Commissioning Check Templates

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning

Check Sheet Template

Document No: F8943
Revision No: 4
Last Review Date: 28/04/2017
Next Review Date: 28/04/2019

F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet

Document Details
This document is only valid on the day it was printed.

Document Owner Manager Capital Delivery

References SPS Commissioning Worksheet
End to End Test Sheet

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Document No: F8943
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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet


Contents .............................................................................................................................. 3
General .............................................................................................................................. 4
Vendor Verification .............................................................................................................. 5
General ........................................................................................................................... 5
Mechanical .......................................................................................................... 5
Civil ............................................................................................................... 5
Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) .................................................................................. 6
Electrical, Instruments and Control (E, I & C) ....................................................... 6
Pre-commissioning.............................................................................................................. 7
Preliminaries Checklist .................................................................................................... 7
Pre-commissioning Checklist .......................................................................................... 9
General ............................................................................................................... 9
Network ............................................................................................................... 9
Electrical, Instruments and Control (E, I & C) ....................................................... 9
Mechanical ........................................................................................................ 13
Wet Testing ........................................................................................................................ 15
Commissioning Schedule .............................................................................................. 15
General ............................................................................................................. 15
Wet Well Level Sensor Checks .......................................................................... 15
Pump Checks .................................................................................................... 15
Pump Control Checks ........................................................................................ 16
Generator Checks.............................................................................................. 18
Wet Testing Signoff ........................................................................................... 18
SAT / Performance Testing ............................................................................................... 19
SAT Schedule ............................................................................................................... 19
SAT Pre-start Checks ........................................................................................ 19
Wet Well Level Sensor Checks .......................................................................... 19
Pump Checks .................................................................................................... 19
Pump Control Checks ........................................................................................ 19
Generator Checks.............................................................................................. 21
SAT Signoff ....................................................................................................... 22

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet


In using this document, due consideration of all other relevant Unitywater Standard Drawings and
Unitywater Standard Specifications should be adhered to.

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet


Vendor Verification

General Result / Init. / Date


1. Pump test results been reviewed and conform with applicable standards OK 

2. Flowmeter Calibration certificate received OK 


3. Check pressure test on rising main has passed OK 

4. Check wet-well leakage test (hydrotest) has passed OK 

Name: Position: Signature: Date:

Name: Position: Signature: Date:

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet



Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) Result / Init. / Date

Electrical, Instruments and Control (E, I & C)


1. The switchboard manufacturer has been provided with current Unitywater OK 

Standard Switchboard Drawings (OR, if “Design and Construct”, the ‘For
Construction’ drawings have been reviewed by Unitywater and provided to the
switchboard manufacturer)
2. The switchboard manufacturer has undertaken a full point-to-point test on all OK 
switchboard wiring
3. The switchboard manufacturer has provided evidence of point-to-point testing in OK 
the form of marked up wiring drawings (each connection highlighted as tested)
4. Any changes, outcomes or additional detail resulting from FAT testing have been OK 
marked on the drawings with the highlighted test connections. Mark-ups include
all available circuits, inputs, power supply voltages, labels, wire numbers,
terminals etc. These marked-up drawings are labled ‘FAT’.
5. Cabinet and paintwork have been inspected for any visual damage OK 

6. The following is as per current drawings: OK 

• Incomer arrangements
• Cable entry provisions
• Interlocking provisions
• Incomer protection (Fault current rating) and discrimination
7. Switchboard rating nameplate is attached OK 

8. Switchboard Test Certificate has been checked OK 

9. Software used during FAT is available OK 

10. Any deficiencies have been recorded to a ‘FAT punchlist register’ and rectified OK 


11. Calibration certificates have been received for instruments OK 


12. Software for Outstation Type is loaded OK 

13. Software blocks have been fat tested (if non standard) OK 

Name: Position: Signature: Date:

Name: Position: Signature: Date:

