A Comparative Analysis of Investors Buying Behavior of Urban Rural For Financial Assets Specifically Focused On Mutual Fund

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International Monthly Refereed Journal of Research In Management & Technology

ISSN – 2320-0073 Volume II, March’13


Dhimen Jani1 and Dr. Rajeev Jain2

Research Scholar, Mewar University, Rajasthan, India
Email: [email protected]
Dean & Head, Department of Management, University of Kota, Rajasthan, India
Email: [email protected]

This paper examines the Investor buying behavior of urban and rural) for financial assets
specifically focused on mutual fund. The study also assesses the impact of various
demographic factors like age, gender, education, income etc. on the buying behavioral
pattern of both Investors. The data was collected from 200 respondents (100 urban and 100
rural). The survey was conducted during September/October 2012. The study revealed that
Age Gender, Occupation, Educational Qualification, Income etc. have significance impact
on the buying behavioral pattern on rural and urban investors, besides that on the basis of
priority provided by investor, both investor gives first priority to financial planner and
second to risk and return profile, third past performance, forth tax consideration and fifth to
the brand.
Keywords: Buying Behavior, Urban & Rural, Investors, Mutual Fund

The Investor behavior is the process by which Investor tends to satisfy his/her needs by
showing their choices. The behavior of the Investor can be affected by many of internal as
well as external environment. The demographical factors play critical role in determining
individual buying behavior for any goods or even service. Many researches have been
conducted to identify Investor buying behavior to identify how Investors are making
financial planning to satisfy their future financial need. After initialization of reforms in
1991, Indian economy had seen dramatic changes in almost each and every sector of the
country. The financial sector is one of them, since reforms, many new private (domestic and
foreign) players have had come up to influence the buying behavioral pattern of Indian
Investors specifically for financial assets.
The income earning and income spending activities is a part of financial system. It
channelizes the savings of million small and retail Investors into gigantic capital formation.
Most of the marketing companies are now penetrating urban and rural regions of the country.
Today, Investors have large number of option available for investment i.e. Stock market,
Bank F.D., Insurance (ULIPS), Mutual funds, PPF, NSC, KVP, Real Estate, Small Medium

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ISSN – 2320-0073 Volume II, March’13

Enterprise, agricultural product, cottage industry, Bonds, Gold etc. All these financial
instruments mobilize financial resources in the economy.
Mutual Fund – A Brief Idea
Mutual fund is an investment instrument which mobilizes the savings of millions of small
and retail Investors into huge capital formation. The basic objective behind investment in
mutual fund is goods return with relative low risk. Investors invest their money into mutual
fund through Asset Management Company (AMC). There are experts available in the
market, which are in constant touch with micro and macro aggregates of the economy viz.
share market, G.D.P, G.N.P. N.N.P., General Price Level, Investor preference; trend, fashion
etc. act as fund manager. When Investors invest some money in mutual fund, the invested
amount is converted into units at prevailing price of fund (generally called NAV- Net Asset
Value), which are declared on daily working basis. If the value of units that is NAV
increases that would be appreciation in the invested amount and if it decrease the value of
invested amount decreases.
Mutual fund has emerged as one of the best option for investment nowadays. Great amount
of research has been carried out on Investor buying behavior on mutual fund.
Bogle (1992) and Ippolito (1992) have suggested that the Investors are selecting
fund on the past performance. They also specify that Investor invest in such a fund
whose past performance is positive rather than negative for specific period of time.
Kulshresth (1994) offers certain guideline to the investors in selecting the mutual
fund schemes.
Shankar (1996) mentioned that in order to capture the Indian investors AMC should
follow the consumer distribution model.
Jambodekar (1996) conducted study to identify factor affecting decision making of
investors, it was found that income schemes and open ended schemes are more
preferable than growth and close ended schemes.
Sikidar and singh (1996) conducted a survey to understand behavioral aspects of the
investors of North Eastern Region towards mutual fund investment portfolio, the
study revealed that salaried and self-employed investors are mostly investing
because of one aspects Tax Saving.
Harless and Peterson (1998) mentioned that despite poor performance of mutual
fund investors stick with those mutual funds that have shown better performance in
the past.
Raja (1998) examined several Investors and found that there is impact of
demographical variables such as age, gender, income etc.
According to Lu Zheng (1999) majority of Investors, making purchase in mutual
fund; do invest on the basis of short-term future performance and they use fund
specific information for their selection decision.

