Arroz Et Al-2016-Cytometry Part B Clinical Cytometry
Arroz Et Al-2016-Cytometry Part B Clinical Cytometry
Arroz Et Al-2016-Cytometry Part B Clinical Cytometry
Original Article
Consensus Guidelines on Plasma Cell Myeloma
Minimal Residual Disease Analysis and Reporting
Maria Arroz,1* Neil Came,2 Pei Lin,3 Weina Chen,4 Constance Yuan,5 Anand Lagoo,6
Mariela Monreal,7 Ruth de Tute,8 Jo-Anne Vergilio,9 Andy C. Rawstron,10
and Bruno Paiva11
Department of Clinical Pathology, Cytometry Laboratory, CHLO, Hospital S. Francisco Xavier, Lisbon, Portugal
Pathology Department, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia
Department of Hematopathology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA
Department of Pathology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA
Laboratory of Pathology, NCI, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Department of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA
Interpflow Corporation, Miami, Florida, USA
HMDS, Department of Haematology, St. James’s Institute of Oncology, Leeds, United Kingdom
University Of Michigan Medical Center Hematology Oncology Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
HMDS, Department of Haematology, St. James’s Institute of Oncology, Leeds, United Kingdom
Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Centro de Investigaci
on Medica Aplicada, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
Background: Major heterogeneity between laboratories in flow cytometry (FC) minimal residual disease
(MRD) testing in multiple myeloma (MM) must be overcome. Cytometry societies such as the International Clin-
ical Cytometry Society and the European Society for Clinical Cell Analysis recognize a strong need to establish
minimally acceptable requirements and recommendations to perform such complex testing.
Methods: A group of 11 flow cytometrists currently performing FC testing in MM using different instru-
mentation, panel designs ( 6-color) and analysis software compared the procedures between their
respective laboratories and reviewed the literature to propose a consensus guideline on flow-MRD analy-
sis and reporting in MM.
Results/Conclusion: Consensus guidelines support i) the use of minimum of five initial gating parameters
(CD38, CD138, CD45, forward, and sideward light scatter) within the same aliquot for accurate identification of
the total plasma cell compartment; ii) the analysis of potentially aberrant phenotypic markers and to report the
antigen expression pattern on neoplastic plasma cells as being reduced, normal or increased, when compared
to a normal reference plasma cell immunophenotype (obtained using the same instrument and parameters);
and iii) the percentage of total bone marrow plasma cells plus the percentages of both normal and neoplastic
plasma cells within the total bone marrow plasma cell compartment, and over total bone marrow cells. Consen-
sus guidelines on minimal current and future MRD analyses should target a lower limit of detection of
0.001%, and ideally a limit of quantification of 0.001%, which requires at least 3 3 106 and 5 3 106 bone
marrow cells to be measured, respectively. VC 2015 International Clinical Cytometry Society
Key terms: plasma cell myeloma; minimal residual disease; flow cytometry
How to cite this article: Arroz M, Came N, Lin P, Chen W, Yuan C, Lagoo A, Monreal M, de Tute R, Vergilio
J.-A, Rawstron A C. and Paiva B. Consensus Guidelines on Plasma Cell Myeloma Minimal Residual Disease Analy-
sis and Reporting. Cytometry Part B 2016; 90B: 31–39.
*Correspondence to: Maria Arroz, Department of Clinical Pathology, Received 9 December 2014; Revised 15 January 2015; Accepted
Cytometry Laboratory, CHLO, Hospital S. Francisco Xavier, Estrada do 16 January 2015
Forte do Alto do Duque, 1495-005 Lisbon, Portugal. E-mail: marroz@ Published online 2 June 2015 in Wiley Online Library (
DOI: 10.1002/cyto.b.21228
FIG. 1. Initial gating strategy for identifying the BM PC compartment. A relevant parameter is plotted against time as a measure of the quality and con-
tinuity of data acquired for the whole sample (A). Light scatter characteristics are used to exclude doublets (B and C) and debris (D). All possible plasma
cells are captured by generous gating on CD381 and CD1381 bright events (E) and CD381 bright events plotted against CD45 (F).
