Course Outline (Principlal Marketing EMBA - szabIST Uni
Course Outline (Principlal Marketing EMBA - szabIST Uni
Course Outline (Principlal Marketing EMBA - szabIST Uni
Course Objective
Understanding Marketing Issues in South Asian context is a crucial requirement as well
as tool for marketing managers to relate marketing strategies, programs and tactics to
prevailing environment for success. Achieving marketing orientation is too complex and
important to be left to marketing managers trained through Western books on the
subject. Developing Pakistan specific marketing culture and process are essential
features of market driven strategy that enable company to obtain a competitive
advantage in providing superior value to customers.
Course Rationale
The course has been designed to train students in proactive thinking and developing
analytical approach in conceiving, designing, implementing and managing marketing
strategies customized to identified market. The course will also discuss transnational
marketing needs that Pakistani marketers can competitively meet. Through interactive
approach, the course will investigate applied marketing issues to develop an
understanding of marketing implications in implementing marketing strategies. The
course contents have been carefully selected to develop in the students the ability of
understanding growth, nature, declining and reviving marketing issues and evaluating
them for accomplishing volume, value, image, growth and sustainability goals.
1 Marketing Management
Term Project
One of the important components of this course is Pakistan specific group project on
The class will be divided in groups. Each group must complete the project and must
give presentation in class. Free riding will not be permitted.
(i) Students will have to study any brand, identify its target market and suggest
recommendations for increasing market share.
(ii) They may assume as managers of a hypothetical company and devise a marketing
plan for understanding Pakistani market environment.
(iii) Develop integrated advertising or sales plan based on in-depth understanding of
target prospects to meet organization’s promotional and sales goals.
(iv) Students will have to chose any of the three options for doing final project:
a) Assumed launch of a new product.
b) Revival of poor performing brand in Pakistan.
c) Complete marketing audit of any brand i.e. Toyota, National Foods, Pepsi, PEL
etc Each project must identify:
Target Market
Product features
SWOT Analysis
Competitive analysis
Peculiar challenges in Pakistani Market.
Marketing mix specific to Pakistan.
Assumed but realistic business plan.
Phase-II: In the 6th week students must turn in questionnaire or proforma for structured
interview and discuss to ensure collection of relevant data.
Phase-III: In the last week groups to submit sprial bound projects and give
presentations. The findings and recommendations must correspond to questions
investigated and analyzed through primary data. All electronic and conventional sources
of Secondary data must be identified. Information supporting the field of study should be
given under separate heading “Literature Review” should not be more than four pages.
The project excluding prefatory parts and Annexes should be around 24 to 30 pages.
Note: Please ensure arrangement for presentation (Power Point/Over head projector).
Students must be prepared with backup material to give presentations without
presentation aids. All group members should defend the findings and recommendations
of the project.
2 Marketing Management
Course Outline:
Week – 1: Defining Marketing and the Marketing process:
Creating and Capturing Customer Value
The Changing Marketing Landscape.
Week – 2: Company and Marketing Strategy
Strategic Planning.
Planning Marketing: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships.
Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mix.
3 Marketing Management
Week-11: Advertising and Public Relations.
Setting Advertising Objective.
Setting the Advertising Budget.
Developing Advertising Strategy.
The Role and Impact of Public Relations.
Major Public Relations Tools.
Text Books:
Principles of Marketing 13h Edition, Philip Kotler Gary Armstrong Prafulla
Y. Agnihotri Eshan ul Haque.
Reference Book(s):
Fundamentals of Marketing (International Edition), Willam J.Stanton &
Etzel and Walker.
Grade/Policy/Student Assessment:
Deliverable Deadlines:
I would like us to follow deadlines. If you are unable to meet a commitment due to an
emergency, please contact me as soon as possible to re-schedule. Each of you is
expected to carry out your studies in the class with the highest standards of ethics and
citizenship. Academic Dishonesty will result in loss of credit.
4 Marketing Management
Case Study/Tutorials & How to Cope with the Volume of Reading Material
Prof. Zafarullah Siddiqui
5 Marketing Management
Solution Generation:
• What are the possible ways in which organization can meet the goals?
• How the problem be solved? Why do you believe this is the best option available?
• Solutions to demonstrate creativity and doability (No wishful utopias)
• Prioritization of criteria, evaluation of each alternative on this criterion and final choice.
• Cost/Benefit analysis of alternatives.
• How well the solution addresses the problem and its causes?
• Is the solution an optimum solution or a simple tradeoff to increase satisfaction of one stakeholder at the cost of
dissatisfaction to others?
• Does the solution reduce the likelihood that the problem will reoccur?
• Is the solution ethical, socially acceptable, economically viable and legal
Implementation Plan:
• What changes must take place for the solution to be successful and how will you make these changes.
• Degree to which plan can be operationalized and what actions to be taken.
• Action plan: Who will be involved?
• Sequence of actions.
• How will change be implemented.
• Plan for motivation to manage change.
• How plan will be evaluated.
Short of Time!
• Survive without studying the reading material?
• Yes, at a cost of being alien in the class and suffering from boredom and cognitive dissonance.
• Scan the case (15 minutes).
• Comprehension of case (1 to 2 hours).
• Supplementary material (1 hour).
• Groups are formed and given an hour at breakfast time (KSG forum/Foyer) for case study discussion.
• Keep few highlighters handy to abstract relevant information, players, competing and conflicting interests,
symptoms of problem etc.
Common Complaint!
• Cases are not Pakistan Specific.
Know That:
• Cases are designed to sharpen power of reasoning
• In fast paced Dynamic world cases do not have off the shelf or over the counter prescribed solutions
Ask question:
Had the case taken place in Pakistan how similarly and differently you would have handled? why?
Points to Ponder
• lesser evil is better than greater evil.
• greater good for the greater number of people
• do unto others what you expect others to do.
• How would you like to be remembered for your actions.
• Can you take pride to share your actions with your family.
6 Marketing Management
Mr. Imran Qamar Sahib,
SZABIST University,
Warm Regards,
7 Marketing Management