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ISSN – 2320-0073 Volume II, March’13

Shanmugham (2000) made a survey of 201 individual and found that psychological
and sociological factors have more influence amongst the all factors which have
influence on the Investors decision towards any financial assets
Lynch and Musto (2003) found that, there would be maximum investment in mutual
fund because ordinary Investors do not have time, experience, expertise and
knowledge to take investment decision independently.
Anand and Murugalah (2004) explored that, in order to attract Investor, financial
industries requires innovation in developing and delivering financial services to
survive and even to earn profit.
Ramamurthy and Reddy (2005) carried out a study to analyze recent trends in the
mutual fund industry and concluded that the major benefits delivered to the small
and retail Investor by mutual funds are professional management, diversification of
investment, convenient administration, return potential, liquidity, transparency,
flexibility, affordability, wide choice and proper regulation.
Keli (2005) states that, past performance and funds investment strategy continued to
be the top two drivers in the selection of new fund manager.
Desigan et al. (2006) conducted a study on women Investor perception towards
investment selection. Accordingly, women Investors generally avoid mutual fund,
the main reason is lack of awareness, investment procedures, entry and exit move
K. Lashmana Rao (2011) made analysis of perception of Investor towards mutual
fund schemes, he made conclusion SEBI, AMFI, and IRDA should take appropriate
steps to enhance Investors knowledge for making more prudent decisions.
The study is expected to reveal the facts regarding Investor buying behavior for financial
assets specifically mutual fund. The Indian mutual fund industry has grown at an impressive
pace in terms of Assets under Management (AUM) over the past few years. Household
financial savings in mutual funds has increased from 1.2% to 7.7%. It has been proved by
research, that even financial service providing companies cannot be successful without
proper marketing strategy. In present day, Marketing does not only satisfy human wants but
it also generates want. This study will help mutual fund companies to explore new
opportunities for market penetration in urban and rural regions. It will also enable mutual
fund companies to identify the relative importance of role of financial advisor in decision
making process of Investor. Finally, it would be possible to evaluate the impact of
demographical factors on the decision making process of Investors therefore mutual fund
companies can prepare marketing strategies in accordance with research findings.
1. The study is limited to 200 respondents only, from valsad city and surrounding
regional rural areas. The findings of research may not apply to the Gujarat state or
the country.

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ISSN – 2320-0073 Volume II, March’13

2. The Investors buying pattern keeps changing with the introduction of new
innovation in terms of product, price, place and promotion. If there is introduction of
new financial product, investors buying behavioural pattern may change.


With increasing competition in financial market, it is necessary to identify investors buying
behavior for financial assets. As many research, have proved that there is great impact of
demographical factors like age, gender, income, culture etc. on the investment decision, it
has become necessary for those companies which are providing financial services to the
investors to survive in the competitive market. This study attempts to make identification of
various factors that can influence the buying decision of investors of urban and rural areas of
Valsad District (Gujarat State). The research intends to provide solution of the question
“What kind of factors can influence the buying decision of investors? What kind of strategy
can be adopted in urban and rural areas of Gujarat state for better sales? And finally, Does
the buying behavioral pattern of urban and rural investors differ significantly?
To assess the impact of various demographical factors like Age, Gender, Income,
Education, Occupation etc. on Investor buying behavior of valsad city and
surrounding rural areas
To study and rank the factor having implications on Investor buying behavior
towards mutual fund
To make comparative analysis of investors buying behavior of valsad city and
surrounding rural regions.
H1: There is insignificant difference between buying behavioural pattern of the both
Investor. (urban – and rural)
H2: There is no impact of demographical profiles of Investors on their buying
behaviour while purchasing mutual fund of both Investors (urban – valsad city and
rural-surrounding rural areas )
This research is Descriptive type of research study. Cross sectional study is adopted under
descriptive research. It is related to the analysis of Investor buying behavior of Valsad city
and Surrounding Rural Areas for financial assets specifically focused on mutual funds. 200
(100 valsad city and 100 Surrounding Rural Areas) Investors were surveyed with the help of
structured questionnaire.
Source of Data
Primary data is collected through structured questionnaire.
Secondary data is collected through AMFI report, journals, reports of RBI

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International Monthly Refereed Journal of Research In Management & Technology

