Basic Understanding of Clean Rooms.232223009

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Atmospheric contamination occurs in many forms: particulates, biological contamination,

chemicals, fumes, gases, and odors. However, with the exception of chemicals and gases, all the
sources of airborne contamination have their roots in particles of some sort, and are amenable to

Air filtration can be divided into three broad categories:

a) Mechanical separation or conventional separation

b) Chemical filtration (e.g. activated carbon filters)
c) Electrostatic precipitation.

Since this is a symposium on clean rooms, where mechanical separation is the most popular
method, we shall confine our discussion to this type of filtration.


At its most fundamental level, a clean room is an enclosed indoor space, where the environment
is controlled within defined limits with regard to temperature, relative humidity, lighting level,
noise level, vibration levels, and particulate levels. Construction of a clean room therefore
involves co-ordination between a number of engineering branches, i.e. civil, electrical, interior
design, HVAC, instrumentation & control, etc.


With increasing miniaturization of electronic components, and advances in pharmaceutical and

bio-medical technology, the removal of particulates from the air in the processing area, whether
the particulates are living or non-living things, has been increasingly important. Clean rooms
therefore have become an integral part of many processes, and are finding increasingly
widespread use.


Essentially, clean room conditions with regard to particle level control, are achieved by four
simple methods:

a) ‘Flushing’ of the area with a clean air wash, i.e. a wash of air which is free of
particulate matter.
b) Use of construction materials in the clean room which do not themselves shed
particulates and contribute to the level of contamination in the air.
c) Precautions by personnel using the clean room or occupying the clean room, to
prevent shedding of particles from their persons.
d) Maintenance of positive pressure in the area, to prevent infiltration of outside dirty air
through leakage paths. (there are exceptions to this).


Clean rooms are broadly classified into two categories:

a) Uni-directional flow or laminar clean rooms: In these clean rooms, air flow is
directed at laminar flow velocities (0.3-0.55 m/sec) in a vertical or horizontal
direction, and air is withdrawn from the opposite side. This results in a uniform uni-
directional flow, and the path of a particle within the clean room can therefore be
accurately predicted, since it will inevitably be carried along in the flow direction.
This type of clean room is suitable for highly sensitive areas.
b) Turbulent flow clean rooms: In these clean rooms, clean air is pumped into the area
at a velocity which may or not be laminar, but the volume of air (number of changes
per hour) is regulated. The removal of particulates is therefore statistically dependent
on the number of air changes per hour. The more the number of air changes, the
better the clean room conditions.


Almost universally, the air in a clean room is processed through a HEPA (High Efficiency
Particulate Air filter). Conventional HEPA filters operate at an efficiency of 99.97% down to a
particle size of 0.3 microns. A non-woven media comprised of borosilicate glass fibres with an
acrylic binder to prevent relative fibre movement is used. Typically the fibre diameter ranges
between 0.3 microns and 8 microns. The interstitial spaces between fibres also range between
these same figures. The filter is able to achieve the high efficiency due to its high randomness of
fibre distribution, a combination of surface and depth filtration, and the high tortuosity of the


Air filtration through media takes place in two broad ways:

a) Surface filtration or impingement/interception

b) Depth filtration or diffusion.

Surface filtration is very akin to the action of a tea strainer. If the spaces between adjacent fibres
is less than the size of the particle being filtered, the particle is retained, else it passes through.

Depth filtration implies a gradation of the interstitial fibre spaces through the depth of the filter
medium. The filter medium is denser towards the air outlet side, hence the interstitial spaces are
smaller. A particle may penetrate the medium on the air inlet side, but is ‘choked off’ as the
interstitial spaces get smaller.

Tortuosity of the medium is another major factor which contributes to filtration efficiency. A
straight path through the filter medium is more likely to pass through a particle which is smaller
than the path diameter.

However, if a path of the same diameter is tortuous, i.e. has a number of twists and bends, the
particle is more likely to be retained, since it will collide with the fibres at each bend, due to its
own inertia.

Efficiency of a filter medium therefore depends on having interstitial fibre spaces as small as
possible, and having a tortuosity factor as great as possible.

Due to its characteristics, the efficiency of a HEPA filter depends greatly on the flow velocity,
and the efficiency is optimal only in a fairly narrow bandwidth. Higher and lower velocities both
result in lower efficiencies.


