Ganchos Miller

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Our forged hooks are produced to exacting standards:

• DIN 15400- Lifting hooks, materials, m echanical properties, lifting

capacity, stresses
• DIN 15401- Single hooks
• DIN 15402- Rams horn hooks (double hooks) with and without
bottom hole and quad.
• DIN 7540- Eye hook class 8 (grade 80)

DIN is the German Institute for Standardization (Deutsches Institut für

Normung) and has been based in Berlin since 1917. DIN has historically
developed the detailed and exacting standards used in German engineering
and is the body that represents Germany in international standards

Shank Hooks
Hooks are identified by hook number and material. Each hook number
maintains identical dimensions across a range of different materials
with its load capacity dependent on the material used. Shank hooks
are forged and heat-treated for optimal strength and toughness and
are available in single, double or quad (4-point) configurations.
Available in standard working loads to 1,000 tons.

Standard hook forgings are generally available in three increasingly stronger, carbon and alloy steel m aterials
with forgings available in bronze, or stainless steel for non-sparking and other special applications:
DIN class P is a fine-grained carbon steel, St-E355/St-E420, very similar to ASTMA573 Gr. 65
DIN class T is a structural low alloy steel, 34CrMo4 or 34CrNiMo6, very similar to SAE 4135/4340
DIN class V as a super alloy steel, 34CrNiMo6 or 30CrNiMo8, sim ilar to SAE 4340/4337

Stainless steel hooks are forged to order from ANSI 304 or 316L stainless steel
Bronze hooks are forged to order from a non-sparking aluminum-nickel bronze alloy (CuAl10Ni/C95500)

In the succeeding selection tables, working load limits (WLL) are indicated for each hook number depending
on the material selected. Safety latches are included. Longer shanks are available with upon request. For
single hooks, stainless steel models are also shown in the selection table. Custom hooks of any configuration
are offered in stainless and bronze.

Certified quality: All hooks are available with certifications by serial number for m echanical and chemical
properties including Charpy testing, and also include 100% ultrasonic and magnetic particle non-destructive
examination. Hooks include markings of fixed distances (“y” dim ension) which allow confirmation that no
deform ation has occurred in use or during proof testing.

Eye Hooks
See detailed eye hook tables immediately following the shank hook tables. Specializing in
high-quality, heavy eye hooks for a wide variety of applications.

Our DIN 7540 Grade 80 Eye Hook (RIGHT) features the traditional eye-ring of circular
cross section allowing the maximum degree of m otion in the connection and is available
standard in working loads up to 400 metric tons (440 short tons). These are forged from
34CrNiMo6V alloy steel, include a safety latch, and can be adapted for ROV use. Design
factor is 4:1.

Our Shackle Eye Hook (LEFT) features an eye of cylindrical section for a close fit onto the
shackle pin, limiting motion relative to the shackle, or other pin and evenly distributing the
load. Shackle eye hooks are similar to DIN 15401 shank hooks and are forged from the class
V alloy steel m aterial noted above. Design factor is 5:1. Shackle Eye Hooks include a locking
safety latch and can also be adapted for ROV (remote-operated vehicle) use.

800.733.7071 - 1.508.248.3941 - Fax 1.508.248.0639 65 - [email protected]

Metric Dimensions

Model Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity a1 a2 a3 B b1 b2 d1 e2 e3 h1 h2 L L1 y Weight

Number Metric Metric Metric Metric Kg
Tons Tons Tons Tons
Carbon Alloy Super STAIN-
Class P Class T Alloy LESS
GS 1,6 3 5 6.5 2.5 56 45 64 78 45 38 36 146 118 56 48 272 224 4.5
GS 2,5 5 8 10 3 63 50 72 86 53 45 42 167 132 67 58 311 253 6.3
GS 4 8 12 16 5 71 56 80 95 63 53 48 190 148 80 67 352 285 8.8
GS 5 10 16 20 8 80 63 90 103 71 60 53 215 165 90 75 393 318 12.3
GS 6 12.5 20 25 10 90 71 101 140 80 67 60 240 185 100 85 465 380 130 17.1
GS 8 16 25 32 12.5 100 80 113 150 90 75 67 268 210 112 95 513 418 145 24
GS 10 20 32 40 16 112 90 127 166 100 85 75 286 221 125 106 558 452 160 34
GS 12 25 40 50 20 125 100 143 209 112 95 85 316 252 140 118 643 525 180 55
GS 16 32 50 63 25 140 112 160 238 125 106 95 357 280 160 132 727 595 200 77
GS 20 40 63 80 32 160 125 180 260 140 118 106 405 330 180 150 815 665 225 112
GS 25 50 80 100 40 180 140 202 280 160 132 118 455 360 200 170 905 735 255 160
GS 32 63 100 125 50 200 160 225 300 180 150 132 510 400 224 190 1000 810 290 220
GS 40 80 125 160 63 224 180 252 338 200 170 150 567 447 250 212 1117 905 320 310
GS 50 100 160 200 80 250 200 285 355 224 190 170 635 485 280 236 1226 990 355 430
GS 63 125 200 250 100 280 224 320 410 250 212 190 710 550 315 265 1385 1120 400 600
GS 80 160 250 320 125 315 250 358 468 280 236 212 802 598 355 300 1570 1270 450 860
GS 100 200 320 400 160 355 280 402 513 315 265 235 902 688 400 335 1750 1415 505 1220
GS 125 250 400 500 n/a 400 315 450 570 355 300 265 1020 750 450 375 1965 1590 570 1740
GS 160 320 500 640 n/a 450 350 505 645 400 335 300 1145 825 500 425 2215 1790 640 2480
GS 200 400 640 800 n/a 500 400 565 771 450 375 335 1275 900 560 475 2523 2048 720 3420
•For dimensional tolerances and extended shank options see page 72

