Marketing Report Miss Safeena Wali

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Table of contents

Topics: Page No.

Company profile 4

History company 4

History of the product 5

Mission 6

Vision 6

Formulating strategies 7-8

Market analysis

Pest 9-10

Walls polka acquisition 11

Current marketing situation 12-15

Organizational data 15-18

Performance data

Condensed financial information

Objectives 20

Segmentation 18-21

Target market 22

Marketing mix strategies 22-37

Porter 5 forces 38-39

Competitor’s analysis 39-42

SWOT analysis 42-44

Conclusion 45



Lever Brothers Pakistan Ltd. is a subsidiary branch of British Company Unilever.

Unilever established in 1880 in Britain. Its founder was SIR LORD LEVER. It’s
has a chain of directors, which are responsible for its management. Its head office
is in London. It's started its business in Indo-Pak Subcontinent in 1888 with the
name of Hindustan Lever Brothers.

After the independence of Pakistan, Lever Brothers with name the of lever Brother
Pakistan Ltd. Started its business in Pakistan 1949. First product they
manufactured in Pakistan was sunlight Washing Soap. They started manufacturing
Edible Oil in Rahim Yar Khan in 1952 and soon started manufacturing of Lux after
two years.

Now Lever Brothers Pakistan has many branch factories. Their Main branches are
in Karachi, Lahore, Rahim Yar Khan and Rawalpindi. The Head of each branch is
the branch manager.


 Founded 1930
 Employees 350,000
 Sales $25.3 Billion
 Profits $982 Million
 Headquarters London, England and Rotterdam the Netherlands

 3rd-largest company in Britain
 World’s largest margarine producer
 World’s largest soap and detergent maker
 World’s largest maker of packaged tea
 World’s largest ice cream maker
 World’s 3rd-largest advertiser
 World’s 16th –largest industrial company
 Rank World’s largest consumer products company

Unilever is one of the world's leading food companies. “Our passion for
understanding what people want and need from their food - and what they love about
it - makes our brands a popular choice”.

In the late 19th century the businesses that would later become Unilever were among
the most philanthropic of their time. They set up projects to improve the lot of their
workers and created products with a positive social impact, making hygiene and
personal care commonplace and improving nutrition through adding vitamins to
foods that were already daily staples.

Lever Brothers Pakistan limited brought Wall's ice cream to Pakistan in 1995. The
instant success of Wall's and clear consumer preference for the brand proved the
willingness of the Pakistan market to support high quality, hygienic, innovative
product. Keeping in view the strategy, Wall's Launched many new products namely
Cornetto, Cartodor, Magnum, etc. These products have not only fuelled volume
growth but also helped in maintaining and stimulating consumer interest.
Moreover, the drive of volume growth continued through geographical expansion
with the addition of new concessionaires and satellite towns. Wall’s guaranteed
halal – statement; all wall’s ice creams produced by Unilever Pakistan are
guaranteed “halal”


“Vitality is at the heart of everything we do. It’s in our brands, our people and our
approach to business.”


The four pillars of our vision set out the long term direction for the company.
Where we want to go and how we are going to get there. We work to create a
better future every day. We help people feel good, look good and get more out of
life with brands and services that are good for them and good for others. We will
inspire people to take small everyday actions that can add up to a big difference for
the world. We will develop new ways of doing business with the aim of doubling
the size of our company while reducing our environmental impact.


Dividers utilizes numerous a framework to agregate data it needs to settle on all

choices. It has a constant stream arrangement of data to stay up to date with any
change in nature. Steps are taken to guarantee that right data achieves perfect
individual at the opportune time. This is carried out by adding to a unique
arrangement of data inflow. In this respect, the utilitarian offices have been
isolated into data aggregation focuses. All the data coming in is amassed in the
primary data focus. Here it is assessed as being applicable and dependable. From
here, it is sent to the particular data focus where this data is required and which the
data is applicable to.

Inward Records

The organization keeps an inward record for data with respect to reality and figures
for more than 10 years. These inward records are essential while settling on a
choice. Key changes in the course of the most recent ten years and their subsequent
effect on the execution of the firm helps roll out new key improvements. Deals
figures for a particular season amid the last a few years help conjecture deals for
the following period. An alternate advantage of inside records is that they can be
gotten to rapidly and their expense is low when contrasted with different
wellsprings of gathering data.

