Simple Harmonic Motion Problems With Answers FINAL

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AP Physics – Simple Harmonic Motion

1. The displacement of a particle at t = 0.25 s is given by the expression

x = (4.0 m) cos (3.0 p t + p), where x is in meters and t is in seconds. Determine

(a) the frequency and period of the motion,

(b) the amplitude of the motion,

(c) the phase constant, and

(d) the displacement of the particle at t = 0.25 s

2. A 20-g particle moves in simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 3.0 oscillations/s (3.0
Hz) and an amplitude of 5.0 cm.

(a) Through what total distance does the particle move during one cycle of its motion?

(b) What is its maximum speed? Where does that occur?

(c) Find the maximum acceleration of the particle. Where does that occur?
3. A block of unknown mass is attached to a spring of spring constant 6.50 N/m and
undergoes simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 10.0 cm. When the mass is halfway
between its equilibrium position and the endpoint, its speedis measured to be + 30.0 cm/s.

(a) the mass of the block,

(b) the period of the motion, and

(c) the maximum acceleration of the block.

4. A spring stretches by 3.9 cm when a 10-g mass is hung from it. If a 25-g mass attached to
this spring oscillates in simple harmonic motion, calculate the period of motion
5. A simple harmonic oscillator takes 12.0 s to undergo five complete vibrations. Find

(a) the period of its motion,

(b) the frequency in Hz, and

(c) the angular frequency in rad/s

6. A simple pendulum is 5.0 m long.

(a) What is the period of simple harmonic motion for this pendulum if it is located in an
elevator accelerating upward at 5.0 m/s2?

(b) What is the answer to part (a) if the elevator is accelerating down ward at 5.0 m/s2?

(c) What is the period of simple harmonic motion for this pendulum if it is placed in a truck
that is accelerating horizontally at 5.0 m/s2?
7. A torsional pendulum is formed by attaching a wire to the center of a meter stick with mass
2.0 kg. If the resulting period is 3.0 miutes, what is the torsion constant for the wire?
8. A mass m is connected to two springs of force constants k1 and k2 as in Figure P13.71. In
each case, the mass moves on a frictionless table and is displaced from equilibrium and
released. Show that in each case the mass exhibits simple harmonic with periods of
9. A 1.5 kg block at rest on a tabletop is attached to a horizontal spring having a spring
constant of 19.6 N/m. The spring is initially unstretched. A constant 20.0-N horizontal force is
applied to the object causing the spring to stretch.

(a) Determine the speed of the block after it has moved 0.30 m from equilibrium if the surface
between the block and the tabletop is frictionless.

(b) Answer part (a) if the coefficient of kinetic friction between block and tabletop is 0.20.
10. A 50-g mass connected to a spring of force constant 35 N/m oscillates on a horizontal,
frictionless surface with anamplitude of 4.0 cm. Find

(a) the total energy of the system and

(b) the speed of the mass when the displacement is 1.0 cm.

When the displacement is 3.0 cm, find

(c) the kinetic energy and

(d) the potential energy.

11. A car with bad shock absorbers bounces up and down with a period of 1.5 s after hitting a
bump. The car has a mass of 1500 kg and is supported by four springs of equal force constant
k. Determine a value for k.
12. A mass m is oscillating freely on a vertical spring (Fig P13.56). When m = 0.810 kg, the
period is 0.910 s. An unknown mass on the same spring has a period of 1.16 s. Determine (a)
the spring constant k and (b) the unknown mass.

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