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Based on lectures of Judge Amy Rose Rellin perform his role in the same manner that a lawyer expects

a judge to do his part.

————————————————————————————— The New Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine
JUDICIAL ETHICS Judiciary Bangalore Draft— Universal
Declaration for Ethical Conduct of

————————————————————————————— AM No. 03-05-01, June 1, 2004 Judges

Round Table Conference of Chief
Justices held at the Hague
Dennis Funa- Legal and Judicial Ethics Book (reviewer) It adopts the Universal Declaration for Ethical Conduct of
Judges embodied in the Bangalore Draft as revised at the
Why study judicial ethics? Round Table Conference of Chief Justices held at the
- judge and the lawyers are partners. When you become Hague on Nov 25-26, 2002. The Philippine Supreme Court
lawyers, no matter how diligent you are, if the judicial was represented by then CJ Davide and Senior Associate
system is corrupt or if the judge is corrupt, there is still Justice Puno. Then, the SC deemed it imperative to
no justice. Without lawyers, judges cannot do their jobs. promulgate a new code of Judicial CONduct to signify its
- It is your right as lawyers to demand nothing less from adherence to the Bangalore draft. So, we are adhering to
judges. the universal conduct of justices and judges.

Ethics The new code does not repeal the old code.
- good vs bad/ right or wrong
- We consider something is right or good when it Why come up with the new code?
conforms with what he/she ought to do - old law is still good law. In fact, most of the provisions of
- Presupposes a standard the old code were just carried over and additions were
just placed
Legal Ethics - We are adhering to this Universal Declaration to signify
- science treating of what an attorney ought to do in our assent
relation to the court, to the client and to the public
The 1989 Code of Judicial Conduct
Branch Ethics “An honorable, competent and independent judiciary exists
- Branch of moral science which treats of the right and to administer justice and thus promote unity of the country,
proper conduct to be observed by judges in the stability of the government ad the well-being of the
administering justice; a legal and moral mechanism that people. ”
keeps and maintains the trust and confidence of the
people in the judicial system In the New Code of Judicial Conduct
- Continued existence of the court depends on the trust of - it updates and correlates the Code of Judicial Conduct
the public upon the judicial system and the Canons of Judicial Ethics
- It stresses the Philippines’ solidarity with the universal
Is there a need to maintain the people’s trust in the clamour for a universal code of judicial ethics
justice system?
Yes. otherwise, people will not go to court anymore. They Preamble:
will resort to extra-legal means to settle their disputes. The 1. Competent, independent and impartial judiciary is
continued existence of the justice system depends on the essential if the courts are to fulfill their role in upholding
public’s trust in the court. constitutionalism and the rule of law
2. Public confidence in the judicial system and in the moral
Importance to lawyers authority and integrity of the judiciary is of utmost
The administration of justice is a joint responsibility of the importance in a modern democratic society and;
judge and the lawyer as the judge expects a lawyer to

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Sec. 1, Canon 1 speaks of INDIVIDUAL judicial independence.

Judges should decide the case based on facts and the

applicable law therein, and should do so in a manner free
3. It is essential that judges, individually and collectively, from BOTH external and internal influence.

respect and honor judicial office as a public trust and strive This is individual judicial independence. How should a
to enhance and maintain confidence in the judicial system judge decide a case? Based on facts and law and not on
other extraneous variables. The influence isn’t really limited
7 Cardinal Values incorporated in 6 canons to external factors.
1.Independence 3 (III)- PECD There are 2 possible sources of influence, external (from
2.Integrity politicians, family members, friends) and internal (such as
3.Impartiality pre-conceived notions and biases such as having tattoos).
5.Equality A judge should be able to protect himself from those
6.Competence influence.
Ex. Judge dismissed criminal case on vague grounds upon
A Code of Ethics does not necessarily translate to ethical his receipt of death threats, that is improper.
Without a code of ethics, anarchy will result. The job of a Ramirez v Corpuz-Mancadog (AM No. R-351-RTJ, Sept 26,
judge always has its trying times such as when the judge 1986)
will have to consistently ask himself whether it is ethical or A judge acted improperly when she rendered rulings based
legal. With the Code, judges will have a standard of on directives from a government official. The judge in her
behavior. As such, it will preserve the judicial system. defense, said that it being a revolutionary government, she
succumbed to the pressure of the high-ranking official. Is
Canon 1. INDEPENDENCE that a proper reason?
————————————————————————————— - NO. SC denounced the act as a patent betrayal of public
Judicial Independence is a pre-requisite to the rule of law trust and revelation of weak moral character. This is an
and a fundamental guarantee of a fair trial. A judge shall example where the judge was found to NOT be
therefore uphold and exemplify judicial independence in independent from other branches of the government.
both its individual and institutional aspects. Institutional independence

————————————————————————————— Libarios v Dabalos, AM No. RTJ-89-286, July 11, 1991

Individual and institutional independence must concur. Judge granted bail without hearing because there was an
overwhelming public support for the accused when there
Institutional judicial independence was a rally held outside the court of the judge
- it focuses on the independence of the judiciary as a - there was unjustified haste in such actions. A judge is
branch of government and protects judges as a class. expected to endeavour to diligently ascertain the facts
For instance, the judiciary must be independent from the and applicable law unswayed by partisan or personal
other 2 branches of the government. interest. diligently ascertain the facts and applicable law.

Individual Judicial Independence Sec 2. In performing judicial duties, judges shall be
- focuses on each particular judge and seeks to insure his independent from judicial colleagues in respect of decision
or her ability to decide cases with autonomy. which the judge is obliged to make independently.
————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————
Sec. 1. Judges shall exercise the judicial function Regardless of good relations, camaraderie, and
independently on the basis of their assessment of facts and compañerismo among judges, they shall not be influenced
conscientious understanding of the law, free from any by their fellow judges insofar as decisions they have to
extraneous influence, inducement, pressure, threat or make independently
interference, direct or indirect, from any quarter of for any
Sec. 2: Decide the case free from external influence from his/her colleagues in the Bench

