Global Compact Principles As An Effective Tool For Implementing Green HRM-A Study of Selected Indain Corporate - International Conference

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Global Compact Principles as an effective tool for

implementing Green HRM-A Study of Selected

Indian Corporate.
Prof. Sanjay B. Chavan1, Prof. Anjali Mandke2, Prof. Nishant Labhane3

Abstract— Management should be proactive in addressing the compulsory labour;

global challenges related to shortage of resources, water scarcity, Principle 5- The effective abolition of child labour; and
climate change and loss of biodiversity. These challenges can be Principle 6 - The elimination of discrimination in respect of
well addressed by following Green HRM practices. The purpose employment and occupation.
of current research study was to find out the effectiveness of
Global Compact Principles and its usefulness in implementing C. Environment
Green HRM. Two corporate both from the public and private Principle 7- Businesses should support a precautionary
sector were selected for this purpose. Published data by both the
corporate collected and analyzed.
approach to environmental challenges;
The analysis showed that both the corporates were familiar with Principle 8 - Undertake initiatives to promote greater
the concept of Global Compact Principles. Further, the environmental responsibility; and
researcher believes that this is an effective tool for the Principle 9 - Encourages the development and diffusion of
implementation of Green HRM. environmentally friendly technologies.
The sustainable development in India can only be realized if
there is conscious effort to maintain individual and corporate D. Anti Corruption
responsibility to the society. Principle 10 - Businesses should work against corruption in
all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
Keywords— Global Compact, Sustainable development, Green Corporate should be proactive in addressing the global
HRM, corporate social responsibility challenges related to shortage of resources, water scarcity,
climate change and loss of biodiversity. As social, political
and economic challenges (and opportunities) — whether
Management should be proactive in addressing the global occurring at home or in other regions — affect business more
challenges related to shortage of resources, water scarcity, than ever before, many companies recognize the need to
climate change and loss of biodiversity. These challenges can collaborate and partner with governments, civil society, labour
be well addressed by following Green HRM practices. and the United Nations.
In this paper, A Study of Selected Indian Corporate on This ever-increasing understanding is reflected in the
Global Compact Principles as an effective and supplementary Global Compact's rapid growth. With over 8700 corporate
tool for implementing Green HRM is carried out. participants and other stakeholders from over 130 countries, it
The United Nations Global Compact is a strategic policy is the largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative in
initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their the world. The sustainable development in India can only be
operations and strategies with ten universally accepted realised if there is conscious effort to maintain individual and
principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment corporate responsibility to the society.
and anti-corruption. Indian government is also serious about sustainable
Development. Voluntary Guideline by Government of India
A. Human rights
for Corporate Social Responsibility, are as mentioned below-
Principle 1- Businesses should support and respect the Fundamental Principle of CSR is -
protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and Each business entity should formulate a CSR policy to
Principle 2- Makes sure that they are not complicit in guide its strategic planning and provide a roadmap for its CSR
human rights abuses. initiatives, which should be an integral part of overall business
B. Labour policy and aligned with its business goals. The policy should
be framed with the participation of various level executives
Principle 3- Businesses should uphold the freedom of and should be approved by the Board.
association and the effective recognition of the right to The CSR Policy should normally cover following core
collective bargaining; elements:
Principle 4- The elimination of all forms of forced and  Care for all Stakeholders
 Ethical functioning
Padmashree Dr D Y Patil Institute of MCA, Akurdi, Pune-44  Respect for Workers' Rights and Welfare
[email protected]  Respect for Human Rights
[email protected]  Respect for Environment
 Activities for Social and Inclusive Development conduct the business. Tata Steel Group defined following five
Sustainable development, as basically the attainment of the core values:
good life for all the people of the society.  Trusteeship
Businesses Practicing Green HRM will surely contribute to  Integrity
development. Corporate should understand the importance of  Respect for the individual
Green HRM and Global Compact for sustainable development  Credibility
and act accordingly. If corporate give due weight age to  Excellence:
Human Rights and Development of workforce, practicing It is a fundamental principle of the Tata Steel Group that all
Green HRM becomes effective. employees are compensated fairly. Benchmarking surveys are
Intentionally study of two corporate of different fields and conducted annually in each of major employment locations to
different groups is done. ensure that pay and benefits packages remain attractive and
 Tata Steel (Engineering, Private Sector) competitive. When employees leave the company – either
 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (Refinery, Public through resignation or retirement – they are invited to
Sector) participate in an exit interview, and their feedback is a source
of information to improve the workplace. (Tata Steel, group
II. OBJECTIVE corporate citizenship report 2008/09)
The dream of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime
The objective of this paper is to Study of Global Compact Minister of independent India, to create an indigenous
Principles as an effective and supplimentry tool for exploration and production organization in the country was a
implementing Green HRM of Selected Indian Corporate. reflection of his faith in the nation’s scientific and technical
III. LITERATURE REVIEW community. ONGC scientists and engineers have lived up to
that faith, making us one of the leading exploration and
HR department has the potential to play a significant role in production of hydrocarbon companies in the world today. (Oil
developing CSR activities within the organization, found to be and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, Corporate
marginally involved or interested in CSR. Fenwick & Bierema Sustainability Report 2009-10)
