OBHRM Assignment Term 1
OBHRM Assignment Term 1
OBHRM Assignment Term 1
Limitations of Organizational
1. Behavioral bias: It further causes dependence, dis-contentment,
indiscipline, and irresponsibility.
2. Law of diminishing returns: It says that beyond a certain point, there is a
decline in output even after each additional good or positive factor.
3. Unethical practices and manipulation of people: Knowledge of
motivation and communication acquired can be used to exploit subordinates
in an Organization by the manipulative managers.
organizational behavior.
Organizational behavior deals with the study of human behavior within groups or organizations and how
this behavior can be modeled through analysis to impact the organizations in a positive way.
An organization in itself is composed of a group of people working individually or often within teams. The
disposition of people towards each other in an organization remains the contributing factor towards
shaping the organization. Organizational Behavior is an interdisciplinary field, in that it draws greatly from
other subjects such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science and economics, to mention a
The success of an organization is largely dependent on effective management of its people. Behavior
of people within an organization is governed by their ideas, feelings and activities. For
effective management of people, it is crucial to perceive their requirements. However, since human
behavior can differ with each individual, it becomes almost impossible to come with a unique solution to
the organizational problems. For this reason, it is important to consider psychological and social aspects
to design solutions focused on solving organizational issues.
The behavior of individuals within an organization can either defile the organization or aid in its
overall improvement. For instance, certain employees may be compassionate and helpful towards their co-
workers which helps to create a supportive work culture. This selfless attitude can be a result of
the employee’s faith in the management and their satisfaction and commitment towards the organization.
However, an employee who no longer trusts the management or is left unsatisfied at the work front, may
show antisocial behavior which can be harmful for the organization. Organizational culture is defined by
the company parameters such as values, beliefs, norms and principles, visions, and behavioral expectations
among many other things. Behavior of employees is highly impacted by work culture, as such it can affect
them either positively or negatively.
A pro-social and supportive culture at work can be a major influence and also encourage and build an
environment of selflessness. When people are encouraged, they feel more confident towards contributing
ideas that might eventually benefit the organization. On the contrary, employees are more likely to hold up
or not suggest any ideas at all if they feel they are going to face criticism or embarrassment.
Generally, employees gain an understanding of the company’s culture through socializing with other
In order to solve the organizational problems, it is necessary to first understand the reason for
its occurrence. If the problems faced are due to damaging organizational behavior, it becomes crucial
to recognize the purpose behind such a behavior. Only then can measures be taken to counter it and
guide the organization in a progressive direction. Incorporation of new and encouraging behaviors in
the company culture might prove rewarding to the employees and as such profit the company as a whole.
There are many factors that promote constructive organizational behavior, such as accomplishments, self-
actualization, encouragement, affiliation etc. Management should try to figure out the driving force that
stimulates such a behavior and try to integrate more such factors in the work culture.
This can be in the form of promotions, new incentives, plans or rewards. It does not make sense to hire
capable people and expect complete dedication in the absence of pro-social and rewarding company
culture. In fact, people are more likely to lose interest in their work if they don’t feel recognized and
Organizational Behavior is a social science as it is mostly concerned with people and behavior. It
takes into account individual and group behavior and the factors that impact these behaviors. It is
necessary to first understand the behavior of people constituting the organization in order to figure out how
these work. The first and foremost importance of organizational behavior lies in understanding
human behavior.
If the management can interpret properly the human needs within an organization, it can work towards
fulfilling those needs and also chalk out new plans and incentives to satisfy the employees and boost them.
In addition, the management has to understand also the reason for problematic behavior within
organizations and take measures to eliminate the causes.
Influencing human behavior is another important aspect of studying organizational behavior. It helps
the management to assess the reaction of employees beforehand, prior to making any changes in policies
or schemes.
This way the management can come up with ways to alleviate any conflicts that may arise as a result of the
change. Also, certain measures such as perks, promotions etc., can help in creating a content workplace
which directly impacts employee performance in a positive way. As a whole, the organization gains hugely
through analyzing and understanding organization behavior.
According to (Robins & Judge, 10th, p.2), Organizational Behavior studies the
influence and impact that individuals, groups, and organizational structure have on
behavior within organization for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward
improving an organization’s effectiveness.
