F-Chart: User's Manual

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User's Manual
Windows Version

F-Chart Software
Phone (608) 836-8531
Fax (608) 836 8536
© 1983-2001 by S.A. Klein and W.A. Beckman

All rights reserved.

No part of this program or manual may be reproduced by any means or transmitted without the
written permission of the authors.

The authors make no guarantee that the program is free from errors or that the results produced
with it will be free of errors, and they assume no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the
program or for the results which my come from its use.

Registration Number__________________________



Printed in the USA

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1, Getting Started ..................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Example.............................................................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER 2, Commands .......................................................................................................... 12
2.1 Working with Menus....................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Changing Parameter Values ............................................................................................ 12
2.3 Dialog Boxes ................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Using Scroll Bars ............................................................................................................ 13
2.5 Menu Command Descriptions......................................................................................... 13
2.5.1 The File Menu ......................................................................................................................... 13
2.5.2 The Edit Menu ......................................................................................................................... 15
2.5.3 Preferences ............................................................................................................................ 15
2.5.4 System ................................................................................................................................... 16
2.5.5 Collector ................................................................................................................................. 18
2.5.6 Weather.................................................................................................................................. 19
2.5.7 Run/Plot.................................................................................................................................. 20
2.5.8 Window................................................................................................................................... 21
2.5.9 Help ........................................................................................................................................ 22
CHAPTER 3, Collector Parameter Sets ................................................................................... 23
3.1 Flat-Plate Solar Collector ................................................................................................ 23
3.2 Evacuated Tube Collectors.............................................................................................. 26
3.3 Compound Parabolic Concentrating Collector ............................................................... 28
3.4 One-Axis Tracking Collector .......................................................................................... 31
3.5 Two-Axis Tracking Collector ......................................................................................... 33
CHAPTER, 4 System and Output Descriptions ...................................................................... 35
4.1 Active Domestic Hot Water System ............................................................................... 35
4.2 Pebble Bed Storage Space and Domestic Water Heating Systems................................. 38
4.3 Water Storage Space and/or Domestic Water Heating Systems ..................................... 42
4.4 Building Storage Systems ............................................................................................... 46
4.5 Passive Direct-Gain Systems .......................................................................................... 51
4.6 Storage Wall Systems....................................................................................................... 54
4.7 Pool Heating Systems...................................................................................................... 58
4.8 General Solar Heating Systems....................................................................................... 62
4.9 Integral Collector-Storage Water Heating Systems ........................................................ 66
CHAPTER 5, Economics ........................................................................................................... 71
5.1 Economic Parameters...................................................................................................... 71
5.2 Economics Output ............................................................................................................ 75
APPENDIX A, References ......................................................................................................... 79
APPENDIX B, UNIT CONVERSION TABLES ..................................................................... 81

SI Units................................................................................................................................... 81
Decimal Multiples of Units .................................................................................................... 81
Unit Conversions.................................................................................................................... 81
Numerical Values of Some Properties ................................................................................... 83
APPENDIX C, California Compliance Requirements ............................................................ 84
Calculation of Annual Water Heating Energy ....................................................................... 85
TABLE 1.: California Climate Zone Modeling Variables.................................................... 86
TABLE 2. Determining Pumping Energy.............................................................................. 87
TABLE 3. Standby Loss Adjustment.................................................................................... 88

Getting Started

1.1 Overview

F-Chart is a computer program useful for the analysis and design of active and passive solar
heating systems. The program is an implementation of methods developed at the University of
Wisconsin Solar Energy Laboratory to estimate the long-term average performance of:

• Domestic Water Heating Systems

• Pebble Bed Storage Space and Domestic Water Heating Systems
• Water Storage Space and Domestic Water Heating Systems
• Active Collection with Building Storage Space Heating Systems
• Direct-Gain Passive Systems
• Collector-Storage Wall Passive Systems
• Pool Heating Systems
• General Solar Heating Systems (e.g., process heating systems)
• Integral Collector-Storage Domestic Water Heating Systems

Weather data for hundreds of North American locations, the 16 California climate zones and
numerous other locations are included with the program. The user can add new weather data.

The easiest way to become acquainted with F-Chart is to try an example problem using the
default parameters supplied with the program. F-Chart conforms to the Windows standard
interface and can be run with a minimum of instructions. After you have become familiar with
the program, you may wish to review the detailed program instruction set in Chapter 2 and the
collector, system and economic parameter set descriptions in Chapters 3, 4, and 5.

When you start F-Chart (click on the file FCHART.EXE), a header will appear showing the
version number, registration number, and your company information. To proceed, click OK.

F-Chart Chapter 1

After clicking the mouse button, the header will disappear and three windows containing the
collector, system and economic parameters of the default system will appear. The default system
is a pebble bed space and domestic water heating system with a flat-plate collector. (It is
possible to change the default system to your specifications, as described with the Save as
command in the next chapter.) Before changing any of the values, let's look at the available

Commands are distributed among nine pull-down menus. Detailed descriptions of each of the
commands can be found in the next chapter. A brief summary follows.

The File menu provides commands for loading and saving work files and printing information.

The Edit menu provides for the usual Windows Cut, Copy and Paste commands as well as
providing for the specification of multiple (e.g., monthly) values of highlighted parameters.

The Preferences menu commands allow specification of the unit system (English or SI) and the
visibility of the economics parameter window.

The System menu contains the commands to select the type of solar system that is to be

The Collector menu allows specification of the type of solar collector array.

The Weather menu shows the locations for which weather data are available as well as
commands to view, change, or add weather data.

The Run/Plot menu contains commands to run a specific system or to run multiple calculations
for a range of values of a specific parameter. Plotting capabilities are also provided.

The Window menu brings selected windows to the front and determines how windows are

The Help menu provides on-line help as well as access to the manual. Help is available for most
menus, commands and parameters by highlighting the object and pressing F1.

To select a command, place the cursor on the desired menu title, press the mouse button, and
while holding the button down, slide the cursor to the command you wish to execute; then let up
the mouse button. Help is available for all commands in the Help menu. Many of the menu
commands have keyboard equivalents that are indicated in the menus. For example, the Print

Chapter 1 F-Chart

command in the File menu, which prints all information for the work session, can be issued by
entering Ctrl+P. Menus (or commands within a menu) that are not presently accessible are
dimmed. Dimmed items cannot be selected.

1.2 Example

Each system is described using three sets of parameters: the collector, the system and the
economics sets. All three sets are shown at the start of the program. The economics parameter
set will be in front and it will appear as follows:

Depending on the screen size, the entire economics window may or may not fit on the screen.
When the entire window cannot be displayed, the window will be provided with a scroll bar
along the right hand side, as indicated above. Use of the scroll bar is needed to view the entire
window. The operation of the scroll bars is the same as in any Windows application. The
indicator, represented by the sliding box, can be controlled in three ways. It can be moved
incrementally in either direction by clicking on the arrows. Holding the mouse button down
while the cursor is positioned over the arrows causes a continuous slow scroll. The indicator can
be moved up and down in large discrete amounts by clicking in the gray area above or below the
indicator box. By placing the cursor on the indicator box and holding the mouse button down,
the indicator can be dragged to any desired position.

Move the cursor to any exposed position on the Pebble-Bed Storage system window and click
the mouse button to bring this window to the front. The default system parameters for the pebble
bed system are:

F-Chart Chapter 1

Note that the rectangular boxes for the last four parameter values are filled in with shading and
no values are displayed. These four parameters are applicable only if Duct losses are considered
in the calculation. Clicking the mouse in the box for Duct losses toggles the display from No to
Yes and will uncover the duct loss parameters.

To move the collector parameter window to the front, place the cursor anywhere on the collector
window and click the mouse button (or issue the Collector Parameters command from the
Window menu). The default flat-plate collector parameter window will appear as:

Chapter 1 F-Chart

There are several other window controls that you should be aware of. The title bar at the top of
the window displays a title indicating the window's contents. When the window is active (i.e.,
the front window) the title bar will be displayed in color. The title bar serves as a handle should
you wish to move the window. Move the cursor to a position within the title bar and press and
hold the mouse button while dragging the window to a new position. At the right corner of the
title bar is a small box with an X referred to as the 'go-away' box. Clicking the mouse button
while the cursor is positioned in the go-away box will cause the window to be removed from
view. The other two small boxes will minimize or maximize the window. The vertical size of
any of the windows can be changed by moving the cursor to the lower right corner of the
window and holding the mouse button down while dragging the mouse up or down to make the
window longer or shorter.

Select Calculate from the Run/Plot menu (or enter F2) to initiate the calculations for this system
in Madison, Wisconsin. When the calculations are completed, two new windows will appear
showing the performance and economics results. The economics output window will be in front
and by default, it will display a summary of the economic calculations. More detailed economic
results, including a year-by-year cash flow analysis, can be obtained by changing the first
parameter in the economics window.

F-Chart Chapter 1

Move the cursor to an exposed portion of the Thermal Output window to bring it to the front.

The system or economics parameters can easily be changed to determine the effect of alternative
designs. For example, let's determine the performance for an array of 40 collector panels. Click
on an exposed portion of the collector parameter window to bring it to the front. You may first
want to use the Stack command in the Edit menu to organize the windows on the screen so that
all of the title bars are visible. Now move the mouse to position the cursor just after the 6 in the
edit box for the Number of collector panels and double-click the mouse. The line for which
changes are being made will now be highlighted in yellow.

Chapter 1 F-Chart

Now enter 40 for the number of collector panels.

Select the Calculate command to repeat the calculations. Both the Thermal and Economic
Output windows will be updated. The Thermal Output window will now appear like this:

Notice the non-intuitive results. Although the array area was increased by 54% from 26 to 40

F-Chart Chapter 1

panels, the fraction of the load supplied directly by the system increased only from 58.4% to

There is another way to examine the effect of a parameter such as array area on the system
performance and economics. The Parametric Plot command in the Run/Plot menu produces a
plot of the solar fraction and/or the life-cycle savings as a function of many of the parameters.
For example, let's plot of solar fraction and life-cycle savings as a function of number of
collector panels. We need to bring the collector parameters window to the front; but there are so
many windows on the screen, it is difficult to see the collector parameters window. An easy way
to bring the window to the front is to select Collector Parameters from the Window menu.
Clicking on Number of collector panels in the collector window will cause the cursor to flash on
this parameter. Now select Parametric plot from the Run/Plot menu. A dialog box will appear
in which you enter low and high values for the Number of collector panels and the number of
points for which calculations are to be made. Enter 10 and 50 respectively with No. of points
equal to five. The dialog box should now appear like this.

When the Ok button is clicked, F-Chart will initiate calculations using five values of Number of
collector panels ranging between 10 and 50 (in this case, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 panels). If the
Smooth Curves box is checked, a spline curve will be fit through the points. A check in the Life-
Cycle Savings box will result in a plot of the savings as well as the solar fraction. When the
calculations are completed, the plot will appear in a separate window on the screen. It is clear
from the plot that the maximum life-cycle savings occurs with about 17 panels and the
corresponding solar fraction is about 43%.

Chapter 1 F-Chart

The look of the plot can easily be changed. Double click on the plot and you have access to and
can change many of the plot attributes.

Most of the system parameters may assume monthly values. For example, suppose you wish to
consider the advantage of adjusting the slope of the collector at monthly intervals. The optimum
slope for any month will be the latitude plus the average solar declination for that month.
(Average monthly declinations are given in Table 1.6.1 of Duffie and Beckman [1991].) To
assign monthly values to the collector slope (or to change the values), place the cursor on the
Collector slope parameter; and select Monthly from the Edit menu (or alternatively, press
Ctrl+M) and a dialog box will appear showing the monthly values which, by default, are all
equal to 45 degrees. Enter the following optimum values.

F-Chart Chapter 1

Click the Ok button when the values are entered. The dialog box will disappear and the system
parameter window will be in front. The edit box for Collector slope now contains the word
"Monthly" to indicate that this parameter has monthly values. You can change or view the
values at any time by clicking the mouse button when the cursor is on the parameter.

Now pull down Calculate from the Run/Plot menu (or enter F2) to determine the increase in
performance resulting from monthly orientation changes.

The contents of a window can be on the Clipboard using the Copy Window command in the Edit
menu (or enter Ctrl-A). Any of the output appearing on the screen can be printed. Select Print
from the File menu (or enter Ctrl+P) to bring up the Print dialog box.

Chapter 1 F-Chart

If a check appears in the box, the item following the checkbox will be printed. (A dimmed item
cannot be printed because it does not exist) To select or unselect an item, move the cursor to the
appropriate check box and click the mouse button. By default, the output will go to the printer.
Click the Print button to initiate the printing process. Following the traditional Windows
operating practice, different printers can be selected using the Printer Setup option in the File

You have now seen how the program is structured, how to select a system, change parameters
and do the calculations. Try running another example. Don't forget the help feature. Help is
available for most menus, commands and parameters by highlighting the object and pressing F1.
The manual often provides additional information.



2.1 Working with Menus

Commands are distributed among nine pull-down menus appearing at the top of the screen. To
select a command, place the cursor on the desired menu title, press the left mouse button, and
while holding the button down, slide the cursor to the command you wish to execute; then let up
the mouse button. Many of the menu items have command key equivalents. That is, they can be
executed either by using the mouse or by pressing the Ctrl key followed by the appropriate letter
or number as shown to the right of the command in the pull-down menus.

2.2 Changing Parameter Values

The information needed to describe a system is contained in the system, collector, and economic
parameter windows. To change the values of these parameters, move the cursor to the
rectangular box containing the value and left click the mouse button. The cursor will flash in the
box to indicate that it is the active parameter. Use the backspace key or drag the cursor to erase
characters to the left of the flashing cursor. Characters entered from the keyboard are placed to
the right of the indicator. A double click within the edit box will cause all of the characters in
the edit box to be highlighted (i.e., displayed in inverse video). Pressing any key will replace the
highlighted field with the character being typed. All parameter values are checked after they are
entered. F-Chart will immediately inform you of an improper parameter with an appropriate
error message.

2.3 Dialog Boxes

Many of the menu commands such as Change/View Load, will produce a dialog box in which
you must supply information. Information which you can change is enclosed within a small
rectangular edit box. Default values, if available, will be displayed. Values can be changed in
the same manner as described for parameter values. Click the Ok button to accept all of the
changes. Click cancel to disregard all changes.

Chapter 2 F-Chart

2.4 Using Scroll Bars

Many of the F-Chart windows are equipped with vertical and horizontal scroll bars that allow the
contents of a window that is larger than the screen to be viewed. The operation of the scroll bars
is as follows. The indicator position, represented by the small box, can be controlled in three
ways. It can be moved either direction by clicking on the arrows. Holding the mouse button
down while it is positioned over the arrows causes a continuous slow scroll. The indicator can
be moved up and down in large discrete increments by clicking in the gray area above or below
the indicator box. By placing the cursor on the indicator box and holding the mouse button
down, the indicator can be dragged to any desired position.