800.733.7071 - 1.508.248.3941 - Fax 1.508.248.0639 66 - [email protected]

Imperial Dimensions

Model Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity a1 a2 a3 B b1 b2 d1 e2 e3 h1 h2 L L1 y Weight

Number Short Short Short Short Lbs.
Tons Tons Tons Tons
Carbon Alloy Super STAIN-
Class P Class T Alloy LESS
GS 1,6 3 6 7 3 2.21 1.77 2.52 3.07 1.77 1.50 1.42 5.75 4.65 2.21 1.89 10.72 8.83 10
GS 2,5 6 9 11 3 2.48 1.97 2.84 3.39 2.09 1.77 1.65 6.58 5.20 2.64 2.29 12.25 9.97 14
GS 4 9 13 18 6 2.80 2.21 3.15 3.74 2.48 2.09 1.89 7.49 5.83 3.15 2.64 13.87 11.23 19
GS 5 11 18 22 9 3.15 2.48 3.55 4.06 2.80 2.36 2.09 8.47 6.50 3.55 2.96 15.48 12.53 27
GS 6 14 22 28 11 3.55 2.80 3.98 5.52 3.15 2.64 2.36 9.46 7.29 3.94 3.35 18.32 14.97 5.12 38
GS 8 18 28 35 14 3.94 3.15 4.45 5.91 3.55 2.96 2.64 10.56 8.27 4.41 3.74 20.21 16.47 5.71 53
GS 10 22 35 44 18 4.41 3.55 5.00 6.54 3.94 3.35 2.96 11.27 8.71 4.93 4.18 21.99 17.81 6.30 75
GS 12 28 44 55 22 4.93 3.94 5.63 8.23 4.41 3.74 3.35 12.45 9.93 5.52 4.65 25.33 20.69 7.09 121
GS 16 35 55 69 28 5.52 4.41 6.30 9.38 4.93 4.18 3.74 14.07 11.03 6.30 5.20 28.64 23.44 7.88 170
GS 20 44 69 88 35 6.30 4.93 7.09 10.24 5.52 4.65 4.18 15.96 13.00 7.09 5.91 32.11 26.20 8.87 247
GS 25 55 88 110 44 7.09 5.52 7.96 11.03 6.30 5.20 4.65 17.93 14.18 7.88 6.70 35.66 28.96 10.05 353
GS 32 69 110 138 55 7.88 6.30 8.87 11.82 7.09 5.91 5.20 20.09 15.76 8.83 7.49 39.40 31.91 11.43 485
GS 40 88 138 176 69 8.83 7.09 9.93 13.32 7.88 6.70 5.91 22.34 17.61 9.85 8.35 44.01 35.66 12.61 683
GS 50 110 176 220 88 9.85 7.88 11.23 13.99 8.83 7.49 6.70 25.02 19.11 11.03 9.30 48.30 39.01 13.99 948
GS 63 138 220 276 110 11.03 8.83 12.61 16.15 9.85 8.35 7.49 27.97 21.67 12.41 10.44 54.57 44.13 15.76 1323
GS 80 176 276 353 138 12.41 9.85 14.11 18.44 11.03 9.30 8.35 31.6 23.56 13.99 11.82 61.86 50.04 17.73 1896
GS 100 220 353 441 176 13.99 11.03 15.84 20.21 12.41 10.44 9.26 35.54 27.11 15.76 13.20 68.95 55.75 19.90 2690
GS 125 276 441 551 n/a 15.76 12.41 17.73 22.46 13.99 11.82 10.44 40.19 29.55 17.73 14.78 77.42 62.65 22.46 3836
GS 160 353 551 705 n/a 17.73 13.99 19.90 25.41 15.76 13.20 11.82 45.11 32.51 19.70 16.75 87.27 70.53 25.22 5467
GS 200 441 705 882 n/a 19.70 15.76 22.26 30.38 17.73 14.78 13.20 50.24 35.46 22.06 18.72 99.41 80.69 28.37 7540
•For dimensional tolerances and extended shank options see page 72