(2008) The adoption of HR policies, such as, periodic review “We need business to give practical meaning and reach to
of employee performance, adequate training for the workforce the values and principles that connect cultures and people
and career advancement norms for its personnel, creating everywhere.”— Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the
motivation, and commitment in the workforce the United Nations (Corporate Citizenship in The World
organization can reap the full business benefits and become Economy 2008)
successful to the great satisfaction of all its stakeholders. H.E. Mr. Arun Maira, Member of Planning Commission,
The role of HR function in embedding the CSR values in Planning Commission of India: “We know that we can’t do it
the corporate culture is immense and has been underlined also. alone. We have to do it in partnerships with business, with
An organization can exhibit a better image in the minds of civil society and also investors, the labor unions and the
people by presenting itself as an excellent employer which business schools.” (United Nations Global Compact Leaders
cares for its people and involves them in the ambit of social Summit 2010 – Summary Report October 2010)
responsibility. This involvement of employees indicates the In a world where substance conveys reputation it isn't
strategic importance of HRM in the CSR initiatives of an enough to appear to be sustainable. You must be authentic.
organization. Human Resource policies, forming the Recognizing this, the value creation that allow companies,
framework for the culture in the business management, create whether embracers (visionary) or the cautious adopters (the
awareness towards the need to achieve the business goals in tentative) to learn by experience. Every far-sighted executives
the best possible and ethical manner (Agrawal, 2007). or unengaged employees asking: "How can we use business as
The Tata Steel Group is part of the Tata Group. Since its a vehicle for moving beyond survival to living fulfilling lives,
formation by Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata in 1868, the Tata in caring communities supported by a healthy environment
Group has consistently been run according to the principle and make a profit doing it?" will gain and insight and practical
that the wealth it creates should be returned to society. steps.(
“…we started on sound and straightforward business book/embedded-sustainability---the-next-big-competitive-
principles, considering the interests of the shareholders our advantage.asp accessed on10/09/2011)
own, and the health and welfare of the employees the sure According to Corporate Social Responsibility and HR’s
foundation of our prosperity.” Jamsetji N. Tata (Founder, Role, a new report by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and
1839-1904) Development (CIPD), effective implementation of HR
“The Company shall be mindful of its social and moral policies on employee consultation, diversity, fair treatment
responsibilities to the consumers, employees, shareholders, and work-life balance are fundamental to projecting the image
society and the local community.” of a responsible employer.
J.R.D. Tata, chairman, 1938-84 HR departments are responsible for many of the key
Five core values underpin the growth and business systems and processes, including recruitment, training and
direction of the Tata Steel Group and define the way to communications, on which effective delivery of CSR
initiativesdepends.( Steel Employee Share- Govt. Community
/8/24/research/csr-minus-hr-pr.asp accessed on 10/09/2011) production holders Investment
 If employees don’t see the point of CSR initiatives, or
Deliveries Wages Divide Income Contribution
understand the message, initiatives are unlikely to be 28.5million and nd tax, and donation
effective. tones Benefits other
 People are increasingly hoping to align their personal Turnover taxes
values with corporate ones - they want to feel a deeper $29billion and
sense of motivation than has previously been EBIT duties $30
understood in business. $2.8 $3.53 $251 $1.13 Million
 The credibility of CSR is dependent on delivery - not on Billion billion million billion
rhetoric. HR is responsible for many of the key systems (Source - Tata Steel, group corporate citizenship report 2008/09)
and process (e.g. recruitment, training and TABLE II
communication) on which effective delivery depends. REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION BREAKDOWN OF ECONOMIC
 HR has a role in ensuring that corporate policies are VALUE (US$ MILLIONS)
effectively implemented and applied. SR. NO Stake- Tata Tata Tata
 It should also monitor the practical application of holder Steel Steel Steel
corporate culture and values and engage with issues group India Europe Group
about corporate governance, risk management and
employer brand – all of which impinge heavily on CSR. 1 Employee 453 2,935 3,534
( wages
and benefits
2 Shareholder 251 - 251
responsibility-must-be-part-of-hr-agenda.asp accessed dividends
10/09/2011) 5 Government 1,054 17 1,131
Around its industrial facilities, Tata Group has created taxes
towns and cities like Jamshedpur, Mithapur, Babrala for the 6 Community 15 15 30
benefit of its employees. Cadbury India, Glaxo and investments
Richardson Hindustan are some of the companies which are and
helping farmers to grow crops which in turn shall serve as raw donations
materials for them (Tripathi & Reddy, 2006). 7 Economic 4,633 20,624 27,914
(Source - Tata Steel, group corporate citizenship report 2008/09)
The research was based on the hypothesis that the selected
companies which follow Global Compact Principles, which is TABLE III
an effective tool for implementing Green HRM. Since this REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION BREAKDOWN OF ECONOMIC VALUE
was a pilot scale study and a more comprehensive and (US$ MILLIONS)
systematic study is to follow, those companies were selected Year Tata Tata Tata NatSteel Tata
intentionally, and i.e. one from private sector and other from Steel Steel Steel Holdings Steel
public sector. This study is carried on available secondary data Europe India Thailan Singapor Grou
published by companies in their reports. The data thus d e p
collected was analyzed and interpretations were drawn. 2008 1.82 0.8 3.01 5.88 1.31
2007 2.38 1.70 2.18 10.23 2.11
(Source - Tata Steel, group corporate citizenship report 2008/09)
 Health and safety: Tata Steel strive to manage the
A. Tata Steel business in a way that ensures a safe, healthy, clean and
1) Human Rights: ergonomic working environment for employees,
contractors and anyone affected by
business activities.
TABLE I TABLE IVII Lost time injury frequency rate Tata Steel
Group employees and contractors Number of lost time
incidents per million hours worked. (Source - Tata Steel, group corporate citizenship report 2008/09).

