Steve Nison - Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques PDF

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Candles Exhaust Themselves to Give Light to Men
"  "
Contemporary Guide to the Ancient
In vestm
st ment
en t Techniques
Techniques of the
th e Far East


London Toronto Sydney Tokyo Singapore
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Nison, Steve.
Japanese candlestick charting techniques : a contemporary guide to
the ancient
ancie nt investment
invest ment techn ique of the Far East Steve Nison.
Nison .
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical
bibliographical references
references an d index.
ISBN 0-13-931650-7
1. Stocks Charts,
- Charts, diagrams, etc. 2. Inves tment analysis.
I. Title.
1991 90-22736

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative infor-

mation in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the
understanding that the publisher
publisher is not engaged i n rendering legal,
accou nting,, or other professional service. If
If legal advice or other
othe r expert
assistance is required , the services of
of a comp etent
ete nt professional
person should be sought.
From a Declaration
Declar ation of Principles Join
J ointly
tly Adopted by
a Commit
Com mit tee of
of the America
Ame ricann Bar Association
and a Commit
Com mittee
tee of
of Publishers
P ublishers and Associations

by Steve Nison
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be repro duced in any
form or by any means without permission in writing from the pub-

New York
York Institu
Ins titute
te of
of Finance
Financ e
Simon Schuster

Printed in the
th e United States of
of America
1 0 9 8 7

Like having ice cream after a tonsillectomy, this section is my treat after
the book's completion.
Some of those whowh o deserve recognition for their help are addressed
addre ssed
in Chapter 1 in my discussion of of my candlestick education.
educa tion. There
T here are
many others whom I would like to thank for their help along my candle -
stick path. Candles might help light the way, but without the assistance
an d insights
insigh ts of many others
other s it would have been almost impossible to do
this book. There were so many who contributed in one way or another
to this project that if I have forgotten to mention anyone I apologize for
this oversight.
The Market
Marke t Technicia
ns Association (MTA)
(MTA) deserves
dese rves special mentio
m ention.
It was at the library that I first discovered candlestick material
written in English. This material, albeit scant, was extremely difficult to
obtain, but the marvelously complete MTA library had it. This informa -
tion provided the scaffolding for the rest of my candlestick endeavors.
endeavors .
Besides the two English references on candlesticks I mention in
Chapter 1, I also obtained a wealth of of information
informatio n from books published
publish ed
in Japanese. I would like to thank the following Japanese
Japa nese publishers and
authors for these books that I used as references:

Kabushikisouba no Technical Bunseki (Stock Market Technical Analysis) by

Gappo Ikutaro, published by Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha
Kabuka Chato no Tashikana Yomikata ( A Sure Way to Stock Charts) by
Katsutoshi Ishii, published by Jiyukokuminsha
Keisen Kyoshit su Part (Chart Classroom Part published by Toshi Rader
Kabuka Chato w o n o H o n ( A Book for Th os e Re ad in g Stock
St ock
Charts for the First Time) by Kazutaka Hoshii, published by

Nihon Keisensh
Keisenshii (The
(The History
History of Japanese
Japanese Ch
), Ch
Chapter 2 by Kenji
Oyama, published by Nihon Keisai Shimbunsha
Jissen Kabushiki Chart (Introduction to Stoc
k Charts)
Char ts) by
Okasan Keisai Kenkyusho, published by Diamond-sha
Sakata Goho (Sakata's Five Rules are Wind, Forest, Fire and
Mountain), published by Nihon Shoken Shimbunsha
Yoshimi Toshihiko no Chato Kyoshitsu (Toshihiko
(Toshihiko Yoshim
i's Cha
rt Classroom)
Classroom) by
Toshihiko Yoshimi, published by Nihon Chart

Then there's the team at Merrill Lynch who were so helpful in look -
ing over the manuscript, making suggestions, and providing ideas. John
Gambino, one of of the best colleagues anyone anyo ne can work with provided
provide d all
th e Elliott
Elliott Wave
Wave counts
coun ts in this book. Chris Stewart, Manager of of Future
Fut uress
Research, not only read the entire manuscript but provided valuable
suggestions and finely dissected the many, many charts I used. I also
want to thank Jack Kavanagh in compliance who also read the manu -
script. Yuko
Yuko Song provide
prov ided d extra insights
insigh ts by conveying some of of my can-
dlestick questions to her Japanese
Japan ese customers
customers whow ho use candlesticks.
I have included hund
hu ndre redsds of
of charts
c harts in this book from various services.
Before I thank
than k all the services thattha t have generously
generousl y provided useu se of
of their
candlestick charts, I want to give plaudits to Bloomberg L.P. and CQG
(Commodity Quote Graphics).
Bloomberg L.P. was among the first on-line services to provide can-
dlestick charts on the American markets. It's too bad I didn't discover
this earlier. I was drawing candlestick charts on my own for years before
I found out about Bloomberg.
Bloomberg. CQG, an on-line futures fut ures charting service,
was also among the first fi rst to see the
th e potential of
of candlestick charts. Within
a few weeks of my first candlestick article, they sent me an alpha test
(this is a high-tech term for f or the very early stages of of software
sof tware protot
pr ototype
tes ting)) of their candlesti
ca ndlestick ck software for my CQG System One O ne " . Once I

had this software, my candlestick research progressed exponentially.

Most of of the
th e charts in this
thi s book are courtesy of of CQG.
Besides Bloomberg L.P. and CQG, other services that were kind
enough to provide charts are:

Commodity Trend Service Charts
Chart s (North
(N orth Palm Beach,
Beach, FL),
FL), CompuTrac "
(New Orleans, LA), Ensign Software (Idaho Falls, ID), Future-
10-E Financial Information System
Source " (Lombard, Ill), and Quick 10
(New York, N.Y.).

I want to thank those who took time from their busy schedules to
review the introductio
intr oductions
ns for Part Two of the
th e book. These are: Dan

Gramza for the chapter on Market Profile@;Jeff Korzenik for the t he chapt
c hapters
on options and hedging; John Murphy for the chapter on volume and
open interest; once again, John J ohn Gambino
Gambino for the chapter on ElliotElliottt Wave
Charles for the chapter on oscillators; Gerard Sanfilippo and
Judy Ganes for the chapter on hedging; and Bruce Kamich for the
English language glossary.
The Nippon
Nipp on Technical
Technical Analysts
Analysts Association (NTAA)
(NTAA) deserves
dese rves utmost
utm ost
praise for their assistance.
assista nce. Mr. Kojiir
o Watanabe at thet he Tokyo
Tokyo Investment
Information Center helped me to contact NTAA members who have
been especially helpful. They are: Mr. Minoru Eda, Manager, Quantative
Research, Kokusai Securities Co.; Mr. Yasushi Senior Foreign
Exchange Trader at Sumitomo Life Insurance; and Mr. Nori
Senior Analyst, Fidelity Management and Research (Far East). When I
asked them questions via fax I expected just brief answers. But these
th reee NT
NTAA members
member s took their valuable time to write pages pag es of
of explan
ex plana a-
tions, complete with drawings. They were wonderful wonderful about sharing
sha ring their
candlestick experiences
experiences and insights with me. I also want to thank than k them
for reading over and providing information for Chapter 2 on the history
Japa nese technical analysis. If there are any mistakes
of Japanese mistakes that remain, they
are those that I failed to correct.
I want to thank again idea a day Bruce Kamich. Bruce is a friend
" "

and a fellow futures technician. Throughout our 15 -year friendship he

has provided me with many valuable ideas and suggestions. Probably
two of of the most
mo st important
impor tant were his suggestion that tha t I join
join th
thee MT
MTA and
his constant haranguing until I agreed to write a book about candle-
Then ther
t here's
e's the
th e publishi
publ ishing
ng sta
ff of
of the
th e New Yor Yorkk Institute
Insti tute of
Finance. They were all great, but those with whom I worked most
closely deserve extra praise. Susan Barry and Sheck Cho patiently, skill- skill-
fully and affably
affably guided
guid ed a neophyte
neophy te author through
thro ugh tthe
he labyrinth of of the
book publishing business.
t here is my family. At the time that I was writing this book,
Of course there
our newborn son Evan entered ent ered the picture (with all
all the excitement
excitement about
candlesticks, I came close to calling him Candlesticks Nison). Try writing a
boo rambunctious four-year-old daughter
k with a newborn and a rambunctious daugh ter,, Rebe
ca, and you start
st art to get an
a n idea of
of how much my wife, Bonnie,
Bonnie, contributed
to this book. She cared for the children while I maladroitly pummeled
pummele d away
at the keyboard. Obviously, she had the harder job.
For each chapter's heading, and throughout the book, I used Japa-
nese proverbs or sayings. Many times proverbs in the United States are
considered trite and are rarely used. This is not so in Japan where prov- prov-
erbs are respected. Besides being enjoyable to read, the Japanese prov-
erbs offer insights into Japanese beliefs and perspectives. I would like to

tha nk the following publishers for the th e use of mater ial for the prov -
of their material
erbs and
an d sayings used
use d in this book: University of of Oklahoma Press,
Pres s,
Charles E. Tuttle, and Kenkyusha Ltd.
Finally, I must give proper and legal acknowledgements to many of
the services I relied upon during my writing and research. Tick Volume
ProfileT" is a registered trademar
trad emark k of
of CQG. Market and Liquid-
ity Data Bank@are
Bank@are registered
regis tered tradema
tr ademarks
rks of
of the Chicago Board
Board of Trade.
Trad e.
The CBOT holds exclusive copyrights to the Market Profile B and Liquid -
ity Data Bank@graphics.
Bank@graphics. Graphics reproduced herein under the permis -
sio n of the Chicago BoardBoard of Trade.
Trad e. The views expressed
expres sed in this
t his
publication are solely those
thos e of
of the author
aut hor and
a nd are not to be construe
cons trued
d as
th e views
vie ws of the
th e Chicago
Chicag o Board of of Trad
T rade
e nor is the
t he Chicago
Chicago Board of of
Trade in any way responsible for the contents thereof.

 A clever hawk hides his claws"

you like to learn a technical system refined by centuries centu ries ofof use,
but virtually unknown here? A system so versatile that it can be fused
with any Western technical tool? A system as pleasurable to use as it is
powerful? If so, this
t his book on Japanese candlestick charting char ting techniques is
for you. You should find it valuable no matter what your background in
technical analysis.
Japanese candlestick charts are older than bar charts and point and
figure charts. Candlesticks are exciting, powerful, and fun. Using can -
dlesticks will help improve your market analysis. My focus will be
mainly on the U.S. markets, but the tools and techniques in this book
should be applicable to almost any market.
Candlestick techniques can be used for speculation and hedging.
They can be used for futures, equities, options, or anywhere technical
analysis is applied.
applie d. By reading this book you will discover how candle cand le -
sticks will
will add
ad d another
anoth er dimension of of analysis.
Do not worry if if you have never seensee n a candlestick chart.
char t. The assump
assu mp -
tion of this book
book is that
tha t they are new to you. Indeed,
Indeed , they are new ne w to the
vast majority of the American and European tradi t rading
ng and investi
inv esting
ng com
com -
If you are a seasoned
seaso ned technician,
te chnician, you will discover how joining Japa Jap a -
nese candlesticks with your other technical tools can create a powerful
synergy of of techniques
techn iques.. The chapters
chapt ers on joining Japanese
Japa nese candlestick
techniques with Western technical tools will will be ofof strong
str ong interest
inter est to you.
you .
If you are an amateur technician, you will find how effective candle -
stick charts are as a stand
sta nd alone charting metho
me thod. d. To
To help guide you, you , I
x Preface

have included a glossary of of all the western

wes tern and Japanes
Ja panesee candlestick
terms used.
The Japanese
Japa nese technicals
technicals are honed
ho ned by hund
hu ndre
ds of
of years of
of evolution.
Yet, amazingly, we do not know how the Japanese analyze our markets
with their traditional technical tool called candlesticks. This is disconcert -
ing if
if you consider thattha t they are
ar e among theth e biggest players in the finan -
cial markets. The Japanese are big technical traders. Knowing how the
Japanese use candlestick charts to analyze both our markets and theirs
may help you answer
answer theth e question What
" What are the Japanese
Japane se going
going to do? "

The Japanese
Japa nese use a combination of western weste rn chart andan d candlestick
techniques to analyze the markets. Why shouldn't shouldn' t we do the same?sam e? If
you do not learn about Japanese candlestick charts, your competition
If you like reading
read ing about termin ology like hanging -man
abo ut colorful terminology "

lines," " " " "

dark -cloud covers, and evening stars then this book is for
you. If you subscribe to one of of the multit
m ultitude
ude of
of services now providing
provid ing
candlestick charts and would like to learn how to use these charts, then the n
this book is for you.
In the first part ofof the book,
book, you learn how to draw and interpret
inter pret over
50 candlestick lines and formations. This will slowly and clearly lay a
solid foundation for the second part where you will learn to use candle -
sticks in combination with Western technical techniques.
This book will not give you market omniscience. It will, however,
ope n new
ne w avenues of of analysis and willwill show how Japanese candlesticks
" "
can enlighten your trading.

