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MONDAY 15 APRIL 2019 Forecast: Increasing cloudiness Temp: Max.39C. Min.27°C. Humidity: 23% Sunrise: 06:00 Sunset: 06:32
H Simultaneously published from Hyderabad | Warangal | Tirupati | Amaravati | Visakhapatnam | Khammam | Kurnool | Delhi H
Jet pilots to stop flying from today ing by making them to work
without renewing Iqama. Ac-
cording to reports, the
New Delhi: More than a thousand Jet Air- So, we have decided to go ahead with our labourers stranded are from
ways pilots will strike work from 10 am on call of no-flying from April 15," said a person Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya
Monday to protest unpaid salaries and un- with the National Aviator's Guild, the union Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Kar-
certainty about their jobs. The carrier, sad- of Jet employees. Jet pilots, engineers and nataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu,
dled with more than $1.2 billion of debt, senior managers have not been paid since Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and
has had to ground more than 80 per cent January. Other employees have not got Telangana. The validity of
of its fleet over unpaid dues to leasing com- their March salary. On Friday, hundreds health cards has also expired
panies, pushing it to the brink of shutdown of Jet’s employees marched from the airport leading to several problems.
and jeopardising hopes of attracting a new to the airline’s headquarters in Mumbai R Ratnam (46), hailing from
investor. "As on today, we have not been to seek clarity on whether they will get Chennai, died due to lack of
paid for nearly three-and-a-half months paid soon and if their jobs will be secure proper medical help.
and we don't know when we will be paid. over the coming months. Con�nued on Page 12
ka Saath, Sab ka Vikaas’, as his rule only seems to be
helping the Bada Babus while the poor farmers, arti-
sans and small traders and vendors continue to suffer
stitution, we also gave ourselves an internal sover-
eignty. Internal sovereignty relates to internal and
domestic affairs, and is divided into three organs,
C hristians across the
country celebrated
Palm Sunday to mark the
in this country. It is, indeed, a way of life, which recog- namely, the executive, the legislature, the judiciary. beginning of the Holy Week,
not be divorced from liberty. Nor can liberty and equal- diciary which comes to our rescue at all times, we are Chennai celebrated the day
ity be divorced from fraternity. Without equality, lib- able to retain semblance of Independence so far. Let with Mass, carrying palm
erty would produce the supremacy of the few over the us remember that our preamble has been amended fronds and flowers in com-
many. Equality without liberty would kill individual only once so far. On 18 December 1976, during the memoration of Christ's ar-
THE WAY AHEAD he victory of Palm Sunday marks the start of Holy Week and the last week of
NDA in the the 40 days of Lent and is one of the most important feast days for
2014 elec- Christians around the world.
tions was built on Palm Sunday falls the week before Easter, which is on April 21.
the grounds of cor- The final few days of the Holy Week includes few other crucial days -
ruption, policy Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.
paralysis and eco- While o�ering prayers, the faithful hold palm leaves, which is con-
nomic growth. sidered to symbolise the victory of the good over the evil, symbol of
Dr Bharat Caste- and religious victory, triumph, peace, and eternal life. Palm Sunday and the period
Jhunjhunwala divisions were on preceding Easter (Lent) is the most sacred time of the year for Chris-
the backfoot. The tians. They devote their time in fasting and penitence in commemo-
last five years have seen a dramatic turn- ration of Christ's 40- day fast in the desert.
around. Religious issues such as cow pro- The Holy Week will come to an end on Easter Sunday that falls
tection and Ram Temple are to the fore. after Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
The juxtaposition of Ali and Bajrang Bali
sions. Secularism suggests that religions standing of the Holy Person. ������������������������������������������������������� he rise of the Chinese short video-sharing app TikTok in India
must coexist peacefully. It is built on the Then there is a long gap of time between ���������������������������������������������������� has been so spectacular over the past year that it is now nearly
assumption that the religions are di�erent the words spoken by the Holy Person and impossible for any social media user to not have come across its con-
— maybe even opposed to each other. The that the words that are available to us. For ������������������������������������������������������� tent.
premise is that the One God has given dif- example, the life and sayings of Rama took These user-created videos that often contain memes, lip-syncing
ferent messages to di�erent religions. That place at approximately 2100 BC but the ��������������������������������������������������������� songs and sometimes sleazy posts regularly find ways to other popular
raises the question “Which is the true mes- writing of the Valmiki Ramayana that took �������������������������������������������������������� social media sites including Facebook, WhatsApp and ShareChat.
sage?” A contest takes place between “my place at approximately 300 BC. For 1,800 These are the platforms where most adult social media users are now
message” and “your message.” This causes years the story of Rama was transmitted ��������������������������������������������������������� getting introduced to TikTok.
emotional rift. The fact that all the three orally. Likewise, Moses was given the com- For the young generation though, especially the teenagers and
major religions in our country — Hindu, mandments by God around 1500 BC. The
��������������������������������������������������������� even younger kids, the app needs no introduction. In fact, according
Islam and Christianity — proclaim that Jews invaded and lived in Palestine there- ������������������������������������������������������� to a new report from mobile app intelligence firm Sensor Tower, out
there is only One God is pushed to the after. Later they were enslaved and taken of the 18.8 crore new users that TikTok added globally in the first
background. to Babylon. Saint Ezra brought the sayings ����������������������������������������������������������� quarter of 2019, 8.86 crore were from India. Globally, TikTok has far
The Isavasya Upanishad states that all of Moses from Babylon to Palestine around crossed 1.1 billion installs and in the first quarter of 2019, it emerged
that exists is Brahman. There is nothing 600 BC. This was followed by a long period
������������������������������������������������������������ as the third most installed app in the world, ranking behind only
other than Brahman. The Bible states at of oral and written transmission. The ear- ����������������������� Facebook's WhatsApp and Messenger at No. 1 and No. 2, respectively,
Isaiah 44.6: “I am the first and I am the last liest written text of the Bible available to the analysis showed. But how do you explain the dramatic rise of this
and there is no God other than Me.” The us is the Aleppo Codex dating to about 900 man as ‘sit on a computer and launch a pa- istence of One God. It follows that the mes- app owned by Chinese tech company ByteDance?
Quran says at Sura 6: “There is only One AD. So, about 2,400 years passed between triot missile.’ Lastly the meaning of the sage also has to be One. The task before us “The rise of TikTok (formerly Musical.ly), highlights where the fu-
Allah. There is none equal to Him.” We are the giving of the commandments by God words expressed by the Holy Person is de- is to rediscover that One message. This is ture of the Internet in India is: video,” leading tech policy and media
fighting amongst ourselves despite believ- to Moses and they being written as avail- rived by the present religious leaders. possible only if all religions accept that consultant Prasanto K Roy said. “Of the 500 million smartphone and
ing in the same One God. able to us. The situation of the Quran is Whether ‘wage war’ should be understood there is a gap between the word of God as mobile broadband users in India, well over 300 million consume pre-
The true nature of God has not been re- better but su�ers from the same problems, as waging war against non-believers or originally revealed; and as available in their dominantly or only video. And as we get the next 200 million online
solved satisfactorily yet. However, there nevertheless. The Quran was revealed by against other believing religions is, there- texts. A dialogue between religions with by 2020, the video-only share will rise to over 70 per cent,” he added,
appears to exist an agreement that God is Prophet Mohammed when he went into a fore, decided by the living religious leaders. such underlying flexibility alone will help indicating the potential for further growth of video sharing apps in
not a person like us with a physical body, a trance. The words uttered by him in trance God’s inspiration is consistent with both us reach the true message of the One God. the country. So far, the big drivers of Internet adoption in India have
mouth and a voice. So how does God con- were confirmed by the Prophet later. How- the interpretations. The present model of secularism does been WhatsApp, Messenger and Facebook, with additional help from
vey His message? It appears that great per- ever, about a hundred years later, there As a result, none of the religions as not rise to the occasion. It accepts that One shopping and taxi apps, and some streaming services such as Hotstar.
sons like Krishna, Moses and Mohammed arose questions about what exactly was known to us today may have the true word God has given di�erent messages. It only Another reason for its growth is that the app allows people to express
were able to establish contact with God. truly revealed. At this time Caliph Uthman of God as it was revealed. They are like the seeks to establish worldly coexistence be- themselves even if they do not have the gift of the gab. So, anyone
God gave them certain inspirations or di- took upon himself the responsibility of blind men describing the elephant. One tween people believing in di�erent mes- who feel a little ostracised in platforms such as Facebook and Twitter
rections which they expressed in words as compiling the true Quran. He ordered all says the elephant is like a pillar, another sages. It is like asking the cat and the dog may find solace on TikTok.
per their understanding. Then these words other copies of Quran to be burnt. That says it is like a fan and third says it is like a to live together. However, the growth of TikTok has not been without its share of
were transmitted orally for long periods means that there existed other dissenting broom. All are correct yet incorrect. Yet The present elections regress from this controversies. Hearing a petition filed by an advocate, the Madras
before they were written down. The mes- versions. The Quran available to us is the they all are divine. The proof is that they noble path. People have once again been High Court earlier this month asked the Centre to ban the app, saying
sage went through a long journey in reach- one that was organised by the Caliph as per have provided succor to large numbers of captivated by divisions based on religion. it "encourages pornography" and is spoiling the future of youths and
ing to us. First, the divine inspiration given his understanding. Then, the words were people over millenniums. Secularism has already failed. The way for- the minds of children.
by God was expressed in words. For exam- chosen by the Holy Person to express the The divisions between the religions we ward is for the true believers of di�erent
ple, God may inspire a Holy Person (such inspiration in words. For example, it could see today may be more due to the errors in religions to come together and arrive at a
as Moses, Krishna or Mohammed) to wage
war. Now whether the ‘war’ means spiritual
be expressed by tribal leaders as ‘Take bow
and arrow and attack.’ The same inspira-
understanding the Word of God that have
entered in course of the long periods of
common Word of God.
