Ý`m`mb`rZ g{H«$`VoMo nÏ`mnÏ` X¡{ZH$ 11 OmZodmar 2017
gH$mi nwUo

(E) Competition organized in College:

Sr. Title of the Competition National/State / No of Participants in

No. University level the competition and
1. Fourth National ILS Alternate National 16 Students
Judgment Writing Competition
2. First National Constitutional National 180 Students
Law Olympiad (Four Rounds )

(F) Guest Lectures delivered

Sr. Theme of Lecture. Name of Course Name of Year.

No. College/
1. International LL.M. First year ILS Law February
Commercial college 2017
Arbitration Pune
2. Disestablishment ‘Law, Gender and Equality ILS Law 9th February
of Gender under Lecture series’, Personality College 2017
Indian Constitution Development Programme, Pune
Student Welfare
Department, ILS Law
college Pune
3. a. International LL.M. First Year ILS Law 16th and 21st
Court of Justice College September
b. State Pune 2016
14 ILS Law College

(G) Other Activities

1. Received “Best employee with Disability” 2017 Award from Swaraj
Viklang Sewa Samiti Allahabad, at the auspicious hands of Hon’ble Justice
ArunkumarTondon , High Court, Allahabad on 26th February 2017.
2. Has been invited to examine Ph.D. thesis in law by Rashtrasant Tukdoji
Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur.
3. Designed the structure and Curriculum of innovative contest, First
National Constitutional Law Olympiad 2016-17. Member Secretary
Academics of the Committee constituted for Organising the Contest.
Prepared the exercises of entire competition with the assistance of Ms.
Rajalaxmi Joshi and Ms. Maithili Sane. (For details see report of First
National Constitutional Law Olympiad 2016-17.)
4. Member of Advisory Committee constituted By MKCL, India for the
production of television serial on “Constitution of India” for Doordarshan.
5. Delivered three motivation talks on “Civic duty of Voting” dated 18th-19th
February 2017 in the camps organised in ILS Law College and Kamla
Nehru park, Erendwane, Pune.

MR. SANTOSH JAYBHAY, Assistant Professor

(A.) Teaching:
1. Law of Contract II
2. Law of Torts
3. Practical Training I: Moot Courts, Pre Trial Preparations and Participation
in Trial Proceedings
DLL and LW
1. Conditions of work
(B.) Departments & Activities at ILS:
1. Chairman, ILS Gymkhana
2. Faculty Coordinator, Cultural Activities.
3. Faculty Coordinator, Annual Intra-College Sports Fest.
4. Faculty Coordinator, Annual Intra-College Cultural Fest ‘Legal Ease’.
5. Faculty Coordinator, 1st ILS Marathon.
6. Member of Local Management Committee, ILS Law College, Pune
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 15

(C.) Conferences and Seminars organized/ participated/ paper presented

Sr Title Conference/ Workshop/ Participation as Title of Date
No Seminar Resource Presentation /
person/Chairper Presentation.
son/ Paper
special meeting
attended /
1. Liberalisation & Globalisationat Paper Presenter Transparency & 14th-16th
National Law School Bangalore Accountability January
in Land Tilling – 2017
Issues and
2. National Conference on Space Chairperson Inaugural 23rd
Law, ILS Law College Session February
3. Professor S. P. Sathe 11th Chairperson IP Interface (I) 11th
Memorial National Conference March
on ‘Changing Contours in 2017
Intellectual Property Law’, ILS
Law College

(D.) Ongoing research projects undertaken

Sr. Name of Completed/ Funding Amount Major/ Collabo
No. Project ongoing Agency Received Minor ration
(Tenure of project if with (if
project) any any).
1. Plight of 2015-2017 BCUD Total Sanction Minor __
witnesses (Ongoing Savitribai Rs. 200000/- Research
in Indian Project) Phule Pune Amount Project.
Criminal University. Received
Justice Rs. 1,00,000/-
System; a
16 ILS Law College

(E.) Competition organized in College:

Sr. Title of the Competition National/State / No of Participants in the

No. University level competition and Results

1. 1st ILS Marathon Intra-college 225

2. Legal Ease Intra-college -

3. Aahwaan Intra-college 8 Plays (Best Play – Atrupta

Runners Up Play- Inspector
Matadeen Chand Par
Best Script – S.U.F.F.E.R.,
Siddhant Nanodkar and
Sushrey Nepal
Best Director – Omkar Joshi
and Aaee Tamhankar
Best Actor – Kushal Shinde
Best Actress – Poornima
Best Supporting Actor –
Satyanarayan Varma
Best Supporting Actress –
Vilasini Balasubramaniam

MR. K.S.WAGHMARE, Assistant Professor.

(A.) Teaching
B.A.LL.B. and LL.B
1. Land Laws
2. Criminology
3. Professional Ethics and Accountancy for lawyers and Bar Bench relation
4. Public Interest Lawyering, Legal Aid and Para legal Services.
(B.) Departments and Activities at ILS Law College.
1. Head, Scholarship Department
2. Member, Local Managing Committee, ILS Law College, Pune
3. Faculty Coordinator, Raghavendra Phadnis Essay Competition and
Legislation/ Case Comment Competition.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 17

(C.) Conferences/ Seminars organized / Participated/Attended

Sr Title Conference/ Participation as Resource Title of Date
No Workshop/ Seminar person/Chairperson/ Presentation /
Paper presenter/ special Presentation.
meeting Discussant/
attended / Organised
1 One-day Career Paper Presenter Rights of Women 10th
Counselling cum and Children February
Motivation Affirmative 2017.
Workshop' for Provisions in
college going Rights of Persons
Differently abled with Disabilities
students Act, 2016

(D.) Other Activities-

1. Legal Aid camps orgainsed and participated :
a. Legal Aid Camp held at Hadapsar, on 15th June, 2016. Spoke on Women's
Right to Education.
b. Legal Awareness Camp held at Matoshree Old Age Home in
colloboration with Family Counselling Centre, Karve Institute of Social
Services, Pune, on 8th August, 2016. Spoke on Rights of Senior Citizens
Under Maintenance and welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007
c. Legal Aid Camp held at Erandwane on 6th October, 2016. Spoke on Rights
of Women and Children.
d. Organized a Legal Aid Camp in collaboration with Bahujan Hitay Sanstha
at Dapodi, on 9th December, 2016.
2. Participated in the “Election Campaign Week” jointly organized by
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune Municipal Corporation and ILS law
College on 19th Feb 2017. Appealed to people for exercising their right to
vote and importance of voting in the democratic set up.
3. Co-ordinated Tutorial Elimination in the Academic Year 2016-17

Dr. TEJASWINI MALEGAONKAR, Assistant Professor

(A) Teaching:
LL.B. and BSL.LL.B.
1. Administrative Law;
2. Human Rights and Public International Law; and
3. Legal Theory.
18 ILS Law College

1. Introduction to Legal Theory.
(B) Departments and Activities at ILS
1. Recognized Ph.D. guide at ILS Law College, Research Centre.
2. Faculty Coordinator, 7th Intra College Trial Advocacy Competition.
3. Faculty Coordinator, 5th Intra College ‘The Negotiation Challenge'
4. Faculty Coordinator, 4th Intra College Client Counselling Competition.
5. Faculty Coordinator, Professor S.P. Sathe 11th Memorial Lecture,
Conference and Moot Court Competition.
6. Faculty Coordinator, 95th Foundation Day of Indian Law Society.
7. Faculty Coordinator, NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation
Council) & IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell)
8. Member of Local Managing Committee, ILS Law College, Pune
9. Faculty Coordinator Human Rights Cell
10. Faculty Coordinator, Legal Aid for III B.A.LL.B. and IV B.S.L,LL.B.
11. Co- Editor, Abhivyakti Year book 2016–2017.
(C) Conferences and Seminars organized/ paper presented
Sr Title Conference/ Participation as Title of Date
No Workshop/ Seminar Resource Presentation /
person/Chairperson/ Presentation.
Paper presenter/ special
meeting Discussant/
attended / Organised
1. National Conference Chairperson Rights Of 20th – 21st
on ‘The Unexplored Children with January
Criminal Law’ in ILS Special 2017
Law College Reference To
2. National Conference Chairperson Need For Space 22nd -23rd
on Space Law in ILS Legislation In February,
Law College India 2017

3. Remembering S.P Paper Presenter Session III IP 11th

Sathe Enforcement- March
Professor S.P Sathe “Copyright 2017
11th Memorial Protection For
National Conference, Folklore In
2017 10th -12 th March India”
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 19

4. Remembering S. P. Organised “Changing 10th -12th

Sathe Contours in March
‘Professor S. P. Sathe Intellectual 2017
11th Memorial Property Law”
National Conference,
2017’ 10th -12th March
5. Workshop organised Participated National 30th
by SavitribaiPhule Assessment and November
Pune University. Accreditation 2016

(D) Publications:
Articles / Chapters published:

Sr. Title of paper Journal/Book Year and citation of

No publication/ ISSN
or ISBN number.

1. Article Published on In a Two Days State Level September 2016

Copying – A Crime? Seminar on “Changing ISBN No. 978-93-
Criminalization of Dimensions of Intellectual 85882-62-3
Infringement Property Law In India”
Organised by Navjeevan
Law College and Sponsored
by SavitribaiPhule Pune
University on 25th& 26th
September 2016

(E) Competition organized in College:

Sr. Title of the National/State / No of Participants in the

No. Competition University level competitionResults

1. Professor S. P. National 34 Teams comprising 3 students each.

Sathe Memorial Winning Team:
11th National ILS Law College
Moot Court Vivek Narayan, Alefiyah
Competition Shipchandler and Tvishi Pant
2016-17 Runners Up: School of Law Christ
Tejas C Shetty, Sanjana Rao and
Suryakiran G
20 ILS Law College

2. 7th Intra College Intra College 176 Participants

Trail Advocacy Winning Team: Sushil Sarayu,
Competition Rajeshwari Patil, Samyuktha Semi
Jayaprakash and Gnanusha Vakati.

3. 5th Intra College Intra College 48 Participants

The Negotiation Winning Team: Aayush Mitruka and
Challenge Janmajay Sinh Jadeja

4. 4th Intra College Intra College 56 Participants

Client Winning Team: Ramkishore Karnam
Counselling and Angira Chakraborty

(F) Guest Lectures delivered:

Sr. Title/ Topic of lecture Venue/ Date

No Organisation
1. Human Rights: Compliance And Savitribai Phule 28th September
Conflicts” Delivered Two Lectures Pune University 2016
On Topic Sexual Harassment – Some Special Winter
Factual Facts School Sponsored By
UGC. Refresher
Course at D.Y. Patil
Law College, Pimpri
2. The Sexual Harassment of Women at BIAF Development 4thFebruary 2017
Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition Research
and Redressal) Act, 2013 Foundation, Pune
3. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Students of Diploma 7th February 2017
Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition in Corporate Law at
and Redressal) Act, 2013 ILS Law College
4. Protection from Sexual Harassment SadhuVaswani 27th February
at Workplace: A Narrative Institute of 2017
Management Studies
For Girls

(G) Other Activities:

1. Member of the Internal Complaint Committee for Prevention of Sexual
Harassment at Workplace, Benteler Automotive India Private Limited in
Chakan, Pune
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 21

Dr. DEEPA PATURKAR, Assistant Professor

(A) Teaching:
LL.B., BSL. LL.B and B.A.LL.B.:
1. Practical Training I: Moot Courts, Pre Trial Preparations and Participation
in Trial Proceedings
2. Woman and Law; Child and Law
3. Law of Contract I
4. Law of Contracts II
5. Law of Insurance
(B) Departments & Activities at ILS:
1. Recognised Ph.D guide at ILS Law College Ph.D Research Centre.
2. Faculty Coordinator, Advocacy Skills
3. Faculty Coordinator, I BA LL.B and I LL. B Admissions
4. Faculty Coordinator, Legal Aid Court Cases
5. Member, Local Managing Committee, ILS Law College, Pune
6. Faculty Coordinator Legal Aid Counselling sessions at Deepgriha Society,
Market Yard, Pune
(C) Member of Academic Body:
1. Member of the Syllabus Reform Committee for B.A., LL.B and LL.B course
of the Savitribai Phule Pune University
(D) Course designed for academic institution:
1. Designed Syllabus for B.A., LL.B and LL.B course of the Savitribai Phule
Pune University on Law of Contract I, Law of Contract II, Property Law,
Equity and Easement, Law of Forensic Sciences
(E) Conferences and Seminars organized / paper presented:
Sr Title Participation as Resource Title of Presentation Date
No Conference/ person/Chairperson/ / Presentation.
Workshop/ Paper presenter/ special
Seminar meeting Discussant/
attended / Organised
15. 5th Pro Bono Participated as a Panelist Increasing Access to 31st August
Conference, Justice: Synergies and and 1st
Bali, Indonesia Differences Between September
Legal Aid and Pro- 2016
Bono : Indian
Practice of Legal Aid
and Probono
22 ILS Law College

16. Remembering Paper Presenter IPR and Access to 10th-12th

S. P. Sathe Medicine: A March 2017
Professor S. P. Dichotomy
Sathe 11th
10th -12th
March 2017
17. Remembering Chairperson IP and Entertainment 10th-12th
S. P. Sathe March 2017
Professor S. P.
Sathe 11th
2017 10th -12th
March 2017
18. National Paper Presenter Rights of Children 20th-21st
Conference on with Special January
Unexplored Reference to POSCO 2017
Criminal Law,
19. National Chairperson Laws Related to 20th-21st
Conference on Arms and Narcotics January
Unexplored 2017
Criminal Law,

(F) Guest Lectures delivered:

Sr. Title/ Topic of lecture Venue/ Date

No Organisation

1. Research Methodology - What is LL.M. Part I, ILS 23rd September

research and Does and Don’ts of Law College 2016

2. Research Methodology:- Hypothesis LL.M. Part I, ILS 24th 25th

Law College September 2016

3. Introduction to Human Rights M. Com students of 13th October 2016

BMCC, Pune
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 23

4. Organ Transplantation and Human Refresher Course, 30th September

Rights D.Y. Patil Law 2016
College, Pune

5. Issues of Informed Consent Refresher Course, 30th September

D.Y. Patil Law 2016
College, Pune

(G) Other Activities: Workshops Conducted

Sr Title/ Topic Venue/ Organisation Date

1. Sexual Harassment of Garware College of 27th February 2017
Women at Workplace Commerce
Overview of the Legislative
2. Sexual Harassment of Marathwad Mitra Mandal’s 27th February 2017
Women at Workplace College of Architecture
Overview of the Legislative
3. Anti-Ragging Laws Ferguson College August 2016
4. Rights of Women Kashtakari Mahila Melava, 16th December
Deepagriha Society, 2016,
Marketyard, Pune 18th January 2017
18th February 2017

Dr. SUVARNA NILAKH, Assistant Professor

(A) Teaching:
LL.B., BSL. LL.B and B.A.LL.B.:
1. Administrative Law
2. Environmental Law
3. Intellectual Property Rights Laws
4. Practical Training I: Moot Courts, Pre Trial Preparations and Participation
in Trial Proceedings
1. Constitutional Law I
(B) Departments & Activities at ILS:
1. Faculty Coordinator, ILS IPR Cell
24 ILS Law College

2. Faculty Coordinator, ILS Quiz Club

3. Faculty Coordinator, ILS Environmental Law Cell (Hariyali)
4. Assistant Coordinator, Legal Aid Centre.
5. Nodal Officer, All India Survey on Higher Education and Management
Information System, E-schemes, UGC.
6. Faculty Coordinator, NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation
Council) & IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell)
7. Faculty Coordinator, Professor S.P. Sathe 11th Memorial Lecture, Conference
and Moot Court Competition
8. Co- Editor, Abhivyakti Year book 2016–2017.
(C) Conferences and Seminars organized / paper presented:
Sr Title Conference/ Participation as Title of Date
No Workshop/ Seminar Resource Presentation/
person/Chairperson/ Presentation.
Paper presenter/
special meeting
Discussant/ attended
/ Organised
1. National Conference on Chairperson Arbitrating 26th-27th
‘International and International August
Domestic Arbitration’ in Intellectual 2016
ILS Law College Property
2. National Conference on Chairperson IPR and Space 22nd-23rd
Space Law in ILS Law Law February
College 2017
3. National Conference on Chairperson Decoding the 20th–21st
the Unexplored Criminal Official Secrets January
Law. ILS Law College Act, 1923 2017
4. Fifth Annual IP Teaching Presented and Interface of IPR 31st March-
Workshop- attended and 1st April
2016 organised by CIIPC, Competition 2016
National Law University, Law
New Delhi.
5. Workshop organised by Participated National 30th
IQAC, Savitribai Phule Assessment November
Pune University and 2016
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 25

6. Remembering S. P. Sathe Organised Changing 10th-12th

Professor S. P. Sathe 11th Contours in March 2017
Memorial National Intellectual
Conference, 2017 10th - Property Laws
12th March 2017
7. Remembering S. P. Sathe Organised IP Minimalism 10th March
Professor S. P. Sathe 11th 2017
Memorial National
Conference, 2017 10th -
12th March 2017 on
Changing contours in
Intellectual Property Law

(D) Publications:
Articles / Chapters published:

Sr. Title of paper Journal/Book Year and citation of

No publication/ ISSN or
ISBN number.

1. The Relationship shared by the ‘Fiat Justicia’ Vol IV: June 2016
Right to Information and the Let Justice Be Done ISSN 2320-2696
Protection of Intellectual Published by DES Pg. 48-54
Property with specific reference Navalmal Firodia Law
to copyright and confidential College, Pune.

(E) Competition organized in College:

Sr. Title of the National/State / No of Participants in the competition

No. Competition University level and Results

1 Professor S.P. Sathe National Level 34 Teams comprising 3 students

Memorial 11th each.
National Moot Court Winners-
Competition 2016-17 ILS Law College
Date: 24th -26th Vivek Narayan, Alefiyah
September, 2016 Shipchandler and Tvishi Pant
Runners Up-
School of Law Christ University,
Tejas C Shetty, Sanjana Rao and
Suryakiran G
26 ILS Law College

2 State Level Quiz State Level 48 Teams comprising 2 students

Competition “Q”. each.
Date: 3rd September Winners –
2016 1st place: Karan Kamath and Nikhil
Joseph Zacarias
(SLS Pune)
2nd place: Aman Shaikh and
Dhananjay Jagtap (COEP)
3rd place: Anurag Choudhary and
Arnabh Sengupta
Best Internal Team: Gurtej Pal Singh
and Satish Rai (V B.S.L.)

3 Environmental Law Intra-college 56 students.

Extempore Moot Court Winners:-
Competition. 1st Prize : Sagar Samant
Date: 8th February 2017 2nd Prize : Jasper
3rd Prize : Pritesh Jain

(F) Guest Lectures delivered:-

Sr. Title/ Topic of lecture Venue/ Organisation Date

1. Two Lectures on “Telecom Dispute LLM II Year students 12th August 2016
Settlement Appellate Tribunal” at ILS Law College.
2. Delegated Legislation LLM II Year students 17th August 2016
at ILS Law College.
3. “Right to Privacy and LLM I Year students at 17th August 2016
Electronic Media” ILS Law College.
4. Two lectures on “Intellectual Refresher Course in 19th September 2016
Property Rights vis-a-vis Human “Human Rights:
Rights” Compliance and
Conflicts” organized
Dr. D. Y. Patil Law
College and Savitribai
Phule Pune
University. (Special
Winter School
Sponsored By UGC)
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 27

(G) Other Activities:

1. Awarded Ph.D. in Law by Savitribai Phule Pune University on 26th July
2. Judged the State Level Elocution Competition, organized by Pimpri
Chinchwad Municipal Corporation on 28th March 2016.
3. Judged the 8th State Level Elocution Competition, at ILS Law College, Pune
on 15th December 2016.
4. Judged Final Round of Environmental Law Extempore Moot Court
Competition, at ILS Law College, Pune on 8th February 2017.

Dr. NITISH NAWSAGARAY, Assistant Professor

(A) Teaching:
LL.B., BSL. LL.B and B.A.LL.B.:
1. Law of Evidence.
2. Interpretation of Statutes.
3. Law of Crimes.
4. Constitutional Law.
5. Law of Contract II
1. Constitutional Law I
(B) Departments & Activities at ILS:
1. Recognised Ph.D guide at ILS Law College Ph.D Research Centre
2. Faculty Coordinator, Debating Society;
3. Faculty Coordinator, Center for International Law;
4. Faculty Coordinator, Criminal Law Cell;
5. Co- Editor, Abhivyakti Law Journal and Year book 2016–2017.
(C) Member of Academic Body:
1. Member of the Syllabus Reform Committee for B.A.LL.B., B.B.A. LL.B. and
LL.B. course of the Savitribai Phule Pune University.
(D) Course designed for academic institution:
1. Designed syllabus for B.A.LL.B, B.B.A.LL.B. and LL.B course for Savitribai
Phule Pune University.
28 ILS Law College

(E) Conferences and Seminars organized/ participated/ paper presented:

Sr Title Conference/ Participation as Resource Title of Date

No Workshop/ person/Chairperson/ Presentation /
Seminar Paper presenter/ special Presentation.
meeting Discussant/
attended / Organised

8. National Organised __ 20th and

Conference on the 21st
Unexplored January
Criminal Law. ILS 2017.
Law College

9. National Organised __ 22nd and

Conference on 23rd
Space Law, ILS February
Law College 2017.

10. National Chairperson Armed Forces 21st

Conference on the (Special Powers) January
Unexplored Act, 1958 2017.
Criminal Law. ILS,
Law College

11. National Chairperson Space Tourism 23rd

Conference on February
Space Law, ILS 2017.
Law College

12. Remembering S. P. Chairperson Patents and Public 11th March

Sathe Health 2017.
Professor S. P.
Sathe 11th
Memorial National
Conference, 2017
10th -12th March
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 29

(F) Ongoing research projects undertaken :

Sr. Name of Completed/ Funding Amount Major/ Collabor

No. Project ongoing Agency Received Minor ation
(Tenure of project if with
project) any (if any).

1. Access to land 2015-2017 BCUD Total Minor -

to the (Ongoing Savitribai Sanction Research
Landless Project) Phule Pune Amount Project
Dalits in University Rs.
Marathwada: 2,00,000/-
A Socio-Legal

(G) Publications:
Articles / Chapters published:

Sr. Title of paper Journal/Book Year and

No citation of

2. Ambedkarikranti viruddh Golwalkaripratikranti. ParivartanachaW 1st-15th July

atsaru 2016
ISSN 2250-3145

3. Hindu kaydyache Bramhani Avshesh. Miloon Saryajani October-


4. KaydeTadnya Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. Samagra March 2016

(Chapter) Ambedkar, Think
30 ILS Law College

(H) Competition organized in College:

Sr. Title of the National/State/University No of Participants in the

No. Competition level competition and Results

1. 8th Marathi State level Competition. 36 student particpants.

Elocution First position – Prashant
Competition Thakare, Shankarrao Mohite
College, Akaluj
Second position – Rohit
Deshmukh, Tilak Maharashtra
Third position – Aditya
Kulkarni, Sathe College,
Consolation prize – Harshali
Ghule, Pune University, pune
Consolation prize – Swanand
Gangul, T.M.C. Law College,

2. 5th Justice V. M. National level Competition. 18 teams and 30 adjudicators.

National Cross team comprising
Taufique Shioogufan and
Debate Nashra Rashid from Shri
Venkateshwara College, Delhi
and Arghya Chakraborty from
Shiv Nadar University

Abhishek from Osho Chell,
and Sarangan from National
Law School of India
University, Bangalore.

Best Speaker:
Taufique Shioogufan from
Shri Venkateshwara College,

Best Adjudicator:
Advesh Jhalan from RVCE,
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 31

(I) Guest Lectures delivered:

Title/ Topic of lecture Venue/ Organisation Date

1. Intercaste marriage and honor killing Six decades of the Indian 3rd June 2017
in Maharashtra - in the context of Constitution and
popular Marathi movie Sairat Codification of Hindu
Laws – Impact on the
Ground, Organised by
Majlis at Pune

2. Dr. Ambedkar’s Last speech in the Workshop organized at 15th April

Constituent Assembly. S.M. Joshi Socialist 2016.
Foundation, Pune

3. Framing of the Indian Constitution Workshop organized by 30th July 2016

Samajik Krutatnyata
Nidhi, at S. M Joshi
Socialist Foundation, Pune

4. Our Future, Our Constitution. Seminar at S.M. Joshi 4th

Socialist Foundation, Pune September

5. Caste, Reservation and Atrocities. Mahrashtra Gandhi 5th October

Smarak Nidhi, Gandhi 2016.
Bhavan Pune

6. Fundamental Rights under the Indian Municipal Majdoor Union, 9th October
Constitution. Mumbai. 2016.

7. Vemula, Una and Human Revolt. PhuleWada, Ganjpeth, 4th December

Pune. 2016.

8. Violation of Constitutional values by Nanasaheb Gore Academy 3rd March

the Caste Panchayats in India. and Masum Pune. 2017.

9. Dr. Ambedkar’s idea of education and “Constitution Literary 30th

present Educational System Meet” held at Pimpri November
Chinchwad Municipal 2017.
Corporation, Pimpri.

10. Sedition, law and Human Rights. UGC Sponsered Special 30th
Winter School 2016-17 September
conducted at Dr. D. Y. Patil 2016.
Law College, Pimpri, Pune
32 ILS Law College

Other Activities:
1. Appointed by SWISSAID as a member of the project advisory committee for its
project titled as Mainstreaming of Nomadic Tribes and De-notified Tribes, Phase
II, which is being implemented in the select NT-DNT hamlets/settlements in
Pune and Osmanabad district of Maharashtra. The duration of the project is 24
months, commencing from July 2015 to June 2017 and the total project budget is
Rs.42,78,900. The project would be implemented by two NGOs namely
Samarthya, Osmanabad and NIRMAN, Pune.
2. Conducted Lectures on course paper of “Principles of Criminal Law” at the
Department of Law, SavitribaiPhule Pune University, Pune.

Mr. DNYANESHWAR KENDRE , Assistant Professor

(A) Teaching:
L.L.B., B.S.L.LL.B. and B.A.LL.B.
1. Trust, equity and fiduciary relationship;
2. Land laws including ceiling & other local laws;
3. Public Interest Lawyering ,Legal aid, Para-legal Services;
4. Co-operative laws;
5. Professional ethics, Accountancy for lawyers and Bar- Bench Relations.
(B) Departments & Activities at ILS:
1. Student Welfare Officer, ILS Law College, Pune.;
2. Faculty Coordinator, Legal Aid for II.LL.B.;
3. Faculty Coordinator, Maintenance of Attendance Record, ILS Law College,
4. Coordinator, Submission of Proposals for Grants under Quality
Improvement Programme, University of Pune.;
5. Faculty Coordinator, Centre for Public Law, ILS Law College, Pune.;
6. Faculty Coordinator, Equal Opportunity-Cum-Enabling Cell.
7. Faculty Coordinator, Competitive Exams Forum.
8. Faculty Coordinator, Nine-Day Lecture Series, at ILS Law College, Pune
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 33

(C) Conferences and Seminars organized /participated/ paper presented:

Sr Title Participation as Title of Presentation / Date

No Conference/ Resource Presentation.
Workshop/ person/Chairperson
Seminar / Paper presenter/
special meeting
attended /

13. Prof. S.P. Sathe Paper Presenter Human Rights vis-à- 11th and
11th National vis Copyright 12th March
Conference at 2017.
ILS Law College,

14. One Day Career Organizer and Paper Health, Social 10th
Counselling cum Presenter. Security, February
Motivation Rehabilitation and 2017.
Workshop at ILS provisions under the
Law College, Rights of Persons with
Pune. Disability Act, 2016.

15. Nine-Day Organizer ‘Gender, Law and From 6th

Lecture Series at Equality’, February
ILS Law College, to 15th
Pune February,

(D) Competitions Organized in College :

Sr.no. Title of the Competition National/ No. of Participants in the

University/ Competition and Results.
State Level

1. Third National ILS Alternate National 16 teams participated in the

Judgement Writing Competition.
Competition 2016-17.

2. 1st National Constitutional Law National 180 participants from all

Olympiad. over India.
34 ILS Law College

(E) Guest Lectures Delivered

Sr. no. Title/ Topic of Venue/ Organization Date


1. The Protection of Women from Deepgriha Society, 10th

Domestic Violence Act, 2005. Tadiwala Road, Pune January,

(F) Other activities:

1. Legal Aid camps orgainsed and participated :
a. Organized a Legal Aid Camp at Hadapsar, Pune on 15th June 2016.
b. Organized a Legal Literacy Camp at Kothrud,Pune, on 6th October 2016.
c. Organized a Legal Aid Camp in collaboration with Bahujan Hitay
Sanstha at Dapodi, on 9th December, 2016.
d. Organized a Legal Literacy Camp in collaboration with Vigneshwara
Ganapati Devsthan Trust at Ozar, Taluka Junnar, Pune, on 30thJanuary
2017. Addressed the gathering on ‘Rights of Senior Citizens under
Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007’.
e. Visited Deepgriha Society, Tadiwala Road, for Counseling and Legal
Aid Services on the first Saturday in every month of 2016-17. More than
50 cases were received and settled.
2. Assessed the presentation of Diploma in Human Rights on 17th and 18th
February 2017.
3. In collaboration with the District Legal Services Authority, Pune, organized
and trained 32 students as Para Legal Volunteers in the National Maha
Lok-Adalat, held on 11th February, 2017.
4. Organised the “Election Campaign Week” jointly in collaboration with
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune Municipal Corporation and ILS law
College on 19th Feb 2017.

Ms. UJJWALA SAKHALKAR , Assistant Professor

(A) Teaching:
LL.B., BSL. LL.B. and B.A.LL.B.:
1. Criminology and Penology
2. Legal Writing
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 35

(B) Departments & Activities at ILS :

1. Faculty Coordinator, Public International Law Moot Court
2. Faculty Coordinator, International Students Cell
3. Faculty Coordinator, Attendance Record
4. Faculty Coordinator, Family Counselling Centre, Karve Institute of Social
(C) Conferences and Seminars organized/ participated/ paper presented
Sr No Title Conference/ Participation as Title of Date
Workshop/Seminar Resource Presentation /
person/Chairperson/ Presentation.
Paper presenter/
special meeting
Discussant/ attended
/ Organised
1. Two Days International Paper Presenter Realizing 26th-27th
Seminar on Juvenile Access to justice November
Justice system; Trends under the JJ Act, 2016
and Challenges in 2015; Creating
globalizing world new paradigm
Organized by University of roles and
of petroleum and energy responsibilities
studies, College of Legal
Studies Dehradun

2. Fifth Annual National Panelist For judging 10th

Conference on Research Papers September
Contemporary Legal on public law 2016
Scholarship orgainzed and governance
by Symbiosis Law
School Pune

3. Seminar on Studying Organised Studying 6th

Abroad by Chopras ,a Abroad and January
leading Foreign opportunities 2017
Education leading thereafter
36 ILS Law College

(D) Competition organized in College:

Sr. Title of the National/State / No of Participants in the
No. Competition University level competition and
1. 12th Annual Intra- Intra-College 44 teams participated from 1st
College Public and 2nd B.A. LL.B and 1st and
International Law 2nd LL.B.
Moot Court
Competition Winners:-
Vasudevan. G, (I LL.B)
Ishwari Pendse, and
Arnik Parmar (I LL.B.)

1st Runners up: Shruti A. and

Shruti B. (II BA LL.B.)

2nd Runner Up
C.V. Rajmohan
Sumedha Kupaparthy and
Anshrita Rai (II B.A. LL.B.)
2. Selection Round for Intra-College 23 teams participated from III,
Public International IV, and V BSL. LL.B. and II
Law Moot Court and III LL.B.

(E) Guest Lectures delivered.

Sr. Title/ Topic of lecture Venue/ Organisation Date
1. Moot Research and Marathwada Mitra Mandal Shankarrao 23rd March
Memorial Drafting Chavan Law College, Pune 2017

2. Use of Nine Days Lecture Series on gender Law 10th

Inclusive/Gender and Equality organized by Board, February
Neutral language in Student Welfare Department Savitribai 2017
Law Phule Pune University in collaboration
with ILS Law College

(F) Other Activities

1. Legal Aid camps orgainsed and participated :
a. In “Campaign Against domestic violence: in association with Maitree
Network and Bahujan Hitya, Pune project at Dapodi on 9th December
2016. Briefed the participants on the laws relating to protection of
women against Domestic Violence.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 37

b. In a legal literacy camp organised in collaboration with Family

Counselling Centre, Karve Institute of Social Service at Erandwana, Pune
on 6th October 2016. Spoke on laws relating to protection of women
against domestic violence and briefed the participants about the ILS
Legal Aid Centre.
c. In a legal literacy camp organised in collaboration with Family
Counselling Centre, Karve Institute of Social Service at ‘Matoshree’ on 8th
Aug 2016, spoke on Will making and right to Information.
2. Participated in the “Election Campaign Week” jointly organized by
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune Municipal Corporation and ILS law
College on 19th Feb 2017. Appealed to people for exercising their right to
vote and importance of voting in the democratic set up.
3. Invited by Symbiosis Law School, Pune (Student Bar Association) to
Adjudicate Power Point presentation for Leiden Children’s Right Moot
Court Competition on 8th October 2016.
4. Invited by Symbiosis Law School, Pune to interview Researcher for
2ndProfessor N.R. Madhava Menon Moot Court Competition on 12th January
5. Invited to Judge 7th Justice P.N Bhagwati International Law Moot Court
Competition on 29th March 2017 held at Bhartiya Vidyapeeth deemed
University, New Law College
6. Invited to Judge Semi-final Rounds of Bhartiya Vidyapeeth, Surana and
Surana National Trial Advocacy Competition on 25th September 2016
organized by Bhartiya Vidyapeeth deemed University, New Law College,
7. Invited to judge rounds of Yashvantrao Chavan Memorial National level
Moot Court Competition on 13th January 2017 organised by Yashvantrao
Chavan New Law College, Pune
8. Delivered an Introductory lecture on “Law and Language” and “How to
read a Case” for ILS Law College, I B.A.LL.B” students on March 22, 2017
9. Assessed the presentations of Human Rights Diploma students on their
dissertation topics, ILS Law College
10. Assessed students of Diploma in Medical Jurisprudence, ILS Law College.
11. Faculty for Health Care Management Institute, KEM Hospital, Pune for
“Laws related to healthcare and medical services” March 22, 2017
38 ILS Law College

Ms. RAJALAXMI JOSHI, Assistant Professor

(A) Teaching:
LL.B., BSL.LL.B and B.A.LL.B.
1. Interpretation of Statues;
2. Practical Training I: Moot Courts, Pre Trial Preparations and Participation
in Trial Proceedings
3. Transfer of Property;
4. Administrative Law;
5. Law of Torts.
(B) Departments & Activities at ILS:
1. Faculty Coordinator, Animal Law Cell;
2. Faculty Coordinator, the Ninth Judgment Writing Competition in the
memory of Judge Shri P. N. Behere;
3. Faculty Coordinator, Selection Round for Public International Law Moot
Court Competition;
4. Faculty Coordinator, 12th Annual Intra- College Public International Law
Moot Court Competition;
5. Faculty Co-coordinator, 1st National Constitutional Law Olympiad
6. Faculty Coordinator, ILS Alumni Cell.
7. Faculty Coordinator, Legal Aid activity III LL.B. and V B.S.L. LL.B.

(C) Publications:
Articles / Chapters published:
Sr. No Title of paper Journal/Book Year and citation of publication/ ISSN
or ISBN number.
5. Right to International Review ISSN: 0954-0261 (Print) 1369-1627
property, of Psychiatry (Online) Journal homepage:
inheritance, Volume 28, 2016 – http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/iirp
and contract Issue 4: Social Justice 20
and persons for People with
with mental Mental Illness
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 39

(D) Competition organized in College:

Sr. Title of the National/State / No of Participants in the

No. Competition University level competition and Results
3. The Ninth Judgment University Level 41 students from the last two years
Writing Competition (Intra College) of B.A. LL.B, LL.B. and LL.M.
in the memory of courses participated.
Judge Shri P.N. Behere Result
Two Courses of LL.B.
First Prize
Rs. 2500/- Mr. Amol Hunge
Second Prize
Rs. 1500/- Ms. Pooja Kadam

Special Prize in Marathi

Rs. 1000/-
Mr. Lalit Devkate
4. 12thAnnual Intra- University Level 44 teams participated from 1st and
College Public (Intra College) 2nd B.A. LL.B and 1st and 2nd
International Law LL.B.
Moot Result
Vasudevan G,
Ishwari Pendse, and
Arnik Parmar (I LL.B.)
1st Runners up
Shruti A. and Shruti B.
2nd Runner Up
C.V. Rajmohan, Sumedha
Kupaparthy and Anshrita Rai
(II B.A. LL.B.)
5. Selection Round for University Level 23 Teams Participated from III, IV,
Public International (Intra College) and V BSL. LL.B. and II and III
Law Moot Court LL.B.
Competition Result
On the basis of scores participating
teams were allotted national and
State Level competitions based on
Public International Law during the
academic year.
40 ILS Law College

6. 1st National National Total 180 contestants from all over India
Constitutional Law participated. More than 15 prizes were
Olympiad, 2017 given.
Winner Rounds Prize Prize Amount
Dr. B. R.
Winner of Prize
Ms. C & 10000/- +
Yamuna 10000/- &
Constitution Chief Justice
Menon Citation
al Olympiad Y. V.

Dr. Rajendra
Prasad Prize
Mr. & 5000/- +
Siddhart 5000/- &
Runner Up Shri.
h Bhati T. T. Citation
ri Prize

Dr. B. N. Rao
Ms. Prize 3000/- +
Second &
Shreya 3000/- &
Runner Up
Yadav Smt. Hansa Citation
Mehta Prize

(E) Guest Lectures delivered:

Title/ Topic of lecture Venue/ Organisation Date

Gender and Law of Torts 9 days Lecture series 16th February 2016
organized by ILS Law
College Pune

(F) Other Activities:

1. Worked with Co-ordinator, Centre for Mental Health and Policy,
Dr. Saumitra Pathare in sending comments on National Medical Commission
Bill 2016 to NITI Ayog.
2. Guided the students in reviewing the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Dog
Marketing) Rules, 2016 drafted by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change. The suggestions and changes have been sent to the ministry in
form of a report in February 2017.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 41

Dr. BANU VASUDEVAN, Assistant Professor

(A) Teaching:
LL.B., BSL.LL.B and B.A.LL.B.
1. Administrative Law;
2. History; and
3. Legal History.
(B) Departments & Activities at ILS:
1. Editor, ILS Abhivyakti Law Journal.
2. Faculty Coordinator, Legal Aid for I and II BA.LL.B.
(C) Other Activities:
1. Judge, Selection Round for Public International Law Moot Court
Competition held on 22nd August 2016 at ILS Law College.
2. Judge, semi-final round of the 12thAnnual Public International Law Moot
Court Competition 2017 held on 13th February 2017 at ILS Law College.
3. Re-designed and edited College Prospectus for the academic year 2016-2017

Ms. DIVYA MITTAL, Assistant Professor

(A) Teaching:
LL.B and BA.LL.B
1. Comparative Law;
2. Human Rights and International Law;
3. International Economic Law;
4. Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers and Bar-Bench Relations; and
5. Public Interest Lawyering, Legal Aid and Para Legal Services.
(B) Departments & Activities at ILS:
1. Faculty Coordinator, Selection Round for Public International Law Moot
Court Competition
2. Faculty Coordinator, 12th Annual Intra-College for Public International Law
Moot Court Competition
3. Faculty Co-Coordinator, 1st National Constitutional Law Olympiad
4. Faculty Coordinator, Legal Aid for III LL.B. and V BA.LL.B.
42 ILS Law College

(C) Competition organized in College:

Sr. Title of the National/ No of Participants in the competition and

No. Competition State / Results
University level
7. 12th Annual Intra College 44 teams participated from 1st and 2nd B.A.
Intra- College LL.B and 1st and 2nd LL.B.
Public Result
International Winners:-
Law Moot Vasudevan.G, (I LL.B)
Ishwari Pendse, and Arnik Parmar (I LL.B.)
1st Runners up: Shruti A. and Shruti B.
2nd Runner Up:
C.V. Rajmohan
SumedhaKupaparthy and Anshrita Rai (II
B.A. LL.B.)
8. Selection Intra College 23 teams participated from III, IV, and V
Round for BSL. LL.B. and II and III LL.B.
Public Result
International On the basis of scores participating teams
Law Moot were allotted national and State Level
Court competitions based on Public International
Competition Law during the academic year
9. 1st National National Total 180 contestants from all over India
Constitutional participated. More than 15 prizes were given.
Winner Rounds Prize Prize Amount
2017 Dr. B. R.
Winner of Prize
Ms. C & 10000/- +
Yamuna 10000/- &
Constitutional Chief Justice
Menon Citation
Olympiad Y. V.

