Promovarea Turismului Rural
Promovarea Turismului Rural
Promovarea Turismului Rural
XV (4)
Abstract: This paper aims to present the great importance of tourism agents in promoting
the Romanian rural area to their clients from Romania and abroad. It also aims to present
the importance of the information trips for the agents, organized by the owners of hotels
and accommodation situated in rural area, for the agents to have direct contact with the
place, the landmark, the history and the geographical location of the place they are going
to sell as tourism offer to their clients.
I also want to make suggestions for a good collaboration between the agents and rural
tourism tour operators, change of ideas between them in order to have a good offer for
clients, or to be able to personalize an offer for the needs of a certain client.
Key words: tourism; rural;, agent;, accommodation; hote;, information; trip; offer.
The travel agency is a company acting as intermediary between the trader, direct
providers of travel and tourist. Its activity consists of organizing, providing and marketing
service packages or their components.
Travel agencies are divided into two categories: travel agency tour operator and
travel agency retailers.
Travel agencies have always been among the leading promoters of tourism, which
can directly address the consumer in person, but also through other means such as mailing
campaigns, tourism fairs, media, etc..
Travel Agency is the main distributor of tourism. It holds the monopoly on the sale
because it has two big advantages over other forms of distribution: almost complete
protection of consumer and financial guarantees given to both tourists and providers.
Rural tourism gains more ground by creating diverse offers and a good value for
price, important elements that determine travel agencies to sell and promote their offers.
Romania is among the countries with the most diversified tourism products due to
natural resources at its disposal, biodiversity of flora and fauna unique to Europe. We can
say that it is still a largely agricultural country with a general rural area that offers
attractive scenery and opportunities for rural tourism development. Also in Romania are a
third of the natural springs in Europe and 117 localities that have natural therapeutic
elements such as water, sewage, gas and more.
Another tourist attraction, but this time the Romanian seaside is seasonal, which
covers an area of 245 km, from the Danube Delta in the north to the border with Bulgaria,
with long stretches of beach, with tourist resorts and major ports . And last but not least, it
should be noted cultural heritage of our country has 30 monuments included in the
UNESCO World Heritage List, including the wooden churches of Maramures, Painted
Churches of Moldavia and Dacian from Orăştie mountains.
We do not have to forget Romanian popular culture and visual arts, which are
represented by national and international shows and festivals.
There are areas in Romania where rural tourism, ecological and cultural is well
capitalized, and many have the potential and the lack of involvement are not exploited.
Many areas of our country are highly developed in terms of rural, ecological and
cultural being known and appreciated abroad.
Rural tourism is a form of tourism that has developed from scratch in Romania,
from the 90s, belonging to ANTREC undeniable merit. The two organizations - ANAT and
ANTREC - have worked very well over time, but there were warnings about the
collaboration between tourism and rural pensions, which have often preferred to directly
address public.
Rural tourism is an opportunity for the Romans to look to ancient values of these
lands, from traditions and to the beauty of the places.
Involvement of travel agencies in promoting rural tourism would be beneficial for
development. A travel agency can make travel a segment known poar not by sale but by
other agencies to promote the country and abroad, through various means of
correspondence or promotional campaigns.
service. Also, they are authorized by their suppliers to sell these services delivery charges
specified. In the contract for the sale of tourism products (ticket voucher) is it clear that the
agency acts as an intermediary.
b) wholesalers (tour operator) that conceives, prepares and sells standard travel
products intended to be sold either directly or through their own offices or through agents
retailer. Between travel agencies operating in the EU, the most common type is small
independent agencies involved in particular in the sale of tourist services retail.
This research is founded by the project ¸¸ Doctoral studies for research
training (FOR-CE) ´´.contract no. POSDRU/ CPP107/ DMI1.5/ S/ 80127, project
leader Prof. Alexandru Moisuc, PhD.