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The key takeaways are that the purpose of maintenance is to maximize equipment effectiveness and overall equipment effectiveness, and that a proactive approach focusing on preventing issues is more effective than a reactive approach focused on breakdowns.

The main purposes of maintenance according to the text are to maximize OEE/OPE and prevent equipment from breaking down again by maintaining it in its desired state.

If breakdown (reactive) maintenance is more than 40 percent of maintenance activities, it indicates a focus on machine repair rather than maintenance.

Maintenance Workshop

Dr. H. Yamashina
Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University
Fellow of RCA (The U.K.)
Member of Royal Swedish Academy
of Engineering Sciences

The purpose of maintenance is in short to
maximize OEE (in case of a single
machine) or OPE (in case of a continuous
flow line as is seen in process industry).

If breakdown (reactive) maintenance is more
than 40 percent of your maintenance
department’s activities, you are not in the
maintenance business ― you are in the
machine repair business.

About half of all equipment abnormalities are

manmade and not caused by machine
deterioration, as most people suppose!
Maintaining equipment in its desired state and
continually improving its productivity is the
whole strategy behind WCM. If we only fix
breakdowns, the machine will soon break
down again. We must put in place a system
that maintains the desired machine state.
Old Culture New Culture Created with WCM

Only the top few Pareto problems All minor defects in a machine are
are resolved, using any means eliminated. Machine performance is
possible to make improvements. continually improved with the
methodical and repeated application
of WCM steps.
Improvements methods are Improvement methods are rigorously
implemented by individuals or defined and are expected to be
teams in any way that they see fit. implemented precisely.
Improvement in the Improvements in the organization’s
organization’s work methods and work methods and processes are
processes are localized by each coordinated by managers, so the
team as they desire. entire organization is learning and
benefiting from improved techniques.
Even improvement methods
themselves are continually being
Old Culture New Culture Created with WCM

Machine problems are resolved A reliable and systematic

one at a time, reactively. Ultimately, improvement process is applied to
improvements only occur in a machine to address all
systems that have failed. productivity losses proactively.
Failures are prevented before they
Only results are measured by Both results and the process used
managers. to obtain the results are measured
by managers.
Improvement steps are taken Improvements steps are revisited
as absolute-once completed they as people’s skills improve, and
are not revisited. expectations for their performance
are raised.
Problems in dealing with breakdowns in the factory
1. Superficial fixing, simple ・Merely repeating these measures will not lead to breakdown reduction. In particular, this tendency appears to
replacement of parts be prevalent in middle-ranking maintenance personnel.
2. Causes of breakdown not ・The real purpose of maintenance is to prevent reoccurrence.
examined in sufficient depth ・The most important method for reducing breakdowns and improving engineering and technical skills is to
persistently try to find root causes, and find comprehensive measures to deal with each individual incident.
・Are we neglecting to confirm what happened and why, due to the need of restarting production as quickly as
・It is important to develop the habit of a thorough examination of causes, with the cooperation of the production
3. Ignoring minor breakdowns ・Failures should not be ignored even if they only occur for a few minutes. If small incidents occur repeatedly,
they results in a big loss. Furthermore, minor breakdowns can be a precursor to a large failure.
4. No measures are being taken to ・Just because a fault is due to a human error does not mean that the fault will be solved simply by passing it on
eliminate human errors to the production department. Measure to make sure the human errors do not occur and are not possible to
occur must be taken with the cooperation of the production department.
5. Not making enough effort to ・One breakdown suggests there may be potential failures in other similar areas. Speedy efforts must be made
apply solutions horizontally to find all similar areas, inspect them and address the problem with consistent measures.
6. Too much attention is paid to ・Although the most important thing is to take measures regarding the breakdowns which have occurred, most
the breakdowns which have breakdowns occur through deterioration.
already occurred ・Be fully aware that fundamental measures to prevent breakdowns consist of the following two measures:
1) Clarification of operating conditions and compliance to conditions in use to prevent forced deterioration.
2) Clarification of the gap between the current state of the equipment and its desired state in order to identify
and resolve hidden defects.
7. Repair errors and the quality of ・Maintenance operators must be maintenance professionals.
repair are not clear ・Clarify responsibilities for repair errors and preventing their reoccurrence. Taking countermeasures will
improve engineering and technical ability.
It is necessary to confirm the quality after repair.
・Attention must be paid to the finest details to such a level as, the tightening of each single bolt, the
arrangement of every wire and the bending of each cotter pin. ( Confirm the number of repair errors )
8. Not enough efforts are paid to
chronic losses
From traditional To intelligent
maintenance maintenance
An overwhelming A manageable
maintenance workload maintenance workload
Many equipment Very few equipment
failures failures
A marginally skilled A highly skilled
workforce that carries workforce engaged in
out its daily routines continuous
with little learning improvement activity
The two types of breakdown

Breakdown of function stopping type

( This is likely to be caused by the growth of a minor defect )

● Breakdown which will cause the stoppage
of all the function of equipment
● Breakdown which is caused by a partial
function stopping and will eventually lead to
the stoppage of all the function of equipment

Breakdown of function deteriorating type

( This loss is liable to be bigger than the first type )

● Breakdown which is caused by the
deterioration of a partial function of equipment,
will not lead to the stoppage of all the function
of equipment, but will generate various losses
such as defectives, yield loss, minor stoppage
loss, idle loss, etc.
Hidden defects
Hidden defects are the ones which will eventually cause a failure but which have not yet
taken place detected.
There are 3 types of hidden defects.
defects: Defects which have not been attended due to the physical
structures of the equipment
・ Internal defects which go undetected by not being carried out overhaul.
・ Defects which can not be detected because of the shape and / or position of the part
(e.g. level gauge)
・ Defect which cannot be detected by dust, dirt, etc (such as a crack in the Banbury

defects Defects which are overlooked due to the low level of
awareness or skills among those in charge of the equipment
・ Defects which are actually visible, but have been neglected
・ Small defects which are ignored or not being dealt with because they are not
considered as important (minor defects)
・ Defects which are not noticed even though there are clear signs of abnormality.
(Importance of distinction between normal and abnormal)

Technicallyhidden defects:
hidden defects Defects which have been unattended as design
weaknesses caused by insufficient technical checking
・ Strain inside the shaft (catastrophic breakdown)
・ These failures rarely take place and must be addressed by involving technical staff
Identifying hidden defects

Clean / touch
① Maintain basic equipment conditions Tighten bolts and nuts
Identify physically
Enforce the three basic conditions of hidden defects
being clean, lubricated and tightened
Five issues for identifying hidden defects

② Comply with conditions of use

Enforce conditions required for equipment to
function correctly
Clarify and adhere to operation, control and
loading conditions for each piece of equipment Identify
③ Restore deterioration
hidden defects
Identify deterioration and restore them to their
original state
④ Correct design weakness
Clarify design weaknesses and implement
⑤ Improve operating and maintenance skills Identify technically
Clarify skills needed by people operating and hidden defects
maintaining the machine, and raise technical
skills through education and training
Measurement of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

(Ⅰ) 7 major losses obstructing overall equipment effectiveness

1) Equipment downtime loss
(1) Equipment failure loss
Sudden and unexpected equipment failures or breakdowns, are
an obvious cause of loss, since an equipment failure means, that
the machine is not producing any output.
(2) Changeover loss
A changeover is determined by a planned variation in the
production plan or replacing tools / dies due to wear and tear or
being broken.

(3) Set-up & adjustment loss
Most machine changeovers require some period of shutdown so
that internal components can be exchanged or adjusted. The
time between the end of the last good product produced and the
first good product produced of the following production run is
downtime. This downtime loss often includes substantial time
spent making adjustments until the machine gives acceptable
quality on the required product.

(4) Cutting blade change loss

(5) Start-up loss / Shut down loss

The start up loss occurs for the period of time preparing the line
for starting up and running in the equipment until conditions have
been stabilized. Yield losses occur when production is not
immediately stable at equipment start-up, so the first products do
not meet specifications. This is a latent loss, often accepted as
inevitable, and it can be surprisingly large.

