Part B 1sp17mba20

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Human resource plays very important role, and it is unique asset of the organization. HRM is
the function that helps to maximize employee’s performance and helps to achieve the
organizational goal and strategic objectives. HR is first and foremost concerned with the
management of the people who are working in the organization focusing on polices and
The main aim of human resource management is to satisfy the need of the employees. And it
frames the specific rules and regulation that has to follow by the employees of the
Human resource management is process that deals with conducting job analysis, recruiting
the right person for the right job,traning and development, orientation, managing the wage
and salary, providing different types of benefits to the employees, performance appraisal,
resolving the disputes among the employees, and maintain proper relationship with the
The term Human, Resource and Management
Human: Employees in the organization.
Resource: Physical, Financial, and Technical. And Informational.
Management: It is a process that includes Planning, Organizing, Directing, Staffing, Co-
ordinating, and Controlling.
“Job satisfaction refers to satisfying the need and wants of the of the employees at the work
And it plays very significant role in the organization there are so many factors which effects
the employee job satisfaction such as, salary, benefits, promotions, allowances, job security,
self-respect, and recognition.

Job satisfaction helps to the employees as well as to the organization for the further growth
and the devolvement. Especially in PSU there are so many factors that makes employees to
feel job satisfaction those are:

 Job security
 Self-respect
 Recognition
 Retirement benefits
 Provident fund
 Gratuity
 Transport
 Comfort zone
Now a days to retain the employees, the companies provided a several benefits which
satisfies the employee of the organization.
Therefore the company should satisfy all the need and wants of the employees in work
environment, work pressure, resolving the problems of the employees, and maintain the good
relationship with the employees.
In organization employee should feel that he/ she is satisfied with their work they do
irrespective of their job in the organization,in order to fulfil the needs or to achieve the
objectives of the employee and organization.
So this study sates about the job satisfaction of the PSU employees and which are those
factors that affect them.
Jab satisfaction helps a worker for the achievement and success, and it is generally linked
with the productivity as well as personal well-being.
It is applicable one who enjoys the work, and working environment, doing their level best
they will be rewarded and increase the enthusiasm and happiness.

“Job satisfaction refer to enjoining the working environment where employees are like to
work in their interested field”

“Job satisfaction is the level of the perceptions that employees feels about their work which
can affect their performance.” And it influenced by the person’s ability to accomplish the
given task to achieve the goals with the help of proper management system.”

There are so many factors which helps to measure the job satisfaction are as follows:
1. Nature of the work
2. Working environment
3. Proper management
4. Salary structure
5. Promotion part
6. Motivation
7. Proper co- ordination among the employees
8. Working nature
9. Participation in management activities
10. Refreshment for the employees


Job satisfaction plays vital role in each every sector, so need for the is to know the job
satisfaction level at KPCL.
 To know the achievement level of employees at kpcl
 To know employees performance level
 To know workers participation level in decisions making
 To identify employees contribution towards the organization as well as towards their
 To identify the motivational level
 To compare working culture of employees with other sector
 To identify the main factor which affect them in work place

1. To know the achievement level of the employees: In organization each and every
employees works to achieve their objectives and to full fill their need and to
accomplish the goals and objectives of the company. So achievement plays very
important role for the employees who are working in organization.
2. To identify their performance level: performance level may differ from one level to
another level it impact the employee of the organization in term s of promotion, and
for the transfer and for the higher growth.

3. To know the participation level in decision making: Each and every organization
should provide the chance for the employees to execute their talent and it has to
encourage them to participate in decision making. It helps the management to reduce
dispute level among the employees.

4. To identify the employee contribution towards the organization: employee’s

contribution will have vital role in the organization. Each and every employees
contributes to their company in term of good performance, increasing the productivity,
by providing innovation ideas and by having proper co – operation among the

5. Promotional part: promotion is the main factor which effect the employees to feel job
satisfaction. It is the primary aspect which effect the employee job level from one
place to another place. So organizational will play very important role by providing
promotions to the employees.

6. To identify the motivational level: motivational level is also plays very important
factor which effects the employees of the organization. By motivational level also
employees will feel job satisfaction.

7. Working nature: working nature also one of the aspects which effect the job
satisfaction level of the employees. Each and every employees should fell that they are
satisfied with their work place.


 To study the job satisfaction level at KPCL
 To analysis the various parameters influencing Job satisfaction
 To identify the impact of welfare measure on employees satisfaction
 To recommend some suggestion to KPCL

1. To study the job satisfaction level at KPCL: The main objective of this study is to seek
the information related to the job satisfaction level specifically at KPCL. Which plays
main important role in the organization.

2. To analysis the various parameters: there are so many parameters which affects and
influencing the job satisfaction so this also one of the main objectives of the study

3. To recommend some suggestions to KPCL: In this study some suggestions can be

recommends to KPCL for the further improvement and further development.
4. To study the impact of the welfare measure on employees satisfaction: There are so
many welfare measures that impact the employee satisfaction such as hospitality,
welfare benefits, P.F , ESI, Pension, Retirement Benefits, Accommodation and
Education for the children.


 The study is beneficial both for the department and the employees’ in KPCL.

 The employee’s indirectly helps the organization to convey their expectation

regarding to their job security, safety appliances

 It is applicable only to employees at KPCL

 To identify the level of satisfaction of the employees

 This study may help for the further research

 This study may help for the organization to identify the dissatisfaction of the job for
the employees.

 This study helps to the organization to increase the job satisfaction level


 Benefit of job satisfaction toward organization
 Benefit of job satisfaction toward employees.

Benefit of job satisfaction toward organization

 Increases the productivity
 Reduces employee disputes
 Increase the employees retentions
 It leads for the growth of organization
 It helps for the development and growth
 It help for the future project
 Improve team work
 It reduce the cost for recruiting and training and development
 It reduces the cost for the promotion
 It increase the image of the company and goodwill

Benefit of job satisfaction toward employees.

