United States Patent (19) : (54) Steam Turbine Assembly Process 75) Inventors: Gerd Bruckhoff, Wesel Rudolf

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United States Patent (19) 11) 3,914,842

Bruckhoff et al. (45) Oct. 28, 1975

(54) STEAM TURBINE ASSEMBLY PROCESS 1,013,342 12/1965 United Kingdom............ 415/DIG. 3
75) Inventors: Gerd Bruckhoff, Wesel; Rudolf
Wickl, Hamminkeln, Blumenkamp, Primary Examiner-C. W. Lanham
both of Germany Assistant Examiner-Dan C. Crane
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Kenyon & Kenyon Reilly
73 Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Munich, Carr & Chapin
(22 Filed: Jan. 17, 1973 (57) ABSTRACT
(21) Appl. No.: 324,441 Steam turbines of different types require casings hav
ing lengthwise extending portions with parameters of
30 Foreign Application Priority Data length and cross-sectional contour and size deter
mined by the encased turbine working elements and
Apr. 21, 1972 Germany............................ 22 19661 which, therefore, differ for the different types of tur
bines. Instead of the turbine casing being a single cast
52 U.S. Cl.......... 29/156.4 R; 29/428; 415/DIG. 3; ing including all of these portions, the latter are
415/199 R formed by separate interfitting parts which are sepa
(51 Int. Cl.’.......................................... B23P 15/00 rate castings. A plurality of such parts are made for
58) Field of Search....... 29/428,429, 430, 156.4 R: each portion with the parameters of each part differ
415/DIG. 3, 199 R ing from those of each other as required for the parts
to form that portion of a plurality of differing types of
(56) References Cited turbines. That is to say, for each portion an inventory
UNITED STATES PATENTS of parts is provided having differing parameters as re
1,517,234 1 1/1924 Junggren......................... 4151219 R quired for differing types of turbines. To make a tur
2,971,334 2/1961 Carlson.......................... 415/DIG. 3 bine casing for a desired type of turbine, the parts re
3, 188,967 6/1965 Glessner ........................ 415/DIG. 3 quired for the various portions of the casing are se
FOREIGN PATENTS OR APPLICATIONS lected having the parameters of that type of turbine
and these parts are interfitted and interconnected to
700,859 12/1953 United Kingdom............ 415/DIG. 3 form the casing.
534,382 3/1941 United Kingdom............. 4151219 R
1,167,542 1 1/1958 France........................... 415/DIG. 3 4 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures
2 4 5 6, 1921 23 25 27 29 31
8 10121, so a?sa?sisi
U.S. Patent Oct. 28, 1975 Sheet 1 of 3 3,914,842

1 3 5. 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 (1
2 4 6 8 10 T12 14 16 1820 22 24, 26 28 30 32 34 36 .38 40

DT / C
U.S. Patent Oct. 28, 1975 Sheet 2 of 3 3,914,842
U.S. Patent Oct. 28, 1975 Sheet 3 of 3 3,914,842

