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Russian Napoleonic

Infantry and Foot

ArtillerY Uniforms
1812-1815 Described and illustrated by Alan Perry

1. (a) 4. 1st Batt.

(b) (a)
2. 3.

6. (a)
5. 8. 9. 10.

(a) (b) (c) (d)
(b) 14.
11. (a)
Infantry “Musketeers” Jagers Grenadiers

(c) Jagers and
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
Marines Coy. Coy. Coy. Coy. Coy. Coy. Coy. Coy. Coy.
1st Batt. 2nd Batt. 3rd Batt. (e) (f) (g)


1st Batt.
(i) (k) (l)
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
Batt. Batt. Batt. Batt. Batt. Batt. (m)

1. Regimental Drummer 8. Infantryman in Shinel (f) Shows the Jager cartouche box with a
Shown here wearing a Fatigue cap (of the This figure shows the typical campaign dress regimental number.
1st battalion). Grenadiers’ shakos used a for summer or winter; fatigue cap and Shinel
12. Shoulder Straps
tall red plume for drummers and musicians. which could be worn over a shirt, waistcoat,
The number on the straps indicate the division
Drumsticks were the same colours as the civilian frock-coat or smock, the latter two
the regiment was in, whereas the colours,

Napoleonic Wars
standard staff brown, yellow, black or white, in winter. In 1811 cuffs of the greatcoat were
in the case of the five infantry (Musketeers)
according to the individual regiment. ordered to be faced in colours of the Arms of
straps on the left, indicate seniority in the
Service i.e. red for infantry, dark green piped
2. Field Officer division, red being the most senior. Jagers
red for Jager etc. This regulation does not seem

