Apple Kaert: 2. Crisis Happned 3. Character Sketch of Magnus 4. Conclusion

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Apple kaert





Introduction of the book “The Apple Cart: A Political Extravaganza”, by George
Bernard Shaw

The Apple Cart: A Political Extravaganza is a 1928 play by George Bernard Shaw. It is
a satirical comedy abou several political philosophies which are expounded by the
characters, often in lengthy monologues. The plot follows the fictional English
King Magnus as he spars with, and ultimately outwits, Prime Minister Proteus and
his cabinet, who seek to strip the monarchy of its remaining political influence. Magnus
opposes the corporation "Breakages, Limited", which controls politicians and impedes
technical progress.

Shaw's preface describes the play as:

...a comedy in which a King defeats an attempt by his popularly elected Prime Minister
to deprive him of the right to influence public opinion through the press and the
platform: in short, to reduce him to a cipher. The King's reply is that rather than be a
cipher he will abandon his throne and take his obviously very rosy chance of becoming
a popularly elected Prime Minister himself.

The play was completed in December 1928 and first performed in Warsaw (in Polish)
the following June. Its English première was at the first Malvern Drama Festival in
August 1929.
The Apple Cart (1928) Shaw was principally concerned with an analysis of ideal
personal distinction, and he attempted to show how his protagonist, King Magnus, is as
truly great as his Latinate name would imply. In the Shavian view, the individual's pre-
eminence results from the wealth and variety of his resources and from his independent
moral strength which he can evince both in crisis and in the conditions of ordinary life.
Crisis in the play “The Apple Cart”

The apple cart in the play stands for the huge democratic machinery in England where
the government is supposed to be carried on by the parliamentary majority. There is the
constitutional King to give his sanction to the actions of the Legislature and the Cabinet.
It is the prerogative of the king to veto any act or proposal which is not in the intrest of
the nation. Prime minister Joe Proteus and his Cabinet make a plan to deprive the king
of his power of veto. They to reduce the king to a mere rubber-stamp. So they present
an ultimatum to the king. It lays down three conditions (a) the king should no more
make any public speeches. (b) He should not refer to his royal veto in
King magnus is too clever for the cabinet . He has an ace of trump in his hand and knows
how and when to play it. He upsets the apple cart of the cabinet by threatening to
abdicate and by contesting election as a common man. He declares that he will form a
part. As a leader of his party he will become the prime Minister and replace Proteus.

Proteus and his cabinet colleagues are taken aback at the king’s decision. Proteus feels
that his prime ministership is in danger. He takes back the ultimatum from the king and
tears it into pieces. He then declares,“There is not going to be any abdication. There is
not going to be any general election. There is not going to be any ultimatum we go on as
1. Character sketch of the King Magnus

Magnus is the hero of the play The Apple Cart. Magnus is one of the very few living
and perfect characters created by Shaw. He is very witty, clever, humrous and cool-
headed. He is tallish, studious looking gentleman of about forty five. He has a very
charming and attractive personality.

King Magnus possesses rare tact and political wisdom. He knows how to face a crisis.
The biggest crisis comes when his Cabinet Ministers give him an ultimatum that he
must not refer to his veto power. He must not make any public speeches. He must
not instigate the public the Press against the Ministers. Magnus handles the situation
very cleverly and upsets the apple cart of Cabinet. He proves more than a match for
his Ministers.

2. Conclusion

King Magnus wants to discuss of the merger. But, Proteus asks him firmly: “What about
the Ultimatum, sir? You promised your decision at 5 o’ clock. It is now quarter past. ”
Proteus is a beings. He has found out that Magnus is as artful as the devil Similarly he
knows that is to threten to resign Thus whenever he finds things getting out of control
he plays his trump card- his threat to resign Proteus handles the members of his Cabinet
successfully only because he understands their, He them at the most proper time.

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