1 thePoisonedNeedle PDF
1 thePoisonedNeedle PDF
1 thePoisonedNeedle PDF
Of Vaccination
“Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.” —W. Edwards
Deming, engineer, data scientist
Each book in the History of Vaccination series is accompanied by the same
prologue. If you’ve already read the prologue, feel free to skip to the book
original book. The 25 historical works I’ve restored and updated shed light on
the nature of vaccination, as recorded by the most distinguished doctors and
scientists of their time. Their statements are backed by historical statistics, which
are presented throughout these books.
The first smallpox vaccine was conceptualized in 1796. Since that time,
vaccination has been rife with controversy. Let’s review what writers, doctors,
and scientists have observed about vaccines across three centuries—19th, 20th,
and 21st.
The Dtap (diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (pertussis)) vaccine insert
listing all the known side effects.
Due to their similar ingredients, most modern vaccines have similar side effects.
Let’s look at the adverse reactions (side effects) of the MMR combo vaccine.
BODY AS A WHOLE. Panniculitis; atypical measles; fever; syncope; headache; dizziness; malaise;
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Digestive system.
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM. Diabetes mellitus.
HENIC AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. Thrombocytopenia (see WARNINGS, leukocytosis.
IMMUNE SYSTEM. Anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reactions have been reported as well as related
phenomena such as angioneurotic edema (including peripheral or facial edema) and bronchial spasm in
individuals with or without an allergic history.
MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM. Arthritis; arthralgia; myalgia.
Arthralgia and/or arthritis (usually transient and rarely chronic), and polyneuritis are features of infection
with wild-type rubella and vary in frequency and severity with age and sex, being greatest in adult females
and least in prepubertal children. This type of involvement as well as myalgia and paresthesia, have also
been reported following administration of MERUVAX II.
Chronic arthritis has been associated with wild-type rubella infection and has been related to persistent virus
and/or viral antigen isolated from body tissues. Only rarely have vaccine recipients developed chronic joint
Following vaccination in children, reactions in joints are uncommon and generally of brief duration. In
women, incidence rates for arthritis and arthralgia are generally higher than those seen in children (children:
0-3%; women: 12-26%),{17,56,57} and the reactions tend to be more marked and of longer duration.
Symptoms may persist for a matter of months or on rare occasions for years. In adolescent girls, the
reactions appear to be intermediate in incidence between those seen in children and in adult women. Even
in women older than 35 years, these reactions are generally well tolerated and rarely interfere with normal
NERVOUS SYSTEM. Encephalitis; encephalopathy; measles inclusion body encephalitis (MIBE) (see
CONTRAINDICATIONS); subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE); Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS);
acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM); transverse myelitis; febrile convulsions; afebrile
convulsions or seizures; ataxia; polyneuritis; polyneuropathy; ocular palsies; paresthesia.
Encephalitis and encephalopathy have been reported approximately once for every 3 million doses of M-M-
R II or measles-, mumps-, and rubella-containing vaccine administered since licensure of these vaccines.
The risk of serious neurological disorders following live measles virus vaccine administration remains less
than the risk of encephalitis and encephalopathy following infection with wild-type measles (1 per 1000
reported cases).{58,59}
In severely immunocompromised individuals who have been inadvertently vaccinated with measles-
containing vaccine; measles inclusion body encephalitis, pneumonitis, and fatal outcome as a direct
consequence of disseminated measles vaccine virus infection have been reported (see
CONTRAINDICATIONS). In this population, disseminated mumps and rubella vaccine virus infection
have also been reported.
There have been reports of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) in children who did not have a
history of infection with wild-type measles but did receive measles vaccine. Some of these cases may have
resulted from unrecognized measles in the first year of life or possibly from the measles vaccination. Based
on estimated nationwide measles vaccine distribution, the association of SSPE cases to measles vaccination
is about one case per million vaccine doses distributed. This is far less than the association with infection
with wild-type measles, 6-22 cases of SSPE per million cases of measles. The results of a retrospective
case-controlled study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that the overall
effect of measles vaccine has been to protect against SSPE by preventing measles with its inherent higher
risk of SSPE.{60}
Cases of aseptic meningitis have been reported to VAERS following measles, mumps, and rubella
vaccination. Although a causal relationship between the Urabe strain of mumps vaccine and aseptic
meningitis has been shown, there is no evidence to link Jeryl LynnTM mumps vaccine to aseptic
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Pneumonia; pneumonitis (see CONTRAINDICATIONS); sore throat; cough;
SKIN. Stevens-Johnson syndrome; erythema multiforme; urticaria; rash; measles-like rash; pruritis.
Local reactions including burning/stinging at injection site; wheal and flare; redness (erythema); swelling;
induration; tenderness; vesiculation at injection site; Henoch-Schönlein purpura; acute hemorrhagic edema
of infancy.
SPECIAL SENSES—EAR. Nerve deafness; otitis media.
SPECIAL SENSES—EYE. Retinitis; optic neuritis; papillitis; retrobulbar neuritis; conjunctivitis.
UROGENITAL SYSTEM. Epididymitis; orchitis.
OTHER. Death from various, and in some cases unknown, causes has been reported rarely following
vaccination with measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines; however, a causal relationship has not been
established in healthy individuals (see CONTRAINDICATIONS). No deaths or permanent sequelae were
reported in a published post-marketing surveillance study in Finland involving 1.5 million children and
adults who were vaccinated with M-M-R II during 1982 to 1993.{61}
Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, health-care providers and manufacturers are
required to record and report certain suspected adverse events occurring within specific time periods after
vaccination. However, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has established a
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) which will accept all reports of suspected events.{49}
A VAERS report form as well as information regarding reporting requirements can be obtained by calling
VAERS 1-800-822-7967.
2018 MMR vaccine insert, Merck & Co—used under the Fair Use Clause.
Vaccine adverse reactions affect every part of the body. It is estimated that only
a fraction of adverse reactions are reported since pediatricians and doctors advise
parents that side effects are a coincidence or are “normal”.
In their 8 to 12 years of medical education, medical doctors (MDs) and
pediatricians receive only a few hours of vaccine training. They are not educated
on vaccine ingredients or vaccine side effects. Those few hours are spent
“educating” them on how to get parents to adhere to the CDC childhood vaccine
schedule, which as of 2018, recommends that a child receive 74 vaccines (some
are combos) by the time they’re 18 years old.
Year recommended Autism rate
vaccine doses
1962 5 1 in 5,000
1983 24 1 in 2,500
2016 72 1 in 40
2018 74 1 in 36
That’s a lot of poison in a child. As vaccine doses increased, so did the autism
rate (brain damage). The heavy metals in vaccines have been implicated in
causing the autism epidemic.
“I am no longer ‘trying to dig up evidence to prove’ vaccines cause autism.
There is already abundant evidence. This debate is not scientific but is political.”
—Dr. David Ayoub, MD, radiologist
“The CDC is not an independent agency. It is a vaccine company. The CDC
owns over 20 vaccine patents. It sells about $4.6 billion of vaccines every
year...Four scathing federal studies, including two by Congress, one by the U.S.
Senate, and one by the HHS Inspector General, paint the CDC as a cesspool of
corruption, mismanagement and dysfunction with alarming conflicts of interest
suborning its research, regulatory and policymaking functions...Doctors are
punished by insurance companies like Blue Cross and Blue Shield if doctors
don’t get a certain percentage of their patients to comply with the vaccination
schedule. If 63% are non-compliant, they don’t receive any of their bonuses.” —
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Furthermore, medical doctors receive roughly 8 hours of nutrition training.
Medical doctors and pediatricians have been indoctrinated into the medical
industry. They are no longer independent healers, but merely clerks and
salespeople for the drug companies.
Demanding "scientific studies" to question vaccination is a method of sophistry
(the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving),
particularly whether vaccines cause autism. Heavy metals cause brain damage.
Heavy metals (aluminum, mercury derivatives) are in vaccines. Once injected
into the muscles, the heavy metals are absorbed into the bloodstream and reach
the brain. Children are injected with heavy metals. Children have a high rate of
autism. Do vaccines cause autism? No. The heavy metals in vaccines cause
Autism is a form of brain damage. Whether the drug companies reclassify or
rename autism, at its root autism is still brain damage. Like polio, the drug
companies may decide to reclassify or rename autism in the future. The drug
industry often play a game of semantics:
1) Reclassify a disease by adding or removing symptoms. This gives the
appearance that the disease was eradicated. Also, reclassify an illness as a
disease to make it more menacing (eg, reclassify measles as a disease).
2) Rename a disease. This also gives the appearance that the disease was
The most common adverse reactions of most vaccines are allergies, asthma,
brain damage, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and even death. However, there are
more than 100 autoimmune diseases. Some of the more common autoimmune
diseases are:
Immune system disorders, Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Inflammatory bowel
disease (IBD), Multiple sclerosis (MS), Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Guillain-Barre
syndrome (paralysis), Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy,
Psoriasis, Graves' disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Myasthenia gravis,
“Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe.” —US Supreme Court, March 2011
From 1986-2017, the vaccine injury court has paid over $3.7 billion dollars to
vaccine injured parents, proving vaccines are not safe. The historical data shows
vaccines were ineffective at preventing diseases. Therefore, the only rational
conclusion is that vaccines are unsafe and ineffective.
Vaccine ingredients are not injected directly into the bloodstream—they are
injected indirectly into the bloodstream. The ingredients are injected into the
muscles (intramuscular injection/intramuscularly). Then the ingredients are
absorbed into the bloodstream. Through the muscular system and bloodstream
(circulatory system), the toxins in vaccines reach every part of the body.
The bloodstream is part of the circulatory system. When vaccine ingredients
are injected into the muscles and absorbed into the bloodstream, the toxins are
capable of reaching every part of the body through the muscular and circulatory
–Through the bloodstream (part of the circulatory system), the toxins can pollute
the blood cells (blood poisoning), causing cancer and autoimmune diseases.
–Through the muscular system, the toxins can cause paralysis (Guillain-Barré
syndrome, GBS) and other muscular abnormalities.
–Through the bloodstream, the toxins can travel to the brain and cross the blood-
brain-barrier, causing brain damage.
These are the mechanics in which vaccines cause various diseases throughout
the body. Vaccine ingredients have constantly changed since 1796. The only
constant is the theory of vaccination: inject poisons, viruses, and diseases into
the body to prevent disease.
As bizarre and unbelievable as it sounds, the theory of vaccination is to inject
poisons, viruses, diseases into the body in order to prevent disease. How can
something that causes a long list of diseases be used to prevent disease?
Something intended to prevent disease shouldn’t cause more diseases than it’s
supposed to prevent. It defies common sense and logic.
To understand why vaccination came about, we need to examine the most
horrific and feared disease in history: smallpox.
The first vaccine was conceptualized in 1796 by Edward Jenner of England to
prevent smallpox. Prior to vaccination, inoculation (very similar to vaccination)
was used to prevent smallpox. Thus, smallpox, inoculation, and vaccination are
Smallpox was the most feared disease in history because of the distinct bodily
marks (pox) it left on victims. Photo: www.wikipedia.org
1) “An acute, highly contagious, febrile disease, caused by the variola virus, and
characterized by a pustular eruption that often leaves permanent pits or scars:
eradicated worldwide by vaccination programs.” —www.dictionary.com
2) An acute contagious viral disease, with fever and pustules usually leaving
permanent scars. It was effectively eradicated through vaccination by 1979.” —
Google Dictionary
3) “Thousands of years ago, variola virus (smallpox virus) emerged and began
causing illness and deaths in human populations, with smallpox outbreaks
occurring from time to time. Thanks to the success of vaccination, the last
natural outbreak of smallpox in the United States occurred in 1949. In 1980, the
World Health Assembly declared smallpox eradicated (eliminated), and no cases
of naturally occurring smallpox have happened since...Smallpox research in the
United States continues and focuses on the development of vaccines, drugs, and
diagnostic tests to protect people against smallpox in the event that it is used as
an agent of bioterrorism.” —www.cdc.gov
Consider this: There were roughly 200 nations on Earth when smallpox was
supposedly ravaging the planet. Of those, only about 30 nations were ever
vaccinated for smallpox. But it was declared eradicated by vaccination when
about 170 countries never used the smallpox vaccine. If they did, it was only in
the vast minority of their populations. Furthermore, smallpox was foreign to the
North American Indians. The Natives lived in open spaces and managed to avoid
the dreaded smallpox. Only when the Europeans arrived in the 16th century was
smallpox introduced to the Americas. In the next three centuries, the Europeans
used smallpox as a biological weapon to nearly wipe out the North American
As you’ll soon discover, every historical data has shown that vaccination never
eradicated smallpox. In fact, vaccination increased the incidence of smallpox
wherever it was practiced.
Inoculation is the practice of creating a cut in the body, usually the arm, to insert
animal pus, human smallpox, or another disease into the cut. This was done in
hopes of preventing disease, particularly smallpox. The ancient Hindus
purportedly practiced inoculation several hundred years prior to the introduction
of vaccination in 1796. Inoculation was the predecessor to vaccination, both are
based on the theory of homeopathy: In small doses, like cures like. For example,
rubbing small doses of smallpox into a person to prevent smallpox.
"Dhanwantari, the Vedic Father of Medicine, and the earliest known Hindu
physician, who lived about 1,500 B.C., is supposed to have been the first to
practice inoculation for smallpox. It is even stated that the ancient Hindus
employed a vaccine, which they prepared by the transmission of the smallpox
virus through a cow." —“History of Inoculation and Vaccination”, p. 6-13
The first polio outbreak in the U.S. was in 1894 in Vermont, with 132 cases.
Another in New York in 1916. The polio outbreaks of 1894, 1916, 1940s, and
1950s have an eerie commonality: they occurred in the summer, when DDT and
other pesticides were being sprayed, especially in apple orchards. In addition, of
the nearly 200 countries in the world, only countries that used DDT had polio
outbreaks. And the higher the DDT usage, the higher the polio rate.
Source: The Weston A. Price Foundation, www.westonAprice.org
“So as DDT peaked, six months later, polio peaked. DDT comes down, six
months later polio comes down. DDT flatlines, polio flatlines. It follows the
contour. It’s like taking the same graph and just displacing it by six months.” —
Dr. Rashid Buttar, DO
Texas, USA, 1950s. DDT was used as an insecticide, mostly to kill mosquitos.
The big difference in body mass between insects and humans explains the
different effects of DDT on both species. DDT kills insects, which have
significantly less body mass than humans. In equal doses, DDT isn’t potent
enough to kill humans but causes paralysis, which is a distinct symptom
assigned to polio.
