A Comparative Study On SBI and HDFC in Ambala City Ijariie5997

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Vol-3 Issue-4 2017 IJARIIE-ISSN (O)-2395-4396

A Comparative study on SBI and HDFC in

Ambala City
Baljinder Kaur1 , Dr. Amandeep Singh2

1 Department of Commerce, Eternal University, Baru Sahib

2 Department of Management, Eternal University, Baru Sahib

Internet banking or e-banking is widely popular nowadays, and because of digitalization and demonetization e-
banking has been the recent trend as it is easier to access to one’s accounts, no need to visit the branch. But
unfortunately, many people are not aware of this amazing technology thus are not accessing e-banking. An
empirical study was conducted on ‘Knowledge, Utilization and Challenges in E-banking services: A Comparative
study on SBI and HDFC in Ambala city’ with the sample size of 200 (100 each) with the help of self-structured
questionnaires and SPSS version 21.0 was used to analyze the data. Results revealed that more of the respondents
were aware in SBI but the usage was more in HDFC. Further it was found that there was significant negative
correlation between the educational qualification and the e-banking usage in HDFC moreover it was found that
there was significant positive correlation between the age of the respondents and their knowledge about e-banking
in HDFC. Study highlighted that there was only time saving factor which was the main purpose of using e-banking
by the respondents of SBI with p-value (4.09) and in HDFC special offers was the main purpose of using e-banking
by the respondents with mean of (3.79). Study highlighted that majority of the respondents were facing problem due
to Lack of knowledge under HDFC with mean (3.43Respondents were also having security and privacy issues in
HDFC with mean of (3.23) and in SBI respondents said they don’t find an ATM nearby when the want to have, with
the mean of (3.09).


E-Banking/ internet banking/ online banking or virtual banking, is an electronic payment system that enables
customers of a bank or other financial institution to conduct a range of financial transactions through the financial
institution's website. The E-Banking system will typically connect to the core banking system operated by a bank
and is in contrast to branch banking which was the traditional way customers accessed in banking services. The
types of financial transactions which a customer may transact through online banking are determined by the
financial institution, but usually includes obtaining account balances, a list of the recent transactions, electronic bill
payments and funds transfers between a customer's or another's accounts. Most banks also enable a customer to
download copies of bank statements, which can be printed at the customer's premises (some banks charge a fee for
mailing hard copies of bank statements). Some banks also enable customers to download transactions directly into
the customer's accounting software.

The facility may also enable the customer to order a cheque book, statements, report loss of credit cards, stop
payment on a cheque, advise change of address and other routine actions. While financial institutions took steps to
implement e-banking services in the mid-1990s, many consumers were hesitant to conduct monetary transactions
over the internet. By 2000, 80% of U.S. banks offered e-banking. Customer‟s satisfaction grows slowly. At Bank of
America, for example, it took 10 years to acquire 2 million e-banking customers. Around 1994, banks saw the rising
popularity of the internet as an opportunity to advertise their services. In India ICICI was the first bank to provide
internet banking facility in early 1997 under the brand name „Infinity‟. The RBI constituted a working group on

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internet banking. The group divided the internet banking products in India into 3 types based on the level of access
guaranteed. They are Information System, Electronic Information Transfer System, Fully Electronic Transactional
System (ATM, Debit/Credit cards, Smart cards).

E-banking provides various benefits to customers such as it offers less waiting time and more convenience as
compared to traditional banking system and lowers the cost structure than traditional delivery channels. It also
reduces the place limitation so that the customers feel convenient while doing banking services. It enables customers
to keep an eye on their accounts or transactions from their homes, offices, or elsewhere so they feel satisfied and
convenient. Even ordering non-transactional facilities like ordering cash books online, updating accounts, inquiring
about interest rates on various financial products have become simpler and easier. It is a self-service channel so the
customers do not need to depend on bank‟s staff.

It also provides benefits to Banks such as adoption of internet helps the banks to increase their profitability. Banks
with internet banking have better operating efficiency ratios and profitability as compared to banks, which are not
using internet facilities. The banks using internet also provides far low cost to their customers than in traditional
banking. As it provides a self-service platform it reduces the workforce up to a particular extent that results in
reduction in administrative costs bear by the bank. It also reduces paperwork as compared to traditional banking. It
has expanded its geographical reach and may increase customer base by deploying electronic delivery channels at
lower costs. Banks are doing this where they have no branches to satisfy existing customers and to attract new
customers in a cost-efficient manner.