Author was formerly Professor of Artificial limbs change lives for
wounded Gaza protesters
war, intellectual war or physical war would tion could be expressed by a modern army transmission. All religions proclaim the ex- Economics at IIM Bengaluru
Are we, humans, brain puppets?
alking up and down
stairs at a Gaza medical
centre, Palestinian amputees
are learning to use their new
artificial limbs after being
wounded by Israeli fire at bor-
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������
When I am trading
poorly, I keep HYDERABAD MONDAY 15 APRIL 2019
reducing my position
size. That way, I will
be trading my smallest
position size when my Stocks.MFs.Bonds.Commodities
trading is worst
-Paul Tudor Jones
issue would not have been subscribed if HFCL had not given any such se- is a direct correlation to the in-
curity towards the loan taken by Roker. While the proceedings were hen we talk about mu- 50 per cent of the en�re terest rate cycle of the market.
pending, Maloo filed an applica�on under se�lement mechanism and tual funds (MF) in- However, other factors of default,
proposed to pay Rs 1.36 crore without admission or denying of guilt. vestors typically associ- Assets Under Management liquidity, etc. also govern the de-
ate them with equity-oriented (AUM) by the mutual fund mand and thus the bond prices.
schemes which are also popular industry. These have So, the risks associated with
5% Jet stake pledged with SBICap for their ability to generate higher
remained out of the debt MF investments are liquidity
returns over a period of time. But, (when a particular corporate or
M ore than 5 per cent stake of cash-strapped Jet Airways has been
pledged with SBICap Trustee Company, according to a regulatory
filing. Lenders have taken control of the full-service carrier, which has a
there are lesser popular but e�-
cient cousins in the form of debt
mutual funds. These have re-
limelight purely because
corporates have been
institution undergoes credit
crunch or debt servicing issues),
default (solvency of a corporate
debt burden of more than Rs 8,000 crore. As per the filing made on Fri- mained out of the limelight in both the biggest contributors to or institution which has borrowed
day, 5.19 per cent stake or 58,95,704 shares of the airline were pledged
with SBICap Trustee Company on April 11. The disclosure by SBICap
the investor minds and media alike
purely because corporates have
the assets under these the money), rating (provided by
independent agencies considering
Trustee was submi�ed by Jet Airways to the BSE. Specific details about been the biggest contributors to categories their cashflows, profitability, assets
the pledging of shares could not be immediately ascertained. Jet Air- the assets under these categories. and servicing capacity) and inter-
ways founder Naresh Goyal has pledged 26 per cent stake in the ailing Debt MFs form over 50 per cent for an interest. This interest is ified interval. The di�erence here a FD could at best be acted as a est rate regime (which is primarily
airline as security for loans from Punjab Na�onal Bank, a regulatory fil- of the entire Assets Under Man- passed on to the unit holders and is that these are governments collateral, the bond while trading market driven but partly central
ing said last week. Last month, Goyal and his wife Anita Goyal quit the agement (AUM) by the mutual thus becomes the return for the (state/central), local bodies (mu- could give an additional gain de- bank controlled).
board of the cash-strapped carrier as part of a debt resolu�on plan. fund industry as per the Associa- investors of these funds. The in- nicipalities), larger corporates or pending upon the demand for Depending upon liquidity, safe-
tion of Mutual Fund in India struments these funds include institutions that borrow larger them by market participants. ty or return requirements, in-
(AMFI) data as on December 31, bonds (of government or quasi- sums of money while the interest These gains when traded are also vestors could opt for MFs which
New audit guidelines for AMCs, MFs on anvil 2018. More than, 70 per cent of government) certificate of deposits paid is dependent upon their re- accrued to the MF unitholders cater to these situations like ul-
the contribution remains by the (CD), commercial paper (CP), Gilts payment capacity, demand for their apart from the interest the bonds tra-short to short term funds, liq-
M arkets regulator Sebi last week came out with revised guidelines
for system audit to be conducted by mutual funds and asset man-
agement companies (AMCs). The guidelines come a�er "considering the
corporates while retail investors
form very negligible contributors
to this AUM. Now, does it reflect
and lending instruments to other
institutions, etc.
Bonds are nothing but instru-
bonds, and time period etc.
Debt MFs invest in these kinds
of bond depending upon the fund
But, the flipside of this is that,
when the bond loses sheen or de-
uid funds on one extreme to long-
term debt and Gilt funds on the
other extreme with bond funds,
importance of system audit in technology driven asset management ac- just the lack of awareness or the ments which clearly mention objective that ensures the liquidity, mand in the market then it would credit opportunities and dynamic
�vity and to enhance and standardise the system audit", Sebi said in a actual utility in these categories agreement between the borrower risk and timelines. So, the type of attract lesser players or no players bond funds in between. The risk
circular. Besides, mutual funds (MFs)/ AMCs have been directed to con- would be dwelled in this article. and lender, the exact amount, the instrument a particular fund in- which would bring the price of to reward in each of these funds
s�tute a technology commi�ee entrusted with the task of reviewing the Debt MF are a category of funds consideration for lending and the vests depends upon its objective the bond and when a fund sells at vary and investment returns are
cyber security and cyber resilience framework for MFs and AMCs, Sebi that generate returns by investing time period at which these are ma- which should be a prime or of a lower valuation, the fund and subjected to debt taxation for the
said in a separate circular. Sebi said the commi�ee will comprise experts the money in bonds and/or de- tured or expired. Here, consider- most importance for the investor thus their unitholders incur loss investors.
proficient in technology with at least one independent external expert posits of various forms. In simple ation is the interest that is paid at to look for. Going further into ex- to that extent. Though, a lower
with adequate experience in the area of technology in MF industry or terms, they generate income from a periodicity. These are similar to planation, these bonds and most valuation if not sold would still (The author is a co-founder of
BFSI, it added. The regulator has asked MFs and AMCs to conduct sys- by lending for a particular period the deposits in a bank or post o�ce of the other debt instruments the pull down the overall valuation “Wealocity”, a wealth manage-
tem audit on an annual basis by an eligible independent auditor. of time to certain entities usually where an individual puts in money MFs invest are tradable unlike the of the fund, would continue to ment firm and could be reached at
institutions, corporate bodies, etc. and earns a rate of interest at spec- FDs individuals invest in. Though earn the interest income. The [email protected])
F luctuation in price of a
stock is a common phe-
nomenon. This fluctuation
the price is moving
upwards or
formance of banking stocks.
All of the above are indicative
of cyclical changes.
L ast week, Indian stock
markets traded in a nar-
row range. The BSE Sensex
up on Friday.
Stochastic oscil-
lator came down to 65 range.
can be in an uptrend or down- downwards, what Whenever there is a cor- declined by 402 points and With these signs, there are
trend. Whenever there is a he needs to see is rection in stock it could be a the Nifty fell by 21.75 points indications that the market
change in price it is not a the change in cycle price wise correction and time in last five trading sessions. is weakening. But there is no
change in trend or cycle, but of a price rather wise correction. When a The other major index, Bank confirmation for bearishness.
