Cutit Canelura
Cutit Canelura
Cutit Canelura
grooving radial
Task details
25 kW
Recommended solution
Machining Type of cooling Coolant Description Grade €/task Tmf [min:s] Adaption type
Tool G1511.1212R-T4GX16
Type Body
No. of pieces 1
Description WALTER-Cut
Image similar
Tool GX16-4E600N05-UF4
Type Insert
No. of pieces 1
Description WALTER-Cut
Image similar
GX16-4E600N05-UF4 WSM33S
Total cutting time (Tc tot) 00:02,658 min:s
Total non-cutting time (Tnc tot) 00:00,065 min:s
Total machining time (Tmf) 00:02,724 min:s
No. of flutes 429 Grooving
Insert costs 0,0277 €/task
Tool costs 0,00589 €/task
Cost machine tool 0,0756 €/task
Cost per feature 0,109 €/task
Cutting data
Multiple grooving, primary pass
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