The other major characteristic of a filter medium is pressure drop. This is a major parameter
from an engineering point of view, since it directly impinges the power requirement for driving
air through the filter medium. Obviously, a low pressure drop is desirable. This means that the
media should be highly porous, i.e. the density of the fibre packing should be as low as possible.

It is apparent that the requirements of low pressure drop and high efficiency ‘contradict’ each
other as far as the filter medium is concerned.

A good filter medium therefore represents the best possible compromise between the two factors.


When the HEPA filter was first developed, for use by NASA, it was felt that the most penetrating
particle size was 0.3 microns. The HEPA filter efficiency was therefore specified at this micron
rating. However, with advances in manufacturing technology for filter medium, the MPPS
nowadays is more of the order of 0.2 microns. Filter efficiencies, however, continue to be
specified at 0.3 microns.

On the other hand, clean rooms define the class levels in terms of 0.5 micron sized particles
rather than 0.2 or 0.3 micron sized particles. This again has historical relevance, in that, for
silicon wafer technology, the 0.5 micron particle was considered most dangerous, since it had the
potential to short miniature circuit lines in the silicon chip.


HEPA filter ratings are commonly specified in accordance with EN 1822, whereas testing and
construction requirements are specified in accordance with IES-RP-cc001.3

The classification is briefly as follows:


Classification DOP efficiency range

H 10 Upto 93%
H11 Upto 98%
H 12 99.97% to 0. 3 microns
H 13 99.99% to 0.3 microns
H 14 99.999% to 0.3 microns
U 15 99.9995% to 0.12 microns
U 16 99.99995% to 0.12 microns

The construction categories specified by IES-RP-cc001.3 are briefly as follows:

Type A: Efficiency tested to 99.97% at 0.3 microns and rated flow capacity and thermally
generated DOP aerosol challenge.

Type B: Efficiency tested as above, but at rated flow and 20% of rated flow.

Type C: Efficiency tested as above, and additionally face scanned for spot penetration, not to
exceed 0.01% at any point, using a photometer.

Type D: Efficiency tested for efficiency of 99.999% at 0.3 microns, and scan tested for spot
penetration using a photometer.

Type E: Constructed and tested in accordance with MIL-F-51477 or MIL-51068.

Type F: Efficiency tested for efficiency of 99.999% at 0.1 to 0.2 microns, and scan tested for spot
penetration using a photometer.

HEPA filters are manufactured in deep pleat as well as mini-pleat constructions. Mini-pleat
filters are finding increased favour in ceiling mounted clean room systems due to their superior
flow-pressure characteristics. Mini-pleat filters are also more amenable to incorporation into low
profile filter housings and fan filter modules.


It is apparent that leak testing of HEPA filters is of paramount importance, since the installation
of leaky filters can have potentially disastrous results. Various leak test protocols and have been
formulated, some of which use photometers for testing, and others which use particle counters
for testing.

The chart below is a guide for selection of the appropriate leak test strategy:
Section Condition Photometer Counter
Scanning Scanning with PSL

Efficiency HEPA (Type C) Yes Caution

HEPA (Type D) Yes Caution

ULPA (Type F)
(5 9’s) Yes Yes

ULPA (Type F)
6 9’s No Yes

Super ULPA No Yes

Type < Class 100 Yes Not recommended

Class 100 & cleaner Maybe Yes

Remote filters Total leakage Total leakage

Use Semidconductor,
Disk drive, optics No Yes

Pharmaceutical Yes Caution

Circumstnce Factory Yes Yes

Aerosol PSL required No Yes

The designated leak sizes on a scan test for various efficiencies of filters are as follows:

Filter Type Efficiency Part. Size Std. Leak Penetration (desig. Leak)
Factory Site

HEPA A 99.97% 0.3 mic.

HEPA C 99.99% 0.3 mic. 0.01% 0.01%

HEPA D 99.999% 0.3 mic. 0.01% 0.01%

ULPA F 99.9995% 0.1-0.2 mic. 0.005% 0.005%

ULPA F 99.9999% 0.1-0.2 mic. 0.001% 0.002%

Scanning with a photometer should be carried out at a linear scan rate no greater than 1 m/min.
Scanning with a particle counter should be carried out as per rate calculated by formula laid
down in IES-RP-cc43.1 (HEPA and ULPA Filter Leak Tests)


No defining quantitative study has been conducted with regard to the performance of HEPA
filters with regard to biological contamination, i.e. bacteria, spores, and pathogens. However,
industrial experience, and some recent research indicate that HEPA filters tend to perform better
against this kind of load, than against particulate matter. Thus HEPA filters effectively filter
bacteria and spores almost completely, and can show better than 70% filtration efficiency against
most viruses.