it is a correction. Change in than the movement change in price is in a range Nifty, declined by 146 points. As the market is consolidating
trend of a cycle is often con- of the price for certain period, it is called The broader indices, Nifty within range for the last week,
fused with correction. The time wise correction. When Midcap-100 index, fell 0.45 let us wait for the range to
price movement could be in whether the price is moving a huge demand for IT sector a stock is in correction, it does per cent, but Nifty Smallcap break. As long as markets re-
an upward trend but still there upwards or downwards what and the stocks of this sector not fall below its previous low. index rose by 54 points. Once main within the range, there
would be a fall in price which he needs to see is the change were very much in demand This is one factor which is in- again, a crisis of fixed maturity will not be clear trading op-
is aptly termed as correction. in cycle of a price rather than and the prices rose very dicative of time wise correc- plans redemption postpone- week. Even for the next week channel for two days. On Fri- portunities. But once it breaks
Correction is a part of the the movement of the price. sharply. Several companies tion. In price wise correction ment dampened the investor's also, it acts as a point of con- day once again, it closed above the range, the sharper move
price movement. To understand this concept from the United States pre- we would notice a sharp fall sentiment. The first phase of trol for the bulls. As long as the channel resistance. This can be seen either side of the
Before buying a stock, we more aptly let us consider an ferred outsourcing and there in the movement of a price. parliamentary elections was Nifty trades above this level, price action gives scepticism direction. Fundamentally,
need to know whether it is in example. If we consider was a huge rise in call centres When there is a change in over and the next phase of traders will not get a good on future up move. Even the Nifty Price to Earning ratio
uptrend or downtrend. A trad- weather conditions, we have giving opportunity for many the trend of a stock and the election is due next week. shorting opportunity. At the derivative segment is suggest- still above 29 which in over-
er needs to identify whether seasons like summer, rainy youngsters to find new jobs. price continuously falls very Technically, Nifty’s long- same time, 11710 will act as a ing that 11,700-11,500 range value and bubble zone. Q4 re-
the change in price is a cor- season and winter. There may Such kind of changes a�ect sharply then it is price wise legged doji in last week got critical resistance for next will continue for some more sults began on Friday with the
rection or a change in cycle. be unseasonal rains in sum- the sectoral indices. Later correction. confirmation as it ended be- week. Between these two lev- days. Either side of the break- mixed performance of two IT
Trending stock has cyclical mer but that does not imply there was a boom for real es- Thus, by di�erentiating be- low the doji close. It actually els, the market tries to con- out will lead the sharper majors. Next week, some Nifty
changes. Every fall in price is the onset of monsoon. The tate. After that various scams tween correction and cycle formed a lower low and lower solidate and trading oppor- move. The negative diver- companies will announce re-
not indicative of trend rever- unseasonal rain may be con- related to banks were exposed we can sell the right stocks high on a weekly chart, which tunities elude in the index. gence in indicators continues. sults. The market may witness
sal. It is very important for a sidered as a correction and and we have seen merging of and enter or exit at the right reveals that the sign of the The volumes have decreased Friday’s move has not helped knee-jerk reactions to finan-
trader to understand trending the change in season is a cycle. many banks. Small banks points and earn profits. upward momentum is clearly last week with negative ad- the indicators to turn positive. cial performance.
in short term. In a cyclical Similarly, every stock goes which were on the verge of waning and the bulls are tired. vance-decline ratio most of The RSI is still below 63,
change the speed and inten- through ups and downs and closure were taken over by (The author is As we discussed last week, the days. On a daily chart, the which is prior swing low and (The author is a financial
sity of price movement would there is a change in the cycle other banks. For example, a homemaker who the critical level 11,560 for breakout of the upward chan- confirmation point for the journalist and technical
be very di�erent. for various other reasons. merging of State Banks with dabbles in stock market the week was broken for a nel did not sustain for many negative divergence. The analyst. He can be reached at
If a trader is willing to know Few years back there was State Bank of India. To a cer- investments in free time) very short period during the days and closed within the MACD histogram is increas- [email protected])
Modi government has achieved 'major successes' in social sector Foreign investors have pumped in a net sum of Rs 11,096 crore into the In- Luxury sports car maker Porsche is targeting additional
programmes like Ayushman Bharat, PM-Kisan and rural electrifica- dian capital markets in April so far, driven by global and domestic factors. volumes in India with an affordable version of its SUV
tion. Besides, this government has made an 'unprecedented Foreign portfolio investors (FPI) were net buyers for the previous two Macan which it aims to drive in the country over the
progress' in tackling corruption. The three major areas of initiatives months as well, infusing a net sum of Rs 11,182 crore in February and Rs next few months. The company plans to bring in two
are implementation of the GST, IBC and DBT. 45,981 crore in March. Prior to that, FPIs had pulled out a net Rs 5,360 crore variants of the next generation Macan to the country, with the entry-level trim
– Former Niti Aayog vice chairman Arvind Panagariya from the capital markets (both equity and debt) in January expected to attract newer set of customers to its fold with a lower price tag
thehansindia @thehansindiaweb
Aspiring youngsters get tips for success Girl from Naxal-hit dist scores
12th rank in Civil Services
New Delhi: A 25-year-old People there lack basic fa-
Knowledge session for over 300 students on understanding unlimited possibilities in various career streams woman from Chhattisgarh's cility like education. I want to
Dantewada district, one of the serve the people of my state,”
S ‘All they need is clarity, that gave students and parents a worst-hit Naxal regions in the said Jain, who is hopeful of
an opportunity and the whole new dimension and clar- country, has got the 12th rank getting Indian Administartive
ity on world education. in the civil services exam, the Service (IAS) this time. She
right path and guidance Speaking on the occasion result of which was declared said bringing development to
towards success and this is Pooja Mitra, Director Edmap- recently by the Union Public Dantewada could be the best
what Edmappers is all pers said, “the world of learning Service Commission (UPSC). way to check naxalism there.
about. We handhold, map and opportunities for millenni- Namrata Jain, who hails While her father is a local
and guide every student als has opened up extensively from Geedam town in Dan- businessman, mother is a
and students and working tewada, ranked 99th housewife and her
to achieve their career youngsters have unlimited op- in the 2016 civil brother aspires to
goals by guiding them to tions to reach their goals. services exam. become a char-
the right universi�es with All they need is clarity, an op- She got Indian tered account-
mul�ple benefits’ portunity and the right path and Police Service ant. She stud-
guidance towards success and and is under- ied till Class
HANS NEWS SERVICE this is what Edmappers is all going train- 10 in Dante-
about. We handhold, map and ing at Sardar wada. There-
Hyderabad: The first edition of guide every student to achieve Vallabhbhai after, she
Edgespire, organised by Edmap- their career goals by guiding Patel Na- went to Bhilai
pers, a education mapping and them to the right universities tional Police in Chhattis-
advisory organisation, on Satur- with multiple benefits”. Academy, Hy- gharh where she
day. The conclave, Edgespire The highlight of the evening derabad. “I al- completed Bache-
provides a guiding platform for was a design challenge contest, ways wanted to be a Namrata Jain lor of Engineering.
the aspiring students and young- offered to students from leading collector. When I was in The result of civil services
sters with the various opportu- brands like ARL Tyres, Centro, Class 8, a woman officer had examination 2018 was de-
nities accessible in different PMJ Jewels and Wink. Over 250 come to my school. Later I clared on April 5. A total of
streams in today’s competitive bilities, the experience for the be creative, innovative and if zon , Arun Pillai-Director students got the opportunity to was told she was the collector. 759 candidates were recom-
world. students through Edgespire they are looking to do something KPMG, Venket Ram- Celebrity design for these brands and I was quiet impressed by her. mended for different govern-
Dr S K Joshi, Chief Secretary, would open new opportunities creative and have any innovative Photographer , Prof Hariharan- would be getting awards and At that time only, I had de- ment services. Kanishak
Govt of Telangana and Jayesh for the students”. Said Dr S K plan or start-up idea, he will help Film Maker , Nischal. Shantanu credits to enhance their profiles. cided to become a collector,” Kataria, a B.Tech from IIT
Ranjan, Principal Secretary IT Joshi them anytime. Chaudhari- Past Chairman IIID, The Government of Telangana Jain told PTI over phone Bombay, has topped the civil
and Commerce, Government of “He never forces his daughter The panel included an array of who gave great insights and an and leading multinational com- from Hyderabad. She said a services examination 2018.
Telangana inaugurated the ses- to score big and great marks, he prominent personalities from inspiring knowledge session to pany Karvy too were offering Naxal-triggered blast that hit The civil services examina-
sion. The conclave brought the mentioned the way the start-ups different walks of lives like over 300 students on under- various internship opportuni- the police station in her town tion is conducted annually by
finest expertise from the indus- are changing the life around, in Khurshed Batliwala from The standing unlimited possibilities ties. a long time ago encouraged the UPSC in three stages --
try to address the students offer- last 10 years start-ups has got a Art of Living, Kanthi Suresh- Ed- in various career streams. The speakers with their im- her to join the civil services to preliminary, main and inter-
ing guidance and knowledge to tremendous change in our day- itor Power Sports, famous In- Additionally, ISDI Parsons mense experience and learning serve the poor and bring de- view -- to select officers for
reach their goals and lead a suc- to-day life through their innova- dian Textile artist, Gaurang and Institute of Marangoni Mi- brought only enlightenment and velopment to the Maoist-af- Indian Administrative Serv-
cessful life. tions in technology. Said Jayesh Shah, Dhatri Bhatt- Communi- lan were a part of this seminar complete clarity to open up fected area. “The place I come ice , Indian Foreign Service
“Every child has tremendous Ranjan cations Head H&M India, Deepti to impart thoughtful advice with more windows of wisdom and from is badly affected by nax- (IFS) and Indian Police Serv-
potential and unlimited possi- He further asked students to Varma- Country HR Head Ama- a special master class session opportunities. alism. ice among others.