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Is this applicable to collegiate courts? If you do not allow yourself to be influenced by your inner
(courts which decide in division such as CA, CTA, SC, circle, there is less probability of them influence-peddling.
Sandiganbayan, SC)
 Judges were advised to drop lawyer friends in social
Yes. There should still be individual independence from networking websites (although nothing wrong with such
judicial colleagues. That is why there are separate opinions. friendship per se, it gives the impression that the lawyer
friend might be in a position to influence the judge)
Sec 3. Judges shall refrain from influencing in any manner Judges should brace themselves, knowing that by their
the outcome of litigation or dispute pending before another assumption to judicial office, people close to them might in
court or administrative agency. the future, seek to use the judicial office to their own
————————————————————————————— advantage.
Sec 2 says do not be influenced while Sec 3 says do not
Sec. 3: Counterpart of Sec.2 which requires judges to refrain from
influence. influencing their fellow members of the Bench (and other admin Definition of Family under the New Code
agencies and tribunals) in deciding a case.
Those related by blood or marriage within the 6th civil
The prohibition is not limited to court proceedings but also degree, as well as persons who are companions or
to other administrative agencies and tribunals. So judges employees of the judge who live in the judge’s household.
should never try to affect the outcome of a case.
- This broad definition is an acknowledgment of SC of
In the bar, the judge wrote to NLRC Commissioner to tell filipino tradition that we tend to have very extended
them that his wife’s allegations are not true in relation to a families. Although not related but very close, we
case where the wife of the judge was a party. Judge’s consider them family. And as such, they might be
defense was that he had a noble intention which was to deemed to have an influence on judges.
a) relatives by affinity or consanguinity within the 6TH CIVIL DEGREE
promote the truth. Is that proper?
- No. That is a form of affecting the outcome of litigation —————————————————————————————
and influencing the NLRC Commissioner in their decision- Sec 5. Judges shall not only be free from inappropriate
making. connections with, and influence by, the executive and
legislative branches of the government, but must also
OCA v Judge Floro AM No. RTJ-99-1460, March 31, 2006 appear to be free therefrom to a reasonable observer.
The judge entered his appearance in a court case (new section) Institutional independence
representing himself but signing the pleading wherein he —————————————————————————————
indicated that he is the Presiding Judge of RTC Branch 73 Because appearance is just as important as the value itself,
Malabon City and appending to the pleading a copy of his appearance is already actionable.
oath with a picture of his oath-taking;
- it was improper Ex. Judge using service vehicle of the LGU
————————————————————————————— Considering that appointments, promotions and
Sec 4. Judges shall not allow families, social or other movements of judges are subject to executive approval,
relationships to influence judicial conduct or judgment. The and that the organization, budget and resources of the
prestige of the judicial office shall not be used or lent to judiciary are matters that require legislative grace —judges
advance the private interests of other, nor convey or permit should still uphold their duty to render justice freely
others to convey the impression that they are in a special without any obligation to reciprocate whatever beneficence
position to influence the judge. that might have been bestowed on them by the two other
————————————————————————————— branches.
There really is that danger that for all we know, some
people are already peddling influence. Intentionally or The code does not prohibit connections but only
unintentionally, judges might allow their judicial office to be inappropriate connections
abused by others for whatever ends.

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Allowances from LGUs? Does it not create an Canon 2. INTEGRITY
imbalance? —————————————————————————————
Practice is allowed. Although there is a lot of criticism Integrity is essential not only to proper discharge of the
about this practice, SC also acknowledges the fact that if judicial office but also to the personal demeanor of judges.
SC depends on the budget solely, it really isn’t enough —————————————————————————————
because there are many judges all over the country and
you also have to consider the risks that judges have to face Duty to Disclose to the JBC and Appointing Authority
every now and then. Anyway, we have this section. “you - Applicant must disclose all disciplinary, criminal and civil
should be free from inappropriate connections with the cases pending
Case: Judge who makes it a point to invite Sanggunian Sec 1. Judges shall ensure that not only is their conduct
members to his chambers for a quick chat above reproach, but that it is perceived to be so in the view
- Not proper. It gives the appearance of favoritism. of a reasonable observer.
Case: Judge referred the matter of transfer of court Judges have been disciplined for lack of good moral
employees to the Vice-Mayor. character, both in their public and private capacities.
- Not proper. The transfer of judicial employees is a
prerogative of the SC. It was improper for the judge to Not limited to actions relating to public office but also
invite the interference of the vice-mayor on the matter actions relating to their personal lives.
- accepting bribes; going to cockpits, casinos, racetracks
————————————————————————————— to bet on horses; fraternizing with litigants and their
Sec. 6. Judges shall be independent in relation to society in lawyers; delay in rendering decisions; ignorance of the
general and in relation to particular parties to a dispute law
which he or she has to adjudicate.
————————————————————————————— Ignorance of the law
- It is a mark of incompetence; and where the law
————————————————————————————— involved is elementary, ignorance thereof is considered
SEC. 7. Judges shall encourage and uphold safeguards for an indicia of lack of integrity
the discharge of judicial duties in order to maintain and
enhance the institutional and operational independence of The judge is either too incompetent and undeserving of the
the judiciary. title he holds, or he is too vicious that the oversight was
————————————————————————————— deliberately done resulting to travesty of justice.

————————————————————————————— Case: Judge imprisoned a party in a civil case. Can that

Sec 8. Judges shall exhibit and promote high standards of happen?
conduct in order to reinforce public confidence in the - NO. That’s ignorance of the law as that is very basic.
judiciary which is fundamental to the maintenance of That is not only incompetence but also lack of integrity.
judicial independence.
————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————
Sec 2. The behavior and conduct of judges must reaffirm
Tan v Rosete he people’s faith in the integrity of the judiciary. Justice
The judge sent a member of his staff to talk to the must not merely be done but must also appear to be done.
complainant and show copies of his draft decisions. —————————————————————————————
- The Court ruled that such act violates the standard of
judicial conduct. It constitutes gross misconduct.

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Justice must not merely be done, but must also appear to be done.

Judges must not only render just, correct and impartial So if the judge becomes aware of unethical actions of a
decision, but must do so in a manner free of any suspicion lawyer or by a court staff, the judge should not hesitate in
as to their fairness, impartiality and integrity. initiating investigation and disciplinary measures. In the
same way, lawyers can always file cases against the judges
It is important that you have an impartial decision but the who they believe have violated an ethical rule.
process of getting there must also appear to be impartial
and fair, otherwise, public perception will still be tainted. 
 The vigilance of the judge should go beyond themselves,

 but also their staff, subordinates and lawyers who are
Example: Judge is all smiles to plaintiff and his lawyer as officers of the court.
opposed to defendant whom he usually frowns upon. Upon
rendering the decision, it was actually fair but can you stop
the defendant from thinking otherwise? CANON 3. IMPARTIALITY
Not only a good judge but must also appear to be a good Impartiality is essential to the proper discharge of the
person judicial office. It applies not only to the decision itself but
also to the process by which the decision is made.
Upon his assumption to office, a judge ceases to be an —————————————————————————————
ordinary mortal. He becomes the visible representation of - Impartial, fair, cold neutrality of a judge. A judge should
the law and more importantly, of justice. He must be the not only render a just, correct and fair decision but should
embodiment of competence, integrity and independence. also do so in a manner as to be free from any suspicion.

A magistrate of the law must comport himself in such Extrajudicial Source Rule (ESR)
manner that his conduct, official or otherwise, can bear the To sustain a claim of bias or prejudice, the resulting opinion
most searching scrutiny of the public that looks up to him of the court must be used upon an extrajudicial source,
as the epitome of integrity and justice. that is, some influence other than facts and law presented
in the courtroom.
1.Judge forcibly kissed court employees if you want to charge a judge with bias or prejudice, you
2.Habitually gambling and frequenting casinos and cockpits should discharge with this rule and prove that the decision
(it creates the appearance that he is a gambler and it was based on an extrajudicial source.
makes people create untoward speculations)
3.Punching a fellow judge in the face after a disagreement —————————————————————————————
over the use of an office table Sec. 1. Judges shall perform their judicial duties without
4.Sexual intercourse with a 15-year old minor favor, bias or prejudice.
In a bar, a judge was seen in a casino who was only
accompanying his wife. He did nothing there. State Prosecutors v Muro
- still liable because there is only the appearance of What is required is objectivity. An independent judiciary
impropriety. does not mean that the judiciary can resolve specific
disputes entirely as they please. There are limits as to a
————————————————————————————— judge’s adjudication. They cannot innovate at pleasure. A
Sec. 3. Judges should take or initiate appropriate judge is not a night-errand roaming at will in pursuit of his
disciplinary measures against lawyers or court personnel own ideal or goodness.
for unprofessional conduct of which the judge may have
become aware.