 Helps for the promotions
 Feels job security
 Feels comfort ability
 Enthusiasm
 Motivation
 Respect towards the job
 Increase the interest level of the employees.
 Chance of innovative ideas

Effects of job satisfaction

 Positive and
 negative effects of the job satisfaction are as follows
Positive effects are as follows:
1. High productivity
2. Decrees turnovers
3. Improve the attendance

Negative impact are as follows:

1. Increases Job stress
2. Poor performance of the employees
3. Lake of productivity
4. Increase high employee turnover rate

Methodology of research for the study was primarily that of the interview backed by the
structured questionnaires. The sample was collected at random from various department in
KPCL. As a MBA student conducting survey on the employee job satisfaction in KPCL. This
approach helped in understanding employee’s satisfaction in KPCL.
“Target respondents are the employee working at the KPCL.
For the purpose of the study, the data was collected by the source primary as well as
secondary sources.

Primary data was collected through the survey method i.e. through structured questionnaires
to be filled by the respondents.

Secondary data was collected through available printed sources, which includes broachers,
past records, books, catalogues, and through internet.

100 respondents were chosen for the study.

H0: There is no impact of the welfare measure on job satisfaction.
H1: There is an impact of the welfare measure on job satisfaction.

Testing of hypothesis
Source of Variation SS df MS F
Jobsatisfaction 4.166666667 1 4.166667 0.001
welfare measures 166.6666667 4 41.66667

Total 170.8333333 5

The above hypothesis was tested Anova method in MS – EXCEL 2008 software. The p value
obtained is less than 0.05 the level there of significant value there for null hypothesis is
rejected. Therefore there is a significant between job satisfaction impacts on welfare measure.

1) Srivastava (2004) thus made an in deepness study of the influencing of labour

welfare facilities on job satisfaction, including its impact on the attitude towards
management, and the comparative difference in the labour welfare facilities
provided in the public sector.

2) The study on labour welfare and job satisfaction was conducted by Agnihotri
(2002). This study tell about the labour welfare activates and its impact on labour
behaviour found that job satisfaction and the different dimension of welfare
facilities was significantly related.

3) In a study Dhawan (2002) explains the Variations in job satisfaction with Age:
Some of the Empirical findings drew attention to the relationship between age
and sources of job satisfaction among blue – collar and white – collar employees
and the differential impact of age on the sources of job satisfaction among
different types of employees.

4) Maheshwari and Gupta (2004) conducted a study on the professional satisfaction

which includes the factors affecting the professional satisfaction of scientists and
also professional satisfaction of Human scientists working in Krishi Vigyan in
India. This study was conducted on a sample size of 90 training associate home
scientists who are mailed questionaries’ to collect data.

5) In a study by Ibrahim, Sejini and Qassimi (2004) on employee satisfaction and

performance of Government Employees in UAE conducted on sample of 381
employees (managerial and non- managerial position)working on the government
offices in UAE showed that there was no important relationship between age and
job satisfaction.
6) Bhargava and Kelkar (2000) found a significant on positive in term of of age with
salary, experience and promotion, in their study on Prediction of Job Satisfaction
and Employment from Organization Structure and Corporative culture on a
sample of 83 managers, officers and supporting staff.

7) In the case of workers the results of a representative sample of 16 studies dealing

with different sample of Indian workers from different organization summarized
by Saiyadain (2002) which indicates that economic factors plays a important role
in job satisfaction of Indian employees.

8) The relationship between job satisfaction and a number of organizational

characteristics was examined by Sharma and Kaur (2000) in their study it
determinates of managerial motivation in public sector Manufacturing
organization. Data was for the same collected with a 61 items structured
questionnaire administrated to a sample of 163 executive of a public sector
manufacturing organization. They found that the executive were only moderately
motivated and they perceived their HRM policies and practices to be quite

9) Leone &Burns (2000) says that Locus of control is a construct that measure the
degree to which individual believe that they are the responsible for the
consequences of their behaviour.

10) Judge, Timothy, Bono, Joyce (2001) found that there is important positive
correlation (of 0.32) between internal locus of control and Job satisfaction.

11) Kuye and Sulaimon (2001) felt that mainly the team work increases the job
satisfaction. And they also stats that team work also negative co – relation with
benefits and positive co – relation in all satisfaction of the job.
12) The theory stats that people search to satisfy unique in the life satisfying the basic
needs and social need(Rani and Selarani 2011) in this study there are five factors
which plays very important role, kind of work, co– relation with workers and

13) Schneidder, Hangu, Smith and Salavagio(2003) latestly observed that researchers
small- orientation towards the job satisfaction and attitude performance
relationship among the employees.

14) Organization environmenta had great succsee in individual employee perception

and investigated their relationship between the organization level and individual
level.(Zahar, Luria (2005)

15) The significant study was conducted by Hastar (2002) author conducted a meta-
analysis of the employee behaviour towards the organization and its impact in the

16) Schneider (2003) stats the analysis of workers attitude and survey data associated
to the organization level of analysis. The author explains the relationship between
some of the factor of the employees job, organization and market performance.

17) The formost view has mainly focused on the situational context.(supervisory
support) is the reason for the job satisfaction and has argued that great
performance (Bowen , Ostrof 2004 and Wright Snell 2001, 2002)

18) It can also be explains job satisfaction is an significant variablr in the

organizational behaviour and it plays very vital role in many theory of individual
behaviour in organization (2007)(the impact of emotional intelligence on job

19) Veldhoven 2009) the too long work hours may be indicated a commitments by
clergy to their congregation and community. Personal dedication, investigation in
the job try to develop the job satisfaction.
20) Uncertinity of employee satisfaction and more of work which leads to the
incapability of expectations and confilt increase ans uncertinity desperately will be
more in job of the employee (Hange –Yue, Foley and Loi 2005)


1. The study was conducted on job satisfaction at KPCL

2. Due to some confidential respondent were not revealed full information
3. I was able to cover only those employees who are currently working in the
4. The method of random sampling covered only small size of population.