Hyderabad: Telangana's B V
Raju Institute of Technology
(BVRIT), established by the
eminent philanthropist (Late)
Padmabhushan Dr B V Raju
under the aegis of Sri Vishnu
This Hyd social entrepreneur is using big data to change farmers’ lives
MOHAMMED SHAFEEQ access real-time and dynamic in- ture." NaPanta, an incubatee of In-
‘The app, which provides all farming-related formation pertaining to daily With agriculture extension of- ternational Crops Research In-
Hyderabad: At a time of wide- market prices of 300 agri-com- ficers of the government more fo- stitute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
spread agricultural distress information and communication in Telugu modities across over 3,500 mar- cused on clerical related activities (ICRISAT) also gets the insti-
caused by successive droughts, on a single platform, is significantly reduc- kets, along with three-year price rather than extending actual help, tute's help in business activity,
unremunerative farming and trend. he believes there is a huge gap be- reaching the farmers and engage-
debt-trapped rural economies, a ing the time and cost of cultivation for a Currently available in Telugu tween farmers and the govern- ment with agri-input companies.
young man with his mobile app and English, NaPanta App pro- ment initiated activity. The startup, which can sustain
is showing how change can be farmer in real time. I am confident that if vides complete pest and disease "Farming is not depending on for next six months on its own, is
brought in the life of farmers at farmers follow my platform, they will be management details, covering 90 a single advisory. It is a combina- receiving proposals from di�er-
the grassroot level. crops and with suggestions about tion of various services. We iden- ent investment companies and
In 2016, V Naveen Kumar, who able to save 20 per cent on expenditure and 3,000 pesticide products. tified all that a farmer needs in Naveen says he will go with who-
had no personal knowledge of get 10 per cent extra yield. We can make 30 Naveen Kumar, who earlier day-to-day life and ensured that ever is close to his idea.
agriculture, was so moved by the worked as a Credit Relationship he has easy access to the advisory With huge amount of data be-
suicide of a farmer in a village in per cent difference’ V Naveen Kumar Manager in ICICI Bank and later so that whenever he gets a doubt, ing generated on the digital plat-
his native Warangal district of as Credit Risk Manager with he can get it cleared then and form, Naveen embarked on build-
Telangana that for the next three the way they practice agriculture. able to save 20 per cent on expen- hensive agri eco-system. HDFC Bank before co-founding there," he said. ing big-data architecture with
months he ran around like a man NaPanta, which was started in diture and get 10 per cent extra The app has tools like crop ex- apnaloanbazaar.com, a retail loan Naveen said several states in- crowd-sourcing information. It is
possessed, meeting farmers to June 2017, saw, surprisingly, yield. We can make 30 per cent penditure (which helps farmers distribution services portal, says cluding Maharashtra and Tamil building database with informa-
understand their problems. He thousands of farmers download di�erence," V Naveen Kumar, track their expenses in an organ- he is trying to build core compe- Nadu were showing interest in tion on major crops in a particu-
interacted with agri-entrepre- the app. The launch of the pocket- Founder and Managing Director, ized manner), crop protection, tence among the farmers. the platform. The app will be lar area, major insects which af-
neurs and other stakeholders to friendly Reliance Jio and the NaPanta, told IANS. weekly agro advisory, agri forum, According to him, for all their available in Hindi and Tamil in fect a crop, cropping system,
find if there is a way he can bring boom in use of WhatsApp While the country has many market price, agri e-commerce, requirements, small and mar- June-July this year. "If every- sequential cropping model, pes-
some change in the lives of the fi- brought more people on the plat- apps to help farmers, there is no crop insurance, weather, food ginal farmers depend on third thing goes well in next 3 to 5 ticides and where the farmers sell
nancially besieged farmers. form. single app covering the entire processing technologies, and soil parties like distributors of the years, we will have our presence their produce.
Today, over 1.24 lakh farmers The app, which provides all gamut of agriculture activity testing information. companies. in 7-9 states," said Naveen, who He is confident that this data
in Telugu-speaking states of farming-related information and ranging from selection of crops A farmer can also buy or rent "With no knowledge of agricul- heads a five-member team. will be a goldmine in the coming
Telangana and Andhra Pradesh communication in Telugu on a to locate the market o�ering an agri-equipment as per the re- ture practices and requirements While the information on app years. "This kind of crowd-sourc-
use his mobile app NaPanta to single platform, is significantly highest price for their produce. quirements of his crop cycle and of a particular farmer, they try to will clear regular doubts of farm- ing information is not available
avail a host of services, all free of reducing the time and cost of cul- From advisory services and can also sell his produce for the push their products for some ex- ers, for specific doubts a farmer in the agriculture sector in India.
cost. And this MBA degree holder tivation for a farmer in real time. weather information to market highest price without any middle- tra profit and as a result the farm- can ask questions to a panel We are getting information from
is satisfied that he is contributing "I am confident that if farmers prices and e-commerce, the digi- man. ers either su�er crop losses or which includes agriculture scien- actual farmers and not third par-
his mite to bring some change in follow my platform, they will be tal platform o�ers the compre- The app also allows farmers to end up incurring huge expendi- tist and experts. ties."
Virat Kohli (Captain) Rohit Sharma (Vice-captain) Shikhar Dawan KL Rahul Mahendar Singh Dhoni Kedar Jadhav Hardik Pandya
Vijay Shankar Kuldeep Yadav Yujvendra Chahal Jasprit Bumrah Bhuvneshwar Kumar Mohammed Shami Ravindra Jadeja
� Crossword � Sudoku
Across 32 Chic (7) authorities (7)
3 Light beer (5) 34 Pertaining to sound repro- 14 An insect (3) SUDOKU
8 Punctuation mark ? (5) duction (5) 16 A burning vapor
10 Nary a soul (2,3) 35 "What ___ the odds?" (3) from a fire (5)
11 Impress greatly (3) 36 Ringo ___ of the Beatles (5) 17 Sphere of action (5)
12 Device activating 37 Austere (5) 19 Becomes fond of (5,2)
electric circuits (5) 38 Cleave (5) 20 Smart or Smiley (5)
13 Rebuffed, repulsed or
21 Inclined (5)
blackballed (7) Down
23 Discharge or produce eggs
15 Criminal gang for 1 Robes or fancy dresses
from an ovary (7)
Italian-American origin (5) worn by women (5)
18 Small carpet (3) 24 Modest, prim, coy (6)
2 An uncultured person (7)
19 Bank's cashier ? (6) 4 Elderly (4) 25 Pankaj or Ambar of
21 Rational (7) 5 Glasslike opaque and Indian cricket (3)
22 Increased in size (4) ornamental coating ? (6) 27 The main artery
23 A prophetic sign (4) 6 Regal; fit for a monarch (5) from the heart (5)
24 Earn or merit (7) 7 Popular musical about 28 Lacrimal secretions (5)
26 Port in W France (6) girl orphan (5) 30 Consumers (5)
29 Former France coin (3) 9 Bud's comedy sidekick (3) 32 A trigonometric function (4)
31 Emblem (5) 12 Governments or 33 Levin or Gershwin (3)
c h i n g
Mariya he one day ‘IPTTA-
k on t e a make every class in-
ainting glass and turning it Fest - 6’,hosted by
A b o o s for
teresting to the kid.
into a successful business; makes IPTTA - Integrated
s k i l l With today’s chil-
that is unique in its own way. Preschool Teachers Training
d b u i l d ing s dren being over-
Maria Kanchwala the lady who has remarkable Academy, was inaugurated by an e a c h e r loaded with digi-
always been artistic in her thoughts art and Dr Reeta Sonawat, former
c o m i n gt tal inputs, for
and her ways, does glass painting,
paints it on Dean of Faculty, SNDT the up c h e d them to feel and
and has a store named ‘Glass Ar- Women’s University, Mumbai
l a u n touch things will
cade’in Gachibowli, Hyderabad glass; this and torchbearer of Early Child make lot of di�erence
from where she sells her works. Education in India an Nandita and that’s what teaching aids do.