2.5 Menu Command Descriptions

The remainder of this chapter provides detailed descriptions of each of the menu commands,
Menu names will be shown in bold. Command names appearing in the menus will be shown in
italics. All of the information presented here is available in the on-line Help menu.

2.5.1 The File Menu

Open will allow you to access and continue working on any file saved previously with the Save
or Save as commands. After the confirmation for unsaved work, a dialog box will appear
showing the names of all previously saved F-Chart files in the current folder. Other folders
can be accessed in the normal Windows manner. Select a file by clicking the mouse button
on the file name followed by a click on the Open button or alternatively, by double-clicking
on the file name. When an old file is opened the screen will return to the state it was in when
the file was saved. The nine most recently saved files are listed at the bottom and can be
opened by double-clicking on the desired file.

F-Chart Chapter 2

Save will store all of the information in your work session on the disk with the same file name
and on the same disk drive with which it was last saved. For a new work session, you will be
prompted to supply a file name, just as if the Save as command were given. All information
concerning the work session is saved on the disk, except the output. The stored information
includes any changes you may have made to the meteorological data and the load. The Save
menu item is deactivated (i.e., dimmed) after the save operation until a change is made.

Save as provides the same function as the Save command except that it will first prompt you to
supply a file name. This command allows you to save the work session with another name or
in another folder than used previously. A dialog box will appear in which you must supply a
file name. Enter the file name of your choice in the box. The file name may have spaces, but
should not contain a colon. The extension FC will be added automatically. Click the Save
button when the name and drive are correct. Each time F-Chart is started, a default file
called DEFAULTS.FC is brought up. If you wish, you can change this default file by setting
up the parameters windows as you like and then saving it with the name DEFAULTS.FC in
the folder where FCHART.EXE is located.

Print will allow printing of the contents of any window to a printer. A dialog box will appear
with a number of check boxes on the left. If a box is checked, then the item it represents will
be printed. To enter or remove a check mark, move the cursor to the box and click the mouse
button. Dimmed items cannot be printed because they do not exist. Click Ok to start the
print process.

To send output to a disk file rather than a printer, go to the Windows Start menu and select
Settings and then Printers. Choose to add a printer. A dialog box will appear and choose
local printer. When asked for the printer port, choose File and then use ‘Generic/Text only’
for the printer driver. In order to print to a text file, choose the ‘Generic/Text only’ printer in
the Printer Setup command

Printer Setup brings up a dialog where you may choose your printer. This command need be
given only once, provided that the same printer is used throughout the work session.

Quit command provides a graceful way to exit the program.

Chapter 2 F-Chart

2.5.2 The Edit Menu

Cut, Copy and Paste perform the normal Windows functions.

Monthly allows a parameter to assume monthly values. To enter multiple values for a
parameter, select the parameter by clicking the mouse button on the parameter value. If
multiple values for this parameter are supported, the Monthly menu item in the Edit menu
will be active (i.e., not dimmed). Select the Monthly item from the Edit menu (or use
Ctrl+M). A dialog box will appear, showing the default values of the parameter. These
values may be edited in the usual manner. The dialog box has three buttons. The Cancel
button returns the program to the state it was in before the Monthly command was issued.
The Constant button causes the parameter to assume a single constant value equal to the first
value displayed, e.g., the January value. Pressing Ok will result in the parameter being
associated with the displayed values. The word "Monthly" will be displayed in place of the
parameter value. To edit multiple values, click on "Monthly". A maximum of seven
monthly varying parameter values are allowed.

Copy Window places a copy of the active window on the clipboard. The clipboard information
may be pasted into other programs such as word processors, spreadsheets or presentation

2.5.3 Preferences

SI and English control the unit system in which parameter values are entered. The currently
selected unit system is indicated by a check mark in front of SI Units or English Units in the

F-Chart Chapter 2

menu. The unit system can be changed at any point. All system information, including the
weather data will be converted to the new unit system. You can use F-Chart to
automatically do unit conversions by changing the unit system to that for which you know
the parameter value, entering the value, and then changing back to the original unit system.

Economics On and Economics Off control the visibility of the economics parameter set. By
default, the economics parameter window is visible. To remove the economics window from
view and to thereby bypass the economic calculations, select Economics Off. To make the
economics window visible (or to move it in front of all other windows), select Economics
On. The economics parameters remain at their current values whether or not the economics
window is visible. However, the economics calculations will be done only when the
economics parameter window is visible.

2.5.4 System

Active Domestic Hot Water will open the parameter window for an active solar domestic hot
water system. The system consists of a solar collector, optional freeze protection heat
exchanger, and either one or two storage tanks. If a different system window is open at the
time this command is issued, it will be closed and removed from view (with its parameters
values retained). If the active domestic hot water window is already open, this command will
cause the active domestic hot water system window to be moved in front of all other

Pebble-Bed Storage Space & DHW will open the parameter window for a pebble-bed system.
The pebble bed system is a space heating system (using air or liquid solar collectors) in
which thermal energy is stored in heated pebbles. A combined space and domestic hot water
system can be analyzed. If a different system window is open at the time this command is
issued, it will be closed and removed from view (with its parameters values retained). If the
pebble-bed window is already open, this command will cause the pebble-bed system window
to be moved in front of all other windows.

Chapter 2 F-Chart

Water Storage Space & DHW will open the parameter window for a solar space and domestic
water heating system in which thermal energy is stored in a water tank. The system can be
configured for just domestic water heating by setting the building UA to 0. If a different
system window is open at the time this command is issued, it will be closed and removed
from view (with its parameters values retained). If the water storage window is already open,
this command will cause the water storage system window to be moved in front of all other

Building Storage will open the parameter window for a solar space heating system that does not
have its own thermal storage unit. When sufficient solar energy is available, energy is stored
in the building structure by raising the indoor temperature above the low thermostat set
temperature. A combined space and domestic hot water system can be analyzed. In this
case, the presence of a water storage preheat tank is assumed. If a different system window
is open at the time this command is issued, it will be closed and removed from view (with its
parameters values retained). If the building storage window is already open, this command
will cause the building storage system window to be moved in front of all other windows.

Passive Direct Gain will open the parameter window for a direct-gain passive solar space
heating system. A direct gain system is essentially a window that allows solar energy to
enter and be stored with the building structure by raising the indoor temperature above the
low thermostat set temperature. If a different system window is open at the time this
command is issued, it will be closed and removed from view (with its parameters values
retained). If the direct gain window is already open, this command will cause the direct gain
system window to be moved in front of all other windows.

Passive Storage Wall will open the parameter window for a collector-storage wall passive solar
space heating system. In this system a masonry wall is used to absorb and store incident
solar radiation that is later released within the building. If a different system window is open
at the time this command is issued, it will be closed and removed from view (with its
parameters values retained). If the collector-storage window is already open, this command
will cause the collector-storage system window to be moved in front of all other windows.

Pool Heating will open the parameter window for a solar pool heating system. Both indoor and
outdoor pools can be analyzed. If a different system window is open at the time this
command is issued, it will be closed and removed from view (with its parameters values
retained). If the pool system window is already open, this command will cause it to be
moved in front of all other windows.

General Heating System will open the parameter window for a general solar energy system.
The general solar energy system can be either a closed or open-loop solar energy designed to

F-Chart Chapter 2

supply thermal energy above a specified temperature. It can represent a space heating water
heating, absorption air conditioning, or process heating system. If a different system window
is open at the time this command is issued, it will be closed and removed from view (with its
parameters values retained). If the general system window is already open, this command
will cause it to be moved in front of all other windows.

Integral Collector-Storage will open the parameter window for an integral collector-storage
(ICS) domestic water heating system. The ICS system combines the collector with the water
storage unit. The analysis method requires test data from the SRCC test method. If a
different system window is open at the time this command is issued, it will be closed and
removed from view (with its parameters values retained). If the ICS system window is
already open, this command will cause it to be moved in front of all other windows.

2.5.5 Collector

The Collector menu can be accessed only after a system type has been chosen. The passive
direct gain, collector storage wall and ICS systems do not require a collector specification.
The currently selected collector type is indicated by a check mark in the Collector menu. If
a different collector window is open at the time when a Collector menu command is issued,
it will be closed and removed from view (with its parameters values retained) and replaced
by a new window with the selected collector type. If the same collector type is selected, the
command will cause the collector window to be moved in front of all other windows.

Flat-Plate will open the parameter window for a flat-plate solar collector. The collector may be
used with air or liquid. Collector performance is described using ASHRAE 93-77 test

Evacuated Tube will open the parameter window for an evacuated tube collector. Evacuated
tubes are modeled in the same manner as flat-plate collectors, with the exception that
incidence angle modifiers may be specified for the planes parallel and perpendicular to the
tube axis. The collector may be used with air or liquid.

Compound Parabolic will open the parameter window for a compound parabolic concentrating

Chapter 2 F-Chart

(CPC) solar collector. The collector may be used with air or liquid. CPC collectors are
modeled in a manner similar to evacuated tubes except that beam radiation can be utilized
only if it is within the collector acceptance angle.

1-Axis Tracking will open the parameter window for a solar collector that can track the solar
position by rotation about a single axis. The axis may be horizontal (as in east-west and
north-south orientations) or tilted as in a polar axis orientation. The tracking collector may a
flat-plate or a concentrator.

2-Axis Tracking will open the parameter window for a solar collector that can track the solar
position by rotation about two axes so that the collector plane is always normal to the solar
position. The collector may a flat-plate or a concentrator using air or liquid.

2.5.6 Weather

Select Data Location is used to first select a file of weather data and then to select the city from
the file. When searching for a particular city, select a city and then press the first letter in the
name of the desired city. There is a check box to the calculations for all cities in a file rather
than one at a time. When “all cities” is selected, a dialog box appears asking for the name of
a file where data will be sent. Information in this file can be later manipulated.

Weather data for the 16 California climate zones have been supplied by the California
Energy Commission. The data for those cities that are in both the original F-Chart database
and the CEC database are not the same. The F-Chart database, USA_Old, comes from a
1978 DOE report, Input Data for Solar Systems by V. Cinquemani, J.R. Owenby, Jr. and
R.G. Baldwin (prepared under interagency agreement no E(49-26)-1041). The F-Chart
database USA_New comes from the National Solar Radiation DataBase (NSRDB) created by
the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

Change/View data is used to examine or modify any of the meteorological data for the currently
selected city indicated in the menu title. A dialog box will appear showing monthly values of
the solar radiation, ambient temperature and ground reflectance. Click the cancel button if
you are just viewing the data. Any of these values can be changed. Click the OK button

F-Chart Chapter 2

after making the desired changes. These changes will be stored along with other specific
system information when the Save or Save as command is used. It is also possible to
permanently store the data, independent of the system description, by clicking the Archive
button. The Archive process permanently alters the master data file, so be sure that you
have a backup copy.

Add New Data allows the user to enter meteorological data for a new location. A dialog box will
appear with rectangular boxes in which the city name, latitude, and monthly-average values
of the solar radiation, ambient temperature and ground reflectance. Click the Ok button to
save the data. The city name will not be placed on a map, but will appear in the list of cities
shown with the Cites Not on Map command. This command will permanently alter the
master data file. It is not possible to delete a city. Be sure that you have a backup copy of
the original program.

Create new Data File allows the user to select data from individual cities in any of the city files
and construct a new city file.

2.5.7 Run/Plot

Calculate initiates the calculations for the system described by the parameter values in the
system and economics windows. A dialog box will appear showing the progress of the
calculations. The Run command generates a performance output window and, if the
economics parameter window is open, an economics output window. Click the mouse button
on the window you wish to view to bring it to the front. These output windows can be output
to a printer, a disk file using the Print command.

Parametric Plot produces a plot of solar fraction and/or live-cycle savings versus any of the
parameters that can have continuous values. Place the cursor on a parameter in the system,
collector or economics parameters. If the Parametric Plot command is available for the
selected parameter then executing this command will bring up a dialog window where the
range of the parameter is selected along with the number of calculations to make within that
range. A spline interpolation is done between points if the box in front of Spline fit is
checked. The plot may be copied to the Clipboard using the Copy Window command in the
Edit menu.

Chapter 2 F-Chart

Double-clicking on any plot provides a means to change the character of the plot. Any of the
plotting attributes can be changed but pleasing plots will be obtained with the plot default
settings. The number of divisions, axis font size, plotted range, the presence or absence of
grid lines and linear or logarithmic scales can be selected and changed.

Monthly Plot plots monthly values of the calculated thermal performance parameters such as
solar fraction, incident solar energy and others as well as weather data. These plots can only
be generated after the calculate command has been issued. When the Monthly Plot command
is issued a dialog box appears. First select either the Calculated performance or Weather data
radio button and then select the quantity to be plotted. The minimum and maximum values
of the selected quantity will be displayed in the display format currently selected.

2.5.8 Window

System Parameters or any of the other windows can be moved to the front by selecting it.

Tile and Cascade organizes the open windows on the screen. The Tile command will place all
windows side by side in two columns. The Cascade command places the window currently
being edited in front and all other windows are positioned so that only their title bars are
showing. These commands only affect the visual display.

F-Chart Chapter 2

2.5.9 Help

Help Index will activate the help processor that provides specific information on the use to F-
Chart. Help for any parameter is available by selecting the parameter and then either
selecting Help Index or by pressing the F1 key. Help on commands is obtained by dragging
the cursor to the command of interest and pressing F1 or by selecting the command after
issuing the Help Index command.

Using Help provides instructions on how to move around in the help processor.

F-Chart Manual starts Adobe Acrobat and displays an electronic version of this manual.

About F-Chart displays the window that comes up when the F-Chart program is started. This
window lists the program version number and the registered owner. This information must
be supplied when making inquiries about the program.

f-Chart Web Site opens the default browser program and sets the URL to the f-Chart web site.
The program developers can be contacted by e-mail through the web site.


Collector Parameter Sets


Five types of solar collectors may be evaluated by F-Chart for use with any of the active solar
systems. The collector type is chosen from the collector menu. The basic equation relating the
useful energy gain of the collector to meteorological variables has the same form for all five
collector types, as shown in Duffie and Beckman [1991]. In each case, the performance of the
collector is described in terms of FR*TAU*ALPHA (FR(τα)) and FR*UL (FRUL).
FR*TAU*ALPHA (also call the optical efficiency) is the efficiency the solar collector would
have if the collector inlet temperature were equal to the ambient temperature. FR*UL accounts
for thermal losses. These parameters can be determined theoretically (Duffie and Beckman
[1991]) or experimentally from the ASHRAE 93-77 collector test procedure [1977]. Provision is
made in the parameter set for each collector type to modify the test values of the collector
parameters to account for incidence angle effects and changes in the collector fluid flow rate
from the test value.