Promoting Intelligence

The ordinary data about the advancement in the promoting environment is called
advertising insights. This may incorporate data about the regular part of business,
concerning current piece of the pie, contenders procedure or some new law been
ordered. There are numerous a sources we see at Walls that are utilized to gather
data. Aside from the inward records that stay informed regarding the past, new data
is gathered through organization's own staff, i.e. officials, item chiefs and general
workers. For this an open-entryway approach is emulated at Walls to guarantee
convenient entry of any related data. This helps gather data as well as helps keep
representative assurance high.


Testing is there when supervisors make determination about extensive gathering of

customers by taking a gander at a little extent of aggregate buyer populace. At
Walls inspecting is carried out through deals power. Every day data originating
from deals body is utilized to draft or to reach determination about changing
purchaser taste. This is carried out by assessing the everyday execution of each one
brand as sold by the business power. Input is for the most part given to sales
representatives who think of thoughts regarding the evolving inclination. Right

data is then administered to the data focus from where it goes to the particular

Promoting Research

Promoting examination at Walls is extremely sorted out. They have a research

office which conduct research at whatever point they dispatch another item. Their r
& department dissect the showcasing conditions for them. Aside from this
exploration which is directed when another item is going to dispatch, examination
to get data about the general changes in patterns, financial conditions, and so on
time-to-time examination is likewise accomplish through these think-tanks. An
alternate critical issue is the convenient entry of this data. Since the ceaseless
changes in the earth may prompt a decrease, auspicious and exact data in regards to
these progressions is imperative.




There is always political instability in Pakistan so we will try to follow such rules
and regulations and laws that even if there is a political change in the country no
one can comment on our strategy and demand a change in our business. But we
found that in the recent past the Dharna of Imran khan gave much profit to the
walls carts. Their profits were in thousands in each days.


According to the government the inflation rate is controlled and purchasing power
is also stable. Which shows that there is no effect on the sales of walls products.
The taxes are increased by the government last year budget which forced the
companies to increase the prices of products and not to compromise on margins
because every company stay in industry to make profits.


Increasing globalization has increased the influence of western culture in Pakistan.

The life style of Pakistani people is changing rapidly people are more conscious
about their health. To meet the demand of rapidly increasing population, we are
trying maintain our quality standard through TQM (total quality management) so
that people live happy and healthy life. Magnum shows the class positioned as
classy icecream. Where cornetto is positioned as for youngster. Rainbow, panda
etc are for the kids. Cornetto campaign for finding cornetto girl.


Technology in Pakistan has not yet been so advanced but now a days awareness
about technology is increasing very fast and walls from the very first day trying its
best to use updated technology to produce quality goods. New production plants
for producing the hygienic products in which milk stralization plant also included.
Then they are the first who introduced refrigerated trucks for the distribution of
their icecreams to keep it chilled.


Increase in terrorism nowadays frightened the people of Pakistan due to which they
decrease their outgoing activities. The icecream parlors do not have that traffic
which were in the last years. This situation arised from the recent Zarb e Azab
operation in which reaction the terrorists became active. In kpk the situation is
even more worst. The markets were having very low traffic from past some months
which have an effect on walls sales.

The law and order situation is very unpredictable nowadays in Pakistan. For which
the army and government have taken many bold steps and search operation are
even expended to many cities of Pakistan.

Walls polka ACQUASITION:

Before Wall's introduce in Pakistan, Polka was the market leader but it had to face
competition with Yummy, and Rocco soon after. Polka dominated the local market
between 1980 - 1990s. These were the only three ice cream companies in Pakistan
during that period. Polka had almost 80 - 85% share of the market, the rest was
shared by Yummy and Rocco. Due to their heavy investment and sponsorship
Polka was the name that came into one's mind when one though about ice cream.
But that was in the 80s, then came Wall's in 1995 and that was it the turning point
for Polka's Sales. Wall's had a very different strategy than polka, they projected
themselves as very strong company, plus they had a very strong marketing Plan,
Which removed Polka out of the Market in to no time. Hence today we see Wall's
SPD's on the streets of Pakistan selling all the variants of ice cream.