4) Anti - Corruption:
2) Labour:
 Recruitment and retention: The Tata Steel Group “No success or achievement in material terms is
believes that being the best possible employer helps to worthwhile unless it serves the needs or interests of the
recruit and retain the best employees. As at 31 March country and its people and is achieved by fair and honest
2009, the Group employed over 80,000 people means.”J.R.D. Tata, chairman, 1938-84.
worldwide. Ethical, transparent and accountable business Tata Steel
 Training and development: As business continues to Limited is a public limited company with 857,041
evolve, people are encouraged and enabled all to shareholders as at 31 March 2009 – the vast majority
develop and grow with it. The Tata Steel Group individuals. Tata Sons Limited is the largest single
continues to invest in and improve its managerial and shareholder, with a shareholding of just over 31%. Around
technical capabilities through internal development and 66% of all profits received by Tata Sons from this
training of its employees across Europe, India and shareholding are invested in philanthropic activities to
South East Asia. benefit society, through the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Sir
 Open and continuing dialogue: Clear, honest, two-way Ratan Tata Trust and other trusts. Corporate governance
communication between management and employees at The Board of Tata Steel considers itself a trustee of its
all levels in the organization is intrinsic to the culture of shareholders and has robust systems in place to deliver its
the Tata Steel Group. In India, the joint consultation responsibilities for creating and protecting shareholder
system has been in place for more than 50 years and has wealth, while ensuring the interests of other stakeholders is
matured in scope from a purely consultative mode to a businesses is safeguarded.
partnership mode. Any issues relating to the progress, Tata Code of Conduct:
plans and prospects of the business are discussed openly  National interest
and with a sense of shared purpose among senior  Compliance
management and employee representatives.  Competition
 Conflict of interest
3) Environment:
Tata Steel environmental management systems provide a  Securities transactions and confidential information
clear and effective framework for managing compliance  Political non-alignment
and identifying opportunities for improvement. All main  Gifts and donations
manufacturing sites are certified as conforming to the  Whistle-blowing
international environmental management standard
ISO 14001. B. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited
2008-09 2007-
08 3000
Total CO2 emissions Million tonnes 43.7 48.5
Direct CO2 emissions Million tonnes 38.4 41.1 2000
CO2 intensity Tonnes CO 2 per tonne of 2.11 2.05
crude steel 1000
Crude steel production Million tonnes 20.7 23.7
(Source - Tata Steel, group corporate citizenship report 2008/09) 0
TABLE V 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
GIGAJOULES PER TONNE OF CRUDE STEEL (Source - Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited,
2008-09 2007- Corporate Sustainability Report 2009-10)
Blast Furnace (BF) Route 23.74 22.70 1) Human Rights:
Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Route 10.10 10.42
Procurement of products and services
Crude steel production Million tones BF 20.7 23.7 ONGC general terms and conditions of doing business
Route 2.6 3.2 with suppliers and contractor explicitly include a
EAF Route commitment from the supplier or contractor to uphold
human rights under Indian laws and regulation. Contractors TABLE VI
have to ensure compliance with various applicable labor
Safety Unit 2007 2008 2009
issues addressing the issues such as minimum wages, equal
Hours worked- Million 70.75 70.85 71.61
remuneration and prohibition of forced labour. employees hours
Workplace Hours worked- Million 49.01 49.01 62.04
ONGC understand responsibility to uphold human rights contractors hours
at the workplace. Operations in India are consistent with the Man Days Lost- Man- 570 381 362
fundamental rights, legal principles as enshrined by the employees days
Constitution of India and the relevant labor laws. HR Incidents Number 0.28 0.95 1.20
policies have evolved with the changing legal and business involving s/
requirements and the aspirations of people. These policies injuries- Million
have a provision for a tiered grievance redressal mechanism employees hours
which is used to resolve issues related to work environment worked
Incidents Number 3.10 2.86 2.01
and company policy violations.
involving s/
To ensure equal rights to everyone who contributes to the injuries- Million
organizational growth, ONGC ensure that contractor’s contractors hours
workers are paid above the state mandated minimum wages worked
and ensure compliance to applicable social security laws for (Source - Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited,
permanent and contractual workforce Also carry out Corporate Sustainability Report 2009-10)
environmental and social impact assessments before any  Developing Workforce: ONGC strive to offer a best in
major project is undertaken. Social and human indicators class workplace and benefits for workforce In order to