As a guideline, it is generally found that Clean rooms operating in the range of Class 100- Class
1000 as per US Fed Std 209 under dynamic conditions, generally give sterile conditions within
the area.

A further very interesting characteristic of HEPA filter performance against virus and bacterial
load is that it appears to not depend greatly on the size of the micro-organism, but more on the
nature of the micro-organism. Performance against viruses and bacteria show this effect, though
performance against spores appears to be very similar to the performance against particulate

The chart below illustrates this effect.

Spectrum Filtration Pvt. Ltd., manufactures HEPA filters in both deep pleat and mini-pleat
configurations, to international specifications. Filters are offered in a wide range of efficiency
ratings from H 10 to H14 as per EN 1822, and construction types as per IES, from Type A to
Type C. Each size of filter is additionally available in lite, standard, high flow, and super flow
configurations. Super flow filters can provide upto twice the flow of a standard deep pleat filter.
Mini-pleat filters are offered in the above categories in a wide choice of materials for frame.
Separation in the mini-pleat filters is by hot melt.

In addition, Spectrum manufactures a complete range of high temperature HEPA filters, laminar
flow equipment, and clean room accessories.


The time honoured standard for clean rooms has been the US Federal Standard 209, which has
undergone numerous revisions from A through E, before being finally withdrawn in June 2002,
and replaced by the ISO 14644. However, industry will continue to use this standard for another
two years or so.

The US Federal Standard 209 defines the clean room level in terms of the number of particles of
0.5 microns or larger per cubic foot of air. So, a Class 100 room should have no more than 100
particles per cubic foot of air of size 0.5 microns and larger.

The US Federal Standard defined class levels as Class 10,100,10,000, and 100,000. Only 4 basic
levels are specified.

In contrast, the ISO standard, while following the same basic principle for classification, has
added many more levels of class conditions, ranging from very high grade clean rooms, to
industrial IAQ levels.

A comparison of the two standards is briefly shown below:


- 1

- 2

1 3

10 4

100 5

1000 6

10000 7

100000 8

- 9



The first basic decision to be made when designing a clean room is the selection of the
designated Class level. This selection is somewhat arbitrary, and is based on the criticality of the
process being conducted within the clean room, set off against the cost of constructing the clean
room. Where both critical and non-critical operations are both being conducted within a clean
room (as is most often the case), the critical operations are often enclosed in separate small areas
of higher class conditions, in order to keep costs in check.

While there is no hard and fast rule, the following chart may serve as an indicator for the various
kinds of manufacturing processes:


Silicon wafer manufacture Class 1- Class 100

Pharmaceutical injectable filling Class 100

(over the vials/ampoules)

Pharmaceutical injectable filling (general) Class 1000 *

General pharmaceutical operations (formulations) Class 10000-Class 100000

Pharmaceutical powder sampling/dispensing Class 100-Class 1000

General pharmaceutical operations (bulk drugs) Class 10000-Class 100000

Automotive paint shops Class 10000-Class 100000

Food processing Class 1000

Photographic film processing Class 10000

Delicate machine assembly (bearings, CNC

Machines, computer hardware) Class 100000

Compact Disc manufacture Class 10000-Class 100000

Gas turbine assembly Class 10000



For clean rooms of Class 1, 10, or 100, laminar flow is required. The basic design method is
therefore to cover an entire wall or the entire ceiling (excepting space for gridwork and lighting,
etc.), with HEPA filters, operating at laminar flow velocity (around 0.45 m/sec). The velocity
multiplied by the face area of the HEPA filters gives the required volume of recirculatory air. An
additional provision has to be made for fresh air (usually 10-20% of recirculatory air), and for
exhaust air. (if this is necessitated by the manufacturing process). Fresh air quantity can also be
determined by the ‘crackage’ method. This method takes into account the following:

a) Ventilation requirements of personnel in the room (85 cmh per person)

b) Estimation of bleed leaks through gaps in doors, windows, and other
openings/crevices. This volume will vary with the design positive pressure in the
room. This estimation is carried out in much the same manner as in normal HVAC

Air conditioning loads are then determined considering the fresh air volume, the building roof
and wall load, sun gain through glass area, occupancy, internal load, lighting load, etc.