800.733.7071 - 1.508.248.3941 - Fax 1.508.248.0639 67 - [email protected]

Metric Dimensions

Model Capacity Capacity Capacity a1 a2 a3 B f1 b1 e2 d1 e3 h L L1 y Weight

Number Metric Metric Metric Kg
Tons Tons Tons
Carbon Alloy Super
Class P Class T Alloy
Class V
GD 6 12.5 20 25 71 56 92 183 301 60 192 60 160 75 450 375 93 16.8
GD 8 16 25 32 80 63 103 197 337 67 218 67 182 85 500 415 104.5 25.3
GD 10 20 32 40 90 71 116 220 377 75 230 75 192 95 545 450 117.5 35.3
GD 12 25 40 50 100 80 130 258 421 85 252 85 210 106 616 510 132.5 50
GD 16 32 50 63 112 90 146 296 471 95 284 95 237 118 698 580 148.5 71
GD 20 40 63 80 125 100 163 332 531 106 318 106 265 132 782 650 165.5 100
GD 25 50 80 100 140 112 182 347 598 118 378 118 315 150 865 715 185 138
GD 32 63 100 125 160 125 205 388 672 132 402 132 335 170 960 790 207 197
GD 40 80 125 160 180 140 230 435 754 150 450 150 375 190 1075 885 233 286
GD 50 100 160 200 200 160 260 461 842 170 504 170 420 212 1177 965 265 394
GD 63 125 200 250 224 180 292 538 944 190 552 190 460 236 1326 1090 297 547
GD 80 160 250 320 250 200 325 617 1062 212 618 212 515 265 1500 1235 331 760
GD 100 200 320 400 280 224 364 685 1186 235 690 235 575 300 1675 1375 370 1060
GD 125 250 400 500 315 250 408 776 1330 265 774 265 645 335 1885 1550 414.5 1491
GD 160 320 500 500 355 280 458 875 1505 300 870 300 725 375 2120 1745 466 2115
GD 200 400 640 800 400 315 515 1037 1685 335 961 335 800 425 2423 1998 522.5 3015
GD 250 500 800 1000 450 355 580 1195 1885 375 1055 375 875 475 2725 2250 587.5 4268
•For dimensional tolerances and extended shank options see page 72

800.733.7071 - 1.508.248.3941 - Fax 1.508.248.0639 68 - [email protected]

Imperial Dimensions

Model Capacity Capacity Capacity a1 a2 a3 B f1 b1 e2 d1 e3 h L L1 y Weight

Number Short Short Short Lbs.
Tons Tons Tons
Carbon Alloy Super
Class P Class T Alloy
Class V
GD 6 14 22 28 2.80 2.21 3.62 7.21 11.86 2.36 7.56 2.36 6.30 2.96 17.73 14.78 3.66 37
GD 8 18 28 35 3.15 2.48 4.06 7.76 13.28 2.64 8.59 2.64 7.17 3.35 19.70 16.35 4.12 56
GD 10 22 35 44 3.55 2.80 4.57 8.67 14.85 2.96 9.06 2.96 7.56 3.74 21.47 17.73 4.63 80
GD 12 28 44 55 3.94 3.15 5.12 10.17 16.59 3.35 9.93 3.35 8.27 4.18 24.27 20.09 5.22 111
GD 16 35 55 69 4.41 3.55 5.75 11.66 18.56 3.74 11.19 3.74 9.34 4.65 27.50 22.85 5.85 157
GD 20 44 69 88 4.93 3.94 6.42 13.08 20.92 4.18 12.53 4.18 10.44 5.20 30.81 25.61 6.52 219
GD 25 55 88 110 5.52 4.41 7.17 13.67 23.56 4.65 14.89 4.65 12.41 5.91 34.08 28.17 7.29 304
GD 32 69 110 138 6.30 4.93 8.08 15.29 26.48 5.20 15.84 5.20 13.20 6.70 37.82 31.13 8.16 434
GD 40 88 138 176 7.09 5.52 9.06 17.14 29.71 5.91 17.73 5.91 14.78 7.49 42.36 34.87 9.18 631
GD 50 110 176 220 7.88 6.30 10.24 18.16 33.17 6.70 19.86 6.70 16.55 8.35 46.37 38.02 10.44 869
GD 63 138 220 276 8.83 7.09 11.50 21.20 37.19 7.49 21.75 7.49 18.12 9.30 52.24 42.95 11.70 1206
GD 80 176 276 353 9.85 7.88 12.81 24.31 41.84 8.35 24.35 8.35 20.29 10.44 59.10 48.66 13.04 1673
GD 100 220 353 441 11.03 8.83 14.34 26.99 46.73 9.26 27.19 9.26 22.66 11.82 66.00 54.18 14.58 2337
GD 125 276 441 551 12.41 9.85 16.08 30.57 52.40 10.44 30.50 10.44 25.41 13.20 74.27 61.07 16.33 3287
GD 160 353 551 705 13.99 11.03 18.05 34.45 59.30 11.82 34.25 11.82 28.57 14.78 83.53 68.75 18.36 4663
GD 200 441 705 882 15.76 12.41 20.29 40.82 66.39 13.20 37.83 13.20 31.52 16.75 95.47 78.72 20.59 6647
GD 250 551 882 1102 17.73 13.99 22.85 47.05 74.27 14.78 41.53 14.78 34.48 18.72 107.3 88.65 23.15 9409
•For dimensional tolerances and extended shank options see page 72

