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Block 1 MEC 001 Unit 1

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3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Recent Developments in Demand Analysis: Linear Expenditure Systems
3.3 Theory of Consumer Surplus
3.4 Theory of Inter-Temporal Consumption
3.5 Elementary Theory of Price Formation: Demand-Supply Analysis
3.6 Cobweb Model
3.7 Lagged Adjustment in Interrelated Markets
3.8 Let Us Sum Up
3.9 Key Words
3.10 Some Useful Books
3.11 Answer or Hints to Check Your Progress

In this unit, we will discuss some of the recent development in demand
analysis. First, we will look at an important implication of utility
maximisation exercise viz., linear expenditure system. Then we move on to
another important theory in consumer behaviour called consumer surplus,
where we introduce three different types of definition with their graphical
interpretation. In the next section, we introduce a more advance theory of
consumer behaviour where consumers present decision depend on her future
concerns. The price determination in the market is covered next. Then we
move on to explaining a dynamic model called Cobweb model, which will
explain the dynamic stability property of the equilibrium of Demand-Supply
analysis. Finally, we will discuss a model related to lagged adjustment in
interrelated markets.
This unit will enable you to:
• Determine the optimum choice of a consumer under linear expenditure
• Evaluate consumer surplus in different markets;
• Decide the optimum choice under two period analysis of consumer
• Determine price under Demand-Supply analysis;
• Find the nature of equilibrium under Demand-Supply analysis; and
• Assess the equilibrium under lagged adjustment in interrelated markets.

The basic theory of consumer behaviour discussed in the previous unit can be
extended in many directions, and can be applied to cover optimal behaviour 41
Consumer Behaviour for a variety of specific types of utility functions. Some of these extensions
and specific applications are discussed here. In the market, prices of all goods
are given to the consumers. They can’t influence the price by changing their
own decisions. Some times prices are also given to the individual firm i.e., in
some cases, firms also are not able to charge prices that they want and have to
settle with the price prevailing in the market. There ware considerable interest
therefore among the economist to explain the price formation in different
types of markets. The Demand-Supply analysis is the most important among
them. Once the equilibrium is achieved the second most important question
came to mind is the question of stability of that equilibrium. There are many
approaches to determine the stability property of equilibrium. Among them
Cobweb model is simplest and quite elegant in nature.


For many years economic theorists analysed the optimal behaviour of
consumers while econometricians estimated consumer demand and
expenditure relations, with little communication between the two. Theorists
would provide examples that were of little aid for empirical work, and
econometricians would estimates relations that had little connection with the
theory of utility maximisation. Fortunately, as days passed on, the gap
between theory and empirical evidence has lessened, and a number of
theoretically strong examples that allow empirical estimation have been
developed. In this section we present one of such examples.
Consider the utility function
U = α 1 ln(q1 − γ 1) + α 2 ln(q 2 − γ 2)
with the domain q1>γ1 and q2>γ2. The γ’s may be interpreted as minimum
subsistence quantities and are positive. The α’s are also positive. Applying the
positive monotonic transformation U’ = U/(α1+α2) we get,
U ' = β 1 ln(q1 − γ 1) + β 2 ln(q 2 − γ 2)
The coefficients β1 and β2 (β1+ β2 = 1) are called “share” parameters.

The consumer’s objective is to maximise her utility subject to budget

constraint. So, she will try to solve the problem given below.
Maximise β 1 ln(q1 − γ 1) + β 2 ln(q 2 − γ 2)
Subject to q1>0
y ≥ p1q1 + p 2 q 2
We set Lagrange function of the above maximisation exercise as
Z = β 1 ln(q1 − γ 1) + β 2 ln(q 2 − γ 2) + λ ( y − p1q1 − p 2 q 2)
and set its first partial derivatives equal to zero (we assume interior solution of
this maximisation problem):

∂Z β1
= − λ p1 = 0
∂q1 q1 − γ 1

∂Z β2 Recent Development of
= − λ p2 = 0 Demand Theory
∂q 2 q 2 − γ 2

= y − p1q1 − p 2 q 2 = 0

It can be easily verified that the second order condition for the maximisation
is satisfied. By evaluating the above three equation one can also find out that
the marginal utility of income is decreasing.