Power Sector in INDIA

In India power came in to into existence in 1897, at the time when electricity was
commissioned in Darjeeling and later in 1902, a hydropower station was at
Shivanasamudram in Karnataka. At the time of pre-independence ear, the power supply was
applicable only in private sector and it was too prohibited in urban area. With the creation of
state electricity boards during five- year plans a important step was taken in bringing out a
growth in the power supply in industry all over the country. There were so many multi –
purpose project came, and with setting up of Thermal, Hydro and Nuclear power station. So
because of this power generation started to grow rapidly.

After independence the ministry of power is the only main source or responsible for the
growth of electricity in India for the development. The ministry is concerned with proper
systematic planning, framing the policy, formulation, processing of project for investment,
monitoring of the implementation of power projects, and providing training and man – power
development and administration and enactment legislation with regarding to thermal, and
hydro power generation and transmission and distribution. In technical matters the ministry is
assisted by the Central Electricity Authority.

Thermal Power in India is mainly generated with the help of coal, gas and oil. India coal
power has a majority share for the source of power supply in India. The electric power in
India is generated at different thermal power stations. The power generated at these thermal
power plants and then provided all over India through a network of power grid at regional
and national levels. The power ministry organization is mainly responsible for the thermal
power management in India.

Hydropower in India is one of the big power generators in India. There are different
hydropower projects and hydro power plants have been set up by the ministry of power for
the purpose of generation of hydro power in India. Various dams are constructed on major
rivers and the kinetic energy of the flowing water is used to generate hydroelectricity. The
main power generator here is the running water. The hydroelectric power plants and the
hydro power generation companies are mainly controlled managed by the National Hydro
Electric Power Corporation (NHPC).

Wind Power in India is available in massive, as India witnesses high intensity winds in
various regions due to the topographical diversity in India. This Efforts have been made for
the proper utilization of this natural source of energy. Which is available at free of cost for
wind power generation. Huge wind energy farms are set up by the government for tapping the
wind energy by using windmills and them converting the kinetic energy of the wind into
electricity by the use of power converters. The wind power advantages is ,power plant does
not require much infrastructure input and the raw material because wind itself is available
free of cost.

Solar Power in India is used to generate electricity on smaller scale by setting up massive
solar panels and acquiring the solar power. Solar power India is also used by the power
companies in India to generate solar energy for domestic use and small industrial uses.

Nuclear Power in India is generated at more nuclear power machines and nuclear power
stations in India. A nuclear power plant generates the electricity by usage of nuclear energy.
All the nuclear power plants in India controlled and managed by the Nuclear Power
Corporation of India Ltd (NPCL). The electricity from all India nuclear plants is distributed
by the NPCL according to their nuclear power project scheme.

Biogas Production in India is still in stage of development. And also the number of biogas
plants in India is still very less. India being as the largest domestic cattle producer has plenty
of biogas fuel and thus utilization of the fuel for huge biogas production by setting up plenty
biogas plants in India would solve the problem of for some extent.

Institutional Framework: The construction and operation of generation and transmission of

projects in the central sector are assign to Central sector corporations are as follows.

 National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)

 National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC)
 North-Eastern Electric Power Corporation (NEEPCO)
 Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL)
Central Power Research Institute (CPRI)

The CPRI, a society which is registered under the Societies Registration Act, under the
Ministry of Power, it plays important role as a national laboratory to carry out the applied
research in electrical power engineering. It also act as an independent national testing and
certification authority for electrical equipment for ensuring their reliability.

Over the years, CPRI has become an expertise in the areas of transmission and distribution
systems, power quality, energy metering, energy auditing, transmission line and tower design,
conductor vibration studies, power systems instrumentation, transformer oil reclamation and
testing, diagnostic studies, short circuit testing, HV testing, seismic qualification of
equipment and other related fields also.
The Centre for Collaborative and Advanced Research (CCAR) is developed for creating
infrastructure for the visiting scientists/technologists to carry out the different research in the
field of power sector. The other important facility is provided for showcasing all available
technologies for industrial waste utilization.


Karnataka occupies a vital and important position in the power sector of India. And it
also plays very important role in power sector. The state meets most of its power
requirements through hydropower projects – the more part of its demand being meat by the
Sharavathi and Jog schemes. (Both hydroelectricity) and a small contribution comes from the
Tungabhadra, Shimsa, and Shivanasamudram projects. The Kalinadi project is another major
source for the hydropower in the state. Nuclear power is mainly generated at Kaiga.

The main utilities which are in Karnataka’s power sector are the
1. Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd. (KPCL) ,
2. Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. (KPTCL)
3. Bangalore Electricity Supply Company (BESCOM)
4. Mangalore Electricity Supply Company (MESCOM)
5. Hubli Electricity Supply Company (HESCOM)
6. Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company (GESCOM).

Background of the company

Karnataka Power Corporation limited is the one of the main administrator for the power
generation in the state. From the Mysore Power Corporation Limited 1970 (A successor to
the Hydro Electric Construction Department of Mysore state) to Karnataka Power
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL) was came into existence in the year of 1970
as a fully owned undertaking of the Government of Karnataka which are engaged in the
construction, operation and maintenance of power generating stations in Karnataka.

The Karnataka Power Corporation is the first mover behind key power sector reforms in the
state - measures that have speeded steady growth witnessed in both industrial and economic
And it plays very important role for the economic growth and development in power sector.
KPCL was the first and foremost power generating company that is registered under the
Companies Act 1956. It came into existence on 20th July 1970 with an authorized capital of
Rs.56crores and capacity of 746MW, which was entirely contributed by the Government of

Karnataka. It has enlarged its capacity to 6499 MW and in future poised to add 2325 MW
from its on-going projects.
 Backed by having powerful and board comprising the chairman (chief minister of the
state), vice-chairman (minister for power), senior officer of the state government and
eminent domain experts, KPCL has carved a niche for itself in power sector.
 Leading and growing team of professional experts and administrators, the managing
directors and the functional directors provide effective directors and provide effective
direction, effective controller, and supervision to realize the goal and objectives set by
the government.
The KPCL’s stock in trade and industry - well-established infrastructure & modern,
management concepts and a commitment to excel, and to helping it to meet the challenges
of the rising energy demands of Karnataka. The main leverage point of KPCL initiatives are
its resource management strengths – right across planning, proper control, financing and
project engineering. KPCL also has a high rating in terms of successful project completion
and commissioning within the implementation the given period of time.