The requisite recirculatory air volume as per HVAC calculation is also determined and compared
with the clean air requirement, although usually the volume of air as per HVAC norms will be
much less than the volume required as per clean air norms.


In these clean rooms, the air flow is not laminar, and the class level is theoretically
determined by a mathematical analysis of the clean room size, calculation of the theoretical
maximum distance a particle has to travel in the clean room before it exits through return air
risers, and a consequent estimation of the number of air changes per hour required to achieve
the designated class conditions.

Generally, for most applications, the number of recirclatory air changes according to class
level, falls within the following range:

Class 100,000 15-45 air changes/hour.

Class 10,000 30-60 air changes/hour
Class 1000 60-120 air changes/hour.

However, these are not hard and fast rules, and should only be used for a preliminary
estimate, for iterative calculation purposes. Convention normally assumes a 25% larger air
flow than theoretically required.


Some simple and fairly obvious criteria are applied to make adjustments to the number of
required air changes, in order to achieve a high confidence level of achieving the designated
Class level.

These are:

1) Narrow and long construction of the room favours clean room conditions. As far as
possible, square rooms should be avoided.

2) An area without alcoves and niches favours clean room conditions.

3) Low ceiling heights favour clean room conditions, besides resulting in power savings.

4) Low terminal air velocities favour clean room conditions.

5) Minimal occupancy favours clean room conditions.

6) Minimal occupant movement favours clean room conditions.

7) Elimination of air leakage paths through doors, windows, etc. favours clean room



The HEPA filters in a laminar flow clean room are terminally mounted, either on one wall or in
the ceiling. Return air is drawn through the opposite surface, i.e. either the opposite wall, or
through the floor. This is essential to ensure unidirectional flow.


For turbulent flow clean rooms, the HEPA filter quantity is estimated based on the total air
volume divided by the rated flow capacity of each filter. The filters are terminally mounted in
the ceiling, (except in the case of Class 100,000 conditions, where occasionally they can be duct
mounted), and return air is drawn from as close to the floor as possible. It is however
permissible to have the return air grilles on the walls rather than on the floor. Unlike
conventional HVAC applications, return air grilles in the ceiling should be strictly avoided. This
is because the supply air grille velocities in a clean room are much lower than in conventional
comfort HVAC, so the chances of short-circuiting are correspondingly much higher.



The pressure losses in the air handling system of a clean room are substantially higher than those
for comfort air-conditioning. Care should be taken to ensure that the blower static head is
adequate to ensure proper air volumes across the resistance offered by HEPA filters and prefilters
in choked condition, in addition to the normal losses across ducting, cooling coil, etc.


This is an extremely important though often neglected aspect of clean rooms. Good prefilters not
only extend the life of the terminal HEPA filters, but actually contribute to the minimization of
particle levels within the clean room.

Prefilters are normally made from depth type filtration media of non-woven type, usually made
from polyester or polypropylene fibre, or a blend of the two.

Both panel type configurations as well as pocket type configurations are commonly used. Pocket
filters are being increasingly preferred internationally, because they offer substantially better dust
holding characteristics and consequently better cost-effectiveness.

Normally, at least two stages of pre-filtration prior to the HEPA filters should be used in a clean
room application.

The first stage filters would typically be of efficiency rating in the range G2-G3 as per EN 779,
with an initial pressure drop of around 250-300 Pa, whereas second stage filters would typically
be of efficiency rating in the range F5-F9 (depending on end operation criticality), with an initial
pressure drop of around 350-500 Pa.

It is unfortunate that, due to historical cost saving reasons, there is a practice in India to wet wash
and re-use prefilters. This is a potentially dangerous practice, since washing will inevitably lead
to media migration and undermine the performance of the prefilter. This can lead to heavy
hidden expenses in the form of early replacement of HEPA filters.

It is a better practice, followed internationally, to carefully select the prefilters for high dust
holding capacity, and allow them to run till final pressure drops are reached. If at all cleaning is
to be done, it should be done with low pressure air blow from the reverse side. However, if the
prefilter selection is correctly made, the service life between such cleaning cycles would be
comparable to the life of a HEPA filter, and as such no cleaning is therefore required.

