3.1 General:
Connectivity conditions specify the minimum technical and design criteria which shall be
complied with by any agency connected to, or seeking connection to the STS to transmit
electrical energy either way from/to the STS. The STU shall ensure compliance by any
agency with the above criteria as a pre-requisite for the establishment of an agreed
3.2.1 Prior to an agency being connected to the STS, all necessary conditions outlined in the
WBEGC and other Regulations specified by CEA in addition to other mutually agreed
requirements to be complied with, must be fulfilled by the agency. Any agency seeking to
establish new or modified arrangement of connection to STS for use of it, shall submit an
application on specified format to the STU along with the following details:
ii) all prospective users shall be required to pay to the STU all charges as specified
by WBERC for the purpose of conducting the initial interconnection studies,
additional study as well as for processing the application;
iv) a confirmation that the agency shall abide by WBEGC and provisions of IE
Rules or as may be specified in the Regulations made by CEA under the Act. The STU shall normally make a formal offer to the agency within one month from the date
of receipt of all details along with the proposed changes, if any. The offer shall stipulate and
take into account any works required for the extension or reinforcement of the transmission
system to satisfy the requirements of the connection application and for obtaining statutory
clearances, way leaves as necessary. The agency shall give its consent and submit to STU
within a fortnight thereafter. Final decisions on applications for connections to STU network shall be provided by the
STU within 45 days from the date of submission of consent to it by the agency.
3.2.2 If the nature and complexity of the proposal is such that the specified time limit for making
the offer is not adequate, the STU shall make a preliminary offer within the specified time
limit indicating the extent of further time required with the consent of the WBERC for more
detailed examination of the issues.
3.2.3 The STU shall make a revised offer, upon request by any User, if necessitated by changes
in data earlier furnished by the User.
3.2.4 All offers (other than preliminary offers) including revised offers shall remain valid for 60
days of issue of the offer. In the event of the offer becoming invalid or not being accepted by
any User within the validity period, no further action shall be taken by the STU on the
connection applications. In the offer, details of the requirements and procedures for
connection to the STS and the resulting Connection Agreement with the agency shall be set
3.2.5 Upon compliance, STU shall notify the agency that it can be connected to the STS.
However in case of the existing connections between STS network and entities, the WBERC
may allow at its discretion relaxation up to one year in respect of connection agreements and
the present agreements/ present practice as followed may continue in order to avoid the
whole process of re-negotiation with the existing entities.
3.2.6 Prior to providing any connectivity to a consumer with the STS, the licensee shall take
approval of the STU and the SLDC after meeting all technical and commercial requirements
of the STU and the SLDC.
A connection agreement shall include (but may not be limited to), as appropriate, within its
terms and conditions, the following:
i) a condition requiring both parties to comply with WBEGC and Grid Code;
iii) the details of any capital expenditure arising from necessary reinforcement or
extension of the system and demarcation of the same between the concerned parties;
vii) the procedures necessary for site access, site operational activities and
maintenance standard for equipment of Licensee at the premises of the User and vice-
3.4.1 Different requirement of connection point of the STS with different constituents are as
(i) For Generating Station, the switchyard voltage of connection point may be 400
/ 220 / 132 KV or as agreed with the Licensee with whose network the connection is to
be effected. Unless specifically agreed with the Licensee with whose network the
connection to be effected, the connection point shall be the outgoing feeder gantry of
generating station switchyard. All the terminals, communication, protection and
metering equipment owned by the generating company within the perimeter of its site
shall be maintained by it. From the outgoing feeder gantry onwards, all electrical
equipment shall be maintained by the Licensee or the owner of the dedicated
transmission lines with whose network the connection is to be effected.
(ii) For Distribution Licensee, the voltage of connection point may be as agreed
with Generating Station or the Licensee with whose network the connection is to be
effected but the same cannot be below 6 KV. The connection point shall be the
outgoing feeder gantry of Generating Station switchyard or the sub-station in case of
the Licensee. However, in case of connection with dedicated transmission lines, it may
be the point as agreed by the Distribution Licensee and the owner of the dedicated
transmission line. All the terminal, communication, protection and metering
equipment within the premises of the sub-station shall be maintained by owner of the
substation. From the outgoing feeder gantry onwards, all electrical equipment shall be
maintained by the respective distribution entity.
(iii) For the ISTS of the Regional Grid, the connection point, protection scheme,
metering scheme, metering point and the voltage shall be in accordance with the
mutual agreement between owners of two connecting systems, until and unless they
are specified by CEA in its Regulations under the Act.
3.5.1 General:
Instantaneous values of system frequency of the State grid and voltage are subject to
variation from their nominal value as provided in these regulations. All agencies shall ensure
that their plants and apparatuses requiring service from / to the STS are of such design and
construction that satisfactory operation shall not be prevented by such variation.
Rated frequency of the system shall be 50.0 Hz and shall normally be controlled within the
limits as specified in Grid Code.