800.733.7071 - 1.508.248.3941 - Fax 1.508.248.0639 69 - [email protected]

Metric Dimensions

Model Capacity Capacity Capacity a1 a2 a3 B f1 b1 d2 e2 d1 e3 h L L1 r4 y Weight

Number Metric Metric Metric Kg
Tons Tons Tons
Carbon Alloy Super
Class P Class T Alloy
Class V
GDB 10 20 32 40 90 71 116 220 377 75 74 230 75 192 130 580 450 85 117.5 41
GDB 12 25 40 50 100 80 130 258 421 85 78 252 85 210 150 660 510 95 132.5 57
GDB 16 32 50 63 112 90 146 296 471 95 86 284 95 237 170 750 580 106 148.5 82
GDB 20 40 63 80 125 100 163 332 531 106 96 318 106 265 190 840 650 118 165.5 115
GDB 25 50 80 100 140 112 182 347 598 118 106 378 118 315 212 927 715 132 185 160
GDB 32 63 100 125 160 125 205 388 672 132 116 402 132 335 236 1026 790 150 207 229
GDB 40 80 125 160 180 140 230 435 754 150 131 450 150 375 265 1150 885 170 233 330
GDB 50 100 160 200 200 160 260 461 842 170 146 504 170 420 300 1265 965 190 265 458
GDB 63 125 200 250 224 180 292 538 944 190 168 552 190 460 335 1425 1090 212 297 638
GDB 80 160 250 320 250 200 325 617 1062 212 188 618 212 515 375 1610 1235 236 331 892
GDB 100 200 320 400 280 224 364 685 1186 235 208 690 235 575 425 1800 1375 265 370 1248
GDB 125 250 400 500 315 250 408 776 1330 265 235 774 265 645 475 2025 1550 300 414.5 1757
GDB 160 320 500 640 355 280 458 875 1505 300 260 875 300 725 530 2275 1745 335 466 2500
GDB 200 400 640 800 400 315 515 1037 1685 335 282 1037 335 800 600 2560 1960 375 522.5 3560
GDB 250 500 800 1000 450 355 580 1195 1885 375 312 1195 375 875 670 2880 2210 425 587.5 5030
•For dimensional tolerances and extended shank length options see page 72. •Hole tolerance is H15 (approx.+2%/-0)

800.733.7071 - 1.508.248.3941 - Fax 1.508.248.0639 70 - [email protected]

Imperial Dimensions

Model Capacity Capacity Capacity a1 a2 a3 B f1 b1 d2 e2 d1 e3 h L L1 r4 y Weight

Number Short Short Short Lbs.
Tons Tons Tons
Carbon Alloy Super
Class P Class T Alloy
Class V
GDB 10 22 35 44 3.55 2.80 4.57 8.67 14.85 2.96 2.92 9.06 2.96 7.56 5.12 22.85 17.73 3.35 4.63 90
GDB 12 28 44 55 3.94 3.15 5.12 10.17 16.59 3.35 3.07 9.93 3.35 8.27 5.91 26.00 20.09 3.74 5.22 126
GDB 16 35 55 69 4.41 3.55 5.75 11.66 18.56 3.74 3.39 11.19 3.74 9.34 6.70 29.55 22.85 4.17 5.85 181
GDB 20 44 69 88 4.93 3.94 6.42 13.08 20.92 4.18 3.78 12.53 4.18 10.44 7.49 33.10 25.61 4.65 6.52 254
GDB 25 55 88 110 5.52 4.41 7.17 13.67 23.56 4.65 4.18 14.89 4.65 12.41 8.35 36.52 28.17 5.2 7.29 353
GDB 32 69 110 138 6.30 4.93 8.08 15.29 26.48 5.20 4.57 15.84 5.20 13.20 9.30 40.42 31.13 5.9 8.16 505
GDB 40 88 138 176 7.09 5.52 9.06 17.14 29.71 5.91 5.16 17.73 5.91 14.78 10.44 45.31 34.87 6.7 9.18 728
GDB 50 110 176 220 7.88 6.30 10.24 18.16 33.17 6.70 5.75 19.86 6.70 16.55 11.82 49.84 38.02 7.48 10.44 1010
GDB 63 138 220 276 8.83 7.09 11.50 21.20 37.19 7.49 6.62 21.75 7.49 18.12 13.20 56.15 42.95 8.35 11.70 1407
GDB 80 176 276 353 9.85 7.88 12.81 24.31 41.84 8.35 7.41 24.35 8.35 20.29 14.78 63.43 48.66 9.29 13.04 1967
GDB 100 220 353 441 11.03 8.83 14.34 26.99 46.73 9.26 8.20 27.19 9.26 22.66 16.75 70.92 54.18 10.4 14.58 2751
GDB 125 276 441 551 12.41 9.85 16.08 30.57 52.40 10.44 9.26 30.50 10.44 25.41 18.72 79.79 61.07 11.8 16.33 3873
GDB 160 353 551 705 13.99 11.03 18.05 34.45 59.30 11.82 10.24 34.25 11.82 28.57 20.88 89.64 68.75 13.2 18.36 5512
GDB 200 441 705 882 15.76 12.41 20.29 40.82 66.39 13.20 11.11 37.83 13.20 31.52 23.64 100.8 77.22 14.8 20.59 7848
GDB 250 551 882 1102 17.73 13.99 22.85 47.05 74.27 14.78 12.29 41.54 14.78 34.48 26.40 113.4 87.07 16.7 23.15 11096
•For dimensional tolerances and extended shank length options see page 72 . •Hole tolerance +2%/-0

