Radioactivity: Background Radiation
Radioactivity: Background Radiation
Radioactivity: Background Radiation
Background radiation
Radioactive elements are naturally found in the environment and are continually emitting radiation. This
naturally occurring radiation is called background radiation, which we are all exposed to throughout our
Background radiation comes from a number of sources. (Note that these are averaged across the population
and may differ for different groups, for example depending on any medical treatment you may have, or
whether you make many aeroplane flights.)
One of the major sources of background radiation is radon gas. This is produced by minute amounts of
uranium, which occurs naturally in rocks, and is present in all parts of the country. It disperses outdoors so is
only a problem if trapped inside a building. Exposure to high levels of radon can lead to an increased risk of
lung cancer.
Types of Nuclear Radiation
There are three types of radiation emitted by radioactive materials. They are all emitted from
unstable nuclei:
Most nuclei never change; they are stable. Radioactive materials contain unstable nuclei. These can break up
and emit radiation. When this happens, we say the nucleus has decayed. The result for alpha and beta decay
is the nucleus of a different element. For gamma decay, it is the same element but it has less energy.
Alpha decay
Mass number decreases by 4 (2 protons + 2 neutrons lost). Atomic number decreases by 2 (2 protons lost).
Beta decay
Gamma emission
Often after either alpha or beta decay the nucleons have an excess of energy. By rearranging the layout of
their protons and neutrons, they reach a lower energy state and the excess energy is emitted in the form of a
gamma ray.
• Most types of nuclei never change; they are stable. However, radioactive materials
contain unstable nuclei. The nucleus of an unstable atom can break up (decay) and when
this happens, it emits radiation.
• A nucleus of a different element is left behind.
• As time goes by radioactive materials contain fewer and fewer unstable atoms and so
become less and less radioactive and emit less and less radiation.
• There is no way of predicting when an individual nucleus will decay; it is a completely
random process. A nucleus may decay in the next second or not for a million years. This
means it is impossible to tell how long it will take for all the nuclei to decay.
• Like throwing a die, you cannot predict when a six will be thrown. However, given a very
large number of dice you can estimate that a certain proportion, 1/6th, will land as a six.
• We define activity as the number of nuclei that decay per second (N.B. 1 decay per
second = 1 Bq). The time it takes for the activity of a radioactive material to halve
(because half of the unstable nuclei that were originally there have decayed) is called
the half-life.
• We see the activity falling as there are fewer nuclei available to decay. However, note that the time
taken to halve is independent of the number of nuclei, in this case 2 seconds. Half-lives are unique to
each individual isotope and range from billions of years to fractions of a second.
• The half-life of a radioactive isotope is formally defined as:
• ‘The time it takes for half the nuclei of the isotope in a sample to decay, or the time it
takes for the count rate from a sample containing the isotope to fall to half its initial
N = Amount of radioisotope particles after nth half life.
N0 = Initial amount of radioisotope particles.
n = number of half life
A graph of activity vs. time can be plotted from experimental measurements. We must remember to subtract
the background count from the actual count to find the count due to the source alone. We call this
the corrected count rate.
Nuclear radiation never completely dies away, but eventually drops to a negligible level, close to the
background. At this point, a source is considered safe. Consideration of half-life therefore, has importance
when considering which isotopes to use for various applications and the disposal of radioactive waste – see
section on applications of radioactivity.
The total mass number must be the same on both sides of the equation. The total atomic number on both
sides of the equation must be the same. The total charge must be the same on both sides of the equation.
N/Z Curve
Nuclei have positive charge due to the protons in them. All the protons repel, so why does the nucleus not
There is another force acting called the strong nuclear force. This acts between all nucleons, both protons
and neutrons.
Fundamental Particles
In beta decay, one of the up quarks changes to a down quark or vice versa.
Protons and neutrons are made of just two types of quark, the up and the down. Other particles have to be
created in special machines called particle accelerators.
Is Radiation Dangerous?
• All nuclear radiation is ionizing. It can knock electrons out of atoms, or break molecules into bits. If
these molecules are part of a living cell, this may kill the cell.
• Radiation dose is measured in Sieverts. This unit measures the amount of energy deposited in the
tissue by the radiation, and takes account of the type of radiation, because some particles are more
effective at damaging cells than others. It is a measure of the possible harm done to your body.
Nuclear Fission
• If uranium were burned chemically to uranium oxide, it would release about 4500 J/g. The
equivalent energy release from nuclear fission is 8.2 × 1010 J/g.
• The daughter products themselves are radioactive because they still tend to be neutron rich
(i.e. lying above the N/Z curve), and decay, releasing more thermal energy and nuclear
radiation. They have a wide range of half-lives. These factors need to be taken into account
when considering their disposal.
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear fusion is the joining of two light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus. It is the process by which energy
is released in stars.
History of Radioactivity