The principles outlined in the Practice Guidelines that tions such as sequential or Boolean gating, hierarchical
were recently published by the International Council for clustering, or principle component analysis (PCA) are
Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) and International now commonly available, and will further help on iden-
Clinical Cytometry Society (ICCS) (1) guided an interna- tifying rare plasma cell (PC) events, in a reproducible
tional working group of experts in the field, under the way, within pluricellular bone marrow (BM) samples.
auspices of the ICCS and the European Society for Clini-
cal Cell Analysis (ESCCA) toward consensus on: analysis FLOW CYTOMETRY DATA ANALYSIS AND PLASMA CELL
and gating strategy, data interpretation, reporting con- GATING STRATEGY
ventions, and a minimum set of recommendations that In adopting a “fit for purpose” gating strategy for iden-
can be applied in the optimal assessment of minimal tifying potentially rare PC events it is important to use a
residual disease (MRD) in multiple myeloma (MM) using gating strategy which minimizes subjectivity and maxi-
multidimensional flow cytometry (FC). mizes reproducibility (1). Inicial gates to identify PCs
An increasingly higher number of flow cytometry lab- and discriminate them from all other BM cells are drawn
oratories use digital instruments that can accommodate generously enough to include as many PCs events as
eight or more colors. These provide superior event possible, allowing for variants that express lower CD38,
acquisition and analysis of a greater number of cells uti- CD45 and/or CD138 to be included, while excluding
lizing more parameters per tube than was previously fea- contaminating lymphocytes, doublets and other cellular
sible with four color instruments. Six well-chosen colors debris (Fig. 1).
in a single tube represent the minimum number recom- Overall despite different instruments and variable
mended for low-sensitive flow-MRD analysis in MM. Simi- flow-MRD panel designs (6, 8, or 10-color) between lab-
larly, all currently available analysis software packages oratories, the adoption of the European Myeloma Net
enable the drawing of regions (“gates”) allowing the par- (EMN) approach using a minimum of five gating parame-
titioning of data into cell subsets in a relatively user- ters (CD38, CD138, CD45, FSC, and SSC properties)
friendly, stepwise, accurate, and reproducible way. More within the same tube for the identification of the total
sophisticated “downstream” algorithms that require PC compartment is recommended (2). This maximizes
rapid execution of complex mathematical transforma- the inclusion of normal and neoplastic PCs whilst, at
FIG. 2. Expression of routinely used antigens on bone marrow aspirates. A: Erythroblasts and leukocytes by SSC vs. CD45, (B) Normal B-cells/hem-
atogones by SSC vs. CD19; (C) CD27 expression on memory T and B-cells by SSC vs. CD27; (D) CD81 expression on B-cells/hematogones by SSC
vs. CD81; (E) NK cells by SSC vs. CD56; (F) mast cells, myeloid, and early erythroid progenitors by SSC vs. CD117.
the same time, allowing removal of contaminating non- exclusion since both normal and neoplastic PCs can
PC events. (2). show variable CD45 expression.
FIG. 3. Normal and neoplastic PCs coexisting within the BM PC compartment. A and B demonstrate the combined analysis gate strategy to identify
all PCs. According to multiple abnormalities in antigen expression, neoplastic PCs (black) and normal PCs (grey) can be identified in subsequent dot
plots for CD56 vs. CD38 (C), CD45 vs. CD19 (D), CD81 vs. CD117 (E), and CD38 vs. CD27 (F).
that of >97% of neoplastic PCs from a large series of subsets showing myeloma-like aberrant phenotypes (e.g.
MM patients studied at diagnosis. CD19-negative or CD56-positive PCs), can be a valuable
That notwithstanding, it should be noted that appropri- second step to confirm the normal vs. aberrant nature of
ate multivariate analysis with 8 markers is required to such PCs in a minor subset of cases.
reach such an applicability because it is now well Even though antigenic shift upon therapy cannot be
recognized that minor subsets of normal BM PCs can precluded (7), major antigenic shifts with respect to the
express some markers with intensity levels previously consensus markers were typically absent in large
considered to be aberrant (4,5,6). In this regard, Liu et al. cohorts in the Medical Research Council Myeloma IX
(5) and Tembhare et al. (6) have proposed some helpful Study (8). However, it is important to note that the base-
insights that can assist in the discrimination between nor- line tumor clone often shows also phenotypic heteroge-
mal versus neoplastic PCs, as described below. neity, and that all different phenotypic subclones should
Normal PCs show heterogeneous expression of CD19 be followed throughout therapy (9). In fact, it has been
and CD45, they are usually negative for CD20 and CD117, recently shown that the distribution of such subclones
and they invariably show homogeneously bright expres- may fluctuate from diagnostic into MRD samples, but
sion of CD81 (6). In turn, CD28 and CD56 expression is this should be interpreted as clonal selection rather than
present in a small subset (between 5–20%) of normal PCs. antigenic shift upon therapy (9).