Other downtime

Management losses and such waiting

losses as (awaiting instruction loss,
awaiting material loss, awaiting
personnel distribution loss) and quality
confirmation waiting loss ( Adjustment of

2) Equipment performance loss

(6) Minor stoppage and idling losses

(abnormal operation of sensors, blockage of work on chutes, etc.)
When a machine is running and stop / starting frequently, it will lose
speed and obstruct a smooth flow. The idling and stoppages in this
case are not caused by technical failures, but small problems such
as product(s) that block sensors or get caught in chutes. Even
though the operator can easily correct such problems when they
occur, the frequent stoppages can significantly reduce the
effectiveness of the equipment.
(7) Speed loss
(discrepancies between designed and actual speed of equipment)
Reduced speed operation refers to the difference between the actual
operating speed and the equipment’s designed speed (also referred
to as theoretical). There is often a gap between what people believe
is the “maximum” speed and the actual designed (theoretical)
maximum speed. The aim is to eliminate the gap between the actual
speed and the designed speed. Significant losses from reduced
speed operation are often neglected or underestimated. 16
3) Defect loss
(8) Defects and rework loss
Loss occurs when products do not meet quality specifications,
even if they can be reworked to correct the problem. The goal
should be zero defects – to make the product right first time, every

(Ⅱ) Losses in equipment loading time

(9) Shutdown loss
Other scheduled downtime losses due to no loading, no
material and labor shortage

(10) Unused time loss

This is the period of time during the week where the equipment
is not staffed due no weekend working, bank holidays or factory
shutdown having an impact on loading time.
Definition of Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Overall equipment effectiveness = Availability x Performance rate x Quality rate

・ Breakdown losses ・ Idling and minor ・ Quality defect and

stoppage losses rework losses
・ Setup and adjustment
losses ・ Reduced speed losses
・ Startup losses

Terminology : A comparison between efficiency
and effectiveness
Output (constant)
Efficiency =
Input Minimize
Excess amount of input = waste

Output Maximize
Effectiveness =
Input (constant) Not effectively used input= losses

Relationship between 7 Major Losses on Equipment and
Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Equipment 7 major losses

(1) Equipment failure

Loading time (2) Set-up & adjustment

Availability = LoadingLoading
time - downtime
time × 100
(3) Cutting blade change Availability = 460
mins. 460 mins. ×100=87%
mins. - 60

Operating time (4) Start-up


Standard Product units

cycle time × processed
(5) Minor stoppage & idling Performance = Operating time
× 100

operating (Example) 0.5 mins./ 400
(6) Speed Performance = units × units

rate 400 mins.

(7) Defects & rework
Defect loss

Value Product units

- defect units
products rate
= processed
Product units processed
× 100

Quality = 400 units - 8
products rate units 400 units

Overall Equipment Effectiveness = Availability x Performance Rate x Quality Products Rate

(Example) 0.87 x 0.50 x 0.98 x 100 = 42.6(%)20

Measurement of Overall Plant Effectiveness (OPE)

(I) 4 major losses in equipment loading time

(1) Unused time loss
This is the period of time during the week where the
equipment is not staffed due to no weekend working, bank
holidays or factory shutdown having an impact on loading
(2) Shutdown loss
Shutdown loss is time lost when production stops for planned
annual shutdown maintenance or periodic servicing.

(3) Production adjustment loss

Production adjustment loss is time lost when changes in supply
and demand require adjustment in production plans.
(4) Maintenance time loss
(II) 11 major losses obstructing overall plant effectiveness
1) Equipment downtime loss

(5) Equipment failure loss

Equipment failure loss is time lost when a plant stops
because equipment suddenly loses its specified

(6) Process failure loss

Process failure loss is time lost when a plant shuts
down as a result of factors external to the equipment,
such as operating errors or changes in the physical or
chemical properties of the substances being processed.
(7) Changeover loss

A changeover is determined by a planned variation in the

production plan or replacing tools / dies due to wear and tear or
being broken 22
(8) Setup loss and adjustment loss

Most machine changeovers require some period of shutdown

so that internal components can be exchanged or adjusted.
The time between the end of the last good product produced
and the first good product produced of the following
production run is downtime. This downtime loss often
includes substantial time spent making adjustments until the
machine gives acceptable quality on the required product.

(9) Shortage of operators

This loss is time lost when a plant is stopping due to in-

availability of operators.

(10) Lack of material

This loss is time lost when a plant is stopping due to a lack of

material to process.
2) Equipment performance loss
(11) Minor stoppage and idling losses
(abnormal operation of sensors, blockage of work on chutes, etc.)
When a machine is running and stop / starting frequently, it will
lose speed and obstruct a smooth flow. The idling and stoppages
in this case are not caused by technical failures, but small
problems such as product(s) that block sensors or get caught in
chutes. Even though the operator can easily correct such
problems when they occur, the frequent stoppages can
significantly reduce the effectiveness of the equipment.

(12) Abnormal production loss/speed loss

Abnormal production losses are rate losses that occur when a plant
performs inadequately as a result of malfunctions and other
abnormal conditions that interfere with performance.

The structure of losses
Calendar time
Calendar time is the number of hours on the calendar :
365 x 24 = 8,760 hours in a year
30 x 24 = 720 hours in a 30-day month.
Working time
Working time is the actual number of hours that a plant is
expected to operate in a year or month. To calculate
working time, subtract from the calendar time the time lost
as a result of closing the plant for production adjustment or
for periodic servicing such as shutdown maintenance.

Operating time
Operating time is the time during which a plant actually
operates. To calculate operating time, subtract from the
working time the time a plant loses when it shuts down as a
result of equipment and process failures.
Net operating time
Net operating time is the time during which a plant is
producing at the standard production rate. To calculate net
operating time, subtract performance time losses from the
operating time.

Availability is the operating time expressed as a percentage of
the calendar time.

Calendar time – (shutdown loss + major stoppage loss)

Availability = x 100 (%)
Calendar time

Shutdown losses = shutdown maintenance loss + production adjustment loss

Major stoppage loss = equipment failure loss + process failure loss

Performance rate
A plant’s performance rate expresses the actual production rate
as a percentage of the standard production rate.
The standard production rate is equivalent to a plant’s design
capacity and is the intrinsic capacity of a particular plant.

Average actual production rate (t/h)

Performance rate = x 100(%)
Standard production rate (t/h)

= x 100(%)

average actual Actual production rate (t/h)

production rate Operating time

Quality rate
The quality rate expresses the amount of acceptable
product (total production less downgraded product,
scrap, and reprocessed product as a percentage of
total production.

Production quantity (t) – (quality defect loss + reprocessing loss) (t)

Quality rate =
Production quantity (t)

x 100 (%)

Overall plant effectiveness
Overall plant effectiveness is the product of the availability,
performance rate, and quality rate.

Theoretical example of OPE :

Machine capacity data should be plotted
over a length of time that is significant for
production needs. Long-term averaging is of
little use, because it masks reliability
problems that have significant negative
impacts on manufacturing productivity.
Figure : Normal machine component deterioration

Wear and Tear

- New Component
OK for good
- Cosmetic Defects operation

- Acceptable Wear and Tear Acceptable deterioration limit

- Minor Defects
- Medium Defects people
must set
- Major Defects standards for
the way machine
Non-standard parts components
cause machine “ought to be”

(function loss) Motor burns out

Minor Stoppage Motor overheating
(function reduction)

Minor Failures Vibration causes

(no function bearing
reduction) 30 deterioration

Hidden Failures Loose nuts and

(no function Hundreds bolts

Figure The Machine Loss Pyramid
Figure Continually reacting to equipment failures by restoring machine operation does
nothing to eliminate the root cause of
machine failures

Most organizations react here and

fails only restore equipment to the point of
getting the machine running again.
Equipment runs, However, permanent improvement is only
is troublesome, attained when conditions at the base of
and produces
quality defects the pyramid which cause the failure are
Remaining chronic conditions will simply
•Equipment runs combine in new ways to cause new machine
•Quality is OK
•Productivity is low failures.
•Failures are imminent
Causes and
•Basic conditions are neglected
•Deterioration is unchecked
•Inherent design weakness exist
•Workers have inadequate skills
•Operating standards are not followed

By not attacking the root cause of equipment failures, reactive organizations

are doomed to a cycle of permanent breakdown maintenance.
Figure Minor machine defects are the true root cause of all machine failures

For every machine

failure there are
many underlying
chronic conditions
Equipment as causes

Equipment runs,
is troublesome,
and produces
quality defects

• Equipment runs
• Quality is OK
• Productivity is low
• Failures are imminent

• Basic conditions are neglected

• Deterioration is unchecked
• Inherent design weakness exist
• Workers have inadequate skills
• Operating standards are not followed
Figure Without a foundation of eliminating minor defects, equipment failures occur


Equipment runs,
is troublesome,
and produces
quality defects

•Equipment runs
•Quality is OK
•Productivity is low
Analyze •Failures are imminent

•Basic conditions are neglected

•Deterioration is unchecked
•Inherent design weakness exist
•Workers have inadequate skills
•Operating standards are not followed

WCM activities focus on elimination of the root causes of equipment failure. Without this foundation of
machine weaknesses, equipment failure will not occur.
Minor defects cause machine failures

1.Minor defects hurt machine productivity by continuing to

deteriorate and growing into medium and major defects.
After all, every medium and major defect was once a minor
defect or resulted from minor defects. Left unattended,
minor defects only become worse. It is better to nip them
in the bud instead of letting them go until larger, more
difficult, more expensive repairs are required.
2.Minor defects impair equipment performance by causing
accelerated deterioration in other parts. Even though a
machine is running fine today with minor defects, these
defects often cause a faster rate of deterioration in
surrounding parts.
3. Minor defects hurt machine performance by interacting
with one another while they are all still minor in random
ways that, together, cause machine failures. These
kinds of problems are notoriously difficult for technicians
to repair because they most often happen intermittently
– only when certain minor defects interact in just the
right way.
4. A single minor machine defect may, all by itself, cause a
variety of machine failures to occur without any
interaction with other minor defects. This is not a
frequent occurrence, and not every minor defect will
cause equipment failure or productivity loss all by itself.
Still, no one can tell which minor defects will cause such
performance problems; therefore, all minor defects
must be eliminated.
One of the principal goals of all maintenance work
is to keep every part in a machine “as it should
be― free of any minor defects.”
Conditions that are not “as they should be” often
cause accelerated deterioration in other parts.
This increases machine downtime and the cost of
replacement parts, and wastes technician time.
Machine deterioration, inadequate machine design,
or misuse of the machine can cause abnormalities.
Most minor defects are detectable by our
human senses. We see them, hear them,
smell them, and feel them
With experience, people performing these
inspections develop a “good eye” for the
types of minor defects that can occur in their
equipment and learn to spot them with ease.