Solving the above equations for optimal quantities gives the demand

q1 = γ 1 + ( y − p1γ 1 − p 2γ 2)

and q 2 = γ 2 + ( y − p1γ 1 − p 2γ 2)

Multiplying the first equation of the above two demand functions by p1 and
the second by p2 we get the expenditure functions

p1q1 = p1γ 1 + β 1( y − p1γ 1 − p 2γ 2)

and p 2 q 2 = p 2γ 2 + β 2( y − p1γ 1 − p 2γ 2)

which are linear in income and prices, and thus suitable for linear regression

Check Your Progress 1

1) Consider the utility function U = q1δ 1.q 2δ 2 . Find out the linear
expenditure function.


In this section, we discuss the basic concept of consumer surplus and its
derivation. A consumer normally pays less for a commodity than the
maximum amount that she would be willing to pay rather than forego its
consumption. Consumer surplus therefore in crude sense is the difference
between what consumer willing to pay and what she actually pays. Several
measures of such consumer’s surplus have been proposed. We will discus
three of them. Attention is limited to a consideration of the good under
investigation and a composite commodity called “money”, with consumption
Consumer Behaviour quantities of q and M respectively. Let the distance OA in Figure 3.3.1
represents the consumer’s income. She achieves a tangency solution at point
D on indifference curve I2. If she were unable to consume Q, she would be at
A on the lower indifference curve I1. She would have to be given an income
increment of AB dollars to restore her to indifference curve I2. This increment,
called compensating income variation, is denoted by c, and provides a
measure of consumer’s surplus.

Fig. 3.1: Consumer Surplus

Fig. 3.2: Consumer Surplus

Recent Development of
Demand Theory

Fig. 3.3: Consumer Surplus

At the given prices, the consumer would be willing to forgo AC dollars of

income rather than lose her opportunity to consume good Q. With income OC,
her consumption is at E, which is on the same indifference curve as A. The
amount corresponding to AC is called equivalent income variation and is
denoted by e. It provides an alternative measure of consumer’s surplus. A
third measure is provided by the demand curve in Figure 3.3.3 for the price-
quantity combination p0q0. It equals the area ABp0, which is the difference
between the area lying under the demand curve OABp0 and the consumer’s
expenditure Op0Bq0, and is denoted by s.

It can be shown that c ≥ s ≥ e . The strict inequalities hold for the case pictured
in Figure 3.3.1 as a consequence of the income effect. If the consumer were to
pay more to consume the good, her demand would decline because of her
lower effective income, and the area under the demand curve would exceed
the amount that she would pay rather than forego consumption of the good.
Figure 3.3.2 depicts a case in which the income effect is zero throughout. A
perpendicular such as the line through D and E connects points with the same
marginal rate of substitution. The indifference curves are “parallel” with a
constant vertical distance between a pair of indifference curves. In this case
AB=AC and the three measures of consumer’s surplus are the same.


In the previous two units, we have been concerned with choices among
contemporaneous commodities. An important class of choices made by
consumers, however, relates to consumption over time, that is, how one
allocates income earned in different time periods to consumption. It seems
that when income is earned in an uneven pattern, individuals attempt to
“smooth out” their consumption through borrowing and lending. In this way,
people’s consumption varies less than their income.

We began this discussion by considering consumption in just two-time period.

Denote the present as period 1 and the future (next year) as period 2, and
consumption in period 1 and 2 as x1 and x2. Suppose a person earns x10 in the
present (this year) and x20 in the future (next year). Suppose also that this
individual can borrow and lend in the “capital market” at rate of interest r.
What this means is any income y not spent this year can be loaned to others,
in return for which the consumer receives some greater amount y + r y = y(1 +
r) next year. Alternatively, the consumer can increase present consumption by
Consumer Behaviour some amount y and repay y (1 + r) next year. The opportunity cost of
consuming income y this year is thus forgoing consumption of y (1 + r) next

The price of present consumption is thus (1 + r) units of future consumption;

alternatively, the price of future consumption is (1 / (1 + r)) units of present
consumption. We commonly say that the present value of Rs. Y one year from
now is Rs. y / (1 + r); this is merely the quantity, y, times its price in terms of
present consumption. The interest rate is the “premium for earlier availability
of goods”.