In the business world today, Organizational Behavior is an essential tool for
managing effective teams and it helps to understand and predict human behavior in
an organization. It studies on how organizations can be structures more accurately,
and how several events in their outside situations effect organizations. It has become
more significant today than in previous years because organizations must master to
adapt to the rapidly changing business cultures that have stemmed from a
competitive market.
In order to know how to handle a new workforce, and cope with the challenges of
the new environment, the employers need to deliver their message about behavior
and attitude of groups, and individuals in corporation. According to Graham and
Krueger (1996), soft skills were never a part of management training and it was
precious that employers were advised for possessing those skills. If employer can
understands on an employee’s adaptability, personality, and creativity, motivating
that employee the way he need to be motivated is never a gray area and a
guaranteed success.
Based on (Morgan, 1997: 5), we have to accept that any theory or perspective that we
bring to the study of organization and management, while capable of creating
valuable insights, is also incomplete, biased, and potentially misleading.
Organizational behavior shows the important key points as Regulatory, and Radical.
Basically, Regulatory helps to draw what goes on in organizations, possibly to
present minor changes that might improve them, but not to make any basic
judgment about whether what happens is correct or incorrect. Radical tends to make
judgments about the way that organizations ought to be and provide
recommendations on how this could be accomplished. Traditional organization used
to practice Regulatory while new modern organization tends to act Radical. To well
organize in budget controlling, new modern organization in today doesn’t willing to
give a long time for bank credit card’s salesperson to hit their sales target. New
modern organizations urge to get the results from salesperson whereas the
salesperson should hit their monthly sales on time and accurately, if the salesperson
failed to hit the target continuously in few months, employers reserved the rights to
terminate the employee. Conversely, traditional organizations used to act Regulatory
whereas Hire and Fire policy will never be the options for a traditional organization
to behave. Employers are patient enough and they’re willing to spend times to
educate, guide, and monitor an employee’s performance.
Based on (Taylor, 1911: Fayol, 1949), the orthodox view in organization theory has
been based predominantly on the metaphors of machine and organism. The
metaphor of a machine underwrites the work of the classical management theorists.
According to Figure 1, it draws the three concepts for understanding the nature and
organization of social science, which is Paradigms, Metaphors, and Puzzle Solving.
Metaphor plays an important role in organization behavior. Metaphor is frequently
regarded as no more than a literary and descriptive device for embellishment, but
more fundamentally is a creative form which generates its effect though a crossing of
Based on Figure 2, by Burrell and Morgan (1979), functionalist paradigm, which is
also named as objective-regulation, is the first paradigm for organizational study. It’s
also a strong outline for the study of organizations and assume that rational human
actions and believes one can be understand through the hypothesis testing. Due to
the problem-solving orientation which is leads to rational explanation. It seeks to
provide rational explanations of human affairs and it’s pragmatic and deeply rotten
in sociological positivism. Relationships are concrete and can be identified studied
and measured via science. Functionalist paradigm is based on upon the assumption
that society has a concrete, real existence, and a systemic character oriented to
produce an ordered and regulated state of affairs, it encourages an approach to
social theory that focuses upon understanding the role of human begins in society.
Behavior is always seen as being contextually bound in a real world of concrete and
tangible social relationships. The functionalist perspective is primarily regulative and
pragmatic in its basic orientation, concerned with understanding community in a way
which arise useful empirical knowledge.
Human beings encourage seeking satisfaction in every phase of their life. From
satisfying their basic primal needs and wants, which is hunger, thirst, rest and social
interaction, the complex community today has its benchmark of goals and fulfillment
that should be accomplished by individuals. This selective set of fulfillment and goals
encloses securing a good job, preferably with a good pay and hopefully, with a high
level of job satisfaction. There is no fixed and formal guideline on how to overcome
challenges at work into a motivation for individuals to reach job satisfaction, so that
with the good practicing of Organizational Behavior, individuals are able to well
handle the task pressure, and overcome the variety of challenges. Due to the
research and learning of Organizational Behavior, individuals will be able to present
and well-practiced a positive working attitude towards his own task and job
responsibilities. This selected learning of Organizational Behavior helps individual to
create self-awareness all the times. Individuals will be able to draw and execute his
own action plan, and well known the current position of him, and be aware of where
is the next position he is going to reach.