Although, at first glance, it may seem that this will lead to an increase in the cost of filtration, in
actual fact, the cost of filtration, including cost of HEPA filters, actually comes down. This is
augmented by savings in power consumption, due to lower overall pressure drop, which can lead
to massive money savings over a year of operation. A 5% reduction in average pressure drop in
an air handler of capacity 34000 cmh, can lead to savings of upto Rs. 40,000/- per annum in
power cost alone.

Spectrum manufactures panel and pocket type prefilters in a whole range of efficiencies ranging
from G 2 to F9 as per EN 779. Optipleat and pocket filters offer upto 10 times the dust holding
capacity of comparable panel filters, at the same flow rate, and similar initial pressure drops.
This leads to extremely long service life. All media used by Spectrum are UL certified, and
efficiency certified, thus guaranteeing the performance of the prefilters. This facility is offered in
India only by Spectrum.


Selection of velocity of flow in the ductwork is also important to ensure optimum pressure
losses. Duct velocities in supply air ductwork are typically maintained in the range of 4.5-5 m/
sec, whereas velocities in return ducting are slightly lower, around 4.0-4.5 m/sec.


In many manufacturing processes, due to high concentration of flying powder or solvents, air is
required to be exhausted out of the clean room. This air should be adequately compensated by
clean fresh air in sufficient volume as to maintain the positive pressure in the area (except in a
containment area). Wherever infectious, toxic or hazardous substances are present in exhaust
air, it is mandatory to use HEPA filters in the exhaust air system, prior to discharge into the



Today’s clean room markets boast of such a wide variety of clean room construction materials,
that it is impossible to deal with them all here.

Suffice it to say that all materials used in a clean room should be smooth in surface, elegant in
looks, non-particle shedding, and hot water washable.

Basic design criteria are that all surfaces should be smooth, ledges, protrusions, and crevices
should be avoided, angular joints should be rounded out, window glass should be flush with
walls or partitions, doors should be properly sealed, and light fixtures should be clean room
compatible. All points of ingress or egress of piping or cabling should be properly sealed.


This is one of the most important facets of the whole exercise, since it establishes whether or not
the clean room as built is performing according to the design specifications.

The process is carried out in three steps, which are as follows:


The design of the clean room with respect to all pertinent parameters is examined to verify that it
fulfills the specifications, and more importantly, the purpose of the clean room.

These parameters would include air volume, temperature, relative humidity, lighting levels,
sound and vibration levels, class level, besides any other process related parameters specified by
the client.

A check list is prepared listing all the relevant parameters and the design is verified to see that it
addresses and takes care of these parameters.


This stage of the qualification procedures addresses the installation, and subsequently, the
operation of, the various components and parts that go into the clean room.

Verification is carried out that each part is installed according to the design, and that it connects
to, wherever relevant with the proper corresponding part or component.

Subsequently, verification of the operation of each part to its specification is checked, and ticked
off on the check list.


This is the final stage of the qualification procedure, and from the viewpoint of certification, the
most important.

The overall system is tested for compliance with design specifications regarding all critical
parameters, i.e. air volume, air flow pattern, positive pressure ( or negative pressure, if it is a
containment area), temperature, relative humidity, lighting levels, sound and vibration levels.
Finally the prevailing level of class conditions is also ascertained in accordance with the relevant

The US Federal Standard 209 specifies in detail the number of locations at which particle counts
should be taken as well as the method for statistical analysis of the data.

This involves averaging the counts at each location, calculating the mean of the averages of all
locations, working out standard deviation of the readings, and subsequently the standard error,
multiplying the standard error by a confidence factor, and adding the result back to the mean of

Certification and reporting is required to be done in the formats specified in the standard.


A clean room can only give as good as it gets. It is therefore critical to ensure that operating and
behaviour norms are properly defined by means of SOP’s, and strictly followed. Proper gowning
procedures, cleaning procedures, entry procedures, and behaviour norms within the clean room,
are essential to ensure satisfactory clean room performance.

A small incident will illustrate the importance of proper procedures. A clean room, where silicon
was poisonous to the process, used to have problems of silicon contamination sporadically.
Thorough checks of the air handling system, and all checks of procedures yielded no result.
After spending weeks in a futile search, and thousands of dollars, it was discovered that there
was a pattern to the contamination, and it occurred on alternate days, at certain times in the
morning. Further search yielded the solution. A cleaning lady was using a silicon spray to clean
the glass windows of the adjoining building, and some of the spray was being aspirated by the
intakes of the air handlers.


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