In 1994 Lever Brothers Pakistan tried to acquire Polka Ice Cream for Rs 600 million.
Polka refused the bid, demanding instead Rs. 1 billion. One year after the launch of
Wall's Ice Cream by Lever Brothers in 1995, Polka approached Wall's with an offer
to merge the two companies.

In 1998 Polka merged into Walls both combined with one and other. After the
merging they are working together for last 7 years. On Polka packaging there is a
brand mark of Walls ice cream.
Wall’s has a 28% share in the ice cream market; 25% of which comes from the take
home range and 64% of the impulse range – the highest in the entire industry.


Presently omore has also captured the market, due to the result of its changed
recipe and stronger marketing strategy. But now a days they are away from the
market so walls is the leading company only in Pakistan.


It’s the only ice cream that is known by the people worldwide because its
positioning is done such wisely that they had made it need of the consumers. Every
brand is linked with every age and situation usage imagery.


Cornetto is positioned as the icecream of love birds. Different campaigns are done
with this brand for example ‘seeking cornetto girl ‘and the fresh campaign is
‘cornetto secret love service’ generating new love songs for their beloved.

Even the drama has been made on the campaigns of icecreams.


Magnum is positioned as a classy ice cream with a heavy taste of chocolate which
is another a brand itself in wall’s .


Like magnum due to high prices everyone can’t enjoy its taste. Rich people can
afford it because they are les price conscious and prefer quality.

Like these many of their other products are been introduce as brand and are for
family occasions and events gathering. Having ice creams having fun.

Unilever is the world's biggest ice cream manufacturer.

Except from Starbucks Ice Cream and Ben & Jerry's, all of its ice cream business is

done under the "Heart brand" brand umbrella which is present in more than 40

countries worldwide.

Although the logo is common worldwide, each country retained the local brand so

as to keep the familiarity.

 Algida - Greece, Italy, Poland, Russia

 Eskimo - Austria

 Frigo - Spain

 Frisko - Denmark

 GB Glace - Sweden, Finland

 Good Humor - U.S.A.

 HB - Ireland

 Kibon - Brazil

 Kwality Wall's - India

 Langnese - Germany

 Lusso - Switzerland

 Miko - France

 Olà - Netherlands, South Africa

 Streets - Australia, New Zealand

 Tìo Rico - Venezuela

 Wall's - UK, Indonesia, Pakistan


Condensed Financial Information

First Quarter Ended

March 31, 2014 March 31, 2013

(Rupees in thousands)

Sales 1,951,390 1,743,216

Less: Cost of Sales (1,132,113) (1,009,608)

Gross Profit 819,277 733,608

Less: Distribution, Admin & Other

Operating Expenses (405,087) (363,445)

Add: Other operating Incomes 14,125 10,360

Profit from Operations 428,315 380,523

Less: Finance Cost (4,888) (1,355)

Profit before Taxation 423,427 379,168

We see an increasing trend continuously in sales and profits.

Objectives of wall's

The objective of wall's as under: -

To defend current mkt. Share

Sale growth.

Customer satisfaction.

Continue product modification and improvement effort to increase customer

benefit and reduce cost. Expand production capacity in advance of increasing
demand to avoid stakeout. Develop a multiple line extension offering targeted to
the need of several users segment in the market. Meet and beat lower prices or
heavier promotional efforts by competitors. Increase satisfaction, loyalty, and

repurchase among current customers by building on existing strengths apple to late
adopters with same attribute and same benefit offered to early adopters.


Walls market Segmentation, Targeting and Product Positioning Process

The market

(A, B, C, D, E, F)

Market targeted

(A, E, F)

Marketing programming each

Target segment
Product Positioning

Each target segment

A market segment consists of a large identifiable group with a market. Buyers are
differ in their wants, purchasing powers, geographical location, buying attitude and
buying habits Walls have segmented market according to consumer characteristics
and consumer response.
Walls take advantage for both these strategies. In identical consumer
characteristics those whose geographical, demographic and psychographic
characteristics are common and from another those customer who give much
attention to benefits, occasions and brand.

Walls have divided market into these segments: -

1. Demographic segmentation.
2. Geographically segmentation.
3. Psychographic segmentation.
4. Behavior to word Product.

The wall's segmented the entire market into such segments, which are
differentiable through:-


Age: kids, teenage, 20 to40 years and above.