1953: Dr. Morton S. Biskind writes: “It was known by 1945 that DDT was
stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in their milk...yet far from
admitting a causal relationship between DDT and polio that is so obvious, which
in any other field of biology would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire
apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to
denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its
opposite this overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander, and economic boycott have
not been overlooked in this campaign.”
DDT was banned in 1972. Coincidentally, the Salk polio vaccine was
discontinued in the same period because it was causing polio, cancer, and death
in children.
The Cutter Incident, 1955. Polio vaccine manufacturer Cutter Laboratories
caused 40,000 cases of polio.
“In April 1955 more than 200 000 children in five Western and mid-Western
USA states received a polio vaccine in which the process of inactivating the live
virus proved to be defective. Within days there were reports of paralysis and
within a month the first mass vaccination programme against polio had to be
abandoned. Subsequent investigations revealed that the vaccine, manufactured
by the California-based family firm of Cutter Laboratories, had caused 40 000
cases of polio, leaving 200 children with varying degrees of paralysis and killing
10.” —Michael Fitzpatrick, “The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio
Vaccine Led to a Growing Vaccine Crisis”, Journal of the Royal Society of
Medicine, 2006
From these timelines and events, it could be concluded that polio (or the
symptoms associated with polio) was a manmade disease and not an infectious
disease that medical students are taught. In other words, nearly all cases of polio
were caused by pesticides, specifically DDT, and the Salk polio vaccine.
The polio vaccine might had caused cancer in millions of Americans. “SV40
is a virus found in some species of monkey...SV40 was discovered in 1960. Soon
afterward, the virus was found in polio vaccine...More than 98 million
Americans received on or more doses of polio vaccine from 1955 to 1963 when
a proportion of vaccine was contaminated with SV40; it has been estimated that
10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of
vaccine...SV40 has been found in certain types of cancer in humans...” —CDC
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), “Simian Virus 40 (SV40), and
Polio Vaccine Fact Sheet”, 2013
If DDT and the Salk polio vaccine caused nearly all cases of polio, and they
were banned in the early 1970s, why is there still polio after DDT and the Salk
polio vaccine were discontinued? Polio has been given new symptoms (polio has
been redefined and reclassified). It's an entirely new disease with new
symptoms. Some of these symptoms include fever or severe fatigue. Drug
companies often reclassify or rename diseases to give the appearance that
they’ve been eradicated, or they’re still a menace—depending which one meets
their financial interest.
“The idea of re-naming a disease to suit the records is not new. Hadwen also said
in his address, that in 1886, although there were 275 cases of smallpox, only one
vaccinated child died. In addition, 93 children died of chicken pox. Given the
mild nature of chickenpox and the fact that few deaths from it had previously
been recorded, this diagnosis is highly unlikely...Re-naming the disease did the
trick. They didn’t die of smallpox, they died of the re-named disease: spurious
cowpox...The re-naming practice continues today.” —Dr. Jennifer Craig, BSN,
Ma, PhD, “Smallpox Vaccine: Origins of Vaccine Madness”, 2010
Re-naming and re-classifying diseases is a scheme the drug companies often use
to suit their needs.
–You can remove major symptoms of a disease and it’s magically eradicated.
–Or you can call it a different name and it’s magically eradicated.
In 2017, autism affects 1 in 36 children. Don’t be surprised if the drug
companies re-name or re-classify autism so it’s no longer a problem to parents.
At its root, autism is a form of brain damage, regardless of its name or assigned
In the 21st century, nearly all infant and childhood illnesses and diseases can be
traced back to vaccines. However, the drug companies are blaming those
illnesses and diseases on genetic/congenital factors. This is an attempt to absolve
the drug and chemical companies of legal and financial liabilities. Another way
the drug and chemical companies attempt to absolve themselves of wrongdoing
is to revise history (outright lies). These are not the people you want to trust with
your children's health.
The chemical companies create diseases and the drug companies sell products
that supposedly prevent those diseases. In reality, those drugs and vaccines
(ingredients from chemical companies) actually cause more diseases—the left
hand and right hand work together.
The USA, 1902. As vaccination spread across the Atlantic, the anti-vaccination
movement also followed. In the US, it was headed by The Anti-Vaccination
Society of America. In Canada, it was The Anti-Vaccination League. Prussia
(part of modern day Germany) also had compulsory vaccination, and so did
Austria, Japan, Philippines, and Switzerland. These countries (except for the
Philippines) were among the first to undergo the Industrial Revolution, in which
people congregated into cities and overcrowding was the norm. Children worked
long hours in factories and fields. Factories had no ventilation and workers had
to re-breathe dirty air.
The disease rates exploded for each successive year of compulsory vaccination.
In other words, disease epidemics followed compulsory vaccination. Thus, every
country eventually abandoned compulsory vaccination.
England, 1907. “About fifty Croydon fathers have gone to prison rather than
have their children vaccinated or pay monetary penalties imposed.”
As Dr. Jennifer Craig, BSN, MA, PhD, summarized in her article, “Smallpox
Vaccine, Origins of Vaccine Madness”:
“One of the worst smallpox epidemics took place in England between 1870 and
1872, nearly two decades after compulsory vaccination was introduced.
Leicester, with nearly 200,000 inhabitants, boasted a 95% vaccination record but
it suffered more deaths than less-vaccinated London. Faced with this obvious
evidence of the uselessness of vaccination, Leicester’s citizens rejected the
program in favour of cleaning up the city. Under the leadership of James Briggs,
Town Councillor and Sanitary Inspector, clean streets, clean markets and dairies,
efficient garbage removal, sanitary housing and pure water supply replaced
vaccination scars. In 1892-3 Leicester had 19.3 cases of smallpox per 10,000
population; similar-sized Warrington, with 99.2% vaccinated, had 123.3 cases.
“In Japan, in 1885, 13 years after compulsory vaccination, a law was passed
requiring revaccination every seven years. From 1886-1892, a total of 25,
474,370 revaccinations were recorded. Yet during this same period, Japan had
156,175 cases of smallpox with 38,979 deaths, a case mortality of nearly 25%.
Slow learners, the government passed another act requiring every resident to be
vaccinated and revaccinated every 5 years. Between 1889-1908, the case
mortality was 30%. Prior to vaccination the case mortality was about 10%.
“During a ruthless campaign by the US in the Philippines in 1905, the native
population were forcibly vaccinated several times. In 1918-1919, with over 95%
of the population vaccinated, the worst epidemic the Philippines had ever known
occurred. In the Congressional Record of December 21, 1937, William Howard
Hay, MD, said, ‘The Philippines suffered the worst attack of smallpox, the worst
epidemic three times over, that had ever occurred in the history of the islands
and it was almost three times as fatal. The death rate ran as high as 60% in
certain areas where formerly it had been 10-15%.”
vaccination movement in 1919 (20th century), Toronto, Canada. In Canada, the
main group was the Anti-Vaccination League. The Anti-Vaccination Society of
America was the main group opposing mandatory (compulsory) vaccination in
the USA. The society was founded in 1879.
The USA, early 2000s (21st century). Outspoken vaccination critics such as
Jenny McCarthy, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and other doctors and celebrities were
blamed by the media for starting the anti-vaccination movement. As noted
above, the movement has been around since 1853. Drug companies are one of
the largest advertisers on TV, Internet, newspapers, and magazines. According to
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the drug industry contributes up to 70% of advertising
revenue to media companies. In 2017, the collective stock market capitalization
of the drug companies (vaccine manufacturers) exceed $1 trillion. As actor Jim
Carrey noted, “A trillion dollars buys a lot of expert opinions. Will it buy you?”
Mainly because of these movements, the public became aware of the dangers of
vaccines. The lunatic idea of transferring animal diseases to humans to prevent
diseases didn’t work. Compulsory vaccination was later repealed in every
country because vaccines were found to be useless and poisonous. Several
decades later, the drug companies began their mass advertising and marketing
campaigns to “educate” the next generation on the benefits of vaccination.
Vaccination has been a menace to each generation since 1796.
Disease Theories
Most medical students are taught Louis Pasteur’s Germ Theory of Disease,
which is partly true. We have little understanding of what germs are healthy or
unhealthy for the body. We know that some germs do cause disease, in excessive
amounts. However, it’s the unsanitary conditions of the environment and the
unhygienic terrain of the body that create those germs—like rats are attracted to
filthy places.
Germs do cause diseases, but more importantly it's the unsanitary environment
and the unhygienic condition of the body that cause those germs. For example, if
you don't want to get lung cancer, 1) Smoke and find a way to kill the cancer
cells caused by smoking, 2) Don't smoke.
“In 19th century France, while Pasteur was advocating the notion of germs as the
cause of disease, another French scientist named Antoine Bechamp advocated a
conflicting theory known as the ‘cellular theory’ of disease.
“Bechamp’s cellular theory is almost completely opposite to that of Pasteur’s.
Bechamp noted that these germs that Pasteur was so terrified of were
opportunistic in nature. They were everywhere and even existed inside of us in a
symbiotic relationship. Bechamp noticed in his research that it was only when
the tissue of the host became damaged or compromised that these germs began
to manifest as a prevailing symptom (not cause) of disease.
“To prevent illness, Bechamp advocated not the killing of germs but the
cultivation of health through diet, hygiene, and healthy lifestyle practices such as
fresh air and exercise. The idea is that if the person has a strong immune system
and good tissue quality (or “terrain” as Bechamp called it), the germs will not
manifest in the person, and they will have good health. It is only when their
health starts to decline (due to personal neglect and poor lifestyle choices) that
they become victim to infections.” —www.MaroneWellness.com
CAUSES. For example, smallpox was caused mostly by overcrowding,
contaminated water, closeness to feces and urine, and food spoilage.
Overcrowding has been solved by modern buildings and urban planning.
Contaminated water was solved with sewer systems, plumbing, and water
filtering systems. People no longer defecate or urinate in their backyards or
buckets, thanks to toilets and indoor plumbing. Food spoilage was solved with
electricity (refrigeration). Because of sanitation and hygiene, smallpox was
eradicated in developed countries.
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was wrong, Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908) was
right. Pasteur even admitted this in his dying days.
"Bernard was right, the germ is nothing—the milieu (the environment within) is
everything." —Louis Pasteur
Despite what the drug companies’ marketing machines claim, vaccination is
NOT immunization. Immunization can only be attained when the immune
system has encountered a natural infection and successfully fought it off. For
example, those who had the natural measles are immune from it for life. Vaccine
induced infections are vastly different than the wild infections. In infants, the
antibodies required for immunization are passed from the mother’s breast milk.
Vaccination destroys immunization.
There is a significant difference between theoretical science and observational
science. With vaccines, observation contradicts theory. Vaccines work in
controlled, sterile laboratory settings but not in the biological human body. The
immune system exists for a reason. Nature is smarter than man. In vaccination,
the most reliable source of observational science (data) is through the millions of
parents who have vaccine injured children.
The human body is the result of nearly 4 billion years of evolution, starting with
the first prokaryotic cells (single-celled organism without a nucleus). Modern
humans, Homo sapiens, as a distinct species have been around since 200 000
BCE. For the vast majority of that time, our ancestors had to struggle daily to
obtain their physical needs: water, food, and shelter. They risked drinking
contaminated water from streams, rivers, and lakes. They had to hunt and grow
their own foods. Their nutritional profile was limited to what they were able to
hunt and grow locally. They risked dying from exposure to the harsh weather.
For millions of years, humans and their common ancestors, struggled daily to
obtain their physical needs: water, food, shelter. Since 1960 CE, those needs are
effortlessly provided for us. The amount of energy expended to obtain our
physical needs is minimal, allowing us with unprecedented leisure time.
In 1960 CE, those living in developed countries risk none of the dangers of
obtaining their physical needs that their ancestors did. We simply walk to the
sink and turn on the faucet to get drinking water. We drive to the supermarket, or
even order online, to get a variety of foods around the world. We live in heated
buildings with sanitation and hygiene safeguards as part of the building code.
In other words, as a distinct species, humans have had to struggle more than
99.999999% of their existence to obtain their physical needs: water, food, and
shelter. In the 21st century, due to advances in technology, the energy required to
acquire our physical needs has reduced dramatically, to the point that some are
dying from sedentary lifestyles and not from securing their physical needs.
The great failure of vaccination is that it fails to addresses the underlying causes
of diseases. It has been unequivocally demonstrated that when the causes of
diseases are known and removed, those diseases can be prevented and eventually
eradicated. Diseases have always thrived when our physical needs are unmet, or
met in a way unnatural to the body. The body does not need the toxins in
"As a retired physician, I can honestly say that unless you are in a serious
accident, your best chance of living to a ripe old age is to avoid doctors and
hospitals and learn nutrition, herbal medicine and other forms of natural
medicine unless you are fortunate enough to have a naturopathic physician
"Almost all drugs are toxic and are designed only to treat symptoms and not to
cure anyone.
"Vaccines are highly dangerous, have never been adequately studied or proven to
be effective, and have a poor risk/reward ratio.
"Most surgery is unnecessary and most textbooks of medicine are inaccurate and
"Almost every disease is said to be idiopathic (without known cause) or genetic
—although this is untrue.
"In short, our main stream medical system is hopelessly inept and/or corrupt.
The treatment of cancer and degenerative diseases is a national scandal. The
sooner you learn this, the better off you will be." –Dr. Allan Greenberg, MD,
Dec. 24, 2002
Trung Nguyen
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
January 2018
Developing A Natural Immunity To Disease
The time to prepare the body so it will be able to be immune to disease,
especially contagious diseases, is from “the time of conception.” When a woman
realizes she is pregnant, and/or preferably before, the prospective mother should
prepare herself for the oncoming event—this new addition to the household.
This is done by the mother-to-be having her body clean and ready. First, she
must have the bowels clean and regular movements. This is done through proper
diet and a good herbal laxative. Her bloodstream should be in prime condition to
deliver good food to the cells of her body and the cells of the fetus she is
carrying. This same bloodstream, in good condition, will carry away waste
materials from cell structure to discourage toxic build-up.
A good herbal blood-purifying tea or herbal formula is very important, and there
are many of them. One of the finest teas we have been recommending for nearly
forty years to our “expecting” patients is red raspberry leaf tea. This tea has in it
malic and citric acids, oxate of iron, pectin, calcium and potassium chloride, and
sulfate. This tea should be used preferably before, but certainly during the entire
nine months of pregnancy. The benefits are many, such as anti-nausea, an aid to
digestion (malic and citric acids), iron for the blood, and also for body building
and support. Potassium chloride, sulphates and phosphorous (from grains, etc.)
are the best body builders. Potassium phosphate is one of the greatest brain and
nerve foods. Potassium sulphate activates the skin and mucous membranes.