Organizational Behavior is the application of knowledge about how peoples,
individuals, and groups act and react in an organization, in order to reach and
accomplish the highest quality of performances, and dominant results. One way for
an organization to become more innovative is to capitalize on its own employee’s to
innovate. All organizations and groups experience the direct relationship between
job satisfaction, and performance. In order to maximize the performance of those
within a system, it is significant important to develop an optimal interpersonal
chemistry. There is more evidence that the teaching and implementation of soft skills
should get higher emphasis in education and organization training process, but it
should only complement hard skills, not substitute for it.
Organisational behaviour refers to the study of individual, group performance, and activity within
an organisation. It is an attempt to create the business organisation in a creative manner. It helps
to provide an understanding to examine the factors that are necessary to create an effective
Importance of Organisational
It is very important to study the Organisational behaviour. It gives the direction to an organisation
and also helps to understand the organizational life. Let’s discuss the importance of
Organisational behaviour:
skill development
Helps to develop the skills of the employees and gain of knowledge to enhance the performance
of the employees. Employees should remain up to date with new technology and use existing
one in a better way. Training also improves the required skills of the employees and teach them
to perform the tasks independently.
The behaviour of the customer helps the organisation to decide what products and services to be
offered. When an organisation builds a strong connection with the customer, an organisation will
get an idea about the customer needs. For understanding the customer behaviour the
organisation must conduct surveys and one on one interviews.
Employee Motivation
Motivating your employees is not a big task. In fact, itschedule to have a conversation with them.
It is the level of energy, commitment and the creativity that helps the organisation. Use employee
reviews on a regular basis to discuss the improvements.
Innovation means the positive change in the implementation of organisation by providing the
relevant solutions to the customers or full fill their needs in the unique ways.
Productivity is “anything that makes an organisation function better.” It is one of the most
important goal, i.e. to produce the large output with small inputs. It requires the active
participation between the employer and employee on a regular basis.
Management training is important because it is the key to organisational success. Most of the
activities within the company are organised for the development of an employee and
organisation. Some companies provide special training programs to the managers. IBM
organises 15 days training management program every year.
This model depends on power. Power is given to the employees those who complete their task
on time. The penalty is charged for not completing the task on time. Those who are in command
have the power to say “you do it or else.”
Depends on power
Employees result is depended on the boss
Employee need is subsistence
Performance result is minimal
This model depends upon economic resources. The employees are oriented towards the
benefits, security and depend upon the organisation. In this, employees won’t work as a team.
This model depends on leadership. Managers motivate their employees to perform better. They
spend time with their employees in order to understand them in a better way.
Depends on leadership
Employee orientation is security and benefit
Employee result in participation
Employee needs status and recognition
In this model, employees are dependent on each other and work as team management.
This model is based on the performance and on the trust factor. It reflects the values where
managers focus their attention to help the employees by developing the feelings of hope and
Individual differences:
Individual difference is the reality that makes every individual different from another individual.
The difference can take place in many ways for example likes, dislikes, physical appearance,
interest, etc.
Example- Manager should not judge anyone apart from their work, and all the
employees should be equally treated.
Perception tells about their behaviour in the organisation. It helps in noticing the information and
categorizing this information. After categorizing apply this information within the framework.
Example- Rohit thinks that late night parties will spoil the youth. Whereas, Neha thinks that late
night parties are a way of making new friends. Here you can see that both Rohit and Neha
Motivational behaviour
It is the force which helps the employees to achieve the goals. Managers should apply
motivational techniques to help the employees in achieving the desired goals.
Intrinsic Approach
In this, the employees enjoy their work. Employees enjoy their job’s challenges because they get
personal satisfaction out of it.
Extrinsic Approach
In this, employees participate in an activity for reward. These rewards are the benefits which are
provided to the workers in return for work.
Employees should be valued and appreciated for their skills. So, it is important to pay attention
and actively look for the opportunity to reward all the employees.
Nature of organisation
Organisations include different types of activities to achieve organisational goals and objectives.
In an organisation, work is assigned to every individual according to their skills and efficiency.
Social System
It is a system in which human interaction takes place in different ways. A system which interacts
with the surrounding.
Organisation formed within the formal organisation as network of relationship. In this people
interact with each other.