She shares her story of how she self-taught Raj, at State Gallery of Fine to make it a part More than 700 teachers are vis-
began to paint, “It was over 20 years ar�st Arts, Madhapur. Guest of Ho- of early childhood teachers iting this exhibition from across
from now, in the year, 1993, I used nour Sultana Moidu, a training and also to make every the city and neighborhood, to
to do single hand painting on the successfully renowned early childhood teacher have a handy manual on learn and share their knowledge,
glass. My husband has had a glass runs an education expert; Sonal An- the same to stimulate their cre- to evolve innovative and best
store, and during the time, many drews, Director, IPTTA; ativity and making learning the practices in Early Child Educa-
new things were entering the mar-
exclusive school principals, teachers fun experience for the child. tion area. This exhibition was an
ket and so I thought of doing some- store of of various schools and in- Speaking on the occasion, Dr excellent opportunity for those
thing on my own. Everybody con- quisitive parents were Reeta Sonawat said, “Teaching in teaching profession and par-
sidered me artistic so I started
glass present on the occasion. aids are the backbone to learn- ents to see innovative and origi-
doing glass painting and then slowly pain�ngs This event also coin- ing, they help learn a subject in nal methods of imparting knowl-
started to sell my glass paintings. I cided with a Book depth. The learning of the child edge, while being able to grab the
was always backstage and never launch – “All about is based on the way they see and attention and get the child inter-
to a new high
which, I cut and mould the colour.” of teaching aids to and making him comprehend and create interest towards
Every artist or a business woman be employed and easily.” learning in the young minds.
has been through a lot of challenges can be created in Creating a platform for teach- IPTTA-Fest is a unique plat-
to reach certain level and so did this the Early Child- ers at Pre-primary and Primary form for aspiring pre-primary
glass artist. “I had a small baby
when I started doing this work. I
never had the idea of business, my
father had a soft drink company. of the others employ- tory.” morning and then get my
Suddenly out of ees that I happen to Taking about a day to complete son ready for school and
nowhere I work along with me, paintings on two glass she defi- after school my mother- in
stepped I always found my nitely impresses people, “It all de- law would take care of him.
into the work to be more sat- pends on the size of the grass My work starts around 12
glass busi- isfac- when it about the number of noon and continues it till
ness to do glasses that I could paint, midnight,”
something. I after the paint is done it Simple and precise works is
started also depends on the what most of the customers
working weather conditions for the prefer, “In some cases people
from home painting to dry.” prefer jazzy stuff with the tex-
initially and Studying in a convent in ture works. The paintings are
then put up a Gujarat and eventually mostly done on toughened
workshop. finding her talent in glass,” she adds.
There were painting and dabbling in As she juggles between her mul-
challenges the not so commonly tiple roles as a mother, home- Students presen�ng
when customer done art gives her maker, artist and entrepreneur, she a skit at the one day
wanted certain tremendous satisfac- continues to plan her passion, she IPTTA Fest
colours and few tion. About managing shares, “I am concentrating on 3
requested it to her professional and D paintings which would level to learn and share innova- and primary teachers studying
be without personal life she look pretty good on hood tive methods of teaching, Sonal at IPTTA to showcase their tal-
colours and I shares, “It was a tough the glass.” Class- Ravi Andrews said, “IPTTA’s ob- ent and knowledge acquired
kept learning. I job, I used to com- rooms. More jective is to make class room from the year long diploma pro-
used to ask the plete my household than 80 teaching aids learning for pre-primary school gram. Around thirty partici-
customers which works in the can be made by referring to the children, interesting and teach- pants were exhibiting their
colours they did book. The book also illustrates ing aids are the foundation for a works which were innovative,
not like and then outcomes, objectives and scopes good learning. Every year IPTTA easy to comprehend for child
arrived at the right of each kind of aid. The main ob- Fest, brings more than a hundred and could be replicated conve-
ones to work on the jective of publishing the book is teaching aids on one theme, to niently in the classroom.”
glass.” Works of
lowing the path she made for her-
self made her a perfectionist in sleep will
r w
her work. “I never re- ensure that your body
ally liked any maintains a healthy weight
y h
work � Better appetite: Getting
90 per cent of at executive levels.
p t
e l
enough sleep improves the The survey also unveiled that
l e e a
body’s digestion process and around 44 per cent of women
S ood h
keeps it in a good working con- women leaders leaders claimed that companies
dition prefer hiring young women at
� Better memory: The better the don’t see executive positions. Around 29
t o
sleep the better recall power per cent of respondents said
Sound sleep
� Sleeping beauty: Good sleep is
the best beauty treatment for themselves that young women are only
hired for supportive roles, fol-
your skin lowed by 27 per cent of respon-
is the key to becoming CEO
How to get good sleep? dents who believed that they are
e all are aware of the ben- improve your � Take a warm bath: If you are hired for operational roles.
efits of sleep and for a
overall health
facing trouble to fall asleep, says a study “The findings of the survey
better physiological and warm water bath can be of reflect a positive trend for the
psychological health of your body help omen are shattering hiring of women at senior lead-
— sleep is the best treatment for and wellbeing � Stick to a routine: Maintain the glass ceiling across ership positions. Today, organi-
your overall well being. and follow a fixed daily sched- industries and are sations look for competencies
One of the recent studies has even be munching junk food) ule for sleeping proving their mettle in a male- that make a leader and are
shown that sleeps, besides keeping - It is always better to eat at � Stop worrying: Sleep is the dominated workforce. While therefore looking to eliminate
you healthy and fit, also im- least three hours be- best way to relax and burst there has been an increase in gender biases while hiring and
prove your productivity fore you go to bed your stress. Hence, when you the number of women at the ex- CEO of their company, when executive leadership positions. promotion. In the coming fu-
and e�ciency at � Late night are lying down on your bed, ecutive levels, only 10 per cent asked about the possibilities of Around 18 per cent of women ture, diversity will become a
work. We are living parties just forget about all your wor- of women leaders surveyed by this happening, only 10 per cent professionals said that their or- core focus area for organisa-
in a fast-paced � ries. TimesJobs are sure of becoming cited that they have a high prob- ganisations are not willing to tions as it is a key driver of per-
world where we Work life im- � Environment matters: It is im- CEOs in their career. ability of becoming the CEO. hire women at senior leadership formance for any organisation,”
boast about how balance or portant to keep a comfortable The survey titled ‘Women in About 44 per cent said that they positions. Of these, 60 per cent said Ramathreya Krishna-
we can strive and work pres- and cozy setting around your- Corporate Boardrooms’ was un- have a very marginal chance of cite that challenges like mar- murthi, business head,
survive with little sure self for a sound sleep. dertaken by 500 women leaders becoming a CEO. riage, maternity leaves, child- TimesJobs and TechGig.
or no sleep. On � � Soothing music helps: Playing and 1,000 women professionals Is gender diversity still a big birth, etc. are a primary reason Changing composition of
the other hand, Social media some of your favorite music across various industries. This concern at the executive level? to not hire them at senior levels. boardrooms
doctors say, this con- or internet ad- that’s soothing enough to put survey conducted to understand ‘Women in Corporate Board- Although, a majority (81 per Around 52 per cent of indus-
dition would harm- diction you to sleep is definitely a how corporates are gearing up rooms’ survey results reveal cent) of respondents revealed try leaders said that they have
fully a�ect health in the � Late night thing to do to promote women employees that companies are still appre- that their organisation encour- an equal number of men and
long run. We need to always re- texting and phone calls � Stay physically active: In order for executive roles. hensive about hiring women at ages hiring women employees women at the executive level.
member that it’s the body that � Too much alcohol consump- to get a good night’s sleep, you Career aspirations of working Despite the fact, 42 per cent of
analyses how much rest it needs tion need to be physically active women: Realistic or unrealistic respondents said that their ex-
and not us. Overburdening the Benefits of sleep: throughout the day. In addition, We asked women profession- � Only 10 per cent of sur- � Around 52 per cent of isting workforce at executive
Key Highlights:
body after a point will show the im- � Better immunity: Getting exercise and yoga are also als across industries if they veyed women leaders the industry leaders levels includes more men and
pact in the form of dark circles, fa- enough sleep will improve known to reduce the mental wanted to become the CEO of are sure of reaching the said that they have an lesser women.
tigue, irritability and lethargy. your overall health and immu- stress and help you unwind after their company? 71 per cent of CEO position in their ca- equal number of men As per 42 per cent of respon-
Therefore, eight hours of sleep is a nity work which aids sound sleep. respondents expressed their de- reer and women at the exec- dents, the healthcare sector has
must to keep your balance. � Enhanced mood: Having Even after practicing all of this, sire to become the CEO of their � More than 81 per cent of utive level the highest number of women
Reasons for sleep depriva�on: proper sleep always keep ups if you are still finding yourself fac- company, and only 29 per cent respondents revealed � Around 44 per cent of employees at the executive posi-
� Staying up too late - Watching the good mood ing di�culties to get a good sleep of respondents said that they that their organisation women leaders claimed tions. While the IT sector and
TV series or movies � Beats fatigue: A good sound then it is advisable to visit a general were not keen to become the aims to hire women em- that companies prefer BPO sector have the second and
� Drinking too much co�ee or sleep is always rejuvenating physician for a consultation. CEO of their existing company. ployees at executive lev- hiring young women at the third highest number of
tea and a great stress buster -Kanchan Naikawadi, Preven- Although, most respondents els executive positions women working at senior
� Eating late at night (it may � Balanced body weight: Better tive Healthcare Specialist expressed the desire to become positions
������������������������������� PERSPECTIVE 11
W CHANDRAKANTH Ganga which is well-nigh impossible because Remembering Raj, our lovely pet
keep dirtying the rivers and every water sources
peculation is primary to politics. Whether in the process of cleaning themselves.
such an exercise leads to a positive result Improvement also comes from jobs to the un- T K NANDANAN on time for his meal at my brother’s house. He
is again a matter of speculation. employed. Youth in Varanasi do not have jobs was never like other dogs cringing for their food.