According to Dr. Shook,
“Potassium chloride is a salt very similar to sodium chloride, but very different
in its chemical effects upon the various cells and tissues of the body. It is found
in the blood and lymph. By its action on the collagen (which is a particular
gelatinoid), it forms fibrin. This fibrin is the builder of muscular and ligamentous
structures, but unless there is sufficient potassium chloride in the blood to keep it
in solution, the fibrin is thrown out as a stringy, insoluble mass that forms an
excess of phlegm and catarrhal mucoid matter. All forms of catarrh are caused in
this way, as are fibroid tumors and adhesions.”
While taking red raspberry leaf tea, it is good to use a good calcium formula, to
assist in having a strong and well built body that can resist disease. A
combination of horsetail grass, comfrey root, oat straw and lobelia is one of the
great herbal food combinations of all time. This formula supplies to the fetus, via
that mother taking it into her body, calcium for the veins, arteries and capillaries,
for an overall strong body to resist disease when it is present. The weak body
will succumb to the illness, while a well nourished system will ignore the
ravages of disease.
The old statement of an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is the point
we are trying to put over and so there should be no need for vaccinations and
inoculations. From the very beginning of new life in the womb, the new little
body should be kept in a non-toxic, mucus-free condition. When one has a good
clean bloodstream, who would want to defile it with an injection of serums
developed from horse or cow pus and other unsavory type filth from sick
If the mother will continue to live on a good mucusless diet during lactation such
as the one in Dr. Christopher’s “Three-Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet”, and
then later instruct and teach the child to follow through with the same program,
she will find that good health and the lack of allergies will be evident.
I remember many years age when our children were small that quite a large
measles epidemic broke out in our neighborhood. We had taught our children to
refuse any offers of candy or soda pop from their little friends, but two of our
children found this hard to do except David, who always carried around with
him his little bottles of grape juice, and also had dried fruits and raisins in his
pocket for candy, because he “liked” them—but grape juice was his favorite—he
practically lived on it. When one by one David's friends "caught" the measles—
even his brother and sister—he was heard to loudly proclaim, “Well, I'm not
going to have them—I just won't!" And guess who didn't get the measles! Same
thing happened when the chickenpox and mumps "made the rounds”—David
never contacted any of those diseases either. Of course, if you want to catch any
of those contagious ''filth” diseases, be sure to drink lots of sugary soda pop, eat
lots of candy, cookies, cakes and pies and the body will soon have the calcium
leached out and the system will be loaded with mucus and wastes which make a
perfect “breeding ground” for disease germs to thrive and grow!
Isn't the natural way the best way, instead of depending upon the popular
"defiling" of the bloodstream of the child to avoid disease? (Compliments of Dr.
John Christopher April 18, 1978)
—Excerpt from Vaccination the Silent Killer
Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND
Ida Honorof
The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination
Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND
Restored and updated by
Trung Nguyen
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The purpose of this volume is to provide a working reference of various
statements regarding vaccination and not to offer a "cure" of any specific disease
in any specific individual.
Preconceived opinions regarding vaccination will not be changed overnight nor
by the reading of a single book. Herein are the opinions of many great scientists
and doctors (of many schools). Many have spent a lifetime of research—of trial
and error before making their statements. The reader has the privilege to accept
or to reject the statements after due deliberation.
Thus we feel this volume should not be considered a dangerous book for the
layman but a thought provoking treatise.
The Publisher.
For the past 2000 years physicians have been looking in the wrong direction for
the cure of disease. Their worse than useless practice of killing germs with
poison drugs has never—and can never—solve the problem of disease.
During the Dark Ages, before the introduction of improved nutrition and
sanitation, the world was intermittently visited with epidemics of smallpox. The
cause was stubbornly ignored and the seeds for more disease were sown when
vaccination was brought into popular use. This infusion of poison injected into
the bloodstream of the masses only served to intensify the disease in some cases,
suppress the symptoms in others and create new and more serious diseases in
still others. So, with the passing of years we have seen this misbegotten child of
ignorance grow into a Frankenstein monster of immense proportions that moves
relentlessly forward, grinding under foot the multitudes that throng its path.
Through the lethal power of this poisoned needle, the simple zymotic
(contagious) diseases of the past have been devolved into the horrors of the
present—our terrifying and expanding crop of "killer diseases". Many of these
strange "mystery diseases" that baffle the entire medical world, are the sordid
products of vaccine poisons that disturb the chemical balance of the body and
interfere with normal functioning.
All these medically-made atrocities are far worse than smallpox or any of the
other eruptive diseases that nature provides as a means of expelling the
accumulated poison waste from the abused body. This interference with the
balanced economy of nature has multiplied the problems beyond the power of
science to control.
Our worst epidemics now are epidemics of vaccination in which more people are
killed every year by "vaccinal diseases" than by the diseases that the
vaccinations were supposed to combat.
Complete freedom from disease can scarcely be found except in remote islands
or isolated communities that have not been invaded by medical mischief and
commercialized products. Is our proud civilization to be degraded, corrupted,
and destroyed by its own inventions designed for selfish profit and exploitation
of the race?
Vaccination, instead of being the promised blessing to the world, has proved to
be a curse of such sweeping devastation that it has caused more death and
disease than war, pestilence, and plague combined. There is no scourge (with the
possible exception of atomic radiation) that is more destructive to our nation’s
health than this monument of human deception—this slayer of the innocent—
this crippler of body and brain—THE POISONED NEEDLE.
Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND
"Truth wears no mask, seeks neither place nor applause, bows to no human
shrine; she only asks a hearing."
The increasing flood of evidence against vaccination and the growing for the
unsuppressed facts about this "touchy" subject have literally forced this book
into being.
As this work has progressed and the extensive research has been carried to trace
down and organize the material for this manuscript, other valuable long
concealed records, that I had not expected, have come into my hands as if by
some unseen power. It is to be hoped that the information contained within these
pages will help to sweep away the tragic errors that cloud the minds of the
people as well as the physicians. It is urgent that the living words of TRUTH or
some other force be applied to abolish that deadly weapon, THE POISONED
NEEDLE, which has been the menacing road block standing m the way of
progress in the healing field for these many years.
Vaccination and the false germ theory upon which it is hinged has led mankind
far astray and has severed the fragile thread that offered medical theory and
practice a hope of becoming a science. Under the sway of our present
degenerative medical methods the health of our people has declined to the lowest
point in history. The 1955 survey showed that over 90% of our population is
below par mentally or physically. According to life insurance records, army
reports, hospital statements, government statistics and physical examinations for
marriage certificates and employment, etc., it is revealed that there is hardly one
normal, healthy person in a hundred. The Cancer Foundation states that one out
of every four is marked for cancer. The figures on heart trouble are even worse
than that and the other "killer diseases" come in for their toll. Practically all the
rest of the people have symptoms of less serious diseases; these symptoms being
headaches. constipation, weak eves, dental caries, colds, pain, stomach trouble,
Most, if not all, diseases are avoidable and curable (at a certain stage) but not
under the deceptive medical method of poisoning the well and the sick with
vaccines and drugs and mutilating them with unnecessary operations.
When socialized medicine was threatening, a meeting of medical officials was
called to discuss just how many and which operations would really be necessary
if there was no profit in it. It was decided that only 3% would be considered
essential under those conditions. This information came from a medical student
whose instructor had attended the meeting.
Earl Richardson, (Colorado Springs) was vaccinated by the local doctor when
six years of age. Up to that time he was strong and healthy, but 9 days after the
vaccination he developed an illness accompanied by extreme nervousness that
the doctor diagnosed as St. Vitus Dance. He was given an examination and
found the heart and other organs to be sound and unaffected. A few days later
complications set in and the doctor was called again. On examination he found
that the boy had developed a valvular heart condition. The mother took him to
Kentucky to three heart specialists who all declared that it was due to infection.
One doctor said the ailment was probably due to vaccination, as he had seen
some other cases of valvular heart trouble develop after vaccination. Four years
later, when Mr. Rowton had his last interview with this family, the child was still
too ill to attend school. His mother said he often had to sleep sitting up in bed on
account of the heart condition.
It’s a strange law that compels children to be vaccinated in order to attend school
and then disables them so they cannot attend—anything.
According to NEWSWEEK, April 25, 1955, heart trouble, our number one
killer, takes 794,000 victims each year and 10 million Americans suffer from it.
Less than a third of the deaths were caused by heart trouble 20 years ago.
"Today, it causes more than one death out of every two.
"The cost is staggering: Industry loses the work of 653,000 men annually
because of heart disease disabilities; annual compensation and pensions to
veterans total $168,000,000."
Many of these same industries that are pressed with heavy disability costs are the
ones that require compulsory vaccination of their employees.
The heart is the strongest muscle in the body and it takes an extreme amount of
poison or abuse to impair its functioning. Tobacco, liquor, drugs, cola drinks,
poison preservatives in foods and poison spray on farm produce, in addition to
the incompatible, devitalized foods are some of the other poisons that corrode
the tissues of the heart as well as every cell in the body. Arteriosclerosis, which
accompanies about half of the heart deaths, is also a disease which is induced by
body poisoning, overeating of incompatible, devitalized foods and depleting
Lena Long, (Denver) was vaccinated in October, 1922, in order to attend school.
In four days her arm began to fester and she developed a high fever. She was
extremely nervous and confined to her bed for about a week. A little later she
developed pneumonia with symptoms of tuberculosis. The doctor checked the
family records to try to find tuberculosis in the family or ancestry but none was
found. The last report from the mother, Mrs. S. A. Long, was that Lena was still
unable to attend school and was suffering from tuberculosis. Mr. Long (Lena’s
father) was vaccinated the same year, in December, after which 12 boils
developed on his neck. This gave him a great deal of trouble. He had never bad a
boil before that time.
Mrs. Donnelly, (Denver) was successfully vaccinated for smallpox on December
21, 1922. A few hours after the injection she began to experience severe
reactions which developed into scarlet fever in such a serious form that she was
rushed to the hospital where she hovered between life and death for several
Katie Blessant, (Denver) was given toxin-anti-toxin for diphtheria. In a short
time she lost her voice and soon after that she developed kidney trouble and
stomach trouble which she had never been bothered with before.
Earl Rohsbecker, (Denver) was vaccinated for smallpox after which he
developed Bright’s disease (an advanced form of degeneration of the kidneys).
The doctors do not hold out much hope for his recovery.
Raymond Nelson (Denver) was given diphtheria toxin-anti-toxin after which he
developed paralysis. His son was given the antitoxin also, and died of it.
Mrs. Black (Colorado Springs) was vaccinated for smallpox and soon developed
spinal meningitis. The case was so severe that the attending physician had to call
in assistance from Denver.
David, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson, was vaccinated on November 6, 1921.
By the family physician, in compliance with the school requirement. After three
days his arm festered and was inflamed. Then for several weeks the vaccination
seemed to be healing but continued to be sore and inflamed. In February the
glands in his neck began to swell and some lumps formed under each arm. Some
of the lumps decreased in size but all were painful so the doctor lanced one of
the larger ones. It never did heal properly and began to discharge pus a little
later. At the time of the last report (March, 1921) it had not healed and the child
was still in bed and unable to walk. It is not likely that he will be able to attend
school for a long time.
A Mother’s Report (name withheld by request),
"I had my daughter vaccinated on the 21st of December, 1921. In less than a
week her arm started to swell, become inflamed, and discharged pus at the site of
the vaccination. A lump developed under the arm and she was seriously ill for
four months. I had her treated for over a year with X-ray and now her arm is
blistered with X-ray burns in addition to the original ailment.”
Mrs. Jessie Wuns (Colorado Springs) was vaccinated for smallpox and a few
days later she developed a severe case of smallpox which lasted seven weeks.
Mrs. Anna Heller (Colorado Springs) developed sores on her arm, neck and leg
after her vaccination. Although many years have passed, it still bothers her. Her
two daughters were also vaccinated and both of them developed vaccinia and
almost died from it. Her son, almost died from the vaccination itself; then he
developed smallpox 30 days later. It left him with dropsy from which he has
never recovered.
George Ogden and family reported the following:
"We all had smallpox before coming to Colorado Springs but Dr. Gillett insists
on our being vaccinated every year anyway."
QUESTION: If a case of smallpox cannot immunize against another attack of
smallpox how can a vaccination be expected to do more than that when the
vaccination, at best, is claimed to produce only a mild form of the disease. Now,
if there is anything at all to the vaccination theory then a case of smallpox should
not only immunize against smallpox but should, also, protect against the effects
of vaccination and revaccination. If it does not do this then the vaccination
theory disproves itself—it has absolutely no sound reason for being. Since
vaccination has proved itself to be useless and hazardous why does Dr. Gillett
(as well as other vaccinating doctors) insist on vaccinating? Is there any reason
except for money, at the cost of human life?
NEWSWEEK for April 25, 1955 says that Mental Illness is rated by many
experts as the biggest health problem of the day. More than half of the U. S.
hospital beds are occupied by mental patients. Their care costs the taxpayers
more than a billion dollars a year. Another report states that there are 10,000,000
people in U. S. with mental diseases.
On a troopship returning from the Australian sector after the war, it was reported
that 250 of the 400 men aboard, were insane. Some of the excuses the doctors
offered for this shocking development was that it was caused by the heat of the
jungles and the rigors of war. However, the citizens of unvaccinated Australia
didn’t go insane in the same heat and the enemy didn’t go insane with the same
rigors of war and in the same climate. It has been hinted that the men were
poisoned almost to death with vaccine serums and drugs. The normal brain cells
are richly supplied with calcium and other alkaline elements When poisons are
introduced into the system the calcium is leeched out of the soft tissues first and
then the bones, in order to neutralize the poisons. This greatly impairs or
destroys the functioning of the brain, nerves, muscles, and eyes, etc.
S. Vandecarr, D C, in an article titled, "WHO IS INSANE" said:
"There is a cry being raised concerning the lack of sufficient institutions to
adequately care for the mental cases needing commitment to them. Lunacy is
terribly on the increase. Particularly do ex-service men and women need such
care. Many thousands of these men and women were in perfect health when
inducted into the armed forces. They were then given all the "shots" devised by
the allopathic laboratories and used without question by the allopathic physicians
in the medical corps. Histories of hundreds of cases were "written up" by
physicians who followed up the results of immunization in the service. It showed
plainly that the inoculations and vaccinations were responsible for the
tremendous number of men and women who, soon after being inoculated, had to
be discharged as psycho-neurotics. Thousands of these are now filling the mental
institutions and few of them will ever again be restored to normal.
"One of the effects of the poisons injected into the blood to "prevent" disease is
that it weakens the nervous system and gradually breaks down the nerve centers
in the brain. The end result of this is insanity...