Mutual Interest
It is a coordination which takes place between the organisation and employees. Every
organisation needs employees or vice-versa. So, it’s a mutual understanding between
organisation and employees, that helps the organisation to achieve respective goals and
They are the principles concerned with group, individual and organisation. Leaders use ethics in
an organisation to manage employees. Leaders use code of ethics to determine discipline
procedures and acceptable behaviour for all workers in organisation.
Theories of Observational Behaviour
Observational behaviour includes different types of theories. Each theory has its own importance
and functions.
Theories of Personality
Type A
That’s why they are not able to relax properly and they make sure that everything is done
Type B
Type B is totally different from the type A. At the time of competition their focus is not on loosing
or winning the task, their focus is to enjoy the task.
There is two criticism which takes place. The important factors predicting the job performances
are leadership, creativity, attendance and cooperation. But every organisation demands different
performances. Some organisation wants the employees to be creative and liable while social
firms require creativity.
Theories of Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage emotions of yourself and the
people around you. It is a way of identifying and choosing the way we think and react. The aim of
the leader is to finish the task successfully.
It is the ability of a person to perform the certain tasks and skills. The other general factor which
Sperman developed is the concept of the G factor which underlies all intelligent behaviour.
According to Gardener
It is believed that every individual has a different perception of doing the job and earning money.
It is a technique used to increase the incentives for the employees to complete the work quickly
and effectively. It results in the better performance of the employees by increasing motivation
and the efforts.
The theory states that some factors cause job satisfaction and other cause dissatisfaction.
According to Herzberg, intrinsic motivators and extrinsic motivators have an inverse relationship.
It is the system used to improve the performances of individuals and group in organisations.
Identify the task which is related to the behaviour performed; critical behaviour is observed and
After identification, the next step for a manager is to measure the frequency of critical behaviour
over time.
After measurement, the manager has to do an analysis of the behaviour which requires the
After analysis, the manager will develop an effective strategy. As there are many strategies
which can be used at this stage. But the strategy will depend upon the type of situation.
The last step is to evaluate whether the strategies are working properly or not.
In this, the organisation basically modifies its result in order to achieve the desired outcomes. In
this, if we are facing problems then we can add up our own ideas and actions to improve the
situation accordingly.
In this, you are forced to think about your actions. This is an important thing because we need to
start and analyze our own processes. It will lead you to deeply understand and analyze your
Managers in the organisation have different and important roles. That’s why manager must have
organisation skills to run the department smoothly.
Time Management
Time Management helps the managers to establish department goals and determine the
objectives to reach those goals on deadline. There are “Three Ps” for the effective time
management. They are planning, and procrastination with the help of these three Ps. Managers
can divide their task. The “to-do list” is also important to keep the records and to priorities the
task accordingly. He must ensure that goal has been achieved efficiently to the business
Professional development
The managers should maintain a professional decorum between his staff and himself. The rules
and regulators should be the same for everyone. The manager should interact with employees
on a regular basis to provide the feedback to help them. He must be aware of his responsibilities.
There should be a regular communication between the managers and employees. Managers
should have the learning skills in order to see career progression with the company.
Communication will also help the organisation to convey the status and contribution made to an
overall business.
Organisations are mix of people in terms of age, gender and race etc. Managers have to deal
with the groups and the employees belongs to the different cultures. They have to exercise
control and channelize the behaviour in each direction.
Organisations behaviour helps in better management as it helps in improving the skills.
Organisational behaviour helps the management to become flexible and enable to execute the
organization on global scale.
Management has to ensure that employees do everything to satisfy the customer needs.
Management has to effectively deal with work force by promoting its awareness.
Many organisational behaviour projects are available online. Students can take help from these
projects. Many times the student gets such projects in their school and colleges. These
organisational practices will help you in job fit purposes as well. So, with the help of these
projects they can complete their organisational behaviour revision notes and lecture notes.
Human Resource Management Challenges
Challenges % of Companies
5. Compensation 24%
o Three out of five organizations have either restructured or plan to restructure within the next
six months
o Leaders with strong people development skills are 50% more likely to outperform revenue
o 77% of midsized companies use (or plan to use) wellness to reduce costs
o 46% of midsized-company CFOs anticipate a merger or acquisition in less than six months
o Implement strategic organizational change for increased quality, productivity and employee
Managing human resources can be especially challenging for small businesses that lack the resources of
larger organizations. Some small-business owners handle human resources challenges on their own or with
the help of one other staff member, even though HR duties include complying with labor law, developing
relationships with employees, budgeting and accessibility. Develop a strategy for addressing these
challenges in your small business.
