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Single CSTR design

1. For a given CAO, the space time τ needed to achieve 80% conversion in a CSTR s 5hrs. Determine
the CSTR volume required to process 2ft3/min and achieve 80% conversion for the same
reaction using the same CAO. Also, what is the space velocity (SV) for the system? (600ft3, 0.2/hr)
2. A homogeneous reaction A → R, (-rA) = kCA2, takes place with 50% conversion in a mixed reactor.
What will be the fractional conversion if this reactor is replaced by one 6 times as large, all else
remaining unchanged? (0.75)
3. The isothermal irreversible aqueous phase reaction A + B → E at 100OF obeys dCE/dt = rE = kCACB
with k = 15 ft3/lbmol-h. Using a 1000 ft3 CSTR with an aqueous feed of 2000 ft3/h, calculate the
outlet concentration of E if the inlet concentration of A and B are both 0.25 lbmol/ft3.
4. A fluid flows through a stirred tank reactor. The reactor has a capacity of 400,000 liters and the
fluid enters at 100 liters per hour. The fluid undergoes a first order decay with a half-life of 24
hours. Find the % conversion of the fluid. (99.1418%)
5. The liquid phase reaction, AB, is conducted isothermally in a CSTR having a residence time of
2s. The inlet concentration of species A is 2 moles/liter, and the outlet concentration is 1
mole/liter. The rate law for the reaction is:
−𝑟𝐴 =
𝐾 + 𝐶𝐴
If k = 5 moles/L-s, what is the value of K in moles/L? Express as a whole number. (9M)
6. Find the reactor volume required to obtain 90% conversion in the elementary reaction A→2B
among ideal gases in a CSTR with no diluents with CA0 = 2 mol/L, k = 0.5 min-1, and vo = 4 L/min.
7. The gas-phase reaction, A B + C, for which the specific reaction rate constant, k, is 0.945 L
mol-1 min-1, is carried out isothermally in a 20-L tank reactor. The feed concentration is 2.0
mole/L. The reactor is well mixed. Calculate the flow rate (mole A / hour) of the feed so that
the conversion is 98%. (0.472 mol/hr)
8. Pure gaseous A (120mM) is fed into a 1L mixed flow reactor at various flowrates. There it
decomposes, and the exit concentration of A is measured for each flowrate. From the following
data, find the rate law. (4.04CA2)
Volumetric flowrate (L/min) Exit concentration of A (mM)
0.06 30
0.48 60
1.5 80
8.1 105
9. The elementary gas phase reaction (CH3)3COOC(CH3)3→C2H6+2CH3COCH3 is carried out
isothermally in a flow reactor with no pressure drop. The specific reaction rate at 50˚C is
0.0001/min and the activation energy is 85kJ/mol. Pure di-tert-butylperoxide enters the reactor
at 10atm and 127˚C and a molar flowrate of 2.5mol/min.
a. Calculate the rector volume and space time needed to achieve 90% conversion in a CSTR.
(4696.24L, 573.79min)
b. Assume that the reaction is reversible with Kc=0.025. Calculate the equilibrium conversion
and the volume of a CSTR needed to achieve a conversion that is 90% of the equilibrium
conversion. (0.5126, 1145.38L)
10. The reaction between ammonia and formaldehyde to produce hexamine was studied at 36˚C in
a CSTR of 490L at 1800rpm. The reaction is:
4𝑁𝐻3 + 6𝐻𝐶𝐻𝑂 → 𝑁4 (𝐶𝐻2 )6 + 6𝐻2
−𝑟𝐵 = 0.04327𝐶𝑁𝐻3 𝐶𝐻𝐶𝐻𝑂
The reactants were each fed to the reactor at a rate of 1.5L/s with an ammonia concentration of
4.02M and a formaldehyde concentration of 6.32M. Determine the exit concentrations of each
reactant. (0.42M, 0.92M)