are part of this assessment as required by the Ministry of achieve strategic objectives, it is crucial to attract and
Environment and Forest in India. Human rights are also retain sufficient and competent employees.
covered under the Factory's and Mining Acts and since
compliance to national laws is a basic requirement, this is ONGC HR mission is the creation of a value and
adhered to. knowledge based organization. ONGC promote learning,
innovation and teamwork through transparency and an “open
door” work culture. Employee motivation, satisfaction and
2) Labour : training are an integral part of key performance Indicators for
 Positive employee relations: ONGC policy and practice all our work centers. ONGC policies and practices help to
on bipartite negotiations is an important tool for create a workplace where employee well being and
sustained positive employee relations. ONGC engage in opportunities for career growth go hand in hand. ONGC offer
constructive dialogue with the recognized trade unions an employee benefits, such as free medical benefits for self
on matters related to any changes in employee policies and dependants, subsidized housing and loans for house
and organizational structure. Collective bargaining is building, and assistance for education for self and dependants.
carried out at3 levels: Reward and Recognition schemes, grievance handling
 A structured consultative process at the apex level. scheme and suggestion scheme promote fair treatment and
 A consultative processes at a regional level for enhance employee motivation. Since 2008, ONGC introduced
performance management and organizational regular HR audits, which have resulted in a greater
recruitment processes. understanding of the employees’ perception of their HR
 A corporate level stakeholder consultation with strategies, structure and systems.
stakeholders such as ministry representatives, ONGC have 32826 employees as on 1 April 2010.
employees, and management on policy level issues such About 29% of the workforce is located in the western region,
as pay revision, change in recruitment and promotion whereas 22% are in Mumbai region, 21% in the eastern
policy, laying of new policy for employee welfare and region, 10% in the southern, 6% in central and 11% at New
others. All non executive employees and executive Delhi headquarters. ONGC recruit employees with diverse
employees in the junior and middle management are background that includes representatives from scheduled
covered by collective bargaining agreements. Executive caste, scheduled tribe, other backward caste, and people from
level employees are represented by the Association of minority sections of the society.
Scientific and Technical Officers (ASTO) and non Training and education
executive employees are represented by recognized ONGC allocate high priority to train employees. This a key
Union. ONGC management holds regular meetings with requirement for the achievement of corporate vision in a
ASTO and Union. Local ASTO office bearers and sustainable manner. Knowledgeable and experienced
union office bearers also have meetings at a local level employees are biggest asset. ONGC world-class training
to resolve local issues. Chief - Employee Relations is institutes, and collaborations with external knowledge
responsible for ensuring good employee relations for providers in India and abroad, ensure that necessary skills are
the corporate as a whole. imparted to employees. For non-executive workforce, ONGC
established 7 regional training institutes to conduct the Corporate Sustainability Report 2009-10)
necessary training programmes. For effective training need 4) Anticorruption:
identification, the HR planners of various disciplines interact
with employees and present their recommendations to the Preventive vigilance
ONGC academy and other training institutes. ONGC training Corruption is a vice that corrodes the society and needs
institutes also request key executives to conduct their own to be eliminated from the roots. In the same breath, ONGC
surveys to identify suitable training modules. The training is dedicated to the cause of eradicating any form of
institutes regularly analyses the effectiveness of training corruption in organisation. In case any corruption incidents
programmes and comments from participants. An average of 4 are reported or brought to notice, they are dealt with in a
man days of training was imparted to employee in the speedy, effective and fair manner. Commitment is
reporting period. reinforced in anti-corruption policy, gift policy and whistle
blower policy.
TABLE VII Key highlights
EMPLOYEES  E-procurement
Unit 2007 2008 2009  E-payment
Number of Nos. 32996 33035 32826
 Invoice Monitoring System
 Tenders on website
Turnover of Nos. 363 280 139
employees This applies to all major procurement contracts.
Benefits to INR 60484 47396 57191 ONGC strictly follow all governmental as well as Central
employees- Millio Vigilance Commission (CVC) guidelines. They have
including n ventured into e-procurement and e-auction.
salaries, benefits
and others GRAPH II
(Source - Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, TRAINING ON ANTI-CORRUPTION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
Corporate Sustainability Report 2009-10) (In man days for vigilance officers)