"Within a day or so after being admitted to the mental institution, the patient is
taken to the room set aside for the purpose and given three or more "shots." It
matters not whether they have been recently vaccinated or not, they are again
given a smallpox vaccination, then whatever serums they happen to have on
hand. Thereafter, each week the patients are lined up and given more shots. What
for? Who knows? Even those who give them do not apparently know. In one
mental institution I know of, every Thursday is called "needle day" because on
that day all patients are given at least three injections. They all get the same dose
whether they want it or not. The result is, they lose weight and become sick.
Their mental condition becomes worse with each inoculation and soon they are
beyond help. Mild cases become violent and then the attendants maltreat them.
"After seeing the medical practitioners at work it makes one wonder whether it is
the patient or the doctor who is insane.”
"Knowledge is the antidote of fear,
Knowledge, Use and Reason, with its aids." —Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ignorance spiked with greed has put a death machine (vaccination) into the
hands of doctors, and ignorance and fear have driven people into its lethal
power. Emerson was right when he said that the right use of reason and
knowledge could free mankind from fear. It is certainly true that a little
knowledge applied in the right places would wake people out of their hypnotic
stupor of believing that the popularized poison could un-poison them and make
them well again.
It is the purpose of this chapter, in particular, as well as the entire book, to
present the actual photographs and case histories of victims of vaccination, along
with enough authoritative data to give some concrete reasons for abolishing
vaccination. Its deadly effects have been proved and its uselessness has been
admitted by the most experienced authorities in the field.
According to the figures of the Office of Vital Statistics at Washington, D. C.,
there were "33 deaths from vaccination in the three years, 1949, 1950, 1951...
Post-Vaccinal Encephalitis 22; Generalized Vaccinia, 2; other complications, 9."
During this same 3-year period there were only 4 deaths from smallpox. If
vaccination kills people at the rate of 33 to every 4 protected the risk is greater
than any possible advantage. (It was not stated how many of the smallpox cases
had been vaccinated also.)
In the years 1941 to 1948 there were (In U.S.) 107 deaths from "sequaelae of
preventive immunization, inoculation or vaccination". During this time there
were only 78 deaths from smallpox.
In the American Journal of Diseases of Children, Dr. Greenberg discussed the
results of the 1947 smallpox scare in New York. Under the heading of
Complications of Vaccination" he admitted that 45 cases of post vaccinal
encephalitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord) had been observed and
that 4 deaths had occurred up to that time. Two of the patients who survived
death developed hemiparesis and one had optic neuritis. Forty-two other patients
had generalized vaccinia of which two died and another died of ulceration of the
So, seven died of this vaccination epidemic while only one died of smallpox and
that case was proved, later, not to be smallpox at all. It was just a case of poison
ivy used to stage a multimillion dollar vaccination drive.
In England the Ministry of Health’s report on The State of the Public Health
During Six Years of War," under the heading "Post-Vaccinal Encephalitis"
"In the six years 60 cases of this complication of vaccinia have been recorded by
the Ministry. There were 31 deaths; a figure of 50%, may be taken as the fatality
rate of this grave complication."
During this same period of six years there were only 13 deaths from smallpox in
all of England and Wales. The report did not state how many of these cases of
smallpox were induced by vaccination.
Neville Chamberlain M.D. was forced to admit, in the House of Commons, that
in the short period of one month (June 1 to June 30) 11 death certificates had
been given in which the words "vaccination" or "vaccinia" appeared as the cause
of death, and that on six of these certificates some form of nervous disease was
entered....He also admitted that there were 10 other cases in which death
followed closely after vaccination.
An editorial in JOHN BULL (London) continues this discussion as follows:
"Almost the next day he (Chamberlain) had to admit that one child in Norfolk
died of post vaccinal encephalitis (sleeping sickness) after vaccination and that
three other similar cases in the same district were suffering from the same
disease following vaccination.
"We do not have to be medical experts to appreciate the gravity of this startling
report, which for once in a lifetime has completely broken through the
conspiracy of silence with which medical men usually surround their operations.
"This is not particularly a question of medicine. It is a question of national
health-SURVIVAL. It is not sanity to continue to inject poison and disease into
healthy children, and we have no hesitation whatever in asserting that the whole
business of vaccination should be suspended forthwith.
"Our opinion is that it would be both cheaper and more affective to remove
vaccination than to waste time and money in experiments toward removal of the
dread consequences of vaccination."
The Encyclopedia Britannica (9th edition) records results of a canvass of cities
after a general vaccination order for school children. It was found that nearly all
the cases of scarlet fever, measles and diphtheria had been recently vaccinated.
Two vaccinated boys developed black diphtheria and died. What is true of this
survey is true of other cities where vaccination is stressed.
A recognized authority summed up this subject by saying:
"Vaccination induces an acute and specific disease (resembling smallpox) and
also aggravates existent latent diseases. The absorption of the vaccine virus into
the circulation excites the virus already in the system, and nature rebels, as it
were, and makes an effort to throw the poison out of the body. When there is
sufficient vitality, it will be successful. But when there is a lack of vitality, or a
low state of health, there is little or no external manifestation in the shape of
blisters, pustules, or eruptions. In this case, the poison sinks in, or is absorbed,
and remains in the body, and later develops into some organic disease, generally
of the respiratory organs.
"Nearly all of those on whom Jenner performed his earlier experiments,
including his own son, died of consumption (a disease of the respiratory organs).
"There are possibly millions, both children and adults, who are compelled to
endure a living death from the effects of vaccination, in the form of syphilis,
scrofula, cancer, tumors, skin diseases, etc."
I personally have seen a number of people lingering on for years in a state of
living death as a result of vaccination.
In his "Vaccination Delusions", Thomas Morgan reports:
"During the past five months, we have collected from the newspapers over five
hundred authenticated cases of injury and death from vaccination. We present a
few cases to show how vaccination protects for it is evident that when
vaccination kills the patient, he is forever immune to smallpox, protected by the
immunizing potency of death. These have died from blood poisoning, erysipelas,
lockjaw, convulsions, etc., after vaccination." (The names, ages, dates, and
locality (town) are given on page 35 of "Medical Delusions.")
THE NEW YORK SUN, March 20, 1895 stated:
"John Morrissey, 1979 Third Ave., New York, lost his two children; both died
from convulsions induced by vaccination. Dr. Sharp, who attended them, thinks
that vaccination may have been the cause of the children’s death.
HERALD, Northampton, Mass., May 25, 1895:
"Webster N. Kinney, 8 year old son of Charles Kinney, of Westfield, was
vaccinated and died from the direct effect of vaccination, which resulted in blood
poisoning. The occurrence caused quite a stir. Parents see that there is greater
danger from poisoning the human system with vaccine virus than from
smallpox." (emphasis supplied)
PRESS SPECIAL, Savannah, Georgia, Feb. 3, 1898:
"Wm. M. Lee, member of the St. Louis School Board, died from vaccination.
Alma Olivia Piehn, daughter of L. H. Piehn, president of the Anti-Vaccination
Society of America, died May 13, 1894, killed by compulsory vaccination.
Albert F. Turner died from blood poisoning, as the result of vaccination."
THE BOSTON HERALD gives names and addresses of 47 soldiers killed by
vaccination in just one month of army life, from the official reports from Camp
Merrit, San Francisco, Camp Muintauk and troops stationed at Manila for the
month of January, 1899. These soldiers had the usual course of vaccine serums
for the prevention of smallpox, diphtheria, typhoid, etc.
The diseases they died from within 30 days of the vaccinations were, smallpox,
diphtheria, typhoid, lockjaw, black smallpox, blood poisoning, and cirrhosis of
the liver.
General Leonard Wood told the Senate Committee on Military Affairs that "half
his present forces were not fit for effective service." (After vaccination.)
In the Cuban army 60% of the men were frequently disabled, because of diseases
other than battle wounds.
In a published article in LIFE magazine, April 17, 1950, General Eisenhower, in
discussing the poor conditioning of our fighting forces, said:
I remember one time in Africa when we had only four divisions in the field, and
I was desperate for men, I found we had 6,000 men in hospitals in Africa
unavailable for combat—and not one of them had suffered a wound."
All these men were in prime condition when they went to war—47% of our
young men were unfit for service and were rejected. This was an "all time high"
record of unfitness, indicating the decadent trend of our nation’s health. But the
most perfect men were inducted and sent to the Army camps to be shot full of
vaccine poisons and other drugs. After this drastic course of malpractice
thousands of boys were invalided home as physical and mental wrecks before
they even left American soil. Others were sent to the battlefield where they
collapsed and had to be hospitalized.
During the Second World War I heard that seven men had dropped dead on the
floor of the vaccinator’s office at Birmingham after being vaccinated. I wrote to
the government for verification and learned from the printed official government
statement that in just the first six months of the war, there were not just seven
vaccination deaths, but there were 62 deaths from yellow fever vaccine alone.
The men received from 14 to 24 vaccinations of all varieties but the full report of
all vaccination deaths was not given. The casualties were probably tabulated
under other causes. The report of the US Secretary of War, Henry L. Simpson
regarding the deaths from yellow fever "shots" reads in part:
RESULTED IN 28,505 CASES OF HEPATITIS (disease of the liver) WITH 62
deaths, as of July 24, 1942."
The British Army finally abandoned compulsory vaccination when the numerous
law suits for deaths and damages made it mandatory.
On February 5, 1954, Mr. Birch, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of
Defense, assured Mr. Charles R. Hobson, M. P. that the British troops retain their
right to refuse vaccination and all inoculations, even when fighting under United
Nations Command.
England was the country that introduced compulsory vaccination and being a
proud and somewhat self-righteous nation, she did everything possible to make
vaccination work so she would not have to admit her guilt in this respect. But
with all the subterfuge, artful persuasion and coercion, vaccination was at last
admitted to be a failure and a calamity. Since the vaccination law was repealed
the health of that country has been steadily improving. In view of these un-
refutable facts, it is not compatible with our standards of justice and democratic
ideals for our U.S. government to lend itself to the uses of the medical and drug
trusts in their money-making vaccination schemes.
Dr. Herbert Snow, for 25 years staff surgeon of the London Cancer Hospital
"Of recent years, many men and women in prime of life, have dropped dead
suddenly. I am convinced that some 80% of these deaths are caused by the
inoculations or vaccinations they have earlier undergone. These are well known
to cause grave and permanent disease of the heart.
"The coroner always hushes it up as ‘natural causes’. I have been trying to get
these cases referred to an Independent Commission of inquiry, but so far, in
So far the investigations have been thwarted by committees staffed or influenced
by medical men who were there to promote their own interests. Is our nation to
continue on the decline until it passes into oblivion like some of the earlier
nations that invited corruption for private gain. If we want to reverse the present
trend we may have to take drastic action to dislodge the decadent medical
system from public domination and outlaw the use and sale of poison drugs that
are at present parading under the name of healing agents.
These are just a few of the hundreds of cases of blindness, paralysis, cancer,
ulcers and other diseases of vaccination that resulted in death. Most of these
photographs were collected by Anti-Vaccination League of England and
America and published in VACCINATION AT WORK and other books on the
subject of vaccination.
Mona Stevenson of Humphrey St. Burnley, England, was vaccinated at the age
of five weeks by Dr. J. W. Clegg, with the official glycerinated calf-lymph, after
five weeks of suffering in which the child’s face and arm was partly eaten away
by the vaccine disease, the child died. The same doctor certified the cause of
death as "generalized vaccinia, 36 days, and exhaustion."
Willie Hood, six year old son of J.G. Hood, 4150 Lafayette Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
died of lockjaw following vaccination on Oct. 14, 1917. (Details given in the
Vaccination Inquirer, Nov. 1, 1917)
Charles Higgens, of New York, shows photographs of five other fatal cases of
post-vaccinal lockjaw in his well documented book "The Horrors of Vaccination.
(Pub. 1920) Records of 30 other fatal cases of this disease in New York, were
published by Mr. James A. Loyster, of New York, whose son died of infantile
paralysis (cerebral) as a result of vaccination. (The account of this case is given
on page 33 of VACCINATION AT WORK, published by the National Anti-
Vaccination League.
Ethel Mary Thompson, age seven months, (from Skene Row, Aberdeen) was a
beautiful, healthy infant until vaccinated. Soon after this operation ulcers began
to develop that never healed. Six weeks later when the doctor was called, he
observed that "there was a great punched out" hole right through the arm near
the vaccination and another gaping wound in the arm pit. The flesh in this area
had decayed until the ribs were exposed. On the abdomen was a large brown
patch of decaying flesh and the knee was swollen out of proportion to its normal
size. Festering sores were forming on the toes. After two months of untold
suffering the child died.
"Ernest Cheeseman of Rose Cottages, Wescott, Dorking, England was
vaccinated at the age of nine weeks with the standard glycerinated calf-lymph
supplied by the local Government Board on Nov. 3rd. Up to that time he was
healthy and normal and his parents were in good health. Five days after his
vaccination a serious form of syphilitic skin disease developed and death
relieved him of his suffering on Nov. 30th. The body was covered with eczema-
like eruptions and the feet were drawn up, all out of shape. The sores that broke
out around the mouth looked like burnt meat and stood out at least half an inch."
(From Vaccination at Work)
When syphilis results from vaccination, it is the usual claim of the doctors, that
the mother must surely have syphilis and certainly communicated it to the child.
In Wales when 4,000 infants were found to be syphilitic after their vaccinations,
all the parents were examined by the doctors in an effort to lay the blame on
them, but the parents were found to be free from syphilis.
In the case of the Cheeseman baby, the same cowardly accusations were made
against the mother, by the doctors. She willingly underwent a medical
examination and it was found that she was normal and healthy, with no syphilitic
taint. The examiner stated:
"I do not think there is any reason whatever to suspect that she has ever suffered
from syphilis. I find no indication of such disease."
Some of the doctors at the inquest persisted in their morbid character defamation
charges against the mother and refused to believe the medical report that gave
her a clean bill of health. On the strength of their own opinions they insisted that
she was syphilitic and would not be able to give birth to another normal baby.
To prove that the accusations of the doctors were unjustified she had the
following photograph taken after the birth of her next child, Frederick John, who
was 10 weeks old at the time his was taken. It is apparent that the child is well
and healthy—and unvaccinated. The fathers (in England) who refused to have
their children serve prison terms under compulsory vaccination but many of
them accepted this punishment in order to save their children from the deadly
effects of vaccination.
"Horace Capewell of 5 Court St., Southbridge, England, was a fine healthy baby
with beautiful eyes. He was vaccinated when five weeks old. Nine days later his
body was a mass of sores. His eyes became affected and at the age of five
months he was totally blind Many doctors at Birmingham had the case under
treatment but nothing could restore his sight This was taken many years later at
the age of 20 years.