Wealth, W, in the present, is defined as the present value of current and future
income. The consumer’s budget constraint is that she cannot spend more than
her wealth, i.e.,

x2 x20
x1 + = x10 + =W ----------------- (a)
1+ r 1+ r

The consumer maximises U(x1, x2) subject to equation (a).

Fig. 3.4: Maximisation of Utility Subject to Wealth Constraint

Though we are using “income” and “consumption” interchangeably as

arguments in the utility function, it is well to remember, as pointed out by
economist I. Fisher, that “income” really consists of consuming something.
“Saving” (or dissaving) is just a way of rearranging consumption over time.
Income is realised when it is consumed.

The model is depicted in Figure 3.4.1. The budget line has

slope = −(1 + r ) , the price of x1 in terms of x2, and passes through the
dx 2
endowment point A, (x10, x20). An increase in the interest rate represents an
increase in the price of the present consumption, and has the effect of rotating
the wealth constraint clockwise through A.

The Lagrange function for this problem is

( x 2 0 − x 2) Recent Development of
L = U ( x1, x 2) + λ[( x10 − x1) + ] ----------- (b) Demand Theory
(1 + r )

assuming strict interior solution, producing the first order conditions

∂L U ( x1, x 2)
= −λ = 0 ---------------------- (b.1)
∂x1 ∂x1

∂L U ( x1, x 2) λ
= − = 0 ------------------ (b.2)
∂x 2 ∂x 2 (i + r )

and the constraint

∂L x2 x 20
= x1 + = x10 + = 0 --------------- (b.3)
∂λ 1+ r 1+ r

Combining equations (b.1) and (b.2) yields

U ( x1, x 2)
∂x1 = (1 + r ) --------------------- (c)
U ( x1, x 2)
∂x 2

Equation (c) says that the consumer’s marginal value of present consumption,
U ( x1, x 2) U ( x1, x 2)
U1/U2 (where U1 = and U2 = ), equals the opportunity cost
∂x1 ∂x 2
of present consumption, in terms of future consumption forgone. It will
simplify the algebra if we let p = , the price of future consumption.
(1 + r )
Assuming the sufficient second-order conditions hold, the first-order
conditions can be solved for the Marshallian demand functions

x1 = x1M ( p, x10 , x 20 )

and, x 2 = x 2 M ( p, x10 , x 2 0 )

We can gain greater insight into the model by deriving the Slutsky equation,
separating out the substitution effect and the wealth (income) effect.

The Hicksian demands can be derived minimising the endowment in either

period so as to achieve some arbitrary indifference level U0. We can therefore
state the model as
x10 = x1 + p( x 2 − x 2 0 )
subject to
U(x1, x2) = U0
The Lagrange function for this problem is then
L' = x1 + p( x 2 − x 2 0 ) + λ (U 0 − U ( x1, x 2))

Consumer Behaviour Assuming the first and sufficient second-order conditions hold, the implied
first-order equations can be solved for the Hicksian demands
x1 = x1U ( p, U 0 )
and x 2 = x 2U ( p, U 0 )
Substituting these demands into the objective function produces a minimum
“expenditure” type of function
x1* ( p, U 0 ) = x1U + p ( x 2U − x 2 0 )
The fundamental identity linking between the Marshallian and Hicksian
demands is therefore
xiU ( p, U 0 ) ≡ xi M ( p, x1* ( p, U 0 ), x 2 0 ) for i = 1, 2,
producing the famous Slutsky equation
dxi M ∂xiU ∂xi M
≡ + ( x 2 0 − x 2U )( 0 )
dp ∂p ∂xi

If the interest rate increases, the price of future consumption, p, decreases.