Minor equipment defects – once thought to be of no

importance to machine maintenance – are now considered
to be the root cause of almost all machine failures and are
meticulously kept out of factory equipment.
This requires operator involvement in machine cleaning
and inspection, once thought to be the sole province of
maintenance technicians. It also requires technician
involvement in keeping minor defects out of equipment
areas not accessible to operators – a task not previously
performed by most equipment technicians.

The lack of knowledge of a

thousand seemingly insignificant
details contributes in a huge way
to many equipment losses.
Examples of minor defects that can be detected by human
senses include :

•Dirt of contamination
•Liquid or air leaks
•Loose or missing bolts and fasteners
•Gauges not reading in their “standard” range
•Worn wiring insulation
•Wear in plastic tubing or similar parts
•Loose or deteriorated connectors
•Machine motions that are not smooth or accurate
• Switches that are not set in the correct positions
• Sensors that are not aligned or working correctly
• Fluid reservoirs that are not filled to the correct level
• Locking pins and devices that are missing or loose
• Safety guards that are not in place
• Surfaces showing signs of wear (detectable by the
repeated appearance of contamination)
• Machines that sound abnormal
• Machines with unfamiliar odors
• Machines with unfamiliar vibrations
The major problem maintenance has to handle is failures

The major problem of a plant is to utilize

equipment in an optimal way with well organized
 Equipment is designed to be reliable, but still liable
to breakdown because it consists of many
components and only when one of the
components (A components) breaks down, it
will break down.
 To eliminate breakdowns is technically possible,
but the problem is how to do it economically.

Maintenance Analysis
Maintenance analysis is not a short form of 5-why analysis,
even though it might appear so at first glance. Rather, it is
a simple approach to designing a maintenance solution to a
machine failure. Two simple “whys” are asked and
1. Why did we not see this failure coming?
Many failures provide early warning signs, some of which may
appear weeks or months ahead of the failure. Others may
appear only hours or days ahead. No matter the time frame,
these warning signs are often detectable by human senses―
perhaps as much as 90 percent of the time, and three-
quarters of these are detectable visually. Other failures occur
at predictable intervals of part age or use. What PMs might be
put into place to catch the warning signs of this failure?
2. Why did our maintenance plan not prevent this failure
from occurring altogether?
Did the part die earlier than its expected life because of
accelerated deterioration? If so, why are we not maintaining
the proper conditions-of-use for this part?
Did the part reach its natural life expectancy? If the failure was a
true end-of-life failure, and the life expectancy is predictable,
a PM could be created to replace the part when it is
approaching the end of its useful, but before it fails.
Aims of AM (Autonomous Maintenance)

1. To prevent equipment deterioration through correct

operation and daily checks

2. To bring equipment to its ideal state through

restoration and proper management

3. To establish the basic conditions needed to keep

equipment well-maintained

Aims of PM (Preventive Maintenance)

1. To maximize equipment reliability and availability at

an economical cost
2. To eliminate unplanned maintenance activities
3. To achieve zero breakdowns and process failure
losses with the cooperation of production people
(AM) and quality people(QC).

Breakdown Causes

Downtime Stratification
Why Does Equipment Fail ? FAILURE TO
The degree of deterioration


deterioration (ELIMINATE



① Failure to maintain basic conditions
Basic conditions
-- Clean
-- Lubrication
-- Tight and secure machines
② Failure to observe operating conditions
③ Failure to restore equipment. Equipment
deterioration is neglected.

④ Design weakness
Residual strength of the machine components and the
kinetics of the systems are less than the forces applied.
Insufficient strength

⑤ Insufficient operator skills

⑥ Insufficient maintenance skills

⑦ Spare parts quality, etc.

What is the Problem?

Equipment breakdown does not occur suddenly

except it is caused by a human error. Equipment
breaks down when a component breaks down.
There is a symptom before the breakdown takes
place. The problem to be addressed is how to detect
it economically.
 Identifying the component which will lead to a
breakdown before it breaks among many components
which constitute the equipment is a real issue.

Attempting to develop a maintenance
plan for each component is always
our first choice.
Machine redesign occurs only if an
acceptable maintenance plan cannot
be developed.
Replacing failed parts on a machine does nothing
to prevent the machine from failing again.
Machine repair without failure analysis simply
maintains the vicious cycle of breakdown
Figure : The failure analysis process

Machine fails

Troubleshoot the machine-

discover what has failed

Repair the machine

Perform a failure analysis-

discover the root cause Failure
of the failure Prevention

Design and implement

countermeasures to prevent
the failure from recurring

Equipment failures can be prevented, despite

many maintenance technician’s belief that
machines will always break down, no matter what
maintenance is performed. This self-fulfilling
prophecy has kept most maintenance
organizations locked into breakdown maintenance.
One of the principal goals of all maintenance work
is to keep every part in a machine “as it should
be― free of any minor defects.”
Conditions that are not “as they should be” often
cause accelerated deterioration in other parts.
This increases machine downtime and the cost of
replacement parts, and wastes technician time.
Machine deterioration, inadequate machine design,
or misuse of the machine can cause abnormalities.
Identify !

 Problems to be addressed is how to detect the component

which will lead to a breakdown economically.
 This requires analyzing breakdown data in depth.

A clever thief will find customers first
and then steal.
A poor thief will steal first and then look
for customers.

Causes and

(1) Machine classification into AA, A, B and C.
Note : Classification of machine and/or areas into
AA, A, B and C differs depending on the
subject, i.e., AM, PM and QC and their
countermeasure level i.e., reactive,
preventive and proactive.

Reactive Preventive Proactive

Money (loosing) Risk (probability x possible loss in money)

(2) Machine ledger with component classification into
A, B and C.
A : When this component breaks down,
equipment breaks down.
B : Even if this component breaks down, its impact
is limited.
C : BM can be a good solution without problem.

If you cannot see your entire
maintenance plan clearly and plainly
for every machine, you need to
improve the organization and visibility
of your machine maintenance
scheduling plans.
Critical component
Turck I/O module

TBF distribution
3 0,05 Initial status  Cleaning  Restoration
MTBF = 20 days 0,04
σ = 9,8 days 0,04
2 0,03

1 2 0,02
1 1 1
0 -
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 days

PM Calender

Prepared by the
evaluation of
“Machine Ledger”

Precision maintenance is 100 percent complete
maintenance carried out on time and executed precisely
according to the prescribed procedures.
It is achieved when “the machine does not know the
difference” as to who is performing the maintenance
Maintenance must be carried out precisely to be
effective and to be effectively improved.
Precision maintenance requires a great deal of
preparation and support that most maintenance
departments lack.
If precision is not achieved, further improvements to the
equipment maintenance plan will not be effective.
Creating and using a maintenance plan effectively requires
using detailed checklists to carry out scheduled
maintenance work.
It also requires adhering in a disciplined way to checklist
criteria during PMs.
This is different from allowing individual technicians to
decide what any given PM should consist of and how it
should be performed.
Preventive maintenance routines not only must be carried
out with precision discipline, they also must be improved
continually. Creative improvements are best captured each
time that a PM is executed.
(3) Measuring time between two consecutive breakdowns
 Initial failure -- design weaknesses, manufacturing
errors, installation errors, poor
 Chance failure -- human errors
 Wear out failure -- professional maintenance

100% TBM

Example : A slit valve assembly

Vacuum seals Cam followers must be

must be leak-free adjusted to a specific
Yoke must be installed on One specific shim
cylinder rod thread with must be placed on
specified thread locker each side of the yoke

Sensors should be on Each sensor located at a

left side specified location

Piston seals must be

leak-free and tight

Bolts must be properly

Speed controls installed correctly to installed, torqued, and
regulate pneumatic cylinder exhaust locked

