Your Ikigai Questions!: My Inner Creative

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The document provides a process to help identify one's passions, talents, values and purpose in life known as Ikigai.

The document outlines circling words that stick out, grouping them into categories like finance or family, and identifying the top 12 values.

The document explores establishing values, passions, talents, impact, and career in relation to Ikigai.

Your Ikigai questions!

My inner Creative [email protected]

myinnercreative Myinnercreative
Myinner.creative theartofbujo

Establishing your core values
Acceptance Exploration Present
Accomplishment Expressive Productivity 1. Start by circling the words that stick out to you or cause an immediat4e reaction in
Accountability Fairness Professionalism you. Which words align closes to your feelings?
Accuracy Family Prosperity
Achievement Famous Purpose Select the top 12 values
Adaptability Fearless Quality
Alertness Feelings Realistic
Altruism Ferocious Reason
Ambition Fidelity Recognition
Amusement Focus Recreation
Assertiveness Foresight Reflective
Attentive Fortitude Respect
Awareness Freedom Responsibility
Balance Friendship Restraint
Beauty Fun Results-oriented
Boldness Generosity Reverence
Bravery Genius Rigor
Brilliance Giving Risk
Calm Goodness Satisfaction
Candor Grace Security
Capable Gratitude Self-reliance
Careful Greatness Selfless
2. Are there any key words evident with the words you have selected? Groups you can
Certainty Growth Sensitivity put them in such as finance, travel, career or family?
Challenge Happiness Serenity
Charity Hard work Service
Cleanliness Harmony Sharing
Clear Health Significance
Key words
Clever Honesty Silence
Comfort Honor Simplicity
Commitment Hope Sincerity
Common sense Humility Skill
Communication Imagination Skillfulness
Community Improvement Smart
Compassion Independence Solitude
Competence Individuality Spirit
Concentration Innovation Spirituality
Confidence Inquisitive Spontaneous
Connection Insightful Stability
Consciousness Inspiring Status
Consistency Integrity Stewardship
Contentment Intelligence Strength
Contribution Intensity Structure
Control Intuitive Success
Conviction Irreverent Support Your 3 core values
Cooperation Joy Surprise
Courage Justice Sustainability
Courtesy Kindness Talent
Creation Knowledge Teamwork
Creativity Lawful Temperance
Credibility Leadership Thankful
Curiosity Learning Thorough
Decisive Liberty Thoughtful
Decisiveness Logic Timeliness
Dedication Love Tolerance
Dependability Loyalty Toughness
Determination Mastery Traditional
Development Maturity Tranquility
Devotion Meaning Transparency
Dignity Moderation Trust
Discipline Motivation Trustworthy
Discovery Openness Truth
Drive Optimism Understanding
Effectiveness Order Uniqueness
Efficiency Organization Unity
Empathy Originality Valor
Empower Passion Victory
Endurance Patience Vigor
Energy Peace Vision
Enjoyment Performance Vitality
Enthusiasm Persistence Wealth
Equality Playfulness Welcoming
Ethical Poise Winning
Excellence Potential Wisdom
Experience Power Wonder
What do you love?
W h e n w o rkin g o n so m e th in g o r d o in g so m e th in g – w h at are th e tasks yo u ge t lo st in ?

W h at w o u ld yo u d o if m o n e y w asn ’t an o p tio n ?

If yo u h ad so m e sp are tim e , w h at w o u ld yo u sp e n d yo u r tim e d o in g?

W h at ge ts yo u re ally e xcite d ?

If yo u w e re aske d to p re se n t to a ro o m fu ll o f p e o p le o n a to p ic, w h at w o u ld it b e ?

Goals towards your passion: Passion

How would you rate your passion out of 10?

Are there any goals you can set to get more aligned with your passion?

What are you good at?
W h at p ractical skills are yo u tale n te d at?

W h at so cial skills are yo u go o d at?

H ave yo u w o n an y aw ard s?

A re th e re an y w ays yo u can d e ve lo p o r fo ste r yo u r tale n ts?

A re th e re an y p art o f yo u r cu rre n t jo b yo u fin d e ffo rtle ss o r e asy? Th at yo u e n jo y d o in g?

Goals towards your talents: Talents

How would you rate your talents out of 10?

Are there any goals you can set to get more aligned with your talents?

What does the world need from you?
A re th e re an y so cial/ e n viro n m e n tal o r e co n o m ic p ro b le m s yo u w an t to h e lp so lve ?

A re th e re issu e s in yo u r co m m u n ity o r at w o rk th at to u ch yo u e m o tio n ally?

A re th e re an y vo lu n te e r o rigin atio n s th at se e m to fit in an d align w e ll w ith yo u r valu e s?

If yo u w e re to ask th e p e o p le aro u n d yo u , w h at w o u ld th e y say yo u are an ad vo cate fo r?

H as an yo n e e ve r said yo u w e re go o d w ith p e o p le o r an im als? Sp e cifically th e e ld e rly, ch ild re n e tc?

Goals towards your impact: Impact

How would you rate your impact on the world out of 10?

Are there any goals you can set to get more aligned with your personal values?

What do you get Paid for?
D o yo u fe e l th at yo u are d o in g e n o u gh in yo u r cu rre n t care e r p ath ?

Is th e re an y o ve rlap w ith yo u r care e r an d yo u r o th e r 4 asp e cts o f Ikigai?

D o yo u u se yo u r tale n ts an d p assio n s in w h at yo u d o fo r a care e r?

D id yo u stu d y o r can yo u stu d y fu rth e r to d e ve lo p yo u r care e r? W h at p ro fe ssio n al d e ve lo p m e n t d o yo u h ave

p lan n e d ?

W h at re su lts b rin g yo u th e m o st satisfactio n ?

Goals towards your career: Career

How would you rate your current career out of 10?

What goals can you put in place to better align your career to your other
aspects of Ikigai?

Tying it all together
Your 3 core values

Your Passion Your mission

Your vocation Your profession

Describe your ikigai


Set those goals!



What do you want to achieve?

How will reaching this goal improve your life


10 Small actions to do to reach your goal. Think If you are a rewards based
S of small, achievable activities for taking action? person – think of some small or
big rewards for you reaching
M your milestones towards this

People to ask for support, guidance or

Resources or encouragement needed for this


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