This produces a pure substitution effect towards less present and greater future
∂x 2U
consumption: < 0 . However, a change in the interest rate produces an
attendant wealth effect. An increase in the endowment of present income is
the same as an increase in wealth from any source, since income can be traded
back and forth across time periods. Assume that consumption in both time
∂xi M
periods enters the utility function as normal goods, so that > 0 . The
income or, more properly, the wealth term on the right hand side of the
Slutsky equation, indicates that if, for example, the consumer is a net
borrower in period 1, so that ( x 20 − x 2U ) < 0 , the substitution effect will be
reinforced by the wealth effect. In this case, an increase in the interest rate, in
addition to making present consumption relatively more expensive, also
lowers the consumer’s wealth, producing an additional reduction in present
consumption. If the individual is a net lender in period 1, the wealth and
substitution effects oppose one another: an increase in the interest rate raises
present wealth and leads to greater present consumption.

Check Your Progress 2

1) Suppose utility function of the consumer is U(x1, x2) = x10.5 x20.5.

Consumer lives two periods. In period 1 her income in Rs 1000 i.e., x10
= 1000 and in period two she has no income i.e., x20 = 0. The market rate
of interest is 50%. Find out the optimum consumption in each period.
Recent Development of
In this section, we discuss the elementary theory of price formation. Demand
curve in the market is derived from the aggregate consumer demand and
supply curve is derived from the aggregate firms supply. Since market
demand curve for a good is the sum total of demand for that good of all
individual consumers and since demand curve for a good for an individual
consumer is derived from its utility maximisation, so along the demand curve
consumer’s optimising behaviour is always fulfilled. That means each point
on the demand curve represents that consumers are willing to purchase the
corresponding demand quantity with corresponding price.

We consider perfect competition prevail in the market. In short, run perfectly

competitive supply curve of a commodity in the market or industry is
determined from supply curve of an individual firm, where supply curve of
commodity of individual firm is derived from profit maximising objective of
that firm. Hence, along the market supply curve-optimising behaviour of the
firm is fulfilled. That means each point on the market supply curve represents
that firms are willing to supply the corresponding supply quantity with
corresponding price.

Fig. 3.5: Demand Supply Equilibrium

Clearly, at the point of intersection between market demand and supply curve,
exchange will take place between consumers and producers, as both of them
simultaneously fulfilled their optimising behaviour. Corresponding price and
aggregate quantity are short run equilibrium price (say p0) and aggregate
quantity (say q0) respectively, which is shown in Figure 3.5.1.

The process of adjustment of short run equilibrium of a competitive market

takes place in the following way. Generally, by adjusting price of the
commodity equilibrium in short run perfect competition is achieved as given

It is assumed that for any excess demand (or excess supply) prices will
increase (or decrease). According to this behaviour of the market, price
adjustment in disequilibrium will take place by a mechanism, which is known
as auctioneer mechanism.
Consumer Behaviour Suppose there is an invisible referee who controls the market price according
to the above behavioural assumptions. Producers supply their quantity on the
basis of existing market price. Suppose, the referee initially specifies a
particular price on the basis of which producers and consumers specify their
supply and demand respectively. Then suppose the referee observed that
supply quantity is larger than the demand quantity i.e., we have excess supply
of the commodity.

If producers fail to supply their entire supply quantity at the existing price,
then according to the behavioural assumption, the referee specifies a lower
price of that commodity. Producers will be discouraged and will supply lower
quantity and consumers will be encouraged and will demand higher quantity.
Thus, in both ways excess supply of the commodity decreases. Suppose it is
observed that demand quantity is larger than the supply quantity in aggregate.
We have excess demand for that commodity. The referee again specifies a
larger price level. Hence, producers will increase their supply and consumers
will decrease their demand. Thus, in both ways excess demand for that
commodity goes down. This process will continue till the referee specifies a
particular price at which corresponding demand and supply quantities are
equal. That means supply quantity offered by the producer is demanded by the
consumer at the corresponding price. So, both consumer and producer fulfilled
their optimising behaviour simultaneously. The exchange of commodity will
take place at this price and quantity. These price and quantity are the
equilibrium price and quantity in the market respectively.