2. RS &

25 S 3.
3,914,842 2
STEAM TURBINE ASSEMBLY PROCESS the appropriate parts for the portions required for any
particular type of turbine and combining them with the
other parts required for this type, a turbine casing in
Fluid-powered turbines, such as steam turbines, are volving little or no compromise may be produced at the
designed as different types adapted for the service for 5 least possible expense considering the savings obtained
which they are to be put, and consequently even for a from quantity production methods.
relatively restricted range of external cross-sectional In other words, for each portion of the turbine casing,
dimensions, their other design parameters vary widely. a plurality of parts are made with the previously de
For example, when using live steam the steam pressures scribed parameters of each differing from each other as
may range between 2 and 140 bar, the steam input tem 10
required for the parts to make the corresponding por
peratures may range between 200 and 540°C., the ex tion of different types of turbines, to form an inven
haust pressures may vary between 0.05 and 70 bar, and tory of parts for that portion, and with each part of this
turbine rotor speeds may vary between 3,000 to 25,000 inventory represented by a stock of parts having design
rpm and develop power ranging from 1 to 50 MW. Ac
ademically, custom-made turbines are the best solution 15 parameters the same, and by other stocks of parts hav
to providing the maximum efficiency at the lowest cost ing differing parameters as required to meet the ex
to meet such widely varying conditions, but to do so re pected requirements for different types of turbines, a
quires the making of a turbine casing of differing di turbine or turbine casing manufacturer may select from
mensions, contour and internal construction in each the stocks of parts those required to form a turbine cas
instance. Such casings are steel castings requiring in 20 ing of a particular type such as may be indicated.
each instance extensive pattern shop and foundry shop The parts may be interfitting in the sense that, for as
work, making this concept extremely expensive. sembly, for any given inlet or front portion of the de
Therefore, the development of so-called “standard sired turbine casing, the portion which is to be joined
turbines' was initiated. In this case the entire turbine with it as the next or intermediate or succeeding por
casing with all of its various necessary portions are 25 tion has a standardized contour, the next portion being
standardized so that only the internal parts, such as the interfitted and connected with this intermediate or suc
rotor with its blades and the stator blades mounted by ceeding portion and so on until the exhaust portion of
the casing, have to be adaped to meet the differing op the turbine is selected and applied to complete what
erating conditions to which the differing types of tur 30 might be called a stack of parts. The interconnections
bine design are directed. This permits the casting of of the parts selected may be by flanges which are bolted
only one design of casing and effectively reduces the together, or welding, and in some cases two or more of
pattern and foundry costs. However, this means that the portions required may be produced as integral units
the casing design must be a compromise with the design or single castings.
of the inlet and exhaust portions and all of the portions 35 For example, in the case of a back-pressure turbine
inbetween the same regardless of the type of turbine to it may be advantageous to have the intermediate por
be constructed by using the casing.
tion and the exhaust portion cast as one piece which
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION will subsequently be connected, by welding or bolted
The object of the present invention is to provide a flanges, to the inlet portion. In a condensation turbine,
method for manufacturing turbine casings which avoids 40 several intermediate portions may be cast together as
the expense of custom-designed turbine casings while a single unit and connected to the inlet portion as weld
providing much if not all of their advantages, but at the ing or the like. In this case the exhaust portion may be
same time avoiding the inflexibility of the so-called cast as a separate unit and connected to the balance of
"standard turbine' casings. 45
the construction through bolted flange connections.
This object is attained by the present invention The portions between the inlet and exhaust portions
through a method for making fluid turbine casings hav may comprise cylindrical intermediate portions and
ing lengthwise extending functionally differing portions transition portions having differing front, and back, or
such as the inlet and exhaust portions, and the interme inlet and outlet diameters. These portions may have
diate portions therebetween which may include por 50 mounting webs for the guide blade carriers.
tions encasing either single or multiple turbine stages
and which may be encased by casing portions of either BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
the same or successively increasing diameters. Keeping In the accompanying drawings preferred embodi
in mind that these portions have differing parameters ments of the present invention are schematically illus
of length and cross-sectional contour and size, in at 55 trated as follows:
least one or more instances, which differ for different FIG. 1 is an overall flow diagram showing the manner
types of turbines, by this invention these portions are in which the various turbine portions are made and
made in the form of separate interfitting parts. These combined;
parts are cast separately and may be stocked by the tur FIG. 2 is a longitudinal section showing an example