Dr. Rajendra
Prasad Prize
Mr. &
First Runner 5000/- + 5000/-
Up Shri. T. T. & Citation
i Prize

Dr. B. N. Rao
Ms. Shreya Second & 3000/- + 3000/-
Yadav Runner Up & Citation
Smt. Hansa
Mehta Prize
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 43

(D) Other Activities:

1. Organized Guest Lecture by Mr Kaustubh Mone on ‘Role and Importance
of Legal Databases in growth of Legal Education’ on 7th March 2017 for II
LL.B , ILS Law College Students
2. Organised 6 Day Lecture Series titled “Human Rights and Vulnerable
Groups” for students of II LL.B. and IV BSL.LL.B.

Dr. PRIYA SONDHI, Assistant Professor

(A) Subjects taught
1. Human Rights;
2. Intellectual Property Rights;
3. International Economic Law;
4. International Institutions;
5. International Law; and
6. Private International Law.
(B) Departments and Activities at ILS
1. Head of the Department, LL.M.
2. Faculty Coordinator, State level LLM Short Case Analysis Competition.
3. Faculty Coordinator, LLM Book Chapter Appreciation Competition.
(C) Seminars

Sr Title Conference/ Participation as Title of Date

No Workshop/ Seminar Resource Presentation /
person/Chairperson/ Presentation.
Paper presenter/
special meeting
Discussant/ attended
/ Organised

16. Symbiosis Institute Paper Presenter Human Rights 10th

of Management violations of MNCs September
Studies, Strategem 2016
2016, 25 yrs of
44 ILS Law College

17. National Seminar on Paper read in absentia Information 15th -16th

‘Emerging trends on Technology and September
Consumer Consumer 2016
Protection’ organised Protection
by New Law College
Ahmednager and
Centre for Consumer
Studies, Indian
Institute of Public
Administration. New

18. National Seminar on Paper read in absentia Judicial trends in 24th

‘Disaster Disaster September
Management: Social Management – 2016
and Legal issues in 2014-2015
India’ organised by
Nagpur University

19. National Conference Chairperson Celestial Body 22nd and

on Space Law Mining 23rd
organised by ILS February
Law College, Pune 2017

(D) Publication
Articles / Chapters published:

Sr. No Title of paper Journal/Book Year and citation of

publication/ ISSN or
ISBN number.
6. ‘Gender sensitiveness and ‘Disaster & ISSN- 0973-6700
Disaster Law regime in India’ Development’
Journal of NIDM

(E) Competition organized in College:

Sr. Title of the Competition National/State / No of Participants in the

No. University level competition and Results
10. State LLM Short Case State level 72 registrations with 30
Analysis Competition submissions
11. LLM Book Chapter Intra-College 32 submissions
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 45

(F) Guest Lectures delivered:

Sr. Venue/
Title/ Topic of lecture Date
No Organisation

The Pre Conception and Pre Natal Diploma in Medical

6th and 13th January
1. Diagnostic Techniques( Prohibition of Jurisprudence, ILS
Sex Selection) Act Law College

Nine day Lecture

series on Law and
Derogatory practices against women Gender Equality
2. with special reference to Devadasi organized by 8th January 2017
and Molki Student Welfare
Department ILS Law
College, Pune

(G) Other Activities:

1. Awarded PhD in Law by Rastrasant Tukoji Maharaj Nagpur University,
Nagpur topic being ‘Critical analysis of law and policy relating to Disaster
Management with reference to judicial decisions’.
2. Guest Lectures Organised:
a. Organized Guest Lecture of Prof Shirish Deshpande on ‘Judicial review’
on 11th January 2017.
b. Organized Guest Lecture of Mr. Sumeet Malik, Director Eastern Book
Company, Lucknow on ‘Legal Research’ on 10th March 2017.
c. Organized Guest Lecture of Dr. Sanjay Jain on ‘International
Arbitration’ on 2nd March 2017.
d. Organized Guest Lecture of Dr. Sanjay Jain on ‘Dispute settlement
under GATT’ on 17th March 2017.
e. Organized Guest Lecture of Dr. Sanjay Jain on ‘Foreign Investment’ on
20th March 2017.
f. Organised 6 Day Lecture Series titled “Human Rights and Vulnerable
Groups” for students of II LL.B. and IV BA.LL.B.
3. Legal Aid Camps conducted:
a. Organized a Legal Aid camp to Deepgriha Society, Market Yard, Pune
on 16th February 2017.
4. Student-Teacher Seminar
46 ILS Law College

a. Organised a Student-Teacher Seminar on ‘Intellectual Property Rights’

for LL.M. students, January 2017.
b. Organised a Student-Teacher Seminar on ‘Human Rights’ for LL.M.
students, September 2016
5. Judge 10th Annual Intra College Public International Law Moot Court
Competition Qualifiers round, ILS Law College on 22nd August 2016
6. Judge Semi Final round of the 12thAnnual Public International Law Moot
Court Competition 2017, 13th February 2017
Ms. SHAILA DAWARE, Assistant Professor
(A) Teaching:
1. Administrative Law;
2. Introduction to Alternative Dispute Resolution;
3. Law and Social Transformation;
4. Law Making in the Indian Polity and Statutory Interpretation; and
5. Research Methodology.
(B) Publications:
Articles / Chapters published:

Sr. Title of paper Journal/Book Year and citation Peer

No of publication/ reviewed

7. SententiaLegis ; Modern Law College. Volume 2 Issue Peer

and its Impacton The 19(1)(a) Indexed 1,ISSN :2348-4950 Reviewed
Interpretation of peer Reviewed Half June 2016
Statute Law Yearly Law Journal,

(C) Other Activities:

1. Prepared reading material for course in Post Graduate Diploma in
Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods conducted by the Institute of
Advanced Legal studies.
2. Courses Conducted at Institute of Advance Legal Studies
a. Certificate Course in Legislative Drafting
b. Post Graduate Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods
3. Student Teacher Seminar
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 47

a. Organised a Student-Teacher Seminar on ‘Understanding Principles of

Repeal of a Statute’ for LL.M. students on 25th February 2017.
b. Organised a Student-Teacher Seminar on ‘Judicial Law making in the
area of Women’s issues’ for LL.M. students on 3rd March 2017.
Ms. SWATI KULKARNI, Asstistant Professor
(A) Teaching:
1. Consumer Protection Law;
2. Fundamentals of Management under skill development programme with
guest faculty;
3. Law of Banking, Negotiable Instruments Act and Sale of Goods Act;
4. Law of Contracts;
5. Law, Science and Technology;
6. Practical Research Methodology; and
7. Principles of Corporate Law.
(B) Departments & Activities at ILS :
1. Editor, ILS Abhivyakti Law Journal.
(C) Other Activities
1. Guest Lectures organised
a. Organised Guest Lecture of Ms. Rajalaxmi Joshi on ‘Drafting and
Analysis of public notice’, on 24th January 2017.
b. Organised Guest Lecture of Dr. Medha Kolhatkar on ‘Tenders’ for the
students of LL.M. (Sem. II) on 2nd and 3rd February 2017.
c. Organised Guest Lecture series comprising of 3 lectures of Dr. Nilima
Bhadbhade on ‘Commercial Contracting’ from 9th-11th February 2017.
d. Organised Guest Lecture of Adv. Rajas Pingle on ‘E-contracts’, on 17th
March 2017
2. Student-Teacher Seminar
a. Organised a Student-Teacher Seminar on ‘Indian Partnership Act’ for
LL.M. students on 24th March, 2017.
b. Organised a Student-Teacher Seminar on ‘Emerging Trends in Banking
in India’ for LL.M. students on 18th March 2017
48 ILS Law College


Academic performance of students in law examinations held in April 2016.

The examination results of students of ILS Law College are outstanding. They far
surpassed in the following respects, the results of the Savitribai Phule Pune
University in its twenty two affiliated colleges:

1. Higher passing percentage

2. Higher percentage of students with first class
3. Higher percentage of students in merit lists

1. Higher passing percentage

The passing percentage of examination candidates from the ILS Law College in any
examination is considerably higher, sometimes even more than two times the
relevant percentage of total number of students appearing at the University
examination from all its affiliated colleges together. The relevant figures are given

Comparative position of passing percentage

Class Passing percentage of Pass percentage of ILS No of times of
all students of all Law College University Figures
I LLB 12.02 54.97 4.57

II LLB 42.91 72.78 1.70

III LLB 66.47 90.24 1.35

I BA LLB 35.36 92.31 2.61

II BA LLB 66.73 87.12 1.31

III BSL 35.51 69.26 1.95

IV BSL 52.30 81.38 1.56

V BSL 79.80 93.59 1.17

DTL 73.33 58.00 0.79

DLL & LW 25.63 42.00 1.63

MLL & LW 88.36 80.00 0.90

LLM 73.33 58.00 0.79

ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 49

2. Higher percentage of students with first class

Comparative position of students having first class compared with those with first
class in all colleges of the University.

Class at ILS Law

ILS Law College
Students I Class

from ILS Law

of University
at University

Percentage I

Percentage I

No of times
Class from


Students I


Class at







I LLB 5084 18 0.35 171 10 5.85 16.71

II LLB 2536 13 0.51 158 13 8.23 16.13

III LLB 1400 63 4.5 123 20 16.26 3.61

I BA LLB 2561 135 5.27 247 112 45.34 8.60

II BA LLB 1132 181 15.99 233 119 51.07 3.19

III BSL 1395 42 3.01 231 36 15.58 5.17

IV BSL 1084 31 2.86 247 30 12.14 4.24

V BSL 809 145 17.92 234 113 48.29 2.69

DTL 1855 51 2.75 113 1 0.88 0.32

DLL & LW 316 9 2.84 19 1 5.2 1.83

MLL & LW 190 89 46.84 20 10 50.00 1.06

LLM 90 2 2.22 33 2 6.06 2.73

3. Substantial number of students in the Savitribai Phule Pune University Merit

The Savitribai Phule Pune University publishes its Merit List of the top ten positions
in respect of each class of each course of its twenty two law colleges. ILS Law College
students represent 63.66 % of the merit lists of university for the examination in the
academic year 2015-16. The details are as follows:
50 ILS Law College

Number of students in merit lists of the Savitribai Phule Pune University

Total number Number of ILS
First rank in
Class of students in students in the Percentage
merit list
merit lists merit list
I LLB 14 10 71 Yes
II LLB 13 13 100 Yes
III LLB 14 6 43 Yes
I BA LLB 15 15 100 Yes
II BA LLB 20 20 100 Yes
III BSL 13 13 100 Yes
IV BSL 12 11 92 Yes
V BSL 14 13 93 Yes
DTL 5 1 20 No
DLL 8 2 25 Yes

MLL 5 1 20 No
LLM 10 0 0 No

Marks Maximum University
Sr No Name
Obtained Marks Rank
1. Tanya Gupta 436 600 First
2. Anuja Chaudhury 435 600 Second
3. Sruti Kalyanikar 433 600 Third
4. Bambulkar Shreya Naresh 429 600 Fourth
5. Ankita Sinha 426 600 Fifth
6. Shreya Choudhary 423 600 Sixth
7. Ritu Sandeep Gaidhani 423 600 Sixth
8. Nikhil Dubey 419 600 Seventh
9. Samiksha Agarwal 419 600 Seventh
10. Palak Lall 418 600 Eighth
11. Kanak Malik 417 600 Ninth
12. Anshritha Rai 417 600 Ninth
13. Vaibhav Chitlangia 415 600 Tenth
14. Ananya Iyer 415 600 Tenth
15. Aastha Saily 415 600 Tenth
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 51

Marks Maximum University
Sr No Name
Obtained Marks Rank
1. Shubhangi Mishra 430 600 First
2. Pragya Sharma 427 600 Second
3. Ragini Nagpal 426 600 Third
4. Sonal Jain 426 600 Third
5. Roma Rudra 416 600 Fourth
6. Neha Deshmukh 415 600 Fifth
7. Rama Shripad Kapil 413 600 Sixth
8. Tanaya Harshad Desai 413 600 Sixth
9. Mahima Saini 411 600 Seventh
10. Prachi Acharya 411 600 Seventh
11. Samarth Saxena 411 600 Seventh
12. Joshi Renuka Kishor 411 600 Seventh
13. Bhagat Raj Nandan 410 600 Eighth
14. Stephanie George Nazareth 410 600 Eighth
15. Rishab D Desai 409 600 Ninth
16. Umang Kapoor 409 600 Ninth
17. Richa Sati 409 600 Ninth
18. Sharanya Ramakrishnan 408 600 Tenth
19. Sheethal Menon 408 600 Tenth
20. Pranita Radheshyam Saboo 408 600 Tenth


Marks Maximum University
Sr No Name
Obtained Marks Rank
1. Sangh Rakshita 565 800 First
2. Azhakath Ammu Sasidharan 528 800 Second
3. Yalini Ravi 527 800 Third
4. T. Sushil Sarayu 518 800 Fourth
5. Deeksha Katarki 518 800 Fourth
6. Devika Vasandani 516 800 Fifth
52 ILS Law College

7. Swetha Nair 513 800 Sixth

8. Anurima Shivade 513 800 Sixth
9. Naveena Pradeep 512 800 Seventh
10. Abbassi Afreen Jameeluddin 510 800 Eighth
11. Junaid Nizam Lirani 508 800 Ninth
12. Vilasini Balasubramanian 506 800 Tenth
13. Swathy Nair 506 800 Tenth

Marks Maximum University
Sr No Name
Obtained Marks Rank
1. Urvashi Mehta 528 800 First
2. Himanshi Tyagi 521 800 Second
3. Garima Kirti 519 800 Third
4. Sriram Krishna Chaithanya 517 800 Fourth
5. Shreya Rajlakshmi 505 800 Fifth
6. Harpale Rachna Ravindra 504 800 Sixth
7. Aman Anand 503 800 Seventh
8. Tanya Singh 500 800 Eighth
9. Jyothi Ratna Anumolu 499 800 Ninth
10. Hamsini Marada 497 800 Tenth
11. Karishma Assudani 497 800 Tenth

V B.S.L. LL.B.
Marks Maximum University
Sr No Name
Obtained Marks Rank
1. Sinha Tuhin Vijay 628 900 First
2. Tripathi Shruti Anand 610 900 Second
3. Rana Apoorva Rajinder 607 900 Third
4. Sinha Ayusmita Paritosh 600 900 Fourth
5. Sangeetha Ganesh 597 900 Fifth
6. Oswal Chirag 588 900 Sixth
7. Kumar Anisha Vinod 588 900 Sixth
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 53

8. Chadayammuri Shalini Prakash G. 587 900 Seventh

9. N. Manasa.N. Janardhan Reddy 585 900 Eighth
10. Bhatnagar Sanjana Shailendra 585 900 Eighth
11. Akiwate Neelam Subhash 576 900 Ninth
12. Irani Delshad Naushirwan 576 900 Ninth
13. Lamba Aanchal Vikramjeet 575 900 Tenth

Marks Maximum University
Sr No Name
Obtained Marks Rank
1. Amrutha Aravind 554 900 First
2. Tina Mariam Eapen 550 900 Second
3. Nayana Gautam 550 900 Second
4. Pawar Nitish Kisan 548 900 Fourth
5. Ambika Kajal 544 900 Fifth
6. Srisidhi Sudhir Sabne 541 900 Seventh
7. Karan Arora 540 900 Eighth
8. Mhatarmare Sukrut Sanjay 539 900 Ninth
9. Vaidya Mugdha Avdhoot 538 900 Tenth
10. Saluja Ashishkaur Baldeosingh 538 900 Tenth

Marks Maximum University
Sr No Name
Obtained Marks Rank
1. Ashish Sharma 568 900 First
2. Shashwati Diksha 555 900 Second
3. Shraddha Anil Pawar 554 900 Third
4. Maitreyee Satyawrat Kulkarni 554 900 Third
5. Sanjoli Saraf 553 900 Fourth
6. Manu Nahata 552 900 Fifth
7. Vaghasiya Disha Bharat 550 900 Sixth
8. Aksheen Mathur 547 900 Seventh
9. Gandhi Viren Narendra 547 900 Seventh
54 ILS Law College

10. Iyer Shalini Sridhar 540 900 Eighth

11. Nawale Kunal Dattatrey 538 900 Ninth
12. Bayas Vishal Hansraj 538 900 Ninth
13. Gawade Prerana Prabhakar 535 900 Tenth

Marks Maximum University
Sr No Name
Obtained Marks Rank
1. Kulkarni Shrushti Sanjay 655 1000 First
2. Machave Manish Yeshvant 636 1000 Fourth
3. Bhargavi S 625 1000 Sixth
4. Damle Tanvi Ajit 622 1000 Eighth
5. Shahreen Raza 621 1000 Ninth
6. Bansari Joshi 620 1000 Tenth

Diploma in Taxation Laws (D.T.L.)

Marks Maximum University
Sr No Name
Obtained Marks Rank
1. Dharaani BA 344 500 First


Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Sanjay Jain
As per The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal) Act, 2013, the college has constituted Internal Complaint Committee. No
complain was received by the Committee in the Academic year 2016-2017.
To generate awareness among the students, Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar Faculty, ILS
Law College conducted a lecture on The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 for students of Diploma in
Corporate Law & First Year BA LL.B at ILS Law College.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 55


Faculty Coordinator:- Dr. Deepa Paturkar
Advocacy Skills Activities include Moot Courts, Trials, Client Counseling,
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Drafting, Judgment Writing Deliberation, Treaty
Appreciation, Paper Presentation, Bill Analysis Competition, Parliamentary Debate,
Group Discussion, Essay Competitions and Quizzes, and Law Fests.
This academic year has witnessed achievements which made us proud of-.
Moot Court Competitions: 10 Wins, 7 Runners-up, 6 Semi-finalists, 9 Best Speakers,
5 Best Memorials and 2 other prizes.
Trial Competition: 3 Wins.
Judgment Deliberation: 1 Win.
Judgment Analysis: 2 Finalists.


In 2016-17 a large group of students participated in various International, National
and State Level Competitions and exposed to hard test of intelligence and skills.
More than 163 ILS students represented ILS Law College as speakers, researchers
and participants in 59 Moot Court Competitions (including two competition outside
India), 3 Trial Competitions, 4 Client Counseling Competitions, 3 Negotiation, 1
Judgment Deliberation Competitions.
The number of students participating in various competitions and selections held in
college was as follows:
Raghavendra Phadnis Moot Court Competition : 305 students.
Novices’ Competition: 251 students.
Trial Advocacy Competition: 96 participants and 80 witnesses.
The Negotiation Challenge- 48 Participants in 24 teams
Public International Law Moot Court Competition: 39 teams
Selection Round for Public International Law Moots: 23 teams
Client Counseling Competition: 24 teams with 34 clients
More than 27students drafted well-balanced problems for various intra-college
moot and trial competitions.
Senior students and especially senior mooters very enthusiastically encouraged,
supported and guided all moot court teams, and judged preliminary rounds of
56 ILS Law College

competitions. More than 80 students assisted in co-ordination and organization of

all moot court competitions and selections.
The College organised a national-level Professor S P Sathe Memorial National Moot
Court Competition in February.
Dr. Deepa Paturkar organised and coordinated these activities this year and guided
teams participating in all competitions. Ms. Ujjwala Sakhalkar organised the
International Law Moot Court Competition selections and team coordination and the
Public International Law Competition. Dr. Deepa Paturkar coordinated the Novices
Moot-Court Competition. Dr. Tejaswini Malagaonkar coordinated the Negotiation
Challenge, Trial Advocacy Moot Court Competition and Client Counselling
competition. All teachers very willingly judged competitions and guided ILS teams.
Library and administrative staff gave enthusiastic support.


Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Deepa Paturkar
Raghavendra Phadnis Moot Court Competition is an annual Intra College
Competition held to foster a spirit of mooting among students and also serves as a
selection round for National Level Moot Court Competitions. Students from second
to final year of the Five- year Integrated Law Course and second to final year of the
Three Year Post Graduate Law Course are eligible to participate. The 2016 edition of
the competition was coordinated by Dr Deepa Paturkar, Asst. Professor, ILS Law
College. The Moot Court Society conducted a general orientation on mooting
followed by a demo Moot for the students.
The Competition was held in three rounds of preliminary, semi-finals and finals on
30 July 2016, 6 August 2016 and 8 August 2016, respectively with 305 participants
arguing the preliminary rounds in 27 Court Rooms. Participants, for the preliminary
round were given an option to choose one among the 4 cases relating to (i) Law of
Contracts, drafted by Arushi Parwal (V B.S.LLL.B) and Shreya Shukla (III B.ALL.B.);
(ii) Companies Law, drafted by Ms Sharada Krishnamurthy (Alumni, ILS Law
College, class of 2016) and Aayush Mitruka (V B.S.L. LL.B.); (iii) Competition Law,
drafted by Mr Zacarias Joseph (Associate, Khaitan & Co, Mumbai; alumni, ILS Law
College, Class of 2015) and (iv) Law of Torts, drafted by Dr. Nilima Bhadbhade,
Professor, ILS Law College.The drafters of the problem conducted an elaborate
orientation on their respective moot problems for the participants. The preliminary
rounds were judged by Advocates and ILS alumni.
The first two rankers from each court room from the preliminary rounds qualified to
the semi- final rounds held on 6 August, 2016. 53 students argued in the semi final
rounds in 4 different court rooms. The case was drafted by Ms. Arnavi Panda
(Alumni, ILS Law College; Class of 2015). The moot problem was based on Contract
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 57

and Arbitration Law. The semi-final rounds were judged by 8 practicing advocated
from Delhi, Mumbai and Pune.
12 students qualified to the final rounds. The students argued the semi-finals’ same
case in the final rounds and the round was judged by Mr. Jai Dehadrai , Advocate,
Supreme Court of India and Mr. Devendra Saralkar, Advocate.
The competition was organised by Aayush Mitruka as coordinator of Advocacy Skills
Activities along with AkhilaPalem, Anindita Chaterjee, Hamsini Marada, Manasi
Kalvit, Prem Bhushan, Shireen Dhar, Shivani Rajesh and Yojit Pareek.
Rank 1: Alefiya Shipchandler (III B.A.LL.B.)
Rank 2: Vivek Narayan (IV B.S.L.LL.B.)
Rank 3: Aarti Ranade (IV B.S.L.LL.B.)


Faculty Coordinators: Ms. Ujjwala Sakhalkar, Ms. Rajalaxmi Joshi
and Ms. Divya Mittal
The 12th Annual Intra College Public International Law Moot Court Competition
2016-2017 was conducted on 11th, 13th and 14th of February 2017. The theme for this
year’s competition was “Intervention, Airspace rights, and value of Indirect
Evidence”. The moot problem involved the issues of legal status of non-state actors,
sovereign intervention, and admissibility of indirect evidence (newspaper and
journal reports).
The problem was drafted by Rhea Samyal (IV B.S.L. LL.B.), Harshit Gadiya (II LL.B.),
Ruturaj Jere (II LL.B), Roma Rudra (III B.A. LL.B.) and Dolly Samyal (III B.A.
LL.B.).Thirty nine teams had participated from I and II B.A. LL.B and I and II LL.B.
The preliminary rounds were judged by the students of IV and V B.S.L.LL.B. and III
The semifinal round of the competition was judged by Ms. Kashmira Lonkar, Dr.
Priya Sondhi, Mr. Rohit Survase, Dr. Banu Vasudevan. The final round of the
competition was judged by Ms. Nalini Ambad and Dr. Priyanka Jawale.
Vasudevan G, Ishwari Pendse and Arnik Parmar (I LL.B.) were adjudged winners;
Shruti A. and Shruti B. (II B.A.LL.B.) were adjudged first runners up; and
C.V Rajmohan, Sumedha Kupaparthy and Anshritha Rai (II B.A.LL.B.) were the
second runners up.
58 ILS Law College

The organizing committee comprised of Aman Anand (V B.S.L. LL.B.), Ramkrishna

Virendra (V B.S.L. LL.B.), Praveen Jacob (IV B.S.L. LL.B.),Umang Kapoor (III B.A.
LL.B.), Praful Shukla (III B.A.LL.B.), Ayush Abhinav (III B.A. LL.B.) and Nikhil
Tadikonda (III B.A.LL.B.),


Faculty Coordinators: Ms. Ujjwala Sakhalkar, Ms. Rajalaxmi Joshi
and Ms. Divya Mittal
The selection round for the Public International Law Moot Court Competition 2016-
2017 was conducted on 22nd of August 2016. The theme for this year’s competition
was “The protection of Narwhals, marine biodiversity and on legality of geo
engineering projects like ocean fertilization".
A total of twenty three teams from III, IV, V B.S.L- LL.B and III LL.B had participated
in the competition. The competition was judged by Dr. Banu Vasudevan, Dr. Priya
Sondhi, Ms. Sumedha Wagholikar, Mr. Ashutosh Naik, Ms. Anviksha Pachori, Ms.
Divya Sharma, Ms. Deepika Das, Ms. Priyanka Gogoi, Mr. Zainullah Najafi, Mr.
Vijaykumar Rameshwar Birajdar . The teams according to their ranking represented
college in various National and International competitions on International Law
The organizing committee comprised of Ramkrishna Veerendra (V B.S.L. LL.B.),
Praveen Jacob (IV B.S.L. LL.B.), Satish Rai, Rashi Malu and Aman Anand (V B.S.L.


Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Deepa Paturkar
The Novices’ Moot Court Competition was organised in three rounds on 1st, 2nd and
9th March, 2017for the youngest batch – mooters from I B.A. LL.B. and I LL.B.
251 students participated in the preliminary round in 18 court rooms on 1st March,
2017, arguing, according to their choice, on four cases relating to (i) Law of Contract,
drafted by- Shravya Darbhamulla (V B.S.L.LL.B.) and Gnanusha (IV B.S.L.LL.B.); (ii)
Intellectual Property Rights, drafted by Tvishi Pant (IIB.A.LL.B.); (iii) Law of Crimes,
drafted by Alefiyah Shipchandler (III B.A.LL.B) and (iv) Constitutional Law, drafted
by Ziauddin Sherkar and Sharanya Shivraman (III BA.LL.B.).All the drafters
conducted an orientation for the participants on 8th February, 2017.
The Preliminary Round was judged by the final year students of ILS Law College.
Every court room constituted of 3 judges and a total of 54 judges were invited for the
same. The top three participants from each court room advanced to the semi- finals.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 59

The Semi-Final round was conducted on the same cases the very next day, 2nd March,
There were 4 courtrooms with 54 participants. The Semi-Final Round was judged by
esteemed LLM students of ILS Law College and faculty members, Dr, Bhagwan
Gawali, Dr. Pratap Salunke, Ms. Rewati Naik and Mr. Nivrutti Chapke.
Participants finishing 1st, 2nd and 3rd from each courtrooms were declared finalists.
Following students qualified to the finals of Novice Moot Court Competition, 2017-
Erika Doulton, Aditi Desai, Sanjana Raman, Aishwarya Deshpande, Atharva Joshi,
Poornima Jacob, Trishala Shetty, Vyoma Dalal, Gaurav Utagikar, Ahana Bharadwaj,
Khyati Mehrotra and Neil Ubhayakar.
The final round of Novice Moot Court Competition, 2017, was held on 9th March,
2017. The problem for the finals was drafted by Anmol Lund (III B.A.LL.B.) and
Aishwaya Dixit (II B.A.LL.B.). The orientation for the problem was held on 3rd March,
2017, by Aayush Mitruka (V B.S.L. LL.B.).The judges for the round were Dr. Medha
Kolhatkar and Dr. Rohini Gote.
The competition was organised by Indraneel Godsey as coordinator along with
Anandita Dhankher, Harshal Sadhwani, Neha Deshmukh, Sharanya Shivraman,
Tvishe Pant and Ziauddin Sherkar.
Rank 1: Ahana Bharadwaj
Rank 2: Khyati Mehrotra
Rank 3: Aishwarya Deshpande


Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar
The 7th ILS Intra College Trial Advocacy Competition, 2016-17 was held on 17th, 18th
December, 2016 and 6th January, 2017. The problem was based on Law of Crimes and
the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. The problem incorporated issues relating to
fake encounter, bribery, forensic science and ballistics. The novel concept of dying
declaration was also introduced. Secondary issues of abetment and criminal
conspiracy were also included.
The problem for the eventwas drafted by the Organizing Committee consisting
Siddharth Bharti, Kavya Rao, Deeksha Katarki, Ayush Chaddha, Samarth Saxena and
Mohak Chikhale. An administrative committee of 5 students helped in organizing the
The Organizing Committee conducted a Demo Trial on the last year problem to
acquaint the students with the concept and procedure of a criminal trial. The
competition received an overwhelming response from the student participants. A
60 ILS Law College

total of 24 teams registered comprising of 96 participants. Moreover, close to 80

students from the I B.A.LL.B. And I LL.B. participated as witnesses, who induced life
into the various characters involved in the problem. The event was successfully
organised which saw the cumulative participation of more than 176 students as
participants and witnesses.
The preliminary round was conducted on 17th December, 2016 which was judged by
various practicing advocated from the Sessions Court of Pune and Mumbai. One
team from each courtroom qualified to the semi-final rounds which were held on 18th
December, 2016 and further 2 teams qualified to the final round held on 6th January,
The Final round was judged by the bench consisting of Mr. Gopinath Tadvalkar
(Retd. Principal and Session Judge, Pune) and Mr. Shrikant Shivade. The format of
conducting a trial based competition was highly appreciated by the judges.
Winning Team: Sushil Sarayu, Rajeshwari Patil, Samyuktha Semi Jayaprakash and
Gnanusha Vakati (IV B.S.L.LL.B)
Runners up Team: Udbhav Gady, Aishwarya Dixit, Vibha Joshi and Varad Kolhe (II


Faculty Coordinator : Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar
The 5th ILS Intra-College Negotiation Challenge Competition, 2016 was conducted in
two rounds on 2nd and 3rd September, 2016. A Total of 24 teams of two members each
participated in the preliminary rounds.
Orientation and demonstration
The orientation and demonstration for the 5th ILS Intra-College Negotiation
Challenge, 2016 was held on Wednesday, August 10th, 2016. The demo session was
conducted by two teams, comprising of Tanisha Bhatia and Namrata Nambiar (V
B.S.L. LL.B) in one team and Sahil Likhar and Mohit Talwar (III BA LL.B) in other.
The comprehensive orientation was given by Mr. Sandeep Gujrathi (Advocate,
Visiting faculty, ILS Law College).
The Preliminary Round
24 teams of two members each participated in the preliminary rounds of the
competition in four conference rooms. Separate sets of a problem and confidential
information were prepared for the preliminary round and final round by Yojit Pareek
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 61

and Hamsini Marada (V B.S.L.LL.B),Lavanyaa Chopra and Swarnima Pandit (IV

B.S.L.LL.B),Apurva Shelke, Sahil Likhar and K Chaitanya Reddy (III B.A.LL.B).
Preliminary round was judged by Mr. Rohan Ratnaparkhi, Mr. Rohan Sarode, Mr.
Pranay Jain, Mr. Mihir Mekal, Mr. Sanjay Raut, Mr. Tapash Pal, Mr. Makrand
Phadnis and Ms. Niyati Jigyasi. A total of 4 teams qualified to the final rounds.
The Final Round
The final round was held on 3rd of September 2016 the judges for this round were Mr.
Daksh Ahluwalia, Senior Associate, Jyoti Sagar Associates, Gurgaon and Mr.
Mangesh Kulkarni, General Manager, Wonder Cars Private Limited, Pune.
Winners Team: Aayush Mitruka and Janmajay Sinh Jadeja (V B.S.L.LL.B)
Runners up Team: Harshit Gadiya (II LL.B) and Roma Rudra (III B.A. LL.B)
Best Strategy Paper: Pranita Saboo and Umang Kapoor (III B.A.LL.B)


Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar
The 4th ILS Intra College Client Counselling Competition, 2016 was conducted in two
rounds on the 19th and 20th August, 2016. A total of 24 teams of two members each,
participated in the preliminary rounds.
Orientation and Demonstration: The orientation and demonstration for ‘4th Intra
College Client Counselling Competition, 2016’ was held on the 4th August, 2016. A
comprehensive orientation was given by Dr. Nilima Bhadbade (Visiting faculty, ILS
Law College). She provided the needful insight and enlightened us with the
intricacies of client consultation. This was followed by a demo session conducted by a
team comprising of Aayush Mitruka (V B.S.LLL.B) and Janmajay Jadeja
(V B.S.L.LL.B). A clarification session was conducted for the participants subsequent
to the demonstration.
The Preliminary Round: 24 teams of two members each participated in the
preliminary rounds of the competition held on the 19th of August 2016 in eight
chambers. Separate sets of problems were drafted for the preliminary round based on
Law of Contracts, Family Law, Law of Torts and Law of Crimes. These problems
were drafted by Alefiyah Shipchandler (III B.A.LL.B), Stephanie Nazareth (III
B.A.LL.B) and Umang Kapoor (III B.A.LL.B), Sangh Rakshita (IV B.S.L.), Soham
Goswami (IV B.S.L.), Awani Kelkar (IV B.S.L.), Gokul Thampi (V B.S.L.) and Sri Aditi
(III LL.B.).
62 ILS Law College

The Semi Final Round: A total of eight teams went to the Semi Final rounds. There
were two chambers, four teams being in each chamber. The Semi- Final problem was
based on Constitutional Law and was drafted by Aayush Mitruka (V B.S.L. and
Akhila Palem (V B.S.L.). One team from each chamber was selected to go to the Final
The Final Round: The final rounds of ‘4th ILS Intra College Client Consultation
Competition, 2016’ were held on the 20th of August, 2016. The Problem was on
Company Law and was drafted by Mr. Rutunjay Singh and Mr. Anshul Chopra from
AZB Bangalore. The judges for this round were Mr. Abhishek Kalra and Ms. Urvashi
Mishra from AZB & Partners, Pune.
The Winners: The team adjudged as winner comprised of Ramkishore Karnam and
Angira Chakraborty (V B.S.L. LL.B.). The runners-up were Suhail Rashid Bhat (III
LL.B) and Trisha Roy (III LL.B). AZB & Partners, Pune would be providing internship
opportunities to the winners of the competition. Anoop George (II B.S.L. LL.B) won
the “Best Client” award.


Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar and Dr. Suvarna
Professor S.P. Sathe 11th Memorial National Moot Court Competition was conducted
in four rounds from 23rd and 25th September, 2016. Total 32 teams of three members
each participated in the preliminary rounds.
This year’s theme was ‘Intellectual Property Rights’. The moot proposition for the
competition was drafted by Ritvik Kulkarni and Yojit Pareek (both V B.S.L.LL.B.) and
it was edited by Professor (Dr.) Shamnad Basheer and Mr. Deepakar Livingston,
Orientation and draw of lots
The orientation and draw of lots for the Competition was held on Friday, September
23rd, 2016. An interactive session on SCC Online was conducted by Mr. Sumeet Malik,
Associate Editor, Eastern Book Company before the orientation. After the session Dr.
Deepa Paturkar conducted the Orientation session and explained the rules & format
of the Competition.
Preliminary Round
Each team participated in the preliminary rounds of the competition held on 24th of
September 2016 in two rounds. Every team had to argue the proposition as plaintiff
and respondent as per the draw of lots. Preliminary round was judged by practicing
professionals from the field of intellectual property rights. A total of 8 teams qualified
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 63

for the quarter final rounds. Teams which qualified for the quarters were ILS Law
College, Institute of Law (Nirma University), School of Law (Christ University),
University Institute of Legal Studies (Panjab University), Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya
National Law University (Lucknow), Symbiosis Law School (Noida), NUALS (Kochi)
and Department of Laws (Panjab University).
Quarter Final Round
The quarter final round was held on 24th of September 2016. Total 8 teams argued to
qualify to semi-final rounds in 4 court rooms. Quarter final round was judged by
alumni of ILS and practicing professionals from the field. ILS Law College, School of
Law (Christ University), Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University
(Lucknow) and Department of Laws (Panjab University) qualified for Semi final
Semi Final Round
Semi-final round was held on 25th of September 2016. It was judged by Mr. J. Sai
Deepak, Mr. Krishna Mohan Menon, Dr. Pratap Salunkhe,
Ms. Madhupreetha Elango, Mr. Piyush Kumar and Mr. Deepakar Livingston. ILS
Law College and School of Law Christ University qualified to the final round.
Final Round
Final round was held in Conference hall in Saraswati building. Mr. Rohan K. George,
Mr. Ravi Deshpande and Ms. Nidhi Kukade judged this round. ILS Law College
emerged as a winner of the competition.
Winners: ILS Law College
Runners Up: School of Law, Christ University
Best Team in Maharashtra: ILS Law College
Best Memorial: Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University
Second Best Memorial: NUALS, Cochin
Best Speaker for the Finals: Alefiya Shipchandler (ILS Law College)
Best Advocate: Alefiya Shipchandler (ILS Law College)
Second Best Advocate: Devesh Purohit (Nirma University)


Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Rajalaxmi Joshi
The 9th Judgment Writing Competition, held in the memory of Judge P.N. Behere, a
former District and Sessions Judge of Pune, was organised on 3 December 2016 at the
64 ILS Law College

ILS Law College. The competition was open for the students from the last two years
of B.A.LL.B and LL.B. courses and also for LL.M. students. A total of 41 students
participated in the competition. The completion is unique in its form and procedure.
Before the Competition, Dr. Nilima Bhadbhade guided the participants on the
various aspects of judgement writing. She discussed with participants, the outline of
a judgment, its contents and its style, and also the law relating to leases, land lord–
tenant disputes and eviction proceedings before Small Causes Court.
Chief Guest for the competition was Hon’ble Mrs. Justice Shalini Phansalkar Joshi,
Judge Bombay High Court. She inaugurated the Competition, presided over the
proceedings as its judge and guided the students about the subject matter and about
how to write a judgment. Hon’ble Mrs. Justice Mridula Bhatkar also marked her
presence for the completion by staying throughout the court proceedings and gave
tips about writing a judgment to all the participants.
The case for the competition this year was related to eviction proceedings by a Land
Lord against a Tenant before Small Causes Court. The brief consisting of plaint,
written statement, affidavits of examination in chief, cross examination of parties,
sketch of the suit property and other documents was circulated to participants two
days before the Competition. This brief was created from the facts of a decided Civil
Suit before Small Causes Court with similar facts. Substantial modification and
changes to the case, for the competition, were made by Dr. Nilima Bhadbhade and
Ms. Rajalaxmi Joshi.
During the Competition, Mr. Shrikant Kanetkar, (Advocate, Pune) presented
arguments for the Plaintiff and Mr. P.V. Hardikar, (Advocate, Pune) presented the
arguments for the Defendant. Hon’ble Mrs. Shalini Phansalkar Joshi was the judge in
the proceedings. All the participants had the opportunity to hear arguments of the
parties and to discuss their difficulties with the judge, before they proceeded to write
the judgment while having full access to the law library. Participants got to
experience how advocates argue with persuasion, besides the fact that arguments are
not one sided activity, but rather a conversation or dialogue between the advocate
and the judge. Teachers and other students witnessed the proceedings.
Trainee judges of the Maharashtra Judicial Academy and Indian Mediation Centre
and Training Institute, Uttan- Gorai Road, Uttan Bhayander, Thane assessed the
Justice Mridula Bhatkar has instituted prizes in memory of Shri. P.N. Behere.
First Prize Rs. 2500/-Amol Hunge, V B.S.L. LL.B.
Second Prize Rs. 2000/- Pooja Kadam, III LL.B.
Special Prize in Marathi Rs. 1500/- Lalit Bhagwat Devkate IV B.S.L. LL.B.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 65


Moot Court Competitions
International Competition.
Jyoti Anumolu (V BSL.LL.B.LL.B) and Awani Kelkar (IV BSL.LL.B.LL.B) with Sriram
Krishna Chaitanya (V BSL.LL.B.LL.B) represented the College at Stetson International
Environment Moot Court Competition (National Round) organised by Sastra
University, Thanjavur. They argued a case relating to International Environmental
Law. The team qualified for the International round to be held at Florida, USA.
National Competition:
Harini Suraria(IV BSL.LL.B.LL.B), Junaid Lirani(IV BSL.LL.B.LL.B) with Vibha Oswal
(IV BSL.LL.B. LL.B.) represented the College at D. M. Harish International Moot
Court Competition organised by GLC Mumbai. They argued a case relating to Issues
concerning International law on differences between two countries regarding
collection, access and use of Big Data.
Piyasa Roychowdhury (V BSL.LL.B) and Disha Jham (V BSL.LL.B) with Nikhila
Settipalli (V BSL.LL.B) represented the College at Bangalore by NLSIU Bangalore.
They argued a case relating to Space Law.
Angira Chakraborthy (V BSL.LL.B) and Ram Kishore (V BSL.LL.B) represented the
College at The Louis Brown and Forest International Client Consultation
Competition, organised by Symbiosis Law School Pune. They dealt with the case
relating to Contract and Tort.
Harish Adwant (V BSL.LL.B) and Arati Ranade (IV BSL.LL.B) with Urvashi Mehta (V
BSL.LL.B) and Ravalee Nath (V BSL.LL.B) represented the College at Vis –Pre Moot
organised by Jindal Global Law School, Sonipat. They argued a case relating to
International Commercial Arbitration.
Nanki Sethi (III BSL.LL.B) and Pragya Sharma (III BSL.LL.B) with Rishabh
Deshpande (III BSL.LL.B) represented the College at Justice R. K. Tankha Memorial
International Moot Court Competition organised by National Law Institute
University Bhopal. They argued a case relating to International Commercial
Aayush Mitruka (V BSL.LL.B) and Janmejay Jadeja (V BSL.LL.B) with Yojit Pareek (V
BSL.LL.B) represented the College at 2nd VMSCL-WMO International Mediation
Competition organised by VM Salgaokar Law College,Goa. They dealt with a
problem based on succession, contract and IP law.
Mohith Gauri (IV BSL.LL.B) and Ziauddin Sherkar (III BA.LL.B) with Saurav Roy (III
BSL.LL.B) represented the College at Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court
Competition organised by AmityLaw School, Delhi. They argued a case relating to
Public international Law.
66 ILS Law College

Akshay Karlekar (III BSL.LL.B) and Harshita Garg (III BSL.LL.B) with Neha Kumari
(III BSL.LL.B) represented the College at 13th K K Luthra Memorial Moot Court
Competition organised by Campus Law Centre, Delhi. They argued a case relating to
International Criminal Law.
Akhila Palem, Stephanie Nazerath and Meghana Kumar represented the College at
the Oxford Price Media Law Moot Court Competition at National Law University,
Delhi. They argued a case relating to Media Law.
Aayush Mitruka, Ritwik Kulkarni, Akhila Palem and Hamsini Marada (all from IV
BSL.LL.B ) represented the College at 1st Annual Jindal Technology and Policy Moot,
held at Jindal Global Law School, Sonipat. They argued a case relating to Intellectual
Property Law and Competition Law. The team won the Competition and Akhila
received the award for Best Speaker.
Rishab Desai (III BA LL.B), Ragini Nagpal (III BA LL.B) and Rajmohan CV
(II BA LL.B) represented the College at 7th KR Ramamani Memoril Taxation Moot
Court Competition. The team secured 1st position.
Richa Sati, Dolly Samyal and Roma Rudra ( all from III BA LL.B) represented ILS Law
College at 2nd Technolegal Moot Court Competition organised by UPES College of
Law Dehradun. The team aregued a case related to Intellectual Property Right Law.
The team Won the competition.
Yalini Ravi (IV BSL.LL.B) and Alefiyah Shipchandler (III BSL.LL.B) with Sharanya
Shivaraman (III BSL.LL.B) represented the College at 8th NLU J Anti-trust Moot
Court Competition organised by NLU Jodhpur. They argued a case relating to
Competition Law.The team won the moot Court Competition and also the Best memo
Award. Yalini Was adjudged as Best Speaker for Finals whereas Alifiya was declared
as 2nd Best Speaker of the Competition.
Soham Goswami (IV BSL.LL.B) and Avni Sharma (IV BSL.LL.B) represented the
College at 8th Judgment Deliberation Competition organised by GLC, Mumbai. They
dealt with a case relating to Competition Law. The team won the Competition.
Disha Surpuriya (III BSL.LL.B) and Sridaatri mukherjee (II BA.LL.B) with Akanksha
Apte (III BSL.LL.B) represented the College at Dr. Annasaheb G. D. Bendale 12th
National Moot Court Competition, organised by S. S. Maniyar Law College, Jalgaon.
They argued a case relating to Hindu Law of Succession. The team won the moot.
Disha Surpuriya was adjudged as best Advocate.
Akhila Palem and Hamsini Maradawith Tanushri Nigam represented the College at
Pune by Yashwantrao Chavan Law College. They argued a case relating to secularism
under the Indian Constitution. The team won the first prize. Akhila Palem was
adjudged as the Best Speaker.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 67

Varad Kolhe (II BA.LL.B) and Nikhil Dubey (II BA.LL.B) represented the College at
Late Shri Vijay Chavan Memorial Moot Court Competition organised by BMCC
Pune. They argued a case relating to IP Law. The team was adjudged as the Best
Team and won the award for Best Memorial.
Afreen Abbasi (IV BSL.LL.B) and Gitanjali Sharma (IV BSL.LL.B) represented the
College at Treaty Appreciation Competition organised by GLC Mumbai. They dealt
with the problem related to Competition Law. The team won the competition.
Angira Chakraborthy (V BSL.LL.B) and Shreya Rajlakshmi (V BSL.LL.B) with Tarun
Srikanth (III BSL.LL.B) represented the College, at 3rd NLUO International Maritime
Arbitration Moot organised at Cuttack. They argued a case relating to International
Maritime Law and Arbitration Law. The team was declared as Runners up.
Rahul Agarwal (IV BSL.LL.B) and Siddhant nanodkar (IV BSL.LL.B) with Divya
Tyagi (IV BSL.LL.B) represented the College at 2nd Annual Ratio Nibus Jure National
Moot Court Competition, organised by SRM School of Law, Chennai. They argued a
case relating to Public International Law. The team was adjudged as 2nd Runner’s up
and received the award for Best Memorial. Divya received the award for Best
Yash Kane (IV BSL.LL.B) and Suganshi Ropia (III BSL.LL.B) with Shreya Prasad (III
BSL.LL.B) represented the College at All India Moot Court Competition organised by
ULC Bangalore. They argued a case relating to Constitutional Law. The team was
adjudged as Runners Up.
Tarun Kumar SJ (III BSL.LL.B) and Sonal Jain (III BSL.LL.B) with Saumya Malviya (III
BSL.LL.B) represented the College, at WBNUJS- Herbert Smith Free hills National
Corporate Law Moot Court Competition organised at WBNUJS, Kolkatta. They
argued a case relating to Company Law. The team was declared as semi finalist.
Anuja Cahudhury (II BA.LL.B) and Soumya Singh (IIBA.LL.B) with Chithira
Venugopal (II BA.LL.B) represented the College at 3rd Damodaran Sanjeevayya
National Moot Court Competition organised by NLU, Vishakhapatnam. They argued
a case relating to Competition Law. The team qualified to Semi Final Round.
Jafreena Cassad (II BA.LL.B) and Shishya Goyal (II BA.LL.B) with Sruthi Jayaprakash
(II BA.LL.B) represented the College at P. B. Sawant National Moot Court
Competition organised by Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune. They argued a
case relating to Constitutional law. The team qualified to the final round.
Anuradha Bandhopadhyay (II BA.LL.B) and Anchita Sanghi (II BA.LL.B) with Ashna
Chhabra (II BA.LL.B) represented the College at 2nd G. D. Goenka Moot Court
Competition organised by School of Law, Goenka University,Gurgaon. They argued
a case relating to Competition Law. The Team was declared as Semi finalists.
68 ILS Law College

Karanam Ramkishore (V BSL.LL.B) and Sriram Krishna Chaitanya (V BSL.LL.B)

represented the College at K.T.S. Tulsi National Mock Trial and Client Counselling
Competition organised by Symbiosis Law School Noida. They argued a case relating
to Crimes. The team was declared as Runners up for Client Counselling Competition.
Nikhil Dubey (II BA.LL.B) and Riya Brahme (II BA.LL.B) represented the College at
2nd KIIT National Conference on International Law, organised by KIIT School of
Law,Bhubaneswar. The team secured 2nd position.
Anuja Choudhary (II BA.LL.B) and Riya Brahme (II BA.LL.B) represented the College
at 2nd KIIT National Conference on International Law, organised by KIIT School of
Law,Bhubaneswar. The team secured 2nd position.
Asad Sheikh (IV BSL.LL.B) and Yash Parihar (IV BSL.LL.B) with Babajan Shaik (IV
BSL.LL.B) represented the College at Kshan National Trial and Appellate Moot Court
Competition organised by GH Raisoni Law School Nagpur. They argued a case
relating to Criminal Law. The team won the award for Best Memorial.
Sushrey Nepal ( III BA.LL.B, Anchita Nair and Harshita Garg represented the College
at 1st Annual Ratio Nibus Jure National Moot Court Competition at SRM University,
Chennai. They argued a case relating to Maritime and Constitutional Law. Anchita
won the prize for Best Advocate.
Harish Adwant (V BSL.LL.B) and Varad Kolhe (II BA.LL.B) with Lysha Thomas (II
BA.LL.B) represented the College at B.R. Sawhny Memorial Moot Court Competition
held at NALSAR, Hyderabad. They argued a case relating to Constitution. The team
won the award for 2nd Best Memo.
Sahil Likhar (III BSL.LL.B) and Tannujae Tridib (III BSL.LL.B) with Meghna Kumar
(III BSL.LL.B) represented the College at 3rd KIIT Mock Trial Competition organised
by KIIT University,Bhubaneswar. They argued a case relating to Criminal Law. The
team won the Best Memo award.
Anubhav Talloo (IBV BSL.LL.B) and Lavanyaa Chopra (IV BSL.LL.B) with Sidddhant
Nanodkar (IV BSL.LL.B) and Rahul Agarwal (IV BSL.LL.B) represented the College at
Pune by New Law College, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune. They argued a case
relating to criminal law.
Trisha Roy (III LLB) and Mrinalini Patil (III LLB) represented the College at 1st
Symbiosis Law School National Moot Court Competition, organised by Symbiosis
Law School, Hyderabad. They argued a case relating to Contract and Information
Technology. The team was declared as semi-finalist.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 69

They also made us proud:

Akhilesh Jaiswal (V BSL.LL.B) and Ramkrishna Veerendra (V BSL.LL.B) with
Samarth Saxena (III BA.LL.B) represented the College at 10th Late Advocate D. T.
Jaibhave Memorial Moot, Trial and Judgment Writing Competition by N B Thakur
Law College,Nashik. They argued a case relating to transfer of property and Criminal
Vaibhav Chitlangia (II BA.LL.B) and Sheethal Menon (III BA.LL.B) with Ragini Jaitha
(III BA.LL.B) represented the College at 7th ILNU National Moot Court Competition
organised by Nirma University, Ahmadabad. They argued a case relating to
Constitutional law and Crimes.
Yamini Sharma (II BA.LL.B) and Anjali Singh (II BA.LL.B) with Trishala Dhait (II
BA.LL.B) represented the College at 1st JLU Moot Court Competition, organised by
School of Law, Jagran. They argued a case relating to Constitutional Law.
Anant Mishra (II BA.LL.B.) and Shreya Choudhary (II BA. LL.B.) with Parvesh Baba
(II BA LL.B.) represented the College at Surana and Surana National Corporate Law
Moot Court Competitionorganised by JSS Law College, Mysore. They argued a case
relating to Company Law and Taxation.
Vibha Joshi (II BA.LL.B) and Udbhav Gady (II BA.LL.B) with Nabhanya Bhatia (II
BA.LL.B) represented the College at Checkmate National Moot Court Competition
held atArmy Institute of Law, Mohali. They argued a case relating to Constitutional
Rajnandini Muduli (III BA.LL.B) and Prachi Acharya (III BA.LL.B) with Sonya mohan
(II BA.LL.B) represented the College at 3rdAuro Moot Court Competition held by
Auro University, Surat, Gujrat. They argued a case relating to Surrogacy Law.
Anmol Lund (III BA.LL.B) and Harshal Sadhwani (III BA.LL.B) with Mayur Avhad
(III BA.LL.B) represented the College at 4th Amity national Moot Court Competition
organised by Amity University Rajasthan. They argued a case relating to Criminal
Harshit Tayal (IV BSL.LL.B) and Nayana Gautam (II LLB) represented the College at
Sir, Sayed National Moot Court Competition organised by Faculty of Law, Aligarh.
They argued a case relating to Constitution and Criminal Law.
Riya Jariwala (II BA.LL.B) and Krishna Agarwal (II BA.LL.B) with Preshit
Khandelwal (II BA.LL.B) represented the College at Manickchand Pahade Law
College Moot Court Competition organised byManickchand Pahade Law College.
They argued a case Rajan Deogaonkar (IV BSL.LL.B) and Ritesh Phule (IV BSL.LL.B)
with Dhanashree Korde (IV BSL.LL.B) represented the College at 2nd National Trial
Advocacy and Judgment writing Competition, by Christ University, Bangalore. They
argued a case relating to Criminal Law.
70 ILS Law College

Ayana Unnikrishnan (II BA.LL.B) and Merin Mathew (II BA.LL.B) with Renuka
Mahajan (II BA.LL.B) represented the College at Lokmanya Tilak National Appellate
Moot Court Competition, organised by DES Shri Navalmal Firodia Law
College,Pune. They argued a case relating to Matrimonial Case involving Divorce.
Darshan Govardhan Thube (III BSL.LL.B) and Varun Rajendra Wankhade (III
BSL.LL.B) with Vaishnav Gajanan Ingole (III BSL.LL.B) represented the College at 12
All India Moot Court Competition, organised by GLC Trivandrum. They argued a
case relating to MPT Act.
Yash Bansal (IV BSL.LL.B) and Parmeet Batra (IV BSL.LL.B) represented the College
at 2nd National ADR Competition organised by Christ University, bangalore. They
negotiated the problem based on Contract and Investment Law. The team was semi-
finalist as recognized as “Spirit of the Competition”.
Suhail Bhat (III LLB) and Trisha Roy (III LLB) represented the College at 6th National
UILS Client Counselling Competition organised by UILS Chandigarh. They argued a
case relating to Criminal Law.
Samarth Saxena (III BSL.LL.B) and Indranil Ghawade (III BSL.LL.B) with Mohit
Talwar (III BA.LL.B) represented the College at 2nd Christ National ADR Competition
organised by Christ University, Bangalore. They negotiated a case relating to
Contract and IP Law.
Vriti Soni (III BA.LL.B) and Mahima Saini (III BA.LL.B) with Divyashree Dacha (II
BA.LL.B) represented the College at Kerala by Kerala Law Academy. They argued a
case relating to Constitutional law.
Prem Bhushan (IV BSL.LL.B) and Manasi Kalvit (V BSL.LL.B) with Jamila Merchant
(IV BSL.LL.B) represented the College at Noida by Amity Law Scool. They argued a
case relating to Constitutional Law.
Ayush Chaddha (III BA.LL.B) and Asmit Agarwal (III BA.LL.B) with Meghna Kumar
(III BA.LL.B) represented the College at Bangalore by MS Ramaih College. They
argued a case relating to Constitutional Law and Tort Law.
Anoushka Goyal (IV BSL.LL.B) and Deepika Menon (IV BSL.LL.B) with Sushil Sarayu
(IV BSL.LL.B) represented the College at Patiala by Punjab School of law. They
argued a case relating to Constitution and Crimes.
Tishita Mukherjee (IV BSL.LL.B) and Tanvi Dabir (IV BSL.LL.B) with Aishwarya
Ambardekar (IV BSL.LL.B) represented the College at Surat by Auro University,
Surat, Gujrat. They argued a case relating to criminal Law.
Keshav Raheja (III BA.LL.B) and Sharanya Mishra (III BA.LL.B) represented the
College at 7th National Judgment Analysis competition by DES Navalmal Firodia Law
College,Pune. They analyzed a case to qualify to the finalround.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 71

Sushrey Nepal (IV BSL.LL.B) and Anchita Nair (IV BSL.LL.B) with Harshita Garg (III
BA.LL.B) represented the College at Chennai by SRM School of Law, Chennai.
Aavish Kant (IV BSL.LL.B), Shubham Reel (III BA.LL.B) and Rupal Panganti (III
BA.LL.B) represented the College at LokmanyaTilak 3rd State Moot Court
Competition at Pune. They argued a case relating to Constitutional Law.
Radhika Thakre (II BA.LL.B) and VaishnaviKalbhor (II BA.LL.B) represented the
College at Kashibai Navale 3rd National Moot Court Competition at Sinhgad Law
College, Pune. They argued a case relating to Freedom of Speech and Expression and
Sedition law.


Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Deepa Paturkar
The Moot court society was founded in the academic year 2014-15. MCS consists of
batch representatives from III, IV & V BSL LL.B, Rank 1 and 2 of Raghavendra
Phadnis Moot Court, winners of Public International Law Qualifiers and Novice
Competition. The Moot court Society is constituted for honing advocacy skills in
students and developing their mindset and tuning their thinking process.
Throughout the year, various sessions are held to enhance the advocacy skills of
students. This year, the inaugural orientation session was on conducted by Aayush
Mitruka and it was specially focused on the II BA LL.B students. They were made
aware of the ranking system and the procedure to apply and get selected for National
Moots. Also, a new concept in the form of Mentorship program, was started from this
year wherein a team consisting of II year students were allotted a Mentor, keeping in
mind the subject of their respective moot. The second session was held by Satish Rai
and students from all the batches were taught the basics of memo formatting. The
third session was held specifically for the I BA LL.B students. It was conducted by
Aayush Mitruka, Satish Rai and Ritwik Kulkarni. They were taught about mooting
etiquettes and other basics of mooting. Videos of international moots were screened
in the session to help in the better understanding of the intricacies of oral
presentation. This session was followed by explanation of researching of Manupatra
and SCC by Satish Rai. Various sessions were conducted on drafting of Memorials,
editing and formatting of memorials and use of databases. Sessions for giving
insights in emerging laws and trends were also held.

Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray
The English Debating Society (“Debating Society”) has organised and undertaken
various events in the academic year 2016-2017. This academic session saw the
72 ILS Law College

sustained participation of students in various inter and intra college events,

Parliamentary Debates (“PDs”), Conventional Debates, Model United Nations
(“MUNs”) and Elocutions, more than ever before.
The core committee of the Debating Society comprises of Sagar Shetty, Sowmya
Khandelwal (V B.S.L.LL.B), Mohith Gauri (IV B.S.L.LL.B) and Alefiyah Shipchandler,
Rishab Desai, Ziauddin Sherkar (III B.A.LL.B).
The Debating Society organized the Intra College Parliamentary Debate qualifiers on
the 31st July - 2nd August 2016. The ranks obtained by the students in these qualifiers
served as a basis for selection for participation in inter college debates. This year saw
the participation of 75 debaters and 18 adjudicators. Akhila Palem (V B.S.LLL.B)
Saurav Roy and Sharanya Shivaraman (III B.A.LLB) won the Qualifiers. This year,
due to the first years joining very late into the academic year, we could not conduct a
novice qualifiers for them. However, extensive training sessions with the seniors and
regular practice rounds help them build an aptitude towards debating. For the first
time, juniors broke into various high ranking tournaments to make the ILS Debating
Society proud. In a short span of time, they picked up on debating skills rather
5th Justice V.M. Tarkunde Memorial National Parliamentary Debate Competition
The 5th Justice V.M Tarkunde Memorial National Parliamentary Debate, was
conducted through 7th-9th January 2017 in ILS Law College. The competition saw
participation from 40 teams and 60 adjudicators representing 18 institutions across
the country. The total number of participants were 190. The introduction of 6 high
quality subsidised adjudicators pushed the competitiveness of the tournament this
year. Students of a cross team comprising Taufique Shioogufan and Nashra Rashid
from Shri Venkateshwara College, Delhi and Arghya Chakraborty from Shiv Nadar
University won the debate whereas the runners up were a team comprising Osho
Chhel, Abhishek and Sarangan from National Law School of India University,
Bangalore. Taufique Shioogufan from Shri Venkateshwara College, Delhi was
awarded the Best Speaker and Advesh Jhalan from RVCE, Bangalore was awarded
the Best Adjudicator. Mohith Gauri was awarded Best Internal Adjudicator.
In view of the significant novice participation of 18 teams, the tournament saw the
addition of a Novice Break, a separate round of qualification for debaters with less
than 2 prior debates experience. The winning team was from the Symbiosis Law
School, Pune and the round was chaired by Avinash Anand from IIT-Bombay.
The credit for the success of the tournament goes to Karanjawala & Co. whose
sustained sponsorship has helped the competition better its standards each year. SCC
Online and Good Food as well played their role as sponsors in this edition. Due to the
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 73

help from the above sponsors, we were able to introduce more prizes this year and
motivate debaters to continue taking part in tournaments in the future.
Produced below is a list of the various activities and achievements of the students in
various MUNs, PDs and Conventional Debates and Elocutions.
Students have represented ILS in various inter-collegiate Parliamentary Debate
Competitions namely:
1) NALSAR, Hyderabad - Ananya Iyer and Parvesh Baba, Awani Kelkar and Sangh
Rakshita, Shreya Choudhary and Sruthi Bandhakavi. Adjudicators - Tanya
Srivastava, Tarun Srikant, Malvika Raghavan, Ipshita Dey, Shreya Prasad and
Anshritha Rai
2) Symbiosis Law School, Pune – Lisa Mishra and Parvesh Baba, Ananya
Iyer and Anant Misra, Anoop George and Chandrasekhar S. Haridh, Mohith
Gauri and Ziauddin Sherkar, Himanshu Patil and Rudhdi Walawalkar , N
Raghav Harini and Advait Helekar.
3) Symbiosis School of Economics, Pune - Ziauddin Sherkar and Mohith Gauri
(Semi-finalist), Lisa Thomas and Parvesh Baba. Adjudicators: Nishka Tyagi,
Eksha Narayan, Tarun Kumar (Adjudicated Novice Finals), Malvika Raghavan,
Shreya Mohapatra, Sruthi Bandhakavi.
4) GNLU, Gandhinagar - Shreya Choudhary and Pranav Bafna, Lisa Mishra and
Parvesh Baba (Quarter Finalists), Arnav Sinha and Eksha. Adjudicator: Sridatri
5) IIM Indore Varsity Debate – Malvika Raghavan (Best Adjudicator), Tarun Srikant,
Diksha Mishra and Anchitha Sanghi, Aasaavari Soni and Shubhanyu Singh and
Shruti Bandhakavi.
6) NMIMS School of Law PD – Himanshu Patil, Raina Mitra and Poornima Jacob
7) Indian Women's Debating Championship, Mumbai – N Raghav Harini and
Rudhdi Walawalkar
8) Visvesvaraya Memorial Debate Competition - Mohith Gauri and Ziauddin
Sherkar (winners), Anoop George and Chandrasekhar Haridh, Raina Mitra and
Himanshu Patil.Rudhdi Walawalkar and Ramkrishna Panigrahi., Saurav Roy and
Lisa Mishra (Runners-up)
9) GLC National Parliamentary Debate, Mumbai - Lisa Mishra and Saurav Roy,
Anoop George and Chandrasekhar Haridh, Mohith Gauri and Ziauddin Sherkar,
Raina Mitra and Himanshu Patil (Novice Finalists), Saloni Dhumal and Debayan
Gangopadhyay, PoornimaJacob and Rudhdi Walawalkar, Ramkrishna Panigrahi
and RoseMathew, Saksham Jain and Aditya Ingole, Arihant Mohnot and Akshat
Jain, Siddhanth Kapoor and Aditya Nair.
74 ILS Law College


This year saw a massive jump in the MUN participation from ILS. A list has been
enumerated below:
1) COEP MUN, 2016 – Saurav Roy was the Vice chair of the UNHRC and Ziauddin
Sherkar was the Chairperson of the Disarmament and International Security
Committee General Assembly.
2) Dynamic Training MUN, Pune, 2016 – Saurav Roy was the chair of the WTO
3) Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies – Ziauddin Sherkar was the
Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
4) Indian Youth Parliament, Mumbai, 2016 – Anshika Sharma won the best
delegate in the Rajya Sabha Committee.
5) Symbhav MUN, Pune, 2016 – Saurav Roy was the chairperson of the DISEC,
Ziauddin Sherkar was the chairperson of the UNHRC.
6) GNLU MUN, Gandhinar, 2016 – Saurav Roy was the Vice-Chair of GA Legal.
7) The Conclave of International Diplomats, 2016 – Ziauddin Sherkar was the
Director of the UNHRC
8) Eureka MUN, Pune, 2016 – Ziauddin Sherkar was the Presidents of the UNSC
and Saurav Roy was the Vice-president of the UNSC
9) Pune MUN, 2016 – Saurav Roy was the Chairperson of the WHA, Ziauddin
Sherkar was the Secretary of the Disarmament and International Security
Committee General Assembly, Aditi Patil was the chairperson the SOCHUM.
10) MUNSophical Sophia College, Mumbai, 2016 – Ziauddin Sherkar was the Co-
chair in the Disarmament and International Security Committee and General
11) Mumbai MUN, 2017 – Saurav Roy was the Co-Chairperson of GA Legal.
The Marathi Debating Society’s 2016-17 season began with a session on the Basics of
Debating and Elocution. Mr. Shreeranjan Awate conducted the session, where he
explained in detail the nuances associated with debating. This session was well
received and was attended by over 100 students. It also conducted an Intra-College
Elocution competition in the month of August. The ranks obtained in the same served
as the basis for participation in Debate and Elocution competitions outside the
8th State Level Marathi Elocution Competition:
Marathi Debating Society organized the 8th edition of the ILS State-level Elocution
Competition on 15th December 2016. 36 students participated in the competition from
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 75

all over Maharashtra. The participants were given four topics to speak in the
preliminary round. The final round was extempore, where the topics were provided
on the spot. The competition was judged by Mr. Swapnil Bapat, Mr. Shreeranjan
Awate, Mrs. Swati Gaikwad and Dr. Suvarna Nilakh.
Results :
First position – Prashant Thakare, Shankarrao Mohite College, Akaluj
Second position – Rohit Deshmukh, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth,Pune.
Third position – Aditya Kulkarni, Sathe College, Mumbai.
Consolation prize– Harshali Ghule, Sociology Department, SPPU, Pune.
Consolation prize – Swanand Gangul, T.M.C. Law College, Thane.
The student coordinators Swapnil Falke, Harshita Shahapurkar, Rahul Gangurde,
Deepak Chatap, Krushna Karche, Prajakta Nagrare,Sagar Samant, Aishwariya
Ambulkar, Satyajit lanage, Shubham Barkade, Rutuja Bhagavat, Prajakta
Zalke,Sharvari, Ashwini, Bodhi Ramteke assisted in successful organization of the
elocution competition. The competition was generously sponsored by Hotel Surve’s,
Students of ILS Law College participated in various Elocution and Debating
Competitions in the Academic Year 2016-2017.
List of Student Participated in Various Elocution Competition in the Academic
year 2016-2017

Sr. Name of competition

Name of Participants Result
No. and college
1 Deepak Chatap(3rd B.A.L.LB)
State Level Elocution Deepak Chatap
Harshita Shahapurkar Competition, Organized (3rd B.A.L.LB),
(3rd B.A.L.LB) by S.P. College, Pune Finalist
Akash Kamble(1nd LLB)

Ashwini Sanap(1st B.A.L.LB)

2 Bodhi Ramteke State Level Elocution

(1st B.A.L.LB) Competition, Organized
by Vidhyapratishthan,
Revati Bagade
(1st B.A.L.LB)
3 Aishwarya Ambulkar (2nd State Level Elocution Deepak Chatap
B.A.L.LB) Competition, Organized (3rd B.A.LL.B.),
by Padmini Jain college, Consolation prize of
Deepak Chatap(3rd B.A.L.LB
Pabhal competition.
76 ILS Law College

Ishwari Pendse (1st LLB) STRASHU” State Level Ishwari Pendse
Elocution Competition, (1st LLB),
Revati Bagade(1st B.A.L.LB)
Organized by Finalist for Pune

List of Student Participated in Various Debate Competition in the Academic year



1 Satyajeet Lange State Level Debate
(2nd B.A.L.LB) Competition, Organized __
by M.P. law college,
Swapnil Suryavanshi (2nd
2 Aishwarya Ambulkar (2nd Agarkar Debete state
B.A.L.LB) level Competition Runners Up
organized by D.E.S. law
Deepak Chatap(3rd
College, Pune

Faculty Coordinator: Mr. Santosh Jaybhay
ILS Law College has been a proud participant in the cultural heritage of Pune in this
present year of 2016-17. Talents were explored and many opportunities were seized
by the students of the college. Many inter collegeate cultural competetions made a
mark on the flow of the events. The report given below tries to sum up the effort and
enthusiasm of the students throughout the year. The report enlists the activities of
theatre group of ILS. The events are stated chronologically.
• Symbiosis Karandak
Two teams of 7 students each participated in the competition. The Natyavachan
basically creates an illusion through voice that the present scenario is performed
live on the stage. It is one of the most studied and researched form of theatre.
Karmachari: It was an adaptation of a story ‘Gokhale’ by V. P. Kale. Nrupal
Digankar (III BALLB) won a consolation prize for her acting in the play.
Khurada: This story was written by Shubham Gade (III B.A. LL.B.). This play was
adjudged as winner of the Symbiosis Karandak. Tanvi Karmarkar (V B.S.L.LL.B)
was awarded consolation prize for best direction and Renuka Joshi (III BALLB)
was awarded best acting overall.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 77

• Purushottam Karandak
It is one of the most esteemed competitions for intercollegiate drama. ILS perform
a one act play GIRAN written by Ninad Pathak (D.T.L.). This play ‘GIRAAN’
depicts the story of Mangala a devotee of Kaludevi who wants her daughter to
learn and not get into the business of religious offerings. The story takes the
audience through mangala’s struggle through a realistic form of theatre. The folk
arts of Maharashtra give the act another aura.
A Team of 16 students performed the play and it was place in the category of
Dreams TO Reality, where only the best 12 plays are placed. The lead played by
Aishwarya Wakhare from IV BSLLLB was awarded with consolation acting prize
for primary round. The social touch of the story was appreciated.
• Dajikaka Gadgil Karandak
This competition is organized in the loving memory of late Dajikaka Gadgil .Two
teams from ILS participated in this event.
Paij: Paij was a light hearted drama and it was appreciated by the audience.
Giraan: Giraan was much appreciated by the judges. Renuka Joshi and Aishwarya
Wakhare fetched acting prizes for their role in giraan.
• Sarpotdar karandak
It is an impromptu drama is the essence of Sarpotdar Karandak organized by
BMCC, Pune. Two teams participated each containing 7 students. Two
improvisation were performed,Behene Do and Signature. Saee Tamhankar (V
BSLLLB) won best Actor (Female) 2nd .Both the improvisations were entertaining
as said by judges.
• Firodiya karandak
Firodia Karandak is an intercollegiate multitalented drama competition. As the
name suggests, it involve live music, dance, acting, arts, craft and other events.
All of them tied in a single thread of the theme which is best depicted by drama
and actors.
‘ASTITVA’ was the name of the performance. A girl’s chastity was challenged by
a virginity test on her first wedded night. Her father stands beside her to prove
her innocence and also goes against the suppressive societal norms of the Pardhis.
A distinctive culture was the colour of this performance. A team of 29 students
made this performance possible. The said competition was held in rounds. This
play qualified till the primary round.
• Legal Ease 2016-2017
Legal Ease is an annual cultural festival of our college. Legal Ease 2016-2017 was
held from 22nd December 2016 to 25th December 2016. The theme for this year’s
festival was beyond black and white and so was executed in the whole campus.
78 ILS Law College

Various competitions were conducted. The theme of Ace Legal Ease this year was
“Beyond Black and White....” The theme was an attempt to show the world the
Colourful world of a lawyer, and tell the common people that the world of a
lawyer is much more than the black and white colour he dons at work.
Sukhan the programme on Urdu literature was enjoyed by students. Fashion
show and band performance made annual gathering more special. Ace Academy
supported the event as a title sponsor.
This event was also supported in cash and kind by various sponsers such as
Syndicate Bank, Jintur Sahkari Cooperative Bank, Tea Trails, Talwalkars, Lunges
Gym, Dominos, Burger King, Solaris, Pizza Hut, Mc Donalds, E- Square, Javed
Habib, Jazz Up saloon, Sakaal Times, Prabhat and Radio One.
Before the festival the students were asked to draft a “Break Up Act of 2016” a
legislation that covers and governs Break Ups and Relationships, the idea behind
this activity was that the Students always had participated in the Moot Courts,
Judgement Writing, Statute Interpretation but they never had a chance to draft a
statute or an act. So the idea was to let the students draft a law but on a lighter
note and a humorous topic. The winning entry was read out in front of the
Annual Gathering amidst much laughter and applause. The annual gathering was
further followed by the stellar concert performance by the College Band “Vidhi”.
• ILS dance group- Aadhya
"Aadhya" is the official dance group of ILS Law College, Pune. It was formed in
2006 and has evolved ever since. The team consists of students who are selected
by a session of auditions that are conducted at the beginning of each academic
year. This year, Aadhya was headed by Amol Jagtap, M. Monisha and Kruti
Gogri of 5th B.S.L.LL.B.
The academic year 2016-17 has been a very eventful and successful one for
Aadhya. The year began with the contingent team participating in Malhar, 2016,
organized by St. Xavier's College, Mumbai. Malhar being one of India's largest
Inter-College fests, the competition was in terms of standard and spirit, very
intense. The team secured the Runner's Up position and was most appreciated for
the theme portrayed at the competition.
Aadhya, as a group believes dance to be strong medium of expression and has
always depicted powerful and potent themes through their acts. This peculiarity
has always been a hallmark of the team. Some of the past themes depicted by the
team have addressed issues relating to Ragging, Women's Rights, Honour Killing,
etc. This year Aadhya came forward with yet another remarkable theme. It
revolved around the draught crisis that resulted in an enormous number of
farmer suicides in recent past in India.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 79

The team also went on to secure the Runner's Up position at Fundamental, 2016,
the Inter-College fest organised by Symbiosis School of Design, Pune and the
Second Runner's Up at Laissez Faire, 2016, the Inter-College fest organised by
Symbiosis School of Economics, Pune.
Aadhya also performed at the Independence Day flag hoisting celebrations of ILS,
Legal Ease 2016- the Intra-College Fest and Aahwan 2016 -the Intra-College
Drama Competition.
Aadhya has been on a growing journey and wishes to continue spreading socially
relevant messages through the powerful medium of dance as a form of Art.
Aadhya also wishes to bring home many more accolades and to continue to do
ILS proud.
The band witnessed many unforgettable moments like the abrupt show of torch
lights by the Audience during one of the songs, the whole of the auditorium
dazzled with sparkling torches and made an unforgettable picture perfect
• VIDHI ( ILS band)
VIDHI, the Law College, band consists of various musicians from different
batches. New forms of music and recreational all time classics forms were
experimented with, be it from Bollywood or the west.
VIDHI consisted of the following members:
1. Jacob Thomas –Lead vocalist and Keyboards.
2. Indrajeet Handique – Lead guitarist
3. Asmit Agarwal – Bass
4. Varad Kolhe – Keyboards/ Vocalist.
5. Priyank Dagga – Tabala/ Percussion
6. Ayush Wadhi – Rhythm Guitar
7. Dipali Singh – Vocalist
8. Tanvi Guleria - Vocalist
For the academic year 2016-2017, VIDHI performed for the following events in the
1. Legal Ease 2016
2. Aawahan 2017
3. One Day Motivational Workshop For The Blind
Apart from these events conducted in college, members of VIDHI also represented
the college in the following:
1. Panache – Annual Cultural Festival of Cummins College.
80 ILS Law College

2. Sympulse – Annual Cultural Festival of Symbiosis Institute of Management

The Intra- college drama competition, Aahwaan, was held on 6th March 2017. The
competition witnessed a total of 7 plays. The plays – “Mocha”, “The Laymen’s
Diary”, “Inspector Matadeen Chand Par”, “Atrupta”, “The Incomplete Script”,
“S.U.F.F.E.R.”, and “Taalim” were all very well received by a large and energetic
audience. The plays were a product of a lot of hard work and creativity on the
part of the participants. The event, complete with wonderful performances by the
ILS Dance group Aadhya and the ILS Band Vidhi was a huge success.
Aahwaan 2017 was judged by Ms. Dhanashree Heblikar, Mr. Abhijeet Chaudhary,
and Mr. Yuvraj Shah from Swatantra Theater, and Mr. Saggherr Lodhii. Being
persons who are well established in the field of drama and theatre, their inputs were
valued by the contestants. The judges, with consensus gave out the following awards:
Best Play – Atrupta
Runners Up Play- Inspector Matadeen Chand Par
Best Script – S.U.F.F.E.R., Siddhant Nanodkar and Sushrey Nepal
Best Director – Omkar Joshi and Aaee Tamhankar
Best Actor – Kushal Shinde
Best Actress – Poornima Phuse
Best Supporting Actor – Satyanarayan Varma
Best Supporting Actress – Vilasini Balasubramaniam
The event was put together by an Organising Committee of 8 students – Kruti Gogri
from V B.S.L.LL.B, Kritika Shekhawat, Shubhangi Agarwal, Sakshi Shivhare,
Anubhav Talloo, Vanika Sinha, Urjitah Srikanth, from the IVB.S.L.LL.B., and Apurva
Shelke from the IIIB.S.L.L.B. The contribution of a volunteer body of over 50 students
from all batches was indispensable to the smooth execution of the programme.
Gokul Thampi and Tanushree Nigam from VB.S.LL.B. were the hosts for the evening.
The whole event was covered by Kunal, Shrikant, Shubham, and Ivy. Krishna and
Sheethal managed the light and sound during the event. Kruti Gogri delivered the
vote of thanks and concluded the event.
This year, the Title Sponsor for Aahwaan, was Doorkeyz which is an online platform
for the sale and purchase of real estate properties. The event was also sponsored by
Solaris, Tibbs Frankie, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Domino’s Pizza, Xtreme Trekkers,
Himalaya, Mad Over Donuts, Zoomcar, Hotel Brookside, McDonald’s, and Hippie @
Heart. HavmorIcecreams, The Waffles Hut, and KC’s Food Logic provided
refreshments to everyone present at the event throughout the day.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 81

Faculty Coordinator: Mr. Santosh Jaybhay
At ILS Law College, due care is taken to make sure that the fitness levels of students
are high. The College offers a variety of sports. Excellent game fields for Football and
Cricket have been provided. ILS Law College also has a well-furnished sports
complex which includes a Swimming Pool, a Gymnasium, and Table Tennis Courts
Yoga / Aerobic room & amenities for indoor games. Lawn Tennis Courts, Volley Ball
Courts, Athletic field, Basket Ball Courts and Badminton Courts are the other sports
events that college offers to develop competitive spirit and camaraderie.
We create innovative and exciting ways to engage and inspire all students regardless
of their age, so they have the chance to take part in high quality physical education
and enjoy being active.
• Inter-College:
In the academic year 2016-2017, our contingent went to NLSIU, Bengaluru’s
Sports Fest Spiritus and participated in Basketball (Men and Women),Volley Ball
(Men and Women), Athletics(100m,200m, 400m and 1500m),Throwball (Women),
Lawn Tennis (Men and Women), Table Tennis (Men and Women), Chess,Carrom
etc. Shyamli Indolia won the Bronze in 1500m and Shot Put (Women)
Also, the contingent of 72 students visited WBNUJS Kolkata for Sports Fest
INVICTA in the month of February and participated in Basketball (Men and
Women),Volley Ball (Men and Women), Athletics(100m,200m, 400m and
1500m),Throwball (Women), Lawn Tennis (Men and Women), Football (Men and
Women) Table Tennis (Men and Women), Chess,Carrom etc. They won Gold
Medals in Cricket, Women Kabaddi, Women Tug of War, Chess, Tennis and
bagged a Silver Medal in Basketball Men.
ILS Men’s cricket team was declared winners in a Cricket Tournament organized
by AKK New Law Academy.