800.733.7071 - 1.508.248.3941 - Fax 1.508.248.0639 71 - [email protected]


Single hooks per DIN 15401
Sin gle H ook Long Shank Add Single Hook D imensional Toleran ces (mm)
Number Value to L1 (mm) Number a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 d1 e3 h1 h2 L1
2.5 62 1.6 and 2.5 +3 / -0
4 1 00 4 and 5 +4 / -0
5 92 6 and 8 +5 / -0
6 50 10 t o 16 +6 / -0
8 1 02 20 +8 / -0
10 to 20 1 50 25 and 32 +12 / -0 +/- 10 +1 6 / -0 +12 / -0 +/- 10 +20 / -0
2 5 to 125 2 00 40 t o 63 +16 / -0 +/- 12 +2 0 / -0 +16 / -0 +/- 12 +24 / -0
1 60 and 2 00 Per Order 80 to 125 +20 / -0 +/- 16 +2 5 / -0 +20 / -0 +/- 16 +32 / -0
160 t o 20 0 +25 / -0 +/- 20 +3 2 / -0 +25 / -0 +/- 20 +40 / -0

Duplex hooks per DIN 15402

Duplex Hook Long Shank Add D uplex Hook Dimensional Tolerances (mm)
Number Value to L1 (mm) Number a1 a2 a3 b1 d1 e h L1
6 1 15 6 and 8 +5 / -0
8 1 20 10 to 16 +6 / -0
10 and 12 1 10 20 and 25 +8 / -0
16 and 20 N/A 32 +12 / -0 +/- 10 +16 / -0 +12 / -0 +5 / -0 +20 / -0
25 1 50 40 to 63 +16 / -0 +/- 12 +20 / -0 +16 / -0 +6 / -0 +24 / -0
32 to 160 2 00 80 t o 125 +20 / -0 +/- 16 +25 / -0 +20 / -0 +8 / -0 +32 / -0
200 and 250 Per Order 160 to 250 +25 / -0 +/- 20 +32 / -0 +25 / -0 +10 / -0 +40 / -0

Single hooks per DIN 15401
Sin gle H ook Long Shank Add Single Hook Dimensional Tolerances (i nches)
Number Val ue t o L1 (in) Number a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 d1 e3 h1 h2 L1
2.5 2.44 1.6 and 2.5 +.12 / -0
4 3.94 4 and 5 +.16 / -0
5 3.62 6 and 8 +.2 / -0
6 1.97 10 t o 16 +.24 / -0
8 4.02 20 +.32 / -0
10 to 20 5.91 25 and 32 +.47 / -0 +/- .39 +.63 / -0 +.47 / -0 +/- .3 9 +.79 / -0
2 5 to 125 7.88 40 t o 63 +.63 / -0 +/- .47 +.79 / -0 +.63 / -0 +/- .4 7 +.95 / -0
1 60 and 2 00 Per Order 80 to 125 +.79 / -0 +/- .63 +.99 / -0 +.79 / -0 +/- .6 3 +1.26 / -0
160 t o 20 0 +.99 / -0 +/- .79 +1 .2 6 / -0 +.99 / -0 +/- .7 9 +1.58 / -0