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet



Preliminaries Checklist Result / Init. / Date

1. Check all commissioning personnel have been inducted to site OK 

2. Check risk assessments and SWMS have been produced for all Pre- OK 
commissioning and Commissioning activities
3. The site is safe for commisisoning works to commence. Safety requirements OK 
• Covers and grills installed and flush
• Davit mounting points certified
• Fall arest mounting points certified
• Handrails, fencing, gates and chains installed correctly
• Emergency procedures available
• Safety signage in place (PPE, Elecricity, SWL, Danger etc.)
4. Check “danger electric” marker bricks are installed at ground level and painted OK 
yellow where applicable
5. Rising Main acceptance testing according to standard and passed OK 

6. Gravity Main acceptance testing according to standard and passed OK 

7. ‘As Constructed’ survey by licenced surveyor complete OK 

8. Changes to any detail as shown on the ‘For Construction’ drawings noted on a set OK 
of ‘For Construction’ drawings and marked ‘As Constructed
9. Current Unitywater Standard Drawings are on site (OR, if “Design and Construct”, OK 
the ‘For Construction’ drawings have been reviewed by Unitywater)
10. All required civil works testing (ITPs) completed by Contracts Inspector OK 

11. Operation and Maintenence Manuals have been received for Vendor supplied OK 
components and the Functional Specification is available
12. Electical supply and metering available on site OK 

13. Pole / pillar termination method meets all requirements OK 

14. Check operation of all locks on switchboards OK 

15. Check all cable supports and check for obstructions (e.g. cables not obstructing OK 
when lifting pump)
16. Selected control equipment is suitable for selected pump manufacturer OK 

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet

17. Test documentation for Mechanical equipment and Instrumentation has been OK 
received. These generally include:
• Factory test results
• Test compliance cetificates
• Instrument calibration certificates
• Warranty information
18. FAT completed and critical punchlist items rectified OK 

Name: Position: Signature: Date:

Name: Position: Signature: Date:

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet



Pre-commissioning Checklist Result / Init. / Date


1. Check Preliminaries Checklist completed and signed off OK 


1. Check Commissioning Plan has been approved by Unitywater OK 

2. Advise Network Operations and Control Room of commencement of pre- OK 

commissioning acivities and proposed timing of performance and SAT testing
3. Check Network Operations and Control Room are ready for performance and SAT OK 
testing and appropriate resources are availbale to assist
4. Confirm Network Operations are aware of impact on downstream infrastructure OK 

5. Advise treatment plant operators of proposed timing of performance and SAT OK 

testing (fluctuating load)
6. Check sufficient water / recycled water is available for testing OK 

7. Ensure impacts on upstream infrastructure from changes to overflow level have OK 

been assessed
Electrical, Instruments and Control (E, I & C)


1. Check generator mains and earth cables are installed and connected OK 

2. Record the cable insulation resistance of the 3 phases

L1 ______ MΩ
L2 ______ MΩ
L3 ______ MΩ
3. Record earth loop impedance ______ Ω
4. Check point-to-point phase continuity
R to L1 OK 
W to L2 OK 
B to L3 OK 



6. Check mains and earth cables are installed and connected OK 

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet

7. Record the cable insulation resistance of the 3 phases
L1 ______ MΩ
L2 ______ MΩ
L3 ______ MΩ
8. Record earth loop impedance ______ Ω
9. Check point-to-point phase continuity
R to L1 OK 
W to L2 OK 
B to L3 OK 

10. Check Incomer protection set as per design OK 

11. Check all CT and other links are in place OK 

12. Check correct glands have been utilised for cable entries OK 

13. Cable screens and earthing is as per design OK 

14. Ensure switchboard main Incomer is turned OFF and tagged OK 

15. Check MEN connection OK 

16. Turn on mains switch OK 


18. Check 3 phase voltages

AB _______ V
BC _______ V
CA _______ V
Lighting and GPOs

19. Check light circuit breaker conforms to electrical drawings OK 

20. GPO circuit breaker(s) conform to electrical drawings OK 

21. Check earth leakage circuit breaker has been tested and results are available OK 

22. Internal and external lights are connected and working OK 

23. Internal and external GPOs are connected and working OK 

Level Transducers

24. Check surge protection barriers are installed (control panel and field). Pay OK 
particular attention to earth screen terminators.
25. Check connection from hydrostatic level probe No.1 to the transmitter and OK 
confirm correct operation
26. Check connection from hydrostatic level probe No.2 to the transmitter and OK 
confirm correct operation
27. Check scaling conforms to wet well design requirements OK 