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————————————————————————————— If there is conflict of interest:
Sec 2. Judges shall ensure that his or her conduct, both in - resign from position in any private enterprise within 30
and out of court, maintains and enhances the confidence of days from assumption to office or divest from
the public, the legal profession and litigants in the shareholdings or interest within 60 days from assumption
impartiality of the judge and of the judiciary. to office
Javier v De Guzman
Examples: The judge lends money at unconscionable interests and
Having lunch with a litigant; betting on race horses; files suits for collection at the place where he is a judge, to
standing as sponsor in a litigant’s son’s wedding; using the enable him to take advantage of his position.
car of a litigant as service vehicle; accepting gifts from - REPRIMANDED.
litigants; undue interference in the direct and cross-
examination of witnesses. (Judges can ask questions but —————————————————————————————
limited to clarificatory questions. Otherwise, it would give Sec 4. Judges shall not knowingly, while a proceeding is
appearance of favoring the other.) before, or could come before, them make any comment
that might reasonable be expected to affect the outcome of
Lachica v Flordeliza such proceeding or impair the manifest fairness of the
A judge’s inebriated demeanor and incoherent behavior process. Nor shall judges make an comment in public or
during festivities is reprehensible. A judge who yields to the otherwise that might affect the fair trial of any person or
strength of the “spirits” and acts an an uninhibited issue.
drunkard in public place demeans his judicial office, strips —————————————————————————————
himself of his dignity as a man and disrobes the court of
the respect of the people it serves. Trial by publicity: there must be allegation and proof that
the court has been unduly influenced by the barrage of
————————————————————————————— publicity
Sec 3. Judges shall, so far, as is reasonable, so conduct
themselves as to minimize the occasions on which It will be Castillo v Juan
necessary for them to be disqualified from hearing or In every litigation, the manner and attitude of the judge
deciding cases. are crucial to everyone concerned. He should, in the
————————————————————————————— performance of his functions, avoid side remarks, hasty
conclusions, loose statements or gratuitous utterances that
MCTC judge who was also a real estate broker. He deals could form the basis for erroneous impression in the mind
with properties in his jurisdiction. Over time there were of those who hear them and who may conclude that he is
cases involving sales transactions where he was the broker. prejudging the case or the issues that come before him.
- Judges should regulate their business, social and
other extra-judicial activities to avoid possible Can a judge encourage mediation?
disqualification from hearing cases. Yes.

Dioniso v Escano But lets say in encouraging it, the judge says “Plaintiff,
A judge should abstain from making personal investments settle nalang kay murag ikaw may sad-an. Ako pa nimo,
in enterprises which are apt to be involved in litigation in accept the offer of defendant. Possible baya di ka mu daog
his court; and after accession to the bench, he should not maypa dawaton nimo.”
retain such investments previously made, longer than a - it then becomes improper.
period sufficient to enable him to dispose of them
without serious loss.

RA 6713, Sec 9

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Sec 5. Judges shall disqualify themselves from participating Examples:
in any proceedings in which they are unable to decide the utang na loob, counsel is also the judge’s counsel in a
matter impartially or in which it may appear to a separate case, analogous instances
reasonable observer that they are unable to decide the
matter impartially. Such proceedings include, but are not
limited to, instances where: NOT grounds for voluntary inhibition:
- counsel for a party has filed an administrative case
A. The judge has actual bias or prejudice concerning a against the judge, mere friendship, counsel is a
party or personal knowledge of disputed classmate of the judge
evidentiary facts concerning the proceedings; Mere suspicion of partiality is NOT enough, it must be proven by
hard evidence or at the very least, the bias and partiality must be
B. The judge previously served as a lawyer or was a Basic Rules: manifest

material witness in the matter in controversy; Mere suspicion of partiality is not enough. There should be
C. The judge, or a member of his or her family, has an hard evidence to prove it, as well as manifest showing of
economic interest; bias and partiality. except that where it can be gleaned, through the
collective acts of the judge, he has lost the cold neutrality
D. The judge served as executor, administrator, of an impartial magistrate.
guardian, trustee or lawyer in the case or matter in Issuance of erroneous decision that pertain to the judge’s
controversy, or a former associate of the judge judicial functions may not be proper consideration to
served as counsel during their association, or the charge a judge of bias, except where the orders taken, not
judge or lawyer was a material witness therein; singly but collectively, show that the judge has lost the cold
E. The judge’s ruling in a lower court is the subject of neutrality of an impartial magistrate.
review; Judge appointed to CA and reviews he decided while in the RTC
F. The judge is related by consanguinity or affinity to General Rule: Voluntary inhibition cannot be compelled
a party litigant within the sixth civil degree or to by mandamus
counsel within the fourth civil degree; or
G. The judge knows that his or her spouse or child has Exception: while, ordinarily, mandamus will not prosper to
a financial interest, as heir, legatee, creditor, compel a discretionary act, the writ shall issue in instances
fiduciary, or otherwise, in the subject matter in of:
controversy or in a party to the proceeding, or any • grave abuse of discretion,
other interest that could be substantially affected • manifest injustice or palpable excess of authority,
by the outcome of the proceedings. equivalent to denial of a settled right to which
————————————————————————————— petitioner is entitled; and
• when there is no other plain, speedy and adequate
Sec 1, Rule 137, ROC remedy.


A judge may, in the exercise of his sound discretion, This court has recognized that a judge’s decision to
disqualify himself from sitting in a case, for just or valid refuse to act on account of some disqualification is not
reasons other than those mentioned above. conclusive, and his competency may be determined on
an application for mandamus to compel him to act.
Voluntary inhibition
- strictly a matter of conscience if he can be fair in the Pagoda Phils Inc v Universal Canning
case or if it is possible that a party will have a The judge’s right, however, must be weighed against their
reasonable basis to doubt his fairness duty to decide cases without fear of repression. Verily, the
- Whether a losing party could entertain a reasonable second par of sec 1 of rule 137 does not give judges the
belief that the judge was partial to the prevailing unfettered discretion to decide whether to desist from
party. It is not whether the judge was actually partial hearing a case. The inhibition must be for just and valid
or not causes. The mere imputation of bias or partiality is not
2nd Par of Sec. 1, Rule 137 does not give the judges the
unfettered discretion to deicde wthere to desist from hearing a
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The inhibition must be for a just and valid cause