Preface ix


Some background, 1
How I learned about candlestick charts, 1
Why have candlestick charting techniques captured
the attention of
of traders
t raders and investors around the world?, 4
What is in this book, 5
Some limitations, 7
The importance
importa nce of
of technical analysis,
analysis , 8




Drawing the
t he candlestic
k lines, 21

Hammer and hanging -man lines, 28
Engulfing pattern, 38
Dark -cloud cover, 43
Piercing pattern,
pattern , 48

Chapter STARS 55
The morning star, 56
The evening
eveni ng star, 59
The morning and evening doji stars, 64
The shooting
shootin g star and
an d the inverted hammer,
ha mmer, 70
The inverted
inve rted hammer,
hamme r, 75


The harami
haram i pattern,
patt ern, 79
Harami Cross, 85
Tweezers tops and bottoms, 88
Belt-hol d lines,
lin es, 94
Upside-gap twot wo crows, 98
Three black crows, 101
The counterattack lines, 103
Three mountains and three rivers,
rivers, 107
The importance of of the
th e number three in candlesticks, 112
Dumpling tops and fry pan bottoms,
bottoms, 113
Tower tops and tower bottoms, 115


Windows, 119
Upward- and downward-gap tasuki, 129
High-price and low-price gapping plays, 131
Gapping side-by-side white lines, 134
Rising and
an d falling
falling three methods,
meth ods, 135
Three advancing white soldiers, 143
Separating lines, 147


The importance
importa nce of
of the
t he doji, 149
Doji at tops,
to ps, 150
Doji after a long white candlestick,
candlesti ck, 154
The long-legged doji and the rickshaw man, 154
The gravestone doji, 159
Doji as support
supp ort and
an d resistance, 161
The tri-star, 162




Elliott wave basics, 253
Elliott wave with candlesticks, 254


Market profile with candlesticks,

" 261


Opt ions
ns basics, 268
Opti ons with candlesticks, 269











Support and resistance lines with candlesticks, 185
Springs and upthrusts, 193
The change of
of polarity principl e, 201
po larity principle,



The simple moving average, 215
The weighted moving average, 216
The exponential moving average and the MACD, 216
How to use moving averages, 217
Dual moving averages, 220


Oscillators, 227
index, 228
The relative strength index,
How to Compute the RSI, 228
How to Use RSI, 229
Stochastics, 232
How to Compute Stochastics, 232
How to Use Stochastics, 233
Momentum, 236


Volume with candlesticks, 242

On balance volume (OBV), 244
OBV with candlesticks, 245
Tick volume , 245
Tick Volume with candlesticks, 246
interest, 248
Open interest,
Open interest with candlesticks, 249


The beginning is most important 

"  "


Some of youyo u may have already

alrea dy heard of
of candlech
can dlecharts
arts.. Probabl
Pr obably,
y, many
man y
more ofof you have not.
not . In December 1989
1989,, I wrote an
a n introduct
intr oductory
ory article
on candlesticks that precipitated
precipitated an immediate groundswell of of interest.
inter est.
It turned
tur ned out
o ut that
tha t I was one of the few Americans familiar with this t his
centuries-old Japanese technique. I wrote follow -up articles, gave
numerous presentations, taught classes, and was interviewed on televi -
sion and by newspaper
newsp aperss across the country. In early 19901990,, I wrote a short
reference piece for my Chartered Market Technician thesis about candle -
stick charts. It contained very basic introductory material, but it was the
only readily available information on candlestick charts in the United
States. This handout
hand out became very popular. Within a few months, months , Merrill
Lynch, the
th e publishe
publ isherr of
of the booklet, received over 10,0
00 requests.
reque sts.


" " "

Why, I have often asked myself, has a system which has been
around so long almost completely unknown in the West? Were the Jap -
ane se trying to keep it secret? Was
Was it the
th e lack
lack of
of information
informatio n in the
United States?
States? I don't know the answer,
ans wer, but it hasha s taken years of
research to fit all the pieces together. I was fortunate in several ways.

Perhaps my perseverance and serendipity were the unique combination

needed that others did not have.
In 1987, I became
became acquainted
acquainted with a Japane
J apanese
se broker. One
On e day, while
I was with her he r in her office, she was looking at one of of her Japanes
Ja panese e stock
chart books (Japanese chart books are in candlestick form). She
exclaimed, look, a window. I asked what she was talking about. She
" "

told me a window was the same as a gap in Western technicals. She went we nt
on to explain that while Western technicians use the expression filling "

" "
in the gap the Japanese would say closing the window. She then "

" "
used other expresions like, doji and dark -cloud cover. I was
" "

hooked. I spent the next few years exploring, researching, and analyz -
ing anything I could about candlestick charts.
It was not easy. There are scant English publications on the subject.
My initial education
education was with
wit h the
th e help of
of a Japanese broker and through
throu gh
drawing and analyzing candlestick charts on my own. Then, thanks to
the Market Technicia
Technicians (MTA)) library, I came across a book -
ns Association (MTA
let published by the Nippon Technical Analysts Association called  An a l -
 ysi s of Stock Price i n Japa n. It was a Japanese booklet which had been
Ja pan.
translated into English. Unfortunately,
Unfortunately, there were just ten pages on
interpreting candlestick charts. Nonetheless, I finally had some English
candlestick material.
A few months later, I borrowed a book that has had a major influence
on my professional life. The MTA office manager, Shelley Lebeck,
brought a book entitled Th e Japanese
Japanese Chart of Charts by Seiki Shimizu and
translated by Greg Nicholson (published by the Tokyo Futures Trading
Publishing Co.) back from Japan. It contains about 70 pages on candle -
stick charts and is written in i n English. Reading it was like finding an oasis
in a desert.
As I discovered, while the book yielded a harvest of of information, it
took some effort and time to get comfortable with its concepts. They
were all so new. I also had to becomebecome comfortable with the th e Japanes
Jap anese e ter -
minology. The writing style was sometimes obscure. Part of of this might
mi ght
have resulted from the translation. The book was originally written in
Japanese about 25 years ago for a Japanese audience. I also found out,
when I had my own material translated, that it is dreadfully difficult to
translate such a specialized subject from Japanese to English. Nonethe -
less, I had some written reference material. This book became my
" Rosetta Stone. "

I carried the book

book with me for for months, reading and rereading, taking
copious notes, applyin
ap plyingg the candlestick methods
meth ods to the scores of of my
hand -drawn candlestick charts. I chewed and grinded away at the new
ideas and terminology. I was fortunate in another sense. I had the help

of the author,
aut hor, Seiki Shimizu, to answer my many questions quest ions.. Although
Althou gh
Mr. Shimizu does not no t speak English, the translator of of the
th e book, Greg
Nicholson, graciously acted as our intermediary via fax messages. The
 Japan ese Chart
Cha rt of Charts provided the
t he foundat
foun dation
ion for the rest of
of my inves-
tigation into candlesticks. Without that book, this book would not have
been possible.
In order to continually develop my abilities in candlestick charting
techniques, I sought out Japanese candlestick practitioners who would
have the time and inclination to speak with me about the subject. I met
a Japanese
Japan ese trader, Morihiko
Morihiko who had been using candlestick charts
and who was willing to share his valuable time and insights. This was
exciting enough! Then he told me that his family had been using candle-
stick charts for generations! We spent
spen t many hours
ho urs discussing
discussi ng the
th e history
an d the
th e uses ofof candlestick
candlesti ck charts. He was an invaluable
inv aluable storehou
stor ehousese of
I also had an extensive amount of Japanese candlestick literature
translated. Obtaining the original Japanese candlestick information was
one problem. Getting it translated was another. Based on one estimate
there are probably fewer than 400 full-time Japanese-to-English transla-
translators)' I had to find a trans -
tors in America (this includes part-time translators)'
lator who could not only translate routine material, but also the highly
specialized subject of of technical analysis. In this regard
re gard I was
wa s lucky to
have the
th e help ofof Language
Lang uagess Services Unlimited in New York. York. The direc-
tor, Richard provided indispensable
indispensable help to this project. He was
a rarity. He was an American fluent in Japanese who understood, and
used, technical analysis. Not only did Richard do a wonderful job of
translating, but he helped me hunt down and obtain Japanese candle-
stick literature. Thanks to his help I might have the largest collection of
Japanese books on candlesticks
candlesticks in thet he country.
cou ntry. Without Richard
Richard this book
would have been much less extensive.
Before my introductory article on candlestick charts appeared in late
1989, there were few services offering candlestick charts in the United
States. Now a plethora of of services offer
offer these
thes e charts. These
Thes e include:

Bloomberg L.P. (New

(N ew York
York,, NY);
Commodity Trend Service Charts (North Palm Beach, FL);
(New Orleans, LA);
CQG (Glenwood Springs, CO);
Ensign Software (Idaho Falls, ID);
(Ida ho Falls,
(Lombard, and
Knight Ridder Commodity Perspective
- Perspective (Chicago, .
4  Introduction

By the time you read this book, there probably will be additional services
providing candlestick
candlestick charts. Their popularity grows stronger
str onger every day.
da y.
The profusion of services
services offering
offering the candlestick charts attests to both
their popularity and their usefulness.



I have had calls and faxs from around the world requesting more infor -
mation about candlestick techniques. Why the extensive interest? There
are many reasons and a few are:

1. Candlestick charts are flexibl

flexible. sp ectrum from first -time
e. Users ru n the spectrum
chartists to seasoned professionals. This is because candlestick
candlestick charts
can be used alone or in combination with other technical analysis
techniques. A significant advantage attributed to candlestick charting
techniques is that these techniques can be used in addition to, not
instead of, other technical tools. I am not trying to convince veteran
technicians that this system is superior to whatever else they may be
using. That is not my claim. My claim is that candlestick charting
techniqu es provide
provid e an extra dimensi
dim ension
on of
of analysis.
anal ysis.
2. Candlestick charting techniques are for the most part unused in the
United States. Yet
Yet, this
t his technical approach enjoys a centuries -old tra-
dition in the Far East, a tradition which has evolved from centuries of
trial and error.
3. Then there are the picturesque terms used to describe the patterns.
Would the expression "hanging-man line" spark your interest? This is
only one example
example of
of how Japan
J apanese
ese terminology
terminology gives candlesticks a
flavor all their own and, once you get a taste, you will not be able to
do without them.
4. The Japanese probably know all the Western methods
method s of
of technical
analysis, yet we know almost nothing about theirs. Now it is our turn
to benefit from their knowledge. The Japanese use a combination of
candlestick charting techniques along with Western technical tools.
Why shouldn't we do the same?
5. The primary reason for the widespread attention aroused by candle -
stick charts is that using them instead of, or in addition to, bar charts
is a win-win situation.
 Introduction 5

As we will see in Chapter 3 on drawing candlestick lines, the same

data is required in order to draw the candlestick charts as that which is
needed for our bar charts (that is, the open, high, low, and close). This
is very significan
significantt since it means that any of
of the technical analysis
analysis used
u sed
with bar charting (such as moving averages, trendlines, Elliott Wave,
retracements, and so on) can be employed with candlestick charts. But,
and this is the key point, candlestick charts can send signals not avail -
able from bar
bar charts. In addition, there are some pattern
pat ternss that may allow
you to get the jump on those who use traditional Western charting tech -
niques. By employing candlestick charting instea
in stead
d ofof bar charting
char ting you
have the ability to use all the same analyses as you would with bar
charting. But candlestick
candlestick charts provide a unique
uniq ue avenue
av enue ofof analysis not
available anywhere else.