In the following sections of this chapter, the parameter sets for each of the five solar collector
types are displayed, along with their default settings in English units. A short description of each
parameter is provided.

3.1 Flat-Plate Solar Collector

F-Chart Chapter 3

Number of collector panels is multiplied by the area of a single collector panel to determine the
total array area.

Collector panel area is either the gross or net aperture area of each collector panel. The same
(gross or net) aperture area that was used to determine FR*TAU*ALPHA and FR*UL must
be used for this parameter. The ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test recommends
the use of gross area.

FR*UL (Test Slope) is the product of the collector heat removal factor, FR, and the collector
overall heat loss factor, UL. FR*UL is the negative of the slope of the straight-line
efficiency plot obtained from the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test.

FR*TAU*ALPHA (Test Intercept) is the product of the collector heat removal factor, FR, and
the transmittance-absorptance product, TAU*ALPHA, at normal incidence. This parameter
is also known as the optical efficiency. It is the Y-intercept of the straight-line efficiency
plot obtained from the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test.

Collector slope is the angle between the plane of the collector aperture and the horizontal. This
parameter may have monthly values. The angle is measured in a vertical plane that is
perpendicular to the line formed by the intersection of the plane of the collector aperture and
the horizontal plane.

Collector azimuth (South=0) is the angle between the projection into the horizontal plane of the
normal to the collector aperture and the local meridian with the zero point directly facing the
equator, west positive, and east negative. The azimuth of a horizontal collector can have any
value. The azimuth of a collector facing the sun at noon in the southern hemisphere (i.e.
north facing) is 180. This parameter may have monthly values.

Incidence angle modifier calculation cycles through 'Glazings', 'Constant', and 'Value(s)' to
indicate which of three possible methods is to be used to calculate the effect of incidence
angle on FR*TAU*ALPHA. One of the next three parameters will be available depending
upon the selection; the other two will be hidden. If 'Glazings' is selected, the Fresnel
equations are used with nominal glass properties and the number of glazings will have to be
selected. If 'Constant' is selected, the ASHRAE incident angle modifier constant will be
required. If 'Value(s)' is selected, either a single incidence angle modifier or the incident
angle modifier value for every 10 degrees will be required. If Value(s) is selected, then
select ‘Ang Dep’ to enter either a single value or a value every 10 degrees in the dialog

Chapter 3 F-Chart

Number of glazings can be 1 to 4. Values of the monthly-average incidence angle modifier are
calculated using the Fresnel equations with glass properties and the method described in
Duffie and Beckman [1991].

Inc angle modifier constant, b, is the parameter which provides the best fit in the equation K(t)
= 1.0 - b (1/cos(t) - 1.0) where K(t) is the ratio of the transmittance-absorptance product at
incidence angle t to the normal incidence transmittance-absorptance product. The constant,
b, is determined experimentally as described in the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 collector test
procedure [1977]. This parameter is active only if 'Constant' was chosen for the incidence
angle modifier type.

Inc angle modifier value(s) are the value(s) of the collector incidence angle modifier, K(t) as
determined by the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 collector test procedure [1977]. If a single
value is used for this parameter, then the incidence angle modifier is taken to be that constant
value independent of solar incidence angle. Alternatively, values of this parameter may be
specified for incidence angles between 0 and 90 degrees in 10-degree increments. The
incidence angle value(s) are used only if 'Value(s)' was chosen for the incidence angle
modifier type.

Collector flow rate/area is the total mass flow rate of collector fluid through the collector array
divided by the total collector array area. This flow rate may be different from the flow rate at
which the collector was tested. Typical values of this flow rate are 11 lb/hr-ft2 or 0.015 kg/s-
m2 for liquids and 9 lb/hr-ft2 or 0.012 kg/s-m2 for air.

Collector fluid specific heat is the specific heat of the fluid flowing through the collectors.
Properties can be found in the ASHRAE handbook of Fundamentals [1985] or in any heat
transfer textbook. For water, use 1.0 Btu/lb-F or 4.19 kJ/kg-K. For air use 1.0 kJ/kg-K or
0.24 Btu/lb-F.

Modify Test Values (Yes/No) toggles to indicate if the next two parameters should be used to
account for differences in the collector parameters due to differences in the actual and test
fluid flow rates and series-parallel fluid flow circuit arrangements. If this parameter is set to
No, the following two parameters are ignored.

Test collector flow rate/area is the ratio of the collector fluid flow rate used in the collector test
to the array area of the collector tested. Usually, a single collector panel is tested. In this
case, this parameter is the ratio of the test collector fluid flow rate to the collector panel area.
This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for 'modify test values'.

Test fluid specific heat is the specific heat of the fluid used in the collector test. Properties of
common materials can be found in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals [1985] or in

F-Chart Chapter 3

any heat transfer textbook. This parameter is used if Yes is selected for 'modify test values'.

3.2 Evacuated Tube Collectors

Number of collector panels is multiplied by the area of a single collector panel to determine the
total array area.

Collector panel area is either the gross or net aperture area of each collector panel. The same
(gross or net) aperture area that was used to determine FR*TAU*ALPHA and FR*UL must
be used for this parameter. The ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test recommends
the use of gross area.

FR*UL (Test Slope) is the product of the collector heat removal factor, FR, and the collector
overall heat loss factor, UL. FR*UL is the negative of the slope of the straight line efficiency
plot obtained from the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test.

FR*TAU*ALPHA (Test Intercept) is the product of the collector heat removal factor, FR, and
the transmittance-absorptance product, TAU*ALPHA, at normal incidence. This parameter
is also known as the optical efficiency. It is the Y-intercept of the straight line efficiency plot
obtained from the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test.

Collector slope is the angle between the plane of the collector aperture and the horizontal. This
parameter may have monthly values. The angle is measured in a vertical plane that is

Chapter 3 F-Chart

perpendicular to the line formed by the intersection of the plane of the collector aperture and
the horizontal plane.

Collector azimuth (South=0) is the angle between the projection into the horizontal plane of the
normal to the collector aperture and the local meridian with the zero point directly facing the
equator, west positive, and east negative. The azimuth of a horizontal collector can have any
value. The azimuth of a collector facing the sun at noon in the southern hemisphere (i.e.
north facing) is 180¡ . This parameter may have monthly values.

Receiver orientation (EW,NS) toggles to indicate the axis orientation of the evacuated tubes.
Specify NS if the collectors are mounted vertically with the tube pointing up and down.

Incidence angle modifier (Perpendicular) values(s) are the incidence angle modifiers for the
plane perpendicular to the tube axis (i.e., the transverse plane). The incidence angle modifier
is the ratio of the transmittance-absorptance product at an off-normal incidence angle in the
transverse plane to the normal incidence transmittance-absorptance product. This parameter
may have either one or ten values. A single value indicates that the incidence angle modifier
is independent of solar incidence angle. The ten values, as shown above for the default
parameter set, correspond to the incidence angle modifier values between 0 and 90 degrees in
10-degree increments.

Incidence angle modifier (Parallel) value(s) are the incidence angle modifiers for the plane
parallel to the tube axis (i.e., the longitudinal plane). The incidence angle modifier is the
ratio of the transmittance-absorptance product at an off-normal incidence angle in the
longitudinal plane to the normal incidence transmittance-absorptance product. This
parameter may have either one or ten values. A single value indicates that the incidence
angle modifier is independent of solar incidence angle. The ten values, as shown above for
the default parameter set, correspond to the incidence angle modifier values between 0 and
90 degrees in 10-degree increments.

Collector flow rate/area is the total mass flow rate of collector fluid through the collector array
divided by the total collector array area. This flow rate may be different from the flow rate at
which the collector was tested. Typical values of this flow rate are 11 lb/hr-ft2 or 0.015 kg/s-
m2 for liquids and 9 lb/hr-ft2 or 0.012 kg/s-m2 for air.

Collector fluid specific heat is the specific heat of the fluid flowing through the collectors.
Properties can be found in the ASHRAE handbook of Fundamentals [1985] or in any heat
transfer textbook. For water, use 1.0 Btu/lb-F or 4.19 kJ/kg-K. For air use 1.0 kJ/kg-K or
0.24 Btu/lb-F.

Modify Test Values (Yes/No) toggles to indicate if the next two parameters should be used to

F-Chart Chapter 3

account for differences in the collector parameters due to differences in the actual and test
fluid flow rates and series-parallel fluid flow circuit arrangements. If this parameter is set to
No, the following three parameters are ignored.

Test collector flow rate/area is the ratio of the collector fluid flow rate used in the collector test
to the array area of the collector tested. Usually, a single collector panel is tested. In this
case, this parameter is the ratio of the test collector fluid flow rate to the collector panel area.
This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for 'modify test values'.

Test fluid specific heat is the specific heat of the fluid used in the collector test. Properties of
common materials can be found in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals [1985] or in
any heat transfer textbook. This parameter is used only if Yes is selected for 'modify test

3.3 Compound Parabolic Concentrating Collector

Number of collector panels is multiplied by the area of a single collector panel to determine the
total array area.

Collector panel area is either the gross or net aperture area of each collector panel. The same
(gross or net) aperture area that was used to determine FR*TAU*ALPHA and FR*UL must

Chapter 3 F-Chart

be used for this parameter. The ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test recommends
the use of gross area.

FR*UL (Test Slope) is the product of the collector heat removal factor, FR, and the collector
overall heat loss factor, UL. FR*UL is the negative of the slope of the straight-line
efficiency plot obtained from the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test.

FR*TAU*ALPHA (Test Intercept) is the product of the collector heat removal factor, FR, and
the transmittance-absorptance product, TAU*ALPHA, at normal incidence. This parameter,
also known as the optical efficiency, is the Y-intercept of the straight-line efficiency plot
obtained from the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test.

Concentration ratio is the ratio of the collector aperture area to the receiver area.

Acceptance half-angle is the maximum angle measured from the axis of the CPC for which
incident beam solar radiation will strike the absorber.

Collector slope is the angle between the plane of the collector aperture and the horizontal. This
parameter may have monthly values. The angle is measured in a vertical plane that is
perpendicular to the line formed by the intersection of the plane of the collector aperture and
the horizontal plane.

Collector azimuth (South=0) is the angle between the projection into the horizontal plane of the
normal to the collector aperture and the local meridian with the zero point directly facing the
equator, west positive, and east negative. The azimuth of a horizontal collector can have any
value. The azimuth of a collector facing the sun at noon in the southern hemisphere (i.e.
north facing) is 180°. This parameter may have monthly values.

Receiver orientation (EW, NS) toggles to indicate the axis orientation of the evacuated tubes.
Specify NS if the collectors are mounted vertically with the tube pointing up and down.

Incidence angle modifier (Perpendicular) values(s) are the incidence angle modifiers for the
plane perpendicular to the tube axis (i.e., the transverse plane). The incidence angle modifier
is the ratio of the transmittance-absorptance product at an off-normal incidence angle in the
transverse plane to the normal incidence transmittance-absorptance product. This parameter
may have either one or ten values. A single value indicates that the incidence angle modifier
is independent of solar incidence angle. The ten values, as shown above for the default
parameter set, correspond to the incidence angle modifier values between 0 and 90 degrees in
10 degree increments.

Incidence angle modifier (Parallel) value(s) are the incidence angle modifiers for the plane

F-Chart Chapter 3

parallel to the tube axis (i.e., the longitudinal plane). The incidence angle modifier is the
ratio of the transmittance-absorptance product at an off-normal incidence angle in the
longitudinal plane to the normal incidence transmittance-absorptance product. This
parameter may have either one or ten values. A single value indicates that the incidence
angle modifier is independent of solar incidence angle. The ten values, as shown above for
the default parameter set, correspond to the incidence angle modifier values between 0 and
90 degrees in 10 degree increments.

Collector flow rate/area is the total mass flow rate of collector fluid through the collector array
divided by the total collector array area. This flow rate may be different from the flow rate at
which the collector was tested. Typical values of this flow rate are 11 lb/hr-ft2 or 0.015 kg/s-
m2 for liquids and 9 lb/hr-ft2 or 0.012 kg/s-m2 for air.

Collector fluid specific heat is the specific heat of the fluid flowing through the collectors.
Properties can be found in the ASHRAE handbook of Fundamentals [1985] or in any heat
transfer textbook. For water, use 1.0 Btu/lb-F or 4.19 kJ/kg-K. For air use 1.0 kJ/kg-K or
0.24 Btu/lb-F.

Modify Test Values (Yes/No) toggles to indicate if the next two parameters should be used to
account for differences in the collector parameters due to differences in the actual and test
fluid flow rates and series-parallel fluid flow circuit arrangements. If this parameter is set to
No, the following three parameters are ignored.

Test collector flow rate/area is the ratio of the collector fluid flow rate used in the collector test
to the array area of the collector tested. Usually, a single collector panel is tested. In this
case, this parameter is the ratio of the test collector fluid flow rate to the collector panel area.
This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for 'modify test values'.

Test fluid specific heat is the specific heat of the fluid used in the collector test. Properties of
common materials can be found in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals [1985] or in
any heat transfer textbook. This parameter is used only if Yes is selected for 'modify test

Chapter 3 F-Chart

3.4 One-Axis Tracking Collector

Number of collector panels is multiplied by the area of a single collector panel to determine the
total array area.

Collector panel area is either the gross or net aperture area of each collector panel. The same
(gross or net) aperture area that was used to determine FR*TAU*ALPHA and FR*UL must
be used for this parameter. The ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test recommends
the use of gross area.

FR*UL (Test Slope) is the product of the collector heat removal factor, FR, and the collector
overall heat loss factor, UL. FR*UL is the negative of the slope of the straight line efficiency
plot obtained from the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test.

FR*TAU*ALPHA (Test Intercept) is the product of the collector heat removal factor, FR, and
the transmittance-absorptance product, TAU*ALPHA, at normal incidence. This parameter,
also known as the optical efficiency, is the Y-intercept of the straight line efficiency plot
obtained from the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test.

Concentration ratio is the ratio of the collector aperture area to the receiver area.

Axis slope is the angle between the axis and the projection of the axis into the horizontal plane.
This parameter may have monthly values.

Axis azimuth (South = 0) is the angle between the projection of the axis into the horizontal

F-Chart Chapter 3

plane and the local meridian. An east-west axis orientation will have an axis azimuth of 90°.

Incidence angle modifier are the value(s) of the collector incidence angle modifier, K(t) as
determined by the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 collector test procedure [1977]. If a single
value is used for this parameter, then the incidence angle modifier is taken to be that constant
value independent of solar incidence angle. Alternatively, values of this parameter may be
specified for incidence angles between 0 and 90 degrees in 10-degree increments. The
incidence angle value(s) are used only if 'Value(s)' was chosen for the incidence angle
modifier type.