Item Required Condition Actual Condition Found
1 Speed controls installed correctly to Speed control valves installed backward
regulate pneumatic cylinder exhaust
2 Each sensor located at a specified Piston location sensors installed in wrong
location position
3 Piston seals must be leak-free and Cylinder piston seals leaky and loose
4 Bolts must be properly installed, Loose or missing bolts
torqued, and locked
5 One specific shim must be placed on Center shim missing-cylinder not
each side of the yoke perpendicular to yoke
6 Yoke must be installed on cylinder Yoke unthreading from cylinder and
rod thread with specified thread striking machine surfaces
7 Vacuum seals must be leak-free Vacuum seals leaking
8 Cam followers must be adjusted to a Cam followers misadjusted
specific clearance
9 Sensors should be on left side Cylinder 90°out of rotation
Human Error - assembly

Damaged component
Root causes
Pareto strat z tytułu awarii dla op. 30 Podłogi przedniej z
podziałem na przyczynę źródłową

14 000
12 000
Brak/nieef ektyw ność
10 000 prew encji

8 000
Niedoskonałość projektu
6 000 maszyny
4 000
Brak/nieef ektyw ność
2 000 prew encji
0 Czynnik zew nętrzny,

Robot NH3

OP030 PC1

Robot 30

Station op.

części zamienne, detal


do produkcji

Błąd pracow nika UR


Modified by the supplier

0 breakdowns

B/C = 6

Human Error - installation

simulation sessions in Damaged component

suppliers laboratories

No material problem;


• installation error

0 breakdowns

Contact with
Related 187 EWO
Specify the brands departments
standardization and
warehouse supply
AM Standarts

25% 28%
for Preventive
15% Training 18%
both AM+PM of “AM Team”
10% 13%

5% 7%

Exterior Effects Errors due to Project Insufficient Operations not Lack of Basic
Spare Part lack of Weakness Maintenance properly Conditions
Quality/Missing knowledge executed

What Should We Do after Breakdown Is Solved to
Prevent It from Re-occuring?

(4) Breakdown analysis to specify root cause(s)
-- Reactive : take countermeasures against the
recurrence of the same breakdown
-- Preventive : take countermeasures against
similar problems.

Revealing potential defects

Number of breakdowns does not decrease


Potential defects

Prevention of
breakdowns at the
similar process through
horizontal expansion Potential defects have been revealed

Case – 1
Trends in reduction of equipment breakdown
( No. of breakdowns )

The basic rules for reducing breakdowns to
1000 zero are countermeasures based on the
identification of hidden breakdowns and
autonomous maintenance by production
800 department. Tokai Rubber carried out these
measures and was able to significantly
reduce breakdowns in just over 2 years. In
600 some factories they achieved zero

0 Phase Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
0 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・
( month )
Case – 2
Number of breakdown

( Incidents / months )

Transition of the number of 6000

breakdowns at “ D company ”
5000 of inside
Factory figures:
1. Maximum production capacity: 4000 of outside
32,000~35,000 units per month
2. Employees deterioration
3,200 people 3000
3. Number of equipment
4,000 units 2000
4. Production processes
1st division: Machining, adjustment,
pressing, plating
2nd division: Plating, coating,
1st year 2nd year 3rd year
1st half 2nd half 1st half 2nd half 1st half
The importance of maintenance information

A shop-floor where abnormalities can be detected

Operators who know

the equipment well Skills “ Human ” sensor

in the effect
・ Visual management Detect
・ Fool proof Abnormality
in causes Prevention ZERO

Image of ideal process 5S Zero defects shop

Flow Diagram for Preventing Recurrence of Unexpected Failures

Trouble input card

CMMS Relevant workplace

Daily/monthly Maintenance
failure reports Dealt with locally

Restorative action Emergency action Emergency action Restorative action

Action to
restore operation

Flow Diagram for Preventing Recurrence of Unexpected Failures

Prepare quick
Service input card failure report
Unexpected failure
report form
Machine history Section
ledger responsible

Regular maintenance meeting
(investigate recurrence-
prevention measures)

NO Equipment budget
Budget action
Instigate recurrence- Instigate recurrence-prevention
prevention measures measures of the similar failure
of the failure in other areas

action report
Service input card prevention Filing
action report form
(5) Easy C I L

C : Eliminate contamination
I : Quick inspection
L : Central lubrication system

The Importance of Cleaning

Why clean ?
• Dust damages machines.

Detailed cleaning to remove all contamination ensures

that all parts of equipment is touched. Only in this
way can we find hidden defects.

The Importance of Inspection

Why inspect ?

• Inspection traces the conditions of areas known to be prone

to defect.
• Inspection leads to understanding and ownership of what and
how to control conditions and make the job easy.

The Importance of Lubrication

Why lubricate ?
• Reduce friction and wear
• Dampen shock
• Cool moving elements
• Prevent corrosion
• Seal out dirt

Poor lubrication destroys machines !

Leaking oil, poor greasing, no lubrication regime creates
massively accelerated wear and tear.

Eliminate contamination

Damage of bearings

Wear on the outer rim

Condition of wear Cause Countermeasures

Wear occurred on the sliding Inappropriate or insufficient • Review lubrication method or

surface lubrication oil lubrication oil
(collar surface, roller surface or
pocket surface of a retainer)
Wear occurred on the rim or • Invasion of foreign body •Improve sealing devices
rolling surface • Inappropriate of insufficient • Thoroughly clean around the
lubrication oil bearing

Damage of bearings

Satin finished surface of the outer rim

Damage of bearings

Satin finish surface of the inner rim

Condition of wear Cause Countermeasures

Impression like satin finish Main minute foreign body get in • Thoroughly wash around the
surface occurred on the rim or bearing
rolling surface • Improve the sealing devices
and prevent foreign body from


Trouble due to
foreign matter, dust,
dirt, etc. water- Dust falling from
soaked beams, crane hoists,
The floor must be
mat vent pipes, etc.
cleaned until no dirt sweat
can be detected on from
stroking with the palm hands, Splattering and
of the hand or a white wat etc.
er dropping of oil, water,
glove dirt, etc.

Dust and dirt brought in by Floor dust and dirt raised Contamination brought in
trolleys, movement of pallets, by cleaning, movement of on the work itself
packing materials and people, and placing wire
machines, movement of slings, containers, etc. on Contamination created by
people, ingress of outside air floor processing the work
Scattering of sawdust, paper
fibers, etc.



1. Wax or paint floors

2. Keep ceiling beams and cranes clean
3. Provide wet mats at entrances
4. Fit wheels with brushes or rags brush attach brush or rag
5. Ensure that interior of workshop is not at
negative pressure
6. Do not install large-capacity ventilation grime collector grime collector
equipment unless absolutely necessary

Fig. (Cont’d) Measures against sources of contamination in

precision machine shops

How to reduce time required for inspection

1. Make the hidden inspection spot Transparent

acrylic board
* Number of
* Wear, dust
and dirt
* Tension

2. Place the
inspection spot
at the height of tion
operator's eyes. ture

3. Make the
hidden parts

Easy to

It takes too much

time to inspect



Quick inspection
30 min.
Level 1 ( Checking by the check list )

Level 2 ( Visual management ) 10 min.

Level 3 Concentration ( no need to walk ) 2 min.

Level 4 Easy recognition ( no need to have a check list )
30 sec.

Level 5 No need to check Instantly
( If something goes wrong, immediate alarm by light and sound )

Central Lubrication

There are Automatic

too many lubricating system

To each
lubrication spot

Centralized oil charging

Two centralized lubrication systems which do not require to

stop the machine.

Carrier guide

Distribution pipe

Main pipe

Greasing pump

Distribution valve

Oil Charge-
From gear driven mechanism
which requires lubrication To belt driven mechanism
which does not lubrication


Gear Timing belt

Automation for oil charging

Oil charge Automatic

by hand lubrication

Greasing bearings from outside


Driving side frame

Operation side

* Bearing
Greasing thru cupper pipes

(6) Visual control

“In a world class plant, there is a system which

makes it possible to highlight any abnormality
visually in such a way that anybody can recognize
it as a problem.”