Check Your Progress 3

1) Describe the way of converging a disequilibrium point to equilibrium in

a perfectly competitive market.


Concept of dynamic stability: A market equilibrium is said to dynamically
stable only when disequilibrium price and quantity move and over time reach
to any equilibrium, otherwise it is dynamically unstable. Movement of price
and quantity in disequilibrium over time depends on behaviour of the market.
Hence, analysis of dynamic equilibrium and stability depends on behavioural
assumption of the market. Dynamic analysis is of two types. Here we consider
discrete time analysis. Below we discuss Cobweb model in details.

Cobweb model analyses dynamic equilibrium and stability of a competitive

market with the following behavioural assumptions:
• We consider linear demand and supply functions for simplicity.
• Both demand and supply functions depend on time, where time is a Recent Development of
Demand Theory
discrete matter (in that sense it is a dynamic model).
• Supply quantity at any time, t, depends on previous period’s price and

St = c +d Pt-1 ------------------ (i)

But demand quantity at any time, t, depends on the price at that time

Dt = a + b Pt ----------------- (ii)

That means demand quantity is instantaneously determined at the

existing price but there is a lag in supply quantity with respect to
price since supply of output requires some amount of time.

• Behaviour of the market is such that as soon as supply quantity comes

into the market, entire quantity is demanded at that period by adjusting
price so that market is clear in each period. Thus, at any time, t, St = Dt

Since demand and supply functions are linear, a, b, c and d are constant. On
the basis of these we now analyse dynamic equilibrium and stability.

At equilibrium of the market Dt = St holds where price doesn’t change over

time (i.e., Pt = Pt-1 = Pe, where Pe is the equilibrium price). Hence, at

a+ b Pe = c + d Pe

or, (a-c) = (d-b) Pe

(a − c)
or, Pe =
( d − b)

This is the equilibrium price, which is assumed to be positive such that

initially equilibrium exists. Now we find the time path of price from
behavioural assumptions.

Dt = S t

or, a + b Pt = c + d Pt-1

or, b Pt – d Pt-1 = (c-a)

d (c − a )
or, Pt − Pt − 1 = ---------------------- (iv)
p b

The time path of price is a first order linear non-homogeneous difference

equation. Its solution consists of a particular solution (Pp) and a
complementary solution (Pc), viz.,

Pt = Pp + Pc ---------------- (v)

To find out Pp we put Pt = Pt-1 = P (say) into the equation (iv), and have

Consumer Behaviour d c−a
P (1 − ) =
b b

b−d c−a
or, P( )=
b b

or, P= = Pe
d −b

Since Pe exists, Pp also exists and it is equilibrium price and independent of


To find out Pc, we put Pt = xt in the homogeneous part of the difference

equation (equation – (iv)), and write

d t −1
xt − x =0

xt d xt −1
or, − =0
xt −1 b xt −1

or, x= ,

which is the characteristic root. Therefore, Pc = m xt, where m is any unknown

integral constant. From equation (v) we get

Pt = Pe + m xt ----------------- (vi)

giving the general solution.

Suppose at initial time, t = 0, Pt = P0 is known. Then from equation (vi), we


P 0 = P e + m x0

or, P0 = P e + m

or, m = P0 – Pe,

So the definite solution of time path of price is

Pt = Pe + (P0 - Pe)( )t ------------------- (vii)

Here P0, Pe, d and b all are known and for each level of time price can be
determined from equation (vii).