Frockcoats were popular for most Officer had either light blue or yellow and grenadier
to have been adhered to, although contemporary
ranks in the field, together with the peaked regiments had red.
pictures of guards (probably Preobrazhenski
version of the fatigue cap and grey, buttoned
or Litovski regiments) show them to have 13. Pom-poms, Fatigue
overalls. Gilt gorgets, (not always worn on
red cuffs, collars and shoulder straps on their Caps and Sword Knots
campaign) and gold-fringed epaulettes were
greatcoats. The Infantryman here is from the These were the same for Infantry and Jagers
a sign of Field Officers. Officers of ‘Jager’
3rd battalion, 8th company of his regiment, apart from the colour of the fatigue cap
regiments would have dark green piped red
shown by the light -blue piping on his fatigue headband.
cuffs and collars whilst Marines would
cap and his sword knot. The 2nd battalion was
have had dark green, piped white ones on There were three Infantry (Musketeer)
usually retained as the depot battalion.
their Frockcoats. companies to each battalion as shown by the
9. Line Officer Sword Knots.
Mounted officers’ saddle cloths and holster
The Officer illustrated wears the regimental
covers were dark green with a gold double The marksmen formed only a half company
summer dress used on campaign, including
striped boarder (galloons) and red stripe (Platoon) in the Infantry and Jager battalions.
the knapsack worn by all but Field Officers.
between the gold. Jager saddlecloths were the Officers were not always so neat on campaign, 14. The Guard 1813-15
same apart from a dark green stripe instead of like the Infantry, items of civilian clothing The 1st Division comprised of:
red, and all gold galloons piped red. Marines were used, such as scarves and peasant smocks 1st Brigade (a) Preobrazhenski Lifeguard
were the same as Jagers but piped white Regiment (b) Semenovski Lifeguard Regiment
instead of red. Epaulettes were the regimental strap colour,
edged in gold lace with the number in gold. 2nd Brigade (c) Ismailovski Lifeguard
3. Foot Artillery Gold fringes and gorgets were reserved for Regiment (d) Lifeguard Jagerski Regiment
The black facings piped red, typical of many Field Officers. Gorgets were gilt with a silver Guard Equipage
a nations artillery would be repeated on the eagle for captains, silver with gilt eagle and
collars of their brown/grey Greatcoat (Shinel). The 2nd Division comprised of:
edge for 2nd captains, silver with gilt edge for 1st Brigade (e) Liovski Lifeguard Regiment (f)
3(a) shows the fatigue cap. (b) Shows the Lieutenants and silver for 2nd Lieutenants. Lieb-Guard Grenadier Regiment 2nd Brigade
guard lace (Petlitze) on the collar and cuffs. ‘Officers are sometimes shown still in their old
(g) Pavlouski Guard Grenadier Regiment
The gun carriages were painted mid-green black bicorns with a black panache (hanging
(h) Finlandski Lifeguard Jager Regiment
with black fittings. Barrels were bronze. plume). Guards having a white panache
Guard Sapper Battalion Each regiment had
together with red striped, grey overalls.
4. Marines three battalions. The Guard Jager Regiments
There were four Marine regiments serving 10. Pavlovski Guardsman 1813-15 contained Carbinier companies in their
in the army from 1812, three in the 25th After heroic fighting in the 1812 campaign battalions (1 in each), who wore the grenadier
Division and one in 28th Division as shown the Pavlovski Regiment attained Guard status plumes, the rest of the guard Jager companies
in the shoulder straps (b). The fatigue cap (a) and joined the 2nd Guard division. The figure had pom-poms, as in the Line Jagers. The
has the same differences in piping as in the shown here has the full lapels of the 2nd Guard Jager Regiments coattail turnbacks
Infantry battalions, (but has green headband division, they may not have adopted until were green, piped in their distinctive colours;
instead of red), likewise the sword knot for the after the wars. They may have worn their the rest of the Guard had all-red turnbacks. All
companies. The Shinel collar was dark green previous line coatee with the addition of the regiments shoulder straps were red (m) except
piped white. Petlitzi (collar and cuff lace) until 1815, as the Lifeguards Jagerski, which were orange.
a contemporary Parisian picture shows. The Drummer plumes (j) were red, as in the Line
5. Jagers Pavlovski Guard were the only regiment to Grenadiers and their lace (k) correspond to the
Although classed as Light Infantry, Jagers retain the mitre cap after the 1805 reforms and Petlitzi colours of the regiment. The cartouche
were usually used in the Infantry roll, the indeed kept them until 1917 (some with holes pouch (1) show the Guard device of the Star of
Russian army was not known for its Infantry received in battles of the Napoleonic wars). St. Andrew, and four grenades.
skirmish tactics. The figure shown is wearing Although modern pictures often show chin-
the 1809 shako (Kiwer) which continued All Guard buttons and chin-scales were made
scales they were probably not used on mitre
in service alongside the 1812 Kiwer with of copper. Officers had gold pertiizi of various
caps until after the War, in fact Knotel states
the concave top, although probably not in intricate designs according to the regiment.
this fact. (a) Shows the back of the mitre cap.
the same units. Carbiniers (one platoon in Field Officers saddlecloths were the same
Pavlovski Officers wore the Guard 1812
each battalion) had the same distinctions as as the line, except for the Ismailovski and
Kiwer or Bicorn, not adopting the mitre
Grenadiers in the Infantry i.e. tall plumes and Pavlovski Regiments, which had a white stripe
until May 1825. As mentioned before, the
triple flamed grenade devices on Kiwers and between the double gold stripes (the rest of the
Shinel would have the collars (minus petlitzi)
Cartouche pouches. The brown-grey Shinel Guard had green). The holster caps and lower
shoulder straps and probably cuffs in the
had a dark green collar, piped red. regimental colours. rear corners of the saddlecloths were decorated
by a Silver Star ofAndrew.
6. Infantryman (Musketeer) 11. Details
The term ‘Musketeer’ had been abolished The 1809 Kiwer (a) had an additional leather Sources
in 1811 in favour of the term ‘ Infantryman’ flap at the back and dark green cloth ear Russian Military Uniforms 18th to Early 20th
and by the end of 1811 the regiments had lost protectors which folded up inside. The 1912 Century by B. M. Fjihhka l988
their Grenadier companies, which now formed Kiwer (b) is sometimes shown with a black
Grenadier divisions. The Infantryman shown Historical Description of the arms of the
oilskin or natural.linen cover.
here is in regulation winter dress; leather Russian Army by A. V. Viskovavori
booted overalls, with cords left attached to the The Grenadier sergeant (c) has additional
Napoleon 1812 La Campagne de Russie by
shako, a common practice on campaign in the gold galloon (tape 5/8in wide) on his collars
Jean Tranie and J.C. Carmignian
RussianArmy. and cuffs as well as the distinctive top to the
plume. All other arms of the army used the The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars by
7. Grenadier same gold galloons to designate NCO’s. Philip Haythornthwaite Osprey Men atArms
The figure shown here is wearing summer
The back-view of the Infantryman (d) shows Russian Guard Infantry 1812-15 by Ed Dovey
dress; white gaiter-trousers, which in winter
the single grenade on the cartouche pouch of Artical in Military (Modelling Sept. 1986
were sometimes worn under the booted
the Infantry branch (Musketeer).
overalls. The 1809 Kiver sports the tall thin Uniforms of the Retreat from Moscow 1812
grenadier plume, which replaced the enormous (e) Shows the triple flamed grenade device of by Philip Haythornthwaite I Blandford
‘bush’ plume in 1811. the Grenadiers Colour Series


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