Example:The overall check sections of an oil lubrication
system and check items;
①Oil leakage in the pipe or at the joint
①Oil leakage at the pipe connections
distribution valve
①Pulsation of the
②Checking of discharged oil
pump ②Crush and scratch on the pipe
②Abnormal noise joint pipe Distribution valve
of the motor
<Check items of the
③Temperature of Pressure control valve sliding section>
the motor Pump unit ①Pressure gauge
①Lack of oil film
②Refastening of the
pipe connections Rotating section ②Damage of dust removal
③Checking operation
of pressure control <Check items of the
valve rotating section>
①Lack of oil film
①Checking of oil type Oil tank ②Deterioration and
Lubrication oil ①Oil level gauge damage of the oil seal
②Change of oil color
②Damage of tank ③Wear metal
③Mixing of dust and alien obstacles
④Mixing of water ③Seal on the upper lid of the tank
⑤Mixing of air bubbles ④Oil inlet and oil charge filter
⑥Checking of viscosity ⑤Line filter
⑦Checking of oil temperature ⑥Dust, dirt at the bottom of the inside of the tank 116
Checking methods and know-why (1)
Upper limit
Oil tank line

Checking items

(1) Check the level of

the oil level gauge limit line

Checking methods and evaluation criteria

•By cleaning the oil level gauge, check if the oil level gauge is broken or not, if the
upper and lower limit lines have disappeared or not and if the oil level is appropriate or

Improvement directions in the case of “no”
•Change the oil level gauge.
•Draw the upper and lower limit lines of the oil level gauge.
•Supply lubrication oil up to the upper limit line.

Know-why (Why is this improvement required?)

・Breakage of oil level gauge → Dust will be mixed in lubrication oil.
・Dirty oil level gauge, disappeared upper and lower limit lines
→Impossible to read the gauge
→Overflow takes place at the time of oil supply
→ Waste of oil
→ Make the machine and the floor dirty
→Insufficient oil quantity
→Induction of air
→ Abnormal wear of the pump
→Lower air pressure
→Oil film of the lubrication required section being cut
→Unstable transfer of the processing point
→Defecting quality
→Lowered speed
→Stoppages by breakdown
→ Oil film of the lubrication required section being cut

Checking methods and know-why (2)

Oil tank

Checking items

Oil filter
(4) Check the oil inlet
and the filter

Checking methods and evaluation criteria

•Remove the oil inlet cap and clean the inlet

•Check if there is oil filter installed
•Remove the oil filter and check if there is dirt, clogging or damage on the filter
•Check the mash of the filter
Improvement directions in the case of “no”
•Install the oil filter
•Clean the oil filter
•Exchange the oil filter with a new one

Know-why (Why is this improvement required?)

・Damage of the oil supply filter or no filter

→Invasion of dust and dirt
→Clogging of the suction filter element
→Occurrence of cavitations
→Unstable supply of oil to the lubrication required section
→Oil film of the lubrication required section being cut
→Abnormal wear of the lubrication required section
→Unstable transfer of the processing point
→Defecting quality
→Lowered speed
→Stoppages by breakdown
→Induction of dust and dirt
→ Abnormal wear of the pump and the valve
→Lower pressure
→Unstable oil supply to the lubrication required section
→ Abnormal wear of the lubrication required section
→ Forced deterioration of lubrication oil

Checking methods and know-why (3)

Oil tank

Checking items Rust, alien Rust, alien

substance substance

(5) Check dust and dirt

on the inner bottom of
the tank Dirt, alien substance Magnetic bar

Checking methods and evaluation criteria

•By putting a magnet bar from the oil inlet and checking the bottom of the tank by the
magnet, check if there is any metal or alien substance stuck to the tank.

Improvement directions in the case of “no”
•Wash the tank
•Apply the rust inhibitor, which does not influence oil, on the inside wall of the tank
•Remove the source of rust
・Deterioration of the seals on the upper board of the tank and/or the piping section.
・Clogging of the element in the air breezier
・Oil pot

Know-why (Why is this improvement required?)

・Abnormalities within the tank

→Alien metal substance (mainly rust)
→Occurrence of seizing in the pump, valve and lubrication required section
→Unstable transfer of the processing point
→Deterioration of quality
→Lowered speed
→Stoppages by breakdown
→Dust and dirt
→ Deterioration of lubrication oil
→ Clogging of the suction filter element

Definition of Visual Control

Visual control means that the equipment itself informs the

operator of its abnormality.

Abnormal !

The five requirements for the object of
visualization to make it work

1.Clear understanding of what function/operation it should

2.Its position
We must be able to see it easily and clearly (neither too high,
nor for low, nor too much in the depths.)
3.Its direction
(The object must show its face from the point where the
operator can see.)
4.What message it wants to convey exhibiting by quantifying
it as OK or not OK as much as possible.
5.Distinction by color so that the operator can see at a glance
by image without reading.
The four phases of establishing the visual management system
1.Phase 1
Identification of the object to be managed visually
Step 1 : arranging conditions in such a way that abnormality can be seen
(initial cleaning, etc. is just the starting point).

Filter Filter Air
Regulator Regulator

Lubricator Lubricator

Visual Rubber
indication ring

Visual control

Comparison between Visual Indication and Visual Control

2.Phase 2
Visualization of the object to be managed
Step 2 : Visualization of potential defect
* It cannot be seen unless dismantled reveal it

Easy to

It takes too much

time to inspect


* It cannot be seen due to its position

Make it easy to
tell whether the
thermocouple is green (normal value)
fully inserted

red (safety limit)


Step 3 : Establishment of tentative standards to prevent abnormality to

take place.

3. Phase 3 Coloration of the object to be controlled
Step 4 : Destination between normal and abnormal
-- Basic conditions : no looseness, no oil deterioration
-- Processing conditions : right current, right voltage, no vibration,
accuracy of jigs, etc.
Step 5 : Coloration of the criteria, whether it is normal or not normal
Green : normal
Yellow : abnormal
Red : risky

Install in pumps, valves,

bearings, motors, etc.
4. Phase 4 Leveling up the visual control system

Step 6 : Establishment of standards to prevent abnormality to take

place considering the above points of step 4, 5 on top of 3.

[ Before ] [ After ]
Water supply
display lamp
OK !
Washing Scale

Tank of washing
liquid Cover Float

• Paint defects due to shortage • Noticeable in case of shortage

of washing liquid of washing water
• Unnatural posture when to • Safe inspection
inspect liquid level • Early confirmation of
• No scale on tank replenishment of washing liquid
• Automatic signal when
washing liquid is full
Step 7 : Enrich visual control of the system
-- long life
-- intensive
-- simplified
-- from visual control to non visual control which does
not require watching

Level 5 No need to check

( If something goes wrong, immediate alarm by light and sound)

Three key words for visualization
1.Easiness of watching
* Make the face of the object visual
* Make it visible
* Requires no labor nor time

2.Pursuit of easy understanding

* Quantify normal and abnormal conditions
* Make easy to see it
* Make easy to understand and judge by image
The flower
withers when oil
3.Conspicuousness has been run out

* Attract attention
When a right amount
* Make it non-ordinary of oil is fed, the
flower becomes
* Make it striking open by the move-
By looking at the ment of the float.
flower, we can
observe anomaly
of the oil quantity

The buoyancy of
the float
The three major effects we can expect by visualization

1.Timing : Early discovery of abnormality

(Prevention of possible losses/happenings of

2.Accuracy : Prevention of forgetfulness, lack of attention,

wrong judgment, wrong action)

3. Pace : Quick and efficient checking and inspection

When some part, if it breaks, has a
risk of creating a huge damage, then
it must be placed to expose it to
human eyes such that its anomaly
can be detected quickly enough
even if such placement looks ugly.
(eg. The rupture of hoses,
breakdowns of cables)

Shop floor is a mirror.
Visualization for the checking route

(7) From BM, TBM (AM & PM calendars) to the intelligent
maintenance (combination of BM, TBM and CBM)


Root Cause


Implementation Countermeasure
Plan defined









The roles of autonomous maintenance

• A machine breakdown does not occur suddenly. There

is a symptom of the breakdown before it takes place.
That is, it is the result of the growth of a minor defect.
• To eliminate breakdowns, it is necessary to check
equipment for detecting a symptom of a breakdown.
• Maintenance crew cannot detect and cover all the
symptoms of breakdown.
• It is the operators of machines and processes who can
catch the information on the status quo of an item of

plant and prevent it from breaking down.

Divisions of functions between operational and maintenance departments
Activities carried out Categorization
Type of
Aim method Prevent Measure Restore Oper Mainte
deterioration deterioration deteriorated part ation nance

Proper operation
Normal ◎
Scheduling / Adjustment
operation ◎
Cleaning, identification of hidden defects, response




Daily ◎
Conditions of use, daily inspection for deterioration
maintenance ◎
Minor maintenance

Regular inspection

Regular Regular check ○ ◎
operation over

maintenance Regular maintenance ◎

Efficiency of

Test tendencies ◎
(assessment technology)
Advance ○ ◎
Irregular maintenance


Early discovery and confirmation of ◎

circumstances, rapid response
Follow-up ◎
maintenance Sudden, irregular repairs
Improve strength ○ ◎
Reliability Reduce load

◎ ○
Improvement Improve precision ○ ◎

maintenance Condition monitoring ◎ ○

Improve inspection procedures ◎
Improve maintenance
Maintenance and operations

improvement Improve quality of equipment

• Unless the operators know how to maintain equipment,
they cannot help having equipment breakdowns.
• AM is powerful in case where there are operators and
where breakdowns, defectives and minor stoppages take
place due to lack of maintaining the basic condition of
equipment and when they inspect their equipment.