Compliance With Laws
Obeying the laws on business management, tax administration and employment are a top concern for
human resources management. The laws governing small businesses are many, so the human resources
manager has to stay abreast of which ones apply to your particular business and legal changes that affect
how you deal with employees, report income or pay taxes. The Affordable Care Act, for instance, will
change the way small businesses provide health insurance coverage for their employees. When the act
takes full effect, your business will be responsible for complying with its provisions or you could face
fines or employee lawsuits.
HR managers are sounding boards for employee concerns. Once seen as a place where employees go when
they're in trouble, the HR department can be a forum for employees to air their concerns with management,
the organization or co-workers without fear of discrimination or retaliation. A major challenge faced by
HR managers in small businesses is maintaining neutral relationships with employees. HR managers need
to hear the concerns of employees and investigate problems they raise.
The human resources department of a small business is interested in money, just as most other parts of the
business are. But HR is generally considered a costly department to run because it's not revenue producing.
Instead, it spends money by hiring new staff, managing expensive benefits programs and consuming
valuable employee work hours to deal with complaints and concerns. The challenge for HR managers is to
convince your small business that having happy employees and hiring the "right" people can earn your
business more money in the long run.
Accessibility can be thought of as having an "open door policy." Your HR office, whether it consists of a
team of professionals or just one person, should be open to hearing employee concerns, quick to provide
feedback and neutral when resolving conflicts. Accessibility can be especially challenging to small
businesses when the HR manager is the owner of the company, as it can be hard to put personal feelings
aside and not take things to heart when an employee complains about how you're operating the company.
Because HR in a small business helps determine strategy for the company's growth and development,
small-business owners should embrace this function as an integral part of the company's success.
1 year ago
Humans have always been complex and having to manage people has always been tricky.
Now, the digital age has added even more complexity to human resource management, like
the transparency of social media, the persistence of software updates, and the remoteness of
international teams.
This makes human resources a difficult job that’s faced by many challenges. It also
means that identifying and overcoming human resource challenges is time, money and effort
well spent, since the greatest asset a business can boast are its employees.
But what are the top human resources challenges in the workplace? Well, having tons of
experience working with HR, we’ve managed to narrow down the list to the seven most
common challenges faced by HR professionals, along with practical solutions.
Has your job just become the one where you are at the receiving end of every
complaint, from employees, from management and even from the CEO himself?
If you are the HR manager in your company, then you are most likely to hear
more complaints about recruiting. While at one side, unemployment is hovering
over the economy, companies are mourning over not being able to find the skilled
workforce and sometimes, filling a single vacancy may take months of head
HR professionals have more than one reason to explain this, but the problem
doesn’t end here, there are various other challenges that the industry is likely to
face in the coming years. With that in mind, here are the 9 major responses by
different HR professionals on being asked, “What will be the “real” HR
challenges in the coming years?”
9) Better Compensations:
Undoubtedly, money matters! If you have a start performer, you need to take
good care of the compensation you offer. These days employers are largely
playing on this factor with awarding employees lucrative reward packages and
attracting more talent towards them. Thus, recruiters need to fold up their sleeves
to attract the real talent to themselves to stay ahead of their counterparts.
Recruitment processes are the first interface of candidates with the company and
this need to be the best of all. The employer must sell the organization to the
candidate and the boarding candidate must also feel elated on joining the same.
Apart from other factors, one is that of technology upgraded-ness. Now is the
time of the cloud and one has to be up on technology as every candidate wants to
get smoother recruitment application and processing. An effective Recruitment
Management System must be there that can take care of channelized processing
from application to on-boarding while the HR people can work on other retention
and acquisition tactics!
The responsibilities of HR manager have gradually become broader and more strategic since
the organisation realised the importance of HR. The Globalisation put together the world as a
Global village. The concept of global village resulted in exchange of cultures across the globe
as a single country, producing the components in one country, assembling the products in
second country, market the product in the third country, the banks in the fourth country to
finance the operations, insurance companies in the fifth country to provide insurance
facilities, all the countries provide human resources and so on so forth. Thus, the global
businesses employ the people from various countries and manage the people of multi-cultures
and multi-skills.