Part I of the book reveals the basic

basicss on constructing, reading,
re ading, and inter
i nter-
preting over 50 candlestick chart lines and patterns. Part explains how
to meld candlestick charts with Western technical analysis techniques.
This is where the true power of candlecharts is manifested. This is how
I use them.
I have drawn
dra wn illustrations of
of candlestick patterns
patt erns to assist in the
th e edu -
cational process. These illustrations are representative examples only.
The drawn exhibits should be viewed in the context that they show cer-
tain guidelines and principles. The actual patterns do not have to look
exactly as they do in the exhibits in order to provide the reader with a
valid signal. This is emphasized throughout the book in the many chart
examples . Yo
You will see how
ho w variations of
of the
th e patter
pa tterns
ns can still provide
'mpo rtantt clues
clues about
abou t the state of the markets.
markets .
Thus, there is some subjectivit
y in deciding whether
whe ther a certain candle -
stick formation meets the guidelines for that particular formation, but
this subjectivity is no different than that used with other charting tech -
niques. For instance, is a $400 support area in gold considered broken if
prices go under $400 intra-day, or do prices have to close under
Does a penetration
penetrat ion of
of $400 substantiate broken
bro ken sup port
po rt or is a larger
penetration needed? You will have to decide these answers based on
your trading temperment, your risk adversity, and your market philoso-
phy. Likewise, through text, illustrations and real examples I will pro-
vide the general principles
pr inciples and guidelines for recognizing the candlestick
formations. But shou ld not expect the real-world examples
But you should examples to always
match their ideal formations.
6  Introdu ction

I believe that the best way to explain how an indicator works is

through marketplace examples. Consequently, I have included many
such examples. These examples span the entire investment spectrum
from futures, fixed-income, equity, London metal markets and foreign
exchange markets. Since my background is in the futures markets, most
of my charts are from this arena. I also look look at the
th e entire time
from intra-day to daily, weekly, and monthly candlestick charts. For this
book, when I describe the candlestick lines and patterns, I will often
refer to daily data. For instance, I may say that in order to complete a
candlestick pattern the market has to open above the prior day's high.
But the same principles will be valid for all time frames.
Two glossaries are at the t he end
e nd ofof the text. The first includes candle-
stick terms and the second Western technical terms used in the book.
The candlestick glossary includes a visual glossary of of all the patte
p atterns.
As with any subjective form of of technical analysis, theret here are,
are , at
a t times,
variable definitions which will be defined according to the users' experi -
ence and
an d background. This is true of of some candlestick patterns.
patte rns. Depend
Depe nd-
ing on my source of of information
i nformation,, these were instancesinstanc es in which I came
across different, albeit usually minor, definitions c onstitutess a
definitio ns of what constitute
certain pattern. For example, one Japanese author writes that the open
has to be above the prior close in order to complete a dark -cloud cover
pattern (see Chapter 4). Other written and oral sources say that, for this
pattern, the open should be above the prior high.
In cases where there were different definitions, definitions, I chose the rules that
increased theth e probability that the pattern's
pat tern's forecast would be correct. For For
example, the pattern referred to in the prior paragraph is a reversal sig -
nal that appears at tops. Thus, I chose the definition that the market has
to open above the prior day's high. It is more bearish if if the market
ma rket opens
ope ns
above the prior day's high hig h and then
t hen fails, then
the n it would be if the market
mark et
 just opens
open s above
above the prior day's close close and thenthe n failed.
Japa nese material I had translated is
Much of the Japanese than specific.
Part of
of this might be the result of of the Japanese
Japan ese penchant
penc hant for being vague.
vague .
The penchant
pencha nt may have its origins in the t he feudal ages when it was accept-
able for a samurai to behead any commoner who did not treat him as
expected. The commoner did not always know how a samurai expected
him to act or to answer.
answ er. By By being vague, many man y heads
head s were spared
spa red..
However, I think the more important reason for the somewhat
ous explanations has to do with fact that technical analysis is more
of an art than
th an a science. Yo You should
shoul d not no t expect rigid rules with most
for ms of technica
tech nicall analysis  just
-  just guideposts.
Yet, because
bec ause of this
thi s uncertain
uncer tainty, ty, some
s ome of of the
th e ideas in this book may
be swayed by the author's trading trad ing philosophy. For For instance, if a Japa-
nese author says that a candlestick line has to be surpassed to signal

the next bull move, I equate surpassed with on a close above. That
" " "

is because, to me, a close is more important than an intra -day move

above a candlestick line. Another example of of subjectivity: In the Japa
J apa -
nese literature many candlestick patterns are described as important at a
high-price area or at a low -price area. Obviously what constitutes a
" high-price or low-price area is open to interpretation.
" " "


As with all charting methods, candlestick chart patterns are subject to

the interpretation
interpreta tion of of the user.
u ser. This could
could be viewed as a limitation.
Extended experience with candlestick charting in your market specialty
will show you which of of the
t he patterns,
patte rns, and
a nd variations of of thes
t hesee patterns
patte rns,,
work best. In this sense, subjectivity may not be a liability. As you gain
experience in candlestick techniques, you will discover which candlestick
combinations work best in your market. This may giv give
e you ana n advantage
over those who have not devoted the time and energy in tracking your
markets as closely as you have.
As discussed later in the text, drawing the individual candlestick
chart lines requires a close. Therefore, you may have to wait for the close
to get a valid trading signal. This This may mean a market on close order may
be needed or you may have to try and anticipate what the close will be
and place an order a few minutes prior to the close. You may also prefer
to wait for
for the next day's
day's opening before placing
placing an order
o rder..
This aspect may be a problem but there are many technical systems
(especially those based on moving movi ng averages of of closing prices) which
require a closing price for a signal. This is why there is often a surge in
activity during
dur ing the
th e final few minutes
minute s of a trading
trad ing session as computer
com puter -
ized trading signals, based on closing prices, kick into play. Some tech -
nicians consider only a close above resistance a valid buy signal so they
have to wait until
unti l the
th e close for confirmation. This aspect of of waiting for a
close is not unique to candlestick charts.
On occasion, I can use the hourly candlestick charts to get a trade
signal rather that han
n waiting for the close close of that
tha t day. For instance,
inst ance, there
ther e
could be a potentially
potentially bullish candlestick pattern patte rn on the daily chart. Yet,
I would have to wait for the close before the candlestick pattern is com -
pleted. If the hourly charts also show a bullish candlestickcandlestick indicator dur -
ing that day, I may recommend buying (if the prevalent trend is up)
even before the close.
The opening price is also in the candlestick lines. Equity
traders, who do not have access to on -line quote machines, may not be
8  Introduction

able to get opening prices on stocks in their newspapers. I hope that, as

candlestick charts become more common, more newspapers will include
openings individual stocks.
Candlestick charts provide many useful trading signals. They do not, no t,
however, provide price targets. There are other methods to forecast tar- tar -
gets (such as prior support or resistance levels, retracements, swing
objectives, and so on). Some Japanese candlestick practitioners place a
trade based on a candlestick signal. signal.and stay with that trade until anothe a notherr
candlestick pattern tells them to offset. Candlestick patterns should
always be viewed in the context as to what occurred before and in rela-
tion to other technical evidence.
With the hundred
hund redss of of charts throughout
throu ghout thisthi s book,
book, do not be sur- sur -
prised if if you see patterns
pattern s that
tha t I have missed within w ithin charts.
chart s. There will
also be examples of patterns patt erns that
t hat,, at times, did not work. work . Candlesticks
will not provide an infallible trading tool. They do, however, add a
vibrant color to your technical palette.
Candlestick charts allow you to use the same technical devices that
you use with bar charts. But the candlestick charts give you signals not
available with bar charts. So why use a bar chart? In the near future,
candlestick charts may become become as standard
stand ard as the bar chart. In fact, I am
going to make a bold prediction:  A s more mor e techni
tec hnicia
ns become comfortable
comfort able
wi th candles
tickk charts, t hey will no longer use bar bar charts. I have been a tech-tech -
nical analyst for nearly 20 years. And now, after discovering all their
benefits, I only use candlestick charts. I still use all the traditional West-
ern technica
technicall tools,
tools, but
bu t the candlesticks
candlesticks have given me a unique perspec- perspec-
tive into the markets.
Before e I delve into the t he topic ofof candlestick charts, I will briefbriefly
ly discuss
dis cuss
th e importance of of technical analysis as a separate
separat e discipline. For those of
you who are new to this t his topic,
topic, the following section is meant to empha- empha -
size why technical analysis is so important. It is not an in -depth discus- discus-
sion . If
If you
y ou would like to learn more about the th e topic, I suggest
sugg est you read
r ead
Jo hn Murphy's excellent book Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets
(The New Yor York Institute
Instit ute of Finance).
Fina nce).
If you
y ou are already familiar with the th e benefits
benefit s ofof technical
techn ical analysis
anal ysis,, you
yo u
can skip this section. Do not worry, worry , if
if you dod o not read the following
follow ing sec-
tion, it will not interfere with later candlestick chart analysis information.


The importance
import ance of
of technical
techn ical analysis
anal ysis is five-
five-fold. First, while funda -
menta l analysis may provide a gauge o off the situations,

ratios, economic statistics, and so forth, there is no psy -

al component
componen t involved in such su ch analysis. Yet theth e markets
m arkets are
influenced at times, to a major extent, by emotionalism. An ounce of
emotion can be worth
wort h a poun
p oundd of facts. As John
Joh n Keynes stated,
" there is nothing so disastrous
di sastrous as a rational investment polic
policy a n irra -
y in an
tional Technical analysis provides the only mechanism to mea -
sure the irrational (emotional) component present in all markets.

Here is an entertaining story about strongly psychology can

affect a market. It is from the book The New It takes place at the
Chica go Board of Trad
Tr ade.

Soybeans were sharply higher. There was a drought in the Illinois Soy -
bean Belt. And unless it ended soon, there would be a severe shortage of
beans. . . . Suddenly
Sudden ly a few drops of
of water
wat er slid down a window. "
wind ow. Look, "

someone shouted, rain! . More than 500 pairs

" " pair s of eyes
eye s [the
[th e traders
trad ers -
editor's note] shifted
shifted to the big windows. . . . Then came a steady trickle
which turned into a steady downpour. It was raining in downtown Chi -
Sell. Buy.
Buy. Buy.
Buy. Sell. The shouts
sho uts cascaded from the traders' lips with
wit h a
roar that matched the
th e thunder
thund er outside. And the price of soybeans
soybeans began
to slowly move down.
down . Then the price of
of soybeans
soybe ans broke like some tropic
tropi c
It was pouring in Chicago all right, but no one grows soybeans in Chi -
cago. In the heart of the Soybean Belt,
Belt, some 300 miles soutso uth
h of Chicago
Chic ago
the sky was blue, sunny
sun ny and
an d very dry. But even if if it wasn't
was n't raining on
the soybean fields it was in the heads
heads of the traders, and
and that is all that counts
[emphasis added ]. ToTo the market nothing matters unless the t he market
reacts to it. The game is playe
d wit
w ith
h the mind and the emotion
emot ionss [emphasis