Easy to

It takes too much

time to inspect 1

Aims of AM (Autonomous Maintenance)

1. To prevent equipment deterioration through correct

operation and daily checks

2. To bring equipment to its ideal state through

restoration and proper management

3. To establish the basic conditions needed to keep

equipment well-maintained

Seven steps of autonomous maintenance
Step 7

Step 6 Fully
Step 5 autonomous
Workplace management
Autonomous and
Step 4 inspection housekeeping
General Challenge this step
Step 3 inspection
and find benefits.

Step 2 standards

Step 1 against sources

Initial cleaning

Reactive Preventive Proactive

Promote Autonomous Maintenance Step by Step

Step Activities
• Eliminate dust ant dirt from main body of equipment
• Expose irregularities such as slight defects, contamination
1. Perform Initial
sources, inaccessible places, and sources of quality defects
• Eliminate unnecessary and seldom-used items, and simplify
2. Address
• Reduce housekeeping time by eliminating sources of dust and
dirt, preventing scatter, and improving parts that are hard to
sources and
clean, check, lubricate, tighten, or manipulate
inaccessible places
• Formulate work standards that help maintain cleaning,
3. Establish leaning and lubricating, and tightening levels within minimal time and effort
checking standards • Improve the efficiency of checking work introducing visual

• Provide inspection skills training based on inspection manuals

• Get individual equipment items into peak condition by
4. Conduct general
subjecting them to general inspection
equipment inspection
• Modify equipment to facilitate checking. Make extensive use of
visual controls

Promote Autonomous Maintenance Step by Step

Step Activities

• Provide instruction in process performance, operation, and

adjustment and in methods of handing abnormalities in order
to improve operational reliability by developing process-
5. Perform general competent operators
process inspection • Prevent inspection duplications and omissions by incorporating
provisional cleaning and inspection standards for individual
equipment items into periodic inspection and replacement
standards for entire processes or areas

• Achieve quality maintenance and safety by establishing clear

procedures and standards for dependable autonomous
6. Systematize maintenance
• Improve setup procedures and reduce work-in-process
• Establish a system of self-management for work place flow,
spares, tools, work-in-process, final products, data, etc.

• Evolve activities and standardize improvements in line with

company and plant policies and objectives, and reduce costs
7. Practice full self- by eliminating work place waste
• Improve equipment further by keeping accurate maintenance
records (e.g., MTBF) and analyzing the data in them
Four steps to capable operators

Practice full Production Achieving zero breakdowns and

autonomous based on the zero defects with the help of
management given schedule PM and QC people. 4
7 (focus : Responsible for daily production
Self workplace Workplace flow Detects process abnormalities
6 management (focus : process) promptly; takes emergency 3
action against them
5 Perform general Process problems Understands properties of
process inspection (focus : process) materials being handled; performs
Machine capability correct adjustment and setting 2
4 Equipment inspection
(focus : machine)
for quality
3 Establish cleaning and Basic conditions Understands process performance
checking standards to prevent and functions; operates process
deterioration correctly
2 Address contamination sources
(focus :
and inaccessible places
1 Perform initial cleaning
1. Deploy cross-departmental teams, ideally
involving everyone in the organization, to
all machines on the factory floor, one
team per type of machine.
2. Train each team member to competently
use WCM AM tools and productivity
improvement methods.
Install in
3.Charter each team to attack the pumps, valves,

productivity losses on their equipment―

motors, etc.

first preventing machine breakdowns, and

then reducing other types of losses.
4. Challenge these teams to achieve a rapid
improvement rate, typically a minimum of
50 percent improvement within a year.
Specific machine losses should be
reduced to zero. Install in pumps,
valves, bearings,
motors, etc.
5. Deliver contingent consequences to team
members for their contribution to
successful results: greatly reward the
highest level contributors, and help others
to improve their level of contribution.
Figure :The deployment of WCM AM action teams
WCM AM Preparation WCM AM Deployment

Teach Teach

Pilot Team

Manager’s Equipment
Model Teams Action Teams
Five Levels of Operators

Operation only
2 + QC + AM
3 + Improvement
4 + Engineering

• In general, one third of breakdown
Total number of breakdowns

PM comes from lack of basic conditions.

• Another one third of them can be
avoided if the competence of AM
people can be raised and AM step 1
PM(AM) – step 7 are carried out rigorously
with well organized inspection of
natural deterioration, but this costs
Lack of the basic much money.
• The rest can be tackled by PM step 1
– step 3. Once we establish a PM
calendar, we understand what we have
to do with the equipment.

Autonomous maintenance
 When equipment does not have the basic condition to be operated and
there are many possible causes which may lead to breakdowns, a
collective approach by AM without persistently asking why, why, - - - to
identify root causes, can work well. But when there are few breakdowns,
AM can be very costly.
 Step 2 is the key to get the benefits of AM.
 Applying AM Step 1 – 3 is the key to establish the basic condition of the
 The major economic benefit of AM can be gained by AM Step 1 – 3.
 Step 4 costs time and money.
 Depending on the breakdown situation of the equipment applying Step 4
cannot be economically justified.
 We need to add something extra activities on Step 4 to get benefits out of

Developing an autonomous maintenance program

1. Two characteristic keys to developing a successful

autonomous maintenance program are :
• thoroughness
• continuity

2. Actual decisive factor is smooth integration with the

following two WCM fundamental activities :
• focused improvement to create know-how to attack
waste and losses systematically
• education and training to horizontally expand the know-
how created by focused improvement

Evaluation Grid: Score 1– Autonomous Maintenance

1. The basic data of production (capital intensive section)

- - - production organization
- - - the number of machines/operator
- - - the number of shifts
2. AM pillar team should demonstrate an understanding of 5G, 5W+1H,
5WHY analysis.
3. AM pillar team should show the three fundamental understandings to
establish a well organized AM.
- - - visual machine ledger at the single component level with
component classification into A, B and C
- - - machine ledger with a PM calendar
- - - measurement of TBF or TBPB (time from PM to breakdown)

4. Visual machine ledger at the single component level with component

classification into A, B and C
- - - machine ledger with an AM calendar
- - - measurement of TBF or TBAB (time from AM to breakdown due to
the lack of basic condition)
5. Proper classification of machines into model machines, AA, A, B and C
for AM at the reactive stage.
AA covers 50% of the total breakdown loss due to lack of basic condition
A up to 70%; B, 90%; C, 100%. 155
Evaluation Grid: Score 1– Autonomous Maintenance

6.(Model machines) How AM step 1 was implemented (at Genba)

- - - the number of tags placed and removed
- - - the distribution of tags
- - type of anomaly
- - responsible people
- red for maintenance people
- white for AM people
- green for safety people
7.(Model machines) How AM step 2 was applied (at Genba)
- - - how much cleaning time was reduced by taking various
countermeasures against contamination sources [remove – block –
(guide – localize) – encircle – receive – collect – make it visible and
easy to be handled]
- - - hopefully cleaning-less operation
8.(Model machines) How AM step 3 was executed (at Genba)
- - - Visual AM calendar (ECRS applied)
- - - How long does it still take for CILR?
- - - Correct calculation of OEE by operators
- - - How much OEE has been improved
9.Proper evaluation of B/C ratio for each step calculated by finance people
10.How operators have grown through from AM step 1 to step 3 (radar chart).156
Evaluation Grid: Score 2– Autonomous Maintenance

1. How to measure operators and classify them into 4 levels.

2. Their distribution into 4 levels and how it changes.
3. (Model machines) How step 4 has been applied with the operators of the
best level.
4. (Model machines) How X matrix, QM matrix and Q components are
understood and properly used by operators.
5. (Model machines) The AM calendar with Q component checking by the
operators for those Q components which can be inspected by the
6. OEE and OLE calculations by the operators at each shift.
7. The numbers of suggestions and quick Kaizens/operator.
8. (All top 50% of AA machines) AM step 1 – 3. No breakdowns due to lack
of basic condition from these machines.
9. How many percentage of the newly tagged anomalies can be dealt with
by operators.
10. Training room(s) with excellent texts to educate and train operators.

Evaluation Grid: Score 3– Autonomous Maintenance

1. Pillar and activities boards are up to date and how results have been
achieved at each step.
2. Operator involvement in inputting data to calculate OEE and OLE.
3. Continuous improvement in CILR time reduction.
4. (Model machines) How AM step 5 has been applied.
5. (All top of 50% of AA machines) Completion of AM step 4.
6. (The rest of 50% of AA machines) AM step 1 – 3.
7. Reclassification of machines into A, B and C as a result of moving from
the reactive to the preventive stage based on cost deployment + [P, Q, C,
D, S and M]. Breakdown loss due to the lack of basic condition is not any
more a major loss.
8. Logical linkage between AM, PM and shutdown maintenance.
9. The increased number of suggestions and quick kaizen as step activities
move on.
10. Careful evaluation of B/C ratio.