Nature of business carried at KPCL

KPCL is mainly engaged in generation of power. Through hydro, thermal, wind sources
generation of power. They develop the necessary projects for the generation of power. And
also it provides consultancy services to various companies on the activities such as Operation
And maintenance services, Feasibility studies / evaluation and the compilation of detailed
project reports, Renovation, modernization and updating of hydro stations etc.



“Providing energy security for Karnataka through diversified energy portfolio”

Mission of the KPCL

The main of mission KPCL is to maximize Power Generation by:
 Identifying and establish opportunities in power generation
 Establishing and operating power plants in huge numbers
 Up gradation of technology, developing human resources power capabilities of
empowerment are the ways to achieve these objectives.

Quality policy
 Implementation and execution of quality management system and policy
 Constant up-gradation of technical competence and system.
 Review and progressive improvement
 Continual process and develop product performance
Product/services profile
The KPCL is set up for the power generation. And also it undertakes Consultancy Services
on feasible study of the projects.

Types of electricity generation

The KPCL generates power through:
 Hydro Energy
 Thermal Energy
 Wind Energy
 Diesel Plant
 Solar

Area of operation
The KPCL main aim of establishment is to electrify the Karnataka State. So the boundaries of
KPCL are restricted only to Karnataka.
KPCL presently has 34 dams & 25 power stations across the State with profiles that range
from 0.35 MW to 1035 MW. The total installed capacity by KPCL is 5509 MW across a
project canvas that covers expansions, renovations and upgrading of existing plants.
 Almatti dam power house
 Kali Hydel project.
 Kappadagudda wind farm
 Sharavathi Hydel project
 Varahi power station
 Raichur thermal power station
 Bellary thermal power station
 Bidadi combined cycle power station
Infrastructure facilities
KPCL is a mainly IT Savvy company among the all other public sector units in the
state at large and power sector in particular and has the distinction of being the first state
company in the power sector to have developed SHAKTINET- a satellite based
communication network through VSATs among all its power stations and Bangalore.
Local Area Networks have been developed and established at all Project locations and
about 800 officials have been wired to corporate office with reliable VSAT (Very Small
Aperture Thermal) back bone. All the activities of the corporation are computerized and
modernized and KPCL has the specific distinction among power utilities of establishing voice
and data communication between its projects and Bangalore through the new generation.

The computer services department of KPCL with wholly dedicated engineers and software
professionals has developed and implemented all the new software required for its business
activities and is geared to offer consultancy services in the field of software development and

 Comfortable infrastructure in the work environment.

 Every division of the company is well computerized.
 Adequate lighting facility and ventilation.
 Separate office for each department are provided.
 Proper utilization of resource

Infrastructural facility:
KPCL Head office is situated at No.82, Shakti Bhavan, and Race Course Road, Bangalore.
KPCL has build many Hospitals, Residential Quarters, Apartments, Schools, Jr. College,
Degree College, Clubs, Swimming pools, Temples, Gardens etc. for the benefits of its
employees in various concerned project areas.

Competitors Information
KPCL produces 59% of Electricity in Karnataka. And there so many competitors for the
KPCL.As it is controlled by State Government there is always an upper hand than rivalries.
Karnataka is facing a lake of power supply, so the government itself is encouraging the
Private Players to invest in the power sector.



 KPCL is the first company which came into power generation. And it has developed
into so many specialist organization especially on hydro side, and also in thermal and
non-conventional energy source.
 The main strength of KPCL is, it is specialist to design in house, all the plants for its
project, equipment and power house etc.
 KPCL has adopted the modernization of technology, which are very specific in the
part of all over the world.
 It has expertise specialist in the field of civil/electrical/mechanical/engineering
 To achieve the organizational goal and objectives to follows the systematic plans in
management level and with the employees (by providing so many benefits).
 It has proper utilization of resource in the field of finance, operation and maintenance,
and administrative area.
 The main strength of the KPCL is maintain good working environment in the
organization. Which helps to increase the productivity, and revenue.


 Lack of power generation: KPCL has established so many specialist organization,

especially in the field of hydro side. The production of hydro is fully depended on
monsoon, which is very reliable at all time, it will became as a drawback.


 KPCL being as the pioneer in the power generation holds the super growth in the field
of investigation and maintains of power project.
 Opportunities for the more development inn power generating field

 Variation in the production level.

 Chances of increasing competition in the market.
 New legal and political framework.

Future growth and prospects

The Karnataka government has initiated reforms package in the power sector to establish
value customer standards. They appointed of an independent regulator to user in greater
transparency, efficiency & accountability in the working of power utilities such as KPCL.
KPCL recognizes the new changing environment as part of global movement & and it adopts
all the new changes for the satisfaction of the customer and it meets the customer need.

 Feasibility studies/ proper evaluation & the compilation of detailed all projects
 Proper Design, engineering, and construction services
 Consultancy on both thermal and Hydel power stations, including handling of internal
and external competitive.
 Project management from project scheduling to preparation of final invoice and
 Operation and proper maintenance.
 Renovation, modernization and updating of hydro station
 Overall project and performance management
 Operation of technology

New and proposed power projects are as fellows

1. Edlapur thermal power station (1x800MW)
2. Godhma thermal plant at Chhattisgarh (2x800 + 1x800MW)
3. Tadadi combind cycle power plant (2100MW)
4. Gundia hydel scheme (400MW)
5. Shivasamudram seasonal scheme (345MW)
6. Additional unit at munirabad hydro power station (10MW)
7. Ghataprabha hydro power project across GRBC of hidkal dam (2x10MW)


Job satisfaction is the main factor which help to describe whether the workers are happy with
their job and satisfying their need at the work place. There are many measures that helps job
satisfaction in terms of motivation and helps employees to achieve their objectives and felling
positive employee ethics in work place. From the ancient era job satisfaction plays a vital
role in each and every organization. And it is the main factor for the employee to fell happy
to work in the respective organization. Due to LPG (Liberalization, Globalization and
privatization) with the new reforms and policies and procedure all the organization started to
provide so many benefits to their employees. Compare ancient era now there are so many
benefits that are lended by companies especially in public sector. All the PSU has its unique
level of providing benefits to their employees. Now a day’s job satisfaction became the main
factor for1 the employee to work in any company. So this study tell about how job
satisfaction is playing a vital role and its factors.

