Carrot Is One of The Important Root Vegetables Rich in Bioactive Compounds Like Carotenoids and Dietary Fibers With Appreciable Levels of Several Other Functional Components Having Significant Health

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Carrot is one of the important root vegetables rich in bioactive compounds like carotenoids and dietary

fibers with appreciable levels of several other functional components having significant health-
promoting properties. The consumption of carrot and its products is increasing steadily due to its
recognition as an important source of natural antioxidants having anticancer activity. Apart from carrot
roots being traditionally used in salad and preparation of curries in India, these could commercially be
converted into nutritionally rich processed products like juice, concentrate, dried powder, canned,
preserve, candy, pickle, and gazrailla. Carrot pomace containing about 50% of β-carotene could
profitably be utilized for the supplementation of products like cake, bread, biscuits and preparation of
several types of functional products. The present review highlights the nutritional composition, health
promoting phytonutrients, functional properties, products development and by-products utilization of
carrot and carrot pomace along with their potential application.

Keywords: Carrot, Carotenoids, Dietary fiber, Antioxidants, Pomace, Functional products

Carrot (Daucus carota L) is one of the popular root vegetables grown throughout the world and is the
most important source of dietary carotenoids in Western countries including the United States of
America (Block 1994; Torronen et al. 1996). China is the major carrot producing country in the world
(FAO 2008). The area under carrot in India is 22,538 ha with an annual production of 4.14 lakh tons
(Thamburaj and Singh 2005) with Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and
Haryana being the major producing States. In recent years, the consumption of carrot and its products
have increased steadily due to their recognition as an important source of natural antioxidants besides,
anticancer activity of β-carotene being a precursor of vitamin A (Dreosti 1993; Speizer et al. 1999).

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Chemical composition

The moisture content of carrot varies from 86 to 89% (Anon 1952; Howard et al. 1962; Gill and Kataria
1974; Gopalan et al. 1991). Carrots are a good source of carbohydrates and minerals like Ca, p, Fe and
Mg. Gopalan et al. (1991) have reported the chemical constituents of carrot as moisture (86%), protein
(0.9%), fat (0.2%), carbohydrate (10.6%), crude fiber (1.2%), total ash (1.1%), Ca (80 mg/100 g), Fe (2.2
mg/100 g) and p (53 mg/100 g) whereas, the values reported by Holland et al. (1991) for most of these
parameters are different i.e. moisture (88.8%), protein (0.7%), fat (0.5%), carbohydrate (6%), total
sugars (5.6%), crude fiber (2.4%), Ca (34 mg/100 g), Fe (0.4 mg/100 g), p (25 mg/100 g), Na (40 mg/100
g), K (240 mg/100 g), Mg (9 mg/100 g), Cu (0.02 mg/100 g), Zn (0.2 mg/100 g), carotenes (5.33 mg/100
g), thiamine (0.04 mg/100 g), riboflavin (0.02 mg/100 g), niacin (0.2 mg/100 g), vitamin C (4 mg/100 g)
and energy value (126 kJ/100 g). The edible portion of carrots contains about 10% carbohydrates having
soluble carbohydrates ranging from 6.6 to 7.7 g/100 g and protein from 0.8 to 1.1 g/100 g in 4 carrot
cultivars (Howard et al. 1962). Kaur et al. (1976) have reported 1.67–3.35% reducing sugars, 1.02–1.18%
non-reducing sugars and 2.71–4.53% total sugars in 6 cultivars of carrot. Simon and Lindsay (1983)
reported that reducing sugars accounted for 6–32% of free sugars in 4 hybrid varieties of carrot. The
free sugars identified are sucrose, glucose, xylose and fructose (Kalra et al. 1987). The crude fiber in
carrot roots consist of 71.7, 13.0 and 15.2% cellulose, hemicllulose and lignin, respectively (Kochar and
Sharma 1992). The cellulose content in 4 carrot varieties varied from 35 to 48% (Robertson et al. 1979).
The average nitrate and nitrite content in fresh carrot have been 40 and 0.41 mg/100 g, respectively
(Bose and Som 1986; Miedzobrodzka et al. 1992). The taste of carrots is mainly due to the presence of
glutamic acid and the buffering action of free amino acids. Trace amounts of succinic acid, α-ketoglutaric
acid, lactic acid and glycolic acid have also been reported (Kalra et al. 1987). Caffeic acid is the
predominant phenolic acid in carrots. Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid and vitamin C are present in
appreciable amounts in carrot roots (Howard et al. 1962; Bose and Som 1986). The anthocyanins
content in roots may vary from trace amounts in pink cultivars to 1,750 mg/kg in black carrots (Mazza
and Minizte 1993). The major anthocyanins have been identified as cyanidin 3- (2-xylosylgalactoside),
cyanidin 3-xylosylglucosylgalactoside and cyanidin 3-ferulylxyloglucosyl galactoside (Harborne 1976).