E-banking has various functions some of which are as follows:

-Inquire about information of account: The client inquires about the details of his own account information such as
the card‟s / account‟s balance and the detailed historical records of the account and downloads the report list.

-Card accounts transfer: The client can achieve the fund to another person‟s Credit Card in the same city.

-Bank-securities account transfer: The client can achieve the fund transfer between his own bank savings accounts
of his own Credit Card account and his own capital account in the securities company. Moreover, the client can
inquire about the present balance at real time.

-Foreign exchange transaction: The client can do the real- time transfer and get the feedback information about
payment from our bank when the client does shopping in the appointed web-site.

-Client Service: The client can modify the login password, information of the Credit Card and the client
information in e-bank on net.
- Account Management: The client can modify his own limits of right and state of the registered account in
the personal e-bank, such as modifying his own login password, freezing or deleting some cards and so on.
-Reporting the loss if any: The client can report the loss in the local area (not nationwide) when the client‟s
Credit Card or passbook is missing or stolen.


 To compare the customer‟s knowledge level towards e-banking services of HDFC and SBI banks.
 To study the utilization level of e-banking services among the customers of HDFC and SBI banks.
 To study the challenges faced by customers in utilizing e-banking services of HDFC and SBI banks.


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Vol-3 Issue-4 2017 IJARIIE-ISSN (O)-2395-4396

There is no significant relationship between demographic factors of respondents and Awareness and
Utilization of E-banking facilities provided by SBI and HDFC.

There is significant difference significant relationship between demographic factors of respondents and
Awareness and Utilization of E-banking facilities provided by SBI and HDFC.


 The study was limited to Ambala city only. Thus it is not a very comprehensive study to represent the
whole of the economy. Size of the sample is 207, which is of course small in comparison to entire

 Due to the 7 non-responded questionnaires sample of 200 was taken into consideration for the data
collection purpose.

 Time constraint also put limitations on the number of respondents surveyed so the sample may not be
sufficient enough to generalize the study.

 It may be possible that the respondent may not have provided true information

 Data collected is according to the objectives of the study and thus due to not having full knowledge about
the questionnaires some respondents didn‟t fill the forms fully.


Salim (2008) found that with the increasing popularity of E-banking now banks have to think how to deal in
competitive market because of the low cost services offered by bank in e-banking than in branch banking. One of
the benefits of internet banking is that the bankers would be able to respond more quickly which might not be
possible in branch banking.
Singhal and padhmanabhan (2008) studied that there are major factors, affecting customer perception towards
internet banking. Most important facility that was used by the customers was online bill payments and ticket
Gupta and Islamia (2008) internet Banking has no geographical boundaries and bank should adapt strategies to
expand the services to its customers. Study was conducted to find out the customer behavior regarding e-banking
and the significant portion of e-banking users were using e-banking 1-5 times a month which is low compared to e-
developed countries another portion of e-banking users were using e-banking 6-10 times a month. The study
revealed that significant portion of users were graduate and post graduates. Bank‟s strategies to go online are assets
of the banks; larger banks are more likely to offer services online. Years of operation; new banks are more
adaptive to technology and are has more probability to offer internet banking. Urban locations; banks located in
urban areas are more likely to offer internet banking than in non-urban areas, because of densely populated areas
which cover more demand and competitive pressure. Study concluded that banks cannot avoid the internet banking
phenomenon, but for the competitive advantage, they must structure their business models to suit to Indian
Rani (2012) identifies the customer perception towards e-banking. Only 52% respondents are using e-banking
services and reason for not using e-banking services was that people were less educated in those areas and they