In order to drive home the point about

abou t the importance of of mass psy -
chology,, think about what
wh at happens
hap pens when
w hen you exchange a piece
piece of
of paper
" "
called money for some item like food or clothing? Why is that paper,
with no intrinsic value, exchanged
exchanged for something tangible? It is because
of a shared
shar ed psychology. Everyone believes
believes it will
will be
be accepted, so it is.
Once this shared psychology evaporates, when people stop believing in
money, it becomes worthless.
Second, technicals
technical s are also an important
impor tant compon
c omponent
ent of
of disciplined
trad ing. Discipline helps
hel ps mitigate
mitigate the nemesis of of all traders
trad ers,, namely,
namel y,
emotion. As soon as you have money in the market, emotionalism is in
the driver's seat and rationale and objectivity are merely passengers. If
you doubt this, try paper trading. Then try trading with your own
fun ds. You will
will soon discover how deeply the counterproductive aspects
of tension,
tensi on, anticipation, and anxiety alter the way you trade tra de and view
10  Introduction

the markets usually in proportion to the funds committed. Technicals

can put objectivity back into the drivers seat. They provide a mechanism
to set entry and exit points, to set ratios, or levels.
By using them, you fosterfoster a risk and money management approach to
As touched upon in the previous discussion, the technicals contrib -
ute to market objectivity. It is human nature, unfortunately, to see the
market as we want to see it, not as it really is. How often does the fol -
lowing occur? A trader s. Immediately the market falls. Does Does he take
a loss. Usually
Usually no. Although there is no room for hope in the market, the t he
trader will glean all the fundamentally bullish news he can in order to
buoy his hope that the market will turn in his direction. Meanwhile
prices continue to descend. Perhaps the market is trying to tell him
something. The markets communicate with us. We can monitor these
messages by using the technicals.
technicals. This
This trader is closing
closing his eyes and
an d ears
to the messages being sent by the market.
If this trader steppe
ste pped d back and
an d objectively viewed price activity,
activity, he
might get a better feel of the market
ma rket.. What if a supposedly
suppose dly bullish
bulli sh story
is released and
an d prices do not move u p or even fall? That type typ e of
of price
action is
is sending out
ou t volumes of of information
inf ormation about
abou t the psychology
ps ychology of the
market and how one should trade in it.
I believe
believe it was the
t he famous trader Jesse
J esse Livermore who expressed the
idea that one can see the whole better when one sees it from a distance.
Technicals make us step back and get a different perhaps, better
perspective on the market.
Third, following the technicals
technica ls is important
importa nt even
ev en if
if you do not
n ot fully
believe in their use. This is because, at times, the technicals are the th e
reason for a market move. Since they are a market moving factor, they
should be watched.
Fourth, random walk proffers that the market price for one day has
no bearing on the price the following day. But But this academic view leaves
out an important component people. People remember prices from one
day to the next and act accordingly. To wit, peoples' reactions indeed
affect price, but price also affects peoples' reactions. Thus, price, itself,
is an important component in market analysis. Those who disparage
technical analysis forget this last point.
Fifth, and finally, the price action is the most direct and easily acces -
sible method of of seeing overall relationships. There may
be news not known to the general public but you can
expect it is already in the price. Those who have advance knowledge of
some market moving event will most likely buy or sell until current
prices reflect their information. This at times, consequently,
 Introduction 11

may be discounted when the event occurs. Thus, current prices should
reflectt all available
available information, whether known
kno wn by the general public or
by a select few.


'Hill, Julie Skur. "

That's Not What I Said,  Business Tokyo, August
" Augus t 1990,
1990, pp.
'Smith, Adam. The Money Game, New York, NY: Random House, 1986, p. 154.
Bob. The New Gatsbys, Chicago, Bob Tamarkin, 1985, pp. 122 123. -


Through Inquiring of the Old We Learn the New"


T h i s chapter provides the framework

framework through which Japanese tech technic
analysis evolved. For those who are in a rush to get to the meat of the
" "

book (that is, the techniques and uses of of candlesticks), you can skip this
chapter, or return
retur n to it after you have completed the rest of of the
th e book. It
is an intriguing history.
Among the first and the most famous people in Japan to use past
prices to predict future price movements was the legendary Munehisa
He amassed a huge fortune trading in the rice market during
the 1700s. Before I discuss Homma, I want to provide an overview of the
economic background in which Homma was able to flourish. The time
sp an of this overview
ove rview is from the late 150
0s to the mid-1700s. During this
era Japan went from 60 provinces to a unified country where commerce
From 1500 to 1600, Japan was a country incessantly at war as each of
the daimyo (literally big name meaning a feudal lord ) sought to
" " " "

wrestle control ofof neighboring

neighbori ng territories.
territories . This span between
1500 and 1600 is referred to as Sengoku Jidai or, literally, Age of
" " "

Country at War. It was a time of dis

" d isord
er. By
By the
th e early three
extraordinary generals Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and
Ieya su Tokuga
wa had
- had unified Japan over a 40-year period. Their prow -
ess and achievements are celebrated in Japanese history and folklore.
14  A  Historic
 Hist orical
al Background
Backg round

There is a Japanese saying: Nobunaga piled the rice, Hideyoshi


kneaded the dough, and Tokugawa ate the cake. In other words, all
three generals contributed to Japan's unification but Tokugawa, the last
of these great generals, became
became the shogun
sh ogun whose family
family ruled
ruled Japan
Ja pan
from 1615 to 1867. This era is referred to as the Tokugawa Shogunate.
The military conditions that suffused Japan for centuries became an
inte gral part of
of candlestick
candle stick terminol
term inology.
ogy. And, ifif you think
thi nk about it, trad
tra d -
ing requires
requir es many of of the same skills needed to win a battle. Such skills
include strategy, psychology, competition, strategic withdrawals, and
yes, even luck. So it is not surprising that throughout this book you will
come across candlestick terms that are based on battlefield analogies.
There are night and " "
the advancing three soldiers
" " " " "
pattern , counter attack lines , the gravestone , and so on.
The relative stability engendered by the centralized Japanese feudal
system lead by Tokugawa offered new opportunities. The agrarian econ -
omy grew, but, more importantly, there was expansion and ease in
domestic trade. By the 17th century, a national market had evolved evo lved to
replace the system
sy stem ofof local
local and isolated
is olated markets.
marke ts. This concept of of a cen -
tralize d marketplace
marketplace was to indirectly lead to the t he development
devel opment ofof techni -
cal analysis in Japan.
Hideyoshi regarded Osaka as Japan's capital and encour -
aged its growth as a commercial center. Osaka's easy access access to the sea,
at a time where land travel was slow, dangerous, and costly, made it a
national depot for assembling and disbursing supplies. It evolved into
Japan's greatest city of commerce and an d finance. Its wealth and
an d vast store -
houses ofof supplies provided Osaka with the appellation the Kitchen of "

Japan. Osaka contributed much to price stability by smoothing out
regional differences in supply. In Osaka, life was permeated by the
desire for profit (as opposed to other cities in which money making was
des pised).
d). The social
social system at that time was composed of of four classes.
classes .
In descending order they were the Soldier, the Farmer, the Artisan, and
the Merchant. It took until the for merchants to break down the
social barrier. Even today the traditional greeting in Osaka is
" "
makka which means, are you making a profit? . "

In Osaka, Yodoya Keian became a war merchant for Hideyoshi (one

of the three great military unifiers). had extraordinary abilitie
abilitiess in
transport ing, distributing,
distribu ting, and
an d setting the price of rice. front
yard became so important that the first rice exchange developed there.
He became very wealthy as it turned out, too wealthy. In 1705, the
(the military government led by the Shogun) confiscated his
entire fortune on the charge that he was living in luxury not befitting his
 A  Historical
 Histori cal Background 15

social rank. The Bakufu was apprehensive about the increasing amount
of power
powe r acquired
acquir ed by certain
cert ain merchants.
mercha nts. In I n 1642
1642,, certain
cer tain officials
officials and
an d
merchants tried to corner the rice market. The punishment was severe:
their children were executed, the merchants were exiled, and their
wealth was confiscated.
The rice market that originally developed in Yodoya's yard was insti -
tutional ized when
wh en the
th e Dojima
Dojima RiRice Exchange
Exchange was set se t u p in the late
l ate 160
in Osaka. The merchants at the Exchan Exchange ge graded
graded the rice and bargained
to set its price. Up until 1710, the Exchange dealt in actual rice. After
1710, the Rice Exchange began to issue and accept rice warehouse
receipts. These warehouse receipts were called rice coupons. These rice
receipts became the first futures contracts ever traded.
Rice brokerage became the foundation of Osaka's prosperi pros perity. ty. There
were more than 1,300 rice dealers. Since there was no currency standard
(the prior attempts at hard currency fail failed
ed due to the debasing of of the
coins), rice
rice became the defacto medium of of exchange.
exchange . A daimyo needi n eeding
money would send his surplus rice to Osaka where it would be placed
in a warehouse in his name. He would be given a coupon as a receipt
for this rice. He could sell this rice coupon whenever he pleased. Given
the financial problems of of many daimyos, they would wou ld also often sell rice rice
coupons against their next rice tax delivery (taxes to the daimyo were
paid in rice usually
- usually 40%
40% to 60% of the th e rice farmer's crop).
cro p). Sometimes
Somet imes
the rice crop of of several years hence was wa s mortgaged.
mortgage d.
These rice coupons were actively traded. The rice coupons sold
against future rice deliveries became the world's first futures contracts.
The Dojima Rice Exchange, where these coupons traded, became the
world's first futures
future s exchange.
exc hange. RiRice coupons
coupo ns were also called empty "

rice coupons (that

" (th at is, rice that was not in physical posse po ssessi
on). To give
you an idea of of the popularity
popularit y of rice
rice futures
futu res trading,
trad ing, consider
conside r this: In
1749,, there
ther e were
w ere a total
tota l of
of 110,00
0 bales (rice used
use d to trad
t rade e in bales)
bale s) of
empty-rice coupons
coup ons traded
tra ded in Osaka. YetYet, throug
th roughout
hout all of JapJ apanan there
ther e
were only 000 bales of
Into this background steps Homma, called god of the " t he markets.
marke ts. "

" Munehisa Homma was born in 1724 into a wealthy family. The Homma
family was considered so wealthy that there was a saying at that time,
" I will never become a Homma, but I would settle to be a local lord. "

When Homma was given give n control of his family busines

busi nesss in 1750
1750,, he began
be gan
trading at his
h is local
local rice
rice exchange in thet he port
p ort city of
of Sakata. Sakata was wa s a
collections and distribution area for rice. Since Homma came from
Sakata, you will frequently come across the expression Sakata's Rules " "

in Japanese
Japan ese candlestick literature. These refer to Homma.
16  A  Historical Background

When Munehisa father died, Munehisa was placed in

charge of managing the family's
family's assets.
assets . This was in spite of
of the fact that
he was the youngest son. (It was usually the eldest son who inherited
the power during
duri ng that era.)
era. ) This
This was probably because
because ofof Munehisa's
market savvy. With this money, Homma went to Japan's largest rice
exchange, the Dojima Rice Exchange in Osaka, and began trading rice
Homma's family had a huge rice farming estate. Their power meant
that information about the rice rice market was usually available
available to
to In
addition , Homma kept records of yearly weather weat her conditions. In order
ord er to
lear n about the psychology of investors,
inve stors, Homma analyzed rice prices
going back to the time when the rice exchange was in Yodoya's yard.
Homma also set up his own communications system. At prearranged
times he placed men on rooftops to send signals by flags. These men
stretched the distance from Osaka to. to. Sakata.
After dominating the Osaka markets, Homma went to trade in the
regional exchange at Edo (now called Tokyo). He used his insights to
amass a huge fortune. It was said he had 100 consecutive winning
His prestige was such that there was the following folk song from
Edo: When it is sunny in Sakata (Homma's town), it is cloudy in

Dojima (the Dojima Rice Exchange in Osaka) and rainy at Kuramae (the
Kuramae exchange in Edo). In other words when there is a good rice

crop in Sakata, rice prices fall on the Dojima Rice Exchange and collapse
in Edo. This song reflects
reflects the Homma's sway over the rice rice market.
In later years Homma became a financial consultant to the govern -
men t and was
wa s given the honore
hon oredd title of
of samurai.
samur ai. He
H e died in 180
Hom ma's 's book
bookss about
abou t the
t he mark
ma rkets
ets (Sak
ata Senh
o and Soba Sani No Den)
were said to have been written in the 1700s. His trading principles, as
applied to the rice markets, evolved into the candlestick methodology
currently used in Japan.
 A Historical Backgrou
nd 17


first name is sometimes translated as Sokyu and his last name is sometimes translated as
Honma. This gives
gives you a n idea of the difficulty of translating Japa nese into English. Th e same
Japanese symbols for Homma's first name, depending on the translator, can be Sokyu or
hisa. His last name, again depending on the translator, can be either Homma or Honma. I chose
the English translat ion of
of Homma's name as used by the Nippon
Nip pon Technical
Technical Analysts Association.
Johannes and Yui, Tsunehiko. The Development
D evelopment of
of Japanese Business
Busi ness 1600-1973, Cam-
bridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1975, p. 31.


 Eve n
"  a Thousand Mile Journey Begins with the First Step


Without Oars You Cannot Cross in

"  a  Bo
 Boat "

comparison between
betwee n the
t he visual differences
differences of a bar chart
char t and a can
ca n-
dlestick chart is easy to illustrate. Exhibit 3.1 is the familiar Western bar
chart. Exhibitt 3.2 is a candlestick chart of
char t. Exhibi of the same
s ame price information asas
that in the bar chart. On the candlestick chart, prices seem to jump off
the page presenting
presenti ng a stereoscopic
stereoscopic view
view of
of the market as it pushe
p ushess the
flat, two-dimensional bar chart into three dimensions. In this respect,
candlecharts are visually exciting.