Mere imputation of bias or partiality is not to sustain an inhibition by a judge,
especially when the charge is without basis

enough ground for them to inhibit, especially when the 

charge is without basis. Sec 6 is the exception where despite a cause of mandatory
disqualification, a judge may still continue to hear and
Barnes v Reyes decide the case.
Aside from bare allegations, petitioner has not shown that Exception where judge can hear the
case despite mandatory DQ
Judge had been biased and partial against a particular Remittal of Disqualification:
activity in the proceedings • parties and their lawyers agree independently of the
judge’s participation
Only on the account of dispelling any doubt and perception • Reason for inhibition is immaterial or unsubstantial
of bias on the part of petitioner. Clearly, therefore, no just • Agreement reduced to writing, signed by all parties and
and valid reason supports the inhibition of the Judge. lawyers, entered upon the records of the case
Absent any extrinsic evidence of malice and bad faith, to
conclude that the judge was biased and partial. CANON 4. PROPRIETY
Martinez v Gironella Propriety and the appearance of propriety are essential to
In a judgment acquitting the accused as an accessory to a the performance of all the activities of a judge.
murder case, the respondent judge expressed his —————————————————————————————
conclusion that it was petitioner, Y, the principal accused,
who committed the offense. He was led to do so, as he —————————————————————————————
pointed out, in view of evidence presented at the former SEC. 1. Judges shall avoid impropriety and the appearance
trial where petitioner, who had not been apprehended at of impropriety in all of their activities.
the time, was unable to confront the witnesses or to —————————————————————————————
submit evidence in his behalf. In the trial of petitioner, the Judges must appear to be proper boys the appearance of
judge entertains no doubt that he could decide the case impropriety is already actionable.
fairly, uninfluenced by his previous explicit declaration
attributing offense to him. Later on, Y was apprehended. X There are photos of a judge and his subordinate coming
wanted to compel the judge to inhibit from the case. out of the hotel. The judge contended that the pictures do
not prove anything. The Court said that you do not have to
Where respondent judge in acquitting an accused, stated prove that because actual impropriety is not necessary,
that the crime was committed by petitioner who was then appearance of impropriety is already actionable.
at large, and subsequently petitioner was apprehended and Actual impropriety is immaterial; appearance of impropriety is actionable

tried before said respondent, it was held that respondent’s The judge heard a motion while on vacation, he conducted
previous statement rendered it impossible for him to be the hearing in his room and he is just wearing a jacket;
free from suspicion, that, in deciding petitioner’s case, he the judge privately met a litigant in a resort; the judge
will be biased and prejudiced. Under such circumstances, conducted office and hearings in his residence; the judge
prohibition is available. held the hand of his interpreter and kiss by her lips; judge
————————————————————————————— had a picture posted in Friendster wearing an off shoulder
Sec. 6. A judge disqualified as stated above may, instead of suggestive dress – IMPROPER
withdrawing from the proceeding, disclose on the records —————————————————————————————
the basis of disqualification. If, based on such disclosure, SEC. 2. As a subject of constant public scrutiny, judges
the parties and lawyers independently of the judge’s must accept personal restrictions that might be viewed as
participation, all agree in writing that the reason for the burdensome by the ordinary citizen and should do so freely
inhibition is immaterial or unsubstantial, the judge may and willingly. In particular, judges shall conduct themselves
then participate in the proceeding. The agreement, signed in a way that is consistent with the dignity of the judicial
by all parties and lawyers, shall be incorporated in the office.
record of the proceedings. —————————————————————————————

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So there are restrictions that judges must voluntarily business for the most part of his time and it will now be in
embrace because their conduct must always be in keeping conflict with his judicial functions.
with the dignity of their office. There are many restrictions
because they are the visible representation of the law. Fiduciary Activities
a judge MAY serve as executor, administrator, trustee,
Use of foul language; being drunk in a party; a judge who guardian or other fiduciary only for the estate, trust or
confronted her former boyfriend and the latter’s female person of a member of the immediate family. (Spouse
companion in a restaurant. and relatives within the 2nd civil degree of consanguinity)
only if such service do not interfere with the proper
A judge is permitted to have extrajudicial activities but of performance of judicial duties.
course, judicial functions should prevail over judicial
activities. These may be vocational, civic and charitable Ex. Judge named as executor of his spouse’s estate which
activities where a judge can write, lecture, teach, consists of properties all over the world and the judge has
speak on non-legal subjects. Must not conflict or degrade to travel and he already exhausted all his leave credits.
judicial functions. This is not allowed as it already conflicts with his judicial
All these must be in keeping with the dignity of judicial
functions. Practice of Law and other profession
– No private practice of law (absolutely prohibited);
A judge being an actress or singer - other profession, they can unless prohibited by the
– it will conflict with the judicial functions as she may use Constitution or law provided that it will not conflict with his
her time memorizing her script judicial function.

A judge being an acrobat performer or a model in a nude Engage in notarization of documents connected with the
painting exercise of their official functions
- Must not conflict or degrade judicial functions. Not allowed except in far flung municipalities where there
are no notaries public or no lawyers, an MTC Judge can
The judge can engage in art and other recreational perform any act within the competent of a regular notary
activities. They can be an officer, director, trustee or non- public as long as notarial fees shall be for the government
legal adviser of non-profit, non-political, education, and turned over to the municipal treasurer and there is a
religious, charitable, fraternal, civic organizations. certification made to the notarized document attesting to
the lack of lawyer or notary public.
Financial Activities
– allowed to enter into a business but he must refrain from Non-judicial appointment
business dealings that will affect partiality or interfere with Judges cannot accept any appointment or designation to
the performance of judicial functions or increase any agency performing quasi-judicial or administrative
involvement with persons that will likely come to court function. But other appointments are allowed such as a
President of the Home Owners Association, Chairman of
Ex. Surety Bonding Company is not allowed as it increases the Sinulog Committee or judge in a beauty pageant.
involvement with lawyers or persons that will likely come to
court. Judges should not make political speeches, contribute to
partisans, publicly endorse candidates or political office, or
A judge should not serve as officer, director, manager, participate in other partisan political activities. Judges can
adviser, or employee of any business. only vote or opt not to vote. That is their only political
- So if the organization is for profit then it cannot be, right. Of course, they can entertain their own opinion but
except as a director of family business. He cannot be a cannot make political speeches.
manager in the family business because he has to be in the

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Ex. The judge’s brother served as watcher because his Ex. in his order, the judge wrote respondent is a self-
brother ran for Mayor. He filed for a leave of absence on ordained public violent with a contaminated mind and
the day of the election. assuming a profession of a crocodile. Judge claims freedom
- Proper? This is not proper as it is engaging in partisan of expression.
political activities. - SC said that it must be regulated in a way that it is
keeping to the dignity of the legal profession and in
————————————————————————————— keeping of impartiality of the judicial office. It already
SEC. 3. Judges shall, in their personal relations with paints a picture regarding the opinion of the judge
individual members of the legal profession who practice towards the respondent and it may give the appearance
regularly in their court, avoid situations which might of partiality.
reasonably give rise to the suspicion or appearance of
favoritism or partiality. So judges should maintain objectivity at all times and in
————————————————————————————— exercising their freedom of expression, it must always be in
So the judge should make sure that his action does not keeping of the judicial office.
give rise to suspicion of any impartiality.
Judges picketing before the SC for increase of their salary.
Ex. the judge who had coffee with councilors who They cannot do that for it is not in keeping with the dignity
appeared before his sala; asking for aircons and tables of judicial office.
from lawyers
————————————————————————————— SEC. 7. Judges shall inform themselves about their personal
SEC. 4. Judges shall not participate in the determination of fiduciary and financial interests and shall make reasonable
a case in which any member of their family represents a efforts to be informed about the financial interests of
litigant or is associated in any manner with the case. members of their family.
————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————