3) Environment:
To prevent spills, scheduled regular maintenance of
pipelines, storage tanks and containment structures is
carried out. Regular coordination meetings, onshore and
offshore security meets are held with district authorities,
Navy, Coast Guard, Coastal police, Central Industrial
Security Force and state police department to identify and
strengthen the weak areas with regard to pilferage of oil
from pipelines, which are a major source of oil spills.
QNGC ensure compliance to pollution prevention and (Source - Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited,
Corporate Sustainability Report 2009-IV)
control laws for all facilities.


Units 200 2008 2009 This study is only limited to two major corporate in
7 India (i.e. one from private sector and other from public
Electricity MwH 307 27213 30559 sector) and solely depend upon Secondary Data due to time
purchased from 048 3 5 constraint.
Total greenhouse Million 7.78 8.13 8.25 VII. INTERPRETATIONS
gas (GHG) in tCO2e
ONGC 1) Tata Steel understands their responsibilities towards
Total fresh water Billion 30.9 31.48 28.75 employees. Gives more thrust on ‘core values’.
usage in ONGC liters 5
2) Tata Steel takes good care of their stakeholders also.
Total sea water Billion 63.9 68.63 61.17
usage in ONGC liters 4 3) Reduction in accidents in Tata Steel due to improvements
Environmental INR 290 3770 4376. in working condition.
expenditure Million 0 5
4) The Tata Steel Group believes that being the best
Total Direct Terrajoules 942 97130 10485
Energy 48 8
possible employer helps to recruit and retain the best
Consumption employees. As business continues to evolve, people are
(Source - Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, encouraged and enabled all to develop and grow with it.
Clear, honest, two-way communication between Assists to implement development activities in working

management and employees at all levels in the life as well as private life.
organisation is intrinsic to the culture of the Tata Steel  Responds to social and environmental responsibilities.
Group.  Emphasizes on development of workforce and
protection of Human Rights.
5) Tata Code of Conduct insists on ethical behaviour of  Also management takes conscious and honest efforts to
employees and anti-corruption. retain good talent.
6) Workplace, HR policies of ONGC has evolved with the Hence Global Compact Principles is an effective tool for
changing legal and business requirements and the implementing Green HRM.
aspirations of people.
Developing Workforce, ONGC recruit employees with REFERENCES
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1) Tata Steel and ONGC had taken and taking sincere [4] Corporate Social Responsibility Voluntary Guidelines 2009, Ministry
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