“Job satisfaction refer to the workers feeling of the supreme satisfaction in the job that they
perform which play a vital role as a motivation for the accomplishment of the task. It is not
only the self-satisfaction or happiness but it is satisfaction of the job.”
The term job satisfaction is the entire relationship between the employee and employer for
what he his paid. In other words “Employee satisfaction means the feeling that is related to
the accomplishment the any objective”.

And job satisfaction does not mean that absent of motivation at the work place. There are so
many research worker stated that the main factors that contributing to the job satisfaction and
job dissatisfaction.
For Ex: Hoppock defines that job satisfaction is the “any consolidation of psychology,
environmental consequences that effect the employee truly to tell that he his satisfied with his

To understand in simple way job satisfaction is the place where the employee are happy,
interested, enthusiastic, and with full joy and motivation to work and accomplish the task to
reach or achieve the objective of the organization.
b. Purpose of the Job satisfaction

Each and every employee in the organization from top level management to low level
management and human resources department has to get the employee honesty and
satisfaction – how it is perform in workforce to the organization and if employees are really
Associated with the way of thing the employees are likely to stay with the company. One of
the main features of the human resources management is measurement of job satisfaction.
All the companies have to see that job satisfaction is more with the employees of the
company. Job satisfaction helps for the more productivity in the company, responsibility and
gaining the customer loyalty which leads to increases the goodwill of the company.

To study the revenue of the company and average standard of services job satisfaction helps.
If revenue is increased the employees are satisfied with their job, but if revenue is decreased
the employee satisfaction are less.

The main purpose of job satisfaction are as follows:

 To know the slandered of the company

 To measure the employee performance in the company
 To identify the factors that effects the employee satisfaction
 It influence the production, growth, and retention of the employee.
 To the main contribution of the employee to the organization.

The company value is mainly created by the effective employees in the organization. Each
and every employee play vital role for the organization growth and to increase the good will
of the company. So they are the valuable asset of the company. Employee satisfaction is will
act as an important because can contribute their efforts jointly. Human relation plays a
significant role in the organization because the productivity and efficiency is achieved
through employees.
The unique study which was conducted by researcher and authors they found that there is
positive correlation among employee satisfaction, the business unites, the growth of the
organization, revenue and goodwill of the company.

c. Important variable of job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is the important characteristics of the employee satisfaction in the
organization. And it plays as crucial role in the each and every organization. There are two
variables on which job satisfaction is depends
Namely: 1) Organizational variables
2) Personal variables
Organizational variables
Organizational variable is one of the main variable where job satisfaction id depends. And
each and every organization determines that job satisfaction plays a vital role. The employees
of the organization spend their more time in the organization so there are multiple number of
organizational variable arbitrate the employee satisfaction of the employee.
Under the organization variables there are some sub points namely:
 Organizational growth
 Compensation policies and benefits
 Employee Promotion and career growth
 Work satisfaction
 Job security
 Working culture
 Proper relationship with top level management
 The type of leadership
 Other factor

1. Organizational growth
Organization growth is the continues process to adoption of effective changes in the
company. The main objective of the organization is to implementation of new technology for
the super growth in the market. And to give the high competition in the market for the

2. Compensation policies and benefits

The important main variable of the job satisfaction is the compensation policies and benefits.
Compensation may be defined as the sum of amount that is paid by the employer to the
employee for the work done by the employee. Or the the type of rewards that employee
expect from the job. All the employee in the organization should satisfied with their salary
which is paid for them.

3. Work satisfaction
Job or work satisfaction is also one of the main organizational variable of the job satisfaction.
There are so many sours to identify the job satisfaction
 Work load
 Work pleasure
 Type of complicated task
 Quality of task
4. Employee Promotion and career growth
Employee growth and promotion plays very significant role as a organizational variable for
the job satisfaction. And it impacts the employee of the organization. Each and every
employee should recognized with their hard work.
 Promotion
 Transfer
 Motivation in term of providing benefits.

5. Job Safety
Job security is some kind of confidence that employee will have in their current job. And they
should feel that that job is safety for them and security.

6. Working culture
Working culture is also one of the variable for job satisfaction for the employee in the
organization. And it plays a vital role in the organization to the employees. And employee
should not fell fear to work in the company. They should feel happy to work in the working

There are some of points which comes under this are as follows:
 Feeling safety and having comfort zone in working place
 Proper ventilation
 Proper work place
 Locker facility
 Canteen facility
 Drinking water facility
 Healthy environment
 Safety and protection

7. Proper relationship with top level management

This is also one of the main variable for the job satisfaction. Each and every employee should
have proper coordination with top level management. And top level management should
solve the problems faced by the employee of the organization. And they should have proper
understanding among them. Organization should encourage the employee participation in the
decision making.
8. The type of leadership
Job satisfaction of the employee in the organization can be identified by the type of
leadership that they perform in the organization.

2) Personal variable
Personal benefit is also one of the variable of the employee satisfaction and it plays a
significant roles in the employee satisfaction.
Following are the some of the category which comes under personal variable
 Personality
 Age
 Expectation
 Qualification

There are some factors which is controlled by the management:

Those are the nature if the work, the job safety, promotion opportunities, benefits (in terms of
money and nom monetary benefits) motivational activates, the working hours and roles and

All the above factors normally influence the employees in the organization. By existence
these all factors will motivate the worker and provide job satisfaction. Each and very factor
plays very important role for the job satisfaction to the employee in the organization.
Organization should satisfy all the basic benefits that are required for the employee to
performer their job effectively and efficiently. If all the company follows this strategy the
outcome will be more for the business in term of revenue or profit for the business.
For ex:
1. Organization can retain the employee
2. Enhancement of business
3. Opportunities for the new project
4. Wealth maximization of the business
5. Chance to increase the market share

Is employee satisfaction can be improved?