————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————
SEC. 5. Judges shall not allow the use of their residence by SEC. 8. Judges shall not use or lend the prestige of the
a member of the legal profession to receive clients of the judicial office to advance their private interests, or those of
latter or of other members of the legal profession. a member of their family or of anyone else, nor shall they
————————————————————————————— convey or permit others to convey the impression that
What if the lawyer is the son of the judge and the client anyone is in a special position improperly to influence them
goes to the house? in the performance of judicial duties.
- Sec.5 is very clear, judges shall not allow the use of —————————————————————————————
Shall not use or lend the prestige of the judicial
their residence by ANY member… office for the advancement of their personal interest
The judge filed a case for estafa in his own sala, so in his
————————————————————————————— own case he is the private offended party and he issued a
SEC. 6. Judges, like any other citizen, are entitled to warrant of arrest
freedom of expression, belief, association and assembly, - taking advantage of the judicial office to advance his
but in exercising such rights, they shall always conduct own private interest.
themselves in such a manner as to preserve the dignity of
the judicial office and the impartiality and independence of The judge posted advertisement for restaurant personnel in
the judiciary. his court room and does his interview in his office
————————————————————————————— - SC said that it is impropriety for promotion of business
activities moreover, the ones who will be able to read the
advertisements are the lawyers and litigants, and so he

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is increasing the possibility of involvement of litigants, —————————————————————————————
lawyers and other persons who are likely to come to SEC. 13. Judges and members of their families shall neither
court. ask for, nor accept, any gift, bequest, loan or favor in
relation to anything done or to be done or omitted to be
————————————————————————————— done by him or her in connection with the performance of
SEC. 9. Confidential information acquired by judges in their judicial duties.
judicial capacity shall not be used or disclosed for any other —————————————————————————————
purpose related to their judicial duties.
————————————————————————————— Very similar to the provisions on Direct bribery, Indirect
bribery, and in special laws, under RA 3019 or The Anti-
Release or leaking of draft decisions prior to the official Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. As well as in RA 6713
promulgation of the court. where there is both criminal and administrative component
- Somebody commanded by the judge has already leaked of the liability. All those are in addition to the
the decision. So this is not allowed. administrative liability also.

You invited a judge to be a speaker.

————————————————————————————— What could be an allowable gift? Token of appreciation,
SEC. 10. Subject to the proper performance of judicial mug, whine. So those are appropriate to the occasion in
duties, judges may
 which it was given. So you always have to view it under the
(a) Write, lecture, teach and participate in activities circumstances.
concerning the law, the legal system, the administration of
justice or related matters;
 The judge accepted the free use of a car. And avail for free
(b) Appear at a public hearing before an official body battery recharging services of the shop of a litigant who
concerned with matters relating to the law, the legal has a pending case before him. - IMPROPER
system, the administration of justice or related matters;

(c) Engage in other activities if such activities do not —————————————————————————————
detract from the dignity of the judicial office or otherwise SEC. 14. Judges shall not knowingly permit court staff or
interfere with the performance of judicial duties. others subject to their influence, direction or authority, to
————————————————————————————— ask for, or accept, any gift, bequest, loan or favor in
relation to anything done or to be done or omitted to be
done in connection with their duties or functions.
————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————
SEC. 11. Judges shall not practice law whilst the holder of
judicial office.
————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————
SEC. 15. Subject to law and to any legal requirements of
————————————————————————————— public disclosure, judges may receive a token gift, award or
SEC. 12. Judges may form or join associations of judges or benefit as appropriate to the occasion on which it is made,
participate in other organizations representing the interests provided that such gift, award or benefit might not
of judges. reasonably be perceived as intended to influence the judge
————————————————————————————— in the performance of judicial duties or otherwise give rise
to an appearance of partiality.
Judges, under Sec. 12, have the freedom of association. Of —————————————————————————————
Award, gift or token appropriate to the occasion to which it was made.
course they can always form or join association of judges.

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————————————————————————————— But if there is relevant ground, for a different treatment,
Ensuring equality of treatment to all before the courts is then again we know that it is allowed.
essential to the due performance of the judicial office.
————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————
Canon 5 is on equality. But take note that t the very first SEC. 3. Judges shall carry out judicial duties with
section, it talks about differences. What does this mean? appropriate consideration for all persons, such as the
Equality but there are differences. parties, witnesses, lawyers, court staff and judicial
colleagues, without differentiation on any irrelevant
ground, immaterial to the proper performance of such
————————————————————————————— duties.
SECTION 1. Judges shall be aware of, and understand, —————————————————————————————
diversity in society and differences arising from various So treat everyone fairly again unless if there is cause.
sources, including but not limited to race, color, sex,
religion, national origin, caste, disability, age, marital Different treatment for child witnesses. Is it allowed?
status, sexual orientation, social and economic status and - Yes. If there is a ground for different treatment then
other like causes. there could be different treatment.
General rule is that we have to treat everyone and Are judges allowed to treat new lawyers differently?
everything equally. Except if there is a valid cause for Let’s have canon 10 of the Old Code.
different treatment. You cannot be just always so naive and Judges should be courteous to counsel especially to those
say na equal ra gyud tanan. But what if there is a cause to who are young and inexperienced. A judge should be
differentiate? patient, attentive, and courteous especially to the new and
- There is no prohibition against differentiation. What is inexperienced.
prohibited is differentiation on improper or irrelevant
grounds No prohibition on differentiation; what is prohibited is —————————————————————————————
differentiation of improper or irrelevant grounds.
SEC. 4. Judges shall not knowingly permit court staff or
Can we compel everyone to attend the flag raising and others subject to his or her influence, direction or control to
lowering ceremonies. differentiate between persons concerned, in a matter
- NO. Which religion are we talking about? Jehova’s before the judge, on any irrelevant ground.
Witnesses. They may not participate in flag raising and —————————————————————————————
lowering ceremony because it is against their religion
If the judge cannot differentiate on irrelevant grounds, the
Yrasuegui v PAL same is true for his subordinates. And for lawyers also.
Obesity according to him is a disability and so he is
terminated on account of such disability. Was his
termination valid? —————————————————————————————
- Yes, because as the main function of the flight attendant SEC. 5. Judges shall require lawyers in proceedings before
is flight safety. So flight safety is crucial in the airline the court to refrain from manifesting, by words or conduct,
business. Cabin attendants must maintain agility at all bias or prejudice based on irrelevant grounds, except such
times to inspire passenger confidence as are legally relevant to an issue in proceedings and may
be the subject of legitimate advocacy.
————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————
SEC. 2. Judges shall not, in the performance of judicial The provisions in Canon 5 are all new provisions. You
duties, by words or conduct, manifest bias or prejudice cannot see these provisions in the old code.
towards any person or group on irrelevant grounds.