Duplex hooks per DIN 15402

Duplex Hook Long Shank Add D uplex Hook Dimensional Tolerances (inches)
Number Value t o L1 (in) Number a1 a2 a3 b1 d1 e h L1
6 4.53 6 and 8 +.2 / -0
8 4.73 10 to 16 +.24 / -0
10 and 12 4.33 20 and 25 +.32 / -0
16 and 20 N/A 32 +.47 / -0 +/- .39 +.63 / -0 +.47 / -0 +.2 / -0 +.79 / -0
25 5.91 40 to 63 +.63 / -0 +/- .47 +.79 / -0 +.63 / -0 +.24 / -0 +.95 / -0
32 to 160 7.88 80 t o 125 +.79 / -0 +/- .63 +.99 / -0 +.79 / -0 +.32 / -0 +1.26 / -0
200 and 250 Per Order 160 to 250 +.99 / -0 +/- .79 +1.26 / -0 +.99 / -0 +.39 / -0 +1.58 / -0

800.733.7071 - 1.508.248.3941 - Fax 1.508.248.0639 72 - [email protected]

Miller Lifting P roduc ts
100A Stur bridge Rd.
Char lton MA 01 507 USA
800.733.7 071
[email protected]
DIN 15401 SINGLE HOOKS ƒ  DIN15402 DOUBLE HOOKS Standard HD Pos Lock
*Lo ck Pin   
*Att achme nt ha rdwar e inclu ded
Not  Show n
Hook Frame N umber Standard  Heavy‐Dut y   
Single Duple x Flapper  Positive ‐Locking
1.6 2.5 M2918 05106 M291 80710 6 How to locate  hook  frame num ber:
2.5 4 M2918 05205 M291 80720 5 See h ook m arkin gs loca ted as indic ated b elow. Hook 
4 5 M2918 05004 M291 80700 5 frame numb er is fo llowed  by a single letter P , T,V, S, or M
5 6 M2918 05005 M291 80700 7
6 8 M2918 05006 M291 80700 6
8 10 M2918 05008 M291 80700 8
10 12 M2918 05010 M291 80701 0
12 16 M2918 05012 M291 80701 2
16 20 M2918 05016 M291 80701 6
20 25 M2918 05020 M291 80702 0
25 32 M2918 05025 M291 80702 5
32 40 M2918 05032 M291 80703 2
40 50 M2918 05040 M291 80704 0
50 63 M2918 05050 M291 80705 0
63 80 M2918 05063 M291 80706 3
80 100 M2918 05080 M291 80708 0
100 125 M2918 05100 M291 80710 0
125 160 M2918 05125 M291 80712 5
160 200 M2918 05160 M291 80716 0
200 250 M2918 05200 M291 80720 0

DIN 7540 Standard Flapper Latch Kits
*Att achme nt ha rdwar e inclu ded How to locate hook frame number:
Hook Frame N umber Part N umbe r See h ook m arking s loca ted as indica ted b elow. Hook frame 
34 M2919 91034 num ber is a two ‐digit number 34 t hroug h 42
35 M2919 91035
36 M2919 91036
37 M2919 91037
38 M2919 91038
39 M2919 91039
40 M2919 91040
41 M2919 91041
42 M2919 91042
* Po sitive lockin g latch es by specia l orde r

*Att achme nt ha rdwar e inclu ded
Working Load & Material Part N umber 
3 TON CARBON M291 80300 0
5 TON CARBON / 7.5 TON ALLOY M291 80400 5
7.5 TON CARBON / 11.5 TON AL LOY  M291 80400 7
10 TON CARBON / 16 TON ALL OY  M291 80400 4
2 2 TON ALLOY M291 80400 9

800.733.7071 - 1.508.248.3941 - Fax 1.508.248.0639 73 - [email protected]

For heavy lift activity where more distributed control
of the load is necessary, these quadruple hooks are
forged from class V superalloy, 34CrNiMo6 or
30CrNiMo8. The static design factor to ultimate
strength is 5:1. Available with or without safety
latches. Shown here as a raw forging, these quadruple
hooks are also available with longer shanks and/or
machined with matching nut, thrust bearing and
trunnion. Quad hooks are forged to order. Allow
adequate time for delivery.

Metric Dimensions
Model Number Capacity (SWL) a1 a2 a3 b1 d1 e f1 h L1** Weight
Metric Tons* Kg
GQ16V 160 112 90 146 95 132 237 508 118 580 146
GQ20V 200 125 100 163 106 150 265 575 132 650 208
GQ25V 250 140 112 182 118 170 315 650 150 715 300
GQ32V 320 160 125 205 132 190 335 730 170 790 418
GQ40V 400 180 140 230 150 212 375 816 190 885 604
GQ50V 500 200 160 260 170 236 420 908 212 965 785

