Mistral Hull

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The document provides guidance on building a US One Meter hull including recommended materials, construction steps, and plans for Bob Debow's Mistral hull design.

The document recommends using balsa, plywood, particle board or doorskin plywood for building forms. It also recommends fiberglass cloth and epoxy or polyester resin for glassing the hull.

The steps provided are to lay fiberglass cloth over the dry hull with fibers at 45% to the keel, smooth with hand and apply resin from center outwards, then trim and sand excess fiberglass.

Building a US One Meter Hull

By Jim Linville
US One Meter Class Secretary

One of the things I enjoy most about the US One Meter Class construction; building rudders, trunks and keels; keel bulbs; decks
is building boats, and, in my opinion the US One Meter Con- and hatches; sail rigging, masts and fittings; radio boards, winch
struction Guide is a necessary reference. Many AMYA members sheeting, and sail trimming.
are not aware that a US One Meter Construction Guide and a I wish we could publish the whole thing here in Model Yacht-
number of building plans for US One Meter Class yachts are avail- ing, but space constraints rule that out, so check out the follow-
able from the class. The Construction Guide was originally writ- ing three-page sample on how to build a balsa hull. The revised
ten by class founders Bob DeBow and Bob Jensen. Steve Andre booklet will be available on the Web and from the AMYA Chan-
made major contributions and produced the first computerized dlery before the summer is over. In the meantime copies of the
version. Bill Turner added new material and enhanced the draw- current edition are available from the US One Meter class secre-
ings. My contribution will be to continue adding new stuff, intro- tary. I’ve also included an abbreviated set of plans for Bob
duce the use of modern materials such as carbon fiber, and pre- DeBow’s great US One Meter yacht, Mistral... enought to build
pare the Guide for distribution on the Web. In my opinion, at $5, the hull.The full set is available from the class.
the Guide is one of the best bargains in model yachting, and be- The class also keeps a library of US One Meter plans that we
lieve it or not, the $5 price tag has never changed. make available to the membership at $3 per set. These plans range
Those of you who have built boats from scratch know that more from 5 to 8 pages in length and when coupled with the Construc-
time is spent trying to figure out where to put the mast step than tion Guide provide all of the information you’ll need to complete
building and installing it. And that’s true for most parts of any a really spiffy yacht. Currently we have 19 plans ready to be
scratch-built boat. For most of us the Construction Guide will built.
solve this problem. The current edition has more than 50 pages For more information, contact me at any of the addresses shown
of highly illustrated, expert information on subjects such as hull in the Masthead.


Building Board


Center Line

Station Spacing

The board has to be “warp-free”. It can be plywood or particle Note that blocks are placed in front of station lines 1 thru 5 and
board shelving material. Particle board is a little more difficult to behind station lines 6 thru 10. Do not drive nails “home”. They
cut and drive nails into than plywood. Size of the board is about will be removed later.
5/8" x 12" x 48". If you want to keep the board clean, cover it Trace shadows (frames or formers) on 1/8" thick “doorskin”
with shelf paper. plywood or untempered hardboard. These shadows will be dis-
Draw a center line on the length of the board. Draw station carded later. Be sure you have a center line on each shadow. Cut
spacing lines at right angles to the center line. Make sure the out shadows, and sand any rough spots. Glue shadows to blocks
spacing is correct for the hull design. Lightly nail small wood on building board. Use 5 Minute Epoxy or hot glue. Be sure cen-
blocks (about 3/4" x 3/4" x 2") to board at station spacing lines. ter line on the shadows lines up with center line on building board.

To build a straight hull you must have a sturdy jig to hold the
Stem Piece
station formers in alignment with the keel center line, they also
must be perpendicular to the center line both vertically and hori- Inner Clamp
Draw or trace the station former outlines on paper, cut them out
and glue them to the former material with rubber cement. You can Outer Clamp
use 1/8" thick door skin plywood (or any other suitable material)
for former material. Cut the formers out and sand the edges to con- Start the balsa planking at the deck rail, making sure the plank is
form to the paper templates. tight against the deck rail edge. Zap the edge joint as you move
along the length of the hull. Continue laying planks making sure
Cover the edges of the formers with masking tape, where the hull
the edges are tight and that they follow the curve of the hull and are
planking will make contact. This helps prevent the glue from stick-
against the formers. Lay in about four planks on one side and then
ing to the formers. Now attach the formers to the building jig. Make
switch to the other side. Continue to plank the sides until you get
sure station spacing and former alignment is correct.
near the water line at the bow. Glue a balsa plank along the hull
Before we start building lets talk about materials used in the con- bottom against the pine keel plank. Do both sides of the keel this
struction of the hull. The keel plank and deck rails are 1/8" X 1/4" way. For the remainder of the planking, trial fit each plank for length
wide strips of pine or basswood. The hull is planked with contest and end shape before gluing. When you lay flat planking strips
grade “lite” density balsa wood strips. Balsa comes in several den- against the curved area of the formers, the gluing edges don’t meet
sities. If you use hard density wood its not as easy to form the strips squarely and you get a slight gaping of the edges. To eliminate this,
to the formers and the hull starts getting a little heavy. You can buy
1/8" X 3" wide X 48" long balsa sheets.*
Added keel support
Outer Keel Keel Plank
(bevel if necessary) Keel plank Jig