The variation of voltage may not be more than the voltage range specified in the IE Rules as
may be specified by CEA in its Regulations under the Act. The agency engaged in sub-
transmission and distribution shall not depend upon the STS for reactive support when
connected. To avoid need of exchange of reactive power to/from the STS, the agency shall
estimate and provide the required reactive compensation in its sub-transmission and
distribution network for maintaining a cumulative power factor of 0.85, to 0.95 in order to
meet its full reactive power requirement, unless specifically agreed to with the STU.
ii) All equipment shall be designed, manufactured and tested and certified in
accordance with the quality assurance requirements as per IEC / BIS standards.
iii) Each connection between an agency and STS shall be controlled by a circuit
breaker capable of interrupting, at the connection point, the short circuit as advised by
the STU in the specific connection agreement.
i) The total fault clearance time, for faults on agency's equipment directly
connected to STS and for faults on STS connected to agency's equipment, from fault
inception to the circuit breaker arc extinction, shall not be more than –
ii) Back-up protection shall be provided for 132 kV system and above for required
isolation / protection in the event of failure of the primary protection systems provided
to meet the above fault clearance time requirements. If a Generating Unit is connected
to the STS directly, it shall withstand, until clearing of the fault by back-up protection
on the STS side.
3.6.3 Protection:
i) Protection systems are required to be provided by all entities connected to the STS
and as specified by STU. These are required to isolate the faulty equipments and
protect the other components against all types of faults, internal / external to them,
within the specified fault clearance time with reliability, selectivity and sensitivity.
Protective relay settings shall not be altered, or protection bypassed and / or
disconnected, without consultation and agreement of all the affected users. If
protection is bypassed and / or disconnected by agreement, then the cause must be
rectified and protection shall be restored to normal condition as quickly as possible. If
agreement is not reached, the electrical equipment, in question, shall be removed from
service forthwith in a case where it affects the security of the system. Relay setting co-
ordination shall be done by STU. The STU shall arrange periodic meetings of the
entities to discuss coordination of protection. The STU shall investigate into any
malfunctioning of protection or other unsatisfactory protection issues. The concerned
Licensees shall take prompt action to correct any protection malfunction or issue as
discussed and agreed to in these periodical meetings.
b) A generating unit shall be provided with an AVR, protective and safety devices,
as set out in connection agreements.
c) All Generating Units and associated electrical equipment connected to the State
Grid shall be provided with adequate protection so that the State Grid does not
suffer due to any disturbance originating from the generating unit.
d) Each generating unit shall be fitted with a turbine speed governor having an
overall droop characteristic within the range of 3% to 6%, which shall always be in
e) Each generating unit shall be capable of instantaneously increasing output by 5%
limited to 105% MCR when the frequency falls. Sliding back to the previous MW
level (in case the increased output level can not be sustained) shall not be faster
than 1% per minute.
Every EHT line taking off from a generating station or a sub-station shall have
distance protection and back up protection as mentioned below. The STU shall notify
users of any changes in its policy on protection from time to time.
Three-zone non-switched distance protection with permissive inter trip and a suitable
back-up protection is to be provided. Single pole tripping with single shot auto re-
closing with adjustable dead time shall be provided.
(d) General:
Non-directional time lag over current and earth fault relay with suitable settings to
obtain discrimination between adjacent relay stations;
For long feeders or transformer feeders, the relays should incorporate a high set
instantaneous element.
All users shall provide suitable bus bar protection for substation bus bars in all 400
kV, 220 kV and 132 kV class substations or generating stations. Adequate precautions
shall be taken and protection shall be provided against lightning and fire hazards to all
apparatus of the users conforming to relevant Indian Standard Specification and / or
provisions as specified in Safety Regulations.
3.6.4 Metering:
i) The agency who has to provide, operate and maintain the metering
arrangements at various locations shall be specified by the STU in the connection
(d) to measure the import and export of energy into and from EHV level of State
Grid system so as to arrive at the losses at various voltage levels;
(a) MW, MWH and MVARH flow are to be measured at interconnection points,
power transformer locations, distribution substation end and consumption by HT /
EHT consumers. The information are to be provided in the specified formats. Each
metering point associated with determination of energy exported or imported shall
be provided with both main and check meter or as per the agreement between the
STU and the entities. Minimum standards of accuracy of such meter shall be of
class 0.2 or as specified by the STU. All current transformers and voltage
transformers used in conjunction with commercial (tariff) metering shall conform
to the relevant BIS or standard of IEC. These shall be of accuracy class having
better accuracy than 0.5 and of suitable rating to cater to the meter and lead wire
burden. Voltage supply to the metering shall be assured with necessary voltage
selection schemes. Voltage failure relays shall be provided which shall initiate
alarms on loss of one or more phases of the voltage supply to any meter. Meters
shall be tested and calibrated by a neutral agency in a frequency as specified by
CEA or in absence of such at least once in a year or such as mutually agreed
between the STU and the entities according to the guidelines in the standards /
supplier's recommendations. Records of meter calibration test shall be maintained
for future reference.
(b) Wherever a meter becomes defective, consumption recorded by the check meter
shall be referred for a mutually agreed period. The details of malfunctioning along
with date, time and other data including load survey data shall be retrieved from
the main meter. The exact nature of malfunctioning shall be brought out after
analyzing the data so retrieved and the consumption / losses recorded by the main
meter shall be assessed accordingly.