Having said that, I must admit that I am not
sure whether AP Chief Minister N Chandrababu
Naidu has suggested to the AICC president
just as their counterparts elsewhere in the coun-
try. River navigation systems being developed
are long term plans and it takes time for the
I t was exactly 40 years ago the sad death of our
pet, Raj shocked us. He came to our house
when I was a toddler. He was a medium –sized
If he was to starve, he would starve.
And now well stricken by age, he would walk
wearily and unsteadily. My mother then used to
Rahul Gandhi (at the time of filing this report) youth to get employment. dog with thick hair all over his body and we looked intently look at him, “Raj, there is nobody here
that his sister Priyanka Vadra must be fielded One can always see people trying to cleanse after him like a member of our family. More than to bury you if you breathe out. Go away some-
from Varanasi. This speculation also got tagged the Ganges by making some water into it along 11 years he had been with us. As he became very where and get lost before you die here.” Taking
to NCP's Sharad Pawar. ����������������������������������������� the ghats despite community toilets being pro- old, life became hard for him. Still, one thing he pity on him, I used to quip, “Don’t say like that
Naidu himself did not say so during his inter- ���������������������������������������� vided near them. never failed to do was frequenting my elder mother; he is very weak because of old age. If he
action with the media, both vernacular and na- ��������������������������������������� Additionally, she could poke Modi with brother’s house which was a little more dies, we will somehow bury him.”
tional, after his meeting with the Election Com- ���������������������������������������� Rafale-Ambani connection to the latter's dis- than one furlong away from ours. Hearing this as if understood some-
mission of India, which he visited to complain comfort too. There was a small canal near our thing, Raj became so solemn and se-
against the alleged shabby manner in which the
���������������������������������������� But there would also be a sharper attack from house, which was to be crossed to rious and went back to the veranda
elections were held in AP, to both to the Lok ������������������������������������������ Modi on Vadra front. After all, Priyanka's full reach my brother’s house though to lie. That night Raj was seen try-
Sabha and the State Assembly. ������������������������������������ name is Priyanka Vadra and she keeps dropping there was a wide and round- ing to get down the veranda steps
If he had suggested so, Naidu may sooner or ��������������������������������������� him at the ED o�ce in Delhi and also pick him about way to reach his house. to go out. Then I helped him
later confirm the same. ������������������������������������������ up now and then. She also needs to disclose her The long veranda in the front come down and as he trudged
But, the idea of Priyanka taking on Narendra ���������������������������������������� assets as well as that of Robert Vadra, her hus- of the house was his favorite wearily along, I warned him not
Modi at Varanasi does not sound preposterous. ���������������������������������������� band and also that of her children. Will she be place to sleep on. We never tied to go out. Then, I went to the din-
In fact, it is quite interesting. Yes. Why not ���������������������������������� comfortable with it as all the figures would be him or put a belt on his neck with ing room to have my supper.
Priyanka? And this could also make her a com- talked about and the debate becomes more per- the intention of controlling him. Next morning when my mother
mon candidate of the entire anti-Modi Opposi- derground cabling work to the perishable cargo sonal. He was free to go out and come in got up to sweep the veranda, she could
tion. That is, if it is interested in really giving centre and trade facilitation centre, all in the Politically, will Sonia Gandhi be comfortable whenever he liked. He was more like a not see Raj. She searched everywhere and
Modi a fight is the million-dollar question. last four-and-a-half years. Modi's plan is to de- with Priyanka hogging all the limelight as her human being when scolded or chided at his told me about the missing of Raj. Suddenly, I
Modi secured 56 per cent vote in Varanasi the velop a Varanasi model over and above the Gu- taking on Modi in Varanasi means national and trespassing into the inner rooms of our house got up and went out to see him. No trace of Raj.
last time. Since then, he has relentlessly worked jarat model which has lost its sheen now, per- international media attention (to some extent). and he swiftly went out of the room with his head Even now it is a mystery of how he might have
to do wonders to Varanasi. The holiest of the In- haps. Secondly, if she outshines her brother - as usual hung in shame. He knew he was banned from en- met his end. Later, I met my elder brother and
dian towns which attracts international atten- Priyanka could, of course,always question the and e�ortlessly - as she always does, will her tering the inner rooms as we thought it might af- when enquired about Raj, brother told me he
tion too with its spiritual status has improved a developmental claims to say that the improve- mother be okay with her raised stature in the fect our health. Whenever hunger struck him had not seen Raj the previous day.
lot. But it is not glitz and glam yet. It is work in ment is only in bits and pieces. Potholes on roads party? hard, he would have a tendency to trespass. But So, we inferred that he had met his watery
progress in large parts. have only been covered up. Ghats have beenim- Sonia has all along been playing this balanc- even on our chiding, he would su�er his hunger death while crossing the flooded canal during
Babatpur-Varanasi Highway is a symbol of proved but not the hygiene. Should a Prime Min- ing act very e�ectively preventing Priyanka and would lie outside waiting inordinately for the high tide and the carcass might have gone
transformation nowadays for the believers. This ister belong to only his constituency while the from hogging more than necessary limelight our call for his share of food. floating to the big river during the ebb tide.
road is touted as the gateway to Varanasi, as it whole country is rotting, she might say. And of than her brother. The BJP will also question Raj used to have his supper invariably from my When I think about him now, tears well up in
connects Varanasi to the Lal Bahadur Shastri course, she could also ask Modi whether he could whether it was an attempt to garner Hindu elder brother’s house. Sometimes the canal would my eyes. How great was he? Even in his death,
International Airport, Babatpur. It showcases not get the black money hoarded in Swiss banks votes as Rahul Gandhi has filed his nomination be flooded on high tide but Raj braving himself he never disturbed us by leaving his carcass be-
the fast-emerging Brand Banaras to all those, as promised to transform the entire nation in from Wayanad too for an easy passage to the would venture in to the overflowing canal to reach hind.
including foreigners, who travel this road to the last five years. LS with the help of the IUML in Kerala.
reach Varanasi, locals in favour of Modi argue. Varanasi tops the developmental list of Modi What will the Opposition (the rest of it) do
Several other projects have also been started as heritage and spiritual city and Ganga Ma too in the event? Will they help Priyanka gain trac-
including two road projects with a total length needing attention. Hence, there is a grand vision tion through Varanasi fight? In the event of
of 34 kilometres at a cost of Rs 1,571.95 crore. to make all those sites and places attractive to Priyanka becoming a giant slayer, will not the
This is apart from Rs 2,413 crore worth infra- the tourists. But Varanasi is also a heritage city Congress get supremely strengthened to the visited the garden in 2013 and laid a wreath in
structure projects taking shape now. in the sense that it has an age-old tradition of detriment of the regional satraps? This too is memory of the dead and called the murders a
These include roads to sewage treatment open drains which regularly overflow in some all speculation. This is a long summer for all “deeply shameful event” but stopped short of a
plants to next generation infrastructure to trans- areas of the city, she could top up her argument. of us. A real long wait for the outcome of the full apology. Last Wednesday, Teresa May reiter-
port facilities, from the under-construction City People would also agree with her when she bitter fight for power amongst the political par- ated the UK government’s long-standing expres-
Convention Centre gifted by the Japanese pre- asks them whether Modi could convert the city ties! sion of ‘deep regret’ over the April 1919 massacre,
mier to Kashi to the city command and control into Kyoto of India with Japanese assistance. Speculation is good. After all, it keeps us calling it a ‘shameful scar’ on British Indian his-
centre for smooth tra�c management, from un- Primary to that promise would be cleansing of busy. If it turns out to be true, it is sweeter. tory. An apology is an act of contrition and draws
a line; it will not undo the hurt and pain, but it
7 killed in auto-lorry smash at Kodad KCR DOES QUIET Oppn firm on 50% VVPAT count
Kodad: Seven people were killed in a gruesome road accident
on Sunday at the Khammam crossroads in Kodad town on
Sunday. While five persons died on the spot, two others breathed Con�nued from page 1 Naidu questioned the ration- ECs’ condition for talks that the
their last on way to the hospital. The incident occurred, when Con�nued from page 1 lowed by Warangal and Karimnagar. He Naidu gave a power point pres- ality of the Centre in investing whistle-blower on EVM tamper-
a lorry rammed into an auto carrying devotees from a nearby “Were the EVM's were proper when said the people of Telangana would entation to reiterate replacement Rs 9,000 crore on VVPATs if only ing Hari Prasad should not attend
Ram temple. Three other injured were being treated at a Kham- he came into power in 2014? The com- never honour the BJP and they will not of the existing EVM election sys- one machine was to be counted. the meeting scheduled for Mon-
mam hospital. The deceased were identified as Naga Sulochana ments of the AP CM are silly. Seeing get a single seat in the state. KTR said tem with the ballot paper. The The Chief Minister said even the day. The EC is entertaining those
(53), Laxmaiah (60), Narmaneni Suguna (51), auto driver Abbas the behaviour of Naidu, the TDP cadre that there will be no impact of Congress colossal failure of the election developed countries like Germany who have 31 cases against them
(40), Laxmi (45), Ambati Saidamma (45) and Shialaja (48), all is also thinking that they are losing the president Rahul Gandhi contesting in machinery in AP elections should which had experimented with and was instantly acting on their
are residents of Kodad. According to the police, 10 people from election. What would Chandrababu say Wayanad in the neighbouring states. “If be an eye opener to all, he said. EVMs have preferred paper bal- complaints, but they are objecting
Kodad town went to witness the celestial wedding of Lord if he wins on May 23? Will he have the a leader is popular, he can win from "It is not because I am raising lot. He said there should be trans- to the demo by Hari Prasad.