Yes we can improve the employee satisfaction by following some rules and regulation in the
organization. To increase the job satisfaction of the employee the company has to provide all
the basic needs and benefits for the employee who all are working in the organization.

There are some steps where we can improve the job satisfaction of the employee are as

Make the proper relationship with the employees in the organization

Trying to know about your employee and form a team
The employee should know the clear goals and objectives of the companies
By solving the problems faced by the employees
Providing training and development
Conducting the motivational programmes
Providing gift and award for the best performance
Enhancement of empowerment
Providing reasonable wages and salary
Providing chances for the growth in the company
Promotion and transfer
Providing the bonus
Give the continues feed back to the employee for the improvement
Company should build corporate culture
Company should identify the performance and rewards them
Providing best working tools and equipment’s with safe working conditions.
Motivation of employee

Conclusion: On the basis of above points clearly states that how job satisfaction plays very
important role in the organization for development. And it is also one of the factor for the
economic growth and development of the county.
If job satisfaction increases the company will not loses effective employees in the
organization. And productivity will increase and it leads for the more revenue for the
organization, and capital formation for the company. And chance for the enhancement of the
business. So job satisfaction is also interrelated with the all the main factor of the business.
Chapter. 4

Analysis and interpretation of the data


Table showing the main factor to work happily at KPCL

Factors Respondent in number Percentage

Work security 50 50%

Rewards 5 5%

Working environment 20 20%

Recognition 10 10%

Motivation 15 15%

Total 100 100%

 40% of the respondent said that work security in the company.
 5% of respondent said that reward is the main factor.
 20% said that working environment in the organization
 10% said that recognitions.
 15% said that motivation is the main factor to work happily

The main factor to work happy at KPCL

work security rewards working environment recognition motivation


The most of the respondents feel that the work security is the main factor to work happily in
the KPCL.
Table showing employees are satisfied with their job that they perform regularly

Factors No of Respondents Percentage

Working with skilled employee 70 70%

Better opportunities for the 10 10%

knowledge growth

Adoption of new technology 5 5%

Because company has good 15 15%

Total 100 100%

 70% of the respondents are telling working with skilled employee.
 10% said that better opportunities for the knowledge growth.
 5% said adoption of new technology.
 15% of respondents said that because the company has good fame.

Employee's satisfaction with thire job

working with skilled employee better oppertunites for the knowledge growth
adoption of new technology because company has good fame

Most of the respondents said that they are satisfied by working with skilled employees.
Table showing the respondents view towards the main factor that effect the job satisfaction

Factor No of respondents Percentage

Safety and security 15 15%

Flexible rules and regulation 20 20%

Recognition 15 15%

Monetary and non- monetary 50 50%


Total 100 100%

 15% of the respondents said that safety and security.
 20% of the employee said it is flexible rules and regulation.
 15% said that recognition is the main factor.
 50% of majority respondents said that is the monetary and non – monetary benefits.

main factor that effects job satisfaction

safety and security flexible rules abd regulation

recognition monetory and non - monetory benefits

Most of the respondents are stating that monetary and non – monetary benefits is the main
factor that effect the job satisfaction.

Table showing the opinions of the employees that company providing adequate information
(training and development) of the plant, machinery, and equipment’s

Factors No of respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 23 23%

Agree 70 70%

Neutral 4 4%

Strongly dis agree 3 3%

Disagree 0 0

Total 100 100%

 23% of the respondent strongly agree that the information which is provided by the
company is sufficient.
 70% respondents feel that the company provides sufficient training and development.
 4% said that the information that they are getting is neutral.
 3% of the respondents are strongly disagree with the information that the company
providing information of the plant, machinery, equipment.

adequate information of the plant

strogly agree agree neutral strogly disagree disagree

Most of the respondents says that the company provided the adequate information about the
plant, machinery, equipment’s.

Table showing that the view of the respondents on individuals are recognised with their hard
work, spontaneous performance.

Factor No of respondent Percentage

Always 70 70%

Sometimes 20 20%

Rarely 10 10%

Never 0 0

Total 100 100%

 70% of the respondents are saying that always individuals are recognized with their
 20% said it is recognised only sometimes.
 10% of the respondents said that rarely recognised.
 And few of the employee said it is never.


Always Sometimes Rarely Never

Majority of the respondents said that individuals are always recognised with their hard work ,
and spontaneous performance.

Table showing that perception of the employee towards the job satisfaction has a vital role.
Factors No of respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 50 50%

Agree 30 30%

Neutral 20 20%

Strongly dis agree 0 0

Disagree 0 0

Total 100 100%

 50% of the respondents are strongly agree that job satisfaction plays a vital role.
 30% of the respondents said that just they are agree.
 20% said that it is neutral.

job satisfaction plays a vital role

srtongly agree agree neutral srongly disagree disagree


Most of the employee’s says that job satisfactions plays a vital role in the organization.

Table showing the company’s concerned towards the welfare and standard of living of the

Factor No of respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 50 50%
Agree 20 20%
Neutral 5 5%
Strongly dis agree 10 10%
Disagree 5 5%
Total 100 100%


 50% of the respondents by strongly agree they said that company is concerned with
the welfare of the employees.
 20% of the respondents said just they are agree.
 5% of the respondents feels that it is neutral.
 10% of respondents strongly dis agree the statements.
 5% respondents are disagree.

company's concerned towards the welfare of the employee

strongly agree agree neutral strongly disagree disagree


Most of the employee are strongly agree that the company is having more concerned towards
the welfare of the employee.

Table showing the employee views towards the salary structure.