(c) If the main as well as the check metering systems become defective, the
assessment of energy consumption for the outage period shall be done by the
concerned parties on mutually agreed basis.
(d) A procedure shall be drawn up between the STU and the entities covering
summation, collection, processing tariff meter readings at various connection sites.
This may be revised from time to time as needed.
(e) The ownership and responsibility of maintaining and testing of meters shall be
mutually agreed between the entities and the STU.
(f) Any disputes relating to inter-entity metering between the STU / Transmission
Licensee and Generating Company / Distributing Licensee / Open Access Users /
Transmission Licensee shall be settled in accordance with the procedures
stipulated under relevant Power Purchase Agreement / Connection Agreement as
the case may be. In case of unresolved dispute, the matter may be referred to
WBERC for adjudication and reference for arbitrations.
(a) The Generating Company shall install operational metering to STU's specification
so as to provide operational information for both real time and recording purposes
in relation to each generating unit at each power station in respect of bus voltage
frequency, MW, MVAR and any other additional data as required by STU.
(b) All current transformers and voltage transformers used in conjunction with
operational metering shall conform to the relevant standards and shall have
accuracy better than accuracy class 0.5 and of suitable ratings to cater to the meter
and lead wire burden.
(d) Records of calibration shall be maintained for reference and shall be made
available to the STU on request.
(e) Generating companies shall furnish recorded data of all electric measurements
and events recorded by the operational metering to the SLDC as requested by
(f) The STU shall be responsible to formulate the metering procedure and
implement it with other users.
Users shall provide the STU with data for this section as specified in the formats under
Annexure – II.
Reliable and efficient audio communication system shall be provided to the SLDC / ALDC to
facilitate supervision / control / direction of the State Grid under both normal and abnormal
operating conditions.
Real time telemetered data through Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition System
(SCADA) or Data Acquisition System (DAS) and off-line data for State Grid such as flow,
voltage, States of switches, transformer taps, etc. through suitable and reliable data
communication facilities so as to facilitate efficient and uninterrupted data exchange with
SLDC / ALDC under both normal and abnormal operating conditions.
Data entry facilities as advised by SLDC for exchange of information between SLDC and
Recording instruments such as DAS / Disturbance Recorder / Event Logger / Fault Locator
(including time synchronization equipment) shall be provided in the STS for recording of
dynamic performance of the STS. Agencies shall provide all the requisite recording
instruments as specified in the connection agreement according to the agreed time schedule.
3.7.1 Reactive power compensation and / or other facilities, should be provided by the STU or
Transmission Licensees, etc. For agencies engaged in distributing electricity reactive power
compensation shall be provided as far as possible in the low voltage systems close to the load
points, thereby avoiding the need for exchange of reactive power to / from STS and to
maintain STS voltage within the specified range.
3.7.2 Fixed line reactors may be provided to control temporary over voltage within the limits as
set out in connection agreements.
3.7.3 The addition of reactive compensation to be provided by the agency (including generating
station) shall be indicated by the STU in the Connection Agreement for implementation on
the basis of planning studies.
The STU, the users, and the entities shall be responsible for safety as indicated in Site
Responsibility Schedules for each connection point.
ii) The format, principles and basic procedures to be used in the preparation of
Site Responsibility Schedules shall be formulated by the STU in line with the
Regulation specified by the CEA for technical standards for connection to grid and
shall be provided to each agency / entities for compliance.
iii) All agencies connected to or planning to connect to the STS shall ensure
providing of Remote Transmitting Unit (RTU) and other communication equipments,
as specified by the SLDC, for sending real-time data to the SLDC at least before date
of commercial operation of the generating stations or sub-station / line being
connected to the STS.
i) Single Line Diagram shall be furnished to the SLDC for each connection point
with transmission licensee by the connected agencies in concurrence with
Transmission Licensee. These diagrams shall include all HV connected equipment and
the connections to all external circuits and incorporate numbering, nomenclature and
labelling, etc., The diagram shall provide an accurate record of the layout and circuit
connections, rating, numbering and nomenclature of HV apparatus and related plant.
i) Site Common Drawing shall be prepared for each connection point and shall
include site layout, electrical layout details of protection and common services
drawings. The detailed drawings for the portion each of the agencies concerned at
each connection point shall be prepared individually and exchanged between agencies
and STU.
ii) The detailed drawings for the portion of the agencies and the STU at each
connection point shall be prepared individually and copies shall be handed over to
other party and the STU.
iii) If any change in the drawing is found necessary, either by agencies or the STU,
the details shall be exchanged between agency and the STU as soon as possible.
3.9 Procedure for Site Access, Site Operational Activities and Maintenance Standards:
The connection agreement shall also indicate the procedures necessary for site access, site
operational activities and maintenance standards for the STU equipment at the premises of
the users and vice versa.
The STU shall submit annually to WBERC by 30th September each year a schedule of
transmission assets, which constitute the State grid as on 31st March of that year indicating
ownership on which the SLDC has operational control and responsibility.