Imperial Dimensions
Model Number Capacity (SWL) a1 a2 a3 b1 d1 e f1 h L1** Weight
Short Tons* Lbs.
GQ16V 176 4.41 3.54 5.75 3.74 5.20 9.33 20.00 4.65 22.83 322
GQ20V 220 4.92 3.94 6.42 4.17 5.91 10.43 22.64 5.20 25.59 459
GQ25V 275 5.51 4.41 7.17 4.65 6.69 12.40 25.59 5.91 28.15 661
GQ32V 352 6.30 4.92 8.07 5.20 7.48 13.19 28.74 6.69 31.10 922
GQ40V 440 7.09 5.51 9.06 5.91 8.35 14.76 32.13 7.48 34.84 1332
GQ50V 551 7.87 6.30 10.24 6.69 9.29 16.54 35.75 8.35 37.99 1731
ƒ Tolerance per DIN15402
* Capacities based on FEM 1Bm/ISO M3 service class ** Additional length, L1 is available

800.733.7071 - 1.508.248.3941 - Fax 1.508.248.0639 74 - [email protected]

DIN is the German Institute for Standardization (Deutsches Institut für Normung) and has been based in Berlin
since 1917. DIN has historically developed the detailed and exacting standards used in German engineering
and is the body that represents Germany in international standards organizations.

ƒ Forged from high-strength alloy steel 34CrNiMo6V

ƒ Safe Working Loads from 40 to 400 metric tons
ƒ Design factor 4:1 to ultimate strength
ƒ Proof load is 2.5 times Safe Working Load
ƒ Includes safety latch
ƒ ROV modification (addition of pad eyes) available upon request
ƒ Higher load capacities available upon request

Metric Dimensions
Model Capacity MBL b1 d1 d1 Tolerance d2 d3 e f g h1 h2 K L X Weight Kg
Number (SWL) Metric
Metric ton
EH34 40 160 78 72 +1.9 / -3.7 44 66 388 140 109 118 103 80 19 90 31.5
EH35 50 200 89 84 +1.9 / -3.7 50 74 442 158 124 135 116 90 19 103 46
EH36 63 250 99 90 +2.3 / -4.7 56 83 494 176 138 151 130 101 19 114 63
EH37 80 320 110 102 +2.3 / -4.7 63 93 610 198 155 168 145 113 19 131 80
EH38 100 400 125 116 +/- 5.0 74 120 650 225 175 195 172 133 19 147 125
EH39 150 600 140 130 +/- 6.5 86 140 765 250 200 225 199 160 19 166 250
EH40 200 800 160 150 +/- 7.5 102 161 850 275 225 260 237 195 25 * 365
EH41 250 1000 180 170 +/- 8.5 120 195 928 310 255 290 269 210 25 * 515
EH42 300 1200 200 190 +/- 9.5 140 223 1052 350 290 330 310 240 32 * 730
EH43 400 1600 240 210 +/- 10.5 170 240 1195 400 320 380 345 270 32 * 1055

Imperial Dimensions
Model Capacity MBL b1 d1 d1 Tolerance d2 d3 e f g h1 h2 k L X Weight
Number (SWL) Short ton Lbs.
EH34 44 176 3.07 2.83 +.07 / -.14 1.73 2.60 15.28 5.51 4.29 4.65 4.06 3.15 .75 3.54 69
EH35 55 220 3.50 3.31 +.07 / -.14 1.97 2.91 17.40 6.22 4.88 5.31 4.57 3.54 .75 4.06 102
EH36 69 275 3.90 3.54 +.09 / -.18 2.20 3.27 19.45 6.93 5.43 5.94 5.12 3.98 .75 4.49 139
EH37 88 353 4.33 4.02 +.09 / -.18 2.48 3.66 24.02 7.88 6.10 6.61 5.71 4.45 .75 5.16 176
EH38 110 441 4.92 4.57 +/- .19 2.91 4.72 25.59 8.86 6.89 7.68 6.77 5.24 .75 5.79 276
EH39 165 661 5.51 5.12 +/- .25 3.39 5.51 30.12 9.84 7.87 8.86 7.83 6.30 .75 6.54 551
EH40 220 882 6.30 5.91 +/- .29 4.02 6.34 33.46 10.83 8.86 10.24 9.33 7.68 .98 * 805
EH41 276 1102 7.09 6.69 +/- .33 4.72 7.68 36.54 12.20 10.04 11.42 10.59 8.27 .98 * 1135
EH42 331 1322 7.87 7.48 +/- .37 5.51 8.78 41.42 13.78 11.42 12.99 12.20 9.45 1.26 * 1609
EH43 441 1764 8.27 8.27 +/- .41 6.69 9.45 47.05 15.75 12.60 14.96 13.58 10.63 1.26 * 2326
ƒ Except where otherwise noted, dimensional tolerances for hooks through model EH37 are approximately ±5%, and increase
somewhat for hooks larger than model EH37. Contact Miller for detailed tolerance data.
ƒ Load capacities indicated are for operating temperatures between -40°C and 200°C (-40°F and 392°F). Outside this range
check with Miller for reduced capacity limits. * x dimension please inquire.
800.733.7071 - 1.508.248.3941 - Fax 1.508.248.0639 75 - [email protected]
Heavy Duty Eye Hooks for
Miller Heavy Duty Eye Hooks are specifically intended
for use with shackles or other pin-type connections. The
cylindrical cross-section of the eye assures uniform pin
loading while limiting relative hook motion.
Based also the DIN norms, they are typically forged
from the strongest DIN "V" material class (see above)
and carry a 5:1 design safety factor and a positive
locking latch. Adaptable for ROV (Remotely Operated
Vehicles) use, these eye hooks fit standard shackles and
also are available in customized versions. Deformation
indicators are also included on these heavy duty models.