Name of the
competition along Rank
Sr. No. Name of Sport International/National/
with Organizers Achieved
State/ University

1. Basketball NUJS National -

2. Basketball NUJS National -

3. Basketball NLSIU National Silver

82 ILS Law College

4. Basketball NLSIU National -


5. Volley Ball NLSIU National -


6. Volley Ball NLSIU National -


7. Volleyball NUJS National -


8. Volleyball NUJS National -


9. Athletics NLSIU National Bronze

10. Cricket AKK New Law District Winners

11. Cricket NUJS National Winners

12. Throwball NLSIU National -
13. Throwball NUJS National -

14. Lawn Tennis NLSIU National -

(Men and

15. Lawn Tennis NUJS National Gold

(Men and

16. Table Tennis NUJS National -

(Men and

17. Table Tennis NLSIU National -

(Men and

18. Chess NLSIU National -

19. Chess NUJS National Gold
20. Carom NUJS National -
21. Carom NLSIU National -
22. Tug of War NUJS National Gold
23 Kabbadi NUJS National Gold
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 83

• Intra College :
ILS Sports Cell also organised its Annual Intra-College Sports Fest “Legal Ease” in
the month of December, 2016 which saw the participation of 550 students from all
the batches in events like:
• Cricket (Men and Women) which was won by IV BSL LLB and II BA LLB in the
Men’s and Women’s Category respectively.
• Volleyball (Men and Mixed) witnessed V BSL LLB as winner in both the
• Athletics (Men and Women)
• Table-Tennis’s Gold Medal (Men and Women) awarded to Kunal Patil in Men’s
Category and Shubhangi Sharma in Women’s Category.
• Chess and Carrom (Men and Women)
• 3-on-3 Basketball (Mixed Events) saw the heroic performance of IV BSL LLB
who bagged the gold medal in the event.
• Football (Men) was the event in which the 1st BA LLB showcased their fantastic
talent and adjudged as winner
• Throwball’s (Women) winner title was achieved by the V BSL LLB women with
their powerpack performance against II BA LLB in the finals.
• Tug of War (Men and Women) tested the strength of our students in which IInd
BALLB women proved themselves as winner by successfully pulling the V BSL
LLB in the Finals. In Men’s Category, V BSL LLB won the Gold Medal and III
LLB won the Silver Medal.


Faculty Coordinators: - Principal Vaijayanti Joshi and Dr. Suvarna Nilakh
The Centre has its regular meetings from Monday to Thursday from 12.30 p.m. to
3.00 p.m. The classes that participate in the activities of the Centre are I, II & III LL.B.,
II to V B.S.L.LL.B., D.T.L. and LL.M.
The activities of the Centre include:
I. Legal Literacy Camps in rural and urban areas.
II. Providing legal aid to the poor and needy
III. Legal Aid Clinics
IV. Para-legal Training / Workshops.
84 ILS Law College

• Legal Literacy Camps :

In this academic year, 7 legal literacy camps have been held both in rural and urban
areas. Details of the camps are as follows:-
1. Legal literacy camp at Hadapsar, Pune (15th June 2016)
In a legal aid camp organized at Hadapsar, Mr. K.S. Waghmare and Mr. D.P.
Kendre addressed the gathering of 50 participants acquainting them with the
‘Rights of Women’ and ‘Rights of Senior Citizens’ respectively.
2. Legal Literacy Camp at Kashtakari Mahila Melava, Dipgraha, Marketyard
(16th December, 2016)
Dr. Deepa Paturkar organized this camp on the topic of “Rights of Women”.
3. Legal Literacy Camp at Kashtakari Mahila Melava, Dipgraha, Marketyard (!8th
Jan, 2017)
Dr. Deepa Paturkar organized this camp on the topic of “Grounds of
4. Legal Literacy Camp at Ozar, Taluka Junnar, Pune (30th January, 2017)
The students of II LLB with faculty member, Mr. D.P. Kendre organized a
Legal Literacy at Ozar, in the adjoining Taluka Junnar, Pune. This camp was a
collaborative effort of ILS Law College with Shri Vighnhar Ganpati Devasthan
Trust, Ozar. The camp witnessed the participation of 47 students. Its main
objective was to inform the people about Lok-Adalats and its benefits. It was
also aimed to increase awareness about the rights and duties of people.. The
main areas covered in the camp were related to Land disputes, Laws related
to Women and Children, Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior
Citizens Act, Consumer Protection Act, Domestic Violence Act, Right to
Education, Right to Information and various other areas concerning Human
Mr. D. P. Kendre elaborated on the provisions the Maintenance and Welfare
of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007, also addressing the questions and
doubts of the audience with regard to the same. Further, he also dealt with the
problems faced by senior citizens and protection available to them under the
law. He threw light on the developments in the society with respect to the
rights of senior citizens.
While Pooja Pawar and Onkar Relekar anchored the programme. Rohit
Sonawane informed the people about 7/12 Extract while Sanket M explained
the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act. Sumeet Tidake emphasized the
importance of Right to Information and explained the importance of
transparency in the system. Purva Pradhan discussed Arbitration and
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 85

Alternate Dispute Resolution Methods. Sukrut Sohoni explained the

provisions related to Right to Education and also informed the people about
the reservation in private schools. Nikita Ramnani discussed the legal
provisions related to Women and Nishigandha Nilekar brought to light the
problems of Domestic Violence and explained the provisions under the law.
Navnath discussed the Consumer Protection Act. Finally, Prachi Patil gave a
speech on Human Rights while Tejal Katkar discussed problems of Child
During the camp, four Street plays were also performed by the students
depicting not only different problems in the society but also discerning
various solutions to these problems. With the help of street plays, the students
were able to communicate and connect with the majority of the people so as to
spread maximum awareness pertaining to socio-legal issues and the available
Ambika Kajal, Radhika Agarwal, Asha Mariam, Chitra Johnson and Tina
Mariam Eapen visited schools in the vicinity and enunciated the importance
of education. While informing children about their rights, they used charts,
photographs and pictorial representations to speak on sexual abuse and
educational impediments.
Atul Mande, played a pioneering role in the organization of the camp with a
team of Shreya Bobade, Pranoti, SupriyaVakil, Rashmin Patani, Kiran
Waghmare, Arun Chavan, Kiran Patil, SagarShehare, Shruti, Amir, Manish
Kharwandikar, Mohini Wable, NamitaMohod, Shubham Sonje, Onkar
Kulkarni, Ritu Mehta, Sayali Patil, Rohan Shete and Rahoul A Mehrotra, all
students of II LL.B.
5. Legal Literacy Camp at Kashtakari Mahila Melava, Dipgraha, Marketyard
(18th February, 2017)
Dr. Deepa Paturkar organized this camp on the topic of Law of Mantainance
• Legal Aid to poor and needy
In this academic year, we have provided assistance for litigation in 3 matrimonial
disputes initiated or pending before the Family Court. Five matrimonial were
settled amicably. Also one transfer petition is pending before Bombay High
• Legal Aid Clinics
Legal Aid Clinics are attended by representative faculty members and students.
Legal Aid Clinics are at Karve Institute, Deep Griha Tadiwala Road and Deep
Griha Market Yard, Dapodi.
86 ILS Law College

Approximately 100 cases were dealt with by the faculty and students the Legal
Aid Clinics for consultation /negotiation /counseling /filing of cases in courts.
• Para Legal Training / Workshops
Para-legal training/workshops/campaigns are being conducted for Bahujan
Hitay, an NGO and Karve Institute of Social Science.

Campaign against Domestic Violence in association with Maitri

Network and Bahujan Hitaya Pune, Project on 9th December 2016.
Ms. Ujjwala Sakhalkar, Mr. D.P. Kendre and Mr. K. S. Waghmare participated in the
campaign against domestic violence organized by Maitri Network and bahujan
Hitay Pune, Project at Dapodi.
The Objectives of this campaign were:
• To create awareness about laws relating to protection against domestic violence.
• To give information about the family counseling and legal aid provisions.
• Importance of education
The students of ILS Law College, Pune performed a skit on “menace of domestic
violence, inequality and lack of education” 13 students from LL.M and BA. LLB.
participated in the camp
Ms. Ujjwala Sakhalkar briefed the participants about the ILS Law College Legal
Aid Center and gave information on Laws providing protection to women against
domestic violence. Mr. D.P. Kendre gave the overview of the legal provisions
relating to legal aid and advice and role of laws in women empowerment. Mr. K.
S. Waghmare enlightened the audience about the right to education and its
importance. Around 78 women participated in this program.
Faculty Members - Mr. Santosh Jaybhay, Dr. Deepa Paturkar, Dr. Nitish
Nawsagaray, Dr. Sanjay Jain, Mr. D.P. Kendre, Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar, Ms.
Ujjwala Sakhalkar, Mr. K.S. Waghmare, Ms Rajalaxmi Joshi and Ms Divya Mittal
participated in the activities of Legal Aid Centre under the guidance of Principal Ms.
Vaijayanti Joshi.


Faculty Coordinator: - Dr. Suvarna Nilakh
The academic year 2016-17 commenced with an introduction to the cell’s activities
and career prospects in Environmental Law. A session was also conducted to
introduce the students to the existing Environmental Laws in India. There was a
special session conducted on the Wildlife Conservation Laws in India to educate the
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 87

students about how we are lawyers not just for humans. To introduce the students to
the international scenario as regards to environmental protection and laws governing
the same, a session was held on Introduction to the International Environmental
Students of the cell also participated in the 17th International Wildlife Conference
organised by Bhartiya Vidyapeeth Law College, Pune in collaboration with
University of Cologne, Germany, Stetson University College of Law, USA and The
Wildlife Trust of India. The burning issue of Narmada Bachao Andalon was
discussed in one of the sessions conducted by the cell and the intricacies of the Sardar
Sarovar Project were discussed. To understand the role of State policy in forming
Environmental Laws a session was conducted on “State of Polity vis-a-vis
Environment”. The deteriorating air quality and pollution level in our National
Capital was also discussed in one of the sessions. Both the national and international
perspective of Climate Change and Rule of Law were also a topic of discussion. To
understand the interface of Environmnetal law with Intellectual property Laws, a
session was conducted on 'Intellectual Property, Innovation and Environment
One Day Conference on “River Pollution in India: Socio-Legal Issues”
9th January 2017
The Environmental Law Cell organized One Day Conference on “River Pollution in
India: Socio-Legal issues”, in association with Kirloskar Vasundhra International Film
Festival on 9th January, 2017. We were delighted to host Dr. Vijay Oak and Dr. Pratap
Salunkhe as the resource persons. Dr. Oak critically examined the legal dimensions of
river pollution in India whereas Dr. Salunkhe spoke about jurisprudential and social
aspects of river pollution in India. Nearly 50 persons participated in this conference.
Extempore Moot Court Competition, 8th February, 2017
The Cell conducted its 1st Extempore Moot Court Competition on 8th February, 2017
with a participation of around 45 students from different batches and served as a
great learning experience for one and all. The competiton had two moot problems.
The first one included issues pertaining to laws on Water pollution, noise pollution
and Constitution. It was drafted by Oorjasvi Goswami, Kritika Shekhawat and
Harshita Garg. The other was on Wildlife laws drafted by Shreya Shukla and Umang
The competition was conducted in two rounds. The preliminary round was judges by
final year students of the college. A total of 5 students qualified to the finals, which
was judged by Dr. Deepa Paturkar and Dr. Suvarna Nilakh. Trophies and Certificates
were given to the winners. Winners are as follows:-
1. First position - Sagar Samant (II B.A.L.LB);
2. Second position – T. Jasper (I B.A.L.LB); and
3. Third position - Pritesh Jain (II B.A.L.LB ).
88 ILS Law College

The closing session of the cell was conducted on 15th March, 2017. All these activities
were carried out by continuous hard work of the student coordinators of the cell -
Oorjasvi Goswami, Kritika Shekhawat Shreya Shukla, Umang Kapoor, Harshita Garg
and Satyajit.

Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Smita Sabne
The Placement Cell commenced its activities from the beginning of the academic
session by registering 60 students for the academic year 2016-17 from the three year
and five year law courses.125 Students were given special training through ‘Career
Enhancement Program’ a course for personality development and career progression.
Mock interviews and group discussions were also conducted to give the students an
experience of campus placements. Entrance exam of the students was conducted.
Following Organizations participated in campus recruitment process:
• Law firms:
Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan, Pune, Delhi
Singh & Associates, New Delhi
• Corporate Companies:
Tata AIG, Mumbai
Sesa Sterlite, Goa
Welspun Group, Mumbai
Bajaj Finance, Mumbai
The student volunteers assisted the faculty in charge Ms. Smita Sabne along with Ms.
Deepali Manjarekar-Placement Coordinator, in CV validation sessions and editing
the Placement Brochure: More than 200 organizations were contacted & brochures
were sent to them. The recruitment process is still carrying on as more companies are
scheduled to be on campus.
Following companies are scheduled to be on campus:
Mindcrest, Pune
QuisLex Legal Services – Hyderabad
Gujarat Petronet
ICICI Prudential
Harsshad Phansalkar & Associates
Talekar and Associates
SDS Partners
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 89


Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Ujjwala Sakhalkar
The International Students cell was established in 2008 to aid international students.
The object to help foreign students to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular
activities. It also creates a forum to foster the diverse culture of students to facilitate a
conductive environment for them.
Presently, there are more than 100 NRI/Foreign National students enrolled in the
three year and five year law course. Like every year, this year also college saw active
participation from international students in various intra and inter college activities.
Regular meetings were held during the academic year. Highlights of this year are as
Sheethal Menon, student of III B.A. LL.B was the Semi Finalist in Raghavendra
Phadnis Moot Court Competition 2016. She also participated in the Client
Counselling Competition. She was also a quarter fina list in 7th ILNU National Moot
Court Competition organised by ILNU Ahmedabad. She was also a part of the core
committee for Aahwan 2017.
Rishabh Deshpande, student of III B.A. LL.B participated in Justice Tankha Memorial
International Moot Court Competition 2017.
Misake Ronyo Enock student of IV BSL LLB won Special Mention prize in
Munsophical 2016 organized by Sophia College for Women. He also hosted the
Ugandan Ambassador to India in Pune for International Students Achievements
event at MIT.
Sushrey Nepal student of IV BSL LLB interned in Supreme Court of Nepal. He also a
won the Best Script prize in Aahwan 2017. He was part of the ILS Cricket Team
which won several inter college cricket competitions.
Jacob Thomas student of IV BSL LLB is a part of ILS Band Vidhi which has performed
at various inter and intra college events.
Soham Goswami student of IV BSL LLB represented ILS Law College at Treaty
Appreciation Competition at GLC Mumbai and won the same. Soham was a part of
the core committee for 4th ILS Client Consultation Competition. He also presented a
paper in the 11th Remembering S.P. Sathe Memorial National Conference 2017.
Thejus Joseph student of IV BSL LLB is a part of ILS dance group aadhya, she has
won many prizes in various inter college dance competitions.
Akshay Chitre student of V BSL LLB represented ILS at various sports fest such as
Invicta NUJS Kolkata and Spiritus NLSIU Bangalore.
Sagar Kothari student of V BSL LLB was semi-finalist at the Constitution Olympiad
90 ILS Law College

Yojit Pareek student of V BSL LLB was the organizer for Raghavendra Phadnis Moot
Court Competition 2016. He was also the convener of the S.P. Sathe Moot Court
Competition, Conference and Memorial Lecture. He also organized 5th ILS Intra
College Negotiation Challenge 2016. He represented ILS at 2nd VMSCL WMO
international mediation competition 2017 in Goa.


Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Smita Sabne
The Corporate Law Cell, founded in September 2009, is a student run body overseen
by faculty in-charge Ms. Smita Sabne. The Cell, since its first academic year (2009 -
2010) has grown by leaps and bounds.
The vision of the Corporate Law Cell for the academic year 2016-2017 was to
familiarise the students with basic concepts of Corporate and Commercial Laws
along with identifying and examining various issues under discussion in today’s
corporate world. This year, the Cell intended to facilitate better comprehension of
corporate laws among students through events, competitions etc. to supplement
regular classroom learning experience.
The activities undertaken by the Cell this year are-
Extempore Moot Court Competition-Edition IV: To identify and nourish advocacy
skills among the students of ILS Law College especially in the arena of Corporate
Laws, the Corporate Law Cell organised an Extempore Moot Court Competition on
30th August, 2016. The limited working time frame was an attraction as usual.
Amogh Diwan, Afreen Abbassi, Divyanshu Sharma, Gauri Shidaye, Mohith Gauri,
and Ram Kishore drafted five moot problems for the competition based on Law of
Contracts, Arbitration, and Competition Law while Mr. Deepakar Livingston
(Advocate) drafted the moot proposition for the finals on Contract Law and Specific
Relief Act.
The problems were released four hours before the preliminary round and the finalists
were expected to argue a new moot case which was released one hour before the final
round of the competition. The competition was met with an enthusiastic response
and saw a participation of more than 70 students from various batches. The
preliminary round of the competition was judged by Vth B.S.L, LL.B and IIIrd LL.B
students. The final round of the competition for was judged by Mr. Alkesh Agarwal
(Advocate) who was a Founder Partner at ARP Associates, currently Partner of Lex
Vid Partners, a Bhopal based law firm.
The Result for the competition were:
1stposition- Indraneel Godsay (III B.A.L.L.B)
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 91

2nd position- Saurav Roy (IIIB.A.LL.B)

3rd position- Nikhil Dubey (IIB.A.LL.B)
This year the cell tried to incentivize participation by giving away books as prizes to
the winners. The winner, first runner up and second runner up received the
following books as prizes- Law relating to Arbitration and Conciliation by P.C
Markanda, Gower and Davies on Company Law, Pollock and Mulla on the Indian
Contract Act and Securities Regulation by Anil Chaudhary and Rajneesh Deka.
The response was overwhelming and the Cell plans to continue organising it in the
coming years as well.
A. Regular Tuesday Sessions:
The Cell has been organising regular sessions every Tuesday. These sessions have
been on the following topics-
1. Recent developments in Corporate Laws
The Cell started its sessions this year by taking two sessions on recent developments
in the corporate law by covering two- three happenings in various sectors such as
Competition law, Taxation, FDI, Real Estate and Capital Markets. Parmeet Batra,
Yalini Ravi, Stephanie Nazareth, Amala Maria George and Vivek Hegde covered the
various sectors respectively. This session aimed at explaining in short the basic
concepts related to the news items and keeping the students up-to-date with recent
2. Indirect Tax Regime in India
A session was conducted by Kumar Sambhav (Vth B.S.L.LL.B) on the current tax
regime in India so as to give the students a basic understanding of the various
taxation concepts such as ‘cascading effect’, tax credit system etc. This session built a
base for the students to understand more effectively the next session on the Goods
and Services Tax.
3. Goods and Services Tax overview
Mr. Ameya Kunte founder of TaxSutra took two consecutive sessions Goods and
Services Tax. He dealt with the Goods and Services Tax Bill in detail in light of the
passing of the Goods and Service Tax bill in Parliament. He cleared dealt with the
framework of the proposed GST and cleared doubts of the students. The session had
a fantastic turnout from across batches and was an interactive session.
4. A primer on Mergers and Acquisitions
This session was conducted by Gokul Thampi from VB.S.L.LL.B. Since Mergers and
Acquisition transactions form a very important part of Corporate Law, the session
concentrated on providing a primer on Mergers and Acquisitions, mainly targeting
students of the first and second year. The concepts of Mergers and Acquisitions, the
92 ILS Law College

difference between private and public mergers, different regulations and laws which
come into the picture in an M&A transaction were explained. The session was useful
in giving an introduction about the law to those who had little idea about it and was
very well appreciated by all the participating students.
5. Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
This session was conducted by Amogh Diwan of IInd year LLM who has also
completed his Company Secretary course. He took a comprehensive session on the
two most important, legal documents of a company- the Memorandum of
Association and the Articles of Association. He discussed in detail the various clauses
of the documents and essential provisions which should be incorporated in these
documents. The session gave a good overview of the importance and drafting
considerations of the documents.
6. Workshop on Deadly Internship Assignments:
The aim of the workshop was to familiarise students with research techniques that
could prove to be useful for them while working on internship assignments. Students
were divided into twelve groups and each group was given a query based on varied
commercial laws such as Contract Law, Company Law, Consumer Protection Act,
Competition Law, Taxation and DTAAs. Each group was required to give a
presentation and prepare a note on the query given to them, identifying the issue, the
provisions of law applicable and the legal position with respect to the issue. The time
allotted for the exercise was 30 minutes. All the students who attended the session
successfully prepared and presented a note.
7. Vertical Agreements in Competition Law
This session was conducted by Parmeet Bara from IV B.S.L.LL.B. He covered the
basics of the Competition Act, 2002. He exhaustively explained the concept of vertical
agreements with respect to the Indian law as well as EU law with examples. The
session covered the existing provisions in the Competition Act, 2002 with respect to
vertical agreements.
8. TATA controversy
This session was conducted by Mr. Gaurav Pingle who is a practicing Company
secretary and visiting faculty in our college. The session was a discussion on the
recent TATA controversy with respect to corporate governance and provisions
relating to Board meetings, appointment and removal of directors, petition for
oppression and mismanagement. The session updated the students on one of the
most controversial happenings in the Corporate sector and discussed the legal issues
and possible future legal implications of the controversy.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 93

9. Corporate Laws and Business Quiz

The Corporate Law Cell organised a combined session with the ILS Quiz Club which
was met with great enthusiasm from the participants. A quiz on Corporate Laws and
Business events was conducted by Omkar Dhakephalkar. The Quiz Master divided
the participants into teams of two, and the quiz was divided into various rounds
including a highly competitive rapid fire round. The quiz was an innovative and fun
way to learn certain Corporate Law topics and recent happenings in the Business
10. Guide to placements and PPO's
This was a very interactive session, where students from the fifth year who have been
handpicked by some of the top law firms and companies in the country by pre
placement offers and college placements. The Cell saw a very good turnout for this
session and the students found it very useful where they took back some useful tips
regarding internships and placements.
B. Colloquium on the Contemporary Issues in the Financial Sector:
The first edition of the Colloquium which took place in 2016 was a grand success and
attracted 300 students from various law schools across India. Inspired by this
overwhelming response the Corporate Law Cell organised the 2nd edition of the
Colloquium - ‘Colloquium 2.0.’
The Colloquium 2.0 hosted eminent speakers from the Corporate law fraternity who
interacted with the students on the three topics. The speakers included Dr. Pradeep
Apte, Mr. Rajesh Simhan, Ms. Aditi Sharma, Mr. Ashish Mehta, Mr. Nilanjan Sinha
and Mr. Somasekhar Sundaresan.
This year the Colloquium 2.0 entailed three sessions involving discussions on-
• Panel Debate on Abolition of Income Tax in light of introducing the Banking
Transaction Tax and the Goods and Services Tax.
• Regulatory and competitive challenges in the Banking Sector
• Deconstructing the Takeover Code.
• Orientation for the Colloquium 2.0 on the Contemporary Issues in the Financial
Detailed report of Colloquium 2.0 is on page no 160.
The members of the Cell organised an orientation session in order to introduce the
students to the basics of the three topics mentioned above.
The Cell in this academic year successfully organised various events and sessions
which saw a good turnout and generated an appreciable interest in Corporate Laws.
The Corporate Cell’s day to day functioning in 2016-17 was managed by the
following students- Gokul Thampi (V B.S.L.LL.B.), Tanisha Bhatia
(V B.S.L.LL.B.), Parmeet Batra (IV B.S.L.LL.B.), Yalini Ravi (IV B.S.L.LL.B.), Vivek
Hegde (IV B.S.L LL.B.), Amala Maria George (III B.A.LL.B.) and Stephanie Nazareth
(III B.A.LL.B.).
94 ILS Law College


Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Suvarna Nilakh
The Intellectual Property Rights Cell was founded in the year 2013. It was founded
with the aim of fueling discussions among students and faculty members on the law
of intellectual property. Like every year, the student coordinator of the cell conducted
all the cell activities in a systematic manner. The cell witnessed weekly sessions by
students on numerous issues related to the world of Intellectual Property Law. These
ranged from basic concepts, the intricacies of interpretation, the elusive drafting of
the IP legislations etc. on the one hand to the emerging concepts and the proposed
developments in the IP law regime on the other. Further, a few special sessions were
organized by the cell wherein experts were called to present on the contemporary
topics which included a session by Ms. Olivia Balack (The Hague, Netherlands) on
“EU laws with special reference to Brexit”.
Below is an account of this year’s weekly sessions:-
Title Name of the Presenter
1. Brief Recap and general discussion Ritvik M. Kulkarni (V BSL.LL.B)
about IPRs.
2. To Sue or Not to Sue – A Jurisdiction Ritvik M. Kulkarni (V BSL.LL.B)
3. Arbitrability of IP disputes Chaitanya Reddy (III B.A.LL.B)
4. Monsanto Issue Pranita Saboo (III BA.LL.B)
5. Orientation on IP Themes for Research Ritvik M. Kulkarni, (V BSL.LL.B)
Papers Chaitanya Reddy, Asmit Agarwal,
Umang Kapoor & Pranita Saboo
(all III BA.LL.B)
6. The basic principles of Patent law and Medha Rao (V BSL.LL.B)
7. Basics of Trademark law – Indian H.B. Keshava (II Year LL.M.)
8. Basics of Copyright law Ritvik M. Kulkarni (V BSL.LL.B) and
Pranita Saboo (III B.A.LL.B)

This year members of IPR Cell organized the “Remembering S.P Sathe” event which
included:- a National Moot Court Competition, Public Memorial Lecture and a
National Conference.
This year’s events were conduted by the student coordinators Ritvik M. Kulkarni,
Yojit Pareek and Aishwarya Bedekar (V B.S.L. LL.B.) Devika Vasandani and Tishita
Mukherjee (IV B.S.L. LL.B.), Chaitanya Reddy, Pranita Saboo, Asmit Agarwal,
Umang Kapoor and Prafful Shukla (III B.A. LL.B), Varad Kolhe and Shreya Kunwar
(II B.A. LL.B).
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 95


Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Sanjay Jain and Mr. Dyaneshwar Kendre
The Centre for Public Law was established by ILS Law College in 2010, with a view to
promote research on issues touching Public Law and other legal domains. This year
the centre formed a student run committee selected on the basis of interviews from
the students across the three years’ and five years’ batches of students in the college.
The following students were a part of the committee. They organised the various
activities conducted by the centre:
50 students registered themselves to be part of the centre during the beginning of the
semester. The following activities were undertaken by the centre during the above
mentioned year
A) Courses
1) Workshop on Constituent Assembly Debates – 1st August 2016
This workshop was conducted in collaboration with the Centre for Law and Policy
Research, Bangalore. The workshop encouraged the reading of the constituent
assembly debates among the students.
2) Course on Comparative Constitutional Law – 2nd August – 8th August, 2017
This lecture series was delivered by Bharat Phule, a Doctoral Candidate from the
Harvard University. 25-30 students took part in this course. A comprehensive reading
material was provided before the course. This week-long course was followed by an
exam and upon an evaluation, the students were graded and provided certificates.
First Position: Sangh Rakshita – IV B.S.L.LL.B.
Second Position: Mukta Sathe – V B.S.L.LL.B.
Third Position: Kavya Bharadkar – V B.S.L.LL.B.
B) Competitions
1) 4th National Alternate Judgement Writing Competition
This competition is hosted every year since 2012 to promote the critical reading of the
Supreme Court and High Court Judgements. This year, 16 students participated in
the competition. The case of Ram Chandra Bhagat v. State of Jharkhand (2010) 13 SCC
780 was provided to the students for the purpose of the competition. The first round
of the competition was judged by an eminent counsel from Chennai, with 25 years of
experience in litigation, Mr. PrasannaVenkatesh. 6 students were selected for the final
round of the competition. The final round of the competition was conducted at ILS
Law College on 28th February, 2017 and was judged by Mr.Vishram Palnitkar, Retired
96 ILS Law College

Judge and Mr.Balchandra Phatak, a senior lawyer from Pune. The winners of the
competition were as follows:
a. Divya Hirawat – Law Centre I, Delhi University – 1st Position
b. Aayushi Khuranna – Symbiosis Law School, Pune – 2nd Position
c. Shrey Sangani – Government Law College, Mumbai – 3rd Position
d. Apoorva Maheshwari – DES Navalmal Firodia Law College, Pune – 3rd Position
e. Muskan Kaushik – Symbiosis Law College – 4th Position
f. Sakshi Dagur– Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University, Lucknow – 5th
2) Quiz – Stuff Your Ballot Box
Satish Rai conducted this quiz on constitutional law which saw very good
participation of students. The winners of the quiz were as follows:
a. Gurtej Pal Singh and Shri Ram Krishna Chaitanya– V B.S.L. LL.B.–
1st Prize.
b. Aayush Mitruka and Gokul Thampi– V B.S.L. LL.B. – 2nd Prize.
C) Weekly Presentations
Inaugural Session
This session was moderated by Dr. Sanjay Jain and the core-committee was
constituted during this session. The centre was introduced to the students and
suggestions were invited for the activities to be hosted by the centre.
Death Penalty in India – Soham Goswami, 26th July 2017.
At this session, Soham Goswami traced the process of death penalty in India and
spoke about the various human rights abuses in the process.
Orientation for the Constituent Assembly Debate Competition
Chandni Chawla and Satish Rai conducted this orientation for the students. The
competition is yet to be held. 15 students have registered for the competition. Draft
articles on judicial appointments have been invited from the students before the
Kashmir -The Indian Constitution and Politics
Chandni Chawla conducted this session where she spoke about the various
dimensions of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act and the position of Kashmir
under the Indian Constitution.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 97

Demonetization and the Law

This lecture was delivered by a guest speaker, Mr.SandeepBedi who is an Economist
and an alumnus of ILS. He spoke about the various economic and legal dimensions of
the government’s policy of demonetization.
Philosophy of Rights and the Right to Die
This session was held by Thulasi K Raj and Bastian Steuwer. Bastian is a current
Doctoral Student in Philosophy at the London School of Economics, LLM graduate
from University College London and MSc in philosophy from the London School of
Thulasi is a practicing lawyer at the High Court of Kerala, LLM graduate from
University College London and our alumnus. This session saw very good interaction
among the students and the speakers on various jurisprudential aspects of rights.
Issues of Legal Representation and Mental Health in Death Penalty in India
Mr. Nishant Gokhale and Ms.Maitriye Mishra from the Centre on Death Penalty,
NLU Delhi conducted this session. Through this talk they spoke about the role of
mitigating circumstances like mental health while awarding the death penalty. They
also extensively spoke about the work conducted at the Centre on Death Penalty.
Closing Ceremony – 14th March, 2017
The co-ordinators and members were felicitated during the closing ceremony.
Participants of the project were also handed their letters of appreciation.
D) Projects
Keeping our tradition, this year too, the centre has completed a research project. The
project was guided by Dr. Sanjay Jain and the student co-ordinator of this project is
Ms. Chandni Chawla, V BSL.LL.B LLB.
The following students contributed to the project : Kavya Bharadkar – VB.S.L.LL.B,
Soham Goswami and Aarti Ranade – IV B.S.L.LL.B, Jelsyna Chacko and Sharanya
Mishra – III B.A.LL.B, Mahasweta M. – III B.A.LL.B and Sumedha Kuraparthy – II
The project was initiated during September 2015 and was completed in March 2017.
The project was undertaken on the topic: “Analysis of Judicial Parameters for
adjudication of 'Reasonableness under Indian Constitution' with Special focus on Articles
19(1)(a) & (g)”
Through this project the students conducted a comprehensive study on
understanding reasonableness in the Indian, Canadian, South African and American
jurisprudence. The students have adopted various methods of analysis of the Indian
jurisprudence through the textual, mono provision and hybrid approach.
98 ILS Law College

Student Co-ordinators of CPL: Chandni Chawla and Satish Rai (V B.S.L.LL.B.)

Members of CPL: Soham Goswami, Naveena Pradeep and V.V. Gnanusha (IV
B.S.L.LL.B)., Saranya Mishra, Aayush Chaddha and Jelsyna Chacko (III B.A.LL.B.),
Shashwita Diksha (III LL.B)., Kajal Bhatia (II LL.B.), Varad Kolhe (II B.A.LL.B.).


Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Sanjay Jain & Mr. Dyaneshwar Kendre.
ILS Law College established this cell three years ago in accordance with the mandate
of UGC. The main object of this cell is to promote integration of disabled students in
the main stream and to sensitize able-bodied students about the special needs of the
disabled students.
Apart from providing readers and other gadgets to the disabled students, every year
the cell also organises a workshop to have a get-together of disabled students from
various colleges affiliated to SPPU.
One Day Career Counselling cum Motivation Workshop for college-going
differently abled students – 10th February, 2017
This year this workshop was magnanimously funded by Student Welfare
Department of SPPU by sanctioning a grant of Rs. 1, 20,000. First half of the
workshop was dedicated to legal orientation. The following speakers graced the
1) Mr. Ajay Kumar Mittal – Secretary General of the World Blind Union and
President, All India Confederation of the Blind
2) Dr. Shirish Deshpande – President, National Federation of the Blind, Retired
Head of the Department of Law at University of RSTM, Nagpur
3) Dr. Sanjay Jain, Associate Professor, ILS Law College, Pune
Apprising the students about recently enacted Rights of Persons with Disability Act,
2016, the first session was chaired by Dr. Shirish Deshpande. The audience was
highly interactive and a number of pertinent questions were raised for the speakers.
In the second half of the workshop, the following speakers graced the occasion.
1) Mr. Danish Mahajan – Secretary, Radio Udaan Welfare Society, Ludhiana.
2) Mr. Swagat Thorat – Social Worker from Pune, Director of the Guiness World
Record Play, “Meghdoot” which has all blind performing actors.
This session effectuated a dialogue with students on career opportunities for visually
challenged in the field of media and dramatics. At the event, parts of the play,
“Meghdoot” were performed by students of Mr. Thorat. During the second half of the
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 99

event, the band at ILS, “Vidhi” also performed. There was also a dance show put up
by the girls of Kothrud Blind School.
In this workshop more than 120 disabled students and 50 volunteers participated
with enthusiasm. The student co-ordinators of this event were Ms. GnanushaVakati,
Ms. Kavya Bhardkar, Mr. Rishabh Pardeshi and Ms. Chandni Chawla, who
volunteered at the event and worked very hard to make it successful.


Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar
The Centre for Human Rights was established in 2008. It was inaugurated at the
hands of Justice Shri Rajendra Babu, former Chief Justice of India and Chairman of
the National Human Rights Commission. There are more than 200 students enrolled
under the Human Rights Cell. They are actively involved in various activities
undertaken by the Cell. Activities organized under the cell are:
1. Visit to Orphanage, 26th January 2017
Deepgriha Society's 'City of Child'- Yavat
Like every year, members of the Human Rights Cell visited the orphanage 'Nehar' at
Yavat, established by the NGO 'Deepgriha'. The main aim of the visit was community
service and sensitization of law students. The members of the Cell celebrated
Republic Day with the children.
The students spoke about the importance of education and health and persuaded the
children to have strong goals and pursue the careers of their choice. Books, stationery
and chocolates were distributed. The children performed a group dance and sang
songs. After which the members of the Cell accompanied them in playing cricket,
kabaddi and football. Later, everyone had lunch together in the mess.
The visit was organised by student coordinators, Shrirang Lale (III LLB), and
Hamsini Marada (V B.S.L. L.L.B) under the guidance of Dr. Tejaswini Malegoankar.
Overall, it was an enriching experience both for the children and the members of the
2. Weekly presentations
The student coordinators, Hamsini Marada, Akhila Palem, and Gayatri Rokade
conducted weekly sessions on different human rights issues like Domestic Violence,
Right to Information, Sex workers in India etc., followed by discussions with the
students. Films relevant to Socio-legal issues were also shown to the students.
Human right cell members also helped NGOs in their work. Besides, members also
worked and linked with other NGOs like Deepgriha.
100 ILS Law College


Faculty Coordinators: Dr.Soumitra Pathare and Dr. Jaya Sagade
Team Members
Research Fellow: Kaustubh Joag
Research Associates: Jasmine Kalha, Sadhvi Krishnamoorthy, Titus Joseph
Research Assistant: Harshada Naik
PhD students (in collaboration with VU, Amsterdam): Ms Renuka Nardodkar, Mr.
Mukul Inamdar, Dr Raveesh B.N.
Aims of the Centre:
1. Promote rights based approach to mental health policy and legislation
2. Undertake and promote research in the area of mental health policy and
3. Increase awareness about mental health policy and legislation issues amongst the
stakeholders including the general public.
4. Advocate for mental health policy and legislation which protects and promotes
the rights of persons with mental disorders
5. Sensitise the community, service provides and stakeholders to protecting and
promoting the rights of persons with mental disorders

A. CMHLP Projects:
Grand Challenges Canada’s Global Mental Health Programs
1. Quality Rights Gujarat
Dr Soumitra Pathare (CMHLP, ILS, Pune), Mr. Akwatu Khenti (Office of
Transformative Global Health, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Canada)
were the Principal Investigators for QualityRights Gujarat. Other collaborating
organizations on this project included Schizophrenia Research Foundation, India;
World Health Organization, Geneva; Hospital for Mental Health, Ahmedabad;
Schizophrenia Awareness Association, India; and Public Health Foundation of India.
The project aimed to implement an innovative framework and tools developed by
World Health Organization, to provide a systematic solution to the problem of poor
quality and rights violations in mental health care and treatment.
The project was being implemented across nine public mental health facilities in
Gujarat. It was successfully implemented from June 2014 to November 2016, with the
funding from Grand Challenges Canada. The project implementation was
disseminated at two international conferences: one organised by Schizophrenia
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 101

Research Foundation, Chennai, and the other at the World Association for Social
Psychiatry, New Delhi, and one at national conference organised by Sangath, Goa.
The team is working on analysing the results of the entire implementation
2. “ATMIYATA” - Promoting Wellbeing, Reducing Distress and Improving Access
to Mental Care through Self Help Groups and Farmers Clubs in Mehsana, Guajrat
Dr Kaustubh Joag (Research Fellow, CMHLP) along with Dr Nandita Kapadia-
Kundu (a lead researcher in Public Health and Community-based programs in
training health workers and managing health awareness classes for women and
children) were leading the project called ATMIYATA Nasik, in rural Maharashtra.
BAIF, a Pune based NGO and Trimbos Institute; Netherlands were the collaborators
in this project. The Project was implemented successfully and had shown significant
impact, resulting to which Atmiyata received a grant for scaling up the project in the
district of Mehsana in Gujarat, India
The innovation involves a two-tier community led mental health model that develops
capacity of community volunteers (Atmiyata Champions & Mitras) to identify and
provide primary support and counselling to persons with common mental disorders,
and make referrals to public health system for severe mental disorders. Also,
community volunteers help to improve access to social benefits for people with
mental health issues. The innovation uses digital approaches that promote capacity
development and raise community awareness of mental health with the help of films.
The other innovative aspect of the Atmiyata intervention is its integrated care
approach, focusing on psycho-social recovery.
Atmiyata study will be implemented across 600 villages in Mehsana district of
Gujarat from April 2017 to March 2019. The expected end results include significant
reduction in treatment gap for common and severe mental health issues,
improvement in mental health outcomes for persons with common mental health
issues, improvement in quality of life and reduction in disability for people with
common mental health issues, increased community awareness of mental health
B. International Diploma in Mental Health, Human Rights and Law
After eight successful batches of the International Diploma in Mental Health, Human
Rights and Law, the Indian Law Society in collaboration with the World Health
Organization (WHO), Geneva, conducted the ninth batch of the Diploma from 10th
October to 22nd October 2016. The Diploma includes both residential sessions and
distance learning. Dr. Soumitra Pathare and Dr. Jaya Sagade worked as the co-
ordinators for this diploma. 8 participants from different professions such as doctors,
lawyers and health professionals from 6 different countries enrolled for the diploma
102 ILS Law College

course. These countries were – Afghanistan, Chile, Malaysia, Slovakia, Ukrain and
The course was taught by a faculty of renowned international experts who have been
actively involved in WHO's work to improve the human rights situation for people
with mental disabilities. The faculty included –
• Ms Charlene Sunkel, Programme Manager: Advocacy & Development, South
• Ms Christine Ogaranko, Principal Researcher, Mental Health and Human Rights,
sponsored by the Mental Health Commission of Canada
• Ms Dovile Judokaite, Lawyer and expert on Disability and Mental Health Law
• Dr. Fahmy Hanna, World Health Organization, Geneva
• Dr. Itzhak Levav, Consultant to WHO and adviser to the Israel Ministry of
Health, Israel
• Ms Janki Patel
• Ms Judith Klein, Director, Open Society Mental Health Initiative, Hungary
• Dr. Kishore Kumar, The Banyan, a mental health service organisation
• Ms Mrinalini, The Banyan, a mental health service organisation
• Dr. Rahul Shidhaye, Research Scientist and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Public
Health Foundation of India
• Ms Vindhya Undurti, Professor of Psychology, Chairperson, School of Gender
Studies, TISS
• Dr. Soumitra Pathare, Consultant Psychiatrist at Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune
• Dr. Jaya Sagade, Faculty, ILS Law College
The topics covered in this residential session were – Basic Legal Concepts, Legal
Traditions and Systems, International Law, Human Rights and Fundamental Rights,
Interaction between Human Rights and Mental Health, International and Regional
Human Rights Systems, Key Rights within the International Human Rights System,
Role of MHL in promoting HR, Improving Access to Mental Health Care and
Services, Key Rights of Users, Families and Care givers, Competency and Capacity
with special reference to CRPD, Involuntary Treatment, Mental Illness as Defense,
Sentencing and Treatment, Regulatory Mechanisms and Drafting and Adopting
The examination session of the seventh batch held from 18th October to 22nd October
2016. The participants of this batch also attended an Advocacy Module conducted by
Ms Josephine Tsui, Overseas Development Institute, UK. The successful participants
were awarded the diplomas at the hands of Ms Judith Klein, Director, Open Society
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 103

Mental Health Initiative, Hungary, in the Valedictory Function held on 22nd October
Objectives of the Diploma:
The main objectives of the Diploma are -
• To equip students with the knowledge and understanding of international human
rights standards as they related to people with mental disorders
• To apply these international human rights standards to mental health legislation
• To understand the role of legislation in promoting and protecting the rights of
persons with mental disorders
• To understand how mental health policy and services can work to improve the
human rights of people with mental disorders
• To equip the students to have a broad contextual knowledge of the law and apply
the same in the process of drafting, amending and implementing mental health
It is expected that the Diploma will equip the students to undertake advocacy work
in this area and equip them with the knowledge and skills to actively support
countries to drafting and amending mental health laws in line with international
human rights standards such as the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with
This innovative Diploma will be instrumental in building capacity in countries
around the world to address violations against people with mental disabilities. Dr.
Soumitra Pathare and Dr. Jaya Sagade the Course Coordinators explained, "the
course will provide our students, who include lawyers, health professionals and
persons with mental disabilities, with the tools and skills to be able to advocate for
better rights protection and to help governments put in place the necessary legal,
policy and other measures to bring about a positive change in the lives of people with
mental disabilities."
C. Legal Advocacy:
1. CMHLP, along with Human Rights Law Network filed in 2015, a Contempt of
Court Petition in the High Court of Kerala in order to mandate the Government of
India to obey an Order of the High Court of Kerala issued in January, 2013 to
include mental illness in the health insurance coverage given by the Rashtriya
Swasthya Bima Yojana in the Kerala.
2. CMHLP has worked on a Public Interest Litigation filed in the High Court of
Bombay for inclusion of persons with mental disabilities in the government
employment regulated under Sec.33 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
104 ILS Law College

3. CMHLP also brought to the notice of the Reserve Bank of India that Indian banks
were insisting on Guardianship Certificate from all mentally ill persons
indiscriminately. With Centre's pursuance, RBI issued clarification on Legal
Guardianship Certificates iterating that such guardianship certificate is not
mandatory required for persons with mental illness to open/operate bank
account. [See RBI/2015-16/321; DBR.No.Leg.BC.78/09.07.005/2015-16 dated 11th
February, 2016].
D. Research:
CMHLP is currently working for the World Psychiatric Association for
comprehensive review of Labour Laws, Electoral Laws, Banking and Property Laws
in order to identify legal discrimination against persons with mental illness.
E. Ph.D. Scholars under INCLUDE collaboration:
Under INCLUDE collaboration, Dr Raveesh B.N., Adv. Mukul Inamdar and Ms
Renuka Nardodkar are pursuing Ph.D. program which is offered by VU, Amsterdam
at CMHLP, ILS, Pune. Dr. Raveesh B.N. is doing his doctoral dissertation on
“Coercion in Psychiatry”. Adv. Mukul Inamdar is working on “Consent of Persons
with Mental Illnesses to their care and treatment in light of CRPD” and Ms Renuka
Nardokar is working on “Employment of Persons with Mental Illnesses”.


Director: Dr. Jaya Sagade
Programme Coordinator: Ms Prasanna Invally
1. Research and Documentation Projects
1.1 Women and Land Rights – implemented in two phases
Phase I Duration: 9 months; October 2015 – June 2016
This ongoing research and advocacy project coupled with the component of capacity
building of grassroots organizations on law and policy pertaining to women and
property rights, which commenced in October 2015 completed its first phase in June
2016. This phase aimed at evolving a programmatic agenda for women and land
rights in Maharashtra. The project is being carried out with the financial support of
Swiss Aid India.
Women’s Studies Centre, partnered with the NGO – Society for Promotion of
Participatory Ecosystem Management (SOPPECOM). The core team to be working on
this project included Dr. Jaya Sagade and Ms. Prasanna Invally from WSC, ILS Law
College; Ms. Seema Kulkarni and Ms. Sneha Bhat from SOPPECOM; and Ms. Chaaya
Datar, Ms. Ritu Diwan as special invitees.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 105

Activities: Following the first phase of the project that focussed on reviewing the
status of women and land rights in Maharashtra through secondary data and
experiences from the field, the agenda for the second phase was decided, and
following activities conducted in the year 2016-17
State-level consultation 5th, 6th April 2017 in Pune –
This was the culmination of phase I in which about 40 grassroots activists and legal
experts participated discussed issues faced in the different regions across
Maharashtra, including legal issues; experiments that have been successful; and
articulated suggestions for addressing these issues. The experiences of Working
Group for Women and Land Ownership (WGWLO) – a network of civil society
organizations in Gujarat and the agenda of the national level network – Mahila Kisan
Adhikar Manch (MAKAAM), was also shared. The possibility for setting up a state
level network was considered, and areas of research action and training identified,
and an agenda for taking the effort forward was drawn out.
The following needs were identified and suggestions for taking the process forward
were drawn out
Need to file PILs, Class actions, RTIs, for which the participant organizations needed
legal advice and support
Following key areas were identified for legal actions:
Scrapping of land fragmentation laws that are applicable in Maharashtra and Gujarat
as they deter transfer of lands in the name of women
Muslim personal law talks of only 1/3rd share for women. This needs to be amended
and all groups who support gender justice should come together to demand such an
MIDC 1961 act should be amended to include compensation given for women from
the land holding families whose land has been acquired
Transfer of rights to women from families eligible for transfer under the Kul kayda
Act. Need for a class action to follow up on the pending tenancy cases in Sindhudurg
and Ratnagiri
Need for ensuring that state lands are transferred in joint names of husbands and
wives. RTI and a PIL can be filed
For Gairan land regularization there is a need for an overarching law and not only a
Legal framework to protect the rights of the share croppers- can we draft something
for that. The tenancy laws are stringent and hence farmers are not willing to have any
record of share cropping.
106 ILS Law College

If 90% of lands are being cultivated by women then we should see how the law can
be amended to transfer ownership to women. Need for both dialogue and struggle.
Need for supporting women in implementation of law. Can we think of an
amendment? Curtail release deed processes etc
Legwork for the legal actions to be undertaken, were drawn out as follows:
Need for documentation of share croppers in the state. There is a concept note on
land lease prepared by the Niti Ayog. This needs to be studied and commented upon.
Need to organize training and legal awareness workshops. Despite the laws and the
GR state land is often given in the name of men. If concerned organisations who are
aware of such cases can compile them. Law College and SOPPECOM can take on the
responsibility of filing a PIL
Share all government GRs with the entire group.
Commencement of Phase II - December 2016 to January 2018
Phase II of duration 13 months has been designed on the basis of the needs that
emerged and recommendations of civil society organizations working on women and
land rights. It commenced from December 2016 and is in its preparatory stage. Some
of the activities planned are as follows:
A three day state Level workshop on perspective building and legal awareness on
women and land rights in order to create awareness amongst the lead karyakartas
and the organizational leadership to take the issue forward
Three day legal awareness of staff of HMF, Manavlok and MASUM and a few other
interested organisations from Marathwada who had shown interest in the regional
meetings of phase I
Four one-day workshops on Perspective building and legal training of local
government officials in the Martahwada region of Maharashtra.
Conduct a participatory research in order to create a data base on the extent of claims
made by women for private and public property, to understand the extent of release
deeds in the field area specifically in the case of Hindu and Muslim personal laws,
and create the training material for the staff of the participating NGOs .
1.2 Developing User Manuals for various cadres of personnel appointed under the
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005. (PWDVA)
Project duration: November 2016 to January 2018 (15 months)
The need for user manuals arose out the various training sessions on the Act that the
Women’s Studies Centre had conducted in the past with judicial officers, protection
officers, police, lawyers, medical professionals and counsellors. As separate section
on ‘Gender and Domestic Violence’ is proposed to be part of each of these manuals
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 107

that will help developing a gender-sensitive perspective on which the PWDVA is

based. This project proposes to develop six user manuals for each of the above
mentioned personnel in English and Marathi. This project is supported by SwissAid
WSC has collaborated with NGOs that have expertise in the field to author some of
these manuals viz: Swayam (Gender and Domestic Violence), CEHAT (medical
professionals), TISS (Police) and Sahyog (lawyers). WSC would be authoring the
manuals for judges, protection officers and counsellors. A meeting with the authors
was held on 17th Jan 2017, during which the broad design and content was decided.
The first state-level consultation with representatives of these stakeholders and NGO
representatives for discussing the content of the manuals is scheduled on 8th April
2017. WSC is seeking collaboration of the department of Women and Child
Development in the process of manuals preparation.
2. Conducting courses / training projects
2.1. “Enhancing quality of counselling services for domestic violence survivors” –
phase II
Duration: May 2016 to October 2018
Thistrainingproject is being implemented in two phases. The year-long first phase
which began in June 2015 concluded in May 2016. The second phase of 18 months
duration began in May 2016 and is due to conclude in October 2018. 18 counsellors
from 9 NGOs from the regions of Marathwada, Ratnagiri, and Pune district have
been undergoing the training. SwissAid India has financially supported both the
phases of this training project. The core training team includes – Dr. Shirsha Sathe
(psychologist), Dr. Kaustubh Joag (psychiatrist), Dr. Jaya Sagade (law professor) and
Prasanna Invally (social worker) and continue for phase II of the project
The training project uses the methodology of contact training through workshops;
field training through visits, tele and skype conferencing, and discussions on audio-
recorded counselling, and homework assignments. It also proposes preparation of
manuals on six themes that would aid trainees in understanding theory and apply it
Collectively, the trainers and the trainees chalked out the broad design for the next
phase through an evaluation workshop held on 29th - 30th April 2017.
The second phase commits to make the training application based for improving
quality and bringing professionality to the practice of counselling. The following
were the activities conducted under Phase II of the project in the year 2016-17.
108 ILS Law College

Activities undertaken in the phase II of the project:

Preparation of manuals in English and Marathi –
Six manuals on the following themes are under preparation –
Domestic Violence and its Dynamics
Mental Health
Counselling Practice
Group Counselling and group work
DV and law
Record keeping
Workshops on the following themes were conducted
Fine tuning of learning from 1st phase, relationship issues and record keeping - 21st
to 23rd September 2016
17counsellors participated in this workshop
The first day focused on presentation by each trainee and feedback from the training
team and a re-presentation the next day, thus bringing clarity in defining the problem
for counselling vis-à-vis the presenting complaint, prioritizing the problem areas, and
bringing the person-centric focus in the change process, and in highlighting the
counsellor’s skill of moving from the ‘known’ (reality of violence) to the unknown
(attitudes, beliefs, values etc.)
The second day focused on basics of relationship counselling. Elements in a
relationship - intimacy, power, power bases, forms of power, misuse of power, power
processes and how it operates in a relationship, power outcomes, areas of symptom
formation, role of intervention and counselling (where, when, how) and its outcomes,
were discussed.
The third day was a fine-tuning on understanding mental health. Depression, suicide
and tips on handling suicidal women, suspicion as nature and suspicion as illness,
addiction, sexuality and sexual orientation, were some of the topics undertaken on
Counselling techniques & tools, and DV & law – 3rd to 5th Jan 2017
12 counsellors attended the workshop.
The first day began with a feedback on their learnings viz: counsellors should be
resourceful, the steps in the change process and that the ultimate aim should be that
the DV survivor becomes a change agent, preparing the problem statements, clarity
that counselling focusses on change within the woman, how to prioritize problems
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 109

for counselling, greater precision in thinking, confidence in speaking to the

This was followed by two sessions on Domestic Violence and Law, in which trainer
Dr. Jaya Sagade stressed on perceiving law as a tool that for regulating behavior of
persons so that humans are treated as human beings with dignity. Prasanna Invally
explained ways of keeping/finding evidence of DV, and certain tips on when and
how to inform the woman about legal rights under the DV Act.
The day ended with the demonstration session in which two theatre players
performed set of three counselling session and Dr. Shrisha Sathe counselled them.
Steps in counselling, counseling principles used, acceptance of perpetrator, body
language, counsellors assertion in communicating that violence is not permitted, and
about role of counsellor as facilitator in the couple’s joint session, were some of the
key points that emerged in the discussion that followed.
The second day focused on how to do counselling. The trainees performed role plays
of cases that they were handling, followed by discussions. Three cases were discussed
in depth, and this process helped in providing tips to the respective counsellor on
how to move further with the case. While discussing the cases, the following sections
of the manual on counselling techniques was referred to – stress management,
responding to aggressive behaviours, depression and suicide, positive self-talk,
decision making assertion and assertive communication, emotions and dealing with
The third day was a half-day session that aimed at addressing questions that trainees
had in mind. Some of the tools and techniques that formed part of their learning
included – use of role-play in counselling, not to use real life examples but use stories,
help her express emotions, start from where the counselee is, address the here and
now, empathize and express empathy, express concern through body language, give
attention, help counselee differentiate between reality and feeling about the reality,
techniques in dealing with aggression of the other. That the counsellor needs to give
time and space for self-reflection after each session so that s/he comes out of the
session is important, so as to enable her/him to concentrate on other work,
concentrate on values that s/he needs to build and it can be built through practice,
was also discussed.
Field supervision:
A field supervisor has been appointed to visit the trainees of the various NGOs
periodically, seek feedback, facilitate handhold support, collect relevant documents
etc., and facilitate communication between the trainees and the trainers.
110 ILS Law College

Supervised counselling:
The process of supervised counselling began with trainees sharing cases through case
record formats. The thrust is currently on writing this record accurately and using it
as in counselling. Out of 17 trainees, 12 have shared this information and ongoing
supervision of five trainees is in progress. Supervision is done over telephone and/or
Field visit:
Field visit to three organizations in Ratnagiri was done in October 2016 and in Pune
district (MASUM) was done in November 2016. The trainer
Ms. Prasanna Invally helped trainees get started with supervised counselling and
provided guidance in writing records of cases in the given format and discussed
options in proceeding with difficult cases.
Basics of counselling – 3-day workshop for a team of activists working in NGOs in
Duration – 20th – 22nd Nov 2016
This workshop was conducted on request from SwissAid for its NGO partners
working on the issue of domestic violence in the state of Chhattisgarh. 22 trainees
participated in this workshop. The training team consisted of Dr. Shirisha Sathe
(psychologist), Dr. Jaya Sagade (law professor) and Ms. Prasanna Invally (social
worker). It covered the following topics – a. Perception of violence – personally and
professionally b. Response to violence – personally and professionally c. Psycho-
social understanding of violence d. Intra-personal and interpersonal dynamics of DV
e. The various ways of helping/ the helping processes f. Basics of counselling g.
Process of counselling h. Stress and stress management (conflict- related and situation
related) h. Working with the survivor i. law of domestic violence (clarifications on
certain provisions) and j. record keeping.
Providing consultancy/ advice/ support
Campaign against Female Genital Mutilation
Public meeting on awareness and eradication of this gruesome practice
Date: 23rd April, 2016
WSC of ILS Law College joined the campaign and the public meeting. University
Women’s Association, Pune; Poona Women's Council; Family Planning Association
of India; and Pune Women's Forum were part of this campaign. WSC provided the
legal expertise for the campaign.
Ms. Prasanna Invally who represented WSC for the event, assisted in drafting the
campaign’s resolution on ending the practice of female genital mutilation, which was
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 111

submitted to the guest of honour – Smt. Partibha Patil (ex-President of India) for
further action.
Workshop on People Centred Advocacy
Date: 13th to 15th Oct 2016
A training workshop was organised for partners of SwissAid on how to undertake
advocacy on issues related to domestic violence especially for better implementation
of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005. WSC provided the
necessary advice and inputs for planning and designing the contents of the workshop
to National Centre for Advocacy Studies.
The topics covered included - What is Advocacy, Forms of Advocacy, Understanding
Power, Arenas of Advocacy, Defining Advocacy, Role of Information, Organising-
Mobilising, Networking and Alliance Building, Role of Media, Strategic Advocacy
Campaign Planning, Preparing Strategic Advocacy Plans.
Capacity building Workshop for MTP Act, PCPNDT Act and POCSO Act within
the context of access to safe abortion services
Date: 27th-28th February 2017
CREA, Common Health and Samyak had organised the said workshop, in which
about 25 grassroots activists from rural Maharashtra working on women’s rights and
health issues, participated. Dr. Jaya Sagade and Ms. Prasanna Invally provided inputs
on the three laws – namely – MTP Act and the proposed amendments, the PCPNDT
Act and its interlinkages with MTP Act, and the POCSO Act with special reference to
difficulties and dilemmas faced by the activists in dealing with cases under POCSO
Act. At the end of the workshop, as a first step, the campaigners decided that the
information on district level committees in various districts whose primary role
under the MTP Act was registration of MTP Centres, should be sought through an
RTI application.
Organizing and participating in Seminars and Conferences
Seminar on the Protection of Children From Sexual Offences Act 2012
Date: 11th June 2016
Women’s Studies Centre organised this seminar in which various experts working on
child rights and child abuse issues were invited. It included judges, psychiatrists,
psychologists, physicians, child specialists, NGO representatives, networks and
forums against child abuse (FACSE), police personnel, child welfare committee
members, lawyers, public prosecutors and personnel from the department of women
and child development of Maharashtra. Dr. Ashok Kumar, Advisor, NCPCR
(National Commission for Protection of Child Rights), was also invited.
112 ILS Law College

The purpose of the Seminar was to dwell upon best practices in the four year old law
implementation and elaborate upon the desired changes in the law.
The Seminar had four panels and following were the deliberations in brief:
Welcome, introduction and Keynote address
Dr. Jaya Sagade welcomed the participants and introduced the purpose of the
workshop. Justice Shalini Phansalkar Joshi provided the key note address and issues
raised included age of child under the different Acts - The Juvenile Justice Act (JJ
Act), Indian Penal Code ( IPC), Prevention of Child Marriage Act (PCMA) and
POCSO; need for addressing adolescent sexual activity; difficulties in recording of the
child’s evidence in courts, such as limitations of vocabulary of the child, sex being a
taboo subject, protection of child from facing the abuser etc.; support to the child,
ignorance and denial of existence child sexual abuse.
Panel 1 - The POCSO Act – from perspectives from the Judiciary, Lawyers,
National Centre for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) and the Police.
Panelists included Smt. Prachi Kulkarni, District Judge- 1 & Additional Sessions
Judge, Osmanabad; Smt. Suvarna K. Keole, District Judge- 1 & Additional Sessions
Judge, Ahmednagar; Smt. Anju Shende, Judge, City Civil Court, Mumbai; Shri K.G
Chaudhari, 12th Jt. CJJD & JMFC, Nashik; Smt.Vandana Tendulkar, President, Goa
Children’s Court, Panaji; Dr. Flavia Agnes, Advocate; Dr. Ashok Kumar, Advisor,
Panel 2: Health and Child Sexual Abuse
This panel comprised of Dr. Bhooshan Shukla, Child Psychiatrist; Dr. Meenakshi
Deshpande, Gynecologist; Smt. Aarthi Chandrashekhar, Centre for Enquiry into
Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT) . Dr. Bhooshan Shukla made specific suggestions
relating to mental health service providers and CSA. Dr. Meenakshi supported with
observations about the difficulties faced by medical fraternity. Smt. Aarti
Chandreshekhar from CEHAT shared the work that the NGO has undertaken in this
Panel 3: Disabilities and child sexual abuse
Panelists included Smt.Smriti Dhingra, Point of View; Dr. Radhika Rawat,
MUSKAAN. They shared their experiences and spoke of the special needs of disabled
children and the need for preventive care.
Panel 4: Prevention and Rehabilitation
In this panel Dr. Anuradha Sahasrabudhe from Childline and Smt. Shubhada
representing the MUSKAAN network shared their experiences. Smt. Lakshmi from
Orchid School shared the experience of being the first school to file a case under
POCSO and how there were both difficulties and a great deal of support and
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 113

sensitivity displayed by legal authorities. Shri. Sharad Kurhade shared information

on the work on the DWCD on CSA issues and provided suggestions for preventive
measures. Smt. Yashashree spoke of the need for sexuality education for children,
parents and teachers and the great resistance from the schools towards the same. Dr.
Albertina shared experiences from the implementation of the Goa Children’s Act and
the issues that need to be looked into while ensuring an accountable legal framework.
Recommendations Each panel presentation was followed by discussions on ways for
effective implementation of POCSOA and preventing child sexual abuse.
Recommendations arising out of the seminar were at two levels – a. Amendments in
laws b. Amendments in POCSO Rules and c. For effective implementation of POCSO
Amendments in laws were recommended for resolving the following issues
The age issue under the four legislations – Indian Penal Code (IPC), Protection Of
Children From Sexual Offences Act (POCSOA), Prohibition of Child Marriage Act
(PCMA) and Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act (MTPA) to be resolved along
with the issue of runaway marriages and how they are to be dealt under these Acts.
Inherent powers of the Court for ensuring ‘best interest of the child’.
Gradation of Punishment for Repetitive offences:
Access to Justice; Preventive measures including creating awareness
Evidence of the child survivor
Need for an inter-disciplinary team and Specialized counselors provided to disabled
Capacity building and sensitization of concerned stakeholders.
Amendments in POCSO Rules were recommended for resolving the following issues
Strengthening of Monitoring Mechanisms and collaborations
Compensation should be made available under the POCSO rules for children who
come under the ITPA Act.
Strengthening of Support System
Ensuring rights of the child in terms of respecting the choice of the child survivor to
stay with person whom she trusts after due consideration by the CWC of his/her
safety and security
Recommendations for effective implementation of the POCSO Act and the Support
Systems for the victim/survivor included the following
Special courts should exclusively be dedicated to hearing of CSA cases.
114 ILS Law College

Appropriate budget should be allocated by the government for infrastructure and

implementation of the Act.
A booklet/s should be produced by the Women’s Studies Center ILS Law college in
collaboration with the NGO’s and government agencies, that specifies the rights of
the child relating to police, evidence, courts, shelter, support systems, referrals,
medical evidence
Monitoring mechanism should be put into place for the compensation schemes.
Increase in the number of Institutions for specialized counselling, shelter, security
(long term), education, rehabilitation both for the child and those who support the
child is necessary. Specialized counselling in case of children with disability should
be provided.
The Act and the Rules therein should be implemented effectively, efficiently and
sensitively particularly with reference to the Sections and Rules mentioned below in
section D.
Opinions for and against the provision for mandatory reporting under POCSO Act
were raised. Although this concern is very critical, the group did not reach any
WSC participated in the following conferences:
Roundtable on Coordinated Community Response to Gender Based Violence.
Held on 11th July 2016 at Mumbai
It was organised byDirect Action for Women Now (DAWN) Worldwide, US co-
founded by Geeta Aiyer - working to end gender-based violence and advance gender
equality through education and collaboration, in collaboration with Men Against
Violence and Abuse (MAVA). The participants considered the possibility of using the
model of coordinated community response in the Indian context for achieving the
aim of ending gender-based violence
International Women’s Action on Nonviolence
Held on 2nd to 4th Oct 2017 at Jalgaon, Maharashtra
International Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence and Peace, Madurai, Gandhi Research
Foundation, Jalgaon Ekta Europe Ekta Parishad, India had organised the event. It was
part of a 13-day long campaign across India for promoting peace and nonviolence.
Human rights as the basis for peace and non-violence were the call of the campaign.
Experiments for peace across the globe, especially across conflict ridden borders of
countries were presented by international guests, and enlightened the audience about
the strength of women in peace-making efforts.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 115


Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Jaya Sagade
The Gender Studies Cell is a students' initiative that aims to increase sensitivity
among students around issues of gender and have meaningful conversations.
Through this cell the students organise various lectures and talk on pertinent
questions of law and gender.
Every year a student run body takes care of the activities at the centre. This year the
following students formed a part of the committee: Chandni Chawla (V B.S.L L.LB),
Sangh Rakshita, Soham Goswami (IV B.S.L L.LB), Sharanya Shivaraman, Meghna
Kumar ( III B.S.L L.LB), Shreya Kunwar (II B.S.L L.LB).
The following activities were undertaken by the cell in the above mentioned year:
• Session on Gender and Psychophobia – Mukul Inamdar, Center for Mental
Health Law and Policy, ILS, Pune
Date: 31st August, 2016
A session was organized to discuss how popular ideas about gender and mental
health shape collective thinking and public policies, facilitated by Mr. Mukul
Inamdar. Demystifying the definitions of health, pathology and mental health
issues, he proceeded to give the audience a background of the ‘Anti-psychiatry
movement’ and the need for sensitivity to mental health issues and
misconceptions about mental health issues. Mr. Inamdar then explained how
everyday stereotypes against mental health issues gradually develop into psycho-
phobia. This was followed by an interactive round with the audience on the
resultant structural discrimination against persons with mental health issues.
These discussions invariably moved towards the interplay between psychophobia
and gender discrimination in terms of the impact of biological sex on mental
health, gender stereotyping in diagnosis of mental disorders, construction of
gender deviant behaviour as a symptom of mental illness, impact of gender
during treatment, etc. In conclusion, the students agreed that the current societal
structures on the basis of set standards of sanity and conformism to stereotypes
(related to gender as well as mental health) are to the detriment of persons with
mental health issues.
• Session on The Damsel in Distress and the Shining Knight with a Handgun-
Bradley Dunseith,School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies from the
University of Ottawa, Canada
Date: 12th of September, 2016
Bradley is a M.A. graduate whose Master’s thesis is titled “Good Guys”: the
ethical lives of gun owners. He primarily spoke about the notion that only men
116 ILS Law College

(in today’s time armed with guns) can ‘rescue’ the woman during times of
danger, and about men using the firearms believing it to be their ‘duty towards
society’ for the protection of possible victims rather than as a defence or response
to violent threats. It is their belief that women fall under the oblivious and
innocent ‘sheep’ category who ought to be protected from the criminal i.e., the
‘wolves’, and such persons call themselves to be the ‘sheep dogs’. In other words,
this is the situation wherein a female character is placed in a perilous situation
from which she cannot escape and must be rescued by a male character; an excuse
in the game of patriarchy.
He spoke about the lack of sufficient gun safety laws in the U.S.A that has been
severely criticised across the nation, but on the same hand, there is a blatant and
open portrayal advocating for the use (and purchase) of firearms by groups,
politicians and scholars even to this day.about the increasing use / purchase of
guns in a country with largely unregulated Gun Laws and the 2nd Amendment of
the United States Bill of Rights which reads – “A well- regulated Militia, being
necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall
not be infringed.” overall session was interactive and had a very good
• Session on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in International Law –
Chandni Chawla, V BSL LLB at ILS Law College.
Date: 19th September 2016
This session was organized in collaboration with the Centre for International Law.
Chandni Chawla was privileged to be 1 among 2 students chosen to attend a
summer school on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) in
International Law at the Grotius Centre for International Law, Leiden University.
She started this session with a song on the “Right to Relate” which was a major
crisis faced by people of diverse SOGI. Through this session, she spoke about the
interplay of SOGI related issues with refugee law, criminal law, family law and
anti – discrimination law.
She very elaborately discussed cases of international refugee law with the specific
relation to people of diverse sexual orientation and gender identity. She also
discussed cases which she saw at the International Criminal Court and her
experience there. She closed her presentation with a very interesting family law
case involving a lesbian couple and the custody of their child.
• Inaugural Session for the 1st year students of LLB and B.A.LLB of ILS Law
Date: 10th December, 2016
The session began with a simple discussion on the basic differences between
gender and sex, followed by the activity - breaking stereotypes. This activity
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 117

involved assigning of certain characteristics by the students commonly perceived

to be those of a particular sex. And then some light was thrown on how these are
nothing but irrational stereotypes, it is not right to look at any sex as having
certain traits or characteristics mutually exclusive to them.
Next, a nexus was drawn between Gender and Law and it was discussed that
commonplace things like maternity leaves, marital laws, etc. are all unfortunately
constructed on the false and fixed notions of gender. Further, great emphasis was
laid on changing young mindsets and easily adapting to alterations happening in
and around us, so as to bring about the winds of positive change in our society.
After dealing with the aforementioned topics, a synopsis of all the recent
judgments in this particular field of law was presented by Sharanya Shivraman,
following which were interesting discussions on 'triple talaaq', Uniform Civil
Code and the distinction between the terminologies- Feminism and Feminazi.
Thereafter, a screening of the first part of the movie - Bombay Talkies took place
which highlighted the issues and the stigma attached to sexual orientation of
people in our society. The discussions that followed revolved around changing
the existing social misconstructs.
The closing was done by Sharanya Kundu, an alumnus of our college, who
narrated real life incidents and problems she faced daily, owing to her gender and
the inequality prevalent all over in every walk of life based on the same.
The session and was attended by a large number of enthusiastic and interactive
• Human Rights in Childbirth – Ms. Shivani Sharma and Ms. Zoe Quinn
Date: 16th January 2017
A session was conducted in collaboration with the organization ‘Human Rights in
Childbirth’. Shivani Sharma, a certified HypnoBirthing Practitioner (Hypno
Birthing Institute, USA) and another of two believes that it is crucial for women
stand up for the mselves and choose the kind of birth they want. Her personal
experience of gentle births inspires her to support families and guide them to
birth their babies with ease and grace. Zoe Quinn is an American who had the
pleasure of having midwifery care during the birth of her son. Even though she
had worked with children with special needs for years, she was pulled towards
the profession of midwifery. Since then she has been working towards becoming
a certified professional midwife and living her life with her family in a cob house
outside Pune.
The session informed the students on multiple human rights issues related to
child birth and maternity care. Shivani Sharma and Zoe Quinn oriented the
students on the various stakeholders involved in the process of childbirth - the
118 ILS Law College

care providers i.e. the doctors and the mid wives; the care receivers i.e. the
pregnant women and their family; and the change makers i.e. the policy makers
in this field. The session also focused on issues related to the right to physical
integrity, self -determination, privacy rights, right to informed consent and most
importantly the right to health of the stakeholders, involved in child birth. The
key question addressed was with respect to the benefits of institutionalized birth
and whether the process of childbirth turns in to obstetric violence without
human right considerations. The session was followed by an informal discussion
and all the participants returned with many doubts and apprehensions resolved.


Faculty Coordinator: Mr. Dyneshwar Kendre
1. Nine Day Lecture series on “Law, Gender and Equality”
Nine Day lecture series was organised on the theme of “Law, Gender and Equality”
from6th-15th February 2017. More than 60 students participated in this lecture series.
The college received a grant of Rs. 10,000/- from Board of Students’ Welfare
Department, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
Student coordinator for this event was Ms. Saranya Mishra, III B.A. LL.B. Details of
Resource persons for the lecture series, have been enlisted as follows-
Date Resource Person Topic
06.02.2017 Ms. Vaijayanti Joshi Conceptualization of Gender
07.02.2017 Dr. Nilima Bhadbhade Evidence Law and Gender Equality
08.02.2017 Dr. Priya Sondhi Practices Derogatory to Women special focus
on Devdasi and Molki.
09.02.2017 Dr. Sanjay Jain Judicial Dis-Establishment of Gender Equality
10.02.2017 Ms. Ujjwala Sakhalkar Using Gender neutral/inclusive language in
11.02.2017 Dr. Shirish Deshpande Gender Law and Equality
13.02.2017 Ms. Usha Ganesh Personality Development for Girl students
14.02.2017 Mr. Anand Pawar Masculinities and Feminism
15.02.2017 Ms. Rajalaxmi Joshi Torts and Gender Equality

2. Special Guidance Scheme

Appreciating the age old maxim, ‘language we speak, influences the way we think’,
the scheme is based in light of the westernised version of India, where English has
almost attained a universal status. This is evident from the fact that English is the
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 119

only foreign language to have attained the status of official language in judicial
system of India. Thus, ILS has taken the initiative to provide students with remedial
lectures in English, specifically focused on those students who had primary or
secondary education in vernacular language. Ms. Usha Ganesh conducted 30
remedial lectures for improvement of English language for students of 1st Year B.A.
LLB and 1st Year LLB in which more than 60 students participated.
The lectures were very well received by the students. Top 5 scorers in English subject
were felicitated during the Foundation Day of the Indian Law Society on 4th March
3. Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Earn and Learn Scheme
The above mentioned scheme was initiated in the academic year of 2012-13 for the
benefit of the economically backward students. In this academic year, students of our
college availed the benefit of this scheme from the month of July 2016. The College
received a grant of the Rs.2,20,000/- from Student Welfare Department, Savitribai
Phule Pune University, for the same. A total of 32 students were beneficiaries of the
4. Reader on Demand
The ‘Reader on Demand’ scheme has been evolved to help visually challenged
students to explore more knowledge by deputing able bodied students to registered
under Earn and Learn Scheme, to read for them.
5. Career Counseling cum Motivation Workshop
Under the aegis of the Students’ Welfare Department and Equal Opportunity cum
Enabling cell of ILS Law College, a Career Counseling cum Motivation Workshop
was organised for visually challenged students on 10th February 2017. We received a
grant of Rs. 1,20,000/- from the Student Welfare Department, Savitribai Phule Pune
University. A detailed report of the same has been provided in the annual report of
Equal Opportunity cum Enabling Cell.
6. Election Campaigning Week
The Election Awareness Campaign organised by ILS Law College, Pune from 16th -
19th February 2017, as the ‘Election Campaign Week’. The program reached out to
about 500 students and 200 citizens.
Owing to coherent support from the Director, Student Welfare Board of Savitribai
Phule Pune University, ILS Law College received a grant of Rs. 30,000/- from
Savitribai Phule Pune University for this event.
This event demonstrated election training and organised a mock election on 16th
February 2017, in collaboration with the Pune Municipal Corporation. The gathering
was addressed by the Principal and Dr. Sanjay Jain. The Principal stressed on the
120 ILS Law College

importance of voting, while Dr. Sanjay Jain perpetuated a Constitutional insight to

the audience. A skit was also performed by LL.M. students on the theme of elections.
Around 300 students participated in the said event.
On 17th February 2017, an Election Awareness Campaign was organised for the
students of DTL and DLL studying in the evening batches. The speakers for the
campaign were Dr. Sanjay Jain, Mr. K. S. Waghmare and Mr. Santosh Jaybhay. They
overwhelmingly appealed to the student participants to caste their vote. The event
was also graced by the cultural team of ILS, which performed a street play motivating
the students to caste their vote.
On 19th February 2017, another Election campaign was organised at Kamala Nehru
Park, Pune. Dr. Sanjay Jain, Mr. K.S. Waghmare and Ms. Ujjwala Sakhalkar were the
speakers in this event. They appealed to all the spectators and public at large,
including senior citizens present in the park, to caste their vote in the Municipal
Corporation Elections. A street play performed by the students of ILS Law College,
Pune further reinforced the appeal.
The student team of organizers consisted of: Raju Bagul, V B.S.L.LL.B, Saranya
Mishra, III B.A.LL.B., Jagdish Pawar, I B.A. LL.B., Sudhir, I B.A.LL.B., Kunal Pagar, I
B.A.LL.B., Janvi Ingle, I B.A.LL.B.
7. Quality Improvement Programme (2016-17) for Colleges under Savitribhai
Phule Pune University (Planning and Development Department):
a. Educational Equipments.
Under this scheme, ILS Law College, Pune received a grant of
1,00,000/- for the purchase of Xerox machine.
b. Sports Equipments.
Under this scheme, ILS Law College, Pune received a grant of
1,00,000/- for the purchase of 3 exercise bicycles.
c. Construction of Parking Shed.
Under this scheme, ILS Law College, Pune received a grant of
5, 00,000/- for the construction of parking shed in the college campus.

Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Suvarna Nilakh
The ILS Quiz Club continued to engage students with an array of quizzes in the year
2016-17. It opened with its inaugural session on the 15th of July, hosting a general quiz
with literature-oriented questions, and concluded on the 9th of March 2017 with two
quizzes, a general quiz and a literature-etymology quiz. The Quiz Club organised
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 121

sessions on a weekly basis, supported by a dedicated core of quizzers, on a range of

topics, from Sports, Music-Entertainment-Literature-Arts, Indian Polity, History,
Geography, even Bollywood and Harry Potter. Unique quizzes included the
Independence Day Quiz (held on the 12th August) and the Business Quiz hosted by
alumnus Omkar Dhakephalkar in collaboration with the ILS Corporate Law Cell
(held on the 3rd of February). The total number of quizzes created and hosted by quiz
club members was around 20. The aim of the Club is to provide a forum for
intellectually inquisitive students to connect with non-legal domains of knowledge,
and train them to participate in Pune’s active and rigorous quizzing culture.
The Quiz Club is also event-in-charge for the Legal Ease Quiz. This year, the quiz was
held on 23rd and 24th December. The event was co-ordinated by Ammu Azhakath
Sasidharan (IV BSL. LLB), who set and conducted the finals, and Indranil Ghawade
and Mohit Talwar (III BA.LL.B.) who set the elimination round, assisted by Tarun
Srikanth from the third year.
The Winners of the quiz were Gurtej Pal Singh and Satish Rai, with the first runner
up team being Mrinalini and Rakesh (II LLB) and the second runners-up being Arul
Kanhere and Soham Bhalerao ( both I B.A. LL.B)
Members of the Quiz Club have represented the college at various quizzing events in
the city such as the Armed Forces Medical College General Quizzes and College of
Engineering Pune BCQC’s InFest. A selection of their achievements is as follows:
1. Indranil Ghawade and Mohit Talwar - Symbiosis School of Economics (Sympulse)
and BMCC College Quizzes (Finalists)
2. Ammu Sasidharan and Divyanshu Sharma - Symbiosis School of Economics
(Sympulse) – 3rd place, INTACH (Pune Rounds)- 4th place.
3. Sruthi Darbhamulla and Sravya Darbhamulla – ConQuest 2016 and B.J. Medical
College Quiz (Finalists), the Boat Club Quiz Club’s College Team of the Year- 3rd
4. Aayush Mitruka and Gokul Thampi (V B.S.L. LLB)- ‘Legalis Cerebrus’ Symbiosis
Law School’s Legal Quiz, 2nd place.
Members of the club who also hosted as quizmasters for sessions include: Arul
Kanhere (I B.A. LL.B. ), Praful Shukla and Ayush Abhinav (III BA.LL.B.), Divyanshu
Sharma (IV BSL.LL.B..), Mukta Sathe, Gurtej Pal Singh and Satish Rai (V
BSL.LL.B).The student coordinators for 2016-17 are: Sruthi and Sravya Darbhamulla
(V BSL.LL.B.), Indranil Ghawade, Mohit Talwar and Asmit Aggarwal (III BA.LL.B.)
“Q”- The Annual State Level Quiz
On the 3rd of September 2016, the ILS Quiz Club hosted the 4th edition of ‘Q’, its
annual state-level quiz competition. With a participation of 48 teams, approximately
100 Students participated for three prizes. This year’s winners are as follows:-
122 ILS Law College

1. 1st place (Cash prize of Rs. 5000/-): Karan Kamath and Nikhil Joseph Zacarias
(Symbiosis Law School Pune)
2. 2nd place (Cash prize of Rs. 3000/-): Aman Shaikh and Dhananjay Jagtap (College
of Engineering, Pune)
3. 3rd place (Cash prize of Rs. 2000/-): Anurag Choudhary (Pune Institute of
Computer Technology, Pune) and Arnabh Sengupta (Armed Forces Medical
College, Pune)
4. Best Internal Team (Cash prize of Rs. 1000/-): Gurtej Pal Singh and Satish Rai
(Both V B.S.L. LL.B.)
The quiz was set and hosted by Sruthi and Sravya Darbhamulla (V B.S.L. LL.B.) A
general elimination round of 25 questions that drew from current affairs was first
conducted. Thereafter, six teams were selected for the finals. Well-researched
questions from history, law, science, literature etc. were asked, provoking thought
and deliberation. A ‘poetry’ round was a unique feature, where contestants were
made to deduce famous historical facts from riddles in verse.
Volunteers from III B.A.LL.B. and IV B.S.L. LL.B, ensured that the event ran
smoothly, and making it a success.


Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray
In today’s globalized world, all walks of life are increasingly affected by the
happenings in the international sphere. An insight into International Law, which
constitutes the edifice of the international system, is indispensible for law students.
With the vision to impart the students with the necessary knowledge and skills to
understand the tenets of International Law, the Centre for International Law of ILS
Law College, Pune was formed in 2014.
The Centre works to spread awareness about the body of knowledge of International
Law through a diverse set of activities, including competitions, seminars,
conferences, and guest lectures. A core activity of the Centre is the weekly sessions,
which cover contemporary developments in the field. The Centre also aims at
motivating and guiding students to participate in various Moot Court Competitions
pertaining to the field of International Law.
In the academic year 2016-17, the Centre organised a plethora of activities. The
following sessions dealt with general awareness about International Law:
1. Public International Law Mooting
2. A workshop on basics of International Law : Sources of Intl. Law
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 123

3. Career Opportunities in International Law

The undermentioned sessions were conducted so as to highlight contemporary
4. Rwandan Genocide movie screening
5. Kashmir in International Law
6. South China Sea Dispute and the Arbitral Award
7. Brexit and International Law
The Centre also collaborated with the Gender Studies Cell to host the session
8. Gender Rights and International Law
The highlight of the year was the ‘National Conference on Space Law’ organised by
the Centre on the 22nd and 23rd of February, 2017. In the backdrop of the Outer Space
Treaty, which is widely regarded as the magna carta of Space Law, completing 50
years, the Centre grabbed the opportunity to spread awareness and foster dialogue
about the Law of Outer Space, which governs and regulates activities in space.
The themes of the conference were chosen by taking into consideration the existing
legal voids, and were divided into 4 sessions, namely: The need for Space Legislation
in India, Celestial Body Mining, Space & Intellectual Property Rights, and lastly,
Space Tourism. The resource persons for the Conference were luminaries from
various space related fields.
The Conference was nothing short of a grand success, priding itself of participation
from a massive number of over 250 students, paper presentations by students from
across the nation, and lively discussions and Q&A sessions following the
presentation. Please find detailed report of the conference on page no. 158.


Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray
The Criminal Law Cell established in the academic year 2015 with an objective of
enhancing academic activities of students in the understanding of the Criminal
Justice System. The center serves as a platform for students to have insightful
discussion pertaining to the field of criminal law.
The Cell organizes guest lectures, seminars, weekly sessions and training program for
students in the field of Criminal Law.
Guest Lectures: This Academic year commenced with a guest lecture delivered by
Justice M. L. Tahaliyani, Lokayukta State of Maharashtra, on the topic of ‘Evidence in
Criminal Procedure’ for the students on 28th July 2016. He focused on the issues of
124 ILS Law College

importance of dying declaration in criminal trial and on the role of approver. From
the academic point of view, he also highlighted on the 26/11 trail of Ajmal Kasab.
Prof. Frank Bonwan III, faculty member at the School of Law, University Of Missouri,
conducted a session on “American and International Law in the Age of Donald
Trump”. He elucidated the working of the criminal justice system in America and
proceeded to explore the U.S. Presidential Election, critiquing the policies of the
newly elected President.
Students Weekly Sessions: The cell has organized regular weekly sessions on
various topics of Criminal Law. Oorjasvi Goswami (IV BS.L. LL.B) conducted the
first weekly session on “Gulbarg Society Massacre case”. The session provided in-
depth account of the massacre and brought in light the present situation of the case
filed by the victims. Layanyaa Chopra (IV B.S.L LL.B) conducted second weekly
session on Official Secrets Act 1923. Ayush Abhinav (III B.A LL.B) conducted third
weekly session on Forensic toxicology and its evidentiary importance in criminal
trials. The Cell screened the movie “12 Angry Men” which was followed by a
discussion on the efficacy of the jury system in England and India. In the Indian
context the case of K. M. Nanavati v. State of Maharashtra and its repercussions on
the jury system in India was also discussed. In the Second semester of the academic
year a session was conducted for the first year students on “Introduction to Criminal
Law”. The students were made acquainted with the nuances of the Indian Penal
Code, the Criminal Procedure Code and the Indian Evidence Act. Kritika Shekhawat
(IV B.S.L LL.B) conducted a weekly session on the topic “Reasonableness of Beyond
Reasonable Doubt”. She drew a parallel between the reasonable criteria duly
followed in the American Criminal Justice system and the Indian Criminal Justice
System. Recommendations of Malimath Committee Report was also discussed in the
session. In the Month of January a session was conducted on the Nuremberg Trial.
The entire trial and its impact on the current framework of International
Criminal Law was thoroughly reviewed. Oorjasvi Goswami conducted a concluding
session on “Fake Encounters”.
Conference: The Criminal Law Cell organized a National Conference on Unexplored
Criminal Law on 20th and 21st January 2016. A detail report of the conference is
reported in the Conference Report Section on Page No. 156.

Faculty Coordinators : Ms. Rajalaxmi Joshi, Ms. Aishwarya Kadam, Mr. Santosh
Jaybhay, Ms. Smita Sabane
Every year ILS Law College organizes its Alumni Meet on 25th December 2016. The
event this year was attended by the alumni from various batches which also included
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 125

the passed out batch of 2016. The Alumni Cell had contacted 1960-2016 batches
alumni through various modes. On the day of the event, the warmth of the winter
morning Sun was felt all around as the alumni gathered for the event. Various fun
fair games like musical chair, hit the glass, memory game etc. were arranged by
student volunteers under the guidance of the faculty. A Photo Booth was set up for
the Alumni. This was followed by a formal function in the auditorium.
Adv. P. Narayan, Chairman, Indian Law Society, was the Chief Guest for the
extravagant event. Principal, Ms. Vaijayanti Joshi, addressed the gathering. She spoke
of recent and future infrastructural development that are to take place on the Campus
including the upcoming Arbitration Centre and the new ladies hostel. She was
pleased to inform the Alumni that the ILS Law College has been granted permission
to run Ph.D. center affiliated to Savitribai Phule University of Pune in the month of
March 2016. Furthermore it was added that such a huge step is helping get the college
one step closer to the dream of making ILS Law College a University.
The former students have, are and shall leave their marks in the field of law at
national and international level. This Meet being a platform to appreciate and
recognize achievements and contributions of its graduate students, called upon its
achievers to be acknowledged. A token of appreciation was given to felicitate Dr.
Justice Shalini Phansalkar Joshi (Bombay High Court) who became 'Permanent Judge'
of the Bombay High Court in 2016. Dr. Aniruddha Rajput, who has been elected by
the United Nations General Assembly as the youngest member of the United Nations
International Law Commission with highest number of votes (160 out of 191) in the
Asia Pacific Region was also felicitate on this occasion. Mr. Kapil Arora and Ms.
Kosturi Ghosh whose names were included in a list of the top 40 Asian lawyers under
the age of 40 issued by Asian Legal Business (ALB), an entity of Thomson Reuters,
which profiles the brightest young legal minds in the Asia region was greeted and
acknowledged as well. The meet ended on a very high note which was then followed
by sumptuous lunch!


Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Rajalaxmi Joshi
The Animal Law Cell was started in the academic year 2015-16. It was established
with the sole objective of creating awareness and to sensitize the public about animal
laws, welfare and rights by means of meeting/discussions on a weekly basis, on
ground activities, other modes such as research projects, guest lecture etc. This year,
the cell was active for both the semesters.
Activities Undertaken:
Starting from the first semester, there were many activities that were undertaken by
the Animal Law Cell, for the academic year 2016-17.
126 ILS Law College

‘Unlocking the Cage’, an American documentary/film by D.A. Pennebaker and Chris

Hegedus, was screened to the members of the cell, where portrayal of Steven Wise's
efforts to achieve legal rights for non-human animals and the work of the Non-
human Rights Project (NhRP) were shown.
A long and healthy group discussion was held on issue of ‘Street Dogs killing’.
The Cell conducted a discussion on ‘Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 and
the other allied laws.’
Notable contribution:
Recently the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change drafted rules
under Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Dog Breeding and Marketing) Rules, 2016.
The Ministry has published the rules and has invited comments on the said rules
from institutions and animal welfare organizations etc. The Cell undertook this
project and reviewed the draft rules. Ms. Bhavya Pande and Ms. Dipanwita Ghosh (V
B.S.L.LL.B) were instrumental in completing the project. The Cell has also put forth
various suggestions and recommended changes in the said rules and the same has
been sent to the concerned ministry in form of a report in February 2017.

The library plays a very vital role in the life of a reputed law school like ILS. Keeping
in view the aims and ideals of the parent institution the library has developed itself
into one of the richest and finest law libraries of India. Advanced technological
support has turned it into a resourceful legal information center as well.
Like previous years, this year also the library witnessed a balanced growth of legal
collection with focus on newly emerging areas like Bio-technology Law, International
Trade, Maritime Law, Commercial Laws, Cyber Laws, etc
The total collection comprises around 49651 books and 12006 bound volumes of
periodicals. Total addition to the collection from 01 Apr. 2016 – 15 Feb 2017 is 1167,
which includes 1107 books and 60 bound volumes.
Total number of periodicals subscribed is 74, out of which 56 are legal and socio-legal
and 18 are general in nature.
Throughout the academic term, Library timings are 9.30 am to 9.00 pm on all working
days. Regular services provided by the library include Reference, Home Lending,
Bibliography, and Photocopy as well as printing services on payment. Students of
LL.M. are accorded Reference for their research. Students participating in Inter-
collegiate moot court competitions are benefitted by the rich collection of foreign
books. Gymkhana membership gives access to literature section, which contains
books in Marathi and English- both classics and modern.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 127

The excellent library has stood by students not only in their fulfillment of curricular
requirement, but also to win various co and extracurricular competitions at state and
national levels, and even represent India at international competitions. With access to
a highly resourceful information center, in the form of the library, they have an edge
over their counterparts in many other institutions.
ILS has facilitated 49 computers for students, which provide access to well known
Indian legal databases like AIR, Criminal Law Journal, SCC, Corporate Law Adviser,
Lexis India, Manupatra and renowned International databases– LexisNexis, West
Law and Hein Online. This year the new addition is access to Taxmann online
database. We are also a member of the N-LIST (National Library and Information
Services Infrastructure of Scholarly Content) programme of INFLIBNET, This enables
access to 7000 e-journals and over one lakh e-books published by renowned
international publishers like LexisNexis, Oxford, Cambridge, Wilson, Thomson
Reuter etc. Student ambassador from SCC online arranges orientation sessions for
new users.
Dedicated 45 MBPS lease line ensures faster internet connectivity. More than 100
computers are working in LAN (Local Area Network) environment, Laxmi Building,
all 3 floors of Saraswati building and Boys as well as the Girls’ Hostel have been wi-
fienabled and this facilitates students’ access to the subscribed databases through
their laptops much beyond the regular library hours.
To prevent theft and mutilation of books, Electronic Surveillance System has been
installed. This year we have completed Bar-coding of around 80% library collection.
The new library can accommodate 250 students at a time. Separate reading space has
been provided for teachers and research workers. It provides space for conducting
seminars, orientation lectures, Placement interviews, Central Assessment Program,
Centralised admissions of SPPU etc. Lift and ramps have been provided for the
convenience of physically challenged people.
The infrastructure development, upgraded facilities in the library have always
provided great support to the academic community.

Total Collection Books - B49651

(01 Apr 2016 – 15 Feb 2017) Periodicals - P12006
Books Added 1107
(01 Apr 2016 – 15 Feb 2017) (i.e. from B48545 to B49651)
Bound Volumes of Periodicals Added 60
(01 Apr 2016 – 15 Feb 2017) (i.e. from P11947 to P12006)
Total books + Periodicals added 1167
128 ILS Law College


Aims of the Forum:
ILS Law College, since its inception, has produced many stalwarts who have made
their mark on various fields and have contributed to the development of India. Lately
as the role of the state is increasing, there is a need of strong and efficient
bureaucracy, which can, efficiently and judiciously exercise their powers. For this ILS
Law College started with a ‘Competitive Exam Forum’ last year.
1. Its main objective is to make available a platform, for aspirants of UPSC, MPSC,
and other competitive examinations, where they can get all the help and guidance
they need.
2. Arranging guest lectures on various topics by eminent personalities, to impart
knowledge about various pressing issues of today and current affairs useful for
exam preparation.
3. Providing comprehensive and quality study material and guidance for students
who can’t afford coaching classes.
1. Introductory Session : -
Introductory session of the forum was conducted by Devashish Tiwari (V B.S.L LL.B)
and Shreerang Lale (III LL.B).T his session captured the basic structure of civil service
examination and its syllabus.
2. Guest lecture by Mr. Avinash Dharmadhikari :-
On 10th March, 2017, an elaborative lecture was conducted by Mr. Avinash
Dharmadhikari, (Former IAS, Founder, Chanakya mandal parivar). His topic for the
lecture was “Today’s India, Civil services and Youth”. During his lecture he described
the problems of India, the solutions for these problems and role of youth in dealing
with such problems. He also explained the civil service examination pattern and how
to succeed in the same. Mr. Shreerang Lale introduced the guest and Dr.Deepa
Paturkar felicitated the guest.

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Priya Sondhi, Ms Swati Kulkarni, Ms Shaila Daware
A) Student-Teacher Seminar
Students-Teacher seminar is an important medium for discussion on current issues in
Law. It encourages students to read expansively, draw conclusions and make
presentations on the subject selected for the seminar. It also provides students with a
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 129

thorough understanding of the various principles, theories and techniques relevant to

the interpretation of enacted law and case law.
In this academic year, three student teacher seminars were organized which included
presentation by students on the following subjects.
1. Understanding Principles of Repeal of a Statute on 25th February 2017
LL.M.(Sem II)
Repeal of Statutes involves understanding of complex issues, such as;
economic analysis of repeal, express & implied repeal; consequences of repeal
with reference to General Clauses Act, 1897,subordinate legislation under
repealed statute.
1) Amogh Diwan- Economic Analysis of repeal
2) Anshuman- Types of Repeal
3) Ankita Pandey- Express Repeal and Repeal by Quasi Desuetude
4) Sonali Banerjee- Implied Repeal
5) Swati Bajpai- Consequences of Repeal
2 Judicial Law making in the area of Women’s issues on 9th March 2017 for
LL.M (Sem II)
Judiciary is one of the most important organs of the government with a
responsibility to protect our fundamental rights against arbitrary power
exercised by legislature and the executive. Understanding the role of the
judiciary becomes significant particularly in the context of India where a large
number of people are illiterate, poor and indigent.
1. Manika Singh- Nature of Judicial Process
2. Shreya Gupta- Role of a judge in India
3. Raushan Kumar- Dissenting opinion
4. Shubham Kumar- Judicial law making on women’s issues
5. Abhishek - Legitimacy of the Judicial law making
3 Recent Trends in Banking- on 16th March 2017 for LL.M (Sem IV)
The Indian economic environment is witnessing path breaking reform
measures. The financial sector, of which the banking industry is the largest
player, has also been undergoing metamorphic changes. This essentially
necessitates understanding the recent trends in banking laws.
1. H.B Keshava- Information Technology Act and banking.
2. Chetan Deshukh- Impact of Science and Technology on banking.
3. Apurva Tripathi- Automation and legal aspects of banking.
130 ILS Law College

B. Guest Lectures Organized -

1. Dr.Medha Kolhatkar, faculty, ILS Law College, delivered lecture on "Tenders"
on 2nd& 3rd February 2017 for LL.M. (Sem II) students.
2. Dr Ishwara Bhat, Vice-Chancellor, West Bengal National University of Juridical
Sciences, Kolkata, delivered a lecture on “Limitations of Law to bring about
social transformation” on 4th February, 2017 for the LL.M. students
3. Dr Nilima Bhadbade, faculty, ILS Law College delivered lectures on
“Contract Drafting” on the 9th, 10th&11th February, 2017 for LL.M. (Sem II )
4. Ms Rajalakshmi Joshi, faculty, ILS Law College, delivered a lecture on
“Analysis of Public Notice” on 24th January, 2017 for the LL.M. (Sem II)
5. Mr Pingale ,practicing advocate, delivered a lecture on “E-contracts” on 16th
March, 2017 for LL.M. (Sem II) students
6. Prof Shirish Deshpande , Former Head of Department, Rashtra Sant Tukdoji
Maharaj Nagpur University delivered lecture on “ Judicial review in India”
U.S.A and U.K” on 11th January 2017 for LL.M (Sem II) students.
7. Dr. Sanjay Jain, faculty, ILS Law College, delivered lecture on “International
Arbitration” for students on 2nd March 2017 for LL.M (Sem II) students.
8. Mr. Sumeet Malik, Director, Eastern Book Company, delivered lecture on
“Legal Research” on 10th March 2017 for LL.M students.
9. Ms Neha Pimpalwar, Company Secretariat, delivered a lecture on “Types of
Merger’s and Amalgamation” on 10th September, 2016 for LL.M. (Sem I)
10. Mr Makarand Lele, Fellow member of Institute of Company Secretaries of
India, delivered a lecture on “Corporate Social Responsibility” on 3rd
September, 2016 for LL.M. (Sem I) students.
11. Mr.Yuvraj Narwankar, practicing advocate, Mumbai High Court, delivered a
lecture on “Use of Forensics in Criminal Investigation” on 24th September 2016
for (LL.M. Sem I) students
12. Dr Suvarna Nilakh, faculty ILS Law College, delivered lecture on “Telecom
Regulatory Authority (TRAI) Act 1970” and “Delegated Legislation” on
12th&17th August 2017 respectively for LL.M. (Sem III) students.
13. Dr Suvarna Nilakh, faculty ILS Law College, delivered a lecture on Right to
Privacy on 18th August 2017 for LL.M (Sem I) students.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 131

14. Dr Deepa Paturkar, faculty ILS Law College, delivered a lecture on “How to
conduct research”, “Hypothesis” & “Sampling” on 22nd, 23rd & 24th September
2016 respectively for LL.M (Sem I) students.
2) Competitions
1. State Level LL.M. Short Case Analysis Competition –18th February 2017.
The Competition in its second edition, was elevated to the State Level, to open the
platform for all students from Maharashtra to compete. The competition entailed
an analysis of a case, out of the six case alternatives. critically from various
perspectives – the role each case has played in the historical development of the
legal rule, separate aspects of the legal rule that arose, the factual situation and
the precedential value of the case.
The competition also aimed to imbibe comprehension, research and writing skills
by means of an incentivized competition. This was a one of its kind competition
which was organized exclusively for the LL.M. students. The Competition
witnessed an overwhelming registration of almost 75 students from all over
Maharashtra, with a total of 30 students making the submission for the
Shivangi Singh was declared the winner and received a book on Constitutional
Law by T.K. Tope, Jayachandran K Nair, bagged the 1st Runners Up and received
a book on Precedents by Prof. Lakshminath, Padmavati S. Ilindra, was adjudged
the 2nd Runners Up and received Constitution of India Coat Pocket Edition and
Manika Singh won the Consolation and received an SCC Online Access Card. The
Prizes were graciously sponsored by Eastern Book Company and SCC Online.
The prizes were given away by Mr. Sumeet Malik, Director Eastern Book
Company on 10th March 2017.
2. LL.M. Book Chapter Appreciation Competition –28th February 2017.
This was a maiden endeavor to encourage students to read academic literature
and form opinion on legal issues. It was an attempt to foster comprehension
writing skills. The competition was based on the theme of Public Law, with five
chapter alternatives given to the students to make choice of one chapter, author
and to critical analyze the same. The Competition witnessed an overwhelming
participation of 32 students.
Saratchandra Ponnadda was declared the winner and received a book on
Comparative Constitutional Law by M.P. Jain. Anwita Dinkar, bagged the 1st
Runners Up and received a book on Judicial Power and Review by Aniruddh
Prasad and a publication on the SCC Online Blog. Molik Purohit, was adjudged
132 ILS Law College

the 2nd Runners Up and received Constitution of India Coat Pocket Edition and
Surabhi Raj won the Consolation Prize and was given an SCC Online Access
Card. The Prizes were graciously sponsored by Eastern Book Company and SCC
Online. The prizes were given away by Mr. Sumeet Malik, Director Eastern Book
Company on 10th March 2017.


Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Sita Bhatia
In this academic year, more than 55 students registered and enrolled for the diploma.
These students were from ILS Law College and also from D.Y. Patel, New Law
College, Pune and Balaji Law College. Joining the class, there was a defence
personnel and a social worker.
It has been approximately 20 year since the inception of the Diploma in Human
Rights and Law and the student turn out and response has been largely encouraging.
This diploma has impacted the thinking process of the students.
This year, the diploma was started in the month of August 2016 and was concluded
on 27th February 2017. The diploma was inaugurated by Mr. A.V. Krishnan, director
general of Police and managing director of The Centre for Police Research. Beside the
regular lecture, guest lectures were also organised.
Guest Lectures delivered.
S.no Guest Lecture’s Name Title/ Topic of lecture Date
Human Rights and its violation
with special reference to Armed
1. Mr Neeraj Jain 16 August 2017
Forces Special Powers Act and its
application in Manipur.
Ms. Tejaswani
2. Sex Worker and Human Rights 07 September 2016
Human Rights in Jammu and
3. Ms. Rhea Samyal 07 December 2016
Constituting, Indian Courts and
4. Dr. Sanjay Jain 11 December 2016
Human Rights
Right to Information and Human
5. Mr. Vivek Velankar 11 January 2017
Criminal Law and Human
6. Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray 02 February 2017
Right to Development and
7. Ms. Ujjawala Sakhalkar. 03 February 2017
Human Rights
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 133

Students were assessed out of 100 marks where:
1. Dissertation- The students were to write a dissertation with reference to major
Human Rights issues (which consisted of 30 marks out of a total of 100).
2. Student Seminar- Student Seminars were held based on their dissertation topic
and it was assisted out of 20 marks.
Written Examination- Compulsory written examination was help on 27th February
2016 which consisted of 50 marks.
The Result of the course:

No of
students A+ A B+ B C Incomplete

57 19 16 6 8 1 7


Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Smita Sabne
The Diploma in Corporate Laws, 2016 -2017 course commenced on 2nd August, 2016
with 80 Students, from ILS Law College as well as other law colleges. This year,
primary focus of the diploma was the Companies Act, 2013 and Securities and
Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Act, 1992. In addition, other important topics like Tax
laws, Intellectual Property Laws, M&A Laws, The Sexual Harassment of Women at
workplace (Prevention, prohibition & Redressal) Act,2013, Bankruptcy and
Insolvency Code, Alternate Dispute Resolution were also covered, which made the
diploma increasingly comprehensive, Mr. Ajay Shaw, Mr. Anand Akunt, Mr. Ashish,
Mr. Amey kunte, Ms. Chandrima Mitra, Ms. Vaishakhi Mehta, Ms. Deepti Dole,
Mr. Dhruv Rajan , Mr. Gaurav Pingle, Mr. Hamed Kadiani,Mr. Prasad Bhatt,
Ms. Preetha Jha,Ms. Swapna, Mr. Ranade, Mrs. Richa Sahey,Mrs. Tejaswani
Malegaonkar, Mr. Vinayak S. Khanvalkar, Mr. Vikram Huilgol, Mr. Vivek Sadhale
were the eminent speakers.
The students were provided a compendium of the Companies Act, 2013, Securities
and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Act, 1992, etc. in addition to the power point
presentations made during the course and course material prepared by Mr. Gaurav
Pingle and Ms. Deepti Dole.
Ms. Shruti Goyal scored the highest with A+ Grade.
134 ILS Law College

According to the feedback of the students the course material and the resource
persons were highly appreciated.
The assessment was on Technical paper, Group Discussion, and a written exam.

The results of the course:

No of
A+ A B+ B C Incomplete

63 3 15 17 12 14 2

Ms. Deepali and Ms. Shruti helped in conduct of the course.


Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Smita Sabne
The Diploma in Competition law, 2015-2016 course commenced on February 10th,
2016 with 30 Students, from ILS Law College as well as other law colleges. The course
was designed by Mr. Naval Chopra, Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas, a
leading Competition law practitioner in the world. The course was stretched over for
a period of 40 teaching hours covering the practical aspects of the functioning of the
law. Mr. Ritwik Bhattacharya and Mr. Rohan Arora were amongst the eminent
One of the Authorities in competition law, “The Text book on Competition Law” by
Prof. Richard Whish and David Bailey was provided by the college as the reference
book for the students. The course also mandated the students to engage in pre-
reading activity which gives a different individual outlook for the students. Both
European and Indian Judicial precedents were used to learn the subject along with
the established theories of Economics.
The assessment pattern of the course is conducted on the basis of the Case
presentations and Viva Voce on landmark cases in EU Competition Law.
Deepika Menon stood first with A+ Grade
The students highly appreciated the course material and the resource persons.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 135

The Results of the course:

No of
students A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- Incomplete

30 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 3

The Course was coordinated by Sriram Chaithanya.


Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Ujwala Sakhalkar
In the academic year 2016-17, 29 students were admitted for the Diploma Course in
Medcial Jursiprudence and Forensic Sciences. The student body comprised of
students of ILS Law College and students from other disciplines and profession. The
Faculty for the course were drawn from experts in medicine, law and forensic science.
As a part of their curriculum, students were required to present cases relating to
medical negligence and participate in group discussions on medico-legal issues.
Students also visited Medipoint Hospital and Institute of Graphology and Personal
Success, for understanding how blood samples are collected and preserved and how
reports are maintained in the clinical laboratory. The assessment was done on the
basis of case book, written examination and Group Discussion. Ms. Aishwarya
Kadam (Assistant Professor) coordinated the course and Ms. Ujjwala Sakhalkar
(Assistant Professor) did the assessment for the course. Ms. Smita Wadikar, Ms.
Sonali Niguane and Mr. Katare provided the logistic support in conducting the
The Result of the course:

No of
students A+ A B+ B C Incomplete

28 9 3 7 6 3 0


Director: Ms. Sathya Narayan.
The Institute was established in 1991 with an object to promote research in law and to
conducts courses on subjects of socio-legal interests. The courses are conducted to
promote legal awareness, to spread general knowledge of law not only to
136 ILS Law College

professionals, but also amongst lay people, commoner and persons engaged in
various pursuits.
The following activities are conducted by the Institute:
1. Diploma in Housing Laws
2. Post Graduate Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods
3. Certificate course in Legislative Drafting (New Initiative)
4. Teachers training to teach law effectively

• Post Graduate Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods

(Through Distance Learning)
Number of Guest Faculty – 6
Name of the faculty along with the title of the lecture
1. Ms. Catherine Davidson, Trainer for the Australian Disputes Centre and
head of Catherine Davidson Mediation Services (CDMS). Assisted by Mr.
Jonathan Rodrigues
Topic – Mediation
2. Mr. Thomas P. Valenti, International Training Faculty of ADR ODR
International, London. Assisted byMr. Gracious Timothy, Accredited
Mediator empanelled by the Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation
Topic – Mediation
3. Advocate Siddharth Datta Partner,Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co,
Topic – Domestic Arbitration
4. Advocate Tejas Karia, Partner ShardulAmarchandMangaldas, New Delhi
Topic – International Commercial Arbitration
Three students were admitted for the Post Graduate Diploma in Alternative Dispute
Resolution Methods.

No. of students passed in

Sr. Student
No. Appeared First Higher
Distinction Pass Class
Class Second Class
1 3 3 - - -
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 137

• National Conference on International and Domestic Arbitration :

For details see conference report
• Training in Mediation and Arbitration:
For details see ILS Centre for Arbitration (ILSCA) Report
• Teacher’s training- to teach law effectively:
On 16th July 2016, one day training programme was organized to the Law Teachers.
The purpose of the course was to provide a brief prologue to teachers and potential
teachers in law about effective methods which need to be adapted by the law teachers
to teach law effectively. The one day training was to extract opinion and suggestions
from teachers and to be teachers. The one day interaction was primarily designed to
educate the teachers about planning of teaching for every class, preparation of
material necessary for teaching, discussion and questioning techniques.The theme of
this training programme was the “Techniques of Teaching Law Effectively.”
Professor Dr. S. Shantha Kumar Dean, School of Law, G.D. Goenka University spoke
to teachers about skills, techniques and changing trends in law teaching. Members of
faculty from various Law Colleges had participated in this one day programme.
Personal Report:
MS. SATHYA NARAYAN, Director, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS)
and ILS Centre for Arbitration (ILSCA).
(A.) Teaching:
Interpretation of Statutes
Transfer of Property and Easements
(B.) Course designed for academic institutions:
Designed and conducted a training programme in Legislative Drafting in the year
Designed Training programme in Public Interest Lawyering
(C.) Conferences and Seminars organized / paper presented:
Participation as Resource
person/Chairperson/ Paper Title of
Sr Title Conference/ Date
presenter/ special meeting Presentation /
No Workshop/ Seminar
Discussant/ attended / Presentation.
1. One day training Organised - 16th July
programme on the 2016
theme “Techniques of
Teaching Law
138 ILS Law College

2. National Conference Organised - 26th & 27th

on International and August
Domestic Arbitration 2016
3. Workshop on Organised 19th to
“Mediation and 22nd
Principles of Domestic January
& International 2017

(D.) Ongoing research projects undertaken

Research project:

Completed/ Major/
Sr Name of ongoing Funding Amount Minor
on with (if
No Project (Tenure of Agency Received project if
project) any
1. Causes of Ongoing Katre Rs. - None
delay in Endowment 6,40,000/-
system: with
reference to
offence of
rape in Trial
2. “Social Ongoing Ford - None
Action Foundation

(E.) Competition organized in College:

No of Participants in
Title of the Competition National/State / University level the competition and

Best Legislative Drafter

1. College level 13
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 139

(F.) Other Activities:

1. Collected 1373 (both Supreme Court and High Courts) Cases and Materials on
Law of Tort – Indian Position - a book on Torts proposed to be published by
the Indian Law Society.
2. Prepared the reading material on Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 and
International Commercial Arbitration for the Post Graduate Diploma in
Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods.


Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar
“Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not
the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for
the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.”
The Indian Law Society celebrated its 95th Foundation day on 4th March 2017. Dr.
Shrikant Paranjpe, Jawaharlal Nehru National Fellow (ICSSR) in the Department of
Defence and Strategic Studies, Savitribai Phule Pune University graced the occasion
as the chief guest. The members of Indian Law Society, Faculty, Administrative staff
of the College and Institute of Advanced Studies joined the Celebrations.
Dr. Shrikant Paranjpe, Principal Vaijayanti Joshi and Advocate P. Narayan hoisted
the flag and formally celebrated the 95th Foundation day of Indian Law Society.
Principal Vaijayanti Joshi in her address provided a glimpse of 95 years of history of
Indian Law Society. The Chief Guest Dr. Shrikant Paranjpe, through his address,
succinctly brought to light the importance of legal education. Law, legal education
and development have become interrelated concepts in modern developing societies,
which are struggling to develop into social welfare states and are seeking to
ameliorate the socio-economic condition of the people by peaceful means. It is crucial
function of legal education to produce lawyers with a social vision in a developing
country. As professional education, legal education equips law students for filling
different roles in society, and discharging various law jobs, the range and scope of
which is always expanding in the modern democratic society. Compared with
science, technology and medicine, legal education is less technical. A change in the
quality, content and complexion of legal education is now viewed as a great social
necessity. Today, Law is viewed not merely as an instrument of social control, but
also as an instrument of social change.
On foundation day, the college felicitated the Meritorious Students for their
curricular and extra-curricular activities at the hands of the Chief Guest. This year
apart from felicitating the toppers for the academic year 2014-15, a prize was also
given for special contribution in legal aid.
The foundation Day celebrations concluded with a hope to stimulate new prospects
of conquest.
140 ILS Law College


4TH March, 2017
Faculty Coordinator: Deepa Paturkar
Indian Law Society organised the lecture series to commemorate fond memory of
Late Principal G.V. Pandit on 4th March 2017. The lecture series has been organised
every year since 1979 and many eminent scholar have adorned the lecture series.
Dr. T K Vishwanathan, Secretary General of the 15th Lok Sabha and Chairman of
Committee on Bankruptcy and Insolvency Code delivered the memorial lecture this
Addressing the august gathering, Dr. T. K. Vishwanathan threw light on the
challenges confronting law, the legal profession and justice and stressed on the need
for coping and presented his opinion on the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 as
a means to cope.
An extract of the Principal G. V. Pandit Memorial Lecture delivered by Dr. T. K.
Vishwanathan is reproduced below.
Prin. G. V. Pandit Memorial Lecture Delivered by Dr. T. K. Vishwanathan.
“Dear Friends
I am given to understand that the ILS Law College has been organizing a lecture
series in memory of the late Prin. G.V. Pandit who was the second Principal of this
College and who established a reputation for scholarship and eloquence as a teacher.
As the Principal, he provided able leadership to the College in its various facets. He
was a great scholar and an outstanding teacher, a great humanist and a man who
could relate law to life meaningfully. There has been a galaxy of legal luminaries who
have been former speakers at this Memorial lecture series in the previous years.
Viewed against this backdrop to be asked to deliver the G.V. Pandit Memorial lecture
at the prestigious ILS Law College here at Pune is major honor for any academic. To
be asked, as a legislative draftsman who was also the Chairmanof the Bankruptcy
Law Reforms Committee is still a greater honor because very rarely a draftsman a of
a legislation gets the opportunity to explain the provisions of the Bill drafted by him
which has been enacted by Parliament .I am greatly indebted to the Chairperson
andTrustees of the ILS College for inviting to deliver today`s Memorial Lecture titled
“The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 – An Overview.”
Before I grapple with the topic of today`s topic I seek indulgence of the learned
audience for a little digression from the topic. This caveat has become necessary
because after I suggested the topic of today`s lecture I realized that this forum can
used to draw the attention of the academic community to the challenges facing Law,
legal profession and ultimately the lawmaking process itself. The temptation was too
irresistible for me to let go this golden opportunity of addressing the legal scholars
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 141

once again since I started my career as a full time law teacher at the Madras Law
College 4 decades ago and then moved to Legislative Department in the Ministry of
Law & Justice thereby shifting my interests from Law In Books to Law to Law in
the Making and then to Law in Actionas Union Law Secretary, Secretary General of
Lok Sabha and finally as the consultant to the President of India.
First I will describe the challenges the members of the legal fraternity are facing
today as a result of Globalization, liberalization and digital Revolution Then I will
outline briefly the challenges posed by such historical forces and how the legal
community has to address these challenges. Francis Bacon captures this idea in the
"We should note the force, effect, and consequences of inventions which are
nowhere more conspicuous than in those three which were unknown to the
ancients, namely, printing, gunpowder, and the compass. For these three have
changed the appearance and state of the whole world."1
The dawn of the Third Millennium which has lead to the emergence of
knowledge capitalism with emphasis on intangible assets such as knowledge,
competencies and intellectual property is a defining movement in the history of
mankind. It is a defining moment in the history of mankind because the historical
forces set in motion by the Digital Revolution has spawned a new civilization
characterized by path breaking inventions and technological innovations and the
opening up of the electronic frontier. It is an age of Digital Renaissance which
combines the marvels of the Age of Discovery and the excellence of medieval
Renaissance rolled into one.
Age of Discovery
Age of Discovery in the annals of the history of mankind refers to the period
between 15th and 16th Centuries when explorers set in search of new continents in the
high seas defying the geographical boundaries. This was made possible by the
invention of the sextant and the maritime chronometer which enabled the mariners to
measure the longitude accurately so that they could venture into the high seas
without having to hug the coastline through out their journey. Just as the Age of
Discovery was characterized by exploration of new continents and expansion of
geographical frontiers, the etching of the silicon chip which has given birth to the