bine manufacturer in the form of an inventory. The 60
parts for each portion are made with differing parame of the manner in which the portions are combined in
ters as required for differing types of turbines. Each the case of a back-pressure type of turbine;
part, of course, requires pattern shop and foundry ex FIG. 3 is a corresponding view showing the manner
pense but once this expense is incurred, an inventory in which the portions are combined to produce a casing
of parts is provided for each of the turbine portions re 65 for a condensation type turbine; and
quired by a variety of turbine types. Therefore, a large FIG. 4 in the same way shows the manner in which
manufacture of turbines, or of turbine casings, may the portions are combined to produce the casing for a
have a variety of parts which interfit so that by selecting back-pressure type turbine.
3 4
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED 2 is used, the lengthening portion 80 and the portion 64
EMBODIMENTS completing the combination from the type shown by
FIG. 2 to the type shown by FIG. 3. The portion 80 and
FIG. 1 illustrates the various standardized casing por the portion 73 respectively provide mounting webs
tions comprising two front or inlet portions 50 and 51, 121, 122 and 123 for the necessary guide blade carriers
seven exhaust portions 60 to 66, and eleven intermedi required for the type of turbine shown by this FIG. 3.
ate portions in the form of lengthening sections 80 to Although the various portions have been described as
85 which have fronts and backs of the same diameter, being manufactured as separate parts, it is advanta
and diameter transition sections 70 to 74, each having geous in some instances to combine what may be called
a back diameter the same as the front diameter of the O separate portions into one part. For example, in FIG.
next to provide a casing of expanding diameter. The 3 the two portions 80 and 73 shown as being interfitted
portion 50 is shown as a low pressure inlet portion and welded together, may advantageously be cast as a
while the portion 51 is illustrated as a high pressure single part with the portion 80 joined to the front or
inlet portion, and with the other portions illustrated, inlet portion 50 by welding and with the back end of
permit making forty-one different turbine housings, for 15 larger diameter of the transition portion 73 simply
forty-one different types of turbines, which can be bolted to the condensation exhaust portion which is 64
manufactured by selection of the appropriate portions in FIG. 3 via the surface 102. It is to be noted that the
illustrated and fitting them together and interconnect portion 80, whether or not the portions 80 and 83 are
ing them as required for the type of turbine desired and cast together as an integral piece, may be fitted to the
as shown by this FIG. flow diagram. 20 portion 50 shown by FIG. 2 as well as FIG. 3.
It is to be understood that each of the portions, of In FIG. 4 a back pressure turbine is shown with its
which there are only twenty in all, by appropriate selec necessary casing. This is particularly interesting since
tion and combination, permit the production of these it shows the possibilities of the variations permitted by
41 different turbine casings as required for 41 different this new turbine casing making method.
types of turbines. 25 In this FIG. 4 the casing is assembled from the por
In other words, with this invention, the need for run tions which in FIG. 1 are connected by the “-...-' line.
ning forty-one different casing designs through the pat In this case the high pressure front or inlet portion 51
tern-making shop and the foundry shop have been re is used together with the intermediate lengthening por
placed by the need for only twenty designs to go tion 70, the transition portion 71, the intermediate
through these departments. Furthermore, with the tur 30 lengthening portion 8 and the back pressure exhaust
bine manufacturer having an inventory of parts as to portion 61. This produces a turbine of the type 11 as
each portion involving the different parts, the parts illustrated in FIG. 1. In this case a turbine casing is pro
may be produced by methods approaching or equaling duced consisting of five different portions joined to
mass production methods. gether at the various locations indicated at 100, 103,
To exemplify the manner in which the turbine casings 35
104 and 105. In this case it is possible and may be ad
are made, reference may be had first to FIG. 2 where visable for the intermediate portion 70 to be cast to
the turbine consists only of the front or inlet portion 50, gether with the front or inlet portion 51 as a single cast
selected from the inventory of front or inlet portions 50 ing, and the intermediate portion 71 and 81 may be
and 51, and the exhaust portion 60 appropriately se 40
cast together as a single unit together with the exhaust
lected from the inventory of exhaust portions 60 portion 61, so that these two cast parts meet together
through 66, so that a turbine casing suitable for a tur and as units may be welded at the line 103.
bine of Type 1 results, this Type 1 being indicated in As a general principle, it must be a design consider
FIG. 1 where the uniformly broken line leads from 50 ation, depending on the type of turbine the turbine
through 60 to the numeral 1 representing this Type 1. 45
manufacturer produces, as to which of the portions or
To make the casing the two casing portions 50 and parts are cast together and which of the portions are
60 which interfit are positioned together and welded separately cast and welded together.
together along the junction line shown by a broken line In addition to the advantages of mass production of