Accordingly, normal PCs typically show heterogeneous or
bimodal expression for some of the most commonly used Defining Neoplastic PCs
markers (e.g. for CD19, CD56, and CD45) while neoplas- No single parameter reliably distinguishes neoplastic
tic PCs from MM patients usually have more homogene- PCs from normal PCs; however, even a limited (six
ous antigen expression. Neoplastic PCs will often show color) combination of antibodies in a single tube is able
additional aberrancies, such as CD117 expression, weaker to achieve this in a high proportion of cases provided a
CD38 expression, and increased FSC and/or SSC features. sufficient number of cellular events are evaluated in the
Noteworthy, such aberrancies will be co-expressed within flow cytometer (8). The comparison between the
the same cell population, whereas immunophenotypic patient’s sample vs. a normal PC immunophenotype ref-
variations in normal PCs tend to be heterogeneous and/or erence obtained using the same instrument and parame-
distributed amongst different well-defined subsets. Pro- ters may be highly valuable. Similarly, internal positive
vided a sufficient number of PCs are acquired, analysis of (e.g., B-cells for CD19 and CD81, NK cells for CD56,
cytoplasmic light chain expression within specific PCs myeloid progenitors and mast cells for CD117) and
FIG. 4. A: Example of a principle component analysis (PCA) guided approach as the starting point for the separation of a homogeneous PC popula-
tion (black) from the remaining bone marrow cells (grey) traced onto CD38 vs. CD138 (B) and CD38 vs. CD45 (C) dot plots, using the same sample
as depicted in Figure 1. D: Another example of PCA, in this case separating neoplastic PCs (black) from normal PCs (grey) restricted to the total pre-
viously gated bone marrow plasma cell compartment, as demonstrated in figure 3 A and B, traced onto a bivariate plot (E) analyzing CD38 vs.
negative control (e.g., erythroblasts for CD45) cell popu- antibodies, under identical sample preparation proce-
lations represent a highly reliable strategy to define nor- dures and conditions (12). In order to accommodate the
mal vs. aberrant phenotypic profiles. This should also be degree of intra and inter-patient phenotypic heterogeneity
performed using the patient’s sample for each relevant of normal PCs, the larger the library of cases, the better. A
antigen as illustrated in Figure 2. minimum number of twenty reference cases (for which
The 2006 Bethesda International Consensus Recommen- similar cell numbers to those of the questioned samples
dations advise on the reporting of antigen expression as have been evaluated), is recommended. The discrimina-
being reduced, normal, or increased in intensity compared tion between normal PCs and neoplastic PCs on pheno-
with that expressed on appropriate reference cell popula- typic grounds has to be multiparametric, i.e. the identifi-
tions (10). Reporting in this manner provides a clearer pic- cation of a neoplastic PC population should never be
ture of the immunophenotypic deviation from normal PC based on the isolated deviation of a single marker.
immunophenotype and minimizes the impact of variability As described above, analysis of the CyIgj/CyIgk
in reagent and instrument performance between laborato- plasma cell ratio within specific PC subsets defined on
ries. Reporting should include the percentage of positive the basis of other surface markers (e.g.: CD19- CD45-
cells for each marker within the specific neoplastic PC CD561) may be informative to confirm the clonal vs.
compartment. polyclonal nature of such PC subsets in selected cases.
The availability of patient-specific diagnostic immuno-
phenotypes may also represent a valuable aid while per- Summary of the Most Frequent Normal and Neoplastic PC
forming flow-MRD monitoring. The use of polychromatic Immunophenotypes, and of Less Frequent Phenotypes
(8-color) flow cytometry strategies facilitates this Observed on Minor Subsets of Normal Plasma Cells
approach (11). The most common immunophenotype of normal PCs
Perhaps even more useful, particularly in the setting of could be described as CD381bright, CD1381bright,
multicenter trials, is the availability of a reference library CD191, CD451, CD202, CD271, CD282, CD562,
of normal and neoplastic BM PCs that have been immuno- CD811, CD1172, CD2002/1, with a polyclonal CyIgj/
phenotyped using the exact same panel of monoclonal CyIgk ratio. Minor subsets of normal PCs (typically
representing <30% of total normal PCs) exhibit less classification of normal vs. malignant PCs, and be an
“typical” antigen expression patterns such as: CD192, ideal adjunct towards myeloma MRD assessment and
CD452/low, CD201, CD27low, CD281, CD561 and standardization by flow cytometry.