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet


28. Check calibration certificate has been received OK 

29. Check mag flow head is connected to flowmeter converter OK 

30. Check correct supply voltage available at converter OK 

31. Check analogue output is correctly connected to RTU and operating correctly OK 

32. Check totaliser output is correctly connected to RTU and operating correctly OK 

33. Check mechanical (vandal) and UV protection installed on external cable OK 

Field Devices

34. Check installation of high / overflow level switch OK 

35. Check calibration of all analogue signals (including flow and pressure transmitters) OK 

36. Check setting of pressure switches OK 

37. Verify level controller (hydrostatic probe) calibration OK 

Pump Motors

38. Check pump motor name plate details have been received and applied to asset OK 
management form and electrical drawings and a second plate is mounted on the
switchboard pump control door
39. Check pump motor name plate has been applied to MCC or disconnection box OK 

40. Record pump motor winding insulation resistance

R - W @ 1000V ______ MΩ
R - B @ 1000V ______ MΩ
W - B @ 1000V ______ MΩ

R - E @ 1000V ______ MΩ
W - E @ 1000V ______ MΩ
B - E @ 1000V ______ MΩ
41. Record pump motor winding resistance
U - U1 ______ Ω
V – V1 ______ Ω
W – W1 ______ Ω
42. Check all motor protection equipment operates as specified (e.g. water in oil OK 
sensor, thermistors, vibration sensors, bearing temperatures etc.)
43. For variable frequiency drive (VFD), check drive settings are setup and settings OK 
44. For soft starter, confirm Soft Starter settings are setup and settings recorded OK 

45. For direct on-line (DOL) starter, check overload settings correct and recorded on OK 
46. Perform bump test to confirm correct rotation direction OK 

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet

47. Tag pump motor “out of service” to indicate readiness for testing OK 

Overflow and Emergency Start Circuits

48. Confirm overflow level RL ______ m RL

49. Ensure overflow level switch is set up to the correct overflow level (sufficient OK 
distance below overflow to allow for switch activation) and confirm correct
50. Check installation and correct operation of emergency start circuit OK 

Pump Disconnection Boxes

51. Check incoming and outgoing cables have been secured correctly OK 

52. Check all conduits have been sealed to prevent gassing through conduits OK 


53. Check radio feeder & antenna installation and cable testing (antenna to radio) OK 
have been performed, and results certificate received
54. Check surge protection and fly lead is connected between antenna and radio OK 

55. Check Communications earthing kits and earthing are installed on feeder and OK 
Surge Diverter respectively

56. Record radio system information

Check & Verify Make & Model are correct OK 
Record Serial # _________
57. Check unit is powered with correct polarity and voltage 12V DC Supply OK 

58. Check radio is programmed to the correct channel OK 

Record frequency ______MHz
59. Check radio configuration including stream id serial paramaters are set correctly OK 
for the Outstation and record _________
60. Check data radio diagnostics communication working correctly OK 

Remote Telemetry Units (RTU)

61. Check unit is powered with correct polarity and voltage DC Supply(ies) OK 

62. Check the UPS battery is connected and charging OK 

63. Check communication is working OK 

64. Check I/O is operational and conforms with current drawings OK 

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet

Control System

65. Record type of control system installed (i.e. SCADAPack, MultiSmart, MT2-PC) _________
66. Record controller information
Manufacturer _________
Model type _________
Serial no _________
Firmware rev _________
Software rev _________

End to End Testing

67. Notify control room of impending end-to-end test (minimum 5 days notice) OK 

68. Check end-to-end test sheet has been reviewed and approved by control room OK 

69. Complete End-to-End Test Sheet to verify communication to SCADA OK 



70. Check layout conforms with ‘For Construction’ piping drawings OK 

71. Undertake visual examination of installation and finish of all pipework, mechanical OK 
devices, valves, fittings and pump units
72. Check accuracy of tagging and labelling OK 

73. Check RPZD has been installed by appropriately licenced plumber OK 

74. Check functionality and accessibility of mobile crane (franna) OK 

75. Check for any debris capable of causing damage to mechanical equipment when OK 
pumps are started
76. Check accessibility of access covers and equipment for operational and OK 
maintenence purposes
77. Check equipment is guarded appropriately OK 