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Vol-3 Issue-4 2017 IJARIIE-ISSN (O)-2395-4396

hesitate to use computers and internet. Majority of the respondents are agreed that e-banking provides up-to-date
knowledge. Respondents have negative views about 24 hour availability because of non-availability of cash in
ATMs sometimes and electricity was also an issue. He concluded that 60% people are satisfied and have positive
Vimla (2013) Illustrated that HDFC provide the best timely quality services at the reasonable cost to their customers
and there is still a need to provide better and efficient banking services to their customers. Role, impact and
development of credit cards were analyzed. Interestingly customers were aware about the credit cards through
newspapers. There should be usage of innovative products of banking in India.
Elavarasi and Surulivel (2014) suggested to increase awareness, banks should open ATMs near cinema theatres,
markets etc. which are near to the customer places.
Jyoti et.al (2014) Studied the current scenario of e-banking and found that 36% of the respondents are between the
ages of 20 and 29 and 29% is between the age of 30 and 39. 15% of the respondents are between the ages of 40 and
49, 14% of the respondents are between the ages of 50 and 59.Then the remaining 6% is higher than the 60 years
old. Within the respondents 45% are female and remaining 55% is male. 45% hold Bachelor Degree, 35% hold
Master degree & 20% hold PhD, it was found that Bachelor degree respondent are using highest e-banking.
88% consumers are visit 1-4 times in a month & 12% consumers are never visit branch of the Bank. There is 76%
consumer are using ATM for 1-4 times in a month.& 18% consumer are use over period of 12 months & 6%
consumers are never use ATM. There is 34% consumers are using debit card for 1-4 times in a month & 18%
consumers are using 5-8 times in a month & 48 % respondents are not using a debit card services. There is 32%
consumers are using tele-banking for 1-4 times in a month & 19% consumers are using 5-8 times in a month & 49%
respondents are not using a tele-banking services.
Dagar (2014) in her study concluded that customers have many benefits through online banking and is a great
opportunity for them to have an access on their accounts anytime, anywhere. Banks should provide more facilities
and convenience to the customers. The only difficulty there was to make e-banking more secure and safe for the
Rajput (2015) studied customer perception on online banking activities and its impact and promotional measures
used by banks to promote online banking. He mentioned that customers adapting e-banking services such as ATM,
online payment methods etc. some customers feel satisfied and some not. studied on customer perception on e-
banking services and education, gender, income played an important role in e-banking usage. In his study 95%
people were aware about e-banking and 89% are using e-banking regularly.
Pathak (2015) in her study illustrated the participation levels of employees of different hierarchical level in private
sector banks. There was a low level of communication, improper structure and less involvement of employees in
decision-making process related to targets.
Hayikader S et.al.(2016) He have discussed some security issues that related to mobile banking apps, examine issues
on the architecture as well as some security measures to deal with the related security challenges. He found that
mobile banking apps need to have a foundation to enhance app security and support future technologies. This
ensures that mobile apps and their security framework remains future-proof and requires fewer resources to manage

Despite many studies have been conducted in context to e-banking services but very few have been conducted on
the comparison of SBI and HDFC e-banking services in Ambala, those have been conducted are on particular states
and outside the country, Hence with the purpose to address this knowledge gap regarding Knowledge, Utilization
and challenges in Ambala city this study has been conducted to fulfill these gaps.

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The area of the study for the research purpose was Ambala city. The study was conducted by visiting the residences
of respondents. Descriptive study design was used to fulfill the objectives. The sampling method used for the
research purpose was Simple Random sampling. The sample size for research purpose is 207 respondents. The
sample size is calculated by taking .001% of Population of Ambala city i.e. 2079304.


Based on research problem and the framed objectives of the study primary data were collected through a well
framed and semi structured questionnaire which comprises of three parts. First part deals with the demographic
profile of the respondent. Second part consists of Awareness and utilization of e-banking. Third part consists of
Challenges and Problems of e-banking and consists most applicable among the five-point Likert scale ( i.e. 5-
“strongly agree”, “4- agree”, “3-neutral”, “2-disagree”, “1- strongly disagree”). The questionnaire was conducted
entirely in English. Please see appendix 1 for a copy of the questionnaire.

Data entry and analysis were done in SPSS version 21.0. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to describe
the demographic characteristics of the sample. In order to interpret data, various tools like, Correlation, mean and
standard deviation and Independent t-test were used.