Gender: Both male and female.

Income: RS 15,000 to RS 35,000.

Occupation: Professional, Technical and Students, businessman

Social Class: Middle and high Class

Walls introduce the brands for the younger as well as the children's. Wall's targeted
both high as well as low-income gourds. In simple word we can say that wall's
introduce of all income and all age groups.


Region South Asian Region Pakistan,

Density Urban, rulers

Climate Both Northern & Southern region of Pakistan.

This is segmenting the market on basis of location the factors contributes in it is
mainly, the number of population of that area and the living standard of that
particular location. The wall's has been targeted both urban as well as rural areas.


The psychographic segmenting is done on the basis of the taste and health
conscious consumer. WALL’S targeted its market by creating an image of high
quality and hygienic products. WALL’S was for “anyone, anywhere and at any
time”, this very well explains the psychographic characteristic of WALL’S

The behavioral segmentation is done on three different variables that tend to
define a particular behavior or attitude of a consumer. These are: Occasions –
regular occasions, special occasion’s Usage rate – thand hai to kya hua!!


It is the process of evaluating each market segment attractiveness and selecting

one or more segments to enter. Some time companies are able to target every
segment, because they are financially strong and they can arrange a vast product

Wall's have been introduce different verities with different pricing of which some
of has high price that can only attract high income group and wall's has also
different brands with low price which can be easily purchase by low income groups.
Wall's is easily available in urban and rural areas all over the country. Wall's has
been targeted every segment and we can say that wall's has a Fragmented market.

After realizing the need, potential in market and rapidly increasing growth and
market share of the product. The company launches a WALL ice cream and expands
its product line. Company tries to position it as an economical, qualities, and variety
of features. Which can be easily sell at any times anywhere in the country. Company
existing position in the market also helps to position it successfully in Pakistan




A product consists of any good or service that can be offered to the market to
satisfy a need or want.

In case of Walls, the products are the ice creams produced by the company.

Applying the three levels of product in case of Walls

• Core Product: Ice creams, as desert after meals.
• Actual Product: The high quality level, different tastes, and shapes of the Ice
creams, packaging and the heart shape icon.
• Augmented Product: Walls provides taste and hygiene as well as nutritional
Ice creams may generally be categorized as Convenience Products, products
which consumers buy frequently, immediately and with minimum of comparison
and buying effort. Although in case of the Pakistani ice cream market, consumers

do give preferences to certain brands and compare quality from one brand to
another, yet we would still consider ice cream to be convenience products, as
they require minimum search effort and little planning. They are widely available
and within the category of convenience products, they come under Impulse

Applying the concept of Product Quality, it is essential for Walls to pursue

Strategic Quality, gaining an edge over the competitors by consistently monitoring
consumers’ changing needs and wants and delivering better quality and
satisfaction through improved products.

Product Design may also be considered in case of Walls. Walls should alter the
style of a few of its product lines in order to attract more attention.

Brand Name

A name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these intended to identify
the goods or services of a one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them
from those of competitors.

The brand name of product is "Wall's" which can be easily vocalized.

Brand Mark
Brand mark is a part of brand that appears in the form of a symbol, design, or
distinctive coloring or lettering. It is recognized by sight but may not be expressed
when a person pronounces the brand name. The management of Wall's uses blue
color for name, Red, yellow and white background, which is very attractive.

2. Pricing


"Price" is one of the most important "P" of the marketing Mix. Pricing is important
because it is a reward to the company and must be in hand to complete the other
three "P" of the marketing Mix. The pricing of the goods and services performs a
key strategic role in many firms because of the deregulation intense global
competition, slow growth in many markets and the opportunities for firms to
strengthen market position. Pricing decision is very important because the
survival of a company in the market depends upon Pricing’s decision. Pricing
strategy depends on pricing objectives.

Pricing Objectives

Companies use their price strategies to achieve one or many of the several
objectives. They may price for results (sales, market share, and profit) for market
penetration or positioning. Pricing objectives may be,

Sales volume


Market growth

Pricing objective of Wall's are market growth, sales volume and also making
profit. To achieve these objectives Wall's often add new features in the product
and also decrease its price.