78. Check stairways, landings and access ladders comply with design requirements OK 

79. Check that all Device O&M Manuals are available OK 

80. Check that manufacturers’ requirements have been met (i.e. alignment, OK 
lubrication, preparation, priming etc.)
81. Check instrumentation nozzles are provided in accordance with design (correct OK 
side of equipment e.g. US/DS)
82. Check installation and operation of instrument isolation valves OK 

83. Check directional requirements (i.e. pump rotation, check valve direction etc.) OK 

84. Check commissioning pressure transmitters or gauges on either side of pump are OK 
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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet


85. Flowmeter calibration certificate received OK 

86. Check earthing straps are installed accross both flowmeter flanges, earthing rings OK 
and to earth as specified by the equipment manufacturer

87. Check impeller has a free shaft OK 

88. Prime pumps with water OK 

89. Check correct pump curves are on site OK 

Rising Main

90. Check pressure test has been undertaken according to relevant standard and OK 
91. Check pipework connections to UW network have been successfully completed OK 

92. Charge the rising main and ensure air is purged OK 

Name: Position: Signature: Date:

Name: Position: Signature: Date:

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet


Wet Testing

Commissioning Schedule Result / Init. / Date

UW Witness
/ Initials


1. Check Pre-commissioning Checklist completed and signed off OK 

Level Sensor Checks YES 

2. Record Top of Slab RL (m) and distance from Top of Slab to each level OK 
sensor in Commissioning Worksheet
3. Record well diameter and total depth for volume calculations in OK 
Commissioning Worksheet
4. Confirm wet well level indicated by the level probe is reflective of the actual OK 
wet well level and record readings in Commissioning Worksheet
5. Confirm functioning of high and high high (overflow) level alarms OK 

Note that the overflow structure may only be brought on-line once ‘As
Constructed’ overflow level has been confirmed (to remain bunged off
until level confirmed)
Pump Checks

Motor Checks YES 

6. Ensure correct parameters are set in the VFD or Soft Starter if applicable OK 

7. Start pump with discharge valve closed and ensure the pump is running OK 
without undue noise, vibration and temperature
8. To ensure motor load balancing, record:
Pump running amps L1 ________A
Pump running amps L2 ________A
Pump running amps L3 ________A
9. Stop pump OK 

10. Complete Low Power Tuning (Danfoss VFD) and record values into OK 
Commissioning Worksheet
11. Repeat steps 7 to 10 for second pump/drive OK 

Fill and Bleed Rising Main YES 

12. Calculate volume of water required to fill rising main OK 

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet

13. Ensure sufficient water in wet well to fill rising main and perform pump OK 
operation test
14. Open pump discharge valve OK 

15. Run pump and bleed air from rising main OK 

16. Operate pump from 35 to 50 Hz in 5 Hz increments (if VFD type), check for OK 
abnormal movement or vibration
17. Perform visual inspection of pump, all piping, fittings and flanged joints for OK 
Pump Performance and Flowmeter Accuracy YES 