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Plant components, primarily secondary metabolites that have health promoting properties are called
phytonutrients. The importance of antioxidant constituents in the maintenance of health and protection
from coronary heart disease and cancer is raising considerable interest among scientists, food
manufacturers and consumers as the trend of the future is moving toward functional food with specific
health effects (Velioglu et al. 1998; Kahkonen et al. 1999; Robards et al. 1999). In vitro studies indicated
phytonutrients such as carotenoids and phenolics may play a significant role, in addition to vitamin in
protecting biological systems from the effects of oxidative stress (Kalt 2005). Carrot is a significant
source of phytonutrients including phenolics (Babic et al. 1993), polyacetylenes (Hansen et al. 2003;
Kidmose et al. 2004) and carotenoids (Block 1994). Carrot is rich in β-carotene, ascorbic acid and
tocopherol and is classified as vitaminized food (Hashimoto and Nagayama 2004). Due to appreciable
level of variety of different compounds present, carrots are considered as a functional food with
significant health promoting properties (Hager and Howard 2006).


The importance of carotenoids in food goes beyond as natural pigments and biological functions and
actions have increasingly been attributed to these pigments. Carotenoids are present intracellularly and
their actions involve in the regulation of gene expression or effect cell functions like inhibition of
monocyte adhesion and platelet activation (Rock 1997). These biological effects are independent of the
pro-vitamin A activity and have been attributed to the antioxidant property of carotenoids, through
deactivation of free radicals and singlet oxygen quenching (Krinsky 1989; Palozza and Krinsky 1992). In
general, carotenoids in foods are classified into carotenes and xanthophylls, which give attractive red or
yellow colour and contribute to food quality. Structurally, the carotenoids may be acyclic or contain a
ring of 5 or 6 carbons at one or both ends of the molecule (Carle and Schiber 2001).

Carotenoids are important micronutrients for human health (Castermiller and West 1998). The total
carotenoids content in the edible portion of carrot roots range from 6,000 to 54,800 μg/100 g (Simon
and Wolff 1987). The main physiological function of carotenoids is as precursor of vitamin A (Nocolle et
al. 2003). In the past decade carotenoids such as β-carotene have attracted considerable attention
because of their possible protective effect against some types of cancers (Bast et al. 1996; Santo et al.
1996; Van 1996). In human system, the physiological activity of α- and β-carotene has been 50 and 100%
of the pro-vitamin A activity, respectively (Panalaks and Murray 1970; Simpson 1983) and one molecule
of β-carotene (Fig. 1) yields two molecules of retinol in human system. Carotenoids (Fig. 2) have been
linked with the enhancement of immune system and decreased risk of degenerative diseases such as
cancer, cardiovascular disease, age related mascular degeneration and cataract formation (Mathews-
Roth 1985; Bendich and Olson 1989; Bendich 1990; Krinsky 1990; Byers and Perry 1992; Bendich 1994;
Krinsky 1994; Faulks and Southon 2001). Carotenoids have been identified as a potential inhibitor of
Alzheimer’s disease (Zaman et al. 1992)

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