Since candlestick charts are new to most Western technicians, the most
common Western
Western chart, the bar chart, is used throughout
th roughout this chapter as
an instructional tool for learning how to draw the candlestick lines.
Drawing the daily bar chart line requires open, high, low, and close.
The vertical
vertical line on a bar chart depicts
depi cts the high
hig h and
an d low ofof the session.
ses sion.
The horizontal line to the
t he left of
of the vertical line
line is the
th e opening
open ing price. The
horizonta l line to the right
ri ght of
of the vertical line is the close.
close .
Exhibit 3.3 shows how the same data would be used to construct a
bar chart and a candlestick chart. Although the daily bar chart lines and
candlestick chart lines use the same data, it is easy to see that they are
dra wn differently.
diffe rently. The thick part ofof the candlestick called the real
candle stick line is called
The  Basics


. . .. . . .
. . .. . . .

. .
. .
. . . I t . .

. .
'Jan 'Feb

EXHIBIT 3.1. Cocoa

- March, 1990, Daily Bar Chart


EXHIBIT 3.2. Cocoa

- March, 1990, Daily Candlestick Chart
Constructing the Candlesticks 23

Time Period Open High Low Close

1 20 30 15 25
2 25 25 10 15
3 30 35 15 20
4 45 50 35 40
5 25 40 25 35

Candlestick Chart

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Time Period Time Period

3.3 Bar Chart and Candlestick Chart

body. It represents the

t he range between that session's
session's opening andan d closing.
When the real body is black filled in ) it means
me ans the
th e close of
of the ses
s es-
sion was lower than the t he open.
ope n. If
If the real body is white empty), it
means the close was higher than the open.
The thin lines above and below the real body are the shadows. These
shadows represent the session's price extremes. The shadow above the
real body is called the upper shadow and the shadow under the real body
is known as the lower shadow. Accordingly,
Accordingly, theth e peak of the upper
up per shad
s hadow
is the high of
of the sessi
se ssion
on and
an d the bottom
botto m of the lower shadow
sha dow is the low
of the session.
sess ion. It is easy to seesee why these are named candlestick charts
since the individual lines often look like candles and their wicks. If a
candlestick line has no upper shadow it is said to have a shaven head. A
candlestick line with no lower shadow has a shaven bottom. To the Jap a-
the Japa
nese, the real body is the essential price movement. The shadows are
usually considered as extraneous price fluctuations.
ts 3.4
3.4 throug
th rough h 3.7 demonstrate
demonst rate some common candlestick lines.
Exhibit 3.4 reveals a long black candlestick reflecting a bearish period in
which the market opened near its high and closed near its low. Exhibit
3.5 shows
show s the opposite
opposi te ofof a long black
black body and, thus, represents
represen ts a bull-
ish period. Prices had a wide range and the market opened near the low
and closed near the high h igh of
of the session
sess ion.. Exhibit
Exhibit 3.6 shows
sho ws candlesticks
candlesti cks
having small
small real bodies
bodies and, as such, they represent
rep resent a tug of of war
between the bulls and the bears. They are called spinning tops and are
neutral in lateral trading bands. As shown later in this book (in the
24 The Basics

EXHIBIT 3.4. Blac

k Candlestick
Cand lestick EXHIBIT 3.5. White Candlestick


, ------
EXHIBIT 3.6. Spinning Tops EXHIBIT 3.7. Doji Examples

tions on stars and harami patterns), these spinning tops do become

importan t when
whe n part ofof certain formations. The spinn ing top can be
either white
wh ite or black. The lines
lines illustrated in Exhibi
Exhibitt 3.6 have small upp er
an d lower shadows,
shadows , but
bu t the size of the
t he shadows
shad ows are not important.
importa nt. It is
the diminutive size of of the real body that makes this a spinnin spin ning
g top.
Exhibit 3.7 reveals no real bodies. Instead, they have horizontal lines.
Thes e are examples
exam ples of
of what
wh at are
ar e termed
term ed doji
doji line
A doji occurs when the open and close for that session are the same
or very close to being the same two- or three-thirty-seconds in
bonds, a cent in grains, and
an d so on.).
on .). The lengths of of the shadow
sha dowss can
vary. Doji are so important that an entire chapter is devoted to them (see
Chapter 8 The Magic
Candlestick charts can also be drawn more colorfully by using the
classical Japanes
Jap anesee candlestick
candlesti ck chart colors of of red and
a nd black. Red can be
use d instead
inste ad of
of the white
wh ite candlestick.
candle stick. (This could be especially useful for
comput er displays of of the candlestick charts.) The The obvious problem with
this color scheme is that photo copies and most computer printouts will
not be useful since all the real bodies would come out as black.
Some readers may have heard the expression yin and yang lines.
These are the Chinese terms for the candlestick lines. The yin line is
another name for the black candlestick and the yang line is equivalent to
th e white candlestick. InIn Japan
J apan,, a black candlestick
candlestick is called
called in-sen (black
line) and the white candlestick is called
called yo
yo-sen (white line).
The Japanese place great emphasis on the relationship between the
open and close because they are the two most emotionally charged
Constructing the Candlesticks  25

points of
of the trading
tr ading day. The Japanese have a proverb that says, the "

first hour of
of the
t he morning
morn ing is the rudde
ru dderr of "
of the day. So is the opening the
rudder for the trading session. It furnishes the first clue about that day's
direction. It is a time when all the news and rumors from overnight are
filtered and then joined into one point in time.
The more anxious the trader, the earlierearlier he wants to tr ade. Therefore,
on the open, shorts may be scrambling for cover, potential longs may
want to emphatically buy, hedgers may need to take a new or get out of
an old position,
position, and
an d so forth.
After the flurry of of activity on the open,
ope n, potential buyers
buye rs and
an d sellers
have a benchmark from which they can expect expect buying and selling. There
are frequent analogies to trading the market and an d fighting a battle. In this
sense, the open
op en provide
pr ovidess an early
early view
view of the battlefield
battlefie ld and
an d a provi -
sional indication of of friendly
f riendly and opposin
opp osing g troops. At times, large trader
tr aderss
may try to move the market on the open by executing a large buy or sell
order. Japanese call this a morning attack. Notice that this is another mil -
itary analogy. The Japanese use many such military comparisons as we
shall see throughout the book.


Technicals ls are the
th e only way to measure theth e emotional component
comp onent of the
market. The namesname s of
of the Japanese
Jap anese candlestick
candlestic k charts make this
t his fact :
dent. These names are a colorful mechanism used to describe the
tional health of of the market at the time these pattern
pat ternss are formed. After
th e expressions hanging man or dark -cloud cover, would you
hearing the " " " "

think the market is in an emotionally healthy state of course not! These

are both bearish patterns and their names clearly convey the unhealthy
stat e of the
th e market.
While the emotional condition of of the market may not be healthy
healt hy at the
time these patterns form, it does not preclude the possibility that the
ket will become
become healthy again. The point is that t hat at the appearance
appe arance of, say,
a dark -cloud cover, longs should take defensive measures or, depending
on the general trend and other factors, new short sales could be initiated.
There are many new patterns and ideas in this book, but the
tive names employed by the Japanese not only make candlestick charting :
fun, but easier to remember if the patterns are bullish or bearish. For
example, in Chapter  5 you will learn about the evening star and the
" "

" morning star. Without knowing what these patterns look like or what
" :
they imply for for the market, just by
by hearing their names which do you think
is bullish and which is bearish? Of course, the eveningeveni ng star which comes
out before darkness sets in, sounds like the bearish signal and so it is!
The morning
morning star, then, is bullish since the morning star appears appea rs just
before sunrise.
26 The  Basics

The other pivotal price point is the close. Margin calls in the futures
markets are based on the close. We can thus expect heavy emotional
involvement into how the market closes. closes. The close is also a pivotal price
point for
fo r many technicians. They
They may wait for a close to confirm a break br eak -
out from a significant chart point. Many computer trading systems (for
example, moving
m oving average systems)
system s) are based on o n closes. If a large buy or
sell order is pushed into the market at, or near, the close, with the
inte ntion
n of
of affecting the close, the
t he Japanes
Japa nese call this action a nigh t attack.
e call
Exhibits 3.4 to 3.7 illuminate how the relationship between a period's
open , high,
h igh, low, and
an d close
close alters the
th e look
look of the individual
individu al candlestick
candlestic k
line. Now let us turn our attention to how the candlestick lines, alone or
in combination, provide clues about market direction.


"  ness
ss Lie
Lies One  Ah
 Ahead "

Technicians watch for price clues that can alert them to a shift in mar -
ket psychology and trend.  Rev  Rever
erssal patte
rnss are these technical clues.
Western reversal indicators include double tops and bottoms, reversal
days, head and shoulders, and island tops and bottoms.
" "
Yet the term reversal pattern is somewhat somewha t o off a misnomer.
misno mer. Hearing
He aring
that term may lead you to think of of an old trend ending
en ding abruptly and
a nd
then reversing to a new trend. This rarely happens. Trend reversals usu -
ally occur slowly, in stages, as the underlying psychology shifts gears.
A trend reversal signal implies that the prior trend tren d is likely
likely to change,
but not necessarily reverse. This is very important to understand. Com -
pare an to a car traveling forward at 30 The car's red
brake lights go on and the car stops. The brake light was the reversal
indicator showing that the prior trend (that is, the car moving forward)
was about to end. But now that the car is stationary will the driver then
decide to put the car in reverse? Will he remained stopped? Will he
decide to go forward again? Without more clues we do not know.
Exhibits 4.1 through
thr ough 4.3 are some examples of what can happ h appen
en after
a top reversal signal
signal appears. The prior for instance, could con -
vert into a period of of sideways price action. Then a new and opposite o pposite
trend lower could start. (See Exhibit 4.1.) Exhibit 4.2 shows how an old
can resume.
re sume. Exhi
bitt 4.3 illustrates how anan can abruptly
reverse into a downtrend.
It is pruden
pru dentt to think
think of
of reversal patterns as trend
tr end change patterns
p atterns.. I
" "
was tempted to use the term trend change patterns instead of rever- "

sal patterns in this book. However, to keep consistent with other
28 The  Basics

EXHIBIT 4.1. Top Reversal EXHIBIT 4.2. Top Reversal EXHIBIT 4.3. Top Reversal

nical analysis literature, I decided to use the term reversal patterns.

Remember that when I say reversal pattern it means only that the
" "

prior trend should change but not necessarily reverse.

Recognizing the emergence
emerge nce of of reversal pattern
pat ternss can be a valuable
skill. Succes
sfull trading entails having both the trend and an d probabilit
probability y on
your side.
side . The reversal indicators
indicato rs are the
th e market's
market 's way of of providing a
road sign, such as Caution Trend in Process of
" - of Change.
Chan ge. In other

words, the market's psychology is in transformation. You should adjust

your trading style to reflect the new market environment. There are
many ways to tradetrad e in and out o ut of
of positions with
wit h reversal indicators. We We
shall discuss them throughout the book.
An important principle is to place a new position (based on a rever-
sal signal) only if if that signal
si gnal is in the
t he direction
dire ction of
of the
th e major trend.
tre nd. Let
Let us
say, for example, that in a bull market, a top reversal pattern appears.
This bearish signal would not warrant a short sale. This is because the
major trend is still up up.. It would,
woul d, however,
howe ver, signal a liquidation
liquidat ion of
of longs.
If there was a prevailing downtrendown trend, d, this same top reversal formation
could be used to place short sales.
I have gone into detail about the t he subject ofof reversal patterns
patter ns because
most of of the candlestick indicators
indicator s are reversals.
reversal s. Now, let us tu rn our
attention to the first group of of these candlestick reversal indicators, the t he
hammer and hanging-man lines.