ISSN – 2320-0073 Volume II, March’13

Data collection Method

Primary data is collected through structured questionnaire by face to face interview. While
secondary data is collected from various websites of institutions like AMFI, RBI and
financial journals time to time.
Sampling Plan
Population - Valsad City (urban) and surrounding rural areas (rural)
Surrounding Rural Areas (villages) includes – Vapi, Dharampur, Pardi, Atul etc.
Sampling Unit – Retail Investors
Sampling Method – Non-Probability sampling Specifically Convenient sampling
Sample size – 200
Analytical Tools Applied – SPSS 17
Statistical tools & techniques applied
There are several techniques available to analyze data and to draw a conclusion. For this
purpose chi-square goodness of fit is used to judge the phenomena.
Table 1. Data Analysis and Interpretation (Valsad City – Urban)
Demographic Null χ2 df P Accept/ Difference
Factor Hypothesis – value Reject
Age No significant χ2 df(6) p<0.05 Reject Significant
relation 97.306,
Gender No significant χ2 df (3) p<0.05 Reject Significant
relation 39.139,
Occupation No significant χ2 df(15) p<0.05 Reject Significant
relation 208.554,
Marital Status No significant χ2 df(3) p<0.05. Reject Significant
relation 69.471
Income No significant χ2 df(6) p<0.05 Reject Significant
relation 99.903,
Education No significant χ2 df(6) p<0.05 Reject Significant
relation 115.099,
Table 2. Data Analysis and Interpretation (Rural)
Demographic Null χ2 df P Accept/ Difference
Factor Hypothesis – value Reject
Age No significant χ2 df(6) p<0.05 Reject Significant
relation 102.491,
Gender No significant χ2 df(3) p<0.05 Reject Significant
relation = 18.660

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ISSN – 2320-0073 Volume II, March’13

Table 2. Data Analysis and Interpretation (Rural) (Contd…)

Demographic Null χ2 df P Accept/ Difference
Factor Hypothesis – value Reject
Occupation No significant χ2 df(15) p<0.05 Reject Significant
relation =
Marital Status No significant χ2 df(3) p<0.05. Reject Significant
relation = 52.978
Income No significant χ2 df (6) p<0.05 Reject Significant
relation = 90.556
Education No significant χ2 df(6) p<0.05 Reject Significant
relation =
Analysis of Investors Buying Behavior towards Mutual Fund of Valsad City
The study revealed that out of 100 respondents 3% (3) respondents were below age
of 18 years, 59% (59) of the respondents were in the age group of 18-30 years, 38%
(38) of the respondents were in the age group of 31-50 years. None of the
respondents were in the age group of above 50 years.
Under the gender category, out of 100 respondents, 89% (89) were male and 11%
(11) were female.
As per the occupation out of 100 respondents 10% (10) were professionals, 36% (36)
were business persons, 21% (21) were govt. servant, 22 %(22) were students, 11%
(11) were having private service, There were no respondents in the category of
As far as education is concerned, 31% (31) of the respondents were in the category
of U.G., 55% (55) of the respondents were in the category of Graduation and 14%
(14) respondents were having degree of P.G. and above
As per marital status 67% (67) respondents were married, 33% (33) were unmarried
As far as monthly income is concerned 37% (37) of the respondents fall in the
category of income group below 10,000/- P.M., 34% (34) of respondents fall in the
category of 10,000 to 30,000 and remaining 29% (29) respondents fall under the
category of above 30,000 monthly income brackets.
Analysis of Investors Buying Behavior towards Mutual Fund of Surrounding
Rural Region (Rural)
The study revealed that out of 100 respondents 0% (0) respondents were below age
of 18 years, 40% (40) of the respondents were in the age group of 18-30 years, 48%
(48) of the respondents were in the age group of 31-50 years, 12% (12) respondents
were in the age group of above 50 years.

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ISSN – 2320-0073 Volume II, March’13

