1. For a given CAO, the space time τ needed to achieve 80% conversion in a CSTR s 5hrs. Determine
the CSTR volume required to process 2ft3/min and achieve 80% conversion for the same
reaction using the same CAO. Also, what is the space velocity (SV) for the system? (600ft3, 0.2/hr)
2. A homogeneous reaction A → R, (-rA) = kCA2, takes place with 50% conversion in a mixed reactor.
What will be the fractional conversion if this reactor is replaced by one 6 times as large, all else
remaining unchanged? (0.75)
3. The isothermal irreversible aqueous phase reaction A + B → E at 100OF obeys dCE/dt = rE = kCACB
with k = 15 ft3/lbmol-h. Using a 1000 ft3 CSTR with an aqueous feed of 2000 ft3/h, calculate the
outlet concentration of E if the inlet concentration of A and B are both 0.25 lbmol/ft3.
4. A fluid flows through a stirred tank reactor. The reactor has a capacity of 400,000 liters and the
fluid enters at 100 liters per hour. The fluid undergoes a first order decay with a half-life of 24
hours. Find the % conversion of the fluid. (99.1418%)
5. The liquid phase reaction, AB, is conducted isothermally in a CSTR having a residence time of
2s. The inlet concentration of species A is 2 moles/liter, and the outlet concentration is 1
mole/liter. The rate law for the reaction is:
−𝑟𝐴 =
𝐾 + 𝐶𝐴
If k = 5 moles/L-s, what is the value of K in moles/L? Express as a whole number. (9M)
6. Find the reactor volume required to obtain 90% conversion in the elementary reaction A→2B
among ideal gases in a CSTR with no diluents with CA0 = 2 mol/L, k = 0.5 min-1, and vo = 4 L/min.
7. The gas-phase reaction, A B + C, for which the specific reaction rate constant, k, is 0.945 L
mol-1 min-1, is carried out isothermally in a 20-L tank reactor. The feed concentration is 2.0
mole/L. The reactor is well mixed. Calculate the flow rate (mole A / hour) of the feed so that
the conversion is 98%. (0.472 mol/hr)
8. Pure gaseous A (120mM) is fed into a 1L mixed flow reactor at various flowrates. There it
decomposes, and the exit concentration of A is measured for each flowrate. From the following
data, find the rate law. (4.04CA2)
Volumetric flowrate (L/min) Exit concentration of A (mM)
0.06 30
0.48 60
1.5 80
8.1 105
9. The elementary gas phase reaction (CH3)3COOC(CH3)3→C2H6+2CH3COCH3 is carried out
isothermally in a flow reactor with no pressure drop. The specific reaction rate at 50˚C is
0.0001/min and the activation energy is 85kJ/mol. Pure di-tert-butylperoxide enters the reactor
at 10atm and 127˚C and a molar flowrate of 2.5mol/min.
a. Calculate the rector volume and space time needed to achieve 90% conversion in a CSTR.
(4696.24L, 573.79min)
b. Assume that the reaction is reversible with Kc=0.025. Calculate the equilibrium conversion
and the volume of a CSTR needed to achieve a conversion that is 90% of the equilibrium
conversion. (0.5126, 1145.38L)
10. The reaction between ammonia and formaldehyde to produce hexamine was studied at 36˚C in
a CSTR of 490L at 1800rpm. The reaction is:
4𝑁𝐻3 + 6𝐻𝐶𝐻𝑂 → 𝑁4 (𝐶𝐻2 )6 + 6𝐻2
−𝑟𝐵 = 0.04327𝐶𝑁𝐻3 𝐶𝐻𝐶𝐻𝑂
The reactants were each fed to the reactor at a rate of 1.5L/s with an ammonia concentration of
4.02M and a formaldehyde concentration of 6.32M. Determine the exit concentrations of each
reactant. (0.42M, 0.92M)