Srirama at a temple in Tammera village of Kodad mandal. After same doubts on the EVMs,” said KTR. any seat. Chandrababu never leaves this issue out of fear of losing the parency in the election process. AAP president and Delhi Chief
the celebrations, they were returning in an auto. Severely He also took exception to the com- Kuppam, Y S Rajasekhara Reddy never election. This is a larger issue The Election Commission lost Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Con-
injured Renuka, Laxmi Kumari and Manga Tayaru are undergoing ments that KCR and Jagan were pet left Pulivendula. Only KCR has con- concerning our democracy and credibility with the non-func- gress leaders Kapil Sibal and Ab-
treatment and their condition is said to be critical. Meanwhile, dogs of Narendra Modi. The TRS leader tested in different constituencies. There the nation. I want everybody to tioning of EVMs at majority hishek Singhvi, CPI's S Sudhakar
the bodies of all the five people were shifted to the government predicted that the TRS would get high- will be no impact of Rahul Gandhi con- know what is happening and be places in Andhra Pradesh, Naidu Reddy, CPM’s Nilotpal Basu
hospital in Kodad for postmortem. est majority in Medak Lok Sabha fol- testing in Wayanad,” said KTR. with us," he added. said and took exception to the spoke.
Mysterious black box pops out of Modi’s copter, Cong demands probe
New Delhi (IANS):The Congress on Sunday de- men carrying a black box to a private Innova parked onto a private vehicle which was not a part of the made in the case of this box. Where was the box
manded an immediate investigation by the Election at a helipad, allegedly immediately after Modi's SPG (Special Protection Group) carcade and it sped transported," Sharma asked.
Commission (EC) into a mysterious box, which was chopper had landed there. away." Sharma pointed out that whenever the The Congress demanded that the poll panel
allegedly unloaded from Prime Minister Narendra Former Union Minister and senior Congress Prime Minister or other Cabinet Ministers travel should investigate the contents of the box. Sharma
Modi's chopper after it landed in Chitradurga in leader Anand Sharma said: "In Chitradurga, we got to various locations for election campaign, EC o�- said: "It is not just in favour of the people of India,
Karnataka earlier this week. to see something very unusual, something not seen cials check their vehicles. but also the Prime Minister in order to uphold the
The Karnataka Congress on Saturday tweeted a before. The Prime Minister was in an Air Force hel- "This rule is applicable on the Prime Minister dignity of the post."
14-second video clip, claiming that it was filmed icopter, and a big, black box was unloaded from his too. There should an investigation, as nothing is out He said that Karnataka Pradesh Congress Com-
soon after Modi landed in Chitradurga on Tuesday helicopter. "We received this information today of the purview of the SPG, which accompanies the mittee (KPCC) leaders have registered a complaint
to address an election rally. The video shows two and will also show you the video. The box was loaded Prime Minister everywhere. But an exception was with the EC in this matter.
ening its attack on the PM, the ruling thanks to the blessings of Modi. But Mulu Kandoriya, was also present. The Chennai Super
CPM-led LDF in Kerala accused that will not happen in Kerala," the Kings all-rounder's wife, Rivaba, had joined the
Narendra Modi of "misleading" the chief minister warned. Bharatiya Janata Party on March 3 in Jamnagar in the
Congress set to
D'Silva also accused the BJP of harassing minorities BJP candidate from Amethi Lok Sabha seat Smri� Irani at
and urged his parishioners not to vote for it.
Will do anything an elec�on rally in Chennai on Sunday
Canada removes
‘Sikh terror’ term ‘India facing shortage of
Ottawa: The Canadian government led by PM
Justin Trudeau has removed a reference to
Sikh extremism from its 2018 report on ter-
6 lakh docs, 2 million nurses’
rorism which had earlier mentioned it as one New Delhi: India has shortage of an estimated 600,000 interviews in Uganda, India, and Germany, and literature
of the top five terrorist threats to the country. doctors and 2 million nurses, say scientists who found reviews to identify key access barriers to antibiotics in
The updated version of the '2018 Public Re-
After maiden
Sunrisers Hyderabad suffer
win, Bangalore
P Shaw c Bairstow b Khaleel--------4
S Dhawan c Bhuvneshwar
b Khaleel --------------------------------7
look to spoil
C Munro c Bairstow
Mumbai’s party
b Bhuvneshwar ----------------------45
R Pant c Hooda
b Khaleel ------------------------------23
C Morris b Rashid --------------------4
Mumbai (PTI): Fresh from a much awaited victory, A Patel not out------------------------14
Royal Challengers Bangalore will be aiming to K Paul lbw b Bhuvneshwar ----------7
maintain winning momentum and spoil Mumbai Kagiso Rabada not out --------------2
Indians’ party when the two sides face-o� in the Extras: (LB-5 W-3 NB-1) --------------9
Indian Premier League here on Monday. Total: (For 7 wkts; 20 overs)------155
After a string of losses where nothing worked in Fall of Wickets: 1-11, 2-20, 3-69,
their favour, fifties by skipper Virat Kohli and ever- 4-125, 5-127, 6-133, 7-152
reliable Ab de Villiers, helped RCB register their Bowling: Bhuvneshwar Kumar 4-0-33-2,
maiden win of the season on Saturday night. Khaleel Ahmed 4-0-30-3, Sandeep
The team is heavily reliant on Kohli and de Vil- Sharma 4-0-30-0, Deepak Hooda 1-0-8-0,
liers and both would be keen to recreate their magic Abhishek Sharma 1-0-10-1, Vijay
in front of a capacity crowd in Mumbai, on a day Shankar 2-0-17-0, Rashid Khan 4-0-22-1
when the Indian team for the upcoming World Cup
is scheduled to be picked. SUNRISERS HYDERABAD
Despite the win against KXIP, RCB remain at the D Warner c Iyer b Rabada ----------51
bottom of the points table and remain to win all J Bairstow c Rabada b Paul --------41
their remaining league games to have any hopes of K Williamson c Rabada b Paul ------3
progressing in the tournament. R Bhui c Patel b Paul------------------7
Apart from Kohli (270 runs from 7 V Shankar c Pant b Rabada --------1
matches) and ABD (232 runs from 7 D Hooda b Morris----------------------3
matches), RCB’s other strength Abhishek Sharma c Paul b Morris 2
has been the pint-sized wicket- Rashid Khan c Paul b Morris --------0
keeper batsman Parthiv Patel. IPL Standings B Kumar c & b Rabada --------------2
Despite his TEAM M W L PT NRR Sandeep Sharma not out ------------1
father being in CSK 8 7 1 14 0.288
K Ahmed b Rabada --------------------0
the ICU, Extras: (nb 1, w 4) --------------------5
DC 8 5 3 10 0.418
Patel has Total (All out; 18.5 Overs) --------116
KKR 8 4 4 8 0.35
shown com- Fall of wickets: 1-72, 2-78, 3-101, 4-106,
mitment and MI 7 4 3 8 0.209 5-106, 6-110, 7-110, 8-112, 9-116, 10-116
amassed 191 KXIP 8 4 4 8 -0.093 Bowling: I Sharma 3-0-19-0, K
runs in seven SRH 7 3 4 6 0.409 Rabada 3.5-0-22-4, C Morris 3-0-22-
games. However, Sunrisers Hyderabad’s Khaleel Ahmed bowls during the IPL T20 match against Delhi Capitals at RR 7 2 5 4 -0.587 3, A Patel 2-0-23-0, K Paul 4-0-17-3,
the likes of Ak- Rajiv Gandhi Interna�onal Stadium in Hyderabad on Sunday Pic: Ch Prabhu Das RCB 7 1 6 2 -1.202 A Mishra 3-0-13-0
shdeep Nath, Moeen Ali, Mar-
cus Stonis and Colin De
Grandhomme should score Hyderabad(PTI): Kagiso Rabada claimed four arm pacer Khaleel Ahmed grabbed three key for Delhi batsmen to score runs. room by the fourth over with Ahmed account-
heavily. wickets as Delhi Capitals defeated Sunrisers wickets in an impressive spell to help Sunrisers For Delhi, captian Shreyas Iyer top-scored ing for both the key batsmen.
