TPGP Siewert

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Professional Growth Plan

Name: Sarah Siewert PS III 2018/19

Goal 1: - Focus on differentiation for students who are struggling in my grade
one math classes, and grade two reading class. The grade ones are
currently learning how to add; however, many students have yet to
learn their numbers. For reading, there are several students who are
below grade level. They will need addition one on one support.

Strategies Indicators and Measures of Achievement

- I will be holding one-on-one conferences - Students are engaged in class discussion
with each of my students, so they are able and content.
to show me what they know. Instead of - Class performance on tests and
completing a written worksheet, they can assignments is either meeting grade level
show me what they know by using expectations or exceeding grade level
manipulatives or spoken word. expectations.
- I will scaffold my lessons using the I do, - Student morale is high, and they are
we do, you do model. This will make my showing the ability to complete
lessons more accessible for struggling assignments
students. The grade one students will also - My reading students are excelling at a
be given time to practice approaches lower, but more approachable reading level,
through math games. as we work to bring them up to grade level.
- For students who are unable to complete
written assignments, I will prepare alternate
assignments to encourage students to use
their individual strengths in demonstrating
Time Line Resources
January 2019 – April 2019 (ongoing) - Teacher mentor and colleagues: provide
information about students in class.
- University of Lethbridge Curriculum Lab:
many different resources for differentiation
both in the lab and on the website.
- Fellow PS III students: other students
teaching classes may have different
approaches to specific concepts.
Creating Engaging Learning Activities
Goal 2: - Something that I struggle with is classroom management, but I believe
this is because I sometimes struggle with coming up with engaging
learning activities for my students.

Strategies Indicators and Measures of Achievement

- Trial and error: Testing out learning - Students are engaged and eager to take
activities to see what works best for each ownership of their learning
group of students - Students need few reminders to stay on
- Have students work in small groups, task because they are engaged with the
partners, and individually to see what activity
works best for them -The classroom reflects a positive learning
- Let students explore the content instead of environment
lecturing to them
Time Line Resources
January 2019 – April 2019 (ongoing) - Teacher mentor and colleagues: provide
information about students in class.
- University of Lethbridge Curriculum Lab:
many different resources for engaging
learning activities.
- Fellow PS III students: other students
teaching classes may have different
approaches to specific concepts.

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