Customer Perception of KFC in Bhilai

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Table Of Contents

 Acknowledgement.....

 Introduction.....

 Historical Background.....

 Problems Faced.....

 Problems Faced In India.....

 Re-entry Of KFC.....

 Strenghts.....

 Opportunities.....

 Threats.....

 Problems.....

 Products Of KFC

A project can never become a success with efforts of only one individual.
It requires a group of people to complete a project at its best. And it’s my friends, my
teacher and my family member who have helped me to complete my project report.
The present work is just an effort to throw some light on “KFC”.
The work would not
have been possible to come to the present shape without the guidance, supervision
and help of number of people. With deep sense of gratitude I acknowledge the
encouragement and guidance received from TEACHER NAME and other staff
I convey my heartfelt thanks to all those people who helped and supported
me during the course, of completion of my Project Report.


KFC Corporation, or KFC, founded and also known as
Kentucky Fried Chicken
is a c h a i n o f fast food restaurantsb a s e d
i n Louisville, Kentucky.

KFC primarily sells chicken in form of

pieces,wraps, salads Sandsandwiches.While
its primary focus is fried chicken, KFC also
offers a line of roasted chicken
products, sidedishes and desserts. Outside
North America, K F C o ff e r s b e e f
b a s e d p r o d u c t s s u c h a s hamburgers or
kebabs, pork based products such as ribs and
other regional fare.

The company was founded as Kentucky Fried

C h i c k e n b y C o l o n e l H a r l a n d S a n d e r s in 1 9 5 2 .

Harland Sanders was born in 1890 and raised on a farm outside Henryville, Indiana
(nearLouisville, Kentucky).When Sanders was five years old, his father died, forcing
his mother to work at a canning plant.

This left Sanders, as the eldest son, to care for his two younger siblings.After he
reached seven years of age, his mother taught him how to cook. After leaving the
family home at the age of 13, Sanders passed through several professions, with mixed

Sanders was unhappy with the 35 minutes it took to prepare his chicken in an iron
frying pan, but he refused todeep fry the chicken, which he believed lowered the
quality of the product.
If he pre-cooked the chicken in advance of orders, there was
sometimes wastage at day's end. In 1939, the first commercial pressure cookers were
released onto the market, mostly designed for steaming vegetables.

Sanders bought one, and modified it into a pressure fryer, which he then used to fry
chicken. The new method reduced production time to be comparable with deep
frying, while, in the opinion of Sanders, retaining the quality of pan-fried chicken.

In July 1940, Sanders finalised what came to be known as his "Original Recipe" of 11
herbs and spices. Although he never publicly revealed the recipe.

By 1964, Colonel had 600 franchise outlets for his chicken across the United States
and Canada. KFC now stretches worldwide with more than 13,000 restaurants in
more than 80 countries and territories

KFC entered India in 1995, The regulatory authorities found that KFC's chickens did
not adhere to the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954.

KFC faced severe protests by People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), an
animal rights protection organization.

PETA accused KFC of cruelty towards chickens and released a video tape showing
the ill-treatment of birds in KFC's poultry farms.

However, undeterred by the protests by PETA and other animal rights organizations,
KFC planned a massive expansion program in India.

Why doesn't KFC use healthier oil?: the oil does have dangerous trans-fatty acids.
Is KFC's food really that unhealthy?: a three-piece extracrispy combo meal contains
as much as 15 g of Trans fat--more than a person should ingest in a week.

What are other chains doing?: the Cheesecake Factory is doing so already,
McDonald's backpedaled on a promise to cut Trans fats and says it's studying
alternative oils, as is Burger King.

Protests by farmers led by the Karnataka Rajya Ryote Sangha(KRRS) & the farmers
leader was Nanjundaswamy who used the term ‘junk food’ against KFC.
And it is Protested by cultural & Economic activists also Support by celebrities in
against of KFC.

The company had to shut all but one outlet in the country. Recently in 2003 it made a
quiet re-entry into the Indian market. Came up with the strategies and menu that is
desirable by the Indian consumers.


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