Francis Bacon, Novum Organum, Aphorism 129 cited in Eisenstein, Elizabeth L.
(2012-03-29). The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe (Canto Classics)
(Kindle Locations 397-399). Cambridge University Press. Kindle Edition.
142 ILS Law College

silicon revolution opened up the electronic frontier, the frontier of knowledge. The
parallels between the Age of Discovery and the Digital Era are strikingly similar
because just as the Age of Discovery saw the breaking down of the geographical
barriers by exploration of the high seas, Digital Revolution which gave birth to
internet has sounded the death knell of the distance by rendering geographical
boundaries meaningless.
Printing Technology & Renaissance
The Third Millennium also shares many of the achievements of the Age of
Renaissance. The historical movement described as the Renaissance was triggered by
the invention of printing technology. And just as Gutenberg’s printing press which
was invented in 1445, forever changed the world and gave birth to Renaissance in
Europe Third Millennium promises to re-enact those fascinating times of history on a
grander scale. Because Gutenberg's press could produce books quickly and with
relatively little effort, bookmaking became much less expensive facilitating wide
dissemination of knowledge. It gave birth to an age in which artistic, social, scientific,
and political thought turned in new directions. Just as printing technology gave a
fillip to learning and advancement of knowledge during the Renaissance, in the
Digital Era, digital technology and digitalization of information hold out vast
promises for mankind to open up new vistas for learning. The dream of mankind to
have a digital library with universal access to one and all 24 hours a day 7 days a
week 365 days a year appears to be within its grasp. In other words the dawn of the
Third Millennium has also ushered in the Digital Renaissance.
And the powerful long-range cannon pioneered by a Hungarian engineer Urban
in the mid-1400s was able to breach the feudal fortress, and therefore feudalism, soon
lost its impregnability and empires were shattered setting the stage for the birth of
the modern nation-state. Similarly it was the information revolution that began in the
early- to mid-1980s played the role of the long range canon on the middle ages inn
demolishing the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain. Totalitarian systems depend on a
monopoly of information and force, and too much information started to slip through
the Iron Curtain, thanks to the spread of fax machines, telephones, and other modern
tools of communication.
Digital Technology & Transition from Industrial to Information Society
The advent of digital revolution which has lead to the transition from industrial
to information society in the last three decades of the second Millennium has
exploded many traditional assumptions about the State, law and other institutions of
governance. To address these challenges eminent thinkers like Alvin Toffler. George
Gilder and Esther Dyson to put forward a Magna Carta for digital civilization.
According to them the central event of the 20th Century is the overthrow of matter. In
technology, economics and politics of nations, wealth in the physical resources has
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 143

been losing value and significance. The Powers of the mind are everywhere,
ascendant over the brute force of things. As mankind explores the new electronic
frontier of knowledge it must confront once again the most profound questions of
how to organize itself for the common good. The meaning of freedom structures of
self government, definition of property and nature of progress will have to be
redefined for the knowledge age. Redefining the
Just as the advent of industrial revolution required other institutions of the
society to adapt itself to the challenges, digital revolution also raises new social,
economic and legal issues. The impact of new technology on research teaching access
to culture and information and transformation of knowledge is unprecedented. This
has enormous implication for Jurisprudence and the development of legal science.
Law and its Compass
Till the advent of the sociological jurisprudence, law was considered to be a pure
normative science, which consisted of a bundle of rules divorced from social and
economic realities. The advent of information society caused by the digital revolution
challenges the traditional conservatism and lethargy of the legal profession. Legal
scholars could no longer be confined to the Black letter law. In the words of Lord
Radcliff “We cannot learn law by learning law. If it is to be anything more than just a
technique it is to be so much more than itself; a part of history, a part of economics
and sociology, a part of ethics and philosophy of life.” Dean of Stanford Law School
Ms Kathleen Sullivan, reiterates this view in the following words-
“In the beginning there was only law. Then came law and society, law and
history, law and economics and so on. These developments have transformed
the vocation of the legal scholar from that of a Priest to that of a
Law as Epi-phenomenon
One of the first interfaces between law and other social disciplines was between
law and economics. Legal scholar’s interests in exploring the relationship between
law and economics was triggered by Marxist theory of law. To Karl Marx, law is an
Epi-phenomenon, a super structure built upon the economic sub-stratum. Building
upon the foundation laid by Karl Marx the Austrian jurist Karl Renner expounded in
his book “Institutions of Private Law and their Social Function” the theory that in
spite of stability of legal concepts like property and contract, their social functions
have undergone transformation. According to Renner, to expound a legal concept
one has to penetrate its economic base.
Need to apply legal limitations on the Market Forces
As trade liberalisation progresses and the state is gradually withdrawing from the
expanded role it has assumed during the collectivist era, focus of legal scholarship
144 ILS Law College

also has to shift away from its obsession with the constitutional doctrines of
limitations of the state action to the actors in the market place.
“The controversy between those who believe that law should essentially follow
and not lead and it should do so clearly formulated social sentiment and those who
believe that law should be a determined agent in the creation of new social norms is
one of the recurring themes in the history of legal thought”. So wrote Wolfgang
Friedman in his seminal work “Law in a Changing Society” summing up the debate
on the role of law in a changing society nearly four decades ago.”
The Third Millennium resurrects this old age controversy with a sharper focus on
the relationship between law and technology. Technology always posed problems for
law but lawyers and judges were able to manage the problems by stretching the
meaning of the existing laws without breaking the spirit of the law. Since they had
time on their side and technologies progressed at a leisurely pace, managing the
problems posed by technology was not difficult. But with the pace of progress being
dictated by laws of technology like the Moore’s` law expounded by Gordon Moore in
the 1970s regarding the processing power of the microchip doubling every 18
months, Gilders law which holds that the bandwidth of communication systems
tripling every 12 months and Metcalfe’s law which holds that the value for network is
proportional to the square of the number of node what should be the agenda for law
Agenda for Law Reform-2017
The legal profession today is at cross roads and has to undergo a paradigm shift
in its approach to justice delivery process. Unless urgent measures are taken the legal
profession will lose its primacy to the other professions which are encroaching the
turf hitherto solely belonged to the lawyers. Law is a knowledge intensive profession.
Knowledge revolution has rendered the task of lawyers and Judges extremely
difficult. The challenges confronting them are numerous both qualitatively as well as
quantitatively. We may examine in detail few of these challenges which the legal
profession has to address in the days to come.
Rapid Obsolescence of Legal Knowledge
Firstly lawyers, judges and legal advisors are confronted with the prospect of
rapid obsolescence of legal knowledge. In globally interconnected world legal
changes across the Globe has the effect of overthrowing long established legal
doctrines overnight. This leads to high rate of attrition in these professions.
According to Toffler, illiterates of future are not those cannot read or write but those
who cannot learn unlearn and relearn. This applies with greater force to the legal
profession. Unless lawyers and judges and legal advisors continuously labor 365 days
24/7 updating their knowledge it will be difficult to survive in the modern
competitive world.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 145

From Jurisprudence of Conceptions to Jurisprudence of Interests

Secondly as trade liberalization progresses and the state is gradually withdrawing
from the expanded role it has assumed during the collectivist era, focus of legal
scholarship also has to shift away from its obsession with the constitutional doctrines
of limitations of the state action to the actors in the market place which are gradually
taking over control over our daily lives and hence legal changes and resultant law
reform are dictated by market forces. For example developments in the securities
market have unseated jurisprudential conceptions of ownership and property leaving
jurists gasping for breath. How do we fit in the legal concept of ownership in a
financially engineered derivative product like Collateralized Debt Obligation? Does
Austinian definition of ownership, “a right indefinite in point of user, unlimited in
point of duration unrestricted in point of disposition over a determinate thing,” still
survive? Does the old common law adage “Possession is Nine Points in law” survive
the onslaught of the digital revolution? How do we define possession in the case of
Intellectual Property? How Savigny`s two vital ingredients of the concept of
possession, “animus posssidendi” and “corpus possessionis” is consistent with the
modern theories of intellectual property? Can knowledge which is non rivalrous be
“possessed to the exclusion of others?” in the same manner as a physical object? We
can endlessly go on enumerating the challenges confronting modern jurisprudence
which relegates classical text book legal doctrines evolved over the past centuries to
legal archives.
Information Obesity and Overload
Thirdly legal profession suffers from information obesity and overload. Lawyers
are deluged with too much of information and too little wisdom as to how to leverage
it. With digitization of information and judicial decisions it is easy to search and
retrieve precedents and case law with ease. Search engines retrieve the same output
resulting in standardization of arguments before courts, a trend which may not auger
well. Much of the quality of the search result will depend upon the encoding of data
in which the software programmers will play a crucial role. Like trading in modern
stock exchanges where algorithms control the online trading activities computerized
legal search engines will drive the initiatives out of legal scholarship unless we can
develop good Knowledge Management tools to divine knowledge from Geophytes of
Needed-Electronic Format of Judgments
Fourthly electronic documentation will change the format of judgments. The
current practice of discussing the previous cases with the aid of copious extracts
renders the judgment too lengthy and imposes heavy burden upon the reader. With
paper as a medium, documents are structured to be read from beginning to the end if
one must understand the contents fully. But electronic records make this task easy.
146 ILS Law College

Electronic documentation will change that. In an electronic environment electronic

records can be arranged in a multi layer fashion accessible through hypertext links.
Hyper linking will facilitate seamless navigation to the sites linked in the record.
Thus electronic documentation will change the nature of documents rendering it easy
for the reader to quickly digest the essential features of the contents. Readers can
scroll down further to read the details. Conversely if a judge is familiar with aspects
of a case, he or she can skip over this detail and evaluate the arguments at a higher
level. Footnotes will be links to other documents that are immediately accessible,
even though they may be stored in other websites. In the digital environment
pagination keeps changing and is not accurate to indicate the contents of the page
number .Because of this method of citation of judgments will undergo change and
instead of referring to page number of the passages extracted in judgments recourse
should be had to paragraph numbers of the judgments. The legal XML tags in a
document enable searching documents more quickly and accurately. If an electronic
filing includes caption that identifies the parties docket number, port etc. using XML
tags the courts case management software can extract the caption information and
automatically enter the filing in an electronic case file without any human
Fifthly there is an urgent need for lawyers to develop new tools like Jurimetrics
research. Lee Loevinger, the founder of the Jurimetrics called upon lawyers to
undertake Jurimetrics research which employs scientific methods to investigate legal
problems and test the effectiveness of laws and legal doctrines..He maintained that
“The next step forward in the path of man’s progress must be from jurisprudence,
which is mere speculation about law to Jurimetrics, which is scientific investigation of
legal problems. This requires law in action studies and collection empirical data
about laws and their effectiveness.
Judicial Impact Assessment
Sixthly as Parliament and state legislatures churn out legislations in large
numbers their impact ultimately is felt on the courts maintained by the state
Governments. Hence there is an urgent need for Judicial Impact Assessments to
undertake quantitative analysis of cases generated by legislative activity. The Hon’ble
Supreme Court of India in Salem Advocates Bar Association (II) Vs Union of India:
(2005) 6 SCC 344 (AIR 2005 SC 3353), for the first time, considered the question of the
need for “Judicial Impact Assessment” in our country. The Supreme Court issued the
directions on 2nd August 2005 on the basis of a Report (Report No.1) to constitute a
Task Force under the chairmanship of Justice JagannadhaRao former Chairman of the
Law Commission of India for examining the feasibility of Judicial Impact Assessment
in India. The Task Force submitted its Report on 15th June 2008 and there appears to
be no further progress in the matter.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 147

Law plays a crucial role in our society, and its compass is expanding
exponentially. To teach the knowledge, skills, and values of legal practice is
fundamentally to transmit the essence of justice to a new generation. hope that this
survey of the challenges facing the legal profession will generate a new movement
about how every person responsible for educating attorneys, whether as a Judge or as
a lawyer or as a professor at a National Law School can measure up to that duty in
an ever-changing world.
Now I turn my attention to the Bankruptcy Law Reforms Committee Report
which successfully culminated in the enactment of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Code 2016.
A key insight that motivates bankruptcy reform is the distinction between
business failure and default. Many times, a project may be a successful business while
still failing to repay its creditors. This does not happen under the present Indian
conditions, where default generally results in an intractable quagmire of difficulties.
Widespread discomfort on these issues has generated two strands of thinking: (a) The
idea that all default involves malfeasance and (b) The idea that promoters should be
held financially responsible for defaults of the firms that they control. The Committee
recognized the anxiety and the sense of injustice which motivated these thoughts. In
this context the following strands of thinking influenced our Report, namely:
(a) Some business plans will always go wrong. In any healthy economy, firms
make risky plans. Some plans will always go wrong, which will induce default. If
default is equated to malfeasance, then this can have a chilling effect on risk
taking, which would hamper risk taking by firms. This would be an undesirable
outcome, as risk taking by firms is the wellspring of economic growth. What is
malfeasance is illegitimate transfer of wealth out of companies by controlling
shareholders. When a company is sound, the objective of corporate governance is
to ensure that the benefits obtained by every share are equal. Society needs to
create checks and balances which detect and punish violations of this principle.
When a company approaches default, managers may anticipate this ahead of time
and illicit transfers of cash may take place. The bankruptcy process must be
designed with a particular focus on blocking such behaviour, which is
undoubtedly malfeasance.
(b) Limited liability corporations are an important mechanism through which risk
taking is fostered. In history, the limited liability corporation came about for the
precise objective of encouraging risk taking. If liability was unlimited, fewer risky
projects would be undertaken. The limited liability corporation gives
shareholders the ability to walk away, which enables greater exploration of
alternative business models, technology, product design, etc. This process of
exploration benefits society. It is important to enshrine and protect the concept of
limited liability so as to foster risk taking.
148 ILS Law College

(c) Control of a company is not divine privilege. A key feature of the relationship
between debt and equity is that when a firm defaults on its debt, control of the
company should shift to the creditors. In the absence of swift and decisive
mechanisms for achieving this in India, we have the phenomenon of management
teams and shareholders retain control after default.
We in the Committee believed that Bankruptcy reform in India should thus
achieve four objectives: (a) Create effective barriers against managers who transfer
cash out of a company when default nears; (b) Swiftly shift power from shareholders
to creditors upon default; (c) Enshrine limited liability and (d) Enshrine business
failure as a normal and legitimate part of the working of the market economy (e) In
the case of individuals, there is also the issue of giving individuals a "second chance",
and thus promoting risk taking. This was also the motivation for the change in law in
the UK
A sound framework for personal insolvency involves an impartial, efficient and
expeditious administration. The trend in the UK and Australia, and in other parts of
the world as well, is towards placing administrative proceedings outside of the
courts. A negotiated settlement outside of court allows more flexibility in the
repayment plans, and the time to execute the plans, that can be acceptable to both
parties, as opposed to a court procedure which can constrain the possibilities. Thus
the lower the intervention of the court, the better. Recourse to courts should only
occur after completion of the negotiation or composition process in the event a party
is aggrieved by the order. The record in the credit history of a negotiated settlement
should differ, and be lighter from that of bankruptcy. This ensures that individuals
will be incentivized to agree on a repayment plan with the creditors.
The process of negotiation, and bankruptcy, is carried out more effectively by an
intermediary, instead of an officer of the court. The institution of an insolvency
resolution professional (IRP) is critical if negotiations between debtors and creditors
have to take place outside the court. The same intermediaries can also be entrusted
with the task of verifying submissions of debtors, and the claims of creditors. This
will assume a lot of importance in India as documentation is weak, and disputes on
claims may be large, at least in the early years of the system.
It is important to hold the intermediary accountable, and ensure minimum
standards. A regulatory body to monitor the performance of IRPs and discipline them
as necessary is an important element in the system of personal insolvency. The
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India created under the Code plays a crucial role
in regulating the IRP s and the Information Utilities.
Viewed against the above setting where do we stand?. The current state of credit
market in India is very poor with total absence of Debt Financing viz Bond Market.
The natural financing strategy in all countries is for large companies (e.g. the top 500
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 149

firms) to obtain all their debt financing from the bond market. This channel has been
choked off in India, partly owing to the fact that corporate bond holders obtain
particularly bad recovery rates under the present legal framework
There is misplaced emphasis on secured credit .At present, many lenders are
comfortable giving loans only against (some) collateral. The concept of looking at the
cash flows of a company and giving loans against that is absent. This has created an
emphasis on debt financing for firms who have fixed assets. The Securitisation and
Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act,
2002(SARFAESI) does not allow the firm to survive as a going concern. When a firm
has secured credit, and fails on its obligations, the present legal framework
(SARFAESI) emphasises secured creditors taking control of the assets which were
pledged to them. Thus the present legal framework does not allow for the possibility
of protecting the firm as a going concern while protecting the cash flows of secured
What are the hurdles in current liquidation process? First is the inordinate delay.
From the viewpoint of creditors, a good realisation can generally be obtained if the
firm is sold as a going concern. Hence in liquidation, the realisation is lower when
there are delays. Hence, delays cause value destruction. Thus, achieving a high
recovery rate is primarily about identifying and combating the sources of delay.
What are the Sources of delay? Lack of information about assets and liabilities of
the debtor There is asymmetry of information between creditors and debtors. Under
the present arrangements, considerable time can be lost before all parties obtain this
information. Disputes about these facts can take up years to resolve in court.
Another important source of delay lies in the lack of a single law which
comprehensively deals with corporates, individuals, partnerships and LLP has a
great advantage. But this is lacking under the Indian legal framework and
adjudicatory mechanisms. Provisions relating to insolvency and bankruptcy for
Companies can be found in different statutes as follows the Sick Industrial
Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985, (SICA )the Recovery of Debt Due to Banks
and Financial Institutions Act, 1993, the Securitisation and Reconstruction of
Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002, the Companies Act,
2013. Provisions Relating to Insolvency of Individuals & Partnership Firms are found
in the Presidency Towns Insolvency Act 1909 the Provincial Insolvency Act 1920.
Early recognition of financial distress is very important for timely resolution of
Under the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985, which
follows 51% net worth erosion test has proved to be failure because by the time
sickness of an undertaking is detected it is too late to revive the company. Instead of
150 ILS Law College

Net worth Erosion Test A default based provides a simple test to initiate resolution
How The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2015 attempts to address all these
(a) Decisions as to the solvency or otherwise of an enterprise will be market decision
taken by players in the market and will not be within the domain of the
Adjudicatory Tribunals or courts
(b) Prescribing strict timelines for the different stages of the proceedings; 180 days
plus 90 days;
(c) Early detection of sickness by emphasizing on inability to pay a debt rather than
on 51% erosion of net worth;
(d) Recognising a new breed of insolvency professionals who will play the role of a
turn around specialist in reviving sick enterprises, hitherto unknown in India;
(e) Recognising Information Utilities by ensuring symmetry of information between
creditors and debtors by facilitating –
(i) information that is essential for the insolvency and the bankruptcy
resolution process is created and available when it is required;
(ii) access to this information is made available to all creditors to the enterprise,
either directly or through the regulated professional;
(iii) access to this information to third parties who can participate in the
resolution process, through the regulated professional;
(f) Establishing a Robust Regulator viz the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of
India to certify Insolvency Resolution Agencies and Information utilities and
to exercise a rigid regulatory control over their members and their functions.
Now I will briefly outline the provisions of the historic Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Code 2016 which was enacted by Parliament in the Budget session of 2016. It is
historic because the Code was conceived and introduced in Lok Sabha in a record
time and also because there was unanimous agreement cutting across party lines
which made enactment of this Code possible.
Before I conclude I would like to add a note of caution!
Firstly It is said it in the drafting fraternity that the legislative draftsman is should be
the last person to interpret his own laws. Solon was a Great Greek Law Giver. The
laws promulgated by Solon were written on boards. Every one of the leading citizens
publicly swore to observe them. But now Solon was besieged every day by people
asking for an interpretation of some provision, or complaining about how a law
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 151

affected them.Solon decided that he should leave the Athenians for a while so that
they would cease bothering him, and work things out by themselves. He got
permission to leave Athens and took a ship to Egypt. Since Solon's laws were
deliberately obscure and ambiguous, the courts had significant powers of
interpretation. Can you blame the legislative draftsman for being vague?
The draftsmen’s role has been the subject of ridicule by many judges and this quote
or rather misquote has been frequently referred to by the Judges in their judgments.2
I am the Parliamentary Draftsman
I compose the country`s laws
And of half the litigation
I`am undoubtedly the cause.”
(J.P.C. Poetic Justice 1947)
But these really off the mark and a another response from a draftsman to the favorite
charge reads as follows -
“How nice to be a learned judge
who never writes a law.
He sits all dressed up every day
and feels quite free to pour
The greatest scorn upon the work
of those who draft the Bills.
He thinks it fun to say that their
mistakes cause all the ills
That make the people go to law.
But he should never smirk -
The drafter’s faults are just the things
that keep the courts in work”
I conclude my lecture by recalling the words of a great Jurist Justice Cardozo 3-
“Ever in the making, as law develops through the centuries, is this new faith
which silently and steadily effaces our mistakes and eccentricities.

Glanville Williams –The Effect of Penal Legislation in the Law of Tort The Modern Law Review Volume
23 May 1960 p.233.
Cardozo –Nature of the Judicial Process
152 ILS Law College

I sometimes think that we worry ourselves overmuch about the enduring

consequences of our errors. They may work a little confusion for a time. In the
end, they will be modified or corrected or their teachings ignored. The future takes
care of such things. In the endless process of testing and retesting, there is a
constant rejection of the dross, and a constant retention of whatever is pure and
sound and fine.
The future, gentlemen, is yours. We have been called to do our parts in an ageless
Long after I am dead and gone, and my little part in it is forgotten, you will be
here to do your share, and to carry the torch forward. I know that the flame will
burn bright while the torch is in your keeping.”
Thank You.”


10TH March 2017
Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar and Dr. Suvarna
The Professor S.P. Sathe 11th Memorial lecture was delivered by Professor Dr.
Shamnad Basheer, Founder, Spicy IP. He is the first Chair Professor of Intellectual
Property Law at the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Goverment of India.
Prior to this, he was the Frank H Marks Visiting Associate Professor of Intellectual
Property Law at the George Washington University Law School in Washington DC.
Currently he is working with Nirma University as an IP chair. He is also involved in
spreading knowledge to all through his trust IDIA (Increasing Diversity by increasing
Access to Legal Education) foundation.
He presented his compilation on ‘IP Minimalism’ for the Memorial Lecture. He began
by discussing the interplay of various streams of law, such as the Administrative
Law, Tort law, Contracts Law and Competition Law in the IPR Regime; explaining
the concepts of IP maximalism, IP expansion, IP excess; the search for the link
between IPR Regime and innovations, that is, added layers of protection vis-à-vis
enhanced levels of creativity and probing the intention behind registering intellectual
property in today’s day.
He said that intellectual property rights have been impacted with the “Dunning
Kruger Effect” which has led to phasing out of other important factors which propel
innovation like sheer diversity, necessity, chaos, uncertainty, spirituality, etc.
His anecdotal compilation had many one-liners with vast meaning, connotation and
significance which enhanced the understanding of his view points. He pointed out,
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 153

with the aid of quirky examples, the sheer amount of resources being consumed in IP
enforcement; the error of criminalizing the failure to abide by the IP laws; the
nuisance of grant of interim relief in IP suits and the fact that there can never be
convergence in an adversarial system of justice. His address sparked a debate among
students regarding why there is a requirement of less Intellectual property protection
and more IP free regimes. He strongly advocated his views against certain IPs which
are not required i.e. Designs Act.
He concluded by quoting that "today, the IP regime is more resource-centric than
relating to human potential.”


15TH April, 2016
Faculty Coordinator - Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar
“A graduation ceremony is an event where the commencement speaker tells
thousands of students dressed in identical caps and gowns that "individuality" is the
key to success.
From the Academic year 2015-2016 the Savitribai Phule Pune University decided to
conduct convocation ceremony of the University Graduates on the campus of the
college itself. ILS Law College held the convocation ceremony of the SPPU for the
2015 passed out batch on 15th April, 2016. Ms. Vandana Chavan, Member of
Parliament Rajya Sabha graced the occasion as the chief guest. The members of
Indian Law Society, Faculty, administrative staff of the college, Institute of Advanced
Legal Studies, students and their parents joined the celebrations. The convocation
began with a majestic and grand academic procession followed by the lighting of the
lamp and Vidyapeeth Geet. In the year 2015 a total of 161 students graduated and
degrees were awarded.
Principal Vaijayanti Joshi in her address provided a glimpse of history of Indian law
Society and ILS Law College. She said our aim is to provide the finest opportunities &
environment for teaching, learning & research.
The students and the audience were then enthralled by the rousing speech of the
Chief Guest, Ms. Vandana Chavan, Member of Parliament of India, Rajya Sabha. She
focused on Legal education as a human science which furnishes beyond techniques,
skills and competences the basic philosophies, ideologies, critiques, and
instrumentalities all addressed to the creation and maintenance of a just society.
Mr. Santosh Jaybhay, College Examination Officer at ILS Law College announced the
list of graduating students. This day was a very special day for the students who have
successfully completed their studies. It was the occasion when the students’ and their
parents’ hard work, dedication and sacrifices were finally recognised and rewarded
154 ILS Law College

at this prestigious ceremony. It is also the day when after closing one door, countless
others open - not automatically but on the application of your sound entrepreneurial
and innovative initiatives. The Convocation ended with a Vote of Thanks followed by
the National Anthem.


29TH January 2017
Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Deepa Paturkar
On 29th January 2017 the Convocation ceremony of the Savitribai Phule Pune
University was organised to award the degrees and commemorate the academic
achievements of the graduate students. The faculty members and administrative staff
of the college, students and parents joined the graduate students and college in the
celebration. Dr. Jaya Sagade, Member of the Indian Law Society, was the chief guest
of the ceremonyThe convocation began with a academic procession followed by the
lighting of the lamp and Vidyapeeth Geet. Mr. Santosh Jaybhay, College
Examination Officer at ILS Law College announced the list of graduating students.
The Convocation Ceremony concluded with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Dr. Deepa
Paturkar followed by the National Anthem.
An extract of the Convocation address delivered by Dr. Jaya Sagade is reproduced
Convocation Address of Dr. Jaya Sagade:
“Esteemed Principal and Hon Secretary of Indian Law Society Vaijayanti Joshi;
distinguished members of the Indian Law Society and Faculty members of the ILS
Law College; Staff members; esteemed invitees, my dear graduating students and
other well-wishers present on this special occasion.
I am delighted to participate in the convocation of the ILS Law College 2017. I
consider it a matter of great honour to have been invited to be the chief guest and
deliver the Convocation Address.
I congratulate you, the graduating students for your academic performance. I also
congratulate the esteemed faculty of the ILS for shaping your minds. I am confident
that with the efforts put in by the faculty and the students, ILS will continue to excel
in its academic programme in the coming years.
My dear students, you are at the threshold of professional career ahead and I wish
you the very best in everything. You have spent the formative and the most creative
years of your life in the ILS Law College. I see and share your joy and excitement. It
is obvious that you are all loaded with dreams, ambitious and aspirations while you
step out of this college, and you are ready to explore a number of opportunities and
challenges that lie ahead. But my dear young friends, this day is also a day of some
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 155

introspection and understanding the responsibility that you hold towards the society
in general and your Alma Mater in particular.
I am sure that your learning in this college will certainly help you in meeting
challenges that come your way in your life ahead in which you must play the role of a
crusader for justice fighting against anarchy, injustice, and inequality in all spheres of
life. You must face the challenges which the contemporary world poses for
disadvantaged sections of our society.You must help in building an inclusive society
in which everyone gets her due regardless of her caste, race or religion. The future of
India is in your hands. I wish each one of you should succeed in your future
endeavors, and contribute in all possible ways for making India a vibrant democracy.
In our profession there is cutthroat competition, due to which one obviously carries a
lot of stress. To sustain this stress, do not treat yourself ever as a victim, instead take
control of your life and your destiny. Do not feel insecure. I think insecurity is a very
toxic emotion. It does make you do things in a wrong way. Instead have passion,
desire to do something meaningful. At the end of the day you should feel proud of
what you have done.
You may choose any career – litigating lawyer, judicial officer, corporate position
human rights defender or any other. Whichever career you may choose, find out
what you are about? Where do you want to go? What you want to achieve? Not in
terms of promotion and making more and more money but in terms of impact.
Society should remember you as a person based on your contribution.
I feel that you need to be humble, but self-confident. Self-confidence is important.
Self-confidence comes from your knowledge, from your facts, from your work. Every
time you combine humility with self-confidence; believe me, it will certainly do you
Another very important point I wish to share. Please develop true empathy for others
for whom or with whom you are working/ going to work. When you can sit in
another person’s chair, it’s a lesson built and created for success. This might change
the way you do things and that’s important. So learning true and real empath, is very
Dear students, I once again wish all of you well in your respective further pursuits. I
am certain you would rise progressively in your respective careers. I do hope that as
you rise, you will retain in you a spirit of trusteeship and contribute substantially to
your roots, the society around, the institutions that brought you up and the nation at
large. It is this spirit of trusteeship and the desire to support others who were not as
fortunate or successful as us that makes this world a better place. We must
remember that our happiness depends on the happiness all around us. Therefore let
us work together to make this world a better place to live.
Thank you all and wish you a joyous and fruitful journey ahead!”
156 ILS Law College

20TH& 21ST January 2017
Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray.
The ILS Criminal Law Cell organised a Two Day National Conference on the topic of
“Unexplored Criminal Law” on the 20th and 21st of January, 2017. The idea
underlying this Conference was that Traditional criminal law many a times,falls
inadequate when addressing changing criminal patterns. Special legislations enacted
to address these new issues are rarely debated and deliberated. The objective that this
Conference sought to achieve, was to enlighten the students about specific aspects of
criminal law which are not usually covered in classrooms but nonetheless, are of
great importance when it comes to practical application.
During the course of two days the following themes were discussed and debated
1. Investigative Agencies beyond the Criminal Procedure Code.
2. Rights of Children, with special reference to the POCSO Act.
3. Decoding the Official Secrets Act, 1923.
4. Laws Relating to Armed Forces with special Reference to AFSPA, 1958.
5. Laws relating to Arms and Drugs.
Day 1
20th January 2017
Inaugural Session.
Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray, Faculty in-charge of the Criminal Law Cell delivered the
welcome address and elucidated the aims, objectives and need of the conference. He
pointed out the issues to be addressed during the conference in each of the session.
Mr. Shiv Mangal Sharma, Additional Advocate General, State of Rajasthan, delivered
the Keynote address. Dr. Sanjay Jain, Associate Professor, ILS Law college, Pune
chaired the inaugural session.
Session 1.
Investigative Agencies beyond the Criminal Procedure Code.
The Session was chaired by Adv. Shiv Mangal Sharma. The resource people for this
session were Mr. Snehil Dhall Criminologist and Dr Bhagwan Gawali Assistant
Professor, Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune. Mr Snehil Dhall explained as to
how the police and their mechanisms are often inadequate to deal with some crimes
of great magnitude and sensitivity. He opined that the need of the hour was to
establish special investigative agencies who would deal with the tasks with greater
accuracy and efficiency as well as conduct a cohesive investigation of the crime. Dr.
Bhagwan Gawali specifically dealt with the Central Bureau of Investigation and
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 157

highlighted the procedure, jurisdiction and powers of this Investigative Agency. It

was a highly informative and interesting session.
Session 2.
Rights of Children, with special reference to the POCSO Act.
The second session on Day 1 was set into motion with a paper presentation by Dr.
Deepa Paturkar, who, in turn, gave an overview of the entire POCSO Act, specifically
dealing with important sections of the Act. Thereafter, Ms. Ankita Sarkar, an LLM
Student from Pune University presented her paper and extensively discussed the
nature of evidences under the Act.
The Resource person for this session was Adv. Renita Menezes from International
Justice Mission, who provided an enlightening overview of the working of the Act.
She also described a number of cases which she had dealt in relation to sexual
offences against children. The Session was Chaired by
Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar, Assistant Professor, ILS Law College, Pune.
Day 2
Session 3
Decoding the Official Secrets Act, 1923
The third session had two paper presentations, one by Anchita Nair and Sushrey
Nepal (IV BSL.LLB) and another by Ms. Ishita Das, former consultant, Central
Information Commission. Both paper presentations were concerned with the
provisions of the Official Secrets Act and its overlap with the Right to information
The resource person for the session was Adv. Aditya Wadhwa from the Delhi High
Court. He spoke at length about the Official Secrets Act, its provisions, the need for
such a legislation and the lacuna that it ismired with, along with describing a few
cases that he had dealt with in his career. The Session was chaired by Dr. Suvarna
Nilakh, Assistant Professor, ILS Law College, Pune
Session 4
Laws Relating to Armed Forces with special reference to AFSPA, 1958
The paper presenter for this session was Sharanya Shivaraman (III BSL.LLB). Her
presentation focussed on the legal perspectives, with specific regard to the need to
counter armed rebellion, insurgency and the legislative scheme of AFSPA and
different Armed Forces Acts.
Maj. Gen. Rajinder Kumar, Head JAG Branch, Indian Army was the Resource person
for the session. He explained the intricacies in enforcement and operation of the
AFSPA in disturbed areas. He explained the standpoint of the Indian Army in respect
of the AFSPA. He explained the procedural safeguards that needs to be adhered to by
158 ILS Law College

the members of Armed Forces while enforcing the Law. The Session was chaired by
Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray, Assistant Professor, ILS Law College, Pune.
Session 5
Laws relating to Arms and Drugs.
The Arms Act, 1959 and the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985
was discussed and debated upon in this session. Ayush Abhinay (III III B.A.LL.B)s
presented a paper on Smuggling arms within India. Kritika Shekhawat, a student of
IV BSL LL.B, presented paper on online sale of narcotics.
Mr. Yogen Kakade and Mr. Hrishikesh Ganu were the resource persons for this
session. Mr. Yogen Kakade, Advocate Pune, discussed the Arms Act and dealt with
the main provisions of the Act, expounding acts which qualify as dealing and
smuggling illegal arms.
Mr. Hrishikesh Ganu, Advocate, Pune, spoke about the NDPS Act, dealing with the
issues of burden of proof, sale of narcotics and the procedure for arrest under the Act.
The Session was chaired by Dr. Deepa Paturkar, Assistant Professor ILS Law College,
The conference witnessed the participation of more than 130 participants from ILS
Law College and students from other institutions.
This event was organized by the team consisting: Oorjasvi Goswami, Kritika
Shekhawat, Anubhav Taloo, Siddhant Nanodkar, Divya Tyagi, Anamika Mazumdar
and Lavanya Chopra (IV B.S.L. LL.B.).


22ND and 23RD February, 2017.
Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray
The Centre for International Law organized its second conference on International
Laws, on the theme of the law of Outer Space. The conference had 5 sessions which
dealt with the sub themes of the conference: ‘The Need for Space Legislation in India’,
‘Celestial Body Mining’, ‘Intellectual Property Rights and Space Law’, ‘Space Tourism’ and
the concluding session on ‘The origin of Space Law in India’.
The Conference was inaugurated by Dr. Pramod Kale, Former Director of the Space
Applications Centre Ahmedabad. Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray, Faculty Coordinator for
the Centre for International Law, delivered the Opening Address. He discussed the
need for India to codify Space Law and the progress made thereof.
Dr. Pramod Kale, delivered the Keynote Address. He traced the history of
technological developments in Space Technology amidst the backdrop of the fear of
its weaponisation and the Cold War. He also discussed the problem of Space Debris
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 159

and Insurance of Satellites. The inaugural session was chaired by Mr. Santosh
Jaybhay, Faculty member, ILS Law College, Pune.
The first session on ‘The Need for Legislation’ had Dr. Gurbachan Sachdeva, an Adjunct
Professor at NALSAR as its resource person. The session was chaired by Dr.
Tejaswini Malegaonkar, faculty member, ILS Law College. The second session on
‘Celestial Body Mining’ had Mr. V. Gopalakrishnan, Policy Analyst at ISRO as the
Resource person and Dr. Priya Sondhi as the chair. The third session on ‘Intellectual
Property Rights and Space Law’ had Dr. Ranjana Kaul, partner at Dua Associates, New
Delhi as the Resource Person and Dr. Suvarna Nilakh, Faculty Member at ILS Law
College chaired the session. The fourth session on ‘Space Tourism’ had Dr.
G.S.Sreejith, Executive Director of Centre for International Legal Studies at Jindal
Global Law School as the Resource Person and Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray, Faculty
Member at ILS Law College, Pune as the chair. The last session was the concluding
session on ‘The origin of Space Law in India’.
The sessions had paper presentations by students from all over the country. The first
session had the first paper presentation on “The Existing Space Law Regime at the
National and International Level” by Ms. Aritri Sharma from Symbiosis Law School,
Pune. Her paper discussed the problems that have arisen in the outer space arena
since the establishment of the Outer Space Treaty. The next presentation by Ms.
Pragya Singh and Ms. Ambica Verma from Hidayatullah National Law University,
Raipur on their paper titled “How High is Up?” They proposed a system for
delimitation of a boundary marking beginning of Space. The second session had
student presenters - Mr. Karan Kamath and Ms. Shraddha Dubey from Symbiosis
Law School, Pune who presented a paper titled “The Problem of Celestial Body Mining
by Private Parties – Answering the Issues arising out of the Incumbent Space Law Regime”.
Leading from the US SPACE Act, they raised the issues arising out of the conflict
between outer space treaties and corresponding state practice. Following this,
students from North Cap University, Ms. Rashi Sharawat and Mr. Ramanpreet Singh
presented their paper titled “Celestial Body Mining: What is and What Could Be?” They
discussed the advantages of commercialization of Outer Space. The third session had
a paper presentation by Ms. Kajal Bhatia and Mr. Kartikay Singh from ILS Law
College, Pune on their paper titled “IPR and Space Law- Convergent or Divergent?”
They raised the issues of patent protection and convergence and divergence of IPR
and Space Law. It had another presentation by students from ILS Law College, Ms.
Muskaan Gupta and Ms. Sonika Choudhary, -“Nexus between IPR and Space Law”.
They discussed the nature of intellectual property rights and space law and how
there is scope for the two to coexist amidst conflict with each other. The fourth
session had a presentation by Ms. Anjali Agarwal and Mr. Savyasachi Rawat from
University School of Law and Legal Studies, Indraprastha University, New Delhi on
“Space Tourism: Evolution of Legal Framework”. They addressed space tourism as a
160 ILS Law College

subset of outer space law. The final presentation by Ms. Wafa Khatheeja from
National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi on her paper titled
“Determination of Liability for Activities in Space Tourism”. In which she explained
the concept of liability in outer space through various principles under international
space law. The final session had Dr. Gurbachan Sachdeva and Dr. G.S.Sreejith express
their views on Indian academicians who helped develop Space Law jurisprudence in
The special rapporteurs who maintained a detailed account of the conference were
Ms. Tulika Gupta and Ms. Sruthi Bandhakavi from ILS Law College, Pune. The
conference witnessed participation of over 260 students and professionals. The Media
partner of the conference was Lawctopus, the leading website followed by law
students all over India. The conference received sponsorship from C.A. Rajat Chabra,
Engineer Hariram Subramaniam, and Vikram Travels.
The conference was organized by a team of students consisting Shantanu Jadhav,
Kruti Gogri, Vaishali Gupta, Tanushree Nigam, Piyasa Roychowdhury (V B.S.L.
LL.B.), H.B. Keshava (II LL.M.), Ruturaj Jere and Harshit Gadiya (II LL.B), Anoop
George and Sarthak Dhingra (II B.A. LL.B).


