Marketing Communications On B2B Markets: April 2017
Marketing Communications On B2B Markets: April 2017
Marketing Communications On B2B Markets: April 2017
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1 author:
Lucie Povolna
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University
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Business to business (B2B) communications have long been based on personal contact. With
the development of internet technologies, however, part of B2B communications has moved
online, and this trend will continue to increase. This article investigates how the marketing
communications on modern B2B markets have been changing and provides information to
European industrial companies on how to modernize their current communication techniques.
In order to report on the current state of B2B communications, a literature review has been
conducted. A qualitative study among representatives of the European machine tools market
followed, so as to determine the state of communications in a specific part of the market. It was
discovered that the European B2B marketers in the field of machine tools have an overview of
the new marketing communication techniques, but the use is narrow. This shows the large
reserves in marketing techniques and the opportunities to make the communications strategies
of these companies more efficient. Future research should validate these findings by means of
quantitative methods to propose actions for restructuring their communications strategies and
techniques, as in the following decades the millennial generation will take over management
positions and will call for modern forms of communication.
1.1 Communications on B2B markets
Current corporate communications have shifted to the concept of integrated marketing
communications. The basics of marketing communications are still relevant, but it is necessary
(Batra and Keller 2016) to apply them in new ways. Marketing communications optimization
leads to increased communication efficiency, which brings benefits (Luxton, Reid and
Mavondo 2015) in the form of increased brand values and financial returns. In other words,
integrated marketing communications has become a competitive advantage (Ellis 2011) and
maximizes the impact of communications.
Linsday (2016) points out that any communication stimulus represents the brand. This means
to communicate relevant content instantly through all communication channels at once and to
be able to pass information on and offline. Information itself has become the dominant
component of marketing (Rowley 2008), and it has become much more personal.
Setting the optimal marketing communication programme requires the knowledge of the market
environment and the current trends. Marketing communications is a crucial component of
modern marketing, which has become more complicated (Batra and Keller 2016) with the
recent advent of the Internet and other digital tools. The Internet facilitates interactivity, and
allows global coverage and accessibility 24/7. The internet combines (Evans, King 1999) the
benefits of all media, since it works with text, audio and visual means. This makes the Internet
efficient in comparison with other forms of marketing communications.
A B2B advertising message must be more than mere information; “it needs to be liked” (Baack
et al. 2016). Creative advertisements encourage a stronger relationship than non-creative
advertisements, moreover, they catch managers´ attention and are more interesting, which has
an impact on shaping the relationship to the advertisement. A popular advertisement (Baack et
al. 2016) leads to a better brand awareness, a better relationship with the brand, and to stronger
business intentions. A customer devotes his time (Barta and Keller 2016) only to certain brands
in a certain time. It is inevitable to make differences among various customers and carefully
select a way to communicate with them.
Industrial market companies use several communication channels at the same time. Nanji
(2014a) contends that the most effective channels for the acquisition of leads and potential
customers are trade fairs, internet searches and emails. As the purchase goes through various
stages, the channels through which buyers are gaining information are changing. While
searching for the first information (Nanji 2016), the B2B buyers use social media, and as they
proceed to the purchase, they use internal information.
On basis of the studied materials the most important trend in B2B marketing communications
were summarized in the following points: events, content, webs, social media and mobiles. The
most important issues for the marketers´ success are: the key advantage of the product, what
influences the customers´ decision and why the businesses are losing their clients.
The author assumes mostly literature from the U.S. The most successful companies of the world
have their origins there and their business technique is highly developed. Another reason is that
the most number of information on B2B issues was offered by U.S. resources. At the time of
research there was not much academic literature available, which is a subject of academic work
of Lilien (2016) who pinpoints that there is a notable disbalance between resources on B2C and
B2B literature.
4.1 In-depth interviews
As mentioned in the previous part, B2B market in U. S. was taken as an inspiration for its major
advance and a wide information base. U.S. B2B markets are characterized by their great
professionalism and problem-solving without emotion. It is one of the most challenging and
fastest markets; the suppliers just like the buyers have tightly-defined and respected positions.
Experts said that it is not possible to succeed in these markets without high-quality and
technically-perfect products. According to experts an American customer is generally
pragmatic and can be reached only by a balanced mix of technical level of product, quality,
price, support and communication. The communications environment is transparent, the
dealings are open, prompt and direct. If a company wants to succeed in the United States, it
must think about the business cases from the position of the other party, realize that a customer
decides upon the profit and needs an extraordinary offer. At present, the biggest challenges of
B2B marketers in the United States are building brand, expansion and the fight against financial
The company should understand what a key advantage of its product or a brand over the
competition is and what the determining factors of customer´s deciding are. The correctly made
positioning is the basis for marketing communications. Sharing of customer experience across
departments, knowledge of the competition and searching for the causes of the failure are
significant for making out the efficient strategy.
Traditional forms of communications have not lost its importance, but some have moved into
the form of freely available information. It can be reached by the potential customers according
to their needs and save the costs of numerous personal encounters in the early stages of the
purchase process to both parties. There is an obvious need for maximum use of online channels,
the creation of relevant content and the best possible understanding the customer.
Various industries have been digitized at different levels. According to McKinsey Global
Institute (2015) the sectors with the highest productivity (ICT, media, services, and financial
services) are considerably digitized, although in recent years other industries have advanced
forward significantly. On B2B markets, the more advanced the production technology is, the
more digitized communications are, and vice versa (like more traditional branches e.g.
The aim of this paper was to describe current trends in marketing communications on B2B
markets and suggest recommendations for companies that want to enter these markets.
Numerous resources have been studied and experts and vendors from B2B market have been
interviewed. The marketers on B2B markets use the modern ways of communications including
the social media but they seem to be rather traditional and still rely on personal contact. The
ways of communications during the purchasing process has changed significantly in accordance
to various phases. Nowadays the customer can come to the personal meeting very well informed
and prepared better than ever before. Creating an effective communications mix means a
competitive advantage on B2B markets. The basis for the creation of effective communications
is the best possible knowledge of the customer, which is inherent to the most successful
companies. The use of the proposed recommendations reduces the risk of business failure and
thus reduces the financial losses.
Research in the area of marketing trends will belong to important issues in the near future, since
marketing is currently a real driver of the business. This paper has identified current trends, and
in the future it will be complimented by a quantitative study on the actual state of these activities
among the vendors in the area of mechanical engineering on the European markets.
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Contact information
Ing. Lucie Povolná
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Faculty of Management and Economics
Mostní 5139
760 01 Zlín
[email protected]