If Pt → Pe as t → ∞ (i.e., if actual price, Pt, moves towards equilibrium price

and overtime reaches to Pe), then market equilibrium is dynamically stable
(otherwise it is dynamically unstable). This requires ( )t → 0 as t → ∞

(since then only Pt → Pe as t → ∞ where P0 – Pe is constant and does not Recent Development of
Demand Theory
change over time). Now ( )t → 0 as t → ∞ only when

| |< 1

1 1
or, | |<| | ----------------- (viii)
b d

This is the condition for dynamic stability (as in this case we have
convergence to equilibrium from any disequilibrium over time). That means
dPt 1
absolute slope of the demand curve | |=| | should be lower than the
dDt b
dPt 1
absolute slope of the supply curve | |=| | , i.e., demand curve should be
dSt d
flatter than supply curve for dynamic stability.

When | |> 1 then we have divergence from equilibrium over time (from
equation (vii)) we have dynamically unstable equilibrium, and at that situation
1 1
| |>| | i.e., demand curve is steeper than supply curve.
b d

When | |= 1 , we have neither convergence to equilibrium nor divergence
from equilibrium (from equation (vii)). So it is also dynamically unstable.At
1 1
that situation | |=| | i.e., slope of the demand curve is equal to the slope of
b d
the supply curve in absolute sense.

If ( ) > 0 , then we have monotonic time path of price from equation (vii). If
( ) < 0 , then we have cyclical time path of price from equation (vii).

Case 1: Suppose demand curve is downward sloping and supply curve is

upward sloping i.e., d>0 and b<0, therefore ( ) < 0 .

1 1
Case A: If | |<| | , then we have cyclical convergence to equilibrium. It’s a
b d
dynamically stable equilibrium.

1 1
Case B: If | |=| | , then we have regular cycle around equilibrium. It’s a
b d
dynamically unstable equilibrium.

1 1
Case C: If | |>| | , then we have cyclical divergence from equilibrium. It’s
b d
a dynamically unstable equilibrium.

Consumer Behaviour Case 2: Suppose demand curve and supply curve are upward sloping i.e., d>0
and b>0 hence ( ) > 0 .

1 1
Case D: If | |<| | then we have monotonic convergence to equilibrium. It’s
b d
a dynamically stable equilibrium.

1 1
Case E: If | |=| | then demand and supply curve are coincide if their
b d
intercepts are also same then we have infinite number of equilibrium and there
is no need for dynamic stability analysis or demand and supply curve are
parallel to each other (when intercepts are not equal) then equilibrium does
not exist. Hence, there is no need for stability analysis in this case.

1 1
Case F: If | |>| | then we have monotonic divergence from equilibrium. It’s
b d
a dynamically unstable equilibrium.

Case 3: Suppose demand curve is downward sloping and supply curve is

upward sloping i.e., d<0 and b<0, therefore ( ) > 0 .

1 1
Case G: If | |<| | then we have monotonic convergence to equilibrium. It’s
b d
a dynamically stable equilibrium.

1 1
Case H: If | |=| | then demand and supply curve are coincide if their
b d
intercepts are also same then we have infinite number of equilibrium and there
is no need for dynamic stability analysis or demand and supply curve are
parallel to each other (when intercepts are not equal) then equilibrium does
not exist. Hence, there is no need for stability analysis in this case.

1 1
Case I: If | |>| | then we have monotonic divergence from equilibrium. It’s
b d
a dynamically unstable equilibrium.

Check Your Progress 4

1) In Cobweb model under what condition equilibrium is dynamically

stable when there is linear downward sloping demand and linear upward
sloping supply curve.
Recent Development of
Here we discuss the Walrashian dynamic stability analysis of a competitive
commodity market. Let us consider the following assumptions:
• initially equilibrium exists short run competitive commodity market
• both demand and supply function are linear and depend on time where
time is discrete.
• both demand and supply at any time, t, depend on price at that time and
demand and supply functions are respectively given by
Dt = a + b Pt -------------- (i)
St = c +d Pt --------------- (ii)
• behaviour of the market is such that for positive (or negative) excess for
commodity price rises (or falls) in next period. This can be captured by the
following equation:

(Pt – Pt-1) = K E (Pt-1) ----------- (iii)

where E (Pt-1) = (Dt-1 – St-1) = a + b Pt – c – d Pt-1 = (a-c) + (b-d) Pt-1 -- (iv)

Note that (iv) is the excess demand at time (t-1) and K>0. For simplicity, K is
taken as a constant and it represents the speed of adjustment of price.