Elsie Thuroff was born March 3, 1920 and vaccinated June 8, 1921. In August of
the same year she began suffering from "violent grinding pains, and swelling and
distortion of the bones of her arm up to her shoulder. The medical diagnosis was
tuberculosis of the bones. She underwent an operation after which the condition
grew steadily worse until her arm drew up and became helpless. The skin of the
face burned away. The vaccination marks suppurated and the body wasted away
to a living skeleton. "After suffering excruciating pain she died on the 8th of
January, 1923."
This six year old boy died of generalized vaccinia. He had been subject to
eczema since the age of six weeks. Since eczema is a condition of extreme
toxemia (acidosis or internal poisoning) the poison from the vaccine serum
intensified the body poisoning and he died September 1949.
William Hamilton was vaccinated at three months of age. The poison spread and
the sores never healed. The case was attended by six doctors but they gave it up
as a hopeless case. His arm has been useless since the vaccination in infancy,
The photo was taken when he was 15 years of age.
-Meat—An active person can metabolize only one and a half ounces of protein a
day. Inactive patients are further poisoned by extra protein.
-White rice—Polished rice is stripped of its outer coatings of mineral elements
and vitamins that help to balance the starch in the center. This processing makes
the rice acid forming and devitalizing.
-Ice Cream—This is one of the guilty offenders in causing polio, because of the
high sugar content and preservatives, fillers, artificial flavoring and coloring, etc.
-Coffee or milk again. Patients were forced to eat when not hungry.
This diet looks like a conspiracy to keep the patients sick for the added business
it brings the doctors.
According to a survey made in 1946 regarding the percentage of polio recoveries
under the various methods of healing we have this interesting report:
-91% to 100% recover under certain Chiropractic treatment—(not all
chiropractors understand this method)
-97% to 100% recover under correct Hygienic treatment.
-72% under Nurse Kenny treatment.
-35% recover with no professional care.
-17% under medical care.
Some doctors are actually advising their pregnant patients to drink several
bottles of cola each day for nausea. Duon Miller, founder of Polio Prevention
Inc. met one of these medically misinformed women and he told her about the
harmful effects of cola drinks and other such drinks but the woman said, "You
are no doubt right, but my doctor has advised me to drink it so I’m going to
follow the doctor." Cola makes "drug addicts" of its customers so she probably
couldn’t quit anyway.
She continued her poison diet and when her baby was born it was malformed
without any complete fingers or toes. The poisons in the cola had robbed it of the
necessary minerals to build a normal body. It will have to go through life as a
helpless cripple, dependent on the public as thousands of others have to do
because certain physicians and manufacturers want to make money.
"Any doctor who will suggest to a pregnant woman that she drink "cola" or
suggest that a child of any age drink "colas" should be disbarred by the Medical
Association and given the rest of his life to realize that the letters "M.D." after
his name actually mean "Mentally Deficient." (Duon Miller)
‘Doctors from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School undertook a study
of the prenatal diets of mothers who had given birth to 45 children so malformed
that 90% were born dead or died within a year after birth. The diets of these
women were found to have been deficient in practically every nutrient." —"Lets
Have Healthy Children", Adelle Davis, p. 18-19
Dr. Joseph C. Risser, in a broadcast on the subject of NUTRITION AND
"Delay in development of fragmentation of bone growing centers, porous or soft
bone, are commonly seen in X-ray of recent POLIO patients. These X-ray
evidences, having appeared long before the attack of polio, strongly indicate that
in the polio patient there was a pre-existing state of malnutrition."
Ralf R. Scobey, M.D., president of the Poliomyelitis Research Institute. Inc.
Syracuse, New York (in the Archives of Pediatrics, Sept. 1950) lists 170 diseases
of polio-like symptoms and effects but with different names such as: epidemic
cholera, cholera morbus, spinal meningitis, spinal apoplexy, inhibitory palsy,
intermittent fever, famine fever, worm fever, bilious remittent fever, ergotism,
There are also such common nutritional deficiency diseases as beriberi, scurvy,
Asiatic plague, pellagra, prison edema, acidosis etc. No drugs, medicines or
medical treatments have ever been able to cure any of these diseases and no
germs have been isolated as the cause. But they all respond to fasting, cleansing,
proper diet and improved circulation. The similarity of these diseases to polio is
too obvious to go unnoticed. They are, in reality, all one disease with varying
stages of intensity and different names. It is ridiculous to assume that polio is
caused by a virus and the rest of them are caused by nutritional deficiency. Dr.
Scobey senses this fact when he states:
"Inasmuch as nerve cells react in much the same way to various poisons, further
research will probably show that in these cases polio micro-organisms are not
always present, but intoxication (poisoning) may be produced through faulty
metabolism or by the absorption of poisons from without."
There are literally thousands of cases in which beriberi, scurvy, polio, pellagra,
etc. have developed among arctic explorers, sailors, construction gangs, prisons
and every other group where the people try to live on an unbalanced diet of
starch, protein, coffee and devitalized, processed foods. Alfred McCann
describes many of these (poison squads) in his book THE SCIENCE OF
EATING. In the case of the German crew on the "Kronprinz Willem" when the
ship’s hospital was filled with helpless sailors and more were dropping on the
deck each day the German and American doctors exhausted all their skill (such
as it was) but the condition grew steadily worse. The men had polio but all the
doctors had a different name for it. They thought the disease was contagious and
the ship lay in quarantine in an American harbor.
When all the medical methods had utterly failed, Mr. McCann went aboard and
gave the captain a simple diet which was followed out and it brought about
recovery of most of the patients within 10 days. The rest of them were well in
record time. Not a man was lost. On the other hand, when the workmen on the
South American railroad began collapsing with the same deficiency disease, the
doctors failed (as usual) and there was no "health" man to give them a diet so
4,000 of them died. Viruses, germs or bacteria did not cause these epidemics.
The men were stricken with acidosis from malnutrition. They suffocated in their
own internal poisons. They had the fever, the swelling, the sore throat, the lack
of coordination of muscles and finally paralysis the same as our present polio
When will our blundering physicians ever learn to profit by the experiences of
the past instead of torturing animals and experimenting on and killing people in
a effort to learn something that is already known?
In addition to the drastic vaccine poisons and the self generated poisons from
wrong foods there are a number of other poisons that are being freely used that
are known to cause polio.
INSECTICIDES such as lead arsenate, hydrocyanic gas and other cyanide
compounds, DDT, parathion and other deadly poisons are a constant cause of
death and disease. Dr. Abraham Gelperin, director of the Bureau of
Communicable Diseases and assistant Clinical Professor or Public Health at Yale
University, stated flatly that he believes many ills to be the result of these poison
insecticides, and that large numbers of what are believed to be polio are in reality
cases of poisoning, possibly caused by something like parathion.
Dr. J. W. Norton of the N. C. Department of Health said the "symptoms of
parathion poisoning are similar to those of polio, including headache, gastric
upset, giddiness, tightness of the chest, vomiting and sometimes diarrhea.
"One of the manufacturers of the widely used insecticide parathion describes it
as ‘capable of producing severe systemic toxic effects and death in animals and
man either by oral administration, inhalation of mists, dusts, or vapors and by
absorption through the unbroken skin." (Prevention, June, 1950. p. 12)
What are our elected officers and public protectors doing while all this wholesale
poisoning is going on? Are the extremely wealthy manufacturers the only ones
to be "protected" in their game of "grab and stab"?
FORMALDEHYDE IN MILK has been reported as a cause of polio. Australian
Medical Gazette, (Aug. 24, 1897) states that "formalin," an aqueous solution of
formaldehyde, caused paralysis in some who drank milk that contained it. Our
U.S. Government permits the dairymen to add formaldehyde to milk so that
stale, inferior milk may be sold as fresh milk. Formaldehyde is a poisonous
embalming fluid that is, no doubt, one of the causes of the epidemics of diarrhea
and death among the bottle fed infants in hospitals.
The Lancet (Jan. 9, 1915) mentions an epidemic of polio that was said to have
been caused by raw milk. It has never been. proved that raw milk has ever
caused polio or undulant fever or any other disease but the added poison
preservatives could cause many diseases. Pasteurization companies capitalized
on this incident to stampede some laws into operation which would prohibit the
sale of raw (unprocessed) milk.
Pasteurization makes matters even worse because the heating process melts the
butterfat in the milk and this coats the calcium globules and renders the calcium
assimilable to a large extent.
From the Journal of Biochemistry, (Vol. 75, pp. 251-62. Oct., 1927) we read:
"In the Nutrition Laboratory of the Dept. of Home Economics of the University
of Chicago, in 1927, experimentation revealed that only about 27% of the
calcium in pasteurized milk and 30% of evaporated milk was retained in the
Rats fed on pasteurized milk grew at only half the normal rate and developed
various ailments and died early. Calves fed on pasteurized milk died before
maturity in 9 out of 10 cases.
Dr. Royal Lee of the Lee Foundation of Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, stated:
"I offer the sum of $1,000 to anyone who can offer evidence acceptable to the
average jury that pasteurization has not affected the nutritional values of milk to
the extent that it is incapable of maintaining the tooth and bone structures of the
test animals."
The Salk vaccine also has formaldehyde added to the poison decomposed
protein from which the vaccine was made, which adds to its toxicity.
MERCURY, which is freely used in the practice of medicine, especially in the
treatment of venereal diseases, is reported to have caused many cases of polio.
"Gonorrhea the crippler" is an advertising "scare head" term that is used to
terrorize "suspects" into the treatment offices. The crippling is usually done by
the treatment and not the disease itself. On a simple fasting and correct diet
program the disease heals the same as other conditions, when not interfered with
by suppressive medical measures.
SOLANIN, a poison that is formed in frozen potatoes was found to be the cause
of an epidemic in Ireland. The disease had polio-like reactions but was called
remittent fever. Old, sprouting potatoes and those that have been exposed to the
sun in the growing period until the skin was green were also found to contain
this toxic substance.
UNRIPE FRUIT and ERGOT from some types of rye have caused
gastrointestinal disturbances which affected the nerves, spinal cord and brain and
caused a form of polio. A diet excessively high in grains (especially milled
grains) has been followed by deficiencies that terminated in polio as was
reported by Stockman and Johnson in the Journal of Nutrition, (Nov., 1934).
NEGATIVE EMOTIONS such as fear, anger, hatred, jealousy,, anxiety etc.
release adrenaline or generate other poisons that irritate the nerves or impede
circulation and poison the cells just the same as injected poisons. The fear of
polio or any other disease can help to develop it. On the other hand a clean body
and happy state of mind can help immunize against it.
In the very early days when bread was made from freshly ground whole grains it
could rightly be called the staff of life because it could sustain life. But our
present day commercialized bread is stripped of its vital life elements when the
heart, the germ and the outer coatings with all the valuable minerals are removed
in the milling and processing of the flour. In addition to this devitalizing step,
four poisons are added to make a defective product salable,
1) Agene a bleach as poisonous as Clorox or any other washday chlorine bleach
is added to flour to make it whiter—as if that matters. Dr. Scobey’s research
department states that "It has recently been discovered that white bread, which
has been treated with the bleaching agent nitrogen trichioride, (agene) produces
in dogs epilepsy identical with the human disease...The disease in dogs has been
described in the past as ‘canine hysteria,’ (rabies) ‘running fits,’ or ‘fright
disease’ and it was attributed by some scientists to an infectious agent, possibly a
virus..." The poisoning is obvious and yet they try to blame the condition onto a
2) Poison insecticides are added to keep the bugs out. The bugs are the lesser of
the two evils—they are not poison and they are large enough to be seen and can
be avoided but the poison is invisible. This poison in bread has been found to
cause paralysis of the hind legs in experimental dogs. Because whole wheat flour
is more nourishing and therefore more attractive to insects, about four times as
much of the insecticide is added to this flour. Most of the Health Food Stores
carry unprocessed flour and bread. If "safe" bread is not available people should
grind their own flour or avoid bread.
3) Alum and other harmful dough conditioners are added to baker’s bread.
4) When the natural vitamin B is removed from the flour and the synthetic
vitamin B is added the advertiser’s claim it is "enriched" with vitamin B; but it is
actually poisoned by this coal tar product that is not a true vitamin. In Canada it
is a prison offense for a miller or a baker to add synthetic vitamin B to any
product intended to be used for food.
According to the report of the Surgeon General, "In 1945 there were 246 cases
of polio with 52 deaths among American Troops in the Philippines." This is just
a small representation of the overall picture of polio throughout our entire armed
forces. They did not have any indication of polio when they were inducted and
they went to areas where there was no polio so it cannot be blamed on contagion
or viruses or any of the usual excuses. Polio is a manmade disease. The soldiers
were first poisoned with all the vaccines invented by modern medical
voodooism. Then they had free cigarettes, with their 18 poisons, pressed upon
them and plenty of beer, cola, candy, devitalized processed foods, ice cream,
drugs and everything that destroys health. An article in Prevention magazine,
June, 1951 says:
"All during the war, as soon as local combat conditions permitted, ice cream,
soft drinks, candies, etc. became available to American troops. Ice cream
manufacturing equipment followed soon after combat equipment. I saw
American troops consume great quantities of candy bars when they lost their
appetites for the army diet." As a result, polio, insanity and all the diseases
known to man developed among the soldiers more rapidly than among the 4Fs
who were too defective to go to war.”
Although the real cause and cure of polio is obvious, the promoters of polio find
it more profitable to "look" for a cure than to "find" it. The March of Dimes
millions would cease to flow into their pockets if they ever were to find the cure.
Therefore, they keep up the pretense of looking—but always in a direction
where they are sure not to find the answer.
1) At first they tried the polio serum and when they found it killed the people but
did not stop polio they tried something else just as far away from the solution as
they could get.
2) They sprayed towns, crops and orchards with deadly poison DDT insecticide,
suggesting that polio might be caused by flies. The chemical companies reaped
the benefits but the orchards were seriously damaged, crops were ruined and
people were killed by this wild and unwarranted experiment. An article on polio
in "Your Health" magazine (1954, Fall Quarter, p. 69) comments on the fly
situation by saying that in "Iceland where there are no flies...there have been
polio epidemics. Experiments on eliminating flies by spraying whole
communities with DDT have not had any effect in combating epidemics."
The American Weekly—(1945) in an article titled, "War from the Air on
Infantile Paralysis" states that "if the citywide experiment with polio proves that
flies carry the disease...the city officials are likely to agitate for...spraying of
DDT from the air. This step might eliminate flies...but at the same time it. would
kill bees and butterflies, and many crops might fail because of lack of
pollination...The important thing now is to find out whether polio flies in with
the fly." But they did not bother to wait for this proof. They didn’t consult the
people as to whether they were willing to be subjected to this mass poisoning;
they just moved in with their full scale poisoning of the air, earth and vegetation.