Factor No of respondents Percentage

Excellent 60 60%

Very good 30 30%

Fair 10 10%

Poor 0 0

Total 100 100%


 60% of the respondents view towards the salary structure is excellent.

 30% of the respondents said it salary structure is very good.
 10% respondents said salary structure is just fair them.

salary strucutre

excellent very good fair poor

Most of the employees in the organization feels that salary structure is excellent in
their point of view.

Table showing the benefits that are satisfies the employees in the organization.
Such as PF, ESI, retirement benefits, paid leaves and perks and allowances.

Factor No of respondents Percentage

Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 5 5%
Neutral 5 5%
Somewhat agree 10 10%
Agree 80 80%
Total 100 100%

 80% of the respondents are telling that they are satisfied with all the benefits.
 10% of respondents said that they are somewhat happy with the benefits’ that
they receive from the organization.
 5% of the respondents are disagree and they need some more benefits
 5% of the respondents strongly disagree with the statements.

benefts that are satisfied y the employee(PF ESI, )










strongly disagree dis agree neutral sreongly agree agree

satisfied with the benefits


Most of the employees are satisfied with their benefits that are provided by the company. (PF,
ESI, retirement benefits, pad leaves, perks allowance.

Table showing the perception of the employees whether they are satisfied with organization
working culture.

Factor No of respondents Percentage

Fully satisfied 70 70%
Satisfied 20 20%
Partially satisfied 10 10%
Not satisfied 0 0
Total 100 100


 70% of the respondents are fully satisfied with working culture of the organization.
 20% said that they are satisfied with organization working culture.
 10% of the respondents said that just they are partially satisfied with organization
working culture.








fully satisfied satisfied partially satisfied not satisfied


By seeing above graph most of the employees are satisfied with their organizational working

Table showing that which is the main factor that motivate the employee to perform excellent

Factor No of respondents Percentage

Salary structure 50 50%
Promotion 20 20%
Leave 10 10%
Rewards and recognition 10 10%
Bonus 10 10%
Total 100 100%


 50% of the respondents said that salary structure is the main motivation for the
 20% said that promotion is the main reason which helps the employee to perform
 10% of the respondents said that it is leave factor.
 10% of the employee said that it is rewords and recognition.
 10% respondents are agreed it is bonus.

Motivation factor

salary stucture promotion leave rewards and recognition bonus


By seeing the above clearly tells that most of the employee are telling that salary structure is
the main factor for employee excellent job.

Table showing the view of the employees towards the healthy relation with co- workers.

Factor No of respondents Percentage

Excellent 50 50%
Good 15 15%
Average 30 30%
Below average 5 5%
Total 100 100%


 50% of the respondents said they are having excellent relation with co – workers and
they are happy.
 15% said they good relation with co-workers.
 30% of the respondents said that it is average.
 5% employees said that it is below average.

Healthy relationship with co - workers







excellent good average beloew average

The above graph clearly tells that most of the employees are having excellent healthy
relationship with the co – workers.

Table showing the nature of the work (views of employees.)

Factor No of respondents Percentage

Like 85 85%
Dislike 10 10%
Somewhat like 5 5%
None of the above 0 0
Total 100 1


 85% of the respondents are telling that they like the job what they performe in the
 10% of the employee said that somewhat they dis like.
 5% of the employee are said that some what they like the job that they perform in the

nature of the work

like dislike somewhat like none of the above

Most of the respondents are happy with their job what they perform in the
organization. The above graph clearly tell that most of the employee like they job.

Table showing the employee feels that senses of accomplishments of work.

Factor No of respondents Parentage

Always 60 60%
Rarely 20 20%
Some what 10 10%
Never 10 10%
Total 100 100%

 60% of the population said that always they feel of accomplishment of the
 20% said that rarely they feel sense of accomplishments of work.
 10% of the respondents said that some what they feel.
 10% said they never felt the sense of accomplishments of the task.

senses of accomplishments

always rarely somewhat never


By seeing we can understand that there are so many employees feel that the work provides
them a senses of accomplishment.

Table showing the most positive feature at KPCL that employees feels.

Factor No of the respondent Percentage

Remuneration 70 70%
Organization culture 15 15%
Career growth 5 5%
The image of the brand 10 10%
Total 100 100%

 70% of the respondents said that remuneration is the positive feature at the
 15% said organization culture id the main positive feature.
 5% respondent said that it is career growth.
 10% of the employees view is it is the image of the brand.

Positive feature at KPCL









remuneration organization growth career growth the image of the company

Most of the employees said that remuneration is that main positive feature at KPCL.

Table showing employees are satisfied with the contribution towards the company objectives.

Factor No of the respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 70 70%
Agree 15 15%
Neutral 10 10%
Strongly disagree 5 5%
Disagree 0 0
Total 100 100%


 70% of the respondent are telling that they are strongly agree that they are satisfied
with the contribution towards the company to achieve the objective.
 15% of the respondent said that agree.
 10% said that it is neutral for them.
 5% some of the respondent are dis agree.

Employees are satisfied with the contribution towards the

company to achieve bectives

stringly agree agree neutral strongly dis agree dis agree

most of the employees of the company are satisfied with their contribution towards the
company to achieve the objectives.

Summary of findings, Conclusion and Suggestions/


1. The most of the respondents feel that the work security is the main factor to work
happily in the KPCL.

2. Most of the respondents said that they are satisfied by working with skilled

3. Most of the respondents are stating that monetary and non – monetary benefits is the
main factor that effect the job satisfaction.

4. Most of the respondents says that the company provided the adequate information
about the plant, machinery, equipment’s.

5. Majority of the respondents said that individuals are always recognised with their hard
work, and spontaneous performance.

6. Most of the employee’s says that job satisfactions plays a vital role in the

7. Most of the employee are strongly agree that the company is having more concerned
towards the welfare of the employee.