On the bowling Hyderabad by 39 runs in an IPL encounter at restrict Delhi Capitals to 155 for 7. with a 40-ball 45 and his 56-run partnership Shaw was the first to go in the second over as
front, RCB’s biggest as- the Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium here The 21-year-old bowler took the wickets of with Pant for the fourth wicket took them a he was done in by the extra bounce extracted
set has been Yuzven- Slow over-rate on Sunday. Hyderabad su�er their third loss in openers Prithvi Shaw (4) and Shikhar Dhawan challenging total after a wobbly start. by Ahmed as the batsman ended up edging the
dra Chahal, who is the against KXIP: row. (7) as well as that of dangerous Rishabh Pant Colin Munro was the other notable contrib- delivery to wicketkeeper Jonny Bairstow.
second on the most Kohli fined `12L Openers David Warner and Jonny Bairstow (23) while conceding 30 runs from his four utor with a 24-ball 40. Shreyas hit five fours be- In his next over, Ahmed got rid of Dhawan
wickets list with 11 gave a splendid start to hosts Sunrisers Hyder- overs after Delhi were put into bat. fore he was dismissed by Bhuvneshwar in the who miscued a bounceer o� the bowler with
scalps. Chahal would Mohali (PTI): Royal Chal- abad but with their dismissal, eight of their last Senior pacer Bhuvneshwar Kumar returned 16th over while Munro was more aggressive Bhuvneshwar Kumar taking the catch at fine
be key player on a slow lengers Bangalore cap- wickets fell for 15 runs. with figures of 2/33 while leg-spinner Rashid with four boundaries and three sixes in his 24- leg. Dhawan had scored an unbeaten 97 in
Wankhede track and tain Virat Kohli has been Warner and Bairstow with 51 and 47 respec- Khan and Abhishek Sharma took a wicket ball knock. Delhi Capitals struggled with open- Delhi's win in their last match against Kolkata
has the potential to fined Rs 12 lakh for tively were the top scorers earlier, Young left- apiece as the Sunrisers’ bowlers made it di�cult ers Dhawan and Shaw back into the dressing Knight Riders.
dismantle Mumbai’s maintaining a slow-over
strong batting line up. rate during the Indian
But he would need Premier League match
support from Mo-
hammed Siraj (6 wick-
against Kings XI Punjab
here. “As it was his Tahir, Raina ensure easy win for holders CSK over KKR
ets), Navdeep Saini (4 team’s first offence of KOLKATA KNIGHT RIDERS
wickets), Moeen (3 the season under the Kolkata (PTI): Imran Tahir spun a web before Suresh Raina found his mojo back nerships including a 40-run stand with skipper MS Dhoni. Chris Lynn c SN Thakur b Tahir........................82
wickets) and a profli- IPL’s Code of Conduct re- with a half century as Chennai Super Kings inched closer towards another Play off It all seemed a walk in the park for CSK when Narine gave the biggest break- Sunil Narine c du Plessis b Santner ..................2
gate Umesh Yadav (2 la�ng to minimum over- qualification with a five-wicket victory over Kolkata Knight Riders in an through dismissing Dhoni for 16 with team’s score of 121/5, needing 41 runs from Nitish Rana c du Plessis b Tahir ......................21
wickets). rate offences, Kohli was IPL match on Sunday. 26 balls. But Raina held his nerves while Jadeja gave the finishing touches. Robin Uthappa c du Plessis b Tahir ..................0
The arrival of vet- fined Rs 12 lakh,” read After Tahir’s career-best 4 for 27 restricted KKR to 161 for 8, CSK On an Eden Gardens track where spinners had struggled so far, Tahir spun the Dinesh Karthik c du Plessis b Thakur..............18
eran South Africa pace an IPL statement. RCB fi- coasted to the target in 19.4 overs as Raina anchored the chase match in favour of Chennai with his twin double blows in the 11th and 15th overs Andre Russell D Shorey b Tahir ......................10
Dale Steyn is also a nally tasted their maiden with an unbeaten 58 off 42 balls with seven fours and a six. en route his career-best IPL figures that took him past Kagiso Rabada in the lead- Shubman Gill c Ravindra Jadeja b Thakur ......15
massive boost for RCB. win of the season on Ravindra Jadeja also played an important cameo hitting 31 off ing wicket-takers’ tally. Piyush Chawla not out ......................................4
On the other hand, Saturday a�er suffering 17 balls to pave the way for the team’s seventh win in eight Tahir removed an ominous-looking Chris Lynn (82 off 51 balls; 7x4, 6x6) and in Kuldeep Yadav run out ......................................0
after su�ering a four six losses in a row. games. Needing 24 runs off the last two overs, Jadeja smashed a space of four balls removed the dangerous Andre Russell (10) for the first time Extras: (lb-1, w-8) ..............................................9
wicket loss against Ra- Ajinkya Rahane and Ro- Harry Gurney for three successive fours to make it just under a score of 40 this season to put brakes on their scoring. Total: (For 8 wkts; 20 overs) ..........................161
jasthan Royals, Mum- hit Sharma were too a formality in the last over. Tahir’s bowling had such devastating ef- Fall of wickets: 38-1, 79-2, 80-3, 122-4, 132-5, 150-
bai would be aiming to handed a Rs 12 lakh fine fect that KKR man- 6, 161-7, 161-8
get back to winning for slow over-rate earlier aged just 28 Bowling: Deepak Chahar 4-0-36-0, Shardul Thakur
ways. The good sign for in the compe��on. runs from 4-0-18-2, Mitchell Santner 4-0-30-1, Ravindra
them is that skipper last five Jadeja 4-0-49-0, Imran Tahir 4-0-27-4.
Rohit Sharma (165 This overs and CHENNAI SUPER KINGS
runs), who made a comeback after missing out a was the defending went on to lose three more wick- Shane Watson lbw b H Gurney ..........................6
game due to injury and South African Quinton De champions fourth win on the trot as they consolidated ets to end up with a below-par total. Faf du Plessis b Narine ....................................24
Kock (238 runs), have got runs under their belt their position atop the table with 14 points and one more But it was a different script for KKR early on with a fit-again Lynn giv- Suresh Raina not out........................................58
along with Hardik Pandya. win will virtually seal their spot in play-offs whose cut-off ing them a flying start en route to his second fifty this season that came Ambati Rayudu c Uthappa b Chawla ................5
The others – Ishan Kishan, Surya Kumar Yadav over the years has been 16 points. off just 36 balls. Having missed his team’s last match because of flu, Lynn Kedar Jadhav lbw b Chawla ............................20
(154 runs), Kieron Pollard (185 runs) and Krunal This was also their first win at the Eden Gardens since went ballistic against Deepak Chahar who bled 22 runs from his first two MS Dhoni lbw b Narine ....................................16
Pandya (92 runs) – need to be consistent with the 2013 as they did a double on KKR who suffered a hat- overs with the Aussie smashing the seamer for 4-6-4 in the third over. Ravindra Jadeja not out ..................................31
bat. The bowlers would want to forget the hammer- trick of defeats for the first time since 2014 and set to Chennai Super Such was Lynn’s dominance that the otherwise explosive Sunil Narine Extras: (W-2) ......................................................2
ing by Englishman Jos Buttler and come up fresh. slip out of their second place in the table. Incidentally, Kings’ Imran Tahir looked like a spectator at the other end with the Aussie having a share of 31 Total: (For 5 wkts; 19.4 overs) ......................162
Also a word on West Indian pacer Alzarri Joseph, 161 is their lowest score at the Eden this season. celebrates a�er dismissing off 33 runs in the first four overs. Fall of wickets: 1-29, 2-44, 3-61, 4-81, 5-121.
who sustained a shoulder KKR next face Royal Challengers Bangalore here on Kolkata Knight Riders’ Chris A 200-plus total looked imminent with Lynn looking dangerous and Russell Bowling: Prasidh Krishna 4-0-30-0, Harry Gurney
injury while fielding in April 19. Sunil Narine was the pick of KKR bowling Lynn during the IPL T20 starting to explode with a boundary and a six off Tahir. But Tahir, aided by 4-0-37-1, Andre Russell 1-0-16-0, Sunil Narine 4-1-
Match the last game, is
awaited from the
with figures 2/19 that included a wicket-maiden when
he cleaned up Faf du Plessis (24) to end the powerplay.
match at Eden Garden in
Kolkata on Sunday
some brilliant catching from Faf du Plessis and the substitute Dhruv Shorey,
made inroads removing Nitish Rana (21) and Robin Uthappa (0) in space of
19-2, Kuldeep Yadav 3-0-28-0, Piyush Chawla 3.4-
starts at 8 pm team manage- But Raina held on at the other end with significant part- two balls.