Issues coming on the radar of an HR Manager today are diverse; from micro level issues
where an individual employee needs hand holding to the macro issues pertaining to a global
workforce and virtual teams. HR managers are expected to offer instant solutions for these
As companies move around the world setting up offices, service delivery centres and
manufacturing hubs, there will be an even greater movement of people and that is the big
challenge while moving forward. Managing diverse workforce is another important problem
that HR managers need to tackle. For which cross cultural training is essential.
The Researcher has stressed some of the issues pertaining to challenging situations the HR
It is strange that the HR function is not much appreciated in our country. For decades, the HR
activity has remained a staff function (advisory) as opposed to a line (decision making)
function. To be specific the HR department does not enjoy the status of wield power equal to
that of a production department or a finance department. The trend was to changing now; the
The world of HRM is changing more rapidly than we can imagine. Constant environmental
changes mean that HR managers face constant challenges. They must respond by taking
advantage of gradual yet reflective changes in the nature of the field, current practices, and
As companies move around the world setting up offices, service delivery centres and
manufacturing hubs, there will be an even greater movement of people and that is the big
In case of India, IT industry alone has a potential to create about 5 million jobs and by 2015,
it will account for about 50 percent of the total outsourcing pie of about $300 billion. Recent
study by Times group figure out 49000 vacancies in retailing, 112000 in manufacturing
sector 51000 in service sector by this year. To achieve this, India needs to tackle its biggest
The HR managers have to adopt proactive strategy which helps them to foresee events and
take appropriate actions before the events occur. Proactive strategies call for awareness about
the likely challenges the HR managers will face in the days to come.
Challenges ahead:
HRM is becoming increasingly involved with strategic planning and the development of
means by which people can work proactively toward the achievement of organizational
objectives. This means a broader perspective focused on objectives and results. It implies
personal commitment by each worker to the company's goals. The need for this personal
commitment means that employee education, communication, and involvement now become
fundamental. This being the case, companies develop and emphasize an HRM philosophy to
which top management is deeply committed, and which is clearly articulated and practiced by
all employees. HR planning is closely linked with strategic planning, so as to support the
Information and knowledge have replaced manufacturing as the source of most new jobs.
terminals. And instead of working with things, people increasingly work with ideas and
concepts. The information age made knowledge the most important organizational resource.
The traditional factors of production - nature, capital, and labour - have already exhausted
their contributions. Now the important activities are the generation, structure, development,
spreading, sharing and application of knowledge; belongs to the people, the human capital.
increasingly depend on attracting, utilizing and retaining people who can use their knowledge
to solve problems, create services, develop new work processes and satisfy customer needs.
Capabilities that increase and sustain organizational performance. The ability to attract and
performance. Retaining the employees has become more crucial. One can retain the
employees in current situation only when a company creates a good employer brand,
internally as well as externally, by ensuring that people have good jobs which make them feel
proud of working for the organization. Employees can be given opportunities to make
rate at which they lose employees is almost double the rate at which they hire. A major
proportion of the turnover issue is attributed to the movement of manpower to the 'land of
opportunities' - USA. The average stay of a software consultant of IT Company has dropped
to one year. Compensation has been, and will continue to be, the big driver in retaining
people so organization need to re-evaluate the pattern of compensation time to time, This will
increase retention.
4. Empowering Employees
Empowering enables people to use their talents and capabilities, fosters accomplishment,
invests in learning, finds the spirit in an organization and builds effective relationships,
informs, leads, coaches, serves, creates, and liberates. Becoming an empowering manager,
therefore, involves both who you are and what you do.
In an empowering organization, managers should believe leadership derives from all its
employees not a select few. Managers of an empowering organization should know that the
company is most likely to succeed when employees have the tools, training, and authority to
do their best & understand that information is power and they share it with all employees.
that values and supports individuals. They crave to make sure that everyone feels an
ownership of that culture and a responsibility for its perpetuation to create opportunities for
finding solutions and for designing what can be not searching for problems and what should
have been. Lastly the managers understand that fostering empowerment is a continuing effort
The biggest challenge the organization around the globe facing is to know the social classes
and categories from which the new global workers are recruited, and to understand the
systems of education and training that shape them so that they can be made socially and
culturally fit to serve customers. Educational institutes are particularly crucial in this context,
not only in providing the raw material for the virtual service economy, but also in producing
upward mobility among the new professional classes. For this we require to redefine the
employee status. Talented people will be unwilling to sign on as employees hence companies
will have to maintain a fine balance between career planning and free agent ship.