Inner Clamp
Doubled rails
Doubled keel planks
Building Board
Balsa Planks
Use a balsa stripper to cut the sheets into 5/16" wide strips for
planking (you can’t buy precut strips in this width and this is about
the maximum width for easy planking). “Zap CA thin” glue can be
used throughout the construction of the hull. It will bond almost
anything, including your fingers and sets up almost instantly. The use a sanding block to put a slight angle on the edge of the plank to
joints must be tight, because the glue will not fill gaps. Therefore if be glued in. It doesn’t take much, just a swipe or two with the sand-
you have any gaps, fill them with Micro-Balloon filler or balsa dust, ing block down the edge of the plank.
and then Zap it. When the planking is completed, trim and sand flush any plank-
OK lets start planking the hull. Lay in the first 1/4" wide pine ing extending past the bow and stern formers.
keel plank and glue to each former. Glue a second pine plank on top OK its time to sand the hull. Use a sanding block with 100 grit
of the first plank. Do this by pressing a few inches of the second Garnet paper. Its important to use sharp (new) sandpaper. As soon
plank tightly against the first plank and apply Zap to the edge where as it starts getting dull change it.
the planks meet. Capillary action will suck the glue between the Don’t press hard on the sanding block, because it will cause low
planks. Continue this for the full length of the planks. For added spots in the hull. The glue line between each plank is harder than
strength in the keel fin area, glue a short 1/4" wide pine plank against the balsa wood, to prevent ridging of the glue line, sand diagonally
both sides of the keel planking between formers 4 and 7. Install the across the planking. Rub your hand over the hull, and you can feel
deck rails on both sides with double planks of pine in the same the bad spots easier than you can see them. When the hull feels and
manner as the keel planks. looks good, finish up with a light freehand (no sanding block) sand-
*Tech Editor’s Note: I get mot of my wood from Lone Star ing using 120 grit paper. Remember balsa wood sands fast and easy
Models in Lubbock, TX (800) 687-555. They’re a great source and the planking is only 1/8" thick.
for most US1M building supplies including balsa, plywood, Install the keel, ruder log and rudder, deck beams and hatch cover.
carbon fiber sheets, and SS cable. These items are covered in other sections of the construction guide.
Here’s an easy way to make an attractive transom on your new YOUR HULL
When the hull is planked, nose piece or bumper installed, hull

39-3/8" Max
Sand hull smooth with 100 grit sandpaper. Fill in all gaps in
planking and any low spots. Finish sand with 120 grit sandpaper.

sanded and BEFORE you remove the frames, place the hull on a
flat surface. Measure the hull for over-all length. The maximum
L.O.A. for a One Meter yacht is 39 3/8". Minimum is 39". This is
measured parallel to the waterline.
Fit and glue a 1/8" thick plywood transom beam between sheer
clamps. Place 1 oz. fiberglass cloth over dry hull, with fibers running
Straight Transom approximately 45% to keel. Smooth out fiberglass cloth with palm
of your hand over entire hull (except transom).

Sheer Transom
clamp brace
Trim fiberglass cloth approximately 1" from edges of hull.

Curved Transom
Apply masking tape to give proper cut line. Use the edge of
the tape as a guide and cut through the clamps, planking and
keel. Discard the last frame.
Use a sanding block to true and bevel edges. Glue a small sheet
of 1/16" plywood across the open end of the hull. Trim and sand
to final shape.

Masking tape Gently apply resin or epoxy to the hull, starting in center of
keel and work toward bow and stern. Apply resin or epoxy to the
remainder of the hull using a downward motion and let cure.
Note: If you are working with epoxy, thin approximately 30%
with Isopropyl Alcohol to allow an even flow.
Trim all excess fiberglass from the hull, using a sharp knife or
Cut line
single edge razor blade. Trimming is easiest if resin is “green”
(not completely cured).
When resin is dry, sand the hull with 225 grit “wet or dry”
Transom brace
sandpaper to remove curtains and runs. If you used epoxy you
will notice a feeling of oil on the un-sanded surface. This can be
wiped off with alcohol or acetone and then sanded.
Note: If you use polyester resin; Use laminating resin for the 1st
coat. Use sanding resin for the 2nd coat. Use finishing resin for
Sanding block the 3rd or last coat.
Your hull can be finished with a thin coat of high grade spar
BE SURE OVERALL LENGTH DOES NOT EXCEED 39 3/8". varnish or clear two-part epoxy paint.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4-1/4 3-7/8 3-7/8 3-7/8 3-7/8 3-7/8 3-7/8 3-7/8 3-7/8 3-7/8


1/8 Plywood
1/8 x 1/4 Pine (or Redwood)
clamp (doubled)

Water Line
Keel mounting bolts
1/8 x 1/2 pine on 1-1/2" centers
inner keel (keelson)
5/31" I.D.
brass tubing
1/8 x 1/4 pine 3-3/8"
outer keel top of fin
5/32" brass rod
This point 20-1/4" rudder shaft
from transom

Bob Debow's

1/8 x 1/4 pine or spruce

US One Meter
inner clamp 2-1/2" bottom of fin

5 lb. lead bulb

1/8 x 1/4 pine or spruce
outer clamp

Approx. hatch opening


Balance point 18-3/4" from transom

Approx. 19-1/4"





Here are the full sized patterns for build-

ing a Mistral hull. In the editor’s opinion,

the Mistral is one of the best US One
Meters ever designed. Consider that Bob

Debow originally designed it in 1985 and

that it’s still competitive today.


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