Single PFR design

1. In a tubular reactor where the volumetric flow rate is constant at 12 L/min, the conversion of M
is 85% according to the reaction M→R. What is the reactor volume at 25oC if the entering molar
flow concentration is 1.5 mol/L? Use k = 0.258 / min. (88.24L)
2. The second-order decomposition, with k = 0.01 L/mol h, of A -> R occurs in a Plug-Flow Reactor
of 106 L volume. The feed concentration of A is 50mol/L. If 90% conversion is required, what
flow rate of A should be used? (5.89 L/h)
3. A specific enzyme acts as a catalyst in the fermentation of reactant A. At a given enzyme
concentration in the aqueous feed stream (25L/min), find the volume of the PFR needed for 95%
of A. CAO=2M. (986.43L)
−𝑟𝐴 =
1 + 0.5𝐶𝐴
4. At 650˚C phosphine vapor decomposes as follows:
4𝑃𝐻3 → 𝑃4 + 6𝐻2
−𝑟𝐴 = 10𝐶𝑃𝐻3
What size of PFR operating at 650˚C and 11.4atm is needed for 75% conversion of 10mol/hr of
PH3 in a 2/3 PH3 – 1/3 inert feed? (16.99L)
5. A PFR (2m3) processes an aqueous feed (100L/min) containing reactant A (CAO = 100mM). This
reaction is reversible and represented by A↔R, -rA=0.04CA-0.01CR. Find the equilibrium
conversion and then find the actual conversion of A in the reactor. (0.8, 0.506)
6. The irreversible elementary reaction 2A→B takes place in the gas phase in an isothermal tubular
reactor. Reactant A and diluent C are fed n equimolar ratio, and conversion of A is 80%. If the
molar feed rate of A is cut in half, what is the conversion of A assuming that the feed rate of C is
left unchanged? (0.882)
7. The elementary gas phase reaction (CH3)3COOC(CH3)3→C2H6+2CH3COCH3 is carried out
isothermally in a flow reactor with no pressure drop. The specific reaction rate at 50˚C is
0.0001/min and the activation energy is 85kJ/mol. Pure di-tert-butylperoxide enters the reactor
at 10atm and 127˚C and a molar flowrate of 2.5mol/min.
a. Calculate the rector volume and space time needed to achieve 90% conversion in a PFR.
(951.87L, 115.95min)
b. Assume that the reaction is reversible with Kc=0.025. Calculate the equilibrium conversion
and the volume of a CSTR needed to achieve a conversion that is 90% of the equilibrium
conversion. (0.5126,270.46L)
8. Consider the gas phase reaction 2A→5R, -rA=2.35. The feed (80% A, 20% inert) enters a 100m3
PFR at 1atm and 350K. How much feed (L/day) should be fed to the reactor if you want to
achieve 95% conversion of A? (7.67x1011L/day)
9. The elementary, liquid-phase, irreversible reaction A+B→C is to be carried out in a flow reactor.
Two reactors are available, an 800L PFR that can only be operated at 300K, and a 200L CSTR that
can be operated at 350K. The two feed streams to the reactor mix to form a single feed stream
that is equimolar in A and B, with a total volumetric flowrate of 10L/min. Which of the two
reactors will yield a higher conversion? Additional information: k=0.07L/mol-min at 300K,
E=85000J/mol, CAO=CBO=2M, vAO=vBO=5L/min. (CSTR)
10. The liquid phase reaction 2A+B→R was studied in a CSTR. A 2M solution of A enters the CSTR
and the results of the experiment were summarized below. It was also found that the reaction
order was 0 order with respect to B. If the same reaction was to be carried out in a PFR, find the
volume of PFR needed to effect 60% conversion of A if the volumetric flowrate of A is 10L/s and
the molar feed rate of A is 5mol/s. (67.52L)
Space time (s) Concentration of R (M)
30 0.58
54 0.61
186 0.7
264 0.71
1440 0.79
4380 0.83