Evaluation Grid: Score 4– Autonomous Maintenance

1. Logical and well organized presentation of AM activity by the AM pillar

2. Pillar and activity boards are up to date and show the effect of applying
any AM method by comparing before and after and can evaluate whether
the method was applied correctly with rigor.
3. (Model machines) How AM step 6 has been applied. Machine data
analysis by operators (At Genba).
4. (Model machines) Process data analysis by operators (At Genba).
5. (All top 50% of AA machines) AM step 5.
6. (The rest of 50% of AA machines) AM step 4.
7. (A machines) AM step 1 – 3.
8. How people have grown by moving from AM step 4 to AM step 6.
9. How many people have grown as technicians or engineers.
10. Quick kaizens/suggestions.

Evaluation Grid: Score 5– Autonomous Maintenance

1. Logical and well organized presentation of AM activity not only by the AM

pillar leader but also by the people concerned for AM.
2. No breakdown from model machines, AA and A machines.
3. Continuous challenge to cleaning-less operation.
4. (Model machines) How AM step 7 was applied (At Genba).
5. (All top of 50% of AA machines) AM step 6.
6. (The rest of 50% of AA machines) AM step 5.
7. (A machines) AM step 4. (B machines) AM step 1 – 3.
8. The development of engineering operators. How many have been
developed. How operators are involved in EEM and EPM.
9. Production data analysis by operators.
10. Careful financial evaluation of AM activities.

Aims of PM (Preventive Maintenance)

1. To maximize equipment reliability and availability at

an economical cost
2. To eliminate unplanned maintenance activities
3. To achieve zero breakdowns and process failure
losses with the cooperation of production people
(AM) and quality people(QC).

Seven steps of professional Phase 4 Step 7
Step 6 Maintenance
Phase 3 cost
Build a predic- management
Step 5 tive mainte- Establishmen
Phase 2 nance system t of
Build a (trend a planned
Step 4 periodic management) maintenance
maintenance system
Phase 1 Countermeasures system
Step 3 against weak
Establishment of the machine and
of lengthened equip-
Step 2 maintenance ment life
Reverse standards
deterioration Applying PM Step 1 – 3 with rigor is the
Step 1 (breakdown analysis)
key to eliminate breakdowns. The rest is
Elimination of forced deterioration the refining PM activities.
and prevention of accelerated deterioration

Reactive Preventive Proactive

An approach to achieving zero-breakdown operation

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Reduce variation in time Increase average Regularly restore Predict breakdown
between breakdown remaining life deterioration
Increase strength
Individual product life (Improvement)
Faults occur
in this range

Exchange cycle 1

Exchange cycle 1 Exchange cycle 1 Exchange cycle 2

Only this range

Exchange cycle 3
Exchange cycle 2 does not fail Exchange cycle 2 Regular
maintenance Irregular replacement from prediction of
Exchange cycle 3 remaining life

Restoring deterioration of parts Extending individual product life Estimation of product life and Predict faults through
which have been left unattended regular restoration of technological and assessment
・Improve weak points regarding
deterioration skill
・Dealing with hidden faults individual product life
・Improve weak points regarding ・Improve maintenance (Increase ・Methods of reducing maintenance
overloading efficiency) costs
Eliminate forced deterioration ・Select parts appropriate to the
Use the five senses to grasp Estimate and lengthen remaining
・Establish basic conditions signs life through technical analysis of
・Preserve order for operation Eliminate random breakdown Indicating internal deterioration faults due to physical damage
・Dealing with operational errors ・Distinguish faults which show ・Technical analysis of cause
(Think of failsafe devices) signs of damage from those Fractured cross section, material
・Dealing with repair errors which don’t fatigue, concentrated stress
(Improve procedures, tools) ・Investigate how to recognize
early signs
Restore external deterioration
・Operator education
・Repair all deterioration in external
Phase 1 ( Reduce the number of breakdowns to half) ― Step 1 to Step 2

Stabilize the interval between one breakdown and the next one
① Restore deterioration which has been left unattended
Priority must be given to addressing defects which are apparent but are not
attended due to either a tight budget or the lack of motivation.

・ Being left in use.

・ Being left loose
・ Being left out of position Make a list → Take countermeasure
・ Being left out of order

② Eliminate forced deterioration

Abnormal deterioration caused by excessive stress above the designed
level → Forced deterioration
(1) Maintain basic conditions – cleaning, lubricating, retightening
(2) Comply with conditions of use
・ Prevention against external disturbances, such as vibration, noises, etc.
・ Conditions appropriate for the specification of a unit of part
environmental conditions, appropriate load, method of attachment
・ Loading conditions appropriate for the equipment’s capability
Phase 2 ( Reduce the number of breakdown 1/5)
Lengthen equipment lifespan
① Lengthen part lifespan
Where remaining life is short even where forced deterioration is excluded, an
analysis of weak points can help prolong life
(1) Improve design weaknesses
・ Lack of strength
・ imperfections in installation.
・ imperfections in processing
(2) Improve weaknesses against overloading
If the amount of load on the equipment cannot be reduced, strengthen
the weakest point
(3) Select components appropriate for the conditions of use
② Eliminate chance failures
(1) Countermeasures against repair misses ・ Acquire basic repair skills
・ Improve repair methods, etc.
(2) Countermeasures against human errors ・ Standardize methods of operation
・ Attaching fool proof device, failsafe
device, etc.
③ Restore external deterioration
General external inspection of hydraulic and pneumatic units, driving systems,
electrical systems, etc. and restoration of deterioration
Phase 3 ( Reduce the number of breakdown 1/10)
Periodic restoration of deteriorated parts
① Estimating MTBF and periodic restoration of deterioration
The first and second phases will extend MTBF and stabilize MTBF.
Therefore, the validity of periodic restoration will increase from the viewpoints of
reliability and cost.
(1) Improve maintainability (2) Standardization and execution of
Add structural improvements to periodic maintenance
equipment easier to maintain ・ Periodic inspection
・ Use common parts ・ Periodic checks
・ Exchange blocks ・ Periodic servicing
・ Simplify assembly and disassembly
・ Improve jigs and tools and make them specialized
・ Standardize spare parts
② Use five senses to grasp abnormalities indicating deterioration
If you have difficulty in determining the remaining life, or cannot eliminate a wide
variation of the part lifespan, the only method is to detect early sign of failures
1) Before the breakdown occurred, were there any symptoms of any abnormalities?
2) Does this breakdown produce any early warning signs or not?
3) What early symptoms can lead to the discovery of this breakdown?
4) Why were we unable to detect the early symptoms of this breakdown?
5) What can we do to detect the early symptoms of the breakdown?
6) What knowledge and skills are necessary for the operator or notice the symptoms
of the breakdown?
Phase 4 ( Reducing the number of breakdowns to zero)

Predict and extend equipment life times

①Prediction of breakdowns by applying equipment diagnoses techniques.
Deterioration pattern: Measurement tool:
・Leaks ・Shock pulse meter
・Breakages ・Vibration measurement
・Corrosion ・Measurement by ultrasonic sounds (AE method)
・Abnormal sounds ・Magnetic, X ray search
・Abnormal temperature ・Spectrographic analysis (SOAP method)
・Abnormal vibration ・Insulation measurement
・Material degradation
・Oil degradation
・Abnormalities in the electrical system
②Catastrophic breakdown – Estimation and lengthening of the remaining life
using technical analysis