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CANON 6. COMPETENCE AND DILIGENCE Can judges be compelled to attend MCLE?
————————————————————————————— NO. Under Bar Matter 850, judges are exempted from
Competence and diligence are prerequisites to the due MCLE. But Phil Judicial Academy has their own version and
performance of judicial office. it is compulsory to attend those seminars because it will be
————————————————————————————— a travesty of justice if a judge is not updated with law and
SEC. 1. The judicial duties of a judge take precedence over In deciding cases, it is the judge’s duty to follow the
all other activities. doctrines and rulings of the SC. Any deviation may have
————————————————————————————— detrimental consequences beyond the immediate
We have discussed that judges can be allowed to have controversy.
vocational, charitable and financial activities. But judges
are reminded that judicial functions should take precedence What if your opinion is very different from that of
over others. the SC in a case?
Let’s say, your personal sentiments are very different from
————————————————————————————— law and jurisprudence like if you are a judge in a family
SEC. 2. Judges shall devote their professional activity to court where annulment cases are lodged but in your
judicial duties, which include not only the performance of religion, you believe you cannot breakup marriages. What if
judicial functions and responsibilities in court and the there is really a ground to declare it null and void?
making of decisions, but also other tasks relevant to the - judge cannot deviate from law and jurisprudence. If he
judicial office or the court’s operations. feels that a law or doctrine enunciated is against his way
————————————————————————————— of reasoning or conscience, he can state his personal
A judge does not only have adjudicative functions. Sec 2 opinion. BUT at the end of the day, he should still decide
also says that judges should also perform other tasks the car Reina accordance with the law and doctrine and
relevant to the judicial office or the court’s operations. The not with his personal views.
judge is an adjudicator and also an administrator or the
manager of his court room. Personal beliefs and convictions should not be allowed to
prevail over settled jurisprudence.
Judge cannot just blame the clerk because it was the clerk
who lost the case files. Judges have been disciplined for Judge rendered decision pursuant to directives of elves and
such instances because it is the administrative function of dwarves. He admitted that he decided in such a way
the judge to have a proper record-keeping and efficient because a dwarf told him to do so. He also had healings
manner of storing and keeping evidence and to be able to sessions in his court room and that he sometimes wrote his
supervise and control the staff in a. Way that the court’s decisions while in a trance. Some days of the week, he
operations will not be hampered. would change the colour of his robes to charge his psychic.
- D I S M I S S E D ; S C s a i d t h a t p a ra n o r m a l a n d
————————————————————————————— supernatural beliefs have no place in decision-making.
SEC. 3. Judges shall take reasonable steps to maintain and A judge should limit the decision on facts and law and
enhance their knowledge, skills and personal qualities not on other extraneous factors.
necessary for the proper performance of judicial duties,
taking advantage for this purpose of the training and other Ignorance of the law
facilities which should be made available, under judicial You cross-refer this to related RPC provisions like the felony
control, to judges. of knowingly rendering unjust judgment, judgment
————————————————————————————— rendered through negligence, unjust interlocutory order
and malicious delay in the administration of justice.
Like lawyers, judges must be updated with jurisprudence.

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If the elements of these felonies are present, judge is not
only administratively liable but also criminally liable. Is it okay if the judge encourages amicable
Doctrine of Judicial Immunity Yes, under the rules, it is even required that first, you go to
- if just mere error, the judge cannot be held liable court-annexed mediation, if not, judicial dispute resolution.
because there is no perfect judge. To be liable, error Even if JDR fails, judges can always tell parties that at any
must be accompanied by gross ignorance of the law, bad time during the case, if you settle, just tell the court and
faith, dishonesty, hatred or some other like motive such file appropriate motion manifesting the terms.
as corruption.

Under Constitution,
What is the proper recourse if the judge committed SC must decide within 24 months.
an error in his decision? Lower collegiate courts, 12 months, and
- Under ROC, file Motion for Reconsideration; if Other lower courts, 3 months from the time the case is
interlocutory, file for certiorari. submitted for decision.

————————————————————————————— If for some valid reason, judge cannot decide within such
SEC. 4. Judges shall keep themselves informed about period, he can ask for an extension to resolve it.
relevant developments of international law, including
international conventions and other instruments In relation to a judge’s certificate
establishing human rights norms. Judges do not have DTRs, rather, they have the certificate
————————————————————————————— of justice. There, the judge will certify that he worked for
the entire month except the weekends or holidays or
When we say judges should be updated with law and approved leaves, that certificate is a pre-prerequisite to
jurisprudence, it includes updates in international law receiving salary. There is also a provision there that he has
including international conventions and other instruments no pending cases that are beyond the constitutional time-
establishing human rights norms. frame.

Why should the judge be updated with international If found that judge did not tell the truth, the SC has, in
conventions? several cases, ruled that such judge has transgressed the
- Under the constitution, we have declared that GAPIL are right of the people to a speedy disposition of cases. Judges
part of the law of the land. have been disciplined for this.

————————————————————————————— Good faith, lack of malicious intent do not completely

SEC. 5. Judges shall perform all judicial duties, including free a judge from liability.
the delivery of reserved decisions, efficiently, fairly and with
reasonable promptness. Excuses for delay that are not given credence:
————————————————————————————— - clogged dockets, delay in transcription of stenographic
notes, inefficiency and mismanagement of court
Justice delayed is justice denied personnel
There should be reasonable promptness in the - While these are not perfect excuses, they can
performance of judicial duties. That is why we have probably mitigate but cannot absolve
continuous trial guidelines and Speedy Trial Act because we
believe that justice should be swift. Character of decisions must express clearly the facts and
laws on which they are based in order to show full
We are reminded to explore pre-trial and discovery understanding of the case. It would also avoid suspicion
procedures, as well as alternative dispute resolution that you have biases and since it promotes confidence in
modes. the judge’s intellectual integrity.

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————————————————————————————— constitute betrayal of public trust and.or culpable violation
Sec 6. Judges shall maintain order and decorum in all of the constitution.
proceedings before the court and be patient, dignified and
courteous in relation to litigants, witnesses, lawyers and —————————————————————————————
others with whom the judge deals in an official capacity. SERIOUS CHARGES:
Judges shall require similar conduct of legal (Sec. 8, Rule 140, ROC, as amended by AM No. 01-8-10)
representatives, court staff and others subject to their —————————————————————————————
influence, direction or control.
————————————————————————————— 1. Bribery, direct or indirect;
- A judge caught in an entrapment receiving bribe
If the judge can see that his/her sheriff is too aggressive or money was dismissed
too much of a war-freak, then its the job of the judge to
tell him to restrain himself. 2. Dishonesty and violations of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Practices Law (R.A. No. 3019);
In maintaining order in the court, judge should not resort - false testimony by a judge in a judicial proceedings,
to violence means. false statement in his application to the judiciary that
- Wielding a gun in court to demand order, compelling he had no pending cases, judge concealed that he
witness to swallow chewing gum was previously dismissed as an assistant city fiscal

————————————————————————————— 3. Gross misconduct constituting violations of the Code

Sec. 7. Judges shall not engage in conduct incompatible of Judicial Conduct;
with the diligent discharge of judicial duties. - must be serious, weighty, momentous, and not trifling
————————————————————————————— - Must have reliable evidence showing that the judicial
acts complained of were corrupt or inspired by an
Judges held hearings only on Mondays to Wednesdays. Is intention to violate the law or were in persistent
that proper? disregard of well-known legal rules

- NO. SC says it is incompatible with diligence. 

