End-Of-Course Action Plan in Seameo

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Name of TeachExcels Learner: GLENN A.

Class No: 5
Date: December 12, 2016
Written Requirements: Accomplished End-of-Course Action Plan
Flexible Learning Tutor: Dr. Priscilla Jimenez

Accomplished End-of-Course Action Plan


Material &
Concepts to Activities or Human Financial
Date and other Success
be Applied/ Projects & Resources Resources
Duration Resources Indicators
Shared Objectives Needed Needed
Understanding 1. Team building/ June 2-3, 2017 Maria Lucia Php 10,000.00- Laptop 100% (28
the Facilitative Retreat Aileen L. MOOE Training Projector
Teaching- (In preparation Juaneza & Seminar Manila Papers
28) of the
Learning for the (Education Allotment markers
teachers have
Process upcoming Program Php 10,000.00- metacards
Canteen Fund attended and
school year) Specialist II- bond papers
for Faculty were trained
Licensed ballpen
Development about
(Inclusive of facilitative
foods and teaching-
materials for the learning
1 School Head
team building) process
28 Teachers
of teachers

2. Film showing June 9, 2017 1 School Head Php 1,400.00- Laptop Attendance
and analysis MOOE Training Projector of teachers
for teachers 28 Teachers & Seminar Copy of the
(“Lean on Me”) Allotment Movie Reflection
(Inclusive of bond papers papers of the
snacks) ballpen teachers about
the movie
Name of TeachExcels Learner: GLENN A. TOLEDO
Class No: 5
Date: December 12, 2016
Written Requirements: Accomplished End-of-Course Action Plan
Flexible Learning Tutor: Dr. Priscilla Jimenez
3. Conduct of July- August 1 School Head Php 500.00- Observation • Daily Lesson
classroom School Year Canteen Fund tool Log
observation to 2017-2018 28 Teachers (for the bond papers
assess the reproduction of ballpen
teachers’ observation
progress in tools form)
report of the
School Head
learning Increased
process schools’ MPS
from 49.06%
to 65% at the
end of the
school year

Roles of 1. Conduct of June 30, 2017 Mr. Vincent Php 5,000.00- Laptop 100% (28 out
Teachers in SLAC session Emmanuel MOOE Training Projector
28) of the
Effective about the roles Ilagan & Seminar Manila Papers
teachers have
Teaching- of teachers in (Education Allotment markers
attended and
Learning effective Program (Inclusive of metacards
were trained
Process teaching- Supervisor- foods and bond papers
about their
learning Science) materials for the ballpen
roles of in
process. SLAC session)
1 School Head
28 Teachers

2. Send 2 March 18-20, Philippine Php 20,000.00- Laptop

teachers to 2017 Pedagogical MOOE Training Training Kit 2 teachers
National Baguio City Institute have attended
and were
Name of TeachExcels Learner: GLENN A. TOLEDO
Class No: 5
Date: December 12, 2016
Written Requirements: Accomplished End-of-Course Action Plan
Flexible Learning Tutor: Dr. Priscilla Jimenez
Seminar- (organization & Seminar trained about
Workshop on that will conduct Allotment the Best
Best Practices the seminar- (Inclusive of Practices in
in Managing K- workshop) registration fee, Managing K-
12 Schools travel allowance 12 Schools
Mrs. Sharon D. and lodging)
(Teacher III)

Mr. Benedick R.
(Teacher III)

3. Demonstration March 24, 2017 1 School Head Php 1,000.00- Laptop 2 teachers
Teaching of Canteen Fund Projector
the 2 teachers 2 Teachers (for (Inclusive of Manila Papers
the Roles of
who have the school supplies markers
Teachers in
attended the demonstration for the visual Cartolina
National teaching) aids) Colored Papers
Seminar- bond papers
Workshop on 26 Teachers ballpen
Best Practices
in Managing K-
12 Schools
report of the
School Head

Enhancing 1. Conduct of July 14, 2017 Mrs. Laila R. Php 5,000.00 - Laptop 100% (28 out
Questioning SLAC session Maloles MOOE Training Projector
28) of the
and Active about (Education
teachers have
Name of TeachExcels Learner: GLENN A. TOLEDO
Class No: 5
Date: December 12, 2016
Written Requirements: Accomplished End-of-Course Action Plan
Flexible Learning Tutor: Dr. Priscilla Jimenez
Learning Skills enhancing Program & Seminar Manila Papers attended and
for Effective questioning Supervisor- Allotment) markers were trained
Teaching and active English) (Inclusive of metacards about
learning skills foods and bond papers enhancing
for effective 1 School Head materials for the ballpen questioning
teaching. SLAC session) and active
28 Teachers learning skills
for effective

of teachers
2. School-based July 28, 2017 Mr. Arnold Php 5,000.00 - Laptop Test papers
Test Senen MOOE Training Projector
for the First
Construction (Education & Seminar Manila Papers
workshop on Program Allotment) markers
(Inclusive of Examinations
the integration Supervisor) metacards
of enhancing foods and bond papers
questioning 1 School Head materials for the ballpen Attendance
skills. workshop) of teachers
28 Teachers

3. Conduct of September- 1 School Head Php 500.00- Observation

Daily Lesson
classroom October Canteen Fund tool
School Year bond papers Log
observation to 28 Teachers (for the
assess the 2017-2018 reproduction of ballpen
teachers’ observation
progress in tools form) Observation
integrating the report of the
School Head
Name of TeachExcels Learner: GLENN A. TOLEDO
Class No: 5
Date: December 12, 2016
Written Requirements: Accomplished End-of-Course Action Plan
Flexible Learning Tutor: Dr. Priscilla Jimenez
active learning Increased
skills for
schools’ MPS
from 49.06%
to 65% at the
end of the
school year

Integrating 1. Conduct of September 1, Dr. Emelene C. Php 5,000.00 - Laptop 100% (28 out
High Order SLAC session 2017 Magtanong MOOE Training Projector
28) of the
Thinking Skills about the (Chief- & Seminar Manila Papers
teachers have
and Multiple integration of Curriculum Allotment) markers
attended and
Intelligences high order Implementation (Inclusive of metacards
were trained
Activities in thinking skills Division) foods and bond papers
about the
Classroom and multiple materials for the ballpen
Instruction intelligences 1 School Head SLAC session)
high order
activities in
thinking skills
classroom 28 Teachers
and multiple
activities in

of teachers
2. School-based September 8, Mr. Felipe V. Php 5,000.00 - Laptop
differentiated 2017 Baldemoro MOOE Training Desktop ICT-based
learning (Division IT & Seminar computers differentiated
activities Officer I) Allotment) Projector learning
designing and activities in all
learning areas
Name of TeachExcels Learner: GLENN A. TOLEDO
Class No: 5
Date: December 12, 2016
Written Requirements: Accomplished End-of-Course Action Plan
Flexible Learning Tutor: Dr. Priscilla Jimenez
construction 1 School Head (Inclusive of Manila Papers Attendance
workshop foods and markers
of teachers
using ICT 28 Teachers materials for the metacards
workshop) bond papers

3. Conduct of November- 1 School Head Php 500.00- Observation Daily Lesson

classroom December Canteen Fund tool
observation to School Year 28 Teachers (for the bond papers
assess the 2017-2018 reproduction of ballpen
teachers’ observation
progress in tools form) Observation
integrating report of the
high order School Head
thinking skills
and multiple Increased
intelligences schools’ MPS
activities in from 49.06%
classroom to 65% at the
instruction end of the
school year

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