Price Adjustment Strategies

Wall's uses the same price strategies for all regions. They are giving 10% discount
to their wholesalers and 14% to their retailers. Company provides off-season
quantity discount (3 extra ice cream pieces on the purchase of a cart on to their

Pricing strategies

There are two main strategies for pricing, which the companies adopt.

Market-Skimming Pricing

Market-Penetration Pricing

Skimming Pricing

Market skimming involves setting a price that is high in the range of expected
prices. This strategy is particularly suitable for new product because in the early

stages of a product life cycle, price is less important and competition is minimum.
Product user is from high-income group and they are financially strong and they
are not price conscious. Profit margin is high. We can’t set this strategy for a long
period of time because after some time competitor arrives in the market and
competition among them start.

Penetration Pricing

• Establish distribution centers all the cities where the Ice-cream to be

supplied, these distribution centers will have a storing facility i-e a large freezer
room for storing the ice-cream, the temperature maintained in the freezer room
will be -50 degrees Centigrade. These distribution centers will be responsible for
the flow of product. They will take orders from a market, fill them and provide on
time delivery to the retailers. These distribution channels will be run by the whole
sales, they will required to keep a certain level of inventory to fill the customers
orders promptly, completely and accurately. Each city will have one distribution
centre that will cover the whole city.

• As set earlier that ice cream is a very delicate food and should never be
allowed to rise above -18 C for super market products. Scoop ice-cream should be
stored and transported at -18 C, but may be dispensed by retailer at -15 C. ice-
cream is stored at colder temperatures than most other frozen food and needs
extra special care. When ice cream is allowed to rise above these temperatures
then this is called "Temperature Abuse". This will lead to "Heat Shock", where
large ice crystals form and the product starts to shrink. These defects can never
be reversed. So it becomes a very important to transport ice cream in truck with
heavy-duty freezers.

3. Placement

Wall's introduced first time in history of Pakistan door to door service facilities.
That is Spot Point Dealer (SPDs), these are the mobile sellers. That is great
achievement of Wall's Ice Cream. Tricycle provides door to door services that is
way Wall's is easily available in every where city, town, street, market etc. In
tricycle the soft music continuously singing a bell which is the identification of
Wall's. Through this Wall's also make sales promotion and people often made
impulse buying which increases sales.

Walls also wants to get its ice creams available on the shelves of the millions of
retailers all over the country and in turn in the hands of the consumers. So it uses
distributors who can cater to the size of Walls and its consumer base. These
distributors make the ice creams made by Walls available to the final consumers.

Here Walls uses “Indirect Marketing Channels”, that is it has intermediaries

(distributors) between the company itself and the retailers who in turn provide
their products to the final consumers.

In actual there are 400 distributors other than SPDs. These distributors break up
the large consumer base into regions and territories that they cover.

They have also started home delivery of their products which facilitates consumer
more on day to day need and on events specially.

4. Promotion


The marketing mix activities of a product planning, pricing, and distribution are
performed mainly within the organization or between the organization and its
marketing "partners". However, with promotional activities, the firm
communicates directly with potential customers. Promotion is the element in an
organization's marketing mix that serves to inform, persuade, and remind the
market of the organization and its products.

There are two main distribution strategies which are

Pull strategy

Push strategy

Walls have very effectively used both of there strategies and its distribution plan
has elements of both of them.

Push Strategy :

Features of push strategy include incentives like free deep freezers, discounts on
bulk purchases and eligibility for schemes such as free camera tickets based on
specific columns of ice creams sole.

Pull Strategy :

Pull strategy is supported by advertising campaign that reminds and persuades

customers to buy ice cream. This is facilitated by price off which are frequently
offered by the company.

Promotional Budget :

One of the hardest marketing decisions facing a company is how much to spend
on promotion. How does a company decide on its promotion budget: WALL’s ice-
cream uses Objective-and-Task Method to set its budget for promotional

This budgeting method entails

(1) Defining specific promotion objectives

(2) Determining the tasks needed to achieve these objectives

(3) Estimating the cost of performing these tasks.

The sum of these costs is the proposed promotion budget. Walls determine its
specific tasks to achieve its objectives which are defined by the company’s
management, to achieve these objectives WALL’s estimates the costs of different
tasks, which are to be done to promote its products.