Exhibit 4.4 shows candlesticks with long lower shadows and small real
bodies. The real bodies are near top of
of the daily range. The variety
of candlestick lines shown in
i n the
th e exhibit are fascinating
fascinati ng in that either
e ither line
lin e
can be bullish or bearish depending on where they appear in a trend. If
either of
of these lines emerges during
durin g a downtrend
downt rend it is a signal that the
downtrend should end. In such a scenario, this line is labeled a hammer,
 Rev ers al Pa tt er ns 29

, or Black

White or I
These Lines Can Be Either Bullish
or Bearish Black I
EXHIBIT 4.4.Hammer and EXHIBIT 4.5. Hammer EXHIBIT 4.6. Hanging
Hanging Man Candlesticks Man

as in "the market is hammering out" a base. See Exhibit 4.5. Interest-

ingly, the actual Japanese word for this line is takuri. This word means
something to the affect of "trying to gauge the depth dep th of
of the
th e water by
feeling for its bottom."
If eit
e ither
her of
of the
th e lines
lin es in Exhibit 4.4 emerge after a rally it tells you that
the prior move may be ending. Such a line is ominously call ed a hanging
man (see Exhibit 4.6). The name hanging man is derived from the fact
that it looks like a hanging man with dangling legs.
It may seem unusual that the same candlestick line can be both bull -
ish and bearish. Yet, for those familiar with Western island tops and
island bottoms you will recognize that the identical idea applies here.
The island formation is either bullish or bearish depending on where it
is in a trend. An island after a prolonged is bearish, while the
same island pattern after a downtrend is bullish.
The hammer and hanging man can be recognized by three criteria:

1. The real body is at the

th e upper
up per end
e nd of
of the trading range.
rang e. The color of
the real body is not important.
2. A long lower shadow
shad ow should be twice the height
hei ght of
of the real body
3. It should have no, or a very short, upper shadow.

The longer
longer the lower shadow,
shadow, the shorter the upper shadow and a nd the
t he
smaller the real body the more meaningful the bullish hammer or bear -
ish hanging
hangin g man. Although the real real body ofof the hammer or hanging
ma n can be white
whi te or black, it is slightly
slightl y more
mor e bullish
bulli sh if the
th e real body of of
the hammer
ham mer is white,
whit e, and
an d slightly more bearish if if the real body of of the
hang ing man is black.
black. If
If a hammer
ha mmer has
ha s a white real body it means the th e
market sold of off sharply during
durin g the session a nd then bounced back to
close at, or near, the
th e session's high. This could have bullish ramifi ramifica
tions. If a hanging
hang ing man
ma n has a black
black real body, it shows
show s that
tha t the
t he close
could not get back to the opening price level. This could have potentially
bearish implications.
It is especially important that you wait for bearish confirmation with
30 The Basics

the hangin
ha ngingg man. The logi logic
c for this has to do with how the hanginghangi ng-man
line is generated.
generate d. Usually in i n this
th is kind of scenario the market is full of of
bullish energy. Then the hanging man appears. On the hanging-man
day, the market opens at or near the highs, then sharply sells off, and
then rallies to close at or near the highs. This might not be the type of
price action that would let you think the hanging man could be a top
reversal. But
But this type
typ e of
of price action now shows once the market mark et sta rts
rt s
to sell off, it has become vulnerable
vulnerable to a fast break.
If the market opens
op ens lower the nextnext day
day,, those
t hose who bought
boug ht on the
th e open
or close
close of the
th e hangi ng-man day are now left hanging with a losing
han ging " "

position. Thus,
Thus, the general
general principle for the h hangi
angingng man; the greater thet he
down gap between the th e real body of of the hanging
han ging-man day and the open-
ing the
t he next
next day the more likely
likely the hangin
han gin g man will be a top. Another
bearish verification could be a black black real body session with wit h a lower close
than the hanging-man sessions close. close.
Exhibit 4.7 is an excellent
excellent example of of how the same line can be bear-
ish (as in the hanging-man line on July 3) or bullish (the hammer on July
Although both the hanging man and hammer in this example have
black bodies, the th e color
color of the
th e real body is not of of major importance
import ance..
Exhibit 4.8 shows
show s another
ano ther case of of the dualdua l nature
natu re of
of these
the se lines.
There is a bearish
bearish hanging man in mid-April that tha t signaled
signaled the
th e end of
of t he

7:39 BOZO D A I L Y BAR 1990 CQG

. . .
- Hanging



. . .


EXHIBIT 4.7. Soybean Oil- December, 1990, Daily (Hanging Man and Hammer)
 Reve rsal Pat ter ns 31




. . .

...... .... 27000

................ 26000

. . .


'Feb 'Mar

EXHIBIT 4.8. Dow Jon

J ones
es Industrial
Industrialss 1990, Daily (Hanging Man and Hammer)
rally which had started with the bullish hammer on April 2. A variation
of a hanging
hangi ng man emerged in mid -March. Its lower shadow was long,
but not twice the height
he ight of
of the real body. YetYet the other
othe r criteria (a real
body at the upper end e nd of
of the daily range and almost no upper uppe r shadow)
were met. It was also confirmed by a lower close the next day. This line,
although not an ideal hanging man, did signal the end of of the uptur
up turn n
which started a month earlier. Candlestick charting techniques, like
other charting or pattern recognition techniques, have guidelines. But,
they are not rigid rules.
As discussed above,
above, there are certain aspects
aspects that increase the impor -
tan ce of hangin
ha ngingg -man and hammer lines. But, as shown in the hanging
man of midmi d-March, a long lower shadow may not have to be twice the
height of
of the real
r eal body in order to give a reversal
revers al signal. The longer thet he
lower shadow, the more perfec perfectt the pattern.
patte rn.
Exhibitt 4.9 shows
sh ows a series
serie s of bullish hammers
hamm ers numb
n umbere
eredd 1 to 4 (ham-
mer 2 is considered a hammer in spite of of its minute uppe
u pperr shadow).
shad ow). The
interes ting feature
fea ture of
of this chart is the buy signal
sig nal given early in 199
0. New
lows appeared at hammers 3 and 4 as prices moved under the July lows
at hammer 2. Yet, there was no continuation to the th e downside. The bears
had their chance to run with the ball. They fumbled. The two bullish
32 The Basics

EXHIBIT 4.9. Copper - Weekly (Hammers)

hammers (3 and 4) show the bulls regained control. Hammer 3 was not
an ideal hammer since the lower shadow was not twice twice the height of the
real body. This line did reflect,
reflect, however,
h owever, the failure of of the bears
b ears to
maintain new lows. The following week's hammer reinforced the conclu -
sion that a bottom reversal was likely to occur.
Exhibit 4.10 hammers 1 and 3 are bottoms. Hammer 2 signaled the
In Exhibit
en d of
of the prior downtren
down trend d as the trend shifted fromfrom down to neutral.
Hammer 4 did not work. This hammer line brings out an important
point about hammers (or any of of the other patterns I discuss). They
shou ld be viewed in the context of of the prior
prio r price action. In this context,
look at hammer 4. The day before this hammer, the market formed an
extremely bearish candlestick line. It was a long, black day with a shaven
head and a shaven bottom (that is, it opened on its high and closed on
its low). This manifested strong downside momentum. Hammer 4 also
punc tured d the
t he old suppor
sup portt level
level of Janua
J anuary
ry 24.
24. Considering theth e afore-
mentioned bearish factors, it would be prudent to wait for confirmation
that the bulls were in charge again before acting on hammer 4. For
example, a white candlestick which closed higher than tha n the
th e close
close of ham-
mer 4 might have been viewed as a confirmation.
Drawing the intra-day chart using candlesticks shows the high, low,
ope n, and
an d close of the session
se ssion (see Exhi
bit 4.11).
4.11). For
For example, ana n hourly
The Basics

session would have a candlestick line that uses the opening and close close for
that hour in order to determine the real body. The high and low for that
hour would be used for the upper uppe r and lower shadows.
sha dows. ByBy looking
closely at this chart, one can see that a hammer formed during the first
Like hammer 4 in Exhibit 4.10, prices
hour on April 11. Like prices gapped lower but
the white candlestick which followed closed higher. This helped to con -
firm a bottom.
The second hourly line on April 12, although in the th e shape of a ham -
sha pe of
mer, was not a true hammer. A hammer is a bottom reversal pattern.
On e of
of the criterion for a hammer is that there should
s hould be a downtr
dow ntrend
(even a minor one) in order for the hammer to reverse that trend. This
line is not a hanging man either since a hanging man should appear after afte r
an In this case, if
if this line arose near the
t he highs
high s of the prior
pr ior
black candlestick
candlestick session, it would have been considered a hanging man.
Exhibit 4.12 shows a hammer in early April that successfully called
the end
e nd of
of the major decline
decline which
which had began months
mont hs earlier. The long
lower shadow,
shado w, (many
(man y times the height
he ight of
of the real body) a small real
body, and no upper shadow made this a classic hammer.
Exhibit 4.13 shows a classic hanging -man pattern. New highs were
made for the move via an opening gap on the hanging -man day. The

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . .


EXHIBIT 4.12. Nikkei - 1990, Daily (Hammer)

 Rev ers al Pat ter ns

Oct Nov Jan

EXHIBIT 4.13. Silver - May
Source: Copyright 1990 Trend Service " Daily (Hanging Man)

market then gaps lower leaving all those new longs, who bought on the
hanging man's open or close, left hanging with a losing position.
" "

In Exhibit 4.14 we see that the rally, which began in early February,
term inatedd with the
th e arrival of two consecutive hang ing-man lines. The
consecu tive hanging
impor tancee of bearish confirmation after the hangin ha nging g-man line is
reflected in this chart.
char t. One method
me thod of of bearish confirmation
conf irmation would be for for
the next day's
day's open to be be under the
t he hanging man's real body. Note that
after the appearance
appearanc e of the first
first hanging man, theth e market opened
opene d higher.
However, after the second hanging man, when the market opened
under the hanging man's real body, the market backed off.
Exhibit 4.15 illustrates that a black real body day, with a lower close
after a hanging-man day, can be another anot her method
meth od ofof bearish
bear ish confirma
tion. Lines 1, 2, and 3 were a series of hanging
hang ing-man
ma n line
s. Lack
Lack of bear -
ish confirmation after
after lines 1 and 2 meant the was still in force.
36 The  Basics

1016 . . . . . . .
1005 'Feb

EXHIBIT 4.14. Cocoa -May 1990, Daily

Daily (Hanging Man)

EXHIBIT 4.15. Dollar Index

- Weekly (Hanging Man)
 Reve rsal
rsa l Pat ter ns

Observe hanging man 3. The black candlestick which followed pro -

vided the bearish confirmation
confir mation of this
t his hanging
hangin g man line. Although
Altho ugh the
market opened
ope ned about unchanged
uncha nged after hanging
hangin g man 3, by the time of its
close, just about anyon
an yone ope ning or closing of hang -
e who bought on the opening
ing man 3 was hanging in a losing trade. (In this case, the
" " on
the long black
black candlestick
candlestick session
session was so severe thattha t anyone
anyon e who
wh o bought
on the hanging -man day not - not just those who bought on the open ope n and
close were left stranded in a losing position.)
Exhibit 4.16 shows an extraordinary advance in the orange juice mar -
ket from late 1989 into early 1990. Observe where this rally stopped. It
sto ppedd at the hang
h anging
ing man made in the th e third
thir d week ofof 1990.
1990. This chart
illustrates the point that a reversal pattern does not mean that prices will
reverse, as we discussed in Chapter 3. A reversal indicator implies that
the prior trend should end. That is exactly what happened here. After
the appearanc
appea rancee of the
t he hanging -man reversal pattern, the prior
ended with the newne w trend moving
moving sideways.
Another hanging man appeared in July. This time prices quickly
reversed from up to down. But, as we have discussed previously, this
scenario should not always be expected with a top trend reversal.
Exhibit 4.17 illustrates a classic hanging -man pattern in May. It shows


 \ 'Hanging

EXHIBIT 4.16. Orange Juice- Week

ly (Hang ing Man )
38 The  Basics

30 27 25

Source: L.P.

EXHIBIT 4.17. American Airlines 1989, Daily (Hanging Man)

a very small
small real
real body, no upper
up per shadow,
shado w, a nd a long lower shadow. The
next day's blac
k real body
body confirmed this hanging man and indicated a
time to vacate longs.
longs. (Note the bullish hammer in early April.)