Series and parallel connections and PFR with recycle

1. A fluid flows through 2 stirred tank reactors in series. Each reactor has a capacity of 40,000 liters
and the fluid enters at 100 L/hr. The fluid undergoes 1st order decay with a half-life of 24 hrs.
Find the % conversion of the fluid, assuming an initial concentration of 1M. (99.4%)
2. The liquid reaction 1.5A→2R when studied in an isothermal 200 L batch reactor gave the same
half-life of 35min for different feed compositions. Suppose the same reaction is conducted at
the same temp in four equal sized backmix reactors in series. What is the space time for 85 %
conversion? (30.64min)
3. Reactant A (A→R, CAO=26mol/m3) passes in steady flow through 4 equal-size mixed-flow
reactors in series with a total space time of 2min. When steady state is achieved the
concentration of A was found to be 11, 5, 2, and 1mol/m3 in the four units. For this reaction,
what must be the space time of a PFR so as to reduce the concentration of A from 26 to
1mol/m3? (1.43min)
4. The kinetics of the aqueous-phase decomposition of A is investigated in two mixed-flow reactors
in series, the second having twice the volume as the first reactor. At steady state with a feed
concentration of 1M and a mean residence tie of 96s in the first reactor, the concentration in
the first reactor is 0.5M and in the second is 0.25M. Find the kinetic equation for the
decomposition. (0.021CA2)
5. Consider the autocatalytic reaction A→R, with –rA=0.001CACR. We wish to process 1,5L/s of a
CAO=10M feed to the highest conversion possible in the reactor system consisting of 4 100L
CSTRs connected as you wish and in any feed arrangement. Sketch your recommended design
and feed arrangement and determine CA for this system. (three parallel, 4.69M)
6. Styrene (A) and butadiene (B) are to be reacted in a series of CSTRs each of 26.5m 3 capacity. The
initial concentrations are CAO=0.795M and CBO=3.55M. The feed rate is 20m3/hr and the rate
equation is –rA=0.36CACB. Find the number of tanks in series needed to effect 90% conversion of
the limiting reactant. (18)
7. The gaseous reaction A→B has a unimolecular reaction rate constant of 0.0015/min at 80˚F. This
reaction is to be carried out in parallel tubes 10ft long and 1in inside diameter under a pressure
of 132psig at 260˚F. A production rate of 1000lb/hr of B is required. Assuming an activation
energy of 25000cal/mol, how many tubes are needed if the conversion of A is to be 90%?
Assume A and B each have a molecular weight of 58. (14)
8. The liquid phase reaction AB+C is conducted isothermally at 50°C in a CSTR. The inlet
concentration of A is 8.0 gmol/L. At a space time of 5 minutes, the concentration of A at the exit
is 4.0 gmol/L. The kinetics of the reaction are described by the equation –rA=kCA0.5. A plug flow
reactor of the same volume is added in series after the CSTR. What is the concentration of A in
gmol/L at the exit of the PFR? Express final answer in 2 significant figures. (1.0 M)
9. The elementary irreversible aqueous-phase A+B→R+S is carried out isothermally as follows.
Equal volumetric flowrates of two liquid streams are introduced into a 4L mixing tank. One
stream contains 0.02M A, the other 1.4M B. The mixed stream is then passed through a 16L PFR.
We find that some R is formed in the mixing tank, its concentration being 0.002M. Assuming
that the mixing tank acts as a mixed flow reactor, find the concentration of R at the exit of the
PFR as well as the fraction of initial A that has been converted in the system. (0.0084M, 0.42)
10. The fresh liquid stream (FAO=3mol/s, vO=10L/s) splits into 2 streams in 1:2 (V1:V2) ratio. The first
stream enters PFR1 and the product stream is mixed with the product stream from PFR2. PFR2
operates at 100˚C with recycle. The volumetric flowrate of the stream from PFR2 that is mixed
with that of PFR1 is equal to the volumetric flowrate of the stream that is returned to the
entrance of this reactor. After mixing the two product streams, the temperature is then
adjusted back to 100˚C before it enters a 64.7L CSTR operating at the same temperature. If the
overall conversion of A is 95% and the 2 PFRs are of the same volume, find the operating
temperature for PFR1. EA=80,000J/mol, -rA=kCA2, k=5.53 at 100˚C. (91.25˚C)

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