[Note: At time (t-1) if E (Pt-1)>0, then price should increase in the next period
according to the behavioural assumption i.e., Pt>Pt-1 i.e., (Pt – Pt-1)>0 which is
captured by equation (iii) with the restriction that K>0]

At equilibrium Pt = Pe at which Dt = St holds. Therefore,

a + b P e = c + d Pe
or, (a-c) = (d-b) Pe
(a − c)
or, Pe = [on the assumption that initial equilibrium exist
( d − b)
where price must be positive].

Now we analyse whether the equilibrium price (Pe) is dynamically stable or

not. For that we find out the time path of price from the behavioural
assumption of the market viz.,

(Pt – Pt-1) = K E (Pt-1) = K [(a-c) + (b-d) Pt-1]

or, (Pt – Pt-1) = K (a-c) + K(b-d) Pt-1

or, Pt – [1 + K (b-d)] Pt-1 = K(a-c) –(v)

The time path of price is represented by the first order linear non-
homogeneous difference equation since by assumption a, b, c, d and K are
constants. Solution of the time path of price (Pt) consists of a particular
solution (Pp) and a complementary solution (Pc). Thus,

Pt = Pp + Pc ------------- (vi)
Consumer Behaviour To find out Pp, we put, Pt = Pt-1 = P’ (say), into the difference equation of price
and get

P’ [1 – {1 + K (b-d)}] = K (a-c)

or, P’ (d-b) = (a-c)

(a − c)
or, P’ = Pe = > 0 since Pe>0.
( d − b)

This is the particular solution; note that it is nothing but inter-temporal

equilibrium price, which is a constant and independent of time.

[Note: In fact, here the inter-temporal price is equal to static equilibrium price
where equilibrium does not change over time].

To find out Pc, we put Pt = xt, into the homogeneous part of the difference
equation of price and get

xt − xt −1[1 + K (b − d )] = 0

xt x t −1
− [1 + K (b − d )] = 0
xt −1 x t −1

x = [1 + K (b − d )]

It is the characteristic root. Therefore, complementary solution is Pc = m xt,

where m is any unknown integral constant. So from equation (vi) we have

Pt = Pp + m xt ------------ (vii),

which is the general solution.

Suppose at t = 0 (i.e., at initial time) Pt = P0 is given. Hence, from equation

(vii) we get

P 0 = P e + m x0

or, m = P0 – P e

Therefore, definite solution of the time path of price is

Pt = Pp + (P0 – Pe) [1 + K (b-d)]t ----------------- (viii)

When Pt → Pe as t → ∞ , we have convergence to equilibrium from any

disequilibrium price over time. So equilibrium is dynamically stable in
Walrashian sense, which requires that

|1+K (b-d)| < 1

When [1 + K (b-d)] >0, we have a monotonic time path of price.

Alternatively, we get a monotonic convergence to equilibrium over time when
0 < [1 + K (b-d)] < 1. Therefore,

K (b-d) < 0 or, (b-d) < 0 or, b<d,

which automatically holds when demand curve is downward sloping [i.e., Recent Development of
Demand Theory
b<0] and supply curve is upward sloping [i.e., d>0]. Equilibrium is
dynamically unstable when demand curve is upward sloping and supply curve
is downward sloping (as b>0 and d<0 so b<d does not hold)

When both demand and supply curves are upward sloping, the Walrashian
1 1 1 1
dynamic stability requires b<d or, ( ) > ( ) . That means | |>| | [since d>0
b d b d
and b>0 and price is measured in vertical axis]. So, the supply curve is flatter
than the demand curve. Otherwise, it would be dynamically unstable.

When both demand and supply curves are downward sloping, the Walrashian
1 1 1 1
dynamic stability requires b<d or ( ) > ( ) . That means | |<| | [since d<0
b d b d
and b<0]. Hence, the demand curve should be flatter than the supply curve.
Otherwise, it is dynamically unstable.