Promotional Methods

The promotional mix is the combination of personal selling, advertising, sales

promotion, publicity, and public relations that helps an organization to achieve’s
its marketing objectives.

• Personal Selling

Personal selling is the presentation of a product to a prospective customer by a

representative of the selling organization. Across all business, more money is
spending on personal selling then on any other form of promotion. Its example is
"SPDs" which is introduced by Wall's.

• Advertising

Advertising is the promotion of product or services through wide variety of

messages transmitted through different media.

• Sales Promotion

Sales promotion is designed to supplement advertising and coordinate personal

selling. Include in sales promotion are such activities as contests for sales people
and consumer, trade shows, in store displays, samples, premiums, and coupons.

There is a difference between advertising and sales promotion, "advertising"

describes messages carried in media owned and controlled primarily by people
other than the advertiser, and media controlled by the company itself carries "sales
promotion" messages.

Wall's Promotional Method

For the first time they have introduced ice cream parlor of their product where
people can have an ice cream of their choice. In this they have targeted the upper
class and through which they are getting more fame in the society.

Public Relations

For strengthening itself in relationship markets WALL’S is not only going for
customer satisfaction but also stressing upon building strong public relations.

1. Customers – Price discounts – Quantity discounts

2. Distributors – Shares 50% of the distributors expenses – Off season discounts:

3. Retailers – Free freezers to retailers – Investment on each retailer: Rs. 22,000 –

Free freezers’ maintenance

4. Street Vendors – Free Treks – To strengthen its relationship with the various
public and customers WALL’s sponsors an Art exhibition.

Favorite Brand of Ice-Cream

Over half the respondents claimed that Wall’s product was their favorite brand of
ice-cream (adults: 56%, children: 59%). (Not unsurprisingly, this correlates with
respondents’ most recent purchases (for respondents stating that their most
recent ice-cream purchase was a Wall’s variety 80% adults and 86% children
claimed a Wall’s product was their favorite.

Magnum takes the top spot again with around a fifth of adults and children (19%)
claiming it as their Favorite.

Around half of the respondents (adults: 52%, children: 49%) agree that the price
of their favorite brand varies across the different outlets they usually buy from,
supporting the wide range of prices actually recorded by brand.

5. Packaging
Multiple packaging

Small packs:

• Sticks

• Cones

• Cups

Take home packs:

• ½ liter pack

• 1 liter packs

• Tubs

Bulk packs:

10 liter packs

The activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.
Packaging serves several safety and utilitarian purpose. It may be a part of a
company's marketing program and it is help full to identifying product among the
competitor. Today, however, the marketing significance of packaging is fully
recognized, and packaging is truly a major competitive force in the struggle for

As walls is a perishable consumer product so it is carefully packed, so that it can

protect the product in its way to the consumer, provide protection after the
product is purchased, help in acceptance of the product from middleman and
help persuade consumer to by the product. Packaging of wall's also containing
information about the product.


Labeling is another product feature that requires managerial attention. A label is a

part of a product that identifies the product, describes several things about the
product who made it where it was made, when it was made, its contents, how is
to be used and how to use it safely. A label may be a part of a package, or it may
be a tag attached directly to the product. Obviously there is a close relationship
among labeling, packaging and branding. Finally, the label might promote the
product thought attractive graphic. Descriptive label is used for Wall's as it
contains ingredients, nutritional contents and flavor of the ice cream.

Design and Color

One way to satisfy customers and gain a competitive advantage is through skillful
product design. In fact, a distinctive design may be the only feature that
significantly differentiates a product. Many firms feel that there is considerable
glamour and general promotional appeal in product design and designer's name.
In the field of business products, engineering design has long been recognizing as
extremely important. Today, there is a realization of the marketing value of
appearance design as well. Color often is the determining factor in the consumer
acceptance or rejection of a product.

Wall's is using very attractive design and beautiful colors for the customer
attraction. All the wrappers provide some ideas about the flavor, taste, quality
and freshness of the product.

Porter’s Five Forces Model

Analysis With in the Industry:

Competition is very intense due to low differentiation. omore, yummy, hicco and
other Local competitors

Threat of new Entrants:

High in the industry

Liberalization and globalization policies made it easier for foreign player to enter
the Indian market.

Threat of Substitute:

Threat of substitute is very high for ice creams in Pakistan due to its culture of
traditional sweets and desserts .Some of the substitutes are e.g.