The hammer and hanging man are individual candlestick lines. As pre-
viously discussed, they can send important signals about the market's
health. Most candlestick signals, however, are based on combinations of
individual candlestick lines. The engulfing pattern is the first of these the se
multiple candlesti
ck line patterns. The engulfing pattern is a major rever-
sal signal with two opposite color
color real bodies composing this
this patte
p attern.
Exhibit 4.18 shows a bullish
Exhibit 4.18 bullish engulfing pattern. The market is in a
tren d, then a white bullish real body
body wraps around, or engulfs, the prior
period's black real body. This shows buying pressure has overwhelmed
selling pressure. Exhibit 4.19 illustrates a bearish engulfing pattern. Here
the market is trending higher. The white real body engulfed by a black
body is the signal for a top reversal. This shows the bears have taken
over from the bulls.
There are three criteria for
for an engulfing pattern:

1. The market has to be in a clearly definable or downtrend,

even ifif the trend
tre nd is short
shor t term.
term .
 Reve rsal Pat ter ns

EXHIBIT 4.18. Bullish Engulfing Pattern EXHIBIT 4.19. Bearish Engulfing Pattern

2. Two candlesticks comprise the engulfing pattern. The second real

body must engulf the prior real body (it need not engulf the shad -
3. The second real body of of the engulfing
engulf ing pattern
patt ern should
shou ld be the opposite
oppo site
color of the
th e first real body.
body . (The exception to this rule
r ule is if
if the
th e first real
body of
of the engulfing
eng ulfing pattern
patt ern is so small it is almost a doji (or is is a
doji). Thus, after an extended downtrend, a tiny white real body
engulfed by a very large white real body could be a bottom reversal.
In an a minute black real body enveloped by a very large
black real body could be a bearish reversal pattern).

The closest analogy to the Japanese candlestick engulfing pattern is

the Western reversal day.  A Western
Western reversal
reversal day occurs when, during
duri ng an
(or downtrend), a new high (or low) is made with prices closing
un derr (or above) the prior day's close.
close. Yo
You will discover
discover that the engulf 
eng ulf -
ing pattern may give reversal signals not available with the Western
reversal day. This may allow you to get a jump on those who use tradi -
tional reversal days as a reversal signal. This is probed in Exhibits 4.21,
4.22, and 4.23.
Some factors that would increase the likelihood that an engulfing
pattern would be an important reversal indicator would be:

1. If the first day of

of the engulfing
engulfin g pattern
patter n has
ha s a very small real body and
an d
the second day has a very long real body. This would reflect a dissi -
pation ofof the prior
p rior trend's force
force and
an d then
t hen an increase in force
force behind
behin d
the new move.
2. If the engulfing
engulf ing pattern
patter n appears
appea rs after a protracted or very fast move.
A protracted trend increases the chance that potential buyers are
alrea dy long. In this
thi s instance,
instance , there
the re may be less of
of a suppl
su pply
y of
of new
longs in order to keep the
th e market moving up. A fast move makes the
market overextended and vulnerable to profit taking.
3. If there
the re is heavy volume
vol ume on the second real body of
of the
th e engulfing
engulfi ng
pat tern.
n. This could be a blow of
off (volume using candlestick
candlest ick charts is
discussed in Chapter 15).
40 The Basics

EXHIBIT 4.20. Swiss Franc -Week

ly (Bullish and
an d Bearish Engulfing
Engulfi ng Patterns
Patt erns))

4. If the second day of

of the engulfing
engulfi ng pattern
patte rn engulfs more than
tha n one real

Exhibit 4.20
4.20 shows
sho ws that
th at the
th e weeks
week s of
of May 15 and May 22 22 formed a
bullish engulfing pattern.
patter n. During
D uring the last two weeks of of July,
Jul y, a bearish
engulfing pattern emerged. September's bullish engulfing pattern was
th e bottom
bott om of the
t he prior to the major rally.
In Exhibit 4.21 a monthly crude oil chart with both the bullish and
bearish engulfing patterns can be seen. In late 1985, a precipitous $20
decline began. The third and an d fourth
fourt h month
mont h ofof 198
19866 showed the twotw o can-
dlestick lines of
of the bullish engulfing pattern.
patt ern. It signaled an e nd to this
downtrend. The rally that began with this bullish engulfing pattern con -
cluded with the bearish engulfing pattern in mid -1987. The small bullish
engulfin g pattern
patt ern in February and March of of 1988
1988 terminated
terminate d the
trend that started with the mid -1987 1987 bearish engulfing pattern
pat tern.. After
After this
bullish engulfing pattern, the trendt rend went from down to sideways for for five
The black candlestick
candlesti ck ofof February
Febr uary 199
1990 0 came within
with in 8 ticks of
of engulf 
engu lf -
ing the January 1990 white candlestick. Consequently, this was not a
perfect bearish engulfing pattern but, with candlesticks, as with other
 Re ve rsa l Pa tt er ns 41


1620 4000
. 1620 .
. 1595 .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bearish Engulfing

Bullish Engulfing Patterns

EXHIBIT 4.21. Crude Oil- Monthl

y (Bullish and Bearish
Bearish Engulfing Pattern)
Pat tern)

charting techniques,
techniques, there should be some latitude allowed.
allowed. It is safer to
view this as a bearish engulfing pattern with all its inherently bearish
implications than to ignore that possibility just because of 8 ticks. As
with all charting techniques, there is always room for subjectivity.
The bearish engulfing patterns in 1987
1987 and in 1990
1990 convey
convey an ad van -
a n advan
tage provided by the engulfing pattern it may give a reversal signal not
available using the criteria for a reversal day in Western technicals. A
rule for the Western top reversal day (or, in this case, reversal month) is
that a new high has to be made for the move. New highs for the move
were not made by the black real body periods in the bearish engulfing
patte rns. Thus, using the criteria
criteria for the Western reversal they would not
be recognized as reversal patterns in the United States. Yet, they were
reversals with the candlestick
candlestick techniques.
Exhibitt 4.22
4.22 shows another instance where
wher e the
t he candlestick
candlestick charts may
allow one to get a jump on regular bar charting tools. Observe the price
action on July 7 and 8. Here again, since there was no new high made,
ther e was no sign of of a top reversal by using the traditional
traditi onal Western
reversal day as a gauge. Yet, with candlesticks, there is a bearish rever -
sal signal, namely the bearish engulfing pattern, does show itself.
The two candlestick lines 1 and 2 in early June look like a bullish
42 The Basics


EXHIBIT 4.22. Platinum- October, 1989, Daily.

Daily. (Bearish Engulfing Pattern)
Patt ern)

engulfing pattern. However, the bullish engulfing pattern is a bottom

tren d reversal
reversal indicator.
indicator. This
This means it it must appear
appea r after a downtrend
downtre nd (or
sometimes at the bottom of of a lateral band). In early June, when
wh en the bull-
ish engulfing pattern appeared it did not warrant action since it did not
appear in a downtrend.
Exhibitt 4.23
4.23 is a series of of bearish engulfing
engul fing pattern
pat terns.
s. Pattern
Patt ern 1
dragged the market into a multi-month lateral band from its prior
Engulfing pattern 2 only called a temporary respite to the rally.
Bearish engulfing patterns
pattern s 3,
3, 4,
4, and
a nd  5 all gave reversal signals that were
not available with Western technical techniques (that is, since no new
highs were made for the move they were not considered reversal
 Reversal Patterns

, .................. .................... ......,............... ......... ... . ... .

... . .................. :........... ..... .........:...
. ,,
Soybeans Weekly
I Jul Jan Jul (Bearish Engulfing
Source: Copyright 1990 Commodity Trend Servicee


Our next reversal pattern is the dark -cloud cover (see Exhibit 4.24). It is a
two candlestick
candlestick pattern
patter n that is a top reversal after a or, at times,
at the
t he top
t op of a congestion band. The first day of of this two candlestick pat -
tern is a strong white
whit e real body.
body. The second day's
day's price opens
open s above the
The  Basi cs

EXHIBIT 4.24. Dark -cloud Cover

prior session's
session's high (that is, above the top to p of
of the upper
up per shado
sh adow).w). How-
ever, by the end ofof the second day's session, th e market closes closes near theth e
low of
of the day and well within the prior day's white body. The greater
the degree
d egree of
of penetration
penetratio n into the white
w hite real body the more like likely
ly a top
will occur. Some Japanese technicians require more t han a 50% penetra-
tion of
of the
th e black
black session's close into the th e white
whit e real body. If If the black
candlestick does not close below the halfway point of the white candle-
stick it may be best to wait for more bearish confirmation following the
dark cloud cover.
The rationale behind this bearish pattern is readily explained. The
market is in an A strong white candlestick is followed by a gap
higher on the next session's opening. Thus far, the bulls are in complete
control. But then non o continuat
conti nuationion of
of the rally occurs! In fact,
fact, the
th e market
closes at or near the lows of of the
t he day moving
mov ing well within
with in the prior
p rior day's
real body. In such a scenario, the longs will have second thoughts about
their position. Those who were waiting for selling short now have a
benchmark to place a stop at the new high of
- of the
t he second day da y of
of the
dark -cloud cover pattern.
The following isis a list of
of some factors
facto rs that intensify
in tensify the importan
impo rtance ce of
dark -cloud covers:

1. The greater the degree of of penetrat

pen etration
ion of
of the black real body's close
into the
th e prior white real body, the greater theth e chance for a top. IfIf the
black real body covers the prior day's entire white body, a bearish
engulfing pattern would occur. The dark -cloud cover's black real
body only gets partially into the
th e white body.
bo dy. Think of of the dark -cloud
cover as a partial solar eclipse
eclipse blocking
blocking out
ou t part
p art of
of the s un (that
(tha t is,
covers only part of
of the prior white body).
body ). The bearish engulfing pat-
tern can be viewed as a total solar eclipse blocking out the entire sun
(that is, covers the entire white body). A bearish engulfing pattern,
consequ ently, is a more meaningful to p reversal. If If a long, white
whit e real
body closes above the high
hi ghss of the dark -cloud cover, or the bearish
engulfing pattern, it could presage another rally.
 Rev ers al Pa tter
tt er ns

2. During a prolonged if there

ther e is a strong
stron g white day
d ay which
opens on its low (t hat is, a shaven bottom) and closes
closes on its high (that
( that
is, a shaven head) and the next day reveals a long black real body
day, opening on its high and closing on its low, then a shaven head
and shaven bottom black day have occurred.
3. If the second
s econd body (that
(th at is, the
th e black dar k -cloud cover
black body) of the dark 
opens above a major resistance level and then fails, it would prove
the bulls were unable
una ble to take control of the market.
marke t.
4. If,
If, on
o n the openin
ope ningg of the second day there
ther e is very heavy volume, a
buyin g blow ofoff could have occurred.
occurr ed. For example, heavy
heav y volume at
a new opening high could mean that many new buyers have decided
to jump aboard ship. Then the t he market sells offs. It
It probably won't be
too long before this multitude of new longs (and old longs who have
ridden the realize that the ship they jumped onto is the
Titanic. For futures traders, very high opening interest can be another

Exhibit 4.25 demonstrates the difference between the dark -cloud

cover and the bearish engulfing pattern. The two candlesticks in June
1989 constitute a dark -cloud cover. A long, white real body is followed
by a long, black real body. The black real body opened on a new high
for the move and then closed near its lows and well into the prior day's

EXHIBIT 4.25. Municipal Bonds - Weekly

(Dark -cloud Cover and Bearish Engulfing
Source: Copyright 1990 Commodity Trend Service'
46 The  Basics


1855 .
1880 . Dark cloud
1842 . .
+15 .

. . . . . . . .

Dark cloud
Cover 3

.:. ................
:. . . . . .. . . .
1873 Feb 'Mar 'May

EXHIBIT 4.26. Crude Oil

Oil -July 1990, Daily (Dark -cloud Cover)
whit e real body. The municipal bond market backed of off after this top
t op
reversal appeared.
appeare d. The final coup de grace came a few weeks later when
the bearish engulfing pattern materialized. We see how the dark -cloud
cover's black real
real body covered only part
pa rt of
of the prior
p rior white real body.
The black
black real
real body of the bearish
b earish engulfing pattern
patt ern enveloped
envelope d the
t he entire
enti re
previous white real body.
In Exhibit 4.26 three dark -cloud covers can be seen. Other bearish
signals confirmed each ofof these patterns.
patt erns. Let
Let us look at them
th em on an indi-
vidual basis.