18TH February 2017
Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Smita Sabne.
The ILS Corporate Law Cell organised a Colloquium on the Contemporary Issues in
the Financial Sector. It was held on the 18th of February, 2017 at the Principal Pandit
Auditorium, ILS Law College. The speakers for the event were stalwarts from the
legal fraternity. The Colloquium entailed three sessions-
Session I- Debate on Abolition of Income Tax in light of the Banking Transaction
Tax and Goods and Services Tax
Speakers- Dr. Pradeep Apte, Economist
Ms. Aditi Sharma, Senior Associate, Khaitan & Co.
Mr. Ashish Mehta, Senior Associate, Khaitan & Co.
Mr.Rajesh Simhan, Leader, International Tax Practice, Nishith Desai
The session commenced by an introduction by Vivek Hegde [IV B.S.L LL.B]. He
introduced the debate topic and provided a basic idea on the current tax regime in
India. Yalini Ravi [IV B.S.L LL.B] introduced the speakers of the debate.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 161

Ms. Aditi Sharma and Mr. Ashish Mehta from Khaitan & Co. were on the side ‘For’
abolition of Income Tax, while Mr. Rajesh Simhan from Nishith Desai Associates was
on the side ‘Against’ the abolition of Income Tax. Ms. Aditi Sharma opened the
debate by discussing the current framework of taxation in India. She discussed the
history of taxation in India.
Ms. Aditi Sharma further went on to discuss about the different taxes applicable in
India and how it was difficult to bring everyone under the tax net in the current
regime. She also went on to discuss the advantages of Goods and Services Tax and
the idea of bringing in a Banking Transaction tax in place of personal income tax.
Ms. Aditi Sharma and Mr. Ashish Mehta took turns to speak and they covered their
points in 20 minutes time that had been allotted to them. Post this, Mr. Rajesh Sharma
expressed his views on why personal income tax must not be abolished and spoke for
another 20 minutes.
Mr. Pradeep Apte, the moderator, expressed his views at the end of both speeches
and posed questions to the panellists. In the end, Dr. Pradeep Apte took the podium
and explained his personal views on the topic. He elucidated the concepts under
current taxation regime and the effects of Goods and Services Tax.
Session II- Challenges and Disruptions in the Banking Sector
Speaker- Mr. Nilanjan Sinha, Head of Legal, Compliance and Public Affairs, Marsh
and McLennan Companies - Indian Sub- Continent.
The second session began after post lunch break. The introduction was given by
Tanisha Bhatia [V B.S.L LL.B] where she discussed the challenges in the banking
sector in light of demonetisation and opening of FinTech companies and e-wallets.
Amala George [III B.A.LL.B] introduced the speaker, Mr. Nilanjan Sinha.
Mr. Nilanjan began by explaining how banks function and their important role in
India. He explained all regulatory aspects and Acts currently governing the
traditional banking sector.
Mr. Nilanjan allowed the audience to ask questions during the session. While the
session was in progress, the participants posed a number of questions.
Mr. Sinha patiently answered each one of them. After that, he moved on to explain
the current changes in the banking sector. He explained how Digital India is taking
shape in India. Mr. Sinha also spoke about the demonetisation effects on banks, the
changes from traditional banking to online banking and the huge increase in online
payments, e-wallets, etc.
Mr. Sinha explained key concepts by way of a PowerPoint presentation. Towards the
end of the session, Mr. Sinha began explaining the regulatory aspects governing
digital India and e-wallets like Paytm, Mobiwik. He spoke about the Payments and
162 ILS Law College

Settlements Act and Watal Committee report. Mr. Sinha also spoke about the Fin
Tech companies and their role in today’s Digital India.
Mr. Sinha concluded by giving an overview of his entire talk and why everyone must
consider a career in Banking Law.
Session III- Deconstructing the Takeover Code
Speaker- Mr. Somasekhar Sundaresan, Independent Legal Counsel
Gokul Ashok Thampi [V B.S.L LL.B] introduced the Takeover Code and the current
status of the Code. The speaker, Mr. Somasekhar Sundaresan was introduced by
Stephanie Nazareth [III B.A. LL.B].
Mr. Sundaresan began by discussing the basic concepts under the Takeover Code. He
went on to explain the powers of SEBI and the subjects on which SEBI can make
regulations, Takeover Code being one of them. He explained the concept of acquirer,
acquisition, Persons acting in Concert (PAC) and control under the Takeover Code.
He then moved on to discuss the regulations under Takeover Code, mainly, Section 3
and 4 of the Takeover Code. He also explained the concept of Open Offer, the trigger
events under the Takeover Code and exemptions from mandatory open offers.
Mr. Somasekhar also explained the intention of the drafting committee on the
Takeover Code and how the final Code, had some fundamental differences. Mr.
Somasekhar explained the fundamental difference in the concept of control under the
Takeover Code and Competition Act. His wit and eloquence kept the audience
engaged throughout the session.
Lastly, question and answer session followed the discussion. They questioned Mr.
Sundaresan on the Jet – Etihad deal and hostile takeovers in India.
After the session, a Vote of thanks was proposed by Gokul Ashok Thampi.
[V B.S.L LL.B].
The Colloquium saw an upright participation of more than 150 attendees which
included students of ILS Law College, students from other law colleges and also
professionals from the legal fraternity. All the attendees were were given Reading
Material covering the background of all the topics of the Colloquium. The Organising
Committee also conducted an orientation for the students to acquaint them of the
basic concepts relating to the topics of the Colloquium. The event was sponsored by
Tatva Legal, Corporate Law Advisor and Burger King.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 163


10TH -12TH MARCH 2017
Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar and Dr. Suvarna Nilakh
ILS Law College, Pune, organized the ‘Remembering Professor S. P. Sathe 11th
Memorial National Conference on Changing Contours in Intellectual Property Laws’
consisting of three days of educational sessions related to Intellectual Property Rights
Law. As per the schedule, the conference was held on 10-12th March, 2017.
The Conference was aimed at providing the audience, an enlightening insight into
the issues associated with Intellectual Property Law; its development and application
in India. The idea was to throw light on the subject matter of intellectual property, the
nature of law that governs it, interface with other field laws and the evolving
jurisprudence in the arena. Eminent personalities associated in the field graced the
Conference with their talks and presentations. Apart from the resource persons,
teachers and students of ILS Law College presented papers on contemporary issues
of IPRs. Ms. Sathya Narayan (Director, IALS) talked about late Professor S. P. Sathe in
the beginning of the Conference.

Below is the list of resource persons and their topics:-

Sr.No. Name of the Resource Person Topic
DAY 1 : 10 March 2017
1. Dr. Prabuddha Ganguli, CEO, Vision IPR “Intellectual Property Rights: Re-
(Keynote address) contouring for the day after”
2. Dr. Shamnad Basheer, Founder SpicyIP “IP Minimalism”
(Professor S.P Sathe 11th Memorial Lecture)
3. Dr. Shamnad Basheer Rearguing DU Photocopy Case
Dr. Nilima Bhadbhade (Panel Discussion)
Mr. Sumeet Malik
4. Ms. Shruti Tulpule Rearguing DU Photocopy Case
5. Ms. Jasmine Latkar Rearguing DU Photocopy Case
DAY 2 : 11 March 2017
6. Dr. Prabuddha Ganguli , CEO, Vision “IP and Competition Law”
7. Mr. Rohan K George, Partner, Samvad “IP and Competition Law with
Partners specific reference to SEP”
164 ILS Law College

8. Mr. Nandan Kamath, Founder, The Law “Interface of Intellectual Property

Offices of Nandan Kamath and Sports Law”
9. Ms. Madhu Gadodia, Partner, Naik Naik & “Enforcement of Copyright and
Co. Trademark:- Issues and
Challenges with specific reference
to Entertainment Sector”
10. Dr. Shamnad Basheer, Founder SpicyIP “TRIPS, Patents and International
Investment Arbitration”
11. Ms. Leena Menghaney, Head-South Asia, “Patents and Public Health”
Médecins Sans Frontières's (MSF)
Day 3 : 12 March 2017
12. Mr. V. Lakshmikumaran, Founder and “Interface of IP and Taxation”
Managing Partner, Lakshmikumaran &
13. Hon'ble Mr. Justice S. Ravindra Bhat, “IP Enforcement and Challenges
Delhi High Court before the Judiciary”
14. Mr. Essenese Obhan, Founding partner, “Monsanto v. Seed Companies
Obhan & Associates and Government Regulations”
15. Mr. Rajendra Kumar, Senior Partner, K&S “Geographical Indication in India:
Partners Emerging Issues”
16. Mr. V. K. Gupta, Former Chief Advisor to “Protection of Traditional
WIPO and UN Committee on Food and knowledge as Intellectual
Agriculture Property and its relevance in
17. Mr. Ananth Padmanabhan, Associate, “Innovating around Copyright”
Carnegie India
18. Mr. Sudhir Makkar, Senior Advocate, Delhi “Rights of Commercial Free
High Court Speech and the limitations on
Comparative Advertising”
List of paper presenters is as follows:-
Sr.No. Name of the Paper Presenter Title of the Paper
1. Dr. Deepa Paturkar IPR and Access to medicines : a
Assistant Professor, ILS Law Dichotomy
2. Mr. D. P. Kendre Copyright vis-a-vis Human Rights
Assistant Professor, ILS Law
3. Dr. T. S. Malegaonkar, Assistant Protection of Folklore under Indian
Professor, ILS Law College and Copyright law
Asmit Agarwal (III B.A..LL.B.)
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 165

4. Anamika Mazumdar and Naman Interface between Competition law and

Malik IP
(Both IV BSL.LL.B.)
5. Soham Goswami Reverse Payment Settlements with
(IV BSL.LL.B.) reference to IPR and Competition law
6. Devika Vasandani and Tishita Emerging jurisprudence of celebrity
Mukherjee rights in India
(Both IV BSL.LL.B.)
7. Ayush Chaddha and Umang IP Enforcement: Achilles heel in the
Kapoor Indian IP Jurisprudence
8. Shreya Bambulkar and Renuka Reconciling copyright with free speech
Mahajan (Both II BA.LL.B)
9. Azhakath Ammu Sasidharan Legal and Socio-economic analysis of
(IV BSL.LL.B) and Amrutha plant varieties in India
(II LL.B.)
10. Kumar Sambhav (V BSL.LL.B) Taxation of IP: The Situs Conundrum
11. Pranita Saboo (III BA.LL.B.) Position of GMO in India in light of
Monsanto controversy
12. Chaithanya Reddy (III B.A.LL.B.) Delineating the Basmati GI tussle
and Varad Kolhe (II B.A.LL.B.)

Along with the resource persons and paper presenters, following faculty members of
ILS Law College closely observed the proceedings of Conference by chairing the
various sessions:-

Sr.No. Name of the Chairperson Theme of the Session

1. Mr. Santosh Jaybhay IP Interface (Part -I)
2. Dr. Medha Kolhatkar IP Enforcement
3. Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray Patents and Public Health
4. CA Ameya Kunte IP Interface (Part -II)
5. Ms. Sathya Narayan Allied IPRs (Part-I)
6. Ms. Swati Kulkarni Allied IPRs (Part-II)
7. Dr. Deepa Paturkar IP and Entertainment
166 ILS Law College

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies

National Conference on Arbitration
26TH and 27TH August 2017
Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Sathya Narayan, Director, Institute of Advanced
Legal Studies
The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in association with Nani Palkhivala Institute
of Arbitration, Chennai and Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas organised a two-day
National Conference on Arbitration on 26-27th August, 2016 at ILS Law College,
The Conference highlighted the increasing relevance and impact of arbitration in
dispute resolution. Hon’ble Justice K.G. Balakrishnan, Former Chief Justice of India
delivered the keynote address. Hon’ble Justice Kukundakam Sharma, former Judge,
Supreme Court of India delivered the valedictory address. Detailed list of the
speakers and topics is given below:

Session Topic Resource Persons Chairperson
First Confidentiality and • Mr. Tejas Karia, Jyoti Mr.Santosh
Session Transparency in Partner, Shardul Anumolu, Jaybhay,
International Amarchand ILS Law Assistant
Commercial Mangaldas College Professor, ILS
Arbitration. • Ms. Neeti Law
Sachdeva, Secretary College.
General and Registrar
at the Mumbai Centre
for International
Arbitration (MCIA)
Second Arbitrating • Mr. Murali Arunima Dr. Suvarna
Session International Neelkhantan, Srivastava, Nilakh,
Intellectual Property Principal, Amicus ILS Law Assistant
Disputes • Mr. Sahil Kanuga, College Professor, ILS
Senior Associate, Law
Nishith Desai College.
Third International • Mr. PranavMago, Ritvik Dr. Deepa
Session Investment Head (South Asia) at Kulkarni, and Paturkar,
Arbitration: The Singapore Hamsini Assistant
Indian Perspective International Marada, ILS Professor, ILS
Arbitration Centre Law Law
• Mr. Rishab Gupta, College College.
Counsel, Shardul
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 167

Fourth How to make India a • Ms. Indu Malhotra, Rishabh Mr. Kedar
Session better seat for Senior Advocate, Malaviya ILS Dhongade
Arbitration Supreme Court of Law (Advocate,
India College Pune)
• Mr. S.K. Singh,
Partner, AK Singh &
Fifth Judicial Intervention in • Mr. Janak K Ravalee Ms.
Session Arbitration in India Dwarkadas, Senior Nath, Rajalakshmi
Counsel, Bombay Urvashi Joshi, Assistant
High Court Mehta, Professor, ILS
• Mr.Ciccu Anurima Law
Mukhopadhyay, Shivade and College
Former Vice Arati
President, ICC Asia Ranade,
Sixth Has the Enactment of • Mr. Abhinav Samrudhi Mr. Tejas
Session the Arbitration & Bhushan, Director, Chothani, Karia, Partner,
Conciliation South Asia Karanam Shardul
(Amendment) Act, (International Court Ramkishore Amarchand
2015 improved the of Arbitration, ICC), Lavanya Mangaldas,
Arbitration Scenario in • Mr. Badrinath Chopra and New Delhi
India? Durvasula, Vice Sakshi Bumb,
President, Adani ILS Law
Group, College
• Mr. George Pothan,
Consultant and
International Law
and Treaties,
Ministry of External

The ILS Law College is proud to enter an agreement with Maharashtra Rajya Marathi
Vishwakosh Nirmitee Mandal to institute a “Dnyanamandal”, a Knowledge
Committee, for the field of Law. The task of the Dyanamandal is to identify the
outdated records in the Marathi encyclopedia (Volume 1 to volume 20), rewrite and
modify such records, add new records and update it. Dr. Jaya Sagade will be the
168 ILS Law College

coordinator of the knowledge committee. The contribution of the knowledge committee to the
Marathi Encyclopedia would definitely help the the students of law and the scholars in the
legal field. The duration of the project is for three years.


(Organised by ILS Law College in Alliance
With Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited MKCL)

After a period of arduous discussion for 3 years, Dr. Sanjay Jain, Associate Proffessor,
ILS Law College, conceived and conceptualised an intra-college Const-Icon Contest
and an offline State level Constitutional Law Olympiad as a pilot project in the
academic year of 2015-16.
On receiving an overwhelming response in both these competitions, College decided
to make this event a national level contest. Keeping in mind the techno savvy age and
to attract nationwide participation of the students it was planned to conduct the
contest online.
The college discussed this idea with the managing director and CEO of MKCL Mr.
Vivek Savant, and he readily agreed to enter into a MOU with ILS Law College to
organise this event. ILS Law College has the distinction of pioneering such an event
in the field of law, at least in South Asia.
Presently, the curriculum of law schools lays maximum emphasis on moot courts and
students lack other avenues to explore their creativity and legal acumen. Although
mooting is an important co-curricular exercise, the scope for evolution of other legal
skill building activities is vast.
Apart from presentation skills, students also require analytical abilities, profound
knowledge of the Constitution and ability to study laws in the socio-economic and
political perspective. Thus, the duty of law schools is not to create run of the mill
lawyers but to produce wise jurists, legislators, reformists, law teachers and social
By taking a cue from national and international Olympiad Competitions in spheres
like mathematics, physics, social sciences etc, ILS Law College conceived the idea of
ushering in the movement of conducting a Law Olympiad Competition.
The Main Objectives Underlying This Movement cum Contest are:
• Promotion of constitutional studies through innovative means.
• Enhancement of Capacity building to nurture multi-dimensional law
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 169

• Nourishment of the constitutional culture in the consciousness of students and

• To design evaluation in a creative manner, questions to test the legal acumen of
students by deploying examination tools like conceptual distractors, application-
oriented problems, word puzzles, etc.
The objective is to expand the horizon of the Law Olympiad movement to all
disciplines of legal study, though this year the focus is restricted to Constitutional
About the Olympiad:
There could not have been a better occasion to host the Constitutional Law Olympiad
than the 125th Birth Anniversary of Dr BR Ambedkar, the father on the Indian
Consequently an Organising Committee was constituted comprising of:
• Prin. Vaijayanti Joshi, ILS – Convener
• Mr. Vivek Savant, (MD, MKCL) - Convener
• Dr Sanjay Jain, ILS - Member Secretary, Academics
• Mr D.P. Kendre, ILS - Member
• Ms Rajalaxmi Joshi, ILS - Member
• Ms Divya Mittal, ILS - Member
• Mr. Uday Panchpor (Sr. General Manager, MKCL) – Member Secretary, Logistics
• Ms. Aditi Patil, MKCL – Member
To make this contest an effective learning exercise we were advised and guided by a
Board of Mentors among legal luminaries in India: Dr. N.R. Madhava Menon (Noted
Academician, Prominent Jurist and presently IBA-CLE chair on Continuining Legal
Education, NLSIU, Bangalore); Mr. Arvind P. Datar (Senior Advocate, author of
Datar’s Commentaary on Constitution of India, Guide to Central Excise Law and
Practice with Accounting Practices); Mr. Shreehari Aney (Senior Advocate, Former
Advocate General of Maharashtra and leading Constional Expert);Dr. Prof. M. P.
Singh (Noted Academician, Prominent Jurist and presently chair Professor- Centre
for Comparative Law, NLU Delhi); Dr. Prof. S. L. Deshpande (Noted Academician,
Head of Department of Law, RSTM Nagpur University and leading Constitutional
The committee was assisted by a group of student volunteers: V.V. Gnanusha, Sushil
Sarayu. T, Saranya Mishra, Rishabh Pardeshi, Rahoul Mehrotra, Shruti Goyal, Varad
Kolhe, Kavya Bharadkar,Jagdish Pavara, Raju Bagul, Kunal Pagar, Janvi Ingle, Saloni
170 ILS Law College

The Olympiad was conducted in four rounds- Heats, Quarter Finals, Semi Finals and
The first two rounds, ‘Heats’ and ‘Quarter Finals’ were conducted online on 15th
January and 5th February, 2017 respectively. 180 students signed up for the
competition, of which 130 students participated in the first round. In Heats and Semi-
Finals, students were evaluated on the basis of MCQs based on conceptual
distractors, brain-twisters, Constitutional doctrines, comparative Constitutional law,
assertions and reasons; and application-based questions. Question papers were set by
Dr. Sanjay Jain who was very ably assisted by Ms. Rajalaxmi Joshi (Faculty, ILS Law
College), Ms Divya Mittal (Faculty, ILS Law College) and Ms. Maithili Sane
(Alumnus, ILS Law College.) Transparency was maintained in the Competition by
inviting and duly addressing objections raised by the contestants on the website
(lawolympiad.in) during these two rounds.
33 students, scoring more than 50% of the total marks in Heats qualified to the
Quarter Final round. Of these, 10 students qualified to the Semi Finals conducted in
ILS Law College on 24th February.5 students participated in the Finals held on 25th
February, 2017. The event saw participation of a diverse audience from every corner
of the country, including two disabled students, one orthopedically challenged and
one visually impaired. In fact, the former bagged the third prize in the Finals. The
rules of the Competition were fine-tuned to accommodate the special needs of these
Semi- finals had three segments:
Constitutional Engineering: Contestants were asked to redraft identified provisions of
the Constitution to reflect present democratic and socio economic needs. The
problems for this rounds were set by Dr. Sanjay Jain with assistance from Ms.
Rajalaxmi Joshi and Ms. Maithili Sane. Examiners for this Round were Dr. Shirish
Deshpande (HOD Law, RSTM University, Nagpur), Mr. Dwarkesh Prabhakaran
(Advocate) and Ms. Thulasi K. Raj (Alumnus, ILS Law College, Pune.)
Treasure Hunt: Research abilities and knowledge of legal databases was tested.
Contestants were given problems and asked to find the solutions using different
databases like SCC Online, All India Reporter, Manupatra and Westlaw. This round
was set and evaluated by Mr. Kaustubh Mone (Alumnus, ILS Law College.)
Const- Quiz Round: This round was further segmented into 4 parts comprising of
Rapid Fire, Buzzer Round, Constitutional Puzzle and Examiner’s Round. Ms. Maithili
Sane was the Quizmaster for this Round, and Mr. Dwarkesh Prabhakaran (Advocate,
Madras High Court) conducted and evaluated the Examiner’s Round. The questions
for Rapid Fire and Buzzer were set by Dr. Sanjay Jain with assistance from Ms.
Rajalaxmi Joshi and Ms. Maithili Sane, while Ms. Divya Mittal designed the Puzzle.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 171

Final Round:
The Finals of the National Constitutional Law Olympiad were conducted in three
Comparative Constitutional Law Round: In this round participants’ ability to compare
and contrast the principles and doctrines of equality and affirmative action of major
world constitutions was tested. The problems for this rounds were set by Dr. Sanjay
Jain with assistance from Ms. Rajalaxmi Joshi and Ms. Maithili Sane. Examiners for
this Round were Hon’ble Justice Atul Chandurkar (Judge, Bombay High Court,) Prof.
M. P. Singh (Director, Centre for Comparative Constitutional Law, NLU-D) and
Mr.Sharath Chandran (Advocate, Alumnus, ILS Law College)
Mock Constituent Assembly Round: In this round a mock constitutional assembly was
convened; presided over by Prin. Vaijayanti Joshi. Two proposals were debated –
pertaining to redrafting of the Preamble, and a policy draft of the need to negotiate
with aliens. Dr. Shirish Deshpande was the moderator for this Round, which was
examined by Hon’ble Retd. Justice Roshan Dalvi (Judge, Bombay High Court,)
Mr. Mangesh Patwardhan (Associate Professor, National Insurance Academy) and
Dr. M. P. Singh.
Constitutional Interaction Round: In this round every participant made a turn-coat
presentation on a given topic for 8 minutes followed by Questions by the examiners.
The themes were identified by Dr. Sanjay Jain. This Round was assessed by Dr.
Shirish Deshpande, Dr. Sanjay Jain and Mr. Sharath Chandran.
It was only after these backbreaking and nerve-wracking rounds that the winner was
declared. Prize distribution was conducted in two phases. Prizes till the Semi Final
Round were given on the 24th of February in the presence of Dr. Shirish Deshpande
and Prin. Vaijayanti Joshi. The prizes for the Final Round were distributed at the
hands of Justice Roshan Dalvi (Retd.), Mr. Vivek Savant and Prin. Vaijayanti Joshi.
Both ceremonies were anchored by Kavya Bharadkar (ILS Law College.) Saraswati
Vandana was performed on both days by Sharvari (ILS Law College.)
The abridged table of winners is as follows:
Name Round Name of Prize Prize Amount
MS. C YAMUNA Winner of National Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 10000/- + 10000/-
MENON Constitutional Prize & Citation
Chief Justice Y. V.
Chandrachud Prize

MR. SIDDHARTH First Runner Up Dr. Rajendra Prasad 5000/- + 5000/- &
BHATI Prize Citation
Shri. T. T.
Krishnamachari Prize
172 ILS Law College

Second Runner Up Dr. B. N. Rao Prize

3000/- + 3000/- &
MS. SHREYA YADAV Smt. Hansa Mehta Citation
MR. SRIRAM Consolation (for Sardar Vallabhbhai 2000/- & Citation
KRISHNA fourth position) Patel Consolation
MR. KARTHIK Consolation (for fifth Maulana Abul Kalam 1500/- & Citation
MOHAN position) Azad Consolation

A laudable feature of this Competition was it being conducted in an eco-friendly

manner without generating paper waste. Most of the publicity of this event was done
through social media and by a dedicated website, in the construction of which the
members of the Organising Committee contributed greatly. During the Semi Final
and Final Rounds, Mr. D. P. Kendre (Faculty, ILS Law College) oversaw and co-
ordinated with a team of volunteers a smooth and seamless event on-campus. Mr. D.
P. Kendre and Ms. Aditi Patil scrupulously recorded scores and carried out timely
and accurate tabulation of results.
The event has been lauded as a new benchmark in legal curriculum by both, students
and academia. Based on the feedback of the participants and public at large, best
possible efforts will be made to make this event more challenging and popular in its
upcoming editions.
The Olympiad was supported by an avid range of Sponsors like: Alcoa Green (Mr
Arvind Patil), Car Keepers, Omorphia Wellness Centre, Lawteller, SCC and EBC, the
Raymond Shop (Mr Ashraf Parwani) with contributions in cash and kind.


(Est: December 3, 2016)
Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Sathya Narayan, Director, ILSCA
Aims & Object of ILSCA:
The ILS Centre for Arbitration (ILSCA) proposes to operate as a centre where
facilities to conduct both Domestic and International commercial arbitrations can be
made available. The centre also aims to facilitate institutional arbitration. ILSCA is in
the process of making rules for holding Institutional Arbitration at the Centre.
Currently, besides the Mumbai Centre for International Arbitration, Mumbai, there is
no such arbitration centre in Maharashtra which can cater to parties who can opt for
institutional arbitration. It will be a joint effort between the Indian Law Society, and
the domestic and international business and legal communities. ILS Institutional
arbitration will be a first-of-its-kind, attached to an educational institution which
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 173

imparts legal education. Another important objective of ILSCA is to provide training

in ADR methods and other allied subjects on Arbitration.
• Activities done:
First ADR training programme:
Until this year training programmes were conducted under the ADR Cell established
under the aegis of the IALS to train students of law in various ADR methods. The
ADR Cell has been consistently training students in various Alternative Dispute
Resolution Methods; which includes Mediation, Domestic Arbitration and
International Commercial Arbitration. This year this activity was shifted to ILSCA
and a four day training programme was organized on “Mediation and Principles of
Domestic & International Arbitration” along with the Peacekeeping and Conflict
Resolution Trust (PACT), Catherine Davidson Mediation Services (CDMS). This
workshop will provide participants with core mediation skills and hands-on
experience through a variety of simulations.
The first two days of workshop-19th and 20th January 2017 were dedicated to
training in Mediation and its basics. The next two days – 21st and 22nd January 2017
were fixed for Domestic Arbitration and International Commercial Arbitration.This
year 130 students from the ILS Law College and from various other law Colleges
participated in the ADR training programme.
S No. Name of Speaker Topic
1. Ms. Catherine Davidson, Trainer for the Australian Mediation
Disputes Centre and head of Catherine Davidson
Mediation Services (CDMS). Assisted by Mr.
Jonathan Rodrigues
2. Mr. Thomas P. Valenti, International Training Mediation
Faculty of ADR ODR International, London.
Assisted by Mr. Gracious Timothy, Accredited
Mediator empanelled by the Indian Institute of
Arbitration and Mediation (IIAM).
3. Advocate Siddharth Datta Partner, Shardul Domestic Arbitration
Amarchand Mangaldas & Co, Kolkata.
4. Advocate Tejas Karia, Partner Shardul Amarchand International Commercial
Mangaldas, New Delhi Arbitration
The participants were awarded three certificates – two by the Peacekeeping and
Conflict Resolution Trust (PACT), Catherine Davidson Mediation Services (CDMS)
which will be endorsed by the resource persons for the Mediation Workshop and one
certificate participation for the remaining two day training in Domestic and
International commercial arbitration by the ADR Cell of ILS Centre for Arbitration
174 ILS Law College


Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Sathya Narayan, Director, IALS.
A training programme in Legislative Drafting was initiated by the Institute of
Advanced legal Studies (IALS) in the year 2016-17.
The current myth that legislative drafters can be hired off the street looks more like
assembly-line workers needs to be ruled out in favour of appointing experts who
have acquired a very distinctive combination of knowledge and abilities through a
rigorous program of specialized professional training.
The purpose of the training programme is to promote an ethos amongst the
participants about the necessity of drafting statutes in clear, simple and easy to
understand language. This certificate course aims at capacity building of the
participants in effective drafting of laws and also expose them to the essential skills
that a good draftsman must hold.
The course on Legislative Drafting is designed to empower the trainees with the
essential skills that a good draftsman must hold. The Course emphasizes on the need
of specialized and expertise knowledge of legislative drafting which is essential for
legal profession. The purpose of the course is to empower, applicants who would like
to pursue legislative drafting as their career, train them to apply best drafting
Few of the course modules included in the training programme are asunder:
• What Statute Law is? Who legislates?
• The purpose of Legislation
• Legislative process
• Legislative drafting
• The semantics of Legislative drafting
• Writing Legislative sentences
• Importance of communication in legislative drafting
• Factors which bock reader’s comprehension
• Key tools for drafters
 Language use
 Legal writing
 Ancillary skills
 Drafting the Preliminary Provisions: long title, commencement etc.
• Drafting of Substantive provisions; supplementary provisions
• Statutory interpretation and its relevance to legislative drafting
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 175

Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this course, participant will be able to:
- Chose a career as legislative drafters
- Translate policy guidelines into new primary and secondary legislation;
- Drafting of new legislations; To amend existing legislation
Though the course was initiated for the first time it attracted 30 trainees – which
comprised of students, both from graduate level and Masters Level. There were few
Law teachers and there was also an advocate who took interest in the course. The
course was conducted in about 40 units and resource persons were drawn from
various strata of the society – beginning from academic circles, researchers, and
Number of Guest Faculty –9
30 students were admitted to the course.
Name of the speakers along with the topic of their lecture :

S No. Name of Speaker Topic

1. Professor Ishwara Bhat, Vice • Steps of care to be taken by legislative
Chancellor of the West Bengal draftsman
National University of Juridical • Relevance of principles of interpretation
Sciences, Kolkata. of statutes for legislative drafting
• Drafting delegated legislation
2. Dr. Soumitra Pathare, Course Co- Understanding Legislative Process : Mental
ordinator - International Diploma in Health Legislation
Mental Health Law and Human
Rights andConsultant Psychiatrist at
Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune.
3. Advocate Devika Singh Understanding Legislative Process –
Prevention of Sexual Offences against
4. Dr. NilimaBhadbhade, Lawyer, Contract Law: An Amendment to Law
Consultant and Trainer. relating to Contract Remedies
5. Prof. N.K. Chakrabarti, Director KIIT • Expectations and Responsibilities of
University, Bhubaneswar Legislative Draftsmen Today
• Preliminary Drafting Techniques
• Amendment Techniques
• Drafting exercises
6. Dr. T.K. Viswanathan, Chairman, • Evolution of Legislative Drafting as an
Bankruptcy Law Reforms Committee Expertise-Origins of Parliamentary
Counsels Office in England & Legislative
Department in India
176 ILS Law College

• Influence of Jeremy Bentham on

Codification and its impact on Indian
statute book
• Law Making Process
• Draftsman and his Equipment
• Reasons for Complexity of Legislation
• Attempts to simplify Legislative Drafting
Renton Committee and beyond
• Plain Language Drafting For and Against
• Structure of an Act of Parliament
• Common Errors in Drafting
7. Principal Vaijayanti Joshi, ILS Law Drafting of Uniform Civil Code
College, Dr. Jaya Sagade Faulty, ILS
Law College, Director: Women’S
Studies Center (UGC sponsored),
Coordinator: Center for Mental
Health Law and Policy
8. Ms. Usha Ganesh, Faulty, ILS Law Use of Words, Syntax and Punctuation in
College legislative drafting
9. Dr. B.R. Atre, Advocate, Supreme • Principles of Legislative Drafting -
Court, Former Member of Law Legislation and Legislators; their
Commission of India and relative importance in a democracy
Commonwealth Legal Expert, • Resolution of conflict of interest by
Advising on Constitutional & Legislators while passing legislation
Parliamentary and Legislative affairs, • Framing of legislative policy, priority
economic and financial aspects to and design of bills
Ministries and departments of • Exercise in framing of actual
Government of India, Indian States legislation.
and countries in Commonwealth, • Exercise - Creation of regulatory
forty years’ experience in Legislative authority for safety in offshore
Drafting exploration of oil and natural gas


Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Smita Sabne
The Diploma in Corporate International Taxation, was conducted in association with
TaxSutra, Pune. International Taxation being niche area, ILS Law College has been
amongst the first law colleges to be providing such a Diploma. The Diploma
witnessed an enrollment of almost 20 students from various law colleges. The
Diploma commenced on 22nd August 2016 and continued till 10th September 2016.
The Course was designed by Ms. Smita Sabne and Mr. Ameya Kunte, Founder,
Book “Model Tax Conventions and International Taxation” by CS Mathur, Dr.
Maximilian Gorl and Karl Sontag, Lexis Nexis Publication, was provided to the
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 177

students of Diploma as a reference book. Daily presentations made by the tax

professionals were also shared with the students. The course material was exhaustive
and was appreciated by the students.
The course dealt exhaustively with Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement Clauses
and also Model Conventions like that of OECD, UN and US.
Various topics covered were Taxation of Business Income, Concept of Permanent
Establishment, Capital gains, Independent and Dependent Personal Services, royalty
and fee for Technical Services. Global International Updates and Transfer pricing also
had a dedicated session.
Topic Resource Person

• Residence versus source basis of taxation and Indian Kishor B Phadke

Income Tax Law’s approach on international taxation (Chartered Accountant)
• Why double taxation occurs and measures to avoid
double taxation
• Double tax avoidance agreements – objectives,
process of treaty negotiation and interpretation
• Model convention for avoidance of double taxation –
OECD, UN and US and Indian tax treaties

• Global updates on international tax Mr. Ameya Kunte

• Base Erosion & Profit Shifting Project (BEPS) (Co-founder, Taxsutra)

• Provisions of Sec 90 and 91 of the Act enabling Mr. Nitin Deshmukh,

double tax treaty relief Head of Tax - Eaton
• Supreme Court decision of AzadiBachao
• DTAA – Articles 1 to 4 – with special focus on key
terms (Art 3) and residence (Art 4)
• Tax residency certificate

• Taxation of business income – Article 5 dealing with Mr. Amit B Jain

Permanent Establishment (PE) – fixed place PE (Partner, International Tax,
• Tax consequences where PE exists in source country Ernst & Young LLP)
• Construction and installation PE concepts

• Service PE Mr. Mrugen Trivedi

• Agency PE (Technical Director,
• Exceptions from PE definition KPMG in India)
• Brief details of PE attribution

• Taxation of capital gains Mr. Kaushik R. Saranjame

• Indirect transfer rules u/s 9 (Director, BMR & Associates
• Case studies – Vodafone, Aditya Birla Nuvo and LLP)
similar rulings
178 ILS Law College

• Taxation of dividend income Mr. Chetan S Daga

• Taxation of interest income Senior Manager - Direct Tax
• Taxation of immovable property Sudit K. Parekh & Co.

• Taxation of royalty Mr. Mr Pramod Joshi,

(Partner, Deloitte)

• Specific issues / case studies in royalty – eg Mr. Amit B Jain

computer software, e-commerce taxation etc. (Partner, International Tax,
Ernst & Young LLP)

• Taxation of dependent personal services Ms.Bhavana Banker.

• Taxation of independent personal services (Director, KPMG)

• Taxation of fees for technical services (FTS) Mr. S Vasan

• Interpretation of “make-available” clause
• Specific issues / case studies in FTS definition – eg. (Managing Partner,
Management services, standard database access fees, MSV LEGAL, ATTORNEYS)
case studies from India-USA DTAA MOU;
• Interpretation of Most Favoured Nation (MFN)
• Significant transfer pricing dispute areas MrSuhasKulkarni
o Management cross charges & benefits text
o Marketing intangibles (Joint Commissioner of Income
o Location savings Tax)

• Introduction to the transfer pricing Mr. Mahesh Mandlecha

• Why does transfer mis-pricing occur (Partner, Global Transfer
• Concept of arm’s length price Pricing Services,
• Key definitions under Income Tax Act relevant to KPMG)
transfer pricing
• Transfer pricing – introduction to the 6 methods –
along with examples

The assessment was based on Presentation and Written Exam.

Tanvi Dabir stood first with A+ Grade
The results of the course are as follows:

No of students
Appeared A+ A B+ B C Incomplete

19 11 4 4 0 0 0

Ms. Deepali and Ms. Saranya Mishra helped in organizing and smooth functioning of
the course.
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 179


Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Smita Sabne
The Certificate Course in Energy Laws is a unique course provided by ILS Law
College. The lectures were delivered by Ms. Rimali Batra, Senior Associate, DSK
Legal, Delhi. She is also the alumni of the college.
The Certificate Course was a 5 day course from 24th August to 29th August 2016. The
course aimed at developing a functional understanding of theories relating to the
legality and economics of Energy / Electricity and focused on legislation that govern
generation, transmission, distribution, sale and purchase of electricity in India. A total
of 8 students enrolled for the course from law colleges across the country.
The Course was divided into 3 Units: Introduction to Energy Laws in India, The
Electricity Act, 2003 and allied Regulations and Judicial Precedent in the Sector and
Existing Debates.
As a part of the course, exhaustive 500 page reading material was provided and
students were also subjected to Pre-reading of the course material, in order to better
understand the concepts of the budding area of Energy Law. The assessment was
based on Written Subjective Exam, with the aggregate being +70%.
Ms. Madhura Bhandarkar scored the highest with A+ Grade.
The students appreciated the course material and the resource person.
The results of the course :

No of
A+ A B+ B C Incomplete

9 2 2 0 2 0 3

Ms. Deepali and Ms. Saranya Mishra helped in organizing and smooth functioning of
the course.


Faculty Coordinator - Ms. Smita Sabne.
The competition law cell was convened in December 2016 and is one of the most
recent developments of ILS Law College. The main goal of the Cell is to provide an
opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge of competition law and to
interact with other students who have a shared interest in the same, familiarising
students with competition law and allow students to cultivate their interest in
competition law in an informal environment, without the pressure of being graded,
180 ILS Law College

expanding students’ advocacy skills by conducting demonstrations and conducting

research leading to new insights and further the concept building of competition law.
Various Sessions and activities were organised to increase awareness of current and
emerging issues in competition law.
• Weekly sessions
The first session was an introductory session on competition law. Saurabh Misal of III
LL.B opened the discussion with the origin of competition laws and spoke about the
Sherman Act. Divyanshu Sharma of IV B.S.L.LL.B. addressed the erstwhile antitrust
regime in India i.e. MRTP Act and its loopholes and why a need was felt to introduce
a new set of mechanism. He also spoke about the merger control regime in India.
Afreen Abbassi of IV B.S.L.LL.B. explained horizontal and vertical anti-competitive
agreements and discussed their treatment under the statute. Ravalee Nathof V
B.S.L.LL.B. discussed in detail how important it is to delineate a market on the basis
of product characteristics and geographical location as every anti-competitive
conduct is assessed in the backdrop of a market.
The second weekly session was conducted on Cartels. Afreen Abassi elucidated why
cartel are presumed to in violation of the act whereas there is a different standard for
vertical anti competitive agreements. Ravalee Nath gave a comprehensive description
of the cement cartels case and discussed the issues that emanated from the decision.
Divyanshu Sharma spoke about big-rigging and how it damages consumers interests
and public money directly.
• Guest Lecture
Mr. Dhruv Rajain who is currently working with the competition team at Khaitan
and Co in Delhi, LLM Graduate in Antitrust and M & A from Northwestern
University and an ILS alumni took a comprehensive session on competition law. He
spoke at length about the merger control regime in India which also happens to be his
area of expertise and also introduced the students to the new developments in the
arena and introduced them to the prospect of future study or employment in
competition law.
The competition law cell is a student run body. Following students formed part of the
core-committee: Ravalee Nath (V B.S.L.LL.B.), Saurabh Misal - III LL.B., Afreen
Abbassi, Divyanshu Sharma and Rhea Samyal (IV B.S.L.LL.B.)


Faculty Coordinator: Mr. Santosh Jaybhay
ILS Law College, has always believed in a healthy and clean surrounding for its
students. With an aim to promote and propagate the same, an initiative was taken by
the college. ILS Law College organised first Intra college marathon for the students
ABHIVYAKTI Yearbook 2016-17 181

from all batches. Idea for this event was conceptualized by Omkar Gundge, Aayush
Mitruka, Srihari Kanakdande, Suyog Torpe and Janmajay Sinh Jadeja (V B.S.L. LL.B.).
ILS Law College has always maintained that environment should be protected and
preserved above all, considering the efforts of college with this regard, theme for this
year was ‘A run for clean and green ILS’.
This event was organised on February 27th, 2017, first of its kind, this event got an
overwhelming response around 225 students from all the batches participated in this
event. The marathon was flagged of by Principal Vaijyanti Joshi. The marathon
started from ILS Ladies Hostel and the ended at Maruti Mandir, ILS Hill. The route
was divided into five checkpoints starting from Ladies hostel, ILS Gymkhana, ARAI
Gate, ARAI Building, Forest department gate and ARAI Parking, this route covered a
stretch of 5 K.M.
Every checkpoint was equipped with first aid kits and water bottles. Every
checkpoint had a designated colour card which was awarded to the participants after
crossing the check point and all cards were collected at the finishing line by the
organizing committee.
Richa Sati (III B.A. LL.B) was adjudged as winner and Sakshi Goyal (V B.S.L. LL.B.)
was adjudged as runners-up in the girls category and Varun Gulati (I B.A. LL.B.) was
adjudged as winner, Rishikesh Deshmukh (I B.A. LL.B.) was adjudged as runner-up
in boys category, additionally 10 consolation prizes in each category were also given.
Principal Vajayanti Joshi awarded the winners with prizes.
We Pay Our Respectful Homage

Anil Divan, Senior Advocate

Passed away on 20th March 2017

T R Andhyarujina, Senior Advocate

Passed away on 28th March 2017

The Legendary Figures in Law

May Their Souls Rest in Peace !

(Standing First Row Left to Right) - Dr. Tejaswini S. Malegaonkar,

Principal Vaijayanti Joshi, Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray, Dr. Suvarna Nilakh

(Standing Second Row Left to Right) - Roma Rudra, Rhea Samyal,

Saranya Mishra, Yojit Pareek, Varad Kolhe

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Chiplunkar Road (Law College Road), Pune - 411 004
Tel.: 020-25656775; Fax: 020-25658665, Email: [email protected]; Website: www.ilslaw.edu

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