U2000 FARS Overview 01

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FARS Overview

Why Is FARS Necessary?

Fault Assistant Resolved Solution (FARS) is a remote fault assistant location solution. With
this function, the U2000 can collect raw signaling data related to specified objects within a
specified range. FARS supports powerful post-data analysis, which helps O&M personnel
filter and analyze the collected raw data and minimize fault location time.

 A problem occurs  Need a solution


• Weak coverage
• Call drop
• Border roaming
• …?

 Traditional problem location method  Sameness

 Low
Drive test LMT trace efficiency

 High cost

 Supports single-NE
and single-user
problem location

Is there a more efficient problem location method for raising user experience?

 U2000-FARS  Real-time

 High
55 1 2
 Centralized
4 3

1. Issues task periodically.

commands. 4. Reports results.
2. Identifies targets. 5. Saves analysis data
3. Collects data to the database.  Supports multi-NE
and multi-user
problem location

What Is FARS Used for?

 Handling
 Locating link  Testing the Network
faults network

 Checking base  Testing new New

 Locating UE
station radio network Feature
coverage features

 Checking the  Monitoring

 Monitoring
effectiveness resource
device status
of NE alarm usage
What Is FARS?
FARS provides GUIs so you can process services as well as manage and
monitor collection tasks.
Portal: Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management (traditional

1 Introduction to FARS GUIs

FARS-Signaling Trace Management Window


 A. Task type: applies different task types to  C. Task status and file transfer list: displays task
different scenarios. status and file transfer status.
 B. Task list: displays task information, such as  D. Shortcut menu: provides executable task
running status, data volume, and exception operations.
FARS-Query Result Window Different GUIs for
different task types



 A: signaling flow chart  D: message table

 B: measurement trend chart  E: message explanation area comprising upper and
 C: measurement trend chart panel lower panels
 F: shortcut menu that offers executable data
collection operations
2 What Are FARS Task Types?

The U2000 supports various FARS tasks for multiple RATs (such as LTE and
UMTS) and specific objects (such as UEs, cells, and links). It can also trace
multiple NEs and multiple objects.

By Application Scenario and Task icons on the

Traced or Monitored Object U2000 client

Traces the signaling

messages of a Provides the call
specified UE over sampling function for
each network cells to analyze calls
interface and MRs in a single cell or
reported by UEs. multiple cells.

Collects NE
resource usage By Traced Includes interface
and traffic data. Object trace and collection

The interface trace function

traces signaling messages
over specified interfaces to
help you analyze interactions
between signaling messages
over the interfaces.

When creating a task,

By Task Running Mode set Running Mode.

 Visible on any client

Data reporting Performance Result Data reporting Performance Result

mode impact visibility mode impact visibility
• File reporting • File reporting
• Message Great • Message Great
reporting reporting

 Visible only on the client

U2000 server U2000 database
Difference where the task is created
in processing U2000 client
reported NE data
by U2000
 Data is analyzed
on the U2000 Data
 Data is analyzed on
server and the U2000 client and
directly imported saved to the local PC.
into the database.

 You cannot directly Collection Task

view data on the U2000
client. Data reporting Performance Result  The task is deleted
 Import data into the mode impact visibility after you close the
Traffic Recording
Review Tool for viewing • File reporting
and analysis. • Message Small
 Convert tasks to server reporting
tasks to view data.
U2000 server
 For collection tasks in Directory
message reporting mode, the
U2000 server saves data as a
TMF file when 5,000 messages  Saves data to a
are reported or when 15 specified directory on
minutes have elapsed since the server based on
the last save operation. specified rules.
How Can You Use
1 How Do You Locate Faults with FARS?

A Prepare to create a task.

 Clarify the task to be created (e.g. The U2000 provides an

RAT, UEs or links) anonymization policy for
 Clarify the task type (e.g. server- encrypting private information,
or client-based or collection? such as IMSIs and MSISDNs.

B Create a task.

Three creation modes <50MB

File 1
If the database File 2 A task
Directly create a task. or disk usage is equal ……
Copy an existing task. to or greater than 80%, Import
Import a result file. File 100
you cannot create tasks.

C View task data.

Three view modes
View historical data.
View data in real time. • Real-time viewing: view the data of running tasks
Play data dynamically. • Dynamic play: replay the message reporting process at
¼X\½X\1X\2X\4X\8X speed

D Analyze data.
View trace message Compare trace Only trace tasks
explanations messages support data analysis.

To find more analysis

functions, see U2000 Help.