What if misconduct is just simple? Can it be a ground
————————————————————————————— for administrative liability? 

ADMINISTRATIVE LIABILITY OF JUDGES - Still a ground but NOT a serious charge.


Such as misappropriation of cash bail bond, decision
Under Constitution, SC justices may be removed via was not personally prepare by the judge, immorality,
impeachment. voyeurism, having a Jeep in custodia legis repainted
and used for his personal benefit

What about the latest? The quo warranto? 

- Their reasoning was that there was no chief justice to Gross inefficiency such as unfamiliarity with
begin with as she did not qualify for such position in the procedure, lost case records and exhibits
first place. That case is sui generis; only applicable to
her and has no value as a precedent. 4. Knowingly rendering an unjust judgment or order as
determined by a competent court in an appropriate
Corona’s case proceeding;
He was impeached based on betrayal of public trust - there must be prior final finding or determination by
particularly for failure to disclose his SALN. the appellate court that indeed the judge has
He had a SALN but there were mis-declarations as he committed the proscribed act in an appeal from the
lacked assets and other liabilities. According to senate, judgment or special civil action challenging the order
being an impeachment court, it was already enough to

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- without such final finding by the appellate court, it is 4. Violation of Supreme Court rules, directives, and
premature to file an administrative complaint against circulars;
the judge
5. Receiving additional or double compensation unless
5. Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude; specifically authorized by law;
- shows that the judge is unfit or has no good moral
character 6. Untruthful statements in the certificate of service;

6. Willful failure to pay a just debt; 7. Simple Misconduct

7. Borrowing money or property from lawyers and —————————————————————————————

litigants in a case pending before the court; LIGHT CHARGES
(Sec 10, Rule 140, as amd)
8. Immorality; —————————————————————————————

9. Gross ignorance of the law or procedure; 1. Vulgar and unbecoming conduct;

- such as issuing a warrant of arrest in a civil case; 2. Gambling in public;
(repeated) misapplication of Indeterminate Sentence Law, 3. Fraternizing with lawyers and litigants with pending
can be granting bail for non-bailable offense; looking for case/cases in his court; and
proof of malice but not male in se as it was just mama 4. Undue delay in the submission of monthly reports.
prohibita; fixing a ridiculous amount of bail in a
murder case Why bother with the classification of charges?
5.because the penalties differ under Section 11 of Rule
10. Partisan political activities; and 140.

11. Alcoholism and/or vicious habits. —————————————————————————————

————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————
(Sec 9, Rule 140, as amd by A.M. No. 01-8-10) Serious Charges
————————————————————————————— A. Dismissal from the service, forfeiture of all or part of
the benefits as the Court may determine, and
1. Undue delay in rendering a decision or order, or in disqualification from reinstatement or appointment to
transmitting the records of a case; any public office, including government-owned or
controlled corporations. Provided, however, that the
2. Frequently and unjustified absences without leave or forfeiture of benefits shall in no case include accrued
habitual tardiness; leave credits;
B. Suspension from office without salary and other
3. Unauthorized practice of law; benefits for more than three (3) but not exceeding six
- is there authorized practice of law? YES. MCTC judges (6) months;
in places wher ethere are no lawyers can even act as C. A fine of more than P20,000.00 but not exceeding
notary public but there has to be a certification that P40,000.00
there is no lawyer in that place
- Judge notarised the contract as he felt bad for the
parties because the only lawyer in the municipality
charged a very high fee. Correct? NO.

HannahBlancs- EH501 Page 16 of 20

Less Serious Charges Yes. Effect is automatic removal from the bench. But that is
A. Suspension from office without salary and other only true for those who are not SC justices as they are only
benefits for not less than one (1) nor more than removable by impeachment. Otherwise, it would be an
three (3) months; or indirect violation. Liability of judge in capacity as BOTH a
judge and a lawyer is determined one
B. A fine of more than P10,000.00 but not exceeding proceeding, provided that a ground
relied upon is one which may be violated
P20,000.00. What is automatic conversion? by both a judge a lawyer.
This is to avoid duplication in the efforts. There are
Light Charges offenses committed by judges which can also be committed
by lawyers. An example is immorality.
A. A fine of not less than P1,000.00 but not exceeding
P10,000.00 and/or When we are talking about offences that are applicable
B. Censure; against a judge as a judge and as a lawyer, automatic
C. Reprimand; conversion comes in. You just have one proceeding and in
D. Admonition with warning such, the liability of the judge as a judge and as a lawyer
will already be determined.
Administrative proceedings against judges are
confidential. But why do we see it in SCRA? For due process considerations, the judge is notified
- what is confidential are the proceedings but not the accordingly that he must file his answer or comment
decisions as these are published. Proceedings are against such administrative complaint as a judge and the
confidential in order to protect the judge as there are administrative complaint against him as a lawyer.
cases where judges are just victims of harassment or
oppression from a disgruntled litigant. The judgments in both respects may be incorporated in
one decision or resolution.
Quantum of proof
- Substantial evidence Criminal liability of judges
Review RPC
Who has burden of proof? (Felonies peculiar only to judges)
- Complainant
Civil liability
Res ipsa loquitur Review CC.
- the court may impose its authority upon erring judges
whose actuations not heir face would show —————————————————————————————
incompetence, ignorance of the law or gross DISABILITIES OF JUDGES
misconduct. —————————————————————————————
- AM Circular, all judges are reminded that SC has
appleid such rule even without formal investigation 1. Judges cannot acquire properties or rights pending
whenever a decision on its face shows incompetence, litigation before them.
ignorance of the law or gross misconduct.
- What about donations to judges by reason of office?
Can you critic such rule on ground of due process? Void. This extends to the spouse, descendants and
Can you imagine SC making a decision that its own SC ascendants.
Circular violates due process clause? No such thing. So this
circular is not applied na lang. It’s just that there is no law - Administrative case against a judge but complaint
nullifying this so it is still a good law withdrew the charge, what is the effect?
No effect. To condition administrative actions upon
Can judges be disbarred while they are judges? the will of the complaint who may, for one reason
or another, condone a detestable act into strip the

HannahBlancs- EH501 Page 17 of 20

SC of its supervisory powers to discipline erring - old age, failing health, fact that it is the first offense,
members of the judiciary. long and exemplary service, acknowledgment of fault,
- If upon desistance of complainant, you have no more
evidence? —————————————————————————————
dismiss the case on ground of insufficiency of CASES
evidence. —————————————————————————————
Gross ignorance of the law or procedure
- If complainant dies? If accused is SG 28 and offense is in relation to public
If there are other complainants or other evidences, office, Sandiganbayan supposedly has jurisdiction but MTC
the case goes on. If not, dismiss on insufficiency of denied motion to quash insisting on presiding over the
evidence. case.