Collector flow rate/area is the total mass flow rate of collector fluid through the collector array
divided by the total collector array area. This flow rate may be different from the flow rate at
which the collector was tested. Typical values of this flow rate are 11 lb/hr-ft2 or 0.015 kg/s-
m2 for liquids and 9 lb/hr-ft2 or 0.012 kg/s-m2 for air.

Collector fluid specific heat is the specific heat of the fluid flowing through the collectors.
Properties can be found in the ASHRAE handbook of Fundamentals [1985] or in any heat
transfer textbook. For water, use 1.0 Btu/lb-F or 4.19 kJ/kg-K. For air use 1.0 kJ/kg-K or
0.24 Btu/lb-F.

Modify Test Values (Yes/No) toggles to indicate if the next two parameters should be used to
account for differences in the collector parameters due to differences in the actual and test
fluid flow rates and series-parallel fluid flow circuit arrangements. If this parameter is set to
No, the following three parameters are ignored.

Test collector flow rate/area is the ratio of the collector fluid flow rate used in the collector test
to the array area of the collector tested. Usually, a single collector panel is tested. In this
case, this parameter is the ratio of the test collector fluid flow rate to the collector panel area.
This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for 'modify test values'.

Test fluid specific heat is the specific heat of the fluid used in the collector test. Properties of
common materials can be found in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals [1985] or in
any heat transfer textbook. This parameter is used only if Yes is selected for 'modify test

Chapter 3 F-Chart

3.5 Two-Axis Tracking Collector

Number of collector panels is multiplied by the area of a single collector panel to determine the
total array area.

Collector panel area is either the gross or net aperture area of each collector panel. The same
(gross or net) aperture area that was used to determine FR*TAU*ALPHA and FR*UL must
be used for this parameter. The ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test recommends
the use of gross area.

FR*UL (Test Slope) is the product of the collector heat removal factor, FR, and the collector
overall heat loss factor, UL. FR*UL is the negative of the slope of the straight line efficiency
plot obtained from the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test.

FR*TAU*ALPHA (Test Intercept) is the product of the collector heat removal factor, FR, and
the transmittance-absorptance product, TAU*ALPHA, at normal incidence. This parameter
is also known as the optical efficiency. It is the Y-intercept of the straight line efficiency plot
obtained from the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 [1977] collector test.

Concentration ratio is the ratio of the collector aperture area to the receiver area.

Collector flow rate/area is the total mass flow rate of collector fluid through the collector array
divided by the total collector array area. This flow rate may be different from the flow rate at
which the collector was tested. Typical values of this flow rate are 11 lb/hr-ft2 or 0.015 kg/s-
m2 for liquids and 9 lb/hr-ft2 or 0.012 kg/s-m2 for air.

Collector fluid specific heat is the specific heat of the fluid flowing through the collectors.
Properties can be found in the ASHRAE handbook of Fundamentals [1985] or in any heat

F-Chart Chapter 3

transfer textbook. For water, use 1.0 Btu/lb-F or 4.19 kJ/kg-K. For air use 1.0 kJ/kg-K or
0.24 Btu/lb-F.

Modify Test Values (Yes/No) toggles to indicate if the next two parameters should be used to
account for differences in the collector parameters due to differences in the actual and test
fluid flow rates and series-parallel fluid flow circuit arrangements. If this parameter is set to
No, the following three parameters are ignored.

Test collector flow rate/area is the ratio of the collector fluid flow rate used in the collector test
to the array area of the collector tested. Usually, a single collector panel is tested. In this
case, this parameter is the ratio of the test collector fluid flow rate to the collector panel area.
This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for 'modify test values'.

Test fluid specific heat is the specific heat of the fluid used in the collector test. Properties of
common materials can be found in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals [1985] or in
any heat transfer textbook. This parameter is used only if Yes is selected for 'modify test


System and Output Descriptions


The F-Chart program can evaluate eight different solar energy system types. Each system has
its own input parameter set and output format. A description of each system is provided in the
following eight sections, along with a description of its parameter set, an example calculation
and an explanation of the program output. The economic parameters and output are the same for
all systems and are described in Chapter 5.

The algorithms used to calculate the thermal and economic performance of the systems can be
found in the cited references following Chapter 5. The monthly-average solar radiation on tilted
surfaces is calculated for all systems from the horizontal solar radiation data by summing the
long-term average hourly values calculated using the isotropic sky model in the manner
described in Section 2.15 of Duffie and Beckman [1991]. The monthly diffuse fraction is
estimated using the correlation developed by Erbs et al. [1982].

4.1 Active Domestic Hot Water System

A common configuration of a solar domestic water heating system is the two-tank system shown
in Figure 4.1. The collector may heat either air or liquid. The collected energy is transferred
directly or via a heat exchanger to a domestic water preheat tank which supplies solar-heated
water to a conventional auxiliary water heater. The water is further heated to the desired
temperature by the conventional water heater. The f-Chart method for domestic water heating
was originally developed for two-tank systems. However, it is shown by Buckles et al. [1980]
that the f-Chart method can also be used for single-tank systems in which auxiliary energy is
supplied to the upper portion of the solar preheat tank.

Relief Valves
To Taps

Preheat Auxiliary
Collector Storage
Tank Water

Heat Exchanger

Figure 4.1: Two-Tank Domestic Water Heating System

F-Chart Chapter 4

The parameters for the active domestic hot water system are listed below along with their default
values in English units. A description of each parameter follows the parameter listing.

Location is the location where the system is located. Existing city data can be viewed or
changed or data for a new city added from the Data pull down menu.

Water storage volume / collector area is multiplied by the number of collector panels and the
panel area to determine the volume of stored water used for thermal storage. In a single tank
system, use the volume below the heating element thermostat.

Fuel cycles through the four possibilities of the back-up fuel (Elecricity, Gas, Oil, Other) where
'Other' represents, for example, wood. This parameter is used only in the economic

Efficiency of fuel usage represents the average furnace efficiency of the back-up (conventional)
fuel. This parameter is used in the economics calculations and it may vary monthly.

Daily hot water usage is the average amount of hot water per day required at the set
temperature. Monthly values are allowed.

Water set temperature is the temperature to which domestic water is to be heated. Monthly
values are allowed.

Environment temperature is the temperature of the surroundings of the domestic water storage

Chapter 4 F-Chart

tank to which heat losses occur. Monthly values are allowed.

UA of auxiliary storage tank is the product of the energy loss coefficient and surface area for
the auxiliary tank in the solar domestic water heating system. In a single tank system, use the
tank surface area above the heating element thermostat.

Pipe heat loss toggles between Yes and No to indicate if the following two parameters are to be
used to calculate the effect of pipe heat losses. If No is selected, the following two
parameters are ignored.

Inlet pipe UA is the overall loss coefficient-pipe area product for the pipe carrying fluid to the
collector. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for pipe heat loss.

Outlet pipe UA is the overall loss coefficient-pipe area product for the pipe carrying fluid from
the collector array. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for pipe heat loss.

Collector-store heat exchanger toggles between Yes and No to indicate if the following two
parameters should be used to account for the performance penalty resulting from the heat
exchanger between the collector array and the storage tank. If No is specified, the following
two parameters are ignored.

Tank side flow rate/area is the mass flow rate of water from the storage tank through the
collector-storage heat exchanger divided by the total array area. Set this parameter to a value
that is larger than collector flow rate/area (in the collector parameter set) for an internal heat

Heat exchanger effectiveness is the ratio of the actual to maximum possible heat transfer rates
for heat exchanger located between the collector and the storage unit. This parameter is used
only if Yes is selected for the collector-storage heat exchanger.

The thermal performance is calculated on a monthly basis. Shown below is the output for the
default parameter set in English units with three flat-plate solar panels in Miami FL.

F-Chart Chapter 4

Solar is the monthly total solar radiation incident on the collector surface.

Dhw is the monthly total water heating demand.

Aux is the monthly total auxiliary energy required to supply the space and domestic water
heating demands.

f is the fraction of the space and domestic water heating demands which is supplied by the solar
energy system. The remaining fraction must be met by an auxiliary source.

4.2 Pebble Bed Storage Space and Domestic Water Heating Systems

A common configuration of a solar heating system using a pebble bed for thermal is shown in
Figure 4.2. Other arrangements of fans and dampers can be devised to result in an equivalent
flow circuit. Air is heated in the flat-plate solar collector and circulated to either the house or to
the pebble bed. Energy is stored in the pebble bed by heating the pebbles with the circulating hot
air. At night, or in cloudy weather when the available solar energy is insufficient to meet the
heating load directly, air is warmed as it is circulated through the pebble bed and is then
delivered to the house. Auxiliary energy is supplied from the furnace when the energy stored in
the pebble bed is depleted. Energy required for domestic hot water is provided in some systems
by heat exchange with the hot air leaving the collector.

The thermal performance of the pebble bed storage system is estimated using the f-Chart method

Chapter 4 F-Chart

as described by Beckman, Klein and Duffie [1977] and in Duffie and Beckman [1991]. Note
that the thermal performance of a domestic water heating system alone (without space heating)
should be evaluated using the active domestic hot water system described above, even if air
heaters are used.
Warm air
to house

Heat Fan Damper



to tap Pebble
Preheat Water
Tank Heater
Supply Return air
from house

Figure 4.2: Pebble Bed Storage Space and Water Heating System

The parameters for the pebble bed storage system are listed below along with their default values
in English units. A description of each parameter follows the parameter listing.

F-Chart Chapter 4

Location is the location where the system is located. Existing city data can be viewed or
changed or data for a new city added from the Data pull down menu.

Volume of pebble bed / collector area is multiplied by the number of collector panels and the
panel area to determine the total volume occupied by the pebbles including voids.

Building UA is the building overall energy loss coefficient-area product. See Chapter 25 of the
ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals [1985] for additional information. This parameter
may have monthly values. If the monthly loads are known, either from measurements or
independent calculations, you may change the value of UA monthly so the program
calculates the known monthly load. F-Chart will multiply the UA and the degree-days and
either the number of hours in a day (English units) or seconds in a day (SI units) to determine
the load. Consequently, the monthly value of UA must be calculated as [Monthly Load in
BTUs] /[Degree-days in F-days]/24 for English units or as [Monthly Load in
Joules]/[Degree-days in C-days]/ [24*3600] for SI units.

Fuel cycles through the four possibilities of the back-up fuel (Electricity, Gas, Oil, Other) where
'Other' represents, for example, wood. This parameter is used only in the economic
evaluation of the system.

Efficiency of fuel usage represents the average furnace efficiency of the back-up (conventional)
fuel. This parameter is used in the economics calculations and it may vary monthly.

Domestic hot water toggles between Yes and No to indicate whether a solar domestic water
heating system is part of the heating system. If Yes is selected, a solar domestic hot water
system is considered in addition to the space heating system. The following 6 parameters are
then used to describe the domestic water system. If No is specified, the following 6
parameters are ignored. The liquid storage system should be selected if air collectors and a
water-to-air heat exchanger are used to supply only domestic hot water.

Daily hot water usage is the average amount of hot water per day required at the set
temperature. Monthly values are allowed. This parameter is visible only if Yes has been
selected for domestic hot water parameter.

Water set temperature is the temperature to which domestic water is to be heated. Monthly
values are allowed. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for domestic hot
Environment temperature is the temperature of the surroundings of the domestic water storage
tank to which heat losses occur. Monthly values are allowed. This parameter is used only if
Yes has been selected for domestic hot water.

Chapter 4 F-Chart

UA of auxiliary storage tank is the product of the energy loss coefficient and surface area for
the auxiliary tank in the solar domestic water heating system. In a single tank system, use the
tank surface area above the heating element thermostat. This parameter is visible only if Yes
has been selected for domestic hot water.

Heat exchanger water flow rate is the mass flow rate of water from the solar preheat tank to the
air-water heat exchanger. This parameter is visible only if Yes has been selected for
domestic hot water.

Air-water heat exch effectiveness is the ratio of the actual heat transfer rate to the maximum
possible heat transfer rate for the air-to-water domestic hot water heat exchanger. This
parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for domestic hot water.

Duct losses (Yes/No) toggles to indicate whether the following four parameters are to be used to
calculate the effect of duct heat losses and air leaks. If No is specified, the following four
parameters are ignored.

Inlet duct UA is the overall loss coefficient-duct area product for the duct carrying air to the
collector array. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for duct losses.

Outlet duct UA is the overall loss coefficient-duct area product for the duct carrying air from the
collector array. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for duct losses.

Percent duct leak rate is the percent of the collector outlet duct flow rate which is leakage. The
collector is assumed to be under negative pressure, i.e., all leaks are into the ducts rather than
out. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for duct losses.

Leak location (In, Out, Both) cycles through 'In', 'Out', and 'Both' to indicate the location of the
duct air leakage. The total air leakage into the ducts as specified by the percent duct leak rate
may be assumed to occur from the inlet duct, the outlet duct, or evenly from both the inlet
and outlet ducts. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for duct losses.

The thermal performance is calculated on a monthly basis. The output (in English units) for
the default parameter with a flat-plate collector appears below. (26 panels and cp=0.24)

F-Chart Chapter 4

Solar is the monthly total solar radiation incident on the collector surface.

Heat is the monthly total space heating demand.

Dhw is the monthly total water heating demand.

Aux is the monthly total auxiliary energy required to supply the space and domestic water
heating demands.

f is the fraction of the space and domestic water heating demands which is supplied by the solar
energy system. The remaining fraction must be met by an auxiliary source.

4.3 Water Storage Space and/or Domestic Water Heating Systems

The water storage solar heating systems considered here can supply space heat, domestic hot
water, or both. A schematic diagram of a typical combined space and domestic water heating
system is shown in Figure 4.3. This system uses an antifreeze solution as the heat transfer fluid
in the collector loop. (Alternatively, water may be circulated directly through the collectors and
drained at night or during periods of excessive cloudiness.) Energy is stored in the form of
sensible heat in the water tank. A water-to-air load heat exchanger is used to transfer heat from
the storage tank to the building. A liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger is used to transfer energy
from the main storage tank to the domestic water preheat tank, which in turn, supplies solar
heated water to a conventional water heater. (A single-tank arrangement in which auxiliary heat
is supplied to the upper portion of the solar preheat tank can also be evaluated.) A conventional

Chapter 4 F-Chart

heating unit (e.g., a furnace, heat pump, or wood burner) is used to meet the space-heating load
when the energy in the storage tank is depleted. The f-Chart method [Beckman, Klein and Duffie
(1977)] is used to evaluate the monthly system performance.