GAMMA GLOBULIN was the next hoax to be foisted on the ever trusting
public. United Press (Sept. 20, 1953) reported:
"Efforts to control polio, complete failure, according to the United Nations
use of Gamma Globulin or any large scale intramuscular injections."
Polio Prevention Inc. states: "The United States Army does not use Gamma
Globulin and has discontinued the use of blood plasma because of damage to the
An article in Herald of Health magazine (April, 1955) says:
"Two years ago the Country was all stirred up about the possibilities of Gamma
Globulin. This Gamma Globulin was a derivative of the great stores of diseased
human blood plasma which was bursting the seams of the various blood banks.
"The doctors of the army, navy and marine corps had refused absolutely to
‘shoot’ this putrid plasma into the bodies of wounded service men. They
declared it was ‘too disease ridden’ to use on our heroes in uniform but such
characterization of the ‘filthy stuff’ did not deter medical men, from proclaiming
it entirely suitable to go into the clean bloodstreams of the little children."
The Los Angeles County Health Index (for the week ending May 23, 1953)
a) Evidence indicates that gamma globulin does not prevent paralysis from
occurring in all cases.
b) There is evidence that it is of no value in the treatment of poliomyelitis after
symptoms have been recognized.
c) The partial protection afforded by gamma globulin is only temporary lasting
only five to six weeks."
For a Public Health Department that is overridden by the medical trust, to make
these concessions indicates that the situation was much worse than that. There
was no protection at all and no benefit but it was used because it was a salable
In Key West, Florida when a few of the people learned of the plan to poison the
city with this self-condemned product they started a protest and circularized
literature giving the facts about it. But the promoters of gamma globulin induced
the City Manager and the Police Dept. to arrest anyone protesting or handing out
literature unfavorable to their serum. Miami Herald, Miami, Florida (Sept. 30,
1953) reported:
"Dr. Carl Bernet, of United States Public Health Service says: ‘Gamma Globulin
is not a cure or preventive of polio. Key West is getting the Gamma Globulin
because there is an extra supply’." Is this a land of liberty or just a page out of
the Dark Ages?
CURARE, which is arrow poison used by the Indians of the Amazon is used on
polio patients. A doctor in the Los Angeles Health Department told me that this
drug does not decrease the pain of the polio patients but it makes them unable to
move or scream and they experiment on them then. Many of the patients die
under the intense pain of this torture treatment.
THE PRECAUTIONS that the polio foundation give to the public have no effect
at all on controlling polio. What good does it do to warn people to,
1) wash their hands,
2) stay out of swimming pools,
3) stay away from polio patients,
4) call a doctor when symptoms appear etc. when the disease is not caused by
viruses but is caused by body poisoning? Why call a doctor who admits he does
not know the cause or the cure? All these misleading instructions stand in the
way of healing.
THE SALK VACCINE is just another failure mechanism because it, too, is
wandering blindly in the wrong direction and is spreading disease rather than
curtailing it and is killing rather than curing.
Many doctors, and public authorities as well as individual laymen are not only
questioning the safety of the Salk vaccine but are denouncing it. Even the
Journal of the American Medical Association in a recent (1956) "Report on Rate
of Use of Poliomyelitis Vaccine" expresses concern about the dropping off of
sales of this product in the "announcement by the Public Health Service that
states are not using their vaccine supplies at the rate the serum is being released .
Approximately 45% of the 7,000,000 cc had been used...Dr. Scheele asked all
concerned to use supplies as rapidly as possible..." He said, "This is the ideal
time for vaccinations. The safety and effectiveness of the vaccine are well
Imagine, a public officer making a statement like that after all the deaths caused
by the blood poisoning vaccine. By saying that "this is the ideal time for
vaccinations" he probably means that they better get their multibillion dollar
supply of vaccine sold before all the people wake up. Most of them are still iii
the hypnotic stupor of the high pressure advertising of the past year and a half.
headline in a Chicago newspaper. Excerpts are as follows:
"CHICAGO, Nov. 11 (AP)—A doctor said today that not all public health
physicians are certain that the Salk polio vaccine program is on a ‘solid and
secure scientific footing."
"Dr. Herbert Ratner, health commissioner of suburban Oak Park and editor of the
Bulletin of the American Association of Public Health Physicians, asserted that
public statements have mostly favored the Salk program ‘to the exclusion of
unfavorable items.’
"He listed these items, among others:
"‘1. English Authorities in July, 1955, canceled the Salk vaccine programs as too
"‘2. All European countries, with the exception of Denmark, have discontinued
their programs. Even Denmark is reported to have found live virus in the Salk
"‘3. Canada decided, as of July 29, 1955, to postpone its vaccination program
until the early part of 1956, to take advantage of the expected advances in the
development of safe and effective poliomyelitis vaccine." (Since there is no such
safe vaccine, what they are really waiting for is to see what is going to happen to
the millions of American children who have been brutally sacrificed to the
"money mad" vaccine experiment. None of these other countries want to waste
their children on such risky and haphazard experiments.)
"‘4. Two Nobel Prize winners, Dr. John Enders and Dr. Wendell M. Stanley, both
have publicly indicated their uncertainties about the Salk vaccine.
"‘5. The Polio Advisory Committee and health officials of at least one state,
Massachusetts, have advised against public inoculations and have withheld
approval of the use of the vaccine until at least Jan. 1, 1956.
"‘6. One of the two major pharmaceutical houses connected with the production
of Salk Vaccine since the 1954 field trials has recently found it necessary to
withdraw their product from the market’."
Why pick on just one drug company; they are all guilty. In "DREW
PEARSON’S MERRY-GO-ROUND" the writer states:
"Other drug companies, with the exception of Park Davis, have not experienced
so many seizures (by the Food and Drug administration, for violation of law).
Park Davis has had nine civil suits, Eli Lilly two, Pitman Moore two, Wyatt
three, Sharp and Dohme four, Cutter nine." He also tells us that:
"The Public Health Service which is testing and licensing the Salk Vaccine has
not had time to test it, but has accepted the written reports of the drug
companies." In a life and death matter such as this with millions of people
involved and future generations threatened by disease and impairment from
vaccine poisoning, why haven’t our paid public officials had time to test the
vaccine? Can the manufacturers who are in the business for profit be expected to
tell the truth about the product—when the truth would condemn them?
"SALK SHOTS OPEN NEW DRUG MARKET" is the front page headline in an
independent newspaper (The American Rally, April 1955) In the opening
paragraphs we read:
"ANN ARBOR—With the pomp of a Presidential inauguration and the ballyhoo
of a Hollywood premiere, the big drug houses have unleashed upon the public
their infamous campaign in behalf of the Salk vaccine. Using the general anxiety
concerning polio, this conspiracy now aims to inject this dubious serum into the
bloodstream of every child in the United States.
"Thus, a new major industry has been activated. Estimated to gross over 5 billion
dollars in its first year of wholesale operation, combining the revenue of the
Chemical Trust and doctor fees and advertising, this new development will make
Dr. Jonas Salk, its promoter, the Henry Ford of the mass production needle
pushing racket.
"The American Rally warns against the mass inoculations being planned. It is
felt by many authorities that this Salk campaign is a runaway experiment in
totalitarian ‘health’ powers which will bring disaster to the children involved. No
objective standards were employed in determining either the safety or the
efficiency of the serum.
"The Salk experiment is based on false premises and refuses to deal with original
causes of polio. From the basis of a fictitious ‘virus’ the vaccinators are using
other poisons over which they have little control. In their mad scramble to
launch a new money making empire, it appears they are willing to ‘guinea pig’
America to death.
"American Rally proposes an open forum, impartial, qualified and independent
authority which can sit in judgment over such propositions. The Nation
desperately requires a HALL OF SCIENCE separate from both government and
commercial monopoly, which can protect the public interest."
This is a very good idea but I wonder how long we could keep it free from
politics and the money trusts.
Morris A. Beale, in his book of startling facts titled THE DRUG STORY tells us
that "disease is more rampant because of commercial greed. When the
Rockefeller-Standard Oil crowd muscled into the drug and pharmaceutical
business in such a big way, ‘scientific medicine’ (if there is such a thing) was
turned into a racket which shortened many American lives from ten to twenty
The $446,837,527 subsidy parcelled out to medical colleges by the Rockefeller
Foundation to miseducate medics into the excessive use of drugs, vaccination
and immunization which are making invalids of millions. It tells of the
$10,000,000,000 traffic in death and disease...One pharmaceutical house’s profit
of 635% on its assets in one year...panhandling rackets in cancer control and
allied frauds...appointments by Rockefeller Center of all key personnel in
Government health setups...government gangsters in the Food and Drug
Administration, Post Office, Army, Navy and Public Health Offices etc.,
dangerous doses, protected shakedown, and the Drug Chamber of Commerce."
Truth Teller Magazine.
In spite of the medical domination that prevented the newspapers and radios
from advertising his book, its popularity spread so fast among the people who
were starved for truth that within six months six large printings had to be made
and it is still a big seller among health minded people.
When President Eisenhower took it upon himself to filch $30,000,000 from the
deceived taxpayers in order to help force more poison vaccine into the resisting
children, the American Medical Association, with its machinery geared to
money making, raised its loud voice in opposition, because it was not getting all
the fees. The Bulletin of the National Health Federation (March, 1956) stated:
The A.M.A., however, recently attacked the public health officials as ‘violating
the principles of free enterprise in medicine.’ The House of Delegates of the
A.M.A. is demanding that all free inoculations stop and that the task be turned
over to the doctors on a fee basis.
This gives us an idea of what American Free Enterprise means. It merely means
that the trusts are tree to exploit the people and if someone else wants to do the
same—the fight is on.
If someone wants to stop the exploitation and warn the people, the money trusts
in power "squelch" them—if they can.
In 1946, during one of our most serious polio epidemics in Los Angeles, I wrote
a book called POLIO CONTROL in which I denounced the "virus theory" and
named vaccination as one of the causes of polio. The medico—drug trusts had
their stooges working for two years trying to get something legal on which to put
the book out of circulation. I had had a lawyer go over the manuscript before I
had it printed and I had the Post Office examine the printed book to be sure it
was in order and nothing was said that was against the law.
The lawyer said, "The book is dynamite but it’s well documented and entirely
within the law." When the "medical opposition" couldn’t get anything on me
lawfully they used unlawful measures and had their stooges in the Post Office
bar the book from the mails. No jury trial was permitted and no testimony of
mine was accepted. Their charge was that the "book was dangerous because it
disagreed with accepted medical belief." So the book went out of circulation, but
not before two editions had been sold to all parts of the world—mostly to
drugless doctors.
The medical trust, through their hirelings in the Better Business Bureau, had not
let the newspapers sell me even one inch of advertising space for fear the people
would learn the truth. One of the large newspapers in Los Angeles said to me,
"We think you have a good book but our hands are tied; if you can get the OK of
Mr. Sample of the Better Business Bureau we can take your ad." When I talked
to Mr. Sample and "downed" all his arguments with proof of the damage done by
vaccination and all the case histories of polio from vaccination etc. he merely
said, "If you’re right then a lot of other people are awfully wrong." But he still
refused to allow the papers to advertise my book.
The years went by and many doctors in various parts of the world, England,
Australia, France, United States, etc. learned that viruses did not cause polio and
that the disease occurred in patients soon after vaccination, and in the limb in
which the injection had been given. Many lives would have been saved if my
book could have reached the people. But selfish medical interests destroyed it
because of information that has since then been proven to be true. It’s hard to say
what they will try to do to this book. But whatever they attempt is likely to
boomerang and explode right under their plot.
In a letter from R. N. Newcomb to LIFE magazine (Aug. 1949) the question was
"Did it ever occur to you that if the real answer to polio is established it means
the end for a racket that has annually, for many years, reaped tens of millions of
dollars from the public by means of sob propaganda. It also would, in large
degree, dry up the yearly freshet of hundreds of millions paid in medical and
associated fees by the families of those afflicted. If you believe that the real
answer to polio is honestly being sought and would be available to the world
when found, then you would also believe that General Motors would back
research to make the use of automobiles prohibited."
Since 1938 the MARCH OF DIMES has reaped over $300,000,000. What have
they done with it? Polio has not been checked; it has increased. Polio " patients
in the hospitals, supposedly using some of the March of dimes money have died
in larger numbers than those who stay home and have no special care. Those
who recover in the hospital are in about the same proportion as those who do not
go to the hospitals. Who gets this public donation? The April 1952 issue of
EXPOSE gives us a hint in this statement:
"The public will never know what proportion of their dollars went for fund
raising and administration. Unlike all other leading non-profit organizations, the
Foundation for Infantile Paralysis has refused to make these facts available to the
"It is estimated that $15,000,000 a year (a very conservative estimate) are poured
down the drain called ‘General Administration Expenses’.
"If you contributed your dimes and dollars, a large part of your contribution went
to pay somebody who sits behind a desk and gets a large salary to figure out new
ways to get more contributions from you the next time.
"Every man, woman and child in the United States is marked for a specific per
capita contribution. This is wrung from you with gimmicks ranging from March
of Dimes cards to Iron Lung collectors, metal lapel tabs, house to house, office
to office, school and motion picture collections.
"There are special tear jerking posters available to all magazines and
newspapers. Also movie shorts with a popular star making a pitiful plea for
handouts. Radio and TV shows are punctuated with money grabbing skits and
"Philanthropy has now become one of the 10 big industries in the U.S.
"In 1918 the National Information Bureau was established to provide
information and advice on philanthropic groups. This Bureau is a non-profit
organization. It has investigated more than 4,000 national organizations during
the past 33 years. The bureau has standards against which all charities are
measured. All reports are confidential.
"Most collection groups meet all the standards of the Bureau.
"The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Inc., does not...It does not issue
a complete audit of income, expenditures and assets.
"In recent years, an attempt has been made to establish a system by which funds
necessary to support health services could be secured in a single joint campaign.
It would save millions of dollars that now go into the pockets of professional
fundraisers and never get near the purpose they are contributed for. Every other
major group in the United States has expressed a willingness to join such a
federated drive—with the single exception of the March of Dimes."
It seems some branches of the government were getting suspicious of the
pretended search for a cure for polio carried on at such expense by the National
Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, so it was suggested that the government
conduct some research in this direction.
On this phase of the subject, EXPOSE reports:
"In 1948 the Foundation for Infantile Paralysis told a Congressional Committee
that ‘there is no need for the government to conduct research at this time in
"When asked to explain this strange attitude, Foundation officials stated frankly:
"When the Government takes over an activity...contributions fall off...We do not
wish to take that gamble!"