Check Your Progress 5

1) Derive the time path of a disequilibrium point under Walrashian
dynamic stability analysis.


In this unit, we learn some advance topics in consumer behaviour theory. We
started with the theory of linear expenditure. It gives a demand function from
which one can derive the expenditure function by minimising the expenditure
subject to a given level of utility. The special features of this theory is the
curvature of the expenditure function, which turns out to be linear. Linear
expenditure function is extremely useful particularly when some one want to
do an empirical study on utility maximisation. The usefulness of the linear
expenditure system emanates from the fact that ordinary least square
estimation needs linear function to estimate. Next, we move on to the theory
of consumer surplus. Consumer surplus is broadly defined as the difference
between what consumer willing to pay for a particular commodity bundle and
what she actually pays for that commodity bundle. Here we discussed three
different ways of finding out consumer surplus and their relationship to each
other. In the next section, we analysed the theory of inter-temporal
consumption. This theory is more realistic than the previous theory of
consumer behaviour because in it, the consumer lives in two periods and there
is a notion of saving. The theory can be easily upgraded to multi-period
decision making under certainty. Elementary theory of price formation under
demand-supply analysis is the next theme that was discussed. The concept of
Consumer Behaviour demand and supply curve was introduced, where the demand curve was
derived from utility maximising objective of the consumer and the supply
curve from the profit maximising objective of the firm. Therefore, in the
intersecting point between demand and supply curve both firm and consumer
fulfill their objective. The market equilibrium point was thus presented. In the
next section, we moved on to the dynamic stability analysis part and
introduced the Cobweb model. A model for Walrashian dynamic stability
analysis was taken up subsequently. In the Cobweb model, we derived the
nature as well as the stability part of the equilibrium under different demand
and supply curves. When demand curve was downward sloping and supply
curve was upward sloping, the equilibrium was stated to be dynamically stable
if absolute slope of the demand curve is less than the absolute slope of the
supply curve (i.e., demand curve is relatively flatter than the supply curve). In
the last section, we brought in a model of lagged adjustment in interrelated
markets and discussed the Walrashian dynamic stability. In this model, we
observed that under standard case (i.e., demand curve is downward sloping
and supply curve is upward sloping) equilibrium was dynamically stable if
slope of the demand curve was greater than the slope of the supply curve,
which indeed happened for standard cases.


Cobweb Model: An analysis of competitive equilibrium attaining stability
under dynamic conditions.
Consumer Surplus: Difference between the amount consumers are willing to
pay for a good and the amount they actually pay.
Dynamic Stability: A market equilibrium which is reached by the movement
of price and quantity from a situation of disequilibrium.
Inter-temporal Consumption: Choices made by consumer on consumption
over time.
Linear Expenditure System: Econometric estimation of consumer demand
through a system of expenditure equations postulating linear functional form.


Koutsoyiannis, A. (1979), Modern Microeconomics, Second edition, London:

Varian, Hal (1992), Microeconomic Analysis, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.,
New York.


Check Your Progress 1
1) Hint: Set up the Lagrange function and solve the first order condition,
assuming interior solution exists.

L = q1δ 1.q 2δ 2 +λ(y-p1q1-p2q2)

Check Your Progress 2 Recent Development of
Demand Theory
1) Hint: The Lagrange function of the problem is
L = x10.5 x20.5+λ[(1000-x1)-(1/1.5)x2].
The first-order conditions are
0.5x1-0.5x20.5-λ=0 – (a)
0.5x10.5x2-0.5-(1/1.5)λ=0 – (b)
1000-x1=(1/1.5)x2 – (c)
Dividing equation (a) by (b) we get
x2/x1 = 1.5 – (d)
Solving equation (c) and (d) we get the optimum consumption
x1*=500 and x2*=750
Check Your Progress 3
1) See Section 3.5
Check Your Progress 4
1) See Section 3.6 Case 1
2) See Section 3.6 Case 3
3) See Section 3.6 Case 2
Check Your Progress 5
1) See Section 3.7


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