Relief Tank

Solar Main Pre-

Storage Heat House
Tank Tank

Water Supply Auxiliary

Figure 4.3: Water Storage Space and Water Heating System

The water storage system input parameters and their default values appear below in English units
followed by the parameter descriptions.

F-Chart Chapter 4

Location is the location where the system is located. Existing city data can be viewed or
changed or data for a new city added from the Data pull down menu.

Water storage volume / collector area is multiplied by the number of collector panels and the
panel area to determine the volume of stored water used for thermal storage. If the building
UA is set to zero, then calculations are done for solar domestic water heating only. In this
case, this parameter should be the volume of the domestic water preheat tank divided by the
total collector area. In a single tank system, use the volume below the heating element

Building UA is the building overall energy loss coefficient-area product. See Chapter 25 of the
ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals [1985] for additional information. If only domestic
hot water is to be considered, this parameter should be set to zero. This parameter may have
monthly values. If the monthly loads are known, either from measurements or independent
calculations, you may change the value of UA monthly so the program calculates the the
known monthly load. F-Chart will multiply the UA and the degree-days and either the
number of hours in a day (English units) or seconds in a day (SI units) to determine the load.
Consequently, the monthly value of UA must be calculated as [Monthly Load in BTUs]
/[Degree-days in F-days]/24 for English units or as [Monthly Load in Joules]/[Degree-days in
C-days]/ [24*3600] for SI units.

Fuel cycles through the four possibilities (Electricity, Gas, Oil, Other) of the back-up fuel where
'Other' represents, for example, wood. This parameter is used only in the economic

Efficiency of fuel usage represents the average furnace efficiency of the back-up (conventional)
fuel. This parameter is used in the economics calculations and it may vary monthly.

Domestic hot water (Yes/No) toggles to indicate whether a solar domestic water heating system
is part of the heating system. If Yes is selected, a solar domestic hot water system is
considered in addition to the space heating system. The following 6 parameters are then used
to describe the domestic water system. If No is specified, the following 6 parameters are
ignored. The liquid storage system should be selected if air collectors and a water-to-air heat
exchanger are used to supply only domestic hot water.

Daily hot water usage is the average amount of hot water per day required at the set
temperature. Monthly values are allowed. This parameter is visible only if Yes has been
selected for domestic hot water parameter.

Water set temperature is the temperature to which domestic water is to be heated. Monthly

Chapter 4 F-Chart

values are allowed. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for domestic hot

Environment temperature is the temperature of the surroundings of the domestic water storage
tank to which heat losses occur. Monthly values are allowed. This parameter is used only if
Yes has been selected for domestic hot water.

UA of auxiliary storage tank is the product of the energy loss coefficient and surface area for
the auxiliary tank in the solar domestic water heating system. In a single tank system, use the
tank surface area above the heating element thermostat. This parameter is visible only if Yes
has been selected for domestic hot water.

Pipe heat loss (Yes, No) toggles to indicate if the following two parameters are to be used to
calculate the effect of pipe heat losses. If No is selected, the following two parameters are

Inlet pipe UA is the overall loss coefficient-pipe area product for the pipe carrying fluid to the
collector. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for pipe heat loss.

Outlet pipe UA is the overall loss coefficient-pipe area product for the pipe carrying fluid from
the collector array. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for pipe heat loss.

Relative load heat exchanger size is the ratio of the actual thermal size of the load heat
exchanger to the standard value. The standard value is chosen such that the product of the
load heat exchanger effectiveness and minimum capacitance rate (i.e., mass flow rate times
specific heat) is equal to twice the value of the building UA. This parameter may have
monthly values.

Collector-store heat exchanger (Yes, No) toggles to indicate if the following two parameters
should be used to account for the performance penalty resulting from the heat exchanger
between the collector array and the storage tank. If No is specified, the following two
parameters are ignored.

Tank side flow rate/area is the mass flow rate of water from the storage tank through the
collector-storage heat exchanger divided by the total array area. Set this parameter to a value
which is larger than collector flow rate/area (in the collector parameter set) for an internal
heat exchanger.

Heat exchanger effectiveness is the ratio of the actual to maximum possible heat transfer rates
for heat exchanger located between the collector and the storage unit. This parameter is used
only if Yes is selected for the collector-storage heat exchanger.

F-Chart Chapter 4

The thermal performance is calculated on a monthly basis. Shown below is the output for the
default parameter set in English units with 26 flat-plate solar collectors and collector fluid
specific heat equal to 0.8.

Solar is the monthly total solar radiation incident on the collector surface.

Heat is the monthly total space heating demand.

Dhw is the monthly total water heating demand.

Aux is the monthly total auxiliary energy required to supply the space and domestic water
heating demands.

f is the fraction of the space and domestic water heating demands which is supplied by the solar
energy system. The remaining fraction must be met by an auxiliary source.

4.4 Building Storage Systems

Shown in Figure 4.3 is a schematic of a simple solar space heating system that does not have a
primary storage component. Solar energy is used to heat a fluid (usually air, but possibly a
liquid) that is circulated through the collectors. The useful energy gain of the fluid is transferred
either directly (for air) or via heat exchange (for liquids) to the building space. If the solar
contribution is less than the instantaneous load, all of the energy entering the space at this time is
useful in offsetting auxiliary energy use. If the solar gain exceeds the instantaneous load, the

Chapter 4 F-Chart

building temperature will rise, providing a means of energy storage. If the building temperature
exceeds the maximum allowable value, the collector pump is turned off since the solar gain
cannot be used or stored at this time. The algorithm used to do the monthly performance
calculations for this system is presented by Evans and Klein [1983]. A domestic hot water heat
exchanger can be installed in the line leading from the collector. In this case the monthly DHW
solar contribution is calculated by the f-Chart method [Beckman, Klein and Duffie (1977)].



Preheat Water
Tank Heater

Figure 4.4: Active Collection with Building Storage System

The parameters for this system are listed below along with their default values and explanations.

F-Chart Chapter 4

Location is the location where the system is located. Existing city data can be viewed or
changed or data for a new city added from the Data pull down menu.

Building UA is the building overall energy loss coefficient-area product. See Chapter 25 of the
ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals [1985] for additional information. This parameter
may have monthly values. If the monthly loads are known, either from measurements or
independent calculations, you may change the value of UA monthly so the program
calculates the the known monthly load. F-Chart will multiply the UA and the degree-days
and either the number of hours in a day (English units) or seconds in a day (SI units) to
determine the load. Consequently, the monthly value of UA must be calculated as [Monthly
Load in BTUs] /[Degree-days in F-days]/24 for English units or as [Monthly Load in
Joules]/[Degree-days in C-days]/ [24*3600] for SI units.

Building storage capacity is the effective energy storage capacity of the building. A value of 6
BTU per square foot (123 KJ per square meter) of floor area is recommended for residential
construction. This parameter may have monthly values.
Low thermostat set temperature is the temperature of the indoor space at which the auxiliary
furnace turns on. This parameter may have monthly values.

Chapter 4 F-Chart

Daily internal generation is the monthly-average daily energy generated within the building by
appliances, lights, people, and solar gains other than those attributed to the solar collector
system. This parameter may have monthly values.

Allowable temperature swing is the number of degrees above the low set point temperature
which the indoor space may be heated to before the solar collector fluid flow is terminated.
This parameter may have monthly values.

Fuel cycles through the four possibilities of the back-up fuel (Electricity, Gas, Oil, Other) where
'Other' represents, for example, wood. This parameter is used only in the economic
evaluation of the system.

Efficiency of fuel usage represents the average furnace efficiency of the back-up (conventional)
fuel. This parameter is used in the economics calculations and it may vary monthly.

Duct losses (Yes/No) toggles to indicate whether the following four parameters are to be used to
calculate the effect of duct heat losses and air leaks. If No is specified, the following four
parameters are ignored.

Inlet duct UA is the overall loss coefficient-duct area product for the duct carrying air to the
collector array. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for duct losses.

Outlet duct UA is the overall loss coefficient-duct area product for the duct carrying air from the
collector array. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for duct losses.

Percent duct leak rate is the percent of the collector outlet duct flow rate which is leakage. The
collector is assumed to be under negative pressure, i.e., all leaks are into the ducts rather than
out. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for duct losses.

Domestic hot water (Yes/No) toggles to indicate whether a solar domestic water heating system
is part of the heating system. If Yes is selected, a solar domestic hot water system is
considered in addition to the space heating system. The following 6 parameters are then used
to describe the domestic water system. If No is specified, the following 6 parameters are
ignored. The liquid storage system should be selected if air collectors and a water-to-air heat
exchanger are used to supply only domestic hot water.

Daily hot water usage is the average amount of hot water per day required at the set
temperature. Monthly values are allowed. This parameter is visible only if Yes has been
selected for domestic hot water parameter.

F-Chart Chapter 4

Water set temperature is the temperature to which domestic water is to be heated. Monthly
values are allowed. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for domestic hot

Environment temperature is the temperature of the surroundings of the domestic water storage
tank to which heat losses occur. Monthly values are allowed. This parameter is used only if
Yes has been selected for domestic hot water.

UA of auxiliary storage tank is the product of the energy loss coefficient and surface area for
the auxiliary tank in the solar domestic water heating system. In a single tank system, use the
tank surface area above the heating element thermostat. This parameter is visible only if Yes
has been selected for domestic hot water.

Heat exchanger water flow rate is the mass flow rate of water from the solar preheat tank to the
air-water heat exchanger, used only if Yes has been selected for domestic hot water.

Air-water heat exch effectiveness is the ratio of the actual heat transfer rate to the maximum
possible heat transfer rate for the air-to-water domestic hot water heat exchanger. This
parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for domestic hot water.

The thermal performance is calculated on a monthly basis. The output (in English units) for the
default parameters with 26 flat-plate collectors and cp =0.24 appears below.

Solar is the monthly total solar radiation incident on the collector surface.

Chapter 4 F-Chart

Heat is the monthly total space heating demand.

Dhw is the monthly total water heating demand.

Aux is the monthly total auxiliary energy required to supply the space and domestic water
heating demands.

f is the fraction of the space and domestic water heating demands which is supplied by the solar
energy system. The remaining fraction must be met by an auxiliary source.

4.5 Passive Direct-Gain Systems

A schematic representation of a direct-gain system is shown in Figure 4.5. During the month,
solar energy strikes the window surface and some of this energy is transmitted through the
window and absorbed within the building space. The absorbed solar energy supplies some of the
load, i.e., the energy required to maintain the building at the low thermostat set point
temperature. The load is the sum of the energy losses back out the direct-gain window and the
losses (including infiltration) occurring from the rest of the building. However, not all of the
absorbed solar energy is useful in offsetting the load; some of the solar energy may be absorbed
when the building space is at the high thermostat set point temperature. In this case, the excess
energy will have to be removed to keep the building space from becoming uncomfortably warm.
Alternatively, shades could be drawn to block the solar energy from entering the space. The
thermal performance of direct-gain passive systems is calculated using the Un-utilizability
method of Monsen, Klein, and Beckman [1981].


Figure 4.5: Passive Direct-Gain System

The thermal parameters for direct-gain systems are listed below followed by their descriptions.

F-Chart Chapter 4

Location is the location where the system is located. Existing city data can be viewed or
changed or data for a new city added from the Data pull down menu.

Window area is the area of the direct-gain window.

Number of glazings cycles through 1 to 4 and is used to calculate the angular dependence of the
transmittance of solar radiation.

Window slope is the angle between the plane of the glazing and the horizontal. A vertical
window will have a 90° slope. Monthly values are permitted.

Window azimuth is the deviation of the normal to the direct-gain window from south. A due
south orientation will have an azimuth of 0 degrees. Due west and due east will have values
of 90 and -90, respectively. Monthly values are permitted. In the southern hemisphere a
direct-gain window facing the sun at solar noon would have an azimuth angle of 180.

Tau-Alpha (at normal incidence) is the product of the glazing transmittance and room wall
absorptance for solar radiation at normal incidence. Monthly values are permitted. The solar
absorptance, Alpha, of the direct gain window and the room can be estimated from

Alpha = (1 - ρ)/(1 - ρ (1 - τ AreaW/AreaR))

ρ is the room wall solar reflectance
τ is the diffuse solar transmittance of the window

Chapter 4 F-Chart

AreaW is the window area

AreaR is the surface area of all walls, floors and ceilings in the room.

Daytime window conductance is the overall heat transfer coefficient per unit area between
indoors through the glazing system to outdoors when night insulation is not in place. This is
the reciprocal of the window overall resistance. Monthly values are permitted.

Nighttime window conductance is the overall heat transfer coefficient per unit area between
indoors through the glazing system to outdoors when night insulation is in place. Insulation
is assumed to be in place from sunset to sunrise. This is the reciprocal of the window overall
resistance. Monthly values are permitted.

Building UA is the building overall energy loss coefficient-area product NOT including the
contribution of the passive element. This parameter may have monthly values. See Chapter
25 of the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals [1985] for additional information.

Building storage capacity is the effective energy storage capacity of the building. A value of 6
BTU per square foot (123 KJ per square meter) of floor area is recommended for residential
construction. This parameter may have monthly values.

Low thermostat set temperature is the temperature of the indoor space at which the auxiliary
furnace turns on. This parameter may have monthly values.

Daily internal generation is the monthly-average daily energy generated within the building by
appliances, lights, people, and solar gains other than those attributed to the solar collector
system. This parameter may have monthly values.

Allowable temperature swing is the number of degrees above the low set point temperature
which the indoor space may be heated to before the solar collector fluid flow is terminated.
This parameter may have monthly values.

Fuel cycles through the four possibilities of the back-up fuel (Electricity, Gas, Oil, Other) where
'Other' represents, for example, wood. This parameter is used only in the economic

Efficiency of fuel usage represents the average furnace efficiency of the back-up (conventional)
fuel. This parameter is used in the economics calculations and it may vary monthly.

An example of the output for the direct-gain system follows:

F-Chart Chapter 4

Solar is the monthly total solar radiation incident on the exterior surface of the direct-gain

Load is the monthly total space heating demand.

Aux is the monthly total auxiliary energy required to maintain the indoor space above the low
thermostat set point temperature

f is the fraction of the total load (including losses out the direct-gain window) which is supplied
by the direct-gain system. The remaining fraction must be met by an auxiliary source.

4.6 Storage Wall Systems

The monthly energy flows occurring in a passive storage wall system are represented in Figure
4.6. During the month, solar energy is transmitted through the glazings and absorbed on the
storage wall. The absorbed energy causes the outer wall temperature to rise and energy is then
transmitted to the indoor space by conduction through the wall and via a convection loop through
the gap between the wall and the glazings. As with the direct-gain system, not all of the energy
which enters the space is useful in offsetting the auxiliary energy consumption; some of the
energy may actually have to be removed to keep the space from becoming uncomfortably warm.
The Un-utilizability method of Monsen, Klein, and Beckman [1982] is used to evaluate the
performance of passive storage wall systems.