Traditional sweets

Homemade desserts

like Halwa and Kheer

Kulfi or Faludas

Bargaining Power of Buyer:

Pretty high

Availability of existing substitute products

Buyer Price sensitivity

Bargaining power of Suppliers:

Bargaining power of suppliers is pretty low as manufacturer can easily switch to a

different supplier at low cost.

Competetors Analysis


Manufacturers are Engro Foods Pakistan. Engro stands for ‘Energy for Growth’. Its
logo is ‘Art for Happiness’.it was launched in 2009 april. It was introduced in 8 cities
of just few weeks its sales raised upto Rs 10 million on volumes of
76,000 liters.


Fresh milk ice cream

Low price

Bactofuge technology. (A Belgian process for removing bacteria from milk by

high speed)


No variation in ice cream products.

Not properly distributed in rural areas.

Not positioned at level of walls is.

Not well famous in small cities

Not known in other countries

Local brand


At currently is operating in Punjab NWFP and AZAD Kashmir region. Its segmenting
is done on the basis of the taste and health conscious consumer. Yummy targeted
its market by creating an image of high quality and hygienic products. Yummy was
for “anyone, anywhere and at anytime”. Sale contribution is Rs 3000,000 per day
average in summer season.


Yummy Ice Cream is available in natural taste. No preserving chemicals that affect
the health. It’s a frozen dessert. It is a time saving product. Skilled and trustworthy
workers are working in the company. Good growth of market.


Some weaknesses of Yummy Ice Cream are given below. The company has fewer
resources as compared to competitors. It has not strong brand image. It has not
any distribution channels. They have less market share as compared to
competitors. They have fewer budgets as compared to competitors. They have less
technical resources.

There are major steps in an analysis of competitors after identifying the present
and potential close rivals. The analysis consist of examine objectives strategy
performance, strength and weaknesses and then predicting the feature behavior
of each, including the likelihood that each will change its strategy and how it will
respond to move make by other.

Competitors Evaluation Process

Competitor Objective

Competitor Strategy

Competitor Success

Competitor future&behavior
Strength Weaknesses

SWOT analysis enables the marketer or the business manager to exactly locate

1. What strengths or strong points his product has and on which he can
capitalize and earn more market share.
2. What weakness or weak points are they in his product or in the external
environment, which he could avoid and on which he should work on and try
to improve.
3. Which kinds of opportunities are there available for him, so that he could
cash on those opportunities?
4. And most importantly the threats that are faced by the company or the
product in the external environment in shape of the competitors and other

The fact that there are number of competitors in the market of ice cream and there
is going to be a lot of competition between the different products, analysing the
external environment becomes even more important. Following this scenario
where there is competition right from direct competition to generic competition,
SWOT analysis becomes a key to success.

A complete analysis of the external environment is as follows.

 Financially Strong.
 Wide distribution, due to establish distribution channels.
 High Quality
 Good image in the mind of Customer.
 Aggressive Promotion scheme's.
 More new flavors and brands
 Attractive linkages with consumers
 Connecting it to consumers life
 Consumers loyalty

 Pure milk is not used in ice cream

 Gap in market for diet ice cream, which Wall's can cover because they are more,
establish than others.
 Walls proves itself to be quality oriented product and maintain good taste and
standard, than it would be able to create a strong position in all (Pakistan) for a
long period of time.
 They can introduce flavors of flowers too.
 Medicate ice creams for diabetic or any other consumers

 Omore is the biggest competitor in the market, rapidly increase in their Market
share is a big threat for Wall's.
 Also yummy is their having enough shares of market.


Ice creams are liked by every age customers. The quality they maintained had
lead to loyalty of their customers. I think wall’s is the only brand which is spread
worldwide and is known mostly in Asia countries and is liked by Asian people.

Omore was a huge competitor in the market in the last few years. But now a days
it is totally vanished from the market as well as from the media. It have given
walls a really tough time.

The distributor should always take care of trucks and keep them properly
maintained. Smaller trucks are used for deliveries within the city and big one for
the transportation of ice cream from production plant to the distributors.

Walls can do much more better works and can extend their flavors more from
fruits to flowers and vegetables. They have the ability to take bold steps in future.


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