1.  Dark -cloud cover 1 . This is a variation on the ideal dark -cloud cover

pattern. In this dark -cloud cover, the second day's black real body
opene d at
a t the prior day's high instead of above
a bove it. It was still only a
warning sign but it was viewed as a negative factor. This dark -cloud
cover also signified a failed attempt by the bulls to take out resistance
at the mid-February highs.
2.  Dark -cloud cover 2 . Besides this dark -cloud cover, there was another
reason for caution at this $21 level. A technical axiom is that a prior
support level, once broken, can convert to new resistance. That is
what happened at $21. $21. Note how the old $21
$21 support,
suppo rt, once breached
al Patterns

on March 9, converted to resistance. The failed rally attempt during

the dark -cloud cover
cover pattern durin
d uring
g the first two days of
of April proved
this resistance. (Chapter 11 examines this concept of the interch
int erchange
ange -
ability of supp
s upport
ort and
a nd resistance.)
resist ance.)
3. Dark -cloud cover 3 . This shows that there was also a failure at a resis -
tance zone made during the late April highs.

These are instances where the bearish dark -cloud cover coincided

with resistance levels.
levels. This concept,
concept, where more than one technical indi indi -
cator corroborates another,
another , is importan
imp ortant.
t. It is the main focus of the sec -
on d half
half of
of this
t his book where the combinat
comb ination
ion of candles
can dlestick
tick techniques
techniq ues
with other technical tools is discussed.
Exhibit 4.27 shows
sho ws that
tha t during
durin g the early part of dar k -cloud
of March, dark 
cover 1 halted a two -week rally. A week -long correction ensued. Two
more dark -cloud covers formed in April. Dark -cloud cover 2 hinted that
the prior sharp two -day rally was probably over. Dark -cloud cover 3, in
mid-April, was especially bearish. Why did this dark -cloud cover turn
ou t to be so negative? The reason has to do d o with the
th e psychology ofof this
As noted previously, the rationale behind the th e negative aspect of of the


Cover 2 Dark cloud

- ,

Dark cloud
- .
Cover 1
. . .

. .

I . . . . .

EXHIBIT 4.27. 1990 (Dark -cloud Covers)

48, The  Basics


EXHIBIT 4.28. Myers- 1990, Daily source: L.P.

dark -cloud cover
cover is the result of
of a new high on the open
o pen,, with the mar-
ket closing deeply into the prior white real body. What would happen,
tho ugh,, if,
if, on the
t he second day of of the dark -cloud cover, the open pene-
trates the highs not from days, or even weeks ago, but from months ago
and then fails at these new highs? This would produce very negative
connotations. This is the scenario that unfolded in April. The highest
levels in at least three months were touched on the black candlestick
session of dark -cloud cover 3. This high failed to hold and prices closed
well within the prior white real body.
In Exhibit
Exhibit 4.28, we see that the price incline
incline commencing
commencing February
February 10
came to an abrupt halt with the mid-February dark -cloud cover.


During many of my speaking engagements, after I have discussed the

bearish dark -cloud cover pattern, it's not too long before I am asked if
there is an opposite formation. Yes, there is and it is called a  pier
 pattern. Just as a dark -cloud cover is a top reversal, its opposite, the
piercing pattern, is a bottom reversal (see Exhibit 4.29). It is composed of
two candlesticks in a falling market. The first candlestick is a black real
body day the second is a long, white real body day. This white day
ope ns sharply lower, un der the low of of the prior black
black day . Then prices
 Re ve rsa l Pa tt er ns

EXHIBIT 4.29. Piercing Pattern

push higher, creating a relatively long, white real body that closes above
the mid-point ofof the prior
p rior day's black real body.
bod y.
The bullish piercing pattern is akin to the bullish engulfing pattern.
In the bullish engulfing pattern the white real body engulfs the previous
black real body. With the bullish piercing pattern, the white real body
only pierces the prior black body. In the piercing pattern, the greater the
deg ree of
of penetrat
pen etration
ion into
i nto the
th e black
black real body, the more likely it will
will be
a bottom reversal. An ideal piercing pattern will have a white real body
that pushes more than halfway into the prior session's black real body.
If the market closes und er the lows of of the bullish
bullis h engulfing patt
p attern
ern or
the piercing pattern by way of a long black candlestick, then another
should resume.
The psychology behind the piercing patternpatt ern is as follows: The market
is in a downtrend. The bearish black real body reinforces this view. The
next day the market opens lower via a gap. The bears are watching the
market with contentment. Then the market surges toward the close,
managing not only to close unchanged from the prior day's close, but
sharply above that level. The bears will be second guessing their posi-
tion. Those who are looking to buy would say new lows could not hold
and perhaps it is time to step in from the long side.
The piercing pattern signal increases in importance based on the
same factors (1) through (4) as with the dark -cloud cover, but in reverse.
(See previous section.) In the section on the dark -cloud cover, I men -
tioned that although some Japanese traders like to see the black real
body close more that midway in the prior white candlestick, there is
some flexibility to this rule. With the piercing pattern, there is less flexi-
bility. The piercing
piercing pattern's
pattern's white candlestick
candlestick should pu sh more tha n
halfway into the black candlestick's real body. The reason for less lati-
tude with the bullish piercing pattern than with the bearish dark -cloud
cover pattern is the fact that the Japanese have three other patterns
called the on-neck, the in-neck, and the thrusting pattern (see Exhibits 4.30
to 4.32) that have the same basic formation as the piercing pattern, but
which are viewed as bearish signals since the white real body gets less
than halfway into the black's real body.
50 The Basics


T 4. 31 . EXHIBI
T 4. 32 .
On-neck Pattern In-neck Pattern Thrusting Pattern

Thus these three potentially bearish patterns (Exhibits 4.30 to 4.32)

and the bullish piercing pattern (Exhibit 4.29) all have the same form.
The difference between them is in the degree of penetrationpenetrati on by the whitewh ite
candlestick into the black candlestick's real body. The on -neck pattern's
white candlestick (usually
(usually a small one) closes
closes near the low of the previ -
ous session. The in -neck pattern's white candlestick closes closes slightly into
the prior real body (it should also be a small white candlestick). The
thrusting pattern should be a longer white candlestick that is stronger
than the in-neck pattern but bu t still
still does not close
close above theth e middle of of the
prior black real body.
With these patterns, as prices move under the white
low, the trader
trad er knows that it's time to sell.
sell. (Note that theth e thrustin
thru sting g pat -
tern in Exhibit 4.32 is bearish in a declining
declin ing market, but bu t as part of a ris -
par t of
ing market, would be considered bullish. The thrusting pattern is also
bullish if
if it occurs twice
twice within several days da ys of
of each other.
oth er.))
It is not important to remember the individual patterns in Exhibits
4.30 to 4.32.
4.32. Just remember
remember theth e concept that
tha t the
th e white candlestick should
sho uld
pu sh more than halfway
halfway into the blacblackk candlesti
ck's real body to se nd a
bottom reversal signal.
In Exhibit 4.33, the bears successfully knocked the market to new
lows for the move on April 27 as shown by the long black day. The next
day the market opened lower. This opening turned out to be the low of
the day and Boeing closed well within the prior day's black real body.
The two candlesticks on April 27 27 and 28 created the bullish piercing pat -
Exhibit 4.34 shows a classic piercing pattern during the week of
March 26. Note how the white real body followed a very weak long,
black real body. The white day opened on a new low for the move. The
strong close that day, which pushed well into the previous black real
body, was a powerful indication
indication that
tha t the bears lost control of the mar -
ket. The white day was a very strong session. It opened on its low (that
 Re ve rs al Pa tt er ns 51



6APR 4MAY 4.33.

Source: Bloomberg Daily Pattern)






. . .


, ,

. Pattern
. Variation Pattern

EXHIBIT 4.34. Wheat - May 1990, Daily (Piercing Pattern)

52 Basics

is, a shaven bottom) and closed its high (that is, a shaven head). Note
how this bullish piercing pattern brought to an end the that com-
menced with
w ith the
th e bearish engulfing
engulfin g pattern
patt ern of March 19 and an d 20.
On this
th is Wheat chart there
th ere is also a variation of of the piercing pattern
patte rn
dur ing the
t he week ofof March 12. The reason it is a variation
var iation is because theth e
white real body opened under the prior day's real body, but not under
the prior day's low. Nonetheless, because the white real body closed
more than 50% into the prior day's blac blackk real body it was a warning
wa rning sign
that the prior was runn ing out of of steam.
ste am.
Exhibit 4.35 illustrates how candlestick patterns can help the analyst
get a quick
quick sense ofof the market's
marke t's heal
h ealth.
th. During
Duri ng the latter part
pa rt of
of Febru
F ebru -
ary 199
0, a broker wha t I though
brok er asked me what tho ughtt of oats. I rarely monitor oats.
Nonetheless, I retrieved the candlestick chart shown s hown in Exhi
bitt 4.35 and
an d
told him that the downtre
dow ntrend
nd was probably over.over. Why? I had noticed that
dur ingg the week of of February 20,20, an almost
almo st classic
classic piercing pattern
patt ern
appeared. I also saw this piercing pattern coincided with a successful test
of the early February lows. This increased the t he chance that a double bot -
tom had been built.
Exhibit 4.36 illustrates that the downtrend, which began with the
bearish engulfing pattern in late 1984, ended in mid -1987 with the

44 DAILY BAR 1989

. . .

. . . .

. . .

. . .
. . . . . .

. . .

. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .


. .. .

'Feb 'Mar

EXHIBIT 4.35. Oats - July 1990, Daily

Daily (Piercing Pattern)
Patter n)
 Rev ersa l Pattern
Pat tern s

Source: Quick 10 - E Financial Information System

EXHIBIT 4.36. Cash Yen, Monthly (Piercing Pattern)

appe arance
ce of this piercing pattern.
pattern . Although
Altho ugh the market did not rally
after this bottom reversal signal, the signal did forecast
forecast the end
e nd of
of the
selling pressure that had pulled the market down from mid-1984 1984 to mid
m id-
1987.. After
After the piercing pattern the
th e market stabilized for a year, and
a nd then


" One
On e cannot be too cautious
cautio us "

group of
of fascinating reversal patterns is that which includes stars.
 A star is a small real body that gaps away from the large real body pre -
ceding it (see Exhibit 5.1). It is still a star as long as the star's real body
does not
no t overlap the
th e prior real body. The colo colorr of
of the star is not
n ot impor -
tant. Stars can occur at tops or at bottoms (sometimes a star during a
downtrend is labeled a rain drop). If the th e star is a doji inst
in stead
ead of
of a small
sm all
real body, it is called a doji star (see Exhibit 5.2).
The star, especially the doji star, is a warning that the prior trend
may be ending. The star's small real body represents a stalemate in the
tug of
of war between the t he bulls and bears. In a strong the bulls
are in charge. With the emergence of of a star after a long white
wh ite candlestick
in an it is a signal ofof a shift from the buyers being in control to
a deadlock between the buying and selling forces. This deadlock may
have occurred either because of a diminution in the buying force or an
increase in the selling force. Either way, the star tells us the prior
power has dissipated and the market is vulnerable to a setback.
The same is true, but b ut in reverse, for a star in a downtre
down trend.
nd. That is, if
a star follows a long black candlestick in a downtrend, it reflects a
change in the market environment. For example, during the downtrend
the bears were in command but a change is seen in the advent adve nt of
of the
star, which signals an environment in which the bulls and the bears are
more in equilibrium. The downward energy has thus been cooled. This
is not a favorable scenario
scenar io for a continuation
continua tion ofof the
th e bear market.
market .
56 The  Basic
 Ba sic s

(can be
white or

(can be
In In Downtrend In In Downtrend

EXHIBIT 5.1. Star in an EXHIBIT 5.2. Doji Star in an

and a Downtrend and Downtrend

The star is part of

of ffour
our reversal
revers al patterns
patter ns including:
includ ing:

1. the evening star;

2. the morning star;
3. the doji star; and
4. the shooting star.

In any of
of these
thes e star pattern
patt ernss the real body of
of the star can be white or


The morning star (see Exhibit

Exhibit 5.3) is a bottom reversal pattern. Its name
is derived because, like the morning star (the planet Mercury) that fore -
tells the
th e sunrise,
sunris e, it presages higher prices. It is comprised
compri sed of
of a tall, black
real body followed by a small real body which gaps lower (these two
lines comprise a basic star pattern). The third day is a white real body
that moves well within the first period's black real body. This pattern is
a signal that the bulls have seized control. I will break down this three -
candlestickck pattern into its components in order to und erstand the ratio-
nale behind this last statement.

EXHIBIT 5.3. Morning Star

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