CD2001 bright. (2,13,14).
In contrast, neoplastic PCs show aberrant phenotypes REPORTING CONVENTIONS
consisting of multiple possible combinations of the follow- Reporting the overall immunophenotypic signature of
ing aberrant antigenic profiles: CD38 low (dimmer than neoplastic PCs
normal PCs), CD192, CD452, CD201, CD272/low,
CD281, CD561/bright, CD812/low, CD1171, CD200 Reporting an antigen expression pattern on neoplastic
bright, in association with monoclonal CyIgj or CyIgk. PCs on an individual marker basis as being reduced, nor-
Figure 3 illustrates an example where coexisting normal mal or increased, compared to a normal (reference) PC
and neoplastic PCs within the same bone marrow, display immunophenotype (obtained using the same antibody-
distinct phenotypic features. reagent combinations, instruments and sample prepara-
tion protocols and conditions), including the percentage
The role of new/more advanced computational tools to of positive cells for each marker, is recommended to
facilitate data analysis for flow-MRD in MM establish the immunophenotypic signature that will aid
Traditional visualization of flow cytometric data in in follow-up MRD detection.
bivariate (2D) dot plots results in an increasingly large
number of scattergrams and a “geometric increase in the Reporting a sample as MRD positive, MRD negative, or
informational content” as the number of antibodies used unsuitable for MRD assessment
increases (10). This is a particular challenge for users The guidelines of the EMN in 2008 proposed that an
becoming familiar with 8 color flow cytometry and MRD negative BM is defined as no detectable abnormal
requires the judicious use and graphical representation of PCs at a level of sensitivity of at least 0.01%. However
all potentially relevant 2D combinations of antigen this is on the proviso that the BM aspirate sample is
expression patterns. There is a risk that by relying on vis- deemed suitable using the criteria defined earlier, by vis-
ual interpretation of two-dimensional plots alone the ualizing all BM cells simultaneously (Fig. 2). An MRD-
operator may not fully appreciate all relevant antigen negative bone marrow, in the appropriate clinical con-
expression patterns within a particular cell population, text, has also been termed as immunophenotypic
nor gain full insight into the variation of normal antigen response (IR) or flow-Complete Response (F-CR) (18).
expression profiles. In recent years, a variety of new However, the threshold used to distinguish MRD-positive
computational tools have been developed to identify spe- from MRD-negative may vary from sample to sample,
cific cell populations in multidimensional flow cytometry and is subject to change as technology and treatments
data sets (15,16). One such solution is the use of princi- improve; therefore, it is recommended to report on the
pal component analysis (PCA) of a unified data file with a level of MRD and the assay limit of detection in addition
potentially unlimited number of dimensions (17). A PCA- to classifying patients as MRD-negative vs. MRD-positive.
based approach is implemented in Infinicyt software in At present, several clinical studies have validated the
the automatic population separator (APS) view, where prognostic value of myeloma flow-MRD monitoring. In
the first (x axis) and second (y axis) principal compo- some studies, the presence of MRD was evaluated quanti-
nents are used to produce a bidimensional representation tatively as percent of neoplastic PCs from all BM
of either cell clusters or patient profiles; each principal nucleated cells (e.g., CD451 leucocytes plus CD45- cellu-
component is represented by a linear combination of all lar BM events such as nucleated red bood cells) (19,20).
parameters included in the FCS file(s) under analysis, as Other studies have used the number of total leukocytes,
examplified in Figure 4. The power of this interpretation defined as PCs plus non-PCs CD45 positive events as the
method is that it facilitates the development of a normal denominator (8). Reporting PC levels as a percentage of
reference library of chosen cases, automated separation nucleated cells is likely to offer a better comparison with
of populations within a sample taking into consideration molecular techniques than reporting as a percentage of
all parameters, and prospective detection and tracking of leucocytes because DNA is typically isolated from all
any aberrant population that deviates from the normal nucleated cells. However, different lysing approaches (e.g.
cells. This can be particularly useful in cases with differ- ammonium chloride vs. fixative-based lysing approaches)
ent subclones that can be difficult to identify when only can affect the number of total nucleated cells because
bi-dimensional dot plots are used (9). ammonium chloride will also lyse some nucleated ery-
While not all users have practical experience with throid cells, while using total leucocytes as the denomina-
these new multidimensional data analysis tools and tor is not affected by different lysing agents. The impact
approaches, or they are not presently resourced to of different reporting or lysing approaches is likely to
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