HRM Notes Unit-1

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Definition:-Human Resource Management is known as

Management Functions.
Concerned with hiring , motivating and maintaining
people in organization.
1. Def:-HRM is may be defined as the art of processing,
developing and maintaining competent work force
to achieve organizational goals efficiently.
2. Def:-HRM is the planning, organizing, directing and
controlling of the procurement, development,
compensation, integration maintenance and
separation of human resources to the end individual,
organizational and social objectives are
Def:-The term human resources can be defined as the
process of total knowledge, skills, creative abilities,
talents, aptitude of an organization work force as well
as the values, aptitude and believes of the individual
History of HRM:- Management people has taken twists
and turns over the last 100yrs in the management
Some of benchmarks:-
The concept of welfare management: 1920-1940
Labours (or) works are very important.
The concept of personal management: 1950-1970
Expansion of welfare management + individual roles
with relations.
The concept of HRD management: 1970-1980
Training & development organizational
The concept of HRM : 1980 onwards
1. It is a polistic approach to managing people
2. HRM=welfare management + personal
management + HRD.
Principles of management:-
Employees are value assets.
Individual development.
Effective communication.
Fair compensation.
Team spirit.
Principle of labour and management operation.
Objectives of HRM:-
Achievement of organizational goals.
To maximum utilization of Human Resources.
To improve employee skills and ability for work.
To provide the organization with well trained and well
motivated employees.
To create employee job satisfaction.
To develop quality work life.
To communicate “HR” policies of all employees.
Nature of HRM:-
HRM is a people oriented.
HRM is a goal oriented.
HRM is develop oriented.
HRM is an integrating all human relation.
HRM is a individual oriented.
HRM is a challenging function.
HRM is a continuous function.
HRM is a inter disciplinary function.
HR Ethical aspects:-
Employee responsibility.
Cash and intensive plans.
Performance appraisal.
Age and gender reference.
Job discrimination.
Privacy issues.
Safety and health.
Restrictions and layoff.

Operational Managerial
function functions

Planning Organizing Directing Controlling

Procurement Development Compensation Maintenance Integration Emerging

health issues

Job analysis Performance Job evolution Motivation

appraisal Health Personal
HR planning Job
Training Wage and
Safety satisfaction
administration Counsling
planning & Welfare Grievance
Selection development Fringe handling HR audit
Management security Collective
development Bonus bargaining

Organizational Quality
Internal development and work life
mobility change

Team work

Trade union

Industrial relation
Scope of HRM:-
1. Personal prospective/aspect:
1.1. Man power planning.
1.2. Recruitment.
1.3. Selection.
1.4. Placement.
1.5. Transfers.
1.6. Promotions.
1.7. Training & development.
1.8. Remuneration.
1.9. Productivity…..etc
2. Welfare prospective/aspect:
2.1. canteens.
2.2. Rest rooms.
2.3. Lunch rooms.
2.4. Housing.
2.5. Transportation.
2.6. Medical assistancy.
2.7. Education.
2.8. Safety & security.
It deals with working conditions.
3. Industrial aspect/prospective:
3.1. Union management relations.
3.2. Collective bargaining.
3.3. Grievance.
3.4. Code of discipline.
3.5. Settlement of disputes.
HR Policies:-
Policy is a predetermined course of action established
as a guide towards accepted objectives & strategies
of organizations.
Definition:-A set of proposal and actions that act as a
reference point for manager in the dealing it with
Characteristics of HR policy:-
Policy’s are related to objectives.
Easy to understand.
Stable as well as flexible.
Based on facts.
Just, fair and equal.
Types of HR policy:-
Oriented policy [top level]
Imposed policies [society, government, trade
General policies [growth, target & goodwill]
Specific policies [“x” company having some policy]
Implied policies [dress code, discipline]
Importance of HRM:-
Attract and retain talent.
Train people for challenging roles.
Develop skills and competences.
Promote team spirit.
Develop loyalty and commitment.
Increase productivity and profits.
Improve job satisfaction.
Enhance standard living.
Generate employment opportunities.
Importance of HRM at different levels:-
1. At the enterprises level:
Right people, right time & right job.
Attract and retain.
Training for the doing rate
2. At the individual level:
Team work and team spirit.
3. At the society level:
Employment opportunities.
4. At the national level:
Development of country.
The role of HR manager:
i. Administrative role:
Policy maker.
Administrative expert.
Utilization of material, money & men.
Advisor councilor.
Legal consultant.
ii. Operation role:
Qualities of HR managers:
HR Department:-

Owner /

Production Sales Office Accounting

Manager manager manager manager


Chairman / managing

Director of Director of Director of Director of Director of

production finance HR marketing R&D
Director of

Personal Administration HRD Industrial

(assistant) manager relation

Appraisal T&D

Personal Canteens Medical Cultural Transportation Legal


HRP Hiring Grievances Compensation


HRM challenges:-
Managing the vision.
Internal environment.
Building organizational capabilities.
Job design & organizational structures.
Managing large work force.
Employee satisfaction.
Supporting modern technologies.
Maintain organizational culture with peace.
Strategies of HRM:-
To build skills.
Selection is based on attitude & emotions.
Pay for performance.
Create self managing teams.
Out sourcing.
Talent management.
Diversity management.
Emerging trends in HRM:-
Employers brand.
Competency mapping.
Business Process Outsource.
HR balanced score card.
Knowledge management.
Learning organization.
Work life balance.
Six sigma practices.
People centric organization
“The role HR manager is shifting from that of a protector
and screener to the role of planner and change agent.”
Cross Culture management:-
It is about the managing culture.
It explain behavior of people in organization.
It show how people to do team work in the
It is development & application of knowledge about
It is a practice of internal communication.
Factors effecting cross culture problems:-
Environmental technology.
Social & organization history.
The role of authority.
Verbal and non-verbal communication.
Traditions, values, relations,…etc
Issues of cross culture management:-
HRM practices.
Cross culture training & development.
Cross culture performance appraisal.
Cross culture decision making.
Importance of cross culture management:-
Communicate effectively customers,
suppliers, employees…etc
To understand ethical values of different
To focusing on advertisement & other
To maintain good relations top to bottom
level of organization and also knowing govt
policies and competition strategies.
Global HRM:-
Def-1:-The process of procuring, allocating and
effectively utilizing human resources in multinational
corporation is called global HRM.
Def-2:-International HRM is the interplay among 3
1. Human resources activity.
2. Type of employers.
3. Countries corporations.
In global level recruitment, selection depends on:
Home country nation (HCN) (or) parent country.
Host country nation (HCN).
Third country nation (TCN).
Staffing policy:-
Ethino centric policy.
Polycentric policy.
Geo centric policy.
Training method:-
Ditatic general.
Ditatic specifics.
Experiences general.
Experiences specifics.
Design to trainee the people with the supporting of

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