Metric Dimensions
Model Capacity A a1 a2 a3 B b1 b2 D d1 e3 h1 h2 b L1 L2 L y Weight
Number Metric Kg
GSOJ8T 30 52 100 80 113 115 90 75 43 67 210 112 95 51 419 65 569 145 17
GSOJ8V 40 65 100 80 113 140 90 75 52.5 67 210 112 95 59 427 80 602 145 24
GSOJ12V 55 74.5 125 100 143 155 112 95 60.5 85 252 140 118 68 484 90 692 180 55
GSOJ20V 85 96.5 160 125 180 195 140 118 73 106 330 180 150 80 585 112 847 225 112
GSOJ25V 120 119 180 140 202 235 160 132 86 118 360 200 170 91 646 135 951 255 160
GSOJ32V 150 125 200 160 225 250 180 150 98.5 132 400 224 190 112 722 145 1057 290 220
GSOJ40T 175 131.5 224 180 252 285 200 170 109.5 150 447 250 212 126 793 165 1170 320 310
GSOJ40V 200 144.5 224 180 252 320 200 170 122.5 150 447 250 212 147 814 185 1211 320 310
GSOJ50V 250 179 250 200 285 340 224 190 135 170 485 280 236 168 903 195 1334 355 430
GSOJ63V 300 179 280 224 320 405 250 212 154 190 550 315 265 168 978 235 1478 400 600
GSOJ80V 400 201.5 315 250 358 460 280 236 179.5 212 598 355 300 196 1098 265 1663 450 860
•Dimensional Tolerance are, A=+0/-1%, D=+2/-0% and all others are +7/-2%

Imperial Dimensions
Model Capacity A a1 a2 a3 B b1 b2 D d1 e3 h1 h2 b L1 L2 L y Weight
Number Short Lbs.
GSOJ8T 33 2.05 3.94 3.15 4.45 4.53 3.55 2.96 1.69 2.64 8.27 4.41 3.74 2.01 16.51 2.56 22.42 5.71 37
GSOJ8V 44 2.56 3.94 3.15 4.45 5.52 3.55 2.96 2.07 2.64 8.27 4.41 3.74 2.32 16.82 3.15 23.72 5.71 53
GSOJ12V 61 2.94 4.93 3.94 5.63 6.11 4.41 3.74 2.38 3.35 9.93 5.52 4.65 2.68 19.07 3.55 27.26 7.09 121
GSOJ20V 94 3.80 6.30 4.93 7.09 7.68 5.52 4.65 2.88 4.18 13.00 7.09 5.91 3.15 23.05 4.41 33.37 8.87 247
GSOJ25V 132 4.69 7.09 5.52 7.96 9.26 6.30 5.20 3.39 4.65 14.18 7.88 6.70 3.59 25.45 5.32 37.47 10.05 353
GSOJ32V 165 4.93 7.88 6.30 8.87 9.85 7.09 5.91 3.88 5.20 15.76 8.83 7.49 4.41 28.45 5.71 41.65 11.43 485
GSOJ40T 193 5.18 8.83 7.09 9.93 11.23 7.88 6.70 4.31 5.91 17.61 9.85 8.35 4.96 31.24 6.50 46.10 12.61 683
GSOJ40V 220 5.69 8.83 7.09 9.93 12.61 7.88 6.70 4.83 5.91 17.61 9.85 8.35 5.79 32.07 7.29 47.71 12.61 683
GSOJ50V 276 7.05 9.85 7.88 11.23 13.40 8.83 7.49 5.32 6.70 19.11 11.03 9.30 6.62 35.58 7.68 52.56 13.99 948
GSOJ63V 331 7.05 11.03 8.83 12.61 15.96 9.85 8.35 6.07 7.49 21.67 12.41 10.44 6.62 38.53 9.26 58.23 15.76 1323
GSOJ80V 441 7.94 12.41 9.85 14.11 18.12 11.03 9.30 7.07 8.35 23.56 13.99 11.82 7.72 43.26 10.44 65.52 17.73 1896
•Dimensional Tolerance are, A=+0/-1%, D=+2/-0% and all others are +7/-2%

800.733.7071 - 1.508.248.3941 - Fax 1.508.248.0639 76 - [email protected]

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