Under the gender category, out of 100 respondents, 95% (95) were male and 5% (5)
were female.
As per the occupation out of 100 respondents 9% (9) were professionals, 25% (25)
were business persons, 13% (13) were govt. servant, 2 %b(2) were students, 49%
(49) were having private service, 2% (2) respondents were retired.
As far as education is concerned, 24% of the respondents were in the category of
U.G., 50% of the respondents were in the category of Graduation and 26% (26)
respondents were having degree of P.G. and above.
As per marital status 87% (87) respondents were married, 13% (13) were unmarried
As far as monthly income is concerned 27% (47) of the respondents fall in the
category of income group below 10,000/- P.M., 62% (62) of respondents fall in the
category of 10,000 to 30,000 and remaining 11% (11) respondents fall under the
category of above 30,000 monthly income brackets.
Ranking of Various Factors Responsible For Investment in Mutual Funds
(Valsad City –Urban)
The study has revealed the fact that those Investors who are investing in mutual fund is
generally due to following factor.
Brand, Risk & Returns, Past Performance, and Tax benefit and role of financial advisor etc.
During the survey, respondents were asked to rank these most common factors according to
their priorities. The data is presented in the following table.
Table 3. Factors Affecting Investment Decision of Valsad City for Mutual Fund
Factors Least Low Medium High Highest Total
Brand 34 2 34 17 13 100
Role Of Financial Advisor 5 18 23 25 29 100
Risk & Return 21 20 10 21 28 100
Past Performance 0 48 22 25 5 100
Tax Consideration 40 12 11 12 25 100
TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100 ----
Now, for analyzing various factors responsible for investment in mutual fund, ranking is
done on the basis of weighted scores. Scoring is done as per following. Rank 1- 1 weight,
Rank 2-2 weight, Rank 3-3 weight, Rank 4-4 weight and Rank5-5 weight.
Table 4. Ranking of Various Factors
Factors Weighted Scores Percentage Rank
Brand 273 18.20 5
Role Of Fin. Advisor 355 23.67 1
Risk & Return Profile 315 21.00 2
Past Performance 287 19.13 3
Tax Consideration 270 18.00 4
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ISSN – 2320-0073 Volume II, March’13

Ranking Of Various Factors Responsible For Investment In Mutual Funds

(Surrounding Rural Regions - Rural)
The study has revealed the fact that those Investors who are investing in mutual fund is
generally due to following factor.
Brand, Risk, Returns, Past Performance and role of financial advisor in decision making
process, Income tax consideration etc. During the survey, respondents were asked to rank
these most common factors according to their priorities. The data is presented in the
following table.
Table 5. Factors Affecting Investment Decision of Surrounding Rural Regions for Mutual
No. Of Respondents
Factors Least Low Medium High Highest Total
Brand 54 19 11 8 8 100
Risk & Return Profile 9 12 21 25 33 100
Role Of Financial 10 4 27 21 38 100
Past Performance 10 18 15 37 20 100
Tax Consideration 17 47 26 9 1 100
Total 100 100 100 100 100
Now, for analyzing various factors responsible for investment in mutual fund, ranking is
done on the basis of weighted scores. Scoring is done as per following. Rank 1- 1 weight,
Rank 2-2 weight, Rank 3-3 weight, Rank 4-4 weight and Rank5-5 weight
Table 6. Ranking of Various Factors
Factors Weighted Scores Percentage Rank
Brand 197 13.13 5
Risk & Return Profile 361 24.07 2
Role Of Financial Advisor 373 24.87 1
Past Performance 339 22.60 3
Tax Consideration 230 15.33 4
On the basis of ranks provided by rural and urban investors we can make
identification of behavioral pattern of both investors.
The ranking suggest that both urban and rural investors prefer advice of financial
planner/agent at the first place, risk and return profile also plays crucial role in determining
the investment decision in financial assets, both of the investors have placed risk and return
profile on the second rank. Past performance is placed at the third rank, which indicates that
investors do observe past performance but do not take decision only on it. The reason was
observed that past performance do not give any guarantee regarding same return on the
investment in future. Investors had placed tax consideration into fourth place; the reason
was observed that, in order to take tax benefit investors are required to invest in ELSS or
related schemes in which minimum lock in period is three years, which in turn reduces the
preference of the investors. Mostly in the FMCG products brand had left remarkable impact
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ISSN – 2320-0073 Volume II, March’13

on the preference of consumers, but in financial service, investors had placed brand on the
fifth rank, which indicates investors do not have much interest in brand.
A Comparative Analysis of Investors Buying Behavior of Valsad City (Urban) and
Surrounding Regional Rural Areas (Rural) For Financial Asset specifically focus on Mutual
Fund was undertaken to identify investors buying behavioral pattern. The study was
conducted in Sept/Oct. 2012. It has shown that different demographical factors have
influence on buying behavioral pattern of investor. The study shows that each demographical
(age, gender, income, educational qualification, occupation etc.) factor had significant
bearing on both urban and rural investors buying behavioral process.
As far as, behavioral pattern is concerned, the study has revealed that both investors are
having same behavioral pattern, marginal deviation was noticed during analysis. Both
investors provide more priority to the financial planner, on the second place risk and return
profile, third place is captured by past performance and so on. On the basis of study, it can be
concluded in order to capture urban and rural market, mutual fund companies required to
concentrate on financial planner. Commissions and other benefits can be given to financial
planner to generate more investment in mutual fund. The reason behind more importance of
financial planner is that, he is the person known to the investor and on whom investors can
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