S. No. Socio-Demographic Traits SBI HDFC

Total No. = 100 Total No. = 100
Frequency( percent) Frequency (Percent)
i) Age (years):
Below 20-30 52.0 58.0
30-40 17.0 14.0
40-50 18.0 21.0
Above 50 13.0 7.0
ii) Gender:
Male 66.0 60.0
Female 34.0 40.0
iii) Educational Qualification:
High school 22.0 17.0
Graduate 41.0 39.0
Post-Graduate 34.0 44.0
Others 3.0 0.0
iv) Marital status:
Married 49.0 47.0

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Unmarried 51.0 53.0

v) Profession:
Housewife 15.0 14.0
Shopkeeper 2.0 5.0
Employee 23.0 16.0
Student 31.0 36.0
Teacher 6.0 8.0
Advocate 1.0 1.0
Agriculturist 7.0 2.0
Businessmen 15.0 17.0
Investment banker 0.0 1.0
Other 0.0 0.0
vi) Monthly Income:
Below 15000 58.0 57.0
15,000-30,000 21.0 13.0
30,000-45,000 14.0 14.0
Above 45,000 7.0 16.0





Pair 1-Are you aware 3.64 3 3.66 6 .923 -.097

about technology

Pair-2 Your time is saved 4.09 1 3.65 7 .019* 2.365*

Pair-3 Special offers 3.59 5 3.79 1 .185 -1.330

Pair-4 24 hours access 4.01 2 3.77 3 .187 1.326

Pair-5 Fear of theft is 3.43 7 3.73 4 .124 -1.547


Pair-6 It is a lot more 3.55 3.70 .402 -.840

easier with mobile apps 6 5

Pair-7 Trustworthy 3.60 4 3.78 2 3.74 -.892

*Significant at 0.05% of level of significance.

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Only time saving is highest because t-test indicates about (your time is saved) at 0.05% level of significance (2.245),
degree of freedom 62.

The above table shows there is significant difference only in the „time saving factor‟ with p-value of 0.019. This
shows that there was no significant difference in rest of the factors, depicting that respondents were using e-banking
for the same purpose in SBI and HDFC, except for the time saving purpose.


Table 3: Correlation of SBI Bank customers with their Demographic

There is no Significant Difference between Customer demographic factors and Utilization of E-banking
facilities provided by SBI and HDFC.

= There is Significant Difference between Customer demographic factors and Utilization of E-banking facilities
provided by SBI and HDFC.

Age Edu. Qual. Monthly Income

Knowledge about e-banking -.230 -.238 -.033
How do you know about e-banking .222 -.117 -.019
Do you use mobile banking .210 -.327 -.110
How often do you use .122 -.255 -.314
For what purpose you use e-banking .033 -.105 .031

You got aware about technology -.127 .127 -.185

Your time is saved -.120 .028 -.150

Special offers -.008 -.035 -.135

24 hour access .090 -.067 .014

Fear of theft is eliminated -.152 -.003 .075

It is a lot more easier with mobile apps -.113 -.092 .009

Trustworthy -.176 -.034 -.004

Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level **

Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level *

The table above depicts the relationship of the SBI customers regarding their awareness, utilization with their
Demographic. It shows there is no significant relation between customer‟s demographics and its Knowledge and
Utilization, it means neither their knowledge is increased or decreased with their Age, Gender, Qualification,
Profession, Income, Marriage status nor its utilization is affected by these.

Based on above data, There is no Significant Difference between Demographic factors of respondents and
Awareness and Utilization of E-banking facilities provided by SBI and HDFC is accepted here, as it is perceived

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that there is no significant difference in the Demographic factors of the respondents and their Awareness and
Utilization of e-banking services.

Table 4: Correlation of HDFC Bank customers with their Demographic

Age Edu. Qual. Monthly Income

Knowledge about e-banking -.230* -.238* -.033
How do you know about e-banking .222* -.117 -.019
Do you use mobile banking .210* -.327** -.110
How often do you use .122 -.255* -.314**
For what purpose you use e-banking .033 -.105 .031
You got aware about technology -.127 .127 -.185
Your time is saved -.120 .028 -.150

Special offers -.008 -.035 -.135

24 hour access .090 -.067 .014

Fear of theft is eliminated -.152 -.003 .075

It is a lot more easier with mobile -.113 -.092 .009
Trustworthy -.176 -.034 -.004

Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level**

Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level*

The above table shows the relationship between the HDFC customers regarding their awareness, utilization with
their Demographic. It shows there is significant relation between customer‟s demographics and its Knowledge and
Utilization, it means either their knowledge is increased or decreased with their Age, Qualification, Income, status or
its utilization is affected by these. There is negative correlation of Knowledge with Age i.e. with the increasing age
of respondents their knowledge for e-banking is decreasing. Significant negative correlation can be seen with the
Education which means as the education is increasing their e-banking usage is decreases. There was a positive
correlation of Age and mobile banking, with the increase of Age of respondents their use for mobile banking
Based on above data, = There is Significant Difference between Customer demographic factors and Utilization of
E-banking facilities provided by SBI and HDFC is accepted here, it is perceived that there is significant difference in
the Demographic factors of the respondents and their Awareness and Utilization of e-banking services.




Non- Availability of ATMs 3.09 3.09

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Bad-Internet Connection 2.97 3.09

Late Response 3.08 3.15

Security and Private Issues 3.29 3.23

Lack of knowledge 3.06 3.43

Don‟t have a Debit/Credit card 2.57 2.98

Service Charges 2.91 3.15

Above table shows the Mean comparison of HDFC and SBI banks regarding the difference between their means
towards its challenges or the problems faced by the customers of e- banking services. Highest means represents
the highest reason for its challenge in e-banking.

Challenges e-banking

Figure 1: Graph showing Mean of Challenges in e-banking in SBI and HDFC

This graph depicts that majority of the respondents were facing problem due to Lack of knowledge under HDFC
with mean (3.43) and there were majority of respondents facing problem with the Security and Privacy issues with
mean of (3.29). Respondents were also having security and privacy issues in HDFC with mean of (3.23) and in SBI
respondents said they don‟t find an ATM nearby when the want to have, with the mean of (3.09).


It is found that out of most of the respondents are utilizing e-banking services in SBI and in HDFC. It is found that
there was no significant difference between SBI and HDFC e-banking utilization and getting benefits. Mean and t-
test was used to found that only time saving is more because t-test indicates about (your time is saved) at 0.05%
level of significance and p-value 0.019 with mean of SBI at (4.09) Which means respondents of SBI was using e-

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banking services to save their time. Whereas in HDFC the highest mean is (3.79) i.e., respondents are using e-
banking services to avail special offer benefits, although there is no significant difference among the benefits of
utilizing e-banking of SBI and HDFC.

The study examines that majority of the respondents were facing problem due to Lack of knowledge under HDFC
with mean (3.43) and there were majority of respondents facing problem with the Security and Privacy issues with
mean of (3.29). Respondents were also having security and privacy issues in HDFC with mean of (3.23) and in SBI
respondents said they don‟t find an ATM nearby when the want to have, with the mean of (3.09).


The following suggestions can be given after detailed and careful investigation of the investigation of the research
problem. These suggestions would definitely help SBI and HDFC to enhance their base by delivering customer
satisfying services.

 Banks should create awareness among people about e-banking products and services. Customers should be
made literate about the use of e-banking products and services.
 Special arrangements should be made by banks to ensure full security of customer funds. Technical defaults
should be avoided by employing well trained and expert technicians in field of computers, so that loss of data
can be avoided. Banks should use latest technologies with timely updates to secure customers valuable money
from the hands of hackers.
 Customers should never share personal information like PIN numbers, passwords etc. with anyone, including
employees of the bank. Documents that contain confidential information should be safeguarded. PIN or
password mailers should not be stored, the PIN and/or passwords should be changed immediately and
memorized before destroying the mail. Take simple precautions like changing the ATM PIN and online login
and transaction passwords on a regular basis. Ensure that the logged in session is properly.

 E-banking services should be customized on basis of age, gender, occupation etc. so that needs and
requirements of people are met accordingly.

 More focus should be given on appropriate network facility.

 Easy method to operate online banking should be installed by the bank so as to make more and more customer
to use net banking.

 Employees of banks should be given special technical training for the use of e-banking so that they can further
encourage customers to use the same.

 Bank should take initiative to organize training campaign, seminar and workshop for their customer to boost
use of e banking.
 Government should make huge investments for building the information infrastructure.


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