at 100. In FIG. 2 there are also shown the turbine rotor the various parts which form the various portions as
shaft seals 110, 111 and 112 and also the nozzle hous 50 separate units, there is the advantage that one or more
ing block 113 as well as the guide blade carriers 114 of these portions may be made of different metals with
and 115 held in a mounting web 120 in the front por respect to the other parts. In the single casting of the
tion 50 and, a further mounting web 121, for the same prior art the casing must always be made throughout of
purpose, in the exhaust portion 60. the same metal and this must be the metal required for
In FIG. 3 the casing required for a condensation type 55 the most highly stressed part of the casing. However,
turbine is shown. Here the same front or inlet portion with the present invention less expensive materials may
50 of the casing is again used, but an intermediate be used where lower stresses are anticipated, leaving
lengthening portion 80 is inserted to provide an inter the more highly stressed portions to be made of more
mediate turbine stage and a condensation exhaust expensive materials.
steam portion 64 is used so that a casing for a turbine 60 The transition portion 71 and 72 and possibly others
type 26 results. The selecting of the parts for this as may be standardized as to length and diameter sizes in
sembly is shown in FIG. 1 by the “--' line. By use of such a manner that they include guide blade carriers of
the lengthening portion 80, a greater number of rows one turbine type and as to the same turbine type, a tur
of turbine blades is made possible and by the transition bine of the next larger size. Secondly, the front or inlet
portion 73 also included, the larger diameter of the 65 portion of one turbine type may be connected with the
condensation exhaust steam portion 64 is accommo exhaust portion of a next larger tubine model of the
dated. It can be seen that by the use of the transition same type to produce a new turbine size. The rotative
portion 73 the front or inlet portion 50 shown by FIG. orientation of the exhaust portion may be varied as re
5 6
quired to bring the exhaust line conduits out at various may be included wherein the front of the portion fits
rotative angles. the back of the preceding portion, with the back of this
In general, it can be seen from the foregoing that the portion being enlarged to fit a succeeding portion of
present invention contemplates a method for making larger diameter such as is shown in the case of parts 71
fluid turbine casings having length-wise extending dif and 73 in FIGS. 4 and 3 of the drawings.
fering portions with parameters of length and cross We claim:
sectional contour and size of one or more of these dif 1. A turbine housing for use with steam which is com
fering portions for different types of turbines. prised of a plurality of axially adjoining sections, said
If the casings for the different types of turbines, in sections including an inlet section, an exhaust section
cluding different sizes of one type, are to be made from 10 and at least one intermediate and transition section, the
a single casting as has heretofore been customary, a improvement wherein said housing is formed based on
great amount of expensive pattern shop and foundry the basic turbine design required as reflected by the
work is required and it is practically impossible for a input and output performance requirements and tur
turbine manufacturer to have the advantages of an in bine speed by selecting said inlet section, said exhaust
ventory of parts. 15 section and at least one intermediate and transition sec
However, according to the present invention, the var tion from corresponding groupings of each, said group
ious portions of the turbine casing are made in the form ings of each having a plurality of pieces varying one
of separate interfitting parts which for each portion
comprise an inventory of parts, or groups of parts, with from the other in at least one of the parameters of
the parts of each group having the parameters de 20 length, cross-sectional contour, cross-sectional size at
scribed differing from those of each other as required input and/or output of each section and material of
for the parts of each group to form the corresponding construction and mechanically joining said inlet sec
portion of different types of turbines. With this inven tion, said intermediate section, and transition section
and said outlet section together to thereby form said
tory the manufacturer may select from the parts those housing.
required for the corresponding portions of the casing of 25
the particular type of turbine which must be manufac 2. The housing of claim 1 wherein at least two of said
tured. The parts are made so that they interfit and the adjoining sections are cast as one piece before assem
manufacturer simply interfits and interconnects the se bly to the remaining ones of said sections.
lected parts to form the casing desired. 3. The housing of claim 2 where the sections cast as
These parts include as many as is necessary of the 30 one piece consist of said intermediate sections and said
front or inlet portions of the turbine casing, corre exhaust section.
spondingly as to the exhaust or outlet portions of the 4. The housing of claim 2 where the sections cast as
casings, and this being equally true as to the intermedi one piece include at least two of said intermediate sec
ate portions of the two kinds. These intermediate por tions and where said cast intermediate sections are
tions include the lengthening or spacing portions which 35 welded to said inlet section and bolted to said outlet
are typically cylindrical in contour as, for example, section.
those shown at 80 in the drawings. Transition portions ck k ck sk ck







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