Chapter 4 F-Chart


QIN Vent

Figure 4.6: Passive Solar Wall System

The thermal parameters for the passive storage wall system are listed below, along with the
default values. The parameter descriptions follow this list.

Location is the location where the system is located. Existing city data can be viewed or
changed or data for a new city added from the Data pull down menu.

Wall area is the surface area of the passive storage wall upon which solar radiation is absorbed.

Number of glazings cycles through 1 to 4 and is used to calculate both the angular dependence
of the transmittance of solar radiation and the resistance to heat transfer from the outdoors to

F-Chart Chapter 4

the exterior surface of the passive storage wall. Monthly values are permitted.

Wall slope is the angle between the plane of the wall and the horizontal. A vertical wall will
have a 90 degree slope.

Wall azimuth is the deviation of the normal to the storage wall from south. A due south
orientation will have an azimuth of 0 degrees. Due west and due east will have values of 90
and -90, respectively. In the southern hemisphere a direct-gain window facing the sun at
solar noon (i.e. facing north) would have an azimuth angle of 180.

Tau-Alpha (at normal incidence) is the product of the glazing transmittance and wall
absorptance for solar radiation at normal incidence. Monthly values are permitted.

Wall thickness is the thickness of the solid portion of the passive storage wall (i.e., excluding
the glazing or night insulation).

Wall thermal conductivity is the thermal conductivity of the passive storage wall material.
Properties of common building materials can be found in the ASHRAE Handbook of
Fundamentals [1985] or in any heat transfer textbook.

Wall density is the density of the passive storage wall material. Properties of common building
materials can be found in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals [1985] or in any heat
transfer textbook.

Wall specific heat is the specific heat of the passive storage wall material. Properties of
common building materials can be found in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals [1985]
or in any heat transfer textbook.

Night insulation R-value is the thermal resistance of night insulation applied between the
passive storage wall and outdoors. This parameter may have monthly values.
Building UA is the building overall energy loss coefficient-area product NOT including the
contribution of the passive element. This parameter may have monthly values. See Chapter
25 of the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals [1985] for additional information.

Building storage capacity is the effective energy storage capacity of the building. A value of 6
BTU per square foot (123 KJ per square meter) of floor area is recommended for residential
construction. This parameter may have monthly values.

Low thermostat set temperature is the temperature of the indoor space at which the auxiliary
furnace turns on. This parameter may have monthly values.

Chapter 4 F-Chart

Daily internal generation is the monthly-average daily energy generated within the building by
appliances, lights, people, and solar gains other than those attributed to the solar collector
system. This parameter may have monthly values.

Allowable temperature swing is the number of degrees above the low set point temperature
which the indoor space may be heated to before the solar collector fluid flow is terminated.
This parameter may have monthly values.

Fuel cycles through the four possibilities of the back-up fuel (Electricity, Gas, Oil, Other) where
'Other' represents, for example, wood. This parameter is used only in the economic
evaluation of the system.

Efficiency of fuel usage represents the average furnace efficiency of the back-up (conventional)
fuel. This parameter is used in the economics calculations and it may vary monthly.

The output for the default values in English unit is as follows.

Solar is the monthly total solar radiation incident on the exterior glazing surface of the passive
storage wall

Load is the monthly total space heating demand

Aux is the monthly total auxiliary energy required to maintain the indoor space above the low
thermostat set point temperature

F-Chart Chapter 4

f is the fraction of the total load (including losses out the storage wall) which is supplied by the
solar system. The remaining fraction must be met by an auxiliary source.

4.7 Pool Heating Systems

Pool solar heating calculations can be done for either indoor or outdoor pools as shown in Figure
4.7. The outdoor pool heating system can use solar energy in two ways. Solar energy is
absorbed directly by the water in the pool and it can be supplied by an optional solar collector
system. If a solar collector system is not being used, set Number of collector panels in the
collector parameter set to 0. Energy is lost from the pool by evaporation, convection, thermal
radiation, and conduction to the ground. The evaporation loss can be eliminated by a pool cover.
The cover, however, reduces the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the pool. Convection
losses are reduced when a bubble type cover is used. The covers are assumed to be transparent
to infrared radiation, so that radiation heat losses are not affected by the cover. This pool heating
system will provide estimates of the monthly energy loss from the pool based on the algorithms
described by Sigworth et al. [1979]. If this information is already known from previous pool
heating energy use, the general solar heating system of Section 4.7 is an alternative way to
estimate the contribution from a solar collector system.



Figue 4.7: Pool Heating System

The thermal parameters for the pool heating system are listed below along with default values.
The parameter descriptions follows.

Chapter 4 F-Chart

Location is the location where the system is located. Existing city data can be viewed or
changed or data for a new city added from the Data pull down menu.

Pool surface area is the surface area of the pool water.

Pool temperature is the monthly average desired pool temperature. It is assumed that the
auxiliary pool heating system has sufficient capacity to maintain the pool at this temperature.
This parameter can vary monthly.

First month of season can be cycled through all months of the year to select the month that pool
usage (and heating) begins. It is assumed that heating begins on the first day of the selected

Last Month of Season can be cycled through all months of the year to select the month that pool
usage (and heating) ends. It is assumed that pool heating ends on the last day of this month.

Cover cycles through 'None', 'Film' and 'Bubble' indicating the type of pool cover, if any. The
fraction of the solar energy incident on the pool surface that is absorbed by the pool water
when no cover is used is assumed to be 0.855. A film cover eliminates all evaporation losses
when in place and has 0.837 of the incident solar radiation absorbed by the pool. A bubble-

F-Chart Chapter 4

type pool cover eliminates evaporation and reduces convective losses. The fraction of the
incident solar radiation absorbed by the pool when the bubble-type cover is in place is
assumed to be 0.783. The R-value for the bubble-type cover is assumed to be 1.87 hr-ft2-
F/Btu (0.33 m2-C/W).

Hours per day covered is the average number of hours per day that the pool cover is in place.
This parameter can vary monthly.

Average pool depth is multiplied by the pool area to determine the pool volume.

Location (Indoor, Outdoor) toggles to specify the location of the pool. If the pool is indoors,
then the humidity and temperature of the controlled indoor space must be specified. The
pool calculations do not include energy to condition the indoor space.

% of time shaded (Outdoor) is the percentage of solar radiation incident on an unobstructed

horizontal surface which is incident on the outdoor pool surface. This parameter can be used
to estimate the effects of nearby buildings or trees or it can be used to modify the assumed
cover transmittance and pool absorptance. This parameter can vary monthly.

Average wind speed (Outdoor) is the average wind speed at the outdoor pool surface. The
wind speed at a local meteorological station is often significantly higher than the average
wind speed at a pool surface. Sigworth et. al. [1979] recommend that, for a well-protected
pool, the wind speed reported by the weather bureau be reduced by a factor of 10. For a
moderately protected pool, they recommend a factor of 5. This parameter can vary monthly.

Pool room relative humidity is the average relative humidity of the conditioned space in which
the indoor pool is located. Energy calculations for the pool system do not include energy to
maintain the pool room conditions. This parameter can vary monthly.

Pool room temperature is the average temperature of the conditioned space in which the indoor
pool is located. Energy calculations for the pool system do not include energy to maintain
the pool room conditions. This parameter may have monthly values.

Fuel cycles through the four possibilities of the back-up fuel (Electricity, Gas, Oil, Other) where
'Other' represents, for example, wood. This parameter is used only in the economic
evaluation of the system.

Heater capacity is the maximum output of the pool heater. If the heater is sufficiently large to
meet the demands of the pool (i.e., the monthly pool temperature is maintained at the desired
pool temperature) then nothing will change if the heater capacity is further increased. If the
heater capacity is too small (i.e., any monthly pool temperature is below the desired pool

Chapter 4 F-Chart

temperature) then the calculated pool load (see Thermal Output below) is the net energy lost
by the pool at the reduced pool temperature. Consequently, if the heater capacity is further
reduced, the pool load and auxiliary will both decrease while the energy delivered by the
collector will increase.

Efficiency of fuel usage represents the average furnace efficiency of the back-up (conventional)
fuel. This parameter is used in the economics calculations and it may vary monthly.

Pipe heat loss (Yes, No) toggles to indicate if the following two parameters are to be used to
calculate the effect of pipe heat losses. If No is selected, the following two parameters are

Inlet pipe UA is the overall loss coefficient-pipe area product for the pipe carrying fluid to the
collector array. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for pipe heat loss.

Outlet pipe UA is the overall loss coefficient-pipe area product for the pipe carrying fluid from
the collector array. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for pipe heat loss.

The output for the default values in English units is as follows.

Q Coll is the monthly solar energy delivered by the solar collectors to the pool.

Q Pool is the monthly solar energy directly absorbed by the pool.

Load is the monthly energy loss from the pool by evaporation, convection, thermal radiation,
and ground conduction at the monthly average pool temperature minus Qpool, the absorbed
solar radiation

Aux is the monthly energy that must be supplied by the backup pool heater to maintain the pool
temperature at the specified value.

F-Chart Chapter 4

f is the fraction of the pool heating demand which is supplied by the solar collector system.
Direct absorption of solar radiation (for outdoor pools) is considered as a reduction to the
pool heating load.

Pool T is the monthly average temperature of the pool. If the heater capacity is sufficiently
large, then the pool temperature will be equal to the second parameter, the Pool temperature.
If the heater capacity is not sufficient to maintain the pool temperature at the desired setting
then the pool will reach an equilibrium temperature which balances the input energy from the
sun and solar system with the pool losses.

4.8 General Solar Heating Systems

The solar energy system shown in Figures 4.2 and 4.8 represent the general classes of closed and
open-loop solar energy systems which can be used for a variety of applications including space
heating, absorption air conditioning, water heating and process heating. Solar energy is collected
and stored as sensible heat in a liquid storage tank. The storage tank is assumed to be
pressurized or filled with a liquid having a high boiling point so that energy dumping (i.e.,
energy loss through the pressure relief valve) does not occur. When required, the heated liquid is
either pumped from storage through a heat exchanger to supply thermal energy to the load
(closed-loop system) or the fluid is removed from the tank and replaced with cold fluid (open-
loop system). The load is a demand for energy above a minimum useful temperature, TMIN.
The value of TMIN depends on the application. For residential space heating, TMIN is the
indoor temperature of the building, which is about 20 C. All energy above 20 C can be used for
space heating. There are other space heating applications for which TMIN may be higher or
lower than 20 C, as, for example, the solar heating of a warehouse which is to be maintained at
10 C. In a water heating system, TMIN will be the mains supply water temperature. TMIN for
industrial processes or air conditioning applications will depend on the particular installation.
Auxiliary energy is supplied if the solar energy is insufficient to meet the load.


Collector Storage Supplied
Tank at
Heat T T min

Figure 4.8: Closed-Loop Solar Energy System

Chapter 4 F-Chart

The thermal performance of these general solar heating systems is calculated using the PHIBAR,
f-Chart ( φ , f − chart ) method of Klein and Beckman [1979] which has been extended to open-
loop systems as described by Braun and Klein [1983]. The thermal parameters and default
values are listed below followed by descriptions of the parameters.

Location is the location where the system is located. Existing city data can be viewed or
changed or data for a new city added from the Data pull down menu.

Average daily energy use is the monthly average daily energy demand of the process. This
energy demand is met by a combination of solar energy and conventional energy. This
parameter may have monthly values.

Average daily load flow is the average daily amount of stored fluid circulated (or removed) to
supply the load. In a closed-loop system, this will be the product of the rate at which fluid is
circulated through the load heat exchanger and the average number of hours per day in which
there is a load. In an open-loop system, this is average daily amount of fluid removed from
the tank. This parameter may have monthly values.

Load heat exchanger effectiveness is the ratio of the actual to maximum heat transfer rates in

F-Chart Chapter 4

the heat exchanger between the solar storage tank and the load in a closed-loop system. For
an open-loop system, a heat exchanger does not exist and this parameter should be set equal
to 1.0.

Minimum useful temperature is the lowest temperature in which energy supplied to the load is
useful. Monthly values are permitted.

Liquid storage tank volume is the volume of stored liquid used for sensible heat storage of
collected solar energy.

Tank liquid specific heat is the specific heat of the liquid in the storage tank. Properties of
common materials can be found in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals [1985] or in
any heat transfer textbook. For water, use 1 Btu/lbm F or 4190 J/kg-K.

Tank liquid density is the density of the liquid in the storage tank. Properties of common
materials can be found in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals [1985] or in any heat
transfer textbook. For water use 62.4 lbm/ft3 or 1000 kg/m3.

UA of solar storage tank is the product of the energy loss coefficient and surface area for the
solar storage tank.

Tank environment temperature is the temperature of the surroundings of the storage tank to
which heat transfer losses occur. Monthly values are permitted.

Fuel cycles through the four possibilities (Electricity, Gas, Oil, Other) of the back-up fuel where
'Other' represents, for example, wood. This parameter is used only in the economic

Efficiency of fuel usage represents the average furnace efficiency of the back-up (conventional)
fuel. This parameter is used in the economics calculations and it may vary monthly.

Pipe heat loss toggles between Yes and No to indicate if the following two parameters are to be
used to calculate the effect of pipe heat losses. If No is selected, the following two
parameters are ignored.

Inlet pipe UA is the overall loss coefficient-pipe area product for the pipe carrying fluid to the
collector array. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for pipe heat loss.

Outlet pipe UA is the overall loss coefficient-pipe area product for the pipe carrying fluid from
the collector array. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for pipe heat loss.

Chapter 4 F-Chart

Collector-store heat exch toggles between Yes and No to indicate if the following two
parameters should be used to account for the performance penalty resulting from the heat
exchanger between the collector array and the storage tank. If No is specified, the following
two parameters are ignored.]

Tank side flow rate/area is the mass flow rate of water from the storage tank through the
collector-storage heat exchanger divided by the total array area. Set this parameter to a value
that is larger than collector flow rate/area for an internal heat exchanger. This parameter is
used only if Yes is selected for the collector-storage heat exchanger.

Heat exchanger effectiveness is the ratio of the actual to maximum possible heat transfer rates
for heat exchanger located between the collector and the storage unit. This parameter is used
only if Yes is selected for the collector-storage heat exchanger.

The output for the default values (which represents a process heating system) in English units is:

Solar is the monthly total solar radiation incident on the collector surface.

Load is the monthly total thermal energy demand on the system at a temperature above the
specified minimum useful temperature.

Q Tank is the monthly total energy loss from the storage tank.

Aux is the monthly total auxiliary energy which must be supplied in addition to the solar energy
to meet the demand.