(1) Analysis of a fractured cross section

Concentrated stress
(2) Analysis of material fatigue
Repetitive load
Alternating load …SN curve analysis
(3) Analysis of the gear tooth surface
7 steps to parts development
Phase Proce Name Details of activities
Analysis difference Select important equipment, establish all current causes of faults, and use
1 between designated analysis to plan measures to achieve correct usage conditions, and
1 usage conditions and restore visible deterioration in the equipment.
current conditions
variation in 2 Measures for dealing Improve problem points were usage conditions are not being met, and
remaining life with difference in 1.1 increase the reliability of the equipment
Create standards for Set provisional standards, and execute them, work towards improvement
3 usage conditions Set standards for cleaning, lubrication, tightening.
Clarify division of maintenance responsibilities among departments.
2 Measures for dealing Define and improve conditions of use
Increase with problems in Increase remaining life through improvement and maintenance
remaining life 4 lengthening remaining Eliminate random faults caused by mistakes in operation and repair
for individual life (Improve
maintenance) Form and execute plans based on loss analysis.
3 Improve efficiency of Ready maintenance standards, aim to improve maintainability, ease of
Restore 5 checking operation and safety.
regular Find abnormal signs indicating deterioration, and execute measures to
deterioration deal with weak points in the inspection.
Overall assessment Establish maintenance procedures which emphasis product quality, based
6 of equipment (MQ on assessment of equipment faults and MQ analysis.
4 analysis) (Clarify the relationship between the equipment and product quality, and
Predict guarantee reliability of product quality through PM)
remaining life Establish limits of use Determine limit points of faulty equipment and establish plans for the use
7 of assessment technology.
Technical analysis of critical faults.
Evaluation Grid: Score 1– Professional Maintenance
1. The basic data of maintenance
- - - maintenance organization
- - - the number of machines/PM person
- - - maintenance cost/product.
2. PM pillar team should demonstrate an understanding of 5G, 5W+1H,
5WHY analysis and the 7 WCM tools.
3. PM pillar team should show the three fundamental understandings to
establish a well organized PM.
- - - visual machine ledger at the single component level with
component classification into A, B and C
- - - machine ledger with a PM calendar
- - - measurement of TBF or TBPB (time from PM to breakdown)
4. How EWO is correctly used. The statistics of breakdowns based on root
5. Proper classification of machines into model machines, AA, A, B and C
for PM at the reactive stage.
AA covers 50% of the total breakdown loss due to lack of PM;
A up to 70%; B, 90%; C, 100%.
4. Correct calculation of
- OEE in case of a single machine
- OLE in case of an integrated line
- OPE in case of plant effectiveness. 169
Evaluation Grid: Score 1– Professional Maintenance

7.(Model machines) How MTBF is correctly measured (At Genba).

8.The meaning of SMP and its availability when needed.
9.Well organized maintenance shop (At Genba). Equipment drawing
management (At Genba).
10.Proper quality control of spare parts. Any requested spare part can be
found in less than 3 minutes (At Genba).

Evaluation Grid: Score 2– Professional Maintenance

1. (Model machines) No breakdowns except those caused by human errors.

2. (Model machines) Detailed breakdown of MTTR to find a way to shorten it.
3. (Model machines) PM team are measuring activity based maintenance
costs to each machine.
4. (Model machines) The PM costs and production losses are monitored on
a combined trend chart.
5. (Model machines) Prioritization of components for corrective maintenance.
based on the costs of spare parts and labor costs for replacing them.
6. (Model machines) How many percent of components against total
number of components have been changed by corrective maintenance.
How much PM costs have been reduced after corrective maintenance.
7. (Model machines) How TBM is well established. A newly established PM
calendar made after finding proper replacement frequencies of A
components (At Genba).
8. (Model machines) Correct financial evaluation of PM activities.
Classification between hard saving and soft saving (cost avoidance) to
budget the necessary PM cost.
9. (Model machines) A clear linkage between AM, PM and shutdown
10. (Model machines) No breakdowns except those caused by human errors
and MTBF of them is approaching ca. 2,000 hrs.
Evaluation Grid: Score 3– Professional Maintenance

1. Pillar and activity boards are up to date and show how results have been
achieved at each step.
2. Computerized OEE and OLE measurement.
3. (Model machines) MTBF of the model machine is approaching ca. 5,000
4. (All the major machines) MTBF of all the major machines is approaching
ca. 2,000 hrs.
5. (All the major machines) A clear logical linkage between AM and PM
activities and shutdown maintenance
6. The loss due to breakdowns is not any more a major loss.
7. The classification of machines into AA, A, B and C as a result of moving
from proactive to preventive stage based on cost deployment + [P, Q, C,
D, S and M].
8. Component maintenance if applicable for those machines which are not
covered by AM and/or PM.
9. Maintenance crew’s time breakdown is available.
10. Maintenance time spent mainly for PM step 3 (Initial TBM), PM step 4
(CM) and PM step 5 (refined TBM).

Evaluation Grid: Score 4– Professional Maintenance

1. Logical and well organized presentation of PM activity by the PM pillar

2. Pillar and activity boards are up to date and show the effect of applying
any PM method by comparing before and after and evaluate whether the
method was applied correctly with rigor.
3. (Model machines) MTBF of the model machines is approaching ca.
7,000 hrs.
4. (AA machines) MTBF of the AA machines is approaching ca. 5,000 hrs.
5. Re-classification of machines into AA, A, B and C at preventive stage
based on [P, Q, C, D, S and M] analysis.
6. Establishment of an efficient and effective CMMS.
7. Real time maintenance management (time, power, temperature, etc.)
8. Involvement of PM people to refurbish/modernize existing/used
9. Establishing various maintenance standards to support maintenance
activities (various maintenance documents, various maintenance controls,
10. Unmanned operation during lunch break, time between shifts (At Genba).

Evaluation Grid: Score 5– Professional Maintenance

1. Logical and well organized presentation of PM activity not only by the PM

pillar leader but also by the people concerned for PM activities.
2. No breakdown from AA and A machines except few cases.
MTBF :ca.10,000 hrs.
3. Maintenance cost management.
4. Pursuit of optimum maintenance [BM + TBM + CBM]
5. Correct evaluation of the necessary PM cost (hard saving and soft
6. Application of FTA, process FMEA and equipment FMEA.
7. Breakdown analysis of broken components
8. Continuous challenge to new PM techniques such as RCM if proved
9. Many pieces of MP information and feed back to EEM. Involvement of
PM people to equipment design for reliability and maintainability.
10. Standardization of spare parts from the design stage of equipment.

Seven Steps of Establishing Professional Maintenance ( component level )

Phase 4
Step 7
Phase 3
Step 6 management

Phase 2 MQ analysis,
Step 5 trend management
and checking

Phase 1 Step 4 of a periodic
Measures to
Step 3 component life

of maintenance
Step 2 standards

Step 1 against the gaps

Investigation of gaps between

designated usage conditions and
current conditions of use

Seven steps of establishing professional maintenance ( component level )
Phase Step Title Objectives
1 1 Investigation of gaps between ・ Selection of important components.
Stabilize designated usage conditions ・ Restoration of the apparently deteriorated parts.
mean time and current conditions of use
7 Steps of Professional Maintenance (component level)

・ Clarification of designated usage conditions.

between ・ Investigation of gaps between designated usage conditions and
failures current conditions of use.
( MTBF )
2 Countermeasures against the ・ Elimination of the gaps and improvement of the reliability of the
gaps equipment.

3 Establishment of maintenance ・ Setting tentative maintenance standards, especially for cleaning ,

standards lubricating and retightening.
・ Clarification of roles of maintenance for production and maintenance.
2 4 Measures to extend ・ Definition and improvement of conditions of use.
Lengthen component life ・ Extension of the lifetime by corrective maintenance.
component’s ・ Elimination of chance failures caused by human errors and repair
life errors.
3 5 Establishment of a periodic ・ Setting maintenance standards and improvement of maintanability,
Periodically replacement cycle and operationability, and safety.
restore improvement of inspection ・ Investigation of abnormal symptoms indicating deterioration.
deterioration efficiency ・ Execution of countermeasures against weak points in carrying out
4 6 MQ analysis, trend ・ Establishment of CBM and Quality maintenance by MQ analysis.
Predict management and checking ・ Clarifications of the relationships between the equipment and the
component’s product quality, and maintenance of product quality by PM.
7 Component cost management ・ Determination of the limit point of the component.
・ Technical analysis of catastrophic breakdowns.
・ Utilization of equipment diagnosis techniques.

Development of professional maintenance (component level)
Focused Improvement Daily measures Deployment by part (1st ~ 4th step)

Serious breakdowns Focus on frequency

Important equipment Red cards Focus on the number of
PM cards breakdown
Focus on time ―― ――
Focus on the possibility
of producing a massive
volume of detectives Reply 1st step
Check all
the reports 2nd step

3rd step

Study the focused How to deal with PM Information on autonomous

Personnel in charge

breakdown for the cards maintenance


List of horizontal expansion

Through recording Checklist of other machines
4th step Measures to extend the lifetime

Continued themes 5th step Efficient inspection

Countermeasure 6th step MQ maintenance
themes (Equipment Diagnosis)

7th step Full utilization of equipment

Spare parts management Standardization Assistance to autonomous maintenance

Pareto diagram of broken components (example)

Cause classification of bearing breakdowns

Outflow of grease 3
Excessive tightening of distribution valve 3
Loosened copper pipe 2
Classification Carbonized grease 2
Defective distribution valve 1
Number of
Leakage from pipe flange 1
Insufficient grease change at the installation stage 1

Type of
equipment A B D Number of
Name of breakdowns
2 4 1 3 5 1 5 3 4 2 2 1 5 3 4 6

Common component

Number of breakdowns

Model components

Model equipment

Model equipment? Model components?

Model machine? Model component?

Number of Forced Number of Maintenance Autonomous

machines deterioration maintenance skills Mainte-
people Nance Level

Inter Inter
Many Medi Few B M S Many Medi Few High
Low High
-um -um
ate ate




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