The Science News Letter tells us that "some 200 scientists are researching upon
phases of polio and 510 projects in 91 institutions have been under way in the 16
years of this great polio campaign."
Over $300,000,000 have been spent already and $50,000,000 per year more are
being collected and spent with not one dime being used for research on fasting
and proper nutrition and the only other things that can prevent and cure polio.
After the announcement from Philadelphia (1934) that Dr. John A. Kolmer had
discovered a "protective vaccine" against infantile paralysis, Dr. W. Lloyd
Aycock, director of the Harvard Infantile Paralysis Commission and called "one
of the most distinguished experts in this disease", gave a statement to the press
that "Nature does a better job of immunizing against infantile paralysis than the
artificial methods" which he branded as "Hazardous."
If we remove the obstructions and supply the body with the necessary building
material, nature will heal practically any disease so long as too much of the vital
organs or glands have not already been destroyed by disease or operations.
What are the obstructions to be removed in the healing process? Obviously,
drastic poisons such as vaccine serums, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, cola
drinks, etc. poison the system immediately and set up disease states. But other
blockages form slowly in the tissues as a result of incompatible foods, wrong
food combinations, and over eating. These substances as well as the drugs,
interfere with normal digestion and assimilation. The byproducts of perverted
metabolism undergo a chemical change and are lodged in the tissues in solid
form. Some are in the form of sharp needle-like crystals that cause pain in
arthritis; others accumulate into hardened masses which are called gallstones. A
gluey material coats the blood vessels and slows down circulation.
"Some of these blockade materials are cholesterol (from fat), uric acid formed
from excess protein (any more than two ounces per day is excess protein),
carbonic acid from sugar and starch, chlorine (from table salt), and calcium
carbonate (from milk, calcium tablets and other calcium containing substances
that failed to assimilate because of some type of interference or glandular
malfunctioning." —Dr. M. O. Garten.
Most people are over loaded with these infusions of blockade materials that
cannot be utilized by the body. When some extra strain is put upon the vital
forces such as sudden change in the weather, fatigue, fear, worry, wrong food
etc., the body is unable to hold back the "bursting tide of accumulated waste"
any longer and lets go—forces it out in a cleansing program, that usually lasts
from 5 days to two weeks. Colds, eruptions, fevers, diarrhea and even paralysis
are symptoms of this cleansing effort to rid the body of waste that has not been
eliminated through the usual channels. People do not catch diseases from others
who have it. All those who are ill built their own causes and the same stresses
triggered off the "cleansing act" in all who had reached the saturation point of
When poisons flow in a free state in the body as is the case with vaccines, the
internal defense mechanism is forced to rob the tissues of calcium and other
alkalizing elements to neutralize these poisons. If the person is on the borderline
of calcium deficiency then there can be no neutralizing and collapse or paralysis
is the result.
R. B. Pearson made an exhaustive study of the data and experiments that have
been made with polio vaccines and summed up his finding as follows:
"Hence, I believe there was no virus in the vaccine used. It was just a solution of
the toxins and acid end products of the decomposed proteins used that caused all
the paralysis. The acids generated by cooked meat in Dr. Pottenger’s cats
(experiment that caused polio in the cats) affected the nerves first, and the acids
formed in the decomposed proteins used in the vaccines affected the nerves first.
It is the same thing and, no so-called ‘virus’ is connected with it." (From
Infantile Paralysis, by Pearson.)
Many methods have been tried by drugless doctors in an attempt to rid the body
of the blockage materials that stood in the way of recovery. The right kind of an
elimination diet has been very beneficial, proper breathing and exercises have
helped, mental and spiritual treatments have been useful to a few but the method
that has brought the best and surest removal of poisons and recovery from
disease is FASTING. Those who are experienced in fasting therapy claim that
fasting is 20 times more efficient as a healing measure than anything else.
On a fast, no food of any kind is eaten and no juices taken. Water is permitted
and that’s all. Fasting is not starving. Starving does not begin until after 8 or 10
weeks of fasting. The fast should be broken before that time. A long fast should
be supervised by someone who is experienced in conducting fasts. Some of the
best authorities on this most valuable of healing aids, are listed in a another
chapter. A good book on fasting should be studied before undertaking a fast at
home. Short fasts of two or three days may quite safely be taken at home. (Some
of the best fasting books are sold by HEALTH RESEARCH, Mokelumne Hill,
Calif.) The experts in the field tell us that the fast should be followed by fresh
fruits and juices or fresh (not canned) vegetable juices at a separate meal.
Several days of simple meals of fruits and vegetables should be the rule before
any starch or protein is eaten. Needless to say, the old habits of wrong eating
should not be continued. A good guide to follow after the fast is Dr. Shelton’s
Hot baths have been beneficial in many cases of polio. The late Bernarr
MacFadden said, "A warm bath 98 to 99 degrees for an hour or more, two or
three times daily, with drinking of nothing but water, if adopted immediately
after the onset of polio—should cleanse the system and divert the attack." (No
soap or anything else should be used in the water)
A friend of mine who was paralyzed after his shots at camp during the First
World War said he lay helpless in the Army hospital for weeks then one night
when the nurses went to a dance in the recreation hall downstairs he dragged
himself out of bed and pulled himself across the floor by his elbows until he
reached the bathroom. Then he filled the tub full of hot water and managed to
get in and stayed there quite a while. When he got out he could walk so he
dressed and went downstairs and stood in the doorway and his nurse almost
fainted when she saw him. He was sent overseas after that. When he came back
he had a condition of forgetfulness which they called "shell shock" but it was
more than likely the after effects of the vaccine poisoning.
Some doctors, in trying to build up the calcium deficiency in polio and other
poisoned patients, give them calcium tablets, bone meal, lime and other such
concentrates. Some report good results while others are harmed by it. Calcium
cannot be assimilated without the proper balance of phosphorus, iron, sodium,
vitamin B, C, and D. Most of the vitamin pills on the market are synthetic coal
tar products or fish liver oil and act as irritants instead of foods. These are not
recommended NQ chemist or doctor knows the exact proportion in which these
elements should be combined, therefore it is better to get them as they grow in
nature where they are combined in perfect balance.
Some of the richest sources of calcium are: Turnip greens, mustard greens,
watercress, powdered whey, celery, turnips, spinach, cauliflower, dandelion
greens, dried figs, hazelnuts, molasses, lentils, endive, chard, escarole, milk,
cheese, parsley, alfalfa tea, and others. These, of course, must be free from
insecticide spray.
Much of the spray can be removed by a 1% solution of Hydrochloric acid. A
simple way is to pour 1/2 cup of the acid into a large enamel pan or crock (not
metal such as tin or aluminum). Add two gallons of water and let the fruits and
vegetables remain in the solution for 3 minutes. Then drain and rinse in clear
water. The solution may be saved and used for several days. In the meantime
make demands of our public officials that poisons on foods be prohibited.
Healthy soil, free from chemical fertilizers and sprays will produce foods that
are free from disease and pests. This has been tested and proved by the so called
"organic farming" methods with their balanced compost and powdered granite
and other soil builders.
If we are to eliminate polio epidemics and free our country from all disease we
must attack the problem at its source. The foundation is in the healthy soil, then
the healthy food can be raised. With the improved food and correct health
education and banishment of commercialized foodless-foods, drugs, narcotics
and other products that menace the race we can raise our low standard of health
(with 90% of our people below par) up to the level where it should be. Only then
can we expect to have unlimited health, happiness and progress.
We wish to thank
Herbert M. Shelton, N. D.,
T. M. Schippell, N.D.,
Morris A. Bealle and
Rex Lloyd, for permission to use the following material.
The Publishers
By T. M. Schippell, N. D.
A great deal has been written about infantile paralysis—commonly called polio.
Yet, when all this mass of material is analyzed, you discover that practically
nothing whatsoever is known about this crippling disease. The hundreds of
millions of dollars that have been tossed by the public, during the past 15 years,
into the maw of the March of Dimes have accomplished little or nothing. All of
this straining on the part of the National infantile paralysis organization, instead
of erecting mountains of protection against polio, has not resulted in even a
modest molehill.
Of course, nobody but the "insiders" have any knowledge as to how many
millions of these charity dollars have been cruelly wasted. Nobody but the
‘insiders" can even guess the fortunes of dimes spent in extravagant plans which
came to naught. Nobody but the "insiders" can even approximate the plush
salaries paid to useless desk parasites—mountebanks who found "good pickings"
along the trail of this childhood scourge.
Before the advent of the March of Dimes, polio was unpredictable and
uncheckable. With the lapse of some 15 years and the expenditure, on haywire
polio preventatives, of the wealth of a Solomon, polio is still unpredictable and
uncheckable. Medical experts are actually as much in the dark today—despite
their ‘past flamboyant promises and hollow declarations as they were before
generous and gullible Americans threw this unlimited golden harvest to every
crack-brained laboratory in this country.
Nutritionists believe—and rightly so—that, since all polio cases invariably show
a lack of blood calcium—and since the eating of large amounts of refined sugar
admittedly lowers the calcium in the blood—there must be some close
connection between the spread of polio and the large amounts of sweets the
modern youngster consumes. Soft drinks have been singled out particularly by
Naturopaths as the likely culprits for this blood calcium deficiency—which
brings on these polio epidemics during the warm months but candy and other
forms of refined sugar, in all probability, will eventually have to share some of
the blame. Pregnant mothers, noted for their lack of blood calcium because of
the calcium stealing by the unborn child, are victims of polio 400% more often
than other women.
Two years ago, the country was all stirred up about the polio prevention
possibilities of gamma globulin. This gamma globulin was a derivative of rotten,
human blood. It was made from the great store of "unkilled" diseased plasma—
the amounts of which were bursting the seams of the various blood banks. The
doctors of the army, navy and marine corps had refused absolutely to "shoot"
this putrid plasma into the bodies of wounded service men. They declared it was
"too disease-ridden" to use on our heroes in uniform but such characterization of
the filthy stuff did not deter the medical men, on the payroll of the March of
Dimes, from proclaiming it entirely suitable to go into the clean bloodstreams of
helpless little American children.
Common sense was thrown overboard and the protests of the few thinking
medical men were disregarded. And as we predicted, this highly touted panacea
turned out to be a sham—a despicable hoax—and a breeder of disease.
Fortunately, gamma globulin is now secretly abandoned as worthless by the
March of Dimes although no public announcement of that fact has ever been
made. Yes, gamma globulin "hopes" have gone down the drain, the March of
Dimes remembers the incident merely as a worthless remedy that turned out to
be a good money-getter. A different situation entirely is found when a survey is
made of the children who were so cruelly subjected to these ghastly inoculations.
From all reports many of them are even now suffering from the effects of this
poisoning and no hope is held out that matters will get better as the years
We all know that the vaccinating of the children of Japan against smallpox—a
disgraceful mass medication spree engineered by our conquering army’s medical
doctors—resulted in putting eyeglasses on fully 50% of the race that Admiral
Perry—back in 1870—reported to have the "finest eyesight of any nation in the
world." What terrors this gamma globulin filth will yet bring forth in the bodies
of those it contaminated is anybody’s guess.
And what of this Salk vaccine? Only time will show how greatly it damages and
cripples. Just remember, no vaccine ever prevented any disease. Sanitation and
hygiene, together, have beaten smallpox and malaria. More persons die of
smallpox today in countries having compulsory vaccination against smallpox
than pass out from that disease in places where no law compels a population to
so poison its bloodstreams.
Is a vaccine needed to kill the virus of polio? Frankly, there is no virus which
CAUSES polio normally. Any more than there is virus that NORMALLY passes
smallpox from one person to another. All such viruses—germs if you prefer the
term—are the RESULT of such diseases already growing in a weakened body.
Of course, a moronic doctor can CAUSE almost any ailment in a normal person
by filling the bloodstream of the victim so FULL OF VIRUS that this poison
overbalances normal resistance. But that happens ONLY when a needle-pusher
BY-PASSES the natural filters which the Almighty has created for the protection
of the blood. In use, the Salk vaccine introduces into the child only a small
amount of these viruses. Of course, they will NOT PREVENT polio and only the
Almighty knows the extent of the damage such foreign substances will do to that
child in the future.
Can the Salk vaccine prevent polio? It cannot! Smallpox vaccine never stopped
the spread of smallpox and malaria vaccine never stopped the spread of malaria!
If a child, vaccinated with the Salk filth continues to take great quantities of
refined sugar into its small body, much of the blood calcium will be destroyed
and—Salk vaccine or not—that child will probably come down with polio easier
than a youngster whose bloodstream has not been so weakened.
But while we are on the subject of the Salk vaccine, let us look at another angle.
It should prove interesting to any parents who foolishly pushed their children
into the clutches of the experimenters during that outrageous orgy of last
summer when approximately 2 million children were made "human guinea-
pigs". It is reported that fully one-quarter of them had that filthy Salk concoction
"pushed" into their clean young bloodstreams. Actually nobody but a few
"insiders" of the March of Dimes know which children had their blood so
poisoned and which of them received only colored water. These same ‘insiders"
now can arrange the names of those children in any fashion they wish and thus
show any result of this "mass medication" they believe will bring in more dimes
next year.
In January of this year, a certain Dr. Robert F. Korns released to the press a
statement from his workshop in the University of Michigan where he supposedly
was engaged in examining samples of blood taken from the "unknown" little
children who had been "Salk vaccine poisoned" during that orgy of last year. The
good doctor admitted to newspaper men—at the EXACT time the March of
Dimes was conducting a nation-wide "scooping up" of every available coin—
that "no one in this country knows whether the Salk vaccine is any good or not."
This was his complete summary of that great "Salk experiment". But interesting
as his observation is, it shades into nothingness when compared with another
item which slipped from his lips during the same interview. Dr. Korns admitted
— according to these newspaper accounts, that "NONE OF HIS FIVE SMALL
He gave, as his weak excuse for this oversight, the fact that "THE
Certainly a glorious record to be handed down to medical posterity! Laymen
everywhere should be proud to honor such an upstanding doctor. This good
follower of Hippocrates was entirely willing—with an unproven vaccine—to
sacrifice YOUR CHILDREN on the altar of medicine’s mad Salk
experimentations but HIS OWN CHILDREN—ah, they were far, far too
precious to be "thrown’ to the tender devices of these wild March Hares.
As I said in the beginning—a great deal has been written about polio but the real
searing stories of what actually happened "behind the scenes" during the 15 year
unfoldment of this flamboyant farce of the March of Dimes is probably known
only to the Man Upstairs Who will have much to say on the subject whet these
same March of Dimes practitioners try to storm the Pearly Gates.
By T. M. Schippell, N. D.