8. Most of the employees in the organization feels that salary structure is excellent in
their point of views.

9. Most of the employees are satisfied with their benefits that are provided by the
company. (PF, ESI, retirement benefits, pad leaves, perks allowance.
10. By seeing above graph most of the employees are satisfied with their organizational
working culture.
11. By seeing the above clearly tells that most of the employee are telling that salary
structure is the main factor for employee excellent job.

12. By seeing the above clearly tells that most of the employee are telling that salary
structure is the main factor for employee excellent job.

13. The above graph clearly tells that most of the employees are having excellent healthy
relationship with the co – workers.

14. Most of the respondents are happy with their job what they perform in the
organization. The above graph clearly tell that most of the employee like they job.

15. Most of the employees said that remuneration is that main positive feature at KPCL.

1) A good company is not only concerned with productivity but also having concerned
towards the employee of the organization.
2) A friendly and healthy environment in working aids the employees to perform effectively
and with more interest towards the work.
3) Each and every organization should maintain a good relationship between the worker and
management. It helps for the organizational growth as well as enhancement of business.
4) So this study clearly explains that how job satisfaction play a significant role in the
organization. And how it effect the organization in terms of revenue of the business.
5) To maintain the healthy relationship the company should provide all the satiable benefits
for the employee through which they satisfied.
6) Employee are the main asset of the company. If they have job satisfaction it will contribute
the major pert for organizational growth. Those companies which follows the systematic rule
and regulation they can overcome from the occurrence of lose in the company.
In the organization all the department plays very important role irrespective of their
Like Top level management, middle level management and at last lower level management.
So each and every department should have proper coordination among the supervisor and
Job satisfaction of the employees in the organization it is directly or indirectly interrelated
with company’s growth and productivity.

Job satisfaction is the important factor in the any organization. It plays very important role in
determination of the revenue rate of the any organization. Job satisfaction is majorly
impacted by the performance of the workers in the company towards the benefits and
The study is conducted to identify the major role of the job satisfaction in the company.
At the time conducting this study there are so many thing are noticed in the organization
working culture how they have proper relation among the workers. And how they maintain
healthy environment.
Most of the employees in KPCL are working for more than 20 years. And most of the
employees are happy to work in KPCL. They said that this organization has a lot of growth in
from initial stage to now and as well as in future also.
And KPCL has a unique role in providing the benefits to its employee. And it plays an
important role in providing PF, ESI and especially retirement benefits for the employee and
monetary and on – monetary benefits.
Books refereed.
1. Name of the author: P. Subba Rao
Title of the book: Personal and Human Resource Management.
Place of publishing: Mumbai
Year: 2002

2. Name of the author: R.S Davar

Title of the book: Personal Management and industrial relation
Place of publishing: New Delhi
Year: 1996

3. Name of the author: P. Subba Rao

Title of the book: Essential Human Resource Management and industrial relation.
Place of publishing: Bangalore
Year: 2009


Company manual and catalogues


 http://empoyee. job satisfaction


Sir/ Madam,
I am Periya Nayagam Mary.A. Studying in 4Th sem of MBA in S.E.A College
of Engineering and Technology as a part of Visvesvaraya Technology University
requirement; I should conduct a project study. My topic is about “Job satisfaction of the
employees”. I am doing this project in KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED.
(KPCL). Bangalore. So, I request you to spend few minutes to fill theses following
questions. Your responses would be kept confidential and would be used only for the
academic purpose.

Name of the respondents (optional):

Experience in KPCL:
1. Which is the main factor that allows you to work happy at Kpcl?

(strongly (disagree) (neutral) (somewhat (agree)

disagree) agree)
a) Work security

b) Rewards 1 2 3 4 5

c) Working 1 2 3 4 5

d) Recognition 1 2 3 4 5

e) Motivation 1 2 3 4 5

2. Are you satisfied with your job that u perform regularly?

Strongly disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree

disagree agree
a) Working with 1 2 3 4 5

a) Better 1 2 3 4 5
for knowledge

b) Getting change 1 2 3 4 5
in the upgrading
of technology

e)Because company 1 2 3 4 5
has a good fame

3. Which is the man factor that effect the job satisfaction

Strongly (disagree (neutral (somewha
disagre ) ) t agree) (agree
e )
a) Safety and security 1 2 3 4 5

b) Flexible rules and 1 2 3 4 5


c) Recognition 1 2 3 4 5

d) Monetary and non- 1 2 3 4 5

monetary benefits

4. Do you think that company provides adequate information training of the plant,
machinery, equipment
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree

5. Are individual are recognized with their hard work and spontaneous performance
a) Always
b) Sometime
c) Rarely
d) Never

6. Do you agree job satisfaction plays a vital role

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree

7. Our company is concerned with the welfare and standard of living of the employee

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree

8. How would you rate the salary structure

a) Excellent
b) Very good
c) Fair
d) Poor

9. How satisfied are with the following benefits

(Strongly (disagree) (neutral) (somewhat (agree)

disagree) agree)
a) PF 1 2 3 4 5
b) ESI 1 2 3 4 5

c) Retirement 1 2 3 4 5

d) Paid leaves 1 2 3 4 5

e) Perks and 1 2 3 4 5

10. Are you satisfied with your organization working culture

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly disagree Disagree Natural Somewhat agree Strongly agree

11. Which is main factor that motivates you to perform excellent job

Strongly (disagree) (neutral) (somewhat

disagree agree) (agree)
a) Salary increases 1 2 3 4 5

b) Promotion 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5
c) Leave
d) Reward and 1 2 3 4 5

e) Bonus 1 2 3 4 5

12. I have good and healthy relationship with my co – workers

a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Average
d) Below average

13. I like the nature of work what I perform

a) Like
b) Dislike
c) Somewhat like
d) None of above

14. My work provides me a senses of accomplishment

a) Always
b) Rarely
c) Some what
d) Never

15. How do you rate the level of job stress in KPCL

a) Mild
b) Moderate
c) Extreme
d) No stress

16. I feel that organization has bright future

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly disagree Disagree Natural Somewhat agree Strongly agree

17. Company encourages the employee empowerment

a) Yes
b) No

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