18. Complete Draw Down test and verify flowmeter accuracy OK 

19. Complete Pump Performance test including shutoff head OK 

20. Use Commissioning Worksheet to record and assess results OK 

Pump Control Checks

Duty Pump Fault Test (2 pumps) YES 

21. Select both pumps to “off” position OK 

22. Ensure assist start level > wet well level > duty start level OK 

23. Ensure pump discharge valves are open OK 

24. Confirm both drives have no faults present OK 

25. Select Pump 1 (Duty Pump) to “automatic” position OK 

26. Confirm Duty Pump running OK 

27. Select Pump 2 (Duty Assist) to “automatic” position OK 

28. Fault Duty Pump – i.e. open one c/b feeder for phase failure relay OK 

29. Confirm Duty Assist pump starts OK 

30. Stop system – both pumps to “off” position OK 

31. Select Pump 2 as Duty Pump OK 

32. Select Pump 1 as Duty Assist OK 

33. Repeat Steps 22 to 30 OK 

Duty / Assist Test (2 pumps) YES 

34. Select both pumps to “off” position OK 

35. Ensure assist start level > wet well level > duty start level OK 

36. Ensure pump discharge valves are open OK 

37. Confirm both drives have no faults present OK 

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet

38. Select both pumps to “automatic” position OK 

39. Confirm Pump 2 (Duty Pump) running OK 

40. Manually override wet well level > than assist start level OK 

41. Confirm Assist Pump started OK 

42. Manually override wet well level < assist stop level OK 

43. Confirm Duty Assist stopped OK 

44. Manually override wet well level < duty stop level OK 

45. Confirm Duty Pump stopped OK 

46. Select Pump 1 as Duty Pump OK 

47. Select Pump 2 as Duty Assist OK 

48. Repeat Steps 35 to 45 OK 

49. Select both pumps to “off” position OK 

Pump Cycling YES 

50. Manually override wet well level < duty stop level (pumps are stopped) OK 

51. Ensure wet well level > duty start level OK 

52. Confirm both drives have no faults present OK 

53. Ensure pump discharge valves are open OK 

54. Select both pumps to “automatic” position OK 

55. Record which pump is selected as Duty Pump by controller ______

56. Manually override wet well level > duty start level OK 

57. Confirm Duty Pump running OK 

58. Manually override wet well level < duty stop level OK 

59. Confirm Duty Pump stopped OK 

60. Record which pump is selected as Duty Pump by controller ______

61. Select both pumps to “off” position OK 

Emergency Start Circuit YES 

62. Ensure sufficient water in wet well for test OK 

63. Turn off the RTU OK 

64. Select both pumps to “automatic” position OK 

65. Simulate a wet well high high level (manually lowering the probe is the OK 
preferred method)
66. Confirm Pump 1 starts OK 

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet

67. Confirm Pump 2 starts (after pump 2 start delay) OK 

68. Confirm both pumps stop when water level reaches the lowest probe (stop) OK 
on the start/stop three point probe
69. Select both pumps to “off” position OK 

70. Turn on the RTU OK 

Generator Checks YES 

71. Ensure sufficient water in wet well for test OK 

72. Ensure generator main switch is off OK 

73. Select both pumps to “off” position OK 

74. Connect generator and check all connections OK 

75. Start generator and check phase direction and voltages OK 

76. Select changeover switch to generator supply OK 

77. Close main switch and check all voltages OK 

78. Select Pump 1 to “automatic” and confirm correct operation OK 

NOTE: If sufficient water available for testing allow system to cycle confirming
complete functionality. Otherwise override wet well level to confirm pump
79. Select Pump 2 to “automatic” and confirm correct operation OK 
Note due to portable generator size potentially both pumps may not be able
to run and shall be decided on an individual site basis.
80. Select both pumps to “off” position OK 

81. Restore mains power and disconnect generator OK 

Wet Testing Signoff

Name: Position: Signature: Date:

Name: Position: Signature: Date:

Name: Position: Signature: Date:

Name: Position: Signature: Date:

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet


SAT / Performance Testing


SAT Schedule Result / Init. / Date

SAT Pre-start Checks

1. Check Wet Testing Checklist completed and signed off OK 

2. Check SAT attendees are inducted to site OK 

Level Sensor Checks

3. Record Top of Slab RL (m) and distance from Top of Slab to each level sensor in OK 
Commissioning Worksheet
4. Record well diameter and total depth for volume calculations in Commissioning OK 
5. Confirm wet well level indicated by the level probe is reflective of the actual wet OK 
well level and record readings in Commissioning Worksheet
6. Confirm functioning of high and high high (overflow) level alarms OK 

Note that the overflow structure may only be brought on-line once ‘As
Constructed’ overflow level has been confirmed (to remain bunged off until
level confirmed)
Pump Checks

Pump Performance and Flowmeter Accuracy

7. Complete Draw Down test and verify flowmeter accuracy OK 

8. Complete Pump Performance test including shutoff head OK 

9. Transfer readings into Commissioning Worksheet and assess results OK 

Pump Control Checks

Duty Pump Fault Test (2 pumps)

10. Select both pumps to “off” position OK 

11. Ensure assist start level > wet well level > duty start level OK 

12. Ensure pump discharge valves are open OK 

13. Confirm both drives have no faults present OK 

14. Select Pump 1 (Duty Pump) to “automatic” position OK 

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F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet

15. Confirm Duty Pump running OK 

16. Select Pump 2 (Duty Assist) to “automatic” position OK 

17. Fault Duty Pump – i.e. open one c/b feeder for phase failure relay OK 

18. Confirm Duty Assist pump starts OK 

19. Stop system – both pumps to “off” position OK 

20. Select Pump 2 as Duty Pump OK 

21. Select Pump 1 as Duty Assist OK 

22. Repeat Steps 11 to 19 OK 

Duty / Assist Test (2 pumps)

23. Select both pumps to “off” position OK 

24. Ensure assist start level > wet well level > duty start level OK 

25. Ensure pump discharge valves are open OK 

26. Confirm both drives have no faults present OK 

27. Select both pumps to “automatic” position OK 

28. Confirm Pump 2 (Duty Pump) running OK 

29. Manually override wet well level > than assist start level OK 

30. Confirm Assist Pump started OK 

31. Manually override wet well level < assist stop level OK 

32. Confirm Duty Assist stopped OK 

33. Manually override wet well level < duty stop level OK 

34. Confirm Duty Pump stopped OK 

35. Select Pump 1 as Duty Pump OK 

36. Select Pump 2 as Duty Assist OK 

37. Repeat Steps 24 and 34 OK 

38. Select both pumps to “off” position OK 

Pump Cycling

39. Manually override wet well level < duty stop level (pumps are stopped) OK 

40. Ensure wet well level > duty start level OK 

41. Confirm both drives have no faults present OK 

42. Ensure pump discharge valves are open OK 

43. Select both pumps to “automatic” position OK 

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without prior consent from the CEO, Unitywater.
Printed copies are uncontrolled.
Document No: F8943
Revision No: 4
Last Review Date: 28/04/2017
Next Review Date: 28/04/2019

F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet

44. Record which pump is selected as Duty Pump by controller _________
45. Manually override wet well level > duty start level OK 

46. Confirm Duty Pump running OK 

47. Manually override wet well level < duty stop level OK 

48. Confirm Duty Pump stopped OK 

49. Record which pump is selected as Duty Pump by controller _________

50. Select both pumps to “off” position OK 

Emergency Start Circuit

51. Ensure sufficient water in wet well for test OK 

52. Turn off the RTU OK 

53. Select both pumps to “automatic” position OK 

54. Simulate a wet well high high level (manually lowering the probe is the preferred OK 
55. Confirm Pump 1 starts OK 

56. Wait for several seconds (Pump 2 start delay) OK 

57. Confirm Pump 2 starts OK 

58. Confirm both pumps stop when water level reaches the lowest probe (stop) on the OK 
start/stop three point probe
59. Select both pumps to “off” position OK 

60. Turn on the RTU OK 

Generator Checks

61. Ensure sufficient water in wet well for test OK 

62. Ensure generator main switch is off OK 

63. Select both pumps to “off” position OK 

64. Connect generator and check all connections OK 

65. Start generator and check phase direction and voltages OK 

66. Select changeover switch to generator supply OK 

67. Close main switch and check all voltages OK 

68. Select Pump 1 to “automatic” and confirm correct operation OK 

NOTE: If sufficient water available for testing allow system to cycle confirming
complete functionality. Otherwise override wet well level to confirm pump

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without prior consent from the CEO, Unitywater.
Printed copies are uncontrolled.
Document No: F8943
Revision No: 4
Last Review Date: 28/04/2017
Next Review Date: 28/04/2019

F8943 - SPS Commissioning Check Sheet

69. Select Pump 2 to “automatic” and confirm correct operation OK 
Note due to portable generator size potentially both pumps may not be able to run
and shall be decided on an individual site basis
70. Select both pumps to “off” position OK 

71. Restore mains power and disconnect generator OK 

SAT Signoff

To verify completion of all SAT items to the satisfaction of Stakeholders.

Name: Position: Signature: Date:


Name: Position: Signature: Date:


Name: Position: Signature: Date:


Name: Position: Signature: Date:


Name: Position: Signature: Date:


Name: Position: Signature: Date:

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without prior consent from the CEO, Unitywater.
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