Unit-2 Lesson 5
Unit-2 Lesson 5
Unit-2 Lesson 5
In Lesson 4, we learnt how the block printing technique came into existence, and
became a widely used textile designing technique. We also learnt how blocks are
fabricated. Different types of blocks and the printing that can be done with them were
also briefly discussed. In this lesson we will learn how this technique is actually used for
making designs on fabrics. In the third and final lesson of this unit, we will describe
some pre- and post-treatments which lead to superior performance.
5.0 Objectives
After going through this lesson, you will be able to understand:
• Materials and tools required for block printing
• Technique of block printing
• Preparation of colour paste for printing
• Advantages and limitations of block printing
• Value addition through block printing.
5.1 Introduction
Block printing involves the use of a block generally made of wood into which the
design is cut or carved or sometimes mounted over it just like a stamp. The carved
surface of the block is covered with colour and the design is transferred to the printing
surface by stamping the block on to the fabric.
In this lesson the actual block printing technique will be discussed. This will
include the tools and the materials required, preparation of colour paste, the transfer of
design on to the cloth to give sharp outline, the advantages and limitations etc. The
process involves the use of wooden blocks (Fig.5.1) and the designs are transferred
Fig.5.1 Wooden Block
5.2 Materials and Tools Required
For printing with wooden blocks, the following materials and tools are required:
Instead, a print paste formulation based on a reactive dye is given below, which
can also be used for screen printing. The various ingredients should be added in the
order shown:
Self-check Questions
1. Write the full form of CMC.
2. What is the role of wooden table and of woollen cloth in block printing?
The printing paste will overlap the design in case there is an excess of paste in
the block, so proper care must be taken while pressing the block on the pad which
contains the print paste. The print paste must be evenly spread on the pad so that there
is no excess quantity. The block is then pressed heavily by the hand on the surface of
the cloth to get the impression of the design transferred on to the cloth. The block is
then moved one step forward and the operation repeated to maintain continuity of the
design. To decorate (fill) the different parts of the design, separate blocks are used
according to the design as well as the process.
1. Print a cotton dupatta with the help of wooden blocks.
5.6 Advantages and Limitations of Block Printing
5.6.1 Advantages of block printing
3. A number of blocks can be used not only for different colours but also for
different shades in the same colour.
2. The placement of the blocks is rarely perfect leading to slight misalignment of the
2. Embellish your block printed dupatta by doing some embroidery. For example-
Kantha, stem stitch, bead work etc.
Self-check Questions
3. State the advantages of block printing.
4. Why is cleaning of the block necessary immediately after the printing operation is
5.8 Assignments
5.8.1 Class assignments
5.9 Summing Up
To sum up, in this lesson the materials and tools required for block printing are
first described followed by how the print paste is prepared. The technique of block
printing is then briefly considered. Finally the advantages and limitations of these
processes are listed.
2. The Wooden table which acts as the support base for block printing should be
strong and stable. It must have a metal or thick slate top covered with a woollen
blanket to give resilience and a water resistant topping. Woollen cloth is used for
making pads which are used as print paste applicators.
• Many types of designs can be made with blocks.
4. Blocks have to be cleaned immediately after printing, otherwise the colour can
dry within the engraved design and subsequent prints will be ill defined.
4. Write about the process required for fixing the print on fabric.
2. Gillow, J. and Barnard, N. 1991. Traditional Indian Textiles. Thames & Hudson
Ltd., London.
5.13 Glossary
1. Amazing Wonderful
6. Definite Exact
8. Engrave Carve