going global in the inorganic way. Indian business has spread its roots to countries as diverse
to set up shop. One of the fallouts of this expansion has been a clash of cultural mindsets and
In today‟s competitive world the workforce are heavily loaded with work and
stress associated with it i.e. mental stress as well as physical stress. To have a
sound body and sound mind it is necessary to develop certain competencies to
survive with the stressful situations. The growth of an supplementary industry
like computer training institutes, manpower consultants, „soft skills‟ and „cultural
training‟ consultants, psychological counsellors, spiritual guides, stress and time
management trainers, gyms, recreational facilities and health-related services,
yoga teachers, suggest that new forms of subjectivity are being produced not only
through the work itself, but also through the deliberate shaping of personalities and
bodies to be „fit‟ for the global Challenges.
The future success of any organizations relies on the ability to manage a diverse body of
talent that can bring innovative ideas, perspectives and views to their work. The challenge
and problems faced of workplace diversity can be turned into a strategic organizational asset
if an organization is able to capitalize on this melting pot of diverse talents. With the mixture
of talents of diverse cultural backgrounds, genders, ages and lifestyles, an organization can
respond to business opportunities more rapidly and creatively, especially in the global arena,
which must be one of the important organisational goals to be attained. More importantly, if
the organizational environment does not support diversity broadly, one risks losing talent to
This is especially true for multinational companies (MNCs) who have operations on a
global scale and employ people of different countries, ethical and cultural backgrounds. Thus,
a HR manager needs to be mindful and may employ a 'Think Global, Act Local' approach in
most circumstances. Thus, many local HR managers have to undergo cultural-based Human
Resource Management training to further their abilities to motivate a group of professional
that are highly qualified but culturally diverse. Furthermore, the HR professional must assure
the local professionals that these foreign talents are not a threat to their career advancement.
One of the main reasons for ineffective workplace diversity management is the
diversity profile. In the real world, diversity cannot be easily categorized and those
workforce will be the most effective in growing their businesses and their customer base.
6. Providing input into managing the process of change - HR managers are the change
champions providing the change management skills to align the right people with
the appropriate knowledge and skills base to meet the shared goals of the enterprise
"There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all." – Anonymous
Culture is „Software of mind‟, it is concerned with beliefs and values on the basis of
which people interpret experiences and behave, individually and in groups. Cultural
statements become operationalised when executives articulate and publish the values of their
firm which provide patterns for how employees should behave. Firms with strong cultures
achieve higher results because employees sustain focus both on what to do and how to do it
expand their business operations beyond their national boundaries. Cross-cultural factors like
connotations, semantics, tone difference & difference in perceptions create potential for
sensitize themselves to the cultures of those nations and avoid making mistakes while
performing their work or interacting with customers. This is possible by nurturing the
corporate culture. For this, greater interdependence in work processes and less stand-alone
work should be assigned, since work force today demands greater autonomy in their own
work and greater inter-linkage and inter-dependence with the work of others.
The above mentioned factors are going to change the face of HR functions in
the coming years. Therefore the HR managers need to be well acquainted &
well equipped to face these challenges
However, today the scenario has undergone several changes and India is more strategically
positioned in the global corporate map and HR management (HRM) has become quite
complex, especially after digital disruption invaded the domain. Industries are facing
umpteen number of HR challenges that need to be addressed.
Global opinions see India’s human resource as a low-cost, highly skilled, dedicated and
erudite workforce hence it has also become a major outsourcing ground.
On the other hand, it goes without saying that, the overall domain of HR is not without its
problems and trials. The HR in India, especially in the 21st century, does face certain
challenges, despite its three major roles of—transactional, transformational, and transitional.
With an ever changing corporate India, HR challenges are all set to increase manifold and
needless to say that HR managers have to be aware of this fact.
Also Read: Setting Itself Apart from Others – How Should a Staffing Firm Do That
The above mentioned HR challenges are something that the HR community in India really
needs to sort out. However, there are other challenges such as retrenchment and downsizing
in certain industries such as the BPO, finance and PSUs where the HR has to be pretty strong