F-Chart Chapter 4

f is the fraction of the load supplied by the solar energy system. The remaining fraction is
supplied by an auxiliary source.

4.9 Integral Collector-Storage Water Heating Systems

Integral collector-storage (ICS) units are passive solar water preheaters that combine solar
collection with thermal storage. They are usually roof or ground mounted in series with a
conventional domestic water heater and supplied by mains water. An ICS unit is basically a
black tank in an enclosure with an optical cover system, as shown in Figure 4.8. There are many
variations in design. Some units have several tanks plumbed in series within the enclosure.
Others have internal reflector systems, non-flat covers or finned tanks. ICS solar water heaters
usually cost less than active systems and are inherently simple to install and maintain. They
often operate without heat exchangers, pumps or controllers. Auxiliary energy must be supplied
if the solar energy collected by the ICS system is insufficient to meet the water heating load.


Figure 4.9: Integral Collector-Storage Solar Water Heater

The monthly performance of an ICS system is estimated using the method of Zollner et al.
[1985]. The thermal parameters and default values in English units are listed below followed by
descriptions of the parameters.

Chapter 4 F-Chart

Location is the location where the system is located. Existing city data can be viewed or
changed or data for a new city added from the Data pull down menu.

No. of units tested is the number of integral collector-storage units used in the SRCC test.
NOTE: This parameter should not be changed without supplying modified values of the
SRCC heat loss coefficient and SRCC net energy delivered.

Glazing area per unit is the aperture area of each ICS unit panel. NOTE: This parameter
should not be changed without supplying modified values of the SRCC heat loss coefficient
and the SRCC net energy delivery.

SRCC heat loss coefficient is the overall integral collector-storage unit heat loss coefficient
resulting from the nighttime cool-down test as prescribed by SRCC Standard 200.

SRCC net energy delivery is the periodic steady value of the daily useful energy collected by
the integral collector-storage system obtained from the ASHRAE 95-1981 test procedure
under simulated environmental conditions as prescribed by SRCC Standard 200.

Collector slope is the angle between the plane of the collector aperture and the horizontal. This

F-Chart Chapter 4

parameter may have monthly values. The angle is measured in a vertical plane that is
perpendicular to the line formed by the intersection of the plane of the collector aperture and
the horizontal plane.

Collector azimuth (South=0) is the angle between the projection into the horizontal plane of the
normal to the collector aperture and the local meridian with the zero point directly facing the
equator, west positive, and east negative. The azimuth of a horizontal collector can have any
value. The azimuth of a collector facing the sun at noon in the southern hemisphere (i.e.
north facing) is 180. This parameter may have monthly values.

Incidence angle modifier calculation cycles through 'Glazings', 'Constant', and 'Value(s)' to
indicate which of three possible methods is to be used to calculate the effect of incidence
angle on FR*TAU*ALPHA. One of the next three parameters will be available depending
upon the selection; the other two will be hidden. If 'Glazings' is selected, the Fresnel
equations are used with nominal glass properties and the number of glazings will have to be
selected. If 'Constant' is selected, the ASHRAE incident angle modifier constant will be
required. If 'Value(s)' is selected, either a single incidence angle modifier or the incident
angle modifier value for every 10 degrees will be required.

Number of glazings cycles through 1 to 4 to indicate the number of glazings on the solar
collector. Values of the monthly-average incidence angle modifier are calculated using the
Fresnel equations with glass properties and the method described in Duffie and Beckman

Inc angle modifier constant, b, is the parameter which provides the best fit in the equation K(t)
= 1.0 - b (1/cos(t) - 1.0) where K(t) is the ratio of the transmittance-absorptance product at
incidence angle t to the normal incidence transmittance-absorptance product. The constant,
b, is determined experimentally as described in the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 collector test
procedure [1977]. This parameter is visible only if 'Constant' was chosen for the incidence
angle modifier type.

Inc angle modifier value(s) are the the value(s) of the collector incidence angle modifier, K(t)
as determined by the ASHRAE Standard 93-77 collector test procedure [1977]. If a single
value is used for this parameter, then the incidence angle modifier is taken to be that constant
value independent of solar incidence angle. Alternatively, values of this parameter may be
specified for incidence angles between 0 and 90 degrees in 10 degree increments. The
incidence angle value(s) are used only if 'Value(s)' was chosen for the incidence angle
modifier type.

Fuel cycles through the four possibilities (Electricity, Gas, Oil, Other) of the back-up fuel where
'Other' represents, for example, wood. This parameter is used only in the economic

Chapter 4 F-Chart


Efficiency of fuel usage represents the average furnace efficiency of the back-up (conventional)
fuel. This parameter is used in the economics calculations and it may vary monthly.

Daily hot water usage is the average amount of hot water per day required at the set
temperature. Monthly values are allowed. This parameter is visible only if Yes has been
selected for domestic hot water parameter.

Water set temperature is the temperature to which domestic water is to be heated. Monthly
values are allowed. This parameter is used only if Yes has been selected for domestic hot

ICS unit tank volume is the volume of the integral collector-storage unit.

UA of auxiliary storage tank is the product of the energy loss coefficient and surface area for
the auxiliary tank in the solar domestic water heating system. In a single tank system, use the
tank surface area above the heating element thermostat.

Auxiliary environmental temperature is the temperature of the surroundings of the auxiliary

water heater to which heat losses occur. Monthly values are allowed.

First month of use cycles through the 12 months to indicate the month of the year in which the
integral collector-storage unit will be put into operation. It is assumed operation begins on
the first day of the month.

Last month of use cycles through the 12 months to indicate the last month of the year in which
the integral collector-storage unit will be operating. It is assumed operation stops on the last
day of the month.

The thermal performance is calculated on a monthly basis. Shown below is the output for the
default parameter set in English units.

F-Chart Chapter 4

Solar is the monthly total solar radiation incident on the collector surface.

Load is the monthly domestic hot water energy demand.

Loss is the monthly energy loss from the auxiliary storage tank.

Aux is the monthly total auxiliary energy required to supply the domestic hot water demand.

f is the fraction of the hot water energy demand which is supplied by the ICS system.

Optical efficiency is the effective product of the glazing transmittance and tank absorptance.

Energy Loss Coefficient is the effective energy loss coefficienct of the ICS system to the
ambient expressed per unit glazing area.



The economic calculations done in F-Chart are first year costs, life cycle, life cycle savings and
cash flow. Life cycle costs and savings are computed from present costs of energy from fuel and
its anticipated inflation rate, market discount rate, an assumed period of economic analysis,
owning costs and operating costs. The life-cycle costs of owning and operating the improvement
includes such items as interest and principle payments on funds borrowed to pay for the
improvement (e.g., on the incremental mortgage), income tax effects of incremental property
taxes and interest payments, tax credits, resale value, depreciation, etc. In this chapter, we
discuss the meaning of the economic output and discuss each of the economic parameters. The
life cycle cost method as applied to solar energy systems can be found in Duffie and Beckman

5.1 Economic Parameters

The economic parameter list contains 28 parameters. Two additional economic parameters are
contained in the system parameter list: the fuel type and the efficiency of fuel usage. These two
parameters are explained in the appropriate places in Chapter 4. The economic parameter list
and explanations of the parameters follow.

F-Chart Chapter 5

Economic analysis detail cycles through "Brief", "Detailed", and "Cash Flow". The Brief
selection gives economic information about the first year, the life cycle costs, and the life
cycle savings. The Detailed option includes the information given under the Brief selection
and, in addition, gives information on the breakdown of the life cycle economic costs. The
Cash Flow option includes all of the above and gives the annual cash position.

Cost per unit area is the cost per square foot or square meter of the solar collection system
including such items as the storage costs that increase with increasing collector area. If the
total cost of the system is known, then set this parameter to zero and place the total cost into
the "Area independent cost" parameter. For a passive system, this unit area cost should be
only the incremental cost of the wall above the conventional wall. If this cost is less than a
conventional wall then use a negative cost per unit area.

Area independent cost is the cost of fixed equipment such as pumps, controllers, piping, part of
the storage, and other costs that are independent of collector area. If the total cost of the
system is known, then set this parameter to the total cost and place a zero in the "Cost per
unit area" parameter.

Price of electricity is the average purchase price per kilowatt-hour paid in the first year.

Annual % increase in electricity is the anticipated average yearly inflation rate of electricity
during the period of the economic analysis. It is assumed that the average rate occurs each

Chapter 5 F-Chart

year of the analysis.

Price of natural gas is the average purchase price per 100 cubic feet (approximately per therm)
or per cubic meter paid in the first year.

Annual % increase in nat. gas is the anticipated average yearly inflation rate of gas during the
period of the economic analysis. It is assumed that the average rate occurs each year of the

Price of fuel oil is the average purchase price per gallon or per liter paid in the first year.

Annual % increase in fuel oil is the anticipated average yearly inflation rate of oil during the
period of the economic analysis. It is assumed that the average rate occurs each year of the

Price of other fuel such as wood is the average purchase price per million BTU or per gigajoule
paid in the first year.

Annual % increase in other fuel is the anticipated average yearly inflation rate of heating fuel
such as wood during the period of the economic analysis. It is assumed that the average rate
occurs each year of the analysis.

Period of economic analysis is the number of years over which the life cycle cost analysis is
done. Often this is 20 years or the same as the term of the mortgage.

Percent down payment is the percentage of the incremental cost of the solar system which is
paid out at the time of installation. The balance is paid for by a mortgage.

Annual mortgage interest rate is the yearly rate charged by the lender on funds borrowed, in

Term of the mortgage is the number of years over which the funds borrowed must be repaid.

Annual market discount rate is the yearly rate of return from the solar system owner's best
alternative investment, in percent. For a home owner, this is often the interest rate available
at a bank, either the savings account rate or the rate for certificates of deposit (CD's). For a
business, the internal rate of return of the company is often used.

% Extra insur. and maint. in year 1 is the first year's extra insurance, maintenance, and other
non-fuel operating expenses attributable to the system, expressed as a percent of the initial

F-Chart Chapter 5

Annual % increase in insur. and maint. is the average expected inflation rate of these
expenses (previous parameter) over the period of the economic analysis.

Eff Fed.+State income tax rate is the effective combined federal and state income tax rate of
the solar system owner. If tax laws do not permit deducting of state taxes on federal returns
(e.g., if the owner uses standard deductions on his/her federal return) then this parameter is
the sum of the federal and state brackets, in percent. If state taxes are deducted from federal
income for tax purposes, then the effective rate is the sum of the federal and state rates minus
their product.

True % property tax rate is the ratio of the increment in real estate taxes due to the solar
system to the cost of the solar system (not the assessed tax value of the solar system),
expressed as a percent. Some taxing districts specifically exempt solar systems in which case
this parameter should be zero.

Annual % increase in property tax is the anticipated average yearly rate of inflation of
property taxes over the period of the economic analysis, in percent. This is often set equal to
the general inflation rate.

% Resale value is the anticipated resale or salvage value of the solar system at the end of the
period of the economic analysis, as a percent of the initial solar system cost. If the solar
system were added to a house and treated like any other part of the house, the percent resale
value would be equal to the ratio of the house selling price at the end of the economic
analysis divided by the house purchase price. If the solar system were worn out and needed
replacement at the end of the economic period, then the resale value would be negative and
equal to the removal cost divided by the initial solar system cost. These two limits probably
bracket the actual situation. If the period of the economic analysis is long, say 20 years or
more, then the resale value will have only a small effect on the life cycle cost.

% Credit Rate in tier 1

Maximum investment in tier 1
% Credit Rate in tier 2
Maximum investment in tier 2
These four parameters are provided to enter tax credits or government subsidies that effectively
reduce the purchase price of the solar system. Since some solar systems may be subsidized
by more than one government agency, provision has been made to consider credits from two
agencies with different limits of eligibility. Consider a state government with a tax credit of
25% on the first $2000 of investment and a federal government with a 40% credit on the first
$10000 of investment. The credit on the first $2000 would be 65% and the credit on the next
$8000 would be 40%. The percent credit rate in tier one is 65%. The maximum investment

Chapter 5 F-Chart

in tier one is $2000. The percent credit in tier two is 40%. The maximum investment in tier
2 is $10000.

Commercial system? toggles between "Yes" and "No" to indicate if the solar system can be
depreciated for tax purposes and if fuel is deductible as a business expense. If this parameter
is set to "Yes", then the depreciation schedule in the next parameter is used in calculating
taxes and fuel is assumed to be deductible as a business expense. (For a business that makes
a profit and pays taxes, the government subsidizes fuel). Consequently, commercial solar
energy systems are harder to justify on economic grounds than residential or other non-profit
solar systems.) If fuel is deductible, but depreciation is not allowed, set this parameter to
"Yes" and set the depreciation schedule to zero. If depreciation is allowed but fuel is
specifically not allowed as a business expense, set this parameter to "Yes" and artificially
increase the fuel cost by the effective income tax bracket. For solar systems on private
homes, this parameter should be set to "No".

Commercial depreciation schedule is applicable only if the commercial system parameter is set
to "Yes". In this case, then you may enter 10 yearly depreciation values that effect the taxes
paid. For a three-year depreciation schedule, the U.S. Government allows 25%, 38%, and
37%. For a five-year schedule, the rates are 15%, 22%, 21%, 21% and 21%. For a ten-year
schedule, the rates are 8%, 14%, 12%, 10%, 10%, 10%, 9%, 9%, 9% and 9%.

5.2 Economics Output

The level of detail displayed for the economic calculations is controlled by the first parameter in
the economic parameter window. The economics output resulting from the Brief setting is as
follows: (Using the file DEFAULTS.FC)

F-Chart Chapter 5

First year fuel cost is calculated by multiplying the cost per unit of auxiliary energy by the
annual auxiliary requirements determined in the thermal analysis and dividing this result by
the fuel usage efficiency.

First year fuel savings plus the first year fuel cost is equal to the non-solar fuel cost.

Initial investment is calculated by multiplying the cost per unit area by the area and adding the
fixed cost.

Life cycle savings are calculated by subtracting the present worth of the owning and operating
costs from the present worth of the fuel savings, both calculated for the period of the
economic analysis. This savings represents the economic advantage of the system over a
fuel-only system.

Life cycle costs is the sum of the present worth of the fuel cost and the owning and operating
cost. A breakdown of the life cycle costs is provided.

When the economics analysis detail is set to Detailed, all of the above information will be
presented along with a breakdown of equipment costs into expenses and credits.