- What is the effect of a judge’s resignation on a pending Gross ignorance on excessive bail
administrative case? The crime charged is reckless imprudence resulting in
NO effect. In a case where a retired judge leaked homicide. The judge ordered that the bus be impounded
the decision of the SC, SC said that the case is not with the directive that it be release only upon posting of
moot and academic and that even if the most 50,000 cash bond. Also increased cash bond from 60,000
severe administrative sanctions may no longer be to 350,000 to be posted in cash. Is this correct?
imposed, there are other penalties that may be excessive bail bond is incorrect.
imposed if found guilty. Such as forfeiture of
retirement benefits. Plus fine of 500,000. Gross ignorance on arrest of counsel
Judge issues arrest warrant against lawyer of accused for
- Why was there an administrative case against an SC failure to attend promulgation of judgment and directed
justice? that such lawyer remain in jail until judgment is
Because he was already retired. So, he can no promulgated
longer be impeached. Hence, administrative case.

- What is the effect on a pending administrative case of a Judge failed to require presence of accused during
judge who died? promulgation of judgment
No effect, maybe we can still forfeit benefits such
as death benefits. However, there are exceptions. Instances where presence accused is not required?
• Judgment is for a light offense in such case, the
General rule: counsel of accused or representative may stand for him
- Case is not rendered moot by death • In cases where despite due notice to accuse and
bondsman or counse, accused failed to appear
1.when the respondent has not been heard and In this case, none of the exceptions exist. Hence, judge
continuation of proceedings would deny him his right of erred in not requiring the presence of accused.
due process.
2.Humanitarian considerations Judge gave improper penalties
3.When kind of penalty imposable would render the Judge cited complainant for direct contempt and issued
proceedings useless (such as reprimand) warrant of arrest recommending no bail. Private
complainant stayed in detention for 14 days. further,
Mitigating circumstances counsel was cited in direct contempt and assessed fine of

HannahBlancs- EH501 Page 18 of 20

- Under Rule 71, for contempt, maximum is 10 days. Signing a pleading in his personal case. Despite the fact
The order did notably fail to specify the period, the that he had a lawyer, he indicated in his pleading that he
complainant was detained beyond the maximum was a presiding judge in certain branch and appended a
period allowed. Further, maximum amount for fine is copy of his oath and photo of is oath-taking.
2000 but here, judge ordered 3000. - SC said the only logical explanations that he was trying
to influence a fellow judge by emphasising he was a
What is the remedy of a person cited in contempt? judge.
- certiorari and/or prohibition and post a bond in an
amount fixed by the court conditioned that he will abide Openly criticising the rules of court and the philippine
by and perform the judgment should the petition be justice system and for using intemperate language during
decided against him. This was denied the complainant court proceedings.
when in the arrest warrant, he was not entitled to bail. - after everything, he was fined 40,000 pesos
considering that he was new in the job and
considering that there was no allegation or proof that
Gross inefficiency he acted with malice or bad motive.
Additional court assignments or designations do not make
him less liable for delay. —————————————————————————————
Simple misconduct —————————————————————————————
- judge circulated calling card bearing his name as
presiding judge of Branch 73 of Malabon, that he was a bar Who can remove judges?
exams topnotcher with full 2nd honours from ADMU and in • SC en banc
every session, he wants to be introduced in a certain if penalty to be imposed is dismissal or if
manner and a reading of the holy bible. Judge should not suspension go 1 year or more or a fine exceeding
seek publicity for personal vainglory. 10,000.
• SC in division.
Gross ignorance If suspension is less than a year or fine not
Same judge, he ordered the release of accused on exceeding 10, 000
recognizance without presence of prosecutor thus,
depriving the latter of any opportunity to oppose the Can IBP investigate judges?
release. He ordered the release without first requiring NO. unlike in administrative cases against lawyers where
probation officer to render a case study and investigation iBP can investigate and submit a report to SC, there is no
report. The order granting the release was not reduced into such power over judges. The only power it has is if there is
writing insisting that orders made in open court need not an administrative complaint against a judge filed with IBP,
be reduced in writing. the only jurisdiction of IBP is to endorse the complaint to
- Not proper because courts are courts of record. It SC and not to act on it in any other manner.
must be on something that we can read.
Unbecoming conduct LEGAL ETHICS
He relayed to the members of the audit team in criminal —————————————————————————————
cases that he is pro-accused, particularly concerning Material: Code of professional responsibility
detention prisoners and bonded accused who have to
continually pay the premiums of their bonds. 4-fold duty of a lawyer?
- what is wrong? Because there is the appearance of - Public
bias. - Legal profession
- Court
- Client
HannahBlancs- EH501 Page 19 of 20
Sources of Legal Ethics that it stays asa profession and not a mere money-making
Constitution trade.
Code of Professional Responsibility Importance of legal ethics
Jurisprudence Observance of ethics would ensure your continued
Laws existence as a member of the bar. It ensures the
continuance and perpetuation of your legal career and as
9 Duties of a Lawyer an institution, it ensures the continued existence of the
Sec 20, rule 138, ROC
 legal profession because the public would continue to trust
lawyers. otherwise, the legal profession would die a natural
1. To maintain allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines death.
and to support the Constitution and obey the laws of
the Philippines; Just because there is a code of ethics, it does not
2. To observe and maintain the respect due to the courts automatically translate to ethical conduct by lawyers.
of justice and judicial officers;
3. To counsel or maintain such actions or proceedings only
as appear to him to be just, and such defenses only as
he believes to be honestly debatable under the law;
4. To employ, for the purpose of maintaining the causes
confided to him, such means only as are consistent
with truth and honor, and never seek to mislead the
judge or any judicial officer by an artifice or false
statement of fact or law;
5. To maintain inviolate the confidence, and at every peril
to himself, to preserve the secrets of his client, and to
accept no compensation in connection with his client’s
business except from him or with his knowledge and
6. To abstain from all offensive personality and to advance
no fact prejudicial to the honor or reputation of a party
or witness, unless required by the justice of the cause
with which he is charged;
7. Not to encourage either the commencement or the
continuance of an action or proceeding, or delay any
man’s cause, from any corrupt motive or interest;
8. Never to reject, for any consideration personal to
himself, the cause of the defenseless or oppressed;
9. In the defense of a person accused of crime, by all fair
and honorable means, regardless of his personal
opinion as to the guilt of the accused, to present every
defense that the law permits, to the end that no person
may be deprived of life or liberty, but by due process of

Legal ethics, like judicial ethics, imposes a lot of obligations

and restrictions. hence, its very limiting. But the limits set
are for the purpose of uplifting the profession and ensuring

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