Wall Thickness Calculation

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 Design Pressure: 100barg

 Design Temperature: 50oC


Line Pipe material : API 5L Grd X60


1. International Codes And Standards

International Codes And Standards

Item № Document Title
1 ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems, 2010 Edition
2 API 5L / ISO 3183 Specification for Linepipe

2. System of Units:

Units used are generally S.I. units with the following exceptions:

Units used in Contract Document e.g. Imperial units, such as inches for measurement of pipe diameter, Million Standard cubic feet per
day for gas flow rate. barg for measurement of pressure, psi for measurement of material stress etc.

3. Class Location/ Design Factor:

The Location classes listed below are envisaged in the project (Reference Google Map). However due to absence of
a preliminary choice of ROW the three different wall thickness are estimates for the three different design factors
associated with the location classes.

Location Classes 1 Div 2 2 3
Pipelines 0.72 0.6 0.5
Swamp Area 0.72 0.6 0.5
Road Crossing 0.5 0.6 0.5
River Crossing 0.5 0.6 0.5

S/N Description Line Length Material Pipeline

Size Disposition
1 Main Pipeline 24” 27 API 5L Grd X 60
2 Spur Line to RCCG Power station 8” 5 API 5L Grd X 60
3 12” 0.3 API 5L Grd X 60
Spur Lines to Chi Factory
4 4” 0.3 API 5L Grd X 60
Spur Line to Niger Global Papers
5 4” 0.8 API 5L Grd X 60
6 Spur Line to Advance Merchant 4” 1
7 12” 0.3
Spur Lines to Nestle Factory
8 6” 1.5

station to Nestle station24
3.2 Design Input Parameters

The various input parameters required for the wall thickness calculation is summarized in
following section.

3.2.1 Process Data

The pipeline design and operating parameters are presented in the table below:

Pressure, barg Temperature, ºC

Line Hydrotest, barg
Size Max. Max. (1.25xDP)
Design Design
Operating Operating
24 inch Non Sour 95 86.3
Note 50 27.91 118.75

Note: This is subject to change depending on the feed trunk lines and Process Simulation

3.2.2 Pipeline Mechanical Data

Presented in the table below is the summary of the line pipe properties:

Steel Young’s Poisson’s Density of
Standard SMYS Expansion
Grade Modulus Ratio Coefficient Steel
448Mpa 2.07x10 5Mpa 11.7x10 -6/ oC 7850kg/m
API 5L X65 6 0.3 -6 o 3
(65,000psi) (30x10 psi) (6.5x10 / f) (490lb/ft )

3.2.3 Corrosion Allowance

An internal corrosion allowance of 1.5mm will be used in calculating the wall thickness. An
external corrosion allowance of zero will be used as the external corrosion will be taken care
of using corrosion coating of 3LPE and cathodic protection system.

3.2.4 Pipeline Design Data

The summary pipeline design data for wall thickness calculation is stated in the table below:

Outside Approx. Corrosion Material Design Design

Design Temperature, External
Diameter, Length, Allowance, API 5L Pressure, Buried
mm km mm Grade Factors barg o Coating
610 (24 0.72 3 Layer
52 1.5 X65 95 50 Yes
inch) 0.5 PE

4.1 Pipe Wall Thickness Calculation

The wall thickness required for pressure containment has been calculated in accordance
with the requirement of ASME B31.8 using the formulas below:

2S Y F.E.T
t0 = Nominal wall thickness for a given design pressure, mm
P = Permissible design pressure, MPa
SY = Specified Minimum Yield Strength (SMYS), MPa
D = Nominal outside pipe diameter, mm
F = Value depends on location class, which in this case is taken as 0.72
(Location class 1, division 2), 0.5 for class 3.
E = Longitudinal pipe joint factor. This is a function of the type of pipe manufacture,
which in this design is taken as 1 (For SAW pipes see ASME B31.8 Table
T = Temperature derating factor. Its value for this design is also 1 (See ASME
B31.8 Table 841.1.8-1)
tm = Nominal wall thickness plus corrosion allowance

However the actual wall thickness t, is selected from standard wall thickness table in API 5L.

t /tm ,

Where: tm = t0 + ICA

ICA = Internal corrosion allowance.

4.2 Results

The minimum wall thickness required to satisfy pressure containment in accordance with the
requirements of ASME B31.8 are presented in the table below. The selected wall thickness
represents the nearest (thicker) standard wall thickness in accordance with API 5L. See

Corrosion Calculated Selected

Outside Approx. Material Pipeline
Allowance, Design Wall Wall
Diameter, mm Length, API 5L Length,
mm Factors Thickness, Thickness,
km Grade km
mm mm
609.6 (24 inch) 0.72 10.48 11.10 28.5
52 1.5 X65
0.5 14.43 15.9 23.5

Based on the analysis of the population Density from the Preliminary Survey result, the
pipeline Route is predominantly Class 1 (54.81%) and Class 3 including Road and River
crossings (45.19%).
4.3 Pipe Wall Thickness Check for Hydrostatic Pressure Test Condition

The selected pipe wall thickness 11.1 mm and 15.9 mm has been checked for hydrostatic
test condition. The hoop stress induced by pressure test shall do not exceed maximum
allowable hoop stress 90% of SMYS.

< 90%SMYS

P - Test Pressure, MPa
D - Nominal Diameter, mm
t - Wall Thickness, mm

The test pressure shall be as per ASME B31.8 Table 841.3.2-1:

Location Class 1 and 2 – 1.25 x MOP=10.787 MPa (MOP=86.3 barg);

Location Class 3 – 1.5 x MOP=12.945 MPa (MOP=86.3 barg);

The maximum difference of elevation along the R.O.W. is 35 m, therefore the maximum
pressure induced by hydrostatic load is:

PH = ρgH = 1000 × 9.81 × 35 = 343350 Pa ≈ 0.343MPa ;

r – Density of water, kg/m ;
g – Gravity, m/s ;

H – Height, m;

By substitution known value in equation above we have follow results:

For WT=11.1 mm

10.787 × 610 296.743MPa

= 296.40MPa + 0.343MPa = *100 = 66%SMYS - Result is OK
2 ×11.1 448MPa

For WT=15.9 mm

12.945 × 610 248.66MPa

= 248.32MPa + 0.343MPa = *100 = 56%SMYS - Result is OK
2 × 15.9 448MPa


CONTRACTOR performed wall thickness verification of selected 24” line pipe. As per
calculation performed above for pipe (with reference to APPENDIX A) CONTRACTOR
confirm that purchased 24” line pipe is adequate.

6.1 Appendix A - Wall Thickness Calculation

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