View GSM MRs Filter trace

One-dimensional Two-dimensional
distribution chart distribution chart  Purpose: quickly
narrows the data range if
 The downlink receive trace data volume is high.
signal quality is  Filters trace messages
mainly distributed at by column.
level 0, indicating  Filters trace messages
stable downlink by byte
quality.  Filters trace messages
by IE predefined in the
 Filters trace messages
by custom IE template

E Process data after analysis.

Exporting Saving
tasks data
Trace task: *.TMF Monitoring task: *. *.TXT  Import data into Traffic
MMF *.HTML Recording Review Tool
A Folder *.XLS released with NEs to view
NE 1 50000 Messages *. XLSX  Contact Huawei technical
A task NE 2 50000 Messages *.PDF support to obtain the tool
…… …… *.CSV from
NE 30
… http://support.huawei.co
2 How Does a FARS Task Change?
: user operation
Import Restart
Cancel : task status

Initialized Starting Running Stopping Finished Analyzing Finished

Abnormal Collection task

Restart Suspended analysis
Server/Client-based Task
Collection Task

3 What Are the FARS Task Specifications?

Number Running
of tasks duration
• Total number Default trace duration: Maximum trace duration:
of tasks  Time span under  A message with a
supported by a specific value is sent if • For details
default settings about task
U2000 system: the setting is outside the
1,000 specified range. specifications,
• Depends on see "Technical
the U2000 Specifications
server model, of FARS" in
task type, and U2000 Help.
task status.

To check whether the number of tasks is at the maximum limit,

choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Task Statistics
(traditional style).

1 What Are FARS-related Features?

Basic Features Optional Features

License External
Feature ID Feature Name Feature ID Feature Name
Tracing Task
WRAN Enhanced
WOFD-081400 Management and WOFD-190900 WM1SWCENSB00
Subscriber Tracing
Message Browse
WRAN Subscriber Interface Message
WOFD-080700 WOFD-191500 WM1SINTRAC00
Tracing Tracing - WRAN
WRAN Integrative GBSS Enhanced
WOFD-080800 WOFD-190400 WM1SGCECTR00
Message Tracing Cell Tracing
GBSS Enhanced
WOFD-080900 WRAN Cell Tracing WOFD-190600 WM1SGCESTR00
Subscriber Tracing
GBSS Subscriber Subscriber Tracing
WOFD-080500 WOFD-190700 WM1SSubTra00
Tracing of PS call - GBSS
Mass Trace
WOFD-080600 GBSS Cell Tracing WOFD-191700 Collection - LTE WM1SMASSTC00
GBSS Interface Mass Trace
WOFD-081500 WOFD-600400 WM1SMASSTC01
Message Tracing Collection-eRelay
Centralized Interface
WOFD-081300 Tracing - LTE WOFD-191400 WM1SGUCSTC00
Subscriber Tracing
E2E Subscriber
WOFD-191200 Subscriber Tracing - WOFD-191100 WM1SSAEUST00
Centralized Cell E2E Subscriber
WOFD-191600 Tracing - LTE WOFD-400200 Tracing(One WM1SE2ETRA00
FDD/TDD Network)
Centralized Interface Core Network E2E
WOFD-600100 WOFD-191800 WM1SIMSUTR00
Tracing – eRelay Subscriber Tracing
Centralized Cell NGN Subscriber
WOFD-600200 WOFD-191900 WM1SNGNSTA00
Tracing – eRelay Trace
2 Q&A
Q1: Why did a task type disappear from the
navigation tree?

1. The NE mediation required by the task is not installed.

2. Task items are controlled by license.
Controlling whether a Controlling the number of Controlling the number of
task type is visible times for creating a task NEs to be traced

GSM virtual UE trace LTE/EPC End-to-End LTE Cell Trace

User Trace, no license. A eRelay Cell Trace
maximum of 100 such GSM CS UE Trace
tasks can be created. GSM PS Single-User Trace
Wimax single UE Trace
UMTS Standard UE Trace

Q2: What should I do if a FARS task is abnormal?

 See the Error Cause column in the task list of the Signaling Trace
Management window to locate the task failure cause.

Error Cause Fault Occurring On Solution

Source=OSS U2000 See error code.

Contact NE side
Source=NE NE
technical support.
Contact Trace Server
Source=TS Trace Server
side technical support.

Q3: Can the U2000 automatically delete tasks?

 To set the duration of task retention, choose Preferences > Signaling

Trace Preferences > Task Retention Period. The U2000 automatically
deletes tasks that reach the duration threshold.

Acronyms and Abbreviations

FARS Fault Assistant Resolved Solution
CS Circuit Service
PS Packet Service
TS Trace Server

For more information, see Fault Management-FARS in U2000 Help.

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