In my last article, I made the flat statement that, it was my opinion, this country
had gone "vaccine crazy". And nationwide developments, since that was written,
only verifies my month old sordid conclusion. The sound common sense which
has characterized American thought for centuries, seems to have utterly
evaporated as the entire population struggled to fling its children upon the altar
of bungling medical experimentation. And we, in the natural healing field,
realise that coming disasters have, as usual, cast their long sinister shadows
NO VACCINE WAS EVER A SUCCESS. First, because vaccines are the
product C abject animal misery—brought into being through tortures of dumb
animals in the stately laboratories of drug kingdom. Tens of thousands of
helpless creatures must each die a thousand horrible deaths before a single
vaccine emerges to poison the bloodstream of human beings. You can paste this
statement in your hat as absolute: As long as the holy Bible states "as ye do unto
the least of them, ye do unto me", the Almighty will not crown with success this
crucifying diabolicalness of moronic investigators.
Second, our Creator, when He fashioned the human body, closed the
bloodstream from outside contamination. All objects entering the circulation
must pass through intricate, but efficient, natural filters which bar out impurities.
Yet man, with his hypodermic gadget, circumvents these filters, regardless of the
Almighty’s forethought. If the Creator had believed that those filters were not
important, a valve leading into the blood circulation would have been provided
with the same ease with which He has fashioned a human pump for the blood
that will outwear, out beat and outlast anything that man ever has, or ever will,
Third, a nutritional unbalance cannot be corrected by cow pus or monkey-juice.
All ailments result from such unbalance. No vaccine can supply what is missing
or absorb poisons that cause the damage. That is why the Salk vaccine will fail
—and fail utterly as every other vaccine has failed.
Let us look at the Salk concoction, which admittedly is made from the diseased
dead entrails of paralyzed monkeys. Last Summer, some 440,000 children of a
group of 1,500,000 had their clean bloodstreams contaminated by this monkey-
juice which had not even been laboratory tested—let alone clinically tried out.
Frankly, those vaccinations of last Summer did not constitute a real test. It was a
complete hoax. One child in four received the Salk concoction—the others,
colored water. The names of all youngsters-those poisoned and those who got
only water—were kept secret from everybody by a select group of hirelings
inside the March of Dimes. So it was easy to "shuffle the cards" anytime during
the so-called "six months trial period" when scientists supposedly were checking
the test tubes. If any child—who had received the Salk monkey-juice—died, it
was easy to slip that child’s card into the cards of those youngsters who had
received "only colored water" and to claim the victim was a "poor unfortunate"
who had not been vaccinated at all! If such a "set-up" is a sample of American
medical fair play—it is time the laymen made some changes in the rules.
This year the Salk vaccine was approved with all the Hollywood "first night"
trimmings. Special platforms were erected at the cooperating university, the red
carpet was spread for two hundred selected guests and then the dumb-founding
news was sent out over loud speakers that at long last, after careful checking, the
Salk monkey-juice was finally "approved". Yet before the echoes of the shouts
of delight from those 200 assembled guests had died away, the great laboratories
were shipping millions of "shots" of this monkey-juice which had been
manufactured months and months before.
Just how gullible does Modern Medicine take the Americans to be? How raw a
deal will those self-appointed "Guardians of the Public Health" spring upon their
unsuspecting patients? This time, even the man on the street can see that his
sainted family physician has taken the whole blighted country for a buggy-ride.
Yet what the man on the street does not see is the mark this vaccination orgy will
leave on generations yet unborn.
Thousands of vaccines have been brought forward and not one of them ever
accomplished what was hoped for it. No need to go into the whole bevy of these
rotten, disgusting, filth concoctions—let us briefly inspect the authentic history
of the most common of all vaccines—the putrid cow pus that is supposed to
prevent smallpox.
Edward Jenner, who died in 1823, invented this anti-smallpox vaccine. But up to
the time of his death he was not certain whether the pus from a diseased cow or
the grease from the hocks of a diseased horse was the better preventative for
smallpox. He admitted, just before he died, that his vaccine was worthless.
Rumor has it that the vaccine, which is today mixed with the human blood, is the
offspring of the original sick Jenner cow. But whether it is or not is immaterial.
Let us see what a frank, honest medical man learned of smallpox vaccination.
His name Charles Creighton, MA, MD, of England. This licensed medical man
was instructed by the Encyclopaedia Britannica to look into the subject of
smallpox vaccination and to write objectively about it as the facts warranted.
Dr. Creighton delved into the work and for several years checked through the
records in all civilized countries. His written report was eventually printed in the
Ninth Edition of that publication. But his findings about smallpox vaccination
contributed to his finis. The medical heavens fell upon him. As a medical expert
he was "through". And in the Tenth, and all subsequent editions of the
Encyclopaedia Britannica his account is missing.
The good doctor must have realized the gravity of what he was doing. Perhaps
he sensed that this effort to tell the truth about the smallpox vaccine folly would
be his lorelei into medical oblivion. Because he begins as follows:
"It is right to say that the views expressed in the present article diverge in many
points from the opinions generally received among medical men and must be
regarded not as an exposition of established and undisputed doctrines but as the
outcome of an independent and laborious research."
The account covers several pages of small type. It shows that this investigator
went from horizon to horizon for his data—all of which was damaging r to the
continuance of smallpox vaccination. Not one thing was unearthed that was
favorable to rotten cow pus or the grease from the hocks of diseased horses,
either as a preventative or as a cure of smallpox.
As an example, Dr. Creighton shows that compulsory vaccination became a law
in England in 1854. Infant deaths, from smallpox, rose from 380 in 1853 to 591
in 1854. The records of the Eastern Metropolitan Hospital (Homerton, England)
tell a complete story: from its opening early in 1871 to the end of 1878— about
eight years—of the 6,533 persons received as smallpox patients, 4,283 of them
bore vaccination marks, 793 admitted they had also been vaccinated but bore no
marks while only 1,477 of the 6,533 HAD NOT BEEN VACCINATED. Also, in
Bavaria, in the year 1871—of the 30,742 smallpox cases reported, 29,429 had
been vaccinated. Is there any wonder that England repealed its compulsory
vaccination law? In addition, Dr. Creighton’s figures indicate that in practically
every smallpox epidemic since the invention of the smallpox vaccine in 1799—a
full one hundred and fifty-six years—the start was always with vaccinated
It is also interesting to note that despite widespread vaccination against
smallpox, the death rate from that disease, proportioned to the population, is the
same today—about 18%—as in the days when there was no vaccination
But merely that a vaccine fails is NOT THE WHOLE STORY. No, there is
another feature that has not been properly put before the lay populations of the
world. Medical men have never admitted openly that vaccination to prevent
smallpox may cause aftermath’s in the shape of scrofula, tubercle, whooping
cough and diarrhea—but they DO ADMIT that such poisoning of the
bloodstream may RE-DISPOSE a child to these diseases—in other words,
weaken such child’s resistance and make such child an easy victim for any and
all of these ailments.
But here is the real menace of vaccines: Dr. Creighton found that in 1884, more
than 1,733 of the vaccinated infants DIED OF SYPHILIS! With this syphilis as a
definite follower of many vaccinations for smallpox—which no medical man
will deny—we wonder what horrible revelations may be in store for the parents
who permitted the bloodstreams of their youngsters to be contaminated by this
untested Salk monkey entrails filth.
The parents of any child who comes down with Polio, after such monkey juice
inoculation, should seek redress from the local doctor, who administered this
rotten concoction, and not overlook the laboratories which manufactured it.
The March of Dimes might also be worth considering in this regard.
7. Prof. Yutaka Mukai (Japan), states—"Polio is not caused by the Virus, but
essentially the physical constitution. Health promoting foods can prevent Polio
8. Scientist and physician, Dr. William F. Koch, M.D., Ph.D., says, "The
injection of any serum, vaccine, or even penicillin, has shown a very marked
increase in the incidence of POLIO, AT LEAST 400%. Statistics on this are so
conclusive, no one can deny it."
9. September 20, 1953, The United Nations World Health Organization
Committee reports, "Efforts to Control Polio Complete Failure" and condemns
any large scale intramuscular injections.
10. Dr. Charles Creighton M. D., (Encyclopedia Britannica) reports: "In England
1733 newly vaccinated infants died from syphilis."
11. Robert S. Allen. Washington correspondent, reported in the New York
Post..."doctors and others on the staff of the National Institute of Health are not
inoculating their own children with the Salk vaccine." WHY??
12. The world’s greatest brains and scientists all agree THERE IS NO SUCH
THING AS A VIRUS...merely a mythical word to confuse the public. Read Dr.
A. J. Shadman’s (M.D.) new book, "Who Is Your Doctor And Why."
God bless little Jackie Moore crippled by polio who would today be healthy had
not "medical phonies" concocted a fraudulent polio vaccine.
Any polio vaccine is fraudulent and dangerous. Inoculation for immunity is
strictly a vicious "myth" ... making the body "unclean" and subject to sickness
which may be polio.
Vaccinated children are far more susceptible to polio than children whose
bloodstreams are not polluted.
Robert S. Allen, Washington correspondent, reported in the New York Post
"Doctors and others on the staff of the National Institute of Health are not
inoculating their own children with the Salk vaccine." WHY???
Scientific American Magazine states, "No human virus disease has yet been
brought under control by a killed virus vaccine."
The world’s greatest brains and scientists all agree THERE IS NO SUCH
THING AS A VIRUS...merely a mythical word to confuse the public. Read Dr.
A. J. Shadman’s (MD) new book "Who Is Your Doctor And Why".
The fact that polio vaccines are sold on the "virus" myth and since there is no
such thing...isn’t it common horse sense to classify this vaccine as fraudulent?
The practice of vaccination is ENTIRELY EMPIRICAL completely devoid of
scientific certitude...which bypasses all glandular guards of the body making it
"unclean", dangerous and subject to sickness which may be polio. No vaccine
has or can achieve any scientific purpose.
The U.S.P.H.S. has developed into a high pressure sales organization to promote
the wishes of vaccine producers. Could it be the U.S.P.H.S. is "loaded" with
Russian doctors and could it be they don’t have American citizenship papers??
The non-thinking American public have been viciously lied to, brainwashed and
deceived by these "rascals" who recall the old sideshow puppets dancing and
singing anything the string puller desires...yet not a brain in their heads.
Little Jackie Moore had his polio shot...now his right leg is in braces. There are
thousands of similar cases with untold numbers now sleeping in their little white
coffins all because of the most inhuman, unGodly, unchristian, money making
racket known to mankind. As Robt. Burns said, "Man’s Inhumanity To Man
Makes Countless Thousands Mourn."
Duon H. Miller. 300 Bird Road
Coral Gables, Florida
As quoted by AMERICAN CAPSULE NEWS, Washington, D. C.
February 9, 1957.
Friends and well wishers of Duon H. Miller, the Florida cosmetic manufacturer
who spent many thousands of dollars of his own money to warn the American
public against the lethal effects of Salk vaccine, its worthlessness as a
preventive, the false propaganda of the serum trust and the doctored "statistics"
of the US Public Health Service, will be glad to know that he is now off the
Upon demand of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, whose racket
he was seriously interfering with, he was railroaded by a Federal Court in
Florida after the Post Office Dept. was importuned to go far afield and split hairs
to convict him of sending out "derogatory statements" about the Salk racketeers
on a postal card.
There actually is a P0 regulation which says that such statements are all right in
sealed mail, but "un-mailable" on postal cards. The usual procedure is for postal
inspectors to notify the "culprit" and have him sign a stipulation not to do it
again. We know this from personal experience. In the Miller case this was not
done, because of pressure from NFIP and those who own the serum trust—the
House of Rockefeller.
Miller was given a 2-year prison sentence and placed on probation for two years
in July of 1955. It was admitted by the "prosecution" that its main object was to
stop him from telling the truth about Salk vaccine. So, terms of the probation
were that he was not to send anything thru the mails having the slightest
reference to vaccine or medicine of any sort.
This (illegally) revoked his rights to freedom of speech and press granted him by
the First Amendment to the Constitution. This was so raw that the judge has
been prevailed upon to declare the Constitution again in effect. His probation
thereupon was "lifted" January 28 instead of causing it to run its full course to
July 1957. This also lets the judge off the hook because Congress could have
filed impeachment charges against him for violation of his oath in abrogating the
The serum trust is getting desperate. They saw in the Miller "prosecution" a
warning to all who dared to tell the truth about their deadly racket, so they "went
to town" in making it. It now develops they have a "stockpile" for 25,000,000 of
these deadly "shots" which they can’t dispose of, even with the fake statistics put
out by the US Public Health Service and reprinted widely by the medical and
general press.
To dispose of it, they are now resorting to circus methods. They prevailed on a
church in Cleveland to help them interfere with God’s work by advertising
"coffee, cookies and Salk shots." In Michigan their lobbyists had a bill
introduced in the legislature to force the inoculation of all school children. They
told the legislature "$2,000,000 worth of Salk shots" is spoiling. In New Jersey
they have a similar bill.
They even prevailed on Mr. Eisenhower to use the high office of the Presidency
as a huckster stand. By words put in his mouth by serum trust press agents, Ike
urged everybody—adults and children—to have three polio shots "while
supplies are now plentiful." The royal medics in London hooked Good Queen
Bess into having her two children’s health interfered with by polio shots—amid
a fanfare of press and radio hokum.
While they were selling these deadly shots like hotcakes, the serum trust was
announcing (thru their stooges in the USPHS) that Salk vaccine "has polio under
control." They now say "polio is far from conquered." They have 25,000,000
shots for sale, with a profit of more than $5 a "shot" involved.
THE LATEST foray of The Food and Drug Administration into illegal activities
is the libel it is committing on Harry N. Hoxsey (Cancer Cure Fame). They have
sent flaring notices to 56,000 post offices with instructions to have them posted
on lobby bulletin boards. Every postmaster who puts one of these up is subject to
a libel suit, along with the head Food & Drug banditti. DEFENDER
MAGAZINE, Wichita, Kansas is now sending out printed petitions for you to
sign and mail to your representatives in Washington, D. C. This calls for a
Congressional Investigation on The Food & Drug Administration. Their
economic well-being depends on people being sick and they have the law on
their side. YOU can limit their powers only through your representatives in
Washington by acting NOW!
Knight, saying he hopes to end for always the threat of a major polio outbreak in
California, has signed a bill for vaccinating everyone under 40.
The money will go for the purchases of vaccine and the administration of mass
inoculations for about 2 million persons.
"For the first time," the governor said yesterday as he signed the bill, "the
opportunity is at hand to conquer a major disease in the State of California—
crippling polio."
He noted there are 4 million other Californians under 40 and said:
"It is hoped the vaccination campaign which soon will get under way will serve
as an incentive to the citizens of California to seek vaccinations against crippling
polio through their private physicians."