Chapter 5 F-Chart

The Down Payment is assumed to be made at the beginning of the first year and is therefore not
discounted. The Mortgage cost is the present worth of the sum of the annual mortgage
payments. Maintenance and insurance costs are the sum of the present worth of the inflating
annual payments. Property taxes are also calculated as the sum of the present worth of the
inflating annual payments. However, property taxes are a net cost since income tax deductions
have been included. Interest represents the tax benefit resulting from including the mortgage
interest as a deduction on federal and state income tax forms. Depreciation is the present worth
of the depreciation, calculated according the Commercial depreciation schedule, for income
producing buildings. Resale is the present worth of the product, which is the % Resale value
times the initial investment. For commercial property, the resale value is reduced by tax
considerations. The Tax credits from federal and state governments are calculated if Consider
Rebates is set to Yes.

Setting the economic analysis detail to Cash Flow provides, in addition to the outputs for the
detailed setting, the annual cash position for each year of the economic analysis which appears as

F-Chart Chapter 5

Maint & Ins is the annual expense to maintain and insure the equipment.

Prop Tax is the annual property tax.

Energy Cost is the annual payment made for auxiliary fuel.

Tax Savings is the annual saving due to state and federal tax deductions. For non-commercial
systems, this term includes property taxes and interest. For commercial systems,
maintenance, insurance and fuel are tax deductible and these savings are included in this
term. In year 0, this column includes any additional state and federal rebates.

Net Savings is the difference between the annual expenses incurred without a solar system and
the expenses incurred with a solar system. In year 0, this term is the difference between the
down payment and the tax rebates.

Present Worth is the present worth of the Net Savings column. The total of the Present Worth
column is equal to the life cycle savings.



ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air

Conditioning Engineers Inc., New York (1985)

ASHRAE, Standard 93-77, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, Air Conditioning

Engineers, "Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Solar Collectors,",
New York, N.Y. (1977)

ASHRAE, Standard 95-1981, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, Air Conditioning

Engineers, "Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Solar Domestic
Water Heating Systems", ASHRAE New York, N.Y. (1981)

Beckman, W.A., Klein, S.A. and Duffie, J.A., Solar Heating Design by the f-Chart Method,
Wiley Interscience, New York, N.Y. (1977)

Braun, J.E., Klein, S.A., and Pearson, K.A., "An Improved Design Method for Solar Water
Heating Systems", SOLAR ENERGY, Vol. 31, No. 6, (1983)

Braun, J.E. and Mitchell, J.C., "Solar Geometry for Fixed and Tracking Surfaces", SOLAR
ENERGY, Vol. 31, No. 5, (1983)

Buckles, W.E. and Klein S.A., "Analysis of Solar Domestic Water Heaters," SOLAR ENERGY,
Vol. 25, pp. 417-424 (1980)

Duffie, J.A. and Beckman, W.A., Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, 2nd Ed. Wiley
Interscience, New York, N.Y. (1991)

Erbs, D.G, Klein, S.A., and Beckman, W.A., "The Estimation of Degree-Days and Ambient
Temperature Bin Data from Monthly-Average Temperatures", ASHRAE Journal, June,

Erbs, D.G., Klein, S.A., and Duffie, J.A., "Estimation of the Diffuse Radiation Fraction for
Hourly Daily, and Monthly-Average Global Radiation", SOLAR ENERGY, Vol. 28, pp.
293-302, (1982)

F-Chart Appendix B

Evans, B.L. and Klein, S.A., "A Design Method of Active Collection - Passive Storage Space
Heating Systems, M.S. thesis, Solar Energy Laboratory, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Evans, B. L., Klein, S. A., and Duffie, J. A., "A Design Method for Active-Passive Hybrid Space
Heating Systems," SOLAR ENERGY, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 189-197, 1985.

Klein, S.A., "Calculation of Flat-Plate Collector Utilizability," SOLAR ENERGY, Vol. 21, pp.
393-402 (1978)

Klein, S.A. and Beckman, W.A., "A General Design Method for Closed-Loop Solar Energy
Systems," SOLAR ENERGY, Vol. 22, pp. 269-282 (1979)

Monsen, W.A., Klein S.A., and Beckman, W.A., "Prediction of Direct-Gain Solar Heating
System Performance," SOLAR ENERGY, Vol. 27, pp. 143-147, (1981)

Monsen, W.A., Klein, S.A., and Beckman, W.A., "The Un-utilizability Method for Collector-
Storage Walls," SOLAR ENERGY, Vol. 28, pp. 421-430, (1982)

Sigworth, H., Wei, J., and Rosenfeld, A.H., "Reducing Swimming Pooling Heating Costs:
Comparision of Pool Covers, Solar Collectors and other Options", Lawrence Berkley
Laboratory, LBL 9039, (1979)

SRCC Standard 200-82, "Test Methods and Minimum Standards for Certifying Solar Water
Heating Systems", Solar Rating and Certification Corporation, Washington, DC, revised
April February, 1985

Theunissen, P-H. and Beckman, W.A., "Transmittance Characteristics of Optically Non-

Symmetric Solar Collectors", Proceedings of the International Solar Energy Society Meeting
in Perth, Australia, (1983)

Zollner, A., "A Performance Prediction Methodology for Integral Collection-Storage Solar
Domestic Hot Water Systems", M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of
Wisconsin - Madison (1984)

Zollner, A., Klein, S. A., Beckman, W. A., "A Performance Prediction Methodology for Integral
Collection-Storage Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems," ASME Journal of Solar Energy
Engineering, Vol. 107, pp. 265-272, 1985.




SI Units

Basic Units Derived units

meter m length liter l volume 10-3m3

kilogram kg mass Newton N force kg-m/s
second s time Joule J energy N-m
Kelvin K temperature Watt W power J/s
Hour hr time 3600 s

Decimal Multiples of Units

tera T 1012
giga G 109
mega M 106
kilo k 103
micro m 10-3
nano n 10-9
pico p 10-12

Unit Conversions

Length Velocity

1 ft = 0.3048 m 1 ft/min = 0.00508 m/s

1 mile = 1.6093 m 1 mile/hr = 0.44704 m/s
1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 yard = 0.9144 m


1 ft2 = 0.092903 m2
1 mile2 = 2.58999 km2
1 inch = 0.000645 m2

F-Chart Appendix B

Volume Volumetric Rate

1 ft = 28.3168 l 1 cfm = 0.47195 l/s
1 gal = 3.78544 l 1 gal/min = 0.06309 l/s
1 ft3 = 7.48 gal 1 gal/min-ft2 = 0.6791l/s-m2
1 yard3 = 0.7645 m3 1 cfm/ft2 = 0.1968 l/s-m2

Mass Mass Flow Rate

1 lb = 0.453492 kg 1 lb/hr = 0.000126 kg/s

1 oz = 28.3495 g 1 lb/hr-ft2 = 0.001356 kg/s-m2

Temperature Scales Temperature Differences

F = C x 1.8 + 32 1F = 0.55556 C
C = (F-32) x 5/9 1C = 1.8 F
K = C + 273
R = F + 460

Energy Power

1 Btu = 1.05506 kJ 1 Btu/hr = 0.29307 W

1 Therm = 105.506 MJ 1 ton (refg) = 3.51685 kW
1 cal = 4.1868 J 1 kcal/hr = 1.163 W
1 kW-hr = 3.6 MJ 1 hp = 0.74570 kW
1 langley = 41.86 kJ/m2

Energy Flux

1 Btu/hr-ft2 = 3.15469 W/m2

1 langley/hr = 11.6277 W/m
1 cal/cm2-min = 697.4 W/m2
1 Btu /hr-ft2-F = 5.67826 W/m2-C
1 Btu /hr-ft-F = 1.70307 W/m2-C

Appendix B F-Chart

Numerical Values of Some Properties

Solar Constant = 1353 W/m2

= 1.940 langleys/min
= 428 Btu/hr-ft

Density Specific Heat

Air 1.204 kg/m3 1012 J/kg-C

0.07516 lb/ft3 0.241 BTU/lb-F

Water 1000 kg/m3 4190 J/kg-C

62.4 lb/ft 1.00 BTU/lb-F
8.34 lb/gal

Rock 2400 kg/m3 838 J/kg-C

150 lb/ft3 0.2 BTU/lb-F

Antifreeze 1065 kg/m3 3350 J/kg-C

(50% Ethylene 66.5 lb/ft3 0.80 BTU/lb-F


California Compliance Requirements


The state of California has special requirements for showing compliance with Title 24, Part 2,
Chapter 2-53, Section 2-5351. This appendix has been prepared from the appropriate documents
for F-Chart users in California.

When calculating solar domestic hot water performance, the Water Storage Space & DHW
system should be selected from the System menu. The Building UA must be set to zero to turn
off the house heating option and the Domestic hot water option must be set to Yes. Some of the
F-Chart parameters and weather data have to be set according to the California code. The
storage tank is initially assumed to be perfectly insulated so that UA of auxiliary tank must be set
to zero. A special calculation method is used to estimate standby losses and is included in the
calculation procedure outlined below. The Water set temperature must be set to 140 F. The
Daily hot water usage must be set to 50 gal/day/unit for single family dwellings or to 35
gal/day/unit for multi-family dwellings.

Weather data for the 16 California climate zones have been added to the F-Chart database using
data supplied by the California Energy Commission. The data for those cities that are in both the
original F-Chart database and the CEC database are not the same. The F-Chart database,
USA_Old, comes from a 1978 DOE report, Input Data for Solar Systems by V. Cinquemani, J.R.
Owenby, Jr. and R.G. Baldwin (prepared under interagency agreement no E(49-26)-1041). The
F-Chart database USA_New comes from the National Solar Radiation DataBase (NSRDB)
created by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

The CEC calculation procedure for estimating the total water heating energy is reproduced here.
The tables needed to fill in the worksheet are also provided. Table 1 lists the 16 climate zones,
the F-Chart city number, the storage tank environment temperature for Parameter 9, the water
mains temperature and the number of freeze days per year. The F-Chart Chg/View Data
command in the Weather menu will have to be used to change the water mains temperatures to
the values found in Table 1. Table 2 gives estimates of pump and controller annual energy use.
Table 3 gives the standby loss adjustment.

Appendix C F-Chart

Calculation of Annual Water Heating Energy

A. Equipment Data

1. Tank capacity _______ Gal From CEC Appliance Directory

2. Recovery efficiency _______ Percent From CEC Appliance Directory
3. Hourly input rate _______ Btu/hr. From CEC Appliance Directory
4. Pumping energy _______ Watt-hr/yr See Table 2.

B. Operating Data

1. Tank set temp. 140 F Fixed input

2. Water main temp. _______ F See Table 1
3. Daily water load _______ Gal/day Single family=50 gal/day
Multi-family =35 gal/day
4. Environment temp. _______ F See Table 1
5. Adj. standby loss _______ Percent See Table 3

C. Water Heating Energy

1. Annual recovery load _______ KBtu/yr B3 x 8.25 x (140-B2) x 365/1000

2. Energy from non-

depletable resources _______ KBtu/yr F for yr x DHW load for yr
from F-Chart output
3. Net annual recovery
load _______ KBtu/yr C1-C2
4. Annual recovery
energy _______ KBtu/yr C3/A2
5. Annual standby
loss energy _______ KBtu/yr (24-(C4 x 1000)/(A3 x 365)) x
8.25 x A1 x B5 x 365 x (140-B4)/1000

6. Pumping energy _______ KBtu/yr A4 x 3.414 x 3/1000

7. Total water heating
energy _______ KBtu/yr C4+C5+C6 Gas systems or
((C4+C5)x3)+C6 for all electric systems

F-Chart Appendix C

TABLE 1.: California Climate Zone Modeling Variables

CEC ------Temperatures------ Number of

Zone City Lat. Environment Water Mains Freeze Days
1 Arcata 41.0 52.1 60 5
2 Santa Rosa 38.5 57.9 65 16
3 Oakland 37.7 56.9 65 1
4 Sunnyvale 37.4 60.3 65 8
5 Santa Maria 34.9 60.3 65 24
6 Long Beach 33.8 63.5 70 1
7 San Diego 32.7 62.9 70 1
8 El Toro AFB 33.7 73.0 70 1
9 San Fernando 34.3 63.6 70 1
10 Riverside 33.9 63.3 70 14
11 Red Bluff 40.2 62.8 65 22
12 Sacramento 38.5 60.3 65 17
13 Fresno 36.8 62.3 65 28
14 China Lake AFB 35.7 55.9 65 124
15 El Centro 32.8 72.6 70 22
16 Mount Shasta 41.3 42.8 60 130

If a solar system is being installed, pump and control energy must be determined for the
particular generic solar system type. This energy can be determined from the fixed values listed
below. Other values are allowed if verification of pump and controller wattage is provided to the
local building department.

Appendix C F-Chart

TABLE 2. Determining Pumping Energy

System Type Pump and Control Energy

Open-loop (direct)
Recirculation - 85W pump @ 6 hrs/day See * below
5W controller @ 24 hrs/day

Draindown - 85W pump @ 6 hrs/day 247, 470

5W controller @ 24 hrs/day
2W draindown valve @ 24 hrs/day

Closed-loop (indirect)
Drainback - 85W pump @ 6 hrs/day 470, 850
70W pump @ 6 hrs/day
15W controller @ 24 hrs/day

Anti-freeze - 85W pump @ 6 hrs/day 229, 950

5W controller @ 24 hrs/day

Oil - 185W pump @ 6 hrs/day 722, 700

85W pump @ 6 hrs/day
15W controller @ 24 hrs/day

Refrigerant- - 85W pump @ 6 hrs/day 229, 950

phase change 5W controller @ 24 hrs/day

Air- 75W pump @ 6 hrs/day 208, 050

5W controller @ 24 hrs/day

* Pumping energy for recirculation solar systems is dependent upon the number of freeze days in
each climate zone. Use the value found from the following equation to determine the pumping
energy for recirculation systems:

(Pump energy, watts x 12 x (freeze days/yr +4)) +

(Pump energy, watts x pump operation time, hrs x remaining days in year) +
(Controller energy, watts x 24 hrs/day x 365)

Where the number of freeze days per year is found in Table 1.

F-Chart Appendix C

The following Adjusted Standby Loss Factors were developed based on data contained in the
Directory of Certified Water Heaters. The table's purpose is to provide an easy reference for
determining the adjusted standby loss rate of a particular water heater that has been externally
wrapped with an insulating blanket of R-12. Where blankets of lesser value are used in meeting
the combined internal and external insulation level of R-16, as specified in Section 2-5352(i) of
the regulations, the adjustment procedure provided in the Appendix to the regulations must be
used. (This appendix is not included in this manual.) Multiply the standby loss percent from the
Directory for the given water tank capacity by the factor given below.

TABLE 3. Standby Loss Adjustment

Tank Capacity (Gal.) GAS ELECTRIC

15-24 90 92
25-34 80 80
35-44 71 80
45-54 66 76
55-64 62 74
65-74